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Modeling of the Interaction Between Asphaltene and Water for Multiphase

Reservoir Fluids by Use of Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State

Wenlong Jia, Southwest Petroleum University; Ryosuke Okuno, University of Texas at Austin

Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, USA, 9-11 October 2017.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Asphaltene is a group of complex compounds commonly present in reservoir fluids, especially in viscous
oils. It is conceivable that asphaltene strongly interacts with water through hydrogen bonding, affecting
phase behavior of water/oil mixtures with/without forming an asphaltene-rich phase. Modeling of these
polar components in reservoir fluids is challenging with cubic equations of state (EOS) due to the size-
symmetricity and self- and cross-associations of asphaltene and water.
In this research, the cubic-plus-association (CPA) EOS is applied to represent complex multiphase
behavior associated with water and asphaltene. Asphaltene-containing heavy oils are characterized by the
CPA EOS with four pseudo components (asphaltene and the other three pseudo components) based on
their experimental data. Asphaltene is the only associating component in the oil models. Then, multiphase
behavior data for mixtures of water with each of these oils are represented by the CPA EOS. Calculated phase
behavior by the CPA EOS models is compared with experimental data and also with the Peng-Robinson
EOS for several cases. This paper also presents a new correlation for binary interaction parameters (BIPs)
for water with n-alkanes for the CPA EOS on the basis of experimental data for three-phase coexistence for
water/n-alkane binaries (Brunner 1990).
In case studies, the CPA EOS is shown to be able to represent multiphase behavior for water/oil mixtures
with up to four equilibrium phases: asphaltene-rich, solvent-rich, aqueous, and vapor phases. In particular,
the CPA EOS is successfully applied to bitumen/water mixtures, involving asphaltene-water emulsion, water
solubility in bitumen, and their continuous transition with varying temperature. Furthermore, results show
that the CPA EOS can reasonably represent the multiphase data measured for a n-butane/bitumen/water
mixture that were not accurately correlated with the PR EOS in the literature. Modeling an asphaltene-rich
phase in several cases is possible only with consideration of the water-asphaltene interaction, which is worth
the additional complexities of the CPA EOS in comparison with the PR EOS.

Cubic equations of state (EOSs) have been widely used for modeling petroleum reservoir fluids because
of their simplicity, computational efficiency, and accuracy for vapor-liquid equilibrium for hydrocarbon
mixtures. They were also shown to represent relatively complex multiphase behavior; e.g., vapor, solvent-
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rich liquid, and oleic phases for solvent/oil mixtures (Van Konynenburg 1968; Scott and Van Konynenburg
1970; Van Konynenburg and Scott 1980; Sharma et al. 1989; Khan et al. 1992; Creek and Sheffield 1993;
Godbole et al. 1995; Mohanty et al. 1995; Gregorowicz and de Loos 1996; Deiters 1999; Gauter et al. 1999;
Mushrif and Phoenix 2008; Okuno and Xu 2014; Kumar and Okuno 2016). The most widely used EOSs
in the petroleum industry include the Peng-Robinson EOS (Peng and Robinson 1976; Robinson and Peng
1978), the Soave-Redlich-Kwong EOS (Soave 1972), and their variants. These equations have been used
also in compositional reservoir simulators to solve for phase behavior on the fly (Chang 1990; Chang et
al. 1990). The application in compositional flow simulation is probably the most important reason for the
necessity for simple EOSs in the petroleum industry.
One of the known limitations in cubic EOS is that they are originally not designed to represent complex
phase behavior associated with polar components (Soave 1972; Peng and Robinson 1976), such as water and
asphaltene. These polar components are quite common in oil reservoirs, especially in viscous-oil reservoirs
(Aslan and Firoozabadi 2014; Nasrabadi et al. 2016). Modeling of them is important when they affect oil-
recovery mechanisms and processes; for example, asphaltene precipitation/deposition during CO2 injection
and coinjection of steam and solvent for heavy-oil/bitumen recovery (Gauter et al. 1999; Qin et al. 2000;
Mohebbinia et al. 2014). In many practical applications, a simple cubic EOS does not offer sufficient
flexibility for capturing phase behavior that is more complex than vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium (Gao et
al., 2017); e.g., asphaltene precipitation, water-asphaltene emulsion, and water dissolution. Modeling such
complexities in addition to the hydrocarbon vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium requires to include additional
mechanistic parameters that account for hydrogen bonding in an EOS.
The cubic-plus-association (CPA) EOS developed by Kontogeorgis et al. (1996) has been shown to be an
effective way to model reservoir fluids including polar components. The CPA EOS consists of the physical
and association parts. Without associating components in the mixture of interest, the CPA EOS naturally
reduces to the cubic EOS, which is the SRK EOS in Kontogeorgis et al. (1996). In this research, the CPA
EOS based on the SRK EOS is applied to model the association between asphaltene and water in heavy-oil/
bitumen reservoir fluids. The central hypothesis in this research is that the CPA EOS can represent complex
multiphase behavior for mixtures of water and heavy-oil/bitumen more accurately than the traditional cubic
EOS in a mechanistic manner. In case studies, the CPA EOS is applied to experimental phase behavior data
that were not accurately represented by the PR EOS in previous publications.
The CPA EOS has been used to model asphaltene phase behavior. Li and Firoozabadi (2010a, b) presented
a unified theoretical framework to predict the asphaltene saturation and onset pressures, the amount of
precipitated asphaltene, and cosexistence of gas, oil and asphaltene phases in gas/oil mixtures by use of
the CPA EOS based on the PR EOS. Shirani et al. (2012) calculated the asphaltene deposition amount in
live oils by use of the CPA EOS. Zhang et al. (2012) calculated the asphaltene phase boundary over a wide
pressure-temperature (PT) range with the CPA EOS. Zhang et al. (2012) also compared the CPA EOS with
the EOS based on perturbed-chain statistical association fluid theory (PC-SAFT). AlHammadi et al. (2015)
stated that the CPA and PC-SAFT EOSs gave reasonable predictions on the asphaltene onset pressures and
precipitation. Arya et al. (2015) presented that the CPA EOS was able to correlate the onset pressures of
asphaltene, and asphaltene P-T phase envelopes for different amounts of gas injection. Nasrabadi et al.
(2016) also studied the effect of CO2 injection on the amount and composition of the asphaltene-rich phase
by using the CPA EOS in 2-D and 3-D compositional reservoir simulation models. They found that use
of the CPA EOS enabled to model multicomponent asphaltene-rich phase, while the traditional asphaltene
models assumed a pure-asphaltene phase.
Besides asphaltene precipitation, the CPA EOS was used to study mutual solubility between water and
condensate reservoir fluids by Yan et al. (2009), in which the reservoir fluids were assumed to contain no
polar components. Zirrahi et al. (2015) calculated the water solubility in petroleum fluids by use of the CPA
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EOS. Their model included the self-association of water molecules, but the cross-association between water
and hydrocarbon components (e.g., asphaltene) was not included.
Previous publications indicate that the CPA EOS has been successfully applied individually to asphaltene
precipitation and to aqueous-phase modeling. However, the CPA EOS has not been applied to mixtures of
water with asphaltene-containing reservoir fluids in the literature. The main objective of this research is
to study the applicability of the CPA EOS to multiphase behavior associated with the interaction between
water and asphaltene in asphaltene-containing fluids, such as heavy-oil and bitumen.
In what follows, the CPA EOS is briefly introduced. Then, the oil characterization method applied in this
research is described. After that, the interaction between water and asphaltene molecules as well as its effect
on multiphase behavior of reservoir fluids are studied in case studies.

