Curriculum For Contemporary Society
Curriculum For Contemporary Society
Curriculum For Contemporary Society
A method of teaching, training, and learning to develop skills and improve information in a
person is usually referred to as education. Since the start of human civilization, incalculable
intellects tried to identify the purpose of education. A common understanding of human being of
education without purpose has no real importance or significance in society. A basic purpose of
education is to empower people, however, it has to cope up with the ever-changing demands of
society over time and places (Essay, 2010). Society does not remain quiet because the future is
always encircled by uncertainties. As society remains to progress, the educational purposes are
also revised to keep up with the increasing demands of its surroundings and remain relevant to
In the present, different societies are in the dilemmas that whether the education system they
accepting is supporting them to sustain and ensure the welfare of their populations or they feel
negative with the response capacity of the education system in respect to the what, why, and
how of education. Intellectual and civilians in different societies also raise questions on a
significant association between the political and social demands of education and its provision.
These questions are also increasingly supported by the international and national assessments on
the functioning of the school system and the effectiveness of their curriculum in the teaching and
The term curriculum simply refers to the course of study or the learners' experience with the
demands of societies through the schools and beyond. A society seeks its sustainability and
demands the welfare of the population through education and wants to devise the curriculum
accordingly. It is known that a sustainable society ensures the health and vitality of human life
and culture and natural capital, for present and future generations. So, it wants to fulfill the
welfare of its population and provide social security through education and demands that people
meet their basic human needs and also attempt to generate an optimum level of well-being in
society by education.
sustainability of society and to ensure the welfare of their population throughout the universe so
what, why, and how education is major concerns of people. It requires economic advancement
with the civic and moral development of society (Essay, 2011). In Nepal, national goals for
education focus on the individual child's development and their relationship to society
(UNESCO, 2006). The current debates on the purpose and role of education are related with
social values that should be accepted and achieved for a just society. Education is perceived as a
necessary condition for such visions to be achievable. However, this situation is associated with
the spreading of citizens' distrust in governments' capacity to shape and implement long-term
educational policies, and in the effectiveness of the education system to respond to contemporary
challenges and problems (UNESCO, 2011). For Nepal’s school education to produce the needed
human resources to elevate Nepal’s status from a Least Developed Country by 2022 and to reach
the status of a middle-income country by 2030. (MoE, 2016). The advancement of highest
human values and the inculcation of national and social norms are considered vital for the child's
social growth. The role of education in Nepal has equal importance as a promoter of international
freedom. Through the curriculum that includes comparative studies of human behavior, culture,
and other aspects of human creativity, the comprehensive goal is to foster the harmony of the
rich and varied elements of Nepali society. (UNESCO, 2006). Similarly, the adult and non-
formal education program of Nepal also aims to inform participants about democratic principles
and the political and developmental system of Nepal (ibid.). So, a discussion on ' the curriculum
debate: why it is important today?' is being a concern to all Nepali intellectuals as already
The curriculum is a continuous, all-comprehensive process that goes through changes and
modifications, additions, and alterations. Bobbitt (1924) calls it "a series of experiences", that
children must have to develop their ability to face the affairs of adult life. The relationship
between education and curriculum is highly linked and they both enhance each other. For
instance, the curriculum is the foundation of education and the curriculum is what makes the
The curriculum provides a context within which education can occur. Education is developing
and practicing certain habits in different contexts. Along the way, learners learn some content
which is the curriculum and that's important to a degree, but nobody can learn or know
everything. So the best curriculum permits the development and practice of good habits within a
discipline but not limiting to aiming at the memorization of a certain body of knowledge.
A curriculum directs the educators on what they should teach the students. Well-built curriculum
outlines and narrows down various subjects that should particularly be taught within the
stipulated period. The curriculum, therefore, serves as a guide to check the study program of a
particular course of study. Furthermore, a curriculum is mainly characterized by the start and the
end of a given course of study. Besides, a curriculum directs the educator on how to effectively
Nepal’s new federal constitution 2015 affirms education as a fundamental right and writes that
every citizen shall have the right to free and compulsory basic education, and free education up
to the secondary level (GoN, 2015). There are 29035 community and 6566 institutional schools
to run grades 1 to 12 in Nepal where 7391524 students (Boys 3622400 and Girls 3769124) are
enrolled and are taught by 147538 teachers supported by the government (MoEST, 2017).
