251-270 Test Kits MC

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CEL Hydraulic
Fracturing Water
Analysis Laboratory


Hach Water Quality Test
Strips…get results in
less than 1 minute,
in the field or lab.

Free & Total Chlorine
and pH Kit…simple,
economical, accurate
monitoring of
chlorine and pH.

DREL Complete Water Quality Laboratory

Product No. 2922401
Contains a DR 1900 portable spectrophotometer and Digital Titrator, along with the reagents and apparatus necessary to run approximately
100 tests on 24 different parameters. Two test kit cases with molded inserts are included. One case holds the instrument and accessories,

and the other case holds reagents and testing apparatus. The instrument case has additional storage space for adding an optional pH meter,
portable turbidimeter, and 2 probes. Case size (2 cases): 21x11.5x11" (WxDxH)

DREL Complete Water Quality Laboratory, with Meters

Product No. 2922601 (Shown above.)
Each of the Complete Water Quality Laboratories include a DR 1900 portable spectrophotometer and Digital Titrator, along with the
reagents and apparatus necessary to run approximately 100 tests on 24 different parameters. Part 2922601 also includes HQ40d
multi-meter, 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter, a PHC201 pH electrode (1 meter cable), and a CDC401 conductivity probe (1 meter cable) for
more complete analysis. Both versions come in two test kit cases with molded inserts. One case holds instrument and accessories, and
the other case holds reagents and testing apparatus. The instrument case has additional storage space for the included multi-meter,
portable turbidimeter, and 2 probes. Case size (2 cases): 21x11.5x11 (WxDxH)

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
DREL/2800 Complete Water Quality Laboratory The Complete Water Quality Laboratory contains: DR 1900
Spectrophotometer, Rechargeable Battery, 1 Matched Glass Sample
Parameters # of Tests* Range Cells, Instrument Case, Reagent/Apparatus Case, Reagent Set,
Apparatus Set, Cell Adapters, Power Supply.
Acidity† 40 - 100 10–4000 mg/L
Alkalinity† 40 - 100 10–4000 mg/L Prod. No. Description Unit Price
Ammonia 100 0.01–0.50 mg/L 2922601 DREL Complete Water Quality 6,399.00
Laboratory, with Meters: HQ40d
Bromine ** 0.05–4.50 mg/L multi-meter, PHC201 pH electrode
Calcium† 40 - 100 10–4000 mg/L (1 meter cable), CDC401 conductivity
probe (1 meter cable)
Chloride† 40 - 100 10–10,000 mg/L
2922401 DREL Complete Water Quality 4,099.00
Chlorine, Free & Total 100 (F) 0.02–2.00 mg/L Laboratory, Basic
100 (T) 2923200 Replacement Reagent Set for 2922401 842.00
and 2922601
Chromium 6+ 100 0.010–0.700 mg/L 2923400 Replacement Apparatus Set for 485.00
Color Unlimited 15–500 units 2922401, 2922501, and 2922601
Copper 100 0.04–5.00 mg/L Accessories
5839700 Carrying Case 212.00
Hardness† 40 - 100 10–4000 mg/L 5839100 DREL Apparatus and Reagents Case 300.00
Iodine ** 0.07–7.00 mg/L 5838500 DREL Instruments Case 330.00
DREL Apparatus Set Replacement Items
Iron 100 0.02–3.00 mg/L
2299442 50 mL Beaker 1 each 3.65
Manganese 100 0.1–20.0 mg/L 1704200 25 mL Mixing Bottle 1 each 4.05
69000 Brush 1 each 4.05
Nitrate 100 0.1-30.0 mg/L 108141 50 mL Graduated Cylinder 1 each 19.65
Nitrite LR 100 0.002–0.300 mg/L 108140 25 mL Graduated Cylinder 1 each 17.65
1720500 Delivery Tubes for Digital Titrator 5 /pk 9.25
pH (test strips) 50 4–9 pH 1690002 Digital Titrator 1 each 172.00
(Steps: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9) 2124720 Dropper, Plastic, 0.5 & 1 mL, 20/pk 20 /pk 5.95
4530700 Electrode Holder 1 each 25.99
Phosphate, Total‡ 100 0.02–2.50 mg/L 4530600 Electrode Rod 1 each 31.39

Phosphate, React 100 0.02–2.50 mg/L 50546 250 mL Erlenmeyer Flask 1 /pk 6.85
50541 50 mL Erlenmeyer Flask 1 /pk 6.85
Sulfate 100 2–70 mg/L 1690008 User Manual for Digital Titrator 1 each 19.49
209738 10 mL Pipette 2 /pk 2.85
Sulfide 100 5 – 800 µg/L
1465100 Pipet Filler, Safety Bulb 1 each 33.45
Suspended Solids Unlimited 5 – 750 mg/L 2552200 Sample Container, 120 mL 1 /pk 2.35
2369400 Shears 1 each 18.15
*The titration methods may yield between 40 and 100 tests depending 173106 Stopper for 18 mm tube 6 /pk 7.95
on amount of titrant used. 187701 Thermometer, -10 to 110°C 1 each 21.05
**Bromine and Iodine tests use the same reagents as the Chlorine tests.
†Titration Method.
‡Requires additional heating apparatus. Order Heatab Cookit Kit
(Prod. No. 220600) and other heating accessories.

Hach’s water quality laboratories

contain everything you need for
water analysis—instruments,
meters, reagents, apparatus, and
accessories—all in convenient,
rugged carrying cases!

