Data Structure and Algoritms
Data Structure and Algoritms
Data Structure and Algoritms
A program is written in order to solve a problem. A solution to a problem actually consists of two
A way to organize the data
Sequence of steps to solve the problem
The way data are organized in a computers memory is said to be Data Structure and the sequence of
computational steps to solve a problem is said to be an algorithm. Therefore, a program is nothing but
data structures plus algorithms.
The model defines an abstract view to the problem. This implies that the model focuses only on
problem related stuff and that a programmer tries to define the properties of the problem.
With abstraction you create a well-defined entity that can be properly handled. These entities define
the data structure of the program.
An entity with the properties just described is called an abstract data type (ADT).
An ADT consists of an abstract data structure and operations. Put in other terms, an ADT is an
abstraction of a data structure.
A data structure is a language construct that the programmer has defined in order to implement an
abstract data type.
There are lots of formalized and standard Abstract data types such as Stacks, Queues, Trees, etc.
Do all characteristics need to be modeled?
Not at all
It depends on the scope of the model
It depends on the reason for developing the model
1.1.2. Abstraction
Abstraction is a process of classifying characteristics as relevant and irrelevant for the particular
purpose at hand and ignoring the irrelevant ones. Applying abstraction correctly is the essence of
successful programming
How do data structures model the world or some part of the world?
The value held by a data structure represents some specific characteristic of the world
The characteristic being modeled restricts the possible values held by a data structure
The characteristic being modeled restricts the possible operations to be performed on the data
Note: Notice the relation between characteristic, value, and data structures
1.2. Algorithms
An algorithm is a finite set of instructions or logic, written in order, to accomplish a certain predefined
task. Algorithm is not the complete code or program, it is just the core logic(solution) of a problem,
which can be expressed either as an informal high level description as pseudocode or using a flowchart.
An algorithm is said to be efficient and fast, if it takes less time to execute and consumes less memory
space. The performance of an algorithm is measured on the basis of following properties:
1. Time Complexity
2. Space Complexity
Algorithm analysis refers to the process of determining the amount of computing time and storage
space required by different algorithms. In other words, it’s a process of predicting the resource
requirement of algorithms in a given environment.
In order to solve a problem, there are many possible algorithms. One has to be able to choose the best
algorithm for the problem at hand using some scientific method. To classify some data structures and
algorithms as good, we need precise ways of analyzing them in terms of resource requirement. The
main resources are:
Running Time
Memory Usage
Communication Bandwidth
Running time is usually treated as the most important since computational time is the most precious
resource in most problem domains.
Accordingly, we can analyze an algorithm according to the number of operations required, rather than
according to an absolute amount of time involved. This can show how an algorithm’s efficiency
changes according to the size of the input.
The goal is to have a meaningful measure that permits comparison of algorithms independent of
operating platform.
There are two things to consider:
Time Complexity: Determine the approximate number of operations required to solve a
problem of size n.
Space Complexity: Determine the approximate memory required to solve a problem of size n.
There is no generally accepted set of rules for algorithm analysis. However, an exact count of
operations is commonly used.
Time Units to Compute
1 for the assignment statement: int sum=0
In the for loop:
1 assignment, n+1 tests, and n increments.
n loops of 2 units for an assignment, and an addition.
1 for the return statement.
T (n)= 1+ (1+n+1+n)+2n+1 = 4n+4 = O(n)
3. void func()
int x=0;
int i=0;
int j=1;
cout<< “Enter an Integer value”;
while (i<n){
while (j<n)
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
partial_sum = partial_sum +(i * i * i);
return partial_sum;
• In general, a for loop translates to a summation. The index and bounds of the summation are the
same as the index and bounds of the for loop.
f o r ( in t i = 1 ; i < = N ; i+ + ) {
s u m = s u m + i; i1
1 N
• Suppose we count the number of additions that are done. There is 1 addition per iteration of the
loop, hence N additions in total.
• Nested for loops translate into multiple summations, one for each for loop.
f o r ( in t i = 1 ; i < = N ; i+ + ) {
fo r (in t j = 1 ; j < = M ; j+ + ) { N M N
s u m = s u m + i+ j ;
i 1 j 1
i 1
2 M 2 MN
• Again, count the number of additions. The outer summation is for the outer for loop.
Consecutive Statements: Formally
Conditionals: Formally
• If (test) s1 else s2: Compute the maximum of the running time for s1 and s2.
if (te s t = = 1 ) {
fo r (in t i = 1 ; i < = N ; i+ + ) { N N N
s u m = s u m + i; max 1, 2
i 1 i 1 j 1
e ls e fo r (in t i = 1 ; i < = N ; i+ + ) {
fo r (in t j = 1 ; j < = N ; j+ + ) {
max N , 2 N 2
2N 2
s u m = s u m + i+ j;
Suppose we have hardware capable of executing 106 instructions per second. How long would it take
to execute an algorithm whose complexity function was:
T (n) = 2n2 on an input size of n=108 ?
The total number of operations to be performed would be T (108):
Determine the run time equation and complexity of each of the following code segments.
1. for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<n; j++)
3. int k=0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
for (int j=i; j<n; j++)
What is the value of k when n is equal to 20?
4. int k=0;
for (int i=1; i<n; i*=2)
for(int j=1; j<n; j++)
What is the value of k when n is equal to 20?
5. int x=0;
for(int i=1;i<n;i=i+5)
What is the value of x when n=25?
6. int x=0;
for(int k=n;k>=n/3;k=k-5)
What is the value of x when n=25?
7. int x=0;
for (int i=1; i<n;i=i+5)
for (int k=n;k>=n/3;k=k-5)
What is the value of x when n=25?
8. int x=0;
for(int i=1;i<n;i=i+5)
for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
for(int k=n;k>=n/2;k=k-3)
What is the correct big-Oh Notation for the above code segment?
1.3. Measures of Times
In order to determine the running time of an algorithm it is possible to define three functions Tbest(n),
Tavg(n) and Tworst(n) as the best, the average and the worst case running time of the algorithm
Average Case (Tavg): The amount of time the algorithm takes on an "average" set of inputs.
Worst Case (Tworst): The amount of time the algorithm takes on the worst possible set of inputs.
Best Case (Tbest): The amount of time the algorithm takes on the smallest possible set of inputs.
We are interested in the worst-case time, since it provides a bound for all input – this is called the
“Big-Oh” estimate.
Asymptotic analysis is concerned with how the running time of an algorithm increases with the size
of the input in the limit, as the size of the input increases without bound.