Cubic-plus-association equation of state

The CPA EOS developed by Kontogeorgis et al. (1996) is used in this research. When the physical part
is based on the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) EOS (Soave 1972; Kontogeorgis et al. 1996), the CPA EOS
can be expressed as follows:


where P is pressure; T is temperature; x is mole fraction; v is molar volume; R is the universal gas constant;
nassoc is the total number of association components; Ai is the active association site A on molecule i; ΧAi
is the fraction of sites A on component i that do not form bonds with other active sites; Σirefers to the
summation over all components; ΣAi refers to the summation over all sites (Ai, Bi, Ci) on component i; g is
the hard sphere radial distribution function (RDF) determined by


Calculation of ΧAi requires the association strength ∆A B between association sites belonging to different
i j

molecules. That is,


where ρ is molar density. ∆A B is given by Chapman et al. (1990) as

i j



where εA B is the association energy (the potential square-well depth) for the association between Ai and Bj;
i j

βA B is the association volume that represents the finite distance (the potential square-well width) at which
i j

the inter-particle potential between Ai and Bj is zero; b is the co-volume.

The energy parameter a in Eq.1 is given by


This contributes to the physical part based on the SRK EOS in Eq. 1.
For a pure associating component, there are five parameters (a0, b, κ, εA B , and βA B ) in the CPA EOS. They
i j i j

are typically determined by fitting the EOS to vapor pressures and liquid densities measured for the pure
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component. For inert (non-self-associating) components, only three parameters (a0, b, and κ) are required,
which can be calculated from the critical temperature (Tc), critical pressure (Pc) and acentric factor (ω) for
the component of interest (Kontogeorgis and Folas 2009).
When the CPA EOS is applied to a mixture, the van der Waals mixing rules are employed for a and b
in the physical part; i.e.,


where kij is the binary interaction parameter for components i and j. kij is the only binary adjustable parameter
of the CPA EOS.
The εA B and βA B parameters for a mixture are calculated from the CR-1 combining rule (Kontogeorgis
i j i j

and Folas 2009) as follows:



Some inert compounds that do not form self-association can form cross-association with other self-
association compounds, forming "solvating mixtures" (Folas et al. 2006; Kontogeorgis and Folas 2009);
e.g., mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons with water. The CR-1 combining rule is also suitable for solvating
mixtures, in which the εA B parameter for the inert compound is set to zero while βA B for the inert compound
i j i j

is adjusted to match experimental data for multiphase equilibrium, such as vapor-liquid, liquid-liquid, and
vapor-liquid-liquid. Moreover, the inert compound is assumed to have only one active association site to
form cross-association.
In order to solve the CPA EOS, the CPA EOS is expressed in terms of compressibility factor Z = Pv/
RT. Then, Eq. 1 can be written as



where A = aP/R2T2, B = bP/RT, and γA B /RT. Eq. 12 is highly nonlinear mainly because of ΧAi. The bisection
i j

method and Newton’s method are recommended to solve the CPA EOS by Michelsen (2006). Eq. 12
typically has one to three real roots. In the case of more than one real root, the compressibility factor that
gives the lowest Gibbs free energy is selected (Nasrabadi et al. 2016).
The fugacity coefficient for the CPA EOS is as follows:




The CPA EOS is applied to multiphase equilibria, consisting of vapor (V), water-rich (W), asphaltene-rich
(L1), and oil-rich (L2) phases, in this research. The 4C association scheme (Kontogeorgis and Folas 2009;
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Arya et al. 2015) is used for both water and asphaltene, indicating one water/asphaltene molecule has two
electron-donor sites and two electron-acceptor sites for self-association and cross-association. Multiphase
flash in this research is based on the method of Michelsen (1982a), in which phase split and stability
calculations are applied in a sequential manner. The algorithm for solution of multiphase Rachford-Rice
equations is based on the method of Okuno et al. (2010).

