The Human Microbiota and Microbiome
The Human Microbiota and Microbiome
The Human Microbiota and Microbiome
Edited by
Julian R. Marchesi
Cardiff University,
Advances in Molecular and
Cellular Microbiology
Microbial Metabolomics
Edited by Silas Villas-Bôas and Katya Ruggiero
Earlier titles in the series are available from Cambridge University Press (
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Contributors vii
vi Contents
Index 191
Erika Bengtson, Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies, and the Department of
Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA. E-mail: ebengtson@vandals.
Kenneth D. Bruce, King’s College London, Molecular Microbiology Research Laboratory,
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, 150 Stamford Street, Franklin-Wilkins Building,
London, SE1 9NH, UK. E-mail:
Mary P. Carroll, Cystic Fibrosis Unit, Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Southampton, UK. E-mail:
Wanting Chen, BGI-Shenzhen, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen 518083,
China. E-mail:
Wim Crielaard, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry
Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, the
Netherlands. E-mail:
Rosemarie De Weirdt, Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology (LabMET), Ghent
University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. E-mail:
Markus Egert, Faculty of Medical and Life Sciences, Microbiology and Hygiene Group,
Hochschule Furtwangen University, Campus Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany. E-mail:
Mercedes Fernandez y Mostajo, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for
Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam,
the Netherlands. E-mail:
Larry J. Forney, Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies, and the Department of
Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA. E-mail:
Andrew L. Goodman, Microbial Diversity Institute and Department of Microbial Pathogenesis,
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. E-mail: andrew.goodman@
CharloĴe Grootaert, Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Human Nutrition, Ghent University,
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. E-mail: charloĴ
Elaine Holmes, Division of Computational and Systems Medicine, Department of Surgery
and Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College
London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. E-mail:
Chenming Jiang, BGI-Shenzhen, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen 518083,
China, and Department of Physics, Brown University, 69 Brown St, Providence, RI 02912,
USA. E-mail: and
viii Contributors
Jun Wang, BGI-Shenzhen, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen 518083, China.
Liang Xiao, BGI-Shenzhen, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen 518083, China.
Egija Zaura, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam
(ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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1 The Stomach and Small and Large
Intestinal Microbiomes
1.2 The Microbiota of the Human dependent on the actual gastric pH and range
Stomach from 103 to 106/ml (Wilson, 2008; Walter and
Ley, 2011).
1.2.1 Environmental conditions
The human stomach (Fig. 1.1) is a J-shaped 1.2.2 Composition of the stomach
structure with a volume of approximately 1.5 microbiota
l. It can be differentiated into an upper part
(fundus), the main body (corpus) and a lower Data on the human stomach microbiome are
part (antrum), which is connected to the usually collected by investigating biopsies,
duodenum part of the small intestine via the taken endoscopically after several of hours of
pyloric sphincter. The folded stomach fasting. Despite the harsh and antimicrobial
epithelium is covered by a protective mucus environment, recent molecular diversity
layer of up to 600 μm thickness. The main studies – in particular the widely cited study
functions of the human stomach are by Bik and co-workers – have shown, sur-
temporary food storage, mixture of food and prisingly, that the human stomach contains
gastric juice to chyme, pre-digestion of a diverse, unevenly distributed microbial
proteins by acidic pH and pepsin, and community dominated by Proteobacteria,
disinfection of the ingested food. The Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria
environmental conditions in the stomach are (Bik et al., 2006). In endoscopic biopsies taken
eutrophic – due to ingested food, mucus, from 23 North American patients with
desquamated epithelial cells and dead symptomatic upper gastrointestinal disease,
microbes – aerobic and acidic, with a more or they identified 128 phylotypes from 8 phyla
less constant temperature of 37°C, i.e. the by a 16S rRNA gene clone library approach.
body temperature of the host. Pronounced Several more recent studies corroborated that
daily fluctuations in temperature, pH (from a remarkable diversity of bacterial genes
pH 1 to pH 5) and available nutrients are could be amplified and identified from the
common and linked to ingestions of food and human stomach (Andersson et al., 2008;
beverages. Bacterial viable counts are strongly Dicksved et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009;
Small intestine
Fig. 1.1. Current knowledge and key questions regarding the microbial ecology of the human stomach.
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 3
Large Ileum
intestine Key questions
• functional relevance of the resident microbiota
for the host
• suitability of stoma patients as models due to
potential influx of oxygen
• development of appropriate sampling techniques
Fig. 1.2. Current knowledge and key questions regarding the microbial ecology of the human small
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 5
healthy individuals are scarce. Until a few munity composition, in comparison to the
years ago, it was common knowledge that the colon or faecal community. Additionally,
lumen and mucosa of duodenum and using metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and
jejunum were colonized at low density by metabolite profiling in addition to community
only a few microorganisms, including profiling, Zoetendal and colleagues (2012)
acid-tolerant streptococci and lactobacilli. developed an ecological model of the small
Towards the end of the ileum, the lumen was intestinal microbiota. They found genes
described as being dominated by streptococci, coding for carbohydrate phosphotransferase
enterococci and coliforms, while in the system (PTS) transport mechanisms, central
mucosa, obligate anaerobes (Bacteroides spp., metabolism and biotin biosynthesis being
Clostridium spp., Bifidobacterium spp.) could over-represented in the small intestine.
also be found (Wilson, 2008, and studies cited Interestingly, these genes were not only
therein). This knowledge has been broadened abundantly present in the metagenomic
during the past few years. libraries, but also showed high-level in situ
In order to characterize the small expression, as indicated by metatran-
intestinal microbiota in more detail by scriptomic analysis. Apparently, the small
molecular means, Booijink and co-workers intestine is a habitat where the microbiota has
investigated the ileal effluent of patients with to compete vigorously with the human host
so-called Brooke ileostomies, i.e. patients for carbohydrates, and consequently micro-
with an ileum ending in an opening of the organisms that possess rapid uptake and
abdominal wall, mostly because the colon conversion mechanisms of simple carbo-
had to be removed due to colon cancer hydrates become enriched.
(Booijink et al., 2010). They showed that the In a quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based
small intestine was characterized by a less study on the ileal lumen of 17 patients that
diverse and temporarily more fluctuating had to undergo small bowel transplantation,
microbial community than the large intestine Hartman et al. could show that the ileal
(Booijink et al., 2010). Based on community community before and after surgical closure
profiles obtained with a phylogenetic micro- of an ileostomy differed considerably
array, the average community similarity of (Hartman et al., 2009). Before the closure, it
four patients over 9 days was just 44%. was dominated by facultative anaerobes
Notably, no Archaea were detected in the (Lactobacillus spp., enterobacteria), while
effluent samples. Although the community of following the closure it was dominated by
each patient was highly individual, a obligate anaerobes. They concluded that
hypothetical common ‘core microbiota’ was oxygen penetration into the terminal ileum
defined based on these four patients. It was responsible for the community shift,
comprised bacteria belonging to the genera thereby questioning the relevance, for healthy
Clostridium, Enterococcus, Oxalobacter, Strepto- individuals, of community data obtained
coccus and Veillonella. with ileostomy patients. Interestingly, the
By comparing small intestinal lumen function of the small intestine itself was
samples obtained from healthy subjects by apparently not affected by this dramatic shift
means of an extended oral catheter with ileal in microbial community composition.
effluent samples, Zoetendal and co-workers Recent progress on disease-related
very recently showed that the microbial changes in the small intestinal microbiota has
composition of ileal effluent might rather been reviewed expertly by Co er (2011). For
resemble the community in the jejunum instance, elevated levels of Bacteroides spp.,
(Zoetendal et al., 2012). They identified Clostridium leptum, Escherichia coli and
bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes, Staphylococcus spp. and decreased levels of
Clostridium cluster XIVa and Proteobacteria as Bifidobacterium spp., two other clostridial
typical for the ileum. In line with previous species and Faecalibacterium prausni ii were
studies (Booijink et al., 2010), they cor- detected in duodenal biopsy samples of
roborated a lower species diversity and patients suffering from paediatric coeliac
significant temporal fluctuations in com- disease (Sokol et al., 2008; Collado et al., 2009;
6 C.U. Riedel et al.
De Palma et al., 2010; Schippa et al., 2010). (Fig. 1.3). In total, it is about 1.5 m long,
Lower duodenal levels of Bifidobacterium 6.5 cm in diameter and has a surface area of
catenulatum were found in patients with approximately 1200 cm2. As in the small
irritable bowel syndrome (Kerckhoffs et al., intestine, the surface of the colon is covered
2009). Finally, lower levels of F. prausni ii and entirely by mucus under normal conditions.
Ruminococcus gnavus and elevated levels of E. Early studies suggested that the thickness of
coli and Roseburia spp. were found in patients the colonic mucus layer increased from about
with ileal Crohn’s disease (Willing et al., 2009, 30 μm in the caecum to 90 μm and more in
2010). the rectum (Matsuo et al., 1997). However, a
Clearly, more research is needed to very recent analysis has indicated that these
differentiate which community changes are values were underestimated and that the
causes and which are effects of certain mucus layer of the colon might even be up to
disease states. Moreover, the inventory of the 450 μm thick (Gustafsson et al., 2012). The
small intestinal species and their longitudinal morphology of the colonic mucosa differs
and transversal spatial distribution is still far strongly from that of the small intestine.
from being fully understood. This is, Permanent folds or villi, as present in the
however, a prerequisite to define a ‘normal’ small intestine, are absent. By contrast, the
or ‘healthy’ microbial community of the colonic crypts, consisting of absorptive
small intestine. epithelial cells, are lined by a large number
of mucus-secreting goblet cells and harbour
defensin-producing paneth cells (Me -
1.4 The Microbiota of the Large Boutigue et al., 2010). The main function of
Intestine the colonic epithelium is the reabsorption of
ions and water. As a result of water
1.4.1 Environmental conditions absorption, the chyme becomes solid
approximately 3–10 h after having entered
The large intestine consists of the caecum, the large intestine and is then referred to as
colon (ascending, transverse, descending faeces. No digestive enzymes are secreted by
and sigmoid), rectum and anal canal the cells of the large intestine. Breakdown of
Key questions
Colon Small Colon • microheterogeneity of the microbiota along the colon
ascendens intestine descendens (longitudinal and transversal)
• effect of methodical biases on community
composition results
• changes in microbial community composition in
Sigmoid intestinal or metabolic diseases: cause or
Rectum • interactions of bacterial, archaeal, viral (phage) and
eukaryotic (fungal) microbiomes with each other
and with the host
Fig. 1.3. Current knowledge and key questions regarding the microbial ecology of the human large
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 7
dietary constituents, as well as mucus, shed Clostridium cluster XIVa, and the C. leptum
epithelial cells and digestive enzymes is group, also referred to as Clostridium cluster
carried out by the resident microbiota. IV. However, members of the Proteobacteria,
Within the colon, the human microbiota Actinobacteria, Verrucomicrobia and Fuso-
reaches its numeral climax. The density of the bacteria are also present, albeit in lower
microbial community in the colon is numbers (Nam et al., 2011).
approximately 1012 cells per gram of intestinal Even though the composition of the
content. The total microbial weight is colonic microbiota varies considerably
estimated to be about 1.5 kg and totals 30% of between healthy individuals in terms of
the volume of the intestinal contents. absolute numbers and proportions of the
different taxa, in a single person it remains
relatively stable over time (Flint et al., 2007).
1.4.2 Composition of the large intestinal Table 1.1 shows the major genera usually
microbiota found in the human large intestine by means
of culture-independent methods. However, it
Of all microorganisms inhabiting the large has to be taken into account that our
intestine, bacteria are by far the dominating perspective of the colonic microbiota may be
ones, although an archaeal, viral and blurred. Most of the hitherto obtained data
eukaryotic community is also present still come from the analysis of faecal samples
(Wilson, 2008; Dridi et al., 2009; Marchesi, (Wilson, 2008). But evidence suggests that the
2010; Minot et al., 2011). Results obtained composition of the microbiota associated with
from culture-dependent and -independent the mucosa surfaces differs from that of the
approaches show that the microbiota of the faecal microbiota (Zoetendal et al., 2002).
colon is very complex. Culture-based Unfortunately, due to the fingerprinting
approaches show that many species are technique used by Zoetendal and co-workers
present in very small numbers and it has been (2002), no conclusions on spatial differences
estimated that only some 40 species, on the genus or species level could be
belonging to a handful of genera, make up obtained. Thus, results obtained from the
almost 90% of the colonic microbiota. analysis of faecal samples cannot be
However, the use of molecular-based and interpreted as being representative of the total
high-throughput techniques revealed an colon microbiota. In addition, one should
astonishingly high diversity, with more than keep in mind that colonic biopsies are
800 species or phylotypes from almost 200 obtained mainly from humans undergoing
genera (Eckburg et al., 2005). Recent results colonoscopy, which in general is preceded by
from 16S rRNA gene-sequencing studies a laxative preparation in order to clean the
suggested even higher numbers, with up to lumen. Such a treatment has a great influence
1800 genera and 15,000 species-level phylo- on the composition of the gut microbiota
types, for the collective human GIT microbiota (Mai et al., 2006). However, more studies
(Peterson et al., 2008). addressing the spatial differences of microbial
Regarding the proportions of the communities in the colon of healthy
different organisms present, the microbiota individuals are needed.
of the colon is dominated by obligate Assuming that the average genome size
anaerobes. Over the last years, it became of a prokaryotic microorganism is 3.4 Mb and
evident that two taxa, representing more than that approximately 92% of the genes of such a
80% of all phylotypes, dominated the colonic genome are coding for proteins, it has been
microbiota. These taxa are the Firmicutes and estimated that the gastrointestinal microbiome
the Bacteroidetes. The majority of colonic is 47,000 Mb (Liolios et al., 2010), which is more
bacteria affiliated with the Bacteroidetes than two orders of magnitude greater than the
belong to the genus Bacteroides, while the human genome. Thus, the microbiome is
majority of the Firmicutes detectable in the considered as an essential organ providing the
human GIT fall mainly into two groups, the host with enhanced metabolic capabilities,
Clostridium coccoides group, also referred to as protection against pathogens, education of
8 C.U. Riedel et al.
Table 1.1. Major groups of microorganisms detected in human faecal samples by molecular methods.
Data compiled from Shen et al., 2010, and Arumugam et al., 2011.
Domain Phylum Order Family/genus Per cent of total
Eukarya Ascomycota Saccharomycetales Candida <1
Archaea Euryarchaeota Methanobacteriales Methanobrevibacter <1
Bacteria Firmicutes Clostridiales Anaerostipes <1
Clostridium 1–2
Eubacterium 1–5
Ruminococcus 1–8
Roseburia 1–8
Dorea 0–2
Blautia 0–2
Faecalibacterium 5–15
Lachnospiraceae 2–8
Lactobacillales Streptococcus <1
Lactococcus <1
Lactobacillus 1–8
Total up to 50
Bacteroidetes Bacteroidales Bacteroides 5–35
Parabacteroides 1–3
Prevotella 1–5
Porphyromonas 1–2
Alistipes 2–8
Total up to 40
Proteobacteria Enterobacteriales Escherichia <1
Fusobacteria Fusobacteriales Fusobacterium <2
Verrucomicrobia Verrucomicrobiales Akkermansia 1–3
Actinobacteria Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacterium 1–10
Coriobacteriales Collinsella 1–8
the immune system and modulation of the level of genes and that it shares genes of
gastrointestinal (GI) development. different metabolic functions. These studies
show that the human intestinal microbiome
is enriched in genes coding for particular
1.4.3 Core microbiota of the large metabolic functions. More precisely, meta-
intestine bolic pathways responsible for energy
conservation and biosynthesis of amino acids,
Several groups have recently proposed the nucleotides, carbohydrates, vitamins and
concept of a ‘core microbiome’, which is secondary metabolites are highly represented
supposed to be present in all humans (Tap et (Verberkmoes et al., 2009; Turnbaugh et al.,
al., 2009; Turnbaugh and Gordon, 2009). This 2010; Gosalbes et al., 2011). In such a ‘core
‘core microbiome’ consists of the most microbiome’, natural selection is reflected:
abundant phylotypes and is hypothesized to during the initial colonization phase of the
maintain the functional stability and colon, proliferation speed and energy
homeostasis necessary for a healthy eco- utilization is essential, while later on,
system. Recent sequencing studies suggest functionally more specialized microorganisms
that such a ‘core microbiome’ might exist at become established.
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 9
As known for bacteria, pronounced dif- bacteria at certain points in the development
ferences between the mucosal and luminal and life of a human (Table 1.2). These factors
(faecal) site of the colon appear to exist (O et include, among others, the mode of delivery
al., 2008). Likewise, correlations between the and feeding of a newborn, diet, antibiotic
fungal community composition and human treatment, genetic factors and certain diseases
disease states are more and more recognized. or surgical interventions.
For instance, very recently Chen and co-
workers reported that the diversity of enteric
fungi determined by molecular methods was 1.5.1 The microbiota of neonates and
correlated positively with the disease pro- children
gression of patients with different degrees of
chronic hepatitis B virus infection (Chen et al., It is assumed and widely accepted that the
2011). Undoubtedly, the eukaryotic per- human fetus is sterile before birth (unless a
spective has to be integrated into the human prenatal infection has occurred) and the first
microbiome to gain a deeper understanding contact with microorganisms takes place
of its role in human health and disease during delivery. Thus, it is not surprising
(Parfrey et al., 2011). that the mode of delivery has an impact on
Finally, it has to be mentioned briefly the microbial colonization of the newborn.
that, besides Bacteria, Archaea and fungi, While vaginally born children are exposed
viruses (predominantly bacteriophages) to the vaginal microbiota and faecal ma er
represent abundant and diverse entities in of the mother, the primary source of
the human GIT. Reyes and co-workers have microbes for children born by Caesarean
analysed the virome of stool samples from section is the skin microbiota of the mother
adult female monozygotic twins and their and the nurses that handle the newborn.
mothers at three points over a 1-year period Using molecular and culture-based tech-
(Reyes et al., 2010). They could show that the niques targeting distinct bacteria groups, it
viromes were highly individual (irrespective has been shown that, compared to vaginally
of the degree of genetic relatedness) and born infants, babies delivered by Caesarean
quite stable over the period of 1 year. Minot section showed a delayed, reduced or absent
and co-workers corroborated this pro- colonization with important groups of
nounced individuality of the gut virome and bacteria of the normal intestinal microbiota
showed co-variation with the composition of including members of the genera Bifido-
the bacterial microbiome (Minot et al., 2011). bacterium and Bacteroides. Instead, they were
Moreover, they could show that similar diets colonized at higher numbers with bacteria
lead to converging (but not identical) viral of the Clostridium difficile group (Penders et
populations. Interestingly, no predator– al., 2006; Biasucci et al., 2010). A recent
prey-like oscillations in the densities of bac- study employing high-throughput se-
teriophages and bacteria were observed. quencing of 16S rRNA gene libraries
Clearly, the factors driving the composition revealed that, across all investigated
and dynamics of the human virome are habitats, including the skin, oral cavity and
still largely unknown (Haynes and Rohwer, GIT, the microbiota of vaginally delivered
2010). babies resembled that of the vagina of the
mother, whereas the microbiota of babies
born by Caesarean section was similar to
1.5 Factors Shaping the Microbiome the skin microbiota of the mother
of the Human GIT (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010).
From classical culture-based studies, it
The composition of the intestinal microbiota was generally accepted that shortly after
is relatively stable in healthy adults over time. weaning, the colonic and faecal microbiota of
Nevertheless, there are a number of factors children resembled that of adults, was
that may have an influence on the relative subjected to no further major changes and
abundance of different groups of intestinal that no or only li le day-to-day variations
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 11
Table 1.2. Summary of various factors shaping the composition of the human gut microbiota.
Factor Effects/observations References
Mode of Babies born by Caesarean section with delayed, reduced Grönlund et al., 1999;
delivery or absent colonization with Bifidobacterium, Penders et al., 2006;
Lactobacillus and Bacteroides, and higher numbers of Biasucci et al., 2010
the Clostridium difficile group l, compared to vaginally
born babies
Infant feeding Exclusively formula-fed infants are colonized more Penders et al., 2006
frequently with Escherichia coli, C. difficile, Bacteroides
spp. and lactobacilli than breast-fed children
Breast-fed infants with higher cell counts and diversity in Roger et al., 2010;
the Bifidobacterium microbiota Bezirtzoglou et al., 2011
Ageing Increase in Enterobacteriaceae and Bacteroidetes, Hopkins et al., 2001;
reduced levels of Bifidobacterium spp. Claesson et al., 2011
Antibiotics Antibiotic treatment results in rapid loss of diversity and a Dethlefsen and Relman,
pronounced community shift, recovery after treatment 2011
is incomplete even after months
Diet High-fat diet is associated with an increase in faecal Cani et al., 2007; Mehta et
Enterobacteriaceae and LPS levels in serum, resulting al., 2010
in insulin and glucose resistance and obesity
Type 2 Reduced Firmicutes and clostridia compared to healthy Larsen et al., 2010
diabetes controls
Obesity Changes in the relative proportions of Bacteroidetes and Ley et al., 2006; Schwiertz
Firmicutes et al., 2010b; Million et
al., 2012
Inflammation Increase in the abundance of bacteria belonging to the Kotlowski et al., 2007;
Enterobacteriaceae and reduction in Faecalibacterium Sokol et al., 2008
prausnitzii in human patients and animal models of
chronic and infectious intestinal inflammation
Host genotype TLR5-deficient mice display changes in the levels of Vijay-Kumar et al., 2010
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes and show
hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, insulin resistance and
increased adiposity
MyD88 knockout mice show increased levels of Wen et al., 2008
Lactobacillaceae, Rikenellaceae and
Porphyromonadaceae and are protected from type 1
Reduced diversity of the microbiota in patients suffering Khachatryan et al., 2008
from familial Mediterranean fever
occurred. However, a recent study char- prepared mostly under sterile conditions and
acterizing the distal gut microbiota by a harbour no or only a few selected species
microarray-based technique surprisingly with potential beneficial characteristics. As a
reported difference in the number of clostridia consequence, exclusively bo le-fed infants
and bifidobacteria between adults and are more frequently colonized with E. coli,
adolescents (Agans et al., 2011). C. difficile, Bacteroides spp. and lactobacilli
Another factor influencing the than breast-fed children (Penders et al., 2006).
development of the GIT microbiota is the diet By contrast, in breast-fed children, the
fed to newborns during their first months of predominant group of faecal bacteria are
life. Breast-fed infants are constantly exposed bifidobacteria (Kurokawa et al., 2007;
to bacteria present on the skin and in the Bezir oglou et al., 2011). Additionally,
breast milk of their mother. By contrast, exclusive breast feeding increases the
formulas given to bo le-fed infants are diversity of the bifidobacterial community
12 C.U. Riedel et al.
(Roger et al., 2010). Interestingly, the above- described a relative increase in the abundance
mentioned differences seem to disappear of Firmicutes and a decrease in the number of
after weaning and with the introduction of Bacteroidetes in (genetically rendered) obese
solid food, and finally all individuals acquire mice (Ley et al., 2005) and overweight human
an adult-type microbiota. However, it is subjects (Ley et al., 2006). Others have
tempting to speculate that differences in the observed the opposite (Schwier et al., 2010b)
composition of the GIT microbiota at the or reported changes in the proportions of
early stages of development may have an lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and methano-
imprinting effect during the maturation of bacteria (Million et al., 2012). The differences
the immune system and gut physiology in observed may be explained at least partially
general. by the methods used, as the former two
studies used pyro-sequencing and the la er
two employed quantitative real-time PCR
1.5.2 The microbiota of adults (see also concluding remarks).
Regardless of the nature of the above-
The adult intestinal microbiota seems to be mentioned changes, this raises the chicken-
specific for an individual and is relatively and-egg question whether the altered
stable over time (Eckburg et al., 2005; Costello microbiota is the cause or the consequence
et al., 2009; Jalanka-Tuovinen et al., 2011). of obesity. Interestingly, mice fed a high-fat
Nevertheless, significant changes in its diet showed an increased abundance of
composition are observed in response to diet, Enterobacteriaceae in their faeces and higher
disease, travelling and, of course, antibiotic levels of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a
treatment (Dethlefsen and Relman, 2011; component of the outer membrane of
Jalanka-Tuovinen et al., 2011; Walker et al., Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram-negative
2011; Zimmer et al., 2011). It is generally organisms, in their blood serum. The authors
accepted that during adulthood, bacteria refer to this state as ‘metabolic endotoxaemia’,
acquired from the environment or taken up which is associated with insulin resistance
with the diet colonize the GIT only transiently. and obesity (Cani et al., 2007). All features of
By contrast, changes in the microbiota on the metabolic endotoxaemia could be induced
administration of antibiotics seem to be more by subcutaneous, sublethal infusion of LPS,
profound and stable. After a recovery period, and mice deficient for the LPS co-receptor
the overall composition is broadly similar to CD14 were found to be resistant to metabolic
the composition prior to treatment. However, endotoxaemia (Cani et al., 2007). Moreover,
even after several months, clear differences antibiotic treatment could reduce intestinal
can be observed (Dethlefsen and Relman, LPS levels and the signs of metabolic
2011). endotoxaemia in mice fed a high-fat diet (Cani
The composition of the GIT microbiota et al., 2008). Similarly, acute endotoxaemia
also changes towards the later stages of life. induced insulin resistance in humans (Mehta
In elderly persons, Enterobacteriaceae and et al., 2010). All these findings argue in favour
Bacteroidetes tend to increase, and bifido- of an altered microbiota as the consequence
bacteria are present at lower numbers rather than the cause of obesity and diabetes.
(Hopkins et al., 2001; Claesson et al., 2011), An additional link between diet and diabetes/
presumably due to altered nutrition, obesity comes from studies using TLR5
decreased gut motility, increased use of knockout mice (Vijay-Kumar et al., 2010).
medication and less mobility. These mice lack the gene for toll-like receptor
Obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 5 (TLR5), an important receptor of the innate
diabetes were linked to changes in the immune system, they consume about 10%
composition of the intestinal microbiota. more food than wild-type mice and display a
Reduced proportions of Firmicutes, and in strong phenotype with typical signs of
particular Clostridia, were observed in metabolic syndrome, i.e. hyperlipidaemia,
patients with type 2 diabetes compared to hypertension, insulin resistance and increased
controls (Larsen et al., 2010). Some authors adiposity. This phenotype is accompanied by
Stomach and Intestinal Microbiomes 13
marked changes in the intestinal microbiota, adults and in infants suffering from in-
especially in the composition of the flammatory bowel disease (Sokol et al., 2008;
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes on the species Schwier et al., 2010a).
level. These findings also provide a link In patients with severe courses of
between host genotype and the intestinal inflammatory bowel disease or colon cancer,
microbiota resulting in obesity and diabetes. parts of the colon, and sometimes ileum, are
In principle, the observed changes in the removed surgically. In cases where both
microbiota in obesity are suspected to result small and large intestine have to be removed
in a more efficient energy harvest from the entirely, the last option is the transplantation
diet. Thus, there seems to be some potential of of the small bowel. After removal of the
a therapeutic alteration of the microbiota. diseased parts of the GIT, an ileostomy is
Nevertheless, the primary reason for obesity constructed by bringing the end of the
in humans (and mice) is a positive energy remaining small intestine to the surface of
balance (uptake of more calories than the skin, creating an artificial abdominal
consumed per day) and it has been shown opening from which intestinal effluent is
that by reducing the calorie intake, changes in collected into an external plastic bag.
the composition of the microbiota can be Alternatively, loops of the remaining small
reversed (Ley et al., 2006). intestine are folded back on to each other,
Besides the observed changes in the with the separating walls opened and
microbiota in TLR5 knockout mice (Vijay- stitched back together. This pouch is then
Kumar et al., 2010), the impact of the host connected to the anus, creating an ileo-anal
genotype on the microbiota is increasingly pouch, which is thought to act as an artificial
recognized and has recently been shown in a colon. In all cases, parts of the ileum become
few studies. This chapter is intended to the terminal part of the GIT. This is reflected
describe the human microbiota. However, by changes in the microflora. After surgery,
research on the influence of the host genotype bacterial numbers in the neoterminal ileum
is a relatively new field and, as a consequence, increase and the microflora in the ileo-anal
most of the studies have been performed in pouch acquires a ‘colon-like’ composition
mice. In non-obese diabetic mice, knock out (Neut et al., 2002; Kohyama et al., 2009). In
of MyD88, an adaptor molecule involved in this context, it has to be noted that the
TLR signalling, resulted in major changes of composition of the microflora in ileostomy
the microbiota and protection from type 1 effluents is characterized by large numbers
diabetes (Wen et al., 2008). In addition, the of facultative anaerobes (Neut et al., 2002;
diversity of the microbiota of patients Hartman et al., 2009). Since this increase is at
suffering from familial Mediterranean fever least partially reversed after closure of the
(MEFV), a disease associated with a single ileostomy, it is hypothesized that a leakage of
nucleotide polymorphism in the MEFV locus, oxygen through the ileostomy into the
is reduced (Khachatryan et al., 2008). neoterminal ileum might be responsible for
Changes in the intestinal microbiota this effect (Hartman et al., 2009).
have also been observed during episodes of Disease-related changes in the microbiota
intestinal inflammation, both in animal raise the question whether these changes
models and in human patients (Swidsinski et may be reversed (‘rebalanced’) by the
al, 2005; Heimesaat et al., 2007; Kotlowski administration of ‘beneficial’ bacteria, also
et al., 2007; Wohlgemuth et al., 2009; Garre termed probiotics, thereby restoring a normal
et al., 2010; Greenblum et al., 2011). In most microbiota and leading to an improvement of
cases, an increase in the number of Gram- the disease. For a comprehensive review on
negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae has the fascinating but also quite controversially
been observed, and in some cases could be discussed field, which is beyond the scope of
traced down to a single microbial species or this chapter, the reader is referred to recent
strain. Recently, a reduction in the F. reviews (Gareau et al., 2010; Gerritsen et al.,
prausni ii population was reported both in 2011).
14 C.U. Riedel et al.
numbers of sequences per single sample newborn gut. Early Human Development 86
(Kuczynski et al., 2010). In this way, Suppl 1, 13–15.
information about the large-scale pa erns or Bik, E.M., Eckburg, P.B., Gill, S.R., Nelson, K.E.,
temporal dynamics of human–microbe Purdom, E.A., Francois, F., et al. (2006)
Molecular analysis of the bacterial microbiota in
associations and their statistical significance
the human stomach. Proceedings of the
could be gathered, which finally might turn National Academy of Sciences of the United
out to be of greater interest for a deeper States of America 103, 732–737.
understanding of the nature of human– Booijink, C.C.G.M., El-Aidy, S., Rajilić-Stojanović,
microbe interactions than the description of M., Heilig, H.G.H.J., Troost, F.J., Smidt, H., et al.
the actual depth of the microbial diversity in (2010) High temporal and inter-individual
a single and highly individual human sample. variation detected in the human ileal microbiota.
Finally, describing the structure or com- Environmental Microbiology 12, 3213–3227.
position of the complex microbiome in the Cani, P.D., Amar, J., Iglesias, M.A., Poggi, M.,
human GIT is challenging, but it can only be Knauf, C., Bastelica, D., et al. (2007) Metabolic
endotoxemia initiates obesity and insulin
the first step on the way to gaining a deeper
resistance. Diabetes 56, 1761–1772.
insight into the functional relevance of the Cani, P.D., Bibiloni, R., Knauf, C., Waget, A.,
human GIT microbiome for human health Neyrinck, A.M., Delzenne, N.M., et al. (2008)
and disease. For this, more studies applying Changes in gut microbiota control metabolic
technologies summarized as ‘functional endotoxemia-induced inflammation in high-fat
microbiomics’ (Egert et al., 2006) are needed, diet-induced obesity and diabetes in mice.
addressing not only ‘who is there’ but also Diabetes 57, 1470–1481.
‘what are they doing?’, as recently reported Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Guo, R., Chen, N., Lu, H.,
(Kurokawa et al., 2007; Gosalbes et al., 2011; Huang, S., et al. (2011) Correlation between
Greenblum et al., 2011; Zoetendal et al., 2012). gastrointestinal fungi and varying degrees of
chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Diagnostic
For more information on the fascinating field
Microbiology and Infectious Disease 70, 492–
of the physiology and functionality of the 498.
human GIT microbiota, the reader is referred Claesson, M.J., Cusack, S., O’Sullivan, O., Greene-
to Chapter 6, this volume. Diniz, R., de Weerd, H., Flannery, E., et al.
(2011) Composition, variability, and temporal
stability of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly.
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2 The Oral Microbiome
GenBank Nucleotide Collection (h p://blast. Studies using NGS show that the, containing 2019 bacterial diversity of the oral microbiome, as assessed
and 106 archaeal full genomic sequences (25 by culture and cloning, is greatly under-
January 2012). Next to these general estimated (Keijser et al., 2008; Zaura et al.,
databases, several curated database projects 2009; Yang et al., 2012). Individual oral cavities
specific for the oral microbial ecosystem have have been shown to harbour between 540–
been funded. The Human Oral Microbiome 650 (Zaura et al., 2009) and 600–4200 (Yang et
Database (HOMD, h p://; al., 2012) OTUs. The number of OTUs (taxa)
Chen et al., 2010), developed at The Forsyth observed in a community increases with
Institute (Cambridge, Massachuse s, USA), sampling effort until all taxa are observed. By
contains 640 microbial taxa (URL at h p:// assessing the relationship between the accessed on 25 January number of OTUs observed and the sampling
2012) that have been associated with the effort, information about the total diversity of
human oral cavity and is based on a curated the sampled community can be obtained. In
16S rRNA gene-based provisional naming this way, it was demonstrated that the oral
scheme. This database interlinks phenotypic, microbiome was still highly under-sampled
phylogenetic, genomic, clinical and biblio- (Keijser et al., 2008). Furthermore, it was
graphic information for each taxon in the shown that of about 8000 OTUs that were
database. A similar project by Ohio State found in pooled dental plaque from 98
University, USA, has resulted in the curated individuals, the 1000 most abundant OTUs
16S rRNA gene database, CORE (h p:// represented 95% of all sequences. In other; Griffen et al., 2011), words, the majority of the taxa that contribute
with 1043 16S rRNA gene sequences of the so- to the immense diversity of oral microbiome
called ‘core human oral microbiome’, based are present at a very low abundance. Based
on taxa from published surveys of oral on the rank abundance curve, the overall
bacterial communities conducted using 16S species richness, i.e. how many types would
rRNA gene sequencing. These diversity be found until the accumulation curve
numbers (640 and 1043 taxa in HOMD and reached the plateau, could be calculated. In
CORE, respectively) are all but final. In each this way, it has been estimated that overall
new publication involving cloning and diversity of oral microbiome would plateau
sequencing of clinical samples, new bacterial above 10,000 OTUs (Keijser et al., 2008).
phylotypes are discovered. However, due to The sequences from the oral microbiome
the laborious and expensive methodology, CORE database (Griffen et al., 2011) belong to
traditional cloning and sequencing studies 14 phyla and 152 genera (Fig. 2.1). Over 57%
are limited to describing the predominant (365 of the 636 species-level OTUs) of the oral
taxa in the community. microbiome from the CORE database belong
The problem of under-sampling in to as yet uncultivated phylotypes (Fig. 2.2).
traditional cloning and culturing studies can None of the members of the five phyla or so-
be overcome using a next-generation se- called candidate divisions (TM7, SR1,
quencing (NGS) approach where relatively Chloroflexi, Nitrospira, OP11) have been
short 16S rRNA gene amplicons are identified and isolated by culture. The largest
sequenced at unprecedented depth and candidate division in this group is TM7, with
throughput (Chapter 10, this volume). The 20 species-level OTUs. The DNA of these
major shortcoming of the current NGS ubiquitous microorganisms has been found
technology is the limited taxonomic reso- in a variety of terrestrial, aquatic and clinical
lution. Due to short read length, most habitats. Lack of cultured isolates makes
sequences can only be assigned to a genus or determination of the functions of these
higher taxon. Instead of classification into organisms a challenge. Single-cell genome
species and strains, NGS data result in amplification of the TM7 cells isolated from
operational taxonomic units (OTUs) that are the subgingival crevice by the use of a
defined as a cluster of sequences at a certain microfluidic device allowed assembly of over
(e.g. 97%) similarity threshold. 1000 genes, providing the first insights into
unc. B
E. Zaura et al.
Fig. 2.1. Circular phylogenetic tree at level of genus of taxa included in the CORE database of ‘core human oral microbiome’ (Griffen et al., 2011). Genera are
marked in grey scale by phyla, except for the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, which are shown at the level of class (Figure 1 from Griffen et al., 2011, with
permission from Ann Griffen).
