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Aid package for 9/11 responders Martin powers Boise State

passed, p4 past Utah in MAACO Bowl, p6


Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869

50¢ daily Thursday, december 23, 2010 Delphos, Ohio

St. Rita’s giving

heart attacks
a cold chill
mford@delphosherald.com “ ... Anytime there’s
LIMA — Medical statistics cardiac arrest, blood
show cardiac arrest carries a great- flow stops. Oxygen
Upfront er than 90 percent mortality rate.
It also leads to more than 300,000
isn’t flowing to
the brain, so brain
deaths in the United States each
Lima Memorial, year. According to officials at damage starts to
St. Rita’s Medical Center, many develop but cooling
St. Rita’s to start initially-resuscitated patients die
during subsequent hospitalization, the body decreases
tobacco-free nationwide. Among the few sur- the demand for
vivors that make it to hospital dis- oxygen and lowers
hiring practice charge, neurological impairment
often remains a lasting morbidity. the metabolism. A
LIMA — As part of
Santa visits Tender Times Stacy Taff photos
Dr. Todd Bell, D.L., says the heart attack also
Lima Memorial Health
Children at Tender Times Child Development Center enjoyed a pajama party and hospital is preparing a new treat-
ment to lower certain patients’ releases toxins and
System’s and St. Rita’s
visit from Santa on Wednesday. Above: Santa hears the wishes of one of the children
as others wait their turn. Below: Children participate in a rousing version of “Jingle core temperature. lowering the body
Medical Center’s efforts Bells” with their instruments.
“After they’re resuscitated, if temperature mini-
they are comatose, we’ll put them
to foster a healthy work-
into a therapeutic hypothermia mizes their effects.
place and community,
both will begin hiring unit. We’ll induce a low body So, this treatment
only tobacco-free employ- temperature of about 91 or 92 allows the body
degrees to decrease brain damage.
ees beginning Jan. 1. Anytime there’s cardiac arrest, to start to heal.”
Under the new hir- blood flow stops. Oxygen isn’t
ing practice, applicants flowing to the brain, so brain — Dr. Todd Bell, D.L.
to either hospital will be damage starts to develop but
asked to confirm their cooling the body decreases the be on a ventilator and that’s the
tobacco use status on their demand for oxygen and lowers kind of patient we’ll use this on,”
employment application. the metabolism. A heart attack he said.
Lima Memorial will test also releases toxins and lowering “It’s called an Arctic Sun
all applicants for tobacco the body temperature minimizes Therapeutic Hypothermia Cooling
use as part of the regu- their effects. So, this treatment System. It has water-cooled pads
lar, pre-employment drug allows the body to start to heal,” that go on the torso, abdomen and
he said. other places. It circulates cold
screening process. LMHS Bell says only the most critical water to get the body’s tempera-
applicants who declare heart attack patients will receive ture down to about 92 degrees.
tobacco use, as well as this therapy. The patient is in it for 24 hours;
those who do not pass the “Someone who is resuscitated then, we’ll re-warm the body over
screening, may reapply for and stays awake is not someone another 24 hours.”
a position after 90 days. we will use this on. If Delphos Bell said the treatment has
At St. Rita’s, applicants EMS picks up someone who is been used in larger centers for a
will not be routinely tested. down and they get them back or couple of years. St. Rita’s incor-
Under the new hiring prac- they bring them to us and we get porated it into it’s programs Dec.
tice, failure to report correct them back, that person’s going to 15.

Ottoville to widen street

information on the employ-
ment application could be
grounds for termination.
The tobacco-free hiring BY MIKE FORD now they’re getting ready
practice is aligned with both mford@delphosherald.com to build about 22 homes
hospitals’ ongoing efforts on the 15 acres. Right
to support good health OTTOVILLE — now, there are a couple
among their employees. Council has begun a street new homes out there that
Lima Memorial’s Living widening project by get- have wide streets but the
Well Associate Wellness ting some red tape out street that feeds it is nar-
Program offers smoking of the way in conjunc- row, so we’re going to
cessation support for associ- tion with a new housing widen it out there,” he
ates as well as incentives edition. The body held said.
to encourage participation a short meeting prior
in wellness activities. Council approved a
to its Christmas party 2-percent pay increase
St. Rita’s will offer Wednesday.
tobacco cessation pro- to be assessed across the
“We plan to widen board to employees but the
grams to employees Fifth Street to the new
and their spouses. street project is the high
Bently edition and need priority being addressed.
to submit water and “We’re just in the pre-
Sports sewer permits to the
Environmental Protection
liminary phase; we plan
to widen the street, put
Agency. We met with curb and gutter in it, a new
TODAY engineers and they want- water line and new storm
ed to get the permits to sewers. We’re just at the
Boys Basketball the EPA so that they can point of getting everything
(6 p.m.): St. John’s at get that back and have together. The engineers
Franklin holds Teddy Bear Raffle
Stacy Taff photos
Continental; Lima Temple everything approved will start putting a pack-
Christian at Fort Jennings; through the EPA when age together to advertise
Spencerville at Minster; they get ready to start,” Franklin Elementary School held its annual Teddy Bear Raffle Tuesday to raise
for bids. They’ll draw up
Kalida at Lincolnview. said Mayor Ron Miller. money for stuffed animals for children in the hospital. The bears were raffled off
blueprints and we hope to
Lima Senior at He explained the vil- and then distributed during an assembly Tuesday morning. Hunter Mericle, above,
start in Spring. That’s why
Elida, 6:30 p.m. lage grew in land mass claims his prize: a red, white and blue bear. Below: Kindergarten teacher Brett
we’re getting paperwork
Girls Basketball: Jefferson when it annexed the prop- Halsey claims his pink bunny while custodian Dave Ricker looks on, clutching his
done now because we stuffed pony. Following the assembly, the students watched Toy Story 3.
at Van Wert, 6 p.m. erty last year. hope to have the bidding
Wrestling: Spencerville “The edition is in the process in February and
and Ottawa-Glandorf developing process; it’s March so we can award
at St. Marys, 6 p.m. out on 189 headed toward the thing in May and work
Fort Jennings. We incor- can take place during the
Forecast porated it last year and summer,” he said.
Mostly cloudy
Friday; high
in upper 20s.
Holiday hours for local merchants
See page 2. • The Delphos Herald - Closed at noon Christmas Eve, no
publication on Christmas day
• Delphos Public Library- Closed Christmas Eve until
Index • Speedway- Fifth Street, regular hours; Main Street,
Obituaries 2 regular hours
State/Local 3 • Circle K- Regular hours
• Point Marathon- Regular hours Christmas Eve, open at
Politics 4
7 a.m. Christmas day
Community 5 • Bellmann’s Party Shop- Open until 6 p.m. Christmas
Sports 6-7 Eve, closed Christmas day
Farm 7 • Chief Supermarket- Open until 6 p.m. Christmas Eve,
Classifieds 8 closed Christmas day
TV 9 • ACE Hardware - Open until 3 p.m. Christmas Eve,
World News 10 closed Christmas day
• Tri-County Do-It Center - Open until noon Christmas
Eve, closed until Monday
• ALCO - Open until 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, closed
Christmas day
2 – The Herald Thursday, December 23, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

For The Record

Persecuted Iraqi POLICE REPORT The Delphos
Christians cancel Teen cited for driving under the Driver faces
influence; underage passengers also OVI charges
Herald Vol. 141 No. 163

Christmas festivities
Nancy Spencer, editor
On Sunday at approximate- he was later released after On Sunday at approximate- Ray Geary, general manager
ly 3:13 a.m., Delphos Police being cited into Van Wert Delphos Herald, Inc.
ly 8:41 p.m., Delphos police
initiated a routine traffic stop Municipal Court. Don Hemple,
initiated a routine traffic stop advertising manager
By YAHYA BARZANJI Kanna, a Christian lawmaker on 18-year-old Delphos resi- Three passengers, Nathan on 20-year-old Delphos resi-
and SAMEER N. YACOUB from Baghdad. Tiffany Brantley,
dent Blake Williams. Jackson, 18, Carrisa Shafer, dent Dustin Kunz. circulation manager
Associated Press Even before the Oct. 31 During the traffic stop, 18, both of Delphos; and During the officer’s contact William Kohl,
church attack, thousands of it was determined that Taylor Mueller, 18, of Van with Kunz, it appeared Mr. general manager/Eagle Print
KIRKUK, Iraq — No dec- Christians were fleeing Iraq. Williams was driving under Wert were all charged with Kunz was under the influence.
orations, no midnight Mass. They make up more than a third the influence. He was underage consumption His vehicle was towed and he
Even an appearance by Santa of the 53,700 Iraqis resettled in transported to the Delphos and cited into Van Wert was transported to the Delphos The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
Claus has been nixed after the United States since 2007, Police Department, where Municipal Court. 8000) is published daily except
Police Department where he Sundays and Holidays.
Iraq’s Christian leaders called according to State Department
Dog shot
was later released after being
off Christmas celebrations
amid new al-Qaida threats on
Since the church attack,
Teen cited for cited into Van Wert Municipal
Court for driving under the
By carrier in Delphos and
area towns, or by rural motor

underage con- with arrow

route where available $2.09 per
the tiny community still terri- some 1,000 families have influence. week. By mail in Allen, Van
fied from a bloody siege on a fled to Iraq’s safer Kurdish-
Baghdad church. ruled north, according to the sumption, disor- On Sunday at approximate-
Resident reports Wert, or Putnam County, $105
per year. Outside these counties

identity theft
Christians across Iraq have United Nations, which recently $119 per year.
been living in fear since the
assault on Our Lady of Salvation
warned of a steady exodus of
Iraqi Christians.
derly conduct ly 2:34 p.m., Delphos police
responded to the 700 block of
Entered in the post office
in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Clime Street in reference the On Tuesday at approxi-
Church as its Catholic congre- The latest threats were post- On Tuesday at approxi- Periodicals, postage paid at
to homeowners pet had been mately 7:44 p.m., a 50-year-
gation was celebrating Sunday ed late Tuesday by the Islamic mately 6:48 p.m., Delphos Delphos, Ohio.
shot with an arrow. old resident from the 400
Mass. Sixty-eight people were State of Iraq, an al-Qaida front police responded to the 200 No mail subscriptions will be
When the officers arrived, block of East Second Street accepted in towns or villages
killed. Days later Islamic insur- group, on a website frequent- block of Holland Avenue on a
the residents reported a visitor came to the Delphos Police where The Daily Herald paper
gents bombed Christian homes ed by Islamic extremists. The disturbance call.
had let their pet out and within Department to file a report of carriers or motor routes provide
and neighborhoods across the group said it wants the release Upon officers’ arrival, it
a short period of time, their identity theft. daily home delivery for $2.09
capital. of two women it claims are was discovered the male sub-
dog returned to their home When the officers spoke per week.
On Tuesday, al-Qaida being held captive by Egypt’s ject in question had left prior 405 North Main St.
and they could hear it yelping. with the victim, they reported
insurgents threatened more Coptic Church. to the officers arrival. When TELEPHONE 695-0015
When they let the dog inside, numerous charges had fraud-
attacks on Iraq’s beleaguered Muslim extremists in Egypt the officers returned to the Office Hours
they discovered a blue, field- ulently been billed to their
Christians, many of whom accuse the Coptic Church of residence, 19-year-old Dustin 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
tip arrow protruding from the Visa/debit card over the last 3
have fled their homes or the detaining the women for alleg- Irwin was taken into custody POSTMASTER:
dog’s shoulder. 1/2 months. Send address changes
country since the church edly converting to Islam, an for underage consumption and
The dog was transport- The account(s) have been to THE DAILY HERALD,
attack. A council representing accusation the church denies. persistent disorderly conduct
ed to the Lima Emergency closed and the case remains 405 N. Main St.
Christian denominations across The message posted Tuesday and transported to the Allen
Veterinary Hospital for treat- under investigation. Delphos, Ohio 45833
County Justice Center.
Driver cited for
Iraq advised its followers to was addressed to Iraq’s
cancel public celebrations of Christian community and said ment.
Christmas out of concern for
their lives and as a show of
it was designed to “pressure”
Driver cited for The incident occurred
between 2-2:30 p.m. and is suspension TODAY
mourning for the victims. Few reliable statis- expired tags, still under investigation.
On Tuesday at approxi- IN HISTORY
“Nobody can ignore the
threats of al-Qaida against Iraqi
tics exist on the number of
Christians remaining in this driving under Cash reported mately 10:36 p.m., Delphos
police initiated a routine By The Associated Press
Christians,” said Chaldean
Archbishop Louis Sako in
nation of 29 million. A recent
State Department report says suspension stolen from traffic stop on 44-year-old
Delphos resident Stephen T.
Today is Thursday, Dec.
23, the 357th day of 2010.
Kirkuk. “We cannot find a sin-
gle source of joy that makes us
Christian leaders estimate there
are 400,000 to 600,000, down On Sunday at approxi-
residence Cunningham.
During the traffic stop, it
There are 8 days left in the
celebrate. The situation of the from a prewar level of some mately 11:19 a.m., Delphos On Saturday at approxi- was determined Cunningham Today’s Highlight in
Christians is bleak.” 1.4 million. police initiated a routine traf- mately 4:27 p.m., a homeown- was currently under a finan- History:
Church officials in Baghdad, For those who remain, fic stop on a vehicle with er in the 700 block of West cial responsibility judgement On Dec. 23, 1968, 82 crew
as well as in the northern cities Christmas will be a somber expired tags. Third Street reported their suspension. members of the U.S. intel-
of Kirkuk and Mosul and the affair. During the traffic stop, it home had been broken into. Cunningham was released ligence ship Pueblo were
southern city of Basra, said In the northern city of was discovered the driver, When the police offi- after being cited into Lima released by North Korea, 11
they will not put up Christmas Kirkuk, 180 miles (290 kilo- 48-year-old Steven C. Seitz cers arrived, the homeowner Municipal Court. months after they had been
decorations or celebrate mid- meters) north of Baghdad, Sako reported the burglary and theft captured.
Driver cited for
of Delphos was driving under
night Mass. They urged wor- said there will be no Christmas suspension. occurred sometime after Dec. On this date:
shippers not to decorate their decorations outside churches 16 and was discovered on In 1783, George Washington
homes. Even an appearance by and a traditional visit by Santa
Seitz was transported to the
Delphos Police Department, Saturday. driving under resigned as commander in chief
Santa Claus was called off. Claus has also been called off. where he was later released An undisclosed amount of of the Continental Army and
“It’s to avoid any attacks, Money usually used on cel- after being cited into Lima cash was stolen. retired to his home at Mount
but also to show that people are ebrations or gifts will instead Municipal Court for failure to The case is still under On Tuesday at approxi- Vernon, Va.
sad, not happy,” said Younadim go to help Christian refugees. reinstate. investigation. mately 12:27 a.m., Delphos In 1788, Maryland passed
police initiated a routine traffic an act to cede an area “not
VAN WERT COUNTY COURT NEWS BIRTHS stop on 35-year-old Delphos
resident Joshua C. Fultz.
exceeding 10 miles square”
for the seat of the national
The following individuals between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31. County Sheriff Department, ST. RITA’S During the traffic stop, it government; about 2/3 of the
appeared Wednesday before Baer was released on a Ridenour caused or attempted A boy was born Dec. 22 was determined Fultz was area became the District of
Judge Charles Steele in Van $5,000 unsecured personal to cause physical harm to a to Josh and Carrie Kimmel of currently under suspension Columbia.
Wert County Common Pleas bond with Judge Steele set- family or household member. Cloverdale. for license forfeiture. He was In 1823, the poem “Account
Court: ting a pretrial hearing for 8 Ridenour was ordered A girl was born Dec. 22 to cited into Lima Municipal of a Visit from St. Nicholas”
a.m. Jan. 12. to undergo a psychological Thomas and Amber Ball of Court and then released. was published anonymously in
the Troy (N.Y.) Sentinel; the
Jeremy G. Baer, 27,
Paulding, was arraigned and
Brittney Garwood, 22,
Van Wert, was sent to prison
assessment and complete any
programs recommend, must
Driver hits track verse, more popularly known

