CSR Report 2017 English

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Fu t u re p ro o f i n g o u r b u s i n e s s
His Excellency Mohamed Mubarak Fadhel Al Mazrouei - Chairman

His Excellency Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh

His Excellency Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak

His Excellency Mohamed Hareb Sultan Al Yousef

His Excellency Hamad Abdulla Al Shamsi

His Excellency Khalifa Sultan Al Suwaidi

His Excellency Ahmed Ali Matar Al Romaithi

Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Etihad
Aviation Group is a diversified global
aviation and travel group with a
business model driven by partnership
and an innovative approach to growth.
Etihad Aviation Group comprises five
business divisions – Etihad Airways,
the national airline of the United Arab
Emirates; Etihad Airways Engineering;
Etihad Airport Services; Hala Group and
Airline Equity Partners.

The primary focus of this report is

on the airline operations and the
corporate activities of Etihad Aviation
Group and its business divisions. The
activities of equity partners and joint
ventures are not included.
Sustainability continues to be a high priority for be obliged to purchase carbon offsets to cover
responsible businesses and this is no exception post 2020 emissions growth, thereby supporting
for Etihad Aviation Group. We continue to the industry’s ‘Carbon Neutral Growth 2020’ goal.
ensure our compliance to regulations, but are
also cognisant of future challenges and other Sustainable aviation fuels are key to achieving
expectations as a global business. carbon neutral growth in our industry. With a
focus on developing sustainable feedstock
The potential impacts of international aviation in the absence of traditional arable land and
activity on the environment continue to without the need for freshwater, we harvested
be a concern and remain a priority of the our first oil-rich seeds from the ‘seawater energy
sustainability agenda. and agriculture’ pilot facility. Our first flight using
the resulting fuel is being planned.
We work effectively at improving our fuel
efficiency, saving 62,000 tonnes of fuel in 2017 Partnerships are essential to ensure a
amounting to nearly 195,000 tonnes of carbon sustainable future and our outreach with
dioxide savings. But we know this is not enough, government, industry and community partners
and as such have continued to support the is extensive, with many of the projects tying in
ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme to our commitment to 2017 as the Year of Giving
for International Aviation (CORSIA) which we and 2018 as the Year of Zayed.
believe is the most effective method to manage
emissions from international civil aviation. All We are proud of our accomplishments, and our
being well, we will start collecting data for this commitment to sustainability, which we believe
system in 2019. As the UAE is signatory to the is essential for the future of the business.
scheme in its initial voluntary phases, we will
What does sustainability To put this into practice, we take a holistic We continually review the material social,
approach to sustainability. This means that environmental, economic and governance
means to us? we try to place sustainability at the core of issues from the perspective of internal and
We see sustainability as a business approach our business, integrate it into our day-to-day external stakeholders. The Sustainability
that creates long-term stakeholder value by operations and practices, and embed it in Advisory Board meets four times each year
taking into consideration every dimension every layer of business thinking, planning and to ensure the continued appropriateness of
of how our business operates – not just our execution. the sustainability strategy and consists of a
finances, but also our real and perceived number of senior staff from core areas of the
social and environmental impacts. In short, Stakeholder engagement plays a key role - for business.
sustainability is good business sense that our efforts to be truly meaningful, we need
allows the business to provide tangible value to prioritise those issues that are important
to global development. not only to the business but also to our

We delivered a solid operational performance in 2017 and continued
to play a crucial role in driving sustainable economic growth in our
home of Abu Dhabi, contributing to the Abu Dhabi 2030 plan.

100 115

18.6 580,000

We were recognised with the following


> Skytrax Award at 2017 Paris Air Show - World’s Best First Class

> AirlineRatings.com Excellence Award 2017 - Best First Class

and Best Long Haul Airline - Middle East & Africa

> Inflight Middle East Awards 2017 - Innovation in Commercial

Airline Cabins

CORPORATE regulatory oversight ensure continuous
performance review against corporate
social responsibility, and financial reporting.
To coincide with the launch, a video was

GOVERNANCE strategic objectives and external standards. created featuring employees who talk about
the importance of the Code, speaking up and

AND ETHICS The Ethics and Compliance Committee

is responsible for overseeing the
leading with integrity.