Find it here… Buy it today on hach.com

U.S. customers only.
CEL Hydraulic Fracturing Water Analysis Laboratory
• Designed to deliver simple, fast, on-site analysis in oil and gas applications, including source water, frac fluid,
produced water, flowback water, water treatment, drilling fluids, and enhanced oil recovery
• Includes reagents and apparatus necessary to measure critical oil and gas parameters using the Digital Titrator,
DR 900 Colorimeter, and HQ40d Multi-Parameter Digital Meter
• Includes step by step procedures customized for samples encountered in hydraulic fracturing water applications

Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price

2994000 Alkalinity (Phenolphthalein and Total) as CaCO3 10 - 4000 mg/L 100 4,229.00
Bacteria (Iron-related, Sulfate-reducing Presence-Absence; population estimation 9
and Slime Forming)
Barium 0-8,000 mg/L 100
Chloride as Cl- 10-200,000 mg/L 100
Conductivity (TDS) 0.01 uS/cm - 200 mS/cm Unlimited
(0 - 50,000 mg/L as NaCl)
Hardness, Total as CaCO3 100-200,000 mg/L 100 each range
Hardness, Calcium as CaCO3 100-200,000 mg/L 100 each range
Iron, Total as Fe 0-3.00 mg/L 100
pH 0 -14 units Unlimited
Sulfate as SO4 0 -7,000 mg/L 100
2997100 Complete Reagent Set, CEL/890 Hydraulic Fracturing Water Analysis Kit 860.00
2527900 Boron Reagent Set, 0-50 mg/L 289.00
*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Includes Hydraulic
Fracturing Water
Analysis Handbook!

To learn more, visit: hach.com/fracwater

The oil and gas industry’s water
management needs are higher today
than ever, and so is the need to
accurately determine water quality.

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050

CEL Advanced CEL Advanced

Portable Laboratory Drinking Water Laboratory
Our most versatile portable laboratory, this fully configured system The CEL Advanced Drinking Water Laboratory provides complete field
meets the most demanding needs. The Advanced Portable capabilitities, with instrumentation and tests that cover every major
Laboratory includes DR 900 Colorimeter, HQ40d multi-meter, PHC201 drinking water parameter. The Advanced Drinking Water Laboratory
pH probe (1 meter cable), CDC401 conductivity probe (1 meter cable), includes DR 900 Colorimeter, HQ40d Multi-meter, PHC201 pH probe
Digital Titrator, illustrated instrument manual, procedure manual CD, (1 meter cable) & CDC401 conductivity probe (1 meter cable), Digital
reagent sets, and all required apparatus in a rugged carrying case. Titrator, reagent sets, apparatus, illustrated instrument manual,
procedure manual CD and a sturdy field case.
Prod. No. Description Price
251239 CEL Advanced Portable Laboratory 3,139.00 Prod. No. Description Price
2690600 CEL Advanced Portable Laboratory - 1,060.00 251235 CEL Advanced Drinking Water Laboratory 3,335.00
Replacement Reagent Set 2690200 CEL Advanced Drinking Water Laboratory - 920.00

Replacement Reagent Set
Parameter Range No. of Tests Parameter Range No. of Tests
Acidity (as CaCO3)* 10-4,000 mg/L 100 Alkalinity (as CaCO3)* 10-4,000 mg/L 100
Alkalinity (as CaCO3)* 10-4,000 mg/L 100 Aluminum 0-0.800 mg/L 100
Ammonia, LR (as N) 0-0.50 mg/L 100 Ammonia, Free (as N) 0 - 0.50mg/L 50
Carbon Dioxide* 10-1,000 mg/L 100 Chloramine, mono (as Cl2) 0-4.50 mg/L **100
Chloride* 10-10,000 mg/L 100 Chlorine, Free 0-2.00 mg/L 100
Chlorine, Free 0-2.00 mg/L 100 Chlorine, Free 0-10.0 mg/L 100
Chlorine, Total 0-2.00 mg/L 100 Chlorine, Total 0-2.00 mg/L 100
Chlorine Dioxide 7-50 mg/L † Chlorine, Total 0-10.0 mg/L 100
Color 0-500 units † Chlorine Dioxide 7-50 mg/L †
Conductivity/TDS 0-199.9 mS/cm † Color 25-500 units †
Copper 0-5.00 mg/L 100 Conductivity/TDS 0-199.9 mS/cm †
Dissolved Oxygen 0-15.0 mg/L 25 Copper 0-5.00 mg/L 100
Hardness (as CaCO3)* 10-4,000 mg/L 100 Dissolved Oxygen 0-15.0 mg/L 25
Iron, Total 0-3.00 mg/L 100 Fluoride 0-2.0 mg/L 25
Manganese, HR 0-20.0 mg/L 100 Hardness (as CaCO3) 10-4,000 mg/L 100
Nitrate (as N) 0-30.0 mg/L 100 Iron, Total 0-3.00 mg/L 100
Nitrite (as N) 0-0.350 mg/L 100 Manganese, LR 0-0.700 mg/L 100
pH 0-14 pH units † Nitrate, HR (as N) 0-30.0 mg/L 100
Phosphate 0-2.50 mg/L 100 Nitrate, LR (as N) 0-0.50 mg/L 100
Silica, LR 0-1.60 mg/L 100 Nitrite (as N) 0-0.350 mg/L 100
Sulfate 0-70 mg/L 100 pH 0-14 pH units †
Sulfide 0-0.70 mg/L 100 Phosphate 0-2.50 mg/L 100
Suspended Solids 0-750 mg/L † Sulfate 0-70 mg/L 100
Temperature -10 to 110°C — Sulfide 0-0.70 mg/L 100
Turbidity 21-1,000 FAU — Temperature 10 to 110°C †
Zinc 0-3.00 mg/L 100 Turbidity 21-1,000 FAU †
*Titration method. *Titration method.
†No reagent required. For pH and conductivity, see pages 67-68 for standards. **100 tests for Chloramine or 50 tests for Chloramine plus 50 tests Free Ammonia
†No reagent required..

