Investigating Reaction Rates
Investigating Reaction Rates
Investigating Reaction Rates
Lesson Plan
(You may want to guide students through the beginning and set up of the lab, your
dialog might be “Cut your Alka Seltzer into four equal parts. Test your first
variable, ¼ of a tablet. How long did that take? Now you need to test three more
variables, remember your constants are…” At this point, students will only be
testing particle size/surface area.)
Data Collection: How will students collect and organize data (tabulation)?
Students will be given a lab report to complete during the lab (attached). They will
be required to keep their data in a data table on the lab report; they should be
familiar with making data tables and lab reports already.
Data Analysis: How will students be able to interpret the data (e.g., graphs), to
reach consensus (if appropriate)? How will they draw conclusions?
Students will interpret their data by reading their data tables to see how each
variable affected the rate. They will need to come to a conclusion based on their
data and write a paragraph to explain how the variables affected reaction rate.
Assessment: How will you know that your students have met the objective?
Are there application extensions to this activity, interpretative test items, etc.?
The students’ assessment will be in the form of a class discussion after students
have finished their lab and written their conclusion. (Now would be a great time to
introduce vocabulary: surface area.)
Now, have the students brainstorm for other ideas that could affect reaction rates.
Ideas include the temperature of the water, amount of water/solvent or changing
the solvent. Have them design their own experiment now complete with a list of
constants and their own data table. (Temperature could be hot, room temp, cold,
etc. Alternative solvents could include vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, etc.)
Lab report worksheet:
Name____________________________________________ Hour___________________