Simulink Model of A 3-Level Voltage Fed Soft-Switching Inverter With Two ARDCL Snubbers
Simulink Model of A 3-Level Voltage Fed Soft-Switching Inverter With Two ARDCL Snubbers
Simulink Model of A 3-Level Voltage Fed Soft-Switching Inverter With Two ARDCL Snubbers
Abstract—This paper presents a new simulation soft This soft switching compared with the conventional three-
switching three level inverter using MATLAB program. phase three-level hard switching inverter under the conditions
This circuit uses two identical Auxiliary Active Resonant of specified parameters. Theoretical study and computer
DC Link (ARDCL) snubbers connected to the high simulation using MATLAB/Simulink program are presented.
voltage DC bus line of three-level inverter. The circuit has
the flexibility of selecting switching instants of the II. SVPWM DIODE-CLAMP THERR LEVEL THREE PHASE
resonant link in synchronism with SVPWM technique. VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER
Control technique does not require the help of inverter The three level converters, also known as a (neutral-
switches to create the zero voltage instants in the main clamped) converter, consist of two capacitor voltages in
switches. In this paper, the principle of operation and series and use the center tap as the neutral. The circuit of
detailed analysis of the proposed ARDCL inverter are three-phase three-level voltage source inverter is shown in
presented and design considerations for achieving soft Fig.1.
switching are obtained. Detailed MATLAB simulation
studies are carried out to study the feasibility of the A. Analysis of Operation Modes
proposed topology under various load condition.
Mode-A (mode 1):
key word: multilevel inverter, soft switching, When switches S1a , S1b are ON and S4a , S4b are OFF ,
Matlab/simulation then the output voltage is +Vdc/2 for positive phase current
( ia> 0 ). On the other hand switches (diodes) D1a and D1b are
I. INTRODUCTION ON when ( ia < 0 ).
Multilevel inverters are being increasingly used in high Mode-B (mode 0)
power industrial application due to their compatibility for State-B of inverter operation is gained when switches S1b
medium voltage and improved output performance at that and S4a are ON and S1a and S4b are OFF. Switch S1b is
voltage as compared to two-level inverter [1,2,3]. conducting for ia> 0 and S4a for ia < 0.
Among various modulation techniques for a multilevel Mode-C (mode -1)
inverter, Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) is State-C of inverter operation is gained when switches S4a
an attractive candidate due to the following merits: It directly and S4b are ON and S1a and Sb are OFF. Switches (diodes)
uses the control variable given by the control system and D4a and D4b are ON when ia> 0 and switches S4a and S4b are
identifies each switching vector as a point in complex (α, β) ON when ia < 0.
space, it is useful in improving DC link voltage utilization,
B. Theory and Operation of SVPWM
reducing commutation losses and THD [4,5].
In recent years, soft switching power conversion circuit Space vector modulation is based on transforming three
and system technologies have attracted special interest as phase quantities into the α-β plane. In general, a three phase
next generation power converters, which can achieve n-level VSI has a total of n3 space vectors, thus in the case of
efficiency improvement in high-frequency switching and three-phase three level VSI there are 27 space vectors that
lowered electromagnetic noises [6,7]. In general, soft represent the different combinations of the ON/OFF of the
switching power conversion circuit topologies can be twelve switches of the three-phase VSI[9]
classified into four types: resonant DC link snubber, resonant The space vector of phase voltage Vαβ can be defined in
AC link snubber, auxiliary resonant commutated snubber and αβ-reference frame as follows
resonant switching block link snubber[8].
This paper presents the operation performance of modified V αβ =
[V a + a V b + a V c ] …….. (1)
type of Auxiliary Resonant DC Link snubber inverter, The 3
operation principle of this circuit and operation modes of
space vector three level inverter which incorporates soft where a=ej(2/3) π is the complex operator and Va, Vb and Vc
switching circuit is described on the basis on performance are voltages of terminals A, B and C with respect to the
evaluation which includes simplified implementation, neutral point O of DC bus.
reduced auxiliary power semiconductor device and circuit
component stresses.
