Time Series Notes

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Course code: MC-106 Vetter: Karam Pal
Lesson: 7
Objective: This lesson would enable you to understand the meaning, importance,
models, and components of time series along with details of methods
of measuring trends.
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Objectives of time series analysis
7.3. Components of time series
7.4. Time series decomposition models
7.5. Measurement of secular trend
7.6. Seasonal variations
7.7. Measurement of cyclical variations
7.8. Measurement of irregular variations
7.9. Questions
7.10. Suggested readings
A series of observations, on a variable, recorded after successive intervals of time is called a
time series. The successive intervals are usually equal time intervals, e.g., it can be 10 years,
a year, a quarter, a month, a week, a day, and an hour, etc. The data on the population of
India is a time series data where time interval between two successive figures is 10 years.
Similarly figures of national income, agricultural and industrial production, etc., are available
on yearly basis.


The analysis of time series implies its decomposition into various factors that affect the value
of its variable in a given period. It is a quantitative and objective evaluation of the effects of
various factors on the activity under consideration.
There are two main objectives of the analysis of any time series data:
(i) To study the past behaviour of data.
(ii) To make forecasts for future.
The study of past behaviour is essential because it provides us the knowledge of the effects of
various forces. This can facilitate the process of anticipation of future course of events, and,
thus, forecasting the value of the variable as well as planning for future.

7.3 Components of a Time Series

In the typical time-series there are three main components which seem to be independent of
the and seems to be influencing time-series data.
Trend- It is the broad long-term tendency of either upward or downward movement in the
average (or mean) value of the forecast variable y over time. The rate of trend growth usually
varies over time, as shown in fig 7.1(a) and (b).
Cycles- An upward and downward oscillation of uncertain duration and magnitude about the
trend line due to seasonal effect with fairly regular period or long period with irregular
swings is called a cycle. A business cycle may vary in length, usually greater than one year
but less than 5 to 7 years. The movement is through four phases: from peak (prosperity) to
contradiction (recession) to trough (depression) to expansion (recovery or growth) as shown
in Fig. 7.1 (b) and (c).
Seasonal- It is a special case of a cycle component of time series in which the magnitude and
duration of the cycle do not vary but happen at a regular interval each year. For example,
average sales for a retail store may increase greatly during festival seasons.
Irregular- An irregular or erratic (or residual) movements in a time series is caused by short-
term unanticipated and non-recurring factors. These follow no specific pattern.


The analysis of time series consists of two major steps:
1. Identifying the various forces (influences) or factors which produce the variations in the
time series, and
2. Isolating, analysing and measuring the effect of these factors separately and

independently, by holding other things constant.

The purpose of decomposition models is to break a time series into its components: Trend
(T), Cyclical (C), Seasonality (S), and Irregularity (I). Decomposition of time series provides
a basis for forecasting. There are many models by which a time series can be analysed; two
models commonly used for decomposition of a time series are discussed below.
7.4.1. Multiplicative Model
This is a most widely used model which assumes that forecast (Y) is the product of the four
components at a particular time period. That is, the effect of four components on the time
series is interdependent.
Y=T x C x S × I Å Multiplicative model
The multiplicative model is appropriate in situations where the effect of S, C, and I is
measured in relative sense and is not in absolute sense. The geometric mean of S, C, and I is
assumed to be less than one. For example, let the actual sales for period 20 be Y20 = 423.36.
Further let, this value be broken down into its components as: let trend component (mean
sales) be 400; effect of current cycle (0.90) is to depress sales by 10 per cent; seasonality of
the series (1.20) boosts sales by 20 per cent. Thus besides the random fluctuation, the
expected value of sales for the period is 400 × 0.90 × 1.20 = 432. If the random factor
depresses sales by 2 per cent in this period, then the actual sales value will be 432 × 0.98 =
7.4.2. Additive Model
In this model, it is assumed that the effect of various components can be estimated by adding
the various components of a time-series. It is stated as:
Y=T + C + S + I Å Additive model
Here S, C, and I are absolute quantities and can have positive or negative values. It is
assumed that these four components are independent of each other. However, in real-life time
series data this assumption does not hold good.

The principal methods of measuring trend fall into following categories:
1. Free Hand Curve methods
2. Method of Averages
3. Method of least squares
The time series methods are concerned with taking some observed historical pattern for some
variable and projecting this pattern into the future using a mathematical formula. These
methods do not attempt to suggest why the variable under study will take some future value.
This limitation of the time series approach is taken care by the application of a causal
method. The causal method tries to identify factors which influence the variable is some way
or cause it to vary in some predictable manner. The two causal methods, regression analysis
and correlation analysis, have already been discussed previously.
A few time series methods such as freehand curves and moving averages simply describe the
given data values, while other methods such as semi-average and least squares help to
identify a trend equation to describe the given data values.
7.5.1. Freehand Method
A freehand curve drawn smoothly through the data values is often an easy and, perhaps,
adequate representation of the data. The forecast can be obtained simply by extending the
trend line. A trend line fitted by the freehand method should conform to the following

(i) The trend line should be smooth- a straight line or mix of long gradual curves.