The main objective of this paper is to present the application of the CPA EOS to represent multiphase
behavior when asphaltene-containing oil, such as bitumen, is mixed with water. Experimental data available
in the literature are used to characterize such oils, and for the comparison with calculated phase behavior
by the CPA EOS. The research was motivated by the hypothesis that the association term in the CPA EOS
enables to represent multiphase behavior associated with water/asphaltene interaction while keeping bubble-
points that can be accurately modeled by the traditional cubic EOS (e.g., SRK EOS).
For this investigation, the method employed consists of the following main steps:
Step 1. Phase behavior data, such as molecular weight (MW), saturates-aromatics-resins-asphaltene
(SARA) composition, bubble points, and liquid densities, are collected for asphaltene-containing oil from
the literature. The bubble points used can be those measured for mixtures of gases with the oil to be
Step 2. The oil is characterized by use of the SRK EOS, in which the PVTsim Nova software, version
3.0 (Calsep 2017) is used to match bubble points and liquid densities with four pseudo components. The
heaviest pseudo component represents asphaltene, and the other three pseudo components (PC1, PC2, and
PC3) collectively represent a mixture of saturates, aromatics, and resins. PC1, PC2, and PC3 are considered
as non-associating components in this research; i.e., their TC, PC, and ω based on the SRK EOS can be used
directly with the CPA EOS. The asphaltene pseudo component is the only associating component within
the oil to be characterized.
Step 3. The CPA EOS parameters (a0, b, κ, εAB, and βAB) for the asphaltene component are obtained
by reproducing the vapor pressure curve, including the critical point, that was determined in Step 2. This
requires initial guesses for the CPA EOS parameters and iteration of them, as explained below.
The a0, b, and κ parameters are initialized on the basis of TC, PC, and ω for the asphaltene component
from Step 2 (based on the SRK EOS). The other two parameters, εAB and βAB, are initialized based on the
research by Li and Firoozabadi (2010) and Arya et al. (2015). Li and Firoozabadi (2010) presented that
εAB represents the normal hydrogen-bonding in the range of εAB/R = 1500 - 12000 K. Arya et al. (2015)
summarized that βAB = 0.05 - 0.10 and εAB/R = 1500 - 3000 K for asphaltene. Furthermore, a fixed βAB value
is used for a given asphaltene (Zhang et al. 2012; Shirani et al. 2012). In this research, βAB is fixed to be
0.05 for the asphaltene component. εAB = 25 kPa·m3·mol−1 is used as the initial values for the asphaltene
component in this step.
The iteration is performed for three parameters a0, b, and εAB which substantially affect the vapor pressure
calculated by the CPA EOS. The iteration is based on the observations that increasing any one of a0, εAB and
βAB tends to increase the critical point for a given compound, and that increasing the co-volume parameter b
tends to decrease the critical point while keeping the vapor pressures. These observations are demonstrated
by use of water as an example in Figure 1. The CPA EOS parameters for water are given by Kontogeorgis
and Folas (2009) as follows: a0 = 0.0001227 kPa·m6·mol−2, b= 0.000145 m3·mol−1, κ = 0.6735, εAB = 16.655
kPa·m3·mol−1, and βAB = 0.0692.
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Figure 1—Effect of a0, b, κ, ε , and β on the water vapor pressure curve. The default
values for water for the CPA EOS were taken from Kontogeorgis and Folas (2009).

The reproduction of the vapor pressure from the SRK EOS by use of the CPA EOS in this step does not
have to be strict because the asphaltene component’s vapor pressure does not contribute to the bubble points
of the four-component oil characterized. Also, the properties of the asphaltene component set here are going
to be adjusted in the next step, in which εAB is used to match additional data regarding water/asphaltic-oil
interaction, such as water solubilities and emulsion.
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Step 4. This step is to study the impact of the association term of the CPA EOS on multiphase behavior
associated with water-asphaltene interaction. That is, water becomes part of the EOS model in this step. The
association energy εAB is the only adjustable parameter for the asphaltene component. The βAB parameters for
the other three components (PC1, PC2, and PC3) are adjusted to account for the cross-association between
water and aromatic hydrocarbons, referred to as solvation (Folas et al. 2006). These parameters are adjusted
to match one data point; then, predictions from the resulting CPA EOS model are compared with other data
points for mixtures of water and asphaltene-containing oil.
The binary interaction parameters (BIPs) for water with the hydrocarbon components (i.e., SARA) are
not adjusted, and calculated by the following new correlation:

where MW is the molecular weight, g/mol, C1= 0.38185, C2= –1.7172 × 10−5, and C3= 1.7991. Development
of this BIP correlation is explained in Appendix A. The BIPs between non-associating components are set
to zero in this research.

Case studies
In this section, the CPA EOS is applied to four different cases, to show the importance of accounting for
water-asphaltene interaction. The cases include mixtures of water/Athabasca-bitumen, n- butane/Athabasca-
bitumen/water, water/Peace River bitumen, and toluene/asphaltene/water.

Case 1: Water and Athabasca bitumen

Amani et al. (2013a) observed multiphase behavior for mixtures of water with Athabasca bitumen at
conditions 522 – 644 K and 3.9 – 26.2 MPa. They found that the WLV phase behavior persisted up to the
critical temperature of water. They also measured water solubilities in the bitumen-rich phase at WLV-WL
transition points (Amani et al. 2013b).
Characterization of Athabasca bitumen (steps 2 and 3) uses the data provided by Badamchi-Zadeh et al.
(2009). The EOS parameters mentioned in step 4 in the previous section are adjusted to match one data
point for the WLV-WL phase boundary. Then, water solubilities predicted by the resulting CPA EOS model
are compared with the data. Table 1 summarizes the resulting CPA EOS model for this case.

Table 1—Properties of the Athabasca bitumen for case 1. Data given in Badamchi-Zadeh et al. (2009) were used to
characterize PC1, PC2, PC3, and asphaltene. BIPs are calculated by use of Eq. 16. z indicates the overall composition.

a0, εAB,
MW, b,
Component z Tc, K Pc, kPa ω βAB
kPa·m6· 3 κ kPa·m3· Kw-HC
g/mol m ·mol −
mol−2 mol−1

PC1 0.2664 352.43 612.8 2287.1 0.9673 0.07 - - - - −0.0293

PC2 0.4925 539.03 745.2 1588.5 1.1751 0.07 - - - - −0.0378
PC3 0.1360 706.84 858.9 1332.7 1.2018 0.07 - - - - −0.0380
Asphaltene 0.1041 916.19 1340 - - 0.05 0.05202 0.000914 2.50 26.0 −0.0380

Figure 2 shows the comparison of experimental and calculated WLV-WL phase boundary. Only the
data point at 593.1 K has been matched in step 4. The average absolute deviation (AAD) between the
experimental and calculated phase transition pressures is 771 kPa. No emulsion phase were reported by
Amani et al. (2013a). The experimental temperatures seem to be too high for emulsion.
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Figure 2—Comparison of measured and calculated WLV-WL phase boundary of the water (55.9 wt %) and
Athabasca bitumen (44.1 wt %) mixture for case 1. The experimental data are taken from Amani et al. (2013 a).

Table 2 compares the predictions by the CPA EOS model with the measured water solubilities in bitumen-
rich phase. The AAD is 0.00745 in terms of water mole fraction. In particular, the CPA EOS model
predicts multiphase equilibrium with accurate water solubilities at 623.2 K and 633.8 K. However, the Peng-
Robinson EOS gave a stable single phase for these conditions in the research by Venkatramani and Okuno
(2015), although such high temperatures are unlikely for practical oil-recovery processes.

