Cement & Concrete Composites: Shi-Cong Kou, Chi-Sun Poon
Cement & Concrete Composites: Shi-Cong Kou, Chi-Sun Poon
Cement & Concrete Composites: Shi-Cong Kou, Chi-Sun Poon
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents the findings of a long-term study on the mechanical and durability properties of con-
Received 10 November 2011 crete prepared with 0%, 50% and 100% recycled concrete aggregate that were cured in water or outdoor
Received in revised form 15 December 2012 exposure conditions for 10 years. The recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) was prepared by using 25%, 35%
Accepted 18 December 2012
and 55% class-F fly ash, as cement replacements. It was found that, after 10 years, the compressive
Available online 27 December 2012
strength and modulus of elasticity of the concrete prepared with 100% recycled concrete aggregate
was still lower than that of the control concrete. Over this period, the highest gain in compressive
strength and modulus of elasticity was recorded for the concrete mixture prepared with 55% fly ash.
Fly ash
Fly ash improved the resistance to chloride ion penetration but it also increased the carbonation depth
Long-term properties of the concrete.
Recycled aggregates Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-C. Kou, C.-S. Poon / Cement & Concrete Composites 37 (2013) 12–19 13
Table 1 were cured in a water-curing tank at 27 ± 1 °C, and the other half
Chemical compositions of cement and fly ash. were placed under outdoor exposure conditions near the labora-
Contents Cement Fly ash tory until the ages of testing. The annual meteorological conditions
SiO2 21.0 56.79 in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2008 are listed in Table 4.
Al2O3 5.9 28.21
Fe2O3 3.4 5.31 2.4. Tests
CaO 64.7 <3
MgO 0.9 5.21
SO3 2.6 0.68
2.4.1. Compressive and tensile splitting strengths
Loss on ignition (%) 1.2 3.90 The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of concrete
Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.15 2.31 were determined using a Denison compression machine with a
Specific surface area (cm2/g) 3520 3960 loading capacity of 3000 kN. The loading rates applied in the com-
pressive and splitting tensile tests were 200 kN/min and 57 kN/
min, respectively. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths
aggregate are shown in Table 2. The porosity of the aggregates was were measured at the ages of 28 days, 1 year, 3 years 5 years and
determined by using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). River 10 years.
sand was used as the fine aggregate in the concrete mixtures.
2.4.2. Static modulus of elasticity
2.2. Concrete mixtures The static modulus of elasticity of the concrete was determined
in accordance with ASTM C 469 (2002). This test was carried out on
Concrete mixtures with a target initial slump of 120 mm were the concrete specimens at the ages of 28 days, 1 year, 3 years,
prepared in the laboratory. The concrete mixtures were prepared 5 years and 10 years.
with a W/B ratio and cement content of 0.55 and 410 kg/m3 (con-
trol concrete) respectively. Fly ash was used as 0%, 25%, 35% and 2.4.3. Resistance to rapid chloride ion penetration
55% by weight replacements of cement and recycled aggregate This test was carried out on the outdoor exposed concrete spec-
was used as 0%, 50% and 100% by weight replacements of the nat- imens at the ages of 28 days, 1 year and 10 years. The ASTM 1202
ural coarse aggregate. The absolute volume method was adopted to rapid test method was employed to rank the chloride penetration
design the mix proportions of the concrete mixtures as shown in resistance of the concrete by applying a potential difference of
Table 3. In the concrete mixtures, the 10 and 20 mm coarse aggre- 60 V DC to measure the charge that had passed through the spec-
gates were used in a ratio of 1:2. imen. The tested concrete discs were slices of 51 mm thick, cut
from the middle portion of the initially prepared 100£ 200 mm
2.3. Specimens casting and curing specimens.
For each concrete mixture, 100 mm cubes and 100£ 200 mm 2.4.4. Carbonation depth
cylinders were cast. The cubes were used to determine the com- At the ages of 28 days, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years and 10 years, the
pressive strength and carbonation depth. The cylinders were used depth of carbonation of the outdoor exposed concrete specimens
to evaluate the tensile splitting strength, the static modulus of was determined by spraying the surface of a freshly broken con-
elasticity and resistance to chloride ion penetration. crete cube specimen with a solution of phenolphthalein [16–19].
All the specimens were cast in steel moulds and compacted In the non-carbonated part of the specimen where the concrete
using a vibrating table. After demoulding, half of the specimens was still highly alkaline, a purple–red colouration was observed,
Table 2
Properties of natural and recycled aggregates.
Type Nominal size Density Water absorption Strength – 10% fines value MIP porosity
(mm) (Mg/m3) (%) (kN) (%)
Crushed granite 10 2.62 1.12 159 1.62
20 2.62 1.11
Recycled aggregate 10 2.35 7.19 110 8.46
20 2.45 5.34
Table 3
Proportioning of the concrete mixtures.