(ii) The sum of the vertical deviations of the observations above the trend line should
equal the sum of the vertical deviations of the observations below the trend line.

(iii) The sum of squares of the vertical deviations of the observations from the trend
line should be as small as possible.

(iv) The trend line should bisect the cycles so that area above the trend line should be
equal to the area below the trend line, not only for the entire series but as much as
possible for each full cycle.
Example 7.1: Fit a trend line to the following data by using the freehand method.
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Sales turnover : 80 90 92 83 94 99 92 104
(Rs. in lakh)

Solution: Figure 7.2

presents the 110 freehand
graph of 105 sales
turnover (Rs. in lakh)
from 1991 to 100 1998.

Forecast can be obtained

simply by extending
the trend 90 line.
220 1995 1996 1997 1998
1991 1992 1993 1994
Fig. 7.2: Graph of Sales Turnover
Limitations of freehand method

(i) This method is highly subjective because the trend line depends on personal
judgement and therefore what happens to be a good-fit for one individual may not
be so for another.

(ii) The trend line drawn cannot have much value if it is used as a basis for

(iii) It is very time-consuming to construct a freehand trend if a careful and

conscientious job is to be done.
7.5.2. Method of Averages
The objective of smoothing methods into smoothen out the random variations due to irregular
components of the time series and thereby provide us with an overall impression of the
pattern of movement in the data over time. In this section, we shall discuss three smoothing
(i) Moving averages
(ii) Weighted moving averages
(iii) Semi-averages
The data requirements for the techniques to be discussed in this section are minimal and these
techniques are easy to use and understand.
Moving Averages
If we are observing the movement of some variable values over a period of time and trying to
project this movement into the future, then it is essential to smooth out first the irregular
pattern in the historical values of the variable, and later use this as the basis for a future
projection. This can be done by calculating a series of moving averages.
This method is a subjective method and depends on the length of the period chosen for
calculating moving averages. To remove the effect of cyclical variations, the period chosen
should be an integer value that corresponds to or is a multiple of the estimated average length
of a cycle in the series.
The moving averages which serve as an estimate of the next period’s value of a variable
given a period of length n is expressed as:
Moving average, Mat+1 = ∑{ Dt + Dt −1 + Dt − 2 . + .. + Dt − n +1 }

where t = current time period
D = actual data which is exchanged each period
n = length of time period
In this method, the term ‘moving’ is used because it is obtained by summing and averaging
the values from a given number of periods, each time deleting the oldest value and adding a
new value.
The limitation of this method is that it is highly subjective and dependent on the length of
period chosen for constructing the averages. Moving averages have the following three

(i) As the size of n (the number of periods averaged) increases, it smoothens the
variations better, but it also makes the method less sensitive to real changes in the

(ii) Moving averages cannot pick-up trends very well. Since these are averages, it will
always stay within past levels and will not predict a change to either a higher or
lower level.

(iii) Moving average requires extensive records of past data.

Example 7.2: Using three-yearly moving averages, determine the trend and short-term-error.
Year Production Year Production
(in ‘000 tonnes) (in ‘000 tonnes)
1987 21 1992 22
1988 22 1993 25
1989 23 1994 26
1990 25 1995 27
1991 24 1996 26
Solution: The moving average calculation for the first 3 years is:
21 + 22 + 23
Moving average (year 1-3) = = 22
Similarly, the moving average calculation for the next 3 years is:
22 + 23 + 25
Moving average (year 2-4) = = 22.33
A complete summary of 3-year moving average calculations is given in Table 7.1
Table 7.1: Calculation of Trend and Short-term Fluctuations
Year Production 3-Year 3-yearly Moving Forecast
Y Moving Average (Trend Error (y- ŷ )
Total values ŷ
1987 21 - - -
1988 22 66 22.00 0
1989 23 70 23.33 -0.33
1990 25 72 24.00 1.00
1991 24 71 23.67 0.33
1992 22 71 23.67 -1.67
1993 25 73 24.33 0.67

1994 26 78 26.00 0
1995 27 79 26.33 0.67
1996 26 - - -

Odd and Even Number of Years

When the chosen period of length n is an odd number, the moving average
at year i is centred on i, the middle year in the consecutive sequence of n
yearly values used to compute i. For instance with n =5, MA3(5) is centred on
the third year, MA4(5) is centred on the fourth year…, and MA9(5) is centred
on the ninth year.

No moving average can be obtained for the first (n-1)/2 years or the last (n-
1/2) year of the series. Thus for a 5-year moving average, we cannot make
computations for the just two years or the last two years of the series.

