Business English 2 PDF
Business English 2 PDF
Business English 2 PDF
English 2
Skopje, 2019
cabulary, topics and language skills that are applicable to the workplace and
enable students to communicate accurately so as to form effective and pro-
ductive working relationships.
This course book was created with great care to meet the needs of its
users, and the authors sincerely hope that that is what it will ultimately achie-
ve. Of course, they are very grateful for all the help and encouragement they
received in the preparation of this work, and they take all responsibility for
any mistakes that might have made their way into the final version.
are business leaders who say, “We can’t waste time on marketing. We haven’t
designed the product yet.” Or, “We are too successful to need marketing, and
if we were unsuccessful, we couldn’t afford it.”
One definition of marketing is that it is the art and science of choosing
target markets and getting, keeping, and increasing the number of customers
through creating, communicating, and delivering superior customer value.
Or, a more detailed definition would be that it is the business function that
identifies unfulfilled needs and wants, defines and measures their potential
profitability, determines which target markets the organization can best serve,
decides on appropriate products, services, and programs to serve these cho-
sen markets, and calls upon everyone in the organization to think and serve
the customer. The marketer’s goal is to build a mutually profitable long-term
relationship with the customers, not just to sell a product.
The function of marketing is typically organized as a department
within a business. This can have both positive and negative aspects. The for-
mer refers to bringing together a number of skilled people with specific abili-
ties for understanding, serving, and satisfying customers. The latter refers to
the fact that other departments believe that all marketing is done in one de-
partment only. Marketing begins with top management as it is not restricted
to a department that creates ads, selects media, and answers customer questi-
ons. In fact, it is a larger process of systematically figuring out what to make,
how to bring it to the customer’s attention and easy access, and how to keep
the customer wanting to buy more from you. No matter what the target group
is, you need to understand their needs and wants.
The good news is that marketing takes a day to learn. The bad news is
that it takes a lifetime to master. In the coming years, marketing will inevita-
bly be reengineered from top to bottom.
Marketing mix
The concept of marketing remains the same, but the marketing mix,
that is, the combination of factors that influence the delivery of value, has
evolved considerably. The traditional marketing mix, built around the 4Ps –
product, price, place and promotion – does not consider the complexity of cur-
rent-day marketing. Therefore, two more Ps have been added to the mix –
process and people –- which respond to crucial changes in customer service, e-
commerce, and social media.
Product incorporates the variety, design, packaging, quality, features and posi-
tioning of a product or service. The emphasis on this P is constantly growing
as consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about their purchases. For
example, return policies and warranties are becoming extremely important at
a time when the competitors are just a Google-search away.
Price refers to how much a customer is willing to pay for a product or service.
Pricing strategies are becoming more dynamic to keep up with highly educated
consumers. The advancement in technology has allowed manufacturers to
cut out retailers and sell directly to consumers. The integration of AR (aug-
mented reality) capabilities in phones is also opening more possibilities for
direct manufacturers to sell directly to consumers by allowing them to visuali-
ze merchandise in ways that replace the need to tangibly feel the product be-
fore buying it.
Place refers to product accessibility to potential customers. Choosing retailers
like Amazon could enhance coverage when a company is trying to turn their
brand into a household name. The key factor is understanding a target audi-
ence, which will help position the product in the channel that is most accessi-
ble to potential buyers. This P recently evolved with the introduction of e-com-
merce. Deciding whether or not to sell a product on a website may significantly
affect a company’s relationship with distributors.
Promotion is the most visible P, as it includes advertising, sales promotions
and PR efforts. Media has evolved, and it is important to incorporate the
views of those who are most familiar with the new media mix. Capturing the
customers’ attention with meaningful and motivating content has changed
the way promotions are approached. Young people understand this even bet-
ter because they are considered to be digital natives.
In addition to these traditional elements, new developments in the
marketplace have added two vital layers for marketers to integrate into the
marketing mix: process and people.
Automation, systems and processes reduce cost while also achieving customer
satisfaction and measuring results. Focusing on processes means channeling
12 | CHAPTER 1
discipline to ensure that marketing concepts are playing an integral role in all
marketing practices. This is accomplished by utilizing insights to create win-
win relationships with suppliers and partners to increase efficiency and de-
crease cost.
Companies need to hire and train the right people to provide superior custo-
mer service and to ensure that the voice of the company stands united. Steve
Jobs perfectly captured the correct hiring mindset when he said that rather
than hiring people and telling them what to do, we should hire smart people,
instead, so they can tell us what to do. A diverse, goal-oriented and motivated
workforce is the most important advantage a company can have.
Marketers argue that the original mix is still as applicable as it ever
was. Marketing mix components can be viewed as elements that make up a
car. In the 1960s, when the marketing mix first appeared, all cars had wheels,
an engine, etc. In today's market, a fuel injector is considered a necessity. This
model can be adapted and tailored to meet specific products or services.
Mobile devices are today's leading media and this applies to all e-
commerce sites. If a company is not being smart about reaching their cus-
tomers via mobile, they are leaving a great amount of money on the table.
Presented below are five mobile marketing practices that companies need to
think about in the age of ‘the mobile moment’.
Location-based marketing
Businesses send customers notifications when they pass a store, and promo-
tions when they are near strategic locations where the brand's products or
services would be useful. In this context, Foursquare has integrated Uber into
its system, enabling users both to discover places to go and also get there, us-
ing the same app.
In-app marketing
Google Play and the Apple Store have millions of apps. With such intense com-
petition, apps must offer the most personalized service possible. In-app mar-
keting is any marketing campaign or message designed to be displayed within
an app for the purpose of reaching an active user of that app. Such marketing
is an opportunity for real-time engagement with users. In fact, this is its bene-
fit - the fact that customers are reached at a critical moment, i.e. while they
are active in their app, which means they are already likely to be more recep-
tive to what you have to say.
QR codes
These digital bar codes act as shortcuts for getting valuable information into
the hands of customers and prospects. QR codes are highly versatile and can
function as a ‘like’ button, as well as offer coupons. One memorable QR cam-
paign was the “Guinness QR code on a beer glass” action. When customers
poured Guinness beer into a special glass, the beer's black color filled out a
code on the glass that was scannable with a smartphone. Once it was scan-
ned, customers could tweet about their pints, update their status, and down-
load coupons.
1. WHAT DOES THE CONCEPT competitive advantage refer to? Explain and
2. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between a need and a want? How do marke-
ters create wants?
3. THE MARKETING MIX HAS BEEN extended from 4 Ps to 6 Ps. In order to
bring more depth to this mix, think of other Ps that may be added as buzz-
words in marketing.
4. DECIDE AND DISCUSS WHERE would you put the following words and
expressions in the marketing mix (some of them may be placed alongside mo-
re than one P): acceptability, accessibility, action, affordability, attention, awa-
reness, branding, communication, competitors, convenience, creativity, custo-
14 | CHAPTER 1
Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is gene-
rally used to describe things that have already happened. The present is gene-
rally used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are
continuous. The future generally describes things that have yet to happen. All
the verb tenses are shown in the following timeline:
(For more on verb tenses, see Grammar Focus in Chapter 1, in Business English 1)
Certain verbs, such as forget, (would) like, regret, remember, stop, try,
have different meanings depending on what follows that verb: whether it is
another verb in infinitive form or a verb+ -ing.
Adverbs that express how often or how frequently something happens
are called adverbs of frequency. If a sentence has only one verb (main verb),
the adverb of frequency is placed after the subject, but before the main verb,
except in the case of to be, when the adverb stands after that verb. When there
is an auxiliary verb, the adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main
verb. The adverbs hardly ever and never are used in positive sentences, while
ever is used in negative sentences and questions.
1. FILL IN THE BLANKS with the correct tense/form of the verbs in brackets:
this year, he _____________ (FLY) over 120,000 miles! His next journey
_____________ (BE) to Australia the following Thursday. The plane
_____________ (LEAVE) at 5:00 am, so he _____________ (HAVE, NOT)
much time to sleep that night! He really _____________ (LIKE, NOT) go-
ing to Australia because it _____________ (BE) so far away from where
he lives! This time he _____________ (FLY) from Paris after a meeting
with the company's French partner. He _____________ (SIT) for over 18
hours by the time he arrives!