Table 2—Comparison of experimental and calculated water solubilities in bitumen for case 1. The water solubility is presented
by the mole fraction. The experimental data were taken from Amani et al. (2013 b). The CPA EOS parameters are given in Table 1.

Water Water solubility

T, K P, kPa
solubility (data) (CPA EOS)

548.2 6910 0.5412 0.5431

573.1 9520 0.6321 0.6412
583.2 11550 0.6699 0.6785
593.1 13480 0.7192 0.7168
603.5 15320 0.7477 0.7642
613.4 18450 0.7964 0.7887
623.2 20930 0.8274 0.8250
633.8 23720 0.8462 0.8572

Case 2: n-butane/Athabasca-bitumen/water mixtures

Understanding the phase behavior of solvent/bitumen/water mixtures is important for steam-solvent
coinjection for in-situ bitumen recovery (Nasr et al. 2003; Gupta et al. 2005; Nasr and Ayodele 2006; Li
et al. 2011; Venkatramani and Okuno 2016). However, such mixtures are highly size-asymmetric, and also
contain polar components, such as water and asphaltene. It is challenging to model multiphase behavior
for them using a single EOS.
Gao et al. (2017) measured multiphase behavior of n-butane/bitumen/water mixtures, and observed the
complex phase transitions from WL2 to WL1L2 to WL1L2V with decreasing pressure at temperatures 353 -
433 K. They showed that the PR EOS was not able to accurately represent the WL2/WL1L2 boundary for
37.02 mol% n-butane + 0.96 mol% bitumen + 62.02 mol% water ("Mixture C" in Gao et al. 2017) below
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393 K. They observed emulsion for this mixture. In this subsection, the CPA EOS is applied to match the
experimental phase boundaries.
The bitumen density and vapor pressure data given in Gao et al. (2017) are used to characterize four
pseudo components PC1, PC2, PC3, and asphaltene. Table 3 summarizes the parameters for the CPA EOS
model. It is not difficult to match the WL1L2V/WL1L2 boundary (bubble point). This is because the saturation
vapor pressure depends mainly on the lighter components in the mixture (i.e., water and n-butane), which
are not significantly affected by the association properties. Indeed, the PR EOS was shown to successfully
represent this phase boundary in Gao et al. (2017).

Table 3—Properties of the n-butane/bitumen/water mixture for case 2. Pseudo-components, PC1, PC2, PC3, and
asphaltene, were characterized on the basis of the data given in Gao et al. (2017). BIPs are calculated by use of Eq. 16.

a0, εAB,
MW, b,
Component z Tc, K Pc, kPa ω βAB
kPa·m6· κ kPa·m3· Kw-HC
g/mol m3·mol−1
mol−2 mol−1

H2O 0.6202 18.02 647.3 22089 0.3440 0.0692 0.00012 0.000415 0.6735 16.655 0
n-C4H10 0.3702 58.12 425.2 3799.7 0.1930 - - - - - 0.3062
PC1 0.0057 361.2 520.1 1516.2 0.7241 0.02 - - - - −0.0293
PC2 0.0023 812.4 635.2 1078.5 0.8733 0.02 - - - - −0.0378
PC3 0.0011 1376 835.8 952.5 1.0609 0.02 - - - - −0.0380
Asphaltene 0.0005 1757 1020 - - 0.05 0.05694 0.000909 2.05 Eq. 17 −0.0380

Reasonable representation of the WL1L2/WL2 boundary with the CPA EOS requires a temperature-
dependent εAB:
where T is temperature in Kelvin. Arya et al. (2015) also used a temperature-dependent εAB to represent
asphaltene onset conditions.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of experimental and calculated phase boundaries. The phase labeling
in the figure are based on the experimental observation, and also confirmed in the EOS calculations. It is
shown that AAD between the measured and calculated WL1L2V/WL1L2phase boundary points is 49.3 kPa,
and AAD for the WL1L2/WL2 phase boundary points is 1553 kPa. Although the CPA EOS model gives a
relatively high AAD for the WL1L2/WL2phase boundary, this appears to be a significant improvement over
the PR EOS model by Gao et al. (2017).
Table 4 shows detailed flash results regarding WL1L2V, WL1L2, and WL2 equilibrium at different
pressures at 413 K. The CPA EOS model shows the WL2equilibrium at 8100 kPa, in which the W phase is
nearly 100 % water, and the water mole fraction in the L2 phase is 1.981%. At 3600 kPa, the L2 phase is
substantially diluted by n-butane. Asphaltene does not dissolve in n-butane, and therefore, forms another
phase, L1. This asphaltene-rich L1 phase contains water because asphaltene forms cross-association with
water and also because the solvation of PC1, PC2, PC3, and water. The L1 phase is calculated to also contain
n-butane in the presence of asphaltene and water. One way to interpret this calculation result is that the L1
phase contains water-in-oil emulsion. When the pressure is reduced to 3400 kPa, the L2 phase is split into
the V and L2 phases, while the L1 and W phases remain nearly unaffected.
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Figure 3—Measured and calculated phase boundaries for the n-butane/Athabasca-bitumen/water mixture for
case 2. The experimental data are taken from Gao et al. (2017). The curves are predicted by use of the CPA EOS.

Table 4—Flash results for the n-butane/Athabasca bitumen/water mixture for

case 2. Temperature is 413 K. The CPA EOS parameters are given in Table 3.

3400 kPa 3600 kPa 8100 kPa

Component z
V L1 L2 W L1 L2 W L2 W

H2O 0.6202 0.07336 0.29203 0.0242 0.99999 0.29002 0.0235 0.99999 0.01996 0.99999
n-C4H10 0.3702 0.92216 0.52521 0.95221 0.00001 0.52881 0.9531 0.00001 0.95525 0.00001
PC1 0.0057 0.00416 0.00447 0.0148 0 0.00443 0.01469 0 0.01469 0
PC2 0.0023 0.00032 0.00119 0.00603 0 0.00116 0.00597 0 0.00596 0
PC3 0.0011 0 0.00196 0.00275 0 0.00177 0.00272 0 0.00273 0
Asphaltene 0.0005 0 0.17514 0.00002 0 0.17382 0.00003 0 0.00140 0

Phase mole fraction 0.0047 0.0031 0.3825 0.6097 0.0031 0.3867 0.6102 0.3875 0.6125
Phase volume fraction 0.0304 0.0171 0.8176 0.1348 0.0178 0.8418 0.1404 0.8330 0.1670

Density, kg/m3 99.39 702.40 367.95 917.51 701.70 375.65 917.63 468.42 920.41

These calculation results (Table 4) seem to be reasonable in comparison with the experimental
observations. Gao et al. (2017) showed that the L1 phase was between the L2 and W phases in terms of
density. The L1 phase was black, and the L2 phase exhibited a lighter color than the L1 phase. Table 4 shows
that the L1 phase represents the water/asphaltene emulsion. The L2 phase is substantially rich in n-butane, and
therefore conceived to show a lighter color than the L1 phase. These results show that the CPA EOS model
offers a way to interpret the complex experimental results associated with water-asphaltene interaction.