There are five notations used to describe a running time function. These are:
Formal Definition: f (n)= O (g (n)) if there exist c, k ∊ ℛ+ such that for all n≥ k, f (n) ≤ c.g (n).
Examples: The following points are facts that you can use for Big-Oh problems:
1. f(n)=10n+5 and g(n)=n. Show that f(n) is O(g(n)).
To show that f(n) is O(g(n)) we must show that constants c and k such that
Typical Orders
Here is a table of some typical cases. This uses logarithms to base 2, but these are simply proportional
to logarithms in other base.
Demonstrating that a function f(n) is big-O of a function g(n) requires that we find specific constants
c and k for which the inequality holds (and show that the inequality does in fact hold).
Big-O expresses an upper bound on the growth rate of a function, for sufficiently large values of n.
An upper bound is the best algorithmic solution that has been found for a problem.
“ What is the best that we know we can do?”
f(n) = (3/2)n2+(5/2)n-3
Show that f(n)= O(n2)
In simple words, f (n) =O(g(n)) means that the growth rate of f(n) is less than or equal to g(n).
For all the following theorems, assume that f(n) is a function of n and that k is an arbitrary constant.
Theorem 1: k is O(1)
Theorem 2: A polynomial is O(the term containing the highest power of n).
n to higher powers
larger constants to the nth power
Exponential functions grow faster than powers, i.e. is O( bn ) b > 1 and k >= 0
E.g. n20 is O( 1.05n)
f(n)= ( g (n)) means that f(n) is greater than or equal to some constant multiple of g(n) for all values
of n greater than or equal to some k.
In simple terms, f(n)= ( g (n)) means that the growth rate of f(n) is greater that or equal to g(n).
1.4.3. Theta Notation
A function f (n) belongs to the set of (g(n)) if there exist positive constants c1 and c2 such that it
can be sandwiched between c1.g(n) and c2.g(n), for sufficiently large values of n.
Formal Definition: A function f (n) is (g(n)) if it is both O( g(n) ) and ( g(n) ). In other words,
there exist constants c1, c2, and k >0 such that c1.g (n)<=f(n)<=c2. g(n) for all n >= k
In simple terms, f(n)= (g(n)) means that f(n) and g(n) have the same rate of growth.
All these are technically correct, but the last expression is the best and tight one. Since 2n2 and n2
have the same growth rate, it can be written as f(n)= (n2).
2n2 = O(n2)
f(n)=o(g(n)) means for all c>0 there exists some k>0 such that f(n)<c.g(n) for all n>=k. Informally,
f(n)=o(g(n)) means f(n) becomes insignificant relative to g(n) as n approaches infinity.
1.4.5. Little-Omega ( notation)
Little-omega () notation is to big-omega () notation as little-o notation is to Big-Oh notation. We
use notation to denote a lower bound that is not asymptotically tight.
Formal Definition: f(n)= (g(n)) if there exists a constant no>0 such that 0<= c. g(n)<f(n) for all
• f(n)=(f(n)),
• f(n)=O(f(n)),
• f(n)=(f(n)).
Chapter Two
2. Simple Sorting and Searching Algorithms
2.1. Searching
Searching is a process of looking for a specific element in a list of items or determining that the item
is not in the list. There are two simple searching algorithms:
Loop through the array starting at the first element until the value of target matches one of the array
Time is proportional to the size of input (n) and we call this time complexity O(n).
Example Implementation:
Binary Search
Binary Search is applied on the sorted array or list. In binary search, we first compare the value with
the elements in the middle position of the array. If the value is matched, then we return the value. If
the value is less than the middle element, then it must lie in the lower half of the array and if it's
greater than the element then it must lie in the upper half of the array. We repeat this procedure on the
lower (or upper) half of the array. Binary Search is useful when there are large numbers of elements
in an array.This searching algorithms works only on an ordered list.
The computational time for this algorithm is proportional to log2 n. Therefore the time complexity is
O(log n)Example Implementation:
Sorting is one of the most important operations performed by computers. Sorting is a process of
reordering a list of items in either increasing or decreasing order. The following are simple sorting
algorithms used to sort small-sized lists.
• Insertion Sort
• Selection Sort
• Bubble Sort
The insertion sort works just like its name suggests - it inserts each item into its proper place in the
final list. The simplest implementation of this requires two list structures - the source list and the list
into which sorted items are inserted. To save memory, most implementations use an in-place sort that
works by moving the current item past the already sorted items and repeatedly swapping it with the
preceding item until it is in place.
It's the most instinctive type of sorting algorithm. The approach is the same approach that you use for
sorting a set of cards in your hand. While playing cards, you pick up a card, start at the beginning of
your hand and find the place to insert the new card, insert it and move all the others up one place.
Basic Idea:
Find the location for an element and move all others up, and insert the element.
1. The left most value can be said to be sorted relative to itself. Thus, we don’t need to do
2. Check to see if the second value is smaller than the first one. If it is, swap these two values.
The first two values are now relatively sorted.
3. Next, we need to insert the third value in to the relatively sorted portion so that after insertion,
the portion will still be relatively sorted.
4. Remove the third value first. Slide the second value to make room for insertion. Insert the
value in the appropriate position.
5. Now the first three are relatively sorted.
6. Do the same for the remaining items in the list.
How Insertion Sorting Works
Now lets, understand the above simple insertion sort algorithm. We took an array with 6 integers. We
took a variable key, in which we put each element of the array, in each pass, starting from the second
element, that is a[1].
Then using the while loop, we iterate, until j becomes equal to zero or we find an element which is
greater than key, and then we insert the key at that position.
In the above array, first we pick 1 as key, we compare it with 5(element before 1), 1 is smaller than 5,
we shift 1 before 5. Then we pick 6, and compare it with 5 and 1, no shifting this time. Then 2
becomes the key and is compared with, 6 and 5, and then 2 is placed after 1. And this goes on, until
complete array gets sorted.
1+2+3+…+(n-1)= O(n2)
1+2+3+…+(n-1)= O(n2)
In-place algorithm
Selection sorting is conceptually the most simplest sorting algorithm. This algorithm first finds the
smallest element in the array and exchanges it with the element in the first position, then find the
second smallest element and exchange it with the element in the second position, and continues in
this way until the entire array is sorted.
