How To Tap The Incredible Secret Powers of Your Mind
How To Tap The Incredible Secret Powers of Your Mind
How To Tap The Incredible Secret Powers of Your Mind
Part One
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
“The biggest block to any man’s success is found in his head”
The above statement may seem a hard one to live up to, nevertheless it is one
I fully intend to try.
It is my intention to show you how you can take control of your own mind and
therefore your own life from this point onwards. By learning the art of Hypnosis
and Self Hypnosis you will be able to mould your life the way you want it.
Many who have gone before you were staggered by how their lives
could have been so utterly changed for the better simply spending just twenty
very relaxing and pleasant minutes twice a day. The idea that something so
simple can be so rewarding is hard to understand until you have experienced
How to become rich and successful. and get anything you want from life.
How to control and eradicate any fears or phobias that spoil and disrupt
your life and prevent you from enjoying your life to the full. For example fear of
flying, fear of insects, of enclosed spaces, or whatever, the list goes on and
Smoking is one of the few vices that can be cured with one course of
Hypnosis! Think of all that money you could save each year if you gave up not
to mention the improvement in your health, more breath and energy, better
taste of food etc.
How to give up smoking and make £130,000 in the process! Let us
assume the average smoker spends £3.00 per day. That comes to £21.00 per
week and £1092 per year. Lets assume a smoker gives up and instead puts
the money they would have spent on cigarettes into a building society account
at say 8% interest. After twenty years they would have amassed £54,000. That
is enough to give them a £450 a month income for life. It that person was
twenty when they gave up in they would have a staggering £134,000 in the
account by the time they reached fifty.
How to lose weight. There is a vast industry selling the public one new
diet plan after another which seldom work. All that dieting does is lead people
to overeat again. After an initial time the weight might drop off but soon goes
up again later, and the whole miserable cycle starts all over again. Would you
like to know how to lose weight and maintain that perfect figure?
In short anything you want from life is yours for the taking and
you are going to be shown how to get it in simple easy steps!
I know that to those of you who have not had any experience of
Hypnosis and its amazing power for good in our lives might feel that you have
read some pretty fanciful claims. They must be too good to be true. Pie in the
Scientific research at the UCLA has established that we only use a tiny
percentage of our true mental ability. Early this century scientists believed
humans only used about 10% of their brain! Today scientists believe we use
less than 2%.
Let me assure you right here and now that those claims are only a
fraction of what you can do as a human being. Merely the tip of the iceberg. In
America at “Cray Research” they have been carrying out research using a
combination of very powerful computers and Hypnosis. Using such advanced
techniques they have been able to prove that the human brain can absorb
information at phenomenal speeds. Some subjects have been able to process
more than 690,000 words per minute! (More on this at later date.)
As a human being you are empowered with talents and abilities that
you probably never dreamed of. Did you know that your subconscious mind
can deal with over 2,000,000 different pieces of information per second.
It never ceases to maze me that most people live out their lives in
“Quiet desperation”, to quote Oscar Wilde, only to end their lives in bitter
resentment and anger thinking of what might have been if only they had had
the breaks and chances others seem to have.
I find it very sad that many people are content to base the future
happiness of their lives on the random selection of a few ping pong balls falling
out of a lottery machine every Saturday night! They prefer to throw a few
pounds away every week on a fourteen million to one chance which they know
they will never win rather than actually do something about improving their
lives. And even if they do win this money there is no guarantee that money
alone is going to make them happy and feel fulfilled in their life as many have
discovered. After all there are only so many meals you can eat, houses you
can live in, cars you can drive, etc.
If you just want money and other material riches then that is no problem
you will be shown how to get them. lt’s relatively easy! You will be shown how
to programme your mind to tap your vast creative resources and put them to
work for you. But I hope you will gain much much more from this course than
just money. If not then I will feel that I have badly let you down.
Maybe you want to increase your ability drastically to retain facts and
information so as to get a first class honours degree. Perhaps you want to
master several foreign languages. Or maybe you want to perfect your
technique at tennis, football, snooker, or at playing the piano.
Be the best in your field! Dramatically improve your health. Become
resilient against illness. Reduce or eliminate pain. (Even reduce and cure
cancer). Yes Hypnosis has been, in some cases, successful in treating a
number of incurable diseases like cancer!
There are many reasons for this not least the recent spate of TV programmes
showing stage hypnotists making ordinary members of the audience look
complete fools for our entertainment!
I would like to state for the record that I am totally opposed to public
displays of Hypnosis for entertainment. Most professional Hypnotists, who
use their skills and knowledge to help people, consider stage shows as a bit
like watching a surgeon culling off someone’s leg for the amusement of an
In any case It is estimated that a stage Hypnotist can only really work
with less than 2% of the population. Despite what the audiences may think
even those people he eventually selects for the show will only co-operate with
him as far as they really want to.
I know the above statement might seem hard to believe after what you
may have seen on TV or in a live stage show. People watching others on
stage making fools of themselves think that those people have been taken
over. They think that the hypnotist has complete control which is not possible.
Having said this hypnosis is without doubt a very powerful tool. I dare
say in the wrong hands it could conceivably be used for evil, however you
have to get things into perspective. As I have said before I have never come
across a case of harm being caused by the proper use of hypnosis. From my
point of view I believe everyone should be taught how use hypnosis and in
particular self-hypnosis.
You see a stage hypnotist is in effect working with people who are
prepared to go along with him and accept his suggestions. This is the whole
essence of what hypnosis is anyway, as you will come to learn as you go
through this course.
Typically what a stage Hypnotist will do is ask the audience to put their
hands together and then make the suggestion that they cannot pull them
apart. About two or three percent will go alone with this suggestion and so he
now has a few people who are very suggestive. After a few minutes of work
with them he will reject a few more until he has enough suitable people for his
act. What he is really looking for are those people who secretly want a chance
to go up on stage but until now have not had the opportunity or courage. They
will do what the Hypnotist wants, and make fools of themselves, because in
their mind they put the blame on the hypnotist. This is known as the “social
compliance theory”.
This kind of thing simply makes people fear the phenomenon which is
hypnosis and therefore ignore its potential and amazing power for good.
I know of someone who suffers badly from psoriasis. She has been
hospitalised once and has to endure repeated sun bed treatments, which are
harmful to the body in the long run, and powerful dangerous drugs which can
only be given so many times in a patient’s life time. If only she realised that
hypnosis could probably cure her with NO harmful side effects what-so-ever! I
wish the same could be said of conventional treatments she currently has to
I mentioned to her that Hypnosis has had particularly good results with
cases of psoriasis and other skin disorders. Unfortunately her local priest had
put her oft, saying that hypnosis would expose her to satanic powers! Sad but
true. This woman has to go around in long trousers and long sleeved blouses
all summer even when temperatures are up in the high eighties.
Obviously you are an open minded person and are not swayed by
superstition or ignorance otherwise you would not have enrolled on this
Let me just give you a brief list of what kind of things Hypnosis
can do:-
1. Give you an easy and powerful way of getting the skills and
abilities you require in your job.
3. It can be used to find out what it is you really want from life. That
is to say what it is you want and not what someone else wants.
4. It can help you to remove the shackles from the past that limit
you from achieving your true potential.
8. It can be used to help people stop smoking or reduce eliminate a
person s dependence on alcohol or other drugs.
The use of Hypnosis was very popular in the late nineteenth early
twentieth century. When the great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov
became depressed and unable to concentrate on his music he, in despair,
sought the help of an eminent Doctor in Moscow by the name of Dr Nikolai
It is a widely held belief that if you don’t have your health you don’t
have anything!
After all what is the point of having all the money and wealth in the
world if you are not fit or healthy enough to enjoy it?
Re-educating your mind to help your mind and body become more
healthy is the most logical first step to take. Of course defining what healthy
means can be a little confusing and depends on your philosophical stance. I
hope to give you some useful pointers at a later stage.
Sickness can be, and often is, caused by excessive stress that
accumulates in the system. Stress is considered a number one killer in the
western world. It manifests itself in many ways the most common being heart
attacks, strokes and the development of cancer or other life threatening
If we found ourselves facing a ferocious lion or a pack of wolves. What
happens is the brain sends out a message of alarm which in turn releases a
flood of adrenaline which speeds through the bloodstream and utterly
overturns the normal routine of the body.
Most of the time our cells are preoccupied with renewal of themselves.
About 90% of each cell’s energy is taken up with the vital task of building
proteins and creating new DNA and RNA. However when the brain thinks
there is a threat this process is set aside so that it can ensure your body has
enough energy to propel your muscles to either fight of fly from the scene and
get yourself out of danger. In order to do this the anabolic metabolism changes
over to catabolic metabolism which, far from rejuvenating your cells, actually
breaks them down.
When the body introduces adrenaline into the blood stream it causes a
whole host of reactions within the body. For example it causes the blood
pressure to rise, muscles to tense, breathing to become shallow, digestion to
stop, among many other things. Of course as a temporary defence mechanism
it is vital but if this condition is not stopped in time the effects on our body can
be disastrous.
The reasons for stress can be many and varied but hypnosis has been
shown to be a very powerful method of combating it. I do not want to give the
impression that by eliminating stress you will avoid all illnesses. This would be
foolhardy. However being able to remain calm in stressful situations is
obviously a useful if not a vital aim and one which we will look at first.
a fight is a recipe for disaster. Anger, which is a form of stress, clouds the
judgement and causes us to make mistakes.
The old saying “you die if you worry and you die if you don’t, so why
worry?” is a very true. In fact you are more likely to die before your time if
you do worry.
changes which may produce distortion of emotion, sensation, image and time. “
This sounds a bit of a mouth full but don’t worry entering into a “trance state”
is very simple, natural, and very pleasant. As the course progresses you will
learn more about the technical background of Hypnosis but for the time being
this is not necessary.
Believe it or not all of us go into a kind of hypnotic trance state at least twice a
day. Once just before we drift off to sleep and similarly just before we wake up
in the morning. It’s that twilight and very enjoyable stage between actual sleep
and the waking state.
Simply put most scientists believe the human mind can be split into two
different entities. One being the conscious mind and the other the sub-
conscious or unconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is far bigger and does not have a critical factor
as such. It is the subconscious mind that keeps your heart beating and gets
you to fill your lungs with air without you having to make any conscious effort
to do it. If you reach out for a cup of coffee your conscious mind makes the
decision to do so but it is the sub-conscious mind that gives all the myriad of
instructions to all the muscles involved to bring the cup up to your lips.
The subconscious mind is an incredibly complex kind of computer with
a huge memory bank. Basically everything you do or have done in your life is
stored there. The memory of every sound you have heard, everything you may
have smelled, tasted, or touched. Your brain retains all this information and it
is never forgotten unless you suffer some form of brain damage.
Under Hypnosis you can recall memories of your early childhood which
your conscious mind has forgotten totally. Your subconscious mind draws on
this giant memory bank to solve problems by accessing the information stored
there. When you are mulling over one problem and the answer to a totally
separate problem suddenly pops into your mind this is when your
subconscious mind is at work. It never ever sleeps and is constantly working
for you.
The Israeli police force have used Hypnosis to get accurate details of a
crime from witnesses. Sometimes people are able to remember the number
plates of cars parked in an area a few weeks before a bank robbery. In one
instance, under Hypnosis, some witnesses were able to produce accurate
descriptions of the occupants who were seen drinking cups of coffee while
observing a bank from across the street several days before a robbery. This
information may not have appeared important at the time but their
subconscious still stored it away.
Emotions: -
The subconscious mind is where your emotions are held. If you like it is
the real you. If you think about it is our emotions that control the strength of
our desires and this is why our subconscious mind will always control our
conscious mind since our desires govern our behaviour. Our subconscious
computer has been programmed since birth to believe and behave in a
certain way according to the image it has of you. This is why an alcoholic
knows full well consciously that his over drinking is doing himself great
harm he will continue to drink because his subconscious mind has some
hidden reason to make him do so. If our subconscious minds have been
programmed badly then our thoughts, decisions and actions will be bad for
us and as a result our lives. Our subconscious mind cannot discriminate or
analyse what it is told and will believe anything the conscious mind believes
and allows through.
You know this to be true because when you dream at night and find
yourself being chased down 22nd street in New York by a two hundred foot
pink blancmange, (you mean you don’t ?), its your subconscious mind at
work. Obviously your conscious mind would reject the idea out of hand but the
subconscious mind accepts it without question.
some extent by our early life experiences. Our upbringing and experiences as children
are of vital importance to the way we perceive ourselves later in life. Our imagination
years ago used to describe how our conscious minds cannot overrule our subconscious
Put a twelve foot by half afoot plank of wood on the ground and walk along
it to the end This would be quiet easy to do because your subconscious mind finds
no objection to your doing this. Now put the same plank between the roofs of two
four storey buildings and try to walk across it again. You will find yourself filled
with apprehension because your subconscious mind will make you imagine that you
could fall. In fact if you attempted to cross you probably would fall! This is despite
the fact that your logical conscious mind knows it is the same plank of wood you
plank perfectly safely and it was convinced of this then you would be able to
do so easily and safely.
All creativity is found in the subconscious mind. It is where the great artists,
composers, scientists, and inventors draw on their inspiration. Many great
men have said that they carried out some of their greatest works while in a
kind of trance state or day dream. Mozart, one of the most intuitive composers
in history, claimed his compositions were formed in his mind like
dreams independent of his will. ln fact the list can go on and on Isaac Newton,
Coleridge, Goethe etc.
Anyone who has made a success in their life be it as a famous opera singer,
Olympic athlete, highly paid entrepreneur, or whatever have chosen to make
that success their goal. It does not make any difference how the goal got
there that fact remains that in every case their subconscious mind will have
been there to give them the inspiration and dynamic energy to push them
forward. Those who allow their path to be frustrated by distractions like
jealousy, anger, or resentment will find their task a lot harder and may even
fail. Many very capable people seem to get so close to success only to throw
it all away at the last minute, these people have been programmed to fail and
it happens time after time.
this incredible power within you can be directed for your own good and
personal development.
Conscious mind
does not register Subconscious mind
Suggestion suggestion. registers suggestion
made to a and accepts and acts
person’s upon it.
Hypnosis has proved very useful in dealing with people with serious
burns. By putting a person into trance and suggesting that their arm is
cooling down much of the blistering and inflammation can be reduced and so
lead to a much quicker healing process. Obviously that person’s feeling of
pain can be reduced. This would be difficult to achieve if the conscious mind
was up and running. After all it saw the arch welder burn the arm and it
logically knows it must hurt like hell!!
Some people have been Hypnotised into believing that an ordinary coin
placed on their arm was red hot. When the coin was removed the body
produces a blister in response to the mental image. This is despite the fact
that in reality the coin was cold and that no pain was actually experienced.
Your first task is to learn how to induce a simple trance state in yourself
Please don’t worry it is totally safe and even very good for you. If you have
ever practised any sort of meditation then you have already learnt how to
induce at trance state. Meditation be it transcendental or otherwise is simply a
form of Self Hypnosis by a different name.
Step One:-
Sit comfortably on a stool or low backed chair. Now take ten slow deep
breaths to calm down your system and put more oxygen into your blood. If
possible try to breath from the abdomen. When you expel the stale air from
your lungs bring you stomach in. When inhaling count in your mind up to six,
but if that seems too long hold it for about five or whatever you feel
comfortable with, and hold for a maximum count of twenty. Then exhale
slowly counting up to ten.
Step Two:-
1).Gently hold your head up in an upright and central position. Now slowly tip
your head forward towards your chest as far as it will comfortably go and hold
for a count of ten.
2). Now gently tip your head back slightly and hold for a count of ten.
3). Now you will tip your head forward again like you did before but this time
slightly move it to your right and hold for ten and then return to the central
4). Once you have done this repeat part 1,2, and 3 but this time tilt your head
slightly to the left.
Step Three:-
1). Repeat step one. Take ten slow deep breaths. While you inhale count up
to six, or whatever you are comfortable with, and hold for a maximum count of
2). Again with your head in an upright position tip your head slowly to the left
so that your left ear moves towards your left shoulder and hold for a count of
3). Now repeat this process but move your head down to the right.
Step Four:-
2). From your central position turn your head slowly to the left as far as you
can without discomfort so that you can see over your shoulder. Now hold for a
count of ten.
4). Repeat the exercise but this time move the head to the right.
Hopefully by now you will feel a bit more relaxed. You may find that you
hear and feel some strange crunching noises at first. Don’t be alarmed these
will go after a week or so however if you are experiencing pain then stop the
exercises and see a doctor.
Try to do these exercises twice a day once in the morning after your
shower or bath and once in the evening or afternoon.
After a few days go on to the next section which will teach you how to
go into a relaxed and beautiful trance.
Going into trance or Self-Hypnosis is a natural ability we all possess to
a greater or lesser degree. The ease and ability to go into trance will vary from
one person to another however we can all learn to be better at it with practise
and a little time. We all have the ability to use our senses. I have a friend who
is in the wine trade and he has developed an uncanny ability to distinguish
between one type of wine from another. He can tell you what processes have
been used, what country the wine is from, what grape variety, even from what
vineyard the wine has come from, and he can sometimes what the vintage is.
The Hypnotist told him to work at his office from 9.OQam until 1 .OOpm
then have a break for lunch. When he returned to the office in the afternoon he
was told to sit in a comfortable chair at the opposite side of the room away
from his desk. Apparently this man’s hobby was collecting and reading
western magazines so he was told to put a pile of these magazines on a table
next to him with a pencil and pad.
This businessman was very startled to find that he was doing far more
good for his business in the afternoon than he was in the morning. By not
trying to think of things consciously he allowed the vast creative resources of
his subconscious mind to filter through with the novel ideas he needed. Even
reading his favourite magazines allowed his conscious mind to become
distracted long enough for his subconscious mind to come through. What we
are really talking about here is a daydreaming state.
The Induction:-
Induction simply means the change from the waking alert state into the
daydreaming one. As I have said there are a large number of ways it is
possible to do this and we will go into them in detail at a later date. By the way
am not referring to the mystical or weird and wonderful ways like crystal balls,
swinging watches, strobe lights etc.
To do this you need to have the intention and desire to achieve the
altered state in your own way and in your own time. You will need to allocate
time and find suitable surroundings where you will not be disturbed.
Remember don’t try, don’t force it, let it just happen. And also remember you
will be in total control and that what you are doing is perfectly safe.
1.)Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down.
3.) Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. (The earlier exercises
will have helped you with this.) Then exhale slowly.
4.) The third time you breath in hold it for a few seconds and then exhale
slowly allow your eyelids to close.
5.) Think about how you are breathing and on every out breath imagine you
are letting go of the tension in you body.
6.) Let you breathing become slow and calm and regular. Start to relax the
toes on you feet starting with the right foot. When your feet feel relaxed simply
let the muscles in your ankles go limp and relaxed.
Now let the feeling of relaxation drift up into your calf muscles and then
on into your thigh muscles.
Gradually let your muscles relax around your waist and on up into your
stomach. With each breath you take and each time you exhale feel yourself
letting go.
Let the feeling of relaxation move on up your spine into your shoulders
and neck muscles. Just let go now feel your arms begin to relax and feel
heavy and lazy.
Now you do know and do trust that you will immediately awaken totally
alert and in normal consciousness should there be an emergency that needs
your attention.
7.) When you are feeling totally relaxed just let your mind drift. Let any
thoughts that come into your mind just wander in and out. Don’t try to stop
them or hold onto them just float there like an observer watching life go by
from a cafe or on a beach.
8.) In your own time when you feel totally relaxed just notice how nice it is just
to do nothing. In your imagination talk to the various parts of your body about
how nice it is to feel so relaxed.
9.) let that nice feeling of totally calm relaxation be stored in your memory so
that you can recreate the sensations at a later date.
10.) Remain in this calm state for fifteen minutes or so. Don’t expect too much
at this stage just let it all happen. A great many things will be happening of
which you are not consciously aware.
11.) When you are ready to come out of trance just count backwards slowly
from ten back to one. While you do this imagine yourself feeling wide awake
and refreshed. Then gently open your eyes.
The technique you have just used is called “Fractional Relaxation”. It may
seem a bit long winded at first but it is an excellent method for beginners to
use. In a short time you will be able to learn the quicker techniques.
Try not to consciously analyse every aspect of your trance as this will alert
your critical factor and take you out of the trance state.
The experience is different for everybody so I won’t try to describe it for you
except to say it will probably feel familiar. You will almost certainly been there
before in that twilight zone just before you go off to sleep or just before you
In time you will get very used to this feeling of “parallel awareness” You
will come to recognise being there but part of you being somewhere else. This
is not to be confused with being in a dream while asleep as you will see later
in the course.
In part two I will show you how to, and how not to,
talk to the subconscious in a way that really gets
startling results. In part two I will give you a cassette
tape to help you go into Self-Hypnosis.
In part two you will learn how to programme your
mind to help you become more positive and creative
in whatever field you desire!
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Two
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
“The true value of Hypnosis is that makes your mind optimally receptive to
your own thoughts”
Dr H. Spiegel, American Psychiatrist
Welcome back! By now you are probably getting used to and enjoying
going into trance state hopefully twice a day. Don’t worry if you can’t find the
time for two sessions each and every day at first but do try and find time for
one session a day. Self-Hypnosis is much like anything else in life the more
you put in the more you get out. Notice I did not say the more effort you put in
the more you get out since that would give you the wrong kind of message.
You will come to realise that “will-power does not really exist when you
are dealing with the mind. Since your subconscious mind will make you do
what it feels you want or need conscious will power does not really come into
If you have ever suffered from insomnia you will recognise the problem
that the more you try to get to sleep the harder it becomes! Lets imagine you
have that important meeting in the morning and you tell yourself that you must
get those vital eight hours otherwise you think you will feel terrible and blow
some big deal. This kind of state of mind will almost certainly ensure you will
fail in your goal of getting a good night sleep. The Tony Hancock episode
called the “sleepless night” illustrates this condition perfectly.
In fact while I think of it you could give yourself the suggestion while in
trance to the effect that because you enjoy your trance state so much you
always ensure you find the time to go into Self Hypnosis because you know it
is so good for you and you love the wonderfully relaxed feeling it brings.
To programme your subconscious mind the very last thing you should
do is use brute force! Let your subconscious mind do what it was intended to
do. It will not disappoint you! Remember:-
What we have to remember when dealing with the subconscious mind
is that it must react to the suggestions it receives as though they are orders!
While the conscious mind is inhibited or subdued by entering trance state it is
possible to reach the subconscious mind un-hindered by the conscious mind’s
critical factor.
In order to get the best results from the subconscious mind we have to
follow certain rules when wording our suggestions. If you can create well
phrases suggestions you will be able to put this great force for good to work
for you without you having to use will power or conscious effort.
I would hope that whatever it is you want to achieve with the help of
hypnosis it is something you really want and not just some kind of passing
whim. The more you want to succeed then obviously the greater the success
you will have. It is no use hypnotising yourself to become a brilliant snooker
player if you don’t really intend to go down to the pool hail several days a
week. Why waste this great force within you and your precious time on
something you don’t really want. If you order your subconscious mind to help
you to earn more money and really mean it then it will move heaven and earth,
work day and night until you have achieved your goal. Remember the
subconscious mind never sleeps. I have some suggestions to help you decide
what it is you really want to achieve but for the time being just read the
following rules on how to talk to your subconscious mind:
In this months release you are going to learn how to condition your
mind to become more positive and receptive to new ideas and thought
patterns. It is a strange coincidence that in order to talk to the subconscious
mind effectively we have to adopt a positive tone of voice and use positive
terminology. This is because the subconscious mind houses our emotional
thoughts and so responds well to emotion.
If you are trying to rid yourself of a headache you would not say “When
I return to full consciousness my headache will be gone” because you are
reminding yourself that you have a headache. Far better to say something like
“My head Feels wonderfully good and relaxed”.
So always phrase your message from the point of view of what it is you
are trying to achieve and not what it is you are trying to avoid. So the first rule
when getting messages across to your subconscious is to BE POSITIVE!
The subconscious mind likes to hear instructions in the present tense best.
So we put our phrases in the present form like “ I am feeling very sleepy”.