The Oral Microbiome 23
Number of OTUs
Common phyla
Cultivated Uncultivated
Number of OTUs
Rare phyla
Fig. 2.2. Numbers of species-level OTUs by phylum in the CORE database (Griffen et al., 2011). Number
of OTUs assigned to each of the 14 phyla observed in the oral cavity and pharynx: (a) Common phyla; (b)
rare phyla (<10 species-level OTUs). The fraction of OTUs for which a cultivated member has not been
reported is indicated as light bars, while cultivated members are presented as dark bars (Figure 3 from
Griffen et al., 2011, with permission from Ann Griffen).
24 E. Zaura et al.
papillomaviruses (HPV) have been found in Bello et al., 2010). Vaginally delivered infants
the saliva of 25% of healthy individuals and had microbiomes that resembled the vaginal
in 26% of gingival biopsies from periodontitis microbiota of their mother, while microbiomes
lesions (Slots and Slots, 2011). of Caesarean-delivered infants resembled the
So far, the only oral virome metagenomics skin microbiota of their mother. The microbial
study (Willner et al., 2011) described an community is further shaped by, for example,
entirely different profile from the results diet, personal oral hygiene and exposure to
above that were obtained using targeted PCR antibiotics. In infants, only mucosal surfaces
probes. The majority of viral metagenomic are available for bacterial a achment and
sequences in the pool from oropharyngeal colonization in the oral cavity. A pyro-
samples of 19 healthy adults were identified sequencing study on edentulous infants (4.6
as bacteriophages, also called phages (viruses months old) and their primary caregivers
of bacteria). The Epstein-Barr virus was the showed that the microbiomes of infants were
single eukaryotic virus that was found. As dominated by streptococci, veillonellae and
commented by the authors, the low sensitivity neisseriae (Cephas et al., 2011). Interestingly,
for detecting larger eukaryotic viruses could this study found that the microbiomes of
be due to the methodology that still requires toothless infants were already highly diverse
improvement. Nevertheless, the estimated – 578 OTUs were found in the saliva of infants
diversity of the pooled virome was 236 viral compared to 1012 OTUs in the saliva of their
species. Interestingly, the phages that domin- caregiver. Eruption of teeth has a major impact
ated the metagenome were Escherichia coli on the microbiome by increasing the number
phages T3 (widely used for experimental of ecological niches (e.g. gingival crevices,
purposes in laboratory strains), Propioni- occlusal pits and fissures and interproximal
bacterium acnes phage PA6 and streptococcal dental surfaces) for microorganisms to thrive,
phages, including Streptococcus mitis phage further increasing the diversity of the oral
SM1. The SM1 phage is a temperate phage – a microbiome.
virus that does not immediately lyse the host
cell but integrates its DNA with that of the
host. SM1 contains the genes pbIA and pbIB 2.4 Health-Associated Oral
that encode platelet-binding factors that have Microbiota
been shown to contribute to the virulence of
S. mitis in the endocardium but had not been For decades, oral microbiologists have
detected previously in the oral cavity (Willner focused their a ention on pathogens and
et al., 2011). The oral cavity is thus a rich overlooked the healthy oral microbiome. The
reservoir of bacteriophages, potential agents healthy oral microbiome research era was
in horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic initiated by the landmark study from
resistance, of which the clinical role in researchers at The Forsyth Institute, where the
maintaining health still needs to be disclosed. oral microbiome was profiled in five healthy
individuals (Aas et al., 2005). Since then,
oral microbiomes of a number of healthy
2.3 Acquiring the Oral Microbiome individuals at various ages and samples from
different intraoral locations have become
For an individual, birth is a borderline be- available (Nasidze et al., 2009; Zaura et al.,
tween sterile intrauterine life and extrauterine 2009; Bik et al., 2010; Crielaard et al., 2011).
existence with a continuous exposure to The US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
microorganisms. Microbiota are acquired via has given a large financial boost to healthy
other individuals, animals and the local human microbiome studies. In 2007, the
environment (Kononen, 2000). A recent NIH launched a 5-year Human Microbiome
metagenomic study demonstrated that the Project (HMP, h p://
mode of delivery (vaginal or Caesarean hmp) with a total budget of US$115 million.
section) determined the initial oral and in- The HMP represents a broad multiinstitutional
testinal microbiome of newborns (Dominguez- project generating unprecedented amounts of
26 E. Zaura et al.
sequences, annotations and metadata: 300 Enterobacteriaceae family are not considered
healthy individuals are being sampled commensal oral microbiota, and their high
longitudinally at multiple body sites, abundance suggests the effect of the unusual
including the oral cavity where different lifestyle of this group of people on their
niches are currently being characterized at microbiomes.
taxonomic (16S rRNA gene based) and Although the amount of data on the
functional (metagenome) level (Turnbaugh et overall oral microbiota is vast, there is li le
al., 2007). Until the HMP data are released, evidence-based information on which of the
small-scale cross-sectional studies indicate oral microbiome members has a strong
that at genus level several taxa are found association with oral health. Below will be
across unrelated oral microbiomes (Fig. 2.3), summarized the current knowledge on
of which the genera Streptococcus, Prevotella, health-associated microbiota. So far, this
Haemophilus, Veillonella, Neisseria, Rothia and information is based on small-scale clinical
Actinomyces dominate in most of these reports. studies without the use of a unifying and
The exception is a study on Batwa pygmies (a standardized definition of oral health. Since a
hunter-gatherer group in Uganda) (Nasidze et wide range of both targeted and open-ended
al., 2011), where the most predominant genus methodologies is used in the included
is Enterobacter (20% of sequences were studies, the results are not directly comparable
classified as this genus), including other and involve several technology-related
members (Klebsiella – 2.4%, Serratia – 2%) of biases, which will not be addressed here.
the Enterobacteriaceae family of the Gam- From the control groups used in the
maproteobacteria class. The taxa from the studies on dental caries and various stages of
Fig. 2.3. Relative abundance of predominant oral bacterial genera from five microbiome studies
(Nasidze et al., 2009, 2011; Zaura et al., 2009; Bik et al., 2010; Lazarevic et al., 2010) contributing to
58–92% of all sequences. Two studies (Zaura et al., 2009; Bik et al., 2010) have sampled various
intraoral habitats and are presented as ‘oral cavity’. Saliva data from the study by Zaura et al. (Zaura et
al., 2009) is a subset of the total ‘oral cavity’ data set. The study by Nasidze et al. (Nasidze et al., 2011)
sampled saliva of Batwa pygmies. The microbiomes of this hunter-gatherer group from Uganda were
dominated by the genus Enterobacter (20% of sequences), not included in this list of the predominant
oral taxa. The legend indicates genera from top to bottom in the figure.
The Oral Microbiome 27
periodontal disease, numerous micro- rectus (Gross et al., 2010), Selenomonas noxia
organisms are associated with the healthy (Preza et al., 2008) and Fusobacterium
control groups. Relatively few microbial taxa nucleatum (Aas et al., 2008; Preza et al., 2008,
(listed in Table 2.1) are associated with health 2009a), being associated more with health
in studies on caries and studies on periodontal regarding dental caries. Most likely, the
disease. Interestingly, certain caries- explanation for these ‘bad guys with a good
associated bacteria appear to be health- conscience’ is the antagonistic ecology behind
associated regarding periodontal disease, e.g. the two diseases – high pH in the inflamed
Streptococcus mutans (Tanner et al., 1998; Koll- periodontal pockets or low pH at the sites
Klais et al., 2005b; Kumar et al., 2005; Iwano et with an active caries process. This way, the
al., 2010), Lactobacillus fermentum (Koll-Klais microbiota may be harmful at one condition
et al., 2005a) and Atopobium species (Kumar et but become beneficial at the other. For
al., 2003). The opposite is true for certain instance, in the case of S. mutans and
periodontal pathogens, e.g. Campylobacter lactobacilli, these aciduric bacteria, if present
Health versus caries Health versus
Phylum, class Final taxon periodontal disease
in the periodontal pockets, will decrease the individuals are distinct from the profiles of
local pH and inhibit the periodontal the caries-prone individuals, with certain
pathogens that thrive at a pH above 7 (Marsh, groups of genes (e.g. bacteriocins and stress
1994). response genes) being over-represented in
Future research on the health-associated the samples from healthy individuals. To
microbiome should involve standardized, conclude, we are on the doorstep of entering
hypothesis-driven clinical trials with a clear a new and exciting era in oral ecology studies
definition of oral health. High inter-individual where next-generation sequencing on func-
variability among microbiomes of unrelated tional diversity will not only give us
individuals (Nasidze et al., 2009; Zaura et al., information on how the oral microbiome
2009; Lazarevic et al., 2010), due to individual initiates infectious diseases but also how it
host and environmental factors, makes actively sustains oral health.
interpretation of cross-sectional microbiome
studies difficult and renders the results to
being mainly descriptive. Longitudinal
studies are required to provide data for the
analysis of microbial shifts in the association
Aas, J.A., Paster, B.J., Stokes, L.N., Olsen, I. and
with the health–disease equilibrium. Dewhirst, F.E. (2005) Defining the normal
Currently available small-scale descriptive bacterial flora of the oral cavity. Journal of
studies should be used for power analyses Clinical Microbiology 43, 5721–5732.
and sample size calculations. This would Aas, J.A., Griffen, A.L., Dardis, S.R., Lee, A.M.,
allow appropriate statistical analyses and Olsen, I., Dewhirst, F.E., et al. (2008) Bacteria of
would lead to evidence-based conclusions. dental caries in primary and permanent teeth in
children and young adults. Journal of Clinical
Microbiology 46, 1407–1417.
Becker, M.R., Paster, B.J., Leys, E.J.,
2.5 Beyond the Microbiome
Moeschberger, M.L., Kenyon, S.G., Galvin, J.L.,
et al. (2002) Molecular analysis of bacterial
For the analysis of microbial community species associated with childhood caries.
ecology and the functioning of ecosystems, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 40, 1001–1009.
the determination of functional diversity is of Belda-Ferre, P., Alcaraz, L.D., Cabrera-Rubio, R.,
great importance (Konopka, 2009). Current Romero, H., Simon-Soro, A., Pignatelli, M., et
oral microbiome studies focus on ‘who is al. (2012) The oral metagenome in health and
there’ (taxonomic diversity), while dis- disease. The ISME Journal 6, 46–56.
covering ‘what are they doing’ (functional Bik, E.M., Long, C.D., Armitage, G.C., Loomer, P.,
diversity) will be the next logical step. Two Emerson, J., Mongodin, E.F., et al. (2010)
pioneering oral metagenome studies (Xie et Bacterial diversity in the oral cavity of 10 healthy
individuals. The ISME Journal 4, 962–974.
al., 2010; Belda-Ferre et al., 2012) demonstrate
Brailsford, S.R., Shah, B., Simons, D., Gilbert, S.,
both the opportunities and the challenges of Clark, D., Ines, I., et al. (2001) The predominant
this approach on such a complex microbial aciduric microflora of root-caries lesions.
community as the oral microbiome. Xie et al. Journal of Dental Research 80, 1828–1833.
assessed a single plaque sample meta- Brailsford, S.R., Sheehy, E.C., Gilbert, S.C., Clark,
genomically and showed that only 51% of the D.T., Kidd, E.A.M., Zoitopoulos, L., et al. (2005)
assembled sequences could be assigned a The microflora of the erupting first permanent
functional role (Xie et al., 2010). Belda-Ferre et molar. Caries Research 39, 78–84.
al. directly sequenced the metagenomic DNA Caufield, P.W., Dasanayake, A.P., Li, Y., Pan, Y.,
from supragingival plaque of two caries-free Hsu, J. and Hardin, J.M. (2000) Natural history
of Streptococcus sanguinis in the oral cavity of
and two caries-active individuals and two
infants: evidence for a discrete window of
individuals with caries experience in the past, infectivity. Infection and Immunity 68, 4018–
as well as metagenomic DNA sampled from 4023.
two carious lesions (Belda-Ferre et al., 2012). Cephas, K.D., Kim, J., Mathai, R.A., Barry, K.A.,
Their findings indicate that functional profiles Dowd, S.E., Meline, B.S., et al. (2011)
of the metagenome of the caries-free Comparative analysis of salivary bacterial
The Oral Microbiome 29
microbiome diversity in edentulous infants and Characterization of the oral fungal microbiome
their mothers or primary care givers using (mycobiome) in healthy individuals. PLoS
pyrosequencing. PLoS ONE 6, e23503. Pathogens 6, e1000713.
Chen, T., Yu, W.-H., Izard, J., Baranova, O.V., Griffen, A.L., Beall, C.J., Firestone, N.D., Gross,
Lakshmanan, A. and Dewhirst, F.E. (2010) The E.L., DiFranco, J.M., Hardman, J.H., et al.
human oral microbiome database: a web (2011) Core: a phylogenetically-curated 16S
accessible resource for investigating oral rDNA database of the core oral microbiome.
microbe taxonomic and genomic information. PLoS ONE 6, e19051.
Database 2010. Gross, E.L., Leys, E.J., Gasparovich, S.R.,
Cole, J.R., Wang, Q., Cardenas, E., Fish, J., Chai, Firestone, N.D., Schwartzbaum, J.A., Janies,
B., Farris, R.J., et al. (2009) The ribosomal D.A., et al. (2010) Bacterial 16S sequence
database project: improved alignments and new analysis of severe caries in young permanent
tools for rRNA analysis. Nucleic Acids Research teeth. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48,
37, D141–145. 4121–4128.
Colombo, A.P.V., Boches, S.K., Cotton, S.L., Hart, T.C., Corby, P.M., Hauskrecht, M., Hee Ryu,
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(2009) Comparisons of subgingival microbial Identification of microbial and proteomic bio-
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Journal of Periodontology 80, 1421–1432. goes on: What is the role of euryarchaeota in
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T.C., Aas, J.A., Boumenna, T., et al. (2005) Iwano, Y., Sugano, N., Matsumoto, K., Nishihara,
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3 The Human Urogenital Microbiome
© CAB International 2014. The Human Microbiota and Microbiome
32 (ed. J.R. Marchesi)
The Human Urogenital Microbiome 33
The vagina is, however, a virtually anoxic accompanied by increased glycogen pro-
environment and, as a result, it is unlikely duction and a concomitant thickening of the
that any significant amounts of hydrogen vaginal epithelium (Farage and Maibach,
peroxide would be produced and allowed to 2006). These new conditions selectively favour
accumulate to a toxic level in vitro (O’Hanlon the proliferation of glycogen-fermenting
et al., 2011). LABs and produce the acidified vaginal
environment characteristic of reproductive
age women (Cruickshank, 1934; Boskey et al.,
3.2.2 Changes in the female reproductive
2001; Farage and Maibach, 2006). The acidity
tract over a woman’s lifespan
and abundance of glycogen in the vagina
The vaginal microbial community undergoes promote additional colonization with rectal
significant structural changes at various lactobacilli, presumptively from the gut
stages in a woman’s life that are directly microbiota in a positive feedback loop,
linked to the level of oestrogen in the body eventually reaching levels of 107–108 cells/g of
(Farage and Maibach, 2006). The infant is vaginal fluid (Bartle and Polk, 1984;
initially colonized at birth, either with his or Srinivasan et al., 2010). Interestingly, the shifts
her mother’s microbiota via passage through in microbial community composition that
the birth canal or by the skin bacteria of those occur during this transition have seldom been
handling the infant delivered via Caesarean studied. Using cultivation-dependent
section (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010). This methods, Alvarez-Olmos et al. found that the
initial colonization event is believed to vaginal microbiota of many adolescent girls
establish the gut, skin and vaginal microbiota, (14–18 years) resembled those of adult women
allowing them to differentiate into habitat- with bacterial vaginosis (BV) (Alvarez-Olmos
specific communities during the first few et al., 2004), while Yamamoto et al. observed
weeks to months of an infant’s life (Palmer et that the bacterial communities were com-
al., 2007; Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010; parable to those found in adults but concluded
Koening et al., 2011). During this period, that this might not be the case for pre- or
heightened levels of maternal oestrogen are perimenarcheal girls (Yamamoto et al., 2009).
thought to trigger vaginal epithelial thicken- A more recent study on premenarcheal girls
ing due to enhanced intracellular glycogen has demonstrated that Lactobacillus spp.
production. These events are believed to constitute a significant proportion of vaginal
contribute to a transitory decrease in the bacterial communities in roughly half of the
infant’s vaginal pH as microbial metabolism girls sampled (Fortenberry et al., un-
thrives in response to the over-abundance of published).
glycolytic substrate. However, as maternal Throughout reproductive age, the
oestrogen levels wane, this rapid increase in resulting low pH of the vagina ideally creates
microbial metabolism is thought to deplete an environment that restricts or precludes the
the glycogen stores, causing the vaginal growth of many pathogenic organisms.
mucosa to thin rapidly and the vaginal pH to However, the pH and distribution of species
rise to approximately 7.0, where it remains may or may not remain stable throughout
relatively stable throughout childhood this time, since vaginal communities con-
(Farage and Maibach, 2006; Danielsson et al., tinually experience various kinds of chronic
2011). At this stage, the vagina remains and acute disturbances caused by human
colonized by diverse assemblages of behaviours such as the use of antibiotics,
anaerobic, aerobic and enteric cocci and rods, hormonal contraceptives, sexual activity,
similar to that of the skin and periurethral vaginal lubricants, douching and so forth, in
areas (Hammerschlag et al., 1978a,b; Alvarez- addition to many other intrinsic factors such
Olmos et al., 2004; Randjelovic et al., 2005; as the innate and adaptive immune systems
Danielsson et al., 2011). of hosts (Turnbaugh, et al., 2007; Ley et al.,
At the onset of puberty, follicular 2008; Relman, 2008).
development within the ovary stimulates the With the onset of menopause, a de-
production of oestrogen, which is again crease in oestrogen levels and cessation of
The Human Urogenital Microbiome 35
menstruation leads to atrophy of the vaginal Larsen and Monif, 2001; Marrazzo et al.,
epithelium and a reduction in cervicovaginal 2002), can be present in the vaginal com-
secretions (Farage and Maibach, 2006). In munities of healthy, asymptomatic women as
many cases, this change is accompanied by well, albeit in much lower numbers.
a shift in the vaginal microbiota from Unquestionably, the cultivation of
dominant populations of lactic acid- microorganisms is essential to understand
producing bacteria to a more diverse fully the physiological and phenotypic
assortment of species that include strictly properties of organisms; however, such
anaerobic and enteric bacteria, much like studies are not capable of the degree of
that experienced during childhood or sensitivity required to provide expansive,
bacterial vaginosis (Larsen et al., 1982; Ginkel fine-scale surveys of a vast number of
et al., 1993; Burton and Reid, 2002; microbial communities. In order to assess the
Heinemann and Reid, 2005). Likewise, the level of inter- and intrapersonal variability in
vaginal pH typically increases to 6.5–7.0; this microbial community composition, and to
rise in pH is a enuated to 4.5–5.0 in women explore the extent of the ecological relation-
undergoing hormone-replacement therapy ships existing within these communities,
(Heinemann and Reid, 2005; Danielsson et such studies require methods capable of
al., 2011). The dynamic nature of this providing highly detailed information that is
ecosystem underscores the importance of easily scaleable to high-throughput sample
resolving its microbial constituents at processing while still remaining cost-
different stages of human development and effective. In order to facilitate this, cultivation-
the prominent influence of oestrogen levels independent approaches have become the
in the host on the vaginal environment. investigative standard for efficiently com-
paring and classifying the diversity of
microbes residing in and on the human
3.2.3 Characteristics of the vaginal body (Hugenhol et al., 1998; Dekio, 2005;
microbiota Eckberg, 2005; Bik et al., 2006; Turnbaugh et
al., 2007).
Most of our knowledge regarding the Over the last decade, major advances in
composition, metabolic function and ecology DNA sequencing technology have ushered
of human-associated microbial communities human microbiome studies into the
has come from cultivation-dependent studies. ‘metagenomic era’, fundamentally changing
Consequently, our current understanding of the way we assess microbial community
microbe–host interactions is both limited and structure and composition. In order to
skewed, since many of the constituent micro- investigate bacterial diversity, these methods
bial species (>99%) are recalcitrant to typically compare and classify taxa based on
cultivation in the laboratory. None the less, similarities in 16S rRNA gene sequences. This
efforts to characterize vaginal microbial com- approach circumvents the need for cultivation
munities via cultivation-dependent methods by analysing DNA sequences directly from
have led to significant improvements in samples, thereby enabling the identification
understanding the role of microbes in vaginal of taxa that are recalcitrant to cultivation, or
health. For example, despite the prevailing present in low abundance, that might
view that Lactobacillus is a prerequisite for otherwise be missed by cultivation-
vaginal health, studies reliant on the dependent studies. Typically, partial 16S
cultivation of organisms have shown that a rRNA gene sequences are amplified directly
diverse array of other bacteria such as from samples using primers that anneal to
Staphylococcus, Ureaplasma, Corynebacterium, highly conserved sequences in the gene, and
Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Gardnerella, the resulting amplicons are sequenced.
Bacteroides, Mycoplasma, Enterococcus, Escher- Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences
ichia, Veillonella and Bifidobacterium, as well as allows for classification and determination of
the yeast Candida (Redondo-Lopez et al., 1990; the numerically dominant species in the
36 E. Bengtson et al.
community, thereby allowing for more in- Surprisingly, L. iners was only first described
depth analyses of community composition, in 1999 (Falsen et al., 1999), since it was unable
function and dynamics. to grow on the media typically used to isolate
Comprehensive surveys of the vaginal and enumerate Lactobacillus; consequently, it
microbial community using culture- was absent from earlier cultivation-dependent
independent approaches have revealed that studies of the vaginal microbiota.
Lactobacillus species are the dominant vaginal In addition, these species exhibit greatly
bacterial species in the majority of women. reduced genome sizes relative to other species
However, healthy vaginal microbiota exist as of Lactobacillus, suggesting a historical genome
a species-rich community that harbours a amelioration event occurred as the species
diverse array of other strict and facultative gained specificity for the vaginal environment.
anaerobes. According to Ravel et al., the most Lactobacilli have, on average, a genome of
abundant taxa detected in the vagina of 396 only 1.8–2 Mb, and have lost many of the
healthy, asymptomatic women aside from genes that encode for biochemical activities
Lactobacillus spp. include: Prevotella, Mega- (Markarova and Koonin, 2007; Danielsson et
sphaera, Sneathia, Atopobium, Streptococcus, al., 2011). At 1.3 Mb, L. iners has the smallest
Dialister, Lachnospira, Anaerococcus, Peptoni- genome of all the known lactobacilli,
philus, Eggerthella, Finegoldia, Rhodobaca, corresponding to a loss of genes required for
Anaerotruncus, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Aero- the de novo synthesis of all vitamins, cofactors,
coccus, Parvimonas, Staphylococcus, Coryne- amino acids and purines, as well as many of
bacterium, Veillonella, Gardnerella, Gemella and the enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle
Mobiluncus (see Figure 1 in Ravel et al., 2011). (Macklaim et al., 2011). This loss has been
compensated for, in part, by gaining genes for
additional transport systems (e.g. protein
Vaginal lactobacilli
transporter systems) via horizontal gene
The vaginal ecosystem is thought to have been transfer, thus enabling the organisms to
shaped by co-evolutionary processes between uptake and assimilate such factors directly
the human host and specific microbial from the environment (Danielsson et al., 2011;
partners, although the selective forces driving Macklaim et al., 2011).
this mutualistic association are still not clear. Moreover, it is anticipated that strains of
This association particularly seems to be the the same species will also exhibit genomic
case in reference to vaginal lactobacilli. differences conferring unique physiological
Lactobacilli are ubiquitous in the environment and biochemical traits. No comparative
but are known to inhabit only three regions of genomic studies of vaginal lactobacilli have
the human body – the oral cavity, the vagina been reported to date. However, the genomes
and the intestines (Pavlova et al., 2002). Of the of Gardnerella vaginalis strains, a common
more than 100 species of lactobacilli known to member of the vaginal microbiota with
exist, only 4 species are known to dominate putative importance in the pathogenesis of
vaginal microbial communities – L. crispatus, bacterial vaginosis, can differ up to 31% in
L. iners, L. gasseri and L. jensenii – and are gene content and order (Yeoman et al., 2010;
detected regularly (Hyman et al., 2005; Zhou et Ma et al., 2012). Advanced knowledge of
al., 2007; Ravel et al., 2011), indicating that genetic variation among Lactobacillus species
these species found in the vagina may possess (or strains) may provide further insight into
certain characteristics allowing them to their functional potential that may have
outcompete others in the vaginal environment. significant implications for health and
L. crispatus was previously thought to be disease.
one of the most common species of lactobacilli
in the vagina (Antonio et al., 1999). However,
through the use of culture-independent 3.2.4 Vaginal microbial community types
methods, L. iners has been identified as the
most prevalent Lactobacillus spp. in the vagina Despite the prevailing view that high
(Falsen et al., 1999; Zhou et al., 2004). proportions of Lactobacillus are required for
The Human Urogenital Microbiome 37
Brotman et al., 2010). However, a longitudinal How important can a single species really
study assessing the temporal dynamics of 32 be? Functional redundancy
healthy, asymptomatic women sampled
twice weekly over a 16-week period was While considerable evidence exists sup-
recently concluded (Gajer et al., 2012). The porting the importance of Lactobacillus spp. in
vaginal communities of nearly all the women the vaginal environment, these observations
assessed exhibited some degree of flexibility, have been overinterpreted and, through
with some changing markedly over a short faulty logic, have led to the assertion that the
time and others remaining relatively con- genus Lactobacillus is a prerequisite for normal
sistent. Interestingly, some of the most stable vaginal health. Recent studies showing that
communities were those exhibiting low levels 20–30% of asymptomatic, otherwise healthy
of Lactobacillus spp., which was remarkable women naturally harbour communities with
given the species’ putative importance in a somewhat higher pH (5.3–5.5) and a variety
maintaining vaginal health. Usually, these of anaerobic bacteria in place of appreciable
shifts involved changes in the relative numbers of lactobacilli (Zhou et al., 2004, 2007;
proportions of species present, but in some Ravel et al., 2011) challenge this common
cases, a distinct and persistent turnover in wisdom, and call for a need to re-evaluate
species composition occurred, marking the what it means to be ‘normal’.
presence of an alternative equilibrium state. For example, several of the non-
Several factors may have contributed to Lactobacillus organisms found in these com-
these differing levels of community stability. munities, such as Streptococcus, Atopobium,
For instance, menses was identified as having Staphylococcus, Megasphaera and Leptotrichia,
the most negative effect, followed by are capable of heterolactic or homolactic
community type and sexual activity, while fermentation, thus preserving the ecological
periods of the menstrual cycle marked by function of the community despite differences
high levels of oestrogen (late follicular phase) in the bacterial species present (Rodriguez-
or oestrogen and progesterone (luteal phase) Jovita et al., 1999; Zhou et al., 2004). In this
had a positive effect on community stability light, perhaps it is the conservation of
(Gajer et al., 2012). Other factors influencing ecological function, rather than the presence
community dynamics may be related to the or absence of any specific organism, that is
frequency and type of feminine hygiene important in preserving human health. Given
products used and sexual practices and the wide range of disturbances encountered
frequency, among other host factors such as daily, the development of functional
genetics, stress level and diet. redundancy among such highly diversified
This study highlights the great potential members of the microbial community would
of prospective longitudinal studies to eluci- certainly have been a selective advantage,
date the cause and aetiology of multifactorial allowing for the function of the ecosystem to
diseases such as BV over studies that often persist despite the presence of such potential
rely on a single sample collected from perturbations. If the maintenance of a low pH
women presenting to their physician with is indeed a key function of the vaginal micro-
symptomatic BV. Longitudinal study bial community, then perhaps it may be more
designs, where samples are collected appropriate to consider all LABs as members
frequently along with detailed behavioural of the same ecological ‘guild’ (Jaksic, 1981),
metadata, would afford access to samples since they all rely on the same resource pool to
collected prior to the diagnosis and during fulfil the same ecological niche. If this is the
the events leading to BV. The knowledge case, then the prevailing view that species of
gained from such studies is expected to Lactobacillus are both necessary and sufficient
reveal factors that govern this dynamic for maintaining health may be overly sim-
ecosystem, to forecast symptomatic BV plistic, because functionally equivalent species
susceptibility, and enable the development may, in fact, ‘substitute’ for one another. In the
of innovative diagnostic intervention and absence of symptomology, these types of
prevention strategies. vaginal bacterial communities might be
The Human Urogenital Microbiome 39
considered ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’, even may in turn affect their ability to maintain
though the composition of these communities human health. This response is important
closely resembles those associated with since vaginal communities are continually
symptomatic bacterial vaginosis. subjected to a wide range of potential acute
and chronic disturbances related to human
activities, such as the use of various birth
3.2.5 Ecological dynamics of the vaginal control methods, antibiotics and sexual
microbiome intercourse, as well as natural ‘disturbances’
such as hormonal fluctuations (Eschenbach et
The substrates used by members of the al., 2000), ageing (Larsen et al., 1982) and stress
vaginal microbiome are ultimately derived (Culhane, 2002; Culhane et al., 2006; Nansel et
from the host, and because of this the system al., 2006). Although we are developing a more
exemplifies a finely balanced mutualism in complete understanding of bacterial diversity
which the bacteria are entirely dependent on in the vaginal microbiota, the temporal
the host for nutrients, and in return, the dynamics of these communities and their
bacterial communities confer protective responses to ecological perturbations are not
advantages upon the host. Consequently, in well understood.
order to understand the overall functioning Four different models have been pro-
and community dynamics, the vagina and posed to describe community dynamics in the
the microbes located therein should be vaginal microbiome (Ravel et al., 2011). The
regarded as a complete ecosystem, rather ‘dynamic equilibrium hypothesis’ suggests
than simply a sum of its parts. For example, that the composition of a microbial community
while lactobacilli have received most of the may experience transient changes but remain
a ention for their role in protecting the host, relatively constant over time. This community
we now know that the vaginal communities type can be seen, for example, in response to
of healthy, reproductive age women contain hormonal fluctuations throughout the men-
diverse assemblages of many different strual cycle (Gajer et al., 2012). In this model,
microbes that coexist together despite such fluctuations are normal, transient and
competition for space and resources. These expected and, as a result, cannot really be
populations continually modify their en- considered a ‘disturbed’ community marked
vironment via metabolic activities, producing by increased susceptibility to invasion. The
by-products that not only aid in host ‘community space hypothesis’, on the other
protection but also serve as nutrient sources hand, is virtually the opposite, suggesting
for the community as a whole. The host that communities are not fixed but can and do
likewise influences the composition of its occupy any position in the community space
microbial communities by determining the over time. For example, changes in an
composition and quantities of vaginal individual’s habits, such as their diet, can
transudates that eventually become the raw cause changes in the vaginal community that
source of nutrients for its resident microbiota. cannot be considered particularly transient
Moreover, it is likely, though not proven, but flow freely in response to ecological
that vaginal mucus and epithelial cell perturbations. In the ‘alternative state
receptors play an important role in hypothesis’, the microbial community can
colonization by certain bacterial species. change over time but the number of possible
Further, innate and local immune systems ‘alternative states’ is limited. In the ‘com-
may work to exclude or select community munity resilience hypothesis’, communities
members (reviewed by Linhares et al., 2010). can experience disturbances and reach
transitional states but the extent and duration
of the transitional state depends on the
Understanding ecological perturbations
resilience and resistance of the community,
Since vaginal bacterial communities differ in whereas ‘homeostatic’ mechanisms drive the
species composition, they are also expected to communities back towards their ‘ground
differ in their responses to disturbances, which state’.