John _____________ (TALK) with his parents earlier this evening when
his girlfriend from New York _____________ (PHONE) to let him know
that Jackson & Co. _____________ (DECIDE) to merge with a company in
Australia. The two companies _____________ (NEGOTIATE) the conditi-
ons for merger for the past month, so it really ____________ (BE, NOT)
much of a surprise. He ____________ (KNOW) for a long time that the
companies _____________ (MERGE). Of course, this _____________ (MEAN)
that John _____________ (HAVE) to catch the next plane back to New
York. He ____________ (MEET) with his boss at this time tomorrow.
3. DISCUSS THE CHANGE IN MEANING in each pair with a focus on the un-
derlined parts:
a) Let’s look at the marketing costs in more detail. / The new product
range looks good to me.
b) Their contract terms sound too good to be true. / You sound just like
your father!
c) I still haven’t seen the recent report on our company’s profits. / Of
course I see what you’re explaining to me, but I don’t agree. / The last
50 years have seen many marketing advancements.
d) Costs have risen every year. / We are raising funds for startups. / A
problem arose over the travel arrangements to Spain.
e) They used word-of-mouth marketing to create some buzz about
their product. / I am not used to making large-scale decisions. / I am
getting used to giving marketing presentations.
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from English into Macedonian:
“Of all the words associated with marketing, the one we should focus
on the most is value. This is because when you boil down what marketers do,
it is about creating, generating, communicating and then harvesting value.”
These are the words of Professor Mark Ritson, leader of Marketing Week’s Mi-
ni MBA in Marketing. But getting pricing right is a complex art, and one that
many marketers struggle with. As Harley Mathieson, social media manager,
says: “It’s easy to get involved in the glamorous creative side of the marketing
process; I suspect fewer of us have a strong foundation in the fourth ‘P’.” The
pricing P is different to the other Ps in the marketing mix because it is not
about creating value for the customer, it is about reaping value for the organi-
Ritson quotes Professor Mark Bergen, who describes pricing as the po-
int “where all of your marketing strategy really meets that final decision point
with your customers”. In addition, pricing is the ultimate moment of truth, as
it is the final decision point for consumers. It is a make-or-break point. Get it
right, and everyone is happy; get it wrong, and all of the months or years of
work which have preceded it go out the window.
Regarding the issue of how to best communicate price to potential
customers, several questions arise:
– What is the optimal price range for my type of offer?
– How should I display my price? Round numbers? Fractional?
– When should I reveal the price? Early in the process, or later?
– Is it possible to know I have the right price? Can I test it?
Price is a delicate issue and it can fluctuate greatly based on perceived
value. A customer may be turned off by a low price, and discredit it automati-
22 | CHAPTER 2
cally. If a customer has no idea about professional custom logo design, and
sees two different websites that create logos for $300, then the customer will,
from then on, believe that it is a fair price for this kind of professional work,
until their belief is otherwise reframed by a different source.
Prices ending in the number 9 may be more appealing than others,
which can work better for both low- and high-end ticket items alike. In total,
eight studies published from 1987 to 2004 revealed that prices ending in the
number 9 ($39, $2.49, $89, etc.) boosted sales by an average of 24% as compa-
red to other prices. In an experiment, a mail order catalog was printed in three
different price points: $39, $34 and $44. The $39 price catalog won.
Marketers can either reveal price in the beginning or near the end – it
depends on the industry and the company. By revealing price early on, you
may disqualify a lead that would otherwise consume your time, only to con-
clude it does not fit the customer's budget, while your sales team could have
focused on other pursuits. By revealing price later on, you have the opportunity
to build value and uncover needs that the customer might not reveal directly
and you would only find out by precise questioning.
It may be possible to know if a company has the right price if you have
an understanding of how it operates. For example, if a company sells video
creation for $800, but outsources it for $300 to freelancers, once you have
that knowledge, you can skip directly to the freelancers, or approach a com-
pany which will produce quality work according to the original price point
you were willing to pay.
Charging too little is far more dangerous than charging too much. A
company not only foregoes significant revenues and profits, but also fixes the
product’s market value position at a low level. Once prices hit the market, it is
difficult, if not impossible, to raise them. It is believed that too often price is
left to the sales team, who are chasing volume rather than value. Marketing
really needs to be a consideration at every point of a product's life cycle. This
further shows the importance of value in marketing, and how ill-considered
pricing can negate an otherwise brilliant marketing strategy. “I have one sin-
gle piece of advice when it comes to discounting – don’t,” states Ritson.
Online Promotions
In the not-so-distant past, online promotions were things like snipping cou-
pons from the weekly mailers. Today's coupon is presented to consumers
through print media, but it is also widely recognized as a popular internet and
email promotional feature. Likewise, coupon apps make it easy for consumers
to save money at the till, using their handheld devices to show coupon codes.
Loyalty membership cards remain popular, too, offering bargains to repeat
buyers, and reward points toward products. Free shipping on minimum order
amounts is another form of online promotion used by savvy e-retailers and
some brick-and-mortar companies. Offering free shipping may even reduce the
rate of shopping-cart-abandonment on e-commerce sites.
Point-of-Sale Discounts
An amount-off or percent-off point-of-sale discount is the simplest type of price
promotion method. With this approach, once a discount price is determined,
employees change the price on the product bar code. The point is to convey
better value because of the lowered price. Companies often promote an in-
store discount through weekly ad mailers or newspaper inserts. In some cases,
the deals are offered as a surprise in-store special..
Bulk Buys
Other price promotions are driven by volume purchases. A common retail
promotion is buy-one-get-one-free, or BOGO. Similarly, companies may offer
promotions such as buy two, get one free. Frequency shopper programs or lo-
yalty programs similarly offer price incentives to customers who make frequent
or large purchases.
Trade Promotions
Price promotions are also offered in the business-to-business market. Busines-
ses that buy for consumption receive similar incentives to consumers. Trade
buyers that purchase products from suppliers for resale receive several distinct
price promotions. Off-invoice discounts are simply offers of a certain percen-
tage off a given order. Bulk buys are a common trade market incentive.
While there are several ways to discount the list price for an item on a
website, the two most popular discount incentives tend to be a dollar discount
and a percentage discount. In fact, there is a difference between offering a $20
item with either a $2 discount or a 10% discount – these end up being the same
discount, though one is a dollar amount and the other a percentage one. Ac-
cording to some, a dollar discount is the worst incentive because the face val-
ue is limiting. Other sources have shown that given the choice between a dol-
24 | CHAPTER 2
lar discount and a percentage discount (for example, $50 off versus 15% off),
customers will choose the dollar discount ($50) because they perceive it to be
a better deal. It all comes down to the perceived value of the item for
the customer, a metric of performance that is becoming more and more promi-
nent in the e-commerce marketplace. Perceived value is defined as the worth
of a product in the mind of the customer – and it is a worth that may or may
not be grounded in reality.
Market segmentation
Business plans
It pays to plan. Entrepreneurs who write business plans are more like-
ly to succeed, according to research. But, while this might persuade some en-
trepreneurs to make writing a business plan their very first task, studies show
that this is actually a bad idea. It is much better to wait, not to devote too
much time to writing the plan, and, crucially, to synchronize the plan with
other key start-up activities. However, the real key to succeeding in business
is being flexible and responsive to opportunities. Entrepreneurs often have to
improve their business once it becomes clear that their original customer is
not the right customer, or when it turns out that their product or service fits
better in a different market. Because of these realities, business plans written
at the start end up nothing more than fantasy. Writing a plan also takes time
– time that may be spent evaluating opportunities. Another thing is that there
is ‘danger’ in that a plan might just soothe the entrepreneur into a false sense
of security.