You would not say “I will feel sleepy’ because your subconscious
mind wants to hear the idea it is receiving as though it is already
accomplished. The exception to this rule is if you are recovering from an
illness and you want to speed up your rate of progress. For example if you
have broken your arm and it is in plaster you cannot tell your subconscious
mind that the arm is completely healed, it will not believe you. Your critical
factor would be activated and prevent the message from being accepted by
your subconscious mind.
After all it knows your have your arm in plaster and so won’t be fooled.
Instead you have to use a progressive form of the present tense e.g. “Each
day my arm is becoming stronger and stronger”. You would do far better
to ask your doctor how long you would expect your arm to heel under normal
circumstances and halve this time in your suggestions. You will be amazed at
the results!
If you are constructing suggestions for some future event you still have
to use the present tense. lf you wanted to be relaxed giving a speech at a
meeting next Tuesday you would phrase you suggestion as follows “Next
Tuesday when I give my speech to the meeting I am calm, relaxed, and
Feel in total control”.
You want to avoid conflicting images been given to the subconscious.
For example you would not say” Next Tuesday when I give my speech to the
meeting I am far more confident than I was last time”. This is because your
subconscious mind will dig up negative and unpleasant memories of how you
used to be. You obviously want your mind to hold the image of how you want
to be or behave.
How realistic your chosen goal is will determine how quickly you
achieve your chosen goal. If you weigh six stone and are only four feet tall you
might find your subconscious mind has a little trouble believing that you are
going to be the world heavy weight champion in two weeks
How well your suggestion is worded obviously has a big effect on how
successful you are. However if you follow the advice given here you should
not have any problems. If you find your rate of progress a little slow at first try
to re-work the suggestion a little. A little change here or there can work
Once you feel you are making some progress you can alternate your
Hypnosis sessions by introducing another goal. Remember to stick to one
goal per session though. If you are trying to get to sleep more easily it would
be best to go into trance near to your normal bed time. Perhaps use an early
morning slot for some other goal on your list.
Set a time limit. As I said when trying to achieve a fast recovery from
an illness or a broken arm it is a good idea to give your subconscious a time
limit to work to. If you like you are being more specific which as we know is
what the subconscious likes. Give it clear quantifiable instructions.
As I have already said try to be realistic when setting your time limit.
Don’t expect to play Brahms Second Piano Concerto in one months time if
you have only had a couple of lessons and just mastered chop sticks!
However if you programmed your mind to do exactly as your teacher tells you
and imagine you are an accomplished player you will be truly surprised at
your rate of progress. By simply programming your mind to be more alert and
retain more information your ability in many area can drastically improve.
Remember your subconscious mind can process more than two million bits of
information every second and it never forgets anything!
set yourself a realistic time limit for your goal and you will reach it long before
the time limit you have set has expired.
When phrasing your suggestions use clear simple language. You have
to speak to your subconscious as though it is a clever nine or ten year old
child. You are not trying to win some English literature prize or redrafting the
law of contract. Use clear simple words that say exactly what it is you want!
subconscious is were your emotional feelings are kept and so you will have
I am sure you get the picture. The more you say or think these words
or words like them, with real feeling the greater the impact you will have on
your subconscious.
Make sure you repeat the goal often in your suggestion. Rephrase it
many times by using different words and feelings. Use the emotive words
above. Be descriptive and make your affirmation as attractive to you as you
can. Enlarge upon it. Approach it from different angles and in different ways.
The more often you are exposed to the idea you are going to implant
the more firmly entrenched it will become in your mind.
If you want to stop biting your nails it may take a little time before your
subconscious replaces the thought patterns that cause you to bit your nails.
The more often you replace the instructions to bite your nails with new ones
the more likely your subconscious mind will respond e.g.:- “ Because I like
beautifully shaped long and strong nails 1 always take great care of them. My
nails grow tremendously strong and look wonderful. They are fantastic “
Always suggest that you are actually able to do something and not that you
you have the ability to do something. You would not say “I have the ability to
play squash like a professional.” You might phrase it as follows:- ‘I Play
squash like a professional”. Not “I have the ability to sleep all through the
night” but rather ‘I sleep soundly all through the night”. Simply stating the
ability to do something distances the action in some way and weakens the
Rule Seven:- Repeat the goal as often and in many different ways
as possible.
Rule Eight:- Suggest you can/are doing something. Not just the
ability to do it.
1. Second movement “Andante” from Concerto for two Pianos and orchestra
in E flat major K365 by Mozart.
3. The “Romanze Larghetto” from Frederic Chopin’s Concerto for Piano and
orchestra in E minor No 1.
4. The “Adagio assai” from Maurice’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in G
5. The slow movement from Mozart’s Concerto for Piano in A major K488
I have heard it said that “many live on one-third of the food they eat
and Doctors and diet organisations live on the other two-thirds”. Most
slimmers know that dieting nearly always brings about overeating. Weight
goes down initially but soon shoots up again. The idea of living a life of
deprivation and self denial is very difficult to accept for many people.
Obesity can be a very difficult condition to cure as you can see from
the numerous magazines available offering a multitude of diets and theories.
Lets face it dieting is very big business. If it could be solved easily then
nobody would have a problem.
Often the seeds of the problem of overeating can start at a very early
age. As we grow up there are all sorts of messages programmed into the
subconscious in connection with eating. When food is left on the plate you are
told not to waste it. You are told that you must have three square meals a
day. When a child cries because it has hurt itself the parents will often stick a
sweet into its mouth as a comforter. Such messages over time will
programme your mind to eat because you feel unhappy or because you are ill
or for many other reasons but not because you are actually hungry and need
the food as a source of energy and sustenance.
Yeah I know you have heard it all before but with the use of Hypnosis
you can achieve a healthy normal weight and maintain it while eating as much
as you want. The crucial difference is that you educate your subconscious
mind so that you only eat what your body actually needs. In other words when
you are physiologically hungry and not when you are psychologically hungry.
You only want to eat what your body needs to function and remain healthy.
Your first step in achieving this is to choose the ideal weight that suits
you. That is to say the weight that suits your bone structure and height. Look
in a mirror and see yourself in your imagination at your knew ideal weight.
Don’t worry if you find it difficult to imagine yourself in this way. Some people
who have been over weight for a long time can have a little trouble at first
however trust me you can do it. Perhaps get a picture of someone from a
magazine who’s figure you admire and see yourself as that shape. Perhaps
superimpose your face onto the body either in your imagination or use a
photograph of yourself.
The important thing to remember is that your body will take that shape.
What your subconscious mind believes and expects Will Happen!!
Now as you have already been told Hypnosis cannot make you do
what you don’t really want so look at yourself in the mirror and decide whether
what you see is what you like or do you want to really change. What follows is
an affirmation for achieving the superb figure of your choice. This would
normally be read out once you are in a suitable trance state as described in
part one.
If you are using a tape recorder the induction should be given in a slow
soft monotone as said in part one. The suggestion ought to be delivered in a
clear businesslike tone. And when you come to the awakening section read it
out a bit louder and more forcefully. Take care not to make your changes in
timbre from induction to suggestion too abrupt otherwise you will startle
yourself out of trance.
Affirmation for achieving the superb figure of your choice:-
Now do know and do trust that you will immediately awaken totally
alert and in normal consciousness should there be an emergency that needs
your attention.
Now, as you drift deeper into that beautiful feeling of deep relaxation
you know it is your birth right to have a perfectly shaped body and of an ideal
You know your body to be a truly remarkable creation and you have
such a tremendous respect for it You know what your chosen weight and size
is for your own body and you constantly see yourself in your mind’s eye at this
weight and size. Your subconscious mind has a tremendous desire to see you
looking and weighing and maintaining your perfect size and weight.
Now, relax and let go with each breath you take and go deeper -
deeper— deeeper Imagine you are standing alone in a large airy room. The
room is known only to you as it is a secret place where you come to relax in
peace and enjoy being and feeling slim and beautifully attractive——to love
being the real you with your perfect figure.
Now see your room as furnished in wonderful colours. And notice one
wall is covered with a large immaculate mirror Beautiful sunlight is filling the
room and the mirror is radiating this fight and shows the beauty of your room
and also reflects your beauty. You feel wonderful As you take gentle breaths
you smell the fresh clean air fill your lungs and you feel so happy. You know
that you are always your ideal size and weight when you are in this room and
you come here often to relax and feel happy. You feel great admiring your
terrific figure in the mirror. You turn from one side to the other enjoying the
beautiful attractive person that is you. Now you see a comfortable chair or
couch, and go and sit down. It is incredibly comfortable and your body sinks
back into the soft cushions. As you relax even more you feel absolutely
fantastic mentally, physically, and emotionally. You love feeling so healthy
slim, and beautiful You are feeling so good and wonder why you haven’t done
this before.
You know you deserve to feel so good and have the best in life. You
always do good things for yourself You love yourself and respect your body
You are loving your new positive attitude to life. You know that your great
respect and love of your body is because of your new eating habits.
You enjoy sitting down when eating, and at your regular mealtimes you
love to sit down and have much greater pleasure eating than at any previous
time. You like to really savour the taste of the food. You like to take time to
taste each mouthful to give your taste buds time to enjoy each bite fully. For
this reason you put your knife and fork or spoon down between each mouthful
to give yourself enough time to really taste the food. When eating with your
fingers you put the item of food down on the plate or onto a napkin until you
have finished each mouthful.
You only think of what you are eating at that time, you only concentrate
on one bite at a time. You enjoy to feel the texture of and nature of the food.
You REALLY feel it in your mouth. You find it is the taste of the food that is
more important than the food itself or the quantity you are eating. As you
savour each mouthful it tastes so-oo good
Finally when you have enjoyed your mouthful to the full you eventually
swallow it is only then that you think about taking another bite. Of course you
are not in a hurry so you can take your time. When you decide to take another
bite you savour it even more than your first bite. You enjoy it even more than
the first and it is only when you have enjoyed your second bite do you go on
to your third. And in this way you repeat the process after each tasty bite
enjoying each one the utmost.
The sensory centres in your mouth are very grateful you have taken
time to really taste each bite fully. And your stomach is grateful you have
allowed it to deal with the food slowly and in its own time. It hates that awful
feeling of being stuffed like at Christmas time. Your body thanks and loves
you because it knows you are letting it become healthy, beautiful energetic
and happy.
You always leave some food on your plate. This is because you only
eat what your body needs to function. And as you leave some food on your
plate you know you do so because you don’t want it. The food is no longer
required and so can be thrown away into the dustbin. It will not harm the
dustbin but will harm your body if you eat something it does not need. After all
you are not a dustbin. You care for your body and eat good healthy food
which is full of nutrients and rich in vitamins. You enjoy fresh salads and low
fat foods. You always drink plenty of fresh water during your meal time. Your
take several sips between each bit of food. You feel wonderfully alive and
healthy with these new eating habits.
Whenever you think of eating food when your body does not
need it you know you can simply and easily deal with this. You simply relax
yourself, take a dee-eep breath, hold it, and slowly count to ten. Then you
close your eyes - exhale - and think the words relax - re-e-lax. With these
words your body relaxes all over and you drift effortlessly into dee-eep re-e-
axation. Every muscle, every ligament every nerve in your body is going limp
and lazy.
Now you can go into your secret room if only for a few seconds and
see your beautiful, stunningly attractive figure in your mirror. Now open your
eyes and think whether you want to eat now or would you prefer to wait until
your meal time when you know you will enjoy the taste much better You know
you will enjoy it all the more later because you will have saved up your
Your subconscious mind knows very well the difference between real
hunger when your body needs food for energy and the stupid desire to eat for
some other idiotic reason. Boredom is not hunger nor is worry, neither is
disappointment or frustration. These things are nothing to do with eating or
feeling hungry.
Your subconscious mind is far to clever to allow you to eat for any of
these false reasons. Only fools and idiots do this and you know you are not an
idiot You can tell when something displeases you or stresses you and you feel
a fool’s appetite coming. You know you can close your eyes and take a long
dee-ep breath, hold it for ten seconds, and just think the words re-eelax. You
go into your secret room even if only for an instant and you feel absolutely
wonderful You are a beautiful, stunningly attractive, perfectly shaped, human
being. You are marvellous.
You know the only time you feel hungry is when your body tells you it
need nourishment This is good and natural Eating for any other reason is
simply harming your body and because you understand this you only eat
when your body needs the food in order to function properly. Just like a car
that needs petrol to go. You only eat when you are physiologically hungry.
Now go back to your secret room and take another long look at your
beautiful figure. This is the real you. You love this real you. And you see and
feel yourself becoming this person this shape more and more each and every
day. You feel very happy because you know That people can see how good
you look. You give out such positive vibes to people around you because you
feel so wonderfully good. You feel tremendous because you have complete
control of your mind and body You are the boss.
Now relax, relax and go deeper so that these truly beneficial ideas can
filter deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind for ever to guide you to
your true self. Reelax----.
(Leave a few minutes blank on the tape or have some peaceful music playing in the
background while your mind can attune itself to these ideas and then go on to the wake
up section that now follows. Remember to use a gradually more positive and alert tone
of voice when using the wake up routine.)
Before we go any further I want to discuss some aspects of “Curative
Hypnotherapy” and go through some case studies to illustrate its
You might think who cares just treat the symptoms and get on with it.
There are some so called therapists who take this attitude, probably
through ignorance, and they seldom do their clients any good at all in fact
they can do them harm. Please don’t miss understand me. This does NOT
mean that hypnotherapy causes them harm.
As I have already said when the conscious mind holds one view and
the subconscious another the subconscious always wins. It is for this reason
the alcoholic may consciously wish to stop drinking because he knows his
family are turning away from him in disgust, he will soon lose his job, and he
is rapidly heading for cirrhosis of the liver, but he just cannot seem to stop
himself from heading for self destruction. Hypnosis can treat symptoms very
effectively indeed but unless the cause of the symptoms are removed or
neutralised the problem will almost certainly come back or some other far
worse symptom may replace it instead.
I could tell you about many cases which have been successfully
treated with hypnosis. The following examples may give you some idea as to
the power of the subconscious mind and how, if it is not checked, it can cause
great anguish, unhappiness, and harm to many individuals.
One example of this was the case of a lady who had been married for
nearly ten years but had not been able to have a baby. Apparently her
fallopian tubes were always blocked and so her eggs could never travel into
the womb to be fertilised. Finally she had surgery whereupon she was only
left with one tube remaining. This tube seemed to inexplicably block up.
The reason Regression is so important to a Hypnotist is that often it is
an old memory of an event that has been misinterpreted by the subconscious
that is the cause of a problem. The conscious mind will have forgotten all
about it years ago but the subconscious mind still holds it close by.
In one case a girl of twenty eight called Mary had become very
overweight, as it turned out, owing to an incident that had occurred when she
was only seven years old. One meal time her younger sister pushed her plate
full of food on to the floor however nobody realised that this action was due to
her having a fit and she was to die from a brain tumour six months later.
Obviously had she been aware of the real reason for her sister’s
actions and that it was her illness which made her involuntarily push her plate
onto the floor she would not have developed this unnatural desire to eat.
Under Hypnosis it was possible for her to review events with an adult attitude
and understand that she did not have to eat every scrap of food available.
Clare had turned to Hypnosis because she was very concerned why
her weight had so dramatically increased soon after she had had her baby
son. Her weight had gone from an attractive 1251b to 2571b and despite
going (9 the doctor nothing that was tried seemed to help.
Apparently tests showed that there was a hormone imbalance but the
treatment she was given was not successful in reducing her weight. Her
marriage was suffering because her husband did not like to see his wife
putting on so much weight and so their sex life was suffering accordingly.
Eventually her doctor had suggested she try Hypnosis in case there
was some deeper reason for her condition. After a few sessions it transpired
that the cause of her overeating was connected to her having a baby.
Clare’s mother had died soon after she had given birth to her son and
for some reason this had triggered her desire to overeat. After a some more
sessions it became clear Clare had associated having a baby with the cause
of her mother’s death. On digging deeper there was a connection with
someone mentioning the old saying “as one comes into the world another
goes out”.
Finally after more digging the reason for Clare’s problem became
clearer. When Clare knew she was pregnant she broke the news to her
mother who responded with “What you’re pregnant. Oh Clare you will be the
death of me!” Shortly after the baby was born Clare’s mother died of a stroke.
The shock of her mothers death led her logical subconscious mind to
assume that the act of Clare having a baby had led directly to her mother’s
death. The subconscious mind knew that in to have a baby you have to have
sex. It also thought that if Clare were to have another baby someone else may
die, possibly her father this time!
It went on to reason that if Clare was to have sex with her husband
there was a chance that she might get pregnant again. Her subconscious
mind knew that contraception was not 100% effective, especially when there
was a life at stake, so it logically had to ensure that Clare did not have sex
with her husband. Since her husband did not like fat overweight women it
seemed logical that if Glare became fat and unattractive they would be much
less likely to have sex.Q.E.D.
Now this was quiet a complex problem and it took many sessions to get
to the bottom of it. If she were simply Hypnotised and given basic instructions
to eat less she would probably have lost weight however because the
underlying problem would not have been dealt with. Her subconscious mind
would have fought back and ensured that she would put the weight back on
again or alternatively found some other, more drastic way to prevent her from
having sex.
Some Hypnotherapists don’t bother to find out the real reason behind a
problem and so cause more problems for their clients. They simply swap one
set of symptoms with worse ones. If you think there might be a deeper reason
for some difficulty your having you should consult a Curative Hypnothe
Ask them how they would go about treating you and whether they
would use regression to get to the root of your problem.
I am not trying to scare you I just want you to know what options are
open to you. I don’t want you to try Hypnotherapy and dismiss it out of hand
without giving it proper chance.
You might like to know that Clare steadily lost weight without having to
diet she was able to eat what she wanted. She eventually returned to her
normal weight shedding around 1301b.
I will assume for the sake of argument that you do not have any
pressing or urgent health problems that you need to be resolved. I would like
you to write down on a piece of paper your answers to the following
questions. If you don’t think you have enough time to do it properly leave it
until later when you do have the time. It only takes a few minutes but does
require careful thought and consideration.
1. What five things do you value most in your life? What five things would
2. In no more than thirty (30) seconds write down the three most important
goals in your life right now?
3. What would you do if you won £1,000,000 tomorrow? What things would
you buy? What debts would you pay off? What places would you travel to?
4. What would you do if you had no mental or physical limitations placed on
you. By this I don’t mean would you fly like a bird or would you like to turn into
a horse and win the Grand National! What I mean is what do you dream of
doing or aspire to do but thus far have been afraid to try?
5. What would you do if you were told you only had six months to live? That
is to say if you had six months to live in perfect health what you do, what
would you change, how would you spend your time?
6. What have you always wanted to do but never had the opportunity, money,
or courage to try? What have you held back from trying?
7. What things or actions on your part give you the greatest feeling of self
worth, recognition, or importance.
8. Imagine you have just found an old bottle on the beach and you uncork it
and a Genie rushed out granting you just one wish? What one thing would
you ask for if anything could be granted. (Don’t write down you would wish to
be twelve again or swept back to the time of Henry the eight. Don’t limit
yourself but use a little common-sense too.) What one thing would you do
what one ambition would you realise if you knew you could not fail?
When you have written you answers down I want you to put the paper
in a safe place because we will come back to it later. lf you change your mind
to any of the questions just write them down on another piece of paper. Don’t
change the original answers just yet!
What we are trying to do here is find out what makes you tick. What
motivates you. What things do you want out of life. What are your real drives
and ambition. Unless we find out what it is you are truly and genuinely after it
is harder, not impossible but harder, to programme your subconscious to go
out and get them.
The clearer the idea or image you have of what it is you want from life
the closer you are to achieving your goal. It sounds simple but it is perfectly
true. The journey of a thousand miles begins with but one step. The crucial
point is that we keep going forwards and not to the side or, God forbid,
backwards. With a clear plan or good map we know we will get there and
probably a lot sooner than you ever dreamed possible!
In Part Four I will tell you how you can turn the
power of your subconscious to thrust you in the
direction of achieving your life’s dreams and
It’s a fascinating business. In the meantime listen
to the tape provided with this months release and
practise going into trance as often as you can.
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!!
Part Three
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
“Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes them so”
Don’t worry about how it works just accept that it does, I know because
I have used it as have thousands of others. As someone once said “some
people spend their time studying the roots while others pick the fruit, which
end do we want to be on?
If you can suspend your scepticism for a shod while and give yourself a
fair chance you won’t be sorry I promise. After all you owe it to yourself.
There are a great many books written on self improvement and goal
setting. Some are very good many are appalling and have been cobbled
together by quick “buck” merchants who only have the vaguest notion of what
they are talking about, let alone tried the techniques they attempt to describe.
great many of the techniques described in books on self improvement are
firmly based on and use Hypnotism.
I can only assume authors think that were they to use the word
Hypnotism it would frighten people off, perhaps for the reasons I gave you in
part one.
Of course just using Hypnotism on its own will achieve great results but
when you combine it with some other brilliant techniques the results are quiet
As you know throughout this course you have been learning about the
characteristics of your subconscious mind. Well you will not be surprised to
learn that it the vital link in all of us which determines whether we fail in
achieving our life’s dreams or whether we succeed.
Now this point is so vitally important that I want you to really take
note! The subconscious mind is the vital link which determines whether
we fail in achieving our life’s dreams or whether we succeed.
When we understand this basic truth we can start to plan for the future
with confidence. You have already read some case histories in part two which
clearly illustrate the kind of harm the subconscious can inflict if it is allowed to
go unchecked. The subconscious can in the same way either help or hinder us
in our desires to improve our lot in life.
We have to convince the subconscious mind that
we are worth and deserve to have everything we want
out of life. Remember what your subconscious mind
believes and expects will happen.
This may sound simple but it is nevertheless perfectly true. The esteem
with which our subconscious considers us can be described as our “Self
Image”. We all have a self image which is in some degree is either “Positive”
or “Negative”. It should always be your aim to build up our self image as much
as possible so that you have a strong “Positive Self Image”.
This is a vital ingredient for any individual if they are going to enjoy a
happy and enjoyable life. How much you like yourself is the single most
important statement about you as a human being! How much you like yourself
determines how well you perform in every area of your life. How much you like
yourself is the very core of your personality. Many studies have been carried
out on this subject over many many years. It has been found that there is a
direct relationship between how much a person likes himself and how
successful that person is in forming relationships with others. The more you
like yourself the better you perform in your career and in every area in your
Particularly difficult “bad strokes” can and often do occur when a child
feels it is unloved by its parents. Perhaps they don’t spend enough time with
the child because they have busy lives demanding careers or whatever. Many
delinquent children suffer because deep down they feel unwanted by their
parents. Sometimes parents will actually say to their children that they are
nothing but trouble, they wish they never had them, or “if I didn’t have you I
could have made something of my life” etc.
It is not possible to give a newly born baby too much love and attention.
It is thought that the first year is crucial. In several experiments that took place
at the beginning of this century, and some in the early forties, a number of
newly born baby orphans were divided into two groups. The first group were
looked after, talked to, cooed over, and cuddled. The second group were just
fed and had their nappies changed. They were deprived of any real normal
human contact other than their basic needs. They were given no emotional
support at all. Unfortunately this experiment was not stopped in time with
disastrous results.
After a short time the first group seemed to thrive however it became
very clear that the second group began to suffer and appeared to wither away.
Incredibly over ninety percent of the babies in the second group actually
shrivelled up and died within the first ninety days of birth! Horrific but true.
Most babies will neither receive constant loving attention nor habitual
neglect or abuse. Of course there will be exceptions but in the main they will
receive a number of negative strokes and a number of positive strokes. It is
hoped that you have received more positive strokes negative ones.
Now at this point I want you to realise that a person’s level of PSI does
not necessarily have a direct relationship to their physical or mental
capabilities. It is perfectly possible, indeed it is fairly common, to find people
with very low PSI’s or strong NSI’s who appear to be incredibly talented or
skilled at their work or at a particular hobby.
This statement may seem contradictory but it nonetheless perfectly
true. I have had a friend who is a good example of someone who is extremely
capable, very talented, and highly intelligent, but who has an extremely poor
PSI. I will call her Karen although it is not her real name. I remember her
taking four A levels and she passed them with straight A grades. I swear she
only revised for the exams the night before. She never seemed to work hard
on her homework because she did it all at school. In fact she said she had to
because she needed her time at home to practise the piano. Music was her
first love although the school wanted her to try for Oxford and study English.
