Installation Instructions Owner'S Guide &: Structurescan
Installation Instructions Owner'S Guide &: Structurescan
Installation Instructions Owner'S Guide &: Structurescan
Thru-Hull with Anti-rotation Hardware Record the information found on the cable tag for future reference.
StructureScan™ Transducers
Models: SS70, SS141L, SS147
17-427-02-rev. 05
Follow the precautions below for optimal CAUTION: Stainless steel transducer in a metal hull—
product performance and to reduce the risk of Stainless steel must be isolated from a metal hull to
property damage, personal injury, and/or death. prevent electrolytic corrosion. Use the isolation sleeving
WARNING: Installation of the anti-rotation studs/screws
is mandatory! The anti-rotation studs/screws hold the fairing CAUTION: Transducer Pair—Be sure to connect the
firmly in place. Failure to install the anti-rotation studs/screws port-side transducer and the starboard-side transducer
may result in the fairing rotating while the boat is underway. to the correct terminals on the StructureScan module. If
The effect may be violent movement and loss of steering. the transducers are connected in reverse, the display will
not work properly.
WARNING: The transducer must be installed parallel to
the keel/centerline to ensure proper boat handling and CAUTION: SS147—The transducer must be installed on
water flow under the transducer. a nearly flat hull behind a step. Do not install on a V-hull.
Do not install with a fairing. If the transducer protrudes
WARNING: Always wear safety glasses, a dust mask, below the hull on a fairing, it will be susceptible to impact
and ear protection when installing. that may damage the transducer and void the warranty.
If a fairing is needed, install an SS70 or SS141L.
WARNING: Immediately check for leaks when the boat is
placed in the water. Do not leave the boat in the water CAUTION: Never use solvents. Cleaner, fuel, sealant,
unchecked for more than three hours. Even a small leak paint, and other products may contain solvents that can
may allow a considerable amount of water to accumulate. damage plastic parts, especially the transducer’s face.
WARNING: SS70, SS141L with Fairing—The fairing IMPORTANT: Read the instructions completely before
must be screwed to a block of wood before cutting. It is proceeding with the installation. These instructions
too thin to cut safely without additional material. Failure supersede any other instructions in your instrument
to do so may result in the fairing moving on the band saw. manual if they differ.
Figure 1. SS70, SS141L: Best location • Choose an accessible spot inside the vessel with adequate
Copyright © 2010 -2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
space for the height of the stem and tightening the nuts.
aft view
cross-section cutting guide
stem band saw
of fairing table
hull nut
minimum slope of hull
fairing thickness backing deadrise
7mm (9/32") block fence
angle arrow points
fairing toward you
parallel to
waterline wood for installation
on the starboard
side of the hull
Figure 3. SS70, SS141L: Deadrise angle and fairing thickness Figure 4. Cutting the fairing
Copyright © 2010 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp. Copyright © 2010 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
CAUTION: Shape the fairing to the hull as precisely as possible. If • Using the appropriate drill bits/hole saw, drill the holes for
there are gaps between the fairing and the hull near the ends, cut the transducer stem and the two anti-rotation studs.
a new fairing. Over tightening the rods to minimize gaps may Fairing—Drill through the holes in the fairing to be sure the
crack the transducer and/or crush the fairing.
holes are drilled perpendicular to the waterline and not at
1. Metal hull—The holes for the anti-rotation studs must be the angle of the hull.
enlarged to accommodate the isolation sleeving. Using a 10mm NO Fairing—Be sure to drill the holes perpendicular to the
(3/8") drill bit, enlarge the two holes in the fairing. hull.
2. Measure the deadrise angle of the hull at the selected mounting
location using an angle finder or a digital level (see Figure 3) 2. Sand and clean the area around the holes, inside and outside,
3. Tilt the band saw table to the measured angle and secure the to ensure the marine sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If
cutting fence (see Figure 4). there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with
4. Fasten the fairing to the center of the block of wood using the either a mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol)
four corner holes and No. 8 screws. before sanding.
5. Place the fairing on the table so the cutting guide rests against Metal hull—Remove all burrs with a file and sandpaper.
the fence. The arrow will be pointing toward you for installation
on the starboard side of the boat or away from you for
installation on the port side (see Figure 5).
6. Adjust the cutting fence, so the fairing will be cut in about two
equal parts (see Figure 3). The section that will become the
fairing must be a minimum of 7mm (9/32") at its thinnest
dimension. This number corresponds to the flange on the fairing.