These key points should be taken into consideration when designing
a business plan:
– Executive summary (target market, goals);
– Company description;
– Products/Services;
– Marketing plan (SWOT analysis, competitor data collection, marke-
ting expenses strategy, advertising and promotion, pricing strategy,
distribution channels);
– Management and organization;
– Financial plan.
1. THINK OF COLLOCATIONS with the term price, and discuss their mea-
2. WHAT FACTORS NEED to be taken into consideration when pricing a
3. HOW IS a value-based price reached?
4. MARKETERS OFTEN USE the offer of a free gift or a discount to make
customers buy their merchandise, which is known as incentive marketing or
sales promotion. In modern terminology, push and pull incentives are used. Ex-
plain in your own words what these concepts mean, and why they are used.
Provide examples.
26 | CHAPTER 2
5. WHO BENEFITS MORE from Black Friday and Cyber Monday: buyers or
sellers? Why?
6. WHAT DO THE FOLLOWING TERMS refer to: a doorbuster, a door crasher,
and bait and switch?
7. YOUR FRIEND HAS JUST LAUNCHED a new brand of organic chocolates.
What advice would you give her for attracting new customers through promo-
tional strategies and discounts?
8. WHAT PROBLEMS MIGHT a business encounter if it does not have pro-
per market segmentation?
9. RELATED TO THE KEY POINTS when preparing a business plan (see sec-
tion on Business plans), discuss where you would place the following points:
competitive advantage, customer service policy, discounts, industry analysis,
legal regulations, mission statement, planned future activities, quality control
procedures, staff training, startup expenses, technical resources, word-of-
In 250–300 words, elaborate on one of the following:
1. WHAT WOULD BE more worrying: a competitor that suddenly charges
more or less for the same product/service you are offering? Discuss and exem-
2. ACADEMIC AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST Dan Ariely has stated that “zero
is a special price.” Discuss this quote.
3. DISCUSS THE RELATIONSHIP between market segmentation and cus-
tomer loyalty.
1. PUT THESE MODAL VERBS and phrases in order of how strong the pos-
sibility is, starting from weakest to strongest:
d) You mustn’t / shouldn’t / can / should / must use the rules of thumb
in most business situations.
e) To give our customers the best shopping experience, we go the ex-
tra mile. We are aware that we couldn’t / don’t need to / might not /
should / won’t give discounts, but they appreciate it.
f) You’re wrong – what you read won’t / might not / couldn’t / can /
needn’t have been the project proposal because it was rejected in its
first phase.
a) Ending a conversation:
b) Insisting:
c) Interrupting:
d) Getting down to business:
e) Requesting a discount:
i) The supervisor might have been with a client, but I wasn’t wearing
my glasses.
j) The Agent shall keep an account of all orders.
k) You didn’t need to remind me to place the order – I’ve already
done it.
l) Need I remind you of your job responsibilities?
m) The trip should have taken 12 days, but we returned earlier.
Translate only the modal/semi-modal verbs in each sentence above.
Also, compare the time and meanings of the modal verbs in f), g), h) and i).
What conclusion can you come to about modal verbs and time?
I am sending you this email ______ inform you that I have purchased
all of the interest of my former partner, Jonathan Drisel, and that he is
______ longer associated ______ the firm of DrisOil. This business
______ continue to provide the same high-quality products and servi-
ces ______ which we have built our reputation, and this internal
change will ______ no way affect the company policy or manner ______
conducting business.
I ______ like to take this opportunity to thank ______ for the courtesies
you have ______ us in the past, and hope that you will let me continue
to serve your business in a way ______ is mutually beneficial and pro-
fitable to ______ of us..
2. COMPLETE THE TEXT with one of the following words. There are two
words that are not used:
able / allowed / banned / can / enforce / forced / impose / permitted /
prohibited / unable
they affect your products. In the meantime, please note that we have
stocks of certain products that we are _______________ to sell. Please
tell us if you _______________ take back these items. You should be
_______________ to modify them.
Please note the following: attachments of the type used on TR396 are
now _______________; we are _______________ from selling existing
stock of TR431; we are not _______________ to sell TR397 on account of
the metal ring.
Awaiting your response to this new information.
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from Macedonian into English:
cost of major advertising campaigns is such that few firms can afford them,
thus helping these firms to dominate the market. Conversely, whereas smaller
firms may not be able to compete with larger ones at a national level, adver-
tising at the local level or online enables them to hold their own ground.
Types of advertising
Broadcast Media
TV and radio are two traditional broadcast media long used in advertising. TV
offers creative opportunities, a dynamic message, and wide audience reach.
They both have fleeting messages, meaning they disappear once the commer-
cial spot ends. Radio is relatively affordable for small businesses, and allows
for repetition and frequency. You do not have the visual element of TV, and
you have to deal with a distracted audience, since most radio listeners nowa-
days are driving.
Print Media
Magazines and newspapers are the two traditional print media. Magazines
offer a highly selective audience that is generally interested in ads closely rela-
ted to the topic of the magazine. Visual imagery is also stronger in magazines
than in newspapers. Little is wasted since magazines target a niche market.
However, they are costly and require long lead times, which limits timely pro-
motions. They also have a limited audience reach. Newspapers are very affor-
dable for local businesses and allow them to target a geographic segment if
they have a universal product or service. They are also viewed as a credible
medium, which enhances ad acceptance.
Support Media
Support media include several options for message delivery that normally add
to or expand campaigns delivered through more traditional media. Billboards,
transits, bus benches, aerial, directories, and trade publications are some
common examples. They offer ways to reach a wider audience in a local or re-
gional market, or to increase increased message exposure to targeted market
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing is an interactive approach to advertising, including direct
mail, email, and telemarketing. These are direct response efforts to create an
ongoing dialogue or interaction with customers. Weekly or monthly email
newsletters allow for the brand, products and other messages to be kept be-
fore potential prospects and customers. Direct marketing has become more
prominent because it makes it easy to keep track of customer response rates
and it helps advertisers to better measure their return on an investment.
Product Placement
This is another newer advertising technique, where compensation is offered
to a TV show, movie, video game, or theme park to use a certain product whi-
le entertaining audiences. This ad method is a way for companies to integrate
ads with entertainment, since customers have found ways to avoid messages
delivered through more conventional media.
The internet is used by online and offline companies to promote products or
services. Banner ads, pop up ads, text ads, and paid search placements are
common forms. They present an image or a message on a publisher's website
or on a number of websites through a third-party platform like Google Ad-
words. Paid search placements, also known as cost-per-click advertising, is
where you bid a certain amount to present your link and text message to
users of search engines. Businesses can also create different target groups, and
send (sponsored) ads on social media platforms to users that would be most
interested in their products and services.
To understand branding, it is important to know what brands are. A
brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers con-
nect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company
that owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed
so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a cer-
tain service or product when there are many other companies offering the sa-
34 | CHAPTER 3
In 250–300 words, elaborate on one of the following:
1. GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF a bad advertisement, and explain why you feel it
is bad, as well as how you would change/improve it.
2. “MASS ADVERTISING CAN HELP build brands, but authenticity is what
makes them last. If people believe they share values with a company, they will
stay loyal to the brand.” (Howard Schultz) How else do people stay loyal to
the brand?
3. DISCUSS AND ILLUSTRATE how colors affect advertising and branding.
36 | CHAPTER 3
A preposition is a word such as after, by, for, in, to, on, and with, among
others. Prepositions are usually used in front of nouns or pronouns, and they
show the meaningful relationship between the noun/pronoun and the other
words in a sentence.
Prepositional phrases are groups of words consisting of a preposition as the
first element of the phrase, followed by its object and other modifiers, such as
at the beginning, for the moment being, in my defence.
A phrasal verb is a two- or three-word verb that is made up of a main verb
together with an adverb or a preposition, or both. Typically, the meaning of
phrasal verbs is not obvious from the meanings of the individual words them-
selves, as in break out, put back, look up to.
