3C's - Resham PDF
3C's - Resham PDF
3C's - Resham PDF
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 13, Issue 2 Ver. IV. (Feb. 2014), PP 53-57
I. Introduction
cleft deformities of the lip and palate in children are usually associated with developmental anomalies
like hypodontia, hyperdontia, morphological abnormalities and chronological disturbances of the dentition with
varying degrees of severity.[2,3] The deciduous and permanent dentition are affected with a greater incidence in
the latter. [2]Also, the maxillary arch is more affected than the mandibular with the severity of the anomalies
increasing strongly with the severity of the cleft. [6]
Due to impaired activity of the surrounding musculature, these patients are susceptible to dentofacial
discrepancies. Altered feeding habits and improper oral hygiene predispose them to caries in their early
childhood.[1] Here we are presenting a case of a full mouth rehabilitation of a nine year old child with repaired
unilateral cleft lip, having multiple carious deciduous teeth and several missing permanent teeth.
III. Discussion
Non - syndromic clefts of the lip and palate are one of the most common malformations seen in the
cranio-facial region.[1] Although the frequency varies in different population groups, in some parts of the world,
it is more common than even Down’s Syndrome.[1]There is an incidence of 24% of congenitally missing
premolars in cleft lip and palate patients as reported by Olin. [2,7]
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`3 C s - cleft lip,caries and congenitally missing teeth. Interdisciplinary management.-
The causes of missing teeth can be broadly classified into general and local. General includes a genetic cause,
those related to underlying conditions, particularly syndromes like Pierre Robin, Van Der Woude Syndrome
with cleft and ectodermal dysplasia.[5,6] Researchers have pointed that a mutation in the homeobox gene MSX1
and PAX 9gene that may be critical to the normal development of specific human teeth. Overall research points
to a polygenic mode of inheritance caused by an interaction between the environment and genes. [5,6,10] It has
been postulated that specific surgical procedures such as early periosteoplasty or neonatal closure of the hard
palate might influence tooth formation. Secondly, the high rate of agenesis near the cleft may be due to a
deficiency in blood supply either congenital or secondary to surgery or a lack of stimulation in the underlying
Also, the absence of the lateral incisor mesially and /or distally of the cleft could be the result of tissue
insufficiency in the medial nasal and /or maxillary process during embryological development.[3] A high
prevalence of agenesis outside the cleft area points to a common genetic background for hypodontia and clefts.
Management of hypodontia requires an interdisciplinary approach. In the above case,there was a need
to retain the primary molars to act as a natural space maintainer since the patient was not willing to undergo
extensive orthodontic or prosthodontic therapy at this stage.[4] Primary teeth have one distinct feature in that ,
they undergo physiological resorption leading to shedding. In the absence of the permanent successors, the
resorptive force is missing resulting in a retained tooth. Generally, resorbable materials like ZoE paste, Calcium
Hydroxide and Iodoform paste(Vitapex) are used for the obturation of primary teeth. In the event of missing
successor teeth, non - resorbable materials like Gutta percha, MTA and Calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM) may
be used.[4]
Obturation with gutta percha is a more feasible option due to easy availability, good biocompatibility,
ease of placement in the canals and cost - effectiveness. MTA/CEM mixture is the material of choice in specific
cases of open apices, root resorption and presence of a periapical lesion. It has been seen that root canal space
devoid of filling materials become ankylosed and submerged leading to occlusal discrepancies and abnormal
force distribution. Space management in hypodontia cases can be managed by closure of edentulous spaces,
appropriate redistribution of space or by space maintenance. [4]
IV. Conclusion
Because of the higher prevalence of dental anomalies in individuals with clefts of the lip and palate,
early recognition of such abnormalities is crucial for a successful treatment outcome. The opinions and
treatment options offered by specialists in an interdisciplinary team goes a long way in enhancing the dental,
psychological and general well being of the patient.
[1]. Sheeba Sani, Deepak Sharma. Esthetic and functional oral makeover of a 3 year old cleft palate patient suffering from early childhood
caries using unconventional techniques. J Clin Exp Dent 2011;3(2):158-61.
[2]. Yehoshua Shapira DMDa, Erwin Lubit DDSb, Mladen M. Kuftinec D Stom, DMD, ScDc. Congenitally missing second premolars in
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[3]. M.Okan Akcam, Sehrazat Evirgen, Ozge Uslu and Ufuk Toygar Memikoğlu. Dental anomalies in individuals with cleft lip and/or
palate. European Journal of Orthodontics 2010;32:207–213.
[4]. Nagesh Bolla, Balaram D Naik, Sarath Raj Kavuri, Lakshmi Deepa Velagala.Obturation of a Retained Primary mandibular Second
molar with Missing Successor Using Gutta-percha:A Case Report. JIDA;2011:5( 2):194-195.
[5]. J H Nunn, N E Carter, T J Gillgrass, R S Hobson, N J Jepson, J G Meechan & F S Nohl.
[6]. The interdisciplinary management of hypodontia: background and role of paediatric dentistry. British Dental Journal 2003;194(5):245
– 251.
[7]. Ranta R . A review of tooth formation in children with cleft lip/palat.Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1986; 90(1):11-8.
[8]. Larson M, Hellquist R, Jakobsson OP. Dental abnormalities and ectopic eruption in patients with isolated cleft palate.Scand J Plast
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[9]. Vincent G.Kokich and Vincent G.Kokich.Congenitally missing mandibular second premolars:clinical options. Am J Orthod
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[10]. Reijo Ranta. Comparison of tooth formation in noncleft and cleft – affected children with and without hypodontia. Journal of
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