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U.S. customers only.
Soil and Irrigation Water
Model SIW-1
• Ideal for fertility analysis, site characterization,
and irrigation water quality assessment
• Farmers, researchers, extension agents and
educators can use kit in the field, in classroom -
• Uses color disc, drop count titration and
dipstick methods
• Includes manual for interpretation of soil and
irrigation water test results

Prod. No. Parameter Range* Price

2496000 Soil Tests 1,429.00
% Base Saturation 0-100%
Cation Exchange Capacity 0-M† meq/100 g
Exchangeable Sodium -
Free-Lime Estimation -
Gypsum Requirement 0-360 kg/ha (0-15 tons/ac)
Exchangeable Ca and Mg 0-M† meq/100 g
Lime Requirement NOTE: No longer available in
this test kit
Pocket Pro pH 0-14 pH
Phosphate 0-4.4 mg/L
Phosphorus 1-130 mg/L
Nitrate-Nitrogen 0-40 mg/L
Potassium 0-250 mg/L
Total Exchangeable Acidity 0-M† meq/100 g
Sodium, exchangeable -

Soil Texture Estimation -

Irrigation Water Tests

Calcium and Magnesium -
Pocket Pro Multi 0.0 - 99.9 ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen 0-40 mg/L
Pocket Pro pH 0-14 pH
Potassium 0-5
Sodium Estimation -
Sodium Absorption Ratio -

Ten-Parameter Aquaculture
Model FF-2 with Digital Titrator
• Measure 10 fresh water parameters using Digital Titrator titration
and color-disc colorimetry
• Meters for dissolved oxygen are available as options
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
243001 Acidity (MO and Total) as CaCO3 100-4,000 mg/L Up to 100 of each 509.00
Alkalinity (P & M) as CaCO3 100-4,000 mg/L Up to 100 of each
Ammonia 0.1-3 mg/L 300
Carbon Dioxide 10-100 mg/L Up to 100
Chloride 10-100 mg/L 100
Dissolved Oxygen 0-10 mg/L 100
Hardness as CaCO3 100-4,000 mg/L 100
Nitrite 0.0-0.4 mg/L 100
pH 4-10 pH units 300
Temperature -10 to 110°C (1-220°F) Unlimited

Digital titrator methods may yield 40-100 tests depending on the amount
of titrant used for each test.

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm
†No upper limit.

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
Nitrification Control
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
2882200 Free Ammonia 0.02-0.50 mg/L NH3-N 50 1,589.00
Monochloramine 0.0-4.50 mg/L Cl2 100
Nitrite 0-0.350 mg/L NO2--N 100
Total Chlorine, LR 0-2.00 mg/L Cl2
Total Chlorine, HR 0.1-10.0 mg/L Cl2

Surface Water
• By providing economical, easy-to-use tests for ammonia, chlorine, pH, nitrate,
dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, and temperature, this kit is an ideal tool for
source water monitoring and wastewater treatment plants
• The rugged, lightweight kit includes everything needed for a full array
of interesting tests
• Uses drop count titration and color disc methods

Prod. No. Parameter Ranges # Tests

2559833 Ammonia 0.0-2.4 mg/L 100
Chlorine, Free and Total 0-3.4 mg/L 100
Nitrate 0-40 mg/L 100
Dissolved Oxygen 0.2-4,1-20 mg/L 100
Pocket Pro pH Tester 0-14 pH units
Phosphate 0-4.4 mg/L 100
Phosphorous 0.02-1, 0.1-5, 1-40 mg/L 100

Temperature -1 to 48°C unlimited

Wastewater Treatment Plant Laboratory

• Designed as a complete, self-contained portable laboratory that provides
simple measurements for wastewater treatment plant operators
• Includes necessary reagents/equipment to test for temperature, pH,
sludge settleability, settleable matter, dissolved oxygen, and chlorine
• Uses drop count titration and color disc methods

Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price

188703 Chlorine, Total 0-3.4 mg/L 100 678.00
Dissolved Oxygen 1-10 mg/L 100
Settleable Matter 0-1 L (Imhoff cones) unlimited
Sludge Settleability 0-500 mL (grad. cylinders) unlimited
pH 0-14 pH units 300
Temperature (thermometer) -10 to 110°C unlimited

Model SW-1
• Designed for on-site or laboratory monitoring of storm sewer outflow or industrial discharge
• Use to screen for pollutants after rainfall or snow events to meet stormwater
discharge monitoring requirements
• Uses drop count titration and color disc methods
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
2481300 Chlorine, Total 0-3.4 mg/L 100 448.00
Copper 0-4 mg/L 100
Detergents 0-1.2 mg/L 32
Pocket Pro pH Tester 0-14 pH units
Phenols 0-4 mg/L, 0.02-1 mg/L 50