Basic Idea:
How Selection Sorting Works
In the first pass, the smallest element found is 1, so it is placed at the first position, then leaving first
element, smallest element is searched from the rest of the elements, 3 is the smallest, so it is then
placed at the second position. Then we leave 1 nad 3, from the rest of the elements, we search for the
smallest and put it at third position and keep doing this, until array is sorted.
void selection_sort(int list[])
int i,j, smallest;
}//end of inner loop
} //end of outer loop
}//end of selection_sort
Sorting using Selection Sort Algorithm
void selectionSort(int a[], int size)
int i, j, min, temp;
for(i=0; i < size-1; i++ )
min = i; //setting min as i
for(j=i+1; j < size; j++)
if(a[j] < a[min]) //if element at j is less than element at min position
min = j; //then set min as j
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[min];
a[min] = temp;
(n-1)+(n-2)+…+1= O(n2)
In-place algorithm
Bubble Sort is an algorithm which is used to sort N elements that are given in a memory for eg: an
Array with N number of elements. Bubble Sort compares all the element one by one and sort them
based on their values.
It is called Bubble sort, because with each iteration the smaller element in the list bubbles up towards
the first place, just like a water bubble rises up to the water surface. Sorting takes place by stepping
through all the data items one-by-one in pairs and comparing adjacent data items and swapping each
pair that is out of order.
Bubble sort is the simplest algorithm to implement and the slowest algorithm on very large inputs.
Basic Idea:
Loop through array from i=0 to n and swap adjacent elements if they are out of order.
Sorting using Bubble Sort Algorithm
void bubble_sort(list[])
int i,j,temp;
for(i=0;i<n; i++){
for(j=n-1;j>i; j--){
}//swap adjacent elements
}//end of inner loop
}//end of outer loop
}//end of bubble_sort
Let's consider an array with values {5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3}
int a[6] = {5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3};
int i, j, temp;
for(i=0; i<6, i++)
for(j=0; j<6-i-1; j++)
if( a[j] > a[j+1])
temp = a[j];
a[j] = a[j+1];
a[j+1] = temp;
}//now you can print the sorted array after this
Above is the algorithm, to sort an array using Bubble Sort. Although the above logic will sort and
unsorted array, still the above algorithm isn't efficient and can be enhanced further. Because as per
the above logic, the for loop will keep going for six iterations even if the array gets sorted after the
second iteration.
Analysis of Bubble Sort
(n-1)+(n-2)+…+1= O(n2)
(n-1)+(n-2)+…+1= O(n2)
In-place algorithm.
General Comments
Each of these algorithms requires n-1 passes: each pass places one item in its correct place. The ith
pass makes either i or n - i comparisons and moves. So:
or O(n2). Thus these algorithms are only suitable for small problems where their simple code makes
them faster than the more complex code of the O(n logn) algorithm. As a rule of thumb, expect to
find an O(n logn) algorithm faster for n>10 - but the exact value depends very much on individual
Empirically it’s known that Insertion sort is over twice as fast as the bubble sort and is just as easy to
implement as the selection sort. In short, there really isn't any reason to use the selection sort - use the
insertion sort instead.
If you really want to use the selection sort for some reason, try to avoid sorting lists of more than a
1000 items with it or repetitively sorting lists of more than a couple hundred items.
Chapter 3
3. Data Structures
3.1. Structures
Structures are aggregate data types built using elements of primitive data types.
The struct keyword creates a new user defined data type that is used to declare variables of an
aggregate data type.
The Arrow operator (->): to access data members of pointer variables pointing to the structure.
cout<< timeObject.hour; or
The parentheses is required since (*) has lower precedence than (.).
struct list{
char name[10];
int count;
struct list *next;
Linked lists are the most basic self-referential structures. Linked lists allow you to have a chain of
structs with related data.
Arrays are simple and fast but we must specify their size at construction time. This has its own
drawbacks. If you construct an array with space for n, tomorrow you may need n+1.Here comes a
need for a more flexible system.
Flexible space use by dynamically allocating space for each element as needed. This implies that one
need not know the size of the list in advance. Memory is efficiently utilized.
This linked list has four nodes in it, each with a link to the next node in the series. The last node has a
link to the special value NULL, which any pointer (whatever its type) can point to, to show that it is
the last link in the chain. There is also another special pointer, called Start (also called head), which
points to the first link in the chain so that we can keep track of it.
3.2.2. Defining the data structure for a linked list
The key part of a linked list is a structure, which holds the data for each node (the name, address, age
or whatever for the items in the list), and, most importantly, a pointer to the next node. Here we have
given the structure of a typical node:
struct node
{ char name[20]; // Name of up to 20 letters
int age
float height; // In metres
node *nxt;// Pointer to next node
struct node *start_ptr = NULL;
The important part of the structure is the line before the closing curly brackets. This gives a pointer to
the next node in the list. This is the only case in C++ where you are allowed to refer to a data type (in
this case node) before you have even finished defining it!
We have also declared a pointer called start_ptr that will permanently point to the start of the list. To
start with, there are no nodes in the list, which is why start_ptr is set to NULL.
Firstly, we declare the space for a pointer item and assign a temporary pointer to it. This is done using
the new statement as follows:
We can refer to the new node as *temp, i.e. "the node that temp points to". When the fields of this
structure are referred to, brackets can be put round the *temp part, as otherwise the compiler will think
we are trying to refer to the fields of the pointer. Alternatively, we can use the arrow pointer notation.
Having declared the node, we ask the user to fill in the details of the person, i.e. the name, age,
address or whatever:
cout << "Please enter the name of the person: ";
cin >> temp->name;
cout << "Please enter the age of the person : ";
cin >> temp->age;
cout << "Please enter the height of the person : ";
cin >> temp->height;
temp->nxt = NULL;
The last line sets the pointer from this node to the next to NULL, indicating that this node, when it is
inserted in the list, will be the last node. Having set up the information, we have to decide what to do
with the pointers. Of course, if the list is empty to start with, there's no problem - just set the Start
pointer to point to this node (i.e. set it to the same value as temp):
if (start_ptr == NULL)
start_ptr = temp;
It is harder if there are already nodes in the list. In this case, the secret is to declare a second pointer,
temp2, to step through the list until it finds the last node.
temp2 = start_ptr;
// We know this is not NULL - list not empty!
while (temp2->nxt != NULL)
{ temp2 = temp2->nxt; // Move to next link in chain
The loop will terminate when temp2 points to the last node in the chain, and it knows when this
happened because the nxt pointer in that node will point to NULL. When it has found it, it sets the
pointer from that last node to point to the node we have just declared:
temp2->nxt = temp;
The link temp2->nxt in this diagram is the link joining the last two nodes. The full code for adding a
node at the end of the list is shown below, in its own little function:
void add_node_at_end ()
{ node *temp, *temp2; // Temporary pointers
1. Set a temporary pointer to point to the same thing as the start pointer.
2. If the pointer points to NULL, display the message "End of list" and stop.
3. Otherwise, display the details of the node pointed to by the start pointer.
4. Make the temporary pointer point to the same thing as the nxt pointer of the node it is
currently indicating.
