DH 1223
DH 1223
DH 1223
Christmas festivities
Nancy Spencer, editor
On Sunday at approximate- he was later released after On Sunday at approximate- Ray Geary, general manager
ly 3:13 a.m., Delphos Police being cited into Van Wert Delphos Herald, Inc.
ly 8:41 p.m., Delphos police
initiated a routine traffic stop Municipal Court. Don Hemple,
initiated a routine traffic stop advertising manager
By YAHYA BARZANJI Kanna, a Christian lawmaker on 18-year-old Delphos resi- Three passengers, Nathan on 20-year-old Delphos resi-
and SAMEER N. YACOUB from Baghdad. Tiffany Brantley,
dent Blake Williams. Jackson, 18, Carrisa Shafer, dent Dustin Kunz. circulation manager
Associated Press Even before the Oct. 31 During the traffic stop, 18, both of Delphos; and During the officer’s contact William Kohl,
church attack, thousands of it was determined that Taylor Mueller, 18, of Van with Kunz, it appeared Mr. general manager/Eagle Print
KIRKUK, Iraq — No dec- Christians were fleeing Iraq. Williams was driving under Wert were all charged with Kunz was under the influence.
orations, no midnight Mass. They make up more than a third the influence. He was underage consumption His vehicle was towed and he
Even an appearance by Santa of the 53,700 Iraqis resettled in transported to the Delphos and cited into Van Wert was transported to the Delphos The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
Claus has been nixed after the United States since 2007, Police Department, where Municipal Court. 8000) is published daily except
Police Department where he Sundays and Holidays.
Iraq’s Christian leaders called according to State Department
Dog shot
was later released after being
off Christmas celebrations
amid new al-Qaida threats on
Since the church attack,
Teen cited for cited into Van Wert Municipal
Court for driving under the
By carrier in Delphos and
area towns, or by rural motor
identity theft
Christians across Iraq have United Nations, which recently $119 per year.
been living in fear since the
assault on Our Lady of Salvation
warned of a steady exodus of
Iraqi Christians.
derly conduct ly 2:34 p.m., Delphos police
responded to the 700 block of
Entered in the post office
in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Clime Street in reference the On Tuesday at approxi-
Church as its Catholic congre- The latest threats were post- On Tuesday at approxi- Periodicals, postage paid at
to homeowners pet had been mately 7:44 p.m., a 50-year-
gation was celebrating Sunday ed late Tuesday by the Islamic mately 6:48 p.m., Delphos Delphos, Ohio.
shot with an arrow. old resident from the 400
Mass. Sixty-eight people were State of Iraq, an al-Qaida front police responded to the 200 No mail subscriptions will be
When the officers arrived, block of East Second Street accepted in towns or villages
killed. Days later Islamic insur- group, on a website frequent- block of Holland Avenue on a
the residents reported a visitor came to the Delphos Police where The Daily Herald paper
gents bombed Christian homes ed by Islamic extremists. The disturbance call.
had let their pet out and within Department to file a report of carriers or motor routes provide
and neighborhoods across the group said it wants the release Upon officers’ arrival, it
a short period of time, their identity theft. daily home delivery for $2.09
capital. of two women it claims are was discovered the male sub-
dog returned to their home When the officers spoke per week.
On Tuesday, al-Qaida being held captive by Egypt’s ject in question had left prior 405 North Main St.
and they could hear it yelping. with the victim, they reported
insurgents threatened more Coptic Church. to the officers arrival. When TELEPHONE 695-0015
When they let the dog inside, numerous charges had fraud-
attacks on Iraq’s beleaguered Muslim extremists in Egypt the officers returned to the Office Hours
they discovered a blue, field- ulently been billed to their
Christians, many of whom accuse the Coptic Church of residence, 19-year-old Dustin 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
tip arrow protruding from the Visa/debit card over the last 3
have fled their homes or the detaining the women for alleg- Irwin was taken into custody POSTMASTER:
dog’s shoulder. 1/2 months. Send address changes
country since the church edly converting to Islam, an for underage consumption and
The dog was transport- The account(s) have been to THE DAILY HERALD,
attack. A council representing accusation the church denies. persistent disorderly conduct
ed to the Lima Emergency closed and the case remains 405 N. Main St.
Christian denominations across The message posted Tuesday and transported to the Allen
Veterinary Hospital for treat- under investigation. Delphos, Ohio 45833
County Justice Center.
Driver cited for
Iraq advised its followers to was addressed to Iraq’s
cancel public celebrations of Christian community and said ment.
Christmas out of concern for
their lives and as a show of
it was designed to “pressure”
Driver cited for The incident occurred
between 2-2:30 p.m. and is suspension TODAY
mourning for the victims. Few reliable statis- expired tags, still under investigation.
On Tuesday at approxi- IN HISTORY
“Nobody can ignore the
threats of al-Qaida against Iraqi
tics exist on the number of
Christians remaining in this driving under Cash reported mately 10:36 p.m., Delphos
police initiated a routine By The Associated Press
Christians,” said Chaldean
Archbishop Louis Sako in
nation of 29 million. A recent
State Department report says suspension stolen from traffic stop on 44-year-old
Delphos resident Stephen T.
Today is Thursday, Dec.
23, the 357th day of 2010.
Kirkuk. “We cannot find a sin-
gle source of joy that makes us
Christian leaders estimate there
are 400,000 to 600,000, down On Sunday at approxi-
residence Cunningham.
During the traffic stop, it
There are 8 days left in the
celebrate. The situation of the from a prewar level of some mately 11:19 a.m., Delphos On Saturday at approxi- was determined Cunningham Today’s Highlight in
Christians is bleak.” 1.4 million. police initiated a routine traf- mately 4:27 p.m., a homeown- was currently under a finan- History:
Church officials in Baghdad, For those who remain, fic stop on a vehicle with er in the 700 block of West cial responsibility judgement On Dec. 23, 1968, 82 crew
as well as in the northern cities Christmas will be a somber expired tags. Third Street reported their suspension. members of the U.S. intel-
of Kirkuk and Mosul and the affair. During the traffic stop, it home had been broken into. Cunningham was released ligence ship Pueblo were
southern city of Basra, said In the northern city of was discovered the driver, When the police offi- after being cited into Lima released by North Korea, 11
they will not put up Christmas Kirkuk, 180 miles (290 kilo- 48-year-old Steven C. Seitz cers arrived, the homeowner Municipal Court. months after they had been
decorations or celebrate mid- meters) north of Baghdad, Sako reported the burglary and theft captured.
