Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices: Article
Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices: Article
Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices: Article
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2017, VOL. 38, NO. 4, 254–264
Sinter plants process a mixture of iron ore fines, recycled ironmaking products, slag-forming agents and Iron ore; reducibility; RDI;
solid fuel (coke) with the finality of obtaining a product with the suitable characteristics (thermal, sintering; softening and
mechanical, physical, and chemical) for being fed to the blast furnace. With this objective a series of melting test; tumbler index
parameters are defined, including the nature and composition of each component of the mixture, and
the conditions of the sintering process. Sinter characterization includes chemical and granulometric
analysis, determination of the mineral phases in its structure, apart from a series of quality indices that
includes reducibility, low temperature degradation, reduction degradation and Tumbler. Operated sinter
plants with the maximum productivity are also important with the purpose of obtaining a sinter with
uniform composition and quality for facilitating the steady state operation of the blast furnace.
CONTACT D. Fernández-González Grupo de Investigación en Siderurgia, Metalurgia y Materiales, Escuela de Minas, Energía y
Materiales, Universidad de Oviedo, Calle Independencia, 13, 33004, Oviedo, Asturias (Spain).
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Table 1. Sinter quality requirements. morphology, ferrites can be: columnar, needle-shape or
Minimum Maximum dendritic.
value value Typical
Coke consumption (kg · t–1 sinter) 39 54 – – Silicates, which mainly include olivine, fayalite, and
Productivity (t · m–2 per 24h) 26 43 –
Fe total (%) 51 61 >56 calcium silicates (formed by reaction among molten
Basicity Index 1.70 calcium ferrite and silica).
FeO (%) 4.0 11
Al2O3 (%) 0.6 1.8 1.35
MgO (%) 0.7 2.2 1.65
SiO2 (%) 5.3 5.4
Alkalis (%) 0.11
Phosphorus (%) 0.04
2.2. Softening-Melting Test
RDI (% < 3mm) 27 33 <33
Tumbler (% > 6.3mm) 63 79 >74 In an effort to simulate the behavior of iron oxides in the
Reducibility (R60, %) 49 78 cohesive zone of the blast furnace (Figure 1), the softening-
% < 0.125 mm 15 melting test was developed in Japan and in the UK. The
0.2 mm < % < 0.7 mm 18
cohesive zone (or the place where the load formed by coarse
mineral grains, sinter and pellets begin to soft) is one of the
zones that can be found in the blast furnace according to the
sintering process, which can remain dissolved or precipitate.
physical characteristics of the load (Sancho et al., 2000).
For that reason, a sintered product formed by Fe2O3, Fe3O4,
Softening and melting isotherms limit this area (Sancho
FeO, metallic iron, calcium ferrites and silicates is obtained
et al., 2000; Propster and Szekely 1979; Wakayama et al.,
from a mixture composed mainly by Fe2O3 (hematite), CaO,
1979; Busby et al., 1994; Cores et al., 2010b; Verdeja et al.,
SiO2 and Al2O3, where metallic oxides and metallic iron are
2014). For lump iron ores, the softening start temperature (TS ;
bonded by calcium ferrites and silicates (calcium silicates,
temperature of solidus in a phase diagram (Verdeja et al.,
olivine, fayalite, and others). In this way, the sinter structure
2014)) usually varies from 1300°C to 1320°C depending on
consists of:
its composition, basicity and gangue content. The final melt-
ing temperature (TM ; temperature of liquidus, TL , in a phase
– Hematite (Fe2O3), which can be classified in: primary
diagram (Verdeja et al., 2014)) varies between 1350°C and
and secondary or recrystallized. Primary hematite comes
1550°C. The difference between TS and TM should be as small
from the original mineral. Secondary or recrystallized
as possible, and this difference gives a measure of the span of
hematite is obtained by crystallization of a molten
phase through the following options: being directly crys-
tallized, formed by oxidation (of magnetite crystals in
the liquid phase) or synthesized by magnetite oxidation
in solid phase.
– Magnetite (Fe3O4), which can be formed from the
minerals without influence of the subsequent melting
(this kind of magnetite appears in areas with poor sin-
tering) or crystallized from the liquid phase.
– Wustite (FeO), which can be formed by precipitation
from the liquid in low potential of oxygen. The presence
of this compound is usually associated with excess of
coke in the sinter mix, retained grains of carbon or
reduction of magnetite in solid state.