5. Jump back to step 2.
The temporary pointer moves along the list, displaying the details of the nodes it comes across. At
each stage, it can get hold of the next node in the list by using the nxt pointer of the node it is
currently pointing to. Here is the C++ code that does the job:
temp = start_ptr;
{ if (temp == NULL)
cout << "End of list" << endl;
{ // Display details for what temp points to
cout << "Name : " << temp->name << endl;
cout << "Age : " << temp->age << endl;
cout << "Height : " << temp->height << endl;
cout << endl; // Blank line
One thing you may need to do is to navigate through the list, with a pointer that moves backwards
and forwards through the list, like an index pointer in an array. This is certainly necessary when you
want to insert or delete a node from somewhere inside the list, as you will need to specify the
We will call the mobile pointer current. First of all, it is declared, and set to the same value as the
start_ptr pointer:
node *current;
current = start_ptr;
Notice that you don't need to set current equal to the address of the start pointer, as they are both
pointers. The statement above makes them both point to the same thing:
It's easy to get the current pointer to point to the next node in the list (i.e. move from left to right
along the list). If you want to move current along one node, use the nxt field of the node that it is
pointing to at the moment:
current = current->nxt;
In fact, we had better check that it isn't pointing to the last item in the list. If it is, then there is no next
node to move to:
if (current->nxt == NULL)
cout << "You are at the end of the list." << endl;
current = current->nxt;
Moving the current pointer back one step is a little harder. This is because we have no way of moving
back a step automatically from the current node. The only way to find the node before the current one
is to start at the beginning, work our way through and stop when we find the node before the one we
are considering at the moment. We can tell when this happens, as the nxt pointer from that node will
point to exactly the same place in memory as the current pointer (i.e. the current node).
previous current
First of all, we had better check to see if the current node is also first the one. If it is, then there is no
"previous" node to point to. If not, check through all the nodes in turn until we detect that we are just
behind the current one (Like a pantomime - "behind you!")
if (current == start_ptr)
cout << "You are at the start of the list" << endl;
{ node *previous; // Declare the pointer
previous = start_ptr;
The else clause translates as follows: Declare a temporary pointer (for use in this else clause only).
Set it equal to the start pointer. All the time that it is not pointing to the node before the current node,
move it along the line. Once the previous node has been found, the current pointer is set to that node -
i.e. it moves back along the list.
Now that you have the facility to move back and forth, you need to do something with it. Firstly, let's
see if we can alter the details for that particular node in the list:
cout << "Please enter the new name of the person: ";
cin >> current->name;
cout << "Please enter the new age of the person : ";
cin >> current->age;
cout << "Please enter the new height of the person : ";
cin >> current->height;
The next easiest thing to do is to delete a node from the list directly after the current position. We
have to use a temporary pointer to point to the node to be deleted. Once this node has been
"anchored", the pointers to the remaining nodes can be readjusted before the node on death row is
deleted. Here is the sequence of actions:
1. Firstly, the temporary pointer is assigned to the node after the current one. This is the node to
be deleted:
current temp
2. Now the pointer from the current node is made to leap-frog the next node and point to the one
after that:
current temp
Here is the code for deleting the node. It includes a test at the start to test whether the current node is
the last one in the list:
if (current->nxt == NULL)
cout << "There is no node after current" << endl;
{ node *temp;
temp = current->nxt;
current->nxt = temp->nxt; // Could be NULL
delete temp;
Here is the code to add a node after the current one. This is done similarly, but we haven't illustrated
it with diagrams:
if (current->nxt == NULL)
{ node *temp;
new temp;
// Make the new node point to the same thing as
// the current node
temp->nxt = current->nxt;
// Make the current node point to the new link
// in the chain
current->nxt = temp; }
We have assumed that the function add_node_at_end() is the routine for adding the node to the end of
the list that we created near the top of this section. This routine is called if the current pointer is the
last one in the list so the new one would be added on to the end.
Similarly, the routine get_temp(temp) is a routine that reads in the details for the new node similar to
the one defined just above.
When a node is deleted, the space that it took up should be reclaimed. Otherwise the computer will
eventually run out of memory space. This is done with the delete instruction:
However, we can't just delete the nodes willy-nilly as it would break the chain. We need to reassign
the pointers and then delete the node at the last moment. Here is how we go about deleting the first
node in the linked list:
Now that the first node has been safely tagged (so that we can refer to it even when the start pointer
has been reassigned), we can move the start pointer to the next node in the chain:
start_ptr = start_ptr->nxt; // Second node in chain.
delete temp; // Wipe out original start node
void delete_start_node()
{ node *temp;
temp = start_ptr;
start_ptr = start_ptr->nxt;
delete temp;
Deleting a node from the end of the list is harder, as the temporary pointer must find where the end of
the list is by hopping along from the start. This is done using code that is almost identical to that used
to insert a node at the end of the list. It is necessary to maintain two temporary pointers, temp1 and
temp2. The pointer temp1 will point to the last node in the list and temp2 will point to the previous
node. We have to keep track of both as it is necessary to delete the last node and immediately
afterwards, to set the nxt pointer of the previous node to NULL (it is now the new last node).
1. Look at the start pointer. If it is NULL, then the list is empty, so print out a "No nodes to
delete" message.
2. Make temp1 point to whatever the start pointer is pointing to.
3. If the nxt pointer of what temp1 indicates is NULL, then we've found the last node of the list,
so jump to step 7.
4. Make another pointer, temp2, point to the current node in the list.
5. Make temp1 point to the next item in the list.
6. Go to step 3.
7. If you get this far, then the temporary pointer, temp1, should point to the last item in the list
and the other temporary pointer, temp2, should point to the last-but-one item.