When the chosen period of length n is an even numbers, equal parts can
easily be formed and an average of each part is obtained. For example, if n =
4, then the first moving average M3 (placed at period 3) is an average of the
first four data values, and the second moving average M4 (placed at period 4)
is the average of data values 2 through 5). The average of M3 and M4 is
placed at period 3 because it is an average of data values for period 1
through 5.
Example 7.3: Assume a four-yearly cycle and calculate the trend by the method of moving
average from the following data relating to the production of tea in India.
Year Production (million Year Production (million
lbs) lbs)
1987 464 1992 540
1988 515 1993 557
1989 518 1994 571
1990 467 1995 586
1991 502 1996 612
Solution: The first 4-year moving average is:
464 + 515 + 518+ 467 1964
MA3(4) = = = 491.00
4 4
This moving average is centred on the middle value, that is, the third year of the series.
515 + 518 + 467+ 502 2002

MA4(4) = = = 500.50
4 4
This moving average is centred on the fourth year of the series.
Table 7.2. presents the data along with the computations of 4-year moving averages.
Table 7.2: Calculation of Trend and Short-term Fluctuations
Year Production 4-yearly 4-Yearly 4-Yearly Moving
(mm lbs) Moving Totals Moving Average Centred
1987 464 - - -
1988 515 - - -
1964 491.00
1989 518 495.75
2002 500.50
1990 467 503.62
2027 506.75
1991 502 511.62
2066 516.50
1992 540 529.50
2170 542.50
1993 557 553.00
2254 563.50
1994 571 572.00
2326 581.50 -
1995 586 - - -
1996 612 - - -
Weighted Moving Averages
In moving averages, each observation is given equal importance (weight). However, different
values may be assigned to calculate a weighted average of the most recent n values. Choice
of weights is somewhat arbitrary because there is no set formula to determine them. In most
cases, the most recent observation receives the most weightage, and the weight decreases for
older data values.

A weighted moving average may be expressed mathematically as

Σ(Weight for period n) (Data value in period n)
Weighted moving average =
Example 7.4: Vaccum cleaner sales for 12 months is given below. The owner of the
supermarket decides to forecast sales by weighting the past three months as follows:
Weight Applied Month
3 Last month
2 Two months ago
1 Three months ago
Month : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Actual sales : 10 12 13 16 19 23 26 30 28 18 16 14
(in units)

Solution: The results of 3-month weighted average are shown in Table 7.3.

3 × Sales last month + 2 × Sales two months ago +
1 × Sales three months ago
Forecast for the =
Current month 6

Table 7.3: Weighted Moving Average

Month Actual Sales Three-month Weighted

Moving Average
1 10 -
2 12 -
3 13 -
4 16 1 121
[3 × 13) + (2 × 12) + 1 × 10] =
6 6
5 19 1 141
[3 × 16) + (2 × 13) + 1 × 12] =
6 3
6 23 1
[3 × 19) + (2 × 16) + 1 × 13] = 17
7 26 1 201
[3 × 23) + (2 × 19) + 1 × 16] =
6 2
8 30 1 235
[3 × 26) + (2 × 23) + 1 × 19] =
6 6
9 28 1 271
[3 × 30) + (2 × 26) + 1 × 23] =
6 2
10 18 1 289
[3 × 28) + (2 × 30) + 1 × 26] =
6 3
11 16 1 231
[3 × 18) + (2 × 28) + 1 × 30] =
6 3
12 14 1 182
[3 × 16) + (2 × 18) + 1 × 28] =
6 3
Example 7.5: A food processor uses a moving average to forecast next month’s demand. Past
actual demand( in units) is shown below:
Month : 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Actual demand : 105 106 110 110 114 121 130 128 137
(in units)
(a) Compute a simple five-month moving average to forecast demand for month 52.
(b) Compute a weighted three-month moving average where the weights are highest for the
latest months and descend in order of 3, 2, 1.
Solution: Calculation for five-month moving average are shown in Table 7.4.
Month Actual Demand 5-month Moving 5-month Moving
Total Average
43 105 - -
44 106 - -
45 110 545 109.50
46 110 561 112.2
47 114 585 117.0
48 121 603 120.6

49 130 630 126.0
50 128 - -
51 137 - -

(a) Five-month average demand for month 52 is

Σx 114 + 121 + 130 + 128 + 137
= = 126 units
Number of periods 5

(b) Weighted three-month average as per weights is as follows:

Σ Weight × Data value
MA Wt =
Σ weight

Where Month Weight × Value = Total

51 3 × 137 = 141
50 2 × 128 = 256
49 1 × 130 = 130
6 797
MAWT = 6 = 133 units
Semi-Average Method
The semi-average method permits us to estimate the slope and intercept of the trend the quite
easily if a linear function will adequately described the data. The procedure is simply to
divide the data into two parts and compute their respective arithmetic means. These two
points are plotted corresponding to their midpoint of the class interval covered by the
respective part and then these points are joined by a straight line, which is the required trend
line. The arithmetic mean of the first part is the intercept value, and the slope is determined
by the ratio of the difference in the arithmetic mean of the number of years between them,
that is, the change per unit time. The resultant is a time series of the form : yˆ = a + bx . The
ŷ is the calculated trend value and a and b are the intercept and slope values respectively.
The equation should always be stated completely with reference to the year where x =0 and a
description of the units of x and y.
The semi-average method of developing a trend equation is relatively easy to commute and
may be satisfactory if the trend is linear. If the data deviate much from linearity, the forecast
will be biased and less reliable.
Example 7.6: Fit a trend line to the following data by the method of semi-average and
forecast the sales for the year 2002.
Year Sales of Firm Year Sales of Firm (thousand
(thousand units) units)
1993 102 1997 108
1994 105 1998 116
1995 114 1999 112
1996 110

Solution: Since number of years are odd in number, therefore divide the data into equal parts
(A and B) of 3 years ignoring the middle year (1996). The average of part A and B is
102 + 105 + 114 321
yA = = = 107 units
3 3

108 + 116 + 112 336

yB = = = 112 units
3 2
Part A is centred upon 1994 and part B on 1998. Plot points 107 and 112 against their middle
years, 1994 and 1998. By joining these points, we obtain the required trend line as shown Fig.
7.3. The line can be extended and be used for prediction.





