Selective Oxidation of - Butane To Maleic Anhydride. Identification of Rate Expression For The Reaction
Selective Oxidation of - Butane To Maleic Anhydride. Identification of Rate Expression For The Reaction
Selective Oxidation of - Butane To Maleic Anhydride. Identification of Rate Expression For The Reaction
1991,30, 1824-1828
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The modeling of the selective oxidation of n-butane t o MA has been done in a systematic manner.
Both Langmuir-Hinshelwood and redox models have been proposed and tested with differential
rate data. Four redox models have been fitted to the experimental data. Discrimination among
these models has been achieved with the use of a sequential experimental design. T h e redox model
having first-order dependency on n-butane partial pressure and zero-order dependency on oxygen
partial pressure was found to be the most appropriate.
rate of n-butane
inlet concn, vol % outlet concn, vol % concn*'01 % depletion, g-mol/(g.h)
temp, O C n-butane oxygen n-butane ~
oxygen ~~
n-butane oxygen x 103
370 0.60 21.95 0.54 21.71 0.57 21.83 1.2114
0.94 19.77 0.86 19.47 0.90 19.62 1.8055
1.20 17.68 1.14 17.42 1.17 17.55 2.1209
1.50 15.58 1.42 15.24 1.46 15.41 2.4604
1.80 13.57 1.70 13.15 1.75 13.36 2.9357
390 0.59 21.78 0.55 21.63 0.57 21.71 2.3296
0.90 19.68 0.84 19.42 0.87 19.55' 2.7238
1.21 17.80 1.13 17.44 1.17 17.62 4.0466
1.54 15.80 1.40 15.28 1.47 15.54 4.7088
1.80 13.47 1.72 13.18 1.76 13.40 5.0342
410 0.60 21.68 0.56 21.50 0.58 21.59 3.7777
0.90 19.55 0.84 19.29 0.87 19.42 4.6764
1.22 17.50 1.14 17.16 1.18 17.33 6.2457
1.50 15.44 1.44 15.14 1.47 15.29 7.0716
1.80 13.26 1.70 12.84 1.75 13.05 7.5654
n-butane - (1)
MA (1)
Temperature = 410 O C
0.1432 X 10"
0.1315 X IO"
0.1347 X 10"
4 0.0575 0.8219 0.1473 X 10"
oxides of carbon
a Units: g-mol/(g.h.atm).
In the present investigation we have conducted detailed
modeling studies of the fmt reaction (i). For that we have
conducted experiments under such conditions that MA is order of the reaction with respect to n-butane.
the only product of the reaction. From preliminary ex- Similarly, the rate a t which oxygen is consumed at the
periments it is observed that the reaction carried out below site R for the oxidation of R to X is given by
410 O C and at low conversion of n-butane leads to very high -dp02/dt = KIP8PR (5)
selectivity (>96%) toward MA. Under such conditions,
the above complex reaction is reduced to a simplified form where po, is the partial pressure of oxygen, dR is the
n-butane MA-
Both Langmuir-Hinshelwood models and redox models
fraction of surface occupied by R, and n is the order of
reaction with respect to oxygen.
If a moles of oxygen are required for the oxidation of
1 mol of n-butane to MA, then a t steady state oxygen
can be proposed for the reaction. We have derived four balance on site X gives
redox models and three Langmuir-Hinshelwood models aK&eX = KIP6$R (6)
for this reaction.
The derivation of the redox models is based on the or
general principles as discussed by Thomas and Thomas
(1967). The reaction. can be written in the following aK$Bex = K&(l - 8x1 (7)
stepwise manner: Rearrangement of the above equation gives the following
KI final form:
= (8)
B + xL !- MA + R
(3) KlP8, + 'YK2PB
where B, MA, R, and X stand for n-butane, maleic anhy- There is very little doubt regarding the value of m. Most
dride, reduced state of the catalyst, and oxidized state of of the previous investigators, viz., Centi et al. (1985),Bu-
the catalyst, respectively. chanan and Sundaresan (1986),and Centi et al. (19881,
The rate a t which n-butane is depleted to form MA on have established the value of m as 1.0. However, there is
site X is given by much doubt regarding the value of n. In the present in-
-dpe/dt = K & Y x (4) vestigation we have assumed the value of m as 1.0 but four
different values of n, viz., 1.0, 0.5,0.25, and 0 for models
where p B is the partial pressure of n-butane a t a time t, 1, 2, 3, and 4,respectively.
