The Influence of The Input Parameters To The Dimensional Accuracy of The 3D Printed Prototype
The Influence of The Input Parameters To The Dimensional Accuracy of The 3D Printed Prototype
The Influence of The Input Parameters To The Dimensional Accuracy of The 3D Printed Prototype
Aleksandra KOPRIVICA
Abstract: The key of a success, in making the physical prototypes of a good accuracy, is certainly a
technology of a rapid prototyping (RP - Rapid Prototyping), by which are, relatively rapidly and
inexpensive, produced different classes of a prototype. The RP technology implies a sequence of
technological procedures which enable direct production of a complex of physical objects. The digital 3D
geometric models are used as inputs. They may be prepared using a CAD program or a technology of a
3D scanning of the existing object and the subsequent treatment of the scanning results. One of the RP
technologies, which is prepared by adding a physical model of the material, layer by layer, is 3D
printing. Whereas, in 3D printing, the thickness of a layer is selected depending on the desired accuracy
of the prototype, this paper analyses the influence of the thickness of the 3D printer to the dimensional
accuracy of the prototype, in case when the prototyping is based on the CAD model.
2.1. Rapid Prototyping
The characteristics of the previous mentioned
The term rapid prototyping (RP) refers to a series of
technologies are given in the following table.
similar manufacturing processes by which are automatic,
with successive application and with bonding layers of
Table 1: The characteristics of the RP technologies [3]
building materials, based on the control instruction
created directly from CAD files or other digital data TECHNOLOGY
without the use of tools, equipment, without the need for Maximum size
510x510x610 380x330x460 610x510x610 510x610x410
additional machining operations, produced physical (mm)
Layer thickness
objects [1]. (mm)
0,05-0,3 0,08-0,2 0,05 0,013-0,3
The process of applying the layers of the building Accuracy (mm) 0,1-0,01 0,03-0,38 0,127-0,254 0,025-0,356
material is commonly performed in a horizontal xy plane,
Speed, price
while the process of interconnecting the layers of the Size and Accuracy and Price and and possibility
building material is performed in a vertical z plane [1]. accuracy materials materials of making a
model in color
The overall process may be viewed through the 3 phase Post-
[3]: processing Size, weight
Stability of
pre-processing, Disadvantages and liquid and the price Speed
the model
working of the system
direct production of prototypes and materials
In the first operation, the moving bridge, which carries the
roller and the print head, moves from left to the right. The
roller rotates in the direction shown in (1) and takes away
certain quantity of powder. Then, in the second step (2),
this powder is drawn into a thin layer over the previously
made layer on the platform of the working chamber. At
the end of the walk to the right (3), the roller takes away
the excess of the powder to the opening that accepts it and
enters the repository. In the next step (4), the bridge
moves from right to the left, and in the same time the
nozzle on the print head of the syringe binds the
appropriate points of the current cross-section and thus
forms the liquid layer of the model. When the bridge
arrives in the extremly left position (5), the piston for
adding the material is raised by one step, while the
platform is lowered by the thickness of the layer and Fig. 2: ZPrinter 450 [7]
everything is ready for the re-cycle [5].
Dust to which no binding agent is applied serves as a
aupport. When the process is completed, the finished part
is in unbound powder. The platform of the working
volume is lifted and the part is removed from the excess
powder. The excess material is sucked in and sifted and
reused for the next model [5].
The produced prototype, removed from the machine
working chamber can be applied for a limited use, while
for the full use it is necessary to perform post-processing.
Post-processing operations are reduced to the infiltration
of the prototype by the appropriate means (wax,
cyanoacrylate, two-component epoxy resin, etc.). blasting,
painting, lacquering and metallizing for a better visual
effect. By adding these agents, the prorotype improves
mechanical properties and ensures elasticity, all in
accordance with the requirements and needs of the
customer [5]. Fig. 3: 2D model
The size of the layers’ thicknesses and number of layers
for each model is given in the table 2.
Figure 5 shows produced models.
Time, required, for all produced models is given in the Fig. 7: Length’s positions
following table 3.
Of all geometric dimensions, the slightest deviation from
the nominal measure, depending on the layer’s thickness,
is the angle deviation, which is shown in the diagram in
the figure 12. The diagram shows that the deviation is
minimum at the smallest value of the layer’s thickness
and that it first grows and then decreases, with the
increasing the layer’s thickness.
The emergence of 3D printing technologies has already
been declared by many as the third industrial revolution,
as well as the technologies that will surely mark the 21 st
century. 3D printing solutions offer the ability to produce
very complicated shapes of products and tools in a
relatively short period of time, only based on 3D model of
the product or tool design. Geometric shapes, which can
not be achieved with conventional production
technologies, do not pose any problems for 3D printing.
In addition, 3D printing also allows the creation of a
whole assembly made of parts, which are actually made
as one product, so that the installation operation is
Fig. 10: Dependence of the height of the objects from the missing.
layer’s thickness Based on 3D prints, future products can be analyzed more
The deviation of the length of the workpiece, depending efficiently, as well as avoiding potential bugs on products,
on the layer’s thickness, is shown in the figure 11. The that, based on a 3D computer model, could not be spotted.
diagram shows that the deviation is minimum at the Previously said saves both, time and money.
smallest value of the layer’s thickness and that it first From the analyses carried out, it can be concluded that the
grows and then decreases, with the increasing the layer’s deviations of the geometric values from the nominal
thickness. measure significantly depend on the thickness of the
powder’s layer. Thus, when creating work items on a 3D
printer, the thickness of the powder’s layer should be
selected depending on the required accuracy of the
geometric dimensions.
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[3] TOPČIĆ, A., CERJAKOVIĆ, E. (2014) Izrada
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[4] PETROVIĆ, B. (1997) Razvoj proizvoda - istraživanje
i primjene, FTN - Institut za industrijske sisteme, IIS -
Istraživački i tehnološki centar, Novi Sad
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[6] JOKANOVIĆ, M., KOPRIVICA, A. (2016) Razvoj
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STS-14.pdf (10.07.2017.)
Obrad SPAIĆ, Ass. Sc.
University of East Sarajevo
Faculty of the Production and
Stepe Stepanovića
89 101 Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina