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Deliverable Report Contract N.


Deliverable Report INGAS

Grant agreement N° 218447

Project acronym INGAS

Project title Integrated GAS powertrain – Low
emissions, CO2 optimised and efficient
CNG engines for passengers cars (PC) and
light duty vehicles (LDV)

Instrument Integrated Project

Theme SST – 2007 – RTD 1
“Sustainable Surface Transport”

Start date of project 01.10.2008

Duration 36 Months

IP Co-ordinator Massimo Ferrera, CRF

IP Project manager Stefania Zandiri, CRF

Subproject SPB0
Sub-project Co-ordinator Manfred Hoppe

Deliverable Report on gas composition

range in Europe
Due date of deliverable 30/04/2010
Actual submission date 13/09/2010

Organisation name of lead contractor Marius Adelt (E.ON Ruhrgas)

for this deliverable Manfred Hoppe (E.ON Ruhrgas)
Micheline Montero (GDF SUEZ)
Guillaume Peureux (GDF SUEZ)

Report status Confidential

Revision version 1.2

INGAS Integrated Project 1

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Revisions table

Version Date Reason

1.0 28.07.2010 First draft version
1.1 13.09.2010 Final version
1.2 14.03.2011 Final version considering reviewers input

INGAS Integrated Project 2

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Table of contents
Executive summary .................................................................................................... 5
1 Context and purpose of the document ................................................................ 6
1.1 AIM of INGAS project ................................................................................... 6
1.2 Characteristics of natural gas being relevant for natural gas as a fuel ......... 6
2 Natural gas supply in Europe: key facts and related standardisation activities.... 8
2.1 EU transmission networks: available overall data and ongoing works ......... 8
2.2 Cross-border regulations : EASEE Gas ....................................................... 8
2.3 EU countries long-term contracts for natural gas supply ............................ 10
2.3.1 Russian gas ........................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 North Sea gas ..................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 L-gas from The Netherlands................................................................ 11
2.3.4 Compilation of average compositions data and properties.................. 11
2.4 LNG status ................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1 A supply means in growth ................................................................... 12
2.4.2 LNG in Europe and in the world .......................................................... 13
2.4.3 LNG imports in Europe........................................................................ 14
2.4.4 New infrastructure projects in exporting countries............................... 15
2.5 Biogas status.............................................................................................. 18
2.6 Biomethane injection / use of biomethane as fuel ...................................... 18
2.7 Sulphur content .......................................................................................... 20
2.8 Standardisation activities about natural gas as vehicle fuel ....................... 21
2.8.1 International ........................................................................................ 21
2.8.2 Austria................................................................................................. 21
2.8.3 Germany ............................................................................................. 21
3 Description of the situation for each EU Country............................................... 22
3.1 Natural gas transmission actors in charge of natural gas quality control,
and gas specifications ................................................................................ 22
3.1.1 Austria................................................................................................. 22
3.1.2 Belgium ............................................................................................... 23
3.1.3 Bulgaria ............................................................................................... 25
3.1.4 Czech Republic ................................................................................... 26
3.1.5 Denmark ............................................................................................. 27
3.1.6 France................................................................................................. 29
3.1.7 Germany ............................................................................................. 31
3.1.8 Greece ................................................................................................ 32
3.1.9 Hungary .............................................................................................. 34
3.1.10 Ireland ................................................................................................ 35
3.1.11 Italy..................................................................................................... 36
3.1.12 Poland ................................................................................................ 36
3.1.13 Portugal .............................................................................................. 38
3.1.14 Romania ............................................................................................. 38
3.1.15 Slovakia .............................................................................................. 39
3.1.16 Spain .................................................................................................. 39
3.1.17 Sweden .............................................................................................. 40
3.1.18 Switzerland ......................................................................................... 40
3.1.19 United Kingdom .................................................................................. 41
3.2 Current natural gas supply portfolio (suppliers) and its composition range 42
3.2.1 Belgium ............................................................................................... 42
3.2.2 Denmark ............................................................................................. 42

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3.2.3 Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania ...................................................... 42

3.2.4 France................................................................................................. 43
3.2.5 Germany ............................................................................................. 44
3.2.6 Greece ................................................................................................ 46
3.2.7 Ireland ................................................................................................. 46
3.2.8 Italy ..................................................................................................... 47
3.2.9 Portugal............................................................................................... 47
3.2.10 Romania.............................................................................................. 48
3.2.11 Spain................................................................................................... 48
3.2.12 The Netherlands.................................................................................. 49
3.2.13 The United Kingdom ........................................................................... 49
3.3 Identified projects affecting trends in natural gas supply portfolio and
composition range in the near and mid-term future .................................... 50
3.3.1 Belgium ............................................................................................... 50
3.3.2 Denmark ............................................................................................. 51
3.3.3 France................................................................................................. 52
3.3.4 Germany ............................................................................................. 53
3.3.5 Greece ................................................................................................ 54
3.3.6 Ireland ................................................................................................. 56
3.3.7 Italy ..................................................................................................... 56
3.3.8 Portugal............................................................................................... 57
3.3.9 Spain................................................................................................... 58
3.3.10 The Netherlands.................................................................................. 58
3.3.11 The United Kingdom ........................................................................... 59
4 Guidelines for limit gases for engine tests ......................................................... 59
4.1 Summary of the gas composition survey with regard to engine operation
requirements .............................................................................................. 59
4.2 Choice of limit gases for the engine tests within INGAS............................. 60
4.2.1 INGAS Description of Work................................................................. 60
4.2.2 Report on "Expectations on fuels" from Sub-project A2 ...................... 60
4.2.3 Considerations about hydrogen content.............................................. 61
4.2.4 Biogas admixture ................................................................................ 61
4.2.5 Considerations concerning calorific value and Methane Number........ 61
4.2.6 Aspects of LNG supply........................................................................ 62
4.2.7 Proposal for limit gas selection............................................................ 62
5 Conclusions....................................................................................................... 64
6 References ........................................................................................................ 64
7 ANNEXES ......................................................................................................... 65

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Executive summary

The INGAS EU project has the goal of developing advanced engine concepts for modern
natural gas vehicles (NGVs) with higher efficiency and performance levels. The range of the
natural gases distributed in Europe is an important factor in engine development and

This study therefore presents the range of natural gas compositions in Europe and specifies,
by providing limit gases (Table 26), the tolerance range within which gas properties may vary
to ensure the flexibility envisaged for engine operation is achieved. Based on these limit
values, limit gases are produced and made available to engine developers for their test rig
trials during the last phase of development.

For each EU country concerned, the study describes the gas transportation system, the
specifications applicable, the existing gas supply portfolio as well as future trends and
projects relevant to gas composition. The study also takes into consideration the standards
and guidelines to be observed for both national gas transportation and gas transportation
across borders.

One focal point of the analysis is the current situation and future development in the field of
LNG. The composition of LNG may vary depending on source, production conditions and
transportation route. In some cases, the composition of traded LNG volumes leads to low
knock resistance. Indeed LNG tends to have a high C2+ content and no CO2, their knock
resistance tends thus to be lower than that of pipeline gases. This is particularly important
where LNG is used as a motor fuel in NGVs. The current situation and practice with respect
to biomethane injection have also been examined.

The rules for selecting the limit gases are based on the list of existing gas compositions and
engine requirements. Moreover, the list of limit gases needs to take potential hydrogen
admixture in the future into account. According to the INGAS Description of Work and
according to the results of the survey of gas compositions, a total of five synthetic limit gases
is selected:
- one gas with a very low superior calorific value and a high concentration of inert gas,
- two gases with a high superior calorific value and a very low methane number (as an
example of "heavy" LNG),
- two gases with a hydrogen concentration of 20% by volume, one of which
should be a gas with a high concentration of inert gas.

INGAS Integrated Project 5

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

1 Context and purpose of the document

1.1 AIM of INGAS project
The EU's INGAS project aims to further develop today's CNG engines and refuelling
technologies for passenger vehicles. A total of 29 companies and institutes are involved in
the project. Using three different engine concepts (stoichiometric combustion with port gas
injection and variable valve control, lean combustion with direct gas injection and turbo
charging, and ultra-lean combustion with turbo charging), a novel exhaust gas treatment
system with increased methane conversion rates and an optimised storage tank design, the
project partners want to develop NGVs that are 10 % more efficient than equivalent diesel-
powered vehicles (2006 data) while meeting the EURO 6 emission standard.
The Sub-project B0 is looking at the fuel-specific questions surrounding the CNG technology
to be developed. This report by E.ON Ruhrgas and GDF SUEZ examines the range of gas
qualities available across Europe and uses the findings to define limit gases for engine
development within the INGAS project. It should be noted that the gas properties are
primarily analysed with respect to the characteristics relevant to engine operation and that
this report essentially covers this partial aspect.

1.2 Characteristics of natural gas being relevant for natural gas as a fuel
The engine combustion process is strongly influenced by the properties of the natural gas
used. To be able to assess these properties in terms of their impact on engine performance,
it is important to know the relevant characteristics of the gas. Gas properties given in this
report were computed with use of the ISO 6976 standard, with reference pressure of 101.325
kPa, temperature of 15°C for both volumes and combustion characteristics. If different
reference temperatures or pressures are used, as in some national specifications for
instance, their values are quoted next to the gas properties that are affected. Methane
Number was calculated with the Methane® software by AVL. resp. with the GasCalc
Software from E.ON Ruhrgas, also based on the AVL method. Hydrocarbons with a higher
number of carbon atoms than 6 were assumed to be n-hexane in the calculations.

The relevant variables include:

• Calorific value of the gas or gas mixture

This variable describes the energy content of the natural gas or the stoichiometric gas/air
mixture. It is an indicator of the performance and torque potential of the gas for a defined
engine configuration. There are two types of calorific value: the superior calorific value, which
includes condensation heat of the water content in the exhaust gases and is used for gas
billing, and the inferior calorific value, which does not include this condensation heat and
tends to be the preferred variable for engine applications.
The lower calorific value is also often referred as the lower heating value (LHV), and the
higher calorific value named the higher heating value (HHV).

INGAS Integrated Project 6

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• Wobbe index
The Wobbe index is closely related to the calorific value but also takes account of the gas

W = H gas × ρ air / ρ gas

The idea behind defining the Wobbe index is to have a measure for the interchangeability of
gases, i.e. gases with the same Wobbe index (under defined pressure conditions) generate
the same output during combustion. It originates from traditional appliances behaviour.
Again, a distinction is made between what is referred to as the higher Wobbe index and the
lower Wobbe index, depending on whether the superior or the inferior calorific value are used
in the formula. In this report, only the higher Wobbe index will be used and will be referred as
“Wobbe index”, as it is usual within the gas industry.

• λ-shift factor
Some publications ([1], [2]) are based on the approach of describing the influence of the
gas quality on the excess air coefficient for a constant intake volume. This approach uses the
so-called shift factor.
The shift factor is defined as the ratio of the mixture's excess air coefficient to the excess air
coefficient of a reference gas mixture for given intake conditions. Since the air requirement
for hydrocarbons correlates directly with the calorific value, there are defined relationships
with the Wobbe index and the calorific value. Gas property data preferably used for modern
engine control concepts include the excess air ratio, the calorific value and the Wobbe index
to which the shift factor is closely related.

• Methane number
The methane number is a measure of the knock resistance of the natural gas and hence an
essential design parameter for CNG engines. High methane numbers allow engines to be
optimised in terms of higher performance and efficiency. The optimisation range is limited by
the minimum methane number to be considered by the engine developers. Accordingly, the
minimum methane number is an important characteristic of the limit gases to be defined as
part of the INGAS engine development project.
This issue is also crucial for the aspect of bi-fuel operation with natural gas and gasoline.
Since gasoline has a lower knock resistance than natural gas, the need to ensure smooth
and reliable engine operation with petrol is another restriction when it comes to optimising
the engine for natural gas. The knock-resistant methane has, by definition, a methane
number of 100, while the knock-prone hydrogen has the methane number of 0. Gases with
higher knock resistance than methane are compared to methane and CO2 mixtures.
To illustrate the influence of the individual natural gas components on the methane number,
figure 1 shows the change in methane number for 10 vol% of another gas component mixed
with pure methane. The purpose of the diagram is to explain the general influence of the
individual gases on the methane number. However, it correctly reflects the methane number
in quantitative terms only for these very specific conditions. Given the strong non-linear
behaviour of the methane number, the numbers from this chart cannot be applied to other
compositions. Qualitative trends remain the same though.

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Sensitivity of MN
+ CO2 N2
with respect to gas MN 100 (Methane)
components - H2

C2 H 6

Figure 1: Influence of selected components on the methane number

• Shares of specific natural gas components

Inert gases, such as N2 and CO2 , delay ignition. So if levels are high, the time of ignition
must be brought forward. In addition, N2 and CO2 increase the methane number.
H2 on the other hand increases the flame velocity while reducing the methane number. Other
components, which also have a decreasing impact on the methane number, are the higher
hydrocarbons ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), often referred as C2, C3 and
C4 in the gas industry (in this increasing order).

All the quantitative properties presented in this report represent current and partial data, real
properties of the gases present in the pipes may differ from the cited figures. The only
guaranteed properties are those presented in the specification tables related to national
compositions of gases.

2 Natural gas supply in Europe: key facts and related

standardisation activities
2.1 EU transmission networks: available overall data and ongoing works
Complying with the requirements of Directive 2003/55/CE European transmission and
distribution companies have published the specifications that are required for a natural gas to
enter their network, harmonised at a national level. Thus, it is possible to know for a given
country the specifications required for natural gas that are transmitted and distributed on its
At the frontier of countries, and also inside one country at the frontier of two or more quality
zones, exchanges may occur if the gas flowing from one country/zone also respects the
specifications of the country/zone downstream. Gas quality is checked at these exchange
2.2 Cross-border regulations : EASEE Gas
The European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange1 – gas, EASEE-gas
established in 2002, has identified a number of gas properties and parameters for
harmonisation across the European Union. They have been published in a document entitled
"Harmonisation of Natural Gas Quality" [3] . Table 1 shows the EASEE-gas specifications for


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natural gas quality. The parameter units and reference conditions are in accordance with the
EASEE-gas Common Business Practice (CBP) 2003-001/01. The energy unit is the kWh
with a combustion reference temperature of 25 °C. The volume unit is m3 at a reference
condition of 0 °C and 101.325 kPa(a). For conversion to other reference conditions, the
procedures described in ISO 13443:1996 Natural Gas – Standard reference conditions
should be used. The parameters are defined in ISO 14532:2001 Natural gas – Vocabulary.
This document provides rules for handling the properties of group H gases transported
across borders. The specification applies only to high-calorific value (H-gas) gas without
added odorants; it was not intended to address possible interoperability issues arising from
differences in odorisation practices. EASEE-gas recommends that no gas falling within the
CBP specifications should be refused.

Table 1 : EASEE-gas specification for natural gas quality. The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C.
The reference temperature and pressure for volume measurement are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

For natural gas vehicles, the Wobbe index (in this case the higher Wobbe index) and the
sulphur content are the main parameters of interest in this CBP. The maximum for the higher
Wobbe index of 15.81 kWh/m³ is relatively high. It also covers LNG qualities with a very high
energy content.
The total sulphur content is limited to 30 mg/m³. This value refers to non-odorised gas.
Odorisation with sulphur-containing odorants, which increases sulphur levels still further, is
not covered by EASEE-gas.

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2.3 EU countries long-term contracts for natural gas supply

Natural gas supply in Europe is largely determined by a few major sources or production
regions which include Russia, the North Sea, The Netherlands and North Africa for pipeline
gas as well as by other regions for LNG (144 long-term and medium-term contracts were in
force in 2009, or 24 more than in 2008).
Each of these natural gases has specific characteristics that will be described below as they
are important for many consumer countries. These gases are briefly described below.
Section 3 addresses the situation in each of the EU countries also with regard to the supply

Figure 2 : Main infrastructure projects and gas repartition in Europe – August 20092

2.3.1 Russian gas

Natural gas from Russia currently has a very high methane content (> 96 vol%). It has the
highest mass-related superior calorific value and the highest methane number among all
naturally occurring natural H-gases. It comes closest to the test gas G20 (100 % methane)
and is therefore usually used by engine designers as a reference gas. The composition of
Russian gas from the existing production regions has been shown to be relatively stable with
only minor variations.
However, gas fields currently under development contain natural gases with higher levels of
hydrocarbons (C2 and above).

GRTgaz ( and GIE

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2.3.2 North Sea gas

Natural gas from North Sea gas fields has comparatively high levels of ethane, propane and
butane, giving this gas a high volume-related superior calorific value and a lower methane
number. The composition of North Sea gas varies quite considerably. This is due, on the one
hand, to the different production locations but also, on the other hand, to the different
processing technologies used. The methane number is around 73 - 75. Methane numbers
below 70 are currently rare for North Sea gas.

2.3.3 L-gas from The Netherlands

The natural gas produced from onshore fields in The Netherlands has a relatively high
nitrogen content of around 10 %. For this reason, its energy content is lower than the one of
the group H gases. The methane number is around 85.

2.3.4 Compilation of average compositions data and properties

The typical compositions of these natural gases are provided in Table 2 which shows the
average values of the gases shipped by E.ON Ruhrgas.

Table 2 : Average values of natural gases in Germany (2007). The reference temperature for combustion is 15 °C
and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 15 °C and 101.325 kPa

H gas H gas H gas L gas NL L gas

Russia Norway Danmark Germany
Carbondioxide Vol-% 0.09 2.00 1.20 1.79 2.28
Nitrogen Vol-% 0.84 0.96 0.33 9.94 9.76
Oxygen Vol-% ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Methane Vol-% 97.64 87.81 87.76 83.18 87.14
Ethane Vol-% 0.99 7.63 6.64 4.05 0.73
Propane Vol-% 0.32 1.32 2.92 0.71 0.06
Butane Vol-% 0.10 0.24 0.96 0.23 0.03
Pentane Vol-% 0.01 0.02 0.16 0.05 ----
Hexane + higher HC Vol-% 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 ----
Upper calorific value kWh/m3 10.56 11.08 11.63 9.80 9.31
Lower calorific value kWh/m 9.51 10.01 10.52 8.84 8.38
Lower calorific value MJ/kg 49.10 46.41 47.67 40.19 39.60
Upper Wobbe index kWh/m 14.00 13.92 14.45 12.19 11.80
Standard density kg/m 0.697 0.776 0.794 0.792 0.762
Methane Number ---- 91 79 70 86 101

The variation range within the individual groups is higher for the North Sea gases (in Table 2
represented by H gas Norway and H-gas Denmark) than it is for the (currently constant)
Russian gas and the Dutch L-gas.

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2.4 LNG status3

2.4.1 A supply means in growth
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is simply natural gas that has been put into a liquid state by
cooling it to minus 162°C. The transformation to a liquid is accompanied by a volume
reduction of approximately 600 to 1 (if the gas is initially around 15°C). The other
characteristic is the composition of LNG : there is no water, CO2 or hydrocarbons higher
than C4.
Once loaded aboard specially designed tankers, LNG is maintained in a liquid state by highly
efficient insulation which surrounds the cargo compartment. However, since no insulation
system is perfect, a small amount of LNG vaporizes or "boils off", during transit. This boil-off
helps to auto-refrigerate the remaining LNG, thus keeping it in its liquid state. Boil-off is also
used to supplement bunker oil as fuel for the tankers.
The boil-off phenomena may trigger slight change in the composition of the LNG carried by
the cargo since lighter elements have a higher tendency to boil off than the heavier ones.
Thus, depending on the distance covered by the cargo, the proportion of higher
hydrocarbons in the LNG remaining in the tanks may slightly increase with an increasing
distance between the exporter and the importer of the carried product.

Figure 3 : The LNG chain4

Upon arrival at the receiving facility, LNG is transferred into specially designed storage tanks
where it is stored as a liquid at near atmospheric pressure and minus 160°C temperature.
The LNG remains in storage until it is demanded for redelivery. At that time, it is pumped

This paragraph integrates excerpts from the GIIGNL website ( GIIGNL (International Group of Liquefied
Natural Gas Importers) is a non-profit organisation which aims at promoting the development of activities related to LNG.

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from the tanks and subjected to both heat and pressure to return it to a gaseous state for
transportation by pipeline.
LNG Advantages :
• LNG has higher density than density of gaseous natural gas enables a better
economical trade-off with comparison to transportation through pipelines when the
distance between exporting country and the importing one gets further 2000 to 5000
• it brings flexibility in the natural gas markets since both importers and exporters can
widen their portfolio.
• it brings more security of supply : the ability to switch from one to another exporter
brings better reliability to the end-consumer.
LNG drawbacks :
• CAPEX and OPEX are at relatively high levels, thus a LNG plant will mainly be built
for large fields.

2.4.2 LNG in Europe and in the world

LNG currently accounts for 25% of international trade in natural gas and demand continues
to grow. The volume of LNG trade reached 173 million tons in 2008, or an increase of 31%
from 2004. The success of LNG is primarily due to the flexibility of LNG transport when
compared to natural transmission by pipeline: LNG cargoes can sail to various LNG
reception terminals and LNG reception terminals can receive LNG cargoes from different
Changes in a given source of LNG export (i.e: a given liquefaction plant) may occur if the
supplied natural gas to this plant changes.
As a matter of fact, if the composition of this natural gas entering the plant does not change,
the liquefaction process does not trigger changes by itself in the produced LNG, and its
composition will remain very stable. Nevertheless, changes in the supply of a given
liquefaction plant may occur, since they are often supplied by mixtures of natural gases
produced from distinct gas fields. Therefore, the fact of modifying the relative proportions of
these gases between themselves in the supply of the plant may set off changes in the
composition of the produced LNG.
The LNG industry worldwide consists of:
• 20 LNG production facilities - totalling 82 liquefaction trains - located in 15 countries
on 5 continents. The world leader in LNG production is Qatar, followed by Malaysia,
Indonesia and Algeria. LNG liquefaction capacity totalled 208 million tons per annum
in 2008 and increased by 40% since 2004. It is expected to reach 298 million tons in
2012 after the successful completion of projects currently under construction.

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Figure 4 : LNG plants in Europe and in the Mediterranean5

• 65 LNG receiving terminals located in 19 countries on 4 continents. Japan, Korea, the

United States and Spain are currently the world's biggets LNG importers. LNG
regasification capacity totaled 449 million tons per annum in 2008 and has increased
by 21% since 2004. It is expected to reach 621 million tons in 2012 after the
completion of projects currently under construction.
• 296 LNG carriers; the combined capacity of the LNG fleet worldwide is at 40 million
cubic meters and has almost doubled from 2004.

2.4.3 LNG imports in Europe

The LNG market share for Europe grew strongly from 24.7% to 28.8% in 2009. Table 3 (next
page) shows the LNG quantities received in 2009 by the European importing countries.
LNG composition is quite stable out of a given liquefaction unit. Nevertheless, variations in
compositions at the entry of the liquefaction plant will trigger variations in the composition of
the produced LNG to be exported. Therefore, composition stability of a given source of LNG
supply depends on the stability of the natural gas out of the gas fields, and the mixture ratios
made between the various natural gas fields that feed the liquefaction plant.

The LNG industry 2009, GIIGNL

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Table 3 : Quantities (106 liquid m3) received in 2009 by the importing countries from the exporting countries6
Equat. Abu Austra- Total
Algeria Egypt Libya Nigeria Norway dad & Oman Qatar Yemen Other
Guin. Dhabi lia Import
Belgium 0.146 0.143 0.283 0.263 10.075 10.910

France 12.249 2.556 0.133 3.867 0.722 1.211 0.352 0.145 21.235

Greece 0.873 0.418 0.025 1.366

Italy 2.042 2.699 4.241

Portugal 0.184 0.139 3.408 0.688 0.131 4.547

Spain 8.901 7.917 1.185 7.416 2.314 7.277 2.187 7.481 0.155 0.130 44.963

Turkey 6.909 0.140 1.404 0.138 0.132 0.150 8.873

The U.K. 2.806 0.822 0.354 3.420 10.128 0.131 17.661

Europe 33.964 11.999 0.269 1.185 16.238 3.673 13.072 0.131 2.319 30.885 0.155 0.276 0.130 114.296

Table 4 (next page) shows the compositions and main characteristics of several LNGs
imported in Europe in 2009, with regards to the liquefaction plant that exported them. The
GIIGNL association gathered this data from its members: these compositions were
measured at the entrance of the European market. Yet, there is no guarantee that these
compositions would remain stable in the future. Besides, ongoing and future projects by the
current and future LNG exporters may introduce a wider range of LNG that could be imported
in Europe in the next years.

2.4.4 New infrastructure projects in exporting countries

The amount of available LNG in the current geographic range of EU imports will grow in the
near future. On the importing side, regasification plants are also at project on EU shores;
these projects will be detailed in the paragraphs dealing with the relevant countries.
Here follows a list of projects that includes countries such as Angola that does not export
LNG yet, but that may widen the EU natural gas supply portfolio in the future : 7
• Algeria: The new 4.5 mtpa LNG train at Skikda to replace three units destroyed in the
explosion of January 2004 is expected to be operational in November 2011. The new
4.7 mtpa complex for the production of liquefied natural gas (GNL3) in Arzew has an
estimated rate of progress of about 20%, and is scheduled to be completed by the
end of 2012.
• Angola: The Angola LNG project at Soyo, 300 km north of Luanda, is under
construction and should start operating in the first quarter of 2012, with a production
of 5.2 mtpa of LNG aimed at the US gas marketing affiliates of the partners -
Sonagas 36.4% ; Chevron 36.4% ; BP and Total 13.6% each.

The LNG industry 2009, GIIGNL
The LNG Industry, GIIGNL 2009

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Table 4 : Examples of LNG compositions and properties imported in Europe (other compositions are described in
annex 1) 8

Unit / Algeria Egypt Equatorial

Lybia Nigeria Norway Egypt Idku
Gas Arzew Damietta Guinea

CO2 Mol. %
N2 Mol. % 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.8 0.08 0 0
O2 Mol. %
CH4 Mol. % 88 81.6 91.3 91.8 97.7 97.2 93.4
C2H6 Mol. % 9 13.4 4.6 5.7 1.8 2.3 6.5
C3H8 Mol. % 2 3.7 2.6 1.3 0.2 0.3 0
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.5 0.7 1.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0
i-C4H10 Mol. %
n-C5H12 Mol. %
i-C5H12 Mol. %
C6+ Mol. %
Sum Mol. % 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9
kg/kmol 18.1648 19.3550 18.0187 17.4713 16.4421 16.5339 16.9387

Upper MJ/kg 48.949 52.544 45.169 0.000 0.052 55.425 49.753

calorific MJ/m³ 41.725 44.084 41.722 40.185 38.541 38.779 39.602
kWh/m³ 11.590 12.246 11.589 11.162 10.706 10.772 11.001

Lower MJ/kg 45.658 47.679 0.000 0.000 55.396 49.878 43.296

calorific MJ/m³ 37.703 39.905 37.694 36.269 34.726 34.946 35.717
kWh/m³ 10.473 11.085 10.470 10.075 9.646 9.707 9.921
- 0.6286 0.6700 0.6235 0.6044 0.5687 0.5719 0.5859

Density kg/m³ 0.7703 0.8211 0.7641 0.7407 0.6968 0.7008 0.7180

kWh/m³ 14.6190 14.9600 14.6770 14.3577 14.1968 14.2444 14.3711
- 72.9 65.9 70.9 78.5 90.2 88.8 84.0

• Egypt: The global economic downturn has delayed development of a planned 2nd
train at the Damietta LNG terminal. Egas is reassessing a plan to develop a second 5
mtpa train at Damietta.
• Equatorial Guinea: Marathon and its partners are consulting with potential gas
suppliers in Nigeria, Cameron and Equatorial Guinea relative to a second LNG train
on Bioko Island. Major elements of a Front-End Engineering and Design study
(“FEED”) were completed on a potential 4.4 mtpa LNG train. Further FEED work will
be completed when gas supplies have been secured. Marathon expects a supply gap
for LNG starting from 2016 or 2017 at the latest, that will create a window of
opportunity for EG LNG Train 2.

The LNG industry 2009, GIIGNL

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• Libya: The LNG plant at Marsa El-Brega was built by Exxon and the upgrade is
expected to give the facility 25 more years of production at 3.2 mtpa. Nigeria:
o The Final Investment Decision on Brass LNG should be taken before the end
of 2010.
o OLNG (Nigeria). BG Group and its project partners are undertaking a
liquefaction plant at Olokola on the southwestern coast of Nigeria. The initial
project will comprise two LNG trains of approximately 6.3 mtpa each, with the
ability to expand with additional trains..
• Norway: The LNG train's reliability of the Snohvit project continues to improve. The
plant could be running at its full capacity by the end of 2009. But it was shut-down
from August 15, 2009 until late 2009 for extensive upgrading and maintenance
• Qatar:
o April 2009: inauguration of Qatargas 2, composed of two trains of 7.8 mtpa
o Train B of the Qatargas 2 project started producing LNG on September 7,
2009. LNG from Qatargas 2 Train B is primarily intended for deliveries in the
United Kingdom, France and the United States.
o The first LNG cargoes from the 7.8 mtpa LNG train of Qatargas 3 are
expected to be delivered in the first half of 2010. Qatargas 3 is an integrated
project, Shell has delayed Qatargas 4 LNG project, now planned for late 2010
and the 1st cargo possibly pushed into 2011
o In October 2009, RasGas inaugurated Train 6, another mega-train, coinciding
with the 10th anniversary of the company’s LNG production commencing.
Start up of the 7th and final train is scheduled in 2010
• Russia:
o The first LNG train of the Sakhalin-II LNG Project started production in March
2009, and the first cargo of LNG was delivered the following month to Tokyo
Gas Co. and Tokyo Electric Power Co.
o The LNG plant at Prigorosnoye is aiming to produce 9.6 mtpa from two trains.
Commissioning of the 2nd train began at the beginning of June 2009. Planned
LNG production has been sold under contract to customers across the Asia-
Pacific region.
o Shtokman: The partners in Russia's giant Shtokman gas field in the Barents
Sea expect to take a Final Investment Decision on the project's LNG phase in
December 2011 but will go ahead with the pipeline phase even if the LNG
decision is negative
• Trinidad & Tobago: The possibility of a 5th train to add to the first 4 at Atlantic LNG
has been on the table for some time, but there is no definite go-ahead because of
lack of sufficient feed gas.
• Yemen: The Yemen LNG liquefaction plant started producing LNG from the 3.45
mtpa Train 1 in Balhaf on October 15. Total is lead shareholder of Yemen LNG and
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holds a 39.62% interest, alongside the state-owned company Yemen Gas Company
(16.73%), Hunt Oil Company (17.22%), SK Energy (9.55%), Korea Gas Corporation
(6%), Hyundai Corporation (5.88%), and GASSP1 (5%). Total production capacity will
reach 6.7 mtpa of LNG. Following the three gas sales agreements signed in 2005
with Kogas, GDF SUEZ and Total Gas & Power Ltd., LNG from Yemen LNG will be
exported to both the Asian and Atlantic markets.

2.5 Biogas status

Biogas is produced in a number of countries mainly for power generation. Countries
converting biogas into biomethane for use as a vehicle fuel include Austria, Germany,
Sweden and Switzerland.

Table 5 : Biomethane injection plants in Europe, valid 10/2009

Nr. of injection plants Biomethane capacity

Austria 3 124 Nm³/h
Germany 25 19,873 Nm³/h
Luxemburg 1 310 Nm³/h
Netherlands 5 2,885 Nm³/h
Sweden 8 4,600 Nm³/h
Switzerland 6 484 Nm³/h

Processed biomethane can be made available for NGVs either directly at the biogas plant or
it can be fed into the natural gas pipeline grid for transportation to filling stations connected to
the grid elsewhere. In the latter case, the biomethane is mixed with natural gas for use at
CNG filling station. However, depending on the supply situation, pure biomethane use at the
filling station is also conceivable.
The fuel characteristics depend on the conditions under which biomethane is fed into the
The use of biomethane as a vehicle fuel is still not as widespread (in terms of quantities) as
CNG use; only in Sweden is biomethane used more extensively than natural gas.

2.6 Biomethane injection / use of biomethane as fuel

Table 6 (next page) shows the specifications for biomethane fed into the pipeline systems in
Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. The relevant standards are SS (= Svensk Standard) 15 54
38 for Sweden, SVGW G13 for Switzerland and ÖVGW G31 and G33 for Austria. In Sweden,
a distinction is made between engines with and without lambda control. The values listed
here are for vehicles with lambda control.

In Germany, the technical codes governing biogas injection into gas grids are DVGW G260
and G262. They contain, inter alia, the requirements accordung to table 7 (next page):

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Table 6 : Limit values for biomethane used as a motor fuel (Sweden) and for feeding biomethane into pipelines
systems in Switzerland and in Austria. The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and the reference
temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa.

Unit Austria Sweden Switzerland

Upper calorific value kWh/m3 10.7 - 12.8 not specified not specified

Upper Wobbe Index kWh/m3 13.3 - 15.7 not specified not specified

Lower Wobbe Index kWh/m3 not specified 12.2 – 13.1 not specified
relative density 1 0.55 - 0.65 not specified not specified
Methane content Vol % not specified > 97.0 > 96.0
Carbon dioxide < 5.0
content Vol % < 2.0 incl. N2 and O2 < 6.0
Oxygen content Vol % < 0.5 < 1.0 < 0,5
Hydrogen content Vol % < 0.5 not specified < 5.0
dew point at 40
Water content bar: < - 8 oC < 32 mg/m3 not specified
Hydrogen Sulfide mg/m3 < 5.0 < 23 < 5.0
short period < 150
Overall sulphur yearly aver. < 30
content mgS/m3 permanently < 10 not specified not specified

Table 7 : Limit values for biomethane fed into German pipeline systems The reference temperature for
combustion is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

Unit Germany
Upper calorific value kWh/m3 8.4 - 13.1
Upper Wobbe Index kWh/m3 L-Gas: 10.5 – 13.0 H-Gas: 12.8 - 15.7
as yet not specified,
Methane content Vol-% revision in preparation: L-gas > 90, H-Gas > 95
Carbon dioxide content Vol-% < 6.0, revision in preparation: not specified
Oxygen content Vol-% < 0.5 for wet grids, < 3.0 for dry grids
Hydrogen content Vol-% < 5.0
as yet: dewpoint at operating pressure = soil temp.
Water content mg/m3 revis. in prep.: < 50 (MOP ≥ 16 bar), < 200 (MOP < 16bar)
Hydrogen Sulfite mg/m3 < 5.0
overall sulphur content mgS/m < 30
Mist, dust, liquid ---- technically free

These values refer to biomethane injection in general. In Germany, CNG sold at filling
stations also has to comply with DIN 51624 (see Section 2.8.3).

Generally, these data can be seen as unproblematic for the operation of CNG vehicles
provided that the raw biogas is correctly treated (cleaned). The superior calorific value of
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these gases is usually in the lower H-gas range, while the methane number for biogas is
extremely high because of the low C2+ levels and the residual carbon dioxide levels.

2.7 Sulphur content

Sulphur is a catalyst poison for exhaust after-treatment systems. Depending on the
technology, the tolerance towards sulfur content in the fuel may vary. Therefore, sulphur
levels in the gas are an important parameter for exhaust gas treatment. The sulphur can
come both from natural sulphur components in the gas or from sulphur-containing odorants.
Natural constituents include e.g. H2S, COS and mercaptan. Sulphur-containing odorants
include tetrahydrothiophene (THT) and mercaptan.
The threshold values for sulphur vary across Europe. Figure 5 shows the results of a study
on this subject carried out by MARCOGAZ in 2002, for some European countries.

Figure 5 : Limit values for sulphur across Europe according to Marcogaz study

The figures refer to the requirements defined for maximum values. In some countries, the
limit value presented may include sulphur-containing odorants. The most relevant current
limit value is the maximum of 30 mgS/m³ specified by the EASEE-gas CBP for natural gas
transmission across borders.
The limit values do not necessarily reflect the true sulphur levels. The effective levels can be
much lower. Most of the natural gases in Europe today have a natural total sulphur content of
less than 5 mgS/m³. It is important to remember, however, that natural gases including CNG
distributed through pipeline grids have to be odorised for safety reasons and that mostly
sulphur-containing agents (THT, etc.) are used for this purpose. Odorisation can thus lead to
higher sulphur levels. For usual odorisation levels, this additional quantity is approx. + 3

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mg/m3(n) when mercaptans are used and + 10 mg/m3(n) when THT is used9. The most
stringent and only existing requirements in Europe in terms of sulphur reduction are
contained in the German standard DIN 51624, which calls for a maximum level (total sulphur)
of 10 mg/kg, i.e. approx. 8.0 mgS/m³ at the filling station (incl. odorisation). Sulphur levels of
this order of magnitude are also contained in the so-called "sulphur-free" liquid motor fuels
and therefore need to be taken into consideration as minimum levels for the development of
catalysts designed for CNG.

2.8 Standardisation activities about natural gas as vehicle fuel

ISO standard 15403 entitled "Natural gas for use as a compressed fuel for vehicles" (Part 1:
Designation of the quality; Part 2: Specification of the quality) describes the requirements to
be met by natural gases used as a vehicle fuel. The standard also covers accompanying
Table 8 : Natural gas compositions for use in vehicles (ISO/DIS 15403)

Gas component Limit

Methane ≥ 96%
Carbon dioxide ≤ 3%
Oxygen ≤ 0,5%
Total sulphur ≤ 120 mg/Nm³
Mercaptane ≤ 15 mg /Nm³
Hydrogen sulfide ≤ 5 mg/Nm³
Water ≤ -10 bis -30 °C pressure dew point
(depending on local conditions)
Dust technically free (≤ 1 μm)
Oil 100 – 200 ppm

2.8.2 Austria
In Austria, the quality requirements for natural gases used as a vehicle fuel are set out in
Annex V of the Motor Fuel Ordinance (Kraftstoffverordnung). It defines limit values for the
relative density, the superior calorific value and the Wobbe index while also specifying details
of the test method to be used (see Section 4.2.2). In addition, reference is made to ISO/DIS

2.8.3 Germany
In Germany, requirements for natural gas distributed through public grids are laid down in
DVGW Code of Practice G260 (see table 25). DIN 51624 on natural gas use as a vehicle fuel
has been in force since spring 2009. This standard goes beyond the requirements of G260.
The main requirements of this standard are summarised in Table 9.