implementation of a robust ethics and The communications programme of 2017

Etihad Aviation Group is committed to
compliance programme across our group included regular updates on the topics
conducting its business ethically, responsibly
of companies. The main focus areas of the of conflicts of interest, data privacy, and
and in compliance with relevant local and
Ethics and Compliance programme are general ethics and compliance. We continue
international laws and regulations.
general employee ethical conduct, with to encourage employees to raise their
particular focus on: concerns through our confidential global
Good corporate governance is ensured
> Data privacy reporting hotline highlighted through our
through carefully defined structures and
annual ‘Speak Up’ campaign.
processes and detailed in a Manual of > Export control
Authorities for each strategic business
> Anti-corruption Annual training on the Code of Business
unit. The Manuals of Authorities set
> Fraud prevention and detection Conduct is mandatory for all employees
authority limits delegated by the Board
to refresh their knowledge on key ethics
to the Executive Committee, other > Competition law and compliance topics. Employees must
Board Committees, the executive team,
also complete an online conflicts of
management and staff to efficiently run Etihad Aviation Group’s Code of Business interest declaration and, in 2017, we issued
the company’s affairs and operations while Conduct was revised in 2017 to include training and guidelines making it easier for
ensuring control and transparency. strengthened sections on data privacy, employees to understand the declaration
The organisational structure reinforces the gifts, and anti-bribery and corruption, as process.
necessary checks and balances. Various well as new sections on environment and
layers of shareholder, management and

SPONSORSHIP the US Soccer Foundation to build 50 soccer
pitches across the five boroughs of New York
City over the next five years. This will enable
Etihad Airways sponsors a wide range of
football to be more accessible to local
sports, entertainment and cultural events.
communities throughout New York City, while
Partnerships of note include City Football
celebrating and encouraging a healthier,
Group, comprising Manchester City Football
more active lifestyle among youths across
Club, New York City Football Club and
the five boroughs.
Melbourne City, twelve global fashion weeks,
Major League Soccer, National Hockey
For one game during the 2017 season, NYCFC
League, National Basketball League (men’s
traded in their usual light blue uniforms for
and women’s), and Sydney Opera House.
a grey kit that Adidas manufactured out of
The airline also remains committed to key
recycled materials. Timed to celebrate Earth
sponsorships which promote Abu Dhabi
Day and in conjunction with Major League
as a business and leisure destination.
Soccer’s Greener Goals initiative, each shirt
Its current major partnerships include
was made from 20 plastic bottles upcycled
Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand
from marine plastic intercepted by Parley
Prix, Special Olympics World Games 2019,
ocean clean-up operations in the Maldives.
Louvre Abu Dhabi, and HSBC Abu Dhabi Golf
Another key relationship through the
Manchester City Football Club sponsorship,
Through these relationships, Etihad has been
is the City in the Community Literacy Project,
able to support local community initiatives
which aims to improve literacy in those
helping to develop youth, promote health
children aged nine and over. A total of 26
and wellbeing, unity and giving back to the
schools participated in the Manchester area,
engaging over 800 schoolchildren.

Our sponsorship with New York City Football

Club enabled a broader collaboration with
the New York City Mayor’s Office, Adidas and

OCCUPATIONAL September promoting safe work practices to
manage the risks associated with excessive

SAFETY AND temperatures.

HEALTH 2017 also saw the roll out of a six-week

ergonomics campaign concentrating
on methods to help reduce the risks of
The Corporate Safety and Quality Department
musculoskeletal disorders and other work-
provides the leadership and drives the
related injuries and illnesses. Over 70 per
continuous development and implementation
cent of employees reported this to be directly
of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
system for all Etihad Airways business divisions
in the UAE and Etihad Airways worldwide. The
To further support the commitment of Etihad
department ensures compliance with the
to safeguard its staff, a Safety Representative
regulatory framework established under the
program was introduced with representatives
Occupational Safety and Health Center of Abu
acting as a communication and consultation
Dhabi (OSHAD) and manages the integrated
figure within their respective areas of the
management system for occupational safety
business on safety, health and welfare matters.
and health. The system is approved by the Abu
Dhabi Department of Transport and endorsed
An online course focusing on the importance
by OHSAS 18001:2007, the globally recognised
of safety and health in the workplace,
health and safety management system.
‘Occupational Safety & Health: Basic Principles,’
was launched on the eLearning platform and is
Our focus in 2017 was on communication
now mandatory for all employees.
and consultation with the business through
campaigns to ensure employees are aware of
An online course focusing on the importance
the requirements of the management system
of safety and health in the workplace,
and understand the importance and benefits
‘Occupational Safety & Health: Basic Principles,’
of following it.
was launched on the eLearning platform and is
now mandatory for all employees.
The annual ‘Working in Heat’ campaign ran
from May through the summer months until

The success of Etihad Aviation Group, its entities and airline partners
continues to be driven by our people, who are at the heart of our business,
and we constantly strive to be a responsible business and employer.