7. Recheck steps 1 through 5. Then cut the fairing.
8. Check the fit of the fairing by placing it against the hull,
being sure it is parallel to the centerline of the boat (keel).
Hold the fairing on the ends and try to rock it back and forth.
Shape the fairing to the hull as precisely as possible with a rasp
or power tool until it no longer rocks.
9. Remove the fairing from the block of wood.
10.Use the remaining section of the fairing with the cutting guide
as the backing block.
stud (2)
hull nut
nut (2) &
washer (2)
backing block
Figure 5. SS70, SS141L: Bedding and installing with a fairing in a fiberglass or wood hull
Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
Bedding each one in turn. Do not use pliers farther up, as this will damage
the threads.
CAUTION: Be sure all surfaces to be bedded are clean and dry. 5. Metal hull—Use the isolation sleeving to cover the transducer
stem and the two anti-rotation studs. Cut the length of each
CAUTION: When installing the anti-rotation studs, use slip-joint sleeve greater than the thickness of the hull. Note that the
pliers placed near the bottom of the stud. Do not use pliers farther sleeves must not interfere with tightening the nuts. Slide the
up, as this will damage the threads. larger diameter isolation sleeve over the bedded transducer
stem. Slide the two remaining isolation sleeves over the bedded
1. Remove the hull nut (see Figure 5, 6, 7, or 8).
anti-rotation studs. Slide the sleeves as far down as possible.
2. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the surface Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of the marine sealant to the
of the transducer that will contact the hull/fairing and up the stem. outside of the three isolation sleeves.
The sealant must extend 6mm (1/4") higher than the combined 6. Fairing—Thread the transducer cable through the fairing. Seat
thickness of the hull, fairing and backing block (if used), and the the transducer firmly within the recess in the fairing. Apply a
hull nut. This will ensure there is marine sealant in the threads to 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the following
seal the hull and hold the hull nut securely in place. surfaces:
3. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant around the • Fairing that will contact the hull
anti-rotation studs including the bottom. This will ensure there is
marine sealant in the threads to secure the studs in the • Backing block that will contact the hull
transducer, seal the hull, and hold the nut securely in place. • Hull nut that will contact the backing block
4. Screw the anti-rotation studs into the holes in the transducer. • Washers for the anti-rotation studs that will contact the
Using slip-joint pliers placed near the bottom of the stud, tighten backing block
cable detail
anti-rotation stud with isolation sleeve
stud (2)
hull nut
nut (2) &
washer (2)
sleeve (3)
marine sealant on transducer, fairing, backing block, isolation sleeve
hull nut, anti-rotation stud (2), washer (2) and sleeve (3) must be used
in a metal hull
Figure 6. SS70, SS141L: Bedding and installing with a fairing in a metal hull
Copyright © 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
stud (2)
Figure 7. SS70, SS141L: Bedding and installing WITHOUT a fairing in a fiberglass or wood hull
Copyright © 2013 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
Installing • NO fairing—Slide the rubbery washer and hull nut onto the
cable. Seat the rubbery washer firmly against the hull.
CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the nuts possibly damaging the Screw the hull nut in place and tighten it with slip-joint pliers.
transducer or fairing. Do not over-tighten. Slide the rubbery washer, metal
washer, and nut onto each anti-rotation stud. Seat the
1. From outside the hull, thread the cable through the mounting
rubbery washer firmly against the hull. Tighten the nuts one
hole (see Figure 5, 6, 7, or 8).
full turn only with slip-joint pliers. Do not over-tighten.
2. Push the stem of the transducer and the anti-rotation studs Cored fiberglass hull—Do not over-tighten crushing the hull.
through the hull. Wood hull—Allow for the wood to swell before tightening.
Metal hull—Be sure the isolation sleeves are between the
3. From inside the hull:
transducer stem/studs and the hull. The isolation sleeves
• Fairing—Slide the backing block and the hull nut onto the must be below the nuts to prevent the sleeves from
cable. Seat the backing block firmly against the hull. Screw interfering with tightening the nuts. Trim the sleeves if
the hull nut in place and tighten it with slip-joint pliers. Do not necessary.