Case 3: Water and Peace River bitumen

Glandt and Chapman (1995) measured water solubilities in Peace River bitumen near the V-L-W/L-W and
L-W/L-V phase boundaries in the range from 452.65 K to 557.15 K. The bitumen characterization with the
CPA EOS is performed by use of the data given in Mehrotra and Svrcek (1985). Table 5 presents the resulting
EOS parameters for four pseudo components, in which the heaviest component represents asphaltene.
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Table 5—Properties of Peace River bitumen containing water for case 3. The data given in Mehrotra and
Svrcek (1985) were used to characterize PC1, PC2, PC3, and asphaltene. BIPs are calculated by use of Eq. 17.

a0, εAB,
MW, b,
Component z Tc, K Pc, kPa ω βAB
kPa·m6· κ kPa·m3· Kw-HC
g/mol m3·mol−1
mol−2 mol−1

H2O 0.7481 18.02 647.3 22088.8 0.3440 0.0692 0.00012 0.000415 0.6735 16.655 0.000
PC1 0.0987 262.61 850.3 1658.8 0.8698 0.02 - - - - 0.0060
PC2 0.0698 510.05 919.6 1262.2 1.0925 0.02 - - - - −0.0378
PC3 0.0544 650.15 957.0 1052.7 1.2266 0.02 - - - - −0.038
Asphaltene 0.0289 1200.1 992.2 - - 0.05 0.03569 0.000877 2.33 17.50 -0.038

As mentioned in Section 3, the self-association of water and asphaltene, the cross-association between
them, and the solvation between water and the other pseudo components (PC1, PC2, and PC3) are
considered in the CPA EOS model. βAB for PC1, PC2, and PC3, and εAB for asphaltene are adjusted to match
the measured water solubility at 557.15 K, which is the highest temperature used for the experiment. The
resulting value for βAB is 0.02 for PC1, PC2, and PC3. The εAB parameter for asphaltene is set to 17.50
Figure 4 presents the experimental water solubilities and calculations based on the CPA EOS (this
research) and the PR EOS (Venkatramani and Okuno 2015). The AAD for water solubilities is 0.028 with
the CPA EOS model and 0.038 with the PR EOS. The CPA EOS model gives higher water contents than
the PR EOS model below 450 K. The PR EOS model gives no solubility of water in oil below 350 K,
which is consistent with experimental results at low temperatures by Amani et al. (2013b). The experimental
studies by Glandt and Chapman (1995) and Gao et al. (2017) indicated that water could come out of the
oil phase to form water-in-oil emulsion with decreasing temperature. The water content in emulsion can be
significantly higher than the solubilized water content in bitumen at low temperatures (Spiecker et al. 2003).
The current CPA EOS model somewhat captures the water solubility in bitumen at elevated temperatures,
and the precipitation of water that forms water-in-oil emulsion at lower temperatures.

Figure 4—Comparison of the calculated total water content in the oleic phase in
the water/Peace River bitumen mixture against the experimental data (Glandt and
Chapman, 1995) for case 3. The PR EOS is taken from Venkatramani and Okuno (2015).

Table 6 shows the flash results of the water/Peace River bitumen mixture at 400 K and 465 K. The
mixture exhibits WL1L2 equilibrium at 400 K and WL2 equilibrium at 465 K. At 400 K, the L1 phase is
12 SPE-187058-MS

rich in asphaltene and water, and considered to represent water-in-oil emulsion. The L2 phase represents the
bitumen-rich phase containing a smaller amount of water. It would be difficult to observe the separation of
the L1 and L2 phases at 400 K because their densities are calculated to be close to each other. At 465 K, only
one oleic phase is calculated, resulting from the merging of the emulsion phase and bitumen-rich phase. The
PR EOS model presented in Venkatramani and Okuno (2015) gave only one oleic phase and one aqueous
phase at 400 K and 465 K because their EOS model was designed to represent only the solubility of water
in oil, but not the emulsion associated with the interaction of asphaltene and water.

Table 6—Flash results of the water/bitumen mixture at 1400 kPa, 400 K and
1400 kPa, 465 K for case 3. The CPA EOS parameters are given in Table 5.

400 K, 1400 kPa 465 K, 1400 kPa

Component z
L1 L2 W L2 W

H2O 0.7481 0.3628 0.0398 1 0.2645 1

PC1 0.0987 0.1864 0.4119 0 0.2883 0
PC2 0.0698 0.1136 0.3011 0 0.2038 0
PC3 0.0544 0.0797 0.2398 0 0.159 0
Asphaltene 0.0289 0.2576 0.0077 0 0.0844 0

Phase mole fraction 0.1065 0.1916 0.7019 0.3425 0.6575

Phase volume fraction 0.3592 0.5921 0.0486 0.9523 0.0477

Density, kg/m3 502.01 493.66 927.68 487.81 865.15

The emulsified water content ( ), the total water content ( ) in the oleic phases, and the ratio of
to are defined as follows:




where xL1 and xL2 refer to the mole fraction of the emulsion phase and the bitumen-rich phase, respectively;
xw-L1 and xw-L2 refer to the water mole fraction in the emulsion phase and the bitumen-rich phase, respectively;
represents the ratio of emulsified water content to the total water content in the oleic phase.
Figure 5 shows the variation of with temperature. It is shown that rapidly increases near 465 K, and
then gradually increases from 0.56 to 0.98 from 460 K to 300 K. This trend of with respect to temperature
is in accordance with the observation that solubilized water in bitumen comes out of the solution as water-
in-oil emulsion with decreasing temperature (Glandt and Chapman, 1995; Gao et al., 2017). This example
shows the additional flexibility that the CPA EOS offers for representation of water-asphaltene interaction.
SPE-187058-MS 13

Figure 5—The change of with respect to temperature. represents the ratio of the emulsified water content to
the total water content in the oleic phase for case 3. There is no emulsified water at temperatures higher than 465 K.

