Youngminds Mental Illness Family
Youngminds Mental Illness Family
Youngminds Mental Illness Family
in your family
“Sometimes when my brother gets ill he
can be a bit scary. Once he stopped taking
his tablets. He said he just wanted to
be like everyone else and didn’t want to
depend on anything or anyone.
Coping with a family member
with a mental illness
If someone in your family is diagnosed with a mental
illness, it can be hard to deal with.
What is a mental illness?
Just like our bodies get ill, our minds can get ill too.
What causes mental illness?
It’s rare for a mental illness to occur out of the blue, it
usually builds up over time and comes to a point where
people need professional help. The causes are wide
ranging and include:
Anxiety Disorders:
What are they?
When someone is overwhelmed by fear, it can lead to an
anxiety disorder such as:
Depression: What is it?
Depression is one of the most common types of mental
illness. It’s a mood disorder where someone feels ‘down’
all the time. It’s like taking the bad days we all have, but
having them for weeks or months and it can cause a
wide variety of symptoms including lasting feelings of
unhappiness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the
things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful.
People with depression can feel tired all the time, find it hard
to concentrate and they often don’t want to do everyday
things like getting dressed or making something to eat.
1 in 5
people are affected by clinical
depression at some point in
their lives
Psychosis: What is it?
In a psychotic episode, a person loses touch with reality
as other people see it. They might hear voices, see or feel
things that aren’t there, feel paranoid or believe things
that don’t rationally make sense.
1 in 100
people in the UK are affected by
bipolar disorder
How does mental illness
affect you?
It can be hard when someone close to you has a mental
You might have some feelings that make you feel guilty or
ashamed too. For example, you might feel;
•• Ashamed and not want to bring friends home
•• Worried that you will suffer from the same illness
“Everyone’s always picking on other
people at school. If I told about my dad
and got it out, they might start picking
on me. I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone
at home because they’ve got enough
to worry about. I’m really scared about
someone finding out. I make up excuses so
no-one comes round.”
How are mental health
problems treated?
There is help and treatment available for people with
mental health problems. Usually, they’ll see their GP first,
who’ll arrange for them to see a specialist like a psychiatrist,
counsellor or psychotherapist. They’ll decide together on
the best treatment for them. This can include:
My parent is ill - who looks
after me?
If your parent or carer is ill, you don’t have to cope on your
own. Another family member or friend may be able to help
out and arrangements about you being looked after will
always be discussed with you and your parent or carer.
You should never feel the burden
of a parent’s mental illness –
remember, if it’s getting too
much, talk to someone about it.
Who can help?
The UK’s free helpline for children and young people
– it’s a confidential service and provides telephone
counselling for any child with a problem.
Helpline: 0800 1111
Textphone: 0800 400 222
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9:30pm | Sat and Sun: 11am-8pm
Offers free support and advice for under 25s through a
confidential helpline, online chat and discussion boards.
Helpline: 0808 808 4994
7 days a week 2pm – 11pm
Information and advice on counselling services for people
aged 12–25. Visit the website and click ‘Find a service’.
Information and advice for carers of all ages. They also
have a directory of local carers groups
Tel: 0808 808 7777
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
An online community of young carers where you can talk
to others like you, share stories and find support.
0808 802 5544
Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm
Fourth Floor, India House
45 Curlew Street
London SE1 2ND
Telephone 020 7089 5050