Short Report: Colorimetric Detection of Glucose in Biological Fluids Using Toner-Based Microzone Plates
Short Report: Colorimetric Detection of Glucose in Biological Fluids Using Toner-Based Microzone Plates
Short Report: Colorimetric Detection of Glucose in Biological Fluids Using Toner-Based Microzone Plates
J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, No. 1, 197-201, 2017.
Short Report
Printed in Brazil - ©2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Química
0103 - 5053 $6.00+0.00
This report describes the use of toner-based microzone plates for quantitative determination of
glucose in artificial urine and human serum samples using colorimetric detection. The proposed
approach has exhibited a linear response for glucose concentration levels from 0 to 10 mmol L-1
with determination coefficient (R2) of 0.996. The achieved values for sensitivity and limit of
detection were 5.1 AU (mmol L-1)-1 and 0.6 mmol L-1, respectively. The glucose analysis in artificial
serum samples revealed error lower than 5% in comparison with certified values provided by the
supplier. Lastly, the proposed approach has also provided suitable accuracy (92-105%) for glucose
measurements in artificial urine samples.
detection is quite attractive for point-of-care (POC) microplate consisted in 33 wells arranged into 11 columns
testing due to operational simplicity and low instrumental with 3 wells each, as depicted in Figure 1.
requirements. Furthermore, the mentioned electronic
devices for image capture are globally affordable and
their use do not require extensive training. This platform
has been successfully used for capillary-driven flow
based clinical assays31 and dengue diagnostics through
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on printed
zones.32 When compared to capillary-driven toner-based
microfluidic devices, the laser printing of microzone array Figure 1. Layout of the microplate containing 33 wells arranged into
on transparency films is based on a single printing step,32 11 columns with 3 wells each.
while the fabrication of multilayer toner-based microfluidic
devices require the laser cut of an intermediary transparency Colorimetric detection
film, an alignment step and, finally, a thermal lamination
to promote the channel sealing.31 Colorimetric detection was performed using the
In this current report, we describe the use of toner- scanner mode of a Deskjet multifunction printer (Hewlett-
based microzone plates for glucose analysis in biological Packard, model F4280), with 600-dpi resolution. The
fluids using colorimetric measurements. Glucose has been images were converted to 8-bit grayscale and analyzed in
selected as a target analyte because of its clinical importance Corel Photo‑Paint software. The arithmetic mean intensity
for diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes.33 Colorimetric of each pixel was used to measure the color intensity.
measurements were performed on printed toner zones
filled with cellulose paste. Glucose concentration levels Glucose assay
were quantitatively determined in artificial serum and
urine samples. Prior to the colorimetric assays, 15 µL-aliquots
of a cellulose paste made of cellulose powder and
Experimental water (1:4 m/v) were added to the zones and allowed to
dry at room temperature. Afterwards, 10 µL of 0.6 mol L-1
Materials and chemicals potassium iodide solution and 10 µL of a solution
containing HRP and glucose oxidase enzymes (1:5)
Cellulose powder, glucose oxidase (181 U mg -1), prepared in 100 mmol L-1 phosphate buffer (pH 6) were
D-glucose, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (73 U mg-1), manually pipetted inside each microzone. The microplate
potassium iodide, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, was kept at room temperature during 30 minutes to dry.
and sodium dihydrogen phosphate were purchased from Finally, 10 µL of standard or artificial sample solution were
Sigma‑Aldrich Co. (Saint Louis, MO, USA). Artificial added into the microzones.
serum samples level I (lot No. SCNO 13041) and level II
(lot No. SCPA 12081) were acquired from Doles Reagents Biological samples
(Goiania, GO, Brazil). Transparency films (Filipaper Pro
100-µ model) and toner cartridge CB540A were obtained Artificial samples of human urine and serum were used
from Filiperson (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) and Hewlett- to demonstrate the analytical and clinical feasibility the
Packard (Palo Alto, CA, USA), respectively. All chemicals proposed approach. Artificial urine solution was prepared
were used without any purification. according to the procedure described by Martinez et al.34
The solution was prepared with 1.1, 2.0, 25, 70, 2.5, 90,
Fabrication of toner-based microzone plates 10, 2.0, 7.0, 7.0 and 25 mmol L-1 of lactic acid, citric
acid, sodium bicarbonate, urea, calcium chloride, sodium
Toner-based microzone plates were fabricated according chloride, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, potassium
to the procedure reported by our group.32 Microplates monohydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen
were drawn in Corel Draw software version 13.0 and phosphate and ammonium chloride, respectively. The
then printed on a polyester film surface using a laser final volume was adjusted to 200 mL with ultrapure water
printer with 1200‑dpi resolution (model LaserJet 1102w, and the pH was adjusted to 6.0 using hydrochloric acid
Hewlett-Packard). The toner provided a hydrophobic (1.0 mol L-1). Artificial serum samples levels I and II were
barrier restricting the area for bioassays. The layout of the obtained from Doles Reagents (Goiânia, GO, Brazil).
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