Lucr ST Publicata
Lucr ST Publicata
Lucr ST Publicata
In this direction, a key instrument is made by the implementation of the
HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) organized according to
the ISO 9000 principles, in all business enterprises with activities in the
production, distribution, trade or serving food products.
The HACCP is a scientific system for the management of food safety. The
system is used for the planning and insertion of the procedures necessary for the
prevention, elimination or reduction to acceptable levels of the risks that could
affect food safety (any biological, chemical or physical agent that in certain
conditions may produce negative effects on the health of the consumer).
The concepts underlying the HACCP system originate in the research from
the beginning of the 60’s concerning the risks of infection with Salmonella and
the development of a quality safety system made by the NASA, Natick
Laboratories of the US Army, Project Group for US Air Force Space Labs and the
Pillsbury Company. The last one used this method (later called HACCP) for
obtaining absolutely safe food for the American space program.
Thus, was elaborated a very valuable method for approaching the hygienic
quality of products, which, by later adaptation and improving was used
successfully in the food industry.
The HACCP was presented publicly at the National Conference for Food
Protection in 1971, being afterward adopted by the FDA (Food and Drugs
Administration) for inspecting the alimentary industry.
The first standardized HACCP system was elaborated by the NACMCF
(National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods) in 1989.
Actually, the most frequently used guide for implementing and developing a HACCP
system is the one approved in 1997 by the NACMCF. Together with the standardizing the
seven fundamental principles on which the system relies were established:
1. Evaluating the risks associated with obtaining and harvesting the raw
materials and the ingredients, the handling, manipulation, storage, distribution
cooking and consume of the food products. It is indicated that the analysis of the
risks to be made in the project phase of the product and the technological process,
in order to define the critical points for control before beginning fabrication.
2. Determining the critical control points (CCP) – means determining the
points, procedures and operational phases through which the identified risks can
be kept under control. A critical control point may be represented by any point or
procedure of a specialized system for making food products in which the loss of
control may have as consequence the endangering of the consumer’s health (i.e.
thermal treatment, refrigeration, freezing, cleaning of the tools and of production
spaces, etc.).
3. Establishing critical limits (tolerances admitted for a certain parameter of
the critical control point, e.g. temperatures, times, pH, etc.), which have to be
respected in each critical control point.
4. Establishing monitoring procedures for the critical control points. For a good
evolution of the process it is recommended, as possible, to ensure a continuous monitoring
and to be made through rapid methods, which provide information in time.
5. Establishing corrective actions for situations in which monitoring
indicates the critical limits. Applied corrections should remove existing risks or
which can appear through deviations from the HACCP, ensuring the innocuity of
the final product.
6. Establishing a documentation system and of a correct data recording.
7. Establishing checking procedures for confirming the correct functioning
Prior to application of HACCP to any sector of the food chain, that sector
should be operating according to the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene,
the appropriate Codex Codes of Practice, and appropriate food safety legislation.
Management commitment is necessary for implementation of an effective
HACCP system. During hazard identification, evaluation and subsequent
operations in designing and applying HACCP systems, consideration must be
given to the impact of raw materials, ingredients, food manufacturing practices,
role of manufacturing processes to control hazards, likely end-use of the product,
categories of consumers of concern, and epidemiological evidence relative to food
Like other important systems or programs existing in an organization,
implementing HACCP needs material and financial resources, together with a
total complying from the personal.
Also, the implementation of the system at the microeconomics level
assumes the making of a deep HACCP study, comprising hygiene, sanitary and
technical data (epidemiological data, data concerning the raw materials,
intermediate products and final products, data concerning the alimentary safety,
etc.) that are finalized by making a HACCP plan of the said unit.
The general principles for a HACCP plan for an alimentary industrial unit
refer to aspects like:
• visual examining and evaluation of the unit in its whole, including
multiple aspects, like the structure, circuits, functionality, storage, etc;
• sensorial examination of the product/products in the various phases of
the technological process, beginning with the reception of the raw material,
conditioning, storage and ending with the delivery;
• measuring and surveillance of the temperature in the essential points of
the technological processes;
• HACCP testing and attestation of the personnel, according to the
responsibility level and the activity profile;
• establishing risk potential points which are to be subjected to sanitary
control and permanent managerial control, establishing direct responsibilities for
active personnel;
• laboratory investigation on critical points with risk potential,
establishing indicators and their periodicity.
The intent of the HACCP system is to focus control at CCPs.
Redesign of the operation should be considered if a hazard wich must be
controlled is identified but no CCPs are found.
