Lab Report #1: Particle Size Analysis of Soils
Lab Report #1: Particle Size Analysis of Soils
Lab Report #1: Particle Size Analysis of Soils
Group Mates:
Prince Intal
Vanessa Gale Marie Natividad
Joshua Rebutiaco
Xerxes Tupag
I. Objectives
To acquire the particle size distribution of the soil sample in accordance to
of the soil and to identify the grading of the soil using the data points on the
II. Materials
Soil Sample Sieves
Scale Oven
III. Methodology
IV. Data and Results
Table 1 and 2 shows the measured mass of the sieves, along with the retained masses
of soils after sieving for Trials 1 and 2.
Errors of the experiment were calculated by quantifying the deviation of the final total
mass to the initial masses of the soils for each trial, as shown by the equation below:
Equation 1
where and are the initial and final masses of the soils. Using Equation 1, the
errors for trials 1 and 2 are as follows:
Since the errors for both trials are below the accepted value of 2.0%, the trials were
both accepted.
The cumulative percent retained in each sieve are also computed as follows:
∑ , Equation 2
Equation 3
Using the Equations 2 and 3, the following sets of data were acquired:
Sieve Mass
Sieve Percent Percent
Opening Size Retained
Number Retained (%) Passing (%)
(mm) (Soil)(kg)
4 4.75 0 0 100
8 2.36 221.5 13.84375 86.15625
16 1.18 322.5 20.15625 66
30 0.6 359.5 22.46875 43.53125
40 0.425 168.5 10.53125 33
50 0.3 129 8.0625 24.9375
100 0.15 203.5 12.71875 12.21875
200 0.075 89 5.5625 6.65625
PAN N/A 106.5 6.65625 0
Table 3. Percent Passing Data for Corresponding Sieve Opening Sizes (Trial 1)
Sieve Mass
Sieve Percent Percent
Opening Size Retained
Number Retained (%) Passing (%)
(mm) (Soil)(kg)
4 4.75 0 0 100
8 2.36 203.5 12.71080575 87.2891943
16 1.18 317 19.80012492 67.4890693
30 0.6 355 22.17364147 45.3154279
40 0.425 174.5 10.89943785 34.41599
50 0.3 130.5 8.151155528 26.2648345
100 0.15 204 12.74203623 13.5227983
200 0.075 93.5 5.840099938 7.68269831
PAN N/A 123 7.682698314 0
Table 4. Percent Passing Data for Corresponding Sieve Opening Sizes (Trial 2)
Particle size distribution graph is then obtained by plotting the sieve opening size on
the x-axis versus the percent passing on the y-axis as presented below:
Trial 1
Percent Passing (%)
Trial 2
50 Sieve #10
Sieve #40
20 Sieve #200
10 1 0.1 0.01
Graph 1: Over-laid Particle Size Distribution of the Soil Sample for Trials 1 and 2
In order to classify the grading of the soil sample, the coefficient of uniformity and
curvature were calculated as follows:
Equation 4 and 5
For Trial 1:
For Trial 2:
V. Analysis and Discussion
Particle size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data acquired from
particle size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to
determine suitability of soil for road construction, air field, and others. Also,
information obtained from particle size analysis is useful in describing the
permeability, compaction, and other properties of soils.
The experiment performed focuses on generating the particle size distribution of the
soil sample. The generated particle size distribution graph is used in a lot of ways
such as identifying the grading of the soil and the percentage of coarse materials and
the fines. As shown in the above section we were able to calculate the coefficient of
uniformity and curvature which were both used to conclude whether the soil is
uniformly graded. The coefficients will be compared based on the Unified Soil
Grading Criteria which is presented in the table below.
Criterion Gravel Sand
Since the soil particles used all passed sieve #4, the soil sample is thus considered as
containing of mostly of sands. Checking the values computed for the two trials, we
see that both coefficient of uniformity, of the two samples which were 10.3158
and 10.8889 are higher than 6. For the coefficient of curvature, , we see that both
values which where 1.6337 and 1.7245 are both more than 1 but less than 3. And
because the two trials of the soil samples were able to pass the criteria for uniformity
and curvature, we then conclude that the soil is uniformly graded.
Uniformly graded soils, like the soil sample, generally work best as a construction
material. This is because of the arrangement of the soil particles that lessens the
number of voids and improves compactability as we will see in experiment 3. Figure
1 shows the general formation of uniformly graded soils in contrast to others.
Figure 1. (i) Uniformly or Well Graded Soil Structure, (ii) Poorly Graded Soil, (iii) Gap Graded Soil
As we can see in Figure 1, a uniformly graded soil contains the least number of voids and
thus is the densest in solids. We can also induce that these type of soil has greater strength
against normal forces. Hence we can say that uniformly graded soils are more suitable as
foundation supports than poorly and gap graded soils.
Other than the grading of the soil, we can also see the percent of fines (particles that are less
than 0.075 mm in diameter) are just 7 to 8% of the total soil mass, hence this would infer that
the soil sample is not mainly affected by the Atterberg Limits that we were able to compute
in Experiment 2, because of the dominant number of sandy particles than the fines.
After thorough analysis it is concluded that the soil sample is uniformly graded and probably
works best as a construction material. Also, it is inferred that because of the low number of
fines, Atterberg limit which describes the fines will not be a great concern in contrasts to the
physical properties of the sandy particles that greatly affects the strength of the soil sample.
Note that because of the laboratory constraints, the hydrometer analysis which is used in
order to identify the particle size distribution of the soil was not performed and thus the
particle size distribution that was generated in this experiment is not complete.
Errors in the experiment performed were assumed to be almost negligible as see that the
distribution line of trials 1 and 2 are almost collinear as shown in Graph 1, which validates
the experiment that was done.
VII. References
1. American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM D422: Standard Test Method
for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. E-book.
2. Das, Braja M. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. Published on 2002.
3. Engineers Daily. AASHTO Soil Classification System. Retrieved in
last May 08, 2016. Web.
4. Army Engineer. General Engineering Properties. Retrieved in last May 08, 2016
5. Concrete Counter Top Institute. Aggregate Gradation. Retrieved in
regate_gradation last May 09, 2016