Collocations are series of words that go together to form fixed relation-
ships. These language chunks sound ‘natural’ to English speakers, and there
might not always be a good reason as to why a specific word collocates with
another specific word/phrase, such as the fast train / the quick train. Collocati-
ons may be of several types:
– adverb + adjective: completely (downright) satisfied
– adjective + noun: excruciating pain (joy)
– noun + noun: a surge (crash) of anger
– noun + verb: lions (shout) roar
– verb + noun: give (focus) a presentation
– verb + expression with preposition: burst into (blow up in) tears
– verb + adverb: wave (excellently) feverishly
(For more on prepositions, see Grammar Focus in Chapter 3, in Business English 1)
Underline the phrasal verbs in the sentences above. Think of five more
phrasal verbs, and use them in a sentence.
do: ____________________________________________________________
meet: ____________________________________________________________
rate: ____________________________________________________________
pay: ____________________________________________________________
set: ____________________________________________________________
reach: ____________________________________________________________
rase: ____________________________________________________________
build: ____________________________________________________________
2. READ THIS TEXT on 'small talk', then choose the best sentence (a-e) to
fill in each gap. One sentence is not needed:
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from English into Macedonian:
The first step toward modern advertising came with the development
of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the 17th century, weekly
newspapers in London began to carry advertisements, and by the 18th
century such advertising was successful. The great expansion of busi-
ness in the 19th century was accompanied by the growth of an adverti-
sing industry; it was that century that saw the establishment of adver-
tising agencies. By the early 20th century agencies became involved in
producing the advertising message itself, including artwork, and by
the 1920s agencies had come into being that could create complete
advertising campaigns, from initial research to placement in various
Chapter 4
Public relations
PR concepts
PR 2.0
PR 2.0 uses a combination of social media tools that are readily availa-
ble to communications professionals to reach and better communicate with
influencers and consumer audiences directly. Social media is a direct-to-
consumer approach that allows audiences to drive the communication in
their communities. PR professionals incorporate PR 2.0 into their strategy as
an effective way to communicate directly to audiences and increase overall
brand exposure, leading to deeper engagement and loyalty.
This concept was actually created in the 90s of the previous century,
through the analysis of how the Web and multimedia were redefining PR and
marketing communications, while also building the toolkit to reinvent how
companies communicate with people. It was, and still is, a chance to not only
work with traditional journalists, but also engage directly with a new set of in-
fluencers. Working in the field of PR today allows people to take a new ap-
proach to communications from the inside out. Social media changes the way
communication is carried out, with a different mix of media, and ultimately
meaningful content is delivered in order to achieve valuable outcomes for a
business. The dissemination of information is two-way, transparent and colla-
borative, where brands listen and are active in the dialogue.
PR 2.0 is a game-changer in participating with people in a more infor-
med and intelligent way. It is about putting the ‘public’ back in Public Rela-
PR crisis management
Any business, at some point, will face some sort of a PR crisis, and the
way the PR team will respond can either give a much-needed image boost or
significantly damage the brand, ultimately distancing the customer base. Es-
pecially in this day and age, when news goes viral almost instantly, organiza-
tions need to be ready to respond to any PR crisis quickly and efficiently,
using all available platforms. Disaster management is probably one of the best-
known roles of any PR company. These are some golden rules of PR crisis ma-
nagement any company would be wise to stick to:
Take responsibility
Covering up the PR crisis will only worsen the damage. Instead, the situation
should be managed by taking responsibility, being proactive and transparent,
reacting immediately, and responding to feedback. It is in the company’s best
interests to acknowledge people’s concerns and questions, and respond appro-
priately. Writing a press release and posting on social media to take control of
the situation may be one possibility; however, they should also be ready for a
social media backlash. The worst thing a company can do is ignore the possi-
bility that a firestorm could explode on social media. Just because a company
is not marketing on social media does not mean their customers will not criti-
cize them on those platforms when something goes wrong.
Remember to be human
Saying “we’ll look into it” does not make anyone feel better. Saying you are
deeply upset by what happened and will work on making things better is im-
portant. Then, immediately share how policies will be put in place so it does
46 | CHAPTER 4
not happen again. Act fast before people lose faith in your brand. Extending a
heartfelt apology is key to moving forward; not doing so adds fuel to the fire
and delays changing the narrative. Following a public apology, the company
must offer a call to action. They must do something substantial to show that
they are changing their ways moving forward.
Be prepared
In handling a PR crisis, the first 48 hours are the most important. Ignoring the
situation with a head-in-the-sand approach is the worst possible reaction. No
one wants to be at the center of a scandal, but scrambling around because
you are not prepared to handle it makes things go from bad to worse. Poten-
tials crisis scenarios should be anticipated, and internal protocols for hand-
ling them established. Before a crisis hits, there should be an outline in terms
of who needs to be notified, the internal review process, and the individuals
who are authorized to speak publicly on the company’s behalf.
Case study: In February 2018, KFC had to close more than half of its 900 loca-
tions in the UK because of a shortage of chicken. The social media enjoyed
the irony of a chicken shop without any chicken. Loyal customers expressed
their anger on Twitter. Then KFC, even while struggling to get the restaurants
reopened, managed to switch the narrative entirely. It ran an apology adver-
tisement that was extremely funny (especially to the brand’s core younger
consumers), while taking control of the problem. The company was widely
applauded by customers and the media for knowing its target market, and
how to cleverly handle a crisis. The result was a decrease in criticism for the
closed locations, and gaining people’s trust back.
2. Grammar focus:
passive; causative ‘have’
(For more on passive voice, see Grammar Focus in Chapter 4, in Business English 1)
1. TURN THESE ACTIVE sentences into passive sentences, and make any
necessary changes:
3. MATCH THE SENTENCE beginnings (1-6) with their endings (a-f), in or-
der to make impersonal passive sentences:
a) The Prime Minister want / pass the new legislation / by next month.
b) The TV company still try / approve the joint venture / by the govern-
c) Many still believe the only way to / bring business in line / is thro-
ugh global rules.
d) The City Council hope / elect the citizens / for a four-year term.
e) Some businesses are punished for illegal deals by / revoke their licen-
5. TURN THESE ACTIVE SENTENCES into passive and causative ‘have’ sen-
tences, and discuss the differences in emphasis:
iii) The media relations manager was rude and unapologetic on the
a. The media relations manager was not only rude but also una-
pologetic on the phone.
b. The media relations manager was not rude only but apologetic
also on the phone.
c. The media relations manager not only was rude and apologetic
on the phone.
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from Macedonian into English:
Presentation skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many as-
pects of work, and life in general. Effective presentations and public speaking
skills are essential in business, sales and selling, training, and generally feeling
comfortable speaking to groups of people. Developing the confidence and
ability to give good presentations are extremely helpful skills for self-develop-
ment and social situations. Like most areas of expertise, this requires prepara-
tion and practice. The formats and purposes of presentations may differ, e.g.
using multimedia (visuals, audio, etc.) or Powerpoint, short impromptu or long
planned presentations, as well as training sessions/seminars/workshops/lec-
tures, talks, press conferences or briefings, and product launches.
Presentation skills are key to both individual success and business
success. Presenting information clearly and effectively is a valuable skill to get
a message across. Even if you do not need to make regular presentations in
front of groups, there are plenty of situations where good presentation and
public speaking skills can help to advance your career and create a variety of
opportunities. Initial fears may be reduced by good preparation, which will
lay the groundwork for making an effective presentation. So, how can presen-
tations be made effective and memorable? Below are some tips to achieve
precisely that:
Subject preparation
Research and have facts to support your speech. Create an outline, and once
you have prepared your presentation, do not be afraid to revise it. To develop
your presenting skills and increase your confidence, it is important that you
prepare, practice, and learn from each presentation. Rehearse what you are
going to say out loud, since this will help you to eliminate any filler words.
56 | CHAPTER 5
Listen actively
Once you start discussing substance, resist the urge to think about what you
are going to say next while your counterpart is talking. Instead, listen carefully
to their arguments, then paraphrase what you believe they have said to check
that you have understood. Acknowledge any difficult feelings, like frustration,
behind the message. Not only are you likely to get valuable information, but
the other party may imitate your listening skills.