Driver cited for
of Delphos was driving under
night Mass. They urged wor- said there will be no Christmas suspension. occurred sometime after Dec. On this date:
shippers not to decorate their decorations outside churches 16 and was discovered on In 1783, George Washington
homes. Even an appearance by and a traditional visit by Santa
Seitz was transported to the
Delphos Police Department, Saturday. driving under resigned as commander in chief
Santa Claus was called off. Claus has also been called off. where he was later released An undisclosed amount of of the Continental Army and
“It’s to avoid any attacks, Money usually used on cel- after being cited into Lima cash was stolen. retired to his home at Mount
but also to show that people are ebrations or gifts will instead Municipal Court for failure to The case is still under On Tuesday at approxi- Vernon, Va.
sad, not happy,” said Younadim go to help Christian refugees. reinstate. investigation. mately 12:27 a.m., Delphos In 1788, Maryland passed
police initiated a routine traffic an act to cede an area “not
VAN WERT COUNTY COURT NEWS BIRTHS stop on 35-year-old Delphos
resident Joshua C. Fultz.
exceeding 10 miles square”
for the seat of the national
The following individuals between Aug. 1 and Oct. 31. County Sheriff Department, ST. RITA’S During the traffic stop, it government; about 2/3 of the
appeared Wednesday before Baer was released on a Ridenour caused or attempted A boy was born Dec. 22 was determined Fultz was area became the District of
Judge Charles Steele in Van $5,000 unsecured personal to cause physical harm to a to Josh and Carrie Kimmel of currently under suspension Columbia.
Wert County Common Pleas bond with Judge Steele set- family or household member. Cloverdale. for license forfeiture. He was In 1823, the poem “Account
Court: ting a pretrial hearing for 8 Ridenour was ordered A girl was born Dec. 22 to cited into Lima Municipal of a Visit from St. Nicholas”
a.m. Jan. 12. to undergo a psychological Thomas and Amber Ball of Court and then released. was published anonymously in
the Troy (N.Y.) Sentinel; the
Jeremy G. Baer, 27,
Paulding, was arraigned and
Brittney Garwood, 22,
Van Wert, was sent to prison
assessment and complete any
programs recommend, must
Driver hits track verse, more popularly known
decline, airbags
as “’Twas the Night Before
entered a not guilty plea to a for nine months after she was make restitution to the victim
charge of grand theft, a felony found to be in violation of her for medical bills, pay costs Christmas,” was later attrib-
of the fourth degree.
According to the Van Wert
community control.
Garwood was found guilty
associated with the prosecu-
tion of her case. WEATHER FORECAST
deploy uted to Clement C. Moore.
In 1893, the Engelbert
County Sheriff Department, of violating her community A 180-day jail sentence and Tri-county At 3:05 p.m. on Wednesday, Humperdinck opera “Haensel
Baer, a former employee of control by associating with a $1,000 fine were deferred The Associated Press a traffic accident occurred und Gretel” was first per-
an Ohio City manufacturing convicted felons and also to pending the successful com- when the driver of a Pontiac formed, in Weimar, Germany.
plant, allegedly took alumi- have possession of dangerous pletion of the community con- TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Grand Prix struck the decline In 1928, the National
num molds from the company drugs. trol program. Lows 15 to 20. Northwest of a set of railroad tracks with Broadcasting Company set up
which were sold for scrap Garwood had originally John R. McGinnis, 29, winds 5 to 10 mph. the undercarriage of his vehi- a permanent, coast-to-coast
metal. The alleged thefts were been convicted of a drug vio- Van Wert, was returned to FRIDAY: Mostly cloudy. cle. network.
to have occurred some time lation when she was placed on prison after it was found that Highs in the upper 20s. North Spencer Wells, 23, of In 1941, during World
community control. he had violated the terms of winds around 5 mph. Delphos, was traveling south- War II, American forces on
Judge Steele gave Garwood his community control. CHRISTMAS EVE: bound on Canal Street and Wake Island surrendered to
credit for 200 days which she McGinnis allegedly violat- Cloudy. Lows in the lower attempted to cross over the the Japanese.
had served on the sentence. ed his community control after 20s. North winds around 5 incline/decline of the CSX In 1948, former Japanese
Haley J. Moser, 20, Van being found in possession of mph. railroad crossing next to premier Hideki Tojo and six
Wert, was granted judicial drug paraphernalia, associat- Bunge Corp., striking the other Japanese war leaders
release from prison and placed ing with convicted felons and EXTENDED FORECAST underside of his vehicle on the were executed in Tokyo.
on three years of community possession of drugs. CHRISTMAS DAY: decline. This caused Wells’ In 1967, President Lyndon
control. McGinnis was ordered to Cloudy. Highs in the mid 20s. airbag to deploy, causing him B. Johnson held an unprec-
Moser will spend up to six spend a 10-month prison sen- North winds 5 to 10 mph. non-incapacitating injury. edented meeting with Pope
months at the WORTH Center tence and given credit for 124 CHRISTMAS NIGHT, There was moderate dam- Paul VI at the Vatican.
in Lima as part of her com- days he had served against the SUNDAY: Cloudy. Lows 15 age to Wells’ vehicle, which In 1975, Richard S. Welch,
munity control program, had original sentence. to 20. Highs in the lower 20s. was towed. Wells was trans- the Central Intelligence
her driver’s license suspended Terry Short, 41, Lima, SUNDAY NIGHT, ported to St. Rita’s Medical Agency station chief in
for a period of six months and was found in violation of his MONDAY: Mostly cloudy. Center by Delphos EMS. Athens, was shot and killed
was ordered to pay costs asso- community control for failing Lows around 10 above. Highs He was cited for a failure to outside his home by the mili-
Paige Kay McKinley
12/23/2000 to 3/14/2001 ciated with her prosecution. to pay his child support, and in the mid 20s. maintain reasonable control. tant group November 17.
Happy 10th Birthday Judge Steele suspended that he had failed to notify the MONDAY NIGHT-
in Heaven Punkin
We remember well your sweet little the balance of her 10-month probation department that he TUESDAY NIGHT: Partly
head of dark hair, those chubby kissable prison sentence pending the had moved. cloudy. Lows around 10 above. CLEVELAND (AP) — Powerball
cheeks, and dark eyes. We think of you
often and wonder what you would
successful completion of the Judge Steele ordered that Highs in the upper 20s. These Ohio lotteries were 11-33-44-46-47, Powerball:
look like today? What kind of mischief community control program. Short spend the balance of his WEDNESDAY: Partly drawn Wednesday: 12, Power Play: 2
would you be gettimg into with your Rebecca Ridenour, 28, 12-month prison sentence and cloudy in the morning becom- Classic Lotto Estimated jackpot: $35 mil-
brother? We shouldn’t be sad because
they say you are a powerful spirit. Ohio City, was placed on one was given credit for 159 day ing mostly cloudy. Highs in 22-24-25-41-43-48 lion
And we shouldn’t ask why. But we year of community control on he had previously served in the lower 30s. Estimated jackpot: $16.8 Rolling Cash 5
are human. Do you get to blow out 10 a charge of domestic violence, jail awaiting final disposition million 03-08-14-22-37
candles in Heaven?
Mega Millions
Grandma & Grandpa,
Mommy & Daddy & Corbin
a misdemeanor of the first
of the charge.
