MP AES Instruction Manual
MP AES Instruction Manual
MP AES Instruction Manual
Measurement work
10.Starting plasma
Click on 「プラズマ」(plasma) on the menu bar of the PC
The main unit is ON (green lamp is lit)
Caution: Never stop the pump while the plasma is on
(Do not press OFF of "Plasma")
Wait 10-15 minutes
While waiting, create the method
11.Creating a method
Return to the desktop screen of the original PC
Select 「テンプレートから作成」"Create from template"
Select and click the file you want to refer to in 「最近使用したテンプレー
ト」"Recently used templates".
Click 「元素」"Element"
Select all the elements to be measured. Choose the emission wavelength of
each element
Save the method file under a name. Save to the My results folder.
(Saving it as a template is convenient because it can be used for similar
measurements in the future.)
Minimize the screen and return to the "Device" screen
Click 「較正」“Calibration”
Main unit: Set the calibration standard solution and insert the tube
PC: Change 「ポンプ」“Pump” setting to “High speed”
After confirming that the standard solution has entered the chamber on the
main unit, return to the standard.
Click 「装置較正」“Calibration”
Wait until it finishes as the software starts
Return to MP Expert screen
Stop plasma