– Calcium ferrites. It is difficult to establish a specific
composition of the ferrites that can appear in the sinter
because of the partial replacement of Ca2+ by Mg2+, Fe2+
by Mn2+, Fe3+ by Al3+ and Si3+, etc. For that reason, the
word calcium ferrites includes several chemical com-
pounds formed by crystallization of the liquid phase,
although the mechanism is not well understood
(Webster et al., 2012). Calcium ferrites are formed in
the iron oxide grain borders as a result of the reaction of
them with the slag rich in CaO, few or nothing of FeO
and variable proportions of SiO2 and Al2O3, following
the next chemical equation:
xSiO2 yFe2 O3 5CaO zAl2 O3 ðSFCAÞ
the cohesive zone in a blast furnace. The narrower the cohe- and the disruptions in the furnace operation. TI depends on
sive zone, the easier it is for the gases to flow through the bed, the strength of each single component, the strength of the
resulting in better reduction kinetics of the iron oxide. The bonding matrix components and the ore composition
difference is preferable to be kept in the range 150-180°C for (Mochón et al. 2014).
optimum blast furnace performance (Ghosh and Chatterjee The apparatus used for Tumbler test consists of (depend-
2008; although, 140°C was the difference in the case of the ing on the standard, in this case IS 6495:2003) a drum
sinter used in the experiments carried out by Slezak et al., 1000 mm in diameter and 500 mm width fitted with two
2014). lifters of 50 mm size. The drum rotates at 25 rpm. 15 kg
Laboratory softening and melting tests involve subjecting sample are subjected to 200 revolutions. At the end, the
the material to heating and reducing gases while under a material is screened by 6.3 mm and 0.5 mm size screens and
normal load (Loo et al. 2011). There are various methods >6.3 mm and <0.5 mm material is weighed. The indices are
used by the iron industry that are shown in IS 9660:2001. represented as follows:
The parameters that are used to define the softening-melting
Tumbler Indexð% > 6:3mmÞ
test are described below (Nandy et al. 2006):
¼ ½Weight of > 6:3mm fraction in kg=15kg
– Softening temperature (TS ), which is the temperature at ðinitial sample weightÞ100
which the pressure differential across the bed is 100 mm
Water Column. Abrasion Indexð% < 0:5mmÞ
– Melting temperature (TM ), which is the temperature at ¼ ½Weight of < 0:5mm fraction in kg=15kg
which the pressure drop across bed again is back to ðinitial sample weightÞ100
100 mm Water Column.
– S value (kPa°C) is the area under the curve generated by
The cold strength of the sinter calculated by means of the
plotting pressure differential across the bed ΔP against
Tumbler index can be determined by using other indices, such
temperature and is a measure of bed resistance to gas
as Micum or Irsid (Sancho et al., 2000). This strength depends
on the strength of each component, but also depends on the
– Residual material is the amount of residue left in the
strength of the bonding matrix components and the ore
crucible after test as a percentage of total weight of the
composition as it was previously mentioned. As a conse-
sample minus oxygen associated with iron.
quence, the fracture strength order (from highest to lowest)
of the main components of the sinter is: primary (or residual)
The effect of MgO content (2.98-3.40 wt. %) on softening-
hematite, secondary hematite, magnetite and ferrites.
melting behavior of sinters was studied by Liu et al., 2016a.
The properties of the matrix formed by vitreous glass,
They observed in sinters made from chromium-bearing vana-
silicates, olivine and ferrites are also important, being vitreous
dium-titanium magnetite that with increasing MgO content
glass responsible of sinter strength to decrease due to the
in the sinter the softening-melting interval increased, being
allotropic transformation β-2CaO·SiO2 to γ-2CaO·SiO2 that
located the cohesive zone slightly downward (becoming mod-
begins at 697°C accompanied by a volume change. On the
erately thicker). The appearance of high-melting-point com-
contrary, ferrites are a strong bonding material that improves
ponents, which affect negatively the permeability, was found
sinter strength (Webster et al. 2012).
(Liu et al., 2016a) when great MgO contents. As it was
D. Zhu et al. 2003, studied the possibility of improving the
observed in Table I, MgO content used by Liu et al., 2016a
sinter strength in sinters with high iron (55.8%) and low silica
is higher than typical values of MgO content in sinter (0.7-
(4.38%). Adding serpentine and burning lime into the ore mix
2.2%, typical 1.65%). The reason of using low MgO contents is
to be sintered and with a deeper sinter bed, it was achieved an
that when raising MgO content from 1.4 to 2.6% the FeO
important increase in the amount of magnesium ferrite and
content increases and decreases productivity, RI, RDI, and
SFCA, which are beneficial for sinter strength (Zhu et al. 2003).
Tumbler indices (improves RDI by decreasing it) (Umadevi
et al., 2009a).
