Tecra Salmonela Via Kit
Tecra Salmonela Via Kit
Tecra Salmonela Via Kit
A rapid and specific screening test for the detection of
Salmonella spp. in food and environmental samples.
Simple and Convenient - AFNOR (Association Française de
Normalisation, France)
No membrane strip which may become clogged
with sample residue and affect the test result. - MIRINZ (Meat Industry Research Institute
All reagents provided. of New Zealand)
Easy-to-read results. - NZFSA (New Zealand Food Safety
Authority) Dairy & Plants Group
The option of using a single selective enrichment
step, saving time and money. - DPIE (Department of Primary Industry &
Energy, Australia)/AQIS (Australian
Quarantine and Inspection Service)
Recommended for a wide range of food, food-related
and environmental samples.
Depending on your specific needs, the kit can be used
manually, semi-automated or fully automated for
large scale testing.
Product Information
TECRA Product Code No. of Wells Max. No. of Tests Min. No. of Tests
SALVIA48 48 46 1
SALVIA96 96 94 1
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