Sentiment KCAP03 Final
Sentiment KCAP03 Final
Sentiment KCAP03 Final
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jeonghee Yi on 10 March 2015.
"XXX provides a good working environment." Currently, we have 3,513 entries in the sentiment
analysis dictionary as shown in Table 1. Among these
"XXX provides a bad working environment." entries, regular expressions were used in 14 cases.
where "XXX" is a subject term with favorable and
unfavorable sentiment, provided that "a good working
environment" and "a bad working environment" are
favorable and unfavorable, respectively.
After a POS for each word was assigned, we used
POS Total positive negative neutral shallow parsing in order to identify phrase boundaries and
local dependencies, typically binding subjects and objects
adjective 2,465 969 1,495 1 to predicates. This shallow parsing is based on the
adverb 6 1 4 1 application of a cascaded set of rules, successively
identifying more and more complex phrasal groups. Thus
noun 576 179 388 9 simple patterns can find simple noun groups and verb
Sentiment groups, and these can be composed into a variety of
357 103 252 2
verb complex NP configurations. At a yet higher level, clause
Transfer boundaries can be marked, and even (nominal) arguments
verb for (verb) predicates can be identified. These POS tagging
Table 1. Distribution of sentiment terms and shallow parsing functionalities have been implemented
using the Talent System based on the TEXTRACT
architecture [8].
Algorithm After obtaining the results of the shallow parser, we
We applied sentiment analysis to text fragments that analyze the syntactic dependencies among the phrases and
consist of a sentence containing a subject term and the rest look for phrases with a sentiment term that modifies or is
of the following paragraph. The window always included at modified by a subject term. When the sentiment term is a
least 5 words before and 5 words after the target subject. verb, we identify the sentiment according to its definition
There is an upper limit of 50 words before and 50 words in the sentiment dictionary. Syntactic subjects in passive
after. Thus, the task of our sentiment analysis approach is sentences are treated as objects for matching argument
to find sentiment expressions that are semantically related information in the definition. Finally, a sentiment polarity
to the subject term within the text fragment, and the of either +1 (positive = favorable) or -1 (negative =
polarity of the sentiment. The size of this text fragment was unfavorable) is assigned to the sentiment according to the
defined tentatively based on our preliminary analysis to definition in the dictionary unless negative expressions
capture the minimal required context around the subject such as “not” and “never” are associated with sentiment
term. expressions. When the negative expressions are associated,
In order to identify sentiment expressions and analyze we reverse the polarity. As a result,
their semantic relationships with the subject term, natural • The polarity of the sentiments,
language processing plays an important role. POS tagging • The sentiment expressions that are applied, and
allows us to disambiguate some polysemous expressions • The phrases that contain the sentiment expressions, are
such as “like,” which denotes sentiment only when used as identified for a given subject term.
a verb instead of as an adjective or preposition. Syntactic The following examples were output from our current
parsing allows us to identify relationships between prototype system, as applied to genuine texts from the
sentiment expressions and the subject term. Furthermore, in WWW. In each input, we underlined the subject term that
order to maintain robustness for noisy texts from various our system targeted for analysis. Each output starts with an
sources such as the WWW, we decided to use a shallow indicator of sentiment polarity toward the subject. The
parsing framework that identifies phrase boundaries and subject term and sentiment terms identified in the input are
their local dependencies in addition to POS tagging, instead connected with “---” with their representation in canonical
of using a full parser that tries to identify the complete forms that are associated with the whole phrase in the
dependency structure among all of the terms. parenthesis that contains them. When transfer verbs are
For POS tagging, we used a Markov-model-based used, information on the transfer verbs appears in the
tagger essentially the same as the one described in [6]. This middle of the representation of the subject term and
tagger assigns a part of speech to text tokens based on the sentiment term. Among the following examples, Example 3
distribution probabilities of candidate POS labels for each contains negation, and Example 4 is a passive sentence. All
word and the probability of a POS transition extracted from of the typographic errors in the following examples,
a training corpus. We used a manually annotated corpus of including the ones in the next section, came from the
Wall Street Journal articles from the Penn Treebank Project original texts, and they were usually handled properly by
[9] as the training corpus. For these experiments, the tagger our shallow parser.
was configured to treat unknown words (i.e. those not seen
in the training corpus, and excluding numbers) as nouns. Example 1:
The tagger uses a lexical look-up component, which offers <input> (subject="MDX")
sophisticated inflectional analysis for all known words. For 2002, the MDX features the same comfort and
exhilaration, with an even quieter ride.
<output> of correct cases that the system assigned compared to the
base of all cases where a human analyst associated either
+1 MDX (the MDX)---feature (features)---comfort
positive or negative sentiments manually. In other words,
(the same comfort and exhilaration)
precision and recall are calculated with the following
Example 2: formulas:
<input> (subject="IBM") A = number of all cases that the system assigned either a
positive or negative sentiment
Of the seven stakeholder groups, IBM received the
B = number of all cases that the human assigned either a
highest score in the ranking for its policies and programs
positive or negative sentiment
for minorities and women.
C = number of correct cases in the system output based
<output> on the manual judgment
+1 IBM (IBM)---receive (received)---high score (the Precision = C/A
highest score in the ranking) Recall = C/B
Example 3:
Evaluation with Benchmark Corpus
<input> (subject="canon") In order to evaluate the quality of the sentiment analysis,
Image quality was 1 and the Canon G2 definately did not we created a benchmark corpus that consists of 175 cases
disappoint me! (sic.) of subject terms within contexts extracted from Web pages
from various domains. Each case was manually identified
<output> to represent either a favorable or an unfavorable sentiment
+1 canon (the Canon G2 definately)---disappoint (did toward the subject. There were 118 favorable cases and 58
not disappoint) unfavorable cases. The examples in the previous section
were taken from this corpus.
Example 4: After modifying the dictionary for the benchmark
<input> (subject="Range Rover") corpus by adding appropriate terms, our current prototype
system achieved 94.3% precision and 28.6% recall as it
They haven't, even though the Range Rover was extracted sentiments for 53 cases (50 correct).
celebrated as a status symbol as long ago as the 1992
movie The Player. Evaluation with Open Test Corpus
<output> In order to verify the quality for practical use, we used the
prototype for a new test set with 2,000 cases related to
+1 celebrate (was celebrated)---Range Rover (SUB the camera reviews, also from Web pages. This time, about
Range Rover) half of the cases contained either favorable or unfavorable
Example 5: sentiments and the other half were neutral. Our system
extracted sentiments for 255 cases, and 241 of them were
<input> (subject="Ford Explorer") correct in terms of the polarity of either negative or positive
For example, the popular Ford Explorer retains about toward its subject within the context. Thus, without any
75 percent of its sticker price after three years, while the modification of the dictionary, the current prototype system
high-end Lincoln Continental retains only about half of achieved 94.5% (=241/255) precision with about 24%
its original cost after the same amount of time. (=241/1,000) recall.