Eventually it was time for her to audition for a place at one of the
prestigious music colleges in the country. She auditioned for the Royal
Northern College of Music, the Royal College of Music, the Royal Academy of
Music, plus a few other places that I will not bother to mention.
Of course she was awarded places at all of the music colleges she
tried for. She could take her pick and she did.
Now here is a person who had great academic ability and considerable
talent in the arts. Incidentally I forgot to mention that she was a stunningly
beautiful girl as well.
Now you would think that a person like this would have the world at her
feet. She had the ability to develop considerable skill in virtually any subject
she decided to look at. In fact it was an in joke that give Karen a book on brain
surgery in the morning and she would be in the operating theatre by the
afternoon. Coupled with all these sickening talents she was also a great
You might be surprised to learn that Karen was riddled with self doubt
and insecurity. Her PSI was almost zero. She was desperately unsure of
herself and was riddled with doubts about her own worthiness. To find the
cause of lack of self worth you have to look closely at the family background.
Karen’s parents were about the most ill matched couple you could
imagine. Her father was a good twenty five years older than her mother. The
mother married when she was only nineteen (in fact there is some doubt as to
whether they ever did actually get married). The father was born in the 1920’s
in Sicily. He had been married before but the marriage had failed. He was a
simple person who never had any real formal education. Nobody did in those
days since Sicily was a very poor island. He was born into a large family and
his life was tough but he had a happy childhood all the same. His family were
very close and there was a lot of love going around. He was basically a nice
ordinary bloke with a warm friendly character.
The mother was a very different kind of person altogether. The story
goes that she was an only child and was never really wanted in the first place.
She was not shown any real love at home and was always made to feel
worthless and a nuisance. Although bright at school she was not allowed to go
on and take any worthwhile qualifications. As soon as she was old enough she
was sent out to get a job.
She got a job at a psychiatric ward in a hospital where she met her
future husband. It was probably her first real encounter with the opposite sex.
She was emotionally a very needy person.
She was young and inexperienced and he appeared worldly wise and
charming. Anyway they soon got together and before long she left her parents
home to live with him. With hind sight one could say she took the first
opportunity she got to get away from her parents. She craved a little love and
affection and so when it was offered she grabbed it with both hands.
When she was only just nineteen she gave birth to Karen. Karen’s
mother soon felt very frustrated. As I have already said she was bright and
could have made something of her life but she now had a young daughter to
bring up. Her relationship with her husband became strained with numerous
rows which often resulted in him walking out for a few days until things had
simmered down. Karen’s mother knew she had a small child to bring up and
didn’t like the idea of doing it on her own so she put up with the relationship as
it was. At least this was how she saw it. She had begun what was soon to
become her life long role in life that of playing the Martyr
The mother had a very low PSI and ensured that her daughter would
She wanted her child to have the opportunities she never had but at the
same time she bitterly resented her daughter. She was jealous of her. Karen’s
father doted on the girl and this reminded Karen’s mother of what she had
craved for in her own childhood but never had. Sadly the mother became
more and more resentful and bitter. She started beating Karen and ruled her
life with a rod of iron. Karen would say later that she always felt she was
expected to bow down every day and pay homage or penance to her mother
in return for all the sacrifices she said she had made on Karen’s behalf. She
was made to feel ungrateful and selfish. She was rarely allowed to mix with
others of her own age let alone have any boy friends. Karen would often be hit
with little or no warning. Karen said she got to the stage that she would
instinctively flinch when her mother moved her arm suddenly because she
expected another swipe.
This kind of treatment obviously took its toll and naturally left Karen
with many emotional scars. Little wonder then that she doubted her self worth
as a human being. It explained why despite her undoubted talents her “Self
Image” was so low. Karen is a very capable and intelligent woman but sadly
she has always found it hard to make a lasting Success at anything. She
would put great effort into her career and just as things seemed to be coming
together she would lose interest or sabotage it in some way. The same was
true of her marriage. She seemed to have everything in life, a good home, two
beautiful children, a loving and supportive husband, regular work, and
The last I heard of her was that her marriage had failed and that she
was teaching music in a run down roughneck school trying to bring up two
young children under the age of five single-handed.
You might consciously desire to have a big house, flashy car, loads of
money in the bank, unless your subconscious mind thinks you are worth it
then forget it. You should now be aware of the fact that if your subconscious
mind does not want you to succeed at something then you won’t. Just when
you are closing some big deal something totally unexpected will happen to
muck things up. “I don’t know I seem to be so unlucky everything seems to go
wrong for me”. If this sounds familiar don’t worry it is fairly common and is
almost entirely due to the subconscious mind sabotaging your conscious
It’s a bit like an airliner having a bomb on board which will be triggered
to go off should the plane clime too high. The bomb is happy provided the
plane stays at 25,000 feet but the moment it reaches 30,000 then Boooom!!
Most people experience the same amount of good and bad luck in their
lives. Luck is really unimportant. Of course some people win millions on the
lottery but the percentage is so small as to be irrelevant. In fact some people
who suddenly win relatively vast sums on the lottery end up very confused and
depressed even guilty. (Perhaps they don’t think they are worth this success?)
How To Build a Strong PSI:-
I hope you realise that it vitally important that everyone should aim to
have the highest PSI possible. If you are a parent it should be one of your
goals in life to ensure your children get plenty of encouragement, Love, and
praise ,especially in their early years. As you know the level and depth of our
respect and love for ourselves is related to what happens to us in our
formative years. It can take a little time to rebuild a PSI particularly if you have
a tarnished and tattered one to begin with. However the rewards are well
worth the effort.
Please don’t miss understand me. Liking, or loving, yourself does not
mean you have to become vain, arrogant, or obnoxious. As I said earlier the
more you like or love yourself the better you will be able to relate to and love
others. People who genuinely like and accept themselves only manifest this in
positive ways in their relationships with other people. People who are
unpleasant, act superior, selfish, and arrogant; these people have behavioural
problems and are, in the main, extremes, and in some extreme cases need
professional help.
If you already have a strong “Personal Self Image” great then the
exercises that follow will simple maintain and build on it. But even the most
secure and confident person needs a bit of extra help. I do not want you to
analyse these exercises just take them on trust and follow the instructions.
Remember your subconscious mind does not respond to logic or
rational argument. Don’t be tempted to take short cuts and miss out the odd
bits. This will retard your progress. Remember your subconscious has taken
many years to build its view of you and the world around you so do not expect
to change things over night. These exercises have been tried and tested and
they work and work very well.
know this is much easier said than done. 1 know of some people who
have not spoken to a parent for years on account of something that was said
or done years before. Both refuse to be the first one to break the ice. If you
can it is good to get this kind of thing off your chest. If you are not bothered
whether you speak to someone or not that does not matter. What I am
referring to is the kind of nagging resentment that clouds you day from time to
time and distracts you from your much more important task/goal of getting the
most happiness and satisfaction from your life.
It takes a big person to admit they were wrong or to make the first
move. If you can you should try to bury the hatchet, preferably not the other
person’s back. If the person you have a grudge against is still alive give them
a ring and say you forgive them. You will not believe the relief this can bring.
Often the other person is incredibly relieved as well. If you cannot ring
write to them. If they are dead simply talk to them as though you think they
can still hear you. I know it sounds daft but can work wonders. There is no
room in your life now for any kind of negative thoughts. They are a nuisance
and get in the way. You don’t want them and you don’t need them so throw
them away. Put them behind you for ever. Turn the page. What is past is past!
Incidentally you don’t have to like the person you are forgiving. This is
not necessary. You talk to them in your imagination. The important thing is to
mean it and say it with feeling.
I have met people who have spent thirty or more years of their lives
feeling bitter and resentful towards someone or something that affected them
in their life. It might have been a bitter divorce or a failed business deal, or an
opportunity that was never taken at the time. The “what if syndrome” or “if only
I had done such and such”. Most of us have been prone to this kind of
negative harking back to the past from time to time. This kind of thinking is
rather like walking down the high street with your head looking permanently
backwards over your shoulder. Not only do you get a crick in the neck but you
will walk into people and trip over things or even walk in front of a lorry!
Now this situation had a profound effect on me. lt was obvious that
those opposed to the visit were very angry old men and who could blame
them. Some of their stories made me feel sick and angry towards the
Japanese however I could only be feeling a tiny fraction of the anger they
must have felt. You could see the strength of feeling in their whole being. You
could tell that the last forty years of their life must have been blighted by their
simmering thoughts of hate and resentment..
When the others put their counter view I was humbled by the way in
which one ex-veteran in particular spoke about his experiences during
captivity. There was an astounding difference in his demeanour and those in
the first group. He was a wonderful man and appeared very serene. He didn’t
defend what the Japanese had done but accepted it was war. He seemed to
know in his heart that it was pointless harbouring dark resentful, even
vengeful, thoughts towards the Japanese. It was plain that he was more at
peace with himself and the world around him, than the others had been. If you
like, he had come to terms with his experiences and was obviously more
healthy in mind and spirit.
I only mention this because if someone can endure what these people
went through and manage to forgive their oppressors surely we can forgive
those people who have caused us pain and suffering. I am not using this
example as some sort of yard stick of suffering. Suffering is relative to the
individual. Some people reading this might feel they have suffered even more
than these prisoners. We are all different. What I am saying is that if you can
forgive and put your negative past behind you, you will get much more from
your remaining time on this world in terms of quality. The last thing I want to
do is turn this into an evangelistic crusade but the Lords prayer does say
“forgive us our trespasses and those who trespass against us”.
Guilt can be one of the more destructive emotions that can burden our
lives. Just as you must forgive “those who have trespassed against you” you
must also learn to forgive yourself If you feel guilty about something you have
done in the past say out loud that you are sorry. Admit that you acted badly. If
necessary ring the person effected or write to them and tell them you are
sorry. If this is not possible just say out loud, as I have said, that you are truly
sorry for you past actions and regret the harm, heart ache, upset they caused.
Don’t waste time going over past regrets, cherishing your past
mistakes, shedding tears over opportunities lost! Eleanor Roosevelt was
asked how she had so much energy for so many different projects, she
replied “be cause I never waste time looking back”.
If we are going to change and build our PSI we must first remember
how the subconscious mind functions. First of all it does not really like cold
logical arguments. The subconscious mind responds best to EMOTION and
FEELINGS. It also likes IMAGES. So the more we can appeal to these three
things the greater our success.
unhappy marriage, or relationship, must be the worst case scenario.
Hopefully for most of you this will not present too many problems and
you will be able to skip this section and move on. If you are happy and content
in these areas then great you can skip this bit and go on to step two.
Two people who were once close and know everything about each
other can do a lot of harm to each other emotionally. They know the weak and
vulnerable areas to probe and twist the knife in. If you are in such a
relationship you must be very clear in your mind what it is you want. Your
options are as follows:-
2). You can decide to salvage it by taking positive active steps and
discuss your problems and differences, on your own or with a
councillor. (Some of the techniques taught in this course will help here).
If you take options one this can be very painful initially but virtually
everyone who takes it is nearly always glad that he did!
Option two may seem attractive but can be hard work. It can be very
hard work to salvage a damaged relationship but sometimes the effort is
worth it. Some marriages/relationships are much stronger as a result.
STEP TWO. “Give yourself a hug every morning”.
What’s this? Give yourself a hug? This is getting strange! Well it makes
more sense than you might think. Do you remember I told you that you would
come across things that sounded strange or bizarre? 1 can assure you that I
am deadly serious about everything in this course. It is based on many years
of serious research and study. How do you feel when a close friend or loving
relative gives you a hug? Do you feel bad? No of course you don’t.
To illustrate the point imagine how you would feel if someone you
knew came up to you if the street and waved and said it was good to see you.
lf this person failed to smile or show any positive body language your
subconscious would dismiss the gesture and your PSI would remain
unchanged or even harmed in some way. Your subconscious would search
for the emotional content and the feelings behind the gesture and find none.
The problem is that it is hard to get people to walk up to you and give
you hugs all the time. In fact the more you ask people the less inclined they
will be to oblige. It is strange but it seems that the people who need the
affection from others seem to get it least and those who appear happy,
confident, and positive seem to get love and attention all the time. Why is
1.) “I like myself”. (you can repeat this as often as you
You probably get the picture. You can add to this list or even use all
the ideas given. It is also a good ideas to vary the script a little. The most
important point to remember is to feel as positive and warm towards yourself
as possible. In fact I would urge you to use the first example each and every
day. You can say it or think it as many times as you like. This phrase “I like
myself is short and direct and to the point. I guarantee if you say it to yourself
twelve times with feeling while looking at yourself in a mirror you will find it
impossible not to smile at yourself! Try it and see if I am wrong, but remember
to use feeling. Remember your subconscious responds best to emotion.
if you carry out this exercise a few times a day for a month you will
start to notice the difference. You will feel your self esteem begin to swell
inside you. You will feel more confident and positive. Many people have been
taught this technique and have received tremendous benefits. They say that
they were surprised that something so simple could be so effective!
Don’t expect to convince your subconscious that “you like yourself” if the night
before you drank a whole bottle of whisky, you have a splitting head ache,
and your mouth feels like the inside of a bird cage. You may find that there
could be a wee bit of resistance. Remember the subconscious cannot hold
two opposing views at once.
Don’t look into mirror and say “God I look old” or “I look fat, or ugly”.
This is the very bad habit to get into. Don’t do it!
Patting yourself on the back and rewarding yourself is a perfectly
natural and good thing to do. We all know we should encourage children by
giving them praise and encouragement so why not do the same for ourselves.
I am not talking about being selfish and going on some kind of credit card
binge this would create far more problems than it would solve. However you
should get into the habit of rewarding yourself from time to time without feeling
guilty. If you feel uncomfortable with this suggestion don’t worry it is simply
because your PSI needs a little work.
There are a number of immutable laws governing the mind the most
important of which is that “ we become what we most think about”. If you
constantly dwell on negative or depressing thoughts then don’t be surprised if
you get or feel depressed. The more positive you can be on a day to day basis
the better. If you think you tend to be the kind of person who dwells on the
negative side of things then make it your aim to re-educate your mind.
It is known that conscious mind can only hold one idea or thought at
any one time so if we can develop the habit of having positive and constructive
thoughts in our mind then it is hard for any negative or destructive ones to get
The subconscious and conscious minds are a team. They work best
when they work in harmony. Problems only really occur when they are in
conflict with each other.
I have written a script that you can use in the way described in part two.
You can make your own hypnotic tape or use the one I have enclosed with
this months release. Ideally you should use it once every two days for a month
during your waking hours and every other night when going to bed. Playing
the tape a bed time is OK. It does not matter if you fall asleep since your
subconscious mind will still get the message. It never sleeps.
The tape will make it much easier to re-educate your mind and help
you become a much more positive person. This coupled with other techniques
mentioned here will ensure you will develop the best state of mind possible to
achieve all your aims and goals in life with absolute confidence.
You feel cold and your feet feel wet and when you get on the train you
find there are no seats so you have to stand all the way. After a few moments
you remember the post you picked up and so you decide to open it. Apart
from the usual bills there is an envelope you don’t recognise so you open this
first. To your total amazement it’s from the Premium Bond Office stating that
you have won £50,000.
Now just imagine what your state of mind would be like at this time. In
an instant your feelings of doom and gloom would disappear. Your worries
about the coming days chores at work would vanish and you know you have
the ability and confidence to deal with anything the day could throw at you.
Your people at the office would see you breeze in smiling and happy throwing
yourself into your work with gusto. Somehow those difficult calls you had to
make didn’t seem so difficult after all and eventually the day is over and you
return home.
You run yourself a hot bath and pour yourself a drink and relax with a
big contented smile on your face. You are washed and dressed and feel great
when suddenly then the phone rings and its your old mate Fred. Fred is
giggling at the other end and unable to contain himself he explains he sent the
letter from the Bond office and it was all a joke. Then you realise that today’s
date is April 1 st.
Now after you have torn a strip off him and called him every name
under the sun you stop to think and recall how you felt at that precise moment
you got that letter. The letter was a fake but how did you feel and how
did you react to your day at work. Were your feelings false or where they true
You see feelings are always true. You can have good feelings or you
can have bad ones. What would you rather have? The point is that you now
understand more about how the mind functions and how Hypnosis can help
you. You have more control and choice in your life today than at any time in
your past.
I want to move onto another important area that needs work if you are
to achieve everything you want from life. However before I do let me just give
you an example of the effect NSI or inadequate self-image. In America a real
estate company were expanding their business and needed to recruit top
flight salesmen. They put ads in numerous papers stating the truth that people
willing to come to work for them could make $50,000 a year. To their surprise
the response was very disappointing so astute advertising man suggested
they change one small bit in the advert. Can you guess what it was?
The bit they changed was the figure. Instead of $50,000 they changed
it to $20,000. They then ran the advert once more. The response brought in
ten times the number of replies. Because of the huge response they were
able to pick the very cream of the crop.
Now you understand the effects of NSl and PSI you can see why the
first advert failed. Most people do not think themselves worth $50,000, they
put a limit on their true worth or value. Fortunately the real estate firm had a
training programme to promote strong PSI and many of the salesmen who
were taken on for the job went on to earn far more than $50,000.
Incidentally the criteria the company used in making their selection was
not age, education, or experience. They chose those people who were willing
to learn and to change!
In this last section 1 want to touch on the subject of the “I can factor”.
This is more usually known as the “I can’t factor”. This is not the same as PSI
or NSI although there are similarities and connections. PSI is to do with how
we feel deep down about ourselves. How much we love and respect
ourselves. PSI as you know is essential for a happy and fulfilled life.
The “I can factor or lOF is more to do with your feelings as to how able
you are to do things. ICF is generally something that is more tangible. Some
people are very confident in their abilities. Karen who I mentioned earlier was
a very able person. This was obvious from what she achieved in things in her
life. She achieved good A level grades, she was a fine and talented musician,
she has now become an excellent and highly respected teacher. All these
things are tangible. Karen’s problems were entirely to do with her deep routed
emotions, the intangible things. Karen had a very good ICF otherwise she
would never have achieved what she did.
To find out what your current level of ICF is like I would like you to
answer the following questions as truthfully as you can. Tick the answer that
you feel most comfortable with.
1. Do you think you have the ability to pass all the exams necessary to
fly a plane?
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
2. Do you think you are capable to speak five different languages
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
5. Do you think you could ever study hard enough to become eminent
brain surgeon?
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
6. Do you think you have the ability to generate enough earnings to retire
in ten years time without ever having to worry about money again?
Answer; no never, I don’t think so, maybe, I think I could, yes of course I
could If I really wanted to.
I f your total scored between six and ten points then you have a very
low ICF and we will have to help you improve on this.
If your score was between twelve and seventeen then you ICF is low
and below average.
If you scored eighteen to twenty three points then your ICF is average.
If you scored twenty four to twenty nine points then you have an IOF
which ranges between good to very good. Well done.
If you scored thirty points then great your level of ICF is excellent.
The fact is regardless of your score everyone of you could have got
and should have got thirty points. I know that if you had only one arm
becoming a concert pianist could be a bit of a problem. Although Maurice
Ravel composed one of his finest pieces of music for a pianist friend
who had lost his right hand in the first world war. The work was of course his
famous piano concerto for the left hand. Some may think that flying a plane
could be difficult if you had no legs but that didn’t stop Douglas Bader the world
war two fighter ace.
I want you to realise that we could do all of those things and more if we
decided we wanted to.
A lot of people mope around feeling pretty useless at most things when
in actual fact everyone has the capability to do practically anything they want.
The only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves!
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Four
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
“If you don’t like where you are, change it! You’re not a tree.”
Jim Rohn.
Secondly, and most importantly of all, believe that you are worth it.
Knowing exactly what you want out of life is the most important step. If
you don’t know what you want how can you go and get it?
The second step, believing you are worth it, is equally important as I
explained last month. A strong PSI is essential if you are going to succeed in
anything and have a happy fulfilling life.
Belief in your ability is the next step because if you know what it is you
want and you believe you deserve it you must be able to achieve it.
The fourth step is really the least important of all. If you think about it
stands to reason. If you know what you want, believe you deserve it, believe
you can get it, what is left to stop you? It is just a straight forward matter of
going out and getting it.
I know some of you will think this is a bit simplistic. Oh yeah it’s all right
Last month I told you how to achieve step two. In this month’s release I
want to help you achieve the other stages.
Step three is concerned with your I Can Factor in other words believing
you have the ability to achieve what it is you want. ICF is based on rational
objective thought. What concerns us here is building inside of you a belief that
you are ABLE to get what you want. This is deferent from last month when we
were trying to convince you that you were WORTH having everything you
want from life.
A lot of people have a very low expectation of what they can do. This is
great shame when in reality virtually all of us are capable of so much. We are
alt human beings endowed with amazing properties. As I have already said in
part one our brain is the most sophisticated biological computer known and is
capable of the most staggering feats. When you consider that we only really
use less than 2% of its potential how can anyone doubt their true capabilities.
Our parents are our first role model and we tend to look up to them and
want to be like them. After all it is by copying them that we gain praise and
affection. If we try to stray from their path conflict soon follows. It is usually not
until our teens that we start to question what we have been told about life the
universe and everything.
If you compare this scenario with a child brought up in a poor
household whose parents hardly ever worked and who didn’t achieve much at
school. It does not take a genius to work out that this child is going to be less
likely to go to college. This is going to be particularly true if any success on
their part at school goes unrecognised or unsupported.
I am not saying here that the child is deprived of love and affection
indeed the child might develop a good sense of self worth or PSI. All I am
saying is that child is more likely to doubt his or her ability in the academic
field even if both children in the above examples had exactly the same IQ.
People with low lOF and NSI tend to blame external factors to explain
why they have not achieved much in life. If you found yourself agreeing with
the remarks I made earlier i.e.:“It’s all right for him he had stinking rich
parents” or” You can’t expect to get on in life with my kind of background, I
never had the breaks others had” or “It’s so unfair some people get all the
luck, why can’t I be lucky just once”.
Then you almost certainly suffer from a negative self image, NSI, and
more than likely a negative ICF.
The above are not the real reasons why people don’t get what they
want, they are just excuses. There are a great many people in the world who
“make it” despite having poor parents, a bad background, or whatever. One of
the most extraordinary examples of someone with very strong ICF but
disastrously low PSI was a young man called Richard.
moments, when he didn’t think he was Napoleon or Jesus, he bought and
sold companies for enormous profit. I often think of him when I feel myself
sliding back a little. After all if its just money your after he proves that virtually
anyone can make a fortune. Richard did this without having inherited a penny
from anyone, no education or training, absolutely nothing, Zippo.
Luck is one of the most pointless excuses of all. We all have about the
same amount of luck good or bad as the next person. I know some people win
the lottery from time to time but these people are so few and far between
make no difference. They might win a lot of money, buy an expensive car and
drive into a tree and end up dead or paralysed for life.
People who rely on luck to change their situation are wasting the most
precious thing they have, their life. They are just dreaming.
“Oh no I just know a few words really. 1 will learn it properly one day when I get
more time though.”
You see the difference. You might not want to learn French or fly a
plane or become a concert pianist but you could do if you wanted to. One
reason people often develop a negative ICF is because they fear failure. This
is sometimes described as a fear of success. To say you can’t do something
gives you a very good excuse for not bothering. Instead of saying you can’t do
something just say you can’t be bothered, the chances are this statement
would be more honest.
This is why many people hate to see anyone they know really make a
success of their life because it may highlight how dull and unfulfilled their own
lives are. It reminds us of what our lives might have been like if we had only
tried a little.
There are good reasons why people are like this. You have to
remember your subconscious is keen to keep you as you are. Your early life
and background have programmed a lot of preconceived ideas and notions
about you and how you fit into the world. It will analyse everything you hear,
read, see and run it past the fixed view it has of the world it has built up over
the years.
How can you tell the difference between PSI and ICF?