Employee welfare
The business has comprehensive policies covering employee
welfare. There are global human resources policies accessible to all
employees through the intranet in relation to working hours, annual
leave, maternity leave, employment conditions, diversity and other
important topics, taking account of legal requirements both in the
UAE and countries in which we operate, with local laws always taking 24,558
precedence. EMPLOYEES

As well as offering comprehensive health insurance, we deliver

ongoing outreach to encourage our employees to get in shape and
become more aware of illnesses that might affect their health. The
Etihad Airways Medical Centre, a dedicated facility for our
staff, continued to expand its services and hold regular health fairs 154
providing free health screenings for staff, helping allow for early NATIONALITIES
detection and intervention of illnesses.

Throughout the year, our Sports and Social Committee regularly

organise sporting events and participate in leagues and tournaments.
These events encourage an active lifestyle while also providing an
opportunity for socialising and healthy competition. Funds raised from
some of these competitive events went to benefit worthy causes.
Events in 2017 including Walk for a Cause and the Etihad Aviation
Group World Football Cup, helping to raise over AED300,000 for
various charities that the business supports.

Staff also continued to benefit a SuccessFactors app to help
from excellent lifestyle and travel facilitate regular performance
benefits, including flight and other conversations between managers
holiday-related discounts as well as and employees.
offers at many popular retailers.
During 2017, direct engagement
Performance with employees enabled the
management iAchieve process to be made
easier and more relevant for
Etihad Aviation Group has a employees. These changes were
well-established performance well received and set the platform
management methodology in for further such changes towards
which the emphasis is on providing a continuous performance
clarity to employees on what is management approach
expected of them and how they throughout 2018.
contribute to the overall outcomes
of the business. This iAchieve Reward and
process, implemented for all recognition
employees, incorporates regular
feedback requirements to track The Shukran employee recognition
progress. scheme was introduced in 2013,
designed to encourage a culture of
In 2017, a focused campaign recognition. The scheme, entitled
encouraged managers to conduct the Arabic word for ‘thank you’,
regular one-to-one meetings with encourages colleagues to show
their team members, focusing on gratitude those whose actions go
accountability and development above and beyond.
at an individual level. This was
supported by the implementation A total of 1,397 Shukran awards
of a Continuous Performance were given to employees in 2017.
Management function within

Developing Local Talent
A core element of our mandate is Key achievements in 2017 include:
Emiratisation - the long-term development > 40 international assignments and
of UAE nationals. This is not only critical for secondments were offered to high-
us, as the UAE’s national airline, to reach potential Emirati staff 16,000
our true potential but also enables us to > 183 UAE nationals were sponsored to HOURS OF IN-PERSON
make a meaningful and lasting contribution complete professional development TRAINING
to Abu Dhabi and the UAE more broadly. At certifications
the end of 2017, there were more than 2,700 > 151 UAE nationals were offered career
UAE nationals working across a variety development workshops for transitioning
of operational and commercial functions from graduate manager programmes to
in various parts of Etihad Aviation Group core role across Etihad
from senior executives, pilots, engineers, > Collaboration with the UAE Armed Forces
managers and administrators. 158
to train pilots and airport ground staff to E-LEARNING
operate civilian aircraft and equipment at MODULES
To nurture local talent, we worked hard Abu Dhabi Airport
to provide training on workplace skills
and empower UAE nationals to fulfil their In 2017, Etihad Aviation Group celebrated
potential in a sustainable economy. We its largest ever graduation ceremony of it’s
worked closely with government partners Future Leaders Programme, with 305 UAE
such as the Ministry of Higher Education National Cadet Pilots, Aircraft Engineers
and Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council, as well and graduate managers completing a
as educational institutions such as the programme of two to three years of intensive
Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi on-the-job and classroom training.
Vocational Education and Training Institute, SESSIONS
Abu Dhabi University and Zayed University.