decline, airbags
as “’Twas the Night Before
entered a not guilty plea to a for nine months after she was make restitution to the victim
charge of grand theft, a felony found to be in violation of her for medical bills, pay costs Christmas,” was later attrib-
of the fourth degree.
According to the Van Wert
community control.
Garwood was found guilty
associated with the prosecu-
tion of her case. WEATHER FORECAST
deploy uted to Clement C. Moore.
In 1893, the Engelbert
County Sheriff Department, of violating her community A 180-day jail sentence and Tri-county At 3:05 p.m. on Wednesday, Humperdinck opera “Haensel
Baer, a former employee of control by associating with a $1,000 fine were deferred The Associated Press a traffic accident occurred und Gretel” was first per-
an Ohio City manufacturing convicted felons and also to pending the successful com- when the driver of a Pontiac formed, in Weimar, Germany.
plant, allegedly took alumi- have possession of dangerous pletion of the community con- TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Grand Prix struck the decline In 1928, the National
num molds from the company drugs. trol program. Lows 15 to 20. Northwest of a set of railroad tracks with Broadcasting Company set up
which were sold for scrap Garwood had originally John R. McGinnis, 29, winds 5 to 10 mph. the undercarriage of his vehi- a permanent, coast-to-coast
metal. The alleged thefts were been convicted of a drug vio- Van Wert, was returned to FRIDAY: Mostly cloudy. cle. network.
to have occurred some time lation when she was placed on prison after it was found that Highs in the upper 20s. North Spencer Wells, 23, of In 1941, during World
community control. he had violated the terms of winds around 5 mph. Delphos, was traveling south- War II, American forces on
Judge Steele gave Garwood his community control. CHRISTMAS EVE: bound on Canal Street and Wake Island surrendered to
credit for 200 days which she McGinnis allegedly violat- Cloudy. Lows in the lower attempted to cross over the the Japanese.
had served on the sentence. ed his community control after 20s. North winds around 5 incline/decline of the CSX In 1948, former Japanese
Haley J. Moser, 20, Van being found in possession of mph. railroad crossing next to premier Hideki Tojo and six
Wert, was granted judicial drug paraphernalia, associat- Bunge Corp., striking the other Japanese war leaders
release from prison and placed ing with convicted felons and EXTENDED FORECAST underside of his vehicle on the were executed in Tokyo.
on three years of community possession of drugs. CHRISTMAS DAY: decline. This caused Wells’ In 1967, President Lyndon
control. McGinnis was ordered to Cloudy. Highs in the mid 20s. airbag to deploy, causing him B. Johnson held an unprec-
Moser will spend up to six spend a 10-month prison sen- North winds 5 to 10 mph. non-incapacitating injury. edented meeting with Pope
months at the WORTH Center tence and given credit for 124 CHRISTMAS NIGHT, There was moderate dam- Paul VI at the Vatican.
in Lima as part of her com- days he had served against the SUNDAY: Cloudy. Lows 15 age to Wells’ vehicle, which In 1975, Richard S. Welch,
munity control program, had original sentence. to 20. Highs in the lower 20s. was towed. Wells was trans- the Central Intelligence
her driver’s license suspended Terry Short, 41, Lima, SUNDAY NIGHT, ported to St. Rita’s Medical Agency station chief in
for a period of six months and was found in violation of his MONDAY: Mostly cloudy. Center by Delphos EMS. Athens, was shot and killed
was ordered to pay costs asso- community control for failing Lows around 10 above. Highs He was cited for a failure to outside his home by the mili-
Paige Kay McKinley
12/23/2000 to 3/14/2001 ciated with her prosecution. to pay his child support, and in the mid 20s. maintain reasonable control. tant group November 17.

Happy 10th Birthday Judge Steele suspended that he had failed to notify the MONDAY NIGHT-
in Heaven Punkin
We remember well your sweet little the balance of her 10-month probation department that he TUESDAY NIGHT: Partly
head of dark hair, those chubby kissable prison sentence pending the had moved. cloudy. Lows around 10 above. CLEVELAND (AP) — Powerball
cheeks, and dark eyes. We think of you
often and wonder what you would
successful completion of the Judge Steele ordered that Highs in the upper 20s. These Ohio lotteries were 11-33-44-46-47, Powerball:
look like today? What kind of mischief community control program. Short spend the balance of his WEDNESDAY: Partly drawn Wednesday: 12, Power Play: 2
would you be gettimg into with your Rebecca Ridenour, 28, 12-month prison sentence and cloudy in the morning becom- Classic Lotto Estimated jackpot: $35 mil-
brother? We shouldn’t be sad because
they say you are a powerful spirit. Ohio City, was placed on one was given credit for 159 day ing mostly cloudy. Highs in 22-24-25-41-43-48 lion
And we shouldn’t ask why. But we year of community control on he had previously served in the lower 30s. Estimated jackpot: $16.8 Rolling Cash 5
are human. Do you get to blow out 10 a charge of domestic violence, jail awaiting final disposition million 03-08-14-22-37
candles in Heaven?
Mega Millions
Grandma & Grandpa,
Mommy & Daddy & Corbin
a misdemeanor of the first
of the charge.
Gilbert S. Gomez, 41, OCAL RICES Estimated jackpot: $168

According to the Van Wert Toledo, entered a no contest million

Corn: $5.91 Midday 3 Ten OH
plea on a charge of possession Wheat: $6.84 6-7-9 02-09-10-11-12-24-30-31-
of drugs, a felony of the fifth Beans: $13.07 Midday 4 40-41-45-47-48-50-60-62-68-
degree. 9-8-4-7 73-74-79
Judge Steele ordered a pre- Found in Brazil, an adult Gold Pick 3 Ten OH Midday
sentence investigation and Frog measures 9.8 millimeters, 2-0-9 07-08-13-19-23-26-30-41-
scheduled sentencing for 9 approximately 3/8 inch, in body Pick 4 43-53-58-62-63-68-71-72-74-
a.m. Feb. 2. length. 5-4-8-7 75-77-78

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High court approves EarthTalk®
Livestock care
tobacco funds diversion From the Editors of E/The
Environmental Magazine
the new regulations will spare
wastewater treatment sys-
tems from dealing with 10-12
Cascade Complete All in 1
pacs (at a cost of 28 cents
per load), Ecover tablets
rules, penalties
By JULIE CARR SMYTH al,” he wrote. Dear EarthTalk: What’s percent of the phosphates (27 cents), Finish Powerball
Associated Press Strickland said the ruling up with dishwasher deter- previously encountered. Tabs tablets (22 cents), and
approved COLUMBUS — The Ohio
frees up money that had been
pinpointed to extend Medicaid
gents of late? They’re clear-
ly not working as well. I
Wastewater treatment manag-
ers in Spokane, Washington,
Method Smarty Dish tablets
(21 cents), but other brands
COLUMBUS (AP) — Supreme Court ruled unani- coverage to children whose hope whatever was done is for example, found that a and formulations also per-
mously on Wednesday that families live at 200 to 300 per- helping the environment local year-old ban on phos- formed adequately if used
Rules for putting sick live- lawmakers didn’t violate the cent of the poverty level.
stock to death and civil pen- because it’s not helping my phates in dishwashing deter- properly.
state Constitution when they The largest portion of the dishes. gent there saved them from Consumer Reports also
alties for violators cleared a took about $230 million set tobacco diversion was desig-
key legislative committee on — Sally P., Everett, WA dealing with upwards of 180 provides tips on optimiz-
aside for tobacco prevention nated for optional Medicaid pounds of phosphates — or ing the performance of your
Wednesday. and used it for other purposes. services, including vision,
The Ohio Livestock Care What happened was that in about 10 percent of the total dishwasher and dishwashing
Disappointed anti-tobacco podiatry, dental and hospice July 2010 a significant reduc- load — each and every day at detergent no matter which
Standards Board created by advocates called on Republican care. Other programs it was
voters last year has been tion in the amount of phos- municipal wastewater treat- brand you use. For starters,
Gov.-elect John Kasich and to fund were adult and child phates allowed in automatic ment facilities — saving not load large items at the sides
working for months to devel- the incoming GOP-controlled protective services, breast and
op standards governing the dishwasher detergent went only money but also the other and back of the dishwasher
Legislature to push for a cervical cancer screenings and into effect in Washington chemicals used to treat the so they don’t block water and
care and well-being of farm tobacco tax hike next year to a “buy-in” program that helps
animals and penalties for vio- State. Similar regulations water. detergent from reaching other
help pay for smoking-related special-needs children get
lating those standards. were implemented in 14 Given the shift in so many dishes. And place the dirtier
health care costs. health care coverage.
Approved penalties for Tobacco-Free Kids presi- “This is a great victory other states (Illinois, Indiana, states, many manufactur- side of dishes towards the cen-
the euthanasia rules cleared dent Matthew Myers called the for children’s health care in Maryland, Massachusetts, ers have reformulated their ter of the machine to provide
Wedneday and other care state’s handling of the money Ohio,” Strickland said in a Michigan, Minnesota, entire product lines for mar- more exposure to the sprayer.
standards still being devel- “penny-wise and pound-fool- statement. “Now, Ohio has the Montana, New Hampshire, kets across the country, so Also, try to prevent dishes and
oped range from $500 for ish.” resources to ensure that all Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, even if you don’t live in utensils from nesting within
minor offenses to $10,000 for “It is outrageous that this children in Ohio have access Vermont, Virginia, and one of the affected states one another so that the water
repeat major ones. Some of year, Ohio will collect $1.2 to quality, affordable health Wisconsin) for 2009 before you might be getting dish- can reach all surfaces.
the care standards still being billion in tobacco revenue care coverage, regardless of Oregon and Washington washing detergent with a lot
developed deal with areas like from the 1998 state tobacco their financial situation. This added their names to the list less phosphorous as well. Send your environmental
housing and overall manage- settlement and tobacco taxes, significant decision frees up earlier this year. Previously Consumer Reports tested 24 questions to: EarthTalk®,
ment of livestock. but will spend none of it on state funds that can now be phosphates could constitute of the leading low-phosphate c/o E – The Environmental
Karen Minton, state direc- tobacco prevention programs,” used to improve the lives of up to 8.7 percent of dish- dishwasher detergents to see Magazine, P.O. Box 5098,
tor for the Humane Society, Myers said in a statement. children and families across washer detergent; now the which ones got dishes clean- Westport, CT 06881; earth-
said the animal welfare group Affirming a ruling by the the state.” new regulations limit them to est. The top finishers were talk@emagazine.com.
is “comfortable” with the rules 10th District Court of Appeals, The money in the tobacco 0.5 percent.
stating acceptable ways of put- the high court agreed that the prevention fund came from The main problem with
ting sick animals to death. Legislature was within its the landmark settlement Ohio phosphates, which also come
The Humane Society had legal rights when it moved the and other states reached with from agricultural and land-
wanted strangulation ruled out money in 2008, even though it tobacco companies to resolve scaping activities, is that they
as a method of euthanasia, and had been placed in a protected lawsuits over the effects of get into natural water bodies
it is omitted from the accept- fund. smoking. Ohio’s share was and act as fertilizer, acceler-
The Ohio Tobacco Use $10.1 billion. ating plant and algae growth.
able methods. Prevention and Control Fund Shortly after the stimulus
Minton said there are some When the plants and algae die,
was simply a state agency cre- deal was announced, the trust a feeding frenzy of bacteria
concerns over the civil penal- ated in 2000 and abolished in fund transferred $190 mil-
ties. consume all the oxygen dis-
2008, justices ruled — not a lion of the money to the anti- solved in the water, creating
“We don’t believe some trust with special privileges smoking American Legacy
of them are as clear as they an environment inhospitable
under the law. Foundation, and both groups to fish and other aquatic life.
should be,” she said. “But Lawmakers and Democratic began their legal fight to pro-
we are optimistic about the These oxygen-devoid “dead
Gov. Ted Strickland struck a tect the cash. The total is now zones” can occur in freshwa-
board’s progress so far.” bipartisan agreement in April $258 million, which includes
Action by the Joint ter or in the ocean. In fact,
2008 liquidating the fund and interest. two of the world’s largest
Committee on Agency Rule diverting most of it to help American Legacy’s general
Review addressed some of dead zones are in the Baltic
pay for a $1.57 billion eco- counsel Ellen Vargyas made
the issues from an agree- Sea and the Gulf of Mexico,
nomic stimulus package to no apologies Wednesday for
ment reached in June between create jobs. Later, the money engaging in the battle. the result of fertilizers run-
Ohio agriculture businesses, was redirected to expand state “We stand up for what we ning off of farmland. Besides
the Humane Society of the health care benefits. did,” she said. “In our view, phosphates’ negative effect
United States and Gov. Ted Writing for the court, if Ohio were to have kept the on water bodies, their pres-
Strickland. The governor bro- Justice Paul Pfeifer said par- programs it would have reaped ence in the environment can
kered the agreement in which ties in the case debated wheth- benefits both financially and also be harmful to terrestrial
the Humane Society agreed er the money would be bet- beyond that.” wildlife and can trigger skin Sixteen U.S. states now severely limit the amount of
to abandon a fall ballot issue ter spent on tobacco cessation Visiting Justice Sean and eye irritation and aller- phosphates allowed in automatic dishwasher detergents
against animal cruelty in than on job creation efforts. Gallagher said he believes law- gies, among other ill effects, due to their negative impacts on wastewater systems,
exchange for livestock care “The question whether it is makers intended to create a safe in humans. water bodies and human health. While some do not clean
standards. wise to enact legislation is not trust fund for the money but Environmentalists and oth- as well as a result, Consumer Reports tested 24 leading
the same question as whether failed, stymieing legal protec- ers supportive of the reduc- low-phosphate offerings and gave highest marks to brands
Caesars to play the legislation is constitution- tions trustees argued they had. tion in phosphates claim that by Cascade, Finish, Method and Ecover (pictured here).