Gilbert S. Gomez, 41, OCAL RICES Estimated jackpot: $168
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High court approves EarthTalk®
Livestock care
tobacco funds diversion From the Editors of E/The
Environmental Magazine
the new regulations will spare
wastewater treatment sys-
tems from dealing with 10-12
Cascade Complete All in 1
pacs (at a cost of 28 cents
per load), Ecover tablets
rules, penalties
By JULIE CARR SMYTH al,” he wrote. Dear EarthTalk: What’s percent of the phosphates (27 cents), Finish Powerball
Associated Press Strickland said the ruling up with dishwasher deter- previously encountered. Tabs tablets (22 cents), and
approved COLUMBUS — The Ohio
frees up money that had been
pinpointed to extend Medicaid
gents of late? They’re clear-
ly not working as well. I
Wastewater treatment manag-
ers in Spokane, Washington,
Method Smarty Dish tablets
(21 cents), but other brands
COLUMBUS (AP) — Supreme Court ruled unani- coverage to children whose hope whatever was done is for example, found that a and formulations also per-
mously on Wednesday that families live at 200 to 300 per- helping the environment local year-old ban on phos- formed adequately if used
Rules for putting sick live- lawmakers didn’t violate the cent of the poverty level.
stock to death and civil pen- because it’s not helping my phates in dishwashing deter- properly.
state Constitution when they The largest portion of the dishes. gent there saved them from Consumer Reports also
alties for violators cleared a took about $230 million set tobacco diversion was desig-
key legislative committee on — Sally P., Everett, WA dealing with upwards of 180 provides tips on optimiz-
aside for tobacco prevention nated for optional Medicaid pounds of phosphates — or ing the performance of your
Wednesday. and used it for other purposes. services, including vision,
The Ohio Livestock Care What happened was that in about 10 percent of the total dishwasher and dishwashing
Disappointed anti-tobacco podiatry, dental and hospice July 2010 a significant reduc- load — each and every day at detergent no matter which
Standards Board created by advocates called on Republican care. Other programs it was
voters last year has been tion in the amount of phos- municipal wastewater treat- brand you use. For starters,
Gov.-elect John Kasich and to fund were adult and child phates allowed in automatic ment facilities — saving not load large items at the sides
working for months to devel- the incoming GOP-controlled protective services, breast and
op standards governing the dishwasher detergent went only money but also the other and back of the dishwasher
Legislature to push for a cervical cancer screenings and into effect in Washington chemicals used to treat the so they don’t block water and
care and well-being of farm tobacco tax hike next year to a “buy-in” program that helps
animals and penalties for vio- State. Similar regulations water. detergent from reaching other
help pay for smoking-related special-needs children get
lating those standards. were implemented in 14 Given the shift in so many dishes. And place the dirtier
health care costs. health care coverage.
Approved penalties for Tobacco-Free Kids presi- “This is a great victory other states (Illinois, Indiana, states, many manufactur- side of dishes towards the cen-
the euthanasia rules cleared dent Matthew Myers called the for children’s health care in Maryland, Massachusetts, ers have reformulated their ter of the machine to provide
Wedneday and other care state’s handling of the money Ohio,” Strickland said in a Michigan, Minnesota, entire product lines for mar- more exposure to the sprayer.
standards still being devel- “penny-wise and pound-fool- statement. “Now, Ohio has the Montana, New Hampshire, kets across the country, so Also, try to prevent dishes and
oped range from $500 for ish.” resources to ensure that all Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, even if you don’t live in utensils from nesting within
minor offenses to $10,000 for “It is outrageous that this children in Ohio have access Vermont, Virginia, and one of the affected states one another so that the water
repeat major ones. Some of year, Ohio will collect $1.2 to quality, affordable health Wisconsin) for 2009 before you might be getting dish- can reach all surfaces.
the care standards still being billion in tobacco revenue care coverage, regardless of Oregon and Washington washing detergent with a lot
developed deal with areas like from the 1998 state tobacco their financial situation. This added their names to the list less phosphorous as well. Send your environmental
housing and overall manage- settlement and tobacco taxes, significant decision frees up earlier this year. Previously Consumer Reports tested 24 questions to: EarthTalk®,
ment of livestock. but will spend none of it on state funds that can now be phosphates could constitute of the leading low-phosphate c/o E – The Environmental
Karen Minton, state direc- tobacco prevention programs,” used to improve the lives of up to 8.7 percent of dish- dishwasher detergents to see Magazine, P.O. Box 5098,
tor for the Humane Society, Myers said in a statement. children and families across washer detergent; now the which ones got dishes clean- Westport, CT 06881; earth-
said the animal welfare group Affirming a ruling by the the state.” new regulations limit them to est. The top finishers were talk@emagazine.com.
is “comfortable” with the rules 10th District Court of Appeals, The money in the tobacco 0.5 percent.
stating acceptable ways of put- the high court agreed that the prevention fund came from The main problem with
ting sick animals to death. Legislature was within its the landmark settlement Ohio phosphates, which also come
The Humane Society had legal rights when it moved the and other states reached with from agricultural and land-
wanted strangulation ruled out money in 2008, even though it tobacco companies to resolve scaping activities, is that they
as a method of euthanasia, and had been placed in a protected lawsuits over the effects of get into natural water bodies
it is omitted from the accept- fund. smoking. Ohio’s share was and act as fertilizer, acceler-
The Ohio Tobacco Use $10.1 billion. ating plant and algae growth.
able methods. Prevention and Control Fund Shortly after the stimulus
Minton said there are some When the plants and algae die,
was simply a state agency cre- deal was announced, the trust a feeding frenzy of bacteria
concerns over the civil penal- ated in 2000 and abolished in fund transferred $190 mil-
ties. consume all the oxygen dis-
2008, justices ruled — not a lion of the money to the anti- solved in the water, creating
“We don’t believe some trust with special privileges smoking American Legacy
of them are as clear as they an environment inhospitable
under the law. Foundation, and both groups to fish and other aquatic life.
should be,” she said. “But Lawmakers and Democratic began their legal fight to pro-
we are optimistic about the These oxygen-devoid “dead
Gov. Ted Strickland struck a tect the cash. The total is now zones” can occur in freshwa-
board’s progress so far.” bipartisan agreement in April $258 million, which includes
Action by the Joint ter or in the ocean. In fact,
2008 liquidating the fund and interest. two of the world’s largest
Committee on Agency Rule diverting most of it to help American Legacy’s general
Review addressed some of dead zones are in the Baltic
pay for a $1.57 billion eco- counsel Ellen Vargyas made
the issues from an agree- Sea and the Gulf of Mexico,
nomic stimulus package to no apologies Wednesday for
ment reached in June between create jobs. Later, the money engaging in the battle. the result of fertilizers run-
Ohio agriculture businesses, was redirected to expand state “We stand up for what we ning off of farmland. Besides
the Humane Society of the health care benefits. did,” she said. “In our view, phosphates’ negative effect
United States and Gov. Ted Writing for the court, if Ohio were to have kept the on water bodies, their pres-
Strickland. The governor bro- Justice Paul Pfeifer said par- programs it would have reaped ence in the environment can
kered the agreement in which ties in the case debated wheth- benefits both financially and also be harmful to terrestrial
the Humane Society agreed er the money would be bet- beyond that.” wildlife and can trigger skin Sixteen U.S. states now severely limit the amount of
to abandon a fall ballot issue ter spent on tobacco cessation Visiting Justice Sean and eye irritation and aller- phosphates allowed in automatic dishwasher detergents
against animal cruelty in than on job creation efforts. Gallagher said he believes law- gies, among other ill effects, due to their negative impacts on wastewater systems,
exchange for livestock care “The question whether it is makers intended to create a safe in humans. water bodies and human health. While some do not clean
standards. wise to enact legislation is not trust fund for the money but Environmentalists and oth- as well as a result, Consumer Reports tested 24 leading
the same question as whether failed, stymieing legal protec- ers supportive of the reduc- low-phosphate offerings and gave highest marks to brands
Caesars to play the legislation is constitution- tions trustees argued they had. tion in phosphates claim that by Cascade, Finish, Method and Ecover (pictured here).