1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Fig. 7.3: Trend Line by the Method of Semi-Average

To calculate the time-series ŷ = a + bx, we need
Δy Change in sales
Slope b = =
Δx Change in year

112 – 107 5
= = = 1.25
1998 – 1994 4
Intercept = a = 107 units at 1994
Thus, the trend line is : ŷ = 107 + 1.25x
Since 2002 is 8 year distant from the origin (1994), therefore we have
ŷ = 107 + 1.25(8) = 117
Exponential Smoothing Methods
Exponential smoothing is a type of moving-average forecasting technique which weighs past
data in an exponential manner so that the most recent data carries more weight in the moving
average. Simple exponential smoothing makes no explicit adjustment for trend effects
whereas adjusted exponential smoothing does take trend effect into account (see next section
for details).
Simple Exponential Smoothing

With simple exponential smoothing, the forecast is made up of the last period forecast plus a
portion of the difference between the last period’s actual demand and the last period’s
Ft = Ft-1 + α (Dt-1 – Ft-1) = (1-α)Ft-1+ αDt-1 …(7.1)
Where Ft = current period forecast
Ft-1 = last period forecast
α = a weight called smoothing constant (0 ≤ α ≤1)
Dt-1 = last period actual demand
From Eqn. (7.1), we may notice that each forecast is simply the previous forecast plus some
correction for demand in the last period. If demand was above the last period forecast the
correction will be positive, and if below it will negative.
When smoothing constant α is low, more weight is given to past data, and when it is high,
more weight is given to recent data. When α is equal to 0.9, then 99.99 per cent of the
forecast value is determined by the four most recent demands. When α is as low as 0.1, only
34.39 per cent of the average is due to these last 4 periods and the smoothing effect is
equivalent to a 19-period arithmetic moving average.
If α were assigned a value as high as 1, each forecast would reflect total adjustment to the
recent demand and the forecast would simply be last period’s actual demand, that is, Ft =
1.0Dt-1. Since demand fluctuations are typically random, the value of α is generally kept in
the range of 0.005 to 0.30 in order to ‘smooth’ the forecast. The exact value depends upon the
response to demand that is best for the individual firm.
The following table helps illustrate this concept. For example, when α = 0.5, we can see that
the new forecast is based on demand in the last three or four periods. When α = 0.1, the
forecast places little weight on recent demand and takes a 19-period arithmetic moving
Weight Assigned to
Most Recent 2nd Most 3rd Most 4th Most 5th Most
Smoothing Period Recent Recent Recent Recent
Constant (α) Period Period Period Period
2 3
α(1-α) α(1-α) α(1-α) α(1-α)4
α = 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.081 0.073 0.066
α =0.5 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.063 0.031

Selecting the smoothing constant

The exponential smoothing approach is easy to use and it has been successfully applied by
banks, manufacturing companies, wholesalers, and other organizations. The appropriate value
of the smoothing constant, α, however, can make the difference between an accurate and an
inaccurate forecast. In picking a value for the smoothing constant, the objective is to obtain
the most accurate forecast.
The correct α-value facilitates scheduling by providing a reasonable reaction to demand
without incorporating too much random variation. An approximate value of α which is
equivalent to an arithmetic moving average, in terms of degree of smoothing, can be
estimated as: α = 2 (n +1). The accuracy of a forecasting model can be determined by
comparing the forecasting values with the actual or observed values.
The forecast error is defined as:
Forecast error = Actual values – Forecasted values
One measure of the overall forecast error for a model is the mean absolute deviation (MAD).
This is computed by taking the sum of the absolute values of the individual forecast errors
and dividing by the number of periods n of data.

Σ⏐Forecast errors⏐
where Standard deviation σ = 1.25 MAD
The exponential smoothing method also facilities continuous updating of the estimate of
MAD. The current MADt is given by
MADt = α⏐Actual values- Forecasted values⏐+ (1-α) MADt-1
Higher values of smoothing constant α make the current MAD more responsive to current
forecast errors.
Example 7.7: A firm uses simple exponential smoothing with α =0.1 to forecast demand.
The forecast for the week of February 1 was 500 units whereas actual demand turned out to
be 450 units.
(a) Forecast the demand for the week of February 8.
(b) Assume the actual demand during the week of February 8 turned out to be 505 units.
Forecast the demand for the week of February 15. Continue forecasting through March 15,
assuming that subsequent demands were actually 516, 488, 467, 554 and 510 units.
Solution: Given Ft-1 = 500, D t-1 = 450, and α = 0.1
(a) Ft = F t-1 – α(Dt-1 - Ft-1) = 500 + 0.1(450-500) = 495 units
(b) Forecast of demand for the week of February 15 is shown in Table 7.5