A core priority continues to be reducing our
dependence on fossil fuel and managing
our carbon emissions, so we pursue a
comprehensive strategy of optimisation
programmes throughout the business as
well as continuing our efforts to develop
alternative sustainable fuels, manage
and reduce waste materials and identify
opportunities to reduce water use and
energy consumption on the ground.

Our carbon footprint

We measure the carbon intensity of our
operations, focused on those associated
with material activities recognising
decarbonisation as a key sustainability goal
for any business.

Etihad Aviation Group 2017 Carbon Footprint
Scope 1 Total Usage Unit Conversion Factor Tonnes of CO2
Aircraft 3,450,732,806 kg 3.15 tCO2/tfuel 10,869,808
Ground vehicle (petrol) 2,294,703 Litre 2.3 kgCO2/litre 5,278
Ground vehicle (diesel) 1,234,417 Litre 2.7 kgCO2/litre 3,333
Scope 2        
Etihad Airways Complex electricity 12,454,564 kWh 0.424 kgCO2/kWh 5,281
Etihad Airways Plaza electricity 342,010 kWh 0.424 kgCO2/kWh 145
Etihad Airways Centre electricity 3,776,404 kWh 0.424 kgCO2/kWh 1,601
Siemens building electricity 633,067 kWh 0.424 kgCO2/kWh 268
Total 17,206,045      
Etihad Airways Complex district cooling water 13,303,476 kWh/hr 0.615 kgCO2/KWh 8,182
Etihad Airways Plaza district cooling water 3,926,198 kWh/hr 0.615 kgCO2/KWh 2,415
Etihad Airways Centre district cooling 6,511,845 kWh/hr 0.615 kgCO2/KWh 4,005
Total 23,741,519      
Etihad Airways Complex potable water 64,102 m3 8.85 kg CO2/m3 567
Etihad Airways Plaza potable water 3,444 m3 8.85 kg CO2/m3 30
Etihad Airways Centre potable water 16,868 m3 8.85 kg CO2/m3 149
Siemens building potable water 3,110 m3 8.85 kg CO2/m3 28
Total 87,524      
Scope 3        
Waste to Landfill - Etihad Complex 167,375 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 81,512
Waste to Landfill - Etihad Plaza 1,330,770 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 648,085
Waste to Landfill - Etihad crew accommodation 1,072,597 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 522,355
Waste to Landfill - Etihad ICAD & airport warehouse 30,240 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 14,727
Waste to landfill - Etihad Engineering 1,605,550 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 781,903
Waste to landfill - Etihad Catering 9,375,576 kg 487 kg CO2e/tonne 4,565,906
Total 13,582,108      
      Total tonnes of CO2 17,515,577

Reducing our fossil fuel We also retired several older aircraft in
The fuel savings in 2017
favour of the Boeing 787, one of the most fuel
dependence efficient commercial aircraft in operation are the equivalent of
due to its lightweight composite structure. At 850 flights between
As part of a programme to reduce our
dependence on fossil fuel, we worked the end of 2017, Etihad had 19 Boeing 787 in Abu Dhabi and London
tirelessly to achieve peak operational its 115-strong fleet of passenger and cargo
efficiency and collaborated with our industry aircraft, with an overall average age of 5.4
partners on alternative sustainable fuels. years.

Etihad also strengthened its collaboration

Optimised flying with air traffic control providers at the major
airports to which it operates, in particular
A dedicated Fuel Efficiency Steering
Abu Dhabi, in order to improve the landing
Committee is responsible for identifying
approaches of its aircraft. The most fuel
fuel savings initiatives across the business,
efficient descent manoeuvre is known as
with a focus on operational and technical
a ‘continuous descent approach’ whereby
improvements. In 2017, Etihad was able to
the aircraft reduces height gradually, rather
reduce the amount of fuel consumed by
than in a stepped manner. Thanks to an
its aircraft by over 62,000 tonnes of fuel,
increase in the number of continuous decent
amounting to approximately 195,000 tonnes
approaches in 2017, a total of 980 tonnes of
of carbon dioxide emissions. The result
fuel was saved over the course of the year.
represents a 3.3 per cent improvement on
By combining key fuel saving projects with
operational improvements, the efficiency per
passenger kilometre improved by as much
A key focus area of the fuel efficiency team
as 36 per cent on some of our routes.
was in implementing flight plan adjustments
across the network, reducing flying time by
900 hours, saving of 5,400 tonnes of fuel and
eliminating 17,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide

Alternative sustainable aviation fuels
Our support for alternative fuels has been ongoing for years, and we
proudly remained at the forefront of the global movement towards
using alternative sustainable fuels in the Middle East.