Case 4: Water in asphaltene-toluene solutions

Andersen et al. (2001) measured the water solubility in asphaltene/toluene solutions. They found that the
water solubility increases with increasing asphaltene concentration in toluene. In this subsection, the CPA
EOS is applied to represent the multiphase behavior observed for water/KU-asphaltene/toluene mixtures
by Andersen et al. (2001) and water/OMV1-asphaltene/toluene mixtures by Khvostichenko and Andersen
The self-association of water and asphaltene and the cross-association between water and asphaltene
molecules are considered to model the water-asphaltene interaction. The solvation between toluene and
water is also included in the model, which enables toluene to form cross-association with water molecules.
As suggested by Kontogeorgis and Folas (2009), βAB for toluene is set to 0.06. The BIP of water with toluene
has been obtained by matching the water solubility in pure toluene, resulting in kwatertoluene = 0.018. The BIP
of water with asphaltene is set to –0.038, by use of the new correlation presented in section 3. The other
BIPs are set to zero.
In the absence of information regarding these asphaltene samples, except for the molecular weight around
1000 g/mol, this subsection uses TC, PC, and ω for the asphaltene sample of Arya et al. (2015) as the initial
guesses for the properties of KU asphaltene and OMV1 asphaltene. Then, εAB for asphaltene is adjusted to
match one measured water solubility data for each asphaltene sample. The other data points are saved for
testing the resulting CPA EOS models. The parameters for toluene, KU asphaltene, and OMV1 asphaltene
are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7—Parameters for water, toluene, KU-asphaltene, and OMV1 asphaltene for case 4.

MW, a0, εAB,

Component Tc, K b, m3·mol−1 κ βAB Kw-HC
g/mol kPa·m6·mol−2 kPa·m3·mol−1

H2O 18.02 647.3 0.00012 0.000415 0.6735 16.655 0.0692 0.000

Toluene 92.14 591.7 0.002515 0.000104 0.8729 0 0.06 0.018
KU Asphaltene 1000 1040 0.0155 0.000562 2.486 25.0 0.05 −0.038
1000 1040 0.0155 0.000562 2.486 17.0 0.05 −0.038
14 SPE-187058-MS

Figure 6 presents the comparison of calculated water solubilities in asphaltene-toluene solutions with
the experimental data. Calculations are obtained in two ways: one with the asphaltene-water cross-
association, and the other without the cross-association. The CPA EOS models represent reasonably the
water solubilities, and the increasing water content with increasing asphaltene concentration in toluene.
Figure 6 also shows that the calculated water solubility gradually decreases with increasing asphaltene
concentration in toluene if the asphaltene-water cross-association is not considered in the model.

Figure 6—Comparison of calculated water solubilities in asphaltene-toluene solutions against

experimental data for case 4. (a) Water solubilities in KU asphaltene-toluene solutions (Andersen et al.
2001); (b) Water solubilities in OMV1-asphaltene/toluene solutions (Khvostichenko and Andersen 2008).

Khvostichenko and Andersen (2008) found that the number of water molecules bound to one asphaltene
molecule (nb) decreased from several water molecules to below unity with increasing asphaltene amount
in toluene from 0.1 to 20 g/L. This tendency is also captured by the CPA EOS models. According to the
difference between the water solubility in the pure toluene and that in the toluene-asphaltene solutions, nb
can be calculated as


where refers to the mole fraction of saturation water in asphaltene-toluene solutions; refers to mole
fraction of saturation water in the pure toluene, and is set to 0.047 % (Andersen et al. 2001); xasp is the
mole fraction of asphaltene in the solution.
Figure 7 shows the changes of nb with the asphaltene concentration in asphaltene-toluene solutions.
It shows that nb decreases with increasing asphaltene concentration, as presented by Khvostichenko and
Andersen (2008). These results can be interpreted as the formation of asphaltene aggregations at high
asphaltene concentrations. For OMV1 asphaltene, nb is calculated in the range of 1.0 - 1.6 from 1.8 g to
31 g asphaltene in 1 L solutions. For KU asphaltene, nb is calculated in the range of 0.88 - 0.98 from 1.8
g to 31 g asphaltene in 1 L solutions.
SPE-187058-MS 15

Figure 7—Change of the nbwith respect to the asphaltene concentration in asphaltene-toluene

solutions for case 4. nb refers to the number of water molecules bound to one asphaltene molecule.

Table 8 gives two examples of flash results of asphaltene/water/toluene mixtures. When the feed
asphaltene concentration is 0.088 mol%, the mixture exhibits WL2 equilibrium. However, when the feed
asphaltene concentration increases to 0.089 mol%, an asphaltene-rich phase with a high water concentration
separates from the toluene-rich phase, resulting in the coexistence of WL1L2phases. Such WL1L2 results
cannot be captured unless the thermodynamic model accounts for the water-asphaltene cross-association.

Table 8—Flash results for the OMV1-asphaltene/toluene/water mixtures at 102 kPa and 298 K for case 4.

WL2 Equilibrium WL1L2 Equilibrium

z L2 W z L1 L2 W

H2O 0.00990 0.00324 0.99999 0.00990 0.14180 0.00324 0.99999

Toluene 0.98922 0.99588 0.00001 0.98921 0.71753 0.99587 0.00001
Asphaltene 0.00088 0.00089 0.00000 0.00089 0.14067 0.00089 0.00000

Phase mole fraction - 0.99332 0.00668 - 0.99321 0.00003 0.00666

Phase volume fraction - 0.99888 0.00112 - 0.99875 0.00014 0.00111

Density, kg/m 3
855.9 1005.7 567.9 855.9 1005.7

The CPA EOS was applied to model the interaction between water and asphaltene and its effects on
the multiphase behavior for mixtures of water with asphaltene-containing reservoir oils. The physical
part of the CPA EOS used in this research is the SRK EOS. A new BIP correlation for water/n-alkane
binaries for the CPA EOS was developed by matching three-phase coexistence curves measured by Brunner
(1990). Then, experimental data available in the literature were used to characterize several asphaltene-
containing oils with four pseudo components; asphaltene and three non-associating components. The
applicability of the resulting CPA EOS models were tested for representation of multiphase behavior up
to four equilibrium phases involving water solubility in oil and asphaltene-water emulsion. Case studies
were shown to demonstrate the importance of the cross-association between asphaltene and water for such
complex multiphase behavior. Conclusions are as follows:
1. The new BIP correlation enables the CPA EOS to accurately represent the three-phase coexistence
and the water solubility in n-alkane for water/n-alkane binaries. Using the CPA EOS with the new
16 SPE-187058-MS