Table 7.5: Forecast of Demand

Week Demand Old Forecast Correction New Forecast (Ft)
Dt-1 Forecast Error α(Dt-1 -Ft-1) Ft-1 +α(Dt-1-Ft-1)
Ft-1 (Dt-1 –Ft-1)
Feb. 1 450 500 -50 -5 495
Feb. 8 505 495 10 1 496
Feb. 15 516 496 20 2 498
Feb. 22 488 498 -10 -1 497
Mar. 1 467 497 -30 -3 494
Mar. 8 554 494 60 6 500
Mar. 15 510 500 10 1 501
If no previous forecast value is known, the old forecast starting point may be estimated or
taken to be an average of some preceding periods.
Example 7.8: A hospital has used a 9 month moving average forecasting method to predict
drug and surgical inventory requirements. The actual demand for one item is shown in the
table below. Using the previous moving average data, convert to an exponential smoothing
forecast for month 33.
Month : 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Demand : 78 65 90 71 80 101 84 60 73
(in units)
Solution: The moving average of a 9-month period is given by
∑Demand (x) 78 + 65 … + 73
MA = = = 78
Number of periods 9
2 2
Assume Ft-1 = 78. Therefore, estimated α = = = 0.2
n +1 9 +1
Thus, Ft = Ft-1 + α(Dt-1-Ft-1) = 78 + 0.2 (73 - 78) = 77 units

Methods of least square
The trend project method fits a trend line to a series of historical data points and then projects
the line into the future for medium-to-long range forecasts. Several mathematical trend
equations can be developed (such as exponential and quadratic), depending upon movement
of time-series data.
Reasons to study trend: A few reasons to study trends are as follows:
1. The study of trend allows us to describe a historical pattern so that we may evaluate the
success of previous policy.
2. The study allows us to use trends as an aid in making intermediate and long-range
forecasting projections in the future.
3. The study of trends helps us to isolate and then eliminate its influencing effects on the
time-series model as a guide to short-run (one year or less) forecasting of general business
cycle conditions.
Linear Trend Model
If we decide to develop a linear trend line by a precise statistical method, we can apply the
least squares method. A least squares line is described in terms of its y-intercept (the height at
which it intercepts the y-axis) and its slope (the angle of the line). If we can compute the y-
intercept and slope, we can express the line with the following equation
yˆ = a + bx
where ŷ = predicted value of the dependent variable
a = y-axis intercept
b = slope of the regression line (or the rate of change in y for a given change in
x = independent variable (which is time in this case)
Least squares is one of the most widely used methods of fitting trends to data because it
yields what is mathematically described as a ‘line of best fit’. This trend line has the
properties that (i) the summation of all vertical deviations about it is zero, that is, Σ(y- ŷ ) = 0,
(ii) the summation f all vertical deviations squared is a minimum, that is, Σ(y- ŷ ) is least, and
(iii) the line goes through the mean values of variables x and y. For linear equations, it is
found by the simultaneous solution for a and b of the two normal equations:
Σy = na + bΣx and Σxy = aΣx + bΣx2

Where the data can be coded so that ∑x = 0, two terms in three equations
drop out and we have Σy = na and Σxy = bΣx2

Coding is easily done with time-series data. For coding the data, we choose
the centre of the time period as x = 0 and have an equal number of plus and
minus periods on each side of the trend line which sum to zero.

Alternately, we can also find the values of constants a and b for any
regression line as:

∑ xy − nx y
b= and a = y − bx
∑ x 2 − n(x ) 2

Example 7.9: Below are given the figures of production (in thousand
quintals) of a sugar factory:
Year : 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Production : 80 90 92 83 94 99 92

(a) Fit a straight line trend to these figures.

(b) Plot these figures on a graph and show the trend line.
(c) Estimate the production in 2001.
Solution: (a) Using normal equations and the sugar production data we can
compute constants a and b as shown in Table 7.6:
Table 7.6: Calculations for Least Squares Equation
Year Time Production x2 xy Trend
Period (x) (x) Values y
1992 1 80 1 80 84
1993 2 90 4 180 86
1994 3 92 9 276 88
1995 4 83 16 332 90
1996 5 94 25 470 92
1997 6 99 36 594 94
1998 7 92 49 644 96
Total 28 630 140 2576

∑ x 28 ∑ y 630
x= = = 4, y = = = 90
n 7 n 7

∑ xy − nx y 2576 − 7(4)(90) 56
b= = = =2
∑ x 2 − n(x ) 2 140 − 7(4) 2 28

a = y − bx = 90 − 2(4) = 82

Therefore, linear trend component for the production of sugar is:

yˆ = a + bx = 82 + 2 x

The slope b = 2 indicates that over the past 7 years, the production of sugar
had an average growth of about 2 thousand quintals per year.






1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Fig.7.4: Linear Trend for Production of Sugar

(b) Plotting points on the graph paper, we get an actual graph representing
production of sugar over the past 7 years. Join the point a = 82 and b = 2
(corresponds to 1993) on the graph we get a trend line as shown in Fig. 7.4.