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POLITICS “All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in
life, good, bad or peculiar.” — Grace Paley, American writer (1922-2007)

Senate ratifies nuke pact

By DONNA CASSATA Moscow welcomed the vote est nuclear powers that lim-
and DESMOND BUTLER but still needed to study the its our nuclear arsenals while
Associated Press accompanying Senate resolu- maintaining strategic stability
tion. is imperative to promoting
WASHINGTON — The Vice President Joe Biden global security,” Clinton said
Senate on Wednesday ratified presided over the Senate in a statement applauding the
an arms control treaty with and announced the vote. vote.
Russia that reins in the nucle- Secretary of State Hillary Senate Majority Leader
ar weapons that could plunge Rodham Clinton observed the Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the
the world into doomsday, giv- vote from the Senate floor. vote bolstered Obama’s stand-
ing President Barack Obama Both former senators had lob- ing on the world stage.
a major foreign policy win in bied furiously for the treaty’s “That treaty was the stand-
Congress’ waning hours. approval. ing of the United States in
Thirteen Republicans broke “The question is whether the world community, and
with their top two leaders and we move the world a little out whether Barack Obama was a
joined 56 Democrats and two of the dark shadow of nuclear man who deserved the Nobel
independents in providing the nightmare,” Foreign Relations Peace Prize, a man who has
necessary two-thirds vote to Committee Chairman John so turned around American
approve the treaty. The vote Kerry, D-Mass., said to his foreign policy,” Reid told The
was 71-26, with Sen. Ron colleagues moments before Associated Press in an inter-
Wyden, D-Ore., showing up the historic tally. view.
Housing market
just two days after cancer sur- Calling the treaty a World leaders hailed
gery. national security impera- the Senate vote, with U.N.
flat on its back Obama praised the strong
bipartisan vote for a treaty
tive, Obama had pressed for
its approval before a new,
Ki-moon calling it “a firm
One Year Ago WASHINGTON (AP) he described as the most sig- more Republican Congress and clear message in support
• Ottoville students helped to celebrate the holiday season — More people bought pre- nificant arms control pact in assumes power in January. of nuclear disarmament and
by participating in a nationwide program called “The Great viously owned homes in
Bedtime Story Pajama Drive.” This program helps to provide nearly two decades. In recent days, he had tele- nonproliferation.”
November, the third increase “This treaty will enhance phoned a handful of wavering The New START treaty,
children with brand-new pajamas and books. The program is in four months after the worst
sponsored by Scholastic Books Clubs. The pajama program is our leadership to stop the Republicans, eventually lock- signed by Obama and Russian
summer season in more than spread of nuclear weapons ing in their votes. President Dmitry Medvedev
a nonprofit organization that provides pajamas and books to
children in need every year, including those in group homes, a decade. and seek the peace of a world The Obama administration in April, would limit each
shelters, foster care and orphanages. Still, economists say it without them,” he told report- has argued that the United country’s strategic nuclear
could take years for home ers at a White House news States must show credibility warheads to 1,550, down from
25 Years Ago — 1985 sales to return to healthy lev- conference. in its improved relations with the current ceiling of 2,200. It
• Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Catholic Ladies els. The accord, which still its former Cold War foe, and also would establish a system
of Columbia, Council 30 held its annual Christmas party at Buyers bought homes at a must be approved by Russia, the treaty was critical to any for monitoring and verifica-
Lock 16 Restaurant. After the meal a short business session seasonally adjusted annual rate would restart onsite weapons rapprochement. The White tion. U.S. weapons inspec-
was held with President Barb Landin presiding. The committee of 4.68 million, the National inspections as successors to House is counting on Russia tions ended last year with the
composed of Ethel Perrin, Becky Perrin, Angie Hohlbein and Association of Realtors said President Ronald Reagan have to help pressure Iran over its expiration of a 1991 treaty.
Valeta Siebeneck, entertained the group. Wednesday. Even with the embraced his edict of “trust, nuclear ambitions. “START” stands for
• Mary Lou Morgan, who has served 12 years as a mem- rise, this year is shaping up but verify.” Russian Foreign “A responsible partnership Strategic Arms Reduction
ber of the board of library trustees, will resign her position. to be the worst for home sales Minister Sergey Lavrov said between the world’s two larg- Treaty.

Aid package for 9/11 responders passed

Morgan’s resignation, effective Dec. 31, will end a seven-year since 1997.
term on her appointment and a five-year unexpired term she Economists say it could
filled for Elmer Werner. take at least two years or lon-
• In an exciting Putnam County League matchup the Fort ger to return to a more normal By ANDREW MIGA Gillibrand of New York for finally working out a bill.
Jennings Musketeers topped Ottoville 69-66. The Muskies now level for sales of around 6 mil- Associated Press and Republican Sens. Tom “As we look forward to
stand at 1-0 in the PCL and 5-1 overall. The Muskies had three lion units a year. Coburn of Oklahoma and the 10th anniversary of the
men in double figures. Brad Miehls led his team with 20. Gary “The housing market is still WASHINGTON — After Mike Enzi of Wyoming. New September 11th attacks, I am
Menke and Mark Von Lehmden added 18 and 14. flat on its back, but there are a last-minute compromise, York members of Congress encouraged that our elected
signs that it is starting to pick Congress passed legislation had sought $2 billion more representatives in Washington
50 Years Ago — 1960 itself up,” said Mark Zandi, Wednesday to provide up to for the overall bill. They came together and stood by
• Cub Scout Pack 42 held its regular meeting recently in the chief economist at Moody’s $4.2 billion in new aid to sur- accepted the smaller amount those who were there for
Little Theater of St. John’s School. Following the opening cer- Analytics. “Even with the vivors of the September 2001 in exchange for GOP critics America in its hour of greatest
emonies, which was conducted by Den Two, Cubmaster Robert improvements we expect, next terrorism attack on the World dropping their opposition. need,” Bloomberg said.
Reinemeyer and Institutional Representative Richard Grone year will still be a very weak Trade Center and responders “The Christmas mira- The compromise was
presented the following awards: Lion award, Ronald Mullen; market.” who became ill working in cle we’ve been looking for reached after Democrats
bear awards, Sidney Weber, Daniel Mullen, Gary Bonifas The housing market is still its ruins. has arrived,” Schumer and scheduled a showdown test
and James Briggs; gold arrow points, James Briggs and Ralph struggling to recover from a The House passed the bill Gillibrand said in a joint state- vote for Wednesday afternoon
Trentman; silver arrows, David Ditto, Ralph Trentman, Roger boom-bust cycle which helped on a 206-60 vote Wednesday ment. and Republicans countered by
Calvelage and Craig Reinemeyer and the bobcat award, James trigger a severe economic about two hours after the Schumer and Gillibrand threatening to run a 30-hour
Johnson and Nick Schmit. After the presentation of awards, recession. Home prices have Senate cleared it on a voice had sought $6.2 billion and clock before allowing final
the Christmas tree was decorated by the Cubs with their own tumbled in most markets and vote as lawmakers raced to keeping the compensation Senate and House votes on the
handmade ornaments. The program was concluded with the wrap up their work before fund open for 10 years. bill. That would have required
many potential buyers worry
group singing Christmas carols under the direction of Mrs. John Christmas. President Barack “Every American recog- keeping both the Senate and
Dannhausen. that prices could fall further.
The median price of a Obama has said he is eager nizes the heroism of the 9/11 House in session for votes on
home sold in November was to sign the measure, though first responders, but it is not Christmas Eve.
75 Years Ago — 1935 some supporters of the bill compassionate to help one Backers worried that the
• The distinction of placing second on the famed Major $170,600.
Zandi said he expects pric- have criticized him for not group while robbing future bill would face a much tough-
Bowes’ amateur hour was merited by the four Thomas Brothers getting more involved in the generation of opportunity,” er fight in the new, more fis-
of near Vaughnsville. In announcing that fact Sunday evening, es will fall another 5 percent
from where they are now, hit- fight. said Coburn, who led a GOP cally conservative Congress
Major Bowes stated that Billy Hill, the composer of “Wagon The package provides $1.5 blockade against the bill. where Republicans will have
Wheels”, had phoned in to say that he had never heard the song ting a bottom in the summer
of next year. billion to monitor the health “This agreement strikes a fair a stronger hand.
sung better. rescue and cleanup workers balance.” “Any single senator
• Delphos is to be represented in a basketball tournament A major problem is the
and treat illnesses related to The bill gained momen- can hold this up way past
which is to be held at Columbus Grove Thursday-Saturday this glut of unsold homes on ground zero. It also reopens tum with help from cable TV Christmas and we know that
week. The team entered from this city is known as “Staup’s the market. Those numbers a victims’ compensation fund personalities. Among the big- can kill the bill,” Schumer
Advertisers.” Players included are John Heck, Burl Stirn, Orlo fell to 3.71 million units in with $2.7 billion. gest supporters of the pack- said on MSNBC’s “Morning
Miller, Eugene Schmersal, Claude Swartz, Bill Judkins and November. It would take 9.5 Rep. Carolyn Maloney, age were Fox News anchor Joe” program Wednesday.
Dick Wulfhorst. months to clear them off the D-N.Y., said the measure was Shepard Smith and comedi- Nearly 16,000 responders
• Approximately 40 children, members of the primary market at the November sales long overdue. “It’s the right an and activist Jon Stewart, and 2,700 people living near
department of the Presbyterian Sunday School, were guests pace. Most analysts say a six thing to do, and it’s the right who championed the bill and ground zero are currently sick
at a Christmas party given at the church basement Saturday to seven-month supply rep- time to do it,” she said. lashed its GOP foes on his and receiving treatment, sup-
afternoon. The following were in charge: Mrs. Ray McGrew, resents a healthy supply of The bill was a product Comedy Central TV program porters of the bill said. More
Mrs. Lehmon Geil, Mrs. E. W. Bell, Mrs. Harry Mills and Mrs. homes. of a compromise involv- “The Daily Show.” than 40,000 responders are in
Robert Wilkins. Analysts said the situa- ing Democratic Sens. New York Mayor Michael medical monitoring, backers
tion is much worse when the Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Bloomberg praised Congress said.


“shadow inventory” of homes
is taken into account. These
are homes that are in the early
Tax cuts raise economic expectations for 2011
The Delphos Herald welcomes letters to the editor. Letters stages of the foreclosure pro- By JEANNINE AVERSA That’s up from the 2.5 percent from the feeble 1.7 percent
should be no more than 400 words. The newspaper reserves cess but have not been put on Associated Press pace estimated a month ago. growth logged in the April-
the right to edit content for length, clarity and grammar. Letters the market yet for resale. While businesses spent more June quarter. The economy’s
concerning private matters will not be published. David Wyss, chief econo- WASHINGTON — to build inventories, consum- growth slowed sharply then.
Failure to supply a full name, home address and daytime mist at Standard & Poor’s Expectations for economic ers spent a bit less. Fears about the European
phone number will slow the verification process and delay pub- in New York, said when growth next year are turn- Many analysts predict the debt crisis roiled Wall Street
lication. these homes are added, the ing more optimistic now that economy strengthened in the and prompted businesses to
Letters can be mailed to The Delphos Herald, 405 N. Main inventory level would actu- Americans will have a little October-December quarter. limit their spending.
St., Delphos, Ohio 45833, faxed to 419-692-7704 or e-mailed ally be about double where it more cash in their pockets. They think the economy is “It sure looks like the ‘soft
to nspencer@delphosherald.com. Authors should clearly state is now. A cut in workers’ Social growing at a 3.5 percent pace patch’ is over,” said Nariman
they want the message published as a letter to the editor. Anon- “There is a big shadow Security taxes and rising or better mainly because con- Behravesh, chief economist
ymous letters will not be printed. inventory out there of hous- consumer spending have led sumers are spending more at IHS Global Insight.
es that are in the process of economists to predict a strong freely again. In the third quarter, greater
Moderately confused foreclosure or are underwa-
ter and will go into foreclo-
start for 2011.
Still, most people won’t
Still, the housing market
remains a drag on the slowly
spending by businesses on
replenishing their stocks was
sure,” Wyss said. “We are still feel much better until employ- improving economy. the main factor behind the
bouncing along the bottom in ers ramp up hiring and people The National Association slight upward revision to
housing.” buy more homes. of Realtors reported GDP.
Patrick Newport, a hous- Analysts are predicting Wednesday that more people Consumers boosted their
ing economist at IHS Global economic growth next year bought previously owned spending at a 2.4 percent
Insight, said he believed sales will come in next year close homes rose in November. The pace. That was down from a
of previously owned homes to 4 percent. It would mark sales pace rose 5.6 percent to 2.8 percent growth rate pre-
could actually drop farther in an improvement from the a seasonally adjusted annual viously estimated. Even so,
2011, dipping to 4.6 million 2.8 percent growth expected rate of 4.68 million units. consumers increased their
units and then begin a gradual for this year and would be Even with the gain, sales are spending at the fastest pace in
recovery in 2012. He said it the strongest showing since still well below what analysts four years. The slight down-
could take until 2014 for sales 2000. consider a healthy pace. ward revision reflected less
to return to around 6 million “Looking ahead, circum- Even if analysts are right spending on health care and
units. stances are ripe for the econo- about 2011 being a better year financial services than previ-
For November, sales were my to develop additional trac- for the economy, growth still ously estimated.
up in all regions of the country tion,” said Joshua Shapiro, wouldn’t be strong enough More recent reports from
led by an 11.7 percent rise in chief U.S. economist at MFR to dramatically lower the 9.8 retailers, however, show
the West. Sales were up 6.4 Inc. in New York. He is esti- percent unemployment rate. that shoppers are spending
percent in the Midwest, 2.9 mating growth for 2011 to be By some estimates, the at a greater rate in the final
percent in the South and 2.7 above 3.5 percent. economy would need to grow months of the year.
percent in the Northeast. The economy grew at by 5 percent for a full year Companies are discount-
The November increase a moderate pace last sum- to push down the unemploy- ing merchandise to lure
was driven by a 6.7 percent mer, reflecting stronger ment rate by a full percentage shoppers. A price gauge tied
rise in sales of single-family spending by businesses point. Even with growth at to the GDP report showed
homes which pushed activity to replenish stockpiles, the around 4 percent, as many that prices — excluding food
in this area to an annual rate Commerce Department analysts predict, the unem- and energy — rose at a 0.5
of 4.15 million units. Sales reported Wednesday. Gross ployment rate is still expected percent pace in the third
of condominiums dropped 1.9 domestic product increased at to hover around 9 percent. quarter, the slowest quarterly
percent to a rate of 530,000 a 2.6 percent annual rate in The third-quarter’s perfor- pace on records going back
units. the July-September quarter. mance marks an improvement to 1959.
www.delphosherald.com Thursday, December 23, 2010 The Herald – 5