The effect of Al2O3 content on softening melting properties 2.4. Low temperature degradation tests
of sinters was studied by Ueno et al., 1994. They observed an
improvement of softening-melting behavior when Al2O3 con- Sinter degradation in the blast furnace happens during reduc-
tent is reduced from 1.85% to 1.5%, but also the permeability tion in the low temperature zone, having harmful effects on
of the cohesive zone is improved. burden strength in the furnace. This lowers permeability and
increases coke consumption.
2.6. Sinter porosity RDI (% <3.15 mm) is commonly used. Secondary hematite
is the main responsible of a poor sinter RDI, because of the
This parameter is related with the sinter reduction behavior
observation of cracks around the narrow neck regions of such
(Simona et al., 2015). Porosity is calculated by determining
hematite. Cracks also appear in the transformation of hematite
the real density (ρR ) and the apparent density (ρA ) of sinters
into magnetite during the reduction processes at 450-650°C.
before and after reducibility test:
Pimenta and Seshadri in 2002, discovered that sinter struc-
P ¼ ρR ρA =ρR ture depends on the maximum temperature reached in the
bed, and that secondary hematite (formed by recrystallization
Restrepo et al. 2008, studied the changes in the initial pore during the sintering of primary hematite) is found at high
structure during reduction tests at 550 and 950°C for hematite temperatures (Pimenta and Seshadri 2002). It has been
and goethite ores (Restrepo et al. 2008). They observed that observed that Al2O3 tends to be concentrated in the secondary
pore diameter should be larger than 0.01 μm for the reducing hematite when the transformation of Fe2O3 (primary) into
gas to have access to the pores and reduce the sinter (Restrepo Fe2O3 (secondary). Increasing Al2O3 and TiO2 concentration
et al. 2008). The specific surface area of the sinter decrease, in sinter is harmful for the RDI.
and as a consequence, its reduction is also reduced when
micro-pores coalesce to pores of higher size (1-5 μm)
(Bristow et al. 1991). In this context, if coalescence of 2.8. Granulometric distribution
micro-pores is avoided and the number of pores is increased,
an increase of the surface area is achieved, and reducibility is Sinter cake is crushed and screened at the end of the machine.
considerably improved. Ferrites stabilize micro-pores and The 12-35 mm is sent directly to the blast furnace hoppers.
favor an increasing in porosity, thus achieving higher reduci- The <5 mm fraction is called return fines and is recycled to
bility (Bristow and Loo 1992; Bhagat et al. 2006). the sinter plant hoppers (Martín-Duarte, 2015).
The particle size distribution in coke breeze was observed The productivity of the sinter machine is related with the
that has influence in microporosity of sinter. Bhagat et al., return fines, because a high fraction of fines indicates a low
2006 observed that by using coke breeze of particle size from fraction of raw materials agglomerated. A reduction of the
0.25 to 3 mm, the microporosity of the sinter increased from return fines percentages means an increase in the strength of
5.2 to 10.4% (reducibility index also increased from 57.1 the sintered product as a consequence of low sinter strand
to 61.1%). speed and high coke content in the mix. On the contrary, an
increase in return fines percentage indicates a lack of coke in
the mix, irregular combustion and moisture changes in the
mix that implies a decreasing of the productivity. It is impor-
2.7. Reduction Degradation Index (RDI) tant to keep a balance between the generation and recycling of
The Reduction Degradation Index (RDI) gives a measure of return fines for the suitable operation of the sintering process
the sinter strength after the partial reduction of the material, (Cores et al. 2010a):
and serves information about the degradation behavior in the 0:95 < Return Fines Generated=Return Fines Returned < 1:05
lower part of the blast furnace stack. According to Mitra et al.,
2014, this index is calculated by ISO 4696:2015 Part 2 (see Some modifications were carried out to avoid excessive
section ISO Low Temperature Static Disintegration Test, that crushing of the product sinter as it leaves the strand. In this
gives RDI by using ISO standards), IS 10823:1994 and JIS RDI way, the Kawasaki Steel Corporation (KSC) has improved
test. The sinter degradation during reduction at low tempera- productivity by using a smaller screen aperture for return
ture (500°C) is determined by the RDI static test IS fines at its plants of Chiba (Obata et al. 1991). Screening
10823:1994. Low values are desirable for RDI (see Table I). sizes and types have also been changed at Chiba (Obata
500 g sample is subjected to reduction at 500°C for 1 hour, et al. 1991) and productivity has risen by 2%.