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

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U.S. customers only.
Professional Boiler and Cooling Test
Model PBC-DT
• Includes everything needed for effective Boiler and Cooling testing
• Invaluable versatility and accuracy for both operators and chemical sales
• Uses both digital titration and color disc testing methods
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
2350700 Alkalinity as CaCO3 1-4000 mg/L in 6 ranges 50 - 100 792.00
Chloride as Cl- 10-8000 mg/L in 7 ranges (depending on the
Chlorine as Cl2 0-3.4 mg/L amount of titrant
Hardness as CaCO3 10-4000 mg/L in 6 ranges used)
Iron as Fe 0-.2, 0-2 mg/L
Nitrite as NO2 0-80, 40-2000 mg/L
pH 5.6-8.4, 7.4-9.6 pH units
Phosphate as PO4 0-4.4, 0-40 mg/L
Silica as SiO2 0-30 or 20-600 mg/L
Sulfite as SO3- 40-800 mg/L in 3 ranges
Pocket Pro Multi Tester Auto-ranging

Phosphonate Test
Model PN-10
• Simple, fast, color disc method
• UV lamp digestion converts phosphonates into reactive phosphate
• Control phosphonate concentration to save chemical costs

• Hach’s reliable PhosVer 3 reagent provides results in under 15 minutes

Prod. No. Model Method Parameter Range* # Tests Price

PN-10 Color disc/ Phosphonate - 1 - 5 mg/L 100
UV photolysis as PO43-
2113300 Color disc/UV photolysis (115 Vac, 60 Hz) 629.00
2113302 Color disc/UV photolysis (230 Vac, 50 Hz) 635.00
2113301 Color disc (Does not include UV lamp or power supply.) 138.00

Hardness, Iron, and pH

Models HA-62, HA-62A, and HA-62B
• Combines frequently measured parameters into one rugged kit
• Uses color disc and drop count titration methods

Prod. No. Model Parameter Range* # Tests Price

183700 Model HA-62 Hardness as CaCO3 1-20 gpg 100 144.00
Iron 0-4 mg/L
pH 6.6-8.4 pH units 300
183701 Model HA-62A Hardness as CaCO3 1-20 gpg 100 135.00
Iron 0-7 mg/L
pH 6.6-8.4 pH units 300
183702 Model HA-62B Hardness as CaCO3 1-20 gpg 100 169.00
Iron 0-7 mg/L 100
pH 4-10 pH units 300

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
Hardness and Iron
Model HA-77 with Color Disc
• Uses both drop count titration and color disc methods
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
202300 Hardness as CaCO3 1-20 gpg 100 93.95
Iron 0-4 mg/L

Iron and Manganese

Model IR-20
• Use this color disc kit to identify underlying cause of stains
• Provides quick, on-the-spot tests for iron and manganese
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
146300 Iron 0-4 mg/L 100 162.00
Manganese 0.1-3 mg/L

Iron and pH
Model IR-23
• Easy to perform color disc method provides accurate measurements of

two key parameters

Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price

256200 Iron 0-7 mg/L 100 164.00
pH 4-10 pH units 300

Free & Total Chlorine and pH

(This product is not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
Model CN-67
• Includes color discs and a comparator for monitoring chlorine and pH
• Provides more accuracy than models using color cubes

Prod. No. Parameter Ranges* # Tests Price

1411100 Chlorine, Free & Total 0-3.4 mg/L 100 free, 100 total 94.95
pH 6.6-8.4 pH units 300

Chlorine, Hardness, Iron and pH

Model CN39-WR
• Includes frequently measured water quality parameters in one rugged test kit
• Uses color disc and drop count titration methods
Prod. No. Parameter Range* # Tests Price
223002 Chlorine, Total 0-3.4 mg/L 100 198.00
Hardness as CaCO3 1-20 gpg† 100
Iron 0-4 mg/L 100
pH 4-10 pH units 300

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm
†No upper limit.

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U.S. customers only.
• Platforms to Meet Any Need—Most Probable Number,
Membrane Filtration, or Presence/Absence formats
• All Inclusive Apparatus/Equipment—from sample
collection through incubation, each MEL is designed
for efficiency
• Sterile Components—selected for durability and sterile
for accuracy
• Portable Incubator—battery powered with AC/DC
option. Easy to use, clean, and store.
• Wide Choice of Media—choose from over 30 options
• Self Contained—rugged carrying case for storage and
rapid deployment
• Illustrated Instruction—Complete, easy-to-read instructions

MEL/m-ColiBlue24® Field Filtration Lab


Prod. No. Method Sensitivity # Tests Price

2586400 Membrane Filtration 1 CFU/mL Varies 1,556.00
Total coliforms and E. coli
Contents (Qty): 10 mL Sterile poly pipettes (50); Alcohol (100mL); Alcohol Burner (1); Sterile
petri dish with pad (50); Whirlpack bags with thiosulfate (50); Forceps (1); Ampule breaker (1);
3x hand magnifier (1); Permanent marker (1); Microfil single-unit filtration stand (1); Manual
vacuum device (1); m-ColiBlue24 media glass ampules (2 packs of 20 ampules); Millipore
push-fit filter funnels (144); pipet filler (1)

Monitor with EPA-Approved


Consumables only. Choose media and order separately

Prod. No. Method Sensitivity # Tests Price

2569800 Most Probable Number <1.1 MPN/100 50 2,095.00
(Multiple Tube Fermentation)

Contents (Qty): Poly pipets; 10 mL: sterile (50) • pipet bulb (1) • Batteries; AA; pk/4 (1) •
UV Lamp (360 nm); Whirlpak bags w/thiosulfate (50) • Permanent marker (1) • Germicidal cloth
(5) Portable Incubator and MPN rack (1 ea) • Inoculating loops; disposable; sterile (50) •
Thermometer; -10 to 100°C (1)

Monitor bacteria in water samples with the

flexibility to choose your own media.

