A Guide To Taking A Patient's History PDF
A Guide To Taking A Patient's History PDF
A Guide To Taking A Patient's History PDF
art & science clinical skills: 28
art & science clinical skills: 28 Taking the history
If the structure advised by Douglas et al (2005) is
used, history taking should start with asking the
! Clarifying points by restating points raised. patient about the presenting complaint.
The presenting complaint To elicit information
! Summarising.
about the presenting complaint start by using an
There are also some techniques that should be open question, for example: ‘What is the
avoided. These are outlined by Crumbie (2006) problem?’ or ‘Tell me about the problem?’. This
(Box 3). should provide a breadth of valuable information
from the patient, but not necessarily in the order
that you would like. The patient should then be
Calgary Cambridge framework
asked more specific details about his or her
Kurtz et al (2003) refined the Calgary Cambridge symptoms, starting with the most important first.
Observation Guide (CCOG) model of It is important to concentrate on symptoms and
consultation to include structuring the not on diagnosis to ensure that no information is
consultation. The CCOG is useful as it facilitates missed. Most textbooks provide a list of cardinal
continued learning and refining of consultation symptoms – those symptoms that are most
skills for the teacher and practitioner and is an important to that body system – and should be
ideal model for both ‘novice’ and ‘experienced’ asked about to ensure that a full history is obtained
nurses. Kurtz et al (2003) suggested five stages to from the patient. Box 4 provides a list of examples
summarise history taking including: of the cardinal symptoms for each body system.
Explanation and planning Giving patients When a patient reports symptoms from a
information, checking that it is correct and that specific body system, all of the cardinal
you both agree with the history that has been taken. symptoms in the system should be explored.
Aiding accurate recall and understanding For example, if a patient complains of
Making information easier for the patient using palpitations, then specific questions should be
reflection. asked about chest pain, breathlessness, ankle
Achieving a shared understanding swelling and pain in the lower legs when walking
Incorporating the patient’s perspective to to ensure that all cardinal questions relating to
encourage an interaction rather than a one-way the cardiovascular system have been covered.
transmission. Each symptom should be explored in more
Planning through shared decision making detail for clarification because this helps to
Working with patients to assist understanding and construct a more accurate description of the
involving patients in the decision-making process. patient’s problems. Direct questions can be used
Closing the consultation Explaining, checking to ask about:
and offering a plan acceptable to the patient’s
! Onset – was it sudden, or has it developed
needs and expectations.
art & science clinical skills: 28 owned, rented or leased, what condition it is in
and whether there have been any adaptations.
Alcohol In relation to the social history ask
specifically about alcohol intake. The nurse
Concordance with medication is an important should ask about past and present patterns of
part of taking a medication history. Finding out the drinking alcohol. Ewing (1984) suggested use of
level of concordance and any reasons for non- the CAGE system, in which four questions may
concordance can be of significance in the future elicit a view of alcohol intake (Box 5). Hearne et
treatment of the patient. Finally, ask about any al (2002) considered it to be an efficient
allergies and sensitivities, especially drug allergies, screening tool.
such as allergy or sensitivity to penicillin. It is The nurse should be wary of patients who are
important to find out what the patient experienced, evasive or indignant when asked questions about
how it presented in terms of symptoms, when it alcohol consumption. A mental note should be
occurred and whether it was diagnosed. taken to ask again at a later stage and to consider
Family history Some disorders are considered physical evidence of alcohol intake during the
familial; a family history can reveal a strong physical examination. Many patients do not
history of, for example, cerebrovascular disease recognise units of alcohol and will talk in
or a history of dementia, that might help to guide measures and volume for which the nurse will
the management of the patient. Open have to have a mental ready reckoner to calculate
questioning followed by closed questioning can the weekly alcohol consumption. The DH
be used to gather information about any website provides useful guidance on this (Box 6).
significance in the patient’s family history. For
example, start with an open question such as: BOX 5
‘Are there any illnesses in the family?’ Then ask
The CAGE system
specifically about immediate family – namely
parents and siblings. For each individual ask ! Have you ever felt the need to Cut down?
about diagnosis and age of onset and, if ! Have people Annoyed you by criticising your
appropriate, age and cause of death. drinking?