The switching patterns of the space vectors that utilize And for even-numbered sectors:
small, medium and large neighboring space vectors for t o = t s _ (tbl + t am + tbs ) ……… ( 6 )
sectors I and II can be shown in Figs. 3 and 4. where to is time of application of zero space vector.
D. Software Simulation of Space Vector Pulse Width
The Simulink model for generating of the inverter
000 100 10-1 1-1-1 1-1-1 10-1 100 000 switching pulses in the αβ-plane is implemented using
Eqs.(2)-(6) with the aid of the switching pattern of the twelve
Phase a
F(u)10 blocks are used to calculate tal , tam , tas , tbl , tbm , tbs
according to Eq. (4). f1 is frequency of the output voltage in
-1 αβ-plane. fs= 10 kHz =Switching frequency. Vs* is the
reference space vector voltage for the three-phase load.
Phase c
.7 ta
F(u)4 tb
Phase b
1 tal
1/sqrt(3) tam
1/3 tas
Phase c
Vm Vsm F(u)7
-1 tbl
to/2 tbs/ tam/2 tbl/2 tbl/2 tam/ tbm/2 to/2 F(u)9
2 2
s t F(u)10
Fig.4 Switching pattern (sector II) with utilizing small,
medium and large neighboring space vectors. 1 ts
Fs 10000 Π
The time to can be calculated for any sector using these
figures. For odd-numbered sectors it is: F(u)11
to = t s (t al + tbm + t as ) ……… ( 5 )
Fig.5 Implemented simulink model for the generation of
three-phase inverter pulses.
750 Fundamental voltage
500 -10
-750 -20
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time (sec) -30
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Phase 'c' voltage (Volt)
Fundamental frequency=50Hz
0 200
-1000 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 Harmonic order
Time (sec)
Fig.9 Harmonic content in line voltage for a reference
voltage of 0.85 pu.
1000 Fundamental voltage
circuit acts at the transition between state-B and state-C. The inductor current iLr1 reaches -Ib2, where -Ib2; the second boost
commutation principle from state B to state A is briefly under current.
a condition of ideal switching power semiconductor devices; State-B: mode-7 [t6, t7]:
assume the load current is kept constant during soft switching During this mode shown in Fig. 17, the active power
period. switch S4a is turned-off, the resonant capacitor voltage VCr1
ARDCL 1 starts charging to Vs/2
State-B: mode-8 [t7, t8]:
In this mode shown in Fig. 18, Da1 starts to conduct and
Da2 S1a S3a S5a
iLr1 decreases linearly towards negative direction. This mode
Da1 Sa2
D1a D3a D5a ends when the resonant inductor current iLr1 reaches zero.
S1b S3b S5b Sa1
D1b D3a D5b
C2 Lr1 iLr1 Da2 Sa2 S1a
Vs Da1 VCr1 D1a
C3 Lr2 iLr2 C1 Da3 Cr1
S4a S6a S2a Sa3 S1b
Cr2 D4a D6a D1b
Sa5 D2a C2 Lr1 iLr1
Da5 Vs Ix
C4 S4b S6b S2b Lr2 iLr2
D4b D6b C3 S4a
Da4 Da6 VCr2 Cr2 D4a
Sa6 D2b
C4 Da5 Sa5
Da4 S4b
VCr2 D4b
Sa4 Da6 Sa6
ARDCL 2 Ia Ib Ic
Fig.11 State-B: mode-1 operation trajectory.