40 E. Bengtson et al.
transient species of faecal origin and oppor- by-products such as amines and short-chain
tunistic pathogens (Hobbs and Huenneke, fa y acids (SCFAs) may accumulate in the
1992). vaginal environment, causing the pH to rise
along with the characteristic vaginal
malodour. The rise in pH and accumulation
Drivers and passengers: the metabolic circuit
of other by-products may, in turn, make the
in the vagina
environment less hospitable for LABs,
We should also ponder the question of what therefore displacing them as the ‘dominant’
initiates the environmental change, par- community member and further increasing
ticularly in relation to the shifts in community the vaginal pH in a positive feedback loop.
structure and function associated with
bacterial vaginosis. For example, the strong
correlation between a high abundance of 3.2.6 Bacterial vaginosis
LABs and a ‘normal’, ‘healthy’ vagina is
consistent with Walker’s driver–passenger Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common
model (Walker, 1995). If we consider the role urogenital tract condition of reproductive age
of LABs to create and maintain the low pH women, affecting over a million women and
environment needed to protect from un- resulting in millions of annual health care
wanted microbial colonization, then these visits in the USA alone (Sobel, 2005; Koumans
LABs could be considered the ‘drivers’ of the et al., 2007). The prevalence of BV among
vaginal environment, by ‘se ing the stage’ for women varies widely and depends on the
the other types of microbes the environment subject population, affecting 4.9–36% of
is able to support, namely those able to European and American women (Morris et
withstand a pH of around 4.0–4.5. The non- al., 2001), 30–50% of African American
LABs, on the other hand, would be considered women and occurring in up to 85% of sex
the ‘passengers’, as their presence would workers in Africa (Ledru et al., 1996; Morris et
depend on their ability to conform to the al., 2001; Newton et al., 2001; Sobel, 2005).
environment created by the ‘drivers’. These In addition to high prevalence rates, BV
members, typically present at much lower is associated with a long list of adverse
abundance, would have much less influence gynaecological and obstetric sequelae. In
on the ecosystem, and may even be lost over non-pregnant women, this may include in-
time without markedly affecting the com- fertility (Sweet, 1995), endometritis (Haggerty
munity’s function. et al., 2004) and pelvic inflammatory disease
Vaginal communities seem to conform to (Weisenfeld et al., 2002), as well as an
this model, at least from a numerical increased risk of HIV and STI acquisition
perspective, since the rank abundance of (Hillier, 1998; Taha et al., 1998; Martin et al.,
species is highly skewed and lactic acid 1999; Schmid et al., 2000). BV is especially
bacteria often outnumbers the others by two problematic during pregnancy, where it is
orders of magnitude. However, we could also associated with several adverse outcomes
take a different approach that places the including preterm birth (Hay, 2004), spon-
anaerobes (or ‘non-LABs’) themselves in the taneous abortion (Ralph et al., 1999; Leitich
driver’s seat, suggesting that they may et al., 2003), premature rupture of membranes
actually initiate the demise of the LABs via (Hay, 2004), post-partum endometritis
changes in metabolic activity, rather than vice (Leitich et al., 2003) and amniotic fluid
versa. After all, the classical symptoms of BV infections (Silver et al., 1989). Given that
– elevated vaginal pH, fishy, amine-like BV currently affects 5–26% of pregnant
odour, thin grey discharge and ‘clue cells’ women worldwide (Goldenberg et al., 1996),
in vaginal secretions (Amsel et al., 1983) – are this represents a serious public health
all indicative of anaerobic metabolism. It concern.
is possible that as anaerobic metabolism Furthermore, treatment for BV is largely
fluctuates due to changes in nutrient ineffective, and relapse rates are high.
availability or many other factors, metabolic Treatment typically involves metronidazole
42 E. Bengtson et al.
(oral or vaginal gel or vaginal ampules) or al., 1999; Beigi et al., 2005; Hutchinson et al.,
clindamycin vaginal cream (Workowski and 2007; Wilson et al., 2007). Some evidence
Berman, 2006). However, 15–30% of patients supports the notion that BV may be a sexually
relapse within 30–90 days, while 70% of transmi ed disease. For example, BV status
patients experience a recurrence within 9 in monogamous lesbian couples has a
months (Larsson, 1992; Sobel et al., 1993; concordance of up to 95% (Marrazzo et al.,
Bradshaw et al., 2006). 2002, 2008, 2009), and women with BV tend to
have more sex partners and an earlier age of
sexual debut than women without BV
An aetiological enigma
(Schwebke et al., 1999, 2004). However, BV
Despite nearly a century of research, a empts has also been detected in virginal women
to find a single causative agent for BV have (Yen et al., 2003; Jones et al., 2007; Vaca et al.,
failed. BV is an aetiological enigma that fails 2009), thus begging the question of what, if
to conform to Koch’s postulates for any, role sexual behaviours may have in the
pathogenicity, which require that the acquisition of BV. Furthermore, since BV fails
causative agent be sufficient and necessary to to conform to Koch’s postulates, it technically
cause the disease. BV is a polymicrobial cannot be considered an infectious disease –
syndrome characterized by the disruption of a condition in which a non-indigenous
the vaginal ecosystem, marked by a decrease organism invades a community – but may
in the proportion of Lactobacillus species and best be described as a ‘polymicrobial
a concomitant 100- to 1000-fold increase in syndrome’, in which indigenous populations
the proportion of various facultative and that are typically rare but become abundant
strict anaerobes, resulting in a community due to changes to ecologically important
with greater species evenness and li le to characteristics modulated by the host (e.g.
no change in richness (Hill, 1993). Although nutrient levels) or disturbances that alter the
it appears to be related to a core consortium competitive dynamics of bacterial popu-
of anaerobes, including A. vaginae, G. lations. This view is supported by molecular
vaginalis, P. bivia, Mobiluncus curtisii, Finegoldia studies, indicating that a wide range of
magna and various Anaerococcus and Pepto- diversity exists in the bacterial communities
niphilus species (Ling et al., 2010), no single characterizing BV and that many of these
aetiological agent has been found capable of same organisms are present in healthy,
routinely replicating the condition. Culture- asymptomatic women as well, albeit at lower
independent methods have identified abundances. In other words, the incidence of
potentially BV-associated bacteria that could such a condition may depend not only on the
not be identified by traditional culture-based competitiveness of an invasive species (i.e.
methods (Ferris et al., 2004; Fredricks et al., the infectious agent) but also on the ecological
2005). These are now referred to as BV- dynamics of the habitat (i.e. anatomical site).
associated bacteria (BVAB) and are related
distantly to known species of the phyla,
Diagnosing and defining BV: issues with
Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. However,
logic and fallacies
whether or not these microorganisms are
indeed pathogens that cause BV or simply Over the years, the definition of BV and the
opportunistic ‘passengers’ taking advantage diagnostic criteria commonly used have been
of the temporary higher pH environment conflated, and they remain mired in
requires more research. controversy. The clinical diagnosis of BV is
Numerous investigations have been confirmed by the Amsel test, in which the
performed to identify factors that increase a patient must present with three of the four
woman’s risk to BV. Menstrual blood, a new following criteria: (i) an elevated vaginal pH
sexual partner, vaginal douching, smoking > 4.5; (ii) a homogeneous, white or grey ‘non-
and lack of condom use have shown to be inflammatory’ discharge that smoothly coats
among the strongest risk factors for BV (Hay the vaginal walls, which (iii) smells fishy on
et al., 1997; Koumans et al., 1999; Schwebke et addition of 10% KOH; and (iv) the presence
The Human Urogenital Microbiome 43
of ‘clue cells’ (vaginal epithelia with adhered appreciable numbers of Lactobacillus spp., yet
bacterial cells) on microscopic examination these individuals do not exhibit the same
(Amsel et al., 1983). In the laboratory, BV is undesirable symptoms that are characteristic
diagnosed via the Nugent scoring system, of BV. Because of this logical fallacy, it is
which assigns a numerical score (0–10) based reasonable to suggest that BV is often
on the proportion of observed bacterial overdiagnosed, particularly when diagnosed
cellular morphologies in a microscopic via the Nugent score. In fact, nearly 50% of all
sample (Nugent et al., 1991). The score reflects women with BV, as defined by the Nugent
the relative abundances of three kinds of score (Amsel, et al., 1983), are asymptomatic,
bacterial cell morphotypes in Gram-stained thus accounting for the term, ‘Nugent
vaginal smears, namely, large Gram-positive score-BV’ (Rausch and Lynch, 2011). This
rods (Lactobacillus morphotypes), small overdiagnosis could at least partly account
Gram-variable rods and cocci (G. vaginalis, for the reported high incidence of so-called
Prevotella, Porphyromonas and Peptostrepto- asymptomatic BV in reproductive age women
coccus morphotypes) and curved Gram- and might also explain a proportion of the
variable rods (Mobiluncus spp. morphotypes). treatment failures and recurrences associated
Scores range from 0 to 10, with 0–3 considered with BV (Wilson, 2004).
normal, 4–6 intermediate and 7–10 indicative
of BV.
In a formal sense, an obvious potential 3.3 The Male Urogenital Tract
problem is that the Nugent score is based on
the premise that high numbers of Lactobacillus Compared to the female urogenital tract
spp. define ‘health’, thus imposing a bias microbiome, the composition of the penile
against normal vaginal microbial com- microbiome and its significance to health is
munities that lack appreciable numbers of poorly understood. Historically, the male
lactobacilli, yet maintain a low pH and urogenital tract, and specifically the urethra,
‘normal’ ecological function. The Amsel test, was considered to be sterile or only
on the other hand, may lack sensitivity due to incidentally colonized by transient micro-
the subjectivity of the clinician’s interpretation, biota, except in men with sexually transmi ed
and thus the Nugent score is considered the infections (STIs). This view was supported by
‘gold standard’ for diagnosis of BV, despite the relative paucity of urinary tract infections
evidence that neither test is more nor less (UTIs) in men compared to women,
accurate and sensitive than the other convergence of the distal urinary and repro-
(Chaijareenont et al., 1994; Sha et al., 2005). ductive tracts in men permi ing simultaneous
The paradigmatic importance of Lacto- washing of openings of both tracts by urine
bacillus in maintaining reproductive health is passage and wide anatomic separation of the
reflected in the currently accepted definition urethral and anal orifices in men. However,
of BV. While numerous studies have shown recent cultivation-independent surveys of the
that women with high numbers of male urogenital tract microbiomes and
Lactobacillus species are ‘normal and healthy’, reconsideration of previous studies that
it is a logical fallacy to assume that the dismissed microorganisms in male urogenital
converse is true and that women whose tract specimens as ‘contaminants’ have begun
vaginal communities have few or no to challenge the dogma of the sterile male
lactobacilli must therefore have bacterial urethra. More importantly, emerging
vaginosis (Forney et al., 2006). As indicated epidemiological links between circumcision
by Ravel et al., over 27% of reproductive age and STI susceptibility in men (Weiss, et al.,
women naturally express very similar 2006) and partnered sexual activity and
community profiles without the occurrence dybioses of the vaginal microbiome in women
of any symptoms, indicating that they too (Schwebke and Desmond, 2005; Fethers et al.,
are ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’ (Ravel et al., 2011). 2008, 2012) suggest that the composition and
In addition, premenarcheal and post- dynamics of male urogenital tract micro-
menopausal women also often lack biomes could have ramifications for health
44 E. Bengtson et al.
and susceptibility to infectious disease in foreskin, at the juncture of the penile shaft
both men and women. and glans (coronal sulcus), and on the surface
The first compelling evidence of a of the underlying glans and extending
urogenital tract microbiota came from a series through the urethral meatus into the fossa
of cultivation-based studies of men with non- navicularis are more lightly keratinized
gonococcal urethritis (NGU) and controls, epithelium with features intermediate
performed largely by groups at the University between skin and mucosa (Anderson et al.,
of Washington, USA, in the 1970s (Holmes et 2011; Pudney and Anderson, 2011). Male
al., 1975; Bowie et al., 1977a,b; Bowie, 1978). circumcision involves the surgical removal of
These pioneering studies revealed that the foreskin (prepuce), which destroys most
diverse bacterial taxa found in the female of the preputial space, reduces moisture of
urogenital tract were also common in the coronal sulcus (CS) and glans (O’Farrell et
specimens from adult men with NGU, as well al., 2006) and promotes keratinization of the
as healthy controls. For example, as early as glans (de Vincenzi and Mertens, 1994). In
1977, Bowie et al. had observed Lactobacillus contrast, the urethra proper, extending from
in male urethral specimens and had the proximal end of the fossa navicularis to
speculated that the composition of the male the prostate gland, is perpetually moist, is
urogenital microbiome could be related to covered in columnar epithelial cells and
NGU (Bowie et al., 1977a). Unfortunately, glands that secrete mucins and bacteriocins
eventual success in linking NGU to a into the urethral lumen and shares many
spectrum of fastidious urogenital pathogens immunological features with other mucosal
including Chlamydia trachomatis (Bowie et al., surfaces (Anderson et al., 2011; Pudney and
1977b), Ureaplasma urealyticum (Wong et al., Anderson, 2011). The idea that the penis
1977) and Mycoplasma genitalium (Taylor- could support multiple independent micro-
Robinson and Jenson, 2011) shifted emphasis biomes is also supported by observations that
away from other taxa identified in these early some sexually transmi ed pathogens pref-
reports and few efforts to characterize them erentially target distinct regions of the penis.
were reported over the subsequent three For example, Haemophilus ducreyi, human
decades. Recent advances in cultivation- papilloma viruses, and herpes simplex virus 2
independent microbial identification, commonly infect the penile epithelium,
especially small subunit ribosomal (16S whereas the intracellular pathogen, Chlamydia
rRNA gene) sequencing (Lane et al., 1985; Liu trachomatis, strictly targets urethral columnar
et al., 2007), and observations that such epithelial cells (Nelson et al., 2012). None the
techniques detected vastly more microbial less, the authors are unaware of studies where
diversity in vaginal specimens than did all of these potential microbiomes have been
traditional culture-based methods (Fredricks studied in parallel and there is decreasing
et al., 2005) have led to renewed interest in the information concerning the compositions of
male urogenital tract microbiome and its the urethral, glans and penile shaft micro-
potential roles. biomes in men, respectively.
spp., Lactobacillus spp., G. vaginalis and specimens from individual men indicated
Alpha-haemolytic streptococci, in order of that some bacteria colonized the urethra at
frequency, were cultured from >95% of NGU- both points, but the microbiomes in both
positive men and 100% of NGU-negative antibiotic-treated NGU and untreated control
men. Interestingly, Lactobacillus, Gardnerella groups were dynamic. This study was
and Streptococcus were more frequent in men significant in that it was the first to show
who did not have NGU. Similarly, Gram- evidence that uncultivated bacteria were
negative anaerobes and all anaerobes were common in male urogenital tract specimens.
more frequent in men without urethritis. The Other studies, primarily of adult men with
presence of diverse viable bacteria in semen NGU, that employed PCR-based diagnostics
samples, prostatic massage and urine have confirmed this basic observation and
specimens from healthy men (Willen et al., revealed that a broad array of bacteria,
1996), urethral swabs from men with viruses, fungi and protists that are not
gonococcal urethritis (GU), chlamydial NGU routinely cultured in clinical microbiology
and controls (Mazuecos et al., 1998) and laboratories are common in male urogenital
urethral swabs from men with persistent specimens (Maeda et al., 2007; Masue et al.,
non-specific urethritis (Ivanov, 2007) was 2007; McKechnie et al., 2009; Shigehara et al.,
subsequently confirmed by other groups. The 2011). Interestingly, these and other studies
Mazuecos study additionally found that failed to detect pathogens known to elicit
aerobes were more frequent in men without urethritis in a significant proportion of NGU
urethritis than men with NGU and GU and cases and, conversely, identified high rates of
that some Prevotella spp. were more common NGU-associated pathogens in asymptomatic
in men with chlamydial urethritis (Mazuecos men.
et al., 1998). Collectively, these studies The development of methods for high-
established that the adult male urethra was throughput, clone-based 16S rRNA gene
frequently colonized by diverse bacterial sequencing and massively parallel pyro-
species and suggested that these bacteria sequencing impacted microbiome research
might interact with other urogenital tract dramatically and led to the re-evaluation of
pathogens. The data also suggested that urethral microbiomes using these approaches.
infection with unknown urogenital tract An early 16S rRNA gene sequencing-based
pathogens might explain the enigma of survey of residual urines from 19 STI clinic
idiopathic urethritis. None the less, dif- a endees found that 100% of the specimens
ferences and limitations of urethral sampling contained sequences representing diverse
methods, cultivation techniques and subject bacterial taxa (Nelson et al., 2010). More than
populations made it difficult to reconcile 95% of these corresponded to Firmicutes,
results across these studies and paint a Actinobacteria, Fusobacteria, Proteobacteria and
uniform picture of the composition, stability Bacteroidetes. Firmicutes were detected in all
and significance of the male urethral study specimens, but no taxa below the
microbiome. phylum level was common, arguing that
More recently, Riemersma identified there was no single organism or characteristic
bacteria in sequential urine specimens microbiome that was always present in the
collected 2 weeks apart from five men with male urethra. Most sequences corresponded
NGU and five controls using a combination to bacteria that had been isolated from the
of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and restriction vagina, urine, skin and oral cavity in previous
fragment length polymorphism analysis studies. Confirming the results of Bowie et al.
(RFLP) (Riemersma et al., 2003). Although (Bowie et al., 1977a), Lactobacillus was the
some sequences corresponded to organisms most abundant genus detected (Nelson et al.,
identified in previous studies, a significant 2010). Corynebacteria, Streptococcus and
proportion were uncultivated taxa. Haemo- Propionibacterium were also significant
philus spp. sequences were detected only components of the microbiome in many
in men with NGU. RFLP comparison of specimens (Nelson et al., 2010). More striking
the microbial communities in sequential was the high proportion of sequences
46 E. Bengtson et al.
Mehta et al., 2012; Nelson et al., 2012). There is This study also found low concordance
also evidence that circumcision reduces or between microbiomes in corresponding CS
eliminates colonization with many of these and urethral specimens and that the Unifrac
taxa (Price et al., 2010; Nelson et al., 2012). distances between these communities were
These results are highly provocative in light increased in circumcised adolescents (Nelson
of studies showing that the risk of vaginal-to- et al., 2012). Limited sample size precluded
penile transmission of HIV is reduced in strong statements concerning the role of
circumcised men (Wamai et al., 2011). The partnered sexual activity in colonization of
reduction of BV-associated taxa following the urethra and CS with specific micro-
circumcision might also explain the ob- organisms in the adolescent study, although
servation of the decreased risk of BV in multiple BV-associated taxa that were
women whose partners are circumcised common in the cohorts of men a ending an
(Gray et al., 2009). STI clinic (Nelson et al., 2010; Dong et al.,
Early cultivation-based studies estab- 2011) were rare or absent in the adolescents
lished that bacteria that colonized the vagina, (Nelson et al., 2012).
including G. vaginalis, were sometimes
present on the penile surface (Kinghorn et al.,
1982; Holst, 1990). It has also long been 3.3.2 Establishment of the penis
assumed that circumcision reduces the risk microbiome
of UTIs in male infants by altering the
microbiomes of the penis, although the When and how penile microbiomes are
authors are unaware of studies which have established is unclear, although it seems
broadly evaluated these microbiomes pre- likely that environmental sources, other body
and post-circumcision in infants. None the surfaces, the maternal vaginal microbiota and
less, the extent of colonization of the adult sexually transmi ed organisms are all
penile surface with BV-associated taxa and potential reservoirs. Colonization of the penis
the effects of circumcision came into focus with some taxa clearly occurs prior to onset of
following a 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing partnered sexual activity. For example, a
based study of the CS microbiomes in 12 molecular epidemiological comparison of
African men pre- and post-circumcision isolates in mothers and their newborn infants
(Price et al., 2010). BV-associated taxa found that a high proportion of the infants
including Prevotellaceae, Fusobacteriaceae, were colonized by Lactobacillus shortly after
Bifidobacteriaceae, Veillonellaceae and Clostri- birth (Matsumiya et al., 2002). However, only
diales were abundant in CS specimens 23% of these isolates corresponded to isolates
pre-circumcision. Post-circumcision, these detected in the mother, and these were
taxa, and anaerobes in general, decreased usually replaced by non-maternal strains
dramatically and were replaced by less within 1 month of birth. A study of UTIs in
diverse, predominantly aerobic communities male infants (mean age 5 months) found that
dominated by skin taxa including Staphylo- loads of periurethral lactobacilli were
coccaeceae and Corynebacteriaceae. These significantly lower (P < 0.01) in a UTI group
results were supported by comparison of CS as compared to a control group and
microbiomes of circumcised and un- speculated that these organisms might play a
circumcised adolescents (Nelson et al., 2012). probiotic role against UTI in male infants
Porphymonas spp. were enriched and (Lee et al., 2009). Whether G. vaginalis
Prevotella spp. were only present in CS colonizes the urogenital tract of pre-pubertal
specimens from uncircumcised adolescents, boys is less clear. One study reported culture
whereas Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium and of G. vaginalis from two boys aged 3 and
other aerobes were enriched in uncircumcised 10 (Holst, 1990), whereas a second, much
adolescents. Additionally, colonization of larger, study failed to find evidence of
the adolescent CS with Staphyloccocus, this organism in any of 99 boys aged 1–7
Mobiluncus, Dialister and Anaerococcus was (Wahl et al., 1998). Interestingly, in another
highly stable over a 3-month study interval. study, G. vaginalis or a close relative was
48 E. Bengtson et al.
detected, by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, in The authors are unaware of any broad-
the urine of some sexually naive adolescents range surveys of penile microorganisms that
(Nelson et al., 2012), suggesting that have targeted organisms other than bacteria
colonization with G. vaginalis might occur (Riemersma et al., 2003; Nelson et al., 2010,
around the time of puberty but might not be 2012; Price et al., 2010; Dong et al., 2011;
linked to commencement of partnered sexual Mehta et al., 2012) and fungi (Aridogan
activity. Comparison of urethral and CS et al., 2005). This shortfall is surprising
microbiomes of a much large cohort of considering that known sexually transmi ed
adolescents who have and who have not pathogens include bacteria, fungi, eukaryotic
commenced partnered sexual activity is parasites and viruses (Holmes et al., 2007).
under way (D.E. Nelson, manuscript in Provocatively, re-analysis of urine pellets
preparation), and hopefully these results will from four subjects with idiopathic urethritis
shed light on this question. With the advent and four controls by shotgun metagenomic
of cheap and powerful 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed the presence of diverse
sequencing approaches, it seems likely that viruses, fungi, protists, phage and eubacteria,
questions about the timing of colonization of all of which are missed by 16S rRNA gene
the urethra during childhood could be sequencing approaches (D.E. Nelson,
addressed using pre-existing banks of manuscript in preparation). Considering the
paediatric urine specimens. Such surveys decreasing costs of deep metagenomic
could provide invaluable databases for the sequencing, its seems that these sorts of
detection of cases of sexual abuse and approaches might now be used to test if
differentiation of atypical and typical poorly understood but common urinary tract
organisms in cases of idiopathic UTI. syndromes, including idiopathic urethritis,
are linked to pathogens that have been missed
by cultivation, targeted diagnostics and 16S
3.4 Future Directions rRNA gene sequencing.
This brings us to the most challenging
One of the most vexing questions concerning questions concerning penis microbiomes,
penis microbiomes is what are they good for? which are what organisms stably colonize the
This chapter speculates that Lactobacilliales- penis and are any of these sexually
dominated urethral microbiomes play transmi ed? Unfortunately, most longitudinal
analogous roles in the protection of the studies of penis microbiomes to date have
urethra against infection, as do similar relied on taxa-level identification strategies
vaginal communities, but this hypothesis is that do not differentiate if bacteria in
supported by indirect observations only. For corresponding or longitudinal specimens are
example, Bowie et al. observed that lactobacilli the same or related but distinct organisms. A
were isolated less frequently from men with promising strategy recently employed to
NGU compared to controls without urethritis identify concordant G. vaginalis isolates in
(Bowie, et al., 1977a), and recent results (D.E. sexual partners was to tease out more
Nelson, manuscript in preparation) confirm information from polymorphisms in short 16S
this. It has also been observed that a signature rRNA gene sequences using a computational
characteristic differentiating the microbiomes approach (Eren et al., 2011). The comparison
of men colonized with NGU-associated of rapidly evolving bacterial clustered
pathogens that do not have urethritis from regularly interspaced short palindromic
those that do is less diverse urethral repeats (CRISPR) sequences potentially could
microbiomes (D.E. Nelson, manuscript in also be harnessed for these purposes (Rho et
preparation). This chapter proposes that al., 2012), and with the rapid decrease in the
longitudinal studies comparing urogenital costs of shotgun sequencing, it may soon be
microbiomes pre- and post-urethritis and possible simply to compare large reassembled
treatment will be key to ascertaining if penis contigs to prove the transmission or
microbiomes modulate the risk for STI and/or longitudinal persistence of specific organisms
symptoms. (Pallen et al., 2010).
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4 The Lung Microbiome
One practical difficulty for the collection For those individuals for whom sputum
of samples relates to the fact that the cannot be generated, options include the
oropharynx and oral cavity is colonized by a induction of sputum and bronchoalveolar
phylogenetically diverse and numerous set of sampling. Induced sputum, where pro-
microbes (Stenfors and Raisanen, 1989; duction is triggered by the inhalation of an
Nasidze et al., 2009; Bik et al., 2010; Lemon et aerosol of hypertonic saline, is being used
al., 2010; Crielaard et al., 2011; Segata et al., increasingly as a sampling strategy for non-
2012). Segata and colleagues reported that expectorating individuals (Sagel et al., 2001;
members of the genus Streptococcus were Rogers et al., 2005). This approach is still
highly represented within this microbiota considered to be a non-invasive monitoring
(Segata et al., 2012), with a range of other process, with work showing that sampling is
genera also reported as common, including safe and can be tolerated by children as young
many anaerobic genera such as Prevotella, as 3 years of age (Mussaffi et al., 2008). This
Veillonella and Fusobacterium in certain tolerance means that lung microbiota studies
samples. Members of the genus Rothia were can be carried out in populations that would
found to be particularly prevalent in the otherwise be difficult to sample on a routine
buccal mucosa. basis.
This collection is in broad agreement More invasive sampling strategies have
with the genera identified by Bik and also been used. Of these, the most relevant
colleagues as common in the oral cavity, strategy to microbiota research has involved
which was again dominated by Streptococcus bronchoscopy-based sampling, either through
forming 19.2% of the total sequences re- lavage or the use of protected brushes (Loens
covered (Bik et al., 2010). The genera Prevotella et al., 2009). While invasive and not indicated
and Veillonella, both 8.6% of the total for certain patients, bronchoscopy-based
sequences derived, were again common; sampling has been used to collect specimens
however, in this study, proportionately more from the lungs of individuals in many
sequences from the genera Haemophilus and different conditions (Ha otuwa et al., 2002;
Rothia were present than identified in the Chastre et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2011).
study of Segata and co-workers (Segata et al., Alternative strategies such as naso-
2012). pharyngeal aspirates or swabbing have been
In short, if the lungs are to be accessed used to collect samples, to study bacterial
through this route, care is needed to minimize and viral components of the microbiota
or prevent contamination from these locations (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010; Lysholm et al.,
while sampling. This preventative step is 2012). Given their non-invasive nature, these
relevant for sputum and bronchoalveolar have been used primarily in children to infer
sample collection, two of the most common the presence of the microbiota in the lung.
means of accessing samples from the lungs. Strategies that avoid the potential for
Sputum as a sampling option has been used contamination of the upper respiratory tract
for the study of many conditions and can be and oral cavity also exist. Transthoracic
expectorated spontaneously by many needle biopsy, now as guided by computer
patients. Aside from the concerns over tomography, has been used to sample the
contamination outlined above, host cell lung for diagnostic purposes (Uruga et al.,
cytological criteria are used to indicate the 2012). As this enters the lung through the
quality of the sample for diagnostic micro- chest wall, microbial contamination is only
biological purposes (Skerre , 1999). It is possible from the skin microbiota. While this
limited, though, to patients who have reached may have a diagnostic value for some
a certain stage of disease with, for example, patients, it is not likely to be used routinely.
many young individuals with cystic fibrosis Other samples used primarily for diagnostic
unable to generate sputum samples by purposes including blood collection (Loens et
expectoration. It is, however, a non-invasive al., 2009) will not be discussed.
process and, as such, lends itself to microbiota As above, a number of sampling
studies needing repeated samples. strategies have been devised to sample the
The Lung Microbiome 59
microbiota directly or indirectly in the human 4.3 The Means of Microbiota Analysis
lung. Before moving to findings from studies
to date, it is important to consider another A key decision in any study of the lung
aspect of the lung, however. Ochs and co- microbiota is, of course, what component to
workers state the average number of alveoli, study. In many studies that have been
the site of gas exchange, to be 480 million in published on the human-associated micro-
the adult lung (Ochs et al., 2004), with the biota, ‘microbiota’ can actually refer only to
surface area often referred to as being the same the ‘bacteria’ that are present. Most work on
as that of a tennis court (h p://www.thoracic. the lung microbiota has, however, focused on
org/clinical/copd-guidelines/for-patients/ bacteria. This focus is likely for a number of
anatomy-and-function-of-the-normal-lung. reasons, ranging from the importance with
php). which bacteria are perceived through to more
Lung microbiota research is constrained technical reasons. The next key decision is on
to some extent by a need to limit the number how to study the microbiota. As detailed
of samples taken, especially for research elsewhere in this book, this falls broadly
purposes; the more invasive the sampling into culture-based or culture-independent
procedure, the more this applies. Often, only systems, or some combination of these
a single clinical sample is taken, with this approaches.
meaning that any spatial heterogeneity of the Culture-based systems rely on the
microbiota present within the lung cannot be detection of specific microbes that are con-
observed. This limited sampling can also sidered both likely to be present in a lung
have diagnostic implications, especially sample and likely to be important in clinical
when certain cells of species such as terms (see Rogers et al., 2009). Here, detection
Pseudomonas aeruginosa have the potential to occurs by using a range of selective media
double in number in 200 min or less in vivo and growth conditions that allows a single
(Yang et al., 2008) and when assessment of the ‘pure’ strain to be derived. The technical
presence of pathogens is performed over problems relating to this method have been
much longer time frames. This limitation well covered in the literature. The earliest
contrasts markedly to sampling of natural forms of advance came when culture-
environments, where the number of samples independent assays were developed that
is typically not constrained and spatial allowed the amplification of target regions
heterogeneity is recognized as an important directly from DNA extracted from a clinical
issue (Kirk et al., 2004). Studies that have been sample – through the amplification of this
able to take repeated samples of the lung target region, this allowed the presence above
have shown that this constraint can be an a set threshold of detection to be achieved.
important issue, with, for example, the viral Quantitative PCR (qPCR) strategies have
microbiota in different lobes of the lungs of now been developed that allow, with some
individuals with cystic fibrosis reported as calibration, an estimate of the load of a species
distinct (Willner et al., 2012a). The same group to be made from DNA as extracted from a
has reported the same finding of spatial clinical sample. Fundamentally, however,
heterogeneity for other components of the while this approach may have circumvented
microbiota in the lung (Willner et al., 2012b). many of the problems associated with culture
Combining these points, what is bias, it still relies on the a priori decision to
observed in any study of the lung microbiota interrogate a sample for the presence of a
depends on the means by which the sample is single species. For many years, this has been
collected, and also on the degree of variability the case for virus detection in respiratory
in terms of the distribution of any microbes samples, where, at best, the presence in
present. To date, no full exploration of samples of only small groups of viruses
sampling issues in relation to microbiota considered common and important could be
studies has been carried out and this would determined. These specific PCR tools,
be very valuable information to guide sub- though, still represent important advances.
sequent studies. They say li le, however, about the mixed
60 G.B. Rogers et al.
microbiota that is often present in the human combined profile-based strategies of micro-
lung. biota assessment with sequence-based
Developments in the study of microbes strategies. The original means of resolving
in natural environments heralded an im- species into single tractable units relied on
portant change, too, in the means by which cloning PCR products. This approach was a
the microbes in clinical samples were able to labour-intensive process, which meant that
be assessed. Again, as has been covered the number of clones studied tended to be
elsewhere, the importance of the ribosomal small for any given sample. Published library
RNA gene and ribosomal RNA itself is key to sizes less than 10 years ago from the present
this form of assessment for cellular microbes. could represent less than 100 clones. Through
Ribosomal sequences – either individual the application of next-generation sequencing,
genes such as the 16S rRNA gene in bacteria the typical number of sequences (clone
or often their equivalent and flanking equivalents) is up to 1000 × times higher. It is
intergenic regions in fungi – contain regions important to note, though, as will be
of high sequence similarity and high sequence discussed later, that aspects of the basic
divergence. The regions of high sequence information from these clone libraries often
similarity allow the design of primers for can match the much more detailed libraries
PCR amplification that can be placed at that are now being constructed. One question
different taxonomic levels. For the Domain that can be asked is much simpler than asking
Bacteria, this allows primers, in theory, to about the complexity of the microbiota
amplify the region spanning these sites of present. That is, what numbers of particular
high conservation from, in theory, potentially components of the microbiota are present in a
any bacterial cell. The regions of high sample? To do this, techniques such as qPCR
sequence divergence in between these are increasingly being applied, at least to
primers can then serve to characterize from bacterial enumeration and as applied to
which species an individual sequence has panels of respiratory viruses in a respiratory
been derived. This key development therefore context.
allows the characterization of species in lower
airway samples without previously knowing
or predicting which species might be present. 4.4 The Lung in Healthy Individuals
Through the application of the strategy
above (sometimes called broad-range PCR), a With parallels to a number of zones in the
complex mix of PCR products is typically human body, there is a marked transition
obtained. Resolving the phylogenetic from the heavily colonized regions of the
identities of the species present as this upper airways and oropharynx to the lungs,
complex mix therefore forms the next step in which, until recently, have been considered to
this process. A range of strategies have been be normally sterile in healthy individuals
developed to do so. These fall into two broad (Marrio and Dockrell, 2007). Just as for the
categories – profile based or sequence based. stomach (Bik et al., 2006), concepts over the
The former profile-based strategies include lungs as being sterile are increasingly being
ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA), challenged (Hilty et al., 2010; Charlson et al.,
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis 2011; Erb-Downward et al., 2011; Huang et al.,
(DGGE) and terminal-restriction fragment 2011).
length polymorphism (T-RFLP), and have all As part of this growing body of evidence,
been described earlier. These strategies all Charlson et al. analysed DNA signals from
allow relatively rapid means of assessment of samples taken at a range of different airway
the degree to which different PCR products, locations from six healthy volunteers
and, as such, different species, have been (Charlson et al., 2011). These samples included
amplified. These strategies are still important oral washings, swabs of the oropharynx and
in the context of microbiota assessment and lung samples obtained by bronchoscopic
offer a lot of information about the species methods, including bronchoalveolar lavage
present. From early on, many studies and protected specimen brushing. Following
The Lung Microbiome 61
Efficient mucociliary
Healthy lung
Supressed airway
Fig. 4.1. Modelling the microbiota in the healthy lung and immunosuppressed lung: colonization/infection
may arise when innate defences fail to function efficiently.
Species (% cases)
Studies are also focusing increasingly on the
microbiota present in acute bacterial 1 Streptococcus pneumoniae (41.8)
infections of the lower airways. As above, 2 Mycoplasma pneumoniae (19.1)
these infections typically involve bacteria that 3 Chlamydophila pneumoniae (10.1)
originate in the patient or the health-care 4 Haemophilus influenzae (8.6)
environment. Bacterial pneumonia, which is
5 Staphylococcus aureus (5.5)
used here to exemplify acute bacterial lung
infections generally, represents a substantial 6 Haemophilus parainfluenzae (4.4)
health-care burden. For example, hospital- 7 Legionella pneumophila (3.5)
acquired pneumonia (HAP) is the second 8 Klebsiella pneumoniae (3.3)
most common nosocomial infection and 9 Moraxella catarrhalis (2.0)
accounts for approximately one-quarter of all
aRepresenting 2% and over of all cases.
infections in the intensive care unit (ICU)
(Torres et al., 2010). Mortality rates for HAP
are determined to a large extent by the Table 4.2. Bacterial species considered as
adequacy of antibiotic treatment and have pathogens as isolated from patients with hospital-
been estimated to range from 16% versus 25% acquired bacterial pneumonia (1997–1998; Jones,
(Alvarez-Lerma, 1996). 2010).