HACCP should be applied to each specific operation separately. The
HACCP application should be reviewed and necessary changes made when any
modification is made in the product, process, or any step. It is important when
applying HACCP to be flexible where appropriate, given the context of the
application taking into account the nature and the size of the operation.
HACCP systematize all basic requirements of sanitary inspection, showing
a simple and efficient way to make control and self-control in line of alimentary
hygiene. Actually, there are important tendencies and initiatives to apply the
HACCP using electronic monitoring and data treatment, elaborating software that
is adapted to their activity profile.
During its evolution, this system proved its important role in obtaining and
trading of alimentary products safe for human health, affirming its practice values
in ensuring their regularity in public alimentation, food industry and trade.
Following the admission of the HACCP system as the most efficient
solution for ensuring the normality of food, a series of national, regional and
international organizations promotes initiatives supporting the adoption of
HACCP by all segments in the food chain.
United States give a lot of emphasis on the quality of the food, which is
observed in a much larger context, philosophical and ethical, considering that this
can directly influence human activity, social environment and even human
dignity. Quality and quality safety are followed not only during the production
process, but also in the process of obtaining raw materials, extending quality
control to animal or vegetal production farms.
Thus, according USFDA (United States Food and Drugs Administration)
regulation, indigenous companies and those that export in the US alimentary
products (seafood, preparations of eggs, juices, vegetables, fruits, etc.) are
compelled by the law to use systems based on the HACCP principles.
A very important aspect and which may become an example for the
Romanian alimentary production environment is the fact that in the US a great
emphasis is given to the non-punitive aspects, meaning the permanent education
and assistance of the producer in what concerns respecting the quality and safety
Also, at the national level was made a wide campaign of nutritional
education addressed to the wide public, for developing consumer awareness and
encouraging positive changes in the feeding habits.
European Union council regulates the introduction of the HACCP
principles through Directive 93/94/EEC concerning food hygiene in all life stages
of the products and the Regulation 178/2002 concerning the food legislation.
Also, Romanian Government issued the Order no. 924/2005 concerning the
application of the HACCP system in the activity of inspection the hygiene
conditions in the alimentary sector.
The successful application of HACCP requires the full commitment and
involvement of management and the work force. It also requires a
multidisciplinary approach; this multidisciplinary approach should include, when
appropriate, expertise in agronomy, veterinary health, production, microbiology,
medicine, public health, food technology, environmental health, chemistry and
engineering according to the particular study. The application of HACCP is
compatible with the implementation of quality management systems, such as the
ISO 9000 series, and is the system of choice in the management of food safety
within such systems.
Associating HACCP principles with quality systems according to ISO 9000
standards is a characteristic feature of application of total quality systems in
alimentary production in the countries of the EU.
The approach of the two systems (HACCP and ISO 9000 standards) by
organizations in the food industry is an action of industrial civilization,
contributing to the enhancement of the quality of life and also being a solid
foundation on which the TQM systems can be developed (Total Quality
Observing the recent legislation of the EU, recommending the application
of the HACCP in countries wishing to export food products towards EU, it is to
be expected an increase in the interest of companies of the Romanian food
industry for implementing quality systems (including the HACCP system) and
implicitly the making of a modern food production.
This supposes, in order, the application of standards of hygienic
production, of the codes of good work practices, of the HACCP system and
finally the realization and the certification of a proper quality system according to
the SR EN ISO 9001 standard. In this direction, we consider it is necessary the
elaboration of educational programs at an institution level, in which to be
involved companies of instruction and consulting, specialized universities and
1. Bratu Iuliana, Jascanu V., 2001 – HACCP – o abordare practica – Rev. Calita. Nr. 6.
2. Chira Adrian, 2005 - Sistemul de management al sigurantei alimentului conform
principiilor HACCP. Tipografia "Curtea Veche", Bucuresti.
3. Dima D., Pamfilie Rodica, Procopie Roxana, 2001 – Marfurile alimentare in comertul
international – Ed. Economica, Bucuresti.
4. Mitrut Mihaela, 2000– Managementul calitatii. HACCP – ISO – TQM – Rev. Calita nr. 4.
5. Rotaru Gabriela, Borda Daniela, 2001– HACCP – prezent si perspective – Rev. Calita,
nr. 5.
6. *** NACMCF, 1990 - HACCP principles for food production. USDA-FSIS Information
Office, Washington.
7. *** DS 3027 E:2002 - Management of food safety based on HACCP / Requirments for a
management system for food producing and their suppliers.
8. *** ISO 22000: 2005 - Food safety management systems. Requirements for any
organization in the food chain. European Commitee for Standardization.
9. *** ISO 9001: 2000 Quality management systems - Requirements. European Commitee
for Standardization.