A fundamental component of a viable alternative sustainable fuel

supply chain is the work of the Sustainable Bioenergy Research
Consortium (SBRC). Led by the Masdar Institute, with partners Etihad
Airways, Boeing, ADNOC Refining, Safran, GE and Bauer Resources, the
SBRC is pioneering alternative feedstock as a basis for sustainable
aviation fuel.

The flagship project of the consortium is the ‘Seawater Energy and

the basis of the future fuel, which can be refined into jet grade fuel.
Agriculture System’ (SEAS), an integrated technology using coastal
From the two hectare pilot, the amount of fuel produced will be
seawater to raise fish and shrimp – for public consumption – with the
minimal; however, the project’s purpose is for proof of concept as well
wastewaters from the aquaculture being biologically cleaned through
as assisting with the complex techno-economic assessment – i.e.
Salicornia - saltwater tolerant plants - which can be harvested for
answering the question of whether or not the system will be scalable
aviation biofuel production.
and commercially viable.

Food security is a challenge for desert regions, with a growing

Initial indications are positive and the next scale up will be to
demand for food as populations rise. Close to 70 per cent of seafood
demonstration level at about 200 hectares. The aquaculture element
is currently imported into the UAE and our integrated system, with
will be commercially viable at this size, but further scale up will be
extensive aquaculture as a key element, will support growing food
needed to get the quantities of biomass required for the viability of
demands in a clearly sustainable way. The subsequent uptake of the
the oil.
nutrients from the fish waste, finding a solution to the waste water
challenge of scaled up aquaculture, supports a sustainable biomass
from which to produce another sustainable resource, in this case fuel.

The Salicornia is an annual plant and once it is harvested and dried

the seeds are separated out – they have a high oil content and form

Our facilities
Environmental credentials are tracked throughout
Etihad Complex Electricity Consumption
our commercial facilities and increasingly at the
residential facilities provided for employees. Our head
office facilities comprise the headquarters and the 2017 12,454,645 kWh
training academy, together referred to as the Etihad
Complex, with almost 950 permanent staff and an 10,887 kWh/staff
average of more than 200 employees using the
facilities for training each day.
2016 13,141,390 kWh
In addition to our main office, we have Etihad Airways
Centre with almost 1,400 staff using the facilities. 10,701 kWh/staff
At these and many of our residential facilities we
monitor our electricity usage, water usage, waste
management and efficiency of chillers. Data collection
is crucial for identifying new conservation initiatives
and tracking the success of efficiency projects. Etihad Airways Centre Electricity Consumption

Electricity 2017 3,776,404 kWh

The Etihad Complex saw an overall decrease in

2,639 kWh/ staff
electricity demand of five per cent in 2017 compared
to the previous year. This was primarily because of a
reduction in the number of occupants of the Complex,
as the kilowatt hour of each staff member increased
by 1.7 per cent.

Chilled water
On-going efficiency measures for the buildings within the Etihad Complex
led to a six per cent reduction in chilled water demand for the centralised
air conditioning system, which equated to 0.7 per cent per employee. Speed
reduction control through the building management system enabled
this substantial efficiency improvement, the single largest year on year
reduction since 2010.

Etihad Complex District Cooling

2017 3,790,164 Tonne/hr

3,313 Tonne/hr /staff

2016 4,041,335 Tonne/hr

3,291 Tonne/hr/staff

Having installed dual-flush toilets and faucet water flow
Etihad Complex Water Consumption
restrictors in previous years, the focus for 2017 was on
improving staff awareness and training for facilities and
support staff.
2017 64,102 m³

In 2017, the total water consumption throughout the Etihad 56 m³/staff

Complex facilities reduced by 5 per cent, which equated
to a two per cent increase per employee compared to the
previous year. 2016 67,221 m³

The Etihad Airways Centre achieved a 17 per cent 55 m³/staff

improvement in 2017 compared to 2016 equating to 13 per
cent reduction per employee. This was due to installation
of aerators and faucets and toilet tank sensors.