There is a wide range of risk factors Species (% cases)
associated with the development of bacterial
pneumonia. A common characteristic of these 1 Staphylococcus aureus (27)
factors is their suppression of the normal 2 Haemophilus influenzae (19)
airway defence mechanisms, resulting in a 3 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17)
failure to clear bacterial pathogens from the 4 Escherichia coli (13)
lung. The presence of significant numbers of 5 Enterobacter species (4)
bacteria in regions of the airway previously 6 Klebsiella species (4)
thought, as described above, to be free of
7 Serratia species (4)
bacterial colonization results in an acute local
inflammatory response, followed by systemic 8 Acinetobacter species (2)
64 G.B. Rogers et al.
By their nature, acute bacterial infections 4.6 Exemplifying the Lung Microbiota
of the lung are resolved rapidly, either in Chronic Conditions
through clearance of the aetiological agents
by the immune system or by antibiotic 4.6.1 Cystic fibrosis
treatment, or through respiratory failure and
death. As a result, they are characterized by a Cystic fibrosis (CF), arguably the most
rapid expansion of the bacterial populations studied of the chronic lung conditions, is
that initially gain access to the lower airways important in that up to 95% of patients die of
and intensive selective pressures on these respiratory failure at an average age of under
populations through treatment and immune 40 years. The microbiota present in respiratory
response. secretions of CF patients has been studied,
The opportunity for a complex micro- with a complex set of microbes identified. Of
biota to develop in acute condition would, the species considered important in con-
therefore, intuitively seem lower as compared ventional diagnostic microbiology (LiPuma,
to lung infections that are chronic in nature. 2010), only P. aeruginosa has been found to be
Bousbia et al. determined what microbiota common. A range of anaerobic genera and
were present in acute lung infections as other species not previously associated with
opposed to determining the identity of the CF lung infections have been reported
primary aetiological agents (Bousbia et al., (Rogers et al., 2003), including members of the
2012). Here, a combination of molecular- and genera Fusobacteria, Bacteroides, Abiotrophia,
culture-based techniques was used to Citrobacter, Lautropia and Sarcina. Since these
determine the microbiota content of 185 studies, culture-independent research as
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from combined with culture has seen novel lung
patients with HAP. In 34% of cases, a single pathogens proposed. The most obvious
bacterial species was detected, while in a example is the Streptococcus milleri group,
further 31% of cases, one out of multiple which has been proposed as a pathogen of
species was predominant. These data support the CF lung and has been associated with
the hypothesis that the complexity of the exacerbations that are linked to lung function
microbiota associated with these samples loss in these patients (Sibley et al., 2008).
would be low. More work, though, is needed Perhaps by virtue of the longer time over
to understand the importance, if any, of the which the CF lung microbiota has been
other less abundant species in relation to studied, as compared to other lung conditions,
disease progression in this condition. a range of interesting and potentially
Identifying aetiological agents is of clear important clinical associations are emerging
importance in the context of acute lung between lung function and primarily the
infections, both as a basis for effective bacterial microbiota. Links between patients
treatment and to gain a be er understanding with good lung function and a typically more
of disease mechanisms. In that sense, diverse bacterial community have, for
knowing the degree to which the normal lung example, been identified (in Kolter, 2010).
again contains a microbiota and its com- Within this microbiota, those patients in
position is particularly important here. It may whom P. aeruginosa was detected showed a
be equally important to characterize the lower overall diversity in the microbiota
microbiota at sites from which the infective described (Klepac-Ceraj et al., 2010; Kolter,
agents are likely to be derived, such as those 2010).
that exist in the sinuses or oropharynx. As Cox et al. studied the airway’s microbiota
such, determining the extent to which of CF patients of different ages – from
similarities and differences exist between the neonates through to adult patients – by using
upper airway microbiota in different patient a microarray that reported on the phylogenetic
groups, particularly those at high risk of identity of the bacterial microbiota species
developing bacterial pneumonia, is an area that were present (Cox et al., 2010). This
that warrants further investigation. important study has a number of findings, of
The Lung Microbiome 65
which only some are presented here. Older workers have also considered the importance
CF patients were found to have airway’s of bacteriophages as identified in whole
microbiota that phylogenetically were linked genome sequences of strains isolated from
more closely than those of younger patients. adult CF patient respiratory samples (Rolain
Through a series of longitudinal samples that et al., 2011). CF sputum has also been shown
were also taken, the diversity of the to contain a viral microbiota (Willner et al.,
microbiota as sampled was found to reduce 2009) of relatively low diversity, yet with
over time. Cox and co-workers, moreover, many uncharacterized types of phage and
speculated that specialized communities of eukaryotic viruses. Combined, these studies
pathogens developed in association with the show that the CF lung microbiota are
poorer lung function identified in these older complex, with additional evidence suggesting
patients. that these microbes are present in high
A related paper also examined the numbers over extended periods.
bacterial microbiota of the CF lung (van der
Gast et al., 2011). Here, extended regions of
ribosomal RNA genes were used to provide a 4.6.2 Asthma
high level of taxonomic resolution of the
bacterial microbiota present in a set of sputa Much the same pa ern of research as carried
sampled from adults with CF. Statistical tools out in CF is starting to be undertaken and is
were used to divide the bacterial species relevant to the study of the microbiota
present into those regarded as core or satellite associated with asthmatic patients. Here,
in the CF lung. Out of the 82 taxa identified there is an increasing interest in determining
for these patients, 15 taxa were regarded as the degree to which what is observed
core. These included known pathogens such clinically in asthma is influenced by the
as P. aeruginosa, but in addition, a range of microbiota present in the asthmatic airways.
other species less commonly associated with Huang and colleagues studied the microbiota
the CF lung, including taxa from the genera as detected by using bronchial brushing of
Catonella, Neisseria and Streptococcus. Other airway epithelia from adult asthmatic
taxa within the genera Porphyromonas, patients (Huang et al., 2011). Here, bacterial
Prevotella and Veillonella were also identified. microbiota was assessed by using a
This work emphasizes the potential microarray assay and clone sequencing of
importance of these species to the progression ribosomal RNA gene regions. As seen above
of lung disease and again confirms that for individuals with CF, the composition and
anaerobic bacteria may be important in CF diversity of the microbiota correlated with
lung disease progression. Focusing on these clinical findings; here, correlation was seen
core taxa in more detail, it was also shown with bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The
that CF transmembrane conductance regu- relative abundance of members of particular
lator genotype and antibiotic treatment families of bacteria (Comamonadaceae, Oxalo-
correlated with all core taxa. It was also bacteraceae, Sphingomonadaceae) was also
shown that lung function correlated with correlated to the degree of bronchial hyper-
species richness. responsiveness. Analogously, Hilty and co-
CF microbiota studies are wider, of workers reported that Proteobacteria were
course, than the bacterial microbiota alone. detected at markedly elevated levels in
An important recent study by Delhaes and airway samples taken from children with
colleagues has also examined what fungal asthma (Hilty et al., 2010). Again, it is not yet
microbiota are present in the CF lung clear what, if any, link exists between the
(Delhaes et al., 2012). Here, this study reported microbiota in this study and the pathogenesis
a wide range of fungi as present by observed in asthma. Other intriguing links
pyrosequencing with the fungal microbiota between components of the microbiota
diversity as well as the bacterial microbiota present in other body locations and asthma
diversity, markedly lower in patients with have also been suggested. Reibman and
more impaired lung function. Rolain and co- colleagues, for example, reported that, in at
66 G.B. Rogers et al.
least the urban human population they studies have been directed towards
studied, asthma was associated inversely understanding the bacterial microbiota. This
with Helicobacter pylori status (Reibman et al., focus is clearly important, but much more
2008). information is needed on the other microbes,
such as viruses and fungi, that are present in
the lung. Here, there are clear roles for
4.6.3 COPD metagenomic-based approaches to character-
ize the ‘total’ microbial content of lung
COPD is projected to be responsible for the samples. Such strategies have been described
fifth largest burden of disease worldwide by for studies of the gastrointestinal microbiota
2020 (Murray and Lopez, 1996; Lopez et al., (Arumugam et al., 2011; Greenblum et al.,
2006). COPD is characterized by largely 2012), with analogous data now being
irreversible airflow limitation, mucus hyper- generated on the microbiota present in CF
secretion, small airway fibrosis and de- lung samples (M. Welch, Cambridge, 2012,
struction of the alveolar space (emphysema) personal communication). These meta-
(Barnes et al., 2008). Patients are subject to genomic approaches not only allow a detailed
periods of worsening respiratory symptoms, analysis on, for example, the individual
referred to as acute exacerbations. In the species that are present but also allow an
majority of instances, these exacerbations analysis below the species level through the
have been considered to be the result of comparison of genomic content. This also has
bacterial infection. However, despite the roles in addressing questions relating to the
clinical importance of understanding the population structure and evolution in chronic
components of the microbiota infecting the infection of specific pathogens (Smith et al.,
COPD lower airways, the COPD-associated 2006; Cramer et al., 2011; Mowat et al., 2011).
lung microbiota has, to date, been the subject Important new directions in microbiota
of relatively li le research in this field. assessment will see work building on gene
A recent study by Erb-Downward and transcription and the proteins present in
co-workers, however, used 16S rRNA gene respiratory samples. These will start to allow
pyrosequencing to examine the bacterial some insight into the functions that are being
microbiota associated with the lower airways expressed by the microbiota at different
of smokers with and without COPD (Erb- times. Strategies to do this by meta-
Downward et al., 2011). In broad terms, this transcriptomics have been developed for the
study reported similar microbiota member- microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract
ship between patient groups, with a tendency, (Gosalbes et al., 2011). Analogously, a empts
though, towards a predominance of species to characterize the metaproteome will be
such as Haemophilus influenzae and P. aeruginosa increasingly important as microbiota research
with increasing disease severity. While moves from defining what microbiota are
generated from a small set of patients, these present to what the functional roles of this
data suggested there might be parallels microbiota, in a given clinical condition,
between the shifts in microbiota structure might actually be (Kolmeder et al., 2012).
seen in acute exacerbation in COPD and those Other technical advances will develop and it
associated with acute bacterial lung infections is now possible to see roles for other forms of
as above. functional metagenomics in terms of
deepening our understanding of the lung
microbiota (Li et al., 2008).
4.7 Future Directions in Microbiota Defining in a more detailed manner the
Research complex mix and activities of microbes
present in the lung is important potentially
Studies on the microbiota present in the for other reasons. Increasingly, the concept of
human lung have already provided fresh some or all of this complex mix of microbes as
insight into what species are present in the representing in itself a potentially pathogenic
scenarios outlined above. Primarily, these entity is being advanced (Blaser and Falkow,
The Lung Microbiome 67
2009; Rogers et al., 2009). It is, however, too infants (Payne et al., 2010; Mourani et al.,
early to say whether that is the case in any of 2011), non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
the scenarios above. Much as microbes may (Maughan et al., 2012) and HIV (Iwai et al.,
interact within the microbiota, their inter- 2012); each of these scenarios offers an
actions with the host at a local level within improved understanding of the links between
the lung need to be investigated too. Examples the microbiota and a specific condition. At a
exploring the immune response to the higher level, though, there will be much to
airway’s microbiota are emerging (Larsen et gain through systematic evaluation of the
al., 2012). As this work progresses, it is microbiota as present in individuals of
increasingly clear that new means are needed different ages and in different phases of their
by which to analyse the complicated data sets lung disease or health.
that emerge. Increasingly, too, there is a need In a wider sense still, there is much to
for integrated approaches that combine gain from an enhanced link to research such
ecological statistical tools to analyse and as carried out by the Human Microbiome
explore microbiota findings and clinical Project (Human Microbiome Project Con-
metadata (van der Gast et al., 2011). The need sortium, 2012). This offers a wide range of
for these and wider bioinformatic tools will tools, conceptual advances and support that
only increase, given the rapid expansion in will be invaluable for microbiota research on
sequencing technologies. the lung.
This chapter highlights the important
emerging links between the microbiota and a
clinical phenotype, with most of these studies 4.8 Conclusions
cross-sectional in nature. Recently, however,
longitudinal studies of the bacterial This chapter provides some insight into the
microbiota in CF have shown links between importance of the lung, the complexity of
diversity and lung function decline and that sampling and the emerging findings in
many of the constituents of the lung relation to the healthy lung and both acute
microbiota are present over long periods of and chronic conditions. To varying extents, a
time (Stressmann et al., 2012; Zhao et al., wide and often complex set of microbes has
2012). This form of longitudinal analysis already been detected. For many conditions,
suggests routes by which other studies on the even this process of identifying microbes is
wider lung microbiota may develop. Over a incomplete and, by extension, issues over
possibly longer time frame, the logical their persistence, and more importantly still
progression from observational longitudinal their relevance to lung disease progression,
analysis is to intervention within the structure are far from clear. Despite that, the links seen
of clinical trials. Given the associations between primarily the bacterial microbiota
observed already in chronic conditions and clinical phenotype, particularly in
between the host and the microbiota, the chronic disease, are important and suggest
importance of assessing the lung microbiota that this area is worthy of more detailed
in any subsequent clinical trial is now study. The model proposed a empts to
reinforced. generalize the processes that lead essentially
The studies described above in both to a switch between some form of transience
acute and chronic conditions are likely to to persistence to the establishment of the
develop over time into a range of other lung microbiota in the lung (Fig. 4.1). Differences
conditions. This change is important as over in the host, lung biology and exposure to
time it is likely to become clearer as to microbes may explain some of the differences
whether the microbiota described in one in the microbiota that have been identified
condition parallel the microbiota in other already. As Han and co-workers state,
respiratory conditions. These studies are however, lung microbiota studies are still a
emerging either in conceptual or practical ‘young field’ (Han et al., 2012). It is, though,
terms in lung conditions ranging from one that promises much in the way of insight,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature and through these insights into potential
68 G.B. Rogers et al.
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5 The Human Skin Microbiome
Sebaceous gland
Erector muscle
Fatty tissue
Sweat gland
Between the epidermis and the dermis is regarded as skin appendages. Nails cover the
the basement membrane, on which the basal ends of the fingers and toes, growing from
cell layer of the epidermis and the papillary germinal matrixes (modified keratinocytes)
layer of the dermis are tightly a ached. Both and are fully keratinized in nail plates, with
layers, together with the interval membrane, an average of 0.4 mm thickness. Similar to
form an irregular structure, known as the nails, hair is also formed by keratin. Hair
dermoepidermal junction. These papillae-like arises from follicles, forms shafts throughout
eminences largely extend the interface almost the entire depth of the cutis and
connecting the two main layers of the skin appears out of skin pores. Hair is usually
and effectively facilitate the metabolism of coated with an oily liquid, called sebum,
the epidermis. which is secreted by sebaceous glands
The dermis is comprised of a thin a ached to hair follicles. Sebaceous glands
papillary layer and a subjacent, but much are derived from epidermal basal cells and
thicker reticular layer. Fibroblast is an secrete sebum in a holocrine manner.
important cell type in the dermis, producing Differing from sebaceous glands, sweat
collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans. glands are located in deeper parts of the
These products are components of the dermal dermis. They are not entirely associated with
matrix and confer strength, flexibility and follicles and deliver watery fluid in other
hydration to the cutis. Macrophages and mast ways. Eccrine sweat glands can be found all
cells are the other two cell types commonly over the body, even in the hairless regions,
found in the dermis. They protect the host while apocrine sweat glands exist mainly in
against invading pathogens, but may also the axillae and anogenital areas. Apocrine
cause allergy under certain conditions. glands produce a protein-rich solution, which
Additionally, fibrous tissues containing a is optimal for bacterial growth, and often
vascular plexus, nerve bundles, hair follicles, emit odour due to the involvement of
sweat glands and erector muscles are microorganisms.
indispensably supportive parts of the dermis,
assisting thermoregulation and other
5.2.2 Functions of the human skin
functions of the skin.
Nails, hair, sweat glands and sebaceous Human skin physically separates but
glands are specialized cutaneous structures metabolically connects outside environment
74 J. Tong and H. Li
and internal tissue. It possesses various immunity and adaptive immunity are
capacities protecting the body and influencing activated in succession shortly after pathogen
the host homeostasis. Its functions are a acks on the skin.
summarized below.
Certain fat-soluble substances can be
The tight structures of stratified epidermis dissolved in the skin and diffuse into the
and fibrous dermis form a physical barrier bloodstream. This property of the skin has
resistant to mechanical or microbial a acks. been utilized in pharmacology. Skin patches
Melanocytes and hair also contribute to this have been developed and used to administer
barrier by providing protection against medicines such as nicotine and scopolamine
ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, the acidic to patients.
solutions secreted by the skin glands can
inhibit the growth of certain microorganisms.
This makes skin a chemical barrier. 5.2.3 Various ecological niches of the
human skin
The skin surface of a neonate is colonized by
The free nerve endings distributed in the skin microorganisms immediately after birth.
are sensory receptors for temperature, Most colonized microorganisms are com-
pressure and other senses obtained from the mensals. The resident microorganisms are
environment. highly diverse, including bacteria, eukaryotes
and viruses. Most of the microorganisms
acquire nutrients from skin secretions,
Thermoregulation defining an intimate linkage between micro-
Controlled by the nervous system, skin blood bial growth and the physiological state of the
vessels regulate body temperature via skin. Thus, human skin forms a dynamic
dilation or contraction, while sweat glands do ecosystem, with microorganisms residing in
it by adjusting water loss. In addition, hair the unique microenvironment at each site.
preserves the heat of its covering regions and The microenvironments on the skin vary
thereby helps maintain the core temperature largely between individuals and within
of the body. individuals because the structural bases alter
considerably under different conditions.
First, genetic diversity results in individual
Synthesis differences in the skin structure. For example,
Vitamin D is well known for its function on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in
bone development and other important the keratin-1 (KRT1) locus are associated
metabolisms and immune defence. This with differences in the migration rate of
important ‘sunshine vitamin’ is synthesized epidermal keratinocytes (Tao et al., 2007).
in the skin upon sun exposure. Another skin- Second, different skin sites within each
synthesized molecule is melanin in the individual display distinct characteristics in
epidermis, which can protect the body from their structures. For example, the thickness of
ultraviolet radiation damage and gives colour the skin varies significantly, from 0.5 mm on
to the skin. the eyelids to 4 mm or more on the palms and
the soles of the feet, which is caused by the
formation of more layers of corneocytes in
Immune defence
hardened areas. Third, the skin structure
In addition to its role as a physical barrier, alters during development and ageing. For
the skin defends the body via intricate example, during puberty, significantly more
mechanisms involving Langerhans cells, active apocrine glands appear on the skin and
macrophages and keratinocytes. Innate make the axillary area moister; the epidermal
The Human Skin Microbiome 75
Table 5.1. Continued
Subjects Sampling sites Study methods Main conclusions References
9 healthy adults (6 Forehead, external nose, Variable region V2 of 16S rDNA 22 bacterial phyla were detected across all sites. Costello et al.,
males and 3 females). umbilicus, glans penis by 454 sequencing A core set of phyla included Actinobacteria, 2009
Among them, 6 or labia minora, left and Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteriodetes.
subjects (3 males and right sides of lateral Interpersonal variation was high within each body
3 females) were pinna, axilla, volar site, while temporal variation was relatively
sampled on day 0, forearm, palm, palmar small.
day 1, day 90 and index finger, popliteal
day 91. fossa and plantar foot
8 healthy adult subjects Forehead, left and right Quantitative PCR (using Taqman The highest copy number of bacterial 16S rDNA Gao et al., 2010
(4 males and 4 axilla, inner elbows, genus-specific probes for was found in axilla.
females) forearms, forelegs and Propionibacterium, The four target genera accounted for 31–59% of
J. Tong and H. Li
behind both ears Corynebacterium, total bacteria.
Streptococcus and
11 healthy adults (5 Central forehead, left volar Nearly full-length 16S rDNA by 8 phyla and 67 genera were detected from all Staudinger et al.,
males and 6 females) forearm Sanger sequencing samples. 2011
Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria
were the most dominant phyla.
Interpersonal variations on the forehead were
relatively smaller than those on forearms.
31 healthy infants (3–52 Lower volar forearm, Variable regions V4–V7 of 16S The most dominant phyla were Firmicutes, Capone et al.,
weeks old) forehead, buttock rDNA by 454 sequencing Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and 2011
52 healthy subjects and Pilosebaceous units on Nearly full-length 16S rDNA by Propionibacterium acnes was the dominant Fitz-Gibbon et al.,
49 acne patients the nose Sanger sequencing species in the pilosebaceous unit. 2013
Five major microbiome types at P. acnes strain
level were observed in the two cohorts.
The Human Skin Microbiome 79
fossa and the plantar heel. Other genera within Topographical variation
Firmicutes detected on the skin are Streptococcus,
The studies by Grice et al. and Costello et al.
Clostridium, Bacillus and Lactobacillus.
revealed a wide range of topographical
diversity of the skin microbiome in addition
Proteobacteria to interpersonal variation (Costello et al., 2009;
Grice et al., 2009). More than 20 skin sites
Proteobacteria is the third major phylum found
were sampled, representing distinct micro-
on the skin. Members of this phylum are
environmental niches (lipid-rich, moist and
Gram-negative, representing a large number
dry) (Fig. 5.2). Different skin niches showed
of highly diverse genera. The most prevalent
preferences in harbouring certain taxonomic
Proteobacteria detected on the skin, particularly
groups. Propionibacteria and Staphylococci were
in dry areas such as the inner elbow, are
predominant organisms at lipid-rich sites.
β-Proteobacteria, which are generally non-
Fi -Gibbon et al. showed that Propionibacterium
pathogenic (Grice et al., 2008).
acnes dominated the pilosebaceous unit with a
relative abundance of approximately 90%
(Fi -Gibbon et al., 2013). At moist sites,
5.3.3 Bacterial diversity of the skin
Corynebacteria were predominant. A group
of bacterial organisms dominated by
β-Proteobacteria and Flavobacteriales prefer-
Bacterial composition varies significantly
entially reside at dry skin sites. The volar
among individuals, different skin sites within
forearm harbours the largest number of
the same individual and at different times.
species-level OTUs, which were nearly three
times the number of OTUs at the retroauricular
Interpersonal diversity crease. These results suggest that topo-
graphical diversity of the skin microbiome is
Several studies have shown that the greatest
associated strongly with the physiological
variation of the skin microbiome resides
conditions at different skin sites.
interpersonally (Gao et al., 2007; Costello et
al., 2009; Grice et al., 2009; Fierer et al., 2010).
Grice and colleagues analysed the bacterial
Temporal variation
composition at 20 different skin sites from ten
healthy individuals (Grice et al., 2009). A In the study by Grice and co-workers,
nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene was follow-up samples after 4–6 months were
amplified and sequenced using the Sanger obtained from 20 skin sites from five healthy
method. Their OTU-based analysis showed individuals (Grice et al., 2009). The community
that nares and backs were the most similar membership and abundance structure at the
sites across all subjects, while interdigital web external auditory canal, the inguinal crease,
spaces, toe webs, axillae and umbilici were the alar crease and the nare were temporally
the least similar sites. Thus, the degree of stable. The microbiome of the popliteal fossa,
interpersonal variation differs with skin sites. volar forearm and bu ock appeared to be
It was not clear whether gender difference variable between the two sampling times.
contributed to interpersonal variation. How- The study by Costello and co-workers
ever, a recent study by Staudinger et al. analysed 27 body sites, including 18 skin
suggested that forearm samples from sites, four times: day 0, day 1, day 90 and day
opposite sexes exhibited a clear difference 91 (Costello et al., 2009). Up to 12% of the
(Staudinger et al., 2011). Among the forearm phylotypes were detected at all sampling
skin samples obtained from five men and six times. The skin microbiome had higher
women, an average of 18.5 genera were temporal diversity than the gut microbiome
detected in women and 14.4 genera were and the oral microbiome. Temporal variation
detected in men. Furthermore, Deinococcus- is site dependent, and is relatively smaller
Thermus and Acidobacteria were found to be compared to interpersonal diversity and
men- and women-specific, respectively. spatial variation.
80 J. Tong and H. Li
Fig. 5.2. The skin sites described in this chapter represent three microenvironmental niches: (a) lipid rich;
(b) moist; and (c) dry.
personal contact. Human scabies a ack thin differ from pathogenic strains in modulating
cutis layers, such as the skin on the external the innate immunity of the skin (Wanke et al.,
nose, causing symptoms after their 2011). Consistent with this observation, the
maturation. The diversity and distribution of predominance of certain Staphylococcus
mites on the human skin are yet to be strains on infants’ skin (Capone et al., 2011)
elucidated. suggests that commensals may play a role in
establishing innate immunity in early life.
With accumulated evidence, it is believed
that the skin microbiome is critically involved
Current study on the skin virome is limited to in the modulation of innate immunity by
only a few virus families, such as herpes continuous signalling through Toll-like
simplex virus (HSV) and human papil- receptors (TLRs) and other receptors (von
lomavirus (HPV) (Bansal et al., 2002). The Her en et al., 2011). In some cases, the skin
pathogenicity of these viruses in skin lesions microbiota also activates adaptive immunity
or warts has been widely explored (Barton et (Kesavan et al., 2000; Jappe et al., 2002).
al., 2007; de Jong et al., 2008). Brown and The integrity of the skin plays an
Young reported that some viruses (e.g. important role in protecting the host from
human parvovirus B19) could persist on the infection, dehydration and other pathological
human skin for 20 years (Brown and Young, processes. If this barrier is destroyed, some
1997), suggesting that viruses were important commensals on the skin may become
components of the skin microbiome. How- opportunistic pathogens and cause diseases.
ever, there has been no holistic study focusing As one example, orthopaedic implantations
on the composition and diversity of the skin are widely reported to be the trigger of
viral community. secondary infections, which involve dystopic
Bacteriophages are a special viral type reproduction and, in most cases, biofilm
with a parasitic relationship to bacteria and formation by skin commensals (Ramage et al.,
hereby certainly a constituent of the skin 2003; Wang et al., 2011). Severe conditions
microbiome via interaction with bacterial may arise if pathogens such as Streptococcus
species. Multiple P. acnes bacteriophages from pyogenes become dominant in the skin
pilosebaceous units have been isolated by microbiota. S. pyogenes can be found on
Huiying Li’s group and Marinelli et al. healthy skin but its growth is usually
(Marinelli et al., 2012). They exhibit different controlled by interbacterial competition (Lai
host range and specificity. Further studies are et al., 2010). When factors such as antibiotics
needed to understand the diversity and roles selectively eradicate its microbial competitors,
of bacteriophages in the skin microbiome. S. pyogenes can thrive and cause diseases
ranging from superficial skin infections to
life-threatening syndromes. In addition,
5.3.5 Function of the skin microbiome transient microbial organisms may alter the
skin microbiota temporarily and cause
The skin microbiome functions as the diseases. One such example is wound
microbial barrier of the skin. On healthy skin, infections caused by animal bites. The
commensal bacteria colonize the surface, infections are a ributed mostly to unusual
which could otherwise be occupied by microbial members injected by the animal’s
pathogens. The acids and antimicrobial teeth (Abrahamian and Goldstein, 2011;
peptides secreted by certain commensal Berger et al., 2011).
bacteria, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis
(O o et al., 1999), can inhibit the colonization
and growth of pathogenic species (Krutmann, 5.4 The Skin Microbiome in Diseases
2009; Cogen et al., 2010). The skin commensal
microbiota also educates the host immune Skin interfaces with the outside environment.
system, guiding it in recognition of pathogens. Various dermatological diseases may occur,
Commensal Staphylococci were shown to ranging from the most common forms of
82 J. Tong and H. Li
infection to malignant tumours. Pathological (Balogun et al., 2001; Alexeyev et al., 2007).
alterations may impair skin integrity and Although it is highly speculated that P. acnes
likely affect the composition and function of is responsible for acne pathogenesis, the
the skin microbiota. This may further molecular mechanism by which it causes
influence skin health and disease states. It is acne has not been demonstrated. This
therefore crucial to understand the role of the speculative role of P. acnes as a pathogenic
skin microbiota in the pathological processes species in acne is also challenged by the
of the skin. observation that a similar load of P. acnes was
found both in healthy subjects and in acne
subjects (Bek-Thomsen et al., 2008).
5.4.1 Acne vulgaris
Clinical manifestations
Acne vulgaris is commonly called acne. It is
one of the most common skin diseases. There are two types of clinical manifestations
Approximately 80% of the human population of the disease: non-inflammatory acne and
are affected by the disease at some point of inflammatory acne. The former refers to
their lives (Charakida et al., 2004). The disease seborrhoea and microcomedones, and the
has significant morbidity and affects patients’ la er is a more serious problem, including
self-esteem profoundly, especially in the papules, pustules, nodules and cysts (Adityan
adolescent population. According to a survey et al., 2009). Acne scarring may form after the
by Rabinowi , approximately 85% of US self-repairing of lesions deep in the dermis
adolescents are diagnosed with acne each (Chandrashekar and Nandini, 2010).
year, and in about 25% of the cases, lesions
develop into a permanent scar (Rabinowi ,
Diagnosis and treatment
1997). Individuals suffering from acne have a
higher incidence of psychological impair- In the 1950s, a scoring method for acne
ments, anxiety, antisocial behaviour (Good- severity was developed and has been used
man, 2006), depression or even suicide since to grade acne into I to IV, in total four
commitment (Purvis et al., 2006). Effective severity levels (James and Tisserand, 1958;
prevention strategies and treatments are in Witkowski and Parish, 2004). Major acne
urgent need for this disease. treatments include antibiotics and retinoids.
However, they are not effective in some
patients and can cause severe side effects
(Feldman et al., 2004). Other acne treat-
The aetiology of acne is not clearly ments include dermabrasion, phototherapy
understood, but microbial involvement is (Kawada et al., 2002) and laser surgery (Lee
believed to be one of the four major factors. et al., 2011).
Overproduction of sebum in the pilose-
baceous unit can be the trigger, which makes
The skin microbiome in acne
the skin ‘sticky’ and delays sloughing of old
skin cells. Hair follicles become clogged, Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit.
causing an overgrowth of lipophilic bacteria Investigation of the composition and function
inside the follicles (Bojar and Holland, 2004). of the skin microbiome in pilosebaceous units
Inflammation may occur, and subsequently may provide insight into the microbial factor
leads to skin lesions. of acne pathogenesis. This may further lead
P. acnes is highly abundant in pilose- to new diagnostics, prevention and thera-
baceous units and has long been linked to peutics of the disease.
acne pathogenesis. It is an anaerobic, Gram- Fi -Gibbon et al. showed that P. acnes
positive bacterium, named by its ability to dominates the microbial community in the
produce propionic acid. P. acnes can be pilosebaceous unit, accounting for approxi-
isolated from multiple body sites in addition mately 90% of the microbiota (Fig. 5.3)
to skin, including intra-abdominal organs (2013). The authors further compared the
The Human Skin Microbiome 83
humerusii, 1.9%
2.3% Propionibacterium Unclassified
granulosum, 1.5% Corynebacterineae,
Prevotella oris,
capitis, 0.4%
Escherichia coli,
7.5% 0.4%
Propionibacterium Other, 5.3%
acnes, 87.0%
Fig. 5.3. Propionibacterium acnes is the dominant bacterial species in the pilosebaceous unit,
accounting for approximately 90% of the microbiota.
microbiome of acne patients to healthy tests and metabolic analysis. Later, these two
individuals. Although the relative abundance serotypes were revealed to be phylo-
of P. acnes at the species level did not differ genetically distinct based on two genes, recA
significantly between the two cohorts, the P. and haemolysin (tly) (McDowell et al., 2005).
acnes strain population was significantly Currently, P. acnes strains are classified into
different. This suggests that certain strains of types IA, IB, II and III, corresponding to
P. acnes may play a role in disease distinct recA nucleotide sequences
development, while other strains are (McDowell et al., 2008). In the Fi -Gibbon et
commensal. To understand be er the dif- al. study, ten major ribotypes of P. acnes were
ferences among P. acnes strains and their role identified in the pilosebaceous unit based on
in health and acne, Fi -Gibbon and 16S rRNA gene sequences, where ribotypes
colleagues sequenced and analyzed the 1, 4 and 5 belonged to IA, ribotypes 3 and 8
genomes of 69 P. acnes strains. It was found belonged to IB and ribotypes 2 and 6
that specific genetic elements were enriched belonged to II. No isolates and genome
in disease-associated strains, which were information were obtained for ribotypes 7, 9
mostly related to virulence. On the other and 10, which thus could not be classified
hand, genetic elements present in health- based on recA. Type III is rarely found in
associated strains were also discovered (Fi - skin samples.
Gibbon et al., 2013; Kasimatis et al., 2013; Studies of the skin microbiome associated
Tomida et al., 2013). with acne provided insights into acne
Research focusing on subtypes of P. pathogenesis at P. acnes strain level. This may
acnes provided support for the pathogenic lead to new strategies in acne diagnosis,
role of P. acnes in acne. In 1972, Johnson and treatment and prevention. Despite these
Cummins defined that P. acnes consisted of achievements, many questions remain to be
two distinct serotypes, I and II, which shared answered. Future research on understanding
similar GC content and a 16S rRNA gene the molecular mechanism of the disease
sequence (Johnson and Cummins, 1972), but pathogenesis will benefit the large population
were different in serological agglutination of acne patients significantly.
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amplify the innate immune response to acne. Clinics in Dermatology 22, 394–397.
pathogens by activation of distinct signaling Wolters, M. (2005) Diet and psoriasis: experimental
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(1984) Cell proliferation in normal epidermis. Kong, J., et al. (2005) Acute guttate psoriasis
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 82, 623– patients have positive Streptococcus
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Witkowski, J.A. and Parish, L.C. (2004) The antistreptococcal M6 protein titers. Journal of
assessment of acne: an evaluation of grading Dermatology 32, 91–96.
6 Function of the Human Gut Microbiota
Fig. 6.1. Functions of the human gut microbiota. Recent studies have demonstrated that the relationship
between the gut microbiota and humans is symbiotic rather than commensal. Detailed examples are
discussed in this chapter. Picture reproduced with permission from Ito, 2006.
Fig. 6.2. Equol production by the intestinal microbiota. (a) Biotrans-conversion from daidzein to equol. (b)
Electron microscope picture of Slackia sp. strain NATTU that produce equol. The strain was found to be a
new species belonging to the genus Slackia, family Coriobacteriaceae by 16S rRNA gene sequence-
based analysis.
activity than other isoflavone derivatives and equol-producing bacteria in the human
has been reported to prevent hormone- intestinal tract.
dependent and age-related diseases, One bacterial strain that converts daizein
including prostate cancer, breast cancer, to equol has recently been isolated from
menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and healthy human faeces by Tsuji and colleagues
cardiovascular diseases. It should be noted, (Tsuji et al., 2010). As the conversion rate was
however, that not all people are hosts to found to vary among the eight individuals
intestinal bacteria that produce equol. For examined in this study, the faecal sample
instance, the percentage of healthy equol- from the subject who produced the highest
producing Japanese and Korean individuals levels of equol was inoculated into medium
has been reported to be 46–59%. In contrast, with several kinds of carbohydrates, and
only 29–30% of prostate cancer patients are sorbose was found to be the preferred carbon
colonized by bacteria that produce equol source for equol-producing bacteria. After
(Akaza et al., 2004). Therefore, controlling the seventh maintenance culture, a Gram-
the blood and intestinal equol concentration positive, non-spore-forming rod bacterium
is a promising strategy for the primary with the ability to convert daidzein efficiently
prevention of hormone-dependent and age- to equol was isolated and identified as Slackia
related diseases, although until recently, sp. strain NATTS (Fig. 6.2b). Quantitative
li le has been known about which intestinal reverse-transcript (RT)-PCR with specific
bacteria are involved in the conversion of primers revealed that this bacterial species
daidzein to equol or the distribution of was present in 40% of healthy Japanese
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 93
volunteers at a mean population level of 106 Drug metabolism and other metabolic
cells/g of faeces. A subsequent study phenotypes of the gut microbiota
identified three enzymes that were involved
in the conversion of daidzein to equol (Tsuji et The role of the gut microbiota in the
al., 2012). It would therefore be interesting to conversion of drugs was once an active field
consider the use of Slackia sp. strain NATTS of research, although fewer papers on this
as a probiotic, and to use the enzymes in the topic have been published in recent years
industrial production of equol that could be (Wilson and Nicholson, 2009). An important
used for the primary prevention of several example of a drug affected by the gut
hormone-dependent diseases. microbiota is digoxin, which is widely used
for the treatment of various heart diseases.
