Untitled Document 2
Untitled Document 2
Untitled Document 2
Malerie Ross
Prof. Kiewitz
Eng 1201
15 Mar 2020
Do you have a dog? Have you ever tried to train your dog and it doesn’t go well? My
research question is what’s the best way to train a dog? I am trying to find out the best way to
train dogs who have not had as much experience with tricks and the basic fundamentals. Many
owners need help controlling their dogs like things such as potty training, crate training, leash
training etc.
My first key point that I noticed was how service dogs are helpful. In Share America the
website states, “ Fortunately, she has a companion close by who has been trained to use his
highly developed sense of smell to detect just this situation — her dog. With a nudge on the leg,
he gives her a signal. “ (Trainer). This method focuses on usually disabled people who struggle
to care for themselves. The service dogs help keep their owner safe. My second key point is
there are many varieties of training tips. “He dogs go through a six-week “imprinting” class,
where they learn to identify thousands of explosive scents, and are then carefully matched with
a CIA SPS K-9 handler.” (CIA’s Top 10 Training Dog Tips). Dogs can help protect the world by
how well they are trained and their concentration. My third key point is, it is important to show
the dog that the trainer is interested in helping them learn. “ Keep a positive attitude. If you are
getting upset, your dog knows it!” If the trainer gets mad or annoyed at the og, the dog will
There were not many disagreements between the websites. They all mainly talked about
how to train the dogs and what attitudes you should have towards them. They also talked about
what training methods you can use. The websites were very similar but more detailed.
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All of my sources mainly described how to train your dog and how to manage their habits
overall and how dogs help people. The audience is dog owners of any age who are struggling to
teach their dogs obedience. These sources were the most reliable because the sources were
well known and had information from universities. The purpose of American Kennel Club “12
Very Useful Dog Training Tips” is to explain how your dog feels and how they will react while in
training. The Guardian newspaper states that dog trainers will have to change their approaches
because dogs do not want to be controlled by their owners. The Vox website is an article to
explain how emotional support dogs are being mistreated in airplanes and are about to not be
allowed on planes. Share America talks about how service dogs can save lives. The Central
Intelligence Agency provides things to look for while training your dog like patterns and
I believe that the best way to train your dog is by giving them treats for doing good. I also
think that another good way to train your dog is to be patient with them if they are struggling.
Trainers can also give dogs breaks in case they are being overwhelmed. I am looking forward to
looking for the basics of training and how much it affects dogs in the long run. Dogs are very
smart and some learn at different paces, so I want to see how long it takes some dogs to learn
Works Cited
“CIA's Top 10 Dog Training Tips.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 7 Dec.
2017, www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2015-featured-story-archive/cia-top-
Erb, Hilarie. “Dog Training Tips: How to Train a Dog.” American Kennel Club, American Kennel
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Kellaway, Kate. “Why Dog Trainers Will Have to Change Their Ways.” The Guardian, Guardian News and
Resnick, Brian. “The Surprisingly Weak Scientific Case for Emotional Support Animals.” Vox, Vox, 19
Nov. 2018,
Trainer, Mark. “Service Dogs Save Lives.” ShareAmerica, 2 Oct. 2016, share.america.gov/service-