These same people deep down think that they will never be rich. They
don’t believe they have what it takes and or they don’t think they really
deserve to be rich. They have been programmed to expect little out of life and
so deep down that is all they will aspire to, for all the reasons I have
I am not saying everyone has this wish but judging by the general
public’s appetite for the lottery it does seem to be a commonly held dream.
Each week millions of people put their faith in a I in 14,000,000 chance of
winning the jackpot.
What was particularly interesting was that without exception they all
made their money out of several different unrelated businesses. Often
building up one business selling it and moving on to the next. Not all of them
were successful straight away many failed, and failed badly, in the early days.
The point is they all believed they would make it one day. Their
setbacks didn’t put them off course. They stuck to their goals. In other words
they refused to doubt their ICF and their PSI. Any setbacks they suffered
were regarded as merely obstacles to be overcome.
It is just a different word but I think you will agree the effect on your
emotions is quite different. Failure carries with it all sorts of negative
connotations which we have formed in our minds from an early age. We might
have some painful memories associated with the word failure. This one word
might cause a person feel depressed. However the word setback wouldn’t do
anything of the kind. The word setback sounds transitory and temporary.
If someone asks you to go flamenco dancing with them don’t say:- “oh
god no I’ve got two left feet I could never do that”. A better response would
be:-” Well 1 have never done it before but what the hell it could be fun”.
Now I want to make a point here you don’t have to actually do any of
these things. It simply means you could do them if you wanted to. If you
simply don’t want to do it just say so. “Oh I don’t think I would enjoy flamenco
dancing. I am sure I could do it if I tried it’s just I don’t enjoy that kind of music.
I went to show once and it was not for me”.
If you apply this simple little technique you will be amazed at the
changes it will make to your attitude. In fact at first you might be shocked how
negative you are about yourself For the first few days you might have to
check yourself several times a day however this technique alone can make a
vast difference to your ICF.
As I mentioned in part three guilt is a very damaging negative emotion
and has to be removed from your life. So is the habit of apportioning blame to
other people for any misfortunes in your life. It does not matter if they are
responsible. It does not matter if you are responsible. This point has already
been covered but is worth mentioning again. Don’t use expressions like:-
If you are being punched in the face on a regular basis you could
always take up some form of martial art or avoid a particular area, pub or
whatever. The remedy is still under your control. NOW TO BUSINESS!
Now keep this paper safe because we will need it later. Now lets move
onto the next section.
The Importance of Goal Setting:-
If you have never come across goal setting then you really should read
up on it as it is going to be vitally important to you. There was a well known
experiment carried out at Harvard University. What they did was to check up
on the progress of a number of former students from the 1950’s some thirty
years later. Out of those that had survived they discovered that 5% owned
more than 95% of the total wealth acquired by all these former students.
Have you ever thought about what you want your life to be like in say
ten years time, or five years time, or even one years time? Many people just
amble from day to day and let chance or “life” just dictate what will happen to
their health, relationships, finances, job prospects, in the years to come.
Don’t worry if this sounds a bit like you. In fact it is quite common.Just
as an experiment and to help you to think a bit about how your life is going I
want you to complete the following questionnaire. Please try to fill it out as
accurately and as honestly as possible. Also please keep such forms
Just make a cross in the relevant boxes to each question:-
I normally feel:-
In another three years my physical health will be:-
I normally feel:-
In another three years my mental health will be:-
The area where I live is:-
The area where I work is:-
The area where I will live will be:-
The area where I will work will be:-
I think of the way I support myself is:-
I think of the way I will support myself will be:-
My financial position is:-
During the past five years it has been:-
Over the next five years it will be:-
God thinks I am:-
My moral standards are:-
Most people I just meet think I am:-
After they have got to know me think I am:-
My personality is:-
My looks are:-
My mother is:-
My father is:-
My friends are:-
My luck is:-
My common sense is:-
My performance as a parent is:-
My judgement of other people is:-
My life now is:-
In the past five years was:-
In the nest five years it will be:-
Now the purpose of asking you to do this is fairly obvious. I am trying
to make you think a bit about you current condition. If you join the crosses
together you will probably get a wavy line. Hopefully you won’t have a straight
line on the far left and you probably won’t have a straight line going down on
the far right, although that would be nice. I want to give you some idea of
where to concentrate your mind on improving certain areas in your life.
Maybe you are not happy with your relationship. Perhaps you don’t like
your current state of your health, you might smoke or drink too much. It is
possible you find it hard to make ends meet and need to earn more money.
Perhaps you wish to retire in a few years time. There are so many areas to
think of and only you can make these observations and decide what is really
important to you.
Now I want you to know that it is perfectly possible to push that wavy
line much further to the right. There is virtually no area in life that cannot be
improved if you want to. In fact it is relatively easy if you know how.
It might be that there are many areas which are bothering you and you
don’t know where to start Don’t worry we will take this in easy stages.
Do you remember back in part two I set out a number of questions for
you to think about. Now the time to go back over them and read what you
wrote down. If you haven’t got them don’t worry I have set them out again for
you below. If you didn’t fill them in before please do it now.
1. What five things do you value most in your life? What five things would
2. In no more than thirty (30) seconds write down the three most important
goals in your life right now?
3. What would you do if you won £1,000,000 tomorrow? What things would
you buy? What debts would you pay off? What places would you travel to?
5. What would you do if you were told you only had six months to live? That is
to say if you had six months to live in perfect health what you do, what would
you change, how would you spend your time?
6. What have you always wanted to do but never had the opportunity, money,
or courage to try? What have you held back from trying?
7. What things or actions on your part give you the greatest feeling of self
worth, recognition, or importance.
8. Imagine you have just found an old bottle on the beach and you uncork it
and a Genie rushed out granting you just one wish? What one thing would you
ask for if anything could be granted. ( Don’t write down you would wish to be
twelve again or swept back to the time of Henry the eighth. Don’t limit yourself
but use a little common-sense too.) What one thing would you do what one
ambition would you realise if you knew you could not fail?
If you felt your financial situation was in a bad shape and you wanted to
improve it your answer to question three, “What would you do if you won
£1,000, 000 tomorrow? What things would you buy? What debts would
you pay off? What places would you travel to ?“ could be very revealing.
1. All the money you will ever need.
2. Any house or houses you want.
3. Any type of car you would like to own.
4. Great sex life and warm, caring relationships.
5. Total freedom from damaging mental and emotional hang ups.
6. Control of your own mind and body.
7. Greatly improved health. (This will be the subject of next month’s
8. Time to spend exactly how you want.
Having said that, you may notice that the first three items relate
strongly to wealth. You might think money is mentioned a great deal. Even
number eight could also involve the subject of money since being able to
spend your time as you wish would suggest that you have sufficient funds to
let you do this:- i.e. you don’t have to go out and work when your boss tells
you to.
The fact is money is a tangible item and at the end of the day is a
means to an end. I have used it as a convenient example and as I have said
before your priorities may be quite different. You might want to spend more
time with your family. You might want to reduce you tendency to get stressed
in given situations or you might want to learn and master the French
language. It does not matter. Whatever you want to achieve you can use the
same techniques learned here.
If your goals seem to suggest that you should need to boast your
income then that’s fine. You might have to calculate exactly how much money
you will need and what income you would like to be earning “X” days from
What you have to do now is decide on a strategy for the short term,
medium term and long term. Also it is a good ideas to start with small goals
before going on to the larger and more ambitious ones. Firstly set yourself
some tasks or goals say of things you have been putting off for ages. It could
be anything. Perhaps making contact with an old friend you have not seen in
ages or putting up that shelf in the kitchen that you have been tripping over for
the past three months!
This is a good idea because by setting little goals you can rapidly move
on to larger ones once you get steady positive results. In other words success
builds on success. Before you can set any goals you learn how to write them
down in a way that will have a strong effect on your subconscious and
conscious mind. Just making a vague list is no good your success depends
on how you phrase your suggestions.
Before going any further I would like you to re-read Part Two of this
course particularly the part dealing with how to word your affirmations for use
in Hypnosis.
Rule Seven:- Repeat the goal as often and in many different ways
as possible.
Rule Eight:- Suggest you can/are doing something. Not just the
ability to do it.
Let us assume we are going to set some medium term goals. Just for
the sake of argument let us assume today’s date is 1st January 1998 and you
have some small goals/tasks you want to get started on.
“By 5th January 1998 I have put up the white melamine shelf in the kitchen which
makes life much easier for the whole family”.
This is a very basic goal but I have made it as up beat and as positive
as possible by relative the advantages to the family. After all it is only a kitchen
shelf I have used the present tense and been specific as to when the task will
be done. Now lets try something else.
This is completely useless. It is far too vague. When are you going to
save the money? How much? Similarly you would not write:-
This is a simple specific task but still has an up beat positive suggestion
behind it. What you would not do is say something like:-
“Very soon I want to save a lot more money”.
This is completely useless. It is far too vague. When are you going to save the
“By 1st January 1999 I own and drive a black Mercedes model XYZetc with . . .and
name every detail you can think of.
Another important point when writing out you goals is that you have
write down precisely what you actually mean. You should almost imagine it is
a kind of legal document. You would not want to write “By the 1st January
1999 I drive a black Mercedes model etc There is a big difference between
owning a Mercedes and just being able to drive one. I mean you could just go
out and hire one for the day if that is all you want or get a job as a chauffeur. I
hope you see the difference.
I hope you can see the difference between the two. Now look at the next one:-
“By the 1st February 1999 I am living in a wonderful four bedroom house with a
double garage, in the Glades area of Esher. The garden is at least an acre of well
kept beautiful lawns containing a tennis court.”
Most of the rules mentioned earlier have been used here. The goal has
a time limit. It is detailed and not woolly. It uses emotive language but is not
too complicated or wordy. Now I hope you get the general Idea. What’s next?
Visualisation :-
This is a very important step which should NOT be skipped. If you were
using the goal concerning the house you would want to imagine walking into
your new house on a beautifully sunny day with light streaming through the
windows. Look at the wall paper. The colour of the bathroom suite. See how
well equipped the kitchen is etc. Visualisation is very important in impressing
the subconscious mind. Remember it responds well to emotion.
Next to each goal you have written out select a key word or phrase
which sums up what it is you are striving for. In the example above you might
write “Wonderful House” or just “House”. Once you have read out each goal
you should sit back and close your eyes and go into a trance for a few
moments and visualise yourself enjoying the fruits of your goals. Key words or
phrases are a good way to encapsulate everything you have written out in
your goal. Your subconscious will fill in the rest. If you chant the key word
gently to yourself the message will find its way deeper into your subconscious.
This step is part of the visualisation process.
Personally I would not write out more than five goals when you are
starting out and keep them simple and in the short term to begin with. They
might include the kitchen shelf at first, or concern enrolling on a course of
French lessons, or starting a correspondence course. However to begin with
for the first thirty days I would recommend you stick to the two affirmations
mentioned below plus one or two short term goals with a time scale of about
one week.
The first two goals are very important to you and lay the foundations for
anything else you do later. The cassette tape you received last month will be
of incredible use to you here. If you have been using it regularly then your
state of mind should be becoming much more positive and resilient. The
techniques described on that tape are very powerful.
It is important that you don’t get too impatient at this stage. Many
people get too carried away and they overload their minds with too many
varying goals all at once. Remember try not to have conflicting goals. Don’t
say you will be a multimillionaire in twelve months time and say you will only
be working two minutes a week, the rest of the time you will be spending on
the beach.
As you get more experienced however it is important that you don’t limit
yourself. If you want to live in a ten bedroom mansion don’t make it your goal
to live in a three bedroom semi You will not be motivated. Your subconscious
will move heaven and earth if it knows you really want something, believe you
are worth it, and knows you CAN get it. Don’t worry about how you are going
to get it. Once you have programmed your subconscious mind correctly you
will be amazed as to how many ideas will appear as if by magic and at the
most peculiar time. It is for this reason you should always keep a small pad
and paper with you at all times especially by the bed.
Now you might find this simple technique alone solves the “problem”
/obstacle you are having but if you still cannot solve it consciously ask you
subconscious to help. What you do is sit down and calm yourself down and
then read out what the “problem” is and go into a light trance and, after about
five minutes or so, ask you subconscious computer to give you the solution. If
its a pressing matter the it is best to ask it to let you have the solution by a
certain time lets say twenty four hours from now.
Once you have done this you can simply forget about it.
You will know when the right answer appears because you get a feeling
of “eagerness” or “excitement”. The answer will be “complete” or “obvious”
often be very detailed. Sometimes you will wonder why you didn’t think of it
It works best if you can get yourself into a state of trust and
acceptance. These powers and abilities are perfectly natural. They are not
superhuman but simply human and you are supposed to use them. The results
can often be astounding. Remember for this technique to work properly you
must do the following:-
Putting It All Together:-
Daily Routine:-
Goal setting works best if you set aside about ten to fifteen minutes
each morning to go through the different stages. You may to set your alarm a
bit earlier. This is why you don’t want to set yourself too many goals at any
one time, it takes too long and tends to water down the effectiveness of the
process. You will need to be alone so that you will not be disturbed. Perhaps
you will have to leave for work a bit earlier, you can use these techniques
away from home in your car or at the office.
Now lets assume you have written out your goals on your piece of good
quality paper. This is your master set of goals which you keep very safe. The
first thing you will do is to re-write your goals out on a separate piece of paper.
This fixes them consciously in your mind.
Next you read them out aloud to yourself or whisper them under your
breath but feel positive and good about yourself while you do this.
Now sit back and relax. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and
go into a light trance. Next start to visualise each goal in turn as though you
are enjoying them, make them as real as you possibly can. Lastly use your
key words for each goal. Chant them to yourself for a few moments and let
yourself drift a little deeper into trance. When you have finished slowly come
out of you trance to full awakening consciousness.
You can repeat this process at night if you want to or alternatively just
do the first two stages of writing your goals out and read them out aloud.
When you drift off to sleep your subconscious will do the rest.
It is all very well just reading about this stuff but putting it into action is
what really counts. For this reason I have printed out a weekly check list of
things you should do each day so that you can chart your progress.
It combines the daily exercises we covered last month concerning
Positive Self Image. Just to jog your memory here they are again:-
1). “I like myself” (You can repeat this as often as you like).
If you remember I suggested you look into the bath room mirror each
morning and give yourself a metaphorical/emotional hug each morning.
I have also left three spaces for you to put in any daily routines you
might think helpful like physical exercise or whatever. I have also left twelve
spaces for you to write in those things we all have to do on a day to day basis.
It is so easy to forget day to day tasks so 1 find it incredibly useful to make
lists in this way.
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
P.S.I a.m.
Give yourself a Hug:
Give yourself a Hug:
Goals a.m.
There are only four reasons why you might
not achieve your Goals:-
1. You are not serious about or inspired enough about the
goals you have chosen.
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Five
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
Part Five.
“Health is easier to maintain than it is to acquire.” Doctor Russ Jaffe
What you are about to read now might seem alien to some people
may be even a bit bizarre. I don’t want you to dismiss what you are
reading here before you have had a chance to fully consider the true
implications. Please read this section through at least twice and
experiment with exercises given for a reasonable length of time before
coming to any finite conclusions about their effectiveness, (I think you will
be more than a little surprised)
Far from being faddy or just some new craze most of what you are
about to learn is firmly based on tried and tested methods refined over a
great many years and firmly based on vast amounts of empirical
digestion. In one famous experiment he would ring a bell just before
bringing a number of dogs their food. On each occasion he would
measure the amount of saliva each dog produced. He established that
the dogs would produce the same amount of saliva after he rang the bell
whether food was present or not. This phenomena was called
conditioned reflex.
This experiment forced scientists to ask the question can we train our
mind to fight diseases like cancer.
Further trials have been carried out to monitor these levels of killer
cells by using control groups where one group practised relaxation and
the another group did not. The results have so far astounded
researchers. These trials have not finished yet but results so far have
shown that those patients who use relaxation and imagery techniques, in
other words self-hypnosis, produce significantly greater amounts of killer
cells and a much greater chance of survival.
Although western scientists are reluctant to say, for the time being
at least, that the mind alone is capable of curing cancer they are
prepared to state that the state of your mind does have a pronounced
effect on your susceptibility to an illness and its rate of progress.
They have discovered nerve fibres in the thymus, the immune
system’s master gland, as well as in the spleen, the lymph nodes, and
bone marrow. These are all essential parts of our immune system. These
immune system cells have receptors for neuropeptides which are
chemicals produced inside the brain. From this it would appear that the
brain speaks directly to our immune system.
If you read about the history of hypnosis in most books you will no
doubt be told about Doctor Mesmer, among others, as being the
forefather of Hypnosis. Of course there has been a great deal of
speculation as to what Hypnosis really is and how it affects our
The idea that we in the west are responsible for discovering the
power and techniques of Hypnosis is to my mind a little arrogant to say
the least. If you think about it hypnotic induction is in essence simply a
means of accessing our subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a bit like an
empty syringe which gains access to the mind instead of the blood
stream. It is what you put in the syringe that is all important.
In the next section I want to discuss how you can use your trance
sessions to improve your health and channel to power of your mind to
boost the bodies natural defences. Before I can do this I must first give
you a bit of background first.
Of course the many techniques used in the east to enter trance
state or induction, as we call it, come under the general heading of
meditation. Many western hypnotists, both medical and even the stage
variety, are aware of the different and flashier types of induction that can
be used (I will discuss these at a later date). However western
experience and knowledge is a fraction of what is known by some
exponents in India, China, and of course in Tibet.
Let me give you some examples which are fairly well known and
documented in the west. In Tibet there are two particular techniques
which have been widely learnt and practised for thousands of years. One
is called (Jun g-gom) and the other is known as (tumo).
When their training is complete the adepts have to under-go a test
to see whether they have mastered their training. On a particularly windy
night in the middle of winter they are led on to frozen lake whereupon a
hole is made through the ice to the water below. A robe is then dipped in
to the water until it is soaked. The adept then has to wear this robe and
dry it by using their body heat generated by the powers of meditation.
This process is repeated throughout the night until the master is satisfied
that the adept has mastered this technique.
Tibet, India, and China have their own forms and techniques of
combining breathing exercises and meditation. My own personal
experience is with the Chinese forms so I want to explain a little about
these. In any case it would be a little strange for me to try and explain
how to use self-hypnosis to improve your health if I didn’t at least mention
some of these techniques. It would be a bit like writing a book on How to
drive without saying anything about braking or the use of the accelerator,
also there is no point in trying to re-invent the wheel. The Chinese are
masters in these matters and have vast experience which has been
refined over a great many years.
If you are serious about your health and want to get the most out
of self-hypnosis some knowledge of these techniques will be invaluable
to you. Even if you are not primarily interested in your health as such,
some very simple breathing techniques will make self hypnosis sessions
much more effective. They will help you to calm down after all the hassle
of the day and enable you to focus your mind on what you are trying to
do. For this reason alone it is worth your considering them. (It also
enables you to be more selective about some of the more esoteric,
crackpot, not mention dangerous, methods of alternative medicine which
are becoming more fashionable).
machine with increasingly expensive technology is not the way forward.
By utilising the best of the tried and tested treatments developed in the
east over many many years with the amazing diagnostic techniques
produced in the west a new and very powerful kind of medicine is being
In the west we are partly to blame because we tend to wait until we are
sick and develop a disease before we seek help. In the east it is the
illness. A well known quote from a classic Chinese medical text says:-
Wise physicians do not treat a disease once its has developed but rather
treat it before it manifests.They do not wait for symptoms to run out off
disease is established is like digging a well after you are already dying of
(Qigong) or (Chi Kung)...
In China people have traditionally been taught to take
responsibility for their health and Qigong practise has been an essential
part of this practise for thousands of years.
The Chinese believe that the body has two circulatory systems.
One that is known to western science is the blood circulation which is
responsible for taking oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body and
carrying away waste products. The other system is the internal energy or
Qi circulation which supplies the organs and cells of the body with vital
The channels though which this life force flows are known as
meridians. Despite what many western doctors believe these channels
are not the same as our nerve networks or blood vessels. This is a fact
that any Chinese doctor will vigorously confirm. There are twelve main
pairs of Qi meridians in the body but I will not go in to all that now suffice
to say you probably have the general idea.
The first record of the terms Yin and Yang were made in “The
Book of Change” about 1200 BC. The concept of Yin described as “a
shady side of a hill” and Yang as “a sunny side of a hill”. These are useful
images because they not only show the polarity of the two conditions
they also give us the idea of change. As the earth rotates the sun’s
shadow will move and what was cast in shadow will now be in the sun
and what was in the sun will now be in shadow. What was Yin has
become Yang and vice versa. The two states coexist in harmony with
each other and are not in conflict. One cannot exist without the other they
are relative to each other. For example you cannot have beauty unless
there is ugliness to contrast it.
Fig 1.
Just as a good curative hypnotist will endeavour to find the root
cause of a patient’s distress, a Chinese doctor will try to establish the
root cause of a persons illness. He will not just treat the external
symptoms. He will try to find out why there is an imbalance in their
intrinsic energies and then balance them. In this way a patient will
recover and their symptoms will disappear.
If you have ever practises Qigong! Taiji you will already know that
great care is taken to make sure that the exercises are balanced. You
never just develop one side or part of the body but exercise it evenly.
Western science has established that the earth has its own
geomagnetic field. Taoists have been aware that the earth has an
electromagnetic field for probably six thousand years or more. They
considered the sky to be the positive pole (yang) and the earth to have
negative or (Yin) polarity. The resultant electromagnetic field that is
generated is known as Qi. In Qigong training we as human beings are
taught how to interact with this power. You learn how to harmonise the
frequency of your own energy with that of the earth’s.
From the western scientific point of view electric currents will generate
magnetic fields around whatever is passing through, a wire for example.
Dr Richard Broeringmeyer, who publishes Bio-Energy Health Newsletter,
states “Life is not possible without electromagnetic fields, and optimum
health is not possible if the electromagnetic fields are out of balance for
long periods of time. Magnetic energy is natures energy in perfect
It is interesting to note that homing pigeons find their way by
focusing on the earth’s magnetic field. They have crystals of magnetite
on the surface of their brain which is a magnetic mineral. This substance
enables a pigeon to locate its destination be in the dark of in thick fog.
The Chinese approach has always been much more holistic. They
treat the body as a whole rather than just concentrate on one small part
of it. To many western minds this approach seems very unscientific or
unproved however a lot of doctors in the west are no longer able to
ignore this approach and are now taking the Chinese approach more
seriously. Acupuncture has been used in the west for quiet a few years
now, but other traditional Chinese treatments are being studied. Even in
China a great deal of scientific research is being carried out to try and
find a “scientific” reason to explain why Qigong is so effective.
What the master does is send his energy into to patient along the
same meridian channels used by the acupuncturist. Such is the success
of this technique that the Chinese authorities are carrying out a great
deal of research and trying to look much deeper into this process. This is
far more subtle than simply sending a small electrical current into a
patient current through acupuncture needles which has also been tried.
How to heal yourself by moving energy (Qi)
around your body.
The second way to generate energy is by using the mind while in
meditation or, from our point of view, a trance state.
Moving Qi:-
In order to move Qi you must put your mental intention in front of
it. In other words if you can sense Qi in your feet an calf area of your leg
just gently let your mind go to the area around your knees and imagine
you feel the sensation there. In a very short time you will feel the tingly
feeling grow and move to this area.
If you have a particular problem, say a stiff neck or pain in the
shoulder, after a little while you can start to learn how to direct this
energy to the area in pain. However you should not move the Qi straight
from your feet to the neck in one swoop. If you do this you will probably
feel a great surge of energy which will rush up into the head. A bit like a
sudden rush of blood to the brain. This can cause discomfort and even
lead to a mild head ache. It won’t do you any harm though. It is better to
learn to move Qi around the body in small stages.
Once you have collected the energy in the right area just let it rest
there. You can now imagine your body healing itself and rebuilding
damaged cells or sore muscles. After a while let the Qi move and go
where it wants to naturally. If you are perfectly healthy the Qi will move
wherever it is needed. Your mind and body knows what is best. However
a little experimenting now and again is good fun. Next month I will give a
some other ideas on meditation and moving Qi but this will do for now.
Please note that by imagining that you are healing yourself
you are not ignoring pain which is natures warning signal that
something is wrong. Simply killing the pain is only desirable once you
know what the problem is and once the healing process has started.