Etihad Airways Centre Water Consumption

2017 16,868 m³

1,431 m³/staff

2016 20,360 m³

1,509 m³/staff

WASTE ‘bags from banners’ initiative is turning this
branded material into shopping bags which
In 2017, we disposed of 4,206 tonnes of
waste from our main office buildings -

MANAGEMENT are proving popular with staff. Etihad Complex, Etihad Plaza, Etihad crew
accommodations, Warehouse and Etihad
Old tyres from airport ground vehicles and Engineering.
Efforts are being made by businesses and
glass bottles from aircraft were put to good
government alike in the UAE to reduce
use at the sustainable garden in the airline’s A total of 919 tonnes were recycled from the
the country’s waste per capita. At Etihad,
head office. The water feature, using a solar- above premises, resulting in a diversion rate
the waste management strategy goes
powered pump, was made from waste metal of 18 per cent.
back to basics, with actions aligned to the
from the cargo area.
fundamental principles of reduce, reuse and
Recycle -Most waste management efforts
are focused on recycling, ensuring the waste
Reduce - In the last two years most of the
that is created in the air and on the ground is
traditional office water dispensers have been
diverted from landfill as far as possible.
replaced with sophisticated water filtration
systems. Instead of having thousands of
Cabin crew are encouraged to segregate
large water bottles delivered, the water is
plastics and aluminium cans on all flights
taken from the mains and diverted through
into Abu Dhabi – around 130 flights every
sophisticated filters.
day. Waste from the aircraft is further sorted
inside the catering facility, allowing 20 per
The result is a clean, fresh tasting water, the
cent of the waste generated from within
displacement of more than 25,000 five-
the facility and onboard the aircraft to be
gallon bottles per year, and a reduction of
recycled. This includes cardboard, plastics,
our annual office carbon footprint by over 50
glass and aluminium.

A “Let’s Recycle” campaign launch during

Reuse - The business is looking at upcycling
the International Recycling Day in May 2017
to reuse obsolete business collateral,
aimed at increasing awareness among staff
starting with the reuse of advertising
and cabin crew about waste reduction and
banners. Working with a local company, the

Electronic waste
Following successful campaigns for electronic waste
recycling, a permanent facility to collect electronic waste
was set-up in May 2017 at the head office. By recycling
unwanted electronics, the metals can be reused in the
manufacture of new items, with plastic castings melted
down to make other products.

A total of 1,774 kilogrammes of electronics was collected

between May and December 2017.

An approved UAE –based electronic waste management

company are responsible for appropriate collection,
dismantling and resale of all materials collected.

Waste management at the airport

Abu Dhabi International Airport serves as the hub for
Etihad Airways and the ground handling operations fall
under Etihad Airport Services. Significant material with
the potential for recycling is diverted from the waste
stream generated the ground and cargo handling
activities. This includes waste oil, tyres, batteries, metals,
wood, plastic and glass, with over 250 tonnes collected
for recycling in 2017.

A total of 957 tonnes of inflight catering materials

including cardboard, metals and plastics were collected
for recycling.

Wildlife protection
Driven by our commitment to the United
for Wildlife (UfW) Buckingham Palace
Declaration, Etihad has developed and
implemented a series of actions to tangibly
help in the prevention of illegal wildlife trade.
Awareness raising, capacity building, focused
training and international engagement has
influenced not just our employees but also
the behavior of a much broader group of
essential stakeholders at a local, regional
and international level.

The comprehensive Animal Welfare and

Conservation Policy incorporates a strong Holidays, cargo, marketing and social media. Coppell, to make a keynote presentation
commitment to wildlife conservation. This The progress and success is reporting to the on the impact of illegal wildlife trade and
was drafted in collaboration with The Born Sustainability Advisory Board. the role of the aviation cargo industry,
Free Foundation, an international wildlife and subsequently at one of the breakout
charity able to advise on specific actions for The social media campaigns, which we sessions to discuss the details of potential
the airline. Going beyond legal requirements, have now run several times to coincide with cargo efforts.
it includes strict cargo protocols to prevent World Wildlife Day and World Animal Day are
the carriage of endangered and threatened keeping up the momentum on this, with the Further to this, Linden was invited to speak
species, hunting trophies containing any continued promotion of our #Etihad4Wildlife at the Interpol Wildlife Crime Working Group.
animal parts, shark fins and live animals hashtag and communicating our The first time non-enforcement agency
intended for use in scientific research. activities through the airline’s extensive personnel were invited, it provides the
communication channels. opportunity to speak on behalf of the airline
Internally, the wildlife protection agenda community in identifying tangible support
is established and reviewed by the Animal Last year saw more engagement on the mechanisms for enforcement personnel at
Protection Task Group, with representatives global stage. The IATA World Cargo invited airports.
from ground and airport operations, Etihad Etihad’s Head of Sustainability, Linden