BIP correlation, the thee-phase curve asymptotically approaches the vapor pressure of water as the
n-alkane component becomes heavier. The new correlation gives the BIP for water that decreases
from 0.306 to –0.0378 for n-C4 to n-C36. For n-alkanes heavier than n-C36, the BIP is calculated as
a constant value of –0.0380.
2. The CPA EOS was successfully applied to represent the water concentrations in asphaltene solutions
in toluene published in the literature. The cross-association between water and asphaltene molecules
results in the formation of an asphaltene-rich emulsion phase, which contributes to the increased water
content in asphaltene-toluene solutions with increasing asphaltene concentration.
3. The CPA EOS was able to calculate the smooth transition from solubilized water at high temperatures
to emulsified water in bitumen at low temperatures, yielding a more accurate method to estimate water
contents in bitumen for a wide range of temperatures. The emulsified water fraction increases from
zero to near unity with decreasing temperature for the case studied.
4. The CPA EOS reasonably represents the complex phase boundaries observed for an n- butane/
bitumen/water mixture from WL2, to WL1L2, to WL1L2V with decreasing pressure. When the
mixture exhibits WL1L2V or WL1L2 equilibrium, the n-butane solvent extracts most of the aromatic
hydrocarbons from bitumen, while almost all of the asphaltene exists in the emulsion phase due to the
interaction between water and asphaltene molecules. The PR EOS could not correlate the transition
from WL2 to WL1L2 likely because it is difficult for the PR EOS to account for the cross-association
of asphaltene and water.

This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51504206).
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Japan Canada Oil Sands Ltd. for this research. Okuno
holds the Pioneer Corporation Faculty Fellowship in Petroleum Engineering at The University of Texas at


Roman Symbols
C1, C2, C3 = coefficients for BIP correlation
A, B = parameters in the SRK EOS
L = oleic phase
P = pressure
R = gas constant
T = temperature
V = vapor phase
Z = compressibility factor
W = aqueous phase
x = mole fraction
a = energy parameter
a0 = energy parameter
b = co-volume
g = hard sphere radial distribution function
i, j = indices
k = binary interaction parameter
n = number
z = overall composition
SPE-187058-MS 17

Greek Symbols
β = association volume
Δ = association strength
ε = association energy
κ = energy parameter
ρ = molar density, mole/m3
ω = acentric factor
φ = fugacity coefficient

Ai = active association site A on molecule i;
Bj = active association site A on molecule i;
HC = hydrocarbon
L = liquid phase
V = vapor phase
b = bound molecule
c = critical condition
RE = relative value
sat = saturation condition
tol = toluene
w = water

AAD = average absolute deviation
BIP = binary interaction parameter
CN = carbon number
CPA = cubic-plus-association
EOS = equation of state
PR = Peng and Robinson
RDF = radial distribution function
SRK = Soave-Redlich-Kwong

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20 SPE-187058-MS

Appendix A. New BIP correlation for water with hydrocarbons for the CPA EOS
In this research, it is of fundamental importance for the CPA EOS to be calibrated for water/n-alkane phase
behavior. This appendix presents the development of a new BIP correlation for water with n- alkanes for
the CPA EOS. The experimental data used are three-phase curves mesured for water/n- alkane binaries
by Brunner (1990). The BIP for water with n-alkane in the CPA EOS is the only adjustable parameter in
the optimization for each binary. The optimal BIP values for these binaries are then used to make a BIP
correlation with respect to n-alkane’s MW. This procedure is similar to Venkatramani and Okuno (2015),
in which a BIP correlation was developed for water with n-alkanes on the basis of the PR EOS.
Phase behavior of water/n-alkane binaries is known as Type III in the classification method of
Konynenburg and Scott (1980). The L-V-W three-phase line represents the boundary between the L-W
region and the L-V/W-V regions. It is crucial for a thermodynamic model to be able to accurately represent
L-V-W coexistence curves for water/n-alkane binaries since three types of two-phase regions (L-W, V-
W, and V-L) are originated with the three-phase curve for each water/n-alkane binary (Venkatramani and
Okuno 2015). Unlike the previous BIP correlations that were developed by fitting the CPA EOS to water-
oil mutual solubility data, we optimize the BIP for water with n-alkane in terms of the three-phase curve.
As will be shown later, the resulting BIPs yield accurate predictions of the mutual solubility of water/n-
alkane mixtures with the CPA EOS.
As summarized in Table A1, the current research uses the data for three-phase coexistence curves for
water with n-C7, n-C10, n-C12, n-C16, n-C20, n-C24, n-C28, n-C32, and n-C36 presented in Brunner (1990). For
each binary, the BIP is adjusted until the difference between the experimental and calculated three-phase
temperature is less than 0.1 K for experimental pressures. This optimization was straightforward since the
only adjustable parameter, the BIP for each binary, monotonically changes the three-phase curve calculated
by the CPA EOS. Figure A1 shows the measured three-phase points and the calculated curves by use of the
CPA EOS with the BIP values of –0.3, –0.0685, 0.165 and 0.60 for water/n-C12. It is shown that the three-
phase curve becomes closer to the water vapor pressure curve with increasing BIP values.

Table A1—The three-phase coexistence data of water/n-alkane binaries used for the development
of the new BIP correlation Eq. A1. Experimental data were taken from Brunner (1990).

Hydrocarbon No. of data points Pressure, kPa Temperature, K

n-C7 6 1025-5998 429-517

n-C10 6 1473-9655 465-568
n-C12 8 4060-11340 519-585
n-C16 8 1100-14270 456-606
n-C20 11 454-15960 420-617
n-C24 8 1066-14830 455-612
n-C28 9 4750-21040 532-639
n-C32 9 2612-20630 498-639
n-C36 8 6090-21830 548-644
SPE-187058-MS 21

Figure A1—Effect of BIP on the three-phase curve of water/n-C12. The data were taken from
Brunner (1990). The results show that the BIP has a monotonic effect on the three-phase curve.

