Multicompartment Models: Prof. Dr. Henny Lucida, Apt
Multicompartment Models: Prof. Dr. Henny Lucida, Apt
Multicompartment Models: Prof. Dr. Henny Lucida, Apt
2.0 11.00
Step1. Transform data to log Cp
2.0 1.0414
Plot log Cp vs time
Step 2. Determine the linear regression of line b
(after 4 hr), these data represent only the
elimination process thus the slopeof line is equal
to K
C p Be bt
logC p logB
The linear regression:
Y1=1.1785 – 0.0915 X1 (r=-0.9999)
Slope = -0.0915; b = 0.2107/hr
B=antilog 1.1785= 15.0834 mg/mL
Equation for b : Cp = 15.08 e-0.21t
Step 3. The ka is determined residually by subtracting the data point at
< 4 hr with the fitted data using linear regression of b.
At these data point, the absorption process is predominant, then the
slope would be the ka.
This step would be easily solved by using a semi-logarithmic paper.
Then the linear regression of the subtracted data is determined:
Y2 = 1.6727 – 0.8055 X2
The slope = -0.8055, then a or ka = 1.8551/hr
The intercept = 1.6727, then A or the C0 = antilog 1.6727 = 47.0652
Equation for a : Cp = 47.06 e-1.85t
Thus the profile of plasma conc based on two compartment model is