8. Delete the node pointed to by temp1.
9. Mark the nxt pointer of the node pointed to by temp2 as NULL - it is the new last node.
Let's try it with a rough drawing. This is always a good idea when you are trying to understand an
abstract data type. Suppose we want to delete the last node from this list:
Firstly, the start pointer doesn't point to NULL, so we don't have to display a "Empty list, wise guy!"
message. Let's get straight on with step2 - set the pointer temp1 to the same as the start pointer:
The nxt pointer from this node isn't NULL, so we haven't found the end node. Instead, we set the
pointer temp2 to the same node as temp1
Going back to step 3, we see that temp1 still doesn't point to the last node in the list, so we make
temp2 point to what temp1 points to
temp 2 temp1
Eventually, this goes on until temp1 really is pointing to the last node in the list, with temp2 pointing to
the penultimate node:
temp 2 temp1
Now we have reached step 8. The next thing to do is to delete the node pointed to by temp1
and set the nxt pointer of what temp2 indicates to NULL:
We suppose you want some code for all that! All right then ....
void delete_end_node()
{ node *temp1, *temp2;
if (start_ptr == NULL)
cout << "The list is empty!" << endl;
{ temp1 = start_ptr;
while (temp1->nxt != NULL)
{ temp2 = temp1;
temp1 = temp1->nxt;
delete temp1;
temp2->nxt = NULL;
The code seems a lot shorter than the explanation!
Now, the sharp-witted amongst you will have spotted a problem. If the list only contains one node,
the code above will malfunction. This is because the function goes as far as the temp1 = start_ptr
statement, but never gets as far as setting up temp2. The code above has to be adapted so that if the
first node is also the last (has a NULL nxt pointer), then it is deleted and the start_ptr pointer is
assigned to NULL. In this case, there is no need for the pointer temp2:
void delete_end_node()
{ node *temp1, *temp2;
if (start_ptr == NULL)
cout << "The list is empty!" << endl;
{ temp1 = start_ptr;
if (temp1->nxt == NULL) // This part is new!
{ delete temp1;
start_ptr = NULL;
{ while (temp1->nxt != NULL)
{ temp2 = temp1;
temp1 = temp1->nxt;
delete temp1;
temp2->nxt = NULL;
A doubly linked list is one where there are links from each node in both directions:
You will notice that each node in the list has two pointers, one to the next node and one to the
previous one - again, the ends of the list are defined by NULL pointers. Also there is no pointer to the
start of the list. Instead, there is simply a pointer to some position in the list that can be moved left or
The reason we needed a start pointer in the ordinary linked list is because, having moved on from one
node to another, we can't easily move back, so without the start pointer, we would lose track of all the
nodes in the list that we have already passed. With the doubly linked list, we can move the current
pointer backwards and forwards at will.
We still need to consider the directions 'forward' and 'backward', so in this case, we will need to
define functions to add a node to the start of the list (left-most position) and the end of the list (right-
most position).
void add_node_at_end ()
{ // Declare a temporary pointer and move it to the end
node *temp = current;
while (temp->nxt != NULL)
temp = temp->nxt;
// Declare a new node and link it in
node *temp2;
temp2 = new node;
temp2->name = new_name; // Store the new name in the node
temp2->nxt = NULL; // This is the new start of the list
temp2->prv = temp; // Links to current list
temp->nxt = temp2;
Here, the new name is passed to the appropriate function as a parameter. We'll go through the
function for adding a node to the right-most end of the list. The method is similar for adding a node at
the other end. Firstly, a temporary pointer is set up and is made to march along the list until it points
to last node in the list.
After that, a new node is declared, and the name is copied into it. The nxt pointer of this new node is
set to NULL to indicate that this node will be the new end of the list.
The prv pointer of the new node is linked into the last node of the existing list.
The nxt pointer of the current end of the list is set to the new node.
Chapter 4
4. Stacks
A simple data structure, in which insertion and deletion occur at the same end, is termed (called) a stack. It
is a LIFO (Last In First Out) structure.
The operations of insertion and deletion are called PUSH and POP
TOS=> 8
TOS=> 4 4 TOS=> 4
1 1 1
3 3 3
6 6 6
Our Purpose:
To develop a stack implementation that does not tie us to a particular data type or to a particular
Stacks can be implemented both as an array (contiguous list) and as a linked list. We want a set of
operations that will work with either type of implementation: i.e. the method of implementation is hidden
and can be changed without affecting the programs that use them.
if there is room {
put an item on the top of the stack
give an error message
if stack not empty {
return the value of the top item
remove the top item from the stack
else {
give an error message
remove existing items from the stack
initialise the stack to empty
Here, as you might have noticed, addition of an element is known as the PUSH operation. So, if an
array is given to you, which is supposed to act as a STACK, you know that it has to be a STATIC
Stack; meaning, data will overflow if you cross the upper limit of the array. So, keep this in mind.
Step-1: Increment the Stack TOP by 1. Check whether it is always less than the Upper Limit of the
stack. If it is less than the Upper Limit go to step-2 else report -"Stack Overflow"
Step-2: Put the new element at the position pointed by the TOP
push(int item)
top = top + 1;
if(top < UPPERLIMIT)
cout<<"Stack Overflow";
Note:- In array implementation,we have taken TOP = -1 to signify the empty stack, as this simplifies
the implementation.
POP is the synonym for delete when it comes to Stack. So, if you're taking an array as the stack,
remember that you'll return an error message, "Stack underflow", if an attempt is made to Pop an item
from an empty Stack. OK.
Step-1: If the Stack is empty then give the alert "Stack underflow" and quit; or else go to step-2
Step-2: a) Hold the value for the element pointed by the TOP
b) Put a NULL value instead
c) Decrement the TOP by 1
int pop()
int del_val = 0;
if(top == -1)
cout<<"Stack underflow"; /*step-1*/
del_val = stack[top]; /*step-2*/
stack[top] = NULL;
top = top -1;
Note: - Step-2:(b) signifies that the respective element has been deleted.
4.3. Linked List Implementation of Stacks: the PUSH operation
It’s very similar to the insertion operation in a dynamic singly linked list. The only difference is that
here you'll add the new element only at the end of the list, which means addition can happen only
from the TOP. Since a dynamic list is used for the stack, the Stack is also dynamic, means it has no
prior upper limit set. So, we don't have to check for the Overflow condition at all!
Implementation: ..
struct node{ }
int item;
struct node *next; push(int item)
} {
struct node *stack = NULL; /*stack is if(stack == NULL) /*step-1*/
initially empty*/ {
struct node *top = stack; newnode = new node /*step-2*/
main() newnode -> item = item;
{ newnode -> next = NULL;
.. stack = newnode;
.. top = stack;
newnode = new node; /*step-3*/
newnode -> item = item;
newnode -> next = NULL;
top ->next = newnode;
top = newnode; /*step-4*/
This is again very similar to the deletion operation in any Linked List, but you can only delete from
the end of the list and only one at a time; and that makes it a stack. Here, we'll have a list pointer,
"target", which will be pointing to the last but one element in the List (stack). Every time we POP, the
TOP most element will be deleted and "target" will be made as the TOP most element.