From GERG project 1.53

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Table 9 : Requirements of DIN 51624 for natural gas used as a motor fuel The reference temperature for
combustion is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

Parameter Unit Limit value

Inferior calorific value (H-gas) MJ/kg > 46
Inferior calorific value (L-gas) MJ/kg > 39
Density according ISO 6976 kg/m3 0.72 – 0.92
M ethane Number (calculated) -- > 70
M ethane content % (V/V) > 80
Total amount C2 - HC % (V/V) < 12
Retrograde condensation to be excluded
Total amount > C2 - HC % (V/V) < 8.5
Propane content % (V/V) <6
Butane content % (V/V) <2
Pentane content % (V/V) <1
Hexane + higher HC content % (V/V) < 0.5
O xygen content % (V/V) <3
Hydrogen content % (V/V) <2
Total amount N2 + CO 2 % (V/V) < 15
Hydrogen sulfide content mg/kg <7
M ercaptane sulfur content mg/kg < 8
Total sulphur content (after 1.1.09) mg/kg < 10
Water content mg/kg < 40
Compressor oil content, particles yet to be defined

3 Description of the situation for each EU Country

3.1 Natural gas transmission actors in charge of natural gas quality control,
and gas specifications

The CEN BT WG 197 document entitled "Report on Future Gas Profiles" (Document No. N
148) [4] contains a summary of the specifications for natural gases in Europe. This report is
repeatedly referred to in Section 3.
The "Summary of EU transmission specifications” from the report is attached to this
document in Annex 2.

3.1.1 Austria

Approximately 20% of the gas used is produced in Austria, about 60% is imported from
Russia, the rest from Norway and Germany. The natural gas quality distributed in Austria
corresponds to 2H (ÖNORM EN 437) with a detailed specification as defined by the ÖFGW
standard G 31 in Table 10. The indigenous gas has a composition similar to the Russian gas.

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Table 10 : Gas quality specification for Austria ÖVGW G 31 The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C
and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

3.1.2 Belgium
Fluxys10 is the independent operator of both the natural gas transport, transit grid and
storage infrastructure in Belgium. A map of the Fluxys transmission system is shown in
Figure 6 (next page) .
Belgium does not have any indigenous gas sources, it is thus completely dependent on
The transmission system is an integral part of the European network. Indeed gas can flow
both ways between Belgium and the UK, France, Spain and Italy. Gas is also exported to
neighbouring Luxembourg.
Belgium has both an H-gas and an L-gas network :
• Supply of H-gas : comes from LNG producing countries, North Sea and Russia.
• At the Lillo and Loenhout stations high calorific natural gas is transformed into low
calorific gas to compensate for any deficits on the L grid during winter
consumption peaks. High calorific gas is transformed into low calorific gas by
injecting nitrogen into it. At the Lillo blending station, low calorific natural gas can
be enriched by adding high calorific natural gas.

Fluxys (

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• At the Ville-sur-Haine and Warnant-Dreye stations high calorific natural gas can
be downgraded by adding low calorific natural gas.
• Supply of L-gas : comes from the Slochteren field in the Netherlands.

Figure 6 : Belgian national transmission grid

Belgium National Gas Quality Specification11:

The transmission specification of the Belgian network is under review and it will change to
any European-wide specification.
Fluxys Transmission Specification:
An indicative gas quality specification is shown in Table 11 (next page). Given the constraints
on networks adjacent to the Fluxys transport network, specifications for gas quality at specific
points of entry may be different to the indicative gas quality specification.
Fluxys indicate that they will make all reasonable efforts to accept gas that is out-of-
specification but the shipper must bear the cost of any processing required.


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Table 11: Indicative gas quality specification for entry into the Belgian transmission system operated by Fluxys.
The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0
°C and 101.325 kPa

3.1.3 Bulgaria

Most of the natural gas used in Bulgaria is imported from Russia. The gas quality of
Bulgarian gas as specified by the State Energy Regulatory Commission is shown in Table
Table 12 : Gas quality for Bulgaria as stated by the State Regulatory Commission The reference temperature for
combustion is 20 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

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Table 13 continued : Gas quality for Bulgaria as stated by the State Regulatory Commission The reference
temperature for combustion is 20 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and
101.325 kPa

3.1.4 Czech Republic

The major gas transporter in the Czech Republic is NET4GAS s.r.o. (formerly RWE
Transgas) with border crossing points with Slovakia and Germany (2 points). The gas quality
specification is shown in Table 15.
The recent Gross Calorific Value of gas on Slovakian border was 10,4 kWh/m³.
Table 14 : Gas quality specification for gas entering the Czech Republic The reference temperature for
combustion is 15 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 15 °C and 101.325 kPa

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Table 15 continued : Gas quality specification for gas entering the Czech Republic The reference temperature for
combustion is 15 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 15 °C and 101.325 kPa

3.1.5 Denmark
Table 16 : Transmission specification for natural gas transported by The reference temperature for
combustion is 25 °C and for volume the reference conditions are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

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Danish National Gas Specification

The specification for natural gas supplied to the Danish market is laid down by the Danish
Safety Technology Authority in Section A, App. 1A of the Danish Gas Regulations. Natural
gas received, transported and delivered in the Danish natural gas system under a transport
contract must, at all times, comply with the Danish Gas Regulation and the quality
specifications of the Rules for Gas Transport. has a gas quality transmission specification which is in addition to the national
gas quality requirements (previous page).
The varying gas qualities are due to natural variations in the gas from the North Sea and
withdrawals from the gas storage facilities. The variations in the gas quality are made public
on a daily basis and on a month basis in order to evaluate the operating conditions.

Danish transmission network

The Danish gas system is connected to the rest of Europe via pipelines to Germany and
Sweden, and Denmark thus enjoys a central position in relation to the transmission, trade
and storage of natural gas.

The Danish gas transmission system is operated and owned by Approximately
8 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year are transported each year.'s transmission system 12 is supplied either directly from the North Sea via
Dong's gas treatment plant at Nybro or from the two natural gas storage facilities at Lille
Torup and Stenlille.

Figure 7 : Danish transmission grid


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Normally, the Danish market is supplied with gas that always meets the Gas Regulation's
Wobbe index requirements in normal supply situations.
The natural gas from the Danish section of the North Sea is transported in two marine
pipelines. On land, the gas passes through a gas treatment plant where the quality is
measured. The plant can also dry the gas and remove any sulphur, if necessary. From
Nybro, the gas is sent to customers in Denmark and in other countries or for storage at one
of two subterranean natural gas storage facilities. The storage facilities are located in Ll
Thorup north of Viborg and in Stenlille near Sorø on Zealand.

3.1.6 France
French National Gas Quality Specification
France operates two transmission systems. In Northern France, the L-gas system imports
gas from the Netherlands. The rest of France is covered by the H-gas transmission system.
The reference temperature for combustion is 0 °C. The reference conditions for volume are 0
°C and 101.325 kPa.
French Transmission System
Gas transmission companies are GRTgaz and TIGF. TIGF operates the gas network in
Southwestern France, whereas GRTgaz operates the rest of the French transmission
Imports of natural gas are made through pipelines at Dunkerque, Taisnières and
Obergailbach, and through LNG terminals at Montoir de Bretagne and Fos Tonkin. Those
LNG terminals are operated by Elengy.
The French transmission system comprises over 31,000 km of pipelines and about 30
compressing stations. It is operated by GRTgaz and TIGF. GRTgaz is the operator of the
natural gas transmission system owned by GDF SUEZ. TIGF is a 100% owned subsidiary of
Total that only operates in the Southern part of France, nearby the Spanish border.
There are two types of entry points in France:
• LNG terminals : two at Fos-sur-Mer and one at Montoir-de-Bretagne.
• Border entry points which link the transmission system to other European
transmission operators. At these points, the gas is compressed (using electric drive
compressors), odorised and injected into the GRTgaz system.
Both GRTgaz and TIGF natural gas quality specifications comply with the French statutory
requirements. GRTgaz transports both H and L gas whereas TIGF only transports H gas.
The specification for H gas Wobbe Index lies within, but does not fully cover, the EASEE-gas
GRTgaz states that gas with a Wobbe Index between the lower EASEE-gas limit of 13.50
kWh/m3(n) and the French lower limit of 13.64 kWh/m3(n) is likely to be accepted. Gas with
a Wobbe Index above the French limit will not be accepted until an assessment of the impact
has been completed.

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Table 17 : all natural gas injected into the GRTgaz system must meet the specifications set in the table below13

(1) H gas: Gas with a high calorific value. B gas: Gas with a low calorific value.
(1bis) H gas: pending contractual changes, gas with a Wobbe index (combustion conditions 0°C and 1.01325 bar) between
13.64 (value recommended by the European EASEE-gas association) and 13.50 kWh/m3(n) is likely to be accepted.
As regards the upper limit for the Wobbe index, checks are being carried out to establish when the value of 15.85 kWh/m3(n)
(instead of 15.70) discussed within EASEE-gas will be acceptable in France.
(2) These values are the ones recommended within the European EASEE-gas Association. Pending contractual changes,
gases with the following characteristics are likely to be accepted:
- hydrocarbon dew point below 0°C between 1 and 81 bar(a) at Obergailbach,
- total sulphur content: instant reading below 150 mgS/m3(n) and, for Dunkerque, Taisnières H “Ekofisk” and Taisnières H
“Troll”, less than 120 mg as an annual average,
- mercaptan sulphur content below 16.1 mgS/m3 (n) at Obergailbach,
- H2S content below 5 mgH2S/m3(n) at Obergailbach and Taisnières H “Troll”, and 5.4 mgH2S/m3(n) at Taisnières B and
Taisnières H “Ekofisk” , whatever the H2S+COS content at these points,
- instant H2S content below 15 mgH2S/m3 (n) and only allowed to exceed 12 mgH2S/m3 (n) for a maximum of 8 consecutive
hours, average content over 8 days below 7 mgH2S/m3 (n) on leaving underground storage facilities and at Cruzy and
- CO2 content below 3% at Taisnières B, Taisnières H “Ekofisk” and Obergailbach,
- O2 content below 1000 ppm at Dunkerque and Taisnières H “Troll”, below 5000 ppm at Taisnières H “Ekofisk” and
(3) The conversion of the water dew point to water content and vice versa is done in accordance with standard ISO 18 453
”Natural gas – Correlation between water content and water dew point.” (Gergwater correlation).
(4) This is a specification that is applicable to natural gas, which covers only hydrocarbons and not oils.

“Technical Requirements applicable to GRTgaz’s transmission pipelines and to gas transmission, distribution and storage
installations connected to the GRTgaz network,” Requirements published in application of Ministerial Decree No. 2004-555 of
June 15, 2004 - Version 3 of February 1, 2007 -

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Where applicable, GRTgaz can accept gas that does not meet the above specifications, for
example if it would be possible to mix gases as a temporary measure to guarantee the
characteristics specified in these requirements for gas leaving the system, or when there are
special agreements between adjacent operators. Any acceptance of such gases by GRTgaz
must be subject to a special agreement
TIGF does not give any undertaking to accept gases outside the French specification.

Figure 8: French transmission system, main core - orange: GRTgaz / blue: TIGF14

3.1.7 Germany
Germany imports natural gas from Russia, Denmark, Norway and from the Netherlands. In
2009, 32 % of the gas supply came from Russia, 6 % from Denmark 29 % from Norway,
and 20 % from the Netherlands. Indigenous sources contributed 13% to the supply.
Main Natural Gas Transport system operators in Germany are Open Grid Europe (subsidiary
of E.ON Ruhrgas), ONTRAS (subsidiary of VNG), Gasunie Germany, WINGAS Transport,
and Thyssengas (subsidiary of RWE).
The specification for natural gas in Germany is the DVGW Code of practice G260. (see
Table 25).


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from the from Denmark

Norwegian Ellund

North Sea Rostock

From the Emden Hamburg
North Sea from
from the Russia
Netherlands Hanover Oder

from the Werne Leipzig

Netherlands Essen

and the British Aachen Sayda

North Sea
Nuremberg haus

Fig. 9 : Gas import locations and gas transport Grid in Germany

3.1.8 Greece
National Gas Quality Specification15
The transmission system operator is the Hellenic Gas Transmission Operator, DESFA, which
is a 100%-owned subsidiary of DEPA the Public Gas Corporation. DEPA, in turn, is 65%
state owned.
The gas industry in Greece is regulated by the Energy Regulatory Authority, RAE.

The national gas quality specification is shown in Table 18 (next page).

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Table 18 : National gas quality specification for Greece

Greek Transmission System

The Greek gas transmission system comprises 512 km of high-pressure pipelines with 564
km of high-pressure branches. There are three entry points :
• Kipoi in the east receives gas from the Greece-Turkey interconnector (contract
expires 2022)
• Promachonas in the north is on the Bulgarian border and it is the entry point for
Russian gas (contract expires 2016)
• Revythousa is an LNG terminal importing LNG from Algeria (contract expires 2021).
A map of the transmission system is shown in Figure 1. Greece has no indigenous supply of
gas and relies 100% on imported gas from three sources. Greece is at the end of the current
Russian transit pipeline and there are very small seasonal variations compared with other EU
countries. In 2007, total gas consumption was 3.82 bcm (19% of total energy consumption)
with 76.7% coming from Russia, 22.5% from LNG and 0.8% from Turkey. About 74% of
imported gas is used for electricity generation.

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Figure 10 : Greek transmission network16

3.1.9 Hungary

Hungary has two types of gas: 2H-gases with high methane content from Russia (approx.
80%) and 2S-gases with low methane content and significant levels of carbon dioxide from
indigenous sources (approx. 20%).
The specification for natural gas in Hungary is shown in Table 19 (next page).

DESFA, Annual report 2007

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Table 19 : Gas quality specification for Hungary The reference temperature for combustion is 20 °C and the
reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

This specification shows a broad range of both calorific value and Wobbe index.
The supply with different gas qualities results in a typical pattern within Hungary.

Figure 11 : Differences in gas quality in Hungary

3.1.10 Ireland
The transmission system17 in Ireland is owned and operated by Gaslink.
Ireland imports 90% of its natural gas requirement from the United Kingdom via the Irish
interconnector. There are some indigenous supplies of natural gas in Ireland and an LNG
import terminal is proposed at Shannon. The gas quality regulations in Northern Ireland are
the same as the UK ones.

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3.1.11 Italy
Italian National Gas Quality Specification18
In 1995, the Italian government created an independent body, the Regulatory Authority for
Electricity and Gas (Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas) whose mission is to promote
competition and protect consumers.
In practice, the Italian gas quality specification is the transmission specification of Snam Rete
The Italian reference conditions are 15 °C for combustion and 15 °C and 101.325 kPa for
volume measurement.
Italian Transmission System
Eni is the dominant company in all aspects of the Italian natural gas sector; the company
controls almost all of Italy’s natural gas production and the Italian Government owns a 30%
golden share. Eni subsidiaries are:
• Snam Rete Gas S.p.A. (Snam) which owns and operates the domestic natural gas
transportation system
• Stoccaggi Gas Italia S.p.A. (Stogit) which manages most of the natural gas storage
• Italgas which controls one quarter of the retail gas distribution market.
The Eni national network is connected to the international gas transportation system so that
gas can be imported from Algeria, Russia, the Netherlands and Norway.
The gas pipelines for imports are:
• TENP and Transitgas (924 and 291 km) for imports from Holland and Norway via
Germany and Switzerland – the reception point is at Griespass on the Swiss border
• TAG (1,018 km) for imports from Russia – the reception point is at Tarvisio on the
Austrian border
• Transmed for imports from Algeria via Tunisia – the gas terminal is at Mazara del
Vallo in Sicily
• Green Stream for imports from the Western Libyan Gas Project – the reception
terminal is at Gela in Sicily
• Via Slovenia with a reception terminal on the Slovenian border at Sempeter
There is one existing LNG terminal at Panigaglia on the west coast of northern Italy.
All sources of gas are transported within Italy by the Snam Rete Gas transmission system.

3.1.12 Poland

Poland has two transmission networks – a high methane natural gas network (group E, GZ-
50) and a high nitrogen natural gas (group L) which is subdivided further into Lw (GZ-41,5)
and Ls (GZ-35). The high methane gas originating from Russia has a nominal calorific value
BTWG 197

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of 40 MJ/m³ while the indigenous nitrogen-rich gas reaches a value of 26 MJ/m³. A large
contingent of indigenous L-gas is upgraded (denitrogenated) on E-gas quality. The
transmission gas quality specification is shown in Table 20. The recent map of the Polish gas
transmission system, Figure 12 does not show any Ls-gas pipelines.

Table 20 : Gas specification for the Polish transmission company Gaz-System SA The reference temperature for
combustion is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

Figure 12 : Map of the Polish gas transmission system

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3.1.13 Portugal
Portuguese National Gas Quality Specification19
The national gas quality specification for Portugal is set out in legislative document
Despacho no. 19 624-A/2006 de 25 de Setembro. The reference conditions are aligned with
EASEE-gas. Portuguese Transmission System
The main transmission operator in Portugal is REN Gasodutos. This specification is for
natural gas as defined in ISO 13686: 1998 Natural Gas – Quality Designation.
The Portuguese transmission system has two bi-directional connections with the Spanish
transmission system. In 2008, international transit gas entered the REN network at Campo
Maior and exited at Valença do Minho. There is an LNG import terminal at Sines on the
Atlantic coast operated by REN-Atlântico. There is also a large underground storage facility
at Carriço operated by REN-Armazenagem.

3.1.14 Romania

Romania has a lot if indigenous gas supplies covering 80% of the national consumption.
Remaining 20% are imported from Russia. The gas quality specification in the national
transmissions system TRANSGAZ is shown in Table 21.
Table 21 : Natural gas quality specification for Romania The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and
the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa


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The composition of indigenous natural gas is except for 2-3 wells very similar to that of the
Russian H-gas (Table 2) resulting in a homogenous gas quality in the country.

3.1.15 Slovakia

Currently, 97% of gas used in Slovakia is imported from Russia and its quality corresponds
to Russian H-gas, see Table 2.

3.1.16 Spain
Spain imports nearly all its gas. It imports from Norway via a pipeline from France and from
Algeria via a pipeline under the Mediterranean Sea. There are plans for further pipelines to
France and Algeria. Spain also imports a significant proportion of its gas as LNG from
countries such as Qatar, Oman and Nigeria with three terminals in operation and two further
terminals under construction.
Spanish Transmission System
The main gas transmission operator in Spain is Enagas, which was set up in 1972 with the
objective of developing the gas pipeline network in the Iberian Peninsula. At the moment
Enagas is the only system operator and the main gas transmission company in Spain. The
company owns more than 7,600 km of high-pressure gas pipelines and three of the existing
regasification plants (Barcelona, Cartagena and Huelva), with a delivery capacity of
4,050,000 m3/h and a capacity of storage of 1,287,000 m3-liquefied natural gas (LNG).
There are also other minor gas transmission companies engaged in LNG plant activities, or
who undertake transport activities in very specific areas of the country.
Only H-Gas is available in Spain. The National Gas Quality Specifications are listed in table

Table 20 : Natural gas quality specification for Spain The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and the
reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

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3.1.17 Sweden

The sole import point is the Interconnector with Denmark and the transmission company is
Swedegas. The gas quality specification for this system is shown in Table 21.

Table 21 : Gas quality specification for Swedegas The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and the
reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

The gas composition is very constant keeping the GCV at 12,12 kWh/m³, Gross Wobbe
Index at 15,27 and the methane content at 90%. Typical for Danish natural gas is a high
content of ethane and propane of overall 7,9%.

3.1.18 Switzerland

The national transmission system operator in Switzerland is Swissgas AG. The properties of
natural gas imported by Swissgas are shown in Table 22 (next page) . The gas composition
is very constant keeping the GCV at 11,3 kWh/m³, Gross Wobbe Index at 14,4 and the
methane content at 89-90%.

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Table 22 : Typical properties of natural gas in Switzerland. The reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C
and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

Parameter Unit Average value 2009 Average value 2009

Import station A Import station B
Carbon dioxide Vol. % 1.63 1.40
Nitrogen Vol. % 2.61 2.25
Methane Vol. % 89.01 89.88
Ethane Vol. % 5.32 5.04
Propane Vol. % 1.04 1.00
i-Butane Vol. % 0.13 0.15
n-Butane Vol. % 0.15 0.15
i-Pentane Vol. % 0.03 0.04
n-Pentane Vol. % 0.03 0.03
Hexane Vol. % 0.05 0.05
Upper calorific value kWh/m 11.34 11.38
Lower calorific value kWh/m 10.24 10.28
Upper Wobbe Index kWh/m 14.34 14.45
rel. density - 0.625 0.620
Standard density kg/m 0.808 0.808

3.1.19 United Kingdom

The sole gas transmission operator in the United Kingdom is National Grid plc. The network
code for entering the National Grid pipeline system appears from Table 23.
Table 23 : National Grid Network Code The reference temperature for combustion is 15 °C and the reference
temperature and pressure for volume are 15 °C and 101.325 kPa

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3.2 Current natural gas supply portfolio (suppliers) and its composition range
3.2.1 Belgium
Natural gas supply
Most of the natural gas used in Belgium is imported from Norway and The Netherlands (40%
each in 2008).20
The long term contract with Algeria was completed in 2007.
The transit capacity of Belgium is 48 Gm3. Zeebrugge is the gas center of the country, with:
• a gasification unit of LNG (9 m3/year since February 2008)
• two large “Zeepipe” gas pipelines (Norway, capacity of 13 Gm3/year)
• the Interconnector (United Kingdom, capacity of 20 Gm3/year).
Thanks to the service offered at Zeebruge, the users of the network can exchange natural
gas without any restriction of capacity between all the entrance points of the zone of
Zeebrugge, including LNG terminal.
The capacity of Interconnector in the Bacton-Zeebrugge direction was carried to 8,5
Mm3/year in November 2005, then to 23.5 Mm3/year December 2006 and 25,5 Mm3/year
currently. In the opposite direction “flow” of Belgium transfers towards the United Kingdom,
the capacity is carried of 16,5 Mm3/year with 20 Mm3/year, which allows Distrigaz to increase
its export capacity for the United Kingdom.
LNG supply
The LNG supplies of Belgium come mainly from Qatar which ensured more than 13% of the
total imports in 2008.
Examples of the composition range of the gases and LNG imported by Belgium are
described in Annex 4.

3.2.2 Denmark
The gas production has doubled during the last 10 years21. In 2008, the production exceed
the countries needs with 9 Gm3. Denmark exports the excess (4.8 Gm3 in 2008) to The
Netherlands (39%), Germany (45%) and Sweden (17%).
The gases distributed in Denmark are thus indigenous. Examples of the composition range
are described in Annex 5.

3.2.3 Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania

These countries are remote from the rest of the European transmission system; at the
present time the sole source of gas is Russia. The national gas specification must be the
same as that agreed with Gazprom. The EU has given the four countries exemption from the
complete unbundling of the gas industry due to the lack of competition. Summary of typical
natural gas delivered to Estonia is shown in Table 24 (next page).

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Table 24 : Typical properties of natural gas delivered to Estonia The reference temperature for combustion is
25°C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

3.2.4 France
Lacq is the principal gas layer still in exploitation22. Its production slowly decreases and
covers less than 5% of the needs (against 10% in 1990 and 28% in 1980).

The imports (45 Gm3 in 2008) mainly come from Norway (33%), Russia (17%), the
Netherlands (17%) and Algeria (16%).
The gas is introduced on the French territory by:
• six entry points (4 pipes connected to Belgium, Spain and Germany),
• two LNG terminals (treating imported gas from Algeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Egypt
and Nigeria).

90% of gas in France is imported by GDF SUEZ, and 5% by Total.

GDF SUEZ and Sonatrach prolonged their contract until 2019 thus securising a large part of
the French supply. The gas pipeline connecting Irun (north of Spain) and Arcangues, (close
to Biarritz – 30M€), was completed during the end of 2005. It is 28 km length and has an
initial capacity of 0,5 Gm3/an. The first allowance coordinated at the interconnection of
Larrau (realized by TIGF and Enagas) was approved by French and Spanish regulators. In
November 2008, the existing interconnection capacities and the short-term (April 2009 -
March 2010) and long term (until March 2013) development have been accepted. The next
allocation will take place in November 2009 over the period April 2010 - March 2013.


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Examples of the composition range of the natural gases and LNG distributed in France are
described in Annex 6.

3.2.5 Germany Natural gas in Germany
In 2009, the natural gases distributed across Germany came from Russia (32 %, H-gas),
Norway/Denmark/UK (35 %; H-gas), the Netherlands (20 %, L-gas) and from indigenous
sources (13 %, L-gas). The indigenous L-gas is very similar to the L-gas imported from
Holland. These gases are described in Section 2.2.
DVGW Code of Practice G260 defines the requirements for natural gases distributed in
Germany. It distinguishes between L-gases and H-gases based on their Wobbe indexes.

Table 25 : Requirements according to DVGW Code of Practice G260 The reference temperature for combustion
is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

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The specifications in DIN 51624 for natural gas used as a vehicle fuel are important
additional parameters. They were already discussed in Section 2.7.3.
Examples of the average composition of natural gases in Germany are shown in Annex 7.

It should be noted that in the past, LPG/air mixtures were added to the natural gas in
Germany for peak-shaving purposes. This may still be continuing today in a few isolated
cases. Given the significantly reduced methane number, any LPG/air admixture would
potentially have a damaging effect on engine operation. There is an informal agreement in
Germany not to supply CNG filling stations with LPG/air admixtures. Use of biogas in German gas grids

Biomethane is currently fed into German grids at approx. 30 locations. To ensure correct
customer billing, it is common practice to adapt the superior calorific value of the biomethane
to the superior calorific value of the natural gas in the grid. For L-gas grids, this adjustment is
usually made by selecting the residual CO2 level accordingly. For H-gas pipeline systems,
however, the superior calorific value needs to be increased by adding additional high-energy
fuel gas. Propane is used for these purposes. The admixture of propane reduces the
methane number. However, this effect is unproblematic because biomethane without
propane has a methane number in excess of 100 and the admixture of propane results in a
methane number which differs only marginally from the methane number of the base gas in
the pipeline system. Figure 13 shows the heating values and the methane numbers of typical
natural gases and of replacement gases produced by adding propane.

Natural Gases
Biomethane Biomethane
plant 1 Biomethane
plant 2
L gas Germany
Biomethane exchange
Methane Number

Biomethane exchange gas H Russia

gas L NL
90 H gas Russia

L gas NL Biomethane
plant 3 H gas Norway
Biomethane exchange
gas H Norway

H gas Danmark

8 9 10 11 12
Lower calorific value [kWh/m 3]

Figure 13 : Heating values and methane numbers of typical natural gases in comparison to the biomethane-based
replacement gases containing propane The reference temperature for combustion is 15 °C and the reference
temperature and pressure for volume are 15 °C and 101.325 kPa

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3.2.6 Greece

Greece has no indigenous supply of gas and relies on imported gas from three sources:
Russia with 77%, LNG from Algeria with 22% and Turkey with 1%.

Natural gas Supply

DEPA’s natural gas suppliers23 are the Russian company Gazprom-Export (subsidiary of
Gazprom) and the Algerian company, Sonatrach, by virtue of contracts signed in 1988 and
extending to 2016 and 2020 respectively. The contract with Gazprom-Export ensures the
supply of 2.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually. Russian natural gas began flowing
into Greece in September 1996.
In view of increased demand for natural gas and in the context of the strategy that aims to
make Greece part of an energy corridor in Southeastern Europe, DEPA signed a gas supply
contract in 2003 with the Turkish company Botaş. This contract provides for annual supplies
of 0.75 billion cubic meters over 15 years. The gas is delivered to Greece following the
completion of the interconnection works of the natural gas networks between the two
countries, late in 2007.
LNG supply
The Algerian LNG is transported to the LNG terminal on Revythousa island, in the Gulf of
Megara. The contract with Sonatrach provides for a total supply of gas from 0.51 to 0.68
billion cubic meters annually. Algerian LNG started being received in Greece in February
During the past year, demand exceeded for the first time the contracted quantities of DEPA’s
long-term supply contracts. The gap was covered with additional LNG shipments, which were
acquired through short-term contracts from the international market and with the import by
DEPA of gas quantities, beyond those contracted from Russia.24
Examples of the composition range of the natural gas and LNG distributed in Greece are
described in Annex 8.

3.2.7 Ireland
The natural gas25 production decreases since the middle of the Nineties (0.4 Gm3 in 2008 -
2.7 Gm3 in 1996), because of the future stop of the Kinsale layer. Moreover, the production
of the new layer of Seven Heads, by Ramco Energy, is not as important as expected (only
The country imports increasing quantities of gas since 1996: 4.6 Gm3 in 2007 (90% of the
consumption of the country) against 1.6 Gm3 in 1998 and 0.5 Gm3 in 1996.
A gas pipeline (flow: 11 Gm3) between Scotland and Ireland entered in service at the end of
2002 (279 M€), financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB). A gas pipeline connecting

January 2009

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Ireland to Northern Ireland took up duty at the end of 2007: it aims to distribute the ¾ of the
population of Northern Ireland.

3.2.8 Italy
Natural gas production/imports
The domestic production of natural gas, started in 1952, decreases since 2000 (9.2 Gm3 in
2008 against 17 Gm3 in 1990 and 2000).
The imports cover 90% of the needs (77 Gm3 in 2008). In 2008, Algeria and Russia
respectively provide 34% and 32% of imported gas. Libya is the third source of supply (13%),
the balance coming mainly from the Netherlands and Norway.
Natural gas supply
Italy is connected to Algeria via Tunisia by the gas pipeline Enrico Mattei (ex Transmed),
whose capacity was doubled in the 1990’s (12.5 to 27 Gm3/year). It is the largest gas
pipeline of North Africa, with a capacity of 33.5 Gm3 until 2012. This gas pipeline is property
of : TTPC for Algeria-Tunisia part (742 km) and TMPC for Tunisia-Italy part (775 km). TMPC
associates ENI and Sonatrach (50/50). Italy (Sicily) is connected, since October 2004, in
Libya with the gas pipeline Greenstream (520 km, capacity of 8 Gm3, cost 7 G€). Its capacity
should be increased to 11 Gm3 until 2012.
Italy is connected to the Netherlands via Germany by Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline
(TENP, 500 km). Its capacity should be increased by 15.5 Gm3 with 17.5 Gm3 until the end
of 2009.
The country has also connection with the Netherlands and Norway via Switzerland: the
Transitgas gas pipeline, which joined the TENP with Passo Gries (Italy), has a capacity of 20
Gm3 (290 km). An extension of 2 Gm3 is currently considered.
Trans Austria Gas (TAG) allows Italy to import Russian gas via Austria. The gas pipeline of
380 km has a capacity of 37 Gm3 and should reach 43.5 Gm3 at the end of 2009.
LNG supply
Italy holds only one LNG regaseification terminal with Panigaglia which belongs to Snam
Rete Gas. With a capacity of 3.5 Gm3/year, the supply is coming from Algeria and Nigeria. A
project of extension of its capacity to 8 Gm3/year was recently rejected by the regional
Examples of the composition range of the natural gas and LNG distributed in Italy are
described in Annex 9.

3.2.9 Portugal
Natural gas supply
In January 1997, the completion of the connection to the gas pipeline Pedro Duran Farell
between the Maghreb and Europe, fed out with Algerian gas allowed the natural gas entering
the country. The initial capacity of the gas pipeline was of 10 Gm3 for total costs of 2.6 billion

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US$ (including 13% supported by Transgas). A derivation of 270 km brings gas since
Cordoue (Spain) to the Portuguese border to Campo Maior.
In 2008, Portugal imported 4.9 gas Gm3 (against 0.8 Gm3 in 1998 and 2.4 Gm3 in 2000).
The imports of Algeria per gas pipeline accounted for 50% of the total. The remainder was
imported of Nigeria (GNL).
Portugal has 2 principal gas pipelines:
• one in Leiria west in Campo Maior at the Spanish border (220 km) where it is
connected to the gas pipeline Maghreb-Europe
• the other connects Braja and Setubal (379 km) of north to the south (with connection
with the Spanish network in Galicie and Asturies)
The network was prolonged into 2003 of Setubal with Sinès for an entire investment of 44.8
M€. The grid system of the REN reaches 1250 km in 2008.
LNG supply
In 2008, 57% (30.1 TWh) of the natural gas imports entered the transmission system from
the LNG terminal at Sines. The remaining 43% of natural gas imports in 2008 entered from
Campo Maior from Algeria via the Maghreb pipeline.
Portugal has a long-term contract with Algeria for 2.5 Gm3/year, until 2019. Transgas has
also 3 contracts for LNG with NLNG (Nigeria) :
• One signed in 1997 for an annual volume of 0.4 Gm3 of GNL (first delivery occurred
in January 2000)
• Another of 1.3 Gm3/year from 2003 (signature in 1999, lasted 20 years)
• The last one of 2 Gm3 started in 2005-2006 (over 20 years).
Examples of the composition range of the gases and LNG distributed in Portugal are
presented in Annex 10.

3.2.10 Romania
Examples of the composition range of the natural gases produced by Romania are presented
in Annex 10. It should be noticed that the mentioned gases with Methane Numbers below 60
are regarded as not relevant for CNG supply and therefore not accounted for in the limit gas

3.2.11 Spain
Natural gas supply
Most of the gas used in Spain is imported. Since 1987, imports, therefore consumption,
progress quickly (35 Gm3 in 2007 against 4 Gm3 in 2000).
Gas is imported from Norway by the NorFra gas pipeline to Dunkirk (contract of 2 Gm3/year)
and since 1996 of Algeria by the gas pipeline Maghreb-Europe, the remainder of gas
imported is LNG (either 66%).

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The main suppliers in 2008 were Algeria (31, 3%), Nigeria (20.7%), Qatar (12.6%) and
Trinidad and Tobago (12.1%), followed by Egypt (10.7%) and Norway (7%).
• The initial capacity of the gas pipeline Maghreb-Europe is 10 Gm3, including 6 Gm3
for Spain (2.6 billion US$). This gas pipeline towards Portugal supply the Portuguese
gas producer company Transgas, then north the Spanish province of Galicia. The
capacity of the gas pipeline is increasing (+50% of emission). A gas pipeline between
France and Spain allows to import gas from Norway.
• The second gas connection between France and Spain (Euskadour gas pipeline)
completed in October 2005 (capacity of 0.5 Gm3/year). This project implemented by
SGE, Sociedad Gas de Euskadi, on the Spanish side, and by TIGF.
The Spanish gas network reached 62,500 km in 2007 compared to 37,000 km in 2000.
LNG supply
Since 1999, Spain receives LNG respectively from Trinidad and Tobago (July) and Nigeria
(October) within long-term contracts signed by Enagas: contract of 1.2 MT with Trinidad and
contract of 1.6 Gm3 over 22 years from 2000 until 2022 with NLNG (Nigeria).
From 2002, an new agreement with Nigeria Liquefied Gas: 2.7 Gm3/year over 25 years.
Nigeria is thus the second supplier of Spain behind Algeria. Gas Natural signed with Repsol
a long-term contract (20 years) for the purchase of 2.1 Gm3/year of LNG coming from
Trinidad and Tobago.
A contract of importation of LNG over 20 years starting from the layer of Snohvit in Norway
was signed by Iberdrola in 2001 (1.6 Gm3/year), began in 2006. The LNG comes from other
countries while waiting for the startup of Snohvit. Spain receives LNG from Egypt since 2005.
The consumption of LNG increased by 18.6% during 2008.
Spain has 6 LNG terminals: Barcelona (10 Gm3/year), Huelva in Andalousia (4 Gm3/year),
Cartagena (5,3 Gm3/year), Bilbao (3,5 Gm3/year), Sagunto (6,6 Gm3/year) et Mugardos (3
Examples of the composition range of the natural gases and LNG distributed in Spain are
presented in Annex 12.

3.2.12 The Netherlands

The gas production is quite stable : 85 Gm3 in 2008 - 76 Gm3 in 2007. The imports represent
25.4 Gm3 in 2008, distributed as follows: Norway (37%), Russia (24%) and Germany (23%).
Natural gas exports represent 62 Gm3 in 2008 (55.7 Gm3 in 2007) and mainly supply
Germany (37%), the United Kingdom and Italy (16% each one) and France (14.5%).

3.2.13 The United Kingdom

Natural gas production
The production of natural gas decreases strongly (73.5 Gm3 in 2008, 109 Gm3 in 2003, 114
Gm3 in 2000). Located almost entirely in the North sea, the gas is conveyed in the United
Kingdom, with nearly 26 Gm3 of imports in 2008.

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The imports were multiplied by 2.3 since 2006 (11.3 Gm3).

Natural gas supply
Three underwater gas pipelines connect the United Kingdom to the rest of Europe:
• The “Interconnector” connecting Bacton (the United Kingdom) to Zeebruge (Belgium)
increases its capacity (23.5 Gm3/year in October 2006, then to 25.5 Gm3/year in
October 2007). The gas pipeline connecting Norway (layer of Ormen Swaddles) to
the South-west of the United Kingdom (final of Easington, built by Centrica) entered in
service in October 2006. This underwater gas pipeline, called Langeled (the longest
with1200 km, of the world), should allow the countries to import 20 Gm3/year.
• The gas pipeline BBL (October 2006) allows to convey in Bacton the gas of the
Netherlands (Balgazand). Its capacity is 15 Gm3/year. This gas pipeline is operated
by BBL.The layer of Minke Main in the North sea was put in production in 2007 for a
flow of 1.7 Mm3/day. It is connected to the platform D15 and the consortium is
composed of GDF Britain (15.6%), E.ON Ruhrgas (42.7%), RWE Dea (35.8%) and
Faroe Petroleum (5.9%).
LNG supply
The United Kingdom has two LNG terminals:
• One located on the island of Grain, developed by National Grid-Transco (NGT), with a
capacity of 4.5 Gm3/year since 2005.
• Another, located at Teesside, started in 2007 by the Excelerate company, with a
capacity of 6 Gm3/year.
Examples of the composition range of the gases and LNG distributed in the United Kingdom
are presented in Annex 13.

3.3 Identified projects affecting trends in natural gas supply portfolio and
composition range in the near and mid-term future
3.3.1 Belgium
Future natural gas supply
Fluxys indicate that Belgium may replace the L-gas network with a H-gas network in the long
term. The future supplies of low calorific natural gas to Belgium depend on developments in
supplier purchase contracts and the remaining period left for exploitation of the Groningen
field in the Netherlands. The Federal Public Service Economy is in charge of setting the
schedule, mode of financing and actions that will make it possible to adapt, either partially or
in full, the Fluxys network and the distribution system operators’ networks. This conversion
will require a series of investments and actions that will involve not only Fluxys, but also the
distribution system operators, suppliers, grid users, regulators and neighbouring countries.
Future LNG supply
In April 2008, a fourth 140.000 m3 storage tank and additional regasification facilities became
operational at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal, increasing throughput capacity from 4.5 to 9
billion cubic metres per year.

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In July 2008, Fluxys launched new LNG loading services. LNG carriers can now be loaded
with LNG being kept in cycling storage at the terminal.
Fluxys LNG has launched a market consultation to assess the interest for additional capacity
at the terminal. In the course of 2008, 10 parties have signed a non-binding capacity
nomination form.

3.3.2 Denmark
Natural gas project development:
New gas pipelines to Norway and Poland and an expansion of the connections to Germany
and Sweden could contribute to the security of supply and support the development of the
Danish gas market considerably. This must be seen in the light of the fact that for many
years Denmark will continue to be dependent on fossil fuels.
The plans of different market players to transport gas through Denmark (from Germany
and/or Norway to Sweden and/or Poland) offer a current window of opportunity
in relation to a number of different expansion projects, including the projects Skanled, Baltic
Pipe and the expansion of DEUDAN. Common to all of these projects is that an investment
decision must be made in 2009.