over-tighten. With the bedded side down, slide one washer
and nut onto each anti-rotation stud. Tighten the nuts one full 4. Fairing—When the boat is underway, especially at high
turn only with slip-joint pliers. Do not over-tighten. speeds, water will enter any gaps and push against the fairing
Cored fiberglass hull—Do not over-tighten crushing the hull. with considerable force, possibly rotating it. Fill any gaps
Wood hull—Allow for the wood to swell before tightening. between the fairing and the hull with marine sealant. If there is
Metal hull—Be sure the isolation sleeves are between the any gap greater than 1.5mm (1/16"), replace the fairing.
transducer stem/studs and the hull. The isolation sleeves
must be below the nuts to prevent the sleeves from 5. Remove any excess marine sealant on the outside of the hull,
interfering with tightening the nuts. Trim the sleeves if transducer, and fairing if used to ensure smooth water flow
necessary. under the transducer.
cable anti-rotation stud with
isolation sleeve
stud (2)
hull SS141L
isolation sleeve
isolation marine sealant on transducer, and rubbery washer
sleeve (3) anti-rotation stud (2), and isolation sleeve (3) must be used in
a metal hull
Figure 8. SS70, SS141L: Bedding and installing WITHOUT a fairing in a metal hull
Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
138mm 56mm
5.42" 2.20" anti-rotation screw with
isolation sleeve in metal hull
cable BOW ►
anti-rotation stem
screw (2)
wing nut (2) & sealant
washer (2)
hull nut
fiberglass hull
isolation sleeve
must be used
marine sealant on transducer and hull nut in a metal hull
anti-rotation screw (2) and washer (2)
SS147 Installation 5. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the surface
of the washers that will contact the hull. Slide a washer onto
CAUTION: Do not install with a fairing. each anti-rotation screw with the bedded side facing away from
the wing nut.
Hole Drilling 6. Metal hull—Use the isolation sleeving to cover the transducer
Cored fiberglass hull—Follow separate instructions on page 7. stem and the two anti-rotation screws. Cut the length of each
1. Be sure the holes for the anti-rotation screws are oriented so the sleeve the thickness of the hull. Note that the sleeves must not
one closest to the stem is facing forward toward the bow (see interfere with tightening the nuts. Slide the larger diameter
Figure 9). Using a straight edge held parallel to the centerline isolation sleeve over the bedded transducer stem. Slide the two
(keel) of the boat, mark the centers of the three holes. remaining isolation sleeves over the bedded anti-rotation
screws. Slide the sleeves as far down as possible. Apply a
2. Be sure the holes are drilled perpendicular to the hull.
2mm (1/16") thick layer of the marine sealant to the outside of
• Drill 3mm (1/8") pilot holes for the transducer stem and the the three isolation sleeves.
two anti-rotation screws.
• Using the appropriate drill bits/hole saw, drill the holes for Installing
the transducer stem and the two anti-rotation screws. CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the nuts possibly damaging the
3. Sand and clean the area around the holes, inside and outside, transducer.
to ensure the marine sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If 1. From outside the hull, thread the cable through the mounting hole.
there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with
either a mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol) 2. Push the stem of the transducer through the mounting hole (see
before sanding. Figure 9). Seat the transducer firmly against the hull. Screw the
Metal hull—Remove all burrs with a file and sandpaper. hull nut in place and tighten it with slip-joint pliers. Do not over-
Bedding Cored fiberglass hull—Do not over-tighten crushing the hull.
Wood hull—Allow for the wood to swell before tightening.
CAUTION: Be sure all surfaces to be bedded are clean and dry. Metal hull—Be sure the isolation sleeve is between the
transducer stem and the hull. The isolation sleeve must be
1. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the surface
below the hull nut to prevent the sleeve from interfering with
of the transducer that will contact the hull and up the stem (see
tightening the nut. Trim the sleeve if necessary.
Figure 9). The sealant must extend 6mm (1/4") higher than the
combined thickness of the hull and hull nut. This will ensure 3. Using a screwdriver, screw the anti-rotation screws with the
there is marine sealant in the threads to seal the hull and hold wing-nuts and washers in place into the transducer until the
the hull nut securely in place. screws stop turning. Do not apply additional pressure. Hand-
tighten the wing nuts. Do not over-tighten.
2. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant around the Cored fiberglass hull—Do not over-tighten crushing the hull.
anti-rotation screws including the bottom. This will ensure there Wood hull—Allow for the wood to swell before tightening.
is marine sealant in the threads to secure the screws in the Metal hull—Be sure the isolation sleeves are between the anti-
transducer, seal the hull, and hold the nut securely in place. rotation screws and the hull. The isolation sleeves must be
3. Screw a wing nut onto each anti-rotation screw and spin it toward below the wing nuts to prevent the sleeves from interfering with
the head. Note that the wing nuts should be upside down. tightening the nuts. Trim the sleeves if necessary.
4. Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the surface 4. Remove any excess marine sealant on the outside of the hull to
of the hull nut that will contact the hull. ensure smooth water flow under the transducer.
StructureScan HD
LSS-2 module single 3D
port Y-cable
port Transducer 1 Transducer 2
cable terminal terminal
starboard Y-cable
starboard starboard-side
pair single
Figure 10. SS141L: Connecting the transducer(s) Figure 11. SS70: Connecting the transducer(s)
Copyright © 2010 - 2016 Navico Holding AS Copyright © 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
Cable Routing & Connecting 1. Drill a 3mm or 1/8" pilot hole perpendicular to the waterline from
inside the hull (see Figure 12). If there is a rib, strut, or other hull
CAUTION: Do not remove the connector(s) to ease cable routing. If irregularity near the selected mounting location, drill from the
a cable must be cut and spliced, use Airmar’s splash-proof Junction outside. If the hole is drilled in the wrong location, drill a second
Box No. 33-035 and follow the instructions provided. Removing the hole in a better location. Apply masking tape to the outside of the
waterproof connector or cutting the cable, except when using a hull over the incorrect hole and fill it with epoxy.
water-tight junction box, will void the sensor warranty.
2. Using the appropriate size drill bit/hole saw, cut a hole from
1. Route the transducer cable(s) to the StructureScan LSS-2 or 3D outside the hull through the outer skin only. Be sure to hold the
module being careful not to tear the cable jacket when passing drill plumb, so the hole will be perpendicular to the water surface.
it through the bulkhead(s) and other parts of the boat. Use
grommets to prevent chafing. To reduce electrical interference, 3. The optimal interior hole diameter is affected by the hull’s
separate the transducer cable(s) from other electrical wiring and thickness and deadrise angle. It must be large enough in
the engine. diameter to allow the core to be completely sealed.
2. Follow the appropriate graphic to connect one transducer or a 4. Using the drill bit/hole saw for the hull interior, cut through the
pair of transducers (see Figure 10 or 11). inner skin and most of the core from inside the hull keeping the
Pair of SS141L transducers—Using the Y-cable, be sure to drill perpendicular to the hull. The core material can be very
connect the port-side transducer to the port cable and the soft. Apply only light pressure to the drill bit after cutting through
starboard-side transducer to the starboard cable. Then connect the inner skin to avoid accidentally cutting the outer skin.
the Y-cable to the StructureScan HD LSS-2 module. 5. Remove the plug of core material so the inside of the outer skin
Pair of SS70 transducers—On the StructureScan 3D module, and the inner core of the hull is fully exposed. Sand and clean
be sure to connect the cable from the port-side transducer to the inner skin, core, and the outer skin around the hole.
the terminal labeled Transducer 1. Connect the cable from the 6. Coat a hollow or solid cylinder of the correct diameter with wax
starboard-side transducer to the terminal labeled Transducer 2. and tape it in place. Fill the gap between the cylinder and hull
3. Coil any excess cable and secure it in place with cable ties to with casting epoxy. After the epoxy has set, remove the cylinder.
prevent damage. 7. Sand and clean the area around the hole, inside and outside, to
4. Refer to the instructions that came with the StructureScan LSS-2 ensure that the sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If there
or 3D module to connect it to the display and the power supply. is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with either
CAUTION: Completely seal the hull to prevent water seepage into Figure 12. Preparing a cored fiberglass hull
the core. Copyright © 2005 Airmar Technology Corp.
mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol) before Replacement Parts
sanding. The information needed to order a replacement transducer is
8. Follow the same procedure to prepare the hull for each anti- printed on the cable tag. Do not remove this tag. When ordering,
rotation stud/screw (steps 1 through 6). specify the part number, date, and frequency in kHz. For
convenient reference, record this information on the top of page 1.
9. Proceed with “Bedding” on page 3 for either the SS70 and
SS141L or page 6 for the SS147. Lost, broken, and worn parts should be replaced immediately.
Surfaces exposed to salt water must be coated with anti-fouling SS70 33-722-01 02-071-01 —
paint. Use water-based anti-fouling paint only. Never use ketone-
based paint since ketones can attack many plastics possibly SS141L 33-650-01 02-149-01 22-1210-01