In step[1] we got the "target" pointing to the last but one node.
In step[2] we freed the TOP most element.
In step[3] we made the "target" node as our TOP most element.
Supposing you have only one element left in the Stack, then we
won't make use of "target" rather we'll take help of our "bottom"
pointer. See how...
Step-1: If the Stack is empty then give an alert message "Stack Underflow" and quit; or else proceed
Step-2: If there is only one element left go to step-3 or else step-4
Step-3: Free that element and make the "stack", "top" and "bottom" pointers point to NULL and quit
Step-4: Make "target" point to just one element before the TOP; free the TOP most element; make
"target" as your TOP most element
struct node
int nodeval;
struct node *next;
struct node *stack = NULL; /*stack is initially empty*/
struct node *top = stack;
int newvalue, delval;
delval = pop(); /*POP returns the deleted value from the stack*/
int pop( )
int pop_val = 0;
struct node *target = stack;
if(stack == NULL) /*step-1*/
cout<<"Stack Underflow";
if(top == bottom) /*step-2*/
pop_val = top -> nodeval; /*step-3*/
delete top;
stack = NULL;
top = bottom = stack;
else /*step-4*/
while(target->next != top) target = target ->next;
pop_val = top->nodeval;
delete top;
top = target;
target ->next = NULL;
simple calculator: 45
Can we develop a method of evaluating arithmetic expressions without having to ‘look ahead’
or ‘look back’? ie consider the quadratic formula:
x = (-b+(b^2-4*a*c)^0.5)/(2*a)
In it’s current form we cannot solve the formula without considering the ordering of the parentheses.
i.e. we solve the innermost parenthesis first and then work outwards also considering operator
precedence. Although we do this naturally, consider developing an algorithm to do the same . . . . . .
possible but complex and inefficient. Instead . . . .
Computers solve arithmetic expressions by restructuring them so the order of each calculation is
embedded in the expression. Once converted an expression can then be solved in one pass.
Types of Expression
The normal (or human) way of expressing mathematical expressions is called infix form, e.g. 4+5*5.
However, there are other ways of representing the same expression, either by writing all operators
before their operands or after them,
e.g.: 4 5 5 * +
This method is called Polish Notation (because this method was discovered by the Polish
mathematician Jan Lukasiewicz).
When the operators are written before their operands, it is called the prefix form
e.g. + 4 * 5 5
When the operators come after their operands, it is called postfix form (suffix form or reverse polish
e.g. 4 5 5 * +
Postfix notation arises from the concept of post-order traversal of an expression tree (see Weiss p. 93
- this concept will be covered when we look at trees).
For now, consider postfix notation as a way of redistributing operators in an expression so that their
operation is delayed until the correct time.
Notice the order of the operands remain the same but the operands are redistributed in a non-obvious
way (an algorithm to convert infix to postfix can be derived).
The reason for using postfix notation is that a fairly simple algorithm exists to evaluate such
expressions based on using a stack.
Postfix Evaluation
Binary operators: +, -, *, /, etc.,
Unary operators: unary minus, square root, sin, cos, exp, etc.,
So for 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *
TOS=> 3
So next a '+' is read (a binary operator), so 3 and 2 are popped from the stack and their sum '5' is
pushed onto the stack:
TOS=> 5
TOS=> 8
5 TOS=> 40
5 5
6 6
(8, 5 popped, 40 pushed)
TOS=> 3
TOS=> 45 45
6 6
(40, 5 popped, 45 pushed, 3 pushed)
TOS=> 48
TOS=> 288
Now there are no more items and there is a single value on the stack, representing the final answer 288
Note the answer was found with a single traversal of the postfix expression, with the stack being used
as a kind of memory storing values that are waiting for their operands.
while(precedence(stack top) >= precedence(item))
pop stack to x & app.x to pfix o/p
push item onto stack
while(stack not empty)
pop stack to x and append x to pfix o/p
Operator Precedence (for this algorithm):
The algorithm immediately passes values (operands) to the postfix expression, but
remembers (saves) operators on the stack until their right-hand operands are fully
eg., consider the infix expression a+b*c+(d*e+f)*g
Stack Output
TOS=> +
TOS=> * abc
TOS=> +
TOS=> *
TOS=> +
TOS=> * abc*+de*f+g
empty abc*+de*f+g*+
Chapter 5
5. Queue
a data structure that has access to its data at the front and rear.
operates on FIFO (Fast In First Out) basis.
uses two pointers/indices to keep tack of information/data.
has two basic operations:
o enqueue - inserting data at the rear of the queue
o dequeue – removing data at the front of the queue
dequeue enqueue
Front Rear
Consider the following structure: int Num[MAX_SIZE];
We need to have two integer variables that tell:
- the index of the front element
- the index of the rear element
We also need an integer variable that tells:
- the total number of data in the queue
Yes: - Increment REAR
- Store the data in Num[REAR]
- Increment QUEUESIZE
FRONT = = -1?
Yes: - Increment FRONT
No: - Queue Overflow
To dequeue data from the queue
o check if there is data in the queue
Yes: - Copy the data in Num[FRONT]
- Increment FRONT
- Decrement QUEUESIZE
No: - Queue Underflow
const int MAX_SIZE=100;
int FRONT =-1, REAR =-1;
int QUEUESIZE = 0;
void enqueue(int x)
if(FRONT = = -1)
cout<<"Queue Overflow";
int dequeue()
int x;
cout<<"Queue Underflow";
5.2. Circular array implementation of enqueue and dequeue operations
A problem with simple arrays is we run out of space even if the queue never reaches the size of
the array. Thus, simulated circular arrays (in which freed spaces are re-used to store data) can
be used to solve this problem.