Figure 14 : Ongoing project development

• Skanled project : Since January 2007, has been part of the Skanled
project – a pipeline running from Kårstø via Rafnes in Norway to Sweden and

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Northern Jutland. Skanled will also necessitate the establishment of a pipeline from
the landing in Northern Jutland to Lille Torup and onwards to Egtved. Skanled is
expected to be ready for commissioning in December 2012.
• Baltic pipe project : Concurrently with the Skanled project, is
collaborating with the Polish gas TSO, Gaz System, on a pipeline between Denmark
and Poland. The Baltic Pipe project will integrate the Baltic areas with the Nordic
market. Baltic Pipe will contribute to capacity increase requirements in the Danish
transmission system from Egtved to Dragør. The West-East capacity expansion will
be carried out by establishing compressor stations in Egtved and Langeskov. In
addition, must establish a compressor station in Avedøre by the Baltic
Pipe landing. Baltic Pipe sould be ready for commissioning in 2013-2014.
• DEUDAN project : is continuing its dialogue with the owners of the
North-German grid (DEUDAN) about the possibilities of supplies from Germany to
Denmark. For larger quantities, additional measures are also required in Germany as
is a doubling of the section between Ellund and Egtved.

3.3.3 France
The principal conclusions of the indicative plan multiannual gas (PIP gas) published by the
government in 2007 for the next 10 years proposed:
• a probable inflecting of the French demand for gas between 2006 and 2015
compared to the previous decade (2.1% per annum against 3.4%). This evolution
represents nevertheless an increase in natural gas consumption of 100 TWh
additional between 2006 and 2015
• the development of the electrical production starting from natural gas representing an
additional requirement out of gases of 28.3 TWh through the establishment
envisaged for 6 new cycles combined with gas between 2009 and 2015, which
represents 2500 MW of additional electric output in combined cycles.
• a reinforcement of the entrance points on the French territory and of storage
capacities underground.
• a security of supply ensured by the maintenance even increase in the imports coming
from Russia and of Norway; the rise of the capacities of imports coming from Algeria
by gas pipeline, the increased role of the GNL in the imports coming from Egypt, of
Nigeria, of Qatar and Iran.
Natural gas projects (pipes)
It is envisaged to connect the LNG terminal of Bilbao to the equipment of storage of
Lussagnet close to Lacq by prolonging the Irun-Arcangues gas pipeline. The construction of
this gas pipeline could make Lacq become one of the pivots of a future European market
(potential of 500 Mm3 of gas/year). This connection will also allow the imported gas from
An investment on the artery of Guyenne and a reinforcement of the point of Larrau
interconnection will allow gas imports from Spain towards France (approximately 3 Gm3 in
2010 and 5 Gm3 in 2011).

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A new project of interconnection, called MidCat is under evaluation. It would allow the
transport of 5.5 Gm3/year of France towards Spain and 7 Gm3 in the opposite direction.
GRTgaz announced an investment plan of 5 G€ over the period 2008-2017 of which the half
should be devoted to the fluidity of the network.
LNG and terminal projects
• Fos Cavaou: STMFC, a subsidiary of GDF SUEZ (69.3%) and TOTAL (30.7%) is
building a new LNG terminal in Fos-sur-Mer (Cavaou peninsula) near Marseille. It will
have an initial capacity of 8.25 bcm/year. The commissioning operation will take place
during first half of 2009.
• Montoir : Following an open season process, Elengy, a 100% subsidiary of GDF
SUEZ, responsible for terminal activities in France, decided on a revamping
programme in order to extend Montoir life span until 2035, with present performance
level (send out capacity of 10 bcm/year).
In the medium term, five final methane tankers are planned to be brought into service
between 2011 and 2015 out of four sites: Dunkirk (EDF), the Harbor-Antifer (Gas of
Normandy), Fos sur Mer (Shell) and two in the Verdon (4Gas and EDF). These projects
would constitute a significant source of supply for these alternative operators: their
cumulated capacity of importation would amount at least to 35 Gm3/an, that is to say more
than 40% of French consumption foreseeable by 2010.

3.3.4 Germany
Pipeline projects
The most important project in realisation for the German gas supply is the North Stream

Fig 15 : North Stream pipeline (source: North Stream)

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It creates a new offshore connection between Russia and Germany with a length of 1200 km,
consisting of 2 pipes. Its total capacity will sum up to 55 bn m3/year. The commissionig of
the first of the two pipelines is scheduled for end of 2011.
Two additional onshore pipeline projects are linked with North Stream at the terminal point in
Lubmin, Germany: The OPAL –pipeline leading southward to the czech border, and the NEL-
pipeline heading westward as junction to the West German Transport grid.
As yet, it is not expected that North Stream will cause changes in the gas composition
portfolio from Russia.

DFTG (Deutsche Flüssigerdgas Terminal Gesellschaft) plans to construct a terminal for up to
215,000 m³ LNG tankers. DFTG has the necessary permits for the construction of the
onshore and offshore facilities. The terminal site is located at the city Wilhelmshaven on the
German North Sea Coast.
The Wilhelmshaven terminal ist regarded as a mid/long term option for further expanding the
supply portfolio.

3.3.5 Greece
Natural gas needs
The country considers a strong increase in the gas consumption, which should practically
double over the period 2005-2010 and reach 6.5 Gm3.
To face this increase in the requirements out of gas, Gazprom negotiates with the Greek
government the renewal of its supply agreement until 2040 as well as an increase in the
provided quantities (currently of 2.7 Gm3/year). In addition, several projects of gas pipelines
are in hand or under investigation to import some.
Gas pipeline projects
The most important proposed projects for transmitting natural gas through Greece, are:

Fig 16: Italy Greece Interconnector:

• Italy Greece Interconnector (IGI)26

Gas pipeline ITG should be prolonged towards Italy within the framework of a project
implemented by Edison associated with Depa (IGI, “Interconnection Greece Italy”).


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The IGI pipeline is an extension to the west of the Greek-Turkish pipeline, aiming in
transmitting natural gas to Italy. The project’s planning includes :
o an onshore section, 600 km in length (600 M€), from Komitini to Thesprotia’s
coastline. This interconnection should be completely operational in 2014.
o an offshore section Italy-Greece from Thesprotia’s coastline to Italy’s Otranto,
approximately 200 km in length (Poseidon Pipeline, 400M€)
According to the project’s sponsors, Edison Spa and DEPA S.A., possible supply sources
are the areas of the Caspian and the Middle East.
Greece will import 11 Gm3/an via this gas pipeline including 8 Gm3/year for Italy. The EU
puts a strong priority on this project, describing it as European interest.
• Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)27
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) , 570 km and 10 Gm3/year of capacity, will connect Greece to
Italy (Brindisi) via Albania; it will comprise an underwater part of 117 km under the Adriatic.
This gas pipeline will be supplied by gas coming from Iran and of the Caspian Sea
(Azerbaïdjan). A long-term contract (25 years) was signed by EGL with NIGEC in November
2006 for the supply of 5.5 Gm3/year as from 2010..
• South branch of the South Stream Pipeline
The South Stream project will export Russian natural gas to Europe through two branches.
Its sponsor will be the Russian company Gazprom. The project’s south branch includes the
construction of a pipeline with a yearly capacity of 10 billion cubic meters, which will enter the
Greek territory from the Greek-Bulgarian borders and run through the country northern
regions, with alternative exit points the Greek-Albanian borders or the Ionian coastline and
ending in Italy. South Stream, which will transport Russian gas, is sometimes seen as a rival
of Nabucco which will transport gas of Azerbaïdjan.
LNG projects
The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the LNG demand in a global level will
reach 340 bcma in 2015. For covering this level of demand, about 132 bcma of additional
yearly liquefaction capacity are under construction globally.
With regard to the under development liquefaction capacity, about 60% is located in areas
with a geographical interest for the Greek market (Algeria, Libya, Qatar). Given that Algeria’s
and Libya’s new capacity is not anticipated to be available before 2012, the possibility of
short- and long-term contracts of LNG quantities from Qatar’s new capacity could be
investigated, possibly even Yemen’s, as well as the utilization of LNG availability of existing
liquefaction stations (Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria).
An important factor which has a negative effect on the possibility of importing LNG in the
Greek market is that the limited storage space of Revythoussa’s LNG terminal allows the
complete unloading of ships smaller than 100.000 m3, which are limited in number and


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3.3.6 Ireland
Natural gas supply projects
Although there are a significant number of new supply projects potentially in the pipeline,
there is uncertainty about their timing. A scenario based approach has been used to manage
the uncertainty.
These scenarios are broadly based on the equivalent CAG tariff scenarios and 2008 Gas
Capacity Statement (GCS) analysis, which have been updated following discussions with the
various project developers as appropriate. They include:
• The Base Supply scenario based on new supply projects that are either currently
underway or have received planning permission
• The High Supply scenario based on the same Corrib production profile, but assuming
that Shannon LNG seeks to maximise send-out at 190.5 GWh/d The Low Supply
scenario based on Corrib delayed by 1-year to the middle of 2010/11, Shannon LNG
delayed beyond 2014/15 and Inch ceasing production after 2012/13, which gives the
worst-case planning scenario.
If all of these supply projects were to proceed, then supplies could potentially exceed the
aggregated demand of the ROI and NI. It is assumed that the sources of supply will be
dispatched in the following order :
• Indigenous production (i.e. Corrib and Kinsale);
• Storage gas (i.e. Kinsale and NI);
• Shannon LNG; and
• GB imports through the IC system will make any shortfall between the demand and
the above supplies.

3.3.7 Italy
Future Gas Supplies28
The gas consumption should reach 94 Gm3 into 2011.104 Gm3 in 2015 and 114 Gm3 in
2020, according to Snam Rete Gas (including 40% for the electric sector).
Snam Rete Gas envisages to invest 4.3G€ from here 2012 to increase the transport capacity
of 25% (340 Gm3 against 290 Gm3 currently). The transport capacity will be able to exceed
400 Gm3 in 2015.
There are numerous proposed pipelines and projects to extend natural gas supplies to Italy.
For example:
• The GALSI pipeline linking Algeria, Sardinia and Italy : 900 km length (300 km
between Algeria and Sardinia, 330 km in Sardinia and 270 km between Sardinia and
the continent). An alternate road could be Corsica. The initial capacity of 10 Gm3/an
passed to 8 Gm3/an. Construction should begin in 2010 and the startup from now on
is considered in 2014 (previously 2012).


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• The Trans Adriatic pipeline (TAP) linking Italy at Brindisi with Albania and Greece
(see above)
• The IGTI Poseidon interconnector linking Turkey, Greece and Italy (see above)
• South Stream
• The ENI has a project to increase the capacity of the Greenstream gas pipeline
connecting Libya to Sicily (+ 3 Gm3/year until 2012, contract until 204).
LNG projects
There are numerous proposed projects to extend natural gas supplies to Italy. For example :
• Cavarzere (Porto Levante Adriatic LNG) on the Adriatic coast of northern Italy to
receive LNG from Qatar. The terminal will achieve full operational capacity around the
middle of 2009.
• In June 2007, LNG Italia S.p.A. started the process for upgrading the Panigaglia
regasification terminal in order to expand the capacity from 3.5 to 8 Bcm/year29. Start-
up is planned for the end of 2013.
• In July 2007, Enel has taken a 90% share in Nuove Energie, the company developing
the LNG terminal project to be built in the port industrial area of Porto Empedocle
(Sicily). The regasification terminal is expected to be in operation at the beginning of
• GDF SUEZ is developing an offshore LNG terminal, the Triton LNG project, in the
North Adriatic, near Ancona. The Triton project should be born in 2012 with a cost of
300 M€. Its gasification capacity would be of 5 Gm3.
• Shell Energy Italia Srl and ERG Power & Gas S.p.A. signed a JVA for the
development of a regasification terminal in Italy. Its capacity will be 8 Gm3. The
startup is envisaged in 2012 (cost of 500 M€).
• Final GNL Adriatico in Rovigo (“Oporto Levante”) : Terminale GNL Adriatico
associates ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum (45% each one) and Edison (10%). The
factory of gasification is built within the framework of a long-term contract 25 years
(4.8 Gm3/year initially envisaged, carried since with 6.4 Gm3/year). The first
deliveries began in August 2009.

3.3.8 Portugal
REN Atlantico launched a public tender for the expansion of the regasification capacity in
Sines in order to meet the higher natural gas demand forecasted following the operation of
already authorised combined cycle plants. The objective is to increase the send-out capacity
from 2.6 bcm/year to 5.2 bcm/year, and also to expand its storage capacity by building a third
150 000 m3 LNG tank by the end of 1H 2012.


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3.3.9 Spain
Natural gas projects
The Medgaz project will allow a second connection between Algeria and Spain. This pipeline
will connect the layer of Hassi R' Mel in Algeria to Almeria in Spain:
• The first section connecting Hassi R' Mel to Sougueur in Algeria began in June 2005
to be completed mid 2007
• The second section will prolong the gas pipeline towards Arzew.
• The third phase will relate to the underwater connection of 200 km enters Blessed-Saf
and Almeria. Medgaz will have an overall length of 1050 km. It will double the
existing gas pipeline with a capacity of 8 Gm3/an (cost 0.9 G€ or 1.17 G$).
The gas pipeline should enter in service in July 2009. Three long-term contracts (20 years)
were signed by Sonatrach with Iberdrola in July 2004 (1.6 Gm3/year), Cepsa (1.6 Gm3/year)
and Endesa (0.96 Gm3/year).
Phase 2 of the gas pipeline Euskadour, still under discussion, should connect the LNG
terminal of Bilbao to the center of storage of Lassagnet in France (172 km, including 87 km
in Spain), in both directions.
Two projects of gas interconnection were launched with France:
• Increasing the capacities of Larrau with 5 Gm3 per annum at horizon 2013
• Creation of a new point of interconnection at horizon 2015.
Expansion of existing LNG terminals
There are plans to double the capacity of the 2.6 mtpa Reganosa regasification plant by
Second expansion phase of the Sagunto LNG Plant would increase the LNG import capacity
through the addition of a third 150 000 m3 LNG storage tank and one open-rack seawater
vaporiser. The new storage tank is due in operation in 2009.

3.3.10 The Netherlands

Natural gas projects
The main objective of the gas policy is to reorganize the market in order to support
competition and to fill the objectives of energy security.
The national company of transport of gas, Gasunie, provides that from here 2020 more half
of the gas which it will export will be imported gas. Thus, Gasunie already contracted for 260
Gm3 of imports from here 2020 (coming from Norway, of the United Kingdom and Russia). In
June 2002, Gasunie and Centrica (United Kingdom) signed an agreement for the supply by
Gasunie of 80 Gm3 over 10 years as from 2005. Volume thus contracted will account for
approximately 18% of the needs for Centrica. Moreover, Essent signed in February 2004 a
contract with Statoil for the delivery of 1.4 gas Gm3/year over 5 years via the terminal of
Emden in Germany. The deliveries began at the end of 2004.
LNG projects

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The construction of the Gate LNG receiving terminal in the Rotterdam harbour recently
started. The facility will consist of 3 tanks of 180 000 m3 each. Start-up is planned for the
Two projects of LNG terminals are in construction on the wearing of Rotterdam, Gate Final
and Gas Lion and two are in project.

3.3.11 The United Kingdom

In the gas field, the country seeks to secure tensions on the provisioning such as those
appeared at the end of 2005 (in December 2005 the price was multiplied by 5 compared to
the level of November). Several options of additional infrastructures (at a more or less
advanced stage) are in hand or under investigation.
Off Shetland Islands, the potential of gas extraction is still estimated at 228 Gm3 and could
be put in production from here 2012-2013 for an investment of about 4 G£ (very depend on
the adopted solution). The plate of production could be 7.2 Gm3 in 2014 and the production
could last 15 years. These developments would account for 8% of the current consumption
of the country. 30 companies are implied of which Chevron, Total, BP and ExxonMobil.
By the 2012 United Kingdom should be depend to 67% on foreign gas according to annual
report 2003 of NGD, with an increase in consumption at a peak in progression of 18%. Two
scénarii studied by NGD (rise of the imports of GNL or increase in the interconnections with
the continent) conclude with needs for additional investments for 1 to 1.2 G£ from here 2015
besides the existing projects.
As regards interior market, Gazprom announced its intention to hold 20% of the British
market in 2015 while positioning on the market of the private individuals.
Natural gas projects
A gas pipeline linking Russia and the United Kingdom is in project (agreement signed in June
2003 for the construction of the European northern gas pipeline with a cost estimated at 5 G€
under the Baltic towards the Netherlands and Germany then the United Kingdom) would be
built in partnership between Gazprom and Shell. A procurement agreement between
Centrica and Gazprom could be signed soon.
LNG projects
Commercial operations began at the first expansion of the Isle of Grain LNG import facility on
December 30, 2008. It is only the first of two major expansions of the facility, with the second
already under construction and currently due to be operational in winter 2010/11.

4 Guidelines for limit gases for engine tests

4.1 Summary of the gas composition survey with regard to engine operation
Due to the growing international gas trade and gas exchange, the EASEE gas CBP [3] plays
important role for the real gas properties of the H-gases in utilisation. In general, all natural
H-gases in fact comply with this specification. This holds especially for pipeline gases,
wheras LNG qualities with their broad variety may require individual examination. Therefore

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the LNG supply is treated in this report to a larger extent. The critical figure in the CBP for
CNG vehicles is the maximum Wobbe-Index because of its implications with respect to the
Methane Number. High Wobbe-Indexes and calorific values are always accompanied by low
Methane Numbers (see paragraph 4.2.5 below). Gases with these characteristics must be
included in the limit gas selection. The Methane Number range 65 – 70 is the appropriate
low margin for engine testing.
L-Gases are relevant for the Dutch, the Belgian, the French, and the German market. In
these West European countries, the inert gas content sums up to typically 10%, leading to a
relative consistent quality range. Sporadic, domestic L-gas sources (Poland, Hungary),
however, provide gases with extremely high inert gas shares and consequently very low
calorific value parameters. On the other hand, the corresponding amounts of gases are very
small and have only very marginal importance for the future CNG market. In consequence, it
seems reasonable to apply the well known test gas G25 as limit gas for low calorific value.
The items hydrogen admixture and biomethane are different from intrinsic natural gas
matters and covered below in paragraph 4.2

4.2 Choice of limit gases for the engine tests within INGAS
4.2.1 INGAS Description of Work
In the Description of Work (p. 31) the limit gases have been named as follows:
3 natural gases
1 natural gas with biogas content
1 natural gas with H2 content.

The further detailling of the limit gases is left to the survey being presented in this report.

4.2.2 Report on "Expectations on fuels" from Sub-project A2

From the engine development perspective, it is important to observe the statements made in
the "Expectations on fuels" report (deliverable DA2.3). The report summary in terms of limit
gas selection reads:
“From the combustion side in subproject A2 it is recommended to investigate limit
gases with:
• Low methane number – here the criterion is the necessary spark retard due to
knocking and at least the capability of the knock control in the ECU to compensate
such differences
• High inert gas content (CO2 and/or N2) – here a maximum ignition delay and
combustion duration is expected – first evaluation criteria is here the efficiency loss
due to late combustion using unchanged spark advance – a second criteria would be
the necessary spark advance adaptation for compensating the combustion phasing to
its optimum
• High/low mixture heating value measured with PFI and DI - to evaluate the possible
power density and the advantage for DI compared to PFI
• Possibilities of compensation of a slow combustion speed (high inert gas content) by
mixing with hydrogen and/or higher hydrocarbons – here again the comparison of

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combustion speed and/or spark advance adaptation with the pure inert gas/methane
mixture is of interest.”