Da1 Da2 Sa2 D1a
N C1 VCr1
Fig.10 3-level 3-phase soft switching voltage source Sa3Cr1 S1b
inverter. C2 Lr1 iLr1
Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a
The operation principle of this inverter is described as D4a
C4 Da5 Sa5Cr2
follows [11] Da4 S4b
VCr2 D4b
State-B: mode-1 [t0, t1]: Da6 Sa6
During this mode shown in Fig. 11,the load current Ix is Sa4
flowing through the main switch S1b, while S1b and S4a are
Fig.12 State-B: mode-2 operation trajectory.
on, the auxiliary switch Sa1 is on.
State-B: mode-2 [t1, t2]: Sa1
In this mode, shown in Fig. 12, the auxiliary active power
switch Sa3 is turned-on, thus the resonant inductor current iLr1 Da2 S1a
Da1 Sa2 D1a
C1 VCr1
flowing through Da2 and Sa3 starts increasing. This mode Da3
Sa3Cr1 S1b
ends when the resonant inductor current iLr1 reaches Ix+Ib1, C2 Lr1 iLr1
where Ib1; the first boost current. Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a
State-B: mode-3 [t2, t3]: D4a
During this mode Sa1 is turned-off, the resonant capacitor Da5 Sa5Cr2
C4 S4b
Da4 VCr2 D4b
Cr1 starts discharge resonantly. This operation is based on a Da6 Sa6
quasi-resonance owing to Lr1 and Cr1 as shown in Fig. 13. Sa4
State-B: mode-4 [t3, t4]:
Fig.13 State-B: mode-3 operation trajectory.
When the resonant capacitor voltage VCr1 reach zero, D1a
starts conducting as shown in Fig. 14 and iLr1 starts to Sa1
decrease linearly. This mode ends when the resonant inductor
Da2 Sa2 S1a
current iLr1 decreases to zero. Da1 VCr1 D1a
C1 Da3
State-B: mode-5 [t4, t5]: Sa3Cr1 S1b
In this mode shown in Fig. 15, iLr1 and VCr1 are zero. This C2 Lr1 iLr1
mode is called (zero voltage holding mode) and Sa3 is turned- Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a
off. D4a
C4 Da5 Sa5Cr2
State-B: mode-6 [t5, t6]: S4b
Da4 VCr2 D4b
During this mode shown in Fig. 16, the auxiliary switch Da6 Sa6
Sa2 is turned-on and iLr1 starts increasing linearly towards Sa4
negative direction. This mode ends when the resonant
Fig.14 State-B: mode-4 operation trajectory.
mode 1
State B: mode 2
State-B: mode 4
State-B: mode 5
State-B: State-B: State-B: State-B:
Da2 S1a mode 3 mode 6 mode 7 mode 8
Da1 Sa2 D1a
C1 Da3 VCr1 500
Sa3Cr1 S1b
C2 Lr1 iLr1 300
Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a 200
D4a 100 80
C4 Da5 Sa5Cr2 0
Da4 S4b
VCr2 D4b -100 t(μsec)
Da6 Sa6 -200
-300 -350
Fig.15 State-B: mode-5 operation trajectory. -400
Sa1 Vcr1(V
Da2 Sa2 S1a
Da1 D1a
C1 Da3 VCr1
Sa3Cr1 S1b
Vcr1(V) < 0.2
D1b t(μsec)
C2 Lr1 iLr1 1
Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a
C4 Da5 Sa5Cr2 S4b
Da4 iLr1(t) > 0.01
VCr2 D4b 1
Da6 Sa6
Sa4 0
Fig.16 State-B: mode-6 operation trajectory. iLr1(t)< -0.01
0 t(μsec)
Da2 Sa2 S1a
Da1 D1a
C1 VCr1
Da3 S1a*
Sa3Cr1 S1b
C2 Lr1 iLr1 1
Vs Ix
C3 Lr2 iLr2 S4a
D4a S4a*
Da5 Sa5Cr2 t(μsec)
C4 Da4 S4b
VCr2 D4b 1
Da6 Sa6
Sa4 Sa3
Fig.17 State-B: mode-7 operation trajectory.