using a reducing gas of 30% CO and 70% N2. After 1 hour Harsha Nistala et al., 2015 studied the generation of fines
reduction time, the flow of reducing gas is stopped and the test during transportation by using a different method from
portion is cooled down to a temperature below 100°C in the Tumbler index (used to know the degradation produced dur-
reduction tube used for the test under a flow of inert gas. The ing handling and transportation of the sinter, Sancho et al.,
test portion is removed from the reaction tube and the mass is 2000). They used customized drop and vibration tests, con-
determined (m0 ), and is placed in the tumbler drum, which sidering sinter size, drop height and conveying time, to simu-
must rotate for a total of 300 revolutions at a rate of 30 rpm. The late the different steps involved in transportation. Harsha
material is removed from the drum and screened on 6.3 mm, Nistala et al., 2015 observed that the contribution of various
3.15 mm and 500 μm sieves, recording each fraction retained on size fractions of sinter to the generation of return fines could
6.3 mm (m1 ), 3.15 mm (m2 ) and 500 μm (m3 ). RDI is calculated be ordered in growing importance as follows: 5-10 mm >
as percentage by mass with the following formula: 20-30 mm ≃30-40 mm > 10-20 mm.
composition is desirable (Fernández-González et al., 2016a). 1.77% to 1.48% the furnace behavior changed. On its behalf,
This aspect will require suitable characteristics with reference Bolukbasi et al., 2013 observed that when FeO content was
to softening and melting temperatures, liquidus temperature lower than 8%, the reducibility improved (on the contrary, as
and viscosity, which will ensure stable operation of the blast it was checked by Nandy et al., 2006, increasing FeO content
furnace. deteriorated the reducibility), although increasing FeO con-
A high iron content, low gangue content (responsible of tent improved RDI as it was also observed by Kumar et al.,
slag), and basicity (between 1.6 and 2.1) are important from 1995.
the compositional point of view (see in Table I the sinter FeO in iron ore sinter is directly related to its magnetite
quality requirements). Higher hematite contents than magne- content (Umadevi et al. 2012). Sinter productivity reaches
tite contents improve sinter reducibility and sinter quality in maximum values when sinter FeO values of 8.6-9.88% (coke
general. Sinter structure improves with higher level of primary rate: 55-85 kg·t–1 of sinter), because of the improvement in
or residual hematite and ferrites than secondary or precipi- sinter bed permeability, sufficient time and temperature avail-
tated hematite. The optimal structure obtained in the sinter- able (Umadevi et al. 2012). Sinter strength also reaches max-
ing process is the hematite nucleus surrounded by an acicular imum values when sinter FeO values of 8.6-9.88%, because of
ferrite lattice (Bolukbasi et al., 2013). the presence of more acicular SFCA phase (fine acicular SFCA
minimizes the number of cracks and large pores and also
improves cold crushing strength) (Umadevi et al. 2012).
3.1. FeO content Sinter RDI (desired <27%) decreases when increasing FeO,
FeO content is an important variable in the sintering process and is also related with magnetite phase (less hematite in the
as it is an indicator of the thermal state of the sintering sinter matrix reduces the sinter degradation at lower tempera-
process. FeO content gives information about sintering con- ture and lesser RDI) (Umadevi et al. 2012). Sinter reducibility
ditions, in particular the coke rate (Loo 1992). RDI, which is a (desired >65%) decreased with increasing FeO content
measure of sinter strength after its partial reduction, accord- because of the decrease in hematite and acicular calcium
ing to Table I is convenient to be lower than 33, because ferrite phases, and the increase in magnetite phase and colum-
higher percentages would cause problems of sinter degrada- nar ferrite phases, which has lower reducibility (Umadevi
tion in the blast furnace. According to Sancho et al., 2000 RDI et al. 2012).
is related to FeO content in the sinter, and according to
Kumar et al., 1995 RDI improves by 8 points (lowers) when
FeO content is increased in the sinter by 2% (see in Figure 3 a 3.2. Al2O3 content
real example of how sinter RDI changes as a function FeO
Sinter RDI is deteriorated with the presence of alumina (Lu
content). The problem is that increasing FeO content also
et al. 2007), as RDI rises when Al2O3 content is increased
deteriorates reducibility as it was studied by Nandy et al.,
(Figure 4). Hsieh 2005 observed that sinters made from dense
2006. Nandy et al., 2006 studied the FeO content (10-12.1%)
low alumina iron ores presented high Tumbler strength and
in sinters used by Tata Steel. They observed that when FeO >
low coke rate, but RDI was not simply related to the alumina
12.1% (with 1.77% MgO, 2.4% Al2O3 and 10% CaO and 2.2
level of iron ore (according to Hsieh 2005 a high alumina ore
basicity index), there is not smooth blast furnace operation, as
may produce sinter with very low or very high RDI). Hsieh
reducibility impairs (problems of gas permeability), affecting
2005 results contrast information showed in Figure 4 and
coke rate and deteriorating blast furnace productivity. Nandy
et al., 2006 verified that when MgO content is reduced from
Figure 3. Relation between RDI (%<3 mm) and %FeO. Figure 4. Relation between RDI (%<3 mm) and %Al2O3.