The circular array implementation of a queue with MAX_SIZE can be simulated as follows:
12 11
MAX_SIZE - 1 8
0 7
1 6
2 5
3 4
Consider the following structure: int Num[MAX_SIZE];
We need to have two integer variables that tell:
- the index of the front element
- the index of the rear element
We also need an integer variable that tells:
- the total number of data in the queue
int FRONT =-1,REAR =-1;
const int MAX_SIZE=100;
int FRONT =-1, REAR =-1;
int QUEUESIZE = 0;
void enqueue(int x)
if(FRONT = = -1)
cout<<"Queue Overflow";
int dequeue()
int x;
FRONT = 0;
cout<<"Queue Underflow";
Front Rear
- is a queue where each data has an associated key that is provided at the time of
- Dequeue operation deletes data having highest priority in the list
- One of the previously used dequeue or enqueue operations has to be modified
Example: Consider the following queue of persons where females have higher priority
than males (gender is the key to give priority).
Thus, in the above example the implementation of the dequeue operation need to be
Example: The following two queues can be created from the above priority queue.
Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas
Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
create empty females and males queue
while (PriorityQueue is not empty)
Data=DequeuePriorityQueue(); // delete data at the front
if(gender of Data is Female)
5.5.2. Merging Queues
- is the process of creating a priority queue from two or more queues.
- the ordinary dequeue implementation can be used to delete data in the newly created
priority queue.
Example: The following two queues (females queue has higher priority than the males
queue) can be merged to create a priority queue.
Aster Meron Abebe Alemu Belay Kedir Yonas
Female Female Male Male Male Male Male
52 47 41 35 32 16 13 12 10 7
ii. Disk Driver- maintains a queue of disk input/output requests
Chapter 6
6. Trees
A tree is a set of nodes and edges that connect pairs of nodes that connect pairs of nodes. It is
an abstract model of a hierarchical structure. Rooted tree has the following structure:
One node distinguished as root.
Every node C except the root is connected from exactly other node P. P is C's parent,
and C is one of C's children.
There is a unique path from the root to the each node.
The number of edges in a path is the length of the path.
Depth of H 2
Height of a tree: depth of the deepest node. 3
Subtree: a tree consisting of a node and its descendants.
Binary tree: a tree in which each node has at most two children called left child and right child.
Full binary tree: a binary tree where each node has either 0 or 2 children.
Balanced binary tree: a binary tree where each node except the leaf nodes has left and right
children and all the leaves are at the same level.
Complete binary tree: a binary tree in which the length from the root to any leaf node is either
h or h-1 where h is the height of the tree. The deepest level should also
be filled from left to right.
Binary search tree (ordered binary tree): a binary tree that may be empty, but if it is not empty
it satisfies the following.
Every node has a key and no two elements have the same key.
The keys in the right subtree are larger than the keys in the root.
The keys in the left subtree are smaller than the keys in the root.
The left and the right subtrees are also binary search trees.
6 15
4 8 14 18
7 12
16 19
11 13
struct DataModel
Declaration of data fields
DataModel * Left, *Right;
DataModel *RootDataModelPtr=NULL;
6.3.1. Insertion
When a node is inserted the definition of binary search tree should be preserved. Suppose there
is a binary search tree whose root node is pointed by RootNodePtr and we want to insert a node
(that stores 17) pointed by InsNodePtr.
17 17
InsertBST(RootNodePtr, InsNodePtr)
17 10
6 15 6 15
4 8 14 4 8 14 18
7 12 7 12 16 19
16 19
11 13 11 13 17
Function call:
if(RootNodePtr = = NULL)
Implementation: InsertBST(RootNodePtr, InsNodePtr);
RNP->Left = INP;
RNP = RNP->Left;
if(RNP->Right = = NULL)
RNP->Right = INP;
RNP = RNP->Right;
6 15
4 8 14 18
7 12 16 19
11 13 17
Preorder traversal - 10, 6, 4, 8, 7, 15, 14, 12, 11, 13, 18, 16, 17, 19
Inorder traversal - 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
==> Used to display nodes in ascending order.
Postorder traversal- 4, 7, 8, 6, 11, 13, 12, 14, 17, 16, 19, 18, 15, 10
Function calls:
6.3.4. Searching
To search a node (whose Num value is Number) in a binary search tree (whose root node is
pointed by RootNodePtr), one of the three traversal methods can be used.
Function call:
ElementExists = SearchBST (RootNodePtr, Number);
// ElementExists is a Boolean variable defined as: bool ElementExists = false;
When we search an element in a binary search tree, sometimes it may be necessary for the
SearchBST function to return a pointer that points to the node containing the element
searched. Accordingly, the function has to be modified as follows.
Function call:
SearchedNodePtr = SearchBST (RootNodePtr, Number);
// SearchedNodePtr is a pointer variable defined as: Node *SearchedNodePtr=NULL;
6.3.5. Deletion
To delete a node (whose Num value is N) from binary search tree (whose root node is
pointed by RootNodePtr), four cases should be considered. When a node is deleted the
definition of binary search tree should be preserved.
Consider the following binary search tree.
6 14
3 8 12 18
4 7 9 11 13 16 19
15 17
1 5
Delete 7
6 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 9 11 13 16 19
16 2
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
15 17
17 1 5
5 15
If the deleted node is the left child of its parent and the deleted node has only the left child,
the left child of the deleted node is made the left child of the parent of the deleted node.