By performing soft, slow, movements while doing deep
diaphragmatic breathing you switch the autonomous nervous system
over to the parasympathetic mode from the stressed sympathetic
mode .By doing this your body can rejuvenate itself, and harmonise all
the vital functions, and produce vital essence like hormones and
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with your hands by
your side. Make sure you tuck your bottom in so that your spine is as
straight as it can be. It is important that when you do these movements
you don’t sway out of line but let gravity simply pass through you into
the floor. See fig 2(A). The idea is to support your body’s frame without
using too much effort. Try to relax all the muscles in your legs and
don’t lock the knees. Don’t make yourself stiff. You probably will not
get this right over night, it will take a bit of time.
Now breath in deeply and slowly, as you do bring your arms up in front
of you as shown in Fig 2 (B), (C).
Hold the air in your lungs for about three or four seconds, but don’t
force it, and lower your arms. As you lower your arms, see Fig 2 (D),
breath out slowly and empty your lungs. Now repeat this process for
about five minutes or so.
An important point to note. When you bring your arms up they
should feel very heavy like lead weights and have as little tension in them
as possible. As you lift them up keep your shoulders low, don’t raise
them. Feel yourself getting support from your feet which are rooted to the
ground. Let the movement of your arms co-ordinate with your breaths
and just let your mind relax.
After a while you should feel your mind calming down. Try to let
the breathing flow naturally, don’t force it. Also make your movements
slow and graceful and not jerky or sudden.
Just in case you didn’t know it already I hope you appreciate that
Chinese medicine is a very complex area and it takes many years to
grasp all the complexities that are involved. Some ignorant people
consider Chinese Physicians to be nothing more than quacks, however
they probably don’t know that it takes around fourteen years to train a
traditional Chinese Doctor compared to around five or seven in the west.
Because Chinese medicine is a part of a whole way of life it is but
one segment of the whole. Yes it is holistic in nature, in that it treats the
whole body, not just a small area that appears to be affected, but it works
best when other aspects of life are also taken into consideration. The
emphasis is on prevention rather than cure.
You have already taken a huge step in improving your own bodies
well being if you did but know it. By having one or two Self-Hypnosis
sessions each day you are giving your mind and body a badly needed
rest where your heart beat can slow to a murmur. Your blood pressure
can reduce and your brain can have a break from all the cacophony
which is now modern daily life.
This is why people today feel so stressed. This is why it is so
important that you have a few precious moments each day when you can
calm your system down and let it just be. We all need a time when we
can forget about all our troubles and simply exist.
What I have tried to do here is show you that our state of health is
largely in our own hands, or more accurately in our own minds. Some
people are very sceptical about alternative methods of health care and
have negative gut reaction to them. It is for this reason I have used
Chinese cultural and medical examples in this release because their
theories are firmly based on research and observation over many
thousands of years. I wanted to show you a different way of looking at
yourself and your body. You can use Self-Hypnosis to improve your
health. Each of us does have a life force, or Qi, within us which can be
strengthened and used to keep us healthy. There is a lot more on this
subject that I must tell you about, however for now this will have to do.
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Six
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any injuries
which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any reader who
experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material should seek medical
This months release is closely connected to last months. Obviously to
live a long life it makes sense that you probably have to be at least aware of
your state of health and how you feel. Having said that we have all heard
stories of people who drink a bottle of whisky and smoke sixty cigarettes a day
living to eighty. This is unusual but not unexplainable. I would suggest that
these people have an unusually strong and resilient constitution and might
have lived a good deal longer if they have followed a different or more
moderate path.
As you might expect I will use some ideas from Taoist practise and
philosophy since they are tried and tested. But perhaps we should consider
the following question:-
I think most people would agree that living to a great age in itself should
not be our prime objective but rather achieving the best quality of life for as
long as possible. Nobody wants to end up vegetating in a nursing home
suffering from Parkinson disease or some other ghastly illness. Who wants to
end up like Tithonus In the Greek Myth who gained the gift, or curse, of
immortality without the gift of eternal youth. I personally feel it is futile to
prolong life just because high tech intervention makes it possible.
When I mentioned that some Qigong masters can live into their 100’s I
also mentioned that they lived active and useful lives. They still enjoyed life.
This is quite different from many people who live into their 100’s unable to
move about, speak, or think coherently.
The great mystics from India, who practise yoga, and the Taoist masters in
china all exude great life and vitality/energy you would normally expect from
someone half their chronological age. These people are not trying to cling to
life or even fear death. On the contrary they welcome death when it eventually
comes because it represents their next stage in life. For them life never ends
there is no death and so no fear. (It is unimportant whether you believe this or
not I am not pushing any philosophical argument or religious belief here).
They had decided to take this step because they had come up against
problems in their research which could not be solved using existing
conventional methods.
I don’t want to go too deeply into all the amazing aspects of this
research in this release. I will have to come back to this subject at a later
date but I have to tell you little about it because it has a great deal to do with
all of us and the question of ageing and longevity.
minds. I don’t want you to dismiss what you are about read out of hand.
Some of you may well find the contents of this release shocking, and
unbelievable. I apologise in advance for this but it cannot be avoided. As
always I would ask you to please keep an open mind.
The problem with most people is that they have come to regard their
world as a concrete reality. As I write this I am seated on a solid wooden
chair which supports my weight. It looks solid and I believe it to be solid
because when I touch it, it feels solid. However any physicist could explain to
me that the form of the chair in actual fad is made up of space and is far from
The extent of our senses are in actual fact very limited. We can only
sense detect a tiny fraction of what is out there. Our view of the world is
entirely based on only a tiny fraction of the data that our limited sensory
allows us to observe. There are many creatures on this planet which
perceive the world very differently. Our hearing is extremely poor compared
to a dogs whose sense of smell is also a million times more sensitive. Bats
use ultra sound to navigate their way around and snakes can see by using
It had long been known that nothing really has any solidity but is in
effect made up of tiny amounts or bundles of energy. Before the EPR
paradox most physicist thought the quantum theory propounded that the
universe consisted of a mass of separate parts and energies independent of
one another. The view that modern science is slowly moving towards is that
the universe is in effect fundamentally linked in some way.
To the mystic this idea is nothing new but has been their fundamental
thought for centuries. To the mystic the binding link is an all pervading
“cosmic intelligence”.
Each and everyone of us and everything else in the universe is made
up of atoms of matter which have been in existence since the dawn of time.
Whether we like it or not we are all part of the Quantum universe which is in
a constant flux of change and transformation. It is estimated that there are
six trillion reactions taking place in each of our cells every second! The
condition and state of the cells in a person’s body are unique to that person.
Their condition is dependant upon the unique experiences that a person has
had throughout their life and how those experiences have been allowed to
effect the metabolism of their bodies.
Our bodies are under constant attack every single day from pollution,
radiation, ultraviolet light, among many other things. If a cell from your body
was removed and placed on a glass slide and left outside for just a few
moments it would die.
On the cosmic scale of things there are great forces at work which are
ever ready to destroy life. So why does life exist at all?
Negative Entropy:-
Whenever energy collects with matter and forms orderly
systems then the tendency of entropy is temporarily defied. In physics this is
what is known as “Negative Entropy”. Sometimes these fields of negative
entropy last for a very long time, for example galaxies, stars, and planets but
eventually they all dissipate. The whole universe is heading in this direction
although the final “death” will not be for billions of years.
It is entropy which causes our bodies to age. It is the slow but ever
present tendency for order to breakdown into chaos which causes our bodies
to deteriorate over time. If you want to stop or slow down this process you
have to learn how to stop or slow down entropy.
The mystery of life with its extraordinary complexity is a counter force
to entropy. The evolution of life would not be possible without a fundamental
intelligence guiding it along. The cosmos has been described as a living
entity which is constantly evolving from its early primitive into more and more
complex states.
The extraordinary thing about the human body is its ability to repair
itself against to ravages of entropy. As I have already said our bodies are
under constant attack and yet our human DNA contains all the information
needed to allow our bodies to renew itself The great mystery is that this
process is ninety nine percent efficient. What baffles scientists is what
happened to the remaining one percent? To learn the answer to this one we
would need to know the secret of life.
After the age of thirty our bodies undergo this slow and almost
imperceptible change as our cells repair themselves slightly less efficiently
than before. Eventually each cell suffers more damage and ageing occurs. If
this were not the case and our cells repaired themselves perfectly all the time
we would never age.
Some people have put forward the theory that growing old and death
is a product of conditioning rather than the concrete reality most of us
By the first quarter of the next century people In Britain, for example,
can expect to live to 80. In the USA it is expected that life spans of 95 or 100
will be the norm by 2050. Some western scientists predict 140 is achievable.
In the ancient Taoist annals are listed many gifted adepts of the “way”
who lived to great ages by carefully nurturing and protecting their vital
energies. During the Han Dynasty we learn of a Leng Shou-kang who lived to
over 150 and improbable as it sounds there was another named Wu Tzu-tu is
reported to have lived to the age of 205. John Blofeld in his book “The Road
to Immortality” quotes an article published in 1939 in one of China’s main
newspapers of the time about a man from Szechuan province.
Is Ageing Inevitable?
What is ageing? Some would say that our perception of ourselves and
the world around us are personal and unique to each individual. One
person’s view of themselves and their world around them could be utterly
different to another. Two people could be standing in a beautiful garden on a
perfect sunny day but have totally different view of the experience. One
might feel bored and fed up staring into space while the other could be
transfixed and overawed by natures beauty.
The assumption that we all have to grow old, decay, and die within an
allotted time span ignores the fact that we are more than just biochemical
mechanisms. We are not machines that wear out, breakdown, and are then
put on the scrap heap, although this is the firmly held view of most people.
You might wonder why I should make such a statement since it flies in the
face of everything we have ever learnt or have been told about the so called
“real world” or “material world”.
There are three ways to judge the age of someone. The first and most
obvious is to ask them when they were born and calculate how many years
old they are. This is know as “Chronological age”.
The next way is to give people a battery of tests to see how they
respond. Typical tests include stamina, hearing, co-ordination, blood
pressure, levels of cholesterol, and many more besides. This gives an
indication of someone’s “Biological age” We have all met people who look
very young for their age. Some Qigong masters fall into this category. What
has happened is their chronological age differs from their biological age.
I know people in their fifties who appear more alert who are fitter than
others in their twenties. An athlete in his forties who continues to work out
will have developed the same or better muscle tone as someone in their
twenties. This where Biological age come in. The trouble with biological age
is that because we all age in such a unique way it is difficult to get an
accurate picture of what is involved. The athlete in his forties might have the
strength and stamina of someone in their twenties but his hearing or eyesight
might have deteriorated because of the unique factors effecting him in his
By far the most important factor in influencing a persons age is their
Psychological age. How old and how you feel. This is not only the most
important influence but it is the most flexible.
One of the characteristics of “old age” is stiffness in the body but also a
In America in the 1950’ s a study was made to see if they could find
out what personal characteristics centenarians had in common which could
explain their ability to reach such a great age. Listed below are some of the
things that were considered important factors:
Out of all of this research the single most important factor was how
they reacted to stress. It was how they managed to cope psychologically with
the stresses in life. Everyone suffers from stress from time to time, whether it
be from a bereavement, shock, whatever. However it is the ability to release
this stress from our system so that it is not allowed to eat away at us that
really counts.
This simple example shows you that it is the thought that is important
and not the physical reality of food being present or not. Your thoughts are
not things however your thoughts turn them into things.
You read last month about the placebo effect in producing K cells
(Killer Cells) in fighting cancer. Similar effects have been achieved by giving
patients a sugar pill but telling them that it is in fact a powerful pain killer.
Between 30% and 40% will experience pain relief when all they have in fact
taken is just a sugar pill. This kind of experiment has been tried with patients
suffering from all sorts of aliments with a similar degree of success. Even
people suffering with advanced stages of cancer have been known to have
significant remissions after receiving injections of a salt solution but being
told that it is a new strong anti cancer drug.
If a simple sugar pill, i.e. placebo, can produce such a wide range of
effects within the body it is logical to assume that the mind and body can
produce virtually any biochemical reaction it wants. It only needs the right
suggestion to be made and accepted by the subconscious.
Why is it then that we appear to “grow” old? What is it that makes this
happen? This is question which has puzzled most people over many years.
In the animal kingdom many species sole reason for existence would
seem to be the recreation of the species. A dragon fly only lives one day and
having mated dies. Mice are capable of producing around two hundred off-
spring and only live for an average of about two years. Their natural life
spans are short but are highly energetic. It would be pointless for a mouse to
live for two hundred years because their would not be the resources to
support them at this rate. In most case in nature the relative life span of a
creature is dependant upon resources and their chances for survival due to
Sadly for the mouse there is a very good chance of being eaten.
Because of this nature has arranged things so that there should be a good
numerical chance that at least some of a couples off-spring will surviving to
carry on the dynastic fine.
Humans on the other hand are not destined to die as soon as they
have had a family. In most cases we live on many years later. It seems that
there is not the same imperative that we should cease to have any useful
function after fulfilling the primary role of reproduction. Men can remain
sexually active for many years but women have a relatively short child
bearing range however statistics show that women seem to live longer than
men. So why should we age at all?
As a new born baby our bodies are free of all the toxic products which
affect us as we get older.
Our bodies are undergoing constant change all the time. Outwardly
we do not appear to alter at all, however about 98% of our bodies mass will
have been changed in any one year. You are undergoing this process of
change every second of the day or night. Your whole system is in a constant
After the age of thirty this process of renewal becomes slightly less
precise. Imperceptibly at first, at a rate of about 1% per annum, the “average”
person starts to become less new than before. This seemingly tiny
percentage over time has a disastrous effect and reaps havoc on our bodies
over time.
Conditioning The Mind:-
Never EVER say anything to anybody about yourself unless you want it
to become true.
Don’t say “Oh I feel so old” when you just mean you feel tired. They
are not the same things at all. All the first statement does is to enforce a
negative image which is not true any way.
Back in the bad old days of the cold war in the 1970’s the soviet
regime were anxious to score propaganda point against the west. One of
their schemes involved claiming that some of their people lived to incredible
ages compared with anyone in the west.
One character in particular was singled out for by the soviets for
special mention was Khfaf Lazuria, a woman from Abkhasia. It was claimed
that she was 140. Visitors found her to be a small frail woman but very agile
with a lively sense of humour. She did not need glasses because her eye
sight was good enough to allow her to thread a needle without them.
Unfortunately what the western visitors did not realise was that it is
the custom in Abkhasia to exaggerate somewhat and even to tell outright lies
to strangers. It was extremely unlikely that anyone in Abkhasia lived to 120
much less 140. The problem was that since the purges under Stalin nearly all
the birth and death records had been destroyed. So even the soviet
government had no way of telling how old the people were. Most of the
population were illiterate and did not know when their birthdays were. But the
interesting thing was that as a people they didn’t much care about keeping
track of time. The situation became even more confusing because some
people used the Christian calendar and others the Moslem one (which uses
a ten month year).
You may wonder why I am telling you all this. Well there is a point to
be made here. The Abkhasians living to a great age is considered a great
achievement and virtue. Old people are treated with great respect in their
community. Although the claims of people living to 140, 150, could not be
verified the soviets did find records of significant numbers of people reaching
ages of 115 and beyond. The important point to note here is that Abkhasians
were conditioned to and expected to live to great ages.
Their life style was very much one closely connected to their land and
they were very much in touch with the rhythms of nature. They worked in the
fields breathed fresh clean air and ate good wholesome food.
Most of the food they ate were vegetables. They also consumed a fair
amount of dairy produce. However to my mind one of the most significant
things was the importance they placed on the freshness of their food.
Vegetables were picked only just before they were cooked. On special
occasions when they might eat meat the animal would be slaughtered shortly
before the feast. In this way the precious enzymes and nutrients would not
be lost in the preparation. In fact most food would be eaten raw but if they did
cook they tended to boil it. Nothing appeared to be fried. They are one of the
few cultures in the world were they were very aware of the harmful effects of
fat in the diet.
This strong attention to diet and their tendency to live very active
physical lives obviously had a great influence on their longevity. But I would
say it was their mental approach and positive expectation of achieving a long
and useful life that played a very crucial role.
In the west old age is considered a curse. Our old people are shut
away in nursing homes. To most western minds old age is feared. The west
has developed a “youth culture”. Youth is respected and venerated. Some
companies routinely sack and get rid of their work force when they reach
forty. This not only short-sighted but it is stupid and reckless. Some firms
consider people past it at thirty!
Anyone who has studied Yoga or Taoism will know that such things
are given great importance.
The Three Treasures:-
Protecting The Three Treasures:-
In Taoist philosophy we are all brought into this world empowered with
the three treasures. Those who waste and abuse them will suffer sickness,
disease and a short life. Those who learn how to enhance and nurture them
will enjoy good health and a long life.
1. ESSENCE. (Jing)
2. ENERGY. (Qi)
3. SPIRIT. (Shen)
Energy was touched upon in last months release and relates to our life force
which permeates every single part of our body and allows us to function.
When we breathe we absorb energy from the air. This energy can be
cultivated to amazing levels by the practise of Qigong as you learned in last
months release. When these three energies combine and function together it
produces what is known as “True Human Energy” It is the control and
enhancement of the energy that forms the guiding principal of Qigong training.
Taoist philosophy is a big subject and goes far beyond the scope of
this course however if you are interested there is a very informative and
entertaining book that I recommend you read. It is called “The Tao of Health
Sex And Longevity” by Daniel Reid . It is described as a modern practical
approach to the ancient way and is published by Simon & Schuster.
It really is a great book and you will be fascinated by what you learn
from it, not least the section dealing with the ancient sexual techniques!
There is a large section dealing with the subject of diet with some
useful information on what foods are effective in curing certain aliments. It
explains why eating some foods makes you feel sluggish while eating others
makes you feel energised.
As with verything else in Taoist philosophy when dealing with your diet
they look for a balance of Ying and Yang. They are also very careful about
the combination of different foods and their effect on the digestive system:-
Originally our digestive systems were evolved to deal with foods like
fruit and vegetables. In time our bodies developed the capacity to digest
meat when this became a part of our diet some 75000 years ago. However
most dieticians these days warn us not to eat too much red meat like beef, or
pork and instead urge us to east poultry or fish.
Far better for you is wild game particularly wild venison which is
readily available these days. The reason why such meat is better for you is
because of what the deer eats, wild nuts, leaves, etc., is natural and full of
However even this meat won’t do you much good if you over cook it. It
should be only lightly cooked so as not to destroy all the nutrients, enzymes
and vitamins.
Attention to diet on its own is not the main feature in the character of
centenarians but a bad diet is certainly connected to disease and premature
There are a hundred more things I could say but the above points give
you the general idea.
One important point I will make is that you should be careful you don’t
over do it. Too much physical activity can wear out the body just as easily as
it can rejuvenate it. Running marathons at the age of eighty may be a good
thing but not if you only started running at the age of seventy five. You have
to be sensible.
Stress Enemy Number One!
Without doubt the most important factor affecting our state of
health and so in turn our chance to live to a great age is our ability
to deal with stress!
This is why this months’ cassette tape deals with how to deal with stress.
It is well known that chronic stress is the main cause for immune deficiency in
our world today. Unfortunately there is a tendency to treat stress with drugs that
appear to give temporary relief but which in fact cause more damage
psychologically in the long run.
Studies have shown that the levels of adrenaline and other substances
associated with a stress triggered response are markedly lower in people who
habitually practise meditation. Incredibly western medicine did not even suspect
that this was the case until around the early 1970’s!
Even ignoring the spiritual side of mediation I self hypnosis for the
moment the benefits to your health become obvious to anyone who has
practised it even for a comparatively short time. Transcendental Meditation
was specially singled out for use in the west because it is an amazingly
simple technique and very effective. It was thought for reason to be better
suited to western minds compared to the more advanced and esoteric
methods used in the east.
Some air forces train their pilots to use TM because they find it
increases their efficiency and concentration.
Now in a moment I am going to tell you what mantra I was given
about twenty years ago. Before I do I want to tell you what I believe to be the
purpose of the mantra and why they chose the sound they gave to me.
If you say this to yourself over and over again you will notice that it
has a very soft rhythmic sound. The object of the exercise is to occupy the
conscious mind with something so that you access your subconscious. This
is why I do not make a distinction between hypnosis and meditation.
We were told that from time to time other thoughts would sneak into
our conscious thoughts. When we became aware of this we would very
gently start to silently chant the mantra once more and the distracting
thoughts went away. Now and again the mind would become so still that
there would be no extraneous thoughts, not even the mantra being chanted.
This is when you reach into your inner self and your mind is perfectly still.
This is when your body is most rested and when the most good is achieved
from this kind of meditation.
As soon as you are aware of this state you are no longer there of
course because the act of being aware is in itself a distraction. After about
twenty minutes we would stop chanting the mantra and bring ourselves back
to full consciousness.
In meditative a state your body consumes much less oxygen and
your heart beat slows to a murmur and your body achieves a state of rest at
least twice as deep as sleep! In meditation this state can be achieved within
about five minutes.
Studies have shown that people who practise mediation regularly score
significantly better when tested for: blood pressure, short-sightedness, and
hearing. These are typical tests used to gauge a person’s biological age.
Tests have shown that if you practise mediation regularly for about five
years your biological age will be five years below your chronological age.
If you practise meditation for ten or fifteen years this advantage will
increase to the extent that you can appear to be fifteen or more years younger
than your chronological age!
I hope you have found this months material useful and that you will try to
act on and use some of the information it contains. However if you did nothing
else but try a bit of TM now and again you will reap great rewards, you could
certainly do a lot worse. Before I go I would like to leave you with a poem from
the first century BC written by a Taoist adept called Wen-tzu.
What he is basically saying try and use self control in your appetites.
Don’t over do things and perhaps a little of what you fancy does you good.
Longevity is inextricably linked to your health so take a little care. You cannot
have one without the other.
Anyway on the next page is a summary of some of the points raised this
1. Forget about your chronological age. It’s
irrelevant Only think about your psychological
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Seven
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
I thought it was about time I returned to the subject of hypnosis and
dealt with some important aspects in more detail. The tape that accompanies
this month release is a self-hypnotic tape which does not contain any specific
message. It is intended for you to use whenever you wish to implant a
suggestion of your own choosing. There is a period of time allowed, after the
induction process has taken place, for you to use your own affirmation. After
this time the tape will bring you back to full waking consciousness.
From the dawn of time the human race has tried to control the actionsof
others by brute force or other more subtle methods. Whether this was for the
good of the community or not is immaterial. The chance discovery of this
natural state of hypnosis must have been exploited to the full by various
people involved in witchcraft, black magic, or even witch doctors in Africa. No
doubt the resultant effects of a hypnotic trance on an individual could have
been explained away by supernatural forces, spiritual possession etc. These
days in the twentieth century it is hoped we can be a little more rational about
it, however there are still some unscrupulous organisations who do use
hypnotic techniques to further their own goals as I shall explain later!
In the west our medical origins begin with a brilliant physician called
Hypocrites. Hypocrites, who is considered to be the “father of medicine”,
was born on the Greek island of Cos in 460 BC and died in 377 BC. During his
life he practised and taught the healing arts throughout Greece and wrote
many treaties on medicine. It was his theory that all our pleasures and our
sorrows, i.e. emotions, emanated from the brain. He further stated that the
cause of most aliments, disease, and all forms of anxiety find their origin there.
This concept of a link between the mind and body has been with us for
thousands of years and is common to most civilisations. There have been
many theories to describe and explain exactly what that link consists of Some
five hundred years after Hypocrites another Greek physician called Galen, (AD
129 - 199), developed the ideas established by Hypocrites as to how the mind
influences the body and vice versa. His idea was that there was some kind of
heavenly fluid which acted as a bridge between the mind and body. He
thought that a physical ailment could be caused by a problem in the mind and
also that an physical illness could cause mental stress.
and magnetism, among others, he really thought he could offer a sound logical
and scientific explanation for what was then called animal magnetism.
Now you have to realise that these people would have been in a very
heightened state of expectancy. Many said they experienced very curious
sensations through their bodies while others fell about in convulsions. In any
case after a few sessions they would state that they felt cured of whatever the
illness was they were suffering from.