Social history A patient’s ability to cope with a
! Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
change in health depends on his or her social
wellbeing. A level of daily function should be ! Have you ever had a drink to steady your nerves in
established throughout the history taking. the morning (Eye opener)?
The nurse should be mindful of this level of (Ewing 1984)
function and any transient or permanent change
in function as a result of past or current illness.
Questions about function should include the
ability to work or engage in leisure activities if Equivalent units of alcohol
retired; perform household chores, such as
housework and shopping; perform personal ! A pint of ordinary strength lager, for example,
Carling Black Label, Foster’s = 2 units.
requirements, such as dressing, bathing and
cooking. In particular, with deteriorating health ! A pint of strong lager, for example, Stella Artois,
a patient may have needed to give up club or Kronenbourg 1664 = 3 units.
society memberships, which may lead to a sense
! A pint of ordinary bitter, for example, John Smith’s,
of isolation or loss. Boddingtons = 2 units.
Nurses should consider the whole of the
family when exploring a social history. ! A pint of best bitter, for example, Fuller’s ESB,
Relationships to the patient should be explored, Young’s Special = 3 units.
for example, is the patient married, is his or her ! A pint of ordinary strength cider, for example,
spouse healthy, do they have children and, if so, Woodpecker = 2 units.
what age are they? The health and residence to
the patient should be known to understand ! A pint of strong cider, for example, Dry Blackthorn,
Strongbow = 3 units.
actual and potential support networks. Other
support structures include asking about friends ! A 175ml glass of red or white wine is around
and social networks, including any involvement 2 units.
of social services or support from charities, such
! A pub measure of spirits = 1 unit.
as MIND (National Association for Mental
Health) or the Stroke Association. ! An alcopop, for example, Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi
The social history should also include enquiry Breezer, WKD, Reef is around 1.5 units.
into the type of housing in which the patient lives. (DH 2007b)
This should include if the accommodation is
Nurses should be mindful that increased Recreational drugs are those that are used
alcohol consumption might be a reaction to the regularly and which are a focus of a leisure
health stressors affecting the patient during activity without interrupting the user’s abilities
adjustment to recent changes in health. It could and lifestyle (Vose 2000). Drug dependence
also be that the patient is drinking excessively to is when recreational use reaches a level of
act as both a physical and emotional analgesic. ‘tolerance’. This is the point where or when the
Careful, but purposeful, questioning using a use of the drug requires larger more regular usage
mixture of the skills outlined should encourage to acquire the same initial effect.
the nurse to have confidence to broach the topic Professional and appropriate behaviour by
of alcohol dependence. Specific questioning the nurse, using careful and tactful questioning,
should include the quantity and type of alcohol is needed to enable the patient to feel comfortable
consumed and where the majority of the drinking in disclosing drug use. The nurse may uncover
takes place, whether in isolation or company. unpleasant or illegal actions by the patient in
Smoking It is documented that smoking causes their pursuit of obtaining drugs or being under
early death in the population and no safe the influence of drugs.
maximum or minimum limit, unlike alcohol, has Sexual history This can be a difficult subject to
been identified. Nurses should ask questions that broach and it is not always appropriate to take a
identify the history of the patient’s smoking. full sexual history (Douglas et al 2005). Where
Traditionally questions surrounding smoking relevant ask questions in an objective manner,
include: ‘What age did you start smoking?’, but acknowledge the sensitivity of the subject by
‘What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?’, ‘How starting with: ‘I hope you don’t mind but I need to
many cigarettes a day do you smoke?’, ‘Do you ask some questions about ...’