1. WHAT OTHER DO’S AND DON’TS for presenting, negotiating, and networ-
king would you add to those given in the Reading and vocabulary section
2. EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING words/phrases: 10/20/30 Rule, bargaining
ploy, call someone’s bluff, common ground, concede, death by Powerpoint,
eleventh-hour negotiations, follow-up, impasse, non-negotiable, Pecha Kucha,
rapport, sidetracking.
3. WHAT DOES non-verbal communication refer to, and how important
is it when presenting?; Along those lines, how important is voice in the con-
text of presenting?
4. IT IS TEMPTING to focus on analytical skills when discussing business
qualities, but soft skills are as important. What are soft skills? (give examples
to illustrate).
5. WHAT ARE SOME PHRASES used in these negotiating stages: starting,
finding out the other side’s position, making an offer, refusing an offer, com-
promising, and concluding?
6. WHAT TIPS should people keep in mind during salary negotiations?
7. WHAT ARE SOME networking questions that might be asked to find
out more about a person’s field of work, and their future plans?
8. WHAT DOES THE TERM misconduct encompass? (give examples in the
context of networking)
Conditional sentences are used to express the fact that the action in
the main clause (clause without if) can only take place if a certain condition
(in the if-clause) is fulfilled. There are different types of conditional sentences,
and each one can usually be transformed into an inverted construction (for
more emphasis).
I conditional indicates what will happen provided that a certain situ-
ation is given.
structure: if + present simple — will + infinitive
e.g. If the product is a success in China, we will introduce it in other
Asian markets.
(inv.) Should the product be a success in China, we will introduce it in
other Asian markets.
II conditional indicates what would happen if a present situation were
structure: if + past simple — would + infinitive
e.g. If markets weren’t so tough, we’d definitely invest more.
(inv.) Were markets not so tough, we’d definitely invest more.
III conditional indicates what could have happened in the past if a si-
tuation had been different.
structure: if + past perfect — would + have + -ed/past participle
e.g. If you had informed them of the delay in production, they wouldn’t
have cancelled the order.
(inv.) Had you informed them of the delay in production, they wouldn’t
have cancelled the order.
Mixed conditionals indicate hypothetical or alternative past situations
and their probable effects in the present (past condition + present result).
structure: if + past perfect — would + infinitive (mixture of II and III
e.g. If Karen hadn’t taken time off to raise her children, she might be a
CEO now.
(inv.) Had Karen not taken time off to raise her children, she might be a
CEO now.
In all cases, a comma is used after the if-clause when the if-clause co-
mes before the main clause. In addition, other modal verbs can be used in the
main clause besides will and would.
(For more on conditionals, see Grammar Focus in Chapter 7, in Business English 1)
‘Wish’ sentence structures: past tense forms to talk about wishes, hy-
pothetical states:
– Modal verbs would and could are used to talk about wishes for
the present/future when the speaker does not expect that things will change:
e.g. I don’t like my work. I wish I could get a better job.
– Past simple is used to talk about wishes for the present:
e.g. I wish I had more free time between projects.
– Past perfect is used to talk about wishes/regrets about the past:
e.g. She wishes she had reported the misconduct to Human Resources.
1. CHANGE THE FOLLOWING conditional sentences into inverted con-
structions and state/discuss the type of conditional used:
4. FOR EACH OF THESE three situations, there are two reasonable options
(a/b). Work in pairs and decide on which option is better. Make appropriate
conditional sentences:
A) You run a small business. One of your business customers has told
you that she’ll order twice as many of your products if you allow her
to pay in 90 days. This may cause you cashflow problems. Do you...
a. sell the goods and give her 90 days?
b. insist she pay in cash and sell her fewer products?
B) In the event of a recession, it could be quite risky for your company
to be employing so many customer service staff. Recently one mem-
ber of the management team suggested axing the customer service
department and outsourcing their function. Do you...
a. keep the function in-house?
b. outsource?
C) One of your best customers has run into cashflow problems and is
unable to settle their account with your company. This could give you
similar problems with your suppliers. Do you...
a. go to the bank for a loan?
b. become a late-payer yourself?
Right, well, I’ve got two main points to make in this presentation:
firstly, the Chinese market, ____________________ markets here in Eu-
rope and the USA, is growing steadily and rapidly, so it represents a
major business opportunity. Last year, ____________________, the total
market ____________________ ice cream sales was 23 billion yuan,
which is about 2.3 billion euros, so pretty considerable. China is likely
to overtake the USA as the leading market for consumer goods within
the next 25 years, and when you ____________________ that the market
growth is a steady 10% a year, ____________________ that there’s an
opportunity there, if we can get in. Now, my second point: at the mo-
ment there are five major players selling in the Chinese market,
____________________ a lot of smaller local companies. These big ones
have a market share between them of more than half, or 57%,
____________________, and that’s split up among our three usual com-
petitors. ____________________, they seem to hold the greatest power.
2. THERE ARE 12 WORDS in this text that are not necessary. Cross out the
words that should be omitted:
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from English into Macedonian:
Like it or not, appearance does matter. If you don’t dress and carry
yourself in a positive manner, you won’t be able to fully convey the
business message you're trying to convey. This is especially important
in giving presentations, whether the audience is two or a thousand
executives. Presenters who appear put together will be perceived as
more knowledgeable and responsible than those who seem messy.
Looking your best isn’t about vanity. Instead, it’s about investing in
self-improvement. Many professionals feel they can’t afford to be
fashionable, but you can show your personal style without overspen-
ding. Rather than investing in a large wardrobe, choose quality over
66 | CHAPTER 5
Chapter 6
A security is a negotiable financial instrument that holds some type of
monetary value. It represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded corpo-
ration (via stock), a creditor relationship with a governmental body or a cor-
poration (represented by owning that entity's bonds), or rights to ownership
as represented by an option. Simply defined, it is any proof of ownership or
debt that has been assigned a value and may be sold. Today, evidence of ow-
nership is likely to be a computer file, while in the past, it was a written piece
of paper. For the holder, a security represents an investment as an owner, credi-
tor or rights to ownership on which the person hopes to gain profit. Examples
are stocks, bonds and options.
The entity that creates the securities for sale is known as the issuer, and
those who buy them are investors. Generally, securities represent an invest-
ment and a means by which municipalities, companies, and other commer-
cial enterprises can raise new capital. Companies can generate a lot of money
when they go public, selling stock in an initial public offering (IPO), for exam-
ple. City or state governments can raise funds for a particular project by floating
a municipal bond issue. Depending on an institution's market demand or pri-
cing structure, raising capital through securities can be a preferred alternative
to financing through a bank loan. On the other hand, purchasing securities with
borrowed money, an act known as buying on a margin, is a popular investment
technique. In essence, a company may deliver property rights, in the form of
cash or other securities, to pay its debt or other obligations to another entity.
Securities markets
Securities markets are markets in which securities, or financial assets,
are traded. There are two different types of securities markets. A primary mar-
ket is used for trading newly issued securities, while a secondary market is
used for trading securities that have already been issued. Primary and secon-
dary markets are generally used for trading equity securities.
Primary markets, or primary financial markets, are where new finan-
cial assets are issued. There are two main types of primary-market issues. The
first type of issue is known as an initial public offering (IPO), and these issues
are the very first shares a company offers to the public. Investment bankers
serve as underwriters for these issues: they facilitate the process of selling them.
Following an IPO, any newly-issued stock, while still sold in the primary mar-
ket, is referred to as a secondary offering. The second type of issue is known as
a seasoned new issue. These issues are new shares that are issued by a compa-
ny that already has publicly traded shares on existing stock exchanges. A sea-
soned new issue is the way a company sells more shares to the investing
Secondary markets, or secondary financial markets, trade existing se-
curities, i.e. previously owned shares of stocks, bonds, and other financial as-
sets. In the secondary market, also known as the aftermarket, securities are
simply transferred as from one investor to another: shareholders can sell their
securities to other investors for cash and/or capital gain. The secondary mar-
ket, thus, supplements the primary one. The secondary market is less liquid
for privately-placed securities since they are not publicly tradable and can only
be transferred among qualified investors.