Today this use of ritual would be considered pointless but at that time it
might have provided the necessary catalysis to help the patients cure
themselves. It gave them a link to their subconscious mind. It was a bit like
using a placebo.
The success that Mesmer enjoyed and the fame and wealth it attracted
also attracted great suspicion and envy, from his more orthodox medical
colleagues. Although what I have described here is not strictly speaking
hypnosis there are subtle links between two. As you probably now realise a
strong positive expectation of a desired outcome can have a very powerful
effect on the mind.
News of Mesmer’s work and that of his pupils and associates spread
throughout Europe and even to the USA. A number of physicians witnessed
demonstrations given by Richard Chenevix, himself a fellow of the Royal
Society, in London in 1829. Among the audience was a John Elliotson.
Elliotson was born in 1786 the son of a south London chemist. After
graduating from Cambridge and then qualifying as a physician he travelled to
Europe studying in various continental schools. Upon his return he set up his
practice near the hospitals of Guy’s and St Thomas’s.
He was a man of strong views who did not suffer fools gladly and often
had problems with figures in authority. He was elected Professor of Medicine
at the then new “New University College” of the University of London. The
university was non-denominational and this was surprisingly the first time
medicine was taught at university level.
This theory laid the foundation for the later work of Sigmond Freud and
the study of the subconscious or unconscious mind. Elliotson was originally a
little sceptical about mesmerism but soon became a great supporter of its
use. He did in fact open the “Mesmeric Hospital” in Fittzroy Square in London.
least four hundred operations using mesmerism as a method of anaesthesia it
was abandoned in 1850’s when chloroform and then ether took over.
To this day we still do not really know why the subconscious mind
reacts to suggestions while in a hypnotic trance. There have been many
theories about hypnosis over the past hundred years or so.
Goal-Directed Striving:-
behave like a hypnotised person as this is continuously defined by the
operator and understood by the subject”. He maintained that a person must
want to become hypnotised. While in trance it is possible to put a person in a
state of catalepsy this is when a persons limbs can be moved and placed in
any position and rigidly remain there. When the hypnotist suggests that the
limbs are so stiff they cannot be moved the subject indeed finds that they
cannot move them. White maintained that far from the hypnotist having an
unnatural power over the subject the subject is in actual fact just co-operating
with the hypnotist. If you like the subjects will is not strong enough to resist the
suggestions of the hypnotist. This is a very difficult area, and one where a lot
of controversy still exists.
It was about this time that the concept of “an altered state of the
person” took hold.
Theory of Atavism:-
This theory was put forward by Ainslie Meares an Australian
psychiatrist. He reasoned that logical thought was a comparatively recent
function. He thought that in primitive man basic ideas and concepts would
have been readily accepted without criticism and this process would in pad
explain the state of hypnosis. In other words we thought that when we are
placed in a trance, we regress to our primitive state of consciousness.
Goal-directed Fantasy:-
you feel you are feeling very relaxed just imagine your arm being lifted in the
manner just described or imagine some other way in which your arm
might be raised on pulleys or whatever.
When we start to doze off to sleep we emit high amplitude waves from
between eight or twelve cycles every second known as alpha waves or alpha
rhythms. These rhythms are also present when we are deeply relaxed and
quiet. When dozing off our eyes make smooth rolling movements. After a few
minutes we reach the second stage. At this stage the alpha rhythms are
replaced with slower low voltage waves. After a few more minutes the third
stage is reached and the waves slow a little more and the eye movements
reduce and disappear. In the fourth stage the waves are even slower but the
voltage increases. During the fifth stage we emit a low frequency high voltage
rhythm around one cycle each second.
Now during our sleep we often have periods where our eyes move
more quickly. This stage became known as “Rapid Eye Movement” or REM
sleep. At this time our brains emit very fast waves of up to twenty cycles each
second known as beta waves. During this period a number of very important
things are happening within our bodies. It is at this time that we dream and if
awakened we could give accurate descriptions of our dreams. The eye
movements are very similar to those that might be made by someone who is
awake and is looking about them. When REM sleep stops the first stage
of sleep starts over again.
When readings are taken of a subject while they are being induced to a
deeper level of trance the alpha waves maintain their frequency but there is a
big reduction in the voltage. The voltage, however, increases if the subject is
told to sleep. What this research suggested was that when a person in is
hypnosis they are in a very special state of deep relaxation. This would explain
why meditation so good for us because in this state our bodies are truly
rested. So while in hypnosis we are neither conscious in the normal sense
neither are we asleep.
incredibly complex and it is filtered and processed in the oldest area of
the brain called the Ascending Reticular Activating System, or RA. This
cluster of nerve fibres comes up from the lower part of the brain known as the
fourth ventricle. After the RA it moves on into the thalamus which is situated
in the front of the brain with the hypothalamus beneath it. The RA also
connects to the limbic system, which is one of our most primitive areas of
development, and this in turn is connected to the cortex. The limbic system is
thought to be mainly concerned with our human emotions.
The electrical activity within our brain relies on the stimuli it receives
from the RA system. Our awareness of our surroundings and our reactions to
it are modified via this system and this is why we produce variations on the
The emphasis of one kind of stimuli over another is regulated via the
RA system. If you are concentrating on something like a good book or
watching a gripping programme on the TV our other conscious senses are
overridden and we become unaware of them. If some one speaks to us we
may not hear them, we block it out. The RA system can be effected by illness
and drugs which reduces awareness.
known as the temporal lobe cortex. Sometimes subjects can remember
events from their past which they thought they had long since forgotten.
Significantly they not only remembered those events but all the emotions that
went with them at the time those events took place.
Hypnoidal Condition:-
This is the first quiet state you achieve while you start to relax and get
comfortable. Your eyes are normally closed and you are aware of things
going on around you but you slowly concentrate on the sound of the
hypnotist’s voice, whether it be on a tape or in real life, and you begin to
forget your surroundings. In this stage you are not yet receptive to any
detailed affirmations, your conscious mind or critical factor has not been
distracted. From this state you drift into a deeper state of light trance.
Light Trance:-
In this state you are more relaxed and your body will appear still and
quiet. There is sometimes a slight movement of the eye lids at this
stage. After a time the complexion of the face becomes more ruddy as the
blood vessels enlarge to allow the circulation to move freely. In a light trance
simple suggestions like hand levitation can be attempted. Simple imaginary
scenes can be given but the degree to which these scenes can be visualised
are often limited at this stage. Some people who are new to hypnosis find it
difficult to progress to the next stage at first, however if the relaxation
continues a medium state of trance can be achieved.
Medium Trance:-
Deep Trance:-
As you relax even more you will drift deeper and deeper into deep trance.
Your breathing will slow down even more and this is very restful for your brain
and the rest of the body. In deep trance most of the therapeutic techniques
can be used like regression, more advanced and complex forms of analgesia.
Most hypnotists do not feel the need to go any deeper than a deep trance.
Somnambulistic Trance:-
Stuporous Trance:-
There is another very special, and relatively, unknown state of
hypnosis which some subjects are able to enter known as the “Stuporous
Trance”. Anyone in this state shows an inability to appreciate the “Self. They
lose a total awareness of themselves as individual persons with there own
unique characters and reactions. It has been known for medical personnel
called in to examine someone in such a trance without being told the subject
has been hypnotised, think that they have been drugged or are in some kind
of narcotic state. It is comparatively difficult to get someone to enter this state
because there is an in-built objection to losing oneself so completely into the
control of someone else.
In the East highly trained adepts are able to reach similar deep levels
of trance. The loss of “ego” and the concept of “self” is the aim of their
meditations in order to reach some deeper meaning of their existence.
However these people are experts trained by masters who have in turn being
trained by masters throughout the centuries.
In part one I explained that there had not been a case of anyone being
harmed by the therapeutic use of Hypnosis and I stand by this statement. I
also said that it was not possible to force someone to act against their will
simple by putting them in a trance and giving them suggestions. You might
recall that I mentioned the Social Cornpliance Theory. This basically states
that the subject under Hypnosis is basically co-operating with the Hypnotist
mainly because it suits him to do so
It has long been thought that it was not possible to make someone act
in a way which would go against their normal beliefs, morals, or wishes etc..
Most hypnotists believe that a hypnotised person would not behave in way
that would normally appear out of character unless that person is
predisposed to do so!
There is a prevailing idea the hypnosis can only be used for positive
effects. People often ask me can hypnosis be used to control someone’s mind
against their will?
this sort of question with an emphatic NO. The usual procedure is to
say that under hypnosis you cannot force a person to act in away that is
against his or her character.
Hypnosis has been around since the dawn of time. It has been used by
our ancestors for thousands of years. Everyone has experienced some form
of hypnotic trance whether they were aware of it or not. In fact everyone
probably experiences something very similar at least twice a day.
However the situation might have backfired if the girl had some deep
routed desires to remove her clothes in company. Also there are ways an
unscrupulous hypnotist can engineer the situation to meet his own ends!
Suppose the girl had been given suggestions that she was all alone in
her home. If the suggestion was then made that she was now in her bathroom
and about to undress in order to take a bath she might well have obliged. This
would involve inducing a state of hallucination and amnesia. I have no doubt
that in this way it is possible to degrade a person and possibly harm them
particularly if the hypnotist is inexperienced.
This information is for your own use only and I am giving it to you so
that you can achieve a better understanding of how your own mind works and
how others might try and use this knowledge against you.
There are some very prestigious medical bodies from around the world
who would like nothing better than legislate against the use of hypnosis other
than by “qualified therapists” that have been properly trained and have
medical qualifications or qualifications in psychotherapy.
In the UK, Parliament passed the “Hypnotism Act 1952” in which clause 2(1)
This did not restrict the use of hypnotism for long because other
venues, i.e. clubs where the public are admitted to have dinner etc., have
appeared, which seemed to get around the confines of this act.
exhibitions of hypnosis on the TV merely for the purposes of entertainment.
What I am about to reveal to you will sound a bit far fetched even
fantastic! You may think I have flipped or been lying in the sun for too
long but I can assure you it is all demonstrably true.
Some very well known “religious sects” induce hypnotic trances in their
recruits in order to recruit and retain their loyalty. It follows that anyone even
vaguely interested in a sect will already be predisposed to their beliefs and
philosophy. These quasi religious cults routinely induce a hypnotic trance in
their prospective converts as a Part of their mind control methods.
The point is that these unsuspecting recruits are not told what is
happening to them. If they were told that their “trainers” were putting them into
a hypnotic trance they would be horrified. The fact is the vast majority of the
population is ignorant as to what hypnosis is and what it involves and this
makes them vulnerable. If you asked most people off the street what they
thought hypnosis was they would probably talk about swinging watches and
crystal balls etc.
There are a number of ways you can induce a trance in someone and
we shall look at these in more detail next month. However the aim is always
the same, which is to suspend or distract the critical factor.
In one cult the technique they use to do this is to make a recruit sit in a
chair completely motionless while “trainers” take it in turns to monitor them.
They are scolded when they twitch or fidget, the aim being to get the recruit to
sit totally still for two hours or more. What is happening is that the recruit
relinquishes his or her control of their body and emotions to the trainer. The
recruit’s conscious mind is looking for movement or stimuli but of course there
isn’t any.
Their conscious mind is totally focused on the trainer which suspends
their critical factor and they drift very effectively into a trance. Obviously in this
instance they are willing to co-operate with their trainer but this is no different
from any session you might have with a hypnotist. After all you have to co-
operate with a hypnotist otherwise he cannot help you achieve your goal.
In the main the kind of people who let themselves fall for this kind of
thing are very vulnerable and impressionable. The concept of “social
compliance” still applies. They want to be controlled in the main and co-
operate with the person, often many more than just one, trying to control
them. This broadly speaking is what the “Social Compliance Theory” is all
One way a cult prevents its recruits from leaving is by using “phobia
indoctrination”. It is sometimes called “triggered phobic response”. What this
means is that trainers implant or programme irrational fears into your
subconscious mind as to what will happen to you if you ever left the cult. You
might typically be told that you will go insane, be hit by a car, get cancer etc.
1 think you get the general idea. Different cults use different phobias and
believe me it is very effective! It has been described a prison without bars.
Nice people!!
Have you ever seen American evangelists on TV, or on stage, where
they invoke the holy spirit and just touch a member of the audience, i.e
someone they have prepared earlier, on the head and pronounce them cured
of whatever ailment they suffer from?
Various government agencies from around the world have carried out
experiments in “sensory deprivation”. What this basically entails is placing
somebody in a situation where they are unable to receive any outside stimuli
from their surroundings. In other words their RA system of the brain are
effectively shut down because they are not being stimulated. This is often
done by placing the person in a waterproof suit with breathing apparatus and
immersing them totally in a vat of warm water. After several hours a profound
trance state is sometimes achieved. Although this sounds more like a form of
torture, and extreme sensory deprivation has been used as a form of torture
by certain countries, in the west some companies are offering this technique
as a form of relaxation therapyl
There are interesting parallels between this and what some Tibetan
monks practise. As part of their training some monks are walled up in a small
room for 39 months in total darkness and without contact with the outside
world. Their food is provided through a small hole. Now most of us would find
this treatment, solitary confinement, intolerable and it would probably result in
some form of mental illness. However to a Tibetan monk this period of
solitude is eagerly awaited because they have been trained for this moment
and expect great rewards from their efforts. They practise deep breathing and
meditation techniques during this time. Obviously the solitude is helpful to
achieve their desired goal. If I were to tell you about some of the things that
Tibetan monks are reported to be able to do, you would not believe me.
The CIA carried out experiments in the 50’s on brain washing and
other mind controlling techniques. They set up a team, which some believe
was successful, in creating assassins capable of killing foreign heads of state
or prominent American political figures.
I know that to some of you this sounds ridiculous however these
historical facts are recorded in the CIA’s own memo from the period outlining
their experiments.
You might think why bother? After all most countries will have trained
assassins on their books who they could call on as needed without resorting to
mind control. However to assassinate a prominent political figure is fraught
with danger that the killer might get caught and spill the beans.
The operatives the CIA trained however were very special. They would
be programmed to kill their victim and then develop total amnesia afterwards.
In this way it would be difficult to trace the connection back to the CIA, even
under strenuous interrogation.
From the recorded interviews with Sirhan Sirhan, who was executed for
the assassination of Robert. F. Kennedy, it is clear that he under went some
kind of mental programming and hypnosis. At his trial psychiatrists testified
that he had been hypnotised and the prison psychologist pleaded with the
judge to be allowed to deprogram Sirhan Sirhan but this was denied. Sirhan
Sirhan had no recollection of the assignation despite the fact that he obviously
carried it out.
If you think this is incredible wait until you hear the next bit. The
component in the CIA who carried out the experiments to produce “manturian
candidates” went on carry out what was known as “terminal experiments”.
The reason some fear hypnosis and what it can do is simply because
they know little or nothing about it. lf someone tried to hypnotise me I could go
into a hypnotic trance within a few seconds if I wanted to. However if I didn’t
want to then there is no way they could put me into a trance. Because I know
what is involved, how it works I can either accept it or reject it. I have the
control and I have the choice. Everyone should have this knowledge and that
Hypnosis can lead to problems if you are careless. If you let yourself be
hypnotised by anyone who has little or no experience, no knowledge of your
medical history or psychiatric background, then things might go wrong.
I am telling you these things for your
information only. I don’t expect you to rush off down
the local pub and start putting people into trances!
End of Sermon
I will to tell you about one of this century’s most
brilliant exponents of hypnosis. I also want to tell you
how you can learn to read a book in only a matter of a
few minutes, and a whole load of other incredible
How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!
Part Eight
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material.Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
No effort was made to pick him up. Instead, as he paused for breath for
fresh screaming, he was told quickly, simply, sympathetically, “That hurts awful,
Robert. That hurts terrible.”
Right then, without any doubt, my son knew that I knew what I was talking
about. He could agree with me and he knew I was agreeing with him completely.
Therefore he could listen respectfully to me, because I had demonstrated that I
understood the situation fully.
Then I told Robert, “And it will keep right on hurting.” In this simple statement,
named his own fear confirmed his own judgement of the situation, demonstrated my
good intelligent grasp of the entire matter and my entire agreement with him, since
right then he could foresee a lifetime of anguish and pain for himself.
The next step for him and for me was to declare, as he took another breath,
“And you really wish it would stop hurting”. . Again, we were in full agreement and
he was ratified and even encouraged in this wish. And it was his wish, deriving
entirely from within him and constituting his own urgent need.
With the situation so defined, I could then offer a suggestion with some
certainly of its acceptance. This suggestion was, “Maybe it will stop hurting in a
little while, in just a minute or two.”
This was a suggestion in full accord with his own needs and wishes and,
because it was qualified by “maybe it will,” it was not in contradiction to his own
understandings of the situation. Thus he could accept the idea and initiate his
response to it.
What you have just read is a case where the son of master hypnotist ,
MiltonH. Erickson M.D., had fallen down the back stairs of his home and had
split his lip and dislodged an upper tooth. To continue:-
Robert knew that he hurt, that he was a damaged person: he could see his
blood upon the pavement, taste it in his mouth and see it on his hands. And yet, like
all other human beings, he too could desire narcissistic distinction in his
misfortune, along with the desire even more for narcissistic comfort. Nobody wants
a headache; since a headache must be endured, let it be so colossal that only the
sufferer could endure it. Human pride is so curiously good and comforting!
Therefore, Robert ‘s attention was doubly directed to two vital issues of
comprehensible importance to him by the simple statements. “That‘s an awful lot of
blood on the pavement. Is it good, red, strong blood? Look carefully, Mother, and
see. 1 think it is, but I want you to be sure.
When Robert looked at the blood he was able to confirm what his father
had told him. While doing this he stopped crying and his mother was able to
clean him up. When he went to the doctor Robert asked if he was going to
have as many stitches as his sister had once had. Apparently no anaesthetic
was used while he was stitched up an he was totally absorbed by the whole
conscious mind is busy.
“You‘re talking too fast on that point; you should say that very slowly and
emphatically and keep repeating it. Say that very rapidly and wait a while and then
repeat it slowly; and please, pause now and then to let me rest, and please don‘t
split your infinitives]’
With her help she obtained a profound almost stuporous trance, which
was achieved in only thirty minutes.
Confusion Technique:-
It is important to give your suggestions quickly, insistent, and confident in
this way it is hard for the subject to make any sense of it all. What you want is
for him to get used to his situation and co-operate as best he can. In this way
he learns to yield to the situation you are creating. Eventually he will welcome
any positive clear suggestion you make.
Rehearsal Technique:-
This was often used by Erickson with people who he thought were good
potential subjects but who had initially made little response to hypnosis. There
are different ways it can be used. Here is one example:- There was once a
medical student who said he didn’t think he could develop amnesia in trance.
He wanted to go into trance but at the same time didn’t want to co-operate
with Erickson by developing amnesia. The student decided to take part in a
demonstration but selected his own proof of amnesia namely the removal of
his right shoe.
When the writing on the board was brought to his attention he denied
he had written it and triumphantly showed the class his right foot with the shoe
still on it and declared that this proved his earlier statement that he had no
amnesia. Continuing his remarks he absentmindedly removed his shoe from
his right foot! He was unaware he had done this until after Erickson had
dismissed the class. He finally agreed that he had indeed developed amnesia
without conscious knowledge of the fact. The class returned and he was
asked to write out the sentence once more. While he did this Erickson made a
few suggestions and the student went back into a deeper trance.
So what happened here was that the student was given a large number
of simple tasks to perform seemingly to produce amnesia but in reality to allow
him to succeed again and again which was what he really wanted. What he
thought of as failures, i.e. that fact that he could remember these acts, where
successful rehearsals leading up to the main theme the development of
amnesia. The careful way in which the main suggestion, the writing on the
board, made it different from the more emphatic instructions used for the other
acts. The little successes of not developing amnesia fuelled his desire for
more success which was to actually develop amnesia. The process of writing
out the sentence again placed him once more in same situation by that fact
that he had already rehearsed this event before, and so a deep trance was
made possible.
Soon she had several crystal balls in existence at the same time each
representing a different part of her earlier life. Once she was co-operating in
this way he found it easier to help her develop a deep and consistent trance
necessary to help her therapeutically. The same technique was used with a
musician where he was asked to think of a past experiences while at the same
time putting a haunting sound track with it in his mind. The repetitive nature of
this technique is very helpful to those people who are normally unresponsive
to hypnotic suggestion.
“The more casual hypnotic work can be
done, the easier it is for the subject to
adapt to it”.
As you can probably see there is no hard and fast rule as to how a
hypnotic trance should be induced it depends on you the subject and how you
react to the hypnotist. With self-hypnosis by regularly practising you will be
able induce a trance by being more and more aware of your mind and body.
Sometimes you might feel too agitated to develop a trance which is fine and
perfectly natural. The point is you cannot force it. Try to be relaxed and
Utilisation Techniques:-
Sometimes you find a subject will resist the techniques of induction. By
this I don’t mean they are being hypnotised against their will. Often they are
desperate to be hypnotised, for whatever reason or problem they have, but
their conscious mind frustrates any co-operation. Suggestions to respond to
given directions like relax or simple hand levitation exercises are blocked.
Shortly your right hand, or it maybe your left hand, will begin to lift up, or it may
press down, or it may not move at all, but we will wait to see what happens, Maybe
the thumb will be first, or you may feel something happening in your little finger,
but the really important thing is not whether your hand lifts up or presses down or
just remains still; rather, it is your ability to sense fully whatever feelings may
develop in your hand”
This kind of wording down plays actual motion, i.e. the lifting up, and
pressing down, or no movement at all, cover all eventualities. So a situation is
established whereby the subject can resist the process in a constructive and
co-operative way. What ever happens to a subject’s hand, whether it moves
up, presses down, or just rests there, they are now co-operating with the
induction process. The hypnotist could go on a little later to give suggestions
that the right hand will levitate, but the left hand will not. To resist this the
subject must exhibit contrary behaviour. This makes it easier for the subject to
“I’ve made no progress at all in three years of psychoanalysis, and the year I
spent in hynpnotherapy was a waste of time. I didn’t even go into a trance. I tried hard
enough. I just got nowhere. I’ve been referred to you and I don’t see much sense in it.
Probably another failure. I just can’t conceive of me going into a trance. I don’t even
know what a trance is.”
From these remarks and the notes made by her doctor it was decided that
the best way of getting her to go into a trance was to utilise her own words
during the induction.
You really can ‘t conceive of what a trance is---no, I can’t, what is it?----yes,
what is it?----a psychological state, I suppose----A psychological state you suppose,
what else?-- -- I don’t know---you really don ‘t know---no, I don’t----you don‘t, you
wonder, you think----think what yes, what do you think, feel sense? (Pause)----1
don’t know----but you can wonder----do you go to sleep? so tired, relaxed, sleepy----
really tired so very tired and relaxed, what else?----I’m puzzled----puzzles you, you
wonder, you think, you feel, what do you feel?----my eyes----yes, your eyes, how?----
they seem blurred----blurred closing----(pause)----sleep, tired, relaxed, sleep,
breathing deeper----(pause)----eyes closed, breathing deeper. Relaxed, comfortable,
so very comfortable, what else? (pause)----I don’t know you really don ‘t know, but
really learning to go deeper and deeper----(pause)----Too tired to talk, just sleep----
maybe a word or two----I don’t know (this was spoken laboriously)----breathing
deeper and you really don’t know, just going deeper and deeper, sleeping soundly,
more and more soundly, not caring just learning, continuing ever deeper and deeper
and learning more and more with your unconscious mind.
Once a trance was established she was given a post hypnotic suggestion to
create future trances.
Pantomime Technique:-
The nurse was obviously uncertain as to what to expect but was eager
to help and wanted to understand what was needed of her She was brought
out on to the stage to meet Erickson and he walked quickly towards her with a
broad smile and his right hand outstretched. He slowly shook hands with her
staring at her fully in the eyes and gradually stopped smiling. As he did this he
slowly let go of her hand in an irregular way by increasing pressure a little on
her thumb, little finger, and then the middle finger. In this way she did not have
any clear cut idea as to when he had completely withdrawn his hand. As he
did this he altered the focus of his eyes and appeared to look through her.
