PAT + Depreciation + Interest On Term Commitments
PAT + Depreciation + Interest On Term Commitments
PAT + Depreciation + Interest On Term Commitments
Page numbers of Industrial Advances Manual 2002 are indicated within bracket wherever
1. Sales Growth:
Net Sales (i.e., Sales - Excise Duty) is to be compared with accepted projections. Where
accepted projections are not available the same may be compared with previous year's
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities (excluding Annual maturing Term
Current Assets = As detailed in Page No. A.37 - A.38 of Industrial Advances Manual -- 2002.
Current Liabilities = As detailed in Page No. A.35 - A.36 of Industrial Advances Manual --
2002 - excluding item No: I. a & b (i.e., annually maturing term
TOL includes all forms of debts such as current and term liabilities, off balance sheet
liabilities, subordinated debts, optionally convertible debentures, redeemable preference
shares having residual maturity of less than 12 years, deferred payment credits, bills
discounted etc.
This analysis is to be made as a ratio or percentage and not on absolute terms. This is to be
compared with accepted projections. Where accepted projections are not available the
same may be compared with previous year's actual.
This analysis is to be made as a ratio or percentage and not on absolute terms. This is to be
compared with accepted projections. Where accepted projections are not available the
same may be compared with previous year's actual.
Current Assets = As explained under Point No. 2 above. (Sales = Gross Sales)
This analysis is to be made as a ratio or percentage and not on absolute terms. This is to be
compared with accepted projections. Where accepted projections are not available the
same may be compared with previous year's actual.