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
MEL/MF Total Coliform Lab
Prod. No. Method Sensitivity # Tests Price
2569700 Membrane Filtration 1 CFU/mL 200 3,895.00
Total coliforms and E. coli
Contents (Qty): Thermometer: -10 to 100°C (1); Alcohol (100mL); Alcohol Burner (1);
Germicidal cloths (5); Whirlpack bags with thiosulfate (200); Forceps (1); Ampule breaker (1);
3x hand magnifier (1); Permanent marker (1); Manual vacuum device (1); Field vacuum
manifold (1); Sterile filtration assemblies - funnel, membrane, dish, pad (200); Hand tally
counter (1); Portable incubator(1); incubator rack (1).

Filtration and incubation consumables only.

Order media separately.

MEL/P-A Safe Drinking Water Lab

Prod. No. Method Sensitivity # Tests Price
2569600 Total coliform and E. coli 1 CFU/mL * 2,227.00
Chlorine, Free and Total 0.1 - 3.5 Cl2 (F&T) 100
TDS Pocket Pro Tester 10 - 1990 mg/L 450 hrs battery life
Nitrogen, Nitrate 1 - 50 mg/L NO3-N 100
pH Pocket Pro Tester 0 - 14 pH units 450 hrs battery life
*Select your media below, and order separately.
Contents (Qty): Apparatus: Clippers (1); 100 mL poly beaker (1); Color comparator box (1);
Viewing tubes (4); Nitrate-Nitrogen color disc(1); DPD Chlorine color disc (1); Thermometer:
-10 to 100°C; Dropper with 0.5/1.0 mL graduations (1); Permanent marker (1); Whirlpack bags

with thiosulfate (50); AA batteries (4); Portable 360 nm UV lamp (1); Germicidal cloths (5); This economical portable lab monitors key
Portable incubator and P/A rack (1 of each); Pocket Pro pH tester (1); Pocket Pro TDS tester (1) water quality parameters plus Total Coliforms
and E. coli using presence-absence method
Reagents: 5 mL NitraVer powder pillows (100); Filtration and incubation consumables only.
5 mL Free and Total Chlorine powder pillows (100); For m o Order media separately.
4.00/7.00 pH buffer powder pillows (10 each) Media
and Mic
P ro d u c ro
see pagts,
2 4 5 -2 5 e s

MEL Potable Water Lab

Prod. No. Method Sensitivity # Tests Price
251242 Total coliform and E. coli 100 2,780.00
Chlorine, Free and Total 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L 100
Pocket Pro pH Tester 0 - 14 pH units 450 hrs battery life
Nitrate 0.3-30.0 mg/L NO3 100
Nitrite 0.002-0.350 mg/L 100
Nitrogen, Ammonia 0.01 - 0.50 mg/L 100
Pocket Pro TDS Tester 10 - 1990 mg/L 450 hrs battery life
Phosphorous, Reactive 0.02-2.50 mg/L PO4 100
Sulfide 0 - 0.70 mg/L 100
Temperature 10 - 110 °C Unlimited
Monitor 8 parameters plus Total Coliforms
Contents (Qty): Apparatus: Clippers (1); 25 mL poly graduated cylinder (1); Thermometer: -10 and E. coli (using Presence Absence
to 100°C (1); 6 oz. Demineralizer bottle (1); Whirlpack bags with thiosulfate (100); 0.5 & 1.0 mL method). Consumables and
poly graduated droppers (60); 100 mL poly beakers (2); AA batteries (4); Portable 360 nm UV P/A w/ MUG media included.
lamp (1); Portable incubator and P/A rack (1 of each); Pocket Pro pH Tester (1); Pocket Pro
TDS tester (1); DR 900 colorimeter and accessories.
Reagents: 100 mL Sulfide 1&2 reagents (2 of each); PhosVer 3 powder pillows (100); NitriVer 5
powder pillows (100);NitraVer 3 powder pillows (100); 50 mL spec grade phenol red (2);
Free and Total Chlorine powder pillows (100); 4.00/7.00 pH buffer powder pillows (10 each);
Presence Absence with MUG (50); Ammonia, Salicylate and Cyanurate reagents (200 of each)

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U.S. customers only.
Hach Single Parameter Test Kits make water analysis simpler.
• Premeasured Reagents Save Time and Money • Everything You Need for Testing Anywhere
• Easy-to-Follow Instructions • Spill-Resistant Storage
• Survives Outdoor Field-Testing Conditions

We have test kits available for the following parameters. For details, visit www.hach.com or see the
Parameters Section of this catalog, pages 145–216.
Acidity Carbon Dioxide Detergents Hypochlorite Orthophosphate Silver
Alachlor Chloramine Dissolved Oxygen Iron Oxygen Scavengers Sulfate
Alkalinity Chloride Fluoride Lead Ozone Sulfide
Aluminum Chlorine Formaldehyde Manganese PCBs Sulfite
Ammonia Chlorine Dioxide Glutaraldehyde Molybdate pH Tannin Lignin
Arsenic Chromium Glycol Monochloramine Phenol Total Hardness
Ascorbic Acid Cobalt Hardness Nickel Phosphate TPH
Atrazine Copper Hydrazine Nitrate Phosphonate Triazole
Bromine Cyanide Hydrogen Peroxide Nitrite Phosphorous Water In Oil
Calcium Hardness Cyanuric Acid Hydrogen Sulfide Nitrogen Silica Zinc

Model AL-DT

• Wide range for use in drinking water, beverage and boiler applications
• Accurate and portable titration method using the Hach Digital Titrator

Smallest Case Ship

Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* Inc. Steps Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2063700 Alkalinity - (P) & Total AL-DT Digital Titrator/ 10 to 4,000 mg/L CaCO3 0.1-10 F 100 3.5 235.00
(MO) - as CaCO3 Sulfuric acid
2444301 Alkalinity - (P) & Total AL-AP, MG-L Drop count 5 to 100 mg/L 5 B 100 1 44.75
(MO) - as CaCO3 titration/Sulfuric acid 20-400 mg/L 20
Actual number of tests will vary depending on amount of titrant used.

Carbon Dioxide
• Includes all apparatus you need for fast, easy, and accurate carbon dioxide
test results

2064100 shown
Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2064100 Carbon Dioxide - CA-DT Digital Titrator/ 10 to 1,000 mg/L CO2 0.1, 2.0 F 50 3.5 233.00
as CO2 Sodium hydroxide
143601 Carbon Dioxide - CA-23 Drop count titration/ 1.25 - 25 1.25 D 200 1.0 41.35
as CO2 Sodium hydroxide 2 - 40 2
Phenolphthalein 5 - 100 mg/L CO2 5
*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
Chloramine, Mono and Free Ammonia
(This product is not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
Pocket Colorimeter™ II
• Use Monochloramine as an alternative to free chlorine for disinfecting drinking
water as it forms fewer disinfection by products (DBP)
• Based on the Hach Indophenol method for Mono Chloramine which involves
adding one reagent to the sample, waiting a 5-minute reaction time, and
measuring the concentration in a colorimeter or spectrophotometer
• Includes direct read colorimeter, required sample cells, reagents, battery and
procedure manual - all enclosed within a rugged carrying case
Case Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Method Range* Smallest Increment Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
5870026 Chloramine, Mono and Indophenol Monochloramine 0.01 D 100 Monochloramine 2.5 430.00
Free Ammonia - as Cl2 0.04-4.50 mg/L Cl2 or
Free Ammonia 50 Free Ammonia
0.02-0.50 mg/L NH3N

Drop Count Titration
• Low cost and easy to use drop count titration method using a silver nitrate titrant
• Ideal for quickly determining quantitative results

Smallest Case Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* Inc. (mg/L) Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
144001 Chloride - as Cl- 8-P Drop count 5 - 100 mg/L Cl- 5 B 100 1.0 50.95
titration/Silver nitrate
20 - 400 mg/L Cl- 20

Chlorine, Free and Total (plus pH)

(This product is not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
Pocket Colorimeter II
• A top choice for swimming pool maintenance professionals seeking reliable, accurate
measurements in monitoring programs
• Pocket Colorimeter II is waterproof, IP67 rated, and datalogs last 10 points
with measurement time
• Kit includes sample cells, reagents, battery and procedure manual
—all enclosed within a rugged carrying case

Smallest Case Ship

Prod. No. Parameter Method Range Increment Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
5870012 pH, and high range Chlorine Colorimetry 0.1 - 10.0 mg/L Cl2 0.1 R 100 4.8 415.00
Phenol Red 6.0 - 8.5 pH

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

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U.S. customers only.

Chlorine, Low Range

(This product is not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
Color Disc
• The most accurate visual test kit method
• Color wheel method provides fast, accurate comparisons
• Small case style offers maximum portability
• EPA-accepted for potable water. Approved by some states only under certain
conditions. Check with your local regulatory agency.

Smallest Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* Inc. (mg/L) # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
223102 Chlorine, low range - CN-66F Color disc/DPD 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2 0.1 100 1 49.95
as free Cl2
223103 Chlorine, low range - CN-66T Color disc/DPD 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2 0.1 100 1 55.95
as total Cl2
223101 Chlorine, low range - CN-66 Color disc/DPD 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2 0.1 50 F, 50 T 1 56.95
as free & total Cl2
1454200 Chlorine, low range - CN-70 Color disc/DPD 0.02 to 0.68 mg/L Cl2 0.02 100 F, 100 T 2 73.95
as free & total Cl2 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2 0.1
2129000 Chlorine, low range - CN-80 Color Disc/DPD 0 to 0.68 mg/L Cl2 0.02 100 2.5 113.00
as free & total Cl2 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2 0.1

Chlorine, Mid and High Range


(This product is not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
Drop Count Titration
• Low cost and easy-to-use drop count method using a sodium thiosulfate titrant

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2444400 Chlorine, mid and high CN-21P Drop count titration/ 10 - 200 mg/L 10 B 100 1 38.95
range - as Total Cl2 Thiosulfate

Copper, Free & Total

Color disc
• Kit contains required reagents and apparatus - all in a rugged carrying case
for analysis in the field

Smallest #
Inc. Case of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2194100 Copper - CU-6 Color-disc/ 0 to 4 mg/L Cu 0.1 B 50 (Free), 1 70.95
as free & total Cu† Bicinchoninate, 50 (Total)
Hydrosulfite reduction
†Test gives total dissolved copper; true total copper requires digestion.
Requires Prod. No. 2118669 – Free Copper Powder Pillows; 2118869 – Hydrosulfite Powder Pillows; 2119040 – Graduated Cylinder.

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
Dissolved Oxygen
Drop Count Titration
• Our most popular Dissolved Oxygen test kit
• Uses a Modified Winkler method for drop count titration

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
146900 Dissolved Oxygen - OX-2P Drop count titration/ 0.2 - 4 mg/L O2 0.2 D 100 3 77.95
as DO Modified Winkler 1 - 20 mg/L O2

Pocket Colorimeter™ II
• Pocket Colorimeter II is waterproof, IP67 rated, and datalogs last 10 points with
measurement time.
• USEPA-accepted for wastewater and potable water. Check with your regulatory
• Greater sensitivity (0.01 mg/L) can be achieved by substituting bottled SPADNS
solutions for AccuVac® Ampules supplied with kit.