et al., 2002 observed that an increase in MgO also raised RDI. is influenced by coke powder content, carbon species, coke
Yadav et al., 2002 also observed that raising MgO content powder adding methods, etc. They could check that when
(1.75-3.25%) caused the plant productivity to decrease. They coke rate was 12% and 5% dosage of CO supplied in the
verified that Tumbler index increased under that conditions, sintering ratio, the removal ratio of K2O and Na2O was
but when MgO content was higher than 4%, the formation of 69.00% and 32.79% respectively, with a metallization ratio of
a vitreous matrix with low formation of bonding phases 4.65%. In the same line, Liu et al., 2016b used reductive
caused the decrease of Tumbler index. Bolukbasi et al., 2013 sintering technology (efficiently use of the carbon by carbon
as Umadevi et al., 2009c, Lu et al. 2007 and Kalenga and direct reduction, which produces CO used as indirect reduc-
Garbers-Craig, 2010 also observed that RDI improved when tion agent) with the purpose of removing alkali metals (potas-
MgO content in the sinter was between 1.2 and 1.7%. The sium and sodium). Liu et al., 2016b achieved removal ratios
reason suggested by Bolukbasi et al., 2013 was that MgO for Na and K of 20.37% and 63.73%, respectively, lower than
stabilizes magnetite and thus decreases hematite content, obtained by Li et al., 2013.
and so causing a lower stress in the sinter during the reduc- Research was carried out with the purpose of evaluating
tion of hematite to magnetite in the blast furnace. the effect of chlorine and alkalis on sinter properties during
reduction (Lectard et al. 2003). The presence of alkalis favors
the reduction of hematite to magnetite because of the catalytic
3.4. Alkalis content action of the alkali (Lectard et al. 2003). Chlorine compounds
Alkalis (K and Na compounds, Kobayashi et al., 1979) enter in are unfavorable as they are deposited on the sinter surface and
the blast furnace with the charge materials (should be limited inhibit its reaction (Lectard et al. 2003).
to 2.5-3.0 kg alkalis/ton pig iron, Kurunov et al., 2009 or 2.5-
8.5 kg alkalis/ton pig iron, Besta et al., 2014, depending on the
blast furnace and operating conditions), in the following 3.5. Basicity (CaO Content/SiO2 Content)
percentages according to Gridasov et al., 2016: sinter (0.1%
In a general way, sinter reduction degradation behavior (RDI)
Na2O and 0.08% K2O in sinter composition, according to
is considered dependent on the basicity in a relation similar to
Besta et al., 2014), 32-58%; coke ash, 21-33%; pellets (1.2%
that one showed in Figure 7. According to Higuchi et al., 2006,
Na2O and 1.5% K2O in pellet composition, according to Besta
an optimization in the CaO/SiO2 ratio in the range 1.5-2.0
et al., 2014), 16-37%). They have effects that deteriorate the
accompanied by an increase in the Fe content and a decrease
blast furnace performance by decreasing the hot strength of
in the Al2O3 content is effective for improving the sinter high
the coke, aggravating sinter RDI (Figure 6), weakening the
temperature reducibility. Fan et al., 2012 also observed an
refractory lining and facilitating the formation of slag crusts,
improvement in sinter reducibility (41.45 to 74.36%) when
scaffolding and burning of the tuyeres (Kurunov et al., 2009).
sinter basicity was increased from 0.6 to 2.22. Similar results
Li et al., 2013 studied the removal behavior of potassium
(improvement) were observed for RDI (%<3mm) by Fan et al.,
and sodium oxides by pre-reduction sintering (process devel-
2012 as this parameter changed from 16.8 to 11.7 in the same
oped in Japan with the purpose of reducing energy consump-
interval of basicity variation, although the RDI value is low if
tion and CO2 emissions, where iron ore fines are made into
compared with that one showed in Table I.
ore blocks directly reduced on the sintering machine). Li
The basicity index has importance in the mineralogical
et al., 2013 observed that the potassium and sodium removal
structure, and for that reason in the hardness and reducibility
Figure 6. Relation between RDI (%<3 mm) and %(Na2O+K2O). Figure 7. Relation between RDI (%<3 mm) and CaO/SiO2.
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