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POLITICS “All that is really necessary for survival of the fittest, it seems, is an interest in
life, good, bad or peculiar.” — Grace Paley, American writer (1922-2007)
EVENTS Kitchen DEC. 23-25
5-7 p.m. — The Interfaith
Press THURSDAY: Delores German, Norma Zalar, Valeta Ditto,
Helen Fischer, Christine Siebeneck and Arnita Yoder.
Thrift Shop is open for shop-
Enjoy your holidays and may you FRIDAY: Closed.
be surrounded by family, loved SATURDAY: Closed.
ones and delicious food.
7:30 p.m. — American
Legion Post 268, 415 N. State REGULAR THRIFT SHOP HOURS: 5-7 p.m. Thursday;
St. 1-4 p.m. Friday; and 9 a.m.- noon Saturday.
Microwave Caramel Corn 1 or 2 drams cinnamon Anyone who would like to volunteer should contact
FRIDAY 6 quart popped corn ( flavoring oil (or your choice
MERRY CHRISTMAS Catharine Gerdemann, 419-695-8440; Alice Heidenescher, Happy Birthday
about 1 cup unpopped) of flavor) 419-692-5362; Linda Bockey 419-692-7145; or Lorene
EVE! 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon red food DEC. 24
½ cup light corn syrup coloring (or your choice of Jettinghoff, 419-692-7331.
1 cup margarine color) Jason Vogt
SATURDAY Linda Seffernick
1 teaspoon salt Powdered sugar, optional If help is needed, contact the Thrift Shop at 419-692-2942
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Colby Schindler
Bring to a boil and boil Combine sugar, corn between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and leave a message.
SUNDAY 5 minutes. Put popped corn syrup and water in a large
into a large brown paper heavy pan. Cook to hard
1-4 p.m. — Putnam County
Museum is open, 202 E. Main grocery bag that has been crack stage (300º). Do not SENIOR
St. Kalida.
sprayed with Pam. Pour
boiled mixture over corn
stir. (As candy boils, it
turns a light brown). Pour LUNCHEON CAFE
1:30 p.m. — Amvets Post
698 Auxiliary meets at the
and shake well. Microwave
on high 1½ minutes; repeat
in cinnamon flavoring oil.
Add food coloring; stir. WEEK OF DEC. 27-31 COLUMN
Amvets post in Middle Point. microwave 2 or 3 more Pour quickly on buttered
Announce you or your family member’s
The Delphos Canal times. Spread on cookie cookie sheet; let cool. Cover MONDAY: Roast beef birthday in our Happy Birthday column.
with gravy, whipped potatoes, Complete the coupon below and return it to
Commission Annex Museum, sheets until cooled. pan with a towel and pound The Delphos Herald newsroom,
241 N. Main St., will be with a hammer to break into Capri-blend vegetables, wheat
405 North Main St., Delphos, OH 45833.
open. Hard Tack Candy pieces. Place into a plastic bread, margarine, fruit cock- Please use the coupon also to make changes,
4 p.m. — Amvets Post 698 3 ¾ cups granulated bag with a little powdered tail, fruit muffin, coffee and additions or to delete a name from the column.
regular meeting at the Amvets sugar sugar and shake to coat 2% milk. THE DELPHOS HERALD
post in Middle Point. 1 ¼ cups white Karo corn candy pieces. Store candy TUESDAY: Smothered HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLUMN
7:30 p.m. — Sons of syrup in a plastic bag. Makes 2 chicken with onions and
Amvets Post 698 meet at 1 cup water pounds. mushrooms, augratin potatoes, Name
there are any corrections all library locations from Dec. For any questions call the º Please delete from birthday list
or additions to the Coming 20 through Dec. 30. and 2% milk. º Please make change on birthday list
Fort Jennings Library at 419- FRIDAY: Closed. Happy
Events column. Movie at the Fort 286-2351. New Year!
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6 – The Herald Thursday, December 23, 2010 www.delphosherald.com
Tennessee 4223 1619 2604 Cleveland 295.0 107.2 187.8
Cleveland 4130 1501 2629 DEFENSE
DEFENSE Yards Rush Pass
Yards Rush Pass San Diego 259.8 89.4 170.4
San Diego 3637 1252 2385 Pittsburgh 291.8 63.4 228.4 The Associated Press beat Denver — playing without All- Derrick Rose added 25 to help for the Pistons. Leandro Barbosa
Pittsburgh 4085 887 3198 Miami 298.0 96.6 201.4 Star Carmelo Anthony because of Chicago beat Washington for its had 21 points for Toronto.
N.Y. Jets 298.6 92.7 205.9 the death of his sister — for its 10th ninth victory in 10 games. Hawks 98, Cavaliers 84
N.Y. Jets
1353 2819
1298 2882 Baltimore 316.2 93.6 222.6
BOSTON — Ray Allen straight victory. Boozer also had 10 rebounds ATLANTA — Joe Johnson
Baltimore 4427 1311 3116 Oakland 328.1 130.9 197.3 scored 22 points, and Paul The Spurs reached their second and a season-high seven assists scored 23 points in his best game
Oakland 4594 1832 2762 Kansas City 333.5 107.0 226.5 Pierce recovered after miss- double-digit winning streak already to go with his second 30-point since his return from elbow sur-
this season and improved performance this season. The Bulls gery to lead Atlanta past Antawn
Kansas City 4669 1498 3171 Cincinnati 342.9 120.1 222.8 ing his first seven shots their NBA-best record to are 9-3 since Boozer returned after Jamison and Cleveland.
Cincinnati 4800 1681 3119 Indianapolis 345.3 135.8 209.5 to score 11 in the second 25-3. It ranks among the 11 missing the first 15 games with a Jamison had 23 points but
Indianapolis 4834 1901 2933 Cleveland 351.8 129.2 222.6
Cleveland 4925 1809 3116 Buffalo 360.7 158.6 202.1 half and lead the Boston best starts to a season in broken hand. Atlanta was stronger with its bal-
Buffalo 5050 2221 2829 Tennessee 361.9 114.1 247.8 Celtics to their 14th NBA history.