Despite huge funding in the public school sector in Nepal, NASA (2013) indicates that some are
lacking in the current educational system of Nepal. The wide gap in the achievement level of
students, schools, districts, and regions indicates that there is an unequal distribution of
educational opportunities to students. (ERO, 2015). Educational failure imposes high costs on
society. Poorly educated people have limited financial capacity to produce, grow, and innovate.
Social cohesion and mobility are highly influence by failure in school system which imposes
additional costs on public budgets to deal with its consequences – higher spending on public
health and social support and greater criminality, among others. For all these reasons, improving
equity in education and reducing school failure should be a high priority in all OECD education
The macro perspective of the education functions includes human resource development, science
and technology, and economic growth. Human resources is a highly essential factor in
development. This is due to a country's development requires not only the natural, materials, and
financial resources, but also the human resources who can utilize the resources. It can be difficult
for any development agency to achieve the expected goals and aims if the human resources, as
the main factor, are not supportive or do not have the required ability to utilize the available
resources (Ali, 2017). Ali (2017) states the purposes of education in the following lines: 1. to
promote education as the basis of sustainable social life and to strengthen international
development into the education system at all levels of education. 3. To provide funds and support
The curriculum itself is not well understood by many teachers. Despite orientation on the
curriculum for some teachers, most had not been comprehensively trained to understand how to
implement a competency-based curriculum. Many teachers and the general public consider
textbooks to be the end-all and be-all of the curriculum and all teaching is therefore tied to these
books, with only the memorization of the text often being the result. The examination system
The education system is complained of essential skills, knowledge and inequalities in the social
measured by the results of national and international assessments. The traditional organization of
the teaching and learning process and content are increasingly perceived as outdated with regards
to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to live in an ever-changing world and a
In a context characterized by serious concerns and incessant claims, giving a convincing purpose
to education and learning must become a priority in the effort to redefine the ultimate goals
pursued by national societies. The education and learning processes that are to be promoted
cannot only be foreseen in terms of prescriptions and norms without reference to the actual
circumstances. It is also essential that the renewed significance given to education and learning
raises the enthusiasm of teachers, families, and communities, and encourages students to engage
in their learning. CDC (2007) has described some issues and challenged of curriculum in Nepal.
They are -
19 Capacity building
Analyzing the above mentioned contemporary curricular issues and challenges, this framework
has set up the following curriculum development and implementation principles. CDC (2007)
For the proper execution of school curriculum of Nepal, above mentioned issues, challenges and
principles of curriculum should be addressed properly so that the education system adopted in
Nepal promotes to sustain Nepali society and ensure the welfare of Nepalese students. It also
guides the education system in respect to the what, why, and how of education.
Curriculum reform is a continuous task of education in all societies. Curriculum reforms implies
reforms are urgent to all societies. Curriculum reform is a social process and as the learning
experiences of human beings develop so does the need arise for curriculum reforms as well.
None of the curriculum is static but is ever changing. Curriculum reform process are affected by
political transformations, societal values and norms in a country among many other agendas of
education reform. Even though, Curriculum reform is not easy and is a challenging process,
achievement. Familiarization with what it involves is imperative before the curriculum reform
process commences. Then, all the influencing factors of curriculum should be identified and
analyzed. So that, each country become mature in curriculum reform process to eliminate
failures and repetition of failures of achieving goal of quality education in education system.
Ali, M. (2017) Curriculum Development for Sustainability Education. UPI Press, Indonesia,
CDC (2007). National Curriculum Framework for School Education in Nepal. Government of
Nepal, Ministry of Education and Sports, Curriculum Development Centre.
Essays, UK. (November 2018). Keeping up with the changing demands of society. Retrieved
GoN (2015). The Constitution of Nepal (September 2015). Kathmandu: Government of Nepal.
Available at:
MoE (2016). School Sector Development Plan, Nepal, 2016–2023. Kathmandu: Ministry of
Education, Government of Nepal.
OECD (2012), Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and
Schools, OECD Publishing.
Savolainen, H., and Halinen, I. 2009. De la educación inclusiva al currículo inclusivo [From
inclusive education to inclusive curriculum]. (Discussion paper about curriculum and
inclusion). Geneva: UNESCO-IBE.
UNESCO (2006). World Data on Education, 6th edition, 2006/07. Compiled by UNESCO- IBE
UNESCO (2011). The curriculum Debate: Why it is important today. IBE Working Papers on
Curriculum Issues No. 10