Smallest Case
Prod. No. Parameter Method Range* Inc. (mg/L) Style # Tests Price
2513100 Fluoride - as F- Colorimeter/ 0.1 - 2.0 mg/L 0.1** D 50 484.00
(Arsenic Free) SPADNS2
5870005 Fluoride - as F- Colorimeter/ 0.1 - 2.0 mg/L F- 0.1** D 50 430.00

2527025 Replenishment of SPADNS2 AccuVac Ampules 25 32.49
2506025 Replenishment of SPADNS AccuVac Ampules 25 34.65
**Greater sensitivity (0.01 mg/L) can be achieved by substituting bottled SPADNS solutions for AccuVac® Ampules supplied with kit.

• Hardness determination with easy to use test kits from Hach
• Model HA-71A offers dual ranges to provide low and high range measurement
• Model 5-B is an excellent solution for homeowner testing

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
145201 Hardness, total - HA-71A Drop count titration/ 1 to 20 mg/L CaCO3 1 mg/L D 100 2.5 kg 58.95
as CaCO3 EDTA- powder pillows 1 to 20 gpg CaCO3 1 gpg
145300 5-B Drop count titration/ 1 to 30 gpg CaCO3 1 gpg L 1 17.95
EDTA-bulk powder
145401 Hardness, total - 5-EP MG-L Drop count titration/ 20 to 400 mg/L CaCO3 20 B 29.25
as CaCO3 EDTA-powder pillows

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

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U.S. customers only.

Hydrogen Sulfide
Color Disc
• Wide range measurement for maximum flexibility
• Includes a Pretreatment Kit for turbid or colored samples

Smallest Case Ship

Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* Inc. (mg/L) Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
223801 Hydrogen Sulfide - HS-WR Color disc/ 0.01 - 0.55 mg/L S2- 0.01 D 30 - 60 3.5 179.00
as S2- Methylene blue
0.05 - 2.25 mg/L S2- 0.05
0.25 - 11.25 mg/L S2- 0.25

Hydrogen Sulfide
Color Chart
• Most economical method for determining hydrogen sulfide content
in water samples
• Uses reliable, cost effective color comparison method

• Treated reagent papers are supplied for 100 tests, effervescence tablets
are supplied for 18 tests

Smallest Case Ship

Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* Inc. Steps Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2537800 Hydrogen Sulfide - HS-C Color chart/ 0-5 mg/L 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, M 18 0.5 43.95
as H2S effervescence of H2S 1.0, 2.0, 5.0
2537733 Replenishment of 100 Treated Papers 100 21.45
1453300 Replenishment of 36 foil-wrapped AlkaSeltzer® tablets 36 11.75

Iron, Medium Range

Color Disc
• Dissolved Fe2+ and Fe3+ detected, digestion is required for total iron

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
146400 Iron, medium range - IR-18 Color disc/ 0-4 mg/L 0.1 B 100 1 61.95
as Fe 1,10 Phenanthroline
146401 Iron, medium range - IR-18B Color disc/ 0-7 mg/L Fe 0.2 B 100 1 55.95
as Fe 1,10 Phenanthroline
146500 Iron, medium range - IR-18A Color disc/ 0.02 - 1.00 mg/L Fe 0.02 B 100 2 68.95
as Fe 1,10 Phenanthroline

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050
Color Disc
• Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method
• Achieve fast results with an easy-to-carry test kit

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
146700 Manganese - as Mn MN-5 Color disc/ 0 to 3.0 mg/L Mn 0.1 D 100 2 136.00
Cold periodate
2350800 MN-PAN Color disc/PAN 0 to 0.70 mg/L Mn 0.05 50 3 179.00

Color Disc
• Easy to use color disc method
• Effectively monitors corrosion inhibitors

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2359300 Molybdate - MO-LR Color disc/ 0.25 - 3.0 mg/L Mo 0.25 D 100 2.0 121.00
as Molybdenum Ternary complex

Nitrogen, Ammonia
Color Disc
• Designed for testing ammonia in freshwater or seawater - for additional kits,
see our Aquaculture Multiparameter Test Kits
• Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method
• Achieve fast results with an easy-to-carry test kit

Inc. # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Range* (mg/L) Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
2428700 Nitrogen, Ammonia, mid range - NI - SA 0 to 2.4 mg/L NH3-N 0.1 100 1 83.95
For freshwater or seawater

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

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U.S. customers only.
Nitrogen, Nitrate
Color Disc
• One of Hach's most popular test kits
• Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method
• Achieve fast results with an easy-to-carry test kit

Inc. Case Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Name Range* (mg/L) Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
1416100 Nitrogen, Nitrate - NI-14 Color disc/ 0 to 1 mg/L NO3--N 0.02 B 50 1 79.95
as NO3--N Cadmium reduction 0 to 10 mg/L NO3--N 0.2
146803 Nitrogen, Nitrate - NI-11 Color disc/ 0 to 40 mg/L NO3--N 1.0 B 100 1 78.95
as NO3--N Cadmium reduction

pH, Mid Range

Color Disc

• Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method
• Achieve fast results with an easy-to-carry test kit