Ty Lawson and J.R. Smith
Luol Deng added 14 points for
anced attack in its eighth straight
home victory. Al Horford had 18
Tennessee 5067 1598 3469 Jacksonville 371.5 115.9 255.6 straight victory, 84-80 led the Nuggets with 22 points Nick Young scored 22 points points, Marvin Williams added 17
Jacksonville 5201 1622 3579 New England 374.6 111.4 263.3 over the Philadelphia apiece, and Kenyon Martin for the Wizards. and Josh Smith had 16 points
New England 5245 1559 3686 Houston
377.0 101.9 275.1
386.1 158.4 227.6
76ers on Wednesday played 17 minutes in his sea- Knicks 112, Thunder 98 and 11 rebounds for the Hawks.
Houston 5278 1427 3851 son debut after missing the NEW YORK — Amare Mo Williams had 18 points for
Denver 5405 2218 3187 NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE night. first 26 games while recover- Stoudemire scored 23 points, Cleveland. The Cavaliers have lost
NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE OFFENSE Shaquille O’Neal ing from knee surgery. Wilson Chandler added 21, and 12 straight on the road and 12 of
OFFENSE Yards Rush Pass had 13 points and nine The Nuggets said Anthony New York ran past Oklahoma 13 overall.
Yards Rush Pass Philadelphia 403.9 149.7 254.2 rebounds, but he missed will return after Christmas.
Their next game is Christmas
City to snap a three-game losing
Rockets 97, Clippers 92
N.Y. Giants 383.9 144.9 239.0
Philadelphia 5655
N.Y. Giants 5374
2096 3559
2028 3346 New Orleans 377.6 95.8 281.9
two free throws with Day at Oklahoma City. Jazz 112, Rookie Landry Fields had 14 Martin scored 28 points, includ-
New Orleans 5287 1341 3946 Dallas 369.6 103.1 266.4 1:02 left and Boston nursing Timberwolves 107 points and 10 rebounds for the ing four free throws in the final 16
Dallas 5174 1444 3730 Green Bay 352.2 101.9 250.3 a two-point lead. Philadelphia MINNEAPOLIS — Al Jefferson
had 23 points, nine rebounds and
Knicks, who took advantage of an
Oklahoma City team that appeared
seconds, and Houston nearly blew
an 18-point lead in the second half
Green Bay 4931 1427 3504 Atlanta 349.4 122.6 226.7 had two chances to tie it, but seven blocks against his former to leave its legs in Charlotte after a before holding on for its fourth
Atlanta 4891 1717 3174 Detroit 342.2 102.8 239.4 Andre Iguodala slipped and team and Utah coach Jerry Sloan victory Tuesday night. straight victory.
Detroit 4791 1439 3352 Washington 338.4 93.9 244.5
Washington 4738 1315 3423 Tampa Bay 329.0 122.1 206.9 turned the ball over the first moved into sole possession of third In a game featuring the NBA’s Luis Scola added 22 points and
Tampa Bay 4606 1709 2897 Minnesota 320.8 121.9 198.9 time and then had his shot place on the career victories list.
Jefferson scored 21 points in
top two scorers, Stoudemire near-
ly matched league leader Kevin
Shane Battier had 13 points, 10
rebounds and seven assists for
Minnesota 4491 1707 2784 St. Louis 309.1 105.1 204.0 blocked by Kevin Garnett the the second half and Deron Williams Durant, who finished with 26. But the Rockets, who never trailed and
St. Louis 4327 1471 2856 San Francisco 308.6 105.1 203.4 next. added 25 points, seven assists and Stoudemire had far more help, with recorded their third wire-to-wire vic-
San Francisco 4320 1472 2848 Seattle 304.1 85.2 218.9 Allen hit a pair of free seven rebounds for the Jazz, who the Knicks putting six players in tory — one more than they had all
Seattle 4258 1193 3065 Chicago 291.6 99.0 192.6 came back from 12 points down at double figures. Raymond Felton of last season.
Chicago 4082 1386 2696 Arizona 268.5 86.9 181.6 throws with 5.6 seconds left the start of the fourth quarter. added 12 points and 10 assists. Rookie Blake Griffin led Los
Arizona 3759 1217 2542 Carolina 266.1 116.8 149.3 to ice it. Sloan picked up victory No. Pistons 115, Raptors 93 Angeles with 24 points and tied a
Carolina 3725 1635 2090 DEFENSE Elton Brand had 16 points 1,211, moving past Pat Riley into TORONTO — Richard season high with 18 rebounds.
DEFENSE Yards Rush Pass and 12 rebounds, and Jrue sole possession of third place on
the career list. Only Don Nelson
Hamilton scored a season-high 35
points, Rodney Stuckey had 21
Hornets 105, Nets 91
Yards Rush Pass N.Y. Giants 290.9 102.4 188.4 Holiday scored 15 points for (1,335) and Lenny Wilkens (1,332) and Detroit beat Toronto to snap Okafor had 21 points and 10
N.Y. Giants 4072 1434 2638 Minnesota 308.1 101.5 206.6
Minnesota 4314 1421 2893 Green Bay 309.4 117.0 192.4 Philadelphia, which was com- have more victories in NBA his- a five-game losing streak against rebounds, Chris Paul added 12
Green Bay 4332 1638 2694 Chicago 310.9 89.8 221.1 ing off a 45-point loss to the tory. the Raptors. points and 14 assists, and New
Chicago 4352 1257 3095 New Orleans 312.0 117.0 195.0 Chicago Bulls — its worst in Kevin Love had 25 points and
19 rebounds and Michael Beasley
The Pistons fell one point shy of
matching a season high and ended
Orleans. shot 53.9 percent and
made eight of 16 3-point attempts.
New Orleans 4368 1638 2730 Carolina 329.6 126.2 203.4 three years. added 24 points and 10 rebounds an eight-game road skid, winning David West and Marcus
Carolina 4614 1767 2847 Philadelphia 330.4 103.3 227.1 for Minnesota. The Timberwolves away from home for the first time Thornton each scored 18 points
Philadelphia 4626 1446 3180 San Francisco 330.7 100.6 230.1 Spurs 109, Nuggets 103 have lost seven straight games. since Nov. 14 at Sacramento. and Marco Belinelli had 14 for the
San Francisco 4630 1409 3221 Atlanta 332.9 106.1 226.8 SAN ANTONIO — Manu Bulls 87, Wizards 80 Charlie Villanueva had 18 points Hornets.
Atlanta 4660 1485 3175 St. Louis 337.4 113.1 224.3 Ginobili and Gary Neal scored 22 WASHINGTON — Carlos and former Raptors star Tracy Devin Harris had 21 points and
St. Louis 4724 1584 3140 Tampa Bay 346.0 136.5 209.5 points apiece, and San Antonio Boozer scored 30 points and McGrady added a season-high 17 eight assists for New Jersey.