(c) The production of sugar for year 2001 will be

ŷ = 82 + 2 (10) = 102 thousand quintals

Parabolic Trend Model

The curvilinear relationship for estimating the value of a dependent variable

y from an independent variable x might take the form

ŷ = a + bx + cx2

This trend line is called the parabola.

For a non-linear equation ŷ = a + bx - cx2, the values of constants a, b, and

c can be determined by solving three normal equations.
Σy = na + bΣx + cΣx2
Σxy = aΣx + bΣx2 + cΣx3
Σx2y = aΣx2 + bΣx3 + cΣx4

When the data can be coded so that Σx = 0 and Σx3 = 0, two term in the
above expressions drop out and we have
Σy = na + cΣx2
Σxy = bΣx2
Σx2y = aΣx2 + cΣx4

To find the exact estimated value of the variable y, the values of constants a,
b, and c need to be calculated. The values of these constants can be
calculated by using the following shortest method:

∑ y − c ∑ x2 ∑ xy n ∑ x2 y − ∑ x2 ∑ y
a= ;b = and c =
n ∑ x2 n ∑ x 4 − (∑ x 2 ) 2

Example 7.10: The prices of a commodity during 1999-2004 are given

below. Fit a parabola to these data. Estimate the price of the commodity for
the year 2005.
Year Price Year Price
1999 100 2002 140
2000 107 2003 181
2001 128 2004 192

Also plot the actual and trend values on a graph.

Solution: To fit a parabola ŷ = a + bx + cx2, the calculations to determine

the values of constants a, b, and c are shown in Table 7.7.

Table 7.7: Calculations for Parabola Trend Line

Year Time Price x2 x3 x4 xy x2y Trend
Scale (y) Values
(x) ( yˆ )
1999 -2 100 4 -8 16 -200 400 97.72
2000 -1 107 1 -1 1 -107 107 110.34
2001 0 128 0 0 0 0 0 126.68
2002 1 140 1 1 1 140 140 146.50
2003 2 181 4 8 16 362 724 169.88

2004 3 192 9 27 81 576 1728 196.82
3 848 19 27 115 771 3099 847.94

(i) Σy = na- bΣx + cΣx2

848 = 6a + 3b + 19c
(ii) Σxy = aΣx + bΣx2 + cΣx3
771 = 3a + 19b + 27c
(iii) Σx2y = aΣx2 + bΣx2 + cΣx4
3099 = 19a + 27b + 115c

Eliminating a from eqns. (i) and (ii), we get

(iv) 694 = 35b + 35c

Eliminating a from eqns. (ii) and (iii), we get

(v) 5352 = 280b + 168c

Solving eqns. (iv) and (v) for b and c we get b =18.04 and c = 1.78.
Substituting values of b and c in eqn. (i), we get a = 126.68.

Hence, the required non-linear trend line becomes

y = 126.68 +18.04x + 1.78x2

Several trend values as shown in Table 7.7 can be obtained by putting x = -

2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and 3 in the trend line. The trend values are plotted on a graph
paper. The graph is shown in Fig. 7.5.

Years 400
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Price (Rs.)

Fig. 7.5

Exponential Trend Model

When the given values of dependent variable y from approximately a

geometric progression while the corresponding independent variable x values
form an arithmetic progression, the relationship between variables x and y
is given by an exponential function, and the best fitting curve is said to
describe the exponential trend. Data from the fields of biology, banking, and
economics frequently exhibit such a trend. For example, growth of bacteria,
money accumulating at compound interest, sales or earnings over a short
period, and so on, follow exponential growth.

The characteristics property of this law is that the rate of growth, that is, the
rate of change of y with respect to x is proportional to the values of the
function. The following function has this property.

y = abcx, a > 0

The letter b is a fixed constant, usually either 10 or e, where a is a

constant to be determined from the data.

To assume that the law of growth will continue is usually unwarranted, so

only short range predictions can be made with any considerable degree or

If we take logarithms (with base 10) of both sides of the above equation, we

Log y = log a + (c log b) x (7.2)

For b =10, log b =1, but for b=e, log b =0.4343 (approx.). In either case, this
equation is of the form y ′ = c + dx

Where y ′ = log y, c = log a, and d = c log b.

Equation (7.2) represents a straight line. A method of fitting an exponential

trend line to a set of observed values of y is to fit a straight trend line to the
logarithms of the y-values.

In order to find out the values of constants a and b in the exponential

function, the two normal equations to be solved are
Σ log y = n log a + log bΣx
Σx log y = log aΣx + log bΣx2
When the data is coded so that Σx = 0, the two normal equations become
Σ log y = n log a or log a = Σlog y
∑ x log y
and Σx log y = log b Σx2 or log b =
∑ x2

Coding is easily done with time-series data by simply designating the center
of the time period as x =0, and have equal number of plus and minus period
on each side which sum to zero.

Example 7.11: The sales (Rs. In million) of a company for the years 1995 to
1999 are:
Year : 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Sales : 1.6 4.5 13.8 40.2 125.0

Find the exponential trend for the given data and estimate the sales for

Solution: The computational time can be reduced by coding the data. For
this consider u = x-3. The necessary computations are shown in Table 7.8.