Due to the presence of a certain bacteria in the
Vitamin K production
gut, digoxin was found to undergo significant
Vitamin K (VK) is a group of structurally metabolic conversion to cardio-inactive
similar, fat-soluble vitamins that are required metabolites in approximately 10% of patients
for the modification and activation of a (Lindenbaum et al., 1981). It has also been
number of VK-dependent proteins involved shown that serum digoxin concentrations
in coagulation and the absorption of insoluble rose as much as twofold after antibiotics
calcium salts. VK possesses a naphthoquinone treatment. Subsequent studies identified that
ring structure, of which there are two major Eggerthella lenta, a common anaerobe of the
forms: phylloquinone (vitamin K1), which is human colonic microbiota, was responsible
found in plants and vegetable oils, and for the conversion of digoxin in the presence
menaquinone (vitamin K2), which is of arginine (Saha et al., 1983).
synthesized by bacteria (Kindberg et al., 1987; In addition to digoxin, the gut microbiota
Fujita et al., 1993). has been implicated in the conversion of other
Vitamin K deficiency is rare in the adult compounds in the intestine, although these
human population, although hypoprothrom- functions have largely been underexplored
binaemia has been reported after the (Nicholson et al., 2005; Wikoff et al., 2009). For
administration of a large number of different instance, it is widely acknowledged that
antibiotics (Savage and Lindenbaum, 1983). biliary-excreted phase II conjugates are
The onset of haemorrhagic disease due to VK hydrolysed back to their corresponding
deficiency has also been observed in infants aglycones by the intestinal microbiota and
at 3–8 weeks of age (Matsuda et al., 1991). resorbed, thereby extending pharmacological
Furthermore, early animal studies have action via enterohepatic recycling (Jones et al.,
shown that GF animals experience VK 2008). The gut microbiota is also known to be
deficiency and, in consequence, have an capable of degrading proteins, which releases
increased dietary requirement for this ammonia, sulfur-containing compounds,
vitamin (Gustafsson, 1959). Thus, it has been amines, indoles, p-cresol and phenol. The
recognized that the microbial synthesis of production of these compounds (putrefaction)
menaquinones in the large intestine is an is considered less favourable for the host
important source of the vitamin. While the because these toxic metabolites have the
distribution of the different menaquinones potential to lead to diseases such as cancer
synthesized by various microorganisms has and chronic kidney disease (Cummings and
been investigated in culture, and is often used Bingham, 1987; Evenepoel et al., 2009). On the
as a taxonomic tool, the extent to which other hand, Vanhaecke and co-workers have
menaquinone species are synthesized and reported that PhIP, which is a putative human
utilized in the large intestine is poorly carcinogenic heterocyclic aromatic amine
understood. It will therefore be interesting to formed from meat and fish during cooking, is
investigate the relationship between gut transformed to other compounds by human
microbiota composition, the profile of the intestinal bacteria, although the efficiency of
menaquinones and their utilization by the transformation differs between human
host. subjects (Vanhaecke et al., 2008).
94 T. Matsuki and R. Tanaka
Fig. 6.3. Comparison of villus structure of small intestine between GF and CV mice of 24 weeks of age.
Figure reproduced with permission from Kaminogawa et al., 2011.
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 95
et al., 2011). Although a regular and uniform division rates in the crypt-villus architecture,
villus structure is observed in the CV mice, nor the differentiation programmes of the
GF mice show irregular villus structure, other three small intestinal epithelial cell
thinner lamina propria, slower epithelial lineages (Stappenbeck et al., 2002). This
turnover, more slender villi and a lower result revealed that commensal bacteria
activity of digestive enzymes than their induced the formation of the micro-
colonized counterparts (Smith et al., 2007). vasculature network by signalling through
Recent studies have identified key bacteria-sensing Paneth cells. The study also
regulatory signals that control the intestinal identified a new function of Paneth cells,
stem cell niche, including how Wnt and which have been acknowledged to play a
Notch signals function together to maintain role in the secretion of antimicrobial com-
the stem cell population, control proliferation pounds into the intestinal lumen, thereby
and govern cell fate decisions. However, li le contributing to the maintenance of the
is known about how the intestinal microbiota gastrointestinal barrier.
affect signalling pathways that induce normal
crypt-villus structure. As metabolites such as
SCFAs and pathogen-associated molecular 6.4 The Gut Microbiota and Immune
pa erns (PAMPs) derived from the intestinal Maturation
microbiota may affect such pathways, further
studies are needed to elucidate the The intestinal epithelia are constantly
mechanisms by which host epithelial cells are exposed to a high load of commensal bacteria
influenced by the colonization of gut microbes. and play a role in physically defining the
barrier between the host and the external
environment. Collectively, the intestinal tract
6.3.2 The microbiota affects intestinal is known to constitute a highly developed
angiogenesis immunological self-defence system. The
mucosal immune system includes both innate
A DNA microarray analysis of laser-capture and adaptive immune systems, and micro-
microdissected epithelial cells harvested organisms are constantly sampled from the
from the crypt bases of GF and CV mice has intestinal lumen and taken into the intestinal
shown that the colonization of microbes immune system from inductive sites (mainly
induces the expression of proteins that have M cells in the Peyer’s patches and lymphoid
angiogenic activity (Hooper et al., 2001). This follicles; Fig. 6.4). Following uptake, com-
finding led Stappenbeck and colleagues to mensal microorganisms are involved in the
compare the gut capillary networks of GF maturation of the gut and its immune system,
and CV mice (Stappenbeck et al., 2002) and as well as the generation of a state of
it was found that gut colonization resulted ‘physiological inflammation’ (Sansone i,
in a marked twofold increase in the density 2004). Indeed, a comparison between GF and
of the villus capillary network. Furthermore, CV animals has revealed that the immune
a single colonization by Bacteroides system is not fully developed in GF animals,
thetaiotaomicron, a prominent inhabitant of whereby the content of intestinal IgA-
the normal mouse/human gut, for just 10 secreting plasma cells is reduced and the
days was shown to be sufficient to induce the Peyer’s patches are reduced in size and
increase in the capillary network. contain fewer lymphoid follicles. The T-cell
When the involvement of Paneth cells in content of the mucosal immune system,
the development of the capillary network particularly the CD4+ cells of the lamina
was assessed using genetically modified mice propria, is also reduced in these animals,
lacking Paneth cells, it was found that the loss while their spleen and lymph nodes are
of these cells resulted in the underdevelopment relatively structureless, with poorly formed
of the capillary network. In contrast, the B- and T-cell zones (Macpherson and Harris,
absence of these cells did not affect cell 2004).
96 T. Matsuki and R. Tanaka
Fig. 6.4. Intestinal microbiota and host cell lineage at mucosal surface. The intestinal epithelia are
constantly exposed to a high load of commensal bacteria, which are constantly sampled from the
intestinal lumen. The bacteria elicit maturation of the mucosal immune system and generate a state of
‘physiological inflammation’. Figure reproduced with permission from Macdonald and Monteleone, 2005.
The exact mechanisms by which the gut understood. Recently, Ivanov et al. have
microbiota affects the host immune system reported that the development of T-helper 17
and generates a state of physiological (Th17) cells in mice requires signals from
inflammation have only recently begun to be commensal bacteria and that this is dependent
understood. An example of how a single on the presence of a single commensal
commensal microorganism, segmented fila- microbe, SFB (Fig. 6.5) (Ivanov et al., 2010).
mentous bacteria (SFB), is capable of inducing Th17 cells, which were first identified in 2007,
host T-cell maturation will be given here. are a subset of T-helper cells that produce
interleukin 17 and 22. While Th17 cells serve
important functions in antimicrobial immun-
6.4.1 Induction of intestinal Th17 cells ity at epithelial/mucosal barriers, their
by SFB excessive induction causes severe auto-
immune diseases. Ivanov et al. found that
Many immunological parameters exist, in- Taconic B6 mice showed robust Th17 cell
cluding NK activity and the IgA, Th1/2 differentiation, while Jackson B6 mice, which
balance, and it is well acknowledged that each had a different microbiota, showed decreased
individual has his or her own immunological levels of Th17 cells (Ivanov et al., 2008). To
profile. Since the incidence of allergic disease identify the commensal bacteria responsible
is correlated with the administration of broad- for Th17 cell induction, they compared the
spectrum antibiotics in early childhood, it has compositions of the microbiota of Taconic and
been hypothesized that the maturation and Jackson mice and found that SFB was present
function of the active immune system are only in Th17 cell-sufficient Taconic mice. To
influenced by the microbiota. However, the test if SFB was capable of inducing Th17 cell
relationship between the different com- differentiation, they subsequently colonized
positions of individual microbiota and the GF and Jackson mice with SFB and it was
maturation of the immune system are poorly clearly demonstrated that SFB colonization
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 97
Fig. 6.5. Electron microscope picture of SFB. SFB are members of the murine gut microbiota that potently
induce immune responses. These bacteria grow primarily in the terminal ileum in close proximity to the
intestinal epithelium. Currently, SFB can be propagated as a pure culture by monocolonization of GF mice
(Umesaki, 1999), because of the absence of ex vivo culture methods. Therefore, SFB are not taxonomically
classified and have been given a candidate name ‘Candidatus Arthromitus’. The SFB were found in mice,
rat, fish and crab-eating monkey; however, SFB has not been detected from human intestinal tracts, yet.
specifically induced Th17 cells. Although acid, that inhibit the growth of competing
previous animal studies have suggested a microorganisms (Asahara et al., 2004).
large functional redundancy in the capacity of To date, many a empts have been made
microbial species to elicit host immune to identify the microbiota that confers
function, the work by Ivanov and colleagues resistance or susceptibility to infection and
provides notable evidence that a single inflammation. Recent studies have demon-
commensal microbe may be essential and strated that treatment with antibiotics alters
sufficient for the induction of an effector helper the intestinal microbiota composition, leading
T-cell population in the intestinal mucosa. to increased susceptibility to Salmonella
infection and intestinal pathology (Sekirov et
al., 2008; Ferreira et al., 2011). The acetate
6.5 Prevention of Pathogenic produced by protective bifidobacteria has
Infection also been found to improve intestinal
defences mediated by epithelial cells, thereby
It is well known that the intestinal microbiota protecting the host against lethal infection by
provides protection against colonization by Escherichia coli O157 (Fukuda et al., 2011).
many pathogenic infectious agents. The term These examples will be explained in the
‘colonization resistance’ was first used by van following sections.
der Waaij and co-workers in 1971 to denote
the concept that the indigenous anaerobic
microbiota limited the concentration of 6.5.1 Antibiotic perturbation of gut
potentially pathogenic bacteria in the microbiota composition results in
digestive tract (van der Waaij et al., 1971; increased susceptibility to infection
Vollaard and Clasener, 1994). Commensal
bacteria occupy important ecological niches Although many diseases have been linked to
and compete with ingested pathogens for imbalances in the gut microbiota, li le is
nutrients; some commensal bacteria, such as known about the effect of bacterial com-
Lactobacillus, secrete molecules, such as lactic munity perturbations on host susceptibility
98 T. Matsuki and R. Tanaka
to invading pathogens. Sekirov and col- under the same conditions (Fukuda et al.,
leagues used Salmonella enterica serovar 2011). Detailed analysis revealed that there
Typhimurium as a model enteric pathogen to were no significant differences in several
investigate the effect of intestinal microbiota physiological and pathological markers in
perturbation on host susceptibility to the gut between these two groups of mice; the
infection (Sekirov et al., 2008). Mice were numbers of E. coli O157 and bifidobacteria,
treated with streptomycin or vancomycin in the concentration of Shiga toxin (Stx2), the
drinking water for 2 days, followed by a expression levels of E. coli O157 virulence
challenge with Salmonella for 3 days after genes, the amounts of mucin and immuno-
antibiotic withdrawal (Stecher et al., 2010). globulin A (IgA) and the pH of the luminal
The alterations in microbiota composition contents were similar in both strains.
were found to differ between streptomycin- Nevertheless, the serum concentration of Stx2
and vancomycin-treated mice; however, was markedly lower in the preventive strain
neither of the antibiotic regimens significantly colonized mice than in the non-preventive
altered the total numbers of intestinal strain colonized mice. The analysis of host
bacteria. Furthermore, perturbations of the gene expression suggested that the preventive
microbiota with higher doses of antibiotic B. longum strain, but not the non-preventive
resulted in increased susceptibility to B. adolescentis strain, promoted epithelial
Salmonella colonization, greater post-infection defence functions that prevented the trans-
alterations in the microbiota and more severe location of Shiga toxin into the blood.
intestinal pathology. These results suggest The metabolites present in faecal samples
that antibiotic treatment alters the balance of from mice infected with the preventive and
the microbial community, which predisposes non-preventive bifidobacteria were further
the host to Salmonella infection. investigated by NMR and it was found that
The increased susceptibility of mice to the preventive strain showed higher efficiency
Salmonella infection as a result of treatment in the consumption of carbohydrates and
with selected antibiotics could be due to a produced a higher level of acetate than the
number of factors, including alterations in the non-preventive strain. In addition, the
host immune response, the selective removal expression levels of mouse genes involved in
of a group of bacteria, the alteration of their cellular energy metabolism and the anti-
metabolites or a combination of the above. inflammatory response correlated strongly
The studies described herein highlight the with the amount of faecal acetate. The
importance of the microbiota in the host genomic sequences of three preventive and
response to infection by enteric pathogens in two non-preventive Bifidobacterium strains
an animal model. were compared to gain genetic insight into
how the preventive strains consumed
carbohydrates efficiently and produced
6.5.2 The effects of acetate on E. coli acetate, and the systemic locus for the
O157 infection utilization of fructose was found to be present
only in the preventive strains. This locus was
The ability of commensal bacteria to protect identified to be a key gene for E. coli O157
against infections has been explained by infection through the generation of knockout
several mechanisms, including colonization strains (Fukuda et al., 2011). In addition, the
resistance, as well as more recently discovered administration of acetylated starch to mice
novel mechanisms. Fukuda et al. examined increased the amount of acetate in the faeces
the phenomenon whereby the colonization of significantly and improved the survival rate
gnotobiotic mice with Bifidobacterium longum of non-preventive strain-associated mice
JCM 1217T protected against infection by E. following infection with E. coli O157, sug-
coli O157, while another strain of bifido- gesting that the amount of acetate present
bacteria, Bifidobacterium adolescentis JCM1275T, in the gut was crucial for this protection
failed to prevent E. coli O157-induced death (Fig. 6.6).
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 99
Fig. 6.6. Summary of the mechanisms of E. coli O157 lethal infection and prevention by bifidobacteria. In
the case of non-preventing bifidobacteria-associated mice (right side), such as B. adolescentis JCM
1275T (BA) and B. longum subsp. infantis JCM 1222T (BT), they cannot produce a sufficient amount of
acetate in the distal colon due to lack of ABC-type carbohydrate transporter. After O157 infection,
epithelial cell death is provoked by O157 and then slight inflammation occurs. Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2)
produced by O157 is infused from the intestinal lumen to the bloodstream through the inflammatory site.
Non-preventing bifidobacteria-associated mice die of cerebritis within 9 days after O157 infection. On the
other hand, preventing bifidobacteria-associated mice (left side) can produce a sufficient amount of
acetate in the distal colon due to expression of the ABC-type carbohydrate transporter genes. Epithelial
cell death provoked by O157 infection is prevented by acetate; therefore, these mice can survive after
O157 infection. Figure reproduced with permission from Fukuda et al., 2011.
Although commensal gut bacteria are 6.6 The Gut Microbiota Affects
known to protect against infection by Energy Homeostasis, Adiposity and
intestinal pathogens, the molecular mech- Obesity
anisms underlying these effects have only
begun to be elucidated. A study by Fukuda Studies have indicated that CV animals have
and colleagues should be closely evaluated, an increased total body fat when compared to
as it describes a novel mechanism by which their GF counterparts (Backhed et al., 2004).
lethal infection with E. coli O157 is prevented, So far, this observation has been explained by
as well as the identification of the effector the presence of SCFAs produced by the
molecule involved and the gene involved in microbiota and their utilization by the host.
its production (Fukuda et al., 2011). Research However, recent studies have suggested that
into this subject is important in order to several other mechanisms also exist that
elucidate how the intestinal microbiota potentially could allow gut microbes to
provides protection against pathogenic interact with host tissues and regulate energy
infection, as this could have implications in metabolism. The composition of the gut
public health control. Progress in this research microbiota has also been shown to differ
field will also provide new strategies for the between lean versus obese type in mice and
selection of appropriate probiotic strains and humans (Ley et al., 2005, 2006), and the traits
the development of prebiotic materials. of obese-type gut microbiota that allow
100 T. Matsuki and R. Tanaka
efficient energy extraction have been found to microbiota can regulate the energy metabol-
be transmissible (Turnbaugh et al., 2006). ism of a host organism, as well as identify key
Furthermore, lipopolysaccharides derived enzymes involved in this regulation.
from intestinal Gram-negative bacteria are
able to act as a triggering factor that induces
inflammation and systemic insulin resistance 6.6.2 Characterization of the obesity-
(Cani et al., 2007). These findings suggest that associated microbiota and its
the gut microbiota could be a new therapeutic transplantation
target for the prevention of obesity and its
associated metabolic syndrome. This section Although studies using GF animals have
reviews recent studies concerning the demonstrated the concept that the gut
relationships between the gut microbiota, microbiota is associated with the host’s
energy homeostasis and obesity. energy homeostasis, the first study that has
characterized the composition of the gut
microbiota associated with obesity has been
6.6.1 The gut microbiota and energy reported only relatively recently, in 2006. In
balance in GF and conventionalized this study, Ley et al. examined the gut
animals microbiota of obese humans and found that
the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio was lower in
As mentioned above, the differences in body these subjects than in lean individuals (Ley
fat storage that are observed between GF and et al., 2006). Moreover, when the obese
CV animals have been explained by SCFA individuals lost weight by following
production by the gut microbiota. Recently, carbohydrate-restricted and fat-restricted
Backhed et al. carried out a detailed evaluation diets over a 1-year period, their Bacteroidetes/
of the effects of the gut microbiota on the host Firmicutes ratios were found to be more like
energy balance and demonstrated that CV those of lean individuals. Obese mice had
mice had 42% more total body fat than GF also been previously shown to have a lower
mice, even though they showed a 31% Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio, suggesting that
decrease in chow consumption, and 37% there was a relationship between the alter-
higher metabolic rate (Backhed et al., 2004). ation of the normal microbiota and obesity.
The presence of the microbiota was also However, it remains unknown whether
found to promote increased monosaccharide different relative proportions of bacteria are a
uptake from the gut due to a doubling of the cause or a consequence of obesity (Ley et al.,
density of capillaries in the small intestinal 2005).
villus epithelium (Stappenbeck et al., 2002). To evaluate whether the microbiota was
The activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase an environmental factor of obesity, the
(LPL), which catalyses the release of fa y luminal contents from the caeca of obese or
acids from triacylglycerols associated with lean mice were provided to lean GF recipients
lipoproteins, was also found to be increased (Turnbaugh et al., 2006). The results of this
in the presence of intestinal bacteria. Once study showed that the mice receiving
released, these fa y acids are available to be microbes from the obese donors gained more
taken up by muscle and adipose tissue. It was weight over a 2-week period than the
proposed that the increase in LPL enzyme recipients of the lean microbes, despite an
activity occurred in response to the equivalent food intake. The obese microbiota-
suppression of fasting-induced adipose factor colonized mice were also confirmed to have a
(FIAF) in the gut. FIAF is an endogenous lower Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio, increased
LPL inhibitor; therefore, decreasing FIAF concentrations of fermentation end products
levels in conventionalized mice leads to the and fewer calories remaining in their faeces.
accumulation of triacylglycerols in adipose Although this concept should be further
tissue. This study by Backhed and co-workers evaluated, these data suggest that the efficient
is of note, as the authors propose several energy extraction traits of the obese-type gut
potential mechanisms by which the gut microbiota are transmissible.
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 101
Since this initial link, many reports have diet results in a two- to threefold increase in
examined the relationships between the plasma LPS levels (metabolic endotoxaemia),
composition of the microbiota, calorie while the chronic subcutaneous infusion of
intake, energy homeostasis, host body LPS can cause weight gain and insulin
weight and obesity (reviewed in Ley, 2010). resistance in mice without altering energy
For example, De Filippo reported that the intake. The relevance of LPS signalling to the
proportion of Bacteroidetes present in the development of diet-induced low-grade
microbiota was strikingly higher in children inflammation was further explored using
from rural Africa, who had less calorie CD14 knockout mice. CD14 is a co-receptor of
intake, than in children from Europe (De the Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4), and after 4
Filippo et al., 2010). Crawford et al. also weeks of a high-fat diet, these mice were
demonstrated that fasted mice harboured a found to be resistant to diet-induced obesity
higher Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio com- and related disorders. In accordance with
pared with non-fasted mice (Crawford et al., this, mice lacking functional TLR4 are less
2009). However, a particular ratio of susceptible to diet-induced obesity and
Bacteroidetes is not observed consistently in insulin resistance (Tsukumo et al., 2007).
all human studies, potentially due to the use These data clearly suggest that low-grade
of different methods of microbiota analysis chronic inflammation induced by intestinal
(Ley, 2010). It is therefore too early at present bacteria contributes to the development of
to draw conclusions about the role of the gut insulin resistance, and thereby obesity. The
microbiota in inducing obesity. An inte- development of probiotic and/or prebiotic
gration of mechanistically based in- therapies targeting inflammation caused by
vestigations and microbial ecology studies intestinal bacteria would therefore be a
will provide insight into the relationship promising strategy for the primary pre-
between the gut microbiota, host energy vention of overweight, insulin resistance and
homeostasis and obesity. obesity.
6.6.3 Chronic low-grade inflammation 6.7 The Effects of the Gut Microbiota
induced by intestinal bacteria and on Host Behaviour
Epidemiological studies have indicated that
Metabolic systems have been found to be there is an association between neuro-
integrated with immune responses, and developmental disorders, such as autism
chronic low-grade inflammation has recently and schizophrenia, and microbial pathogen
been recognized to be an important factor in infections during the perinatal period
obesity and the metabolic syndrome. For (Finegold et al., 2002; Mi al et al., 2008).
instance, an increase in the expression of pro- Recently, several mechanistic investigations
inflammatory cytokines, such as tumour have examined the relationship between the
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), has been shown to gut microbiota and behaviour. Differences in
result in insulin resistance and its associated the locomotor activity of GF and CV mice
metabolic abnormalities, including glucose were initially observed by Backhed and co-
intolerance and dyslipidaemia. Cani and workers during studies on calorie intake and
collagues demonstrated that gut bacteria expenditure (Backhed et al., 2004), as
could initiate inflammation and insulin described in the previous section. Heij and
resistance associated with obesity (Cani et al., colleagues have more recently evaluated the
2007, 2008). One of the ways that bacteria can behavioural differences in these mice by
impact inflammation and insulin resistance is measuring the motor activity and anxiety-
through the activity of lipopolysaccharide like behaviour in detail (Heij et al., 2011)
(LPS), an essential component of the cell (Fig. 6.7). When compared with con-
walls of Gram-negative bacteria such as the ventionalized mice, GF mice were found to
Bacteroidetes. It has been shown that a high-fat display increased motor activity and reduced
102 T. Matsuki and R. Tanaka
Fig. 6.7. GF mice display increased spontaneous motor activity. Representative tracks of movement
patterns of CV and GF mice at the 0–10, 30–40 and 50–60 min intervals of the 60-min open field test
session; distance travelled and rearing activity is shown in thin grey lines and thick black lines,
respectively. Figure reproduced with permission from Heijtz et al., 2011.
anxiety. This phenotype was found to be studying how the gut microbiota impacts
associated with the altered expression of brain development and subsequent be-
genes involved in second messenger path- haviour. It will be an exciting challenge to
ways and synaptic long-term potentiation in identify neurologically active compounds
brain regions implicated in motor control and associated with the microbiota and to develop
anxiety-like behaviour. unique microbiota-based strategies for the
These findings suggest that the gut treatment of stress-related psychiatric dis-
microbiota could potentially be a new orders such as anxiety and depression.
therapeutic target for psychiatric disorders.
Indeed, Bravo and colleagues have recently
demonstrated that probiotic bacteria have 6.8 Core and Variant Aspects of the
the potential to alter brain neurochemistry Human Gut Microbiota
and treat anxiety and depression-related
disorders (Bravo et al., 2011). They reported The composition of the microbiota varies
that mice fed with a certain Lactobacillus strain between individuals, which potentially could
showed significantly fewer stress-, anxiety- lead to functional differences. Since each
and depression-related behaviours than mice species has its own genome, it is clear that the
fed with no Lactobacillus strain. Moreover, the microbiota of each individual contains its
ingestion of lactobacilli resulted in sig- own sets of genomes. The ‘core human
nificantly lower levels of the stress-induced microbiome’ has been defined as the set of
hormone, corticosterone, being detected in genes present in a given habitat in all or the
the plasma. vast majority of humans, while the ‘variable
While the mechanisms underlying these human microbiome’ refers to the set of genes
phenotypes have yet to be defined, the results present in a given habitat in a smaller subset
presented emphasize the importance of of humans (Turnbaugh et al., 2007).
Function of the Human Gut Microbiota 103
Thus far, studies have indicated that 6.9 Conclusions and Future
there is functional redundancy within the Prospects
microbiota. Recent metagenomic analyses of
the relative abundance of functional categories Although the importance of the gut
and metabolic pathways (KEGG) have further microbiota in regulating human health and
shown a generally consistent pa ern, although disease has been recognized, the compositions
the composition of the microbiota examined and functions of the microbiota are just
in this study exhibited higher diversity beginning to be understood. 16S rRNA
(Turnbaugh et al., 2009). Several ‘core species’ molecular analysis with high-resolution
present in the human gut microbiota have also power has brought new insight into the com-
been identified. For instance, Faecalibacterium position of the gut microbiota, while a
prausni ii, Ruminococcus obeum, Bacteroides simplified model system using gnotobiotic
vulgatus and B. thetaiotaomicron are widely animals has provided fundamental know-
detected in human adults using DGGE ledge of the molecular mechanisms involved
(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and in intestinal host–microbe interactions. A
FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) microarray analysis of host cells has further
techniques (Zoetendal et al., 2002). In a recent identified genes that are affected by
study, Qin and co-workers found in an colonization of the gut microbiota (Hooper
examination of 124 European adults that 18 et al., 2001), while a metagenomic approach
species were present in all subjects, 57 species has recently been applied to identify intestinal
in more than 90% of subjects and 75 species in bacteria and their gene products that have the
more than 50% of subjects (Qin et al., 2010). potential to affect host phenotypes (Kurokawa
Despite this, evidence is accumulating which et al., 2007; Turnbaugh et al., 2009; Qin et al.,
suggests that different compositions of the 2010). Metabolic profiling strategies have also
microbiota result in functional differences, as been used to characterize changes in the
discussed in this chapter. metabolism of the gut microbiota and to
So far, the genes of enzymes necessary for identify bioactive metabolites (Nicholson et
SCFA production are commonly found in al., 2005).
individuals, although differences in their Future studies should endeavour to
efficiency affect host adiposity and suscepti- explore and identify the intestinal bacteria
bility to infection. Studies indicate that higher- and gene products (including metabolites)
energy extraction traits result in higher-energy that are involved in host–microbial inter-
harvest, and thereby obesity. Furthermore, the actions, to identify human genes that respond
fructose-utilizing locus responsible for the to bacterial signals crucial for human
increased acetate production of certain physiology and to identify dietary com-
Bifidobacterium strains has been identified as a ponents that influence and shape the intestinal
key gene involved in protecting against E. coli microbiota composition. Approaches such as
O157 infection. The presence of equol- 16S rRNA targeted techniques, metagenomics,
producing bacteria and equol-converting gnotobiotic animal models, metabolomic
enzymes are good examples of the variant approaches and combinations thereof pro-
microbiota and microbiomes that may affect vide novel insights into the composition,
the risk for hormone-dependent disease. The function and evolution of our gut microbiota.
induction of Th17 cells by one specific bacterial To conclude this chapter, the authors would
species is also an example of the variant like to emphasize that it is currently an
function of the microbiota. Thus, functional opportune time to study and improve the
differences elicited by the variant microbiota current understanding of the host–microbiota
should be highlighted in future studies. relationship.
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7 Models of the Human Microbiota and
Microbiome In Vitro
(AC, TC, DC and
distal colon) DGM
(stomach, small
intestine, AC,
jejunum and
TIM2 ileum)
(proximal colon)
Fig. 7.1. Scheme of the gastrointestinal simulators available on the market, as described in the text. The
arrows show which parts of the GIT are simulated by each model. AC, TC and DC indicate ascending,
transverse and descending colon.
Table 7.1. Summary of the different approaches used to study the processes occurring in the GIT with
respect to luminal and mucosal compartment and host–bacteria interaction.
Characteristic HGS DGM TIM 1 Enteromix TIM 2 SHIMETM
Simulation of the stomach Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Simulation of the small intestine No Yes Yes No No Yes
Simulation of the different tracts of the N/A No Yes No No Noa
small intestine
Simulation of the lower GIT No No No Yes Yes Yes
Full GIT in a single system No No No No No Yes
Simulation of the different tracts of the N/Ab N/A N/A Yes No Yes
Faecal inoculum No No No Yes Frozen Fresh
culture inoculumc
Peristaltic movement Yes Yes Yes Noc Yes Nod
Simulation of the absorption in the colon N/A N/A N/A No Yes No
Possibility of performing bioavailability No No Yes No Yes Yes
studies (passive diffusion)
Possibility of using the fluid from the system N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
on cell lines to study active transport
Possibility of combining the simulator with No No No No No Yes
the HMI module
Possibility of performing long-term studies N/A N/A No No No Yes
aThe pH increase along the small intestine can be simulated during the incubation; bN/A = not applicable; cpossibility of
choosing a donor with specific characteristics; dmagnetic stirring.
Models of the Human Microbiota and Microbiome 109
a variety of cultures, such as specific strains, for mimicking the upper gastrointestinal
caecal, intestinal or faecal microbial com- tract: the dynamic gastric model (DGM –
munities from animal or human origin, are Wickham and Faulks, 2012) developed by the
tested for their ability to metabolize different Institute of Food Research (Norwich, UK),
substrates. After simulated passage in the the human gastric simulator (HGS – Kong
digestive conditions of the stomach and the and Singh, 2010) and the TNO intestinal
small intestine, the culture, the medium model 1 (TIM 1 – Minekus et al., 1995)
(buffer or nutritious medium) and the sub- developed by TNO (Delft, the Netherlands).
strate are incubated together anaerobically at The computer-controlled DGM, devel-
37°C, usually for 24–48 h. A wide variety of oped over the last decade, is able to replicate
cultures can be tested for their capacity to the digestive functions of the stomach,
metabolize a range of substrates, making transforming the bolus into chyme. Its
batch fermentations an ideal tool for technical parameters are based on data col-
relatively fast screening studies. Inter- lected from healthy human volunteers using
individual variability is a well-known echo-planar nuclear magnetic resonance
problem when studying the metabolic imaging and ileostomy patients. It is
potency of the human microbiota, making composed of a main body and antrum. In the
batch fermentations very valuable to elucidate former, the dynamic addition of gastric juices
these differences (Possemiers et al., 2007; De occurs, while the la er is comprised of a
Weirdt et al., 2010; Gross et al., 2010). Some piston and a barrel, the movements of which
examples of substrates that have been mimic the mechanical process of food
investigated are prebiotics (Hughes et al., breakdown and mixing. A valve allows the
2007) and food compounds with risks for reflux of materials between the main body
human health (Vanhaecke et al., 2008), as well and antrum and also delivers the chyme into
as the metabolism of drugs and biodegradable the duodenum. In analogy to the human
drug coatings (Siew et al., 2004; Wilson and stomach, the ‘ingested’ material is subjected
Basit, 2005). Additionally, as only small to acid, enzymatic and mechanical processing
volumes are needed, substrates only available (Mercuri et al., 2011). This device not only
in limited amounts can be screened easily. replicates the physiological addition of
However, these cultures follow the typical gastric secretion as observed in vivo but also
bacterial growth curve and therefore batch enables the reproduction of gentle con-
fermentations should be used only for short- tractions in the top section and the strong
term incubation periods (maximum 24–48 h) breaking forces in the lower part, representing
(Gibson and Fuller, 2000). In fact, due to the antrum. The DGM system can be used for
changes in pH, redox potential and com- active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and
munity structure, only short incubation times dosage form dissolution characterization,
will provide the most accurate results (Gibson assessment of the effect of food on bio-
and Fuller, 2000). These parameters can be performance, dosage form integrity and
controlled with an evolution of the batch alcohol-based interaction studies and gastric
experiment: the single-stage reactor. This metabolism and stability evaluation.
technology offers a be er modelling of a The main components of a HGS are a
specific region of the GIT under controlled latex rubber-lined chamber to mimic the
conditions, and for this reason, it allows a stomach (with a collective volume of 5.7 l); a
prolonged simulation of the GIT environment. thin polyester mesh bag, covering the inner
Yet, they simulate only a specific GI segment wall of the latex, to remove the small
(Ballyk et al., 2001). particulates (<1–2 mm), thus simulating the
sieving effect of the pylorus; and a
mechanical driving system composed of
7.2.2 Upper digestive tract rollers pushing the stomach walls at the rate
of three contractions per minute by means of
In order to increase the reliability of the a motor in order to simulate an in vivo-like
simulation, three main models are available peristaltic movement. Gastric secretions and
110 M. Marzorati et al.
temperature control at 37°C (by means of two microbial ecosystem), originally developed at
60 W light bulbs) conclude the simulation of Ghent University (Molly et al., 1993) and
the gastric environment. This system has brought on to the market by ProDigest (Gent,
been used for studying the gastric digestion Belgium).
of foods (Kong and Singh, 2010). The EnteroMix model has four parallel
Both systems allow the processing of real units, each comprised of four glass vessels,
food and meals, rather than unrepresentative representing the ascending, transverse,
homogenized material, simulating physical descending and distal colon, respectively.
mixing, transit and breakdown forces within It is possible to run four simulations
physiological ranges. They can be used to simultaneously using the same faecal
study the effect of fed and fasted conditions inoculum. The vessels have small working
using realistic volumes of material, therefore volumes (maximum 12 ml). The pH levels in
improving the simulation of digestive the vessels are similar to conditions in vivo.
processes. The inoculum is mixed in the first vessel and
Finally, the TIM 1 model has sequentially 10 ml of the mixed culture is pumped to the
a ached glass modules simulating the next vessel in the chain. After 3 h of the
stomach and small intestine: duodenum, incubation, fresh simulator media with or
jejunum and ileum. Fluid transportation from without (control channel) test substance is
vessel to vessel is executed by peristaltic pumped to the first vessel. The fermentation
valve pumps and there is a constant ab- and three-hourly fluid transfers continue for
sorption of water and fermentation products 48 h, after which the simulation stops and
(digested lipophilic and hydrophilic com- samples are collected from each digestion
pounds) through dialysis membranes. The vessel. The EnteroMix platform has been
system also simulates the body temperature, developed to study the effects of probiotics,
the flow of saliva, gastric and pancreatic juice fibres, prebiotics and other bioactives on
(e.g. digestive enzymes and bile) and the digestion and immune health.
intestinal pH in the different areas of the The TIM 2 mimics the proximal colon of
upper GIT. The TIM 1 model has been monogastric animals. As for TIM 1, fluid
designed to evaluate the availability for the transportation from vessel to vessel is
absorption of macro- and (formulated) executed by peristaltic valve pumps. In a TIM
micronutrients, the interactions between 2 simulation, the model is first inoculated
nutritional and functional food compounds with a standardized microbial culture
or the stability of probiotics in the upper GIT. originally derived from a faecal inoculum.