4.2.3 Considerations about hydrogen content

The various aspects of hydrogen admixture to natural gas have been looked into, inter alia,
by the EU’s NATURALHY project. Experience on the use of Hythane® in engines is mainly
limited to levels of 10 vol% H2, but there is also some experience with 20 vol% H2 in natural
gas. Operation with Hythane® levels of up to 8 vol% H2 does not require any engine
adjustments, but above 8 vol% H2 the engine parameters need to be optimised. If one
assumes that hydrogen is generally admixed to the natural gas pipeline system, then the
results of the NATURALHY project seem to suggest that the H2 content should generally be
limited to 20 vol%. This recommendation follows mainly from the behaviour of end user gas
appliances [5]) From the gas supply perspective, however, higher hydrogen levels would also
be feasible. It is therefore recommended to admix 20 vol% H2 to the natural gas.
Also selectable is the base gas (L-gas or H-gas). H-gas is more important from the gas
supply perspective because L-gas is only distributed in a few regions (of the EU and also
worldwide) and the time horizon of L-gas supply is more limited. However, L-gas, where used
as a base gas, would allow the effective hydrogen to compensate ignition delay by N2 to be

4.2.4 Biogas admixture

As already described in Section 3.4, biogas as a motor fuel is only used in the form of
biomethane as per to country-specific specifications. According to these specifications, there
are no borderline requirements for engine operation associated with biomethane with respect
to the engine-relevant parameters. The superior calorific value and the Wobbe index are in
the transition range between L-gas and H-gas, while the methane number is usually very
high. It has therefore been suggested not to include biomethane for the limit gases.

4.2.5 Considerations concerning calorific value and Methane Number

Referring again to section 4.2.2, the major limiting criteria for natural gas as fuel for CNG
cars are the methane number (critical: low MN), the calorific value (of interest: low and high
cv) and the amount of inert gases (critical: high inert gas content).
To derive data for limit gases from these criteria, the inherent relations of natural gas
compositions have to be regarded.
A low cv is accompanied by a high inert gas content and a high cv by a high C2+ content.
With respect to Methane Number, inert gases are favourable for the MN level, whereas the
hydrocarbons C2+ reduce the MN. Thus, in a schematic graph showing - only qualitatively -
the range of gas compositions as a function of Methane Number and calorific value, the
gases are placed within the hatched area in figure 17.

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Fig. 17: Position of the limit gases 1 – 3 in the range of natural gases / biomethane, shown in the plane Methane
Number vs.calorific value (only schematic diagram)

Considering these general correlations, the limit criteria “low MN” and “high cv” are covered
by the same type of gases typically containing a relatively large amount of hydrocarbons C2+
and being placed in lower right corner of the graph.
The limit gas for low cv is consequently positioned in the upper left corner of the graph.

4.2.6 Aspects of LNG supply

As described in section 2.4 and futher detailed in the annexes, LNG contributes increasingly
to the EU natural gas market and shows a broad variety of gas qualities. The LNG
composition depends mainly on the parameters of the liquifaction process and - to a small
extent - on the boil-off behaviour during transport. The amount of extraction of hydrocarbons
during liquefaction is the dominant influence factor for the properties of LNG. Whereas most
of the LNG sources produce compositions with Methane Numbers well above 70 and have
no critical properties from the viewpoint of engine operation, some qualities (e.g. Lybian
LNG) feature very low Methane numbers (63 - 69), typically caused by very high ethane
contents. These specific characteristics have to be covered in the limit gas list. The limit gas
L3 (see table 26 below) especially represents a heavy LNG quality with large ethane content.

4.2.7 Proposal for limit gas selection

Given the aspects described in Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.6, the following limit gases are proposed
(numbered L1 to L5):
• Limit gas characterised by a low calorific value
o L1: Test gas G27 (82% CH4, 18% N2)
• Gases characterised by a high calorific value and a low methane number:

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o L2: Synthetic gas approximating North Sea gas (MN 74), also representative
for many LNG qualities
o L3: Synthetic gas representing heavy LNG quality (MN 62), and having a very
high ethane content (14%).
• Gases characterised by 20 vol% hydrogen admixture, among them one gas with a
low inert gas content and one gas with a high inert gas content
o L4: Synthetic gas similar to Russian natural gas (H-gas) containing 20 %
o L5: Synthetic gas similar to Dutch L-gas containing 20 % hydrogen

Table 26 : Details of the limit gases

Reference temperature for volume and for combustion: 15°C

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
sy th synth s nth synt h sy nth

high cv high cv Influence Influence

and low and very hydrogen: hydrogen
Low cv: MN: low MN: approx. + N2:
Description G27 approx. approx. russian approx. L-
North sea heavy gas + 20 Gas + 20
gas LNG vol% H2 vol% H2

Composition CH4 Vol.-% 82 90 80 78.5 69

N2 Vol.-% 18 8
CO2 Vol.-%
C2H6 Vol.-% 7 14 1.5 3
C3H8 Vol.-% 3 6
n-C4H10 Vol.-%
i-C4H10 Vol.-%
n-C5H12 Vol.-%
i-C5H12 Vol.-%
C6H14 + Vol.-%
H2 Vol.-% 20 20
Properties cv Hs kWh/m3 8.605 11.536 12.576 9.185 8.466
MJ/m3 30.978 41.530 45.274 33.066 30.478
cv Hi kWh/m3 7.747 10.420 11.391 8.236 7.592
MJ/m3 27.889 37.512 41.008 29.650 27.331
WI Ws kWh/m3 10.851 14.663 15.216 13.47 11.910
MJ/m3 39.064 52.787 54.778 48.492 42.876
Standard density kg/m3 0.7707 0.7585 0.8371 0.5698 0.6192
Rel. Density kg/m3 0.6289 0.619 0.6831 0.465 0.5053
Methane number - 105 74.2 62.3 76.9 75.2

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As a first idea, it was intended to use real natural gases as basis for producing these limit
gases. However, it turned out, that synthetic mixtures made from pure gases were more
favourable to make the limit gases available. Table 26 above lists the various proposed
synthetic gases with their compositions and parameters.

5 Conclusions
INGAS pursuits tree different approaches for advanced CNG engines, represented by the
subprojects A1 - A3. The main developments tasks within these subprojects will be carried
out by applying available reference fuels. In the last phase of the development activities, it is
intended to provide the developments teams with the limit gases in gas bottle groups and to
run the respective engines with the different limit gases during an advanced development
This study therefore reflects the bandwith of the natural gases in Europe with relevance for
CNG cars. Gases with properties being critical for engine operation were chosen as limit
The tests with the limit gases will reveal the flexibility of the engine concepts respect to the
the full range of the gas composition portfolio and will give the opportunity to check and to
optimize the engine operation for these gases. It is the goal to achieve satitsfying engine
results unter the fuel boundaries defined by the limit gases.

6 References
[1] P. Corbo, M. Gambino, S. Iannaccone:
The Effect of Fuel Composition on Performance and Emissions of Natural Gas
Heavy Duty Engines for Bus Applications.
Proceedings 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment. Cairo 1998,
pp. 159-168.

[2] A.J. Bruijstens, W.P.H. Beuman, M.v.d. Molen, J.d. Rijke, R.P.M. Cloudt, G.
Kadijk, O.o.d. Camp, S. Bleuanus, et al.:
Biogas Composition and Engine Performance, including Database and Biogas
Property Model.
Report from EU-Project BIOGASMAX, 2008

[3] EASEE-gas Common Business Practice: Harmonisation of Natural Gas Quality.

European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, CBP
2005-001/01, published 7 Feb. 2005

[4] CEN Report on Future Gas Profiles.

CEN BT WG 197 Doc. Nr. N 148, 30 Nov. 2009

[5] Using the Existing Natural Gas System for Hydrogen

INGAS Integrated Project 64

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Brochure of the EU Project NATURALHY, Oct. 2009.

[6] H.-J. Schollmeyer, Klaus Roessler, Ph. Pretre, A. Kempe:

Design and Operation of a Monovalent Highly Turbocharged Natural Gas
Engine by Reference to Variable Gas Qualities
Proceedings of the International Gas Union Research Conference, Paris, 2008

[7] Main Effects of Gas Quality Variation on Applications

MARCOGAZ report UTIL-GQ-05-04, Nov. 2008


Annex 1 : Main LNG composition and properties when delivered in Europe

Annex 2 : CEN BTWG 197 : Summary of EU transmission specifications
Annex 3 : CEN BTWG 197 : Typical gas compositions and combustion properties
for European indigenious supplies.

Annex 4 : Examples of composition range of natural gases and LNG imported by

Annex 5 : Examples of composition range of natural gases found in the
transmission network and produced by Denmark
Annex 6 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported or measured
in the grid in France
Annex 7 : Average compositions of natural gases in Germany transported by
E.ON Ruhrgas
Annex 8: Examples of composition range of natural gases imported or measured
on the grid in Greece
Annex 9: Examples of composition range of natural gases imported or measured
on the grid or produced in Italy
Annex 10: Examples of composition range of natural gases and LNG imported by
Annex 11 : Examples of composition range of natural gases produced by Romania
Annex 12 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported by Spain
Annex 13 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported by the United

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Annex 1 : Main LNG composition and properties when delivered in Europe

Unit / Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Egypt Egypt Equatorial Abu
Lybia Nigeria Norway Oman Qatar Trinidad
Gas Arzew Bethioua 1 Bethioua 2 Skikda Damietta Idku Guinea Dhabi

CO2 Mol. %
N2 Mol. % 0.6 1.2 0.9 1 0.08 0 0 0.7 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.4 0 0.3
O2 Mol. %
CH4 Mol. % 88 87.6 91.4 91.2 97.7 97.2 93.4 81.6 91.3 91.8 87.9 90.1 96.8 84.8
C2H6 Mol. % 9 8.4 7.2 7 1.8 2.3 6.5 13.4 4.6 5.7 7.3 6.2 2.7 13.2
C3H8 Mol. % 2 2.1 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0 3.7 2.6 1.3 2.9 2.3 0.3 1.6
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.5 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0 0.7 1.4 0.4 1.6 1 0.1 0.1
i-C4H10 Mol. %
n-C5H12 Mol. %
i-C5H12 Mol. %
C6+ Mol. %
Sum Mol. % 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 99.9 100.0
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.1648 18.2486 17.3009 17.3831 16.4421 16.5339 16.9387 19.355018.018717.471318.617718.0266 16.5319 18.4214
MJ/kg 48.949 45.666 37.436 0.996 0.052 55.425 49.753 52.544 45.169 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Upper calorific value MJ/m³ 41.725 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.541 38.779 39.602 44.084 41.722 40.185 42.760 41.556 38.770 42.438
kWh/m³ 11.590 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.706 10.772 11.001 12.246 11.589 11.162 11.878 11.543 10.769 11.788
MJ/kg 45.658 41.400 0.996 0.057 55.396 49.878 43.296 47.679 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Lower calorific value MJ/m³ 37.703 37.515 35.895 35.993 34.726 34.946 35.717 39.905 37.694 36.269 38.665 37.543 34.940 38.365
kWh/m³ 10.473 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.646 9.707 9.921 11.085 10.470 10.075 10.740 10.429 9.706 10.657

Relative Density - 0.6286 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.5687 0.5719 0.5859 0.6700 0.6235 0.6044 0.6444 0.6238 0.5718 0.6375

Density kg/m³ 0.7703 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.6968 0.7008 0.7180 0.8211 0.7641 0.7407 0.7896 0.7644 0.7007 0.7812
Wobbe index kWh/m³ 14.6190 14.5118 14.2844 14.2874 14.1968 14.2444 14.3711 14.960014.677014.357714.796814.6157 14.2422 14.7638
Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 90.2 88.8 84.0 65.9 70.9 78.5 67.7 72.1 88.8 71.6

INGAS Integrated Project 66

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 2 : CEN BTWG 197 : Summary of EU transmission specifications

INGAS Integrated Project 67

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

INGAS Integrated Project 68

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 3 : CEN BTWG 197 : Typical gas compositions and combustion properties for European indigenious supplies. The
reference temperature for combustion is 25 °C and the reference temperature and pressure for volume are 0 °C and 101.325 kPa

INGAS Integrated Project 69

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 4 : Examples of composition range of natural gases and LNG imported by Belgium

Egypt Egypt Trinidad and Egypt Egypt Atlantic

Unit/Gas Norway Qatar Trinidad Norway Rasgas
Damietta Idku Tobago Damletta Idku LNG

N2 Mol. % 0.08 0.80 0.40 1.10 0.10 0.10 0.02

CH4 Mol. % 97.70 97.20 91.80 90.10 96.80 84.55 96.80 97.70 97.20 95.00 89.60
C2H6 Mol. % 1.80 2.30 5.70 6.20 2.70 8.90 2.70 1.80 2.30 4.60 6.25
C3H8 Mol. % 0.20 0.30 1.30 2.30 0.30 3.15 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.38 2.19
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.20 0.40 1.00 0.10 0.70 0.20 0.56
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.55 0.10 0.55
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
Sum Mol. % 99.98 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.90 98.95 100.40 99.80 99.80 100.00 99.15
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 16.4454 16.5339 17.4713 18.0266 16.5485 18.8624 16.7535 16.3642 16.4506 16.7972 18.0179
Density kg/m3 0.6970 0.7008 0.7407 0.7644 0.7014 0.8000 0.7101 0.6935 0.6972 0.7120 0.7640
MJ/kg 55.308 55.338 54.255 54.367 55.333 53.512 55.146 55.330 55.379 55.205 54.691
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
38.549 38.779 40.185 41.556 38.809 42.810 39.159 38.373 38.611 39.305 41.785
kWh/m³ 10.708 10.772 11.162 11.543 10.780 11.892 10.878 10.659 10.725 10.918 11.607
MJ/kg 49.834 49.870 48.968 49.117 49.867 48.403 49.715 49.846 49.899 49.774 49.412
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
34.733 34.946 36.269 37.543 34.975 38.722 35.303 34.569 34.790 35.438 37.751
kWh/m³ 9.648 9.707 10.075 10.429 9.715 10.756 9.806 9.602 9.664 9.844 10.487
Relative Density - 0.5688 0.5719 0.6044 0.6238 0.5724 0.6528 0.5795 0.5660 0.5690 0.5810 0.6235
MJ/m3 51.280 51.762 53.242 51.298 53.150 53.326 51.007 51.188 51.762 52.269 53.579
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.198 14.244 14.358 14.616 14.249 14.717 14.289 14.169 14.219 14.323 14.700
RAFST* kg/kg 17.16 17.16 16.83 16.87 17.16 16.60 17.11 17.16 17.18 17.12 16.97
Stoichiometric air/fuel 3 3
m /m 9.76 9.82 10.17 10.52 9.82 10.84 9.91 9.71 9.77 9.95 10.58
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.23 3.23 3.25 3.26 3.23 3.27 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.24 3.26
Methane Number - 90.2 88.8 78.5 72.1 88.8 67.4 85.6 92.1 90.5 85.7 71.6
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 70

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 5 : Examples of composition range of natural gases found in the transmission network and produced by Denmark
Unit/Gas DK1 DK2 DK3 DK4 DK5 Indigenous

CO2 Mol. % 0.809 1.167 0.840 1.666 1.360 1.15

N2 Mol. % 0.291 0.309 0.326 0.357 0.368 0.33
CH4 Mol. % 87.854 88.126 86.430 87.101 85.645 88.30
C2H6 Mol. % 6.697 6.369 7.640 6.695 7.783 6.25
C3H8 Mol. % 3.012 2.777 3.451 3.006 3.526 2.75
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.636 0.594 0.630 0.571 0.643 0.59
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.449 0.409 0.452 0.372 0.447 0.39
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.089 0.087 0.073 0.083 0.079 0.12
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.116 0.109 0.113 0.094 0.104
C6+ Mol. % 0.047 0.050 0.044 0.055 0.045 0.16
Sum Mol. % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.04
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.6930 18.6460 18.9473 18.8688 19.1412 18.6432
Density kg/m 0.7928 0.7907 0.8036 0.8002 0.8119 0.7906
MJ/kg 53.240 52.815 53.101 52.129 52.410 52.820
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 42.207 41.763 42.673 41.715 42.550 41.761
kWh/m³ 11.724 11.601 11.854 11.587 11.819 11.600
MJ/kg 48.134 47.739 48.027 47.126 47.405 47.744
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
38.159 37.749 38.595 37.711 38.487 37.747
kWh/m³ 10.600 10.486 10.721 10.475 10.691 10.485
Relative Density - 0.6469 0.6453 0.6558 0.6530 0.6625 0.6452
MJ/m3 51.989 52.695 51.620 52.275 50.263 50.552
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.576 14.441 14.638 14.339 14.521 14.442
RAFST* kg/kg 16.52 16.39 16.48 16.18 16.26 16.39
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m3/m3 10.69 10.58 10.81 10.56 10.78 10.57
Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.27 3.26 3.27 3.26
Methane Number - 69.6 70.9 68.4 71.1 68.5 71.0
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 71

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 6 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported or measured in the grid in France
Algeria Algeria Ex. 2: Ex. 4:
Algeria Algeria Egypt Egypt Ex. 1: Ex. 3:
Unit/Gas Bethioua Bethioua Nigeria Norway High high
Arzew Skikda Damietta Idku low CH4
low HHV
1 2
CO2 Mol. % 2.05 0.21 0.54 1.28
N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 0.90 1.00 0.08 0.10 0.80 2.27 0.89 1.50 1.02
CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.40 91.20 97.70 97.20 91.30 91.80 88.05 97.19 95.24 92.61
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.20 7.00 1.80 2.30 4.60 5.70 6.68 1.26 2.09 4.45
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.50 0.70 0.20 0.30 2.60 1.30 0.80 0.33 0.47 0.50
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.50 0.70 0.10 0.20 0.20 1.40 0.40 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.12
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
C6+ Mol. % 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.98 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.1466 18.2486 17.3009 17.3831 16.4454 16.5339 18.0187 17.4713 18.1188 16.5345 16.8731 17.3524
Density kg/m 0.7695 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.6970 0.7008 0.7641 0.7407 0.7681 0.7007 0.7151 0.7355
MJ/kg 54.171 53.650 54.244 54.127 55.308 55.338 54.606 54.255 50.314 54.266 53.163 52.480
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 41.683 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.549 38.779 41.722 40.185 38.647 38.025 38.017 38.600
kWh/m³ 11.579 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.708 10.772 11.589 11.162 10.735 10.563 10.560 10.722
MJ/kg 48.949 48.481 48.944 48.844 49.834 49.870 49.334 48.968 45.407 48.888 47.911 47.325
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.665 37.515 35.895 35.993 34.733 34.946 37.694 36.269 34.877 34.257 34.262 34.809
kWh/m³ 10.462 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.648 9.707 10.470 10.075 9.688 9.516 9.517 9.669
Relative Density - 0.6279 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.5688 0.5719 0.6235 0.6044 0.6268 0.5718 0.5836 0.6002
MJ/m3 52.243 51.424 51.435 51.114 51.280 51.762 51.688 53.242 50.285 49.766 49.823 50.166
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.612 14.512 14.284 14.287 14.198 14.244 14.677 14.358 13.559 13.968 13.824 13.840
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.82 16.79 17.16 17.16 16.94 16.83 17.18 17.12 16.97 16.28
Stoichiometric air/fuel 3 3
m /m 10.55 10.51 10.07 10.10 9.76 9.82 10.56 10.17 9.77 9.95 10.58 9.77
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.26 3.25 3.23 3.24 3.26 3.23
Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 90.2 88.8 70.9 78.5 90.5 85.7 71.6 85.7
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 72