Table 7.8: Fitting the Exponential Trend Line

Year Time u=x-3 u2 Sales y Log y u log y
Period x
1995 1 -2 4 1.60 0.2041 -0.4082
1996 2 -1 1 4.50 0.6532 -0.6532
1997 3 0 0 13.80 1.1390 0
1998 4 1 1 40.20 1.6042 1.6042
1999 5 2 4 125.00 2.0969 4.1938
10 5.6983 4.7366

1 1
log a = Σ log y = (5.6983) = 1.1397
n 5

∑ u log y 4.7366
log b = = = 0.4737
∑u 2 10

Therefore log y = log a + (x+3) log b = 1.1397 + 0.4737x

For sales during 2002, x =3, and we obtain
log y = 1.1397 + 0.4737 (3) = 2.5608
y = antilog (2.5608) = 363.80

Changing the Origin and Scale of Equations

When a moving average or trend value is calculated it is assumed to be

centred in the middle of the month (fifteenth day) or the year (July 1).
Similarly, the forecast value is assumed to be centred in the middle of the
future period. However, the reference point (origin) can be shifted, or the
units of variables x and y are changed to monthly or quarterly values it
desired. The procedure is as follows:

(i) Shift the origin, simply by adding or subtracting the desired

number of periods from independent variable x in the original
forecasting equation.

(ii) Change the time units from annual values to monthly values by
dividing independent variable x by 12.

(iii) Change the y units from annual to monthly values, the entire
right-hand side of the equation must be divided by 12.

Example 7.12: The following forecasting equation has been derived by a

least-squares method:

ŷ =10.27 + 1.65x (Base year:1992; x = years; y = tonnes/year)

Rewrite the equation by

(a) shifting the origin to 1997.
(b) expressing x units in months, retaining y n tonnes/year.
(c) expressing x units in months and y in tonnes/month.

Solution: (a) Shifting of origin can be done by adding the desired number of
period 5(=1997-1992) to x in the given equation. That is

ŷ =10.27 + 1.65 (x + 5) = 18.52 + 1.65x

where 1997 = 0, x = years, y = tonnes/year

(b) Expressing x units in months

ŷ =10.27 + = 10.27 + 0.14x
where July 1, 1992 = 0, x = months, y = tonnes/year
(c) Expressing y in tonnes/month, retaining x months.
ŷ == (10.27 + 0.14x) = 0.86+0.01x
where July 1, 1992 = 0, x = months, y = tones/month
1. If both x and y are to be expressed in months together, then divide
constant ‘a’ by 12 and constant ‘b’ by 24. It is because data are sums of 12
months. Thus monthly trend equation becomes.
a b
Linear trend : yˆ = + x
12 24

a b c
Parabolic trend : ŷ = + x+ x2
12 144 1728

But if data are given as monthly averages per year, then value of ‘a’ remains
unchanged ‘b’ is divided by 12 and ‘c’ by 144.

2. The annual trend equation can be reduced to quarterly trend equation as

a b a b
yˆ = + x= + x
4 4 × 12 4 48


If the time series data are in terms of annual figures, the seasonal variations
are absent. These variations are likely to be present in data recorded on
quarterly or monthly or weekly or daily or hourly basis. As discussed earlier,
the seasonal variations are of periodic in nature with period less than or
equal to one year. These variations reflect the annual repetitive pattern of
the economic or business activity of any society. The main objectives of
measuring seasonal variations are:

(i) To understand their pattern.

(ii) To use them for short-term forecasting or planning.
(iii) To compare the pattern of seasonal variations of two or more time
series in a given period or of the same series in different periods.
(iv) To eliminate the seasonal variations from the data. This process is
known as deseasonalisation of data.

Methods of Measuring Seasonal Variations

The measurement of seasonal variation is done by isolating them from

other components of a time series. There are four methods commonly used
for the measurement of seasonal variations. These method are:
1. Method of Simple Averages
2. Ratio to Trend Method
3. Ratio to Moving Average Method

4. Method of Line Relatives

Note: In the discussion of the above methods, we shall often assume a

multiplicative model. However, with suitable modifications, these methods
are also applicable to the problems based on additive model.

Method of Simple Averages

This method is used when the time series variable consists of only the
seasonal and random components. The effect of taking average of data
corresponding to the same period (say 1st quarter of each year) is to
eliminate the effect of random component and thus, the resulting averages
consist of only seasonal component. These averages are then converted into
seasonal indices, as explained in the following examples.

Example 7.13.

Assuming that trend and cyclical variations are absent compute the
seasonal index for each month of the following data of sales (in Rs. ‘000) of a
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1987 46 45 44 46 45 47 46 43 40 40 41 45
1988 45 44 43 46 46 45 47 42 43 42 43 44
1989 42 41 40 44 45 45 46 43 41 40 42 45

Calculation Table
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1987 46 45 44 46 45 47 46 43 40 40 41 45
1988 45 44 43 46 46 45 47 42 43 42 43 44
1989 42 41 40 44 45 45 46 43 41 40 42 45
Total 133 130 127 136 136 137 139 128 124 122 126 134
At 44.3 43.3 42.3 45.3 45.3 45.7 46.3 42.7 41.3 40.7 42.0 44.7
S.l. 101.4 99.1 96.8 103.7 103.7 104.6 105.9 97.7 94.5 93.1 96.1 102.3

In the above table, A denotes the average and S.I the seasonal index for a
particular month of various years. To calculate the seasonal index, we

∑ Ai 523
compute grand average G, given by G = = = 43.7 . Then the seasonal
12 12
index for a particular month is given by S.I. = × 100 .