After a short period of adaptation, the actual
simulation is started by adding ileal medium
7.2.3 Lower and entire digestive tract with or without the test substrate to the
system. The pH is maintained constantly at
The GIT harbours the largest microbial 5.8, representing the pH level in the proximal
community in the human body and this colon. Samples can be taken both from the
microbial community contains at least two lumen of the simulator and from the dialysis
orders of magnitude more genes than are liquid during the simulation. The TIM 2
found in our Homo sapiens genome (Egert et model has been applied to investigate the
al., 2006; Qin et al., 2010). Several in vitro fermentation properties of dietary com-
methods have been developed to investigate pounds such as fibres, pro- and prebiotics and
the effect of different products on the antioxidants in the proximal part of the colon.
composition and activity of this huge Finally, the SHIME™ consists of a
microbial biomass. Among them, the most succession of five reactors simulating both
used are: the EnteroMix colon simulator the upper and the lower digestive tract.
(Makivuokko et al., 2006), the TIM 2 (Minekus Technically, it is an evolution of the simulator
et al., 1999) developed by TNO and the of the University of Reading (UK) introduced
SHIME™ (simulator of the human intestinal by Macfarlane et al. (Macfarlane et al., 1989).
Models of the Human Microbiota and Microbiome 111
The first two reactors, mimicking the upper microbes. However, those microbes that
digestive tract, follow the fill-and-draw colonize the protective mucus layer overlying
principle, adding a defined amount of feed the intestinal epithelium, the mucosa-
medium and pancreatic and bile liquid to the associated microbial community, interact
simulated stomach and small intestine more closely with the host and have been
compartments. The last three compartments much less characterized. As reviewed by Van
are continuously stirred reactors with den Abbeele et al., the mucosal environment
constant volume and pH control. Retention possesses several unique features which are
time and pH of the different vessels are directly relevant to shaping the mucosal
chosen in order to resemble conditions in vivo microbiota, thereby creating a resilience
in the different parts of the GIT. The overall against colonization by opportunistic
residence time of the last three vessels, microbes (Van den Abbeele et al., 2011). First,
simulating the large intestine, is 72 h. On a gradient of host defence molecules and
inoculation with faecal microbiota, these oxygen from the epithelium to the top of the
reactors simulate the ascending, transverse mucus selects for a highly specific microbial
and descending colon (Van de Wiele et al., community. Further, the presence of specific
2004). A typical SHIME experiment consists receptors to which microbes adhere through
of four stages: a stabilization period (2 weeks) specific mechanisms (Roos and Jonsson, 2002;
to allow adaptation of the microbial Pre er et al., 2005) and the presence of host-
community (high quality of the inoculum) to derived glycans (mucins) as a main source of
the environmental conditions in the re- nutrients selects for specific mucosal species.
spective colon regions; a basal period (2 Examples of the la er are mucolytic species
weeks) in which the system reactor is such as Akkermansia muciniphila that drive the
operated under nominal conditions and basal mucosal ecosystem by degrading the complex
parameters are measured; a treatment period mucin to an enormous amount of smaller
(3 weeks) where the effect of a specific fragments. The balance between different
compound on the GI microbial community is mucolytic microbes seems of utmost im-
tested; and a wash-out period (2 weeks) to portance in health and disease, as domination
determine how long the changes induced by of other mucin degraders (e.g. Ruminococcus
the tested substance can still be measured in gnavus/torques) over A. muciniphila is related
the absence of the substance itself. This to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Png et
scientifically validated dynamic model allows al., 2010). Another well-known example of an
studying physico-chemical, enzymatic and important mucosal microbe is Faecalibacterium
microbial parameters in the GIT in a prausni ii, which produces the beneficial
controlled se ing in vitro (Marzorati et al., metabolite, butyrate. While healthy humans
2009). It has been used mainly to investigate possess high levels of this microbe, ileal
the activity and stability of probiotics and Crohn’s disease (ICD) patients are char-
prebiotics during gastrointestinal transfer, acterized by lower abundances of F. prausni ii
the microbial conversion of bioactive food (Sokol et al., 2008; Willing et al., 2009). The
components (e.g. phytoestrogens), the mucosal microbiota is thus crucial to maintain
metabolism of pharmaceutical components, a beneficial host–microbe interaction.
the efficacy of colonic targeted delivery Despite their physiological relevance,
systems and the conversion and biological human intervention studies are restricted to
(in)activation of food and/or ingested end-point measurements regarding mucosal
environmental contaminants. microbes due to the difficulty and
invasiveness of sampling in vivo (Alander
et al., 1999; Zoetendal et al., 2002). Therefore,
7.3 Mucosal Models in vitro models have been developed to
perform mechanistic research with respect to
The last decade of research has targeted these mucosal microbes. Early models
primarily the faecal and luminal intestinal include adhesion assays to intestinal mucus
112 M. Marzorati et al.
(Ouwehand et al., 2001), mucin (Kinoshita et the intestinal microbiota was incorporated in
al., 2008; Van den Abbeele et al., 2009), colonic gellan/xanthan beads. This procedure in-
tissue (Ouwehand et al., 2003) and cell lines duced a cell density comparable with values
(Laparra and Sanz, 2009). These models are, in vivo and preserved bacterial diversity of
however, confronted by several limitations. the faecal inoculum over long culture periods.
First, the models that study direct microbial Finally, a long-term dynamic in vitro
interaction with epithelial cell lines are only model for the luminal microbiota, the
relevant when these microbes are able to simulator of the human intestinal microbial
penetrate the overlying mucus entirely, ecosystem (SHIME), has been improved
something which rarely occurs in vivo. recently by incorporating a mucosal environ-
Further, these set-ups only allow short-term ment containing mucin-covered microcosms.
studies (a few hours) of mostly pure strains This improved simulation is called mucosal-
under static conditions. It is known that SHIME (M-SHIME; Fig. 7.2) (Van den Abbeele
microbial gene expression, and thus microbial et al., 2011) and allows the study of the
behaviour, is highly affected during longer composition and functioning of specific
incubation times under more relevant shear mucosal microbes or of the entire mucosal
stresses and in the presence of a mixed microbiota (↔ studies with single strains)
intestinal microbiota. An alternative approach under dynamic (↔ static) conditions during
made use of a three-stage continuous fer- long-term incubations (several days ↔ a few
mentation colonic model for infants with hours). Moreover, the M-SHIME accounts for
immobilized faecal microbiota (Cinquin et al., the presence and interaction with a mixed
2004, 2006; Cleusix et al., 2008). In this system, luminal intestinal microbiota. The M-SHIME
microbes only)
Fig. 7.2. The experimental design of the M-SHIME is based on the Simulator of the Human Intestinal
Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME®), a dynamic in vitro model of the human gastrointestinal tract, composed
of several double-jacketed vessels, simulating the stomach, small intestine and three main colon regions.
While the conventional SHIME set-up only harbours luminal microbes (= luminal SHIME or L-SHIME), the
M-SHIME set-up also incorporates a mucosal compartment (= mucosal SHIME or M-SHIME), which
contains 100 mucin-covered microcosms/500 ml suspension (Van den Abbeele et al., 2011).
Models of the Human Microbiota and Microbiome 113
set-up was validated by assessing the in vitro models without a mucosal environment
importance of the mucosal environment for have been shown to enrich Proteobacteria and
the colonization of lactobacilli, a group for Bacteroidetes as opposed to Firmicutes (Van den
which the mucus-binding domain was Abbeele et al., 2010). Incorporating a mucosal
recently discovered (Boekhorst et al., 2006). environment in a dynamic simulator such as
Whereas the two dominant resident lacto- the M-SHIME may thus lead to more in vivo-
bacilli, Lactobacillus mucosae and Pediococcus like microbial communities in such dynamic,
acidilactici, were both present in the lumen, long-term simulations in vitro and allow study
L. mucosae was enriched strongly in mucus. of the unique mucosal microbiota in health
As a possible explanation, the gene encoding and disease.
a mucus binding (mub) protein was detected
by PCR in L. mucosae. Also, the strongly
adherent Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) 7.4 Co-culture Models to Study the
specifically colonized mucus on inoculation. Host–Microbiota Interaction
Short-term assays confirmed the strong mucin
binding of both L. mucosae (8.0%) and LGG The gastrointestinal luminal environment is
(10.9%) compared to P. acidilactici (1.8%). interconnected with the host at the interface
Incorporating a mucosal environment thus of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is
allowed colonization of specific microbes such constituted by the epithelium, lamina
as L. mucosae and LGG, in correspondence propria, glycocalyx and secreted mucus. This
with the situation in vivo. interface confers a ‘barrier function’ (Patsos
As a proof of principle, the colonization and Corfield, 2009).
of the luminal and mucosal environment of To study the host–microbiome inter-
the M-SHIME by the adherent-invasive action at this interface, cell line models are
Escherichia coli (AIEC) was studied (un- often used because, as previously mentioned,
published data). AIEC adheres to and invades they are more reproducible and less expensive
the ileal epithelium of Crohn’s disease than animal models and are exempted from
patients (CD) and has been proposed as a ethical constraints. This section will describe
causative agent. The ecological fitness of the different cell line models currently used
AIEC increased greatly in the presence of a for short- and long-term studies (Fig. 7.3).
mucosal environment in the M-SHIME. These include mono- and co-cultures of
While three selected treatments (inulin, long- epithelial cells grown on various substrates
chain arabinoxylans and Lactobacillus reuteri) such as collagen (Bracke et al., 2001) or mucin
did not lower the abundance of AIEC in the (Marzorati et al., 2013) and characterized by
luminal content, they were all shown to different levels of cell–cell contact. Further-
decrease significantly AIEC numbers within more, the current applications of these
the mucus. It will be interesting to unravel models in the study of the host–microbe
the mechanisms that cause this efficient interactions in the gut are discussed, includ-
clearing of AIEC from mucus in order to ing adhesion and invasion of gastrointestinal
develop therapies that prevent the passage of microorganisms and the effects of bacterial
AIEC through this mucus layer and metabolites on host health.
subsequent invasion of epithelial cells.
Recently, the community composition of
the mucosal microbiota was also assessed 7.4.1 Modelling the host epithelium and
with the high-resolution phylogenetic mucosal surfaces
microarray, the human intestinal tract chip
(HITChip) (unpublished data). It was found An appropriate in vitro cell model should
that the mucosal microbiota of the M-SHIME have predictive power and be easy to handle
was enriched strongly with species belonging (Cencic et al., 2008). In this regard, primary
to the Firmicutes (especially Clostridium cluster cells isolated from human or animal tissue
IV and XIVa) as opposed to Proteobacteria and retain most of their functionality in vivo, yet
Bacteroidetes. This is particularly interesting as they survive only a few days in cell culture
114 M. Marzorati et al.
confluent or differentiated
of carrier
Multicellular aggregates
Fig. 7.3. In vitro models of the colon epithelium derived from immortalized colon cancer cell lines are
characterized by different levels of cell–cell contact and differentiation
and the reproducibility of results may vary required in order to determine the cell line
depending on the donor (Whitehead et al., most suitable for a particular study. These
1993; Quaroni and Beaulieu, 1997; Panja, include the differentiation and activation
2000). In order to avoid these limitations, state, mucus production and/or the level of
immortalized cell lines have been developed expression of specific receptors (Chantret et
from cancer tumours (Cencic, 2008). Despite al., 1988; Cencic et al., 2008; Leonard et al.,
their widespread use, the cancer origin of 2010). Furthermore, it is important to avoid
these cell lines (e.g. Caco-2, HT-29, THP-1...) the appearance of subpopulations carrying
has been criticized because they possess different phenotypes by using standardized
altered cell properties, such as specific culture conditions.
glycosylation profiles, that may affect their Up to now, several groups have
proliferation and behaviour under environ- a empted to build inexpensive and con-
mental stimuli. Therefore, critical consider- venient intestinal functional cell models
ation of several physiological aspects is using one or more cell lines. These are used to
Models of the Human Microbiota and Microbiome 115
study the toxicity and bioavailability of new structured unilayers that mimic the cell
substances and the interactions between the organization in vivo (Barrila et al., 2010; Sung
host, pathogens and intestinal microbiota. et al., 2011). The la er models are characterized
However, models that consist only of entero- by a high degree of differentiation, induced
cytes cannot mimic the complex interactions by the application of a low fluid-shear
with other cells, in particular those of the environment, representative of the growth
immune system. Therefore, several co-culture conditions in the human gut. These particular
models have been described that combine growth conditions can be provided by
different intestinal epithelial cells (e.g. H4-1, growing the cells as unilayers on porous
PSI-1, Caco-2, HT-29, primary intestinal coated microcarrier beads in a rotating wall
fibroblasts) and immune-competent cells vessel (RWV) bioreactor (Höner zu Bentrup
(primary or macrophage cell lines such as et al., 2006). This 3-D model consists of
TLT, Pom2, Rai B cells, PBMC monocytes, aggregates of cells grown on beads, which
activated monocyte cell line THP-1, derived can be seeded equally in 24- or 48-well plates
macrophages, dendritic cells) (and references and exposed to different test conditions
therein). (Barrila et al., 2010). Additionally, a 3-D model
Mono- or co-cultures of cell lines can be of colonic epithelium may also be developed
established with varying degrees of cell–cell by growing unilayers of cells on microscale
contact. In two-dimension (2-D) models in finger-shaped hydrogels that mimic the
vitro, cells are typically cultured as mono- intestinal villi and expose them to fluid shear
layers on flat surfaces. However, in contrast in a microfluidic device (Sung et al., 2011).
to the native polarized structure of the gut
epithelial tissues in vivo, 2-D cell monolayers
exhibit li le or no differentiation, and this 7.4.2 Host–microbiome interactions
affects their functionality (Höner zu Bentrup models
et al., 2006; Radtke et al., 2010; Tung et al.,
2010; Hakanson et al., 2011). In order to To simulate the host–microbiome interactions
restore this basolateral-apical polarized occurring in the gut, different gut models
morphology and to mimic part of the consisting of mono- or co-cultures of different
chemical and molecular gradients that occur cells from epithelial and/or immune origin
in vivo, cell lines can be cultivated in Transwell can be combined with (i) commensal gut
systems (McCormick, 2003), which are bacteria or pathogens or (ii) supernatants
typically used to study intestinal transport derived from mixed gut microbial cultures.
and permeability (Hilgers et al., 1990). In The challenge for such studies lies in finding
addition, these systems are also employed to the optimal conditions for the successful
perform interaction studies between two or aerobic growth of human cells in the presence
more cell types growing in separate com- of (facultative) anaerobe gut bacteria. In
partments. This type of set-up is commonly addition, cell cultures typically require a very
used to simulate immune responses (Kerneis rich medium that easily allows bacterial
et al., 1997; Tyrer et al., 2002; Roberts et al., overgrowth and/or contamination. Therefore,
2010). A relatively new approach is the use of most interaction studies aim to keep the
three-dimension (3-D) models. These models contact time between bacteria and cell lines as
allow the cells to form aggregates, in which low as possible. For 2-D monoculture cell
cells are interacting with each other in three systems, the co-incubation time is typically
dimensions. Several types of these models limited to a few hours due to detachment of
have been developed, going from those the cells from the carrier material, and due to
establishing 3-D interactions between a apoptosis and necrosis of the cells (Bernet et
couple of cells using micro-well arrays al., 1993; Grootaert et al., 2011a), whereas for
(Ochsner et al., 2007) or within multicellular Transwell and 3-D models, co-incubation
spheroids (Lin and Chang, 2008; times are generally higher (30 min up to a
Hirschhaeuser et al., 2009; Tung et al., 2010), to couple of days when working with pure
those allowing cells to grow in highly strains). Marzorati et al. have recently
116 M. Marzorati et al.
reviewed the techniques available nowadays different cell culture set-ups to study host–
that are suitable for the study of the gut microbe crosstalk in the GIT.
biofilm formation and, simultaneously, of the Transwell systems were used to
host–microbiota interaction under continuous demonstrate internalization of Salmonella
simulated conditions (Marzorati et al., 2011a). typhimurium by dendritic cells without
The most recent introduction is the host affecting the epithelial barrier (Rescigno et al.,
microbiota interaction (HMI) module, a new 2001). In a similar set-up, a combination of
methodology to study GIT host–microbe enterocytes and M-cells was used to
interactions under controlled conditions in investigate the translocation of diverse
vitro. This includes a reactor characterized by pathogens through the M-cells (Kerneis et al.,
two compartments – respectively containing 1997; Tyrer et al., 2002; Roberts et al., 2010).
a GI-representative microbial community Infection of pathogens in RWV-derived 3-D
and enterocytes – divided by a functional small and large intestinal cells was found to
double layer (Marzorati et al., 2013). The la er be strongly representative of the situation in
serves multiple objectives: (i) to provide a vivo (Nickerson et al., 2001; Warren et al.,
mucosal area to which bacteria can adhere 2008).
and form a biofilm under a representative In vitro cell models are also useful to
shear stress; (ii) to allow the bilateral transport perform mechanistic studies to analyse host–
of low molecular weight metabolites; (iii) to microbiota interactions in the context of
allow the transport of oxygen from the lower health and immune response. They are
to the upper side of the mucosal layer in order widely used in the assessment of beneficial
to create microaerophilic conditions at the health effects of potential probiotics on, for
bo om of the growing biofilm; and (iv) to instance, gut wall barrier reinforcement
protect the host’s cells from direct exposure to (Parassol et al., 2005) or inflammatory
a complex microbial community. The model response modulation (Cammarota et al.,
has been validated showing the anti- 2009). Immune responses were also in-
inflammatory effect of a test compound, thus vestigated in Transwell systems with mono-
demonstrating the possibility of using the or co-cultures in combination with com-
HMI device in combination with a SHIME mensal or pathogenic bacteria (Haller et al.,
system to follow up the host–microbiota 2000; Parlesak et al., 2007; Ou et al., 2009;
interaction in a simulated human GIT Zoumpopoulou et al., 2009). Of particular
(Marzorati et al., 2013). interest is the study from Parlesak et al.
investigating the interaction between human
mononuclear leucocytes and enterocytes
7.4.3 Applications of models of host– during challenge with a single bacterial
microbiome interactions species using compartmentalized Transwell
cell culture systems (Parlesak et al., 2004).
The first host–microbiome studies were those Another example where cell-based
investigating the adhesion and invasion of models can be applied is the investigation of
probiotics and pathogens. The adhesion of the microbial regulation of epithelial signal
probiotic bacteria to the intestinal mucosa is proteins involved in fat storage and satiety. In
important for protection against pathogens a number of studies (Are et al., 2008; Aronsson
(Bernet et al., 1993), transient intestinal et al., 2010; Grootaert et al., 2011b), several
colonization (Morelli et al., 2006), modulation intestinal cell lines (Caco-2, HT-29, HCT-116,
of the immune system (Schiffrin et al., 1997) LoVo, SW-480 and T-84) were co-incubated
and enhanced healing of damaged intestinal with probiotic, pathogenic and commensal
mucosa (Ellio et al., 1998). With respect to bacterial monocultures and microbial short-
pathogens, mucus adhesion is also the first chain fa y acids to determine the different
step in pathogen invasion (Bernet et al., 1993; microbial parameters that were involved in
Grootaert et al., 2011a) and internalization the regulation of epithelial fasting-induced
mechanisms (Wells et al., 1999). Table 7.2 adipose factor (FIAF); this molecule is a
summarizes several publications using multifunctional signal protein involved in
Table 7.2. Overview of diverse application of 2-D/3-D and mono-/combined cell culture models in host–microbe crosstalk.
Crosstalk Mechanism Modulators Model Detection methods Cell type References
Cell–microbe Adhesion/ Pathogens 2-D, Transwell, Plate counting, qPCR, ELISA, staining Caco-2, HT-29 Bernet et al., 1993; Kerneis et
contact translocation/ 3-D methods in combination with al., 1997; Lee et al., 2000;
invasion microscopy and flow cytometry, Ouwehand et al., 2001;
radiolabelling in combination with Vesterlund et al., 2005;
liquid scintillation Grootaert et al., 2011a
Fluorescent pathogenic and Transwell with Western blot, cytofluorimetry Caco2 + dendritic Rescigno et al., 2001
non-pathogenic bacteria two cell lines cells
Mucosa-associated E. coli Transwell with Plate counting Caco2-cl1 + Raji B Roberts et al., 2010
isolated from Crohn’s two cell lines
patients and healthy controls
DAPI = 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FACS = fluorescence-activated cell sorter; FITC = fluorescein isothiocyanate; HPLC = high
pressure liquid chromatography; LPS = lipopolysaccharides; MTT = 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; qPCR = quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SCFA
= short-chain fatty acids; SRB = sulforhodamine; TEER = transepithelial electrical resistance.
118 M. Marzorati et al.
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8 In Vivo and Animal Models of the
Human Gut Microbiome
Andrew L. Goodman*
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
the model represent the native (human) and diet (both prior to and during an
system. Fundamental differences between experiment). Although many human micro-
humans and common laboratory model biome studies make an effort to exclude
animals certainly exist, and the appropriate- individuals who report recent exposure to
ness of a given animal model will certainly antibiotics, the impact of antibiotics over long
depend on the question investigated. How- periods is clearly complex and the amount of
ever, there are key advantages for animal time required to eliminate antibiotic effects
models of symbiotic human–microbial remains unknown (Dethlefsen et al., 2008).
interactions that fall in two major categories: Similarly, accurate diet reporting, particularly
control of host variation and experimental concerning prior diets, is notoriously elusive.
tractability. In practice, studies that require detailed
dietary information and close control of food
consumption have used an inpatient ex-
8.2.1 Control of host variation perimental design, which greatly complicates
large-scale projects (Wu et al., 2011).
Studies of the human gut microbiome in
animal models allow microbial communities
to be evaluated in a standardized (and 8.2.2 Experimental tractability
replicable) host context in which key
complicating features of the human host can Animal models of the microbiome also offer
be controlled. Variation in host genotype is key advantages in tractability. Importantly,
the most obvious of these features: although remote regions of the gut can be readily
advances in genome sequencing are placing examined. An enormous diversity of human
personal genome projects on the horizon, in vitamin, hormone and nutrient receptors are
the near term interpersonal differences in located in the small intestine rather than the
genome sequence are not readily identified. colon. Additionally, gradients of oxygen, pH
Even if such differences could be measured in and nutrients (and very likely other un-
various patient cohorts, our ability to discovered factors) shape microbial com-
interpret genome sequence information and munities along the length of the gut. As a
its relationship to the microbiome is limited. result, the microbiota of the small intestine
To begin to address these questions, groups shows a distinct structure and composition
have compared interpersonal differences in from that of faecal samples: analysis of the
gut microbial community structure between la er may not, in some cases, provide insight
identical (monozygotic; MZ) and fraternal into the former. Although sampling the
(dizygotic; DZ) twins. Although microbial human small intestinal microbiome is dif-
communities as a whole were not more ficult and rarely performed, animal models
similar in pairs of MZ twins than in pairs of are ideally suited for these questions. In
DZ twins, individual species have been addition to increased ability to sample or
identified whose abundance shows greater study proximal regions of the gut, terminal
correlation in MZ twin pairs as compared to studies (in which animals are sacrificed)
DZ twin pairs (Turnbaugh et al., 2009a; facilitate other biogeographic experiments;
Hansen et al., 2011). These studies suggest for example, examining microbial function in
that the role of human genotype in shaping the lumen versus the mucus-associated
microbial community composition is largely epithelium. In addition to these issues of
unclear. In animal models, however, the spatial heterogeneity that are obscured in
genotype of the host can be readily controlled. studies based on readily collected (usually
In addition to genetic variation, however, faecal) samples from humans, recent work
many other interpersonal differences between suggests that the gut microbiome is incredibly
humans can also impact microbiome studies dynamic, adjusting to changes in diet within
and are also difficult to measure or control. a single day (Turnbaugh et al., 2009b). These
These include past environmental exposures observations suggest that longitudinal sam-
(to toxins, antibiotics and other perturbations) pling before, during and after experimental
126 A.L. Goodman
invention is a critical feature of data analysis: cost, present a gut environment with
in this way, each microbiome can serve as its fundamental differences from the human
own control. However, the importance of system (aerobic versus anaerobic, different
longitudinal sampling further complicates pH, etc.). As with any model, the impact of
human studies, as this often requires the these features will depend on the question
collection of personal identifying information being investigated.
and adds the risk that subjects drop out of the
study over time.
Finally, because the microbial community 8.3 Non-Mammalian Models of the
in each individual is unique, replicate Human Microbiome
experiments are difficult to perform in
humans, and defining untreated control 8.3.1 Simple organisms
groups that can be matched to an experimental
cohort is challenging. In animal models, the Simple multicellular organisms provide an
same microbiota can be transplanted into opportunity to identify evolutionarily con-
multiple hosts, providing sufficient data for served features of the host–microbe relation-
statistical analyses. Although other bio- ship. For example, the cnidarian Hydra
medical fields that have turned to animal represent the simplest animals with
models share some of these challenges, some differentiated tissues; the gut epithelium is
are new as a result of the unique relationship directly exposed to microbes. Culture-
between a human host and his or her independent studies of microbes associated
microbiota. with these primitive animals reveal that
different Hydra species have distinct microbial
communities, and that pa erns of microbial
8.2.3 The case against animal models of association observed in animals isolated
the human gut microbiota directly from the wild are maintained in the
laboratory se ing, even after over 30 years of
Before describing the range of animal models passaging (Fraune and Bosch, 2007). These
that have been developed to study the human results suggest that some of the fundamental
gut microbiome, it is important also to principles of animal-associated microbial
highlight some of the disadvantages of communities, such as stability and selection,
animal models compared to direct human could be addressed in these simpler models.
studies. As with other biomedical fields, the Specifically, this work provides a basis for
choice of whether an animal model (and understanding how perturbation disrupts
which one) is warranted depends on the these conserved features.
nature of the questions being pursued. In a A second notable feature of simple
field as unexplored as the human gut animal hosts is that their native microbial
microbiome, in particular, it is often difficult communities potentially offer reduced com-
to identify the limitations of an animal model plexity. One advantage of this reduced com-
in mirroring human biology. For example, plexity is that complete genome sequences of
culture-independent 16S rRNA gene sequenc- individual community members can be
ing has disclosed that humans and mice carry assembled from metagenomic (shotgun)
the same broad-level microbial groups in the sequences generated from the community as
gut, but these microbes vary at the species a whole without culturing. This is an
level (Ley et al., 2005). These differences may important feature, as most microbes are not
impact the utility of mice for revealing host- readily cultured (Amann et al., 1995). As an
specific pa erns of immune regulation, for example, the complete genome sequences of
example, but may still allow important the uncultured symbionts of the oligochaete
advances in understanding the role of the worm have been assembled by metagenomic
microbiota in metabolism. Non-mammalian sequencing of the microbial community
hosts, which are a ractive experimental directly from the worm, revealing metabolic
models due to factors such as scaleability and pathways that explain how this member of
In Vivo and Animal Models of the Human Gut Microbiome 127
the Annelida processes energy and deals with central tool for developmental biology also
waste without a mouth or anus (Woyke et al., benefit gut microbial ecology studies,
2006). Genome assembly from metagenomic including a transparent gut prior to adult-
sequencing has not been reported for complex hood, rapid development and techniques for
communities containing hundreds of species, forward genetic manipulation. Notably,
such as the mammalian gut. zebrafish embryos can be maintained in 96-
well plates, facilitating large-scale screening
for host or microbial factors that mediate
8.3.2 Non-mammalian vertebrates symbiosis. Because zebrafish can be main-
tained in the absence of a resident microbiota
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, serves as (germ free) or with a defined microbial
an important model system for many aspects component (gnotobiotic), these hosts have
of biology, including development, behaviour been used to address fundamental questions
and immunity. Two key advantages of this about the ability of a host to select its microbial
model (genetic tractability and feasibility of residents. For example, reciprocal transplants
large-scale experiments) also have the of murine gut microbes into germ-free zebra-
potential to establish the fruit fly as an fish and a zebrafish microbiota into germ-free
important system for in vivo studies of the gut mice indicate that these communities are
microbiome. Initial studies have revealed that reshaped by the recipient host (Rawls et al.,
its gut microbiome is relatively simple, 2006). In other words, the community structure
consisting of ~20 species (Wong et al., 2011). after transplantation becomes rearranged to
The observation that the constituents of the match the native community of the recipient
D. melanogaster gut microbiota are aerobes organism. The forces that induce this
(the gut of this organism is permeable to transformation remain undefined, but could
oxygen) may simplify experimental manipu- include host immune mechanisms, pH or
lation of this community; however, the oxygen gradients, dietary differences, or a
dominant members of the human gut combination of these and other factors.
microbiota are anaerobes not observed in the
fruit fly system. Despite these differences, the
gut microbiota has been implicated in 8.4 Mammalian Models of the Human
fascinating aspects of host–microbial inter- Microbiome
action that have the potential to translate to
human biology. For example, acetic acid Mammalian models of the human micro-
produced by the D. melanogaster commensal, biome do not offer the scaleability of the non-
Acetobacter pomorum, has been implicated in mammalian systems described above, but
insulin signalling (Shin et al., 2011); although have provided a primary foundation for
Acetobacter spp. are not prominent members experimental studies of these microbial com-
of the human gut microbiota, acetate is a munities. Recent culture-independent 16S
central metabolic component in the human rRNA sequencing of the faecal microbial
gut (Rey et al., 2010). Notably, gut microbes communities from diverse mammals has
have also been implicated in mating revealed significant conservation in com-
preference in D. melanogaster (Sharon et al., munity structure across mammals, at least at
2010). As with insulin signalling, it is the broad (phylum) level (Ley et al., 2008).
tempting to speculate that human gut micro- Mammals, including humans, are dominated
bial communities could play a similar role, by two bacterial phyla: the Gram-negative
albeit with different constituent members. Bacteroidetes and the Gram-positive Firmicutes.
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are also emerging Members of both groups are strict anaerobes,
as an important model for understanding which provides a key motivation for model
human gut microbial biology. Several of the systems of the gut that provide an anaerobic
features that have established this species as a environment.
128 A.L. Goodman
Fig. 8.1. Germ-free animal husbandry. Flexible plastic isolators (a, b) maintain a sterile environment.
Supplies are transported via an autoclaved cylinder (c) that is connected to the isolator via a transfer
sleeve (d).
In Vivo and Animal Models of the Human Gut Microbiome 129
stainless steel transport cylinder capped with cal features (caecum size, villus length),
a mylar sheet (Fig. 8.1c). After the cylinder is nutritional differences (vitamin requirements,
connected to the antechamber through a caloric harvest) and wide-ranging immune
flexible plastic transfer sleeve, the sleeve is disregulation. Notably, the species or groups
treated with an aerosolized sterilant and the of species responsible for these features, or the
mylar sheet pierced from the inside of the underlying mechanisms, are unknown in
isolator (Fig. 8.1d). Supplies are then pulled most cases. Such observations provide
into the isolator for use. Sterile conditions important foundations for exploring the
are monitored routinely through multiple contribution of microbes to health and disease.
methods, including aerobic and anaerobic
culturing and culture-independent 16S rRNA
gene sequencing. 8.4.2 Monoassociation
In order to address the contribution of
the microbiota to host physiology, germ-free Once germ free, mice serve as a platform for
mice can be compared to non-germ-free colonization with known microbial species
(‘conventionally raised’) counterparts and to or consortia (gnotobiotics; Fig. 8.2). The
ex-germ-free animals colonized with a introduction of single species of prominent,
microbial community from conventional mice genome-sequenced human gut microbes into
(‘conventionalized’). These comparisons have germ-free mice provides a simple gnotobiotic
revealed over 100 phenotypic distinctions system for exploring microbiota–host inter-
between colonized and germ-free animals action. For example, genome-wide transcrip-
(Smith et al., 2007); these include morphologi- tional profiling of the prominent human gut
Nothing Single Simple human
(germ-free) species communities communities
Gnotobiotic mice
Fig. 8.2. Gnotobiotic approaches for studying the human gut microbiome. Gnotobiotic techniques permit
the introduction of complete or partial human gut microbial communities (top) into a naive host. Microbial
and host responses to colonization can be measured at the level of genes, transcripts, proteins,
metabolites and host response (bottom).