Secondary markets consist of both organized exchanges, such as the
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and over-the-counter or electronic markets,
such as the National Association of Securities Dealer Automated Quotation Sys-
tem (NASDAQ). Organized stock exchanges are markets that are used to faci-
litate the trading of financial instruments. The main organized stock exchan-
ges are the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange. The-
re are also regional stock exchanges, such as the Pacific, Chicago, Philadel-
phia, Cincinnati, Intermountain, Spokane, and Boston Stock Exchanges, but
these are very small.
The largest stock exchange in the United States is the NYSE. This
stock exchange is more than 200 years old, and it is still limited to 1,366 seats
(the number of individuals/institutions that can trade), which is the same
number of seats it has had since 1953. The NYSE includes over 3,000 listed
companies. Generally, 80% of the daily trading volume in the US is done on
this stock exchange.
The over-the-counter (OTC) market is an electronic network of dealers
that allows investors to carry out trades without going through specialists or
intermediaries. That is, there is no single physical location where stocks are
traded; rather, these trades are executed through the NASDAQ, which links
70 | C H A P T E R 6
1. HOW DO YOU THINK securities affect the economy?
2. HOW ARE STOCKBROKERS and investment advisors connected to secu-
3. HOW CAN SECURITIES be bought and sold?
4. WHEN DOES short selling occur?
5. EXPLAIN WHAT an inflation-protected security (IPS) refers to.
6. WHAT IS AN IPO, and what are some advantages and disadvantages
of it?
7. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION between Wall Street and the NYSE?
8. IN THE Reading and vocabulary section, it was said that the NASD al-
so trades ‘pink sheets’. Color idioms are often used in business English. What
do the following idioms mean: black market, blue-chip stock, get the green
light, golden parachute, in the black, in the red (out of the red), pink slip, red
tape, white-collar/blue-collar worker.
8. THE FCA Handbook lists the following as investments: share, de-
benture, warrant, personal pension scheme, pension scheme which provides
safeguard benefits, and emission allowance. What do these concepts refer to,
and what would be their Macedonian equivalents?
In 250–300 words, elaborate on one of the following:
1. “In your own words, explain, describe, and illustrate how the NYSE
and NASDAQ work.
2. Describe the government securities market in the Republic of Mac-
edonia in terms of regulations, regulatory authority, responsibility, etc.
3. “The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of
everything, but the value of nothing.” (Phillip Fisher) Discuss this quote, and
express your personal opinion, whether you agree or disagree.
a) The person who can give you the required information is out of the
office at the moment.
b) Pat Smith, who heads the HR Department, will meet you on your
next visit.
c) I’ve already spent this morning with Mr. Greene, whom we’re going
to lay off soon.
d) The employees with whom I have discussed the compensation pac-
kage have all accepted it.
e) I’d also like to acknowledge a woman whose efforts have helped
this company move forward.
f) We’re not interested in machines we can’t regularly maintain our-
g) I’m afraid I won’t be around when the annual company party takes
h) I hate attending networking events, which always make me more
anxious than I am.
i) The CEO, who’s negotiating the merger at the moment, is the per-
son you need to talk to.
j) The press release, written by our PR team, came out at the perfect
c) I have to accept the validity of her points. She made these specific
points during her pitch.
d) The share price reached a peak before slightly falling, then levelling
off. A peak means “the highest point”.
b) I finally worked out the payment terms with David Sith, known as
the best negotiator around.
f) Why did you reject all the offers for access proposed?
2. PUT THE WORDS, which have been scrambled up, in order to form
grammatically correct sentences:
a) opening / the beginning / day / the / mark / and / bells / the NYSE’s
/ trading / and / end / each / closing / of
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from Macedonian into English:
clients; an accountant using the double-entry method enters a debit under the
accounts receivables column on the balance sheet and a credit under the inco-
me statement's revenue column. When the client pays the invoice, the ac-
countant credits accounts receivables and debits cash. Double-entry accoun-
ting is also called balancing the books, as all of the accounting entries are
balanced against each other. If the entries are not balanced, the accountant
knows there must be a mistake somewhere in the ledger.
Financial accounting refers to the processes accountants use to gene-
rate the annual accounting statements of a firm. Management accounting us-
es much of the same processes but makes use of the information in different
ways. Namely, in management accounting, an accountant generates monthly
or quarterly reports that a business's management team can use to make deci-
sions about how the business operates. Just as management accounting helps
businesses make decisions about management, cost accounting helps busines-
ses make decisions about costing. Essentially, cost accounting considers all of
the costs related to producing a product. Analysts, managers, business owners,
and accountants use this information to determine what their products
should cost. In cost accounting, money is set as an economic factor in produc-
tion, whereas in financial accounting, money is considered to be a measure of
a company’s economic performance.
all companies receive an audit once a year, while larger companies can even
receive audits monthly.
When it comes to external auditing, there are two different categories
of auditors. First, there are external or statutory auditors, who work indepen-
dently to evaluate financial reporting, and then there are external cost audi-
tors, who evaluate cost statements and sheets to see if they are free of missta-
tements or fraud. Both of these types of auditors follow a set of standards dif-
ferent from that of the company or organization hiring them to do the work.
Internal auditors are employed by the company or organization for whom
they are performing the audit. They provide information to the board, mana-
gers, and other stakeholders on the accuracy of their books, and the effective-
ness of their internal systems.
In the US, as in other countries, an audit has to meet a general set of
accepted standards, established by their respective governing bodies. Standards
for external audits, called the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS),
are set out by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A sepa-
rate set of international standards, called the International Standards on Au-
diting, have been set up by the International Auditing and Assurance Board.
Audit planning includes deciding on the overall audit strategy, and
developing an audit plan, which is expected to describe the planned nature,
extent, and timing of the procedures for risk assessment, and the tests to be
done on the controls and substantive procedures. Internal auditors need to
understand the business, operations, and unique characteristics of the depart-
ment/unit being audited, and to develop an audit plan that defines the proce-
dures needed to do an efficient and effective audit.
Constraints in resources (e.g. hiring internal or external auditors can
be expensive) demand that an audit provide only reasonable assurance that
statements are free from significant errors. Due to the high cost of audits, and
the fact that auditors cannot possibly verify every single transaction that has
taken place, auditors use statistical sampling and make a determination (with
management) as to key focus areas. An audit is not a guarantee that financial
statements provide a perfect representation of the organization, but only a
reasonable assurance that the statements are free of material misstatements.
There are a few personal characteristics that are important for an au-
ditor to have, such as: a) a strong ethical framework so as to report on issues
immediately as they come across them; b) good communication skills, which
allow auditors to have rapport with a variety of employees, managers, direc-
tors, and external parties; c) strong interpersonal skills, which are important
due to the variety of informational requests; d) being a team player; and e)
82 | CHAPTER 7
Business risks
3. DISCUSS THE FIVE basic principles that form the foundation of modern
accounting practices: the revenue principle, the expense principle, the match-
ing principle, the cost principle, and the objectivity principle.
4. DISCUSS THE BENEFITS and limitations of technology and its use in ac-
5. WHAT IS MEANT by the phrase accounts receivable?
a) Money owed to a company by its debtors;
b) Money owed by a company to its creditors;
c) Money owed to a company by its employees;
d) Money owed by a company to its vendors.
6. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE is classified as a/an __________ in the ____________.
a) current asset; balance sheet;
b) current liability; balance sheet;
c) expense; income statement;
d) revenue; income statement.
7. WHAT PROVISIONS DOES the Audit Law of the Republic of Macedonia
8. WHAT IS A PR audit, what does it consist of, and what is its impor-
9. CASE STUDY: Oaks Co. received a grant of $35m in relation to the re-
development of its main manufacturing site. The government is providing
grants to companies for capital expenditure on environmentally-friendly as-
sets. Oaks Co. has spent $25m of the amount received on solar panels, which
generate electricity, and intends to spend the remaining $10m on upgrading
its production and packaging lines. Evaluate the business risks faced by Oaks
Co., and identify and explain the risks of a potential material misstatement to
be considered in planning the audit of Oaks Co.