EVENTS Kitchen DEC. 23-25

5-7 p.m. — The Interfaith
Press THURSDAY: Delores German, Norma Zalar, Valeta Ditto,
Helen Fischer, Christine Siebeneck and Arnita Yoder.
Thrift Shop is open for shop-
Enjoy your holidays and may you FRIDAY: Closed.
be surrounded by family, loved SATURDAY: Closed.
ones and delicious food.
7:30 p.m. — American
Legion Post 268, 415 N. State REGULAR THRIFT SHOP HOURS: 5-7 p.m. Thursday;
St. 1-4 p.m. Friday; and 9 a.m.- noon Saturday.
Microwave Caramel Corn 1 or 2 drams cinnamon Anyone who would like to volunteer should contact
FRIDAY 6 quart popped corn ( flavoring oil (or your choice
MERRY CHRISTMAS Catharine Gerdemann, 419-695-8440; Alice Heidenescher, Happy Birthday
about 1 cup unpopped) of flavor) 419-692-5362; Linda Bockey 419-692-7145; or Lorene
EVE! 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon red food DEC. 24
½ cup light corn syrup coloring (or your choice of Jettinghoff, 419-692-7331.
1 cup margarine color) Jason Vogt
SATURDAY Linda Seffernick
1 teaspoon salt Powdered sugar, optional If help is needed, contact the Thrift Shop at 419-692-2942
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Colby Schindler
Bring to a boil and boil Combine sugar, corn between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and leave a message.
SUNDAY 5 minutes. Put popped corn syrup and water in a large
into a large brown paper heavy pan. Cook to hard
1-4 p.m. — Putnam County
Museum is open, 202 E. Main grocery bag that has been crack stage (300º). Do not SENIOR
St. Kalida.
sprayed with Pam. Pour
boiled mixture over corn
stir. (As candy boils, it
turns a light brown). Pour LUNCHEON CAFE
1:30 p.m. — Amvets Post
698 Auxiliary meets at the
and shake well. Microwave
on high 1½ minutes; repeat
in cinnamon flavoring oil.
Add food coloring; stir. WEEK OF DEC. 27-31 COLUMN
Amvets post in Middle Point. microwave 2 or 3 more Pour quickly on buttered
Announce you or your family member’s
The Delphos Canal times. Spread on cookie cookie sheet; let cool. Cover MONDAY: Roast beef birthday in our Happy Birthday column.
with gravy, whipped potatoes, Complete the coupon below and return it to
Commission Annex Museum, sheets until cooled. pan with a towel and pound The Delphos Herald newsroom,
241 N. Main St., will be with a hammer to break into Capri-blend vegetables, wheat
405 North Main St., Delphos, OH 45833.
open. Hard Tack Candy pieces. Place into a plastic bread, margarine, fruit cock- Please use the coupon also to make changes,
4 p.m. — Amvets Post 698 3 ¾ cups granulated bag with a little powdered tail, fruit muffin, coffee and additions or to delete a name from the column.
regular meeting at the Amvets sugar sugar and shake to coat 2% milk. THE DELPHOS HERALD
post in Middle Point. 1 ¼ cups white Karo corn candy pieces. Store candy TUESDAY: Smothered HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLUMN
7:30 p.m. — Sons of syrup in a plastic bag. Makes 2 chicken with onions and
Amvets Post 698 meet at 1 cup water pounds. mushrooms, augratin potatoes, Name

Amvets Post in Middle Point. California-blend vegetables, Address

wheat roll, margarine, banana,
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. — Ottoville
Library sets upcoming events pudding, coffee and 2% milk.
WEDNESDAY: Sloppy Name Birthday

Branch Library is open. Joes on bun, hearty vegetable Name Birthday

The Putnam County Jennings Library soup with crackers, tater tots,
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite District Library in Ottawa The Putnam County
Name Birthday
at Delphos Senior Citizen has announced the following grape juice, coffee and 2%
District Library Fort Jennings milk.
Name Birthday
Center, 301 Suthoff Street. upcoming events: Location will show a movie THURSDAY: Baked pork Telephone (for verification)
Fine Amnesty at libraries at 2:30 p.m. Monday. chop in au jus, sauerkraut,
Please notify the Delphos All fines on overdue items All are welcome to see this
Check one:

Herald at 419-695-0015 if returned will be forgiven at whipped potatoes, dinner roll,

free Christmas movie. margarine, applesauce, coffee
º Please add to birthday list

there are any corrections all library locations from Dec. For any questions call the º Please delete from birthday list

or additions to the Coming 20 through Dec. 30. and 2% milk. º Please make change on birthday list
Fort Jennings Library at 419- FRIDAY: Closed. Happy
Events column. Movie at the Fort 286-2351. New Year!

HHappy Holidays from Chief



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NFL Martin powers Boise State

past Utah in MAACO Bowl
The Associated Press W L T Pct PF PA
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Philadelphia 10 4 0 .714 412 339
East N.Y. Giants 9 5 0 .643 360 288
W L T Pct PF PA Washington 5 9 0 .357 268 343
x-New England 12 2 0 .857 446 303 Dallas 5 9 0 .357 354 396
N.Y. Jets 10 4 0 .714 295 259 South
Miami 7 7 0 .500 239 261 W L T Pct PF PA
Buffalo 4 10 0 .286 273 353 x-Atlanta 12 2 0 .857 369 261 By TIM DAHLBERG their only loss in two years. Broncos turned the ball over we couldn’t get to a BCS
South New Orleans 10 4 0 .714 354 270 The Associated Press It may also be a reminder three times to help Utah to a game we wanted to play a
W L T Pct
Indianapolis 8 6 0 .571
Tampa Bay 8
Carolina 2
for next year’s poll voters 3-0 lead. team like Utah that’s as good
Jacksonville 8 6 0 .571 319 365 North LAS VEGAS — It wasn’t not to write off a team that Martin then scampered up as any team out there.”
Tennessee 6 8 0 .429 322 282 W L T Pct PF PA the bowl Boise State wanted won every game over the the middle and headed down Boise State (12-1) was
Houston 5 9 0 .357 333 386 y-Chicago 10 4 0 .714 293 242 to be in, and for the better part last two years except the one the left sideline on the first ranked as high as No. 2 in
North Green Bay 8 6 0 .571 333 220 of the first half Wednesday that really mattered. The loss play from scrimmage follow- The Associated Press Top 25
W L T Pct PF PA Minnesota 5 9 0 .357 244 314
x-Pittsburgh 10 4 0 .714 307 220 Detroit 4 10 0 .286 308 329 night, the Broncos played as to Nevada not only cost the ing a Utes punt. poll this year, but early on
Baltimore 10 4 0 .714 324 253 West if they were thinking about school millions of dollars in Martin’s run came after a looked little like the team that
Cleveland 5 9 0 .357 252 271 W L T Pct PF PA the one that got away. a BCS bowl bid, but some of mistake-prone first quarter in was everyone’s favorite BCS
Cincinnati 3 11 0 .214 281 362 St. Louis 6 8 0 .429 258 295 Then Doug Martin raced the grudging respect others which Boise State kept giv- buster. That changed with
West Seattle 6 8 0 .429 279 363
W L T Pct PF PA San Francisco 5 9 0 .357 250 314 84 yards up the middle, and had finally given Boise State. ing the ball away and mak- Martin’s run, with the Broncos
Kansas City 9 5 0 .643 322 281 Arizona 4 10 0 .286 255 370 suddenly the MAACO Bowl Count Utah coach Kyle ing costly errors. Utah wasn’t taking control on both sides
San Diego 8 6 0 .571 388 260 didn’t look so bad after all. Whittingham among the much better, and when the of the ball against a team that
Oakland 7 7 0 .500 353 330 x-clinched playoff spot Martin shook Boise State believers. Broncos began finding their was a BCS team itself two
Denver 3 11 0 .214 292 415 y-clinched division
out of its brief postseason “This is a team that was stride the game quickly turned years ago and had won nine
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Today’s Game funk with his long touchdown the top ranked team that was one-sided. straight bowl games.
East Carolina at Pittsburgh, 8:20 p.m. run midway through the sec- setting itself up for a run at Moore, who threw an Moore, who finished
ond quarter, and the 10th- the national championship,” interception in the first quar- fourth in Heisman voting ear-


ranked Broncos dominated Whittingham said. “If they ter, rebounded with a 25-yard lier this month, finished with
the rest of the way to beat No. beat Reno (Nevada) and if TD pass to Tyler Shoemaker impressive numbers despite
The Associated Press Washington 5567 1881 3686
20 Utah 26-3 in a game that Auburn or Oregon stumble, in the closing seconds of the his rocky start. He completed
Week 15 AVERAGE PER GAME wasn’t as close as the final they’re in that game.” first half to give Boise State 28 of 38 passes, including 12
TOTAL YARDAGE AMERICAN FOOTBALL score indicated. Neither of those things a 16-3 lead. He added another to Pettis, who was playing the
AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE “It was a startup for happened, of course, forcing 18-yard TD pass to Austin final game of a college career
CONFERENCE OFFENSE our team,” Martin said. “A Boise State to go begging for Pettis in the third quarter. in which his team won 51 of
OFFENSE Yards Rush Pass
Yards Rush Pass San Diego 397.8 113.0 284.8 momentum changer.” a decent bowl bid despite its Meanwhile, Boise State’s 53 games.
San Diego 5569 1582 3987 Indianapolis 383.1 85.1 298.1 The victory was small con- gaudy record. The Broncos defense held Utah to just 200 The game was the last for
Indianapolis 5364 1191 4173 Houston 377.7 121.9 255.8 solation for Boise State, which landed in this gambling city, yards, forcing the Utes to punt Utah (10-3) before going into
Houston 5288 1707 3581 Oakland 360.0 157.5 202.5 missed out on a possible Rose where the bookies quickly again and again. The Broncos the Pac-12 Conference, where
New England 355.0 112.5 242.5
Oakland 5040
New England 4970
2205 2835
1575 3395 Kansas City 352.6 168.6 184.0
Bowl appearance on two established them as 17-point shut down both the running the Utes can play for an auto-
Kansas City 4936 2360 2576 N.Y. Jets 345.4 141.0 204.4 missed field goals last month favorites to beat a Utah team and passing game and Utah matic big bowl bid. Boise State
N.Y. Jets 4835 1974 2861 Denver 343.9 90.9 253.0 at Nevada. But the dominat- that also had its BCS dream never scored after its opening is also switching conferences,
Denver 4814 1272 3542 Jacksonville 343.0 151.4 191.6 ing win against a team that dashed late in the season. field goal. heading to the Mountain West
Jacksonville 4802 2119 2683 Baltimore 336.4 112.3 224.1 was at one time ranked No. 6 But Boise State came out “We had hoped it would where the Broncos still will
Baltimore 4709 1572 3137 Pittsburgh 335.6 122.1 213.5
Pittsburgh 4699 1710 2989 Cincinnati 323.1 95.0 228.1 in the country was a reminder flat and seemed disinterested. end like this because Utah’s have to impress both voters
Cincinnati 4523 1330 3193 Miami 321.1 103.2 217.9 why the Broncos rode high Kellen Moore fumbled on the a great team,” Boise State and computers to get a Bowl
Miami 4495 1445 3050 Buffalo 310.5 111.3 199.2 in the polls before suffering third play of the game and the coach Chris Petersen said. “If Championship Series bid.
Buffalo 4347 1558 2789 Tennessee 301.6 115.6 186.0