Tampa Bay 4844 1911 2933 Detroit 347.2 126.5 220.7
Detroit 4861 1771 3090 Dallas 365.2 108.6 256.6
Dallas 5113 1520 3593 Arizona 373.8 145.7 228.1
Arizona 5233 2040 3193 Seattle 376.7 117.7 259.0
Seattle 5274 1648 3626 Washington 397.6 134.4 263.3 The Associated Press a two-game skid last week and Jimmy Howard stopped 35 deflection.
with consecutive convincing shots. Dave Bolland and Bryan Bickell
Henrik and Daniel Sedin also scored for the Blackhawks,
PITTSBURGH — Sidney victories. each had a goal and an assist who allowed just two Nashville
Crosby matched the second- Stephen Weiss and Bryan and Mikael Samuelsson and power plays. Chicago has been
The Associated Press analysis. longest NHL scoring streak McCabe scored for Florida, Jeff Tambellini also scored for short-handed only three times in its
WASHINGTON NATIONALS— in 18 years at 22 games with which had won five of seven. Vancouver. Roberto Luongo made
40 saves.
past three games.
Four of Skille’s six goals
BASEBALL Assigned LHP Matt Chico out- his first-period goal and the Crosby’s streak matched Red Wings star center Pavel this season have come against
American League right to Syracuse (IL). American Pittsburgh Penguins beat Dany Heatley’s in 2005 as Datsyuk left late in the first period Nashville.
BOSTON RED SOX— Association
Named Arnie Beyeler manager WICHITA WINGNUTS— the Florida Panthers 5-2 on the longest since the lockout with a broken bone in his right wrist
and is expected to miss at least
Islanders 2, Lightning 1, OT
of Pawtucket (IL), Kevin Boles Acquired INF Jason Diaz from Wednesday night. that wiped out the 2004-05 four weeks. Tavares scored 3:23 into over-
manager of Portland (EL), Bruce Laredo (UL) for cash. Traded RHP Crosby scored for the 28th season. Mats Sundin of the tripping over Vancouver’s time and New York snapped
Crabbe manager, Kevin Walker
pitching coach and Alex Ochoa
Jae Jung to Grand Prairie for a
player to be named.
time this season and 22nd Quebec Nordiques had points Mikael Samuelsson and landing Tampa Bay’s four-game winning
hitting coach for Salem (Carolina), WINNIPEG GOLDEYES— time during the streak 7:44 in 30 consecutive games dur- on his right hand. Samuelsson and
Datsyuk used to be teammates
Tavares got to a loose puck
Dick Such pitching coach at Signed OF Jonathan Wyatt. Can- into the game, giving the ing the 1992-93 season. with the Red Wings. near the left post and swept a shot
Greenville (SAL), Carlos Febles Am League Penguins a lead they wouldn’t Blackhawks 4, Predators 1 past goalie Dan Ellis to give the
manager and Paul Abbott pitch-
ing coach for Lowell (N.Y.-Penn),
the contract of OF Alex A. Nunez relinquish when he fired a Red Wings 5, Canucks 4, OT
DETROIT — Henrik
CHICAGO — Jack Skille
scored two goals, rookie Corey
Islanders their first win of the sea-
son when they didn’t score first.
George Lombard manager and to Detroit (AL). Frontier League slap shot while skating down Zetterberg’s second goal of the Crawford made 24 saves and P.A. Parenteau got the
dave Tomlin pitching coach for FLORENCE FREEDOM— the left wing that beat Florida game at 2:59 of overtime gave Chicago defeated Nashville for its Islanders even at 1 in the clos-
Gulf Coast Red Sox.
Named Wes Crawford pitching
goalie Tomas Vokoun. Detroit a win over Vancouver in a
matchup of Western Conference
third straight win. ing seconds of the second period
Assigned INF Joaquin Arias and GATEWAY GRIZZLIES— Ben Lovejoy had his division leaders.
Crawford made several tough
stops but benefited from another
and Dwayne Roloson made 34
saves to give New York points
INF Lance Zawadzki outright to Traded RHP David Miller and LHP first career goal and Mark Zetterberg also had an assist tight, disciplined effort by defending in three straight games (2-0-1).
Omaha (AAA). Eric Gilliland to Wichita (AA) for Letestu, Matt Cooke and on Nicklas Lidstrom’s power-play Stanley Cup champion Chicago. The Islanders are 3-17-4 in their
Dave Eiland as a special assistant.
RHP J.R. Boling and future con-
siderations. BASKETBALL
Pascal Dupuis also scored for goal that tied it at 4 late in the third
period. Danny Cleary and Valtteri
He lost a bid for his first shutout past 24.
National League National Basketball Pittsburgh, which has won Filppula also scored for Detroit.
this season with 8:47 left in the
third period when Sergei Kostitsyn
Ryan Malone staked the
Lightning to a 1-0 lead in the first
HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed Association 14 of 16, recovering from Brian Rafalski had three assists scored a power-play goal on a period.
to terms with LHP Gustavo Chacin CHARLOTTE BOBCATS—
on a minor-league contract. Announced the resignation of
MILWAUKEE BREWERS— coach Larry Brown.
Agreed to terms with RHP Sean LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS—
Green and INF Craig Counsell on Signed F Ike Diogu. FOOTBALL
one-year contracts. National Football League By The Associated Press Adenhart and three friends. NBA TENNIS
Designated RHP Joe Martinez for Placed WR Early Doucet on BASEBALL EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — The Bobcats owner Michael Jordan Roger Federer 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-1
assignment. Named Dean Treanor injured reserve. Signed LB Curtis SANTA ANA, Calif. — A con- Minnesota Vikings are preparing announced that Larry Brown is to square a two-match exhibition
manager of Indianapolis (IL), P.J. Gatewood from the practice struction worker who killed Angels this week as if Brett Favre won’t be out as head coach, another messy series for charity between the
Forbes manager of Altoona (EL), squad. rookie Nick Adenhart and two other able to start because of a concus- exit for Brown in his well-traveled world’s top-ranked players.
Carlos Garcia of Bradenton (FSL), BUFFALO BILLS—Signed people in a drunk driving wreck sion that knocked him out of the career. Nadal sealed the win with a
Gary Robinson manager of West DB Brett Johnson to the practice was sentenced to 51 years to life last game. Former Charlotte Hornets powerfully angled forehand cross-
Virginia (SAL), Dave Turgeon squad. in prison. Interim coach Leslie Frazier coach Paul Silas will take over on court shot in front of a capacity
manager and Justin Meccage CAROLINA PANTHERS— Andrew Gallo, 24, was convict- said Favre’s status will be day to an interim basis. crowd at Caja Magica sports arena
pitching coach for State College Signed FB Rashawn Jackson from ed in September of three counts of day. He’ll take daily tests until he’s The 70-year-old Brown, a Hall that included many of Spain’s lead-
(NY-Penn), Brad Fischer advi- the practice squad. second-degree murder and single cleared by the team’s medical staff. of Famer who was in the third ing dignitaries.
sor-player development, Frank CINCINNATI BENGALS— counts of drunken driving, hit-and- Until then, he won’t be allowed to season with Charlotte, was 88-108 Nadal says Federer’s “ges-
Kremblas coordinator of instruc- Claimed TE Garrett Mills off waiv- run driving, and driving under the take the field. with the Bobcats. His 1,327 victo- ture to play a game here to raise
tion, Jeff Livesey hitting coordina- ers from Philadelphia. influence of alcohol and causing The Vikings have two games ries in the ABA and NBA are nine funds for needy people is incredibly
tor, Gary Green infield coordina- CLEVELAND BROWNS— great bodily injury. left. Favre has said this will be his shy of supplanting Don Nelson for generous.” Federer responded by
tor, Luis Dorante, Latin America Placed TE Evan Moore on injured Gallo, who was on parole for a final season. the most all-time. saying it is wonderful that Nadal
field coordinator and Scott Mitchell reserve. felony DUI conviction, had a blood- Frazier says the plan is The only coach to win NBA and supports charities “at such a young
assistant pitching coordinator. DENVER BRONCOS— alcohol level nearly three times the to have rookie Joe Webb start NCAA titles had been out of coach- age.”