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Dunkerke Taisnières H Fos

Ex. 2: Ex. 4:
Ex. 1: low Ex. 2: High Ex. 3: low Ex. 4: high Ex. 1: low Ex. 2: High Ex. 3: low Ex. 4: Ex. 1: Ex. 3:
Unit/Gas CH4 CH4 HHV HHV CH4 CH4 HHV high HHV low CH4
low HHV
CO2 Mol. % 1.72 0.38 1.09 0.94 0.54 0.40 0.91 1.03 0.74
N2 Mol. % 0.92 1.66 1.38 1.27 1.46 0.68 4.53 0.96 0.91 0.28 1.22
CH4 Mol. % 89.69 93.32 92.32 89.79 85.34 93.57 89.14 91.14 87.93 94.02 93.49 88.10
C2H6 Mol. % 6.01 3.62 4.33 5.58 8.31 3.55 4.14 4.80 8.47 4.73 3.53 8.43
C3H8 Mol. % 1.24 0.51 0.45 1.74 2.33 1.08 0.81 1.43 2.01 0.73 0.68 1.99
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.55 0.44 0.48 0.32 0.45 0.68 0.24 0.26 0.71
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.15 0.07 0.12 0.05 0.00
C6+ Mol. % 0.05 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.04
Sum Mol. % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.23
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.0270 17.2503 17.4555 18.0478 18.4591 17.3914 17.8747 17.8246 18.1903 17.0453 17.2453 18.0995
Density kg/m3 0.7643 0.7312 0.7399 0.7652 0.7827 0.7373 0.7577 0.7557 0.7713 0.7225 0.7310 0.7675
MJ/kg 51.838 53.126 52.385 52.502 52.699 53.864 49.920 52.709 53.904 54.871 53.036 54.669
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
39.618 38.845 38.761 40.173 41.249 39.711 37.821 39.831 41.578 39.646 38.768 41.959
kWh/m³ 11.005 10.790 10.767 11.159 11.458 11.031 10.506 11.064 11.549 11.013 10.769 11.655
MJ/kg 46.793 47.913 47.249 47.408 47.625 48.599 45.036 47.577 48.708 49.492 47.828 49.400
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
35.763 35.034 34.960 36.275 37.277 35.830 34.121 35.953 37.570 35.760 34.961 37.914
kWh/m³ 9.934 9.732 9.711 10.077 10.355 9.953 9.478 9.987 10.436 9.933 9.711 10.532
Relative Density - 0.6237 0.5967 0.6038 0.6244 0.6388 0.6016 0.6183 0.6167 0.6295 0.5896 0.5965 0.6263
MJ/m 50.287 49.881 50.839 51.611 51.197 48.100 50.721 52.406 51.631 50.195 53.018 53.481
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 13.935 13.969 13.856 14.122 14.337 14.221 13.361 14.089 14.557 14.342 13.943 14.727
RAFST* kg/kg 16.08 16.48 16.25 16.29 16.35 16.71 15.49 16.35 16.72 17.02 16.45 16.96
Stoichiometric air/fuel
m3/m3 10.03 9.83 9.81 10.17 10.44 10.05 9.57 10.08 10.53 10.04 9.81 10.62
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.25 3.26 3.24 3.23 3.24 3.26 3.24 3.23 3.26
Methane Number - 79.6 83.6 83.9 76.5 73.0 80.0 82.9 78.7 72.5 82.6 84.5 72.2
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 73

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Ex.2: Ex.3: Ex.4: Ex.1: Ex.2: Ex.3: Ex.4:

Ex.1: low
Unit/Gas high low high low high low high F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 Groningen

CO2 Mol. % 1.49 1.38 1.11 1.69 0.110 0.570 1.330 0.990 0.89
N2 Mol. % 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.58 12.71 9.77 13.37 9.93 0.840 0.390 0.490 1.360 3.380 0.370 14.210 14.40
CH4 Mol. % 86.24 95.62 95.62 89.04 81.57 84.37 81.98 82.45 98.100 90.930 90.690 82.820 87.540 96.790 81.315 81.30
C2H6 Mol. % 3.69 3.20 3.20 7.55 3.41 3.54 2.88 4.60 0.640 8.240 7.880 12.220 5.620 2.210 2.829 2.85
C3H8 Mol. % 4.33 0.81 0.81 2.12 0.54 0.62 0.42 0.93 0.210 0.410 0.820 2.690 1.470 0.090 0.380 0.37
n-C4H10 Mol. % 1.82 0.35 0.35 0.71 0.17 0.21 0.15 0.27 0.040 0.020 0.060 0.220 0.290 0.350 0.072 0.07
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.030 0.010 0.060 0.170 0.190 0.190 0.060 0.07
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.010 0.020 0.050 0.017 0.02
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.010 0.020 0.060 0.026
C6+ Mol. % 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.010 0.010 0.070 0.055 0.07
Sum Mol. % 96.29 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.99 100.00 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.04
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.676 16.871 16.871 18.066 18.749 18.429 18.596 18.807 16.370 17.373 17.487 19.024 18.333 16.649 18.637 18.637
Density kg/m 0.7921 0.7151 0.7151 0.7661 0.7945 0.7810 0.7880 0.7971 0.6938 0.7365 0.7414 0.8069 0.7772 0.7057 0.7897 0.7897
MJ/kg 54.283 55.165 55.165 54.210 42.755 45.129 42.643 44.693 54.514 54.647 54.515 52.621 50.267 54.956 42.133 42.117
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m
42.999 39.450 39.450 41.528 33.969 35.247 33.601 35.624 37.820 40.248 40.416 42.459 39.069 38.781 33.271 33.259
kWh/m³ 11.944 10.958 10.958 11.536 9.436 9.791 9.334 9.895 10.505 11.180 11.227 11.794 10.852 10.773 9.242 9.238
MJ/kg 49.091 49.744 49.744 48.978 38.558 40.702 38.447 40.331 49.100 49.319 49.208 47.598 45.387 49.532 37.987 37.972
Lower Calorific Value 3
38.886 35.573 35.573 37.520 30.635 31.789 30.295 32.147 34.063 36.323 36.481 38.405 35.276 34.953 29.997 29.985
kWh/m³ 10.802 9.881 9.881 10.422 8.510 8.830 8.415 8.930 9.462 10.090 10.134 10.668 9.799 9.709 8.332 8.329
Relative Density - 0.6464 0.5836 0.5836 0.6251 0.6484 0.6374 0.6430 0.6505 0.5662 0.6010 0.6050 0.6585 0.6343 0.5759 0.6444 0.6444
MJ/m 51.640 51.640 52.523 42.186 44.149 41.902 44.170 49.905 51.915 51.960 52.324 49.057 51.104 41.446 49.602 48.748
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.856 14.345 14.345 14.590 11.718 12.264 11.640 12.269 13.962 14.421 14.433 14.535 13.627 14.196 11.513 11.508
RAFST* kg/kg 16.85 17.11 17.11 16.82 13.26 14.00 13.23 13.86 16.91 16.95 16.91 16.32 15.59 17.05 13.07 13.06
Stoichiometric air/fuel 3 3
volume ratio
m /m 10.89 9.99 9.99 10.51 8.60 8.92 8.51 9.02 9.57 10.19 10.23 10.75 9.89 9.82 8.42 8.42
Energy content at kJ/L -
stoichiometry MJ/m
3 3.27 3.24 3.24 3.26 3.19 3.20 3.19 3.21 3.22 3.25 3.25 3.27 3.24 3.23 3.18 3.18
Methane Number - 65.8 83.6 83.6 72.8 88.5 86.8 90.2 83.8 94.1 79.9 78.7 69.7 77.9 87.2 90.7 90.7
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 74

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of LNG imported by France

Algeria Algeria Algeria Egypt
Unit/Gas Norway Nigeria Egypt Idku
Arzew Bethioua 1 Skikda Damletta
N2 Mol. % 1.10 0.60 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.10
CH4 Mol. % 84.55 88.00 87.60 91.30 91.30 97.70 97.20
C2H6 Mol. % 8.90 9.00 8.40 7.10 4.60 1.80 2.30
C3H8 Mol. % 3.15 2.00 2.10 0.70 2.60 0.20 0.30
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.70 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.80
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.55 0.20 0.30 0.10 0.60
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10
Sum Mol. % 98.95 100.20 100.00 100.30 101.10 99.80 99.80
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.8624 18.2145 18.2486 17.4350 18.2148 16.3642 16.4506
Density kg/m 0.8000 0.7724 0.7738 0.7391 0.7724 0.6935 0.6972
MJ/kg 53.512 54.143 53.649 54.109 53.811 55.330 55.379
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
42.810 41.819 41.513 39.992 41.562 38.373 38.611
kWh/m³ 11.892 11.616 11.531 11.109 11.545 10.659 10.725
MJ/kg 48.403 48.929 48.480 48.832 48.624 49.846 49.899
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
38.722 37.791 37.513 36.092 37.555 34.569 34.790
kWh/m³ 10.756 10.498 10.420 10.026 10.432 9.602 9.664
Relative Density - 0.6528 0.6303 0.6315 0.6032 0.6303 0.5660 0.5690
Wobbe index MJ/m 53.326 52.241 51.403 52.350 53.309 51.188 51.762
kWh/m³ 14.717 14.632 14.511 14.304 14.542 14.169 14.219
RAFST* kg/kg 16.60 16.80 16.64 16.78 16.70 17.16 17.18
3 3
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m /m 10.84 10.59 10.51 10.12 10.53 9.71 9.77

Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.27 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.26 3.23 3.23

Methane Number - 67.4 72.5 72.3 79.7 70.2 92.1 90.5

* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 75

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 7 : Average compositions of natural gases in Germany transported by E.ON Ruhrgas

North Sea Mixed group Russian Dutch group Grid group German
group H H group H L L Group L
CO2 Mol. % 1.94 2.06 0.18 1.68 1.86 2.08
N2 Mol. % 0.82 1.32 0.86 10.21 9.49 10.24
CH4 Mol. % 88.71 88.74 96.96 83.64 84.80 86.47
C2H6 Mol. % 6.93 6.81 1.37 3.56 3.13 1.06
C3H8 Mol. % 1.25 0.86 0.45 0.61 0.49 0.11
C4H10 Mol. % 0.28 0.17 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.03
C5H12 Mol. % 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.00
C6+ Mol. % 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.01
Sum Mol. % 100 100 100 100 100 100
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18,166 18,069 16,596 18,557 18,389 18,050
Density kg/m 0,7702 0,7660 0,7034 0,7864 0,7793 0,7648

MJ/kg 51,612 51,084 54,308 44,441 44,767 43,836

Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
39,753 39,132 38,198 34,949 34,887 33,525
kWh/m³ 11,042 10,870 10,611 9,708 9,691 9,312
MJ/kg 46,596 46,105 48,933 40,081 40,364 39,484
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 35,889 35,318 34,417 31,521 31,456 30,197
kWh/m³ 9,969 9,811 9,560 8,756 8,738 8,388
Relative Density - 0,6285 0,625 0,5740 0,6418 0,63560 0,6241
MJ/m 50,141 49,494 50,419 43,626 43,747 42,436
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 13,928 13,748 14,005 12,118 12,152 11,788
3 3
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m /m 10,066 9,908 9,6718 8,8494 8,8334 8,4879
Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m 3,24 3,24 3,23 3,20 3,20 3,18

Methane Number - 79 82 90 88 90 97

INGAS Integrated Project 76

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 8 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported or measured on the grid in Greece
Algeria Algeria Algeria Egypt Russian
Unit/Gas Algeria Arzew Egypt Idku Trinidad
Bethioua 1 Bethioua 2 Skikda Damietta Natural Gas

CO2 Mol. % 0.10

N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 0.90 1.00 0.08 0.80
CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.40 91.20 97.70 97.20 96.80 98.00
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.20 7.00 1.80 2.30 2.70 0.60
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.50 0.70 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.50 0.70 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.10
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.98 100.00 99.90 100.00
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.1466 18.2486 17.3009 17.3831 16.4454 16.5339 16.5485 16.4473
Density kg/m 0.7695 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.6970 0.7008 0.7014 0.6970
MJ/kg 54.171 53.650 54.244 54.127 55.308 55.338 55.333 54.529
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 41.683 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.549 38.779 38.809 38.008
kWh/m³ 11.579 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.708 10.772 10.780 10.558
MJ/kg 48.949 48.481 48.944 48.844 49.834 49.870 49.867 49.120
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.665 37.515 35.895 35.993 34.733 34.946 34.975 34.238
kWh/m³ 10.462 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.648 9.707 9.715 9.511
Relative Density - 0.6279 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.5688 0.5719 0.5724 0.5688
Wobbe index MJ/m 52.243 51.424 51.435 51.114 51.280 51.762 53.150 51.526
kWh/m³ 14.612 14.512 14.284 14.287 14.198 14.244 14.249 13.999
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.82 16.79 17.16 17.16 17.16 16.91
Stoichiometric air/fuel 3 3
m /m 10.55 10.51 10.07 10.10 9.76 9.82 9.82 9.62
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.23 3.22
Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 90.2 88.8 88.8 91.9
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 77

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of LNG imported by Greece

Algeria Algerian Trinidad and Egypt
Unit/Gas Algeria Arzew Algeria Skikda Egypt Idku
Bethioua 1 Natural Gas Tobago Damletta

N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.10

CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.20 91.30 96.80 97.70 97.20
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 6.50 7.10 2.70 1.80 2.30
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 1.10 0.70 0.30 0.20 0.30
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.20
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.10
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10
Sum Mol. % 100.20 100.00 100.00 100.30 100.40 99.80 99.80
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.2145 18.2486 17.4672 17.4350 16.7535 16.3642 16.4506
Density kg/m 0.7724 0.7738 0.7405 0.7391 0.7101 0.6935 0.6972
MJ/kg 54.143 53.649 54.092 54.109 55.146 55.330 55.379
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
41.819 41.513 40.054 39.992 39.159 38.373 38.611
kWh/m³ 11.616 11.531 11.126 11.109 10.878 10.659 10.725
MJ/kg 48.929 48.480 48.819 48.832 49.715 49.846 49.899
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.791 37.513 36.150 36.092 35.303 34.569 34.790
kWh/m³ 10.498 10.420 10.042 10.026 9.806 9.602 9.664
Relative Density - 0.6303 0.6315 0.6043 0.6032 0.5795 0.5660 0.5690
Wobbe index MJ/m 52.241 51.403 50.765 52.350 51.007 51.188 51.762
kWh/m³ 14.632 14.511 14.313 14.304 14.289 14.169 14.219
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.78 16.78 17.11 17.16 17.18
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume 3 3
m /m 10.59 10.51 10.14 10.12 9.91 9.71 9.77
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.23
Methane Number - 72.5 72.3 79.3 79.7 85.6 92.1 90.5
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 78

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 9 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported. measured on the grid or produced in Italy
Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria
Unit/Gas I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 Indigenous
Arzew Bethioua 1 Bethioua 2 Skikda
CO2 Mol. % 0.971 0.090 0.029 0.216 0.03
N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 0.90 1.00 2.248 0.935 0.296 5.445 0.998 0.24
O2 Mol. % 0.084
CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.40 91.20 90.989 98.029 99.581 83.749 88.835 99.60
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.20 7.00 4.253 0.649 0.056 7.650 8.113 0.06
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.50 0.70 1.043 0.195 0.021 1.950 1.491 0.03
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.50 0.70 0.10 0.183 0.036 0.002 0.353 0.242
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.147 0.031 0.006 0.259 0.178 0.01
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.036 0.006 0.082
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.040 0.009 0.002 0.073
C6+ Mol. % 0.056 0.009 0.007 0.080
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.97
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.1466 18.2486 17.3009 17.3831 17.6895 16.3676 16.1097 18.7587 17.9017 16.1012
Density kg/m3 0.7695 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.7499 0.6936 0.6827 0.7953 0.7590 0.6823
MJ/kg 54.171 53.650 54.244 54.127 51.746 54.456 55.232 49.893 53.847 55.286
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 41.683 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.802 37.772 37.705 39.681 40.870 37.722
kWh/m³ 11.579 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.778 10.492 10.474 11.023 11.353 10.478
MJ/kg 48.949 48.481 48.944 48.844 46.687 49.047 49.730 45.090 48.634 49.778
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m3 37.665 37.515 35.895 35.993 35.009 34.020 33.949 35.861 36.913 33.964
kWh/m³ 10.462 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.725 9.450 9.430 9.961 10.254 9.434
Relative Density - 0.6279 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.6119 0.5660 0.5571 0.6490 0.6194 0.5568
MJ/m3 52.243 51.424 51.435 51.114 50.205 50.517 49.255 51.931 50.912 41.430
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.612 14.512 14.284 14.287 13.778 13.946 14.032 13.682 14.425 14.042
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.82 16.79 16.05 16.89 17.13 15.48 16.70 17.15
Stoichiometric air/fuel
m3/m3 10.55 10.51 10.07 10.10 9.82 9.56 9.54 10.05 10.34 9.55
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.22 3.22 3.25 3.25 3.22
Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 81.8 94.2 99.4 73.1 75.2 99.4
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 79

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of LNG imported by Italy

Unit/Gas Algeria Arzew Algeria Bethioua 1 Algeria Skikda

N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 1.00

CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.30
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.10
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.70
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.40 0.10
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.30 0.10
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
Sum Mol. % 100.20 100.00 100.30
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.2145 18.2486 17.4350
Density kg/m 0.7724 0.7738 0.7391
MJ/kg 54.143 53.649 54.109
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
41.819 41.513 39.992
kWh/m³ 11.616 11.531 11.109
MJ/kg 48.929 48.480 48.832
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.791 37.513 36.092
kWh/m³ 10.498 10.420 10.026
Relative Density - 0.6303 0.6315 0.6032
Wobbe index MJ/m 52.241 51.403 52.350
kWh/m³ 14.632 14.511 14.304
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.78
3 3
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m /m 10.59 10.51 10.12

Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24

Methane Number - 72.5 72.3 79.7

* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 80

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 10 : Examples of composition range of natural gases and LNG imported by Portugal
Trinidad and LNG Terminal
Unit/Gas Nigeria Trinidad Europe Nigeria Nigeria LNG Atlantic LNG
Tobago (SINES)
CO2 Mol. % 1.27
N2 Mol. % 0.10 1.09 1.00 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.07
CH4 Mol. % 91.30 96.80 87.89 91.30 96.80 87.90 95.00 92.22
C2H6 Mol. % 4.60 2.70 8.06 4.60 2.70 5.50 4.60 4.84
C3H8 Mol. % 2.60 0.30 1.38 2.60 0.30 4.00 0.38 2.11
n-C4H10 Mol. % 1.40 0.10 0.16 0.80 0.20 1.25 0.38
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.11 0.60 0.10 1.25 0.36
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.00
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.02
C6+ Mol. % 0.02
Sum Mol. % 100.00 99.90 100.00 101.10 100.40 100.00 100.00 100.00
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.0187 16.5485 18.1923 18.2148 16.7535 19.0006 16.7972 17.6464
Density kg/m3 0.7641 0.7014 0.7713 0.7724 0.7101 0.8060 0.7120 0.7482
MJ/kg 54.606 55.333 52.216 53.811 55.146 54.227 55.205 54.783
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 41.722 38.809 40.276 41.562 39.159 43.704 39.305 40.987
kWh/m³ 11.589 10.780 11.188 11.545 10.878 12.140 10.918 11.385
MJ/kg 49.334 49.867 47.157 48.624 49.715 49.064 49.774 49.465
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m3 37.694 34.975 36.373 37.555 35.303 39.542 35.438 37.008
kWh/m³ 10.470 9.715 10.104 10.432 9.806 10.984 9.844 10.280
Relative Density - 0.6235 0.5724 0.6295 0.6303 0.5795 0.6577 0.5810 0.6105
MJ/m3 51.688 53.150 52.455 53.309 51.007 51.564 52.269 #DIV/0!
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.677 14.249 14.101 14.542 14.289 14.969 14.323 14.571
RAFST* kg/kg 16.94 17.16 16.20 16.70 17.11 16.83 17.12 17.00
Stoichiometric air/fuel
m3/m3 10.56 9.82 10.20 10.53 9.91 11.07 9.95 10.38
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.23 3.25 3.26 3.23 3.28 3.24 3.25
Methane Number - 70.9 88.8 77.1 70.2 85.6 63.6 85.7 75.1
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 81

