Nokia Flexi Bts Commissioning Tutorial
Nokia Flexi Bts Commissioning Tutorial
Nokia Flexi Bts Commissioning Tutorial
This Tutorial will teach you how to commission the nokia flexi edge bts manager almost in
5-10 minutes.
we will start with the settings of laptop first,Open the network connection , find the tcp ip
connection icon for LAN, before that plz ensure that you have connected your RJ45 cross
cable to LMP port of Flexi BTS ESMA Card.
Double click on the Local Area connection , ensure that your local area connection LAN
get enable as soon as you plug the RJ45 cross cable to LMP port of ESMA.
screen shows the ip settings to login the flexi bts
IP Gateway as :
Click ok and then open the Flexi EDGE BTS Manager Icon,as soon as you click on icon a
window will open which ask you to enter login id and password, just leave everything as it
is and click connect.
Now go to Commissioning option in top menu bar then click on wizard,and it will open you
the following screen.
Now in this screen you will find many options like commissioning via SCF, commissioning
via Template we will get into these commissioning type in later article,you simple click on
Commission Manually as of now for simple process.
Then it will give you two options too choose,specify from file and specify manually,this
time click on specify manually.
in the next screen, it will ask you bscf id,bsc id etc so fill it as if you know otherwise do the
here you have to define the anntenna cabling and tx cabling for bts,however this part can be
escaped and can be done later,but its good to fill the details right here to avoid outage.
moreover this part can also be configured by OMCR,after OMU is recieved.
More on Flexi BTS Anntena Cabling and TX Cabling will be published later on.
Below three screens can be left unchanged,if any parameters required to set here,then you
can do that later by prompting it to OMCR.
Nothing to take with Battery backup unit as of now,you can leave the field unchanged and
proceed next.
in latest version of bts software, their are more options in this page which is “Upload from
BTS” , this options facilitate you to not to fill any card and traffic related information
manually,it will automatically update from bts previous configuration.
Synchronization set is very important part of nokia BTS which you can set on this
screen,the first sync source should be the Rx Clock which must be mapped to the 2M E1
port (line interface) which you are using for this bts port, and second one will be internal
timing always.
Traffic management is the next part,fill the traffic for particular bts by asking traffic
configuration to planning/OMCR team,more on how to put traffic will be taught 1 by 1 in
future articles,here you can place OMU and can move forward as once OMU is received ,
OMCR engineer can help you to resolve further.
Next screen is the Abis protection for E1 which will be discussed in detail in future article,
as of now you can leave changes intact
Next part is the cross connection,not used generally for simple configuration,but used when
you require specific channel mapping and forwarding feature.
Q1 Allocation is required when you want to connect any other device like FIU via this
BTS, after doing this Q1 and making FIU connected,you can ask for login to FIU directly
via this BTS remotely.
You can watch the comissiong progress window untill all options get completed.
this was very fast track comissioning steps for nokia flexi bts, though each section need to
be elaborate for detail study,which we will be going to deliver in further articles,meanwhile
keep checking the website for flexi bts commissioning video which will be published very