This minimal clue caused her eyes to dilate at which point he let go of her
hand completely.
This had the desired effect of leaving her hand resting in mid-air in a
cataleptic position. He raised her hand slightly by putting a little upward
pressure on the heal of it. Her other hand also showed signs of catalepsy and
she remained staring unblinkingly at him. He then slowly closed his eyes and
as he did so she followed his example. He then immediately opened his eyes
and walked behind her and explained to the audience what he had done in
English. The subject appeared not to hear him while he did this.
She did not even react when he touched her ankle and lifted her foot up
a little meaning she had to stand on one leg. He then put gently upward
pressure on her eye lids which she then opened. Her pupils were still dilated
and he pointed to his feet and then her raised foot and hands at which point
she looked puzzled even embarrassed. He then gestured to her to lower her
foot but the hands remained in catalepsy. A few of the audience were invited
to talk to her in Spanish but she still stared fixedly at Erickson and made no
response to the others. She also seemed to forget about her hands.
At this point one of the other doctors asked whether she could see the
audience as she did not seem to hear them. Erickson then pointed to his eyes
and then to hers bringing his fingers close them making a pointless sweeping
gesture towards the audience; as if to say where are they, and pulling a
suitably surprised face. She did the same thing and asked in Spanish “where
are the doctors, they are supposed to be here?” She appeared confused and
frightened and a few of the doctors spoke to her trying to reassure her but she
still seemed unsettled. Erickson then quickly got her attention by putting his
fingers close to hers and then to his own, lifted her hand, admiring a ring on
her finger as he did so, and gave her a big, pleased, smile. At this point she
lost her fear.
As she closed her eyes Erickson walked back to the far end of the
platform where he was originally standing when she first came out on stage.
As she opened her eyes she could see him where he originally stood and he
walked up to her in the same manner. This re-established the link to the start
of the induction and she achieved full awakening consciousness.
They shook hands and he thanked her very much and bowed as if
telling her he was finished with her. One on the doctors translated his
remarks. She was very confused at being dismissed in this way because she
could not remember any of the experiences of being in trance. She had total
amnesia of the whole experience.
Until I had read about this account of the pantomime technique I never
thought it was possible to put someone into an hypnotic trance unless you
could speak to the them in their own language. This just shows what a
consummate exponent of the art of hypnosis Erickson was. Of course he
made it all look so easy!
What can happen is that where people find it difficult to move into deeper trance
states because they unwittingly interfere with the process because they have no
experience of it. It is for this reason that a hypnotist might need to train a subject how
to respond to hypnosis for a few sessions before any therapy or experimentation can
take place. Eventually there will be a mixture of understanding between the conscious
and subconscious, a kind of co-operation. However once a deeper stage of trance has
been reached a subject will function directly at an subconscious level of awareness
without interference by the conscious mind.
Before I start to teach you how to drastically speed up your reading we
must first find out at what pace you read now. Most people are normally
categorised as either slow, average, above average, and fast readers.
When you have finished reading I want you to mark the page with a
paper clip. Now I want you to find out how many words you have read in a
minute. Don’t worry you don’t have to count them all. Just add up the words in
three typical lines and divide that number by three. This will give you an
average. Now count up the number of lines you have read, multiply them
together and you will have your answer. Please write this number in the box
Now I want you to think about the level of understanding you achieved
while reading your passage. Was it good, average, or poor. Now I want you to
put a tick inside the appropriate box:-
Good Average
Below Average
Most people read between 200 and 350 words a minute. If you managed
to get between these figures then you are considered to be an average reader.
There are some people who can naturally read over 1000 words per
minute with excellent memory and comprehension. President Kennedy was
reputed to have been able to read more than 2500 words per minute
naturally. He would read up to six news papers from cover to cover over
breakfast every morning.
The British economist and philosopher John Stewart Mill said that the
only thing that prevented him from reading faster than he did already was
that he could not turn the pages over quickly enough.
Incidentally the intelligence of a person does not have any direct effect
on the speed at which they read. Some slow readers are people who have
managed to obtain a Ph.D. while some fast readers have been known to
have low tQs. So there is no connection between a person’s intelligence and
how fast they can read. The difference between a fast reader and a slow
reader is the way in which they look at the page. To see what I mean open
your book once more at random and get ready to read a line from the left
hand side. Now just think about how you are focusing on the page. You
probably find that your eyes are focused on one line, and perhaps on two or
three words in the line.
Now I want you to use an old painters trick, I want you to turn the
page upside down. Painters did this with their canvases because it helped
them see if they had made any glaring errors in perspective or whatever.
What this does is help you see the page in a different way. Obviously I don’t
expect you to read it like this but I want you to look at the shapes the
paragraphs make on the page. See how the different sections of the page
are set out.
Now turn the book the right way up and feel how your eyes respond. I
expect that they probably start focusing again on the one or two words in the
line you were looking at before. The strange thing is there is no reason why
you should naturally do this. You do it because you have been taught to read
in a particular way many years ago.
What trained speed readers do, and naturally fast readers do, is read
groups of words at a time with each fixation of their eyes. This greatly speeds
up their reading and also makes it easier to understand and remember what
they have read.
that you probably consider each word as a unit. What this can mean is that if
the sentence is more than seven words it is possible to forget what you had
just read at its beginning. This is why we sometimes have to re-read certain
sentences from time to time. If you learn to scan four words at a time then the
chances are that each of your seven units you now will contain four words.
This not only increases your memory but also dramatically increases the
speed at which you read by three or four times. In actual fact the effect is to
increase your reading speed much more than that because if you read one
word at a time it is easy to become bored which means we lose our
concentration. This has an adverse affect on our comprehension and
This is another major reason that many people cannot read very
quickly. I want you to start reading a short passage from your book again.
Can you hear a little voice inside your head speaking the words to you as you
read. This what is known as sub-vocalisation. If you pronounce each word
silently inside your head as you read you effectively limit your reading speed
to the speed at which you speak and not the speed at which you think!
There is an interesting statistic which states that there are over one
million words in the English language. Out of all those words we have about
four hundred structure or linking words like, (and, but, the, of, etc ) These
words don’t carry any significant meaning on their own, however, amazingly
those four hundred words make, on average, up to 60%-65% of what you
have ever read or will read in the future.
This does not mean I want you to leave these words out because that
would change the meaning but see them but don’t try to pronounce them. A
lot of our problems we have with reading have to do with the way we view the
Regression in this context has nothing to do with hypnosis. What we
mean here is the situation whereby we sometimes re-read the same
sentence twice. Our eyes simply make a mistake. It is estimated that the
average person will re-reads about one sixth of what he is reading. What this
does is not only slow down your reading, because your eyes have to re-
adjust but it affects out understanding and concentration as well.
2. Sub-vocalisation.
3. Regression.
Now I am going to show you how you can deal with these obstacles. The
technique you about to learn is very simple but very effective, but you must
practise it regularly over a period of time. What we want to do is improve
your :-
3. Concentration.
To get started all you need is an index finger. If you are right handed
you will use your right index finger and if you are left handed you will use
your left one. Fold your other fingers into your hand to make a fist leaving
your index finger sticking out.
What you do now is take the book you had earlier and underline each
of the lines you read earlier with your finger while focusing your eyes on the
words directly above the tip of your finger.
Once you have mastered this try the next step. What you are going to
do now is do an exercise that widens your range or field of vision. I want you
to divide each line into three sections. You are still going to underline each
line with your finger but this time there will a minute pause between each
section. You must put all your concentration into expanding your field of vision.
This exercise is a little harder but you will get there if you practise.
Again you are not trying to understand what you are reading. It is purely
an exercise to expand your vision. You should concentrate totally on seeing
three or four words at a time. Your eyes are trying to scan each section. They
are trying to scan them simultaneously in one swoop. Don’t rush this pad but
spend about three seconds on each line i.e. one second over each section.
Practise this exercise in one minute bursts and then rest in between. You
should spend about ten to fifteen minutes a day for the next month or so. You
should notice a bid difference after this time. You will no longer grope around for
individual lines but select small phrases.
Speed Drill Exercises Step One:-
This next step is a little similar to the last exercise except that you will
be concentrating on building up you your reading speed. You will not be
concerned with comprehension at all at this stage. In fact you will be forcing
yourself to scan the lines at speeds so fast that comprehension will be
impossible. Why do this?
Speed, as Einstein knew, is entirely relative. When the first trains where
invented people were terrified at travelling at speeds of 25 miles per hour. It
was even considered dangerous and un-natural. However today this speed
would seem unbearably slow. When you first join the motorway, after
crawling alone at thirty miles per hour the speed of seventy miles per hour,
more ilkely ninety, seems very fast even scary. However after a few minutes
you adjust to it and the speed feels quite normal, even slow. If there is a hold
up or some congestion on the road you might have to reduce your speed to
fifty or even forty miles per hour How fast does your speed feel then? It feels
very slow after travelling at seventy five. It is exactly the same with your
reading speed.
So how does this apply to speed reading? Well what you are going to do
is practise seeing words at rates as high as five thousand words each
minute. Now you are not going to be reading at this rate just seeing that
number of words. The reason you are doing this is that when you slow your
rate down to only one thousand or perhaps eight hundred words a minute
you will be able to read, comprehend and remember what you are reading.
Now mark the book where you want to start from. Now using your
index finder again you are going to scan the lines as before but this time
you will go at a much faster pace. You don’t want to go so fast that the
words are just a blur but certainly faster than you think you can
understand them. Remember this is a speed practise not an actual
reading practise.
For two minutes just scan down the lines remembering to move
quickly and smoothly from the end of one line to the other. if you find that
you can actually comprehend what you are scanning then you are going
much too slow. So speed up!
Now when you have being doing this for two minutes, use a kitchen
timer or something similar, mark the place in the book where you eventually
Don’t worry too much if you felt that you didn’t see every single word
clearly or that your eyes didn’t always keep up with your finger. This is
normal when you first try this exercise. You may even feel a bit tired, this is
also normal. In time these problems will go eventually, the thing is to keep
Step Two:-
Now I want you to go back to your first marker. What you are going to
do now is repeat the same exercise except this time you are going to cover
the same ground in only one minute. That’s right only one minute. This is
very important. You must get to your marker by the time one minute is up
even if you have to scramble through the lines and you experience all the
problems mentioned above. You will probably find that some of the words do
appear blurred and you lose your hand to eye co-ordination this does not
matter, just keep going.
You will be moving at twice the speed. If you have trouble keeping
track of time get someone to count down the seconds for you.
When you have got used to practising step two you can go on to the
next stage. Now you are going to cover the same ground in only thirty seconds.
At this stage you may well find the words appearing blurred to you. In
fact you will probably think you can only see part of each line. You will almost
certainly have to underline three or four lines which each sweep of your finger.
To make the exercise easier imagine your index finger is like a paint
brush. Simply sweep across the page as fast as you can. Now set your timer
for thirty seconds. Keep your eyes focused as best you can as you sweep
down the page. This exercise should be practised for about fifteen minutes
each day for at least three weeks.
Subconscious Reading Power:-
You might remember me telling you that your mind can absorb over two
million pieces of information every second. Well it is possible to use this fact
to your advantage. Since you will be utilising your subconscious mind you
will need to relax your conscious mind sufficiently in order to allow your
subconscious the freedom to act.
This technique is not like reading a book in the usual way and you will
not necessarily know consciously whether or not you have absorbed any
information. You might be wondering why use this technique at all in the first
place. Having learnt to scan the book while in a deeply relaxed state your
subconscious mind will see and absorb the words on the page at an
incredible rate. Having just scanned the book in this way you just seem to
obtain knowledge intuitively. It is not a conscious thing. Someone asks you a
relevant question about the book and you just seem to know the answer.
Some highly placed sales personnel are now learning this technique in
order to get an edge over their competitors. By scan reading it is possible to
absorb an astonishing amount of information that would take a hundred
times longer doing it the conventional way using conscious effort. It means a
sales person could mug up on a particular topic relevant to a customer’s
needs and be able to converse with them and make the appropriate
Step One:-
Let yourself drift into a light trance using whatever method works best
for you. Imagine your mind being opened up to receive information. It feels
relaxed and responsive. You want to be in as quiet a room as possible
without any possibility of being disturbed.
Stay in this pleasant state for about ten minutes. In your imagination
have a book in front of you and turn to page one. Imagine your eyes acting
like a camera, a bit like a spy who photographs documents turning the pages
calmly and efficiently. Your eyes simply absorb what on each page. Imagine
it feeling perfectly natural and effortless. Don’t force it.
Come back to a kind of semi-waking consciousness. Try to
retain that feeling of calm and focus. Find a book you would like to
practice with and open it to the first page. Now simply turn the pages
over as calmly as you can, like you did in your imagination a shod
while age, and at a speed which feels appropriate for you. Just keep
turning the pages until you finish the book. As you turn the pages
silently chant to yourself “Read----Relax Read Relax.
How To Tap The Incredible
Part Nine
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
Part Nine
Learning how to learn.
If we were lucky we were good in one or two subjects and perhaps just
OK at others. If we were really lucky we might have excelled at three subjects
and been above-average in the others. Of course there will always be some
who seem to be brilliant at everything. This might be you!
Can you think back to your school days and remember which subjects
interest you most? Which lessons did you eagerly wait to get to and which
teachers you most liked and respected? Which teachers have made a
difference in your life? Which teachers made their subject come alive and fun
and made you want to learn more?
Many psychologists have studied the mind in recent years and have
discovered some fascinating things about how it likes to work. I want to
share some of this information with you because I think it will have a dramatic
effect on your life from this moment on.
If you have ever watched a young child playing you will have noticed
how he will pick up a toy or some other object and examine it with fascination
and an insatiable curiosity. He will bang it on the floor, he will put it in its
mouth, and will wave it slowly in the air and then perhaps move it faster while
observing how the light reflects off the surface.
This process of learning is known as "Global learning". This is the most
natural way we can learn anything. Infants are not taught to do this it is their
natural instinct to learn in this way. Provided a child feel secure and loved
within its environment its mind will absorb an immense quantity of information
from birth right up to the age of six or seven. A child's mind during these years
can be likened to a sponge.
What is more this process is made all the more pleasurable for the
child because it is carried out in the stress free environment where the child
receives bucket loads of positive feedback and encouragement from its
parents and relatives. This is a perfect way in which to learn.
If you have had children yourself, you will remember what a great day
it was when your first-born took his first tentative steps. Can you remember
how you felt? The fact is it is an amazingly difficult task to learn how to walk
but despite this fact we all seem to manage it. Even though we must have all
fallen down countless times, sometimes painfully, we never got discouraged
or felt a failure in anyway. Have you ever stopped to wonder why that is?
Despite all the setbacks and constant falls you never thought of giving up, you
simply picked yourself up and tried again. You see at that age you never
even considered yourself a failure because you had no idea of this concept.
At about the age of two you would have probably taught yourself how
to communicate using language. In fact most children will have learnt about
90 per cent of all the words most commonly used by the time they reach the
age of five!
By the time you were six you would probably have mastered the basics
of what is considered to be the hardest learning task any human can
undertake: learning to read.
Then what happened? You went to school! It was probably here that
you start to get your first real sense of the concept of failure. Maybe a teacher
asked the class a question and you eagerly put up your hand and gave the
answer you thought to be correct only to be told that you were wrong. At this
point your classmates began giggling at you and you felt embarrassed. This
was probably your first feeling of failure.
What they found was that on average every child received 460
critical or negative remarks to 75 positive ones! That is a ratio of more than
six negative strokes to the one positive one. The effect of this overtime on
some children can be devastating. We dealt with some aspects of positive
and negative strokes in part three so I don't want to repeat myself here.
Suffice to say many children subconsciously give up at school and stop
learning at this time. They begin to feel unworthy and a failure.
school system. Typically pupils sit in regimented rows and are lectured to
from the front of the class. All the fun and colourful aspects of nursery school
or elementary school are gone. What has happened is that the learning
process has come to rely on using the left side of the brain, this is known as
left brained activity. This imbalance between using the whole brain, as in
nature's Global learning approach, to relying on just one side of the brain
causes some children to feel confused and a failure. In fact the very words
study or learning trigger feelings of tension and loathing.
It is a funny thing but in the work I do and in learning all the techniques
involved in personal development I cannot remember learning anything quite
like them in school. I can understand that you should give people a balanced
education in society but it seems to me that the emphasis is on trying to get
young people to absorb large quantities of information regardless of whether
they're interested or need it.
Can you remember revising for an exam the night before and
frantically trying to cram as much information into your poor mind as you
could? Did you go into the examination with a feeling of panic and nausea?
If for the sake of argument we assume that it is vital for all our
children to know the names and dates of the all the Kings and Queens of
England, the names of all the counties, and the provincial towns within those
counties etc.. I would have thought that if one of the goals of education is to
get young people to learn and retain all this stuff why not teach them the
techniques to do this efficiently and easily?
Next month I will show you some simple techniques that you can use
to remember a list of a hundred objects, even 500 objects, or a 1000 if you
want to. Not only is it possible to remember them it is also possible to
remember them in any order! It is relatively easy to do this.
And I don't want you thinking that you are to old to do this because
you're never too old to learn this stuff. In fact some the techniques you are
going to learn are thousands of years old. The ancient Romans and Ancient
Greeks used them.
Do you think that if young children were gradually shown how to do this
in a way that was fun and enjoyable it would improve their feeling of self worth
and confidence?
If we take the trouble to understand how the brain likes to process
information and study ourselves to discover how we as individuals most
like to absorb that information we can make learning a much easier,
more efficient, and enjoyable process.
The right brain which controls the left side of your body prefers to deal
in random, unordered, and intuitive modes of thought. It is ideally suited to
deal with feelings and emotions. It is this side of the brain which deals with
spatial awareness, and shape or pattern recognition. It is also the side of your
brain which appreciates music, art, and visualisation, in other words controls
our creative side.
Both sides of the brain are equally important and if you are lucky you
will use both hemispheres in harmony with each other. People who favour
each hemisphere equally find the learning process much easier this is
because they can call on either side depending on what the subject is that
they want to learn. Although people with a dominance on the left side will
tend to find learning easier than people with the dominance on the right side.
This is because most forms of communication are expressed either by verbal
means or in written form which are both left brain activities.
Some psychologists believe that if you favour the left side of your brain
more than the right then you should make an effort to carry out some right
brain activities. Activity like learning a musical instrument or taking up
painting are both good examples. This is because it is believed it is unhealthy
to be centred heavily in one area or mode of thought. Do you remember the
concept of yin and Yang.
It maybe that while you were at school you felt you didn't have the
right kind of “brain” for certain subjects. Or maybe you felt that your brain was
good at other subjects. There may have been some subjects which you felt
you would never be able to cope with. The fact is that we are all born with
brains that are virtually indistinguishable from one another.
If you wish to improve your learning skills you need to try and find out
how you process information in a way that suits you best. If you think you
naturally favour one hemisphere more than another then perhaps you should
consider doing activities to stretch the less dominant side.
It is not just useful for you to know what your preferences are, it can
also be very useful to know the preferences of others because it can help you
get your point across to them more effectively. It could help you with your
boss, your colleagues at work, your spouse, and your children. In short if you
think about it knowing this information could improve your relationships with
others on all sorts of levels.
Visual people not surprisingly prefer to learn via their sight. For example they
like to write things down on a piece of paper before they can remember them.
If you asked a visual person a particular word they are usually able to see it in
their mind’s eye or prefer to write it down on a piece of paper. They say things
like "I can see what you mean" or "I get the picture".
Visual people are often smart dressers. They tend to speak quickly.
There are often good at organising and planning events. Doodling on a piece
of paper when making a phone call is sometimes a clue.
Auditory people might say something like "that rings a bell" or "that
sounds good to me". They like to read aloud and often talk to themselves.
They can be distracted by sounds easily. They prefer to tell you things rather
than write them out. They tend to remember things they've heard more easily
than things they've seen. They like to spell words out loud rather than write
them down on a piece of paper. Auditory people will often be very musical.
I am all ears.
You can call on me any time.
He gave me an earful.
I hear you loud and clear.
I'd never heard of such a thing.
These people often be very tactile and want a touch you in order to get
your attention. They will often stand quite close your while they address you.
They will often use their arms and hands to express themselves while
speaking. When reading they like to use their finger as a pointer. They tend
speak more slowly and use words of action. They tend to be physically
active and dislike to sit still for prolonged periods of time. These are the
people who if given a wardrobe to put together will prefer to experiment with
all the bits and pieces rather than rely on the written instructions like a visual
person would do. An auditory person would prefer to be told what to do.
They might say things like a "I feel the same way". They use expressions
There are no hard and fast rules in determining which category you
come under. Most people would use a mixture of those expressions
mentioned above however they can give you a fair idea if you are particularly
dominant in one area or another.
You can get a pretty fair idea of the modality of another person by the
kind words they use. By adapting your behaviour to suit the modality of
another you can achieve a great rapport with that person. If you are speaking
to somebody whom you believe to be a visual person sit up straight in your
chair or stand up. This tends to make you speak more quickly. If you can
match the rate at which you speak to the other person's you create a climate
of understanding. If you are speaking to a Kinaesthetic person on the phone
sit back and put your feet up, this will help you slow down the rate which you
And a visual person might find studying near large window a distraction
because of all the activity that might be going on outside.
The most important attribute you can have if you are to absorb information
and learn effectively is Good Concentration.
How To Develop A Good Concentration: -
The ability to focus our minds on the subject at hand is very important
if we are to be effective in absorbing the information. It helps if we can
eliminate outside distractions, as I have previously mentioned, and create a
learning environment which is conducive to our own personal preferences.
However it is the distractions that come from within our own minds
which cause us the most problems.
maintain our concentration while we are deeply relaxed. Some psychologists
believe they have discovered a solution to this problem which is to play a
certain kind of music in the background while working.
Tests have shown that it is not just humans that can benefit by
listening to this music. Even plants will grow better and more healthily
exposed to baroque music. They will even lean towards the speakers in the
same way as they might lean or tilt towards the sun! (It is even more
interesting to note that the same plants tend to shrivel up and die if they are
exposed to loud heavy metal rock music!)
We don't yet know why this is but some scientists believe that because
studying tends to be a left brain activity music can activate our intuitive and
creative side of the right brain. This means that both sides of our brain can be
integrated into the learning process. I'm sure we can all remember situations
at meetings or in the school room where we found ourselves dreaming and
staring out of the window into space. This is because our right brain was not
engaged. Of course once you have finished studying there is nothing wrong
with playing something more upbeat if you want to.
To summarise:-
1. Quieten your mind by meditating for a few moments before
revising or studying.
What Will I Get Out Of It?
The problems of concentration tend to arise more frequently when we
are learning a subject because we have to and not because we want to. By
now you will realise that the state of your mind or your attitude towards
something is of vital importance. If you're trying to learn, but at the same time
your telling yourself that you hate the subject, or you don't think you will ever
be able to learn all this stuff, then you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
From time to time we all have to learn things that we would prefer not
to. The answer to the problem is to find the motivation to spur us on and
achieve our goal. If possible we should look for a positive motivation.
Negative motivation takes the form of "I really would like to have another
helping of ice-cream but if I do I just know I'll put tons of weight on". Positive
motivation on the other hand might take the form of "if I can pass this exam
and get a good grade I will be able to go to the university of my choice".
Positive motivation is always preferable.
What you have to do is try and identify as many benefits of carrying out
an action as you can. If you can keep these benefits in mind you will help to
focus yourself. You could read out one of these benefits to yourself each time
you sit down to study.
We all have to make these kind of decisions on a daily basis from the
smallest trivial situation right up to the big life changing decisions.
imagine that you have completed your task and are reaping all the wonderful
benefits that this brings. There might be a promotion, more money upon
gaining an extra qualification, anything really. The important thing is to
concentrate on something that motivates you.
It might sound a bit strange but by battering the conscious mind in this
way your message can make its way through to the subconscious. The
conscious mind will give up and say, OK then you win, this stuff is really
Make sure you maintain this positive attitude when you begin to study
and persevere with it. Imagine what if feels like to be engrossed in a subject,
what sensations you normally experience etc. Recreate these sensations
in your own mind.