If the deleted node is the left child of its parent and the deleted node has only the right
child, the right child of the deleted node is made the left child of the parent of the deleted
If the deleted node is the right child of its parent and the node to be deleted has only the left
child, the left child of the deleted node is made the right child of the parent of the deleted
If the deleted node is the right child of its parent and the deleted node has only the right
child, the right child of the deleted node is made the right child of the parent of the deleted
Delete 2
6 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 9 11 13 16 19
16 1
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
15 17
17 5
5 15
Delete 2
6 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 9 11 13 16 19
16 1
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
15 17
17 5
5 15
Case 3: Deleting a node having two children, e.g. 6
o The right child of the deleted node is made the right child of the node containing largest
element in the left of the deleted node
o The right child of the deleted node is made the left child of the parent of the deleted
node, and
o The left child of the deleted node is made the left child of the node containing smallest
element in the right of the deleted node
If the deleted node is the right child of its parent, one of the following is done
o The left child of the deleted node is made the right child of the parent of the deleted
node, and
o The right child of the deleted node is made the right child of the node containing largest
element in the left of the deleted node
o The right child of the deleted node is made the right child of the parent of the deleted
node, and
o The left child of the deleted node is made the left child of the node containing smallest
element in the right of the deleted node
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
Delete 6
10 10
6 14 8 14
3 8 12 18 7 9 12 18
4 7 9 11 13 16 19 11 13 16 19
2 3
15 17 15 17
1 5 4
1 5
Delete 6 10
3 14
6 14
2 4 12 18
3 8 12 18
5 11 13 16 19
4 7 9 11 13 16 19
8 15 17
15 17
1 5
7 9
Delete 6
10 10
6 14 5 14
3 8 12 18 3 8 12 18
4 7 9 11 13 16 19 4 7 9 11 13 16 19
2 2
15 17 15 17
1 5 1
Delete 6 10
7 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 9 11 13 16 19
16 2
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
5 15 17
15 17 1
1 5
Case 4: Deleting the root node, 10
Approach 1: Deletion by merging- one of the following is done
If the tree has only one node the root node pointer is made to point to nothing (NULL)
If the root node has left child
o the root node pointer is made to point to the left child
o the right child of the root node is made the right child of the node containing the largest
element in the left of the root node
If root node has right child
o the root node pointer is made to point to the right child
o the left child of the root node is made the left child of the node containing the smallest
element in the right of the root node
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
10 Delete 10 6
6 14 3 8
3 8 12 18 4 7 9
4 7 9 11 13 16 19
2 1 5 14
15 17 12
1 5 18
11 13 16 19
15 17
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
10 14
Delete 10
6 14 12 18
3 8 12 18 11 16
13 19
4 7 9 11 13 16 19 17
2 6 15
15 17 8
1 5 3
2 4 7 9
72 1 5
Approach 2: Deletion by copying- the following is done
Copy the node containing the largest element in the left (or the smallest element in the
right) to the node containing the element to be deleted
Delete the copied node
10 Delete 10
6 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 7 11 13 16 19
16 2
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
15 17
17 1 5
5 15
10 Delete 10
6 14
6 14
3 8 12 18
3 8 12 18
4 7 9 16 19
16 2 13
2 4 7 9 11 13 19
15 17
17 1 5
5 15
Function call:
if ((RootNodePtr->Left==NULL)&&( RootNodePtr->Right==NULL) && (RootNodePtr->Num==N))
{ // the node to be deleted is the root node having no child
delete RootNodePtr;
DeleteBST(RootNodePtr, RootNodePtr, N);
Implementation: (Deletion by copying)
Chapter 7
1. Choose gap gk between elements to be partly ordered.
2. Generate a sequence (called increment sequence) gk, gk-1,…., g2, g1 where for each
sequence gi, A[j]<=A[j+gi] for 0<=j<=n-1-gi and k>=i>=1
It is advisable to choose gk =n/2 and gi-1 = gi/2 for k>=i>=1. After each sequence gk-1 is done
and the list is said to be gi-sorted. Shell sorting is done when the list is 1-sorted (which is
sorted using insertion sort) and A[j]<=A[j+1] for 0<=j<=n-2. Time complexity is O(n3/2).
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
Sort (5, 3) 3 8 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 0
Sort (8, 9) 3 8 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 0
Sort (2, 7) 3 8 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 0
Sort (4, 6) 3 8 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 0
Sort (1, 0) 3 8 2 4 0 5 9 7 6 1
5- sorted list 3 8 2 4 0 5 9 7 6 1
Choose g2 =3
Sort (3, 4, 9, 1) 1 8 2 3 0 5 4 7 6 9
Sort (8, 0, 7) 1 0 2 3 7 5 4 8 6 9
Sort (2, 5, 6) 1 0 2 3 7 5 4 8 6 9
3- sorted list 1 0 2 3 7 5 4 8 6 9
Sort (1, 0, 2, 3, 7, 5, 4, 8, 6, 9) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1- sorted (shell sorted) list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7.2. Quick Sort
Quick sort is the fastest known algorithm. It uses divide and conquer strategy and in the worst
case its complexity is O (n2). But its expected complexity is O(nlogn).
1. Choose a pivot value (mostly the first element is taken as the pivot value)
2. Position the pivot element and partition the list so that:
the left part has items less than or equal to the pivot value
the right part has items greater than or equal to the pivot value
3. Recursively sort the left part
4. Recursively sort the right part
The following algorithm can be used to position a pivot value and create partition.
Right=n-1; // n is the total number of elements in the list
swap(data[Left], Data[Right]);
swap(data[Left], Data[Right]);
Example: Sort the following list using 0 3 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 8
quick sort algorithm.
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0 Left Right
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0 0 3 2 4 1 5 9 7 6 8
Left Right
7.3. Heap Sort
Heap sort operates by first converting the list in to a heap tree. Heap tree is a binary tree in
which each node has a value greater than both its children (if any). It uses a process called
"adjust to accomplish its task (building a heap tree) whenever a value is larger than its parent.
The time complexity of heap sort is O(nlogn).
1. Construct a binary tree
The root node corresponds to Data[0].
If we consider the index associated with a particular node to be i,
then the left child of this node corresponds to the element with index 2*i+1 and the
right child corresponds to the element with index 2*i+2. If any or both of these
elements do not exist in the array, then the corresponding child node does not exist
2. Construct the heap tree from initial binary tree using "adjust" process.
3. Sort by swapping the root value with the lowest, right most value and deleting the
lowest, right most value and inserting the deleted value in the array in it proper
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
5 9
8 2 8 5
4 1 3 9 7 1 3 2
7 6 4 6 0
Swap the root node with the lowest, right most node and delete the lowest, right most
value; insert the deleted value in the array in its proper position; adjust the heap tree; and
repeat this process until the tree is empty.
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
9 0
8 5 9 8 5
7 1 3 2 7 1 3 2
4 6 0 4 6 RootNodePtr
8 0
8 9 7 5
7 5
6 1 6 1 3 2
3 2
4 4
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
7 0
6 5 7 8 9
6 5
4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2
6 7 8 9
4 5
4 5
0 1 3
0 1 3 2
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
5 2
5 6 7 8 9
4 3 4 3
0 1 2 0 1
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
4 1
4 5 6 7 8 9
2 3 2 3
0 1 0
RootNodePtr RootNodePtr
3 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 1 2 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
0 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
RootNodePtr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RootNodePtr
Like quick sort, merge sort uses divide and conquer strategy and its time complexity is
1. Divide the array in to two halves.
2. Recursively sort the first n/2 items.
3. Recursively sort the last n/2 items.
4. Merge sorted items (using an auxiliary array).
Example: Sort the following list using merge sort algorithm.
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
Division phase
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
5 8 2 4 1 3 9 7 6 0
4 1 6 0
1 4 0 6
5 8 1 2 4 3 9 0 6 7
Sorting and merging phase
1 2 4 5 8 0 3 6 7 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9