S1a t(μsec)
Da1 Da2 Sa2
VCr1 D1a Sa1
C1 Da3 t(μsec)
Sa3Cr1 S1b
D1b 1
Vs C2 Lr1 iLr1
Lr2 iLr2 Ix
C3 S4a
D4a Sa2
C4 Da5 Sa5Cr2 S4b
Da4 1
Da6 VCr2 D4b
Sa4 S1b
Fig.18 State-B: mode-8 operation trajectory.
S4a t(μsec)
The design specifications of these modes are Vs=1000 V,
Ix=20 A, Lr1=100 μH, rLr1=0.2 Ω, Cr1=0.141 μF, Fs is 1
as shown in Fig. 22. This circuit acts to generate pulses of 11 S2a* S5a 9 12 S2b* S5b 10
S2a* S5a S2b* S5b
auxiliary switches (Sa1, Sa2 and Sa3) and pulses of main 13 iLr1 15 iLr2
S2a 11 S2b 12
switches (S1a, S4a, S3a, S6a, S5a and S2a). Circuit 2 has iLr1
> 0.1 S2a
> 0.1 S2b
same construction of the circuit 1, and used to generate 14 <3 T
3e-007 s
Sa1 13
16 <3 T
3e-007 s
Sa4 16
Vcr1 Vcr2
pulses of auxiliary switches (Sa4, Sa5 and Sa6) and the Sa1 Sa4
Ixa+Ib1 Ixa+Ib1
pulses of main switches (S1b, S4b, S3b, S6b, S5b and S2b). 17 InS/H
Sa2 14 InS/H Sa5 17
Ixa Sa2 Sa5
Ixb+Ib1 Ixb+Ib1
Sa3 15 Sa6 18
Ixc+Ib1 Sa3 Ixc+Ib1 Sa6
S1a* 18 InS/H InS/H
S1a gS1a V phase a Circuit 1 Circuit 2
19 InS/H
S1b gS1b Ixc
S4a* V phase b
S4a gS4a
S4b gS4b V phase c
S3a* 60
S3a gS3a Ib1=Ib2
S3b* V line a-b
out S3b gS3b Fig.21 Proposed soft-switching circuit.
V line b-c
S6a gS6a 1
S6b* 7 S1a* S1a* S1a 1 Circuit 1
S6b gS6b V line c-a iLr1 iLr1 Sa1
S5a* 8 Vcr1 Sa2
S5a gS5a 9 Ixa+Ib1 Sa3
S5b* iLr1 Ixa+Ib1 S1 a
3 S3a* S3a 3
S5b gS5b AND 7
S3a* S3a
S2a* iLr1 Sa1 Sa1
S2a gS2a Vcr1 Vcr1 Sa3 OR 9 OR 8
S2b* 10 Ixb+Ib1 Sa2 Sa2
Ixb+Ib1 S3 a
Space vector modulation S2b gS2b S5a
iLr1 iLr2 5 S5a* S5a 5
Sa1 gSa1 S5a*
iLr1 Sa3
Vcr1 Vcr1 Sa2
Sa2 gSa2 Vcr2 11 Ixc+Ib1 Sa1
iLr2 Ixc+Ib1 S5 a
Sa3 gSa3
Vcr2 Ixa 2 S4a*
S4a* 2
Sa4 gSa4 S4a
Ixa Vcr1
Sa5 gSa5 S4 a
4 S6a*
Sa6 gSa6 Ixc S6a*
Ixc S6a 4
Soft switch Inverter Vcr1
S6 a
6 S2a*
S2a* 6
S2 a
2 6
1.75 4
1.5 2
1.25 0
m=0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
modulation index (m)
Fig.25 Total power losses versus modulation index for
m=0.8 hard and soft –switching.