2. Grammar focus:
reported speech (reporting verbs)
Reported speech is a sentence structure used to report someone else’s
words. The verb tenses, word order, and pronouns are different from those in
the original sentence. Direct speech expresses the exact words used, which in
written language is shown through the use of quotation marks, s in “I’m sorry
for attaching the wrong document in the email,” said Mark.
Reported speech focuses more on the content of what has been said
rather than on the exact words used, thus omitting the quotation marks, and
generally putting the reporting verb in the past simple tense, as in the sentence
Mark said he was sorry for attaching the wrong document in the email. / Mark
apologized for attaching the wrong document in the email.
The reporting verbs say and tell are most frequently used to report
statements in direct speech, while ask is used to report wh- and yes/no questi-
ons. However, there are other reporting verbs that can be used, which add an
expressive value to the statement they are reporting, such as: accept, add, ad-
mit, advise, agree, announce, answer, beg, claim, command, comment, complain,
confess, confirm, congratulate, continue, decline, demand, deny, discuss, empha-
size, enquire, explain, hint, inform, insist, interrupt, invite, maintain, note, obser-
ve, offer, order, point out, promise, propose, protest, reassure, recommend, refu-
se, remind, repeat, reply, report, reveal, shout, state, stress, suggest, threaten,
warn, wonder, etc.
E.g. Has the government policy changed?” the reporter asked.
The reporter asked if the government policy had changed.
E.g. “When are you going to post the call for bids?” the official asked.
The official asked when we were going to post the call for bids.
(For more on reported speech, see Grammar Focus in Chapter 6, Business English 1)
a) “Nitrate levels in the local water supply are slightly higher than nor-
mal.” (announce)
b) “It is possible that the factory nearby is responsible.” (admit)
c) “There was a small chemical leak last Friday.” (explain)
d) “We have taken measures to ensure that this situation cannot reoc-
cur.” (reassure)
e) “Believe me – we are in the midst of negotiating a settlement with
the town council.” (insist)
f) “We will announce full details in a press statement in a few days’ ti-
me.” (promise)
g) “Has there ever been a problem like this before?” (ask)
h) “No, there haven’t been any other leaks in 30 years at the factory.”
i) “When do you plan to re-open the factory?” (enquire)
j) “As soon as possible, but some staff may be laid off for a few mon-
ths.” (warn)
86 | CHAPTER 7
2. REPORT THE PHRASES in italics with a verb from these below. Two
verbs are not needed:
accept / agree / complain / emphasize
explain / propose / report / suggest
a) “Well, I don’t see eye to eye with you on several points, but yes, I
have to say that you are quite right that productivity should be a concern.”
b) “I’ve heard there’s a similar project in Asia where it’s been said that
they’ve actually improved productivity.”
c) “I’m not a believer of team-work, but I’m pretty sure corporate cultu-
re will be much better when open plan offices are incorporated.”
d) “I've said it before, and I'll say it again: my company does everything
it can to limit the impact of our activities on the environment.”
e) “I think there’s a slight misunderstanding here. Yes, we do make fair
profits, but we’ve never exploited our employees.”
f) “Yes, that’s a fair point: we can, and we will do more to develop sour-
ces of alternative energy, such as wind and solar power.”
4. READ THESE EXTRACTS from reports, then decide who made the state-
ments below:
“It’s just too expensive.” “It’s dangerous: people have died.” “We’re still talking.”
“It’s too early to say.” “We’re closing down.” “It could take years.”
“They will be paid.” “Your request has been denied.” “I don’t know.”
“We can’t compete.” “I’m afraid he’s unavailable.” “It’s really not simple.”
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from English into Macedonian:
Money supply
Money supply (or money stock) refers to the entire stock of currency
and other liquid instruments circulating in a country's economy at a particu-
lar time. The money supply can include cash, coins, and balances held in chec-
king and savings accounts. It does not include other forms of wealth, such as
investments, home equity, or physical assets that must be sold to convert to
cash. It also does not include various forms of credit, such as loans, mortga-
ges, and credit cards. Although people use these as money to improve their
standard of living, they are not considered part of the money supply. Econo-
mists analyze the money supply and develop policies revolving around it
through controlling interest rates and increasing or decreasing the amount of
money flowing in the economy. The money supply reflects the different types
of liquidity each type of money has in the economy.
Money supply data is collected, recorded and published periodically,
typically by the country's government or central bank. Public and private sec-
tor analysis is performed because of the money supply's possible impacts on
price level, inflation and the business cycle. In the USA, the Federal Reserve
policy is the most important deciding factor in the money supply, while for
the UK, it is the Bank of England. These institutions regulate the money sup-
ply to stabilize their respective economies. The Federal Reserve Board, for ex-
ample, can buy or sell government securities, in this way expanding or con-
tracting the money supply.
An increase in the supply of money typically lowers interest rates,
which, in turn, generates more investment and puts more money in the hands
of consumers, thus stimulating spending. Businesses respond by ordering more
raw materials and increasing production. The increased business activity raises
92 | CHAPTER 8
the demand for labor. The opposite can occur if the money supply falls, or
when its growth rate declines.
Historically, the measure of money supply has shown that relation-
ships exist between certain economic factors and inflation, which was used as
a determinant of the future direction of price levels and inflation. Although
money supply measures are still widely used, they are no more important
than the wide range of economic data that economists and the Federal Reser-
ve collect and review.
Interest rates
Digital currency
b) The product was launched ten years ago, when competition was
fierce. It was tough for us to get the commitment of the senior manage-
ment. (cause and effect)
c) The system lacked originality, efficiency and ingenuity. It was a com-
plete failure. (summary)
d) The recession in the building industry hit us hard. Our competitors
saw an increasing load of orders. (contrast)
e) Good business people should be able to read between the lines. They
should be able to make inferences about information that is conveyed
indirectly or given only partially. (clarification)
f) I am making a large order, which we will pay up front. We should be
given a considerable discount. (condition)
g) Our Head is going to present the figures in detail. He is going to
take on any questions you might have. (ordering and listing)
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from Macedonian into English:
Monetary policy
Fiscal policy
Taxation is a term for when a taxing authority, usually a government,
imposes a tax. Though taxation can be a noun or verb, it is usually referred to as
an act, and the resulting revenue is usually called taxes. Taxation is different
from other forms of payment, such as market exchanges, in that taxation does
not require consent, and it is not directly tied to any given services. The govern-
ment obliges taxation through an implicit or explicit threat of force. Taxation
is legally different from extortion or a protection racket because the imposing
institution is actually a government.
(vertical equity). Although these objectives seem clear enough, there is little
agreement over how to judge whether two taxpayers are equally situated. For
example, one taxpayer might receive income from working while another re-
ceives the same income from inherited wealth. Most people believe that fair-
ness dictates that taxes be progressive, meaning that higher-income taxpayers
pay not only more, but also proportionately more.
Revenue sufficiency may conflict with efficiency and fairness. Econo-
mists who believe that income taxes strongly reduce incentives to work or
save, and economists who believe that typical families already are unfairly
burdened by heavy taxes, might resist tax increases that would move the fede-
ral budget toward balance.
Tax treaty
A tax treaty (also called Double Tax Agreement or DTA) is a bilateral
agreement made by two countries to resolve issues involving double taxation
of passive and active income. Tax treaties determine the amount of tax that a
country can apply to a taxpayer's income, capital, estate, and wealth. Coun-
tries with tax havens are the only countries that typically do not enter into tax
treaties. A tax haven, or offshore financial center, is any country or jurisdicti-
on that offers minimal tax liability to foreign individuals and businesses.
When an individual or business invests in a foreign country, the issue
of which country should tax the investor’s earnings arises. Both countries –
the source country and the residence country – may enter into a tax treaty to
agree on which country should tax the investment income in order to prevent
the same income from getting taxed twice. The source country, or the capital-
importing country, is the country that hosts the inward investment. The resi-
dence country, or capital-exporting country, is the investor’s country of resi-
dence. One of the most important aspects of a tax treaty is the policy on with-
holding taxes, which determines how much tax is levied on income (interest
and dividends) from securities owned by a non-resident.