Smallest Case Ship

Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* Inc. (mg/L) Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
147006 pH, mid range 17F Color disc/ 5.6 - 8.4 pH 0.1 pH B 100 1 77.95
Bromthymol blue
147008 pH, mid range 17H Color disc/Phenol red 6.6 - 8.4 pH 0.1 pH B 200 1 77.95
147009 pH, mid range 17J Color disc/Thymol blue 7.4 - 9.6 pH 0.1 pH B 200 1 77.95

pH, Wide-Range
Color Disc
• A wide range kit applicable to a variety of samples
• A great option for fast, reliable readings

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
147011 pH, wide range 17N Color disc/ 4 - 10 pH 0.5 pH B 300 1.0 72.95
Wide range indicator

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050

Orthophosphate (reactive)
Color Disc
• Results in less than 5 minutes for clean water samples
• Utilizes simple color disc comparator for accurate measurements
• Model PO-19A contains filtration apparatus for turbid samples

Case Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Range Smallest Increment Style # Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
224800 Phosphorus, PO-19 0 - 0.8 mg/L PO4 0.02 R 100 2.5 91.95
Orthophosphate 0 - 4 mg/L PO4 0.10

(reactive) - as PO43- 0 - 40 mg/L PO4 1
224801 Phosphorus, PO-19A 0 - 0.8 mg/L PO4 0.02 R 100 3 123.00
Orthophosphate (Includes filtration for 0 - 4 mg/L PO4 0.10
(reactive) - as PO43- turbid samples.) 0 - 40 mg/L PO4 1

Silica, High Range

Color Disc
• Popular in many industrial applications, such as boiler turbines
that are susceptible to scale
• Provides fast results with an easy-to-carry test kit
• Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual
test kit method

Inc. Case # of Ship
Prod. No. Parameter Model Method Range* (mg/L) Style Tests Wt. (lbs) Price
1455400 Silica, high range - SI-5 Color disc/Heteropoly 0 - 30 mg/L SiO2 1 D 100 2.5 116.00
as SiO2 blue amino acid 20
20 - 800 mg/L SiO2 20

*1 ppm = 1 mg/L; 1 ppb = 1 µg/L; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm

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U.S. customers only.
Convenient Water Testing Solutions
(These products are not cleared for use in testing chlorine or chloramines in dialysis applications.)
• Simplify testing and get results in less than 1 minute
• Eliminate chemical handling and clean-up

Reduce analytical guess work by using Hach test strips as a pre-test validation tool.
Test strip bottle labels contain the color key for easy readings in the lab or in the field.

Parameter Range* Steps # Tests Prod. No. Price

5-in-1 Water Quality Test Strips
Free Chlorine 0-10 mg/L 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0 50 2755250
Total Chlorine 0-10 mg/L 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0
Total Hardness as CaCO3 0-25 gpg 0, 1.5, 3, 7, 15, 25
Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 0-425 mg/L 0, 25, 50, 120, 250, 425
pH 0-240 mg/L 0, 40, 80, 120, 240
6.2-8.4 6.2, 6.8, 7.2, 7.8, 8.4 pH units
Alkalinity, Total 0- 240 mg/L (ppm) 0, 40, 80, 120, 240 50 2744850 11.45

Ammonia (see Nitrogen, Ammonia)

Arsenic, Low Range† 0- 500 ppb As 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 300 , 500 100 2800000 1550
Arsenic, EZ, Dual Range† 0- 500 ppb As 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500 100 2822800
0- 4,000 ppb As 0, 35, 75, 175, 1500, 4000
Calcium (see Hardness)
Chloride - as Cl- 30 - 600 mg/L Cl 10-20 mg/L increments 40 2744940
Chloride - as Cl - 300 - 6000 mg/L Cl 100-200 mg/L increments 40 2751340 43.95
Chlorine, low range - 0- 10 mg/L Cl2 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 10 250 2793944
as free & total Cl2 Ind. wrapped
Chlorine, low range - as free & total Cl2 0- 10 mg/L Cl2 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 10 50 2745050 15.95
Free Chlorine, High Range 0- 600 mg/L Cl2 Steps: 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600 100 2890200
Copper (Free and Total) 0- 3 mg/L Cu 0,0.2,0.5,1,3 25 2745125 21.85
Hardness, Total - as CaCO3 0 - 425 ppm 0, 25, 50, 120, 250, 425 1000 2793828
(0-25 gpg) Ind. wrapped
Hardness, Total - as CaCO3 0 - 425 ppm 0, 25, 50,120, 250, 425 250 2793844 88.95
(0-25 gpg) Ind. wrapped
Hardness, Total - as CaCO3 0 - 425 ppm 0, 25, 50, 120, 250, 425 50 2745250
(0-25 gpg)
Iron, Total Dissolved 0- 5 ppm Fe 0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 25 2745325 21.85
Magnesium (see Hardness)
Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrate: 0- 50 mg/L 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 25 2745425 19.95
Nitrite: 0-3 mg/L 0, 0.15, 0.3, 1, 1.5, 3
Nitrogen, Ammonia 0- 6 mg/L NH3-N 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, 6 25 2755325
pH, mid range 4 - 9 pH 4,5,6,7,8,9 pH 50 2745650 11.25
pH 0 to 14 pH 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 100 2601300
Phosphorus, Orthophosphate (reactive) - 0- 50 mg/L PO4 0, 5, 15, 30, 50 50 2757150 22.05
as PO4
*mg/L unless otherwise noted; ppb = µg/L; ppm = mg/L.; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm.
†Cannot determine organic forms of arsenic; sulfide correction only available with purchase of additional reagents .‡Individually wrapped.

Outside the United States, call 970-669-3050

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