Function: RCSB PDB Pdbe PDBJ Structure Summary
Function: RCSB PDB Pdbe PDBJ Structure Summary
Function: RCSB PDB Pdbe PDBJ Structure Summary
Serum albumin is the main protein of
human blood plasma.[7] It binds water,
cations (such as Ca2+, Na+ and K+), fatty
acids, hormones, bilirubin, thyroxine (T4)
and pharmaceuticals (including
barbiturates): its main function is to
regulate the oncotic pressure of blood.
Alpha-fetoprotein (alpha-fetoglobulin) is a
fetal plasma protein that binds various
cations, fatty acids and bilirubin. Vitamin
D-binding protein binds to vitamin D and
its metabolites, as well as to fatty acids.
The isoelectric point of albumin is 4.9.
The 3D structure of human serum albumin
has been determined by X-ray
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C: cysteine, ○: any amino
Serum albumin
Serum albumin is the most abundant
blood plasma protein and is produced in
the liver and forms a large proportion of all
plasma protein. The human version is
human serum albumin, and it normally
constitutes about 50% of human plasma
Serum albumins are important in
regulating blood volume by maintaining
the oncotic pressure (also known as
colloid osmotic pressure) of the blood
compartment.[7] They also serve as
carriers for molecules of low water
solubility this way isolating their
hydrophobic nature, including lipid-soluble
hormones, bile salts, unconjugated
bilirubin, free fatty acids (apoprotein),
calcium, ions (transferrin), and some drugs
like warfarin, phenobutazone, clofibrate &
phenytoin. For this reason, it is sometimes
referred as a molecular "taxi". Competition
between drugs for albumin binding sites
may cause drug interaction by increasing
the free fraction of one of the drugs,
thereby affecting potency.
Medical uses
For patients with low blood volume, there
is no evidence that albumin reduces
mortality when compared with cheaper
alternatives such as normal saline, or that
albumin reduces mortality in patients with
burns and low albumin levels. Therefore,
the Cochrane Collaboration recommends
that it not be used, except in clinical