1. PUT THE WORDS/PHRASES in the right box and state whether they are a
noun or a verb:
10 8 | C H A P T E R 9
Circle all the adverbs in the previous text, and think of other adverbs:
4. Translation
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING TEXT from Macedonian into English:
Types of correspondence
Internal correspondence
Internal correspondence is a written communication between the employees,
units, departments, and branches of one and the same organization. Internal
correspondence can either be formal or informal. Routine internal correspon-
dence is usually less formal, such as quick instructions between a supervisor
and a staff member, and, in this case, it usually appears in the form of an email.
There are other more formal types of internal correspondence, such as pro-
motion letters, written reprimands, memoranda, formal requests for approv-
al, and letters of approval/dismissal. These types of communication are ideal-
ly printed on paper, signed by the sender, and physically received by the reci-
External Correspondence
External correspondence takes place between different organizations, or be-
tween an organization and their individual clients. This is a form of written
communication made by a company to those who do not belong to their or-
ganization. External correspondence is commonly made to vendors, creditors,
suppliers, existing customers, prospective clients, financial institutions, go-
vernment offices, law and accountancy firms, business affiliates, sponsors or
donors, and other offices that have either a direct or indirect business relati-
onship with the company.
Sales Correspondence
Sales correspondence refers to sales-related communications. It is not limited
to just selling a product or service, but it also includes other activities relating
to sales. Sales correspondence includes marketing letters, offer and discount
letters, sales proposals, invoices, sales reports, order confirmations, purchase
orders, letters of authorization, and collection letters, among others. For the
purpose of selling, it is important to know how to write quality sales letters to
be able to communicate effectively. Also, marketing and offer letters should
reflect truthful and non-misleading information. Other kinds of sales corre-
Personalized Correspondence
Personalized correspondence involves personal and emotional factors. Despite
being classified as 'personalized', this type of correspondence can also be used
for business purposes. Examples of personalized correspondence include let-
ters of gratitude, letters of favours or requests, appreciation notes, letters of
congratulations, of commendation, and such. This particular type of correspon-
dence does not need to have a very formal tone. Although this can be done
via email, writing an actual, physical letter is preferable because it has the
sense of a personal touch.
Circulars are notices that are communicated to a large number of people wi-
thin the organization. They are also referred to as office instructions or announ-
cements. Often, general announcements, such as changes in contact infor-
mation, details about meetings with shareholders, instructions about certain
protocols, etc., are communicated via circulars.
The following are two examples of a letter concerning the same sub-
ject, but written in different registers. Discuss the differences in register and
Below are ten examples of emails that have been written by former
students in connection to the following exercise:
Profile: Your company has employed an external consultant to organi-
ze an exhibition of your products, which is planned to be held next month.
However, the consultant’s work has been unsatisfactory, and your boss has
now decided that you should take full responsibility instead. Your boss has as-
ked you to write to the consultant to explain why she has been suddenly re-
Instructions: Write an email (200-250 words) to the consultant. Your
email should be structured in paragraphs, it should have an appropriate be-
ginning (introduction) and ending, and you must include the following infor-
1 1 8 | C H A P T E R 10
tion means, and its achievements depend at the start on its correct position-
ing and focus we would like to discard the agreement from the beginning. We
have found that the problem is the lack of a careful and pragmatic analysis
which will affect the budget. Firstly, the fairground you have chosen requires
a lot of money and we will not be able to support that expenses. On the other
hand, we think that you have not given a meticulous attention to detail and
effective time management. Since n unsuccessful event may have a boome-
rang negative effect in the perception of the market, we are sorry to inform
you that the contract will be dismissed. You will be paid for your work within
the next month. I would also ask you ou to brief me on the current situation
so I will take over the full responsibility for the exhibition.
ment and I would use this letter to explain you the reasons for the replace-
The Chairman of the company, Mr. Rogers, was concerned with the little
amount of time that you have been dedicating to the preparations for the ex-
hibition and he decided to make specific personnel changes regarding the
exhibition of the products. I was the only one eligible to succeed you on that
position. The second main reason is the fact that Mr. Rogers was deeply un-
satisfied with the exhibition reports that you had presented to him. He expec-
ted to see more detailed and well-structured research reports.
As you may already know, your engagement with the company, and your con-
tribution to the company would be regularly paid according to the deal that
we signed two weeks ago. The amount of money that you are supposed to get
would remain unchanged, despite the problems that have recently occured. I
would also like to ask you to give me some important information regarding
the current situation of the exhibition preparations.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you, and I sincerely hope that we
would cooperate again at some point in the future in a more successful project.
Yours sincerely,
information as soon as possible. Could you please also fax me the results of
the market survey you have made about the exhibition?
I look forward to hearing from you in very near future.
Yours faithfully,
(10) I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that since our
last meeting in our office there have been new developments and that I have
been asked by our CEO to inform you that we won’t be needing your services
any longer.
Namely, the terms of our contract clearly stated that you were to arrange a
suitable venue for the exhibition of our products and provided us with a list of
100 notable invitees by March 20-th. Since you have failed to do both in the
stipulated time we are left with no choice but to end our collaboration.
I will be taking over the responsibilities that were initially assigned to you so I
would kindly ask you to brief me on the current situation so I can continue
taking the necessary steps. It goes without saying that you will be compen-
sated for the work you have done so far for our company and still more we are
willing to give you permission to ad the name of our company to your refer-
ence list. I take this opportunity to wish you all the best in your future endea-
1 2 4 | C H A P T E R 10
Profile: You work for an accountancy firm and one of your clients is a
small airline. This airline is considering purchasing a new aircraft within the
next six months to expand its operations. The airline has asked your firm for
advice concerning this purchase.
Instructions: Write a report for the airline (200-250 words), structured
in paragraphs, with an appropriate beginning (introduction) and ending, and
in the report you should:
− summarize the airline’s current financial position;
− outline two potential risks of expansion;
− advise the airline on what steps to take next.
Profile: Your manager is insisting on introducing new practices in the
company. She has asked you to write a report including details of three prac-
tices from the competition, which you would suggest adopting in the compa-
ny you are currently employed in.
Instructions: Write a report for your manager (200-250 words), struc-
tured in paragraphs, with an appropriate beginning (introduction) and end-
ing, and in the report you should include:
− what you admire about the other companies;
− specifically which three of their practices you would adopt;
− why your company would benefit from them.
1 2 6 | C H A P T E R 10
Profile: You have been asked to write a press release for a product
launch that will take place next week. As the PR manager, you have been
gaining momentum for the product for quite a while, and the press release is
to be sent to journalists, who should post it on online media on the day of the
Instructions: Write a press release for journalists (200-250 words),
structured in paragraphs, with an appropriate beginning (introduction) and
ending, and in the release you should include:
− an attention-grabbing headline;
− the five Ws and one H regarding the product’s background and launch
(who? what? when? where? why? how?);
− what makes this product unique in the marketplace.
WANKEL, C. (ed.) (2009): Encyclopedia of Business in Today’s World, USA: SAGE Publica-
WILLIAMS, J. D. (2005): The Teacher's Grammar Book, Routledge.
Online sources
Unit 1.
Unit 2.
Unit 3.
Unit 4.
Unit 5.
Unit 6.
1 30 |
Unit 7.
Unit 8.
Unit 9.
R E F E R E N C E S | 13 1
Unit 10.
CIP - Каталогизација во публикација
Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски“,
Business English 2 / Aneta Naumoska, Biljana Naumoska -Sarakinska. -
Skopje : B. Naumoska-Sarakinska, 2019. - 131 стр.; 25 см
ISBN 978-608-66248-1-1
1. Naumoska-Sarakinska, Biljana [автор]
а) Англиски јазик, деловен - Прирачници
COBISS.MK-ID 109571082