Tennessee 4223 1619 2604 Cleveland 295.0 107.2 187.8
Cleveland 4130 1501 2629 DEFENSE
DEFENSE Yards Rush Pass
Yards Rush Pass San Diego 259.8 89.4 170.4
San Diego 3637 1252 2385 Pittsburgh 291.8 63.4 228.4 The Associated Press beat Denver — playing without All- Derrick Rose added 25 to help for the Pistons. Leandro Barbosa
Pittsburgh 4085 887 3198 Miami 298.0 96.6 201.4 Star Carmelo Anthony because of Chicago beat Washington for its had 21 points for Toronto.
N.Y. Jets 298.6 92.7 205.9 the death of his sister — for its 10th ninth victory in 10 games. Hawks 98, Cavaliers 84
N.Y. Jets
1353 2819
1298 2882 Baltimore 316.2 93.6 222.6
BOSTON — Ray Allen straight victory. Boozer also had 10 rebounds ATLANTA — Joe Johnson
Baltimore 4427 1311 3116 Oakland 328.1 130.9 197.3 scored 22 points, and Paul The Spurs reached their second and a season-high seven assists scored 23 points in his best game
Oakland 4594 1832 2762 Kansas City 333.5 107.0 226.5 Pierce recovered after miss- double-digit winning streak already to go with his second 30-point since his return from elbow sur-
this season and improved performance this season. The Bulls gery to lead Atlanta past Antawn
Kansas City 4669 1498 3171 Cincinnati 342.9 120.1 222.8 ing his first seven shots their NBA-best record to are 9-3 since Boozer returned after Jamison and Cleveland.
Cincinnati 4800 1681 3119 Indianapolis 345.3 135.8 209.5 to score 11 in the second 25-3. It ranks among the 11 missing the first 15 games with a Jamison had 23 points but
Indianapolis 4834 1901 2933 Cleveland 351.8 129.2 222.6
Cleveland 4925 1809 3116 Buffalo 360.7 158.6 202.1 half and lead the Boston best starts to a season in broken hand. Atlanta was stronger with its bal-
Buffalo 5050 2221 2829 Tennessee 361.9 114.1 247.8 Celtics to their 14th NBA history.
Ty Lawson and J.R. Smith
Luol Deng added 14 points for
anced attack in its eighth straight
home victory. Al Horford had 18
Tennessee 5067 1598 3469 Jacksonville 371.5 115.9 255.6 straight victory, 84-80 led the Nuggets with 22 points Nick Young scored 22 points points, Marvin Williams added 17
Jacksonville 5201 1622 3579 New England 374.6 111.4 263.3 over the Philadelphia apiece, and Kenyon Martin for the Wizards. and Josh Smith had 16 points
New England 5245 1559 3686 Houston
377.0 101.9 275.1
386.1 158.4 227.6
76ers on Wednesday played 17 minutes in his sea- Knicks 112, Thunder 98 and 11 rebounds for the Hawks.
Houston 5278 1427 3851 son debut after missing the NEW YORK — Amare Mo Williams had 18 points for
Denver 5405 2218 3187 NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE night. first 26 games while recover- Stoudemire scored 23 points, Cleveland. The Cavaliers have lost
NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE OFFENSE Shaquille O’Neal ing from knee surgery. Wilson Chandler added 21, and 12 straight on the road and 12 of
OFFENSE Yards Rush Pass had 13 points and nine The Nuggets said Anthony New York ran past Oklahoma 13 overall.
Yards Rush Pass Philadelphia 403.9 149.7 254.2 rebounds, but he missed will return after Christmas.
Their next game is Christmas
City to snap a three-game losing
Rockets 97, Clippers 92
N.Y. Giants 383.9 144.9 239.0
Philadelphia 5655
N.Y. Giants 5374
2096 3559
2028 3346 New Orleans 377.6 95.8 281.9
two free throws with Day at Oklahoma City. Jazz 112, Rookie Landry Fields had 14 Martin scored 28 points, includ-
New Orleans 5287 1341 3946 Dallas 369.6 103.1 266.4 1:02 left and Boston nursing Timberwolves 107 points and 10 rebounds for the ing four free throws in the final 16
Dallas 5174 1444 3730 Green Bay 352.2 101.9 250.3 a two-point lead. Philadelphia MINNEAPOLIS — Al Jefferson
had 23 points, nine rebounds and
Knicks, who took advantage of an
Oklahoma City team that appeared
seconds, and Houston nearly blew
an 18-point lead in the second half
Green Bay 4931 1427 3504 Atlanta 349.4 122.6 226.7 had two chances to tie it, but seven blocks against his former to leave its legs in Charlotte after a before holding on for its fourth
Atlanta 4891 1717 3174 Detroit 342.2 102.8 239.4 Andre Iguodala slipped and team and Utah coach Jerry Sloan victory Tuesday night. straight victory.
Detroit 4791 1439 3352 Washington 338.4 93.9 244.5
Washington 4738 1315 3423 Tampa Bay 329.0 122.1 206.9 turned the ball over the first moved into sole possession of third In a game featuring the NBA’s Luis Scola added 22 points and
Tampa Bay 4606 1709 2897 Minnesota 320.8 121.9 198.9 time and then had his shot place on the career victories list.
Jefferson scored 21 points in
top two scorers, Stoudemire near-
ly matched league leader Kevin
Shane Battier had 13 points, 10
rebounds and seven assists for
Minnesota 4491 1707 2784 St. Louis 309.1 105.1 204.0 blocked by Kevin Garnett the the second half and Deron Williams Durant, who finished with 26. But the Rockets, who never trailed and
St. Louis 4327 1471 2856 San Francisco 308.6 105.1 203.4 next. added 25 points, seven assists and Stoudemire had far more help, with recorded their third wire-to-wire vic-
San Francisco 4320 1472 2848 Seattle 304.1 85.2 218.9 Allen hit a pair of free seven rebounds for the Jazz, who the Knicks putting six players in tory — one more than they had all
Seattle 4258 1193 3065 Chicago 291.6 99.0 192.6 came back from 12 points down at double figures. Raymond Felton of last season.
Chicago 4082 1386 2696 Arizona 268.5 86.9 181.6 throws with 5.6 seconds left the start of the fourth quarter. added 12 points and 10 assists. Rookie Blake Griffin led Los
Arizona 3759 1217 2542 Carolina 266.1 116.8 149.3 to ice it. Sloan picked up victory No. Pistons 115, Raptors 93 Angeles with 24 points and tied a
Carolina 3725 1635 2090 DEFENSE Elton Brand had 16 points 1,211, moving past Pat Riley into TORONTO — Richard season high with 18 rebounds.
DEFENSE Yards Rush Pass and 12 rebounds, and Jrue sole possession of third place on
the career list. Only Don Nelson
Hamilton scored a season-high 35
points, Rodney Stuckey had 21
Hornets 105, Nets 91
Yards Rush Pass N.Y. Giants 290.9 102.4 188.4 Holiday scored 15 points for (1,335) and Lenny Wilkens (1,332) and Detroit beat Toronto to snap Okafor had 21 points and 10
N.Y. Giants 4072 1434 2638 Minnesota 308.1 101.5 206.6
Minnesota 4314 1421 2893 Green Bay 309.4 117.0 192.4 Philadelphia, which was com- have more victories in NBA his- a five-game losing streak against rebounds, Chris Paul added 12
Green Bay 4332 1638 2694 Chicago 310.9 89.8 221.1 ing off a 45-point loss to the tory. the Raptors. points and 14 assists, and New
Chicago 4352 1257 3095 New Orleans 312.0 117.0 195.0 Chicago Bulls — its worst in Kevin Love had 25 points and
19 rebounds and Michael Beasley
The Pistons fell one point shy of
matching a season high and ended
Orleans. shot 53.9 percent and
made eight of 16 3-point attempts.
New Orleans 4368 1638 2730 Carolina 329.6 126.2 203.4 three years. added 24 points and 10 rebounds an eight-game road skid, winning David West and Marcus
Carolina 4614 1767 2847 Philadelphia 330.4 103.3 227.1 for Minnesota. The Timberwolves away from home for the first time Thornton each scored 18 points
Philadelphia 4626 1446 3180 San Francisco 330.7 100.6 230.1 Spurs 109, Nuggets 103 have lost seven straight games. since Nov. 14 at Sacramento. and Marco Belinelli had 14 for the
San Francisco 4630 1409 3221 Atlanta 332.9 106.1 226.8 SAN ANTONIO — Manu Bulls 87, Wizards 80 Charlie Villanueva had 18 points Hornets.
Atlanta 4660 1485 3175 St. Louis 337.4 113.1 224.3 Ginobili and Gary Neal scored 22 WASHINGTON — Carlos and former Raptors star Tracy Devin Harris had 21 points and
St. Louis 4724 1584 3140 Tampa Bay 346.0 136.5 209.5 points apiece, and San Antonio Boozer scored 30 points and McGrady added a season-high 17 eight assists for New Jersey.

Tampa Bay 4844 1911 2933 Detroit 347.2 126.5 220.7
Detroit 4861 1771 3090 Dallas 365.2 108.6 256.6
Dallas 5113 1520 3593 Arizona 373.8 145.7 228.1
Arizona 5233 2040 3193 Seattle 376.7 117.7 259.0
Seattle 5274 1648 3626 Washington 397.6 134.4 263.3 The Associated Press a two-game skid last week and Jimmy Howard stopped 35 deflection.
with consecutive convincing shots. Dave Bolland and Bryan Bickell

Henrik and Daniel Sedin also scored for the Blackhawks,
PITTSBURGH — Sidney victories. each had a goal and an assist who allowed just two Nashville
Crosby matched the second- Stephen Weiss and Bryan and Mikael Samuelsson and power plays. Chicago has been
The Associated Press analysis. longest NHL scoring streak McCabe scored for Florida, Jeff Tambellini also scored for short-handed only three times in its
WASHINGTON NATIONALS— in 18 years at 22 games with which had won five of seven. Vancouver. Roberto Luongo made
40 saves.
past three games.
Four of Skille’s six goals
BASEBALL Assigned LHP Matt Chico out- his first-period goal and the Crosby’s streak matched Red Wings star center Pavel this season have come against
American League right to Syracuse (IL). American Pittsburgh Penguins beat Dany Heatley’s in 2005 as Datsyuk left late in the first period Nashville.
BOSTON RED SOX— Association
Named Arnie Beyeler manager WICHITA WINGNUTS— the Florida Panthers 5-2 on the longest since the lockout with a broken bone in his right wrist
and is expected to miss at least
Islanders 2, Lightning 1, OT
of Pawtucket (IL), Kevin Boles Acquired INF Jason Diaz from Wednesday night. that wiped out the 2004-05 four weeks. Tavares scored 3:23 into over-
manager of Portland (EL), Bruce Laredo (UL) for cash. Traded RHP Crosby scored for the 28th season. Mats Sundin of the tripping over Vancouver’s time and New York snapped
Crabbe manager, Kevin Walker
pitching coach and Alex Ochoa
Jae Jung to Grand Prairie for a
player to be named.
time this season and 22nd Quebec Nordiques had points Mikael Samuelsson and landing Tampa Bay’s four-game winning
hitting coach for Salem (Carolina), WINNIPEG GOLDEYES— time during the streak 7:44 in 30 consecutive games dur- on his right hand. Samuelsson and
Datsyuk used to be teammates
Tavares got to a loose puck
Dick Such pitching coach at Signed OF Jonathan Wyatt. Can- into the game, giving the ing the 1992-93 season. with the Red Wings. near the left post and swept a shot
Greenville (SAL), Carlos Febles Am League Penguins a lead they wouldn’t Blackhawks 4, Predators 1 past goalie Dan Ellis to give the
manager and Paul Abbott pitch-
ing coach for Lowell (N.Y.-Penn),
the contract of OF Alex A. Nunez relinquish when he fired a Red Wings 5, Canucks 4, OT
DETROIT — Henrik
CHICAGO — Jack Skille
scored two goals, rookie Corey
Islanders their first win of the sea-
son when they didn’t score first.
George Lombard manager and to Detroit (AL). Frontier League slap shot while skating down Zetterberg’s second goal of the Crawford made 24 saves and P.A. Parenteau got the
dave Tomlin pitching coach for FLORENCE FREEDOM— the left wing that beat Florida game at 2:59 of overtime gave Chicago defeated Nashville for its Islanders even at 1 in the clos-
Gulf Coast Red Sox.
Named Wes Crawford pitching
goalie Tomas Vokoun. Detroit a win over Vancouver in a
matchup of Western Conference
third straight win. ing seconds of the second period
Assigned INF Joaquin Arias and GATEWAY GRIZZLIES— Ben Lovejoy had his division leaders.
Crawford made several tough
stops but benefited from another
and Dwayne Roloson made 34
saves to give New York points
INF Lance Zawadzki outright to Traded RHP David Miller and LHP first career goal and Mark Zetterberg also had an assist tight, disciplined effort by defending in three straight games (2-0-1).
Omaha (AAA). Eric Gilliland to Wichita (AA) for Letestu, Matt Cooke and on Nicklas Lidstrom’s power-play Stanley Cup champion Chicago. The Islanders are 3-17-4 in their
Dave Eiland as a special assistant.
RHP J.R. Boling and future con-
siderations. BASKETBALL
Pascal Dupuis also scored for goal that tied it at 4 late in the third
period. Danny Cleary and Valtteri
He lost a bid for his first shutout past 24.
National League National Basketball Pittsburgh, which has won Filppula also scored for Detroit.
this season with 8:47 left in the
third period when Sergei Kostitsyn
Ryan Malone staked the
Lightning to a 1-0 lead in the first
HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed Association 14 of 16, recovering from Brian Rafalski had three assists scored a power-play goal on a period.

to terms with LHP Gustavo Chacin CHARLOTTE BOBCATS—
on a minor-league contract. Announced the resignation of
MILWAUKEE BREWERS— coach Larry Brown.
Agreed to terms with RHP Sean LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS—
Green and INF Craig Counsell on Signed F Ike Diogu. FOOTBALL
one-year contracts. National Football League By The Associated Press Adenhart and three friends. NBA TENNIS
Designated RHP Joe Martinez for Placed WR Early Doucet on BASEBALL EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — The Bobcats owner Michael Jordan Roger Federer 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-1
assignment. Named Dean Treanor injured reserve. Signed LB Curtis SANTA ANA, Calif. — A con- Minnesota Vikings are preparing announced that Larry Brown is to square a two-match exhibition
manager of Indianapolis (IL), P.J. Gatewood from the practice struction worker who killed Angels this week as if Brett Favre won’t be out as head coach, another messy series for charity between the
Forbes manager of Altoona (EL), squad. rookie Nick Adenhart and two other able to start because of a concus- exit for Brown in his well-traveled world’s top-ranked players.
Carlos Garcia of Bradenton (FSL), BUFFALO BILLS—Signed people in a drunk driving wreck sion that knocked him out of the career. Nadal sealed the win with a
Gary Robinson manager of West DB Brett Johnson to the practice was sentenced to 51 years to life last game. Former Charlotte Hornets powerfully angled forehand cross-
Virginia (SAL), Dave Turgeon squad. in prison. Interim coach Leslie Frazier coach Paul Silas will take over on court shot in front of a capacity
manager and Justin Meccage CAROLINA PANTHERS— Andrew Gallo, 24, was convict- said Favre’s status will be day to an interim basis. crowd at Caja Magica sports arena
pitching coach for State College Signed FB Rashawn Jackson from ed in September of three counts of day. He’ll take daily tests until he’s The 70-year-old Brown, a Hall that included many of Spain’s lead-
(NY-Penn), Brad Fischer advi- the practice squad. second-degree murder and single cleared by the team’s medical staff. of Famer who was in the third ing dignitaries.
sor-player development, Frank CINCINNATI BENGALS— counts of drunken driving, hit-and- Until then, he won’t be allowed to season with Charlotte, was 88-108 Nadal says Federer’s “ges-
Kremblas coordinator of instruc- Claimed TE Garrett Mills off waiv- run driving, and driving under the take the field. with the Bobcats. His 1,327 victo- ture to play a game here to raise
tion, Jeff Livesey hitting coordina- ers from Philadelphia. influence of alcohol and causing The Vikings have two games ries in the ABA and NBA are nine funds for needy people is incredibly
tor, Gary Green infield coordina- CLEVELAND BROWNS— great bodily injury. left. Favre has said this will be his shy of supplanting Don Nelson for generous.” Federer responded by
tor, Luis Dorante, Latin America Placed TE Evan Moore on injured Gallo, who was on parole for a final season. the most all-time. saying it is wonderful that Nadal
field coordinator and Scott Mitchell reserve. felony DUI conviction, had a blood- Frazier says the plan is The only coach to win NBA and supports charities “at such a young
assistant pitching coordinator. DENVER BRONCOS— alcohol level nearly three times the to have rookie Joe Webb start NCAA titles had been out of coach- age.”
SAN DIEGO PADRES— Placed FB Spencer Larsen on legal limit when he blew through Sunday against the Philadelphia ing for two years following his dis- Federer beat Nadal 4-6, 6-3,
Named John Abbamondi vice injured reserve. Signed G Stanley a red light at 65 mph on April 9, Eagles unless Favre’s condition missal after going 23-59 in his only 6-3 Tuesday in the opening match
president of strategy and business Daniels. 2009, and T-boned the car carrying improves. season in New York in 2005-06. in Zurich, Switzerland.
www.delphosherald.com Thursday, December 23, 2010 The Herald — 7