You can make learning your given subject one of your short term goals
as we discussed in part four. Is often a good idea to give yourself a reward
once you have completed a given task. It might be a trip to the cinema, or a
meal out with a friend, or just a good bottle of wine. (I know which I would
Celebration is important part in trying to motivate yourself. You should
never ignore this aspect because it reinforces the positive side of what you
are trying to do. Once you have succeeded and completed your task you will
get a feeling of accomplishment and this will give you the confidence to
repeat the process later. By celebrating your achievement you give yourself
the motivation for the next new task.
Your Memory: -
Whether you know it or not you possess a fantastic memory right now.
Some of you might doubt this but I can assure you it's perfectly true. There
are many reasons why people think that they have a poor memory but this is
only because they haven't been told how the memory works.
If you haven't been shown the techniques you can use to boost your
memory you will never understand what you are truly capable of and be able
to tap into the incredible power of your mind.
Try to imagine for a moment what a terrific memory would do for you
and your life. Being able to remember the names of your clients having met
them only once or it might be enough to be able to reel off facts and figures
whenever you need them. Or maybe you want to learn a foreign language. It
does not matter what you do in life, a good memory is always a real asset.
The human brain contains billions of nerve cells called neurones. They
communicate with each other through chemical and electrical messages. The
number of interactions that are theoretically possible is astronomical, some
say the number would be greater than the total number of atoms within the
whole universe!
All memories are somehow encoded and stored in our brain. They are
transmitted across minuscule gaps between the neurones along minute
branches called “dendrites”. The dendrites act as a sort of bridge. Each nerve
cell can have thousands of connections. Some scientists believe that this
intricate network transmits electrical messages between cells which in turn
causes chemical reactions to occur which are then encoded as memory. The
greater the number of connections between the cells the greater the memory.
This is how many business seminars are taught these days. A topic is
gone into in great depth all day. Total immersion is a good thing, however it is
important to take regular scheduled breaks for reasons I will explain shortly.
The simple fact is that we still do not actually know for sure how
memories are stored in the brain but there is currently a great deal of
research being carried out in this area.
Does Your Memory Change as You Age?
Most experts will tell you that rather than our memories deteriorating as
we get older it is more a question of them getting rusty through lack of use.
Tests have shown that older people tested for memory against younger
people, who had left college for some time, revealed that there is no
significant difference between the two. The fact is that there is evidence to
suggest that provided a person is in good health there is no reason why their
memory should diminish significantly.
If you eat a balanced diet and avoid eating processed food there
should not be any reason why your diet should effect your memory. However
there are a number of nutrients which are essential if you brain, and memory
are to function efficiently. Recent research has found that choline is essential
for good memory. In fact it has been used to treat people with all kinds of
mental disorders. Choline occurs naturally in Soya beans. Folic acid is also
an important nutrient for efficient brain functioning and if you have a
deficiency then this can cause you to have problems with concentration and
memory. Folic acid occurs naturally in green leafy vegetables like spinach,
broccoli, or parsley.
Vitamin B1, B2 & B5 and magnesium are all very important to the
general health of out nervous system. B3 has been found to be important to
maintain the metabolism of the brain and this in turn helps you concentrate.
Also B6, B12, Iron, copper, Zinc, and calcium are all important ingredients. I
am not recommending you go out and start popping pills all day and would
reiterate that a healthy balanced diet containing fresh produce, preferably
organic, is all you probably need to maintain a healthy body and mind.
However if you think you may be deficient perhaps you should consult your
Vitamin C is good for reducing stress within the body and helps
remove toxins. We are the only mammal which does not produce vitamin C
naturally within the body and so need to obtain it exclusively from our diet.
Although many foods do contain Vitamin C many nutritionists recommend that
we take vitamin supplements every day, roughly about 500 milligrams per
day. If you opt to take Vitamin C supplements you should spread the dosage
out throughout the day otherwise the body just flushes out the excess if it is
taken all in one go.
The Psychology Of Memory: -
Broadly speaking memory falls into two categories. One is called
short term memory and the other as long term memory. As the name
suggests, short term memory is temporary where as long-term memory is
permanent. The short term memory is used to remember immediate
information in order to carry out an immediate task. A good example would
be if you had to remember someone's telephone number long enough so that
you could write it down or dial it. Short-term memory can last anything from
20 seconds up to two days.
Now unless there is some reason why the information learned should
be made permanent you will forget it, at least consciously. If there is some
important reason why you need to remember the information, then you'll
have to make a conscious effort to transfer it into your long-term memory.
Example of how the short term memory and long-term memory work
together is when you read something. Your short term memory has to retain
the words within a sentence long enough for the image or concept of what
you reading to be transferred into your long-term memory. Once you've
grasped the concept the individual words that you have read will be quickly
forgotten, at least by your conscious mind.
Research carried out during the late part of the 19th century showed
that when we memorise items on a list we tend to remember the items at the
very beginning and at the very end better than those in between. It also
seems that the majority of the items we forget are forgotten almost
immediately after reading them. Approximately 70 per cent of the information
learned would be forgotten within 24 hours. However if the list of items was
reviewed within that period then there was a much greater chance of
transferring information to the long-term memory.
The best way of remembering items in this way is to review them for
five minutes duration ten minutes after your first attempt at learning them.
Then review the list once more the following day again for about five minutes.
The next stage would be to review the list once more about a week's time for
approximately three minutes. Your next review should be made a month later
again for only three minutes. Your last review should take place six months
for about three to five minutes. By this time you should find that the
information you are learning will have been transferred effectively to your
long-term memory.
So if you have a list of information that you want to commit to your long-term
memory the following technique is quite effective.
This is why it is a good idea to take breaks of about five minutes between
learning any new material. If you have a lot of information that you wish to
learn it is a good idea to split it up into equal chunks. Each chunk or portion
of material should not take more than 30 to 40 minutes to learn. Before
moving on to the next portion of information you should take a five-minute
By doing this, you help your memory to process the information because
each chunk of material will have a beginning and an end. And as you
remember we remember items better that occur at the beginning and end of
a section. So by splitting your work into many sections you create many
more beginnings and endings. By taking regular five-minute breaks in
between you are also making use of the reminiscence effect. Before
embarking on learning any new material you should first revise what you have
just learnt. For some reason by doing this it helps the memory improve and
makes it easier to remember future material.
Next month I will go into memory in much greater detail and show
you some amazing techniques that you can put to use to vastly improve
your ability to remember. The thing to remember about memory is that we
don't really forget anything. And as I have already told you during this course,
our subconscious minds remember almost everything we see, hear, and do.
It may be that you can remember a particular school assembly when you
were young but if you do remember it, it is because it stuck in your mind for
some reason. This is the secret to developing a good memory and I shall
explain this next month. In the meantime here are three lists of items I want
you to memorise for next month. Just do the best you can. Please don't worry
if you can't remember them all. I can assure you, you'll soon be able to
remember a list five, ten, or more times as long, without any problems.
How To Tap The Incredible
Part Ten
The author and publisher of this material are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner for any
injuries which may occur through reading or following the instructions in this material. Any
reader who experiences discomfort from carrying out any of the exercises in this material
should seek medical advice.
(How to develop a fantastic memory!)
With a little practise after using the techniques in this month’s release
you will amazed at how much easier it will be to remember facts, details, and
tasks you have to do. You will be able to remember lists of names. telephone
numbers, etc. You will be able to give speeches, lectures and presentations
with much more confidence.
I expect your life, in common with most people, is full of things we have
to do, appointments, phone numbers, peoples names, information learned on
courses for your work or at college. The list is endless.
This man had to deal with hundreds of clients during the week. How
could he do this?
I have said it before but I will say I again. Your brain is able to
remember everything you have heard seen or done. In side your mind right
now are probably all the names of your classmates from your reception class
at infant school. You almost certainly know the address and telephone
number of every place you have ever lived. You probably even know what
you had for lunch on the 14th March 1985.
The fact that our brains retain all this information is well documented
and many studies have been carried out. The problem for us is being able to
recall this information which is filled away deep inside our subconscious mind.
Now most of this information is of little value and we are not likely to want to
remember it. But other information would be very useful to recall when we
wanted or needed it.
The trouble is our brains are designed to confine most information into
storage unless it thinks there is a good reason to keep it on hand. If we want
to recall information we have to use certain techniques to help us get hold of it
at a later date.
However your memory remembers things best if they have or use the
following characteristics.
4. Your mind will make sure you remember anything which has a
connection with your survival
Sensory/Visual Associations:-
Any experiences which involve sight, sound, taste, touch, or movement will
have particularly strong associations for our memory. The connections
become more vivid for the memory if more than one sense is used. This is
why it can help to read out aloud if you are trying to remember something. If
you act out what you are learning as well, this involves both your visual,
kinaesthetic and auditory senses at the same time.
Emotional Associations:-
Memories which are charged with great joy and happiness are unlikely
to fade away. Lets face it you not going to forget the first person you fell in
love with, or the day your son/daughter was born. You are also likely to
remember days which are charged with great sorrow like the a bereavement
of a loved one for example. The exception to this is where the grief, or
experience, is so painful the mind shuts it out to avoid you feeling the pain.
Any situations that involve absurd, colourful, sexual, exaggerated,
imaginative even painful associations will be easier to remember. They “stick
in the mind” somehow.
Repeated Items:-
This is perhaps the most commonly used method of remembering
something although not always the most efficient. Telephone numbers that
you constantly use will be stored away in your long term memory and will not
have to be looked up. This is because the connections in the brain will have
been sufficiently mylenated. Any physical activity relies on repetition in order
to perfect the techniques involved. This is true whether you are learning a
new dance routine or mastering a new movement or form in a martial art.
Musicians rely on a great deal of repetition to learn a new piece of music
particularly if they want to commit it to memory.
The key factor in being able to remember things is our ability to form
associations. Some associations go hand in glove with one another and
appear quite natural like swimming and water or sea and beach. Other
associations are not so obvious so we have to have a conscious effort to form
The more outrageous you can make the connections between the
things you are trying to remember the easier it will be to remember them.
What you have to do is to visualise your associations as vividly as you can.
Make them silly, ridiculous, humorous, sexy, even frightening. The very act of
taking the trouble to form these images in your mind makes the whole
process of remembering them much easier.
In part nine I gave you a list of sixteen items for you to try and remember.
I want you read through them again for about five minutes and then
close this release. Now try to write them down in the order they are given
These items are all unrelated to each other and so connecting them
together in some logical way would seem difficult at first sight. What I am
going to show you is how you can make links between these objects in a way
that one leads you on to the next one and so on. It is rather like connecting
the links in a chain.
By using the link method it is easy to remember all these items without
having to write them down or carrying out repetition. What is more you will be
able to remember them in order and even reverse order. And more over you
will be able to retain this information for as long as you want or need to. You
can use this method to remember lists of all manner of things. You can use it
to remember appointments or main themes in a speech. It is particularly
useful if you have to recall any information that has to be recalled in
It can be hard to simply remember plain words or facts so we must find
a way of making these items memorable in some way. In order to be able to
do this we must learn how to form strong mental images. There are a few
rules we must follow if our mental images more easily we must follow a few
simple rules:-
4. Try to use and involve as many of you senses as you can. Add
sound, see the images clearly, but also add smell, taste, and touch.
5. Finally while forming your mental pictures you can form memorable
associations or links by (a) Placing objects on top of one another, (b)
Placing objects underneath one another, (c) Putting objects inside
one another, (d) Or by smashing the objects into each other, and (e)
You can reverse the items.
Now the first two items on the list I gave you were Telephone and
Lorry. Can you form a suitable mental picture to link these two items.
Perhaps you can imagine a giant telephone on wheels crashing into a lorry?
Or a brightly coloured telephone in the shape of a lorry? Or you could have a
lorry take on human characteristics and have it talking down the giant
telephone to the office.
settee could be playing the guitar or shaped like a guitar.
You could have a guitar riding a bicycle. The bicycle could ride up to
the launch pad of the space shuttle which could take off but unfortunately
crash into an oil tanker. The huge explosion could set light to a post office
many metres away or the oil tanker could be blown right up into the air only to
land on top of a post office. The fire from the post office might spread to the
Bank next door. Firemen looking like clocks arrive to put the fire out and one
uses a brightly coloured pencil instead of a hose! Do you get the idea?
Now I want you to spend a few moments to form vivid mental pictures
of the sequence of events I have just described. I am sure you can think of
some better ideas. Now wait a few moments and write out the list again.
I would be surprised if you did not do much better this time. What is
more if you test yourself again in two days time the chances are you will still
be able to recall these items in perfect order. Don’t worry if you have a little
trouble with some of the items the thing is it takes practise to form strong
mental images but in time it will become second nature!
The Room Method:-
This technique is a variation on a method to remember a sequence of
facts or items that was widely used by the Ancient Romans. A senator giving
an important speech to the senate would imagine a long walk and on this
imaginary walk there would be key places or objects along the way. What he
would do is associate these key points on the walk with the important themes
on his speech in his mind.
The room method is very similar except you use the various rooms in
your house or flat. What you do is think of two or three distinctive objects in
each room that you can use to form associations with whatever it is you have
to remember.
The advantage of this system is that you know the layout of your house very
well and this makes forming connections fairly straight forward. Suppose you
wanted to remember the items below, all you would have to do is link each
one with one or more of the objects in the rooms of your house.
For example in the hall you might use objects like, a table, a clothes peg, and
the front door. Try to think of three objects you could use in each of the rooms
of our house. Start with the Hall and move around the house using each room
in the order you reach them so as to keep them in sequence. For example the
hall might lead into the lounge, then the dinning room, then bedroom one,
Bedroom two etc.
Try to remember the following list of items using the room method.
Remember to use the techniques we used before when forming your mental
1. Exaggerate.
2. Use Motion, humour etc.
3. Use personal experiences etc
4. Use as many of your senses as possible.
5. Put objects next to or inside one another etc.
Apples, bananas, oranges, pineapple, grapes, apricots, peaches, pears, tangerines.
Rhyming System:-
What you do here is create key words, normally of tangible objects, to
represent numbers. In this way you can recall items or appointments in the
correct sequence. For example:-
1. Could be BUN.
2. Could be.
3. Is TREE.
4. Is Door.
5. Is Hive.
8. Is SKATE.
9. Is WINE.
10. Is DEN.
You could try to make associations between the first list of items I gave
you and the key words I have given here. The benefit of this system is that
you will be able to think of an item out of sequence and give the number
associated with it. For example the ninth item on the list below is Oil Tanker. If
you associated this with the key word WINE you would know that Oil Tanker
was the ninth item on the list, and so on. Have a go at forming connections
with the following items this time use the key words given above.
The Phonetic Memory System:-
I now want to show you what known as the most powerful numeric
system yet devised. It is a little more complicated than the other two systems
just mentioned but once you have mastered the basics it will give you the
ability to recall vast amounts of data. You will be able to remember peoples
telephone numbers, account numbers, formulae, technical equations, in fact it
has can have a vast number of applications. If you have not come across this
system before then prepare to be amazed! All the numeric systems are
designed to relate abstract numbers to concrete or tangible items or facts.
1. = (t).
2. = (n).
3. = (m).
4. = (r).
5. = (l).
6. = (j).
7. = (k).
8. = (f).
9. = (p).
0. = (z).
Now these sounds are not as random s you might think. The letter (t)
looks a bit like the number one and the letter (n) has two legs going down and
the letter (m) representing the number three has three legs. The fourth letter
in the word four is an (r). Not all the key letters have such a logical
connection and it might seem a bit complicated at first but once you have
mastered the basics it really is very easy.
The next step is to put some key, sometimes called peg, words to each of
these sounds. Remember vowels and silent consonants don’t count.
1. (t) tea.
2. (n) Noah (as Noah’ ark).
3. (m) mow. (as in mowing the lawn).
4. (r) ray.
5. (l) law.
6. (j) Jaw.
7. (k) key.
8. (f) fee.
9. (p) pie.
10. (s) sea.
Now these are examples you could create your own peg words in fact
it is a good idea to do so however you may wish to stick with these until you
know what you are doing. In order to make it easier to find words to represent
numbers we can use other sounds to represent the same number. See the
chart below:-
Once you have mastered your basic key words of phonetic sounds you
can expand your list of words. If you think about it all the numbers we use
have the digits 0-9 in them. For example if you wanted a peg word to
represent the number 11 you would choose a word with two (t) sounds in it
like (tattoo). The first two (t(s) in tattoo represent the two 11 in eleven the
third (t) does not count because it is silent and of course the vowels don’t
count either.
For the number 12 you might choose the peg word (tin). Again one is
represented by the (t) and the two by the sound (n). Here is a list of the next
few peg words up to twenty so that you get the general idea:-
10. = toes.
11. = tattoo.
12. = tin.
13. = team
14. = tar.
15. = tail.
17. = tack.
18. = toffee.
19. = tap.
20. = nose.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
So lets see if we can create some peg words to represent the following
telephone numbers:-
The first number 850 for me signifies the word (flies) and 847
represents (fork). Once I have these two images all I have to do is imagine
the person who’s telephone number it is being chased around the garden by
a host of flies carrying a garden fork. I visualise the scene like a Tom and
Jerry cartoon.
Lets take the next number 323 4423. What I would recommend you do
here is find a peg word for the first three numbers 323 and then two other peg
words to represent the numbers 44 and 23 respectively. Personally I think of
the word Monument to represent the number 323. For 44 you could have the
word Rare or Roar. For the number 23 you could use the word Numb.
However, for me, another word sprang to mind for the number 23 which
conjures up a very vivid picture in my mind when I put all three words
together to form a link or association. What about the word enema. Lets face
it the words monument (323) roar (44) and enema (23) conjure up a
particularly strong image which your not likely to forget in a hurry. I am sure I
don’t have to spell it out for you! All you have to do now is associate the
person or organisation with that image.
You see this is a good example because this image follows the rules
laid down earlier. To my mind the image is strong and vivid. It is amusing, well
it is to my warped sense of humour anyway. It has powerful visual content. It
also used sound as in the word roar. So this association appeals to our
different senses which will make it much easier to remember later on. This is
the key to developing a good memory. Things simply have to be made
What’s in a Name?
Suppose you want to be able to remember peoples faces after only
having met them once? This techniques is widely used by business people
and salesmen because they know it gives them a considerable edge when
dealing with their customers. People are very flattered when you remember
them particularly if you can also remember their name. It shows that you have
made an effort on their part or thought them important enough to want to
remember them.
The ear can be:-
You can also consider the colour of the hair. Shape of Moustache or
beard, hopefully not on a woman! . I bet you had never considered all those
points before. You see if you can identify one or more strong characteristics
form a person’s face you are half way there to making an association
between their looks and their name. You have to be careful about the hair
because people can often change their hairstyles sometime quite
Some people have a bad memory for faces because they think that all
faces look more or less alike but we all know that is not really true, ignoring
identical twins for the moment and even then there are often some slight
tell tale differences. What you have to do is try and identify the most
prominent aspects of a person’s features.
What you should try and do is go through a kind of check list every
time you met someone new:-
Face shape……………………
By developing you powers of observation you will be well along the
way to being able to remember a person’s face. Most of us find it more
difficult to remember a person’s name compared to their face. This because
again most of us tend to remember visual impressions better than what we
hear. This is partly because we probably study things with our eyes for longer
periods of time. This is particularly true when you are introduced to somebody
new and you are told their name. We are able to study a person’s face for a
considerable period of time but perhaps only hear a person’s name once.
There are a few steps you can take to help you remember a person’s name:-
1. Whenever you are introduced to someone make sure you hear the name
clearly. As a rule most people fail to make enough of an effort to actually
hear the name of the person they have been introduced to. If you did not
hear the name clearly the first time ask them to repeat it again. If you are
still not sure ask the person who introduced you how the name is spelt.
You will be surprised that most people will feel flattered that you are
taking such trouble to show an interest in them.
2. Always repeat the name to yourself or better still out aloud once you have
heard it. You might say that “ I am very pleased to met you Mr Whitebed.”
If his name is actually Mr Whithead then they will correct you. Either way
you get to hear the name out aloud. Try to repeat the name during the
3. If you can try to form an association between their name and their
appearance. Some names which suggest a colour like Black, White,
Green, or an occupation like Carpenter, Taylor, make it easier to form the
connection. So to do names like Spring, March, Winter which denote
seasons make associations easier. If the person’s surname is Spring you
could imagine them standing on an enormous spring bouncing around the
room. The more outrageous, humorous, or ridiculous the image the better
it will be fixed in your mind.
Famous names are also easy to form associations with like Churchill,
Clinton, Nixon, Dillon, Lennon, or McCartney. We all probably have a
strong image in our minds when we hear those names. All you have to do
then is link the person you have just met to that image. Again try to make
it more memorable in some way. If the name is Clinton I am sure there are
a number of associations which could be made! It does not matter if they
are sexual or lewd in some way provided you remember them. You not
going to tell the person what you are thinking. Try not to burst out laughing
if you association is particularly good! You can use this technique if the
person has a same name as someone else you know well. In the same
way you can make some kind of connection between them.
4. If the name does not have any descriptive meaning and so you cannot find
an obvious connection try and find a descriptive word which come close
to the phonetic sound of the name. For example if the person’s name is
“Pickering” you could form an association using the words (Pickerel,
picket, or pickled as in herring). Perhaps visualise them having their
pockets filled with pickled herring. Or imagine them eating a vast plate
filled with herring. The bigger the plate the better of course.
So to summarise:-
1. Make sure you hear the name correctly.
Now there is a lot more I could say about the various systems I have
just mentioned however to do this subject justice would take up another
course in its own right. For example it is possible to combine the different
methods to produce a phenomenally powerful system. You can
compartmentalise the various systems. You can use the link method in
combination with the phonetic system. Or you can use the room method with
the phonetic system. Basically the sky is the limit. What I hope I have done is
introduce to you some ideas and techniques which will enable you to
dramatically boost your memory power. The tape enclosed is designed to
word on your subconscious mind because many people think they can’t
remember things because they have just got into the habit of forgetting. You
don’t have that excuse any more!
I will use the French language as an example but this system will work
with all languages provided you have imagination and are adaptable. It works
best with remembering the names of items, i.e. (nouns). One of the biggest
problems English people have is remembering the correct genders of words.
Now I cannot go too far with this here but the general principle is that
you have to make an association between the French word you are learning
with an English word or expression that will give you the phonetic sound as
close as possible to the French word. This is not to be confused with the
phonetic system mentioned earlier that is quite different. This is your first
step. The next step is to associate the word with the actual item in question.
Finally you want to put a gender in there as well. I know this all sounds a bit
tricky but it is not as hard as you think. For example:-
The French word for tap is robinet (m). The way I remember this is to
think of a friend called Robin dancing on top of a gigantic bathroom tap. I
imagine him losing his footing and falling into a net i.e. Robin-net. My friend is
male and so that takes care of the gender. If the word was feminine then I
would try and think of a girl called robin.
Now I could go on and on with many examples but I hope I have given
you the general idea. The key with this system as with all others is to form
strong associations. Again I could write several releases on this topic alone
but I just want to give you the general idea for the moment.
I hope you have found this information useful and I wish you luck in
using them in your everyday life. Incidentally I have a friend who is widely
considered to be brilliant at playing bridge. Apparently he used a system
based on the principals outlined in this course to memorise the cards!
Good Luck!
Before I go and tell you where you can get the self
hypnosis tapes here some useful links you may wish
to look at;-
The Negative Calorie Diet WB & CB - Sales of The Negative Calorie Diet
Workbook & Cookbook eBook (Win95/98 only) [50% commission]
The Ultimate Weight Loss eBook! - Sales of the very popular Ultimate Weight Loss
eBook. Sells for $19.95. [40% commission]
Acceptance Acupressure Method - Rapid, permanent release from phobias and all
negative emotions. This simple self-help tool has a 90% success rate. [25%
Stress Control with Power Thinking - Home of Power Thinking for Stress. [25%
The Stress Calming Consultancy - email based stress management training courses.
[20% commission]
How To Order Cassettes Tapes!
In order to help you with your progress through this
programme there are some Self-Hypnosis tapes that
accompany the course. The titles are as follows:-