Chem2exam2 PDF
Chem2exam2 PDF
Chem2exam2 PDF
Fill in your name, ID#, and section on this test booklet. Fill in and bubble in your name, ID# (bubble 0 for “C”),
and section on the scantron form. For question #60, mark A. Mark the best answer after reading all possible
choices. Use a #2 pencil and make clean erasures to insure proper scoring. When finished, turn in your scantron
sheet and show this booklet and your CUID to the proctor. Questions are worth four points each. Good Luck!
1. The reaction progress graph shown below is for a 3. Bombardment of curium with another atom
two-step process. Overall the reaction is ______ produces nobelium and neutrons. What is the
and the largest activation energy barrier is ______. other atom?
96 Cm + ___ 254
102 No + 4 10 n
9 9
A. 6 C D. 6 Be
4 12
B. 3 He 2 E. 6 C
C. 6 N
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6. Consider the following reversible reaction. 9. Which of these reactions/temperatures will have
the smallest rate constant? Assume the frequency
factor (A) is the same for both reactions.
The diagram represents an equilibrium mixture for
this reaction.
mechanism II:
15. The first diagram shows a gas phase system at
A+A→I slow
I +B→P fast
mechanism III:
Which statement is correct for the system in the
A+A⇌I fast equilibrium second diagram?
I+B→P slow
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. I and III only
C. K C =
CO 16. For a particular radioisotope, 12% was found to
have decayed over a period of 5.2 years. What is
the half-life of this radioisotope?
D. K C =
Ni(CO)4 A. 0.59 y D. 28 y
B. 32 y E. 1.7 y
E. K C =
Ni(CO)4 C. 22 y
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17. If ΔG° is positive for a reaction, 20. For an equilibrium reaction with K = 1.3 10−3
which statement is true in comparing the forward
A. K=1 (kf) and reverse (kr) rate constants for this reaction?
B. K=0
C. K<1 A. Both kf and kr are large.
D. K<0 B. Both kf and kr are small.
E. K>1 C. kf is greater than kr.
D. kf is smaller than kr.
E. kf is the same as kr.
18. Which profile represents the effect of a catalyst on
the rate of a reaction?
21. An isotope of rubidium, Rb, undergoes a decay
process producing a daughter isotope of krypton,
Kr. What is the process seen for this Rb isotope?
A. alpha emission
B. beta emission
C. proton emission
D. neutron emission
E. positron emission
A. 294 atm
B. 35.7 atm
C. 17.9 atm
D. 6.00 atm
19. When the temperature is changed for the following E. 1.5 10−2 atm
reaction, the equilibrium constant (Kp) changes, as
23. Which statement is correct regarding reaction
H2(g) + I2(g) HI(g)
temperature Kp
500 K 160 A. The rate law derived from a mechanism is
700 K 54 based on the molecularity of the rate
Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic? By determining step.
increasing the temperature does the reaction shift B. Catalysts are never included in the rate law for
to make more products or reactants? a mechanism.
C. The best mechanisms always have the first step
Hrxn? more products or reactants? as the slowest elementary reaction.
A. exothermic more products D. A mechanism must include more than one
B. endothermic more products elementary reaction.
C. exothermic more reactants
D. endothermic more reactants
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24. Chlorine and bromine gases will react with one 26. Both reactions below are at equilibrium. Which
another according to the following equation: has the larger K and which has the more negative
Cl2(g) + Br2(g) ⇌ 2 ClBr(g) KC = 2.25
If the initial pressures at 298 K of the gases are
Cl2(g) 1.00 atm, Br2(g) 1.00 atm and ClBr(g) 1.50
atm, what will happen as the reaction system
moves towards equilibrium?
9F + 42He → 22 1
10Ne + 1H
F isotopic mass 18.9984 amu
He isotopic mass 4.0026 amu
Ne isotopic mass 21.9914 amu 60. Mark A on your scantron.
H mass 1.0078 amu
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[A]0 ln 2 1
t½ = t½ = t½ =
2k k [A]0 • k
k Ae RT