The Associated Press Stephens-Howling, ARI 57 1548 27.2 102t 2 B. Marshall, MIA 71 815 11.5 46 3 At A Glance Oklahoma City 20 10 .667 1
NFC L. Washington, SEA 47 1271 27.0 101t 3 Bess, MIA 71 751 10.6 29 3 By The Associated Press Denver 16 11 .593 3 1/2
Week 15 D. Manning, CHI 29 754 26.0 62 0 B. Lloyd, DEN 67 1264 18.9 71 10 All Times EST Portland 15 14 .517 5 1/2
Quarterbacks Banks, WAS 40 1018 25.5 96t 1 Ochocinco, CIN 67 831 12.4 42 4 EASTERN CONFERENCE Minnesota 6 24 .200 15
Att Com Yds TD Int Spurlock, TAM 39 947 24.3 89t 1 R. Rice, BAL 62 556 9.0 34 1 Atlantic Division Pacific Division
Vick, PHL 329 208 2755 20 5 Roby, NOR 33 785 23.8 39 0 Punters W L Pct GB W L Pct GB
Rodgers, GBY 410 268 3289 23 10 Harvin, MIN 40 933 23.3 95t 1 No Yds LG Avg Boston 23 4 .852 — L.A. Lakers 21 8 .724 —
Romo, DAL 213 148 1605 11 7 J. Nelson, GBY 22 496 22.5 51 0 Scifres, SND 44 2123 67 48.3 New York 17 12 .586 7 Phoenix 13 14 .481 7
Brees, NOR 571 391 4122 31 19 Scoring Lechler, OAK 66 3103 68 47.0 Philadelphia 11 18 .379 13 Golden State 10 18 .357 10 1/2
Kitna, DAL 298 197 2250 15 10 Touchdowns B. Fields, MIA 63 2916 69 46.3 Toronto 10 19 .345 14 L.A. Clippers 8 22 .267 13 1/2
M. Ryan, ATL 510 320 3321 25 9 TD Rush Rec Ret Pts Sepulveda, PIT 56 2550 62 45.5 New Jersey 9 21 .300 15 1/2 Sacramento 5 21 .192 14 1/2
Cutler, CHI 368 227 2891 20 13 Ca. Johnson, DET 12 0 12 0 74 D. Colquitt, KAN 77 3450 72 44.8 Southeast Division
Freeman, TAM 422 249 2959 18 6 G. Jennings, GBY 12 0 12 0 72 B. Colquitt, DEN 77 3404 63 44.2 W L Pct GB ———
E. Manning, NYG 477 305 3458 28 20 A. Peterson, MIN 12 11 1 0 72 Hodges, CLE 72 3177 59 44.1 Miami 21 9 .700 — Tuesday’s Games
Ale. Smith, SNF 298 179 1974 12 10 M. Turner, ATL 11 11 0 0 66 Podlesh, JAC 46 2001 63 43.5 Atlanta 19 12 .613 2 1/2 Oklahoma City 99, Charlotte 81
Rushers Maclin, PHL 10 0 10 0 60 Mesko, NWE 51 2203 65 43.2 Orlando 16 12 .571 4 Dallas 105, Orlando 99
Att Yds Avg LG TD H. Nicks, NYG 10 0 10 0 60 Koch, BAL 71 3058 60 43.1 Charlotte 9 19 .321 11 Chicago 121, Philadelphia 76
M. Turner, ATL 300 1256 4.19 55 11 L. McCoy, PHL 9 7 2 0 54 Punt Returners Washington 7 20 .259 12 1/2 New Jersey 101, Memphis 94
Bradshaw, NYG 249 1182 4.75 48t 8 R. White, ATL 8 0 8 0 52 No Yds Avg LG TD Central Division Golden State 117, Sacramento 109,
A. Peterson, MIN 247 1149 4.65 80t 11 Bradshaw, NYG 8 8 0 0 50 Mariani, TEN 22 321 14.6 87t 1 W L Pct GB OT
S. Jackson, STL 295 1148 3.89 42t 5 Forte, CHI 8 5 3 0 50 E. Royal, DEN 23 279 12.1 33 0 Chicago 18 9 .667 — Milwaukee 98, L.A. Lakers 79
L. McCoy, PHL 194 1036 5.34 62 7 Kicking Leonhard, NYJ 21 238 11.3 32 0 Indiana 13 14 .481 5
Forte, CHI 203 865 4.26 68t 5 PAT FG LG Pts Mi. Thomas, JAC 28 317 11.3 78t 1 Milwaukee 11 16 .407 7 Wednesday’s Games
Gore, SNF 203 853 4.20 64 3 Akers, PHL 44-44 30-35 50 134 Bess, MIA 21 234 11.1 47 0 Detroit 10 19 .345 9 Atlanta 98, Cleveland 84
Blount, TAM 164 777 4.74 48 6 M. Bryant, ATL 38-38 27-30 51 119 Arenas, KAN 31 266 8.6 36 0 Cleveland 8 21 .276 11 Detroit 115, Toronto 93
Jacobs, NYG 126 727 5.77 73 8 Jo. Brown, STL 24-25 28-34 53 108 N. Miller, OAK 32 241 7.5 46 0 Chicago 87, Washington 80
Hightower, ARI 135 683 5.06 80t 5 Buehler, DAL 38-39 22-29 53 104 Sproles, SND 24 166 6.9 16 0 WESTERN CONFERENCE Boston 84, Philadelphia 80
Receivers Crosby, GBY 39-39 20-26 56 99 Jac. Jones, HOU 24 164 6.8 39 0 Southwest Division New York 112, Oklahoma City 98
No Yds Avg LG TD Gould, CHI 30-30 23-27 54 99 Cosby, CIN 26 176 6.8 19 0 W L Pct GB Utah 112, Minnesota 107
R. White, ATL 106 1284 12.1 46 8 Feely, ARI 25-25 22-24 55 97 Kickoff San Antonio 25 3 .893 — New Orleans 105, New Jersey 91
Colston, NOR 82 1001 12.2 43 7 Mare, SEA 29-29 22-27 51 95 Returners Dallas 23 5 .821 2 San Antonio 109, Denver 103
Witten, DAL 82 911 11.1 33 7 Gano, WAS 24-24 22-32 49 90 No Yds Avg LG TD New Orleans 17 12 .586 8 1/2 Houston 97, L.A. Clippers 92
S. Moss, WAS 79 956 12.1 56 6 Tynes, NYG 39-39 17-20 53 90 D. Reed, BAL 21 616 29.3 103t 1 Houston 14 15 .483 11 1/2
Fitzgerald, ARI 78 986 12.6 41 5 Bra. Smith, NYJ 47 1366 29.1 97t 2 Memphis 12 17 .414 13 1/2 Thursday’s Games
H. Nicks, NYG 75 959 12.8 46t 10 ---- Br. Tate, NWE 39 1018 26.1 103t 2 Northwest Division San Antonio at Orlando, 8 p.m.
Amendola, STL 75 627 8.4 36 3 AFC Karim, JAC 41 1058 25.8 65 0 W L Pct GB Milwaukee at Sacramento, 10 p.m.
L. McCoy, PHL 74 551 7.4 40 2 Quarterbacks Mariani, TEN 51 1313 25.7 98t 1 Utah 21 9 .700 — Miami at Phoenix, 10:30 p.m.
Ca. Johnson, DET 73 1068 14.6 87t 12 Att Com Yds TD Int E. Sanders, PIT 25 628 25.1 48 0

Cooley, WAS 67 748 11.2 35 3 Brady, NWE 449 299 3561 31 4 Carroll, MIA 25 625 25.0 46 0
Punters P. Rivers, SND 464 309 4141 29 11 Sproles, SND 43 1050 24.4 39 0
No Yds LG Avg Cassel, KAN 383 227 2687 24 5 Spiller, BUF 35 849 24.3 95t 1
McBriar, DAL 52 2491 65 47.9 Flacco, BAL 451 280 3395 23 8 Parmele, BAL 22 517 23.5 39 0
Morstead, NOR 47 2188 64 46.6 Garrard, JAC 328 214 2435 22 13 Scoring
A. Lee, SNF 78 3614 61 46.3 Roethlisberger, PIT 335 203 2600 14 5 Touchdowns At A Glance Edmonton 32 12 15 5 29 85 110
Donn. Jones, STL 78 3583 63 45.9 P. Manning, IND 608 407 4257 28 15 TD Rush Rec Ret Pts By The Associated Press Pacific Division
Dodge, NYG 61 2762 69 45.3 Schaub, HOU 519 324 3807 22 11 A. Foster, HOU 15 13 2 0 90 All Times EST GP W L OT Pts GF GA
N. Harris, DET 80 3562 66 44.5 Orton, DEN 498 293 3653 20 9 Bowe, KAN 14 0 14 0 84 Dallas 34 21 10 3 45 100 92
EASTERN CONFERENCE San Jose 34 18 11 5 41 102 95
Rocca, PHL 61 2713 63 44.5 Fitzpatrick, BUF 404 237 2749 23 12 Hillis, CLE 13 11 2 0 78
Atlantic Division Anaheim 38 18 16 4 40 98 111
Masthay, GBY 58 2558 62 44.1 Rushers Green-Ellis, NWE 12 12 0 0 72
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles 32 19 12 1 39 95 75
J. Baker, CAR 80 3481 57 43.5 Att Yds Avg LG TD Tolbert, SND 11 11 0 0 68
Philadelphia 35 22 8 5 49 117 87 Phoenix 32 15 10 7 37 89 93
Be. Graham, ARI 80 3469 65 43.4 A. Foster, HOU 277 1345 4.86 74t 13 Chr. Johnson, TEN 11 11 0 0 66
Pittsburgh 35 23 10 2 48 115 81
Punt Returners Jones-Drew, JAC 299 1324 4.43 37 5 Gates, SND 10 0 10 0 60
N.Y. Rangers 35 20 14 1 41 105 91 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
No Yds Avg LG TD Charles, KAN 203 1303 6.42 80 4 Ste. Johnson, BUF 10 0 10 0 60
N.Y. Islanders 31 7 18 6 20 67 105 overtime loss.
D. Hester, CHI 30 491 16.4 89t 3 Chr. Johnson, TEN 282 1267 4.49 76t 11 B. Lloyd, DEN 10 0 10 0 60
New Jersey 33 9 22 2 20 59 103
Amendola, STL 36 432 12.0 42 0 Mendenhall, PIT 292 1173 4.02 50t 10 D. McFadden, OAK 10 7 3 0 60 Tuesday’s Games
Northeast Division
Logan, DET 27 323 12.0 71 0 Hillis, CLE 252 1129 4.48 48 11 Kicking Buffalo 5, Anaheim 2
De. Jackson, PHL 20 231 11.6 65t 1 D. McFadden, OAK 212 1112 5.25 57t 7 PAT FG LG Pts St. Louis 4, Atlanta 2
Montreal 34 19 13 2 40 89 77
Ginn Jr., SNF 20 224 11.2 42 0 R. Rice, BAL 262 1051 4.01 50 4 Janikowski, OAK 37-37 28-35 54 121
Boston 32 17 11 4 38 89 68 Columbus 3, Calgary 1
Munnerlyn, CAR 28 309 11.0 37 0 Benson, CIN 276 1006 3.64 26 7 Vinatieri, IND 45-45 22-24 48 111
Buffalo 34 14 16 4 32 89 97 Washington 5, New Jersey 1
Banks, WAS 32 347 10.8 53 0 Tomlinson, NYJ 206 886 4.30 31 5 Folk, NYJ 28-28 27-36 56 109
Camarillo, MIN 34 342 10.1 52 0 Receivers Ottawa 35 14 17 4 32 81 106 Dallas 5, Montreal 2
D. Carpenter, MIA 21-21 28-38 60 105
Tra. Williams, GBY 34 269 7.9 52 0 No Yds Avg LG TD Rackers, HOU 37-37 22-25 53 103 Toronto 33 12 17 4 28 75 102 Los Angeles 5, Colorado 0
Southeast Division San Jose 2, Edmonton 1
Roberts, ARI 28 221 7.9 25 0 Wayne, IND 99 1247 12.6 50 5 Cundiff, BAL 36-36 22-25 49 102
Kickoff Returners And. Johnson, HOU 86 1216 14.1 60 8 Bironas, TEN 34-34 22-23 55 100 Wednesday’s Games
Washington 36 20 12 4 44 109 100
No Yds Avg LG TD Welker, NWE 83 829 10.0 35 7 Scobee, JAC 37-37 20-24 59 97 N.Y. Islanders 2, Tampa Bay 1, OT
Tampa Bay 34 19 10 5 43 105 111
Weems, ATL 37 1054 28.5 102t 1 T. Owens, CIN 72 983 13.7 78t 9 P. Dawson, CLE 27-27 21-26 48 90 Pittsburgh 5, Florida 2
Atlanta 36 19 12 5 43 117 104
Logan, DET 49 1373 28.0 105t 1 Ste. Johnson, BUF 72 943 13.1 45 10 Succop, KAN 37-37 17-22 53 88 Detroit 5, Vancouver 4, OT
Carolina 32 15 13 4 34 90 99