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 11 : Examples of composition range of natural gases produced by Romania

Unit/Gas Olt Dolj Prahova
CO2 Mol. % 0.39 4.60
N2 Mol. % 0.26 25.70
CH4 Mol. % 77.50 98.16 53.80
C2H6 Mol. % 12.20 0.86 3.60
C3H8 Mol. % 6.40 0.26 5.50
n-C4H10 Mol. % 1.50 0.02 2.20
i-C4H10 Mol. % 1.10 0.02 1.30
n-C5H12 Mol. % 1.40 0.02 3.30
C6+ Mol. % 0.01
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 21.4239 16.4118 25.7782
Density kg/m 0.9096 0.6955 1.0938
MJ/kg 53.532 54.635 33.963
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
48.695 38.000 37.150
kWh/m³ 13.526 10.555 10.319
MJ/kg 48.589 49.211 30.901
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
44.198 34.228 33.799
kWh/m³ 12.277 9.508 9.389
Relative Density - 0.7423 0.5676 0.8926
Wobbe index MJ/m 50.438 39.321 52.209
kWh/m³ 15.700 14.011 10.922
RAFST* kg/kg 16.62 16.95 10.56
3 3
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m /m 12.34 9.62 9.42

Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.31 3.22 3.24

Methane Number - 53.6 93.7 56.8

* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 82

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 12 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported by Spain

Algeria Algeria
Algeria Algeria Egypt Egypt Equatorial
Unit/Gas Bethioua Bethioua Lybia Nigeria Norway Oman Qatar Trinidad
Arzew Skikda Damietta Idku Guinea
1 2

N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 0.90 1.00 0.08 0.70 0.10 0.80 0.40 0.40
CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.40 91.20 97.70 97.20 93.40 81.60 91.30 91.80 87.90 90.10 96.80
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.20 7.00 1.80 2.30 6.50 13.40 4.60 5.70 7.30 6.20 2.70
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.50 0.70 0.20 0.30 3.70 2.60 1.30 2.90 2.30 0.30
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.50 0.70 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.70 1.40 0.40 1.60 1.00 0.10
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.98 100.00 99.90 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.10 100.00 99.90
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.1466 18.2486 17.3009 17.3831 16.4454 16.5339 16.9557 19.3357 18.0187 17.4713 18.5991 18.0266 16.5485
Density kg/m 0.7695 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.6970 0.7008 0.7187 0.8202 0.7641 0.7407 0.7888 0.7644 0.7014
MJ/kg 54.171 53.650 54.244 54.127 55.308 55.338 55.156 53.691 54.606 54.255 54.154 54.367 55.333
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
41.683 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.549 38.779 39.642 44.040 41.722 40.185 42.717 41.556 38.809
kWh/m³ 11.579 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.708 10.772 11.012 12.233 11.589 11.162 11.866 11.543 10.780
MJ/kg 48.949 48.481 48.944 48.844 49.834 49.870 49.745 48.602 49.334 48.968 48.968 49.117 49.867
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.665 37.515 35.895 35.993 34.733 34.946 35.753 39.865 37.694 36.269 38.626 37.543 34.975
kWh/m³ 10.462 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.648 9.707 9.931 11.074 10.470 10.075 10.729 10.429 9.715
Relative Density - 0.6279 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.5688 0.5719 0.5865 0.6694 0.6235 0.6044 0.6437 0.6238 0.5724

Wobbe index MJ/m3 52.243 51.424 51.435 51.114 51.280 51.762 53.829 52.837 51.688 53.242 52.617 51.298 53.150
kWh/m³ 14.612 14.512 14.284 14.287 14.198 14.244 14.378 14.952 14.677 14.358 14.789 14.616 14.249
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.82 16.79 17.16 17.16 17.11 16.66 16.94 16.83 16.80 16.87 17.16
m3/m3 10.55 10.51 10.07 10.10 9.76 9.82 10.03 11.15 10.56 10.17 10.82 10.52 9.82
air/fuel volume ratio

Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.24 3.28 3.26 3.25 3.27 3.26 3.23

Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 90.2 88.8 84.0 65.9 70.9 78.5 67.7 72.1 88.8
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 83

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of natural gases measured on the Spanish network

Unit/Gas S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12

CO2 Mol. % 0.138 1.434

N2 Mol. % 0.680 2.199 0.977 0.929 1.100 0.690 0.138 0.084 0.047 0.087 0.306 0.144
CH4 Mol. % 95.283 84.009 87.862 91.134 90.790 81.570 83.331 96.217 90.358 87.296 89.865 90.241
C2H6 Mol. % 3.144 9.663 8.599 7.431 7.320 13.380 14.260 3.376 5.042 7.758 6.559 5.453
C3H8 Mol. % 0.556 2.130 2.007 0.504 0.660 3.670 2.198 0.256 2.989 3.218 2.285 3.189
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.084 0.279 0.301 0.070 0.400 0.035 0.024 0.867 0.787 0.594 0.386
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.080 0.196 0.244 0.002 0.060 0.290 0.038 0.031 0.613 0.784 0.389 0.582
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.006 0.031 0.005 0.028 0.014 0.002
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.010 0.035 0.006 0.012 0.057 0.056 0.002 0.003
C6+ Mol. % 0.019 0.023
Sum Mol. % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 16.8513 18.9133 18.1647 17.3388 17.4413 19.3223 18.7071 16.6283 18.2649 18.7448 18.0555 18.1299
Density kg/m3 0.7142 0.8020 0.7702 0.7350 0.7394 0.8197 0.7934 0.7048 0.7746 0.7950 0.7656 0.7688
MJ/kg 54.421 50.981 53.858 54.206 54.022 53.701 54.345 55.224 54.548 54.341 54.431 54.528
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 38.869 40.889 41.483 39.842 39.942 44.017 43.119 38.920 42.250 43.203 41.672 41.920
kWh/m³ 10.797 11.358 11.523 11.067 11.095 12.227 11.978 10.811 11.736 12.001 11.576 11.644
MJ/kg 49.061 46.085 48.665 48.912 48.753 48.610 49.154 49.775 49.301 49.150 49.178 49.272
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m3 35.041 36.961 37.482 35.951 36.046 39.844 39.000 35.080 38.186 39.076 37.650 37.879
kWh/m³ 9.734 10.267 10.412 9.986 10.013 11.068 10.833 9.744 10.607 10.854 10.458 10.522
Relative Density - 0.5829 0.6545 0.6286 0.5998 0.6034 0.6689 0.6475 0.5751 0.6321 0.6488 0.6248 0.6274
MJ/m3 50.542 52.324 51.444 51.421 53.820 53.587 51.320 53.143 53.637 52.721 52.924 51.990
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.142 14.039 14.534 14.290 14.284 14.950 14.885 14.256 14.762 14.899 14.645 14.701
RAFST* kg/kg 16.88 15.82 16.71 16.81 16.76 16.66 16.86 17.13 16.93 16.86 16.89 16.92
Stoichiometric air/fuel
m3/m3 9.84 10.35 10.50 10.08 10.11 11.14 10.91 9.85 10.70 10.94 10.55 10.61
volume ratio
Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.23 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.28 3.27 3.23 3.26 3.27 3.26 3.26
Methane Number - 86.2 73.2 73.0 81.0 79.9 66.0 69.8 88.0 69.0 66.6 71.9 71.0
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 84

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of LNG imported by Spain

Algeria Algeria Algeria Trinidad Egypt
Unit/Gas Norway Nigeria Oman Egypt Idku
Arzew Bethioua 1 Skikda and Tobago Damletta

N2 Mol. % 1.10 0.60 1.20 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.10 0.10

CH4 Mol. % 84.55 88.00 87.60 91.30 91.30 87.90 96.80 97.70 97.20
C2H6 Mol. % 8.90 9.00 8.40 7.10 4.60 7.30 2.70 1.80 2.30
C3H8 Mol. % 3.15 2.00 2.10 0.70 2.60 2.90 0.30 0.20 0.30
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.70 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.80 0.70 0.20
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.55 0.20 0.30 0.10 0.60 0.80 0.10
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Sum Mol. % 98.95 100.20 100.00 100.30 101.10 100.20 100.40 99.80 99.80
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.8624 18.2145 18.2486 17.4350 18.2148 18.6666 16.7535 16.3642 16.4506
Density kg/m 0.8000 0.7724 0.7738 0.7391 0.7724 0.7917 0.7101 0.6935 0.6972
MJ/kg 53.512 54.143 53.649 54.109 53.811 54.124 55.146 55.330 55.379
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
42.810 41.819 41.513 39.992 41.562 42.849 39.159 38.373 38.611
kWh/m³ 11.892 11.616 11.531 11.109 11.545 11.902 10.878 10.659 10.725
MJ/kg 48.403 48.929 48.480 48.832 48.624 48.946 49.715 49.846 49.899
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
38.722 37.791 37.513 36.092 37.555 38.749 35.303 34.569 34.790
kWh/m³ 10.756 10.498 10.420 10.026 10.432 10.764 9.806 9.602 9.664
Relative Density - 0.6528 0.6303 0.6315 0.6032 0.6303 0.6461 0.5795 0.5660 0.5690
Wobbe index MJ/m 53.326 52.241 51.403 52.350 53.309 51.441 51.007 51.188 51.762
kWh/m³ 14.717 14.632 14.511 14.304 14.542 14.808 14.289 14.169 14.219
RAFST* kg/kg 16.60 16.80 16.64 16.78 16.70 16.80 17.11 17.16 17.18
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume 3 3
m /m 10.84 10.59 10.51 10.12 10.53 10.85 9.91 9.71 9.77
Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.27 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.26 3.27 3.23 3.23 3.23
Methane Number - 67.4 72.5 72.3 79.7 70.2 67.3 85.6 92.1 90.5
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 85

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Equatorial Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Nigeria Atlantic
Unit/Gas Marsa El Oman LNG Rasgas

N2 Mol. % 1.26 1.80 0.82 1.50 0.80 0.10 0.02 1.00

CH4 Mol. % 93.40 87.16 87.40 91.00 91.00 83.68 87.90 95.00 90.00 89.60
C2H6 Mol. % 6.50 8.78 8.20 7.63 6.70 11.73 5.50 4.60 6.35 6.25
C3H8 Mol. % 2.10 1.90 0.52 0.60 3.51 4.00 0.38 0.15 2.19
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.35 0.35 0.02 0.10 0.14 1.25 1.25 0.56
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.35 0.35 0.01 0.10 0.14 1.25 1.25 0.55
Sum Mol. % 99.90 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.15
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 16.9557 18.3091 18.2363 17.3699 17.4149 18.8867 19.0006 16.7972 18.1475 18.0179
Density kg/m 0.7187 0.7764 0.7732 0.7364 0.7382 0.8011 0.8060 0.7120 0.7695 0.7640
MJ/kg 55.156 53.581 53.172 54.286 53.694 53.759 54.227 55.205 53.827 54.691
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
39.642 41.599 41.115 39.973 39.638 43.064 43.704 39.305 41.420 41.785
kWh/m³ 11.012 11.555 11.421 11.104 11.011 11.962 12.140 10.918 11.505 11.607
MJ/kg 49.745 48.423 48.044 48.988 48.451 48.631 49.064 49.774 48.633 49.412
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
35.753 37.594 37.149 36.072 35.768 38.955 39.542 35.438 37.423 37.751
kWh/m³ 9.931 10.443 10.319 10.020 9.936 10.821 10.984 9.844 10.395 10.487
Relative Density - 0.5865 0.6336 0.6310 0.6009 0.6024 0.6537 0.6577 0.5810 0.6280 0.6235
Wobbe index MJ/m 52.262 51.758 51.566 51.069 53.262 53.889 51.564 52.269 52.918 53.579
kWh/m³ 14.378 14.517 14.377 14.324 14.186 14.795 14.969 14.323 14.519 14.700
RAFST* kg/kg 17.11 16.62 16.50 16.84 16.65 16.68 16.83 17.12 16.70 16.97
Stoichiometric air/fuel
m3/m3 10.03 10.53 10.41 10.12 10.03 10.90 11.07 9.95 10.49 10.58
volume ratio

Energy content at
kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.24 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.27 3.28 3.24 3.26 3.26

Methane Number - 84.0 72.0 72.9 80.5 80.6 68.8 63.6 85.7 69.2 71.6
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 86

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Annex 13 : Examples of composition range of natural gases imported by the United Kingdom
Algeria Algeria Algeria Algeria Egypt Egypt Irish North North
Unit/Gas Qatar UK1 UK2 UK3 UK4 UK5 UK6 UK7
Arzew Bethioua 1 Bethioua 2 Skikda Damietta Idku Sea Sea Sea

CO2 Mol. % 2.255 0.695 0.865 1.815 1.650 0.845 1.330 0.43 2.28 2.63
N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 0.90 1.00 0.08 0.40 1.055 2.900 2.375 1.240 3.990 3.180 2.860 7.18 0.90 0.97
CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.40 91.20 97.70 97.20 90.10 88.790 92.310 92.070 88.480 86.930 90.170 90.105 85.90 87.40 85.20
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.20 7.00 1.80 2.30 6.20 5.820 3.885 3.405 6.567 6.005 4.135 5.060 4.45 6.69 7.24
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.50 0.70 0.20 0.30 2.30 1.865 0.865 0.761 1.800 1.671 1.055 1.350 1.06 2.19 2.73
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.50 0.70 0.10 0.20 0.20 1.00 0.339 0.175 0.177 0.399 0.332 0.227 0.255 0.25 0.22 0.46
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.162 0.131 0.140 0.210 0.176 0.177 0.172 0.25 0.22 0.46
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.057 0.047 0.048 0.081 0.067 0.057 0.055 0.32 0.06 0.24
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.054 0.064 0.061 0.079 0.074 0.068 0.074
C6+ Mol. % 0.042 0.103 0.090 0.059 0.083 0.128 0.110 0.13 0.05 0.04
Sum Mol. % 100.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.98 100.00 100.00 100.44 101.18 99.99 100.73 100.98 100.04 101.37 99.97 100.01 99.97
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.146 18.2486 17.3009 17.383 16.4454 16.533 18.026 18.431 17.616 17.518 18.494 18.619 17.865 18.146 18.426 18.594 19.226
Density kg/m3 0.7695 0.7738 0.7334 0.7369 0.6970 0.7008 0.7644 0.7815 0.7468 0.7426 0.7842 0.7894 0.7573 0.7693 0.7811 0.7885 0.8154
MJ/kg 54.171 53.650 54.244 54.127 55.308 55.338 54.367 50.996 51.614 51.820 51.374 49.414 51.104 50.766 48.320 51.045 50.464
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m3 41.683 41.515 39.783 39.886 38.549 38.779 41.556 39.853 38.542 38.478 40.288 39.006 38.701 39.053 37.740 40.247 41.150
kWh/m³ 11.579 11.532 11.051 11.079 10.708 10.772 11.543 11.070 10.706 10.688 11.191 10.835 10.750 10.848 10.483 11.180 11.431
MJ/kg 48.949 48.481 48.944 48.844 49.834 49.870 49.117 46.053 46.562 46.740 46.407 44.628 46.117 45.827 43.623 46.110 45.625
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m3 37.665 37.515 35.895 35.993 34.733 34.946 37.543 35.990 34.770 34.706 36.392 35.228 34.924 35.254 34.071 36.356 37.204
kWh/m³ 10.462 10.421 9.971 9.998 9.648 9.707 10.429 9.997 9.658 9.641 10.109 9.786 9.701 9.793 9.464 10.099 10.334
Relative Density - 0.6279 0.6315 0.5985 0.6014 0.5688 0.5719 0.6238 0.6378 0.6094 0.6060 0.6400 0.6442 0.6180 0.6278 0.6374 0.6434 0.6654
MJ/m3 52.243 51.424 51.435 51.114 51.280 51.762 51.298 49.373 49.430 50.361 48.600 49.230 49.289 48.228 50.174 50.445 42.649
Wobbe index
kWh/m³ 14.612 14.512 14.284 14.287 14.198 14.244 14.616 13.862 13.715 13.731 13.989 13.500 13.675 13.691 13.131 13.937 14.012
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.82 16.79 17.16 17.16 16.87 15.82 16.01 16.08 15.94 15.33 15.85 15.75 14.99 15.84 15.66
m3/m3 10.55 10.51 10.07 10.10 9.76 9.82 10.52 10.09 9.76 9.74 10.20 9.88 9.80 9.89 9.56 10.19 10.42
air/fuel volume ratio
Energy content at kJ/L -
3.26 3.26 3.24 3.24 3.23 3.23 3.26 3.25 3.23 3.23 3.25 3.24 3.23 3.24 3.23 3.25 3.26
stoichiometry MJ/m3
Methane Number - 72.9 72.3 81.4 80.4 90.2 88.8 72.1 77.4 82.4 83.3 75.5 77.1 80.5 79.0 78.4 76.3 72.0
* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 87

Deliverable Report Contract N.:218447

Examples of composition range of LNG imported by the United Kingdom

Unit/Gas Algeria Arzew Algeria Bethioua 1 Algeria Skikda Egypt Damletta Egypt Idku

N2 Mol. % 0.60 1.20 1.00 0.10

CH4 Mol. % 88.00 87.60 91.30 97.70 97.20
C2H6 Mol. % 9.00 8.40 7.10 1.80 2.30
C3H8 Mol. % 2.00 2.10 0.70 0.20 0.30
n-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.40 0.10
i-C4H10 Mol. % 0.20 0.30 0.10
n-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
i-C5H12 Mol. % 0.10
Sum Mol. % 100.20 100.00 100.30 99.80 99.80
Molecular Weight kg/kmol 18.2145 18.2486 17.4350 16.3642 16.4506
Density kg/m 0.7724 0.7738 0.7391 0.6935 0.6972
MJ/kg 54.143 53.649 54.109 55.330 55.379
Upper Calorific Value MJ/m 3
41.819 41.513 39.992 38.373 38.611
kWh/m³ 11.616 11.531 11.109 10.659 10.725
MJ/kg 48.929 48.480 48.832 49.846 49.899
Lower Calorific Value MJ/m 3
37.791 37.513 36.092 34.569 34.790
kWh/m³ 10.498 10.420 10.026 9.602 9.664
Relative Density - 0.6303 0.6315 0.6032 0.5660 0.5690
Wobbe index MJ/m 52.241 51.403 52.350 51.188 51.762
kWh/m³ 14.632 14.511 14.304 14.169 14.219
RAFST* kg/kg 16.80 16.64 16.78 17.16 17.18
3 3
Stoichiometric air/fuel volume ratio m /m 10.59 10.51 10.12 9.71 9.77

Energy content at stoichiometry kJ/L - MJ/m3 3.26 3.26 3.24 3.23 3.23

Methane Number - 72.5 72.3 79.7 92.1 90.5

* RAFST : stoichiometric air/fuel mass ratio

INGAS Integrated Project 88

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