130 A.L. Goodman
symbiont, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, in well as the host molecule that mediates the
gnotobiotic mice has revealed mechanisms of response (Toll-like receptor 2) (Round et al.,
adaptive foraging shaped by host diet. In the 2011). Importantly, these mono-colonizations
presence of a standard mouse chow rich in of gnotobiotic mice can even reveal host
plant polysaccharides, B. thetaiotaomicron responses to microbes that cannot currently
upregulates genes involved in the de- be cultured in the laboratory. For example,
gradation and transport of these otherwise differentiation of Th17 cells in the mouse gut
indigestible substrates. When gnotobiotic is induced by a chloroform-resistant seg-
mice are maintained on a simple sugar diet, mented filamentous bacterium (SFB) that
B. thetaiotaomicron represses these genes and associates closely with the epithelium of the
instead upregulates genes involved in the small intestine (Gaboriau-Routhiau et al.,
acquisition of host mucus glycans (Son- 2009; Ivanov et al., 2009). Although this
nenburg et al., 2005). This ability for dif- microbe has never been cultured successfully
ferential targeting is necessary for microbial in the laboratory, it can be maintained in pure
fitness in the gut (Martens et al., 2008) and is culture in gnotobiotic mice by introducing
sufficient for conferring fitness to other chloroform-treated small intestinal epithelial
human gut microbes that would otherwise be preparations from conventional mice into
outcompeted (Sonnenburg et al., 2010). The germ-free recipients (Umesaki et al., 1995).
genetic determinants of symbiont fitness can These animals, which begin to bridge the gap
be assessed on a genome-wide scale using between cultured and uncultured microbial
insertion sequencing (INSeq) (Goodman et diversity, have provided an important
al., 2009, 2011b). In this approach, cells are foundation for immunological studies of host
mutagenized with a randomly inserting response to resident microbes and enabled
transposon and the population is subjected to the genome sequencing of SFB (Kuwahara et
a selective condition (for example, growth in al., 2011; Sczesnak et al., 2011).
a germ-free mouse). The insertion position Notably, the monoassociation model has
and relative abundance of each transposon in also been expanded to include reversible
the population is assessed using high- colonization (Hapfelmeier et al., 2010). In this
throughput sequencing, and mutants in approach, germ-free mice are colonized with
genes required for fitness are expected to an E. coli mutant auxotrophic for -alanine
decrease in abundance in the population after and diaminopimelic acid, two essential
selection. Varying the experimental par- components of bacterial peptidoglycan that
ameters (e.g. changing the diet, genotype or are not present in mice or other mammals.
microbial population of the host animal) then Although this strain can be maintained in
identifies specific associations between target vitro in the presence of these compounds, it is
genes and different aspects of host biology. cleared efficiently after colonization of germ-
In addition to providing insights about free mice, such that they become germ-free
the mechanisms that human gut microbes use again. This model has been used to examine
to colonize and compete in vivo, mono- immune memory in the context of gut
associated gnotobiotic mice also serve as an colonization.
important platform for identifying the
fundamental principles of host response to
the microbiota. For example, the prominent 8.4.3 Increasing complexity in defined
human gut microbe, Bacteroides fragilis, microbial communities
induces IL-10-producing regulatory T cells
that allow it to colonize a mucosal niche Defined consortia of multiple genome-
(Round and Mazmanian, 2010). Because this sequenced human gut symbionts represent
host–microbial interaction can be observed in an intermediate level of complexity in
gnotobiotic, monoassociated mice, it has been germ-free mouse models of the human
possible to identify a specific bacterial microbiome. For example, representatives of
symbiosis factor directly (surface poly- the two major phyla present in the human
saccharide A) that drives this interaction, as gut (Bacteroides and Firmicutes) have been
In Vivo and Animal Models of the Human Gut Microbiome 131
from a different host animal (e.g. human can be maintained in the germ-free state for
microbiomes into mice) do not restore all weeks and readily colonized with a human
host responses to the microbiota. For gut microbiota (Pang et al., 2007). Because the
example, germ-free mice have low CD8+ and pig provides the best model for many aspects
CD4+ T cell counts in the small intestine, and of human gastrointestinal biology of any
this can be corrected by colonization with a non-human primate (Spurlock and Gabler,
complete mouse microbiota (Smith et al., 2008; Li en-Brown et al., 2010), this may
2007). However, gut microbial communities represent an increasingly important model
from rats or humans fail to restore these of the human microbiome as the field
immune responses to germ-free mice, even matures.
though these communities contain the same
broad phylogenetic groups and reach the
same colonization density as the mouse 8.5 Conclusion
microbiota (Chung et al., 2012). The basis and
extent of this host specificity remain to be One of the most exciting aspects of human
determined. gut microbiome research is that emerging
studies reflect the convergence of multiple
scientific traditions. For example, culture-
8.4.5 Rat and pig models independent studies capitalize on statistical
methods from ecology, while microbial
Rats, rather than mice, were the first rodents genetic approaches draw on decades of tools
to be re-derived successfully in the germ-free and technologies from microbial patho-
state (Reyniers et al., 1946). Many aspects of genesis. Animal models of the human gut
human biology (including cardiovascular microbiome represent the best of this
disease, toxicology and behaviour) are be er convergence, as community-scale questions
modelled in rats than mice, and new are being addressed in systems that can be
techniques now allow targeted genetics in the controlled and manipulated. Further, the
rat (Zheng et al., 2012). Colonization of germ- same technological advances (such as high-
free rats with complete human gut microbial throughput DNA sequencing) that have
communities reveals that these communities powered enormous change in microbial
retain more of their original structure and ecology are now being applied to experi-
composition after transplantation into rats mental approaches such as RNA sequencing
than mice, suggesting that rats may provide a and functional metagenomics. The com-
superior model for the human gut microbiome bination of microbial ecological principles
as well (Wos-Oxley et al., 2012). Specifically, with these new techniques, in multiple
Firmicutes appear to be represented be er in animal models of the human gut microbiome,
rats than in mice, including human gut will produce new insight into both funda-
phylotypes such as clostridia cluster IV that mental and derived aspects of this complex
poorly colonize gnotobiotic mice (Wos-Oxley host–microbial relationship.
et al., 2012). However, the larger size of rats
does increase the complexity and expense of
germ-free husbandry of these animals. Acknowledgements
This complexity is increased further
with gnotobiotic pigs, because these animals The author thanks Natasha Barry for the
cannot be raised to adulthood or bred in the photographs of germ-free isolators and
germ-free state. However, piglets born by Patrick Degnan, Thomas Cullen and Whitman
Caesarean section into gnotobiotic isolators Schofield for valuable discussion.
In Vivo and Animal Models of the Human Gut Microbiome 133
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9 The Gut Microbiota in Health and
nutrients and medication) and microbial short-chain fa y acids produced are acetate,
factors (e.g. adhesion capability, bacterial butyrate and propionate. In addition, other
enzymes and metabolic strategies; Prakash et microbial end products include lactate,
al., 2011). Another key force that drives the ethanol, succinate, valerate, caproate,
diversity and composition of the gut bacterial isobutyrate, 2-methyl-butyrate and isovaler-
community is represented by bacteriophages ate. One of the most important effects of these
(Ventura et al., 2011). In the human gut, the metabolites is their trophic effect on the
diversity and abundance of Escherichia coli intestinal epithelium (Wong et al., 2006). In
strains have been shown to be linked directly particular, butyrate is the preferred energy
to the relative abundance of specific source for epithelial cells.
coliphages (Golomidova et al., 2007). The commensal bacteria that normally
It is generally accepted that humans are reside in the gut, i.e. the autochthonous gut
born with a sterile gut, although very recent microbiota (Turroni et al., 2008), are diverse,
data indicate that bacterial colonization of the and individual species are known to possess
human gut starts before birth through the distinct and, in some cases, opposing roles.
ingestion of bacteria-containing amniotic For example, certain microbiota components
fluids by the fetus (Mshvildadze and Neu, have been shown to promote Treg develop-
2010). Immediately following birth, extensive ment, whereas others induce Th17 develop-
bacterial colonization ensues, which is ment. A balanced autochthonous microbiota
influenced by the delivery method, i.e. is required to drive the normal development
vaginal (Penders et al., 2006) versus Caesarean of both mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
section (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010), and and mucosally induced tolerance mechanisms
feeding, i.e. breast milk versus formula milk involving the generation of Treg cells.
(Hopkins et al., 2005). The major changes of Colonization of germ-free mice (GF) with
the gut microbiota during these first stages of Bacteroides fragilis has been shown to enhance
life are believed to be caused by antibiotic the suppressive capability of Tregs to promote
treatments and GIT infections, as well as anti-inflammatory cytokine production
dietary modifications (Koenig et al., 2011), as (Mazmanian et al., 2008). In a similar fashion,
opposed to stochastically (Palmer et al., 2007). colonization of GF mice with a mix of
Clostridium strains increased the production
of IL10-producing Treg in the colonic lamina
9.2 Roles of the Gut Microbiota propria (Atarashi et al., 2011). Furthermore,
several other components of the gut
The gut microbiota plays a critical role in microbiota have been shown to induce Treg
both the fermentation of indigestible complex production: these include bacterial species
plant polysaccharides and host-produced that are exploited as health-promoting
glycans (e.g. mucin), as well as in the pro- bacteria, such as members of the Lactobacillus
tection against pathogenic bacteria (Fig. 9.1). and Bifidobacterium genera (Livingston et al.,
In addition, the gut microbiota is thought to 2010; Zhang et al., 2010). In contrast, Th17 cell
be required for the proper development of response in humans was demonstrated to be
the host’s immune system (Kaplan et al., promoted by a very limited number of
2011). There is evidence that the gut micro- bacterial groups such as segmented fila-
biota exerts a key role in inducing IgA mentous bacteria. Among this la er group of
production (Klaasen et al., 1993; Talham et al., microorganisms, Candidatus arthromitus is
1999), as well as maintaining the homeostasis worth mentioning. This bacterium is known
of several T-cell populations in the gut, to colonize the small intestine and has been
including regulatory T cells (Treg), T helper 1 demonstrated to stimulate IgA synthesis
(Th1) and 17 (Th17) cells (Gaboriau-Routhiau (Klaasen et al., 1993; Talham et al., 1999).
et al., 2009) (Fig. 9.2). Recently, C. arthromitus has been shown to
Additional metabolic functions of the promote the development of Th17 cells, while
gut microbiota include synthesis of vitamins it is also involved in the pathogenesis of a
and bile acid biotransformation. The major number of inflammatory and autoimmune
138 M. Ventura et al.
Fig. 9.1. Schematic representation of the key microbial players in promoting health/diseases in humans.
diseases. Thus, a microbiota that favours this decrease in Bacteroidetes (Turnbaugh et al.,
microorganism has an impact on the immune 2009). In contrast, a diet containing high levels
response and consequently on the develop- of fibre promotes an increase of Bacteroidetes
ment of Th17-mediated inflammatory/auto- and a decrease of Firmicutes (De Filippo et al.,
immune diseases in the gut and at distal sites 2010). Antibiotic treatments also cause
in predisposed individuals. significant shifts in the composition of the gut
As mentioned above, the composition of microbiota. Although the composition of the
the gut microbiota is influenced by several microbiota largely seems to recover follow-
factors, including diet and exposure to ing the cessation of the antibiotic treatment,
antibiotics. Comparison of the human gut some bacterial members are permanently lost
microbiota with that of other mammals from the community (Jernberg et al., 2007;
reveals that the gut microbiota composition of Jakobsson et al., 2010).
a human with a modern lifestyle is typical of
omnivorous primates (Ley et al., 2008). It has
been shown that a high-fat, high-sugar 9.3 Gut Disease Associations with
Western diet instead of a low-fat, plant the Intestinal Microbiota
polysaccharide-rich diet promotes a shift in
the composition of the gut microbiota towards Several studies have been undertaken in
high numbers of clostridia and a significant order to investigate the relationships between
Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease 139
Gut lumen
Lamina propria
Fig. 9.2. Representation of sites where the gut microbiota can interact with the gut immune cells.
the composition of the gut microbiota and bowel disease and allergic asthma. Although
various diseases such as necrotizing most of these diseases have unknown causes,
enterocolits (Mai et al., 2011), type 1 and type it has been suggested that dysbiosis may be
2 diabetes (Larsen et al., 2010; Giongo et al., an underlying cause (Prakash et al., 2011).
2011), irritable bowel syndrome (Carroll et al., Coeliac disease is an inflammation of the
2011; Saulnier et al., 2011), particular atopic small intestine, which is triggered by the
diseases (Watanabe et al., 2010) and colon storage proteins of wheat, barley and rye.
cancer (Sobhani et al., 2011). Most of these Analysis of the faecal microbiota of coeliac
diseases have been associated with dysbiosis, patients showed a markedly numerical
which is a status in which the microbiota reduction in Bifidobacterium sp., Clostridium
behaves abnormally as a consequence of an histolyticum, Clostridium lituseburense, Faecali-
alteration in its composition, a change in its bacterium prausni ii and increased pro-
metabolic activity and/or a shift in the local portions of Bacteroidetes/Prevotella (Nadal
distribution of communities. Several factors et al., 2007; De Palma et al., 2010).
might be responsible for such an alteration of Type 1 diabetes, which is characterized
the gastrointestinal ecosystem, including by insulin deficiency caused by immune-
antibiotic treatment, physical or psychological mediated destruction of pancreatic beta cells,
stresses, radiation, altered peristalsis and is thought to be triggered by environmental
dietary shifts (Hawrelak and Myers, 2004). factors in genetically susceptible individuals.
However, recent data suggest that alteration
of the gut microbiota in rats is associated with
9.3.1 Autoimmune diseases progression of type 1 diabetes. Furthermore,
a microbiota survey of diabetes-prone rats
Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s versus diabetes-resistant rats revealed a
immune system a acks and destroys its own higher abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifido-
(healthy) cells and tissues, as in the case of bacterium in diabetes-resistant rats (Roesch
type 1 diabetes, coeliac disease, inflammatory et al., 2009).
140 M. Ventura et al.
Treg cell development (in the absence of allergic responses frequently arises from the
proinflammatory factors) (Maynard and GIT, and food allergy is a common problem
Weaver, 2009). In particular, Treg cells help in infants with atopic eczema. Aberrant
maintain intestinal homeostasis by preventing barrier functions in the gut mucosa lead to
inappropriate innate and adaptive immune greater antigen transfer across the mucosal
responses. CD4+Foxp3+ T cells play an barrier and the routes of transport are altered,
important functional role in promoting so evoking aberrant immune responses and
tolerance to the gut microbiota through their release of proinflammatory cytokines with
distinct modes of action in the mesenteric further impairment of the barrier functions.
lymph nodes and intestinal tissues (Barnes Such increased inflammation would lead to
and Powrie, 2009). To study how the innate increases in intestinal permeability and
and adaptive arms of the immune system results in a vicious circle of increasing
collaborate to maintain homeostasis at the allergenic responses and a more permanent
luminal surface of the intestinal host– dysregulation of the immune responses to
microbial interface is crucial in understand- ubiquitous antigens in (genetically) suscep-
ing be er how symbiotic host–microbial tible individuals.
relationships can deteriorate and collapse in The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ indicates that
IBD. IBD appears to be caused by a the increase in the prevalence of allergic
dysregulated effector T-cell response to the disorders noticed in developed countries
commensal microbiota in a genetically could be due to decreased early exposure to
susceptible host. The effector T-cell response infection agents that may alter the immune
in IBD is augmented by disease-perpetuating response and the immunoregulatory com-
cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF that induce partment (Okada et al., 2010). An alternative
T-cell activation and prevent T-cell apoptosis. hypothesis is based on the changes in the
The aggressive T effector cell activation is not intestinal microbiota that are due to antibiotic
counteracted sufficiently by regulatory and treatments and dietary differences (Noverr
anti-inflammatory T cells, thereby leading to and Huffnagle, 2005). In both cases, the
mucosal inflammation and tissue destruction. regulatory mechanisms that normally control
the TH2 responses generally associated with
allergic disorders would not develop properly.
9.3.4 Allergic disorders and the human Several studies have described dif-
gut microbiota ferences in the composition of the microbiota
of infants who develop allergic disorders
The prevalence of allergic disorders has been (Bjorksten et al., 2001; Kalliomaki et al., 2001;
increasing steadily in Western societies and Penders et al., 2007). Bifidobacteria are
such conditions now comprise the most predominant in a normal, healthy infant
common chronic disease of childhood. There intestinal microbiota, with high numbers of
is an increase in the prevalence of atopic Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium bifidum
diseases (Isolauri, 2004), which represent a and Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis
related group of conditions including allergic species. In contrast, bifidobacterial species
rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma and atopic such as Bifidobacterium adolescentis and
eczema. These are frequently associated with Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum are more
the generation of T helper (TH) cell 2-type characteristic of an adult-type intestinal
cytokines, including IL-4, IL-5 and IL-3, microbiota (Ventura et al., 2007). It has been
which promote IgE production. The TH2 demonstrated recently that allergic mothers
skewed immune type may be balanced by may transfer adult-type bifidobacterial
cytokines secreted by TH1, TH3 and Treg cells, microbiota more frequently as compared to
partially as a result of stimulation by the healthy mothers (Kalliomaki et al., 2001),
gut microbiota (Rautava et al., 2004). The leading to aberrant compositional develop-
establishment of the gut microbiota provides ment of the microbiota, which may predispose
an initial and massive source of microbial infants toward allergic disorders. These data
stimuli to the host. The route for the first suggest that specific species of gut commensal
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Sanger sequencing process. NGS (or high- content and its potential functions. Finally,
throughput sequencing), which eliminates transcriptome sequencing can elucidate the
the cloning bias, has entirely revolutionized active members of the gut microbiome and
sequencing capability, enabling high- their functionality. Here, the features and
throughput analysis of complex microbial applications of these three strategies in
communities via the capture of sequences of human microbiome research are summarized
short DNA molecules (amplicons or random and their intrinsic bioinformatics problems
fragments) in which hundreds of thousands are also discussed.
of samples may be multiplexed using short
DNA sequence ‘bar codes’ (Hamady et al.,
2008). This provides adequate sequencing
10.2.1 Amplicon sequencing
depth in each sample to characterize the top
99.99% of the microbiota, allowing the
16S rRNA gene sequencing
discovery of unexpected organisms with no
prior knowledge of their sequences aside Complex microbial communities, like those
from the 16S rRNA gene primer sequences. in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or
Besides analysing the microbial genomics, other bacterium-dense environments, are
NGS is also suitable for transcriptome currently receiving increasing interest, due
sequencing, which measures mRNA quan- mostly to technological advances in culture-
titatively, allowing new insights into genome independent methods in recent years.
expression and how it may be modified in However, in surveys of highly diverse eco-
healthy and diseased individuals. The fol- systems, the size of clone libraries (typically
lowing introduction will focus on NGS 100–500 clones each) only allows for
technology, NGS-based analysing strategy identification of the community members
and projects demonstrating the application of that are present in high abundance (Dojka et
NGS technology in human microbiome al., 1998; Urbach et al., 2001; Axelrood et al.,
research. 2002; Dunbar et al., 2002; Elshahed et al., 2003;
Huber et al., 2003). In addition to failing to
detect rare members of the ecosystem, these
10.2 The Different Sequencing relatively small data sets provide inaccurate
Strategy estimates when used for computing species
richness within an ecosystem. Regardless of
With the progress of sequencing technology the approach used to estimate species
in recent decades, various types of sequencing richness, the estimates obtained are highly
strategies have been applied successfully in dependent on sample size, and smaller data
many metagenomic projects that have greatly sets typically result in the underestimation of
revolutionized our knowledge of the com- species richness (Fierer et al., 2007; Roesch et
mensal microorganisms living in and on our al., 2007; Youssef and Elshahed, 2008).
bodies. The majority of published studies on The 16S ribosomal RNA (or 16S rRNA)
the human microbiome are based mainly gene is a component of the 30S small subunit
on three types of sequencing strategies: of prokaryotic ribosomes. It is approximately
‘amplicon sequencing’, ‘shotgun sequencing’ 1.5 kb (or 1500 nucleotides) in length. The 16S
and ‘transcriptome sequencing’, whose prime rRNA gene is used for phylogenetic studies
objectives are to study microbial communities (Weisburg and Barns, 1991) as it is highly
in vivo. The most common application of conserved between different species of
amplicon sequencing with NGS technology Bacteria and Archaea (Coenye and Vandamme,
in the human microbiome is 16S rRNA gene 2003). In addition to highly conserved primer
sequencing, which is usually employed to binding sites, 16S rRNA gene sequences
assess the general composition of the contain hypervariable regions that can
microbiota. Metagenome shotgun sequencing provide species-specific signature sequences
provides much more detailed information of useful for bacterial identification. As a result,
Next-generation Sequencing Methods 149
16S rRNA gene sequencing has become taxonomic level (genus level or family level),
prevalent in microbiology and microbial the limitations of the application of Illumina
ecology as a rapid and accurate alternative to technology for compositional studies have
phenotypic methods of bacterial identification been noted in current studies, and future
(Clarridge, 2004). There are nine different improvements have been predicted to
variable 16S rRNA gene regions being flanked increase its suitability for environments of
by conserved stretches in most bacteria even higher complexity.
(Neefs and Peer, 1993), and they can be used
as targets for PCR primers with near- THE CHOICE OF VARIABLE REGIONS. Some
universal bacterial specificity (Lane et al., admirable efforts (Liu et al., 2007, 2008; Wang
1985; Woese, 1987). Although less dis- et al., 2007) have given useful insights into the
criminatory than the full-length 16S rRNA advantages and limitations of the pyro-
gene, massively parallel sequencing of the sequencing approach in 16S-based community
shorter reads offers either much higher surveys (Fig. 10.1), have pinpointed specific
coverage per sample (Claesson et al., 2009) or regions that provide be er phylogenetic
many more samples per instrument run by resolution than other pyrosequencing
means of innovative bar-coding techniques generated regions and have provided a
(Sogin et al., 2006; Hamady et al., 2008). quantitative assessment of binning accuracy
Currently, the sequencing of 16S rRNA gene at various empirical cut-offs. Elucidating such
variable regions is the most common differences between shorter and nearly
application of amplicon sequencing on NGS complete fragments, as well as between
platforms. shorter fragments representing different
The trade-off of longer, but fewer, reads regions in the 16S rRNA gene, is absolutely
generated by traditional capillary sequencing necessary for accurate analysis of species
means a lower proportion of amplicons that richness in previously published and expected
can be classified at genus or species levels. In data sets constructed via various sequencing
contrast, the resolution of the community approaches. Some studies have shown that
composition with amplicon pyrosequencing the choice of pyrosequenced fragment could
is potentially several orders of magnitude indeed impact the number of operational
higher than clone library sequencing and can taxonomic units (OTUs, equivalent to a
be achieved at a significantly lower cost. species) calculated at different taxonomic
Typically carried out by pyrosequencing cut-offs, with some fragments underestimating
on a 454 Genome Sequencer FLX machine and others overestimating such parameters
(Margulies et al., 2005), amplicons (sequence compared to the results with longer, nearly
reads) of one or two tandem variable 16S complete 16S rRNA gene fragments (Youssef
rRNA gene region(s) are quantified and sub- et al., 2009).
sequently assigned to microbial phylogenies
(and thence to taxonomies). Another mas- THE EFFECT OF EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS. Besides
sively parallel sequencing technology, which the choice of variable regions of a PCR-based
was first introduced in the same year as 454 technology, the results of amplicon sequenc-
pyrosequencing, is the Illumina technology ing are also influenced by other factors. Some
(then Solexa Ltd; Benne , 2004). The Illumina factors come from the pyrosequencing
genome analyser instruments could routinely technology itself. Quince and colleagues
produce more than ten times the number of (Quince et al., 2009) found that the base
reads per run compared with the 454 GS FLX calling error of the pyrosequencing method
machines, albeit of much shorter lengths increased the number of novel unique
(typically between 100 and 150 bp). The sequences significantly. Consequently, the
higher coverage allowed the identification of escalating number of unique tags, particularly
low-abundance genera not detected in earlier the singletons (tags occurring only once)
studies. When compared with classification (Acinas et al., 2005), might be produced
efficiencies (CE), defined as the proportion of mainly from the experimental artefacts of
all reads confidently classified to a certain pyrosequencing, rather than from true
150 L. Xiao et al.
Nearest neighbour
Multimer and nearest neighbour
(Online RDP)
Tree Distances
Nearest neighbour
with back-propagation
Fitch parsimony
Group names
Last common
Fitch parsimony
(Arb tree)
Taxonomy assignments
Fig. 10.1. The pipeline of taxonomy assignments from 16S rRNA gene sequences generated by
pyrosequencing (adapted from Liu et al., 2008).
diversity. And the pyrosequencing method On the other hand, template dilution and the
was also suggested to overestimate taxa increased number of PCR cycles reduced
richness accordingly (Quince et al., 2009; richness but did not affect community
Reeder and Knight, 2009). structure (Wu et al., 2010).
The other problem was that microbial
diversity might be skewed by experimental DESCRIBING AND COMPARING THE STRUCTURE OF
procedures, particularly by PCR. Studies MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES. Even with NGS
have shown that the PCR primer choice and amplicon sequencing, it is impossible to
the amplicon length affect the estimation of census every cell in these communities. So, a
species richness and evenness (Huber et al., number of statistical approaches have been
2009; Engelbrektson et al., 2010). The impurity proposed for describing and comparing
of the primers during primer synthesis and microbial communities. Three general
sequencing error will also affect NGS 16S approaches have been applied. The first
rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Further- approach, which is employed in tools such as
more, polymerase will affect both diversity DOTUR (distance-based OTU and richness)
richness and community structure analysis. (Schloss and Handelsman, 2005) and SONS
Next-generation Sequencing Methods 151
(shared OTUs and similarity) (Schloss and variance (AMOVA) tests whether two
Handelsman, 2006a; Cole et al., 2007), assigns communities have the same centroid and
sequences to OTUs based on the genetic determine whether the genetic diversity
distance between sequences. The abundance within each community is significantly
distribution of sequences among OTUs different from the average genetic diversity
provides the parameters necessary for the of both communities pooled together. Homo-
estimation of richness, evenness and geneity of molecular variance (HOMOVA)
ecological diversity (namely, the combination tests whether the genetic diversity is the same
of richness and evenness) of individual in multiple communities. It has been claimed
communities, as well as the richness of OTUs that UniFrac has the potential to determine
shared between communities. The second whether a lineage of one community evolves
approach, which is used in LibraryCompare faster than other lineages. This would suggest
(Singleton et al., 2001), compares two that UniFrac is a tree-based version of
communities by using a reference database. HOMOVA. UniFrac detects any differences
The third approach, which is used in in the communities that result in the ability to
LIBSHUFF (Martin, 2002; Schloss et al., 2004), a ribute the total branch length of a tree to one
TreeClimber (Schloss and Handelsman, particular community. The weighted UniFrac
2006b; Lozupone et al., 2006, 2007), UniFrac a empts to perform a similar test with a
(Lozupone and Knight, 2005, 2007) and in the different weighting scheme. TreeClimber is
analysis of molecular variance (Martin, 2002), related to the UniFrac method and a empts
uses the Monte Carlo testing procedure to to detect differences in the community that
evaluate differences between each com- result in the ability to a ribute sections of a
munity. Each of these approaches has been tree’s topology to specific communities.
used in a complementary manner to reveal Finally, LIBSHUFF evaluates the significance
novel insights into the microbial ecology of of the probability that the closest relative of
diverse habitats. any sequence is from the same or a different
All of these methods are phylogenetic in community. As indicated by the correlation
that they measure the differences between values, these tests evaluate similar but
communities based on the differences seemingly different questions (Schloss, 2008).
between sequences. The OTU-based approach A limitation of any testing method is that
is popular because it is possible to obtain a the test provides a probability that the same
quantitative description of a community and or more extreme result could be observed by
its similarity to other communities. However, chance. Furthermore, hypothesis-testing
it is limited because a large number of methods can only detect statistically sig-
sequences are necessary to minimize the nificant differences. They do not necessarily
underestimation of richness due to in- predict an ecologically significant difference.
adequate sampling (Schloss and Handelsman, As the search continues to identify and
2006b). The database approach is limited quantify interactions between microbes and
because it is based on making comparisons to their environment, parallel use of statistical
an incomplete representation of biodiversity and biological tools will be essential.
within public databases. The advantage of
the Monte Carlo testing procedure is that it
The targeted sequencing approach
does not require a large number of sequences
to detect significant differences. Although the advent of ‘next-generation’
Researchers (Schloss, 2008) have re- sequencing technologies resulted in a lower
considered the existing tools using simulated cost per base of generated sequence and a
communities with known properties to throughput on the gigabase (Gb) scale, a
validate previously held assumptions about point has not yet been reached at which
the methods and to provide guidance to the routine sequencing of large numbers of whole
field regarding the optimal choices from genomes is feasible. So, it is often necessary to
those methods. The results of the simulations select genomic regions of interest and to
test make it clear that the analysis of molecular enrich these regions before sequencing. This
152 L. Xiao et al.
is ‘targeted sequencing’, and the amplicon 2008), but in practice, it is often more
sequencing of 16S rRNA gene is just one straightforward to perform PCRs in uniplex.
common aspect in this field. In fact, some Additionally, there is an upper limit to the
other highly conserved genes can be used in length of amplicons that can be generated by
phylogenetic classification, just as the 16S long PCR (Barnes, 1994). Each individual
rRNA gene is used. In addition, some PCR must be validated and, ideally,
researchers will focus on the special functions optimized to make amplification as efficient
of certain genes (Louis et al., 2010). All these as possible to minimize the total mass of
16S rRNA genes, conserved marker genes, DNA required.
functional genes and even non-coding Various enzymatic methods for targeted
sequences could be considered as the ‘target amplification are compatible with extensive
region’. Enriching them with some approaches, multiplexing based on target circularization
sequencing them with NGS technologies and (Dahl et al., 2005, 2007; Porreca et al., 2007).
revealing the diversity of these special ‘target One approach in the la er category relies on
regions’ are the contents included in ‘targeted the use of molecular inversion probes (MIPs),
sequencing’. Additionally, the most important, which initially had been developed for
as well as the starting, step of target sequencing multiplex target detection and single
is the enrichment of the target sequence. nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping
Several approaches for target enrichment (Lizardi et al., 1998; Antson et al., 2000;
have been developed, and there are several Faruqi et al., 2001; Hardenbol et al., 2003,
parameters by which the performance of each 2005). More recently, an optimized simplified
can be measured, which vary from one protocol for MIP-based exon capture has
approach to another: the percentage of the been reported (Turner et al., 2009). This
target bases that are represented by one or revised protocol retains the high specificity
more sequence reads (sensitivity); the of MIP capture, with >98% of mapped reads
percentage of sequences that map to the aligning to a targeted exon. MIP amplification
intended targets (specificity); the variability products can be sequenced directly on a
in sequence coverage across target regions next-generation sequencing platform to
(uniformity); how closely results obtained interrogate variation in targeted sequences,
from replicate experiments correlate (repro- thereby bypassing the need of shotgun
ducibility); cost; ease of use and amount of library construction.
DNA required per experiment. The most The main disadvantages of using MIPs
widely used approaches to target enrichment for target enrichment are: first, the capture
are described below. uniformity, though markedly improved, is far
PCR has been the most widely used pre- less than that of hybridization, which is the
sequencing sample preparation technique foremost challenge of this approach; second,
for over 20 years (Saiki et al., 1988), and it is MIP oligonucleotides can be costly and
particularly suitable for a Sanger sequencing- difficult to obtain in large numbers to cover
based approach and also potentially com- large target sets; last, but not least, MIPs do
patible with any next-generation sequencing not offer flexibility to address a range of
platform. To achieve high throughput, a related applications such as DNA methylation,
large number of amplicons must be RNA editing and allelic imbalance in
sequenced together. However, it is difficult to expression (Deng et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009;
multiplex with PCR to any useful degree: the Zhang et al., 2009).
simultaneous use of many primer pairs can The hybrid capture approaches are well
generate a high level of non-specific amplifi- established and based on the principle of
cation, caused by interactions between the direct selection (Love et al., 1991; Parimoo
primers, and moreover amplicons can fail to et al., 1991). Roche NimbleGen and their
amplify (Wang et al., 1998; Li et al., 2009). collaborators were the first to adapt the on-
Clever derivatives of multiplex PCR have array capture technology which was com-
been developed (Fredriksson et al., 2007; patible with next-generation sequencing
Meuzelaar et al., 2007; Varley and Mitra, (Albert et al., 2007; Hodges et al., 2007; Okou
Next-generation Sequencing Methods 153
et al., 2007). More recently, an array with 2.1 methods is that the ability to capture large
million probes, which could capture up to 34 target regions in a single experiment is more
Mb of target DNA sequences, has been made rapid and convenient than PCR. Target
available. This technology was designed enrichment can be a highly effective way of
originally for use with the Roche 454 reducing sequencing time and cost, and it has
sequencer, but many groups have made a the power to bring the practice of genomics
considerable amount of effort to modify and into smaller laboratories, as well as being an
optimize protocols to use with the Illumina invaluable tool for the detection of disease-
genome analyser. causing variants. However, target enrichment
There are obvious advantages of on- requires increased cost of and time on sample
array target enrichment of large regions over preparation. Assuming that the throughput
PCR-based approaches: the former is far of next-generation runs and the ability to
faster and less laborious than PCR. But there analyse large numbers of whole-genome data
are also drawbacks: working with microarray sets both continue to increase and the cost per
slides requires expensive hardware, such as a base of sequence continues to decrease, a
hybridization station. Additionally, the point will be reached where it is no longer
throughput is low: the upper limit of the economical to perform target enrichment of a
number of arrays that a single person can single sample compared to whole-genome
perform realistically each day is approxi- sequencing.
mately 24. Finally, in order to construct
enough DNA libraries for a target-enrichment
experiment, it is necessary to start the library 10.2.2 Shotgun sequencing
preparation with a relatively large amount of
DNA, around 10–15 μg, irrespective of Whole-genome shotgun sequencing can
whether the capture experiment is for only a provide the entire genetic information from
very short stretch of DNA or for an entire DNA samples and has been applied broadly
exome. in genome studies of single organisms. In
To overcome these disadvantages, both metagenomics studies, from such shotgun
Agilent and NimbleGen have also developed sequencing data, functional genes of both
in-solution capture protocols. The general cultured and uncultured microbes can be
principle is similar to array capture, but deduced and even the entire genomes of
whereas an on-array target enrichment uses those microbes can be reconstructed, so the
a vast excess of DNA library over probes, in- method has been adopted when determining
solution capture provides an excess of the functional composition of a microbial
probes over templates, which drives the community rather than the traditional
hybridization reaction further to completion description based on phylogenetic surveys of
using a smaller quantity of the sequencing 16S rRNA gene. For example, proteorhodopsin-
library (Gnirke et al., 2009). In-solution target based photostrophy or ammonia-oxidizing
enrichment can be performed on 96-well Archaea were discovered by this type of
plates, using a thermal cycler, so it is more metagenomic study. Recently, with the
readily scaleable than on-array enrichment rapidly dropping cost of sequencing, shotgun
and it does not require specialized sequencing has been widely accepted and has
equipment. become accessible for smaller-scale labora-
It is intuitive that one would want to tories. However, the analysis and annotation
compare approaches of target enrichment of the huge amount of data produced by
quantitatively. The specificity of PCR will shotgun sequencing is still a challenge. Here,
almost certainly always exceed that of hybrid we will describe the standard analysis
capture, and its uniformity may never be pipeline for exploring the sequence data,
matched by either hybrid capture or MIPs. especially emphasizing the three major steps:
But specificity and uniformity are not metagenome assembly, taxonomic assign-
everything: the key advantage of these other ment and functional annotation.
154 L. Xiao et al.
assembler) (Fig. 10.2a; Peng et al., 2011) All the software mentioned above target
isolates components that derive from similar the metagenome assembly, which is, however,
subspecies of the same species from the still at an early stage and needs more
complicated de Bruijn graph of a metagenomic development from both the wet and dry
data set. Second, Meta-IDBA reports the bench. On the other hand, most microbial
contigs of the subspecies using multiple communities are so extremely complex that
alignments to highlight possible variants. metagenome assembly is not amenable and a
Meta-IDBA can usually produce the longest gene-centric approach without assembly is
contigs, with similar accuracy and coverage sometimes feasible for metagenomic research.
compared with other assemblers, especially
for high-complexity data sets which contain
Taxonomic assignment
more branches since there are more genomes
in the data set. In 2012, the same author of Genomes of most uncultured bacteria can be
Meta-IDBA developed another version of captured easily by metagenomic sequencing
metagenome assembler – IDBA-UD (iterative without any isolation. However, a consequent
de Bruijn assembler with highly uneven obstacle one has to overcome in meta-
sequencing depth) (Peng et al., 2012) – which genomics study is the recovery of the
used multiple depth relative thresholds to genomic information of every single bac-
remove erroneous k-mers in both low-depth terium species from the pooled data set of a
and high-depth regions (Fig. 10.2b). The microbial community. To solve this problem,
technique of local assembly with paired-end a special technique has emerged in the
information is used to solve the branch recent decade, commonly named ‘binning’,
problem of low-depth, short repeat regions. ‘taxonomic classification’ or ‘phylogenetic
Reads from
metagenomic data Paired-end
(a) Step 1: IDBA (b)
Construct de Bruijn for
de Bruijn graph
Progressive depths
Small components
Local assembling
Step 4: Transform to alignments
Construct de Bruijn
for larger k
Fig. 10.2. (a) Workflow of the Meta-IDBA algorithm; (b) workflow of the IDBA-UD algorithm (both images
taken from Peng et al., 2011, 2012, with permission).