SAN DIEGO PADRES— Placed FB Spencer Larsen on legal limit when he blew through Sunday against the Philadelphia ing for two years following his dis- Federer beat Nadal 4-6, 6-3,
Named John Abbamondi vice injured reserve. Signed G Stanley a red light at 65 mph on April 9, Eagles unless Favre’s condition missal after going 23-59 in his only 6-3 Tuesday in the opening match
president of strategy and business Daniels. 2009, and T-boned the car carrying improves. season in New York in 2005-06. in Zurich, Switzerland.
www.delphosherald.com Thursday, December 23, 2010 The Herald — 7
Cooley, WAS 67 748 11.2 35 3 Brady, NWE 449 299 3561 31 4 Carroll, MIA 25 625 25.0 46 0
Punters P. Rivers, SND 464 309 4141 29 11 Sproles, SND 43 1050 24.4 39 0
No Yds LG Avg Cassel, KAN 383 227 2687 24 5 Spiller, BUF 35 849 24.3 95t 1
McBriar, DAL 52 2491 65 47.9 Flacco, BAL 451 280 3395 23 8 Parmele, BAL 22 517 23.5 39 0
Morstead, NOR 47 2188 64 46.6 Garrard, JAC 328 214 2435 22 13 Scoring
A. Lee, SNF 78 3614 61 46.3 Roethlisberger, PIT 335 203 2600 14 5 Touchdowns At A Glance Edmonton 32 12 15 5 29 85 110
Donn. Jones, STL 78 3583 63 45.9 P. Manning, IND 608 407 4257 28 15 TD Rush Rec Ret Pts By The Associated Press Pacific Division
Dodge, NYG 61 2762 69 45.3 Schaub, HOU 519 324 3807 22 11 A. Foster, HOU 15 13 2 0 90 All Times EST GP W L OT Pts GF GA
N. Harris, DET 80 3562 66 44.5 Orton, DEN 498 293 3653 20 9 Bowe, KAN 14 0 14 0 84 Dallas 34 21 10 3 45 100 92
EASTERN CONFERENCE San Jose 34 18 11 5 41 102 95
Rocca, PHL 61 2713 63 44.5 Fitzpatrick, BUF 404 237 2749 23 12 Hillis, CLE 13 11 2 0 78
Atlantic Division Anaheim 38 18 16 4 40 98 111
Masthay, GBY 58 2558 62 44.1 Rushers Green-Ellis, NWE 12 12 0 0 72
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles 32 19 12 1 39 95 75
J. Baker, CAR 80 3481 57 43.5 Att Yds Avg LG TD Tolbert, SND 11 11 0 0 68
Philadelphia 35 22 8 5 49 117 87 Phoenix 32 15 10 7 37 89 93
Be. Graham, ARI 80 3469 65 43.4 A. Foster, HOU 277 1345 4.86 74t 13 Chr. Johnson, TEN 11 11 0 0 66
Pittsburgh 35 23 10 2 48 115 81
Punt Returners Jones-Drew, JAC 299 1324 4.43 37 5 Gates, SND 10 0 10 0 60
N.Y. Rangers 35 20 14 1 41 105 91 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
No Yds Avg LG TD Charles, KAN 203 1303 6.42 80 4 Ste. Johnson, BUF 10 0 10 0 60
N.Y. Islanders 31 7 18 6 20 67 105 overtime loss.
D. Hester, CHI 30 491 16.4 89t 3 Chr. Johnson, TEN 282 1267 4.49 76t 11 B. Lloyd, DEN 10 0 10 0 60
New Jersey 33 9 22 2 20 59 103
Amendola, STL 36 432 12.0 42 0 Mendenhall, PIT 292 1173 4.02 50t 10 D. McFadden, OAK 10 7 3 0 60 Tuesday’s Games
Northeast Division
Logan, DET 27 323 12.0 71 0 Hillis, CLE 252 1129 4.48 48 11 Kicking Buffalo 5, Anaheim 2
De. Jackson, PHL 20 231 11.6 65t 1 D. McFadden, OAK 212 1112 5.25 57t 7 PAT FG LG Pts St. Louis 4, Atlanta 2
Montreal 34 19 13 2 40 89 77
Ginn Jr., SNF 20 224 11.2 42 0 R. Rice, BAL 262 1051 4.01 50 4 Janikowski, OAK 37-37 28-35 54 121
Boston 32 17 11 4 38 89 68 Columbus 3, Calgary 1
Munnerlyn, CAR 28 309 11.0 37 0 Benson, CIN 276 1006 3.64 26 7 Vinatieri, IND 45-45 22-24 48 111
Buffalo 34 14 16 4 32 89 97 Washington 5, New Jersey 1
Banks, WAS 32 347 10.8 53 0 Tomlinson, NYJ 206 886 4.30 31 5 Folk, NYJ 28-28 27-36 56 109
Camarillo, MIN 34 342 10.1 52 0 Receivers Ottawa 35 14 17 4 32 81 106 Dallas 5, Montreal 2
D. Carpenter, MIA 21-21 28-38 60 105
Tra. Williams, GBY 34 269 7.9 52 0 No Yds Avg LG TD Rackers, HOU 37-37 22-25 53 103 Toronto 33 12 17 4 28 75 102 Los Angeles 5, Colorado 0
Southeast Division San Jose 2, Edmonton 1
Roberts, ARI 28 221 7.9 25 0 Wayne, IND 99 1247 12.6 50 5 Cundiff, BAL 36-36 22-25 49 102
Kickoff Returners And. Johnson, HOU 86 1216 14.1 60 8 Bironas, TEN 34-34 22-23 55 100 Wednesday’s Games
Washington 36 20 12 4 44 109 100
No Yds Avg LG TD Welker, NWE 83 829 10.0 35 7 Scobee, JAC 37-37 20-24 59 97 N.Y. Islanders 2, Tampa Bay 1, OT
Tampa Bay 34 19 10 5 43 105 111
Weems, ATL 37 1054 28.5 102t 1 T. Owens, CIN 72 983 13.7 78t 9 P. Dawson, CLE 27-27 21-26 48 90 Pittsburgh 5, Florida 2
Atlanta 36 19 12 5 43 117 104
Logan, DET 49 1373 28.0 105t 1 Ste. Johnson, BUF 72 943 13.1 45 10 Succop, KAN 37-37 17-22 53 88 Detroit 5, Vancouver 4, OT
Carolina 32 15 13 4 34 90 99
Florida 32 15 17 0 30 87 83 Chicago 4, Nashville 1
Where the Christmas Seven Ohio corn farmers recognized
for outstanding yield numbers
tree originated Ohio farms are typical-
ly recognized by the U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture for
Roger W. Wolfe —
253.3243 Bushels Per
President John Davis. “Ohio
farmers contribute to the
nation’s abundant supply
BY GLEN ARNOLD such as wafers and cookies. to appear in town squares
Ag educator Tinsel made from real silver across the country and hav- having higher-than-average Acre — Pioneer 33W84 — of corn for food, feed and
OSU Extension, was invented in Germany in ing a Christmas tree in the yield numbers each year. Baltimore fuel.”