Florida 32 15 17 0 30 87 83 Chicago 4, Nashville 1


Central Division Atlanta at Boston, 7 p.m.
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Florida at Buffalo, 7 p.m.
Bowl Glance (6-6), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) At Houston At San Diego Detroit 33 21 8 4 46 110 92 N.Y. Islanders at New Jersey, 7 p.m.
The Associated Press Monday, Dec. 27 Baylor (7-5) vs. Illinois (6-6), 6 p.m. Nebraska (10-3) vs. Washington Chicago 36 19 14 3 41 115 104 Tampa Bay at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.
Independence Bowl (ESPN) (6-6), 10 p.m. (ESPN) Nashville 33 17 10 6 40 84 83 Pittsburgh at Washington, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 22 At Shreveport, La. Alamo Bowl Friday, Dec. 31 Columbus 33 17 13 3 37 85 91 Montreal at Carolina, 7 p.m.
MAACO Bowl Georgia Tech (6-6) vs. Air Force At San Antonio Meineke Bowl St. Louis 33 16 12 5 37 86 93 Vancouver at Columbus, 7 p.m.
At Las Vegas (8-4), 5 p.m. (ESPN2) Arizona (7-5) vs. Oklahoma State At Charlotte, N.C. Northwest Division Detroit at St. Louis, 8 p.m.
Boise State 26, Utah 3 Tuesday, Dec. 28 (10-2), 9:15 p.m. (ESPN) Clemson (6-6) vs. South Florida GP W L OT Pts GF GA Ottawa at Nashville, 8 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 23 Champs Sports Bowl Thursday, Dec. 30 (7-5), Noon (ESPN) Vancouver 32 19 8 5 43 105 83 Calgary at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.
Poinsettia Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Armed Forces Bowl Sun Bowl Colorado 34 19 11 4 42 121 110 Minnesota at Colorado, 9 p.m.
At San Diego North Carolina State (8-4) vs. West At Dallas At El Paso, Texas Minnesota 32 15 13 4 34 79 91 Edmonton at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.
San Diego State (8-4) vs. Navy (9-3), Virginia (9-3), 6:30 p.m. (ESPN) SMU (7-6) vs. Army (6-6), Noon Notre Dame (7-5) vs. Miami (7-5), 2 Calgary 35 14 18 3 31 92 103 Phoenix at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.
8 p.m. (ESPN) Insight Bowl (ESPN)
Friday, Dec. 24 At Tempe, Ariz. Pinstripe Bowl p.m. (CBS)
Hawaii Bowl Missouri (10-2) vs. Iowa (7-5), 10 At Bronx, N.Y. Liberty Bowl
At Memphis, Tenn.
At Honolulu
Hawaii (10-3) vs. Tulsa (9-3), 8 p.m.
p.m. (ESPN)
Wednesday, Dec. 29
Syracuse (7-5) vs. Kansas State (7-5),
3:30 p.m. (ESPN) Georgia (6-6) vs. UCF (10-3), 3:30 In 1958, in what has been first sudden-death overtime
(ESPN) Military Bowl Music City Bowl p.m. (ESPN) called “the greatest game in a championship game, and
Sunday, Dec. 26 At Washington At Nashville, Tenn. Chick-fil-A Bowl ever played,” the Baltimore then went on to defeat the
Little Caesars Pizza Bowl East Carolina (6-6) vs. Maryland North Carolina (7-5) vs. Tennessee At Atlanta
At Detroit (8-4), 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) (6-6), 6:40 p.m. (ESPN) South Carolina (9-4) vs. Florida State Colts came from behind in New York Giants, 23-17, to
Toledo (8-4) vs. Florida International Texas Bowl Holiday Bowl (9-4), 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) the final seconds to force the win the NFL championship.

Where the Christmas Seven Ohio corn farmers recognized
for outstanding yield numbers
tree originated Ohio farms are typical-
ly recognized by the U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture for
Roger W. Wolfe —
253.3243 Bushels Per
President John Davis. “Ohio
farmers contribute to the
nation’s abundant supply
BY GLEN ARNOLD such as wafers and cookies. to appear in town squares
Ag educator Tinsel made from real silver across the country and hav- having higher-than-average Acre — Pioneer 33W84 — of corn for food, feed and
OSU Extension, was invented in Germany in ing a Christmas tree in the yield numbers each year. Baltimore fuel.”
Putnam County 1610 and was used until the home became an American And each year, the Ohio
mid 20th century. Eventually, tradition Corn Growers Association Ridge Till Irrigated About OCGA
With Christmas comes candles were added to the Christmas tree decorat- (OCGA) and the National Steven L. Meienburg — The Ohio Corn Growers
the tradition of decorating a tree, and lit on Christmas Eve ing traditions have come and Corn Growers Association 236.7612 Bushels Per Acre Association represents the
tree for the holiday season. with all of the family partici- gone over the years. The tra- reward farmers whose yields — Dekalb DKC61-19 — interests of more than 20,000
According to the American pating. dition that is most important have exceeded national and Malinta corn growers throughout
Christmas Tree Council, the In America the Christmas is what brings you and your state averages. the state. OCGA works in
Christmas tree had its begin- tree was used in the family together during this Seven Ohio farmers, Irrigated Washington and at the Ohio
ning on the Rhine in Western Pennsylvanian German set- holiday season. listed below, were recog- Les Imboden — 251.6672 Statehouse to ensure that
Germany during medieval tlements around 1747 but Finally, here are 10 rea- nized by OCGA December Bushels Per Acre — Dekalb government participation
times. The live green tree weren’t really known or sons why Santa could have 16 during the 2010 Ohio DKC61-69 — Ashville in legislation is beneficial
played a major role in plays recorded until the middle of been a farmer. Grain Farmers Symposium to Ohio’s growers. Farmers
presented during advent, the 19th Century. Glass orna- 1. He works all year, just in Lima, Ohio, as having “These seven individu- provide food, feed and fuel
the four weeks preceding ments were imported around to give his stuff away. outstanding yields: als are a prime example of to power Ohio. For more
Christmas. This fir tree was 1880 from Europe. These 2. He’s good with live- AA Non-Irrigated how Ohio farmers can do information, visit www.
decorated with apples and ornaments were followed by stock. Steve and Tim Reinhard more with less,” said OCGA ohiocorn.org.
was only a prop on stage the American patent of elec- 3. He knows how to get 293.891 Bushels Per Acre
for plays. It attracted the tric lights in 1882 and metal by with the same equipment — Dekalb DKC62-54 — STOCKS
attention of spectators, espe- hooks for safer hanging of season after season. Bucyrus Quotes of local interest supplied by
cially children, who would ornaments in 1892. 4. He works outside, even Close of business December 22, 2010
help themselves to the apples The early 20th century in bad weather. AA No Till/Strip Till
when no one was looking. saw Americans decorating 5. He’s good with kids. Non-Irrigated Description Last Price Change
Long after the plays ceased their trees mainly with home- 6. His wife is an excellent Bill Putnam — 285.5752 DJINDUAVERAGE 11,559.49 +26.33
to be performed, the memory made ornaments, while the cook. Bushels Per Acre — Dekalb NAS/NMS COMPSITE 2,671.48 +3.87
DKC62-54 — Conover S&P 500 INDEX 1,258.84 +4.24
of the fir tree decked with the German-American sect con- 7. He could stand to lose a AUTOZONE INC. 272.06 -0.13
apples lived on in the minds tinued to use apples, nuts, and few pounds (see reason # 6). BUNGE LTD 63.75 +1.51
of the German people. They cookies. Popcorn joined in 8. He’s used to getting in No Till/Strip Till EATON CORP. 102.18 +0.02
began to bring the fir tree into after being dyed bright colors and out of tight places. Irrigated BP PLC ADR 43.61 +0.07
the homes during the advent and interlaced with berries 9. He covers a lot of Jim Motycka — 240.8185 DOMINION RES INC 42.92 -0.04
season and decorated them and nuts. Electricity brought ground in a hurry when the Bushels Per Acre — Pioneer AMERICAN ELEC. PWR INC 35.96 +0.16
with apples. As time went on, about Christmas lights. With pressure is on. 33D14 — Napoleon CVS CAREMARK CRP 34.95 +0.47
CITIGROUP INC 4.73 -0.01
other decorations were added this, Christmas trees began 10. He takes care of the Ridge Till Non- FIRST DEFIANCE 11.67 +0.45

Pesticide License Certification training set Dec. 30

FST FIN BNCP 19.41 +0.62
GOODYEAR TIRE 12.00 +0.06
BY GLEN ARNOLD The morning training pro- ted.osu.edu/private.html. taking the appropriate test on HEALTHCARE REIT 47.21 +0.55
Ag educator gram will consist of cover- A representative from this same day. Study materi- HOME DEPOT INC. 35.18 +0.10
OSU Extension, ing information commonly the Ohio Department of als are available from the HONDA MOTOR CO 39.42 -0.03
Putnam County found on the private pesticide Agriculture will be at the Extension office. Again, you HUNTGTN BKSHR 6.85 +0.15
applicator exam. The pesticide Extension office at 1 p.m. must contact ODA to register JOHNSON&JOHNSON 62.02 -0.32
JPMORGAN CHASE 42.16 +1.16
Farmers who want to license core exam consists on Dec. 30 to administer the in advance to take the test. KOHLS CORP. 53.78 -0.33
obtain a private pesticide mostly of questions on pesti- exam. It is necessary for you The cost to attend the train- LOWES COMPANIES 25.67 -0.01
applicator license are invited cide safety, sprayer calibration, to inform ODA that you will ing is $20 per person. If you MCDONALDS CORP. 77.01 +0.15
to attend the new Pesticide pesticide container disposal, set be taking the exam that day. have any questions call the MICROSOFT CP 28.19 +0.12
License training day being back distances and spray drift. The ODA toll free phone Extension Office at 419-523- PEPSICO INC. 65.68 +0.28
held from 9 a.m. to noon on Farmers will also want to take number is 1-800-282-1955, 6294. The Extension office PROCTER & GAMBLE 64.95 +0.08
Dec. 30 at the Putnam County the category one exam and extension three and then is in the Putnam County RITE AID CORP. 0.90 -0.02
SPRINT NEXTEL 4.21 -0.10
Extension office. The Ohio other categories as warranted. extension one. Educational Services Center TIME WARNER INC. 32.27 +0.43
Department of Agriculture More information and training Farmers who currently building. This building is just US BANCORP 26.95 +0.39
(ODA) will be offering the materials for the core and each have a private pesticide appli- north of the Putnam County UTD BANKSHARES 9.50 +0.19
pesticide exam this same day category can be found at the cators license can add catego- YMCA on the west side of VERIZON COMMS 35.18 +0.24
at 1 p.m. following web site http://pes- ries to their current license by State route 109. WAL-MART STORES 53.31 -0.34
8 – The Herald Thursday, December 23, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

The Daily Herald
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Emerald, in geology

To place an ad call: 419-695-0015

6 Henry — Lodge 11 12
11 Farewell
12 Grads 13 14 15
13 BLT part
15 Snare 16 17 18
010 Announcements 080 Help Wanted 290 Wanted to Buy 800 House For Sale 16 Makes merry
18 AARP members 19 20 21
19 Plane stabilizer
ADVERTISERS: YOU can 0 DOWN, warranty, free 21 911 responder
place a 25 word classified
Raines appliances, Remodeled 22 Zip —
22 23 24 25 26 27
CDL Drivers 23 Kitchen or den
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papers with over one and Jewelry home. A great country 4
bed, 1 1/2 Bath home 25 Cosmonaut space lab
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Local family owned & 28 Metal eaters
a half million total circula-
tion across Ohio for $295. operated company hiring Cash for Gold in Lincolnview school dis-
trict. Has new carpet, 30 Explosive letters
32 33 34 35 36
Scrap Gold, Gold Jewelry,
It's easy...you place one FULL AND PART TIME Silver coins, Silverware, Pocket paint, landscape, new 31 Sierra Madre gold
37 38 39 40
order and pay with one 2 years tractor-trailer Combo Req. central air, water 32 1960s Chairman
check through Ohio Must Have Good MVR Watches, Diamonds. heater, new lighting, up- 33 Luau dish
2330 Shawnee Rd. 41 42
Scan-Ohio Statewide HOME WEEKENDS dated plumbing and elec- 35 Has a say
Classified Advertising Net- Very Competitive pay with Quar- Lima tric, some new 37 Horror-flick street
work. The Delphos Herald 38 Succulent plant 43 44 45 46 47
terly and Yearly Safety Bonuses. (419) 229-2899 windows, 19176 Venedo-
advertising dept. can set Benefits Include: Health, Dental cia-Eastern Rd., Venedo- 40 Fakes out
this up for you. No other and Life Ins. Pd-Short/Long Term cia. 419-586-8220. 41 Means of ID 48 49 50 51 52 53

300 Household Goods 42 Unrefined metal

classified ad buy is sim- Disability. Pd-Holidays and Vaca- www.creativehomebuying-
pler or more cost effective. tion. 401K with Co. Contribution. solutions.com 43 Malt brew 54 55
Hopper, Pneumatic and Van work
Call 419-695-0015, ext 46 Try to hear
Auto Repairs/
810 Parts/Acc.
servicing the livestock feed indus- 56 57
try. Come work for a company NEW, QUEEN plush top 48 Rock band crew member
where you are part of the family. mattress, never used, still 50 Flip-flop
Apply in person or email for ap- sealed in original wrapper. 54 Lead Chipmunk
plication or questions: $75.00. (260)220-1596. 55 Shake awake 10 Sugar amts. Day
info@d-dfeed.com Midwest Ohio 56 Desolate 14 Finished 39 Raids the fridge
57 Stage accessories
550 Pets & Supplies Auto Parts
D E L P HOS D&D Trucking 15 Rocker — John 43 Emir or sheik
TR ADING and Services, INC 17 Feelings 44 Lounge around
POST 5025 N Kill Rd Delphos,OH 45833 Specialist DOWN 19 Kind of point 45 Chalet feature
Windshields Installed, New 1 Flying mammal 20 Expression 46 Web page feature
COCK-A-TONS, YORK- 2 Ancient Tokyo
528 N. Washington St.
419-692-0044 095 Child Care IES, Poms, Long Hair Chi-
huahua, Papillon/Shihtzus.
Lights, Grills, Fenders,Mirrors, 3 Net holder, on the court
Moved into view
V.J. employer
Legendary marshal
Day, to Jose
Hoods, Radiators 4 Ached with longing 25 Engine 51 Twosome
Hurry, Santa will soon be
4893 Dixie Hwy, Lima 5 Pear-shaped instrument 26 Castle or Dunne 52 Deadly snake
NEED EXTRA CHILDCARE IN-HOME here and gone. Garwick's 6 Preserves fruit
between Delphos and 27 Antarctic sea 53 French article
Spencerville on 66. Imme-
the Pet People. 1-800-589-6830 7 Elev. 29 Workout locale
419-795-5711 8 Prickly husks
diate openings any shift 34 Chuck Berry tune
9 — Khayyam
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excellent condition. Better Business Bureau, W/D.Quiet neighborhood Do You earn $800.00 Drivers: ‘Tis The Weekly Hometime. 75%
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Copyright 2010, United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.
www.delphosherald.com Thursday, December 23, 2010 The Herald – 9

Family at odds Tomorrow’s


as holidays near By Bernice Bede Osol

Friday, Dec. 24, 2010

In the year ahead, there is a

Dear Annie: Our two in Chicago possibility that you will become
children are married with Dear Perplexed: We’re involved in a very exciting project,
families of their own. The going to go with door num- which initially could appear as being
siblings used to get along ber three. They have no clue. beyond your scope and abilities.
However, once involved, you’ll
quite well, but over the past Either they were never prop- discover you’ll fit right in.
few years, they hardly speak erly taught, or they don’t CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
to each other. I don’t know believe a handwritten note - It might not be too important to you,
but with all the commotion, minute
what happened. is necessary these days. At
We threw ourselves an least you received a two-line
mistakes can be made. Count your
change when shopping and make sure
anniversary party, and our son e-mail. Some folks don’t get you don’t forget to purchase small
refused to speak to anyone even that much. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
because we had missed his You were exceedingly - Big things aren’t likely to disturb
youngest son’s birthday cel- generous to this young cou- those around you, but little oversights
might. Take extra care to make sure
ebration. The reason we didn’t ple, and if you don’t feel it you lock your car door and wipe your
attend was because our daugh- was sufficiently appreciated, feet before entering someone’s house.
ter had left her three little kids you are under no obligation to PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -
Be attentive when someone asks you
with us when she be so magnanimous to do something special, especially if
took a vacation. The in the future. But it it calls for you to get other people to
kids were specifi- also wouldn’t hurt help. You’ll need to get things straight
cally not invited to to casually mention before you can relay instructions to
the birthday party, that, based on their ARIES (March 21-April 19)
so none of us could brief response, you - When doing some last-minute
go. We explained weren’t sure they shopping, it might be best to stay
away from the bargain counters, and
this, but our son enjoyed the visit. avoid getting rejects. Make careful
still feels we were Dear Annie: I selections that’ll last.
in the wrong. Yet read the letter from TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -
This can be an extremely productive
he rarely attends “Crowded by the day if you can keep kibitzers from
the birthday parties Ex” and agree that peering over your shoulder, even if
of his sister’s chil- it seems many exes they are only trying to help. You need
to do things your way, uninterrupted.
dren. Annie’s Mailbox are not letting go, GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
I am dreading passive-aggressive- - Guard what you say when you
the holidays. Our son usually ly attempting to crowd out open your mouth. There’s a chance
you could be so excited about your
spends Christmas Eve with the most recent wife. knowledge of someone else’s gift that
us and the following day with My husband was divorced you could spoil the surprise.
his in-laws. Our daughter has 46 years ago, and we’ve been CANCER (June 21-July 22)
invited us to spend Christmas married for 18 years. Early - Financial trends could be a bit
mercurial, in that you might receive a
Day with her. I’d love to in our marriage, his ex could nice bonus only to spend it all on extra
have them together, but my not wait to become part of our gifts or things you want but don’t SNUFFY SMITH
son tends to say “no” to any family, frequently showing need. Keep close tabs on how much
you’re spending.
family celebration. Do we up at our house unexpectedly LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - In all
ask these two couples point to “see how we were doing,” of your excitement about what you
blank what is happening or bringing gifts, etc. Mind you, plan to do for someone, don’t let
any secrets slip out and ruin the fun.
just ignore it? -- Trying Not their now 50-year-old son Keep mum, no matter how great the
To Step on Toes lived in a distant city. temptation.
Dear Trying: These But we got even. On one VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - In
your desire to impress others, you
are your children. Talk to occasion when all of us were might be tempted to reveal a surprise
them individually. Ask what present, we were approached that you have the scoop on, but you
is going on and how you by a woman who knew the would kick yourself if you spoiled it
for another. Loose lips sink ships.
can help resolve the issues. ex, but not us. My husband LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - An
Don’t accuse either of them introduced me as his wife, enthusiastic friend might want to
of behaving poorly. Focus whereupon the woman turned include you in on a present s/he would
only on what would make to the ex and said, “Oh, Judy, like to give another, because it is too
things better. Frankly, your so THIS is your son!” --
costly for one person to give -- do so
only if it fits into your budget.
son sounds as if he is looking Shook Her Loose SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
for reasons to be angry with Annie’s Mailbox is written - Avoid seeking help from a person
who may mean well but is rarely able
his sister. That means he is by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy to contribute anything of substance,
likely to become defensive Sugar, longtime editors of the especially regarding urgent matters.
and, consequently, resistant Ann Landers column. Please You’re better off doing it all on your
to any of your suggestions. e-mail your questions to SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.
If that is the case, there’s not anniesmailbox@comcast.net, 21) - Proper timing could make
much you can do. But you or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, something far better than leaving the
effects up to chance. If you expose
won’t get anywhere if you c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 something prematurely, it could spoil
don’t try. We hope they will W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, the surprise and/or diminish its joy.
listen to their mother. Los Angeles, CA 90045. Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Dear Annie: A few

months ago, we invited new-
lyweds to visit us for a long BORN LOSER
weekend at our vacation
home in Arizona. These are
young friends in their early
30s. As a gift, we paid for
their airline tickets and wined
and dined them during their
visit. We also gave them a
wedding card with a signifi-
cant check.
Three weeks after the
visit, we received a two-line
e-mail thanking us for the
plane tickets and the wed-
ding gift. That was it. No FRANK & ERNEST
handwritten note. Not even a
personal call.
I’m appalled to think this
is how young adults thank
others for their generosity.
Have they forgotten good
manners? Can’t they be both-
ered to write a gracious note,
put a stamp on the enve-
lope and mail it? Or do they
have no clue? -- Perplexed

Thursday Evening December 23, 2010

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©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it
10 – The Herald Thursday, December 23, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

Storm lashes Calif., leaves polluted water

By NOAKI SCHWARTZ ated for more than 24 hours in La Canada causes more pollution to get flushed into the was being suspended Thurday because of threats
Associated Press Flintridge and La Crescenta, suburbs of Los region’s water system of midslides and high water.
Angeles below steep hillsides that burned in “Literally every beach gets an ’F’ when we The storm weakened as it moved eastward,
LOS ANGELES — California residents 2009 and where mudslides inundated homes get a rain storm like this,” he said. “It’s big but floods still washed away homes in Arizona
who endured flooding, mudslides and evacua- and backyards in February. enough to pollute each an every beach in LA and inundated parts of Nevada and Utah.The
tions during a weeklong onslaught of rain now After days of relentless rain, long-awaited County. It’s a pretty extraordinary event when low-pressure system could reach the Gulf Coast
have another problem: contaminated water and sunshine was finally in the forecast for today, we have rain like this.” by Saturday with some rain, forecasters said.
fouled beaches. but officials said Californians may want to resist Sixty people were rescued and more than In far northwestern Arizona, homes along
The rain washed trash, pesticides and bac- the urge to head to the ocean. 30 homes evacuated Wednesday when water a flooded wash teetered on the edge as resi-
teria into waterways, prompting health warn- “It can be very nice the next day and every- surged through Dove Canyon, a gated Orange dents scurried to gather belongings. Five vacant
ings. Four beaches were closed in Northern one says ’This is great! This is a beach day,”’ County community. homes were lost in the rural area and nearly two
California’s San Mateo County and another said Jonathan E. Fielding, director of the Los In Highland, about 65 miles east of Los dozen homes were damaged.
12 miles of beach from Laguna Beach to Angeles county public health department. “It Angeles, two creeks overflowed, swamping as Forecasters said the Virgin River, which cuts
San Clemente in Southern California’s Orange could well be but we will be monitoring and many as 20 homes in up to 3 feet of mud. Up through that part of the state, is expected to crest
County were off-limits because of sewer over- testing water and we won’t recommend people to 40 homes and around 100 residents were today morning.
flows. go back there until we’re sure it’s safe.” evacuated. Floods threatened to swallow a bridge in
While the rain eased on Wednesday, the Experts normally recommend waiting 72 In San Diego, the first floor of the Premier nearby Utah. The flooding forced the clo-
danger was not over for foothill residents living hours after a storm before getting in the water, Inn in the city’s Mission Valley flooded, forcing sure of Zion National Park on Tuesday. The
below wildfire-scarred hillsides. though in this case some are saying five days guests to the second floor where lifeguards were south entrance and the visitor center opened on
“The ground is so saturated it could move at might be wiser. The contamination in some sent to rescue them, police said. SeaWorld San Wednesday afternoon.
any time” and the threat will remain for several areas could last for weeks because of the espe- Diego closed for the day as waters rose in the In southern Nevada, a state of emergency
weeks, said Bob Spencer, spokesman for the cially heavy rains. nearby San Diego River, but it was expected to was ordered after rain-swollen creeks closed
Los Angeles County Department of Public Mark Gold, president of Heal the Bay, a reopen on today. some roads in the Las Vegas area and snow
Works. Santa Monica based group that monitors and Amtrak said the Pacific Surfliner train service disrupted electricity to about 300 customers on
More than 200 homes were ordered evacu- grades beach water quality said more rain between San Diego and San Juan Capistrano nearby Mount Charleston.

DADT repeal gives hope of return to military

By DAVID CRARY being open about their sexual- flict with West Point’s honor way for repeal of the 17-year-
Associated Press ity. Yet Hall, Rocha and Miller code — took its toll. old policy. Obama encouraged
savored military duty and now “Every day was a com- those who were discharged
NEW YORK — Joseph — with “don’t ask, don’t tell” promise — portraying myself to re-enlist, and Rocha said
Rocha reported being cruelly heading toward oblivion — as something I was not,” she he hopes to do just that by
hazed by Navy colleagues. they want to return. said. enrolling in the Marine Corps’
Katherine Miller resigned Miller, a 21-year-old from She said she also felt Officer Candidates School in
from West Point halfway Findlay, Ohio, wasn’t dis- anguished over her reluctance Quantico, Va.
through, weary of concealing charged, but “don’t ask, don’t to speak up when some mem- “I had a rough childhood,
her sexual orientation. David tell” was the reason she left bers of her military ethics class and the only father figure I
Hall was outed by a fellow Air the U.S. Military Academy used anti-gay slurs and sug- had was a godfather who was
Force cadet and booted from despite impressive achieve- gested that sexually active gays a Marine,” Rocha said in a
the career he loved. ments there. were going to hell. telephone interview after the
The exits from military ser- She ranked ninth in her She resigned from the ceremony. “To me the Marine
vice were wrenching conse- class of more than 1,150 and academy in August and is now Corps exemplified honor,
quences of “don’t ask, don’t relished most aspects of acad- halfway through her junior integrity, a sense of family —
tell,” the policy prohibiting gay emy life. But lying about her year at Yale University. But things that were drastically the
and lesbian personnel from sexual orientation — in con- with “don’t ask, don’t tell” opposite of what I experienced
soon ending, she has already as a child.”
reapplied to West Point and Rocha’s eagerness to
hopes to return there this sum- serve is remarkable, given
mer to complete her final two his experience in Bahrain
years. in 2005 with a Navy bomb-
Why go back? sniffer dog unit. He report-
“Retrospectively, now that ed being tied to a chair and
Answers to Wednesday’s questions: I’ve been to Yale, everything left in a dog kennel, hosed
The shoes an Iraqi journalist threw at President George at West Point is more of a team down while in uniform and
Photos submitted

W. Bush during a Baghdad press conference in December effort,” she said. “You get a forced to simulate oral sex Santa visits YWCA
2008 were size 10. feeling of cohesion, camarade- on another sailor — part of
The full-size submarine model seen in “Raiders of the Santa stopped by the Van Wert YWCA via the
rie. I like that.” series of hazing incidents that Van Wert Fire Department fire truck, below, to visit
Lost Ark” was originally built for the movie “Das Boot”, If she does pursue an Army prompted a high-level Navy
the 1981 epic about a crew aboard a German U-boat dur- the women and children in the Transitional Living
career, it’s not a desk job she review earlier this year. Program. He handed out gifts and brought a large bag
ing World War II. wants. First choice, if combat After Bahrain, Rocha
Today’s questions: of toys for each child. The toys were provided by Toys
units are opened to women, attended the U.S. Naval for Tots. Garrett Grenzebach, above, told Santa his
According to the Bible, what color was the robe would be duty with an armored Academy Preparatory School
Pontius Pilate’s soldiers put on Jesus? Christmas wishes.
unit. If not, flying helicopters. in Rhode Island but decided to
When it comes to Indian culture, what is a bindi? Rocha, 24, was in leave the Navy in 2007 by tell-
Answers in Friday’s Herald. Washington on Wednesday, ing his commander he’s gay.
Today’s words: watching euphorically as He’s scheduled to graduate in
Domatologist: a professional housekeeper President Barack Obama May from the University of
Mandorla: an almond-shaped object signed the bill clearing the San Diego.

to God
In The Highest
Dear Friend,
The Catholic community of
Delphos invites you to join us for
worship during this Christmas
Season. We welcome you to
celebrate with us in this time
of great joy, and hope that we
might serve you throughout
the new year. May the feast of
Christmas bring us all close
to God through his Son Jesus
Christ, in the joy of the Holy
The People of
St. John the Evangelist Church

Christmas - New Year’s Schedule of Services

Christmas Eve New Year’s Eve St. Peter Lutheran
FRIDAY, December 24 FRIDAY, December 31 O COme, Let uS adOre him!
Children’s Mass – 4:30 p.m. Mass: 4:30 p.m.
Music by the Youth Choir begins at 4:00 ChriStmaS eve: 4 P.m. and 10 P.m.
Christmas Eve Mass - 7:30 p.m. 422 n. PierCe St., deLPhOS
Music by the Guitar Ensemble at 7:00 419-695-2616
Midnight Mass – 12 Midnight New Year’s Day www.StPeterdeLPhOS.Org
Music begins at 11:30 p.m. SATURDAY, January 1, 2011
by the Adult Choir Mass at 9:00 a.m.
Christmas Day Trinity United Methodist Church
SATURDAY, December 25
Mass at 9:00 a.m. Ridge United Methodist Church
Music by Bell Choir & Heather Schuck beginning at 8:30 a.m. St. Paul United Methodist Church
Zion United Methodist Church
Franklin and Second Streets, Delphos, Ohio Phone 419-695-4050 •Christmas Eve, 7:30 at Trinity
Family Candlelight Communion Service (Live Broadcast on WDOH)
•Christmas Eve, 11:00 p.m.
at Trinity-Traditional Candlelight Communion Service

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