8x is the fraction of surface occupied by X, and m is the The Langmuir-Hinuhelwood models have been derived
1826 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 8, 1991
Table 111. Posterior Probabilities of Models (Initial Prior Probability for Each Model = 0.25)
posterior probability of
temD, O C discrim stage total no. of exDts model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4
370 1 5 0.210 0.240 0.260 0.290
2 6 0.010 0.110 0.310 0.570
3 I 0.108 0.305 0.587
4 8 0.100 0.294 0.605
5 9 0.095 0.290 0.614
6 10 0.090 0.280 0.630
390 1 5 0.256 0 252 0.248 0.244
2 6 0.002 0.130 0.350 0.520
3 i 0.120 0.340 0.540
4 8 0.117 0.325 0.560
5 9 0.110 0.320 0.570
6 10 U.106 0.315 0.580
410 1 9 0.246 0.257 0.254 0.243
2 6 0.001 0 080 13.320 0.590
3 0.070 0.320 0.610
4 8 0 060 0.310 0.630
5 9 0.056 0.306 0.637
6 10 0 0% 0.306 0.655
on the lines the modeling of the propylene oxidation re- The values of the parameters for models 1-4, as esti-
action in Tan et al. (1988). mated by least-squares technique at various temperatures,
Model 5. For this model, a single site mechanism is are given in Table 11. From the values of parameters (not
considered. It is assumed that all sites have affinities for shown here) it appeared that the Langmuir-Hinshelwood
n-butane and oxygen. Then we get the following form of models did not fit the rate data well since the estimated
the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model. parameters were found to be negative. On the other hand,
all the redox models seem to fit the experimental results
well. This is quite reasonable since only lattice oxygen
rather than adsorbed oxygen of the catalyst is involved in
the reaction. This has also been reported by Srivastava
In this model, it is also assumed that each adsorbed (1988) for other selective oxidation reactions.
molecule occupies only one site. The values of residual sum of squares (RSS) for all the
Model 6. In this model two different sites-one with redox models are also given in Table 11. Since the RSS
affinity for n-butane and the other with affinity for are very close to each other, it is not possible to discrim-
oxygen-are considered. The occupancy of one site by a inate among the redox models based on minimum RSS
single molecule is also assumed here. With these as- criterion.
sumptions, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model becomes In order to discriminate among the four redox models,
K2KAKRPBP02 we have applied the Bayesian method of discrimination
-rB = (10) among rival models. The details of this method are given
(1 -k KAPo1)(1 + KRPB) by several authors (e.g., Box and Hill (1967), Roth (19651,
Model 7. Here, besides the assumption of two different and Prasad and Rao (1977)).
sites as in model 6, the occupancy of a pair of adjacent sites The Bayes' theorem states that
by each oxygen molecule has been considered. Then the
Langmuir-Hinshelwood equation becornes (13)
Partial pressure ot n - b u t a n e d m
After N experimental runs, one selects the ( N + 1)th run
g>,&0175 002 04225 0025 0.0275 0,03
a t those operating conditions that maximize D. In the C
above model, T stands for probability, 2 for the common
variance of the N observations, u t and u? are variances
for the predicted values of +1 under models i and j ,
respectively, and 91f)+land fEl are the predicted values
of YN+1 under models i and J, respectively. After con-
ducting the ( N + 1)th run, the current posterior proba-
bilities for various models are calculated from the Bayes'
theorem by using the following probability density function
for a single observation Figure 9. Experimental region and settings for experiments for
sequential model discrimination at 410 "C.
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1 Accepted February 12, 1991