GPSA - Methanol Inhibition Rate Revised
GPSA - Methanol Inhibition Rate Revised
GPSA - Methanol Inhibition Rate Revised
System Conditions
Production Rate (Gas) 2.6 MMscfd
Production Rate (Oil) 3,691 bbl/d
Production Rate (Water 12,100 bbl/d
Operating Pressure 80.0 barg
Minimum operating temperature 5 degC
Equivalent Hydrate dissociation temperature 20 degC
Depression Desired, dT 15.0 degC
Time taken for well to warm-up 1.5 hrs
Produced Water density 1,000 kg/m3
Gas Partitioning Co-efficient 0.23% wt% MeOH injected
Oil Partitioning Co-efficient 0.10% wt% MeOH injected
Free water production 4,583 bbl/MMscf
Hydrocarbon liquid production 1398 bbl/MMscf
Inhibitor Properties
Inhibitor molecular weight 32.04
Inhibitor Density 811 kg/m3
Concentration of inhibitor injected (L) 100 wt%
100 MWinhibitor dT
KH ( MWinhibitor dT )
Weight % inhibitor in water phase, I 29.2
Amount of Methanol in Water phase 49,529 kg
Amount of Methanol in Gas Export 114 kg
Amount of Methanol in Oil Stream 50 kg
Total Methanol Required 49,693 kg
61 m3
Methanol Contamination in gas export 1,529 mg/Sm3
Methanol Contamination in oil stream 104 ppmvol
Nielson Bucklin
x inhibitor 1 exp
x inhibitor MW inhibitor
18 . 015 x inhibitor ( MW inhibitor 18 . 015 )
These Kh values are for SI units i.e. degC temperature depression. For degF units, Kh is generally given as 2335.
Source: Carroll J., Natural Gas Hydrates: A guide for Engineers, 2014, Gulf Professional Publishing, Oxford
h is generally given as 2335.
Source: Carroll J., Natural Gas Hydrates: A guide for Engineers, 2014, Gulf Professional Publishing, Oxford
not available. Replace the wt% inhibitor derived in this chart with input in cell G25 on "Calculations" tab