Notation Fly ash (%) RA (%) Constituents (kg/m3) Actual slump (mm)
Water Cement Fly ash Sand Granite RA
R0 0 0 225 410 0 642 1048 0 150
R50 0 50 225 410 0 642 524 506 170
R100 0 100 225 410 0 642 0 1017 195
R0 F25 25 0 225 307.5 102.5 611 1048 0 165
R50F25 25 50 225 307.5 102.5 611 524 506 190
R100F25 25 100 225 307.5 102.5 611 0 1017 210
R0F35 35 0 225 266.5 143.5 598 1048 0 185
R50F35 35 50 225 266.5 143.5 598 524 506 225
R100F35 35 100 225 266.5 143.5 598 0 1017 250
R0F55 55 0 225 184.5 225.5 530 1048 0 190
R50F55 55 50 225 184.5 225.5 530 524 506 230
R100F55 55 100 225 184.5 225.5 530 0 1017 255
14 S.-C. Kou, C.-S. Poon / Cement & Concrete Composites 37 (2013) 12–19
Table 4
Annual values of meteorological elements of Hong Kong from 1999 to 2008. Source: Hong Kong observation
Table 5
Compressive strength of the concrete mixtures.
strength of the corresponding concrete mixtures without fly ash. occurred in the first year. The concrete mixtures R100, R100F25,
The compressive strengths of the concrete mixtures with 35% R100F35 and R100F55 had strength gains of 64.6%, 86.1%, 104.7%
and 55% of fly ash were still lower than the corresponding concrete and 109%, respectively, between 28 days and 10 years, and 22.3%,
without fly ash. 39.1%, 31.1% and 32.0% of the gains, respectively, were in the first
After 3 years, the strength of the control concrete (R0), R50 and year.
R100 increased by 0.9%, 2.9% and 3.9%, in comparison to the The concrete mixture R100F55 had the highest compressive
strength of the corresponding concrete mixtures without fly ash. strength gain and this might be attributed to incorporating fly
The compressive strengths of the concrete mixtures with 55% of ash into the RAC. Due to the recycled aggregates being more por-
fly ash were still lower than the corresponding concrete without ous, some part of the cement and fly ash would be able to pene-
fly ash. trate into the aggregate, which subsequently would increase the
After 10 years, the strengths of the concrete mixtures with 25% bond strength between the aggregates and the hydrated cementi-
fly ash increased by 5.3%, 7.5% and 9.3%, respectively. Moreover, tious matrix. With the presence of fly ash, the cracks in the recy-
the strengths of the corresponding concrete mixtures with 35% cled aggregates were reduced due to the healing effect after a
fly ash increased by 2.5%, 3.4% and 5.1%, respectively. However, prolonged period of curing of the fly ash blended cement pastes.
the strengths of the concrete mixtures with 55% fly ash were still Therefore the concrete made with recycled concrete aggregate,
0.6%, 1.4% and 11.30%, respectively lower than the control and the quality of the interfacial transition zone, was better than
concrete. that of the old paste and natural aggregate concrete. The bond be-
Although the compressive strength of the concrete exposed out- tween the new cement paste and recycled concrete aggregate was
doors was lower than that of the corresponding concrete cured in enhanced.
water, similar trends of strength development were observed.
Fig. 2 shows the compressive strength gain of the concrete from 3.2. Splitting tensile strength
the 28th day to 1, 3, 5 and 10 years with standard water curing. The
highest percentage gain in compressive strength was recorded for The splitting tensile strengths of the concrete cured in water
the 55% fly ash RAC followed by 35% fly ash RAC, 25% fly ash RAC, and the outdoor environment at the ages up to 10 years are shown
RAC and the control concrete. The compressive strengths of the in Table 6. The results show that before 1 year the variation in
control concretes, R0F25, R0F35 and R0F55 increased by 38.9%, splitting tensile strength with recycled aggregate content was sim-
63.1%, 70.0% and 85.4%, respectively between 28 days and 10 years, ilar to that observed for compressive strength. The splitting tensile
and 16.3%, 38.3%, 23.6% and 34.3% of the increases, respectively, strength decreased with increase in recycled aggregate and fly ash
content. At 28 days, the splitting tensile strength of the control
mixture (R0) was higher 5.0% and 7.5%, respectively, than that of
the concrete mixtures R50 and R100 incorporating 50% and 100%
recycled aggregate.
However, comparing the results at 1 year and 10 years shows
that there was continuous and significant improvement in the
splitting tensile strength of RAC beyond the age of 1 year. At 1 year,
the splitting tensile strengths of the concrete mixtures with 100%
recycled aggregate were higher than that of the control mixtures.
Moreover, at all the test ages the splitting tensile strength of the
concrete mixture exposed outdoors was lower than that of the cor-
responding concrete mixture with standard water curing.
Fig. 3 shows the splitting tensile strength gain of the concrete
from 28 days to 1, 3, 5 and 10 years with standard water curing.
It can be seen that the splitting tensile strengths of the control con-
cretes, R0F25, R0F35 and R0F55 increased by 38.9%, 43.0%, 44.1%
and 39.8%, respectively, between 28 days and 10 years, and 3.9%,
Fig. 2. % Gain of compressive strength of concrete mixture with standard water 11.3%, 8.3% and 8.6% of the increase, respectively, occurred in the
first year. The concrete mixtures R100, R100F25, R100F35 and
Table 6
Tensile splitting strength of the concrete mixtures.
Table 7
Static elastic modulus of the concrete mixtures.
The results (only for the outdoor exposed concrete) on the resis-
tance to chloride ion penetration at the ages up to 10 years are gi-
ven in Fig. 7. Recycled aggregate decreased the resistance to
chloride ion penetration of the concrete at all test ages. The incor-
poration of fly ash significantly increased the resistance to the Fig. 8. % Reduction of total charge passed in coulombs of outdoor exposed concrete.
Table 8
Carbonation depth of outdoor exposed concrete.
Fig. 9. Carbonation coefficient of concrete after 10 years outdoor exposure. The authors would like to thank Sun Hung Kei Properties Ltd.
and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for funding support.
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