Sweet Corrosion in Pipeline
Sweet Corrosion in Pipeline
Sweet Corrosion in Pipeline
lar mist flow. These flow patterns also enhance inter- In practice, most pipeline failures are caused by
nal corrosion along the top and bottom of a pipe. localized corrosion instead of uniform corrosion,
Most work in understanding corrosion in oil and such as flow-independent pitting and/or FILC, often
gas pipelines has been carried out with single-phase called erosion-corrosion. The initiation of FILC has
water or two-phase gas/water systems.5-10 Moreover, been extensively studied by Schmitt and coworkers
small scale laboratory tests such as the rotating cyl- in theory as well as in high-pressure laboratory
inder electrode, jet impingement, bubble tests, and scale tests and large scale multiphase slug flow.13-17
small diameter flow loops are suitable methods for However, no research about critical conditions for the
studying flow effects on corrosion. These experimen- initiation of FILC in wet gas conditions has been
tal systems provide easy and inexpensive testing done so far.
under controlled conditions. However, these methods
do not take into account the effect of multiphase flow EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
and the presence of various flow regimes encoun-
tered in oil/water/gas pipelines. Hence, a scale-up of Flow Loop and Test Section
these results to multiphase flow under field condi- A unique, 18-m-long, 10-cm-diameter, high-
tions can lead to serious errors in the prediction of pressure, high-temperature, inclinable flow loop was
corrosion rates and flow-induced localized corrosion used to study CO2 wet gas corrosion (Figure 1). The
(FILC) under field conditions. entire loop is manufactured from Type 316 (UNS
Apparently, knowledge about the formation of S31600)(1) stainless steel (SS). A predetermined oil/
corrosion products by surface analysis should closely water mixture was stored in a 1.4-m3 tank, which
correspond to corrosion studies. The formation of served as a storage tank as well as a separation unit
corrosion products and their morphology strongly for the multiphase gas/oil/water mixture. The tank
depends upon the flow regime, solution chemistry, was heated by a heating jacket and two 3-kW immer-
geometry, pH, CO2 partial pressure, and tempera- sion heaters. Heat transfer oil was preheated in a
ture.3 These parameters influence the corrosion separate tank using four 3.7-kW heaters and pumped
mechanism and, therefore, the resulting corrosion through the heating jacket of the storage tank. Liquid
rates. The corrosion products formed vary accord- was moved through this system by a SS variable
ingly. A lot of research has been done in understand- speed centrifugal pump. The flow was controlled within
ing the corrosion product film properties,5,8,10-12 a range of 0 to 100 m3/h with the variable speed
but so far, no information is available on the flow- pump in conjunction with a recycle stream. The flow
dependent change of properties of iron carbonate rate was controlled by an inline turbine meter.
(FeCO3) scales under multiphase wet gas corrosion A fresh gas feed line at 2 MPa pressure supplied
conditions. CO2 gas from a 20,000-kg storage tank. This line was
initially used to pressurize the system and for cali-
UNS numbers are listed in Metals and Alloys in the Unified Num-
bering System, published by the Society of Automotive Engineers bration purposes when the system was running with
(SAE International) and cosponsored by ASTM International. once-through gas. In normal operation, gas is con-
Experimental Procedure
The test liquid consisted of deionized water and a
refined oil with a density of 800 kg/m3 and a viscos-
ity of 2 cp at 40°C, which served as the hydrocarbon
phase. The oil and water were mixed using a recycle
line back to the upper level of the tank during the
entire operation. The water cut in the pipe sent to the FIGURE 3. (a) Multiple coupon holder and (b) coupon holder probe.
test section was also monitored by withdrawing
samples of the test fluid. The flow rate of the recycle
stream was then adjusted accordingly to achieve the 10 ppm, respectively. The oxygen and iron levels
desired fluid composition. The system eventually were periodically monitored during testing.
contained 315 gal (1.2 m3) of test solution at 80% At the start of the experiments, the ER probes
water cut. The system was then deoxygenated by and coupon holders were flush-mounted into the test
once-through passing of CO2 at a low constant rate section. The system was pressurized to the desired
for about 4 h to 5 h. The levels of dissolved oxygen level and the liquid pump was turned on and ad-
and dissolved iron were controlled below 20 ppb and justed to the required level. Finally, the recirculating
gas pump was turned on to set the gas flow rate as
The carbon steel was given as 1018 steel (UNS G10180). How-
ever, the carbon content is a bit beyond the range of 1018, as required. For this work, the superficial liquid velocity
indicated in Table 1. (Vsl) of 0.05 m/s was used at superficial gas velocities
FIGURE 4. A typical flow regime map for gas/oil/water three-phase FIGURE 5. Change of dial readings with time at the top of the pipe
flow in horizontal pipes.18 for Vsl = 0.05 m/s, T = 90°C, and P = 0.45 MPa.
FIGURE 8. SEM micrographs for coupons at Vsl = 0.05 m/s, T = 90°C, and P = 0.45 MPa. (a) Vsg = 15 m/s bottom;
(b) Vsg = 15 m/s top; (c) Vsg = 20 m/s bottom; (d) Vsg = 20 m/s top.
roughness. The lower plateaus are smoother and x-ray into the metal substrate, which means the film
appear to be topotactically grown. is <30 µ m in thickness, porous, or nonuniform.8 The
These results are in accordance with observations bottom coupon’s XRD spectrum (Figure 9 [b]) for the
reported in the literature.1,8 At comparable tempera- same test conditions revealed only the high-intensity
tures, the scales formed in a CO2 environment were iron peaks at 2θ of 44.6 and 65.2 degrees. The FeCO3
usually thin (<30 µ m), compact, and highly adherent, peaks almost disappeared and remained at a very
which was always related to a pronounced reduction low level. This is because the film is much thinner
of the corrosion rate.8 Once protective scales form at and it presumably consists of some noncrystalline
temperatures ~80°C, they appear very robust and components. Further examination by XPS was ap-
resistive even under severe flow conditions.1 plied on this coupon because XPS can provide ele-
In Figures 9 through 11, the results of the sur- ment and chemical state identification for atoms
face analysis investigations are presented. Figure 9(a) located at the top atomic layers of the sample investi-
shows the XRD spectrum for the top coupon cor- gated.20 Figure 10 shows Fe 2p, O 1s, and C 1s peaks
roded under 0.45 MPa CO2 at 90°C, 20 m/s Vsg, and in the XPS spectrum. The atomic ratio of Fe and O
0.05 m/s Vsl. It shows both iron (Fe) and iron carbon- was found to be about 1:3, the carbon content was
ate (FeCO3) peaks at their corresponding characteris- comparably high, most probably due to an insuffi-
tic Bragg’s angles, 2θ. The high-intensity peaks for cient removal of the hydrocarbon phase, resulting in
FeCO3 appear at 2θ of 32.05, 52.87, 46.28, 24.77, some carbon contamination of the surface of the cor-
42.39, 38.42 degrees, which indicates that FeCO3 is rosion product scale.
the corrosion product formed on the metal surface. The stability and therefore the protection of cor-
The Fe peaks are the result of the penetration of the rosion product scales strongly depends on their me-
The authors acknowledge the Institute for Corro-
sion and Multiphase Technology at Ohio University
and its member companies for the financial support
of this research; M. Kordesch and D. Ingram in the
Physics Department at Ohio University for helpful
discussions about XRD analysis and XPS studies;
and S. Nesic for helpful discussions.
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FIGURE 11. Cross sections for coupons at Vsl = 0.05 m/s, T = 90°C, and P = 0.45 MPa. (a) Vsg = 15 m/s bottom;
(b) Vsg = 15 m/s top; (c) Vsg = 20 m/s bottom; (d) Vsg = 20 m/s top.
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