Final Draft Senior Project Proposal - Full Maile Coulter

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Cow Free Cakes: Baking for the

Animal Recovery Mission

Maile Coulter

Senior Project 2020

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I have always enjoyed indulging in the world of food, and I have always been aware of

the issues behind factory farming and the cruel processes that animals endure in such farms. In

the past year I have cut down on dairy due to allergy concerns, but it wasn’t until I came across a

youtube video posted by an influencer that I truly felt heartbroken, and determined to stop these

cruel actions. This video showed the influencer watching videos of the circumstances and

treatment of mother cows and calves at FairLife Farms, an organic dairy company that advertises

their farms as free range. These clips were filmed by partners of the Animal Recovery Mission

(ARM), undercover as employees. I have never witnessed such horrifying treatment to such

harmless animals. A mother cow gave birth to her calf in a slippery, muddy pen while trying to

escape from being beaten by an employee, and immediately after the calf was birthed, the

FairLife Farms employees threw the calf into a box, shut the box, and took the calf away. There

are so many wrong aspects of this situation that go against human nature but, imagine giving

birth to your child and not being able to do one of the most important jobs as a mother, protect

and care for your child.

This discovery led me to so many emotions, I was angry, sad, and even confused as to

why someone could even treat any animal in such ways. This evidence needs to be shared with

the world, which is what the Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) is trying to accomplish, and I

want to help them with their mission.

The goal of my project is to not only blend my love of the culinary arts with supporting a

cause but to help stop animal cruelty in the dairy industry. I want to create three non-dairy

pastries that will encourage people to think about what animals, such as cows, endure to give us
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the product of milk, or butter. I plan to develop three delectable recipes that do not require any

dairy product alongside the bakery, Mama Mia’s Bakery. I will graciously take use of their

commercial kitchen, and expert bakers to develop and bake these pastries. I will reach out to the

student body and community members to buy these deserts, in return a portion of the earnings

will go to the Animal Recovery Mission (ARM), an organization with the mission to be, “​an

uncompromising defending force for the welfare of animals, in addition to putting an end to and

preventing pain, suffering and torture inflicted as a result of inhumane practices.” I will be taking

pre-orders, ensuring that I am gathering all of the sales ahead of time, and delivering them on the

desired days, and locations chosen by customers out of two separate weeks. I hope to show

people that they can enjoy their sweet cravings without the brutal treatment of a mother cow and

her calf.
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Driving Question

How can I best develop, bake, and sell non-dairy pastries to promote exploiting animal cruelty in
the dairy industry?

Specialized Mentors

I will have two mentors throughout my project. Piikea Aki, a pastry chef at Mama Mia’s

Bakery, and an expert in recipe development. Pi’i will not only be by expert interview, but she

will be there to guide me in my recipe developing, sharing her comments, concerns, advice, and

knowledge of pastry work in general. Nancy Coulter, also known as my mother, is my second

mentor. She is a book-keeper for several restaurants on the island. Nancy will help teach me how

to cost out my use of ingredients in order to create prices for the pastries, ensuring that I will not

only raise a significant donation for the Animal Recovery Mission but that I will correctly pay

the bakery for the ingredients that I will utilize.

Key Content Knowledge

What I need to know to successfully perform my project that I do not know yet:

★ Ideal recipe developing strategies

★ How to calculate food costs

★ How to effectively approach customers when selling a product

★ How to successfully advertise a food product specifically

★ How to best promote an organization through a fundraiser

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★ Salesman skills

★ How to not offend audiences that do not agree with the subject that I am promoting

★ How to not overstep when working with a professional company and company partners

21st Century Skills

❖ Information Skills

I will use information skills through my project when I have to read through various

sources in order to complete my argumentative essay, and when I am in the process of

developing my recipes. I will have to use multiple resources, human and technology, to gather

recipe developing strategies, and information on how to formulate three, unique, non-dairy


❖ Communication Skills

Almost every aspect of my project requires me to communicate with multiple audiences

using different communication forms. For the first stages of my project I will be speaking with

multiple mentors through verbal and written communication gathering advice on actually

developing my products, and on how to calculate food costs. I will also need to be aware of how

I approach any favor, question, and conversation with the mentors that are kindly agreeing to

work with me, ensuring I do not overstep, but also making sure that they understand the extent of

my personal requirements. In the final stages when I am physically baking the products I will be

working side by side, hands on with another baker. I will also be promoting my service to the

student body, and community members through oral and nonverbal communication, and in the

end physically delivering the purchased products.

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❖ Thinking and Problem Solving

Specifically in the designing and producing stages of my project I will be challenged to

use trial and error, and analysis to create a range of three pastries that can satisfy all audiences,

and physically work as a dessert while not using any dairy products.

❖ Self-Directional Skills

This project is self-directed in itself. I will be majorly using my organizational skills in

order to contact mentors, schedule meetings, check in with partners, and conduct my essential

goal. While organizing, I will be making sure everything runs as smoothly, and professionally as

possible. I will also need to manage my learning needs, ensuring that I am gathering all of the

knowledge that I need in order to create a feasible project that is also standing up to its potential.