Putnam County 1610 and was used until the home became an American And each year, the Ohio
mid 20th century. Eventually, tradition Corn Growers Association Ridge Till Irrigated About OCGA
With Christmas comes candles were added to the Christmas tree decorat- (OCGA) and the National Steven L. Meienburg — The Ohio Corn Growers
the tradition of decorating a tree, and lit on Christmas Eve ing traditions have come and Corn Growers Association 236.7612 Bushels Per Acre Association represents the
tree for the holiday season. with all of the family partici- gone over the years. The tra- reward farmers whose yields — Dekalb DKC61-19 — interests of more than 20,000
According to the American pating. dition that is most important have exceeded national and Malinta corn growers throughout
Christmas Tree Council, the In America the Christmas is what brings you and your state averages. the state. OCGA works in
Christmas tree had its begin- tree was used in the family together during this Seven Ohio farmers, Irrigated Washington and at the Ohio
ning on the Rhine in Western Pennsylvanian German set- holiday season. listed below, were recog- Les Imboden — 251.6672 Statehouse to ensure that
Germany during medieval tlements around 1747 but Finally, here are 10 rea- nized by OCGA December Bushels Per Acre — Dekalb government participation
times. The live green tree weren’t really known or sons why Santa could have 16 during the 2010 Ohio DKC61-69 — Ashville in legislation is beneficial
played a major role in plays recorded until the middle of been a farmer. Grain Farmers Symposium to Ohio’s growers. Farmers
presented during advent, the 19th Century. Glass orna- 1. He works all year, just in Lima, Ohio, as having “These seven individu- provide food, feed and fuel
the four weeks preceding ments were imported around to give his stuff away. outstanding yields: als are a prime example of to power Ohio. For more
Christmas. This fir tree was 1880 from Europe. These 2. He’s good with live- AA Non-Irrigated how Ohio farmers can do information, visit www.
decorated with apples and ornaments were followed by stock. Steve and Tim Reinhard more with less,” said OCGA ohiocorn.org.
was only a prop on stage the American patent of elec- 3. He knows how to get 293.891 Bushels Per Acre
for plays. It attracted the tric lights in 1882 and metal by with the same equipment — Dekalb DKC62-54 — STOCKS
attention of spectators, espe- hooks for safer hanging of season after season. Bucyrus Quotes of local interest supplied by
cially children, who would ornaments in 1892. 4. He works outside, even Close of business December 22, 2010
help themselves to the apples The early 20th century in bad weather. AA No Till/Strip Till
when no one was looking. saw Americans decorating 5. He’s good with kids. Non-Irrigated Description Last Price Change
Long after the plays ceased their trees mainly with home- 6. His wife is an excellent Bill Putnam — 285.5752 DJINDUAVERAGE 11,559.49 +26.33
to be performed, the memory made ornaments, while the cook. Bushels Per Acre — Dekalb NAS/NMS COMPSITE 2,671.48 +3.87
DKC62-54 — Conover S&P 500 INDEX 1,258.84 +4.24
of the fir tree decked with the German-American sect con- 7. He could stand to lose a AUTOZONE INC. 272.06 -0.13
apples lived on in the minds tinued to use apples, nuts, and few pounds (see reason # 6). BUNGE LTD 63.75 +1.51
of the German people. They cookies. Popcorn joined in 8. He’s used to getting in No Till/Strip Till EATON CORP. 102.18 +0.02
began to bring the fir tree into after being dyed bright colors and out of tight places. Irrigated BP PLC ADR 43.61 +0.07
the homes during the advent and interlaced with berries 9. He covers a lot of Jim Motycka — 240.8185 DOMINION RES INC 42.92 -0.04
season and decorated them and nuts. Electricity brought ground in a hurry when the Bushels Per Acre — Pioneer AMERICAN ELEC. PWR INC 35.96 +0.16
with apples. As time went on, about Christmas lights. With pressure is on. 33D14 — Napoleon CVS CAREMARK CRP 34.95 +0.47
CITIGROUP INC 4.73 -0.01
other decorations were added this, Christmas trees began 10. He takes care of the Ridge Till Non- FIRST DEFIANCE 11.67 +0.45
The Daily Herald
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©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it
10 – The Herald Thursday, December 23, 2010 www.delphosherald.com
W. Bush during a Baghdad press conference in December effort,” she said. “You get a forced to simulate oral sex Santa visits YWCA
2008 were size 10. feeling of cohesion, camarade- on another sailor — part of
The full-size submarine model seen in “Raiders of the Santa stopped by the Van Wert YWCA via the
rie. I like that.” series of hazing incidents that Van Wert Fire Department fire truck, below, to visit
Lost Ark” was originally built for the movie “Das Boot”, If she does pursue an Army prompted a high-level Navy
the 1981 epic about a crew aboard a German U-boat dur- the women and children in the Transitional Living
career, it’s not a desk job she review earlier this year. Program. He handed out gifts and brought a large bag
ing World War II. wants. First choice, if combat After Bahrain, Rocha
Today’s questions: of toys for each child. The toys were provided by Toys
units are opened to women, attended the U.S. Naval for Tots. Garrett Grenzebach, above, told Santa his
According to the Bible, what color was the robe would be duty with an armored Academy Preparatory School
Pontius Pilate’s soldiers put on Jesus? Christmas wishes.
unit. If not, flying helicopters. in Rhode Island but decided to
When it comes to Indian culture, what is a bindi? Rocha, 24, was in leave the Navy in 2007 by tell-
Answers in Friday’s Herald. Washington on Wednesday, ing his commander he’s gay.
Today’s words: watching euphorically as He’s scheduled to graduate in
Domatologist: a professional housekeeper President Barack Obama May from the University of
Mandorla: an almond-shaped object signed the bill clearing the San Diego.
to God
In The Highest
Dear Friend,
The Catholic community of
Delphos invites you to join us for
worship during this Christmas
Season. We welcome you to
celebrate with us in this time
of great joy, and hope that we
might serve you throughout
the new year. May the feast of
Christmas bring us all close
to God through his Son Jesus
Christ, in the joy of the Holy
The People of
St. John the Evangelist Church