156 L. Xiao et al.
represents an a ractive option for analysing different abundances, and the difference in
more complex communities (McHardy and abundances could be utilized to detect
Rigoutsos, 2007). different species. Newly published software,
In supervised classification, fragments AbundanceBin, can be used to classify very
are assigned based on their compositional short sequences sampled from species with
signature of one out of many classes that have different abundance levels. The fundamental
previously been modelled from other data assumption of this software is that reads are
(the training data). In the training phase, the sampled from genomes following a Poisson
phylogenetic classifier determines which distribution, and in the context of
input features (or training items) are relevant metagenomics, the sequencing reads can be
for discrimination between different phylo- modelled as a mixture of Poisson distribution.
genetic classes, while for unsupervised AbundanceBin assigns reads to bins using
procedures no knowledge of relevance can be the fi ed Poisson distribution, and also gives
incorporated. Thus, irrelevant features and an estimation of genome size and the
class structures in the data contribute less to coverage of each bin, in an unsupervised
the classification result. Accuracy can be manner (Wu and Ye, 2011). So far, only a few
optimized by constructing sample-specific tools have been developed using this
models that include classes for the dominant abundance-based binning method, as well as
sample populations. The less covered a a metagenome assembler, like IDBA-UD.
particular phylum is in terms of sequenced With the advances of high-throughput
representatives, the more can be gained by sequencing technology and the rapid
the inclusion of sample-specific sequences for reduction of its cost, however, more and more
the creation of clade models. In some binning tools in metagenomics take the
research, the conserved marker genes have abundance information into account, as a
proven very useful for compiling the training complement to sequence composition.
data for the construction of novel clade
models. Empirically, the researchers found
Functional annotation
that a minimum of approximately 100 kb of
sequence allowed the construction of a good Gene prediction or gene finding refers to the
model for an individual clade. However, this process of identifying the regions of genomic
amount of training material may not be DNA that encode genes. This includes
readily available, particularly for populations protein-coding genes as well as RNA genes,
from currently unexplored clades, depending but may also include prediction of other
on the sequencing depth applied and com- functional elements such as regulatory
munity complexity (McHardy and Rigoutsos, regions. Gene finding is one of the first and
2007). most important steps in understanding the
The composition-based method relies on genome of a species once it has been
characteristics that can be extracted directly sequenced. In its earliest days, ‘gene finding’
from nucleotide sequences; for example, was based on painstaking experimentation
oligonucleotide frequencies. In particular, on living cells and organisms. Statistical
oligonucleotide frequencies have frequently analysis of the rates of homologous re-
been used because they carry a phylogenetic combination of several different genes could
signal and can classify different species by determine their order on a certain chromo-
machine learning. Some software based on some, and information from many such
SVM (support vector machine), SOM (self- experiments could be combined to create a
organizing map) and k-NN (k-nearest genetic map specifying the rough location of
neighbour algorithm) methods has been known genes relative to each other. Today,
published recently (Berger and Merkl, 2005; with comprehensive genome sequence and
Bremner et al., 2005). powerful computational resources at the
disposal of the research community, gene
ABUNDANCE-BASED METHOD. Metagenomic se- finding has been redefined as a large
quences may be sampled from species of very computational problem. Determining that a
158 L. Xiao et al.
authentic genes. Wur el et al. detected 162 10.3.2 The Human Microbiome Project
genes in S. solfataricus for which the actual
transcription start site (TSS) occurred The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) is
downstream of the one predicted, which funded as an initiative of the NIH Roadmap
reflected the tendency of automated gene for Biomedical Research and is a multi-
prediction to select the largest possible ORFs component community resource (HMP,
(Wur el et al., 2010). 2010). The HMP is targeting five body sites to
keep efforts focused: the gastrointestinal
tract, the oral cavity, the vagina, the skin and
10.3 Demonstration Projects of
the nasal passage. HMP sequenced bacteria
NGS-based Metagenomics Study
strain genome from these five body sites
10.3.1 Metagenome of the human using both Roche-454 and Illumina-Solexa
intestinal tract (MetaHIT) gene methods. After sequencing was completed,
catalogue draft genomes were assembled using the
Newbler assembler or other assembler
The strategy of sequencing mainly used in software and were annotated by automated
the MetaHIT project is the Illumina genome annotation pipelines. Commencing in 2010, a
analyser (GA) technology, which is one of the catalogue of reference genomes from the
most successful and widely adopted next- human microbiome, including 900 strain
generation sequencing platforms worldwide. genomes, has been established within 2 years:
Qin and colleagues established a catalogue of the project catalogue is dynamic and is
non-redundant human intestinal microbial revised on a regular basis as new organisms
genes by deep sequencing of the total DNA are nominated for inclusion and move
from faecal samples of 124 European adults through the sequencing process (HMP, 2010).
(Qin et al., 2010). About 576.7 Gb of sequence The HMP studies the human microbiome,
was generated and assembled into contigs, not only the single bacterial genome in
and a predicted 3.3 million unique ORFs humans but also the microbiome population,
were identified. This gene catalogue con- including population diversity, etc. To
tained virtually all of the prevalent gut characterize the ecology of human-associated
microbial genes in the cohort, provided a microbial communities, the HMP (HMP, 2012)
broad view of the functions important to the has analysed a total of 4788 specimens from
gut bacteria and indicated that many 242 screened and phenotyped adults.
bacterial species were shared by different Microbial samples were collected from the
individuals. The 3.3 million non-redundant many body sites distributed among five major
ORFs were annotated by being aligned to the body areas in every volunteer at two different
integrated NCBI-nr database of non- times. After DNA extraction and quality
redundant protein sequences, the genes in control, all the samples were used for 16S
the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and rRNA gene analysis via 454 pyrosequencing,
Genomes) (Ogata et al., 1999) pathways and focusing on the V3–5 variable region (Nossa et
COG (clusters of orthologous groups; al., 2010), as amplified by the 357F/926R
Tatusov et al., 2001) and eggNOG (evo- primers. To analyse the function, 749 samples
lutionary genealogy of genes: non-supervised were sequenced using 101 bp paired-end
orthologous groups) databases (Jensen et al., Illumina shotgun metagenomic reads. The
2008). There were 77.1% genes classified into standard data analysis pipeline is shown in
phylotypes, 57.5% to eggNOG clusters, Fig. 10.4. For the 16S rRNA gene data, quality
47.0% to KEGG orthology and 18.7% genes control of the raw reads was performed using
assigned to KEGG pathways, respectively. QIIME (quantitative insights into microbial
Genes that were not mapped to orthologous ecology), after quality filtering. OTU picking
groups were clustered into gene families. was performed for V3–5 region sequences
The pipeline devised in the project is shown using OTUPipe. Taxonomy was assigned
in Fig. 10.3. using the database of the Ribosomal Database
Next-generation Sequencing Methods 161
Fresh faecal
DNA extract
ORF prediction
Removing redundancy
gene set
Functional annotation
Function information
Fig. 10.3. The construction of the human gut microbial gene catalogue (adapted from Qin et al., 2010).
Fresh faecal = fresh faesces or fresh faecal samples; removing redundancy = removing redundant genes.
Project (RDP), re-trained using the healthy subjects, with strong niche special-
GreenGenes taxonomy. Alpha and beta ization both within and among individuals
diversity for each sample/sample pair and (HMP, 2012). Metagenomic carriage of meta-
Procrustes analyses were established using bolic pathways was stable among individuals,
QIIME with default parameters. Mothur was despite variation in community structure, and
used to classify sequences to phylotypes using ethnic background proved to be one of the
the RDP taxonomy. For the metagenomics strongest associations of both pathways and
data, acquisition and processing are also microbes from clinical metagenomic data.
detailed elsewhere including assembly, gene
prediction and gene annotation. A non-
redundant gene catalogue was made from the 10.3.3 The human gut microbiome viewed
gene index using USEARCH48, with 95% across age and geography
identity and 90% coverage thresholds.
The HMP consortium reported that the In a study of the human gut microbiome
diversity and abundance of each habitat’s viewed across age and geography (Yatsunenko
signature microbes varied widely among et al., 2012), faecal samples from a total of 531
162 L. Xiao et al.
Function information
Fig. 10.4. The standard data analytical pipeline of the HMP (adapted from HMP, 2012).
individuals (from 151 families) were collected: 2. Total community DNA from a subset of
115 individuals were from 34 families of 110 faecal samples was sequenced by mul-
Malawi; 100 individuals were from 19 families tiple shotgun 454 pyrosequencing. The shot-
of Venezuela; and 316 individuals were from gun reads were filtered using customized
98 families of the USA. With the purpose rules; the filtered reads were annotated to
of deciphering the phylogenetic types KEGG orthology group (KO) assignments,
(phylotypes) and characterized functions with Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers by
encoded in the community DNA, the research BLASTX to generate function information.
team designed a strategy, as below (Fig. 10.5).
Based on these analyses, during the first 3
1. Variable region 4 of the bacterial 16S ribo- years of life in all three populations, the
somal RNA gene was amplified by PCR, and shared functional maturation of the gut
the amplicons were sequenced on an Illumina microbiome was identified, including age-
HiSeq 2000 instrument. The Illumina reads associated changes in the genes involved
were then filtered using a closed-reference in vitamin biosynthesis and metabolism.
OTU picking protocol against the GreenGenes Pronounced differences in bacterial and
database with USEARCH (h p:// functional genes were noted between the US
usearch/; Edgar, 2010) using the QIIME suite residents and those in the other two countries.
of software tools. The OTUs were defined as a
cluster of organisms whose V4 regions of the
16S rRNA gene showed an identity of >=97% 10.3.4 Metatranscriptomic study
at the nucleotide level. The OTU phenotype
definition information was used in the analy- Metagenomic findings are remodelling our
sis of the samples’ bacterial taxonomy. knowledge of gene content as well as of
Next-generation Sequencing Methods 163
Fresh faecal
DNA extraction
Phenotype Function
Fig. 10.5. The strategy designed in Gordon’s research (Yatsunenko et al., 2012). The samples were used
to identify the phenotype and functions with 16S rRNA gene sequencing and metagenomic shotgun
sequencing, respectively. Fresh faecal = fresh faeces or fresh faecal samples; PCR amplified = PCR
amplification; sequenced on HiSeq2000 = sequencing using the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform.
functional and genetic variability in the Database (SSUrdb) described by Urich and
microbiome. However, li le is known about co-workers (Urich et al., 2008). Second, all
the active bacteria and their functions in the sequences that remained unassigned as SSU
gastrointestinal tract. Moya and colleagues rRNA were analysed with the Large Subunit
performed a metatranscriptomic study on ten rRNA Reference Database (LSUrdb). About
healthy volunteers to elucidate the active 17.23% of the total number of sequences
members of the gut microbiome and their corresponded to 16S cDNAs from active
functionality under conditions of health bacteria and 0.47% to eukaryote 18S rRNA.
(Gosalbes et al., 2011). Each read previously assigned as a 16S rRNA
A step-wise analysis was set up to detect gene transcript was classified with the
different RNA types from the filtered RNA Ribosomal Database Project-II (RDP) (Cole et
reads, such as rRNAs, mRNAs and other al., 2007) to study the taxonomic classification
non-coding RNAs, in order to study them of the active microbiota in faecal samples.
separately. First, these reads were compared To explore the potential function of the
against the Small Subunit rRNA Reference gut microbiota in the ten faecal samples, the
164 L. Xiao et al.
Fresh faecal
RNAs extract
454 pyrosequencing
Raw reads
Quality control
High-quality reads
Fig. 10.6. Flowchart of a metatranscriptomic study. Fresh faecal = fresh faeces or fresh faecal samples;
RNAs extract = RNAs extraction.
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11 Metabonomics for Understanding Gut
Microbiome and Host Metabolic Interplay
SAMPLES tissues
cells and media
full resolution of the spectrum. Spectral peak alignment (RSPA) method is available
regions containing only noise or the residual to reduce variability in peak positions (Fig.
water peak, which is subject to variation in 11.2), and it has been shown to enhance the
suppression efficiency, can be removed, as robustness of multivariate statistical models
they would introduce bias to the classification. (Veselkov et al., 2009).
In cases where there are strong signals
deriving from either dietary factors or drugs, NORMALIZATION. Normalization is an important
it may be expedient to remove these also. preprocessing step as it partially accom-
modates different dilutions of samples by
PEAK ALIGNMENT. Intrinsic factors in the scaling the spectral data to the same overall
dilution, pH and ionic strength of samples, concentration, which maximizes the
particularly urine, can cause variation in the sensitivity of the analysis and minimizes the
peak position across a set of spectra, and this effects of variation which is not related to
‘positional noise’ can complicate further classification and which may be unavoidable
statistical modelling and potentially intro- during the sampling process, such as
duce bias, leading to inaccurate interpretation. variations in urinary concentration from
A recently developed recursive segment-wise individual to individual and in weight of
Non-aligned data
Intensity (a.u.)
δ1H ppm
Intensity (a.u.)
tissue biopsies. Normalization to total spectral For example, the analysis of bile acids in both
area or probabilistic quotient normalization biofluids (Want et al., 2010a) and tissue
are the two most commonly used methods, extracts (Swann et al., 2011b) has promoted
with the la er being particularly robust to research on the microbial modification of bile
samples with anomalous characteristics such acids and lipid absorption. As a complement
as high urinary glucose concentrations in to reverse phase UPLC-MS, a recently
diabetic participants (Dieterle et al., 2006; De resurgent technique of hydrophilic
Meyer et al., 2010). interaction LC (HILIC)-UPLC-MS has been
demonstrated to exhibit good retention of
SCALING. The spectra are often scaled to unit polar compounds and has begun to emerge
variance to confer equal weight across all in metabonomic studies (Cubbon et al., 2010;
spectral variables, which prevents the high Spagou et al., 2011). GC is suitable for volatile
concentration, and often hypervariable, metabolites and has the advantage of the
chemical components from dominating the availability of well-developed databases for
analyses. Alternatively, log transformation is metabolite identification. A limitation of the
another strategy for reducing the bias of high technology is that sample derivatization is
dynamic range in the data. usually a prerequisite. Nevertheless, GC-MS
After these preprocessing steps, the is the preferred method for measuring and
resulting spectral data are ready for multi- quantifying short-chain fa y acids (SCFAs)
variate data analysis. This will be presented and is therefore a useful tool in reporting on
in Section 11.2.3. the functionality of the gut microbiota in
terms of its capacity for energy generation.
CE-MS is also becoming popular for meta-
bonomic studies due to its low instrumental
11.2.2 Mass spectrometry
cost and easy implementation in any
laboratory. Unlike UPLC, CE separates
Basic principles
metabolites based on charge-to-mass ratios
MS has been widely used for metabolic and is particularly suitable for analysing
fingerprinting, for both targeted and un- polar and charged compounds. Each fraction
targeted profiling. It is usually coupled with from a prior separation instrument is sub-
a prior separation system such as liquid sequently introduced into an ionization
chromatography (LC), gas chromatography source, where the molecules can be positively
(GC) or capillary electrophoresis (CE) to (positive ionization mode) or negatively
reduce the complexity of a biological sample. (negative ionization mode) charged, and the
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography resulting ions can be recorded in the form of
(UPLC) is often chosen as a separation mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), typically using a
system for metabolic profiling studies since it time-of-flight (TOF) instrument. However, to
reduces the experimental running time date, CE-MS is not typically suitable for
significantly by approximately tenfold high-throughput screening, and biomarker
compared with the conventional LC system identification can be difficult, requiring
by use of columns packed with smaller additional experiments such as employing
particle sizes allowing for use of higher tandem MS or running standard compounds.
pressure, which results in be er resolved Such a system generates large data sets
peaks. Another advantage of UPLC consisting of chromatographic retention
separation is that the ion suppression time, mass to charge (m/z) ratios and their
problem encountered in mass spectrometry intensities. Because of analytical drifts in the
is reduced by the higher resolution of peak chromatographic conditions, retention time
separation. UPLC-MS methods for the varies across samples and hence sophisticated
targeted analysis of specified molecular statistical analysis methods need to be
classes have proved particularly successful. applied.
178 J.V. Li and E. Holmes
Exemplar experimental protocol for mass of all test samples is often injected at a typical
spectrometry frequency of one QC every ten experimental
A typical method for UPLC-MS is described
here as it is the most widely used technique
for MS-based metabolic fingerprinting.
UPLC-MS data preprocessing
Sample preparation is fairly straightforward,
as described below: UPLC-MS data sets are complex, consisting
of peak retention time, molecular mass and
1. Media and cell intracellular extracts can be
intensity of each mass. Hence, an extensive
resuspended in water for UPLC-MS analysis
preprocessing strategy including filtration
instead of phosphate buffer, which is typi-
and picking of peaks, alignment (to retention
cally used in preparation for NMR.
time correction or to mass) and normalization
2. Urine samples are usually diluted with
is essential to ensure the accuracy of statistical
water in a 1:1 ratio for humans or a 1:3 ratio
output (Jonsson et al., 2005).
for rodents and centrifuged to remove partic-
ulate ma er from the sample. Alternatively,
samples can be filtered using syringe filters to
to reduce the mass resolution to unit
remove urinary proteins and particulates.
resolution by choosing peaks above a defined
One note of caution is that a ention should
noise level. An average ion chromatogram
be paid to the choice of filters in order to
from all samples is often calculated and each
minimize the chemical contaminants intro-
averaged m/z is used for peak picking. The
duced by the extra filtration step (Want et al.,
integrated peak area or peak height can be
used as a quantitative measure for defining a
3. Faecal extracts for NMR analysis can be
injected directly for UPLC-MS analysis.
Alternatively, faecal material can be extracted
ALIGNMENT. Identified peaks from all samples
using water and filtered in order to remove
are subsequently aligned to the averaged ion
large particles that could potentially block
chromatogram, which allows the correction
the LC column.
of retention time shift. Alignment for mass
4. Plasma or serum samples contain both
drift is also sometimes necessary. Various
high (e.g. proteins, micro RNAs) and low
options to overcome drift in either retention
(organic acids) molecular weight compounds.
time or mass detection range from simple
The preparation of plasma and serum
binning procedures to application of
samples requires the removal of high mol-
algorithms such as alternating least squares
ecular weight species by using organic
to minimize the variation in signal position.
solvents such as methanol to precipitate these
compounds and obtain the low molecular
DATA REDUCTION. UPLC-MS data consist of
weight metabolite-containing supernatant
three dimensions: samples (or objects),
(Dunn et al., 2011). Dunn et al. have reported
retention time and mass. The data therefore
that methanol:sample (v:v, 3:1) is the most
need to be compressed into a user-friendly
efficient method for macromolecule removal
format for further multivariate data analysis.
at room temperature (≈20°C) (Dunn et al.,
The time dimension is divided into a number
2011). As enzymes are present in plasma
of narrow buckets, with each bucket
samples, controlling the preparation temper-
containing a 2-D matrix with sample dimen-
ature is crucial to avoid further enzymatic
sion and m/z, and these 2-D matrices are
activity at 37°C.
subsequently combined to form a final
All prepared samples can be pipe ed into a matrix, which is subjected to multivariate
96-well plate or glass vials pending UPLC-MS analysis (Fig. 11.3).
measurement. To ascertain the quality and
stability of the instrument, a QC sample or NORMALIZATION. As aforementioned in NMR
samples formed by pooling a certain amount spectral data normalization, a similar
Gut Microbiome and Host Metabolic Interplay 179
PC2 (t2)
PC1 (t1) p1
K (e.g. ppm, RT+M)
Fig. 11.4. Representation of multidimensional space mapping of spectral data through principal
component analysis (PCA). A total of 12 typical partial NMR spectra (a) are digitized and converted into X
matrix consisting of N rows and K columns. Samples are plotted in a multivariable dimensional space (b)
and subtracted by their mean value (c). Data are then scaled to obtain an equal footing using scaling
methods (d). Two principal components are calculated and define a plane, where samples (dots) are
projected on to it to form a scores plot (f). Each point on Fig. 11.4f represents one observation (e.g. an
NMR spectrum). The corresponding loadings (p) plot (g) shows the variables (e.g. chemical shift)
contributing most to the separation of observations.
Gut Microbiome and Host Metabolic Interplay 181
commonly used, such as scaling to unit data points representing all observations are
variance, also called auto scaling, and Pareto projected on to this plane, the resulting
scaling. In unit variance scaling, each variable diagram is called a scores plot, where the
is divided by its standard deviation, such that points within the same cluster share a high
the weight of a variable with a large variance similarity and ones belonging to the separated
will shrink, while a small variance of a variable clusters are biochemically different (Fig.
will be stretched. Hence, all the variables have 11.4f). The corresponding loadings plot (pb ,
equal variance and no variable can dominate where b is the number of the component)
over another, so that small variations in the displays the variables that influence the score
levels of low concentration signals in the plot (Fig. 11.4g), hence revealing information
spectra will be detected. Unit variance scaling on the relationship between the pa erns of
is useful when variables have a broad range of similarity/difference in the scores plot and
variance and are not directly comparable. yielding information on metabolites that
However, scaling to unit variance can make discriminate two discrete conditions, e.g.
the model prone to artefacts introduced by healthy versus disease. This information can
noise; therefore, it is not normally used for the be used to identify potential biomarkers for
analysis of UPLC-MS data. With Pareto specific conditions such as the presence of a
scaling, each variable is divided by the square particular disease.
root of its standard deviation. This scaling
method is a compromise between not scaling
Projection to latent structures (PLS) and
and applying unit variance scaling. There are
orthogonal signal correction-PLS (O-PLS)
many other forms of scaling, such as
logarithmic transform, etc.: these are not often PLS is used extensively for regression
applied in NMR data analysis but are more modelling. PLS comprises not only an X
commonly used in the analysis of MS data. matrix (e.g. NMR spectra) but also a Y matrix
PCA finds points, lines, planes and representing quantitative values, usually of
hyperplanes in a K dimensional space; some sort of measure of response (e.g.
however, since pa erns can be hard to find in concentrations of metabolites, worm burden,
data of high dimensionality, PCA compresses bacterial levels). PLS, as a regression
a large data set by reducing the dimensionality extension of PCA, is used to calculate a
without much loss of information. For this quantitative relationship between X and Y. A
reason, PCA defines an axis of the first PLS model indicates the linear link between
component which goes through the mean data set X and corresponding response Y,
centre of the data and minimizes the square thus explaining how the data matrix X
of the distance of each point to that axis, correlates with the response matrix Y.
which is also called the coordinate value or However, any systematic variations in the
scores, represented by tb, where b is the X matrix which are not linked to the Y matrix
number of the component (Fig. 11.4e). In will introduce some noise into the model and
other words, the first principal component can compromise the strong correlation
(PC1) expresses the maximum variation in the between two matrices, possibly obscuring the
data. The second principal component (PC2) metabolite biomarkers which are potentially
must meet three conditions: it must (i) pass important to data interpretation.
through the centre point; (ii) be orthogonal to O-PLS (PLS with an inbuilt orthogonal
the first component; and (iii) best describe the signal correction filter) is an optimized
data set using the remaining variables. method based on PLS. It applies a data-
Subsequent components obey the same rules, filtering algorithm to the data before PLS
being orthogonal to all other components. analysis is performed. Orthogonal signal
Thus, generally, the components occur in correction (OSC), as a mathematical tool, can
order of significance. In most cases, the first remove or suppress the systematic variations
two or three components can be selected to from the X or Y matrices which are non-
explain the dominant variance in a data set. If relevant to the X or Y matrix correlations. The
a 2-D plane is defined by PC1 and PC2, all advantage of O-PLS is in separating the
182 J.V. Li and E. Holmes
systematic variation in the X matrix into a protons and carbons of an unknown com-
linear correlation to Y, and a non-correlation pound, as described previously. Diffusion
to Y by adding orthogonal components. The editing pulse sequences can be used to exploit
resulting interpretation usually focuses solely properties relating to molecular weight or
on the linear correlation between the data mobility, and separation methods can be used
sets. to isolate chemical candidates partially or
totally prior to further NMR or MS. It is
possible to use hyphenated systems such as
Projection to latent structures-discriminant
HPLC-NMR-MS, where HPLC is used as a
analysis (PLS-DA) and O-PLS-DA
separation step to simplify the profile and
PLS-DA is similar to PLS but addresses the then 95% of each separated peak is transferred
discrimination between discrete classes by into the NMR spectrometer and the remaining
the use of a class membership indicator in the 5% goes into MS to obtain the molecular mass
Y matrix. Here, the Y matrix contains for the separated component. This online
qualitative values and is used to define two or technique allows us to combine the inform-
more classes, encoded in discrete fashion, e.g. ation from both NMR spectroscopy and MS.
by 1 or 0 on the basis of prior knowledge of In terms of MS methods, tandem MS/MS is
observation class membership. The PLS-DA used to augment structural information by
method provides a maximum separation of fragmentation of the parent ion to provide
observations in the X matrix according to the information on the substructure of a molecule.
classification information in the Y matrix. In addition to experimental solutions,
O-PLS-DA is an extension of the PLS-DA advanced development on statistical analyses
method. As explained for O-PLS, the resulting nowadays also provides an opportunity to
multivariate models of O-PLS-DA with seek the correlation between the peaks from
orthogonal components will only be focused the same molecule or the same biological
on class discrimination, since variation un- pathway (e.g. statistical total correlation
correlated to the biological response is spectroscopy (STOCSY); Cloarec et al., 2005).
removed or suppressed. Approaches are also available for statistical
linkage of data sets obtained from different
analytical platforms (e.g. statistical hetero-
11.2.4 Biomarker identification spectroscopy, or SHY) in order to maximize
the potential of information recovery by
Multivariate statistical models allow surrogate harnessing correlations between both the
markers of biological events to be identified in unique and shared components of the profiles
the form of discrete chemical shifts or in generated by each platform (Crockford et al.,
particular ions with retention time. These 2006; Garcia-Perez et al., 2010).
surrogate markers must then be identified so
that they can be assigned to a given molecule
and put into biological networks to aid 11.2.5 Statistical validation and biological
interpretation of the biological process. validation
Several analytical options are available for
biomarker characterization. Chemical data- Validation remains a challenge in top-down
bases and published literature sources are systems biology. Statistical validation can be
good resources for researchers to narrow performed by predicting the biological
down the potential candidates and include outcome for an independent test set on a
ChemSpider, the human metabolome data- model built based on a training data set.
base (HMDB) (Wishart et al., 2007, 2009) and There are a number of validation methods
METLIN (Smith et al., 2005), among others. available such as N-fold cross validation,
Another option is to apply further leave-one-out cross validation, bootstrapping,
analytical experiments. In terms of NMR and so on. However, biological validation is
spectroscopy, various 2-D NMR spectroscopy of paramount importance for confirming
can be employed to find the connectivity of biomarker functions in biological context,
Gut Microbiome and Host Metabolic Interplay 183
since false discovery rates are a problem for metabolic trajectory in urinary composition
multivariate data, particularly where over 21 days, after which the metabolic
variables are not truly independent, even profile stabilized, indicating the changing
though appropriate correction for multiple metabolic component deriving from micro-
testing is made (e.g. Bonferroni, etc.). bial colonization in the gut during the
Biological validation is a bo leneck and acclimatization process. Nicholls et al.
needs careful consideration in designing reported that urinary metabolic features
experiments. For example, germ-free animals shifted from the dominant presence of
implanted with a particular bacterial group imidazoles in the NMR urine spectra (day 0)
can be used to examine its bioactivities. to phenylacetylglycine (PAG, day 2),
However, it has been argued that germ-free 4-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid (4-HPPA,
animals fail to represent the ‘normal’ day 9), 3- hydroxyphenylpropionic acid (3-
metabolic status. Therefore, molecular tracing HPPA, day 17) and finally hippurate (day 21)
approaches are needed. Stable isotope (Nicholls et al., 2003). Arguably, germ-free
probing has been demonstrated to be a direct animals do not represent a good translational
means to trace the metabolic events related to model for studying the functionality of the
the labelled compounds (Date et al., 2010; microbiota, since they have intrinsically
Venema, 2010; Zamboni, 2011). underdeveloped immunological responses,
shortened microvilli and many other
structural and functional differences com-
11.3 Applications of Metabonomics pared to conventional animals. However, the
on the Interplay of Mammalian Host work of Yap et al. in vancomycin-treated
and Gut Microbiota conventional mice supported these observ-
ations in germ-free colonizing mice and
Applications of metabolic profiling in in- found urinary hippurate levels dropped
vestigating the interplay between mammalian dramatically following antibiotic treatment
host and the gut microbiota have been and recovered to pretreatment level 19 days
reviewed recently by Holmes and co-workers after cessation of antibiotic administration
(Holmes et al., 2011). To date, investigative (Yap et al., 2008). Han-Wistar rats treated with
studies have focused on animal models in penicillin and streptomycin sulfate exhibited
order to characterize the microbial activities a reduction in urinary host–microbial co-
influencing health and disease. A growing metabolites (e.g. hippurate, PAG, HPPA and
number of human studies in various disease indoxyl sulfate) and an increase in tri-
contexts are being undertaken as the capacity carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates
for both high-throughput sequencing and including citrate, 2-oxoglutarate and
high-throughput metabolic profiling increases. fumarate (Swann et al., 2011a). Microbial re-
colonization following antibiotic treatment is
environment dependent (e.g. cage difference),
11.3.1 Germ-free/antibiotics models and altered levels of indoxyl sulfate and TCA
intermediates have been found to be
To study the exact nature of the metabolic associated with Lactobacillus/Enterococcus
handshake between the mammalian host and counts (Swann et al., 2011a). A metabonomic
the gut microbiota, several classic models study on bacterial colonization in axenic mice
have been employed extensively, including showed stimulated glycogenesis in the liver
germ-free animals (Nicholls et al., 2003; prior to increased hepatic triglyceride
Wikoff et al., 2009; Swann et al., 2011a), germ- synthesis (Claus et al., 2011). The levels of
free animals implanted with particular bacterial phyla (Actinobacteria and Tenericutes)
groups of microbiota deriving from humans were significantly predicted by these hepatic
or other animals (Faith et al., 2011) and metabolites (e.g. triglycerides, glycogen and
antibiotic-treated conventional animals (Yap glucose). This association characterized by
et al., 2008). Germ-free rats, after exposure to statistic modelling provides fundamental
the laboratory environment, displayed a clear mechanistic hypotheses and aids in under-
184 J.V. Li and E. Holmes
standing the bidirectional interactions of host approaches hold great potential in delivering
metabolism and the gut microbiota (Claus et mechanistic hypotheses by integrating micro-
al., 2011). bial data sets with the metabolic profiles of
Bile acids are well known to facilitate various biofluids and tissue compartments.
lipid absorption and signal systemic For instance, Waldram et al. investigated the
endocrine functions to regulate triglyceride, metabotype–microbiome associations in
cholesterol, glucose and energy homeostasis, obese Zucker rats. The urinary hippurate and
and they are modified extensively by the gut formiminoglutamic acid levels were highly
microbiota (Trauner et al., 2010). UPLC-MS- correlated with denaturing gradient gel
based metabolic phenotyping has been electrophoresis (DGGE) data where Sphin-
employed to assess bile acid levels in tissue gomonas sp. and Halomonas sp. were well
compartments such as the heart, liver and predicted by NMR data (Waldram et al.,
kidney, with higher taurine-conjugated bile 2009). Lactobacilli and Clostridium were found
acids and lower diversity in germ-free/ to be highly correlated with faecal amino
antibiotics-treated animals compared with acids and phenolic compounds such as
conventional rats (Swann et al., 2011b). Serum hydroxyphenyl acetate and hydroxyphenyl
taurine-conjugated bile acids were also found propionate in patients with irritable bowel
to be elevated in rats following galactosamine syndrome (Ponnusamy et al., 2011).
exposure and highly correlated with liver
damage severity (Want et al., 2010a).
SCFAs are produced primarily by gut 11.3.3 Functional analyses of the gut
microbial fermentation of indigestible polys- microbiota in therapeutic interventions
accharides and fibre. These resulting SCFAs
can be utilized by the colonic epithelial cells The therapeutic value of the microbiota has
(butyrate) and absorbed by mucosa (acetate become a hot topic as our awareness of its
and propionate) for host energy requirement. function in human health and disease
For instance, butyrate is a principal energy increases. Direct or indirect modifications of
source for epithelial cell growth and the microbiota under certain circumstances
differentiation (Donohoe et al., 2011), whereas are believed to deliver therapeutic efficacy.
acetate can be taken up into peripheral tissues However, the characterization of microbial
via the liver and metabolized in the muscle modification by medication or surgical
(Salminen et al., 1998). interventions and underlying mechanisms
remain largely as hypotheses, and research in
this area is underdeveloped. Metabolic
11.3.2 Functional analyses of the gut phenotyping in combination with microbial
microbiota in human health and disease profiling strategy applied in bariatric surgery
has given a good example of the potential to
In addition to classic models for discovering explore the impact of microbial modulation
baseline information about the presence and on health. Bariatric surgery is the most
functionality of the microbiota via the presence effective treatment for obesity and type 2
of their metabolic products found in diabetes in morbidly obese patients. Meta-
mammalian biofluids and tissues, research bolic data from a rodent model of Roux-en-Y
interests drive the focus of host–microbiota gastric bypass (RYGB) revealed increases in
exploration towards human health and energy expenditure and host–microbial co-
disease. A wide range of diseases, including metabolites in urine. These metabolites, such
gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. colon cancer, as p-Cresol glucuronide, phenylacetylglycine
irritable bowel disease), acquired diseases and hippurate, were significantly positively
(e.g. obesity), immune-related syndromes (e.g. correlated with gamma-proteobacteria, espe-
allergy) and even neurological disorders (e.g. cially Enterobacter hormaechei. Bile acids were
autism, Alzheimer’s disease), have been found found to be lower (mainly unconjugated) in
to be associated with the gut microbiota faecal water, whereas in plasma they
(Sekirov et al., 2010). Metabolic profiling exhibited higher levels post-RYGB, indicating
Gut Microbiome and Host Metabolic Interplay 185
the microbial modification of bile acids and amines, benzoates, chlorogenic acids, bile
alterations in bile acid recycling and lipid acids, hormones and other organic com-
absorption (Mutch et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011). pounds found in different biofluids and
These results take us one step closer to tissue compartments. This allows us to model
understanding the mechanistic insight of systemically and map the metabolic inter-
bariatric surgery in weight loss and improved actions between host and microbe and to
type 2 diabetes resolution. explore the impact on the status of various
Advances in both metabolic profiling organs (Fig. 11.5). Metabolic profiling is
approaches and microbiomic analysis have therefore an important arm of the framework
allowed correlations between microbial and for understanding the broad role of the
metabolic phenotypes and have promoted microbiota in human and animal health that
research on host–microbial metabolic cross- will ultimately enhance our knowledge of
talk. Statistical integration methods such as disease aetiology and has the potential to
two-dimensional correlation (Li et al., 2008) provide new therapeutic targets.
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