❖ Global Awareness

I will be enhancing my Global Awareness skills because although I will be organizing a

bake sale service, I will also be learning about the issue of animal cruelty all across the world

Not just in the dairy industry, but in other food production areas. I will become more aware of

the circumstances and situations of animals outside of my community. I have to become

knowledgeable about the issue before I can raise awareness for it. I will also be raising money

for an organization that has the mission to exploit animal cruelty situations, eventually outlawing

animal cruelty altogether. Hopefully by raising a significant donation, I can at least say that I did

something to help the growth of the movement.

❖ Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy

A significant portion of my project will require me to understand business processes as I

will be working with money, learning an important concept of running a business involved with
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food (calculating food costs), and creating a fundraiser that requires advertising, creating, and

selling a product.


➢ Encountering difficulties acquiring permission from our school, Kihei Charter, to sell and

distribute pastries on campus due to safety: allergy concerns, etc.

- If this occurs I will create my own business where the school will not be tied to the


➢ No one wants to buy my product, therefore I don’t sell enough to make a significant

donation, while having to pay the bakery back for their ingredients.

- I am confident that I will not have this issue, but it is always a possibility, so I will be

sure to stay positive, and push for sales, advertising and reaching out to my whole

community no matter what.

➢ People do not show to collect their orders, therefore food will go to waste.

- If this happens, I will take the left behind pastries and sell them on the day of, no refunds

will be given to whom may not collect their orders.

➢ Difficulty scheduling with the bakery in regards to using the space, in return my project

timeline could be set back.

- I have created my timeline specifically so that if my project encounters setbacks I will

have a whole month of extra time, ensuring I will complete my project on time.

➢ Not being able to formulate simple, delicious, dairy-free desserts that appeal to the

student body, and outside community members.

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- I will be extra aware when creating recipes to research and ask my mentor about what is

popular right now in the food industry, making sure that I can not only feel confident in

my recipes but set myself up for the best outcomes.


For the different stages of my project: Develop and Design, Sell and Bake, and Donate, I

will be documenting each stage, thoroughly taking pictures, videos, and showcasing recipe notes,

trial processes, order sheets, and final sale data. I will be turning in my blogs including all of this

documentation, but ultimately my final product will be delivering the deserts to the study body

and community members.

Resources and Activities

Resources/Materials Needed

Besides the materials that I will need to actually test and bake these pastries (which will

be covered through the bakery, and my house), some of the other materials and resources that I

will need, include delivery boxes. I will use these boxes to physically place each order of pastries

into and easily deliver to each customer. The boxes will either be donated by my family or I will

buy and pay myself back with the sales that I make. In order to transport and distribute these

orders I will need a car with maximum space, which I currently have. Some human resources

that I will need are a helping hand when I take orders from the student body, in order to manage

the money, and one or two people to help carry the boxes of desserts when I am delivering the

orders to students at the school. One last material that I will need in order to keep the
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orders/boxes of pastries organized is labels, which I plan to make with the materials that I

already obtain in my house.


I do not have a budget for this project, because I have been graciously gifted the space,

and materials of a commercial kitchen. I will be using their equipment and ingredients. After I

have developed the recipes of the pastries that I will be selling and baking, I will calculate the

cost of ingredients. This is so that when I collect the order of pastries, I will be able to calculate

how much ingredients I will be using, and how much I will take out of the profit to pay the

bakery back for the ingredients used.


Stage 1: Development >>> September 1, 2019 to October 30, 2019

September 4, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh
September 8, 2019 > Prepare questions for Expert Interview
September 9, 2019 > Begin creating Progress Presentation 1 and Blog 1
September 11, 2019 > Expert Interview Meeting with Pastry Chef and Recipe Developer
- Piikea Aki
September 15, 2019 > Recipe Development Day 1
September 16, 2019 > Recipe Development Day 2
September 18, 2019 > Check-in Meeting with Michelle (owner of Mama Mia Bakery)
and Start Expert Interview Reflection
September 20, 2019 > Progress Presentation 1 and Blog 1 Due and Get Signatures for
Senior Project Abbreviated Proposal and Signature Form
September 25, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh
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September 27, 2019 > Expert Interview Reflection and Senior Project Abbreviated
Proposal and Signature Form Due
September 29, 2019 > Start of Recipe Test Week
October 7, 2019 > End of Recipe Test Week
October 11-12, 2019 > Sit down with my mom (bookkeeper) to cost out ingredients,
create prices, and sell goal to equally pay off ingredients and collect significant donation
(goal is $100.00 - $200.00 or more)
October 13, 2019 > Start creating order sheets
October 16, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh
October 20, 2019 > Begin Argumentative Essay
October 28, 2019 > Have completed order sheets ready to use, and prepare to collect
October 30, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh

Stage 2: Sell and Bake >>> November 1, 2019 - November 30, 2019

November 1, 2019 - Start collecting orders

November 13, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh
November 16, 2019 > Finish collecting orders
November 17, 2019 - November 18, 2019 > First round of baking
November 20, 2019 > Delivery Day 1
November 22, 2019 > Delivery Day 2, and Final Argumentative Essay Due
November 23, 2019 > Begin Progress Presentation 2
November 24, 2019 - November, 25, 2019 > Second round of baking
November 27, 2019 > Delivery Day 2 - Check in with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh
November 29, 2019 > Delivery Day 3

Stage 3: Final Rap-Up >>> December 1, 2019 - February 21, 2019

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December 1 and 2, 2019 > Count Money, Separate Ingredient Budget - Pay Mama Mia
Bakery for ingredients.
December 4, 2019 > Update Meeting with Ms. Terry or Ms. Marsh and Donation Day
(also my birthday)!
December 6, 2019 > Progress Presentation 2 Due
December 9, 2019 > Begin Final Project Reflection, Presentation, and Trifold.
December 18, 2019 > Begin to Prepare for Demo Presentation.
January 1, 2019 > Demo Presentation in KCS Classroom
February 1, 2019 > Begin Preparing/Practicing for Final Project Presentation
Feb 14, 2019 > Final Project Reflection due
Feb 21, 2019 > Final Presentation & Trifold due

Annotated Bibliography

“ARM : Animal Recovery Mission a Vanguard Defense Organization” ​ARM Investigations,​ 13

Aug. 2019,

This is the source of the organization that my project is donating to. Richard “Kudo”

Couto is the Founder of Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) and ARM Sanctuary. He has

dedicated his life to the well being of animals. Kudo turned a once small non-profit, into

a multi-faceted company that has become one of the most esteemed and impactful animal

defense organizations in the world. This source not only displays the organization itself,

accomplishments, operations, and information to get involved, but it displays all of the

evidence, and media that they have collected over several years, showcasing breaking

news of surveillance, law enforcement updates, and much more that keeps anyone up to

date on the movement of this issue.

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This source is important because it is not just an organization’s general website asking for

donations, it is a website where you can follow the entire history of what has and is

currently being accomplished by ARM. It is so beneficial to see the massive

reinforcements and moves that they have made, and have planned to be made. It gives us

direction and encouragement that putting an end to animal cruelty in all areas can be


“18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You).” ​PETA,​ 29 Jan.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization

based in Norfolk, Virginia, and led by Ingrid Newkirk, its international president. Ingrid’s

early volunteer days led her to view that anyone in need, including animals, is worthy of

being concerned about. This article by PETA discloses eighteen reasons why milk is

worse for the cows than people, showcasing several videos and images of disturbing

dairy farm circumstances. Some of these included the facts of the torn bond between a

mother and her calf just after a few days of being born, or that the male calves are usually

sold to the veal industry where just after a few miserable months of being cooped up in a

tiny crate, they are killed. This article shows the possible lifestyle and timeline of cows

who are born into such dairy farms.

This source is valuable to my goals because it is common to know that dairy products can

be bad for you, and for the animal itself, but not many people see the true timeline of the

lives of cows born into dairy farms. Not many people realize that female cows live as

milk machines for the rest of their lives. They produce 4.5 times the normal amount of
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milk until they die at the young age of four years old. If they were to not live in a dairy

farm, they would live until the age of twenty years old, raising their calves side by side,

producing the healthy, natural amount of milk that they are supposed to produce.

Newkey-Burden, Chas. “Dairy Is Scary. The Public Are Waking up to the Darkest Part of

Farming | Chas Newkey-Burden.” ​The Guardian,​ Guardian News and Media, 30 Mar.



This article is posted by The Guardian, a famous British daily newspaper, and written by

Chas Newkey-Burden, a British journalist and author, previously experienced with major

news platforms like “60 Minutes.” The article explains a more detailed, in depth lifespan

of cows in the dairy industry, specifically focusing on the females and the scary effect of

injected reproductive hormones and prescribed antibiotics that cause an unnatural milk

production content. Burden describes the brutal process of a female cow: forced

impregnation, the theft of her baby, and a return to the “cattle crush” (where farmers

mechanically draw semen from a bull, and then force the female cow into a narrow trap,

where they will brutally impregnate her) two or three months later. After describing this

lifecycle, he goes into the fact that diary alternatives are now widely available, and the

more that people realize the facts of the dairy industry it is becoming easier to just quit


This source is helpful to my project because it does more than tell the life of a female

cow in the dairy industry, it shows the suffering that more than thousands of animals
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endure every day. As this is revealed, dairy-free companies are beginning to gain

popularity, and dairy farms are going extinct. People need to understand that there is

more out there than just dairy, and that the more people become aware of the “scary”

circumstances, the more people will find these dairy free options, and that is what I am

trying to show through my project. I want to show people that there are delicious dairy

free options easily available to us.

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