Figure A2 shows that the optimal BIP rapidly decreases with increasing MW until n-C20, and then levels
off. A similar trend with the PR EOS was used by Venkatramani and Okuno (2015), in which the limiting
BIP value of 0.242 was determined for water with n-alkanes heavier than n-C26. This asymptotic trend is
related to the experimental observation that the three-phase curve and water solubility in n-alkane approach
their asymptotic limits as the n-alkane component becomes heavier (Brunner 1990).

Figure A2—Optimized BIP data and the correlated curve for water/n-alkane binaries
based on matching three-phase coexistence curves measured by Brunner (1990).

Then, the optimized BIPs for water/n-alkane binaries are correlated as follows:

where MW is the molecular weight of n-alkane, g/mol; C1 = 0.38185, C2 = –1.7172 × 10−5, C3 = 1.7991.
This correlation gives the limiting BIP value of –0.038 for n-alkanes heavier than n-C36, which enables the
CPA EOS to capture the asymptotic behavior of water solubility in n-alkane. Table A2 shows the optimized
22 SPE-187058-MS

BIPs along with the correlated values based on Eq. A1. The average absolute deviation (AAD) between the
optimized and correlated data is 0.00472, and the maximum deviation of 0.0125 occurs for MW = 394 g/mol.

Table A2—Comparison of the optimized BIPs for water/n-alkane binaries with the correlated values based on Eq. A1.

Component Optimized BIP Correlated BIP
weight, g/mol

n-C7 100 0.245 0.241

n-C10 142 0.167 0.165
n-C12 170 0.115 0.116
n-C16 226 0.051 0.039
n-C20 282 −0.010 −0.006
n-C24 338 −0.0170 −0.0269
n-C28 394 −0.0215 −0.0340
n-C32 450 −0.0300 −0.0369
n-C36 506 −0.0380 −0.0378
- 2000 - −0.0380
- 3000 - −0.0380

The BIP correlation, Eq. A1, was developed by use of L-V-W three-phase P-T points measured by
(Brunner 1990). The CPA EOS together with Eq. A1 is now tested in terms of predictive capability for
the water solubility in n-alkanes. Skripka (1979) reported water solubilities along the three-phase curve
for water/n-alkanes binaries with n-C6, n-C7, n-C8, n-C9, n-C10, n-C12, n-C16, and n-C20. Water solubilities
in n-C6 and n-C8 were given in Heidman et al. (1985) and Tsonopoulos and Wilson (1983), respectively.
Comparison of the predictions against the experimental data is shown in Figure A3. Table A3 presents the
deviation analysis; the maximum AAD is 0.0323 for the mole fraction of water, which is slightly better than
the maximum AAD of 0.0420 reported by Venkatramani and Okuno (2015) for the PR EOS.

Table A3—Deviation of the calculations from the measured values for water solubility in n-alkane along the three-
phase coexistence curve. The water solubility is represented by the mole fraction of water in the liquid phase.

AAD in
Number of
Hydrocarbon T range, K water Data sources
data points

Tsonopoulos and Wilson

n-C6 8 313-498 0.0072
(1983), Skripka (1979)
Skripka (1979),
n-C7 4 473-513 0.0122
Heidman et al. (1985)
n-C8 9 310-538 0.0160 Skripka (1979)
n-C9 5 473-548 0.0325 Skripka (1979)
n-C10 6 473-563 0.0073 Skripka (1979)
n-C12 5 473-583 0.0214 Skripka (1979)
n-C16 3 573-611 0.0261 Skripka (1979)
n-C20 7 523-625 0.0323 Skripka (1979)
SPE-187058-MS 23

Figure A3—Comparison of predicted water solubilities in n-alkanes against experimental data. (a) Experimental data were
taken from Skripka (1979); (b) Experimental data were taken from Tsonopoulos and Wilson (1983) and Heidman et al. (1985).

Figure A4 compares the water solubility data and calculation results for the water/n-C7 binary. The
calculation results are shown for three models; the CPA EOS with the new BIP correlation (Eq. A1), the
PR EOS with the BIP correlation by Venkatramani and Okuno (2015), and the CPA EOS with the BIP
correlation by Folas et al. (2006):

Figure A4—Comparison of the calculated water solubilities in n-C7 against measured data along the
three-phase curve of the water/n- C7 binary. The experimental data were taken from Skripka (1979).
The BIP for the CPA is 0.2401 with Eq. A1, and 0.0095 with Eq. A2. The BIP for the PR EOS is 0.5529.

where CN refers to the carbon number of n-alkane. This correlation was developed by matching the liquid-
liquid equilibrium data for water/n-alkanes from propane up to decane. The BIP for water with n- C7 for
the CPA EOS is 0.2410 with Eq. A1, and 0.0095 with Eq. A2.
The CPA EOS with Eq. 1 yields the AAD of 0.0256 for water mole fraction dissolved in n-C7. The AAD
for the same set of data is 0.0471 with the CPA EOS with Folas et al.’s BIP correlation, and 0.0353 with
the PR EOS with Venkatramani and Okuno’s BIP correlation.
Figure A5 presents the monotonic and asymptotic behavior of the three-phase coexistence curve and
water solubility in n-alkane when the CPA EOS is used with Eq. A1 for water/n-alkane binary interaction.
24 SPE-187058-MS

For n-C100, the three-phase curve only slightly deviate from the vapor pressure of water. The water-solubility
plot shows type IIIa for water/n-C10, but type IIIb for water/n-C36 and /n-C100, which is consistent with
experimental data (Brunner 1990).

Figure A5—(a) Monotonic and asymptotic trend of the three-phase curves of water/n-alkane binaries by use of the CPA EOS.
(b) Calculated water solubilities in n-alkanes along the three-phase curves of water/n-alkane binaries by use of the CPA EOS.

Eq. A1 can be used with the CPA EOS for non-polar hydrocarbons, although the development is based on
data for n-alkane/water binaries. This is because the CPA EOS represents the solubility of water in aromatics
as solvation, for which βAB for aromatic components are adjusted to match experimental data. The solvation
method accounts for the cross-association between water and aromatic hydrocarbons, which results in
more water dissolved in aromatics than in the homomorph n-alkane (Heidman et al. 1985; Tsonopoulos
and Wilson 1983). On the basis of the CPA EOS, Folas et al. (2006) presented that, for water/aromatic
hydrocarbon mixtures, the BIPs for water/n-alkane binaries can be applied to the corresponding homomorph
aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. kij of water/benzene is assumed as that of water/hexane).

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