use roll ups or filtered?’ and ‘Are they low or high In men, questions regarding sexual history can
tar content?’. be asked as part of the genitourinary system
Patients will often be unclear about the history and should include any previous urinary
amount they smoke, but with persistence, ‘pack tract infections, sexually transmitted infections
years’ – now the standard measure of tobacco and treatments provided. In women date of
consumption – can be calculated (Prignot 1987). menarche, regularity and character of periods,
Pack years is a calculation to measure the amount pregnancies, live deliveries and terminations or
a person has smoked over a long period. other losses should be recorded. Women should
The pack year number is calculated by also be sensitively asked about any infections and
multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes treatments. High-risk sexual activity, such as
smoked per day by the number of years the unprotected sexual intercourse should be
person has smoked. For example, one pack year addressed in both genders. In men and women
is equal to smoking one pack per day for one year, an enquiry should be made regarding libido,
or two packs per day for half a year, and so on. increased or diminished, to reflect both
If an individual smokes three packs per day for psychological and endocrine systems.
20 years then this would amount to 3 packs per Occupational history Taking a history should
day x 20 years = 60 pack years. include information on previous and current
Roll-up cigarettes are more difficult to employment. This is important as aspects of
calculate as these are made by the patient and are employment other than the job itself can
not a standard size. Tobacco is usually sold in influence social wellbeing if illness precludes a
grams but verbalised in ounces. Approximate return to work. For example, employment in
tobacco amounts can be calculated (Box 7). heavy industry may lead to respiratory
Illicit/recreational drugs In the British Crime problems or joint problems. Although
Survey, Roe and Man (2006) identified that just occupations may date back several years,
under half (45.1%) of all 16-24-year-olds have exposure to some products may have a long
used one or more illicit drugs in their lifetime, incubation period, such as resultant
25.2% have used one or more illicit drugs in the mesothelioma after asbestos exposure.
last year and 15.1% in the last month. Past and current employment will also
provide details of financial stability of the home.
BOX 7 Retired patients may have financial limitations,
Approximate calculation of tobacco as will patients who are currently unemployed.
Increased anxiety can be present in patients who
1 ounce = 28.34 grams find themselves unable to work because of
2 ounces = 56.69 grams sudden illness or having to care for a relative or
3 ounces = 85.04 grams partner. Questions about a patient’s financial
condition should be unhurried and handled
A ‘standard’ pouch of tobacco is equivalent to
sensitively by the nurse. This might include
50 grams
discussion about social support and benefits
art & science clinical skills: 28 information. It might be essential in a patient
presenting with an unexplained loss of
consciousness or cognitive symptoms.
Information from the history is essential in guiding
because hospitalisation can alter the patient’s the treatment and management of a patient.
eligibility for benefits. Alternatively, the prescribed medication history
Systemic enquiry The final part of history taking may be checked with the GP practice if the patient
involves performing a systemic enquiry. This is not able to give a full history.
involves asking questions about the other body
systems not discussed in the presenting
complaint. The purpose of this is to check that no
information has been omitted. It involves This article has presented a practical guide to
systematic questioning of symptoms relating to history taking using a systems approach. It
cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, considered the key points required in taking a
genitourinary, locomotor and dermatological comprehensive history from a patient, including
aspects and might yield important clues about preparing the environment, communication
the cause of the presenting problems. The skills and the importance of order. While this
cardinal symptoms for each system are outlined article provides the knowledge for taking a
in Box 4 and questioning should focus on the history, the best method of achieving skills in
presence or absence of these symptoms. It is history taking is through a validated training
expected at this stage to receive a negative answer course with competency-based assessments.
to symptoms not already discussed. However, a The history-taking interview should be of a
positive response to any of the questioning high quality and must be accurately recorded
should be investigated using the same method as (Crumbie 2006). Nurses should be familiar with
in the presenting complaint. the NMC Code of Professional Conduct
It is important not to overlook the value of regarding competence, consent and
obtaining a collateral history from a friend or confidentiality (NMC 2004). The novice history
relative. If necessary, and with the patient’s taker’s records should adhere to the NMC’s
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