0.75 m=0.85 Figures 26 and 27 show the simulation results for the
phase output voltages, and line output voltages, respectively
0.5 at a modulation index m=0.7, fundamental frequency f=50
5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Hz and Sampled frequency fs=15kHz. The load current at
inductive load is shown in Fig.28. The harmonic content of
Fig.23 THD against fs for several modulation indexes at output voltage is shown in Fig.29. This figure proves the
resistive load. ability of the used SVPWM to produce an output voltage
with almost negligible low order harmonics.
Phase 'a' voltage (V)
500 Fundamental voltage
1 250
m=0.7 m=0.8 -250
0.75 -500
m=0.85 -750
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 Time (sec)
Phasr 'c' voltage (V)
fs(kHz) 750
500 Fundamental voltage
Fig.24 THD against fs for several modulation indexes at
inductive load. 250
It is important to compare the total power losses with -500
modulation index for both hard and soft circuits. The losses -750
in the soft circuit are less than the hard circuit and minimum 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
losses occur at modulation index equal to 0.7. This result is Time (sec)
Fig.26 Inverter with soft-switching phase voltages for a
modulation index of 0.7 pu.
Mar 2012 ATE-40206015©Asian-Transactions 31
Inverter line c-a voltage Inverter line b-c voltage Inverter line a-b voltage Asian Transactions on Engineering (ATE ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 02 Issue 01
Fundamental voltage
1000 600
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Time (sec)
Fundamental voltage 0 100 200 300 400 500
1000 Harmonic order
0 600
Fundamental voltage
1000 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Harmonic order
Total power losses (watt)
Phase b Phase c 6
20 Phase a
Line current (A)
30 40 50 60 70
frequency (Hz)
Fig.30 Total power losses versus frequency.
Phase voltage (rms) (Volt)
-20 100
-25 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.85
Time (sec) modulation index (m)
Fig.31 Phase voltage versus modulation index.
Fig.28 Inverter line currents for inductive load a
modulation index of 0.7 pu.
Mar 2012 ATE-40206015©Asian-Transactions 34
Fundemental phase voltage (rms) (volt)
Asian Transactions on Engineering (ATE ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 02 Issue 01
iLr2 (A)
300 500
2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2.5 2.52
200 Time (sec) -5
Vcr2 (volt)
x 10
100 2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2.5 2.52
Time (sec) -5
x 10
0 -1
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.85 2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2.5 2.52
modulation index (m) Time (sec) -5
x 10
VS3b (volt)
Fig.32 Fundamental phase voltage versus modulation 500
index. -500
2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2.5 2.52
The simulation results that prove the ability of the Time (sec) -5
x 10
proposed control circuit to accomplish soft switching process
are shown in Figs. 33 and 34. These figures show the ZVS of 1
the main inverter switches in phase (a) and (b) respectively. 0
2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 2.5 2.52
T ime (sec) -5
x 10
iLr1 (A)
1000 x 10
-1000 Fig.34 The ZVS waveforms of the main inverter switches in
1.74 1.76 1.78 1.8 1.82 1.84
phase b.
Time (sec) -5
x 10
Figures 35 and 36 show the voltage across the main switch
-1 and the current through it in the same switching period. The
1.74 1.76 1.78 1.8 1.82 1.84 voltage and current overlap here is considerably smaller in
Time (sec) x 10
-5 case turned on and off. This means that the switching losses
VS1a (volt)
Time (sec) -5
x 10 250
2 0
0 1.0872 1.0874 1.0876 1.0878 1.088 1.0882
1.74 1.76 1.78 1.8 1.82 1.84 T ime (sec) -3
x 10
Time (sec) -5 200
the switch S1a (A)
x 10
VS4a (volt)
Current through
500 100
-500 0
1.74 1.76 1.78 1.8 1.82 1.84
Time (sec) x 10
1.0872 1.0874 1.0876 1.0878 1.088 1.0882
T ime (sec) -3
x 10
Fig.33 The ZVS waveforms of the main inverter switches in
Fig.35 The waveforms of the voltage and the current of the
phase a.
main inverter switches in phase a at turn-on with ZVS.
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