CSTP 4 Speicher 12
CSTP 4 Speicher 12
CSTP 4 Speicher 12
I look at my students’ I use pre-assessments to I utilize CELDT Data, Students are provided
previous CAASSP scores gauge where my students Rainbow Rosters, Math with built in
to determine their are at and to gain Benchmarks and BPSTs differentiation to
reading level. This helps knowledge of what they to plan differentiated curriculum as well as
me identify students who already know to better instruction. I have written extension activities.
might need extra support plan for the new unit. my own questionnaire Students are provided
when reading our short This also helps me to where student’s parents opportunities to complete
story of the week. know what students provide cultural challenge assignments
9/27/18 already know so that I am backgrounds, educational and higher level thinkers
not re-teaching need and provide any are given tasks that
something they have information that is require them to push
already mastered. 5/3/19 relevant to each student’s their thinking 4/1/20.
life. I also use the prior
teachers assessment data
to drive my instruction. I
address bias throughout
social studies lessons and
engage in conversation
with students about
cultural bias 12/12/19.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
4.3 Developing and
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
The week before school I establish a year long I utilize a scope and Through the use of my
starts, my teaching “road-map” for each sequence to plan out my scope and sequence I am
partner and I sit down subject. As the year goes long-term goals for the able to plan a logical
school year based off of the
and plan out a year-long on, I will change things order of the content
content standards. I meet
Math and Language Arts around or take more time with my teaching partner
standards, in order to
guide. This helps to keep on a certain concept routinely to go over better meet the needs of
us on track and make according to my students trimester learning goals and my students. Short term
sure that each concept needs. 5/3/19 ensure that my class is on plans include weekly
and standard is taught in track. plans to ensure that
an organized, scheduled student needs are being
manner. 9/27/18 met and Technology is
used to ensure that
students are engaged in
engaged in meaningful
and high levels of learning
are taking place. Students
use Quizlet to to
complete game based
assessments related
to given areas of
study. 4/1/20
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Once or twice a week I I will review IEP goals Students are provided
will use exit tickets after and accommodations with MI based learning
our Math lessons to check each trimester to see if I opportunities which they
for understanding on the need to be making any can choose from. For
more difficult concepts. additional changes to example, student spelling
These exit tickets are instruction to better fit choices include bouncing
completed on post-it my students learning a ball while spelling,
notes or short journal needs. 5/3/19 rainbow writing their
responses and collected words and teaching
before students leave for someone else how to spell
recess. 9/27/18 the words. 4/2/20
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students