Sustainable procurement
To reflect our vision for a sustainable supply chain,
we continuously sought to build relationships with
suppliers who shared our values and foundation
of integrity and ethics – whether purchasing
millions of tonnes of jet fuel, or a few kilos of
saffron for our authentic Gulf biryani.

All our new and renewing suppliers are required

to accept our Code of Ethical Purchasing and
Supply, which formed part of the supplier contract
and laid out our commitment to doing business
ethically, responsibly and within the law.

In December 2017, we hosted a SME workshop

called “Moving Forward” that focused on SME
development and increasing opportunities.
Relevant staff and 50 SME suppliers attended
this event which provided great networking
opportunity for the UAE SME’s.

In 2017, we awarded US $3.1 million to local

Khalifa Fund and Dubai SME organisations. The
Khalifa Fund and Dubai SME programmes were
established to support local entrepreneurship in
the UAE.

We recognise the importance of sustainability
for a business and the positive effects of
giving back to the communities we operate
in. Our initiatives unite our leadership and our
staff in supporting worthy causes and devise
productive ways to raise awareness and funds.

All activities are in partnership with the

Emirates Red Crescent and follow the
government’s non-profit fundraising principles.

2017 was officially declared as the Year of

Giving by UAE President His Highness Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. In support of this
national initiative, EAG launched a strategy
based on the government’s three Year of
Giving pillars: Corporate Social Responsibility,
Volunteering and Serving the Nation.

In 2017, 1000 employees

volunteered with more
than 7437 hours of time in
support of charities and
community causes.

Several new cooperation agreements were signed in 2017 with the
following organisations:
> Emirates Autism Society, run under the patronage of Her Highness
Sheikha Shamsa bint Hamdan bin Mohamed Al Nahyan, to support
people with autism and their families.
> Women and Health Alliance International, founded by Her Highness
Sheikha Shamsa bint Hamdan Al Nahyan, which undertakes a wide
range of activities to improve health in disadvantaged communities
throughout the world.
> Kalimat Foundation for Children’s Empowerment, a non-profit
organisation founded by Her Highness Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi in
2016 to uphold the right of every child to read and have access to
> Continuing Education Centre of the Zayed Higher Organisation
for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs, offering social and
humanitarian services to people with special needs to support and
strengthen their position as active members of society. Under the
agreement, EAG will fund the building of greenhouse structures and
associated facilities to grow and pack vegetables.

A number of missions were organised in 2017 with Etihad
Aviation Group employees and a focus on assisting refugees
and supporting our Global Education Programme.

The donation of winter clothes, shoes,
mattresses, dry food parcels and
blankets to Syrian refugees in Lebanon MARCH
In collaboration with Emirates Red
Crescent and the UAE Embassy Setting up a library and the donation
of books to a school library project
near New Delhi in partnership with
the UAE Board on Books for Young
MAY/JUNE People under H. H Sheikha Bodour
bint Sultan Al Qasimi and Emirates
Several visits to India during Ramadan Red Crescent, benefitting 1,000 Guest engagement
to donate dry food parcels to over 800 students in the area.
Muslim families in Utter Pradesh and We constantly try to involve guests in our
650 Eid gifts to orphans in Kerala. sustainability practices: each month, a different
SEPTEMBER sustainability initiative is featured in our inflight
magazine, and we encourage our guests to
The donation of school bags, donate their loyalty miles to carefully selected
NOVEMBER stationary and clothes to over
charities who can benefit from cash support.
2,500 Syrian children at the Mrajeeb
More than USD $300,000 worth of Miles were
The distribution of stationary, books Al Fhood refugee camp in Jordan.
donated in 2017 to 10 charities.
and clothes to more than 1,000 Syrian
refugee children in Greece to mark UN
Universal Children’s Day with Emirates
Red Crescent.


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