Further, ΣS.I.=11998.9≠1200. Thus, we have to adjust these values such

that their total is 1200. This can be done by multiplying each figure by
. The resulting figures are the adjusted seasonal indices, as given
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
101.5 99.2 96.9 103.8 103.8 104.7 106.0 97.8 94.6 93.2 96.2 102.3

Remarks: The total equal to 1200, in case of monthly indices and 400, in
case of quarterly indices, indicate that the ups and downs in the time series,
due to seasons, neutralise themselves within that year. It is because of this
that the annual data are free from seasonal component.

Example 7.14

Compute the seasonal index from the following data by the method of simple
Year Quarter Y Year Quarter Y Year Quarter Y
1980 I 106 1982 I 90 1984 I 80
II 124 II 112 II 104
III 104 III 101 III 95
IV 90 IV 85 IV 83
1981 I 84 1983 I 76 1985 I 104
II 114 II 94 II 112
III 107 III 91 III 102
IV 88 IV 76 IV 84


Calculation of Seasonal Indices

Years Ist Qr 2nd Qr 3rd Qr 4th Qr
1980 106 124 104 90
1981 84 114 107 88
1982 90 112 101 85
1983 76 94 91 76
1984 80 104 95 83
1985 104 112 102 84

Total 104 660 600 506
Ai 90 110 100 84.33
× 100 93.67 114.49 104.07 87.77

∑ At 384.33
We have G = = = 96.08 . Further, since the sum of terms in the last
4 4
row of the table is 400, no adjustment is needed. These terms are the
seasonal indices of respective quarters.

Merits and Demerits

This is a simple method of measuring seasonal variations which is based on

the unrealistic assumption that the trend and cyclical variations are absent
from the data. However, we shall see later that this method, being a part of
the other methods of measuring seasonal variations, is very useful.

Ratio to Trend Method

This method is used when cyclical variations are absent from the data, i.e.
the time series variable Y consists of trend, seasonal and random

Using symbols, we can write Y = T.S.R

Various steps in the computation of seasonal indices are:

(i) Obtain the trend values for each month or quarter, etc. by the
method of least squares.

(ii) Divide the original values by the corresponding trend values. This
would eliminate trend values from the data. To get figures in
percentages, the quotients are multiplied by 100.

Y T .S .R
Thus, we have × 100 = × 100 = S .R.100

(iii) Finally, the random component is eliminated by the method of

simple averages.

Example 7.15

Assuming that the trend is linear, calculate seasonal indices by the ratio to
moving average method from the following data:

Quarterly output of coal in 4 years (in thousand tonnes)

1982 65 58 56 61
1983 68 63 63 67
1984 70 59 56 52
1985 60 55 51 58


By adding the values of all the quarters of a year, we can obtain annual
output for each of the four years. Fit a linear trend to the data and obtain
trend values for each quarter.
Year Output X=2(t-1983.5) XY X2
1982 240 -3 -720 9
1983 261 -1 -261 1
1984 237 1 237 1
1985 224 3 672 9
Total 962 0 -72 20

962 − 72
From the above table, we get a = = 240.5 and b = = −3.6
4 20

Thus, the trend line is Y=240.5 – 3.6X, Origin: Ist January 1984, unit of X:6

The quarterly trend equation is given by

240.5 3.6
Y= − X or Y = 60.13-0.45X, Origin: Ist January 1984, unit of X:1
4 8
quarter (i.e., 3 months).

Shifting origin to 15th Feb. 1984, we get

Y=60.13-0.45(X+ ) = 59.9-0.45X, origin I-quarter, unit of X=1 quarter.

The table of quarterly values is given by

1982 63.50 63.05 62.50 62.15
1983 61.70 61.25 60.80 60.35
1984 59.90 59.45 59.00 58.55
1985 58.10 57.65 57.20 56.75

The table of Ratio to Trend Values, i.e. × 100
1982 102.36 91.99 89.46 98.15
1983 110.21 102.86 103.62 111.02
1984 116.86 99.24 94.92 88.81
1985 103.27 95.40 89.16 102.20
Total 432.70 389.49 377.16 400.18
Average 108.18 97.37 94.29 100.05
S.I. 108.20 97.40 94.32 100.08

Note : Grand Average, G = = 99.97

Example 7.16.

Find seasonal variations by the ratio to trend method, from the following
Year I-Qr II-Qr III-Qr IV-Qr
1995 30 40 36 34
1996 34 52 50 44
1997 40 58 54 48
1998 54 76 68 62
1999 80 92 86 82


First we fit a linear trend to the annual totals.
Year Annual Totals (Y) X XY X2
1995 140 -2 -280 4
1996 180 -1 -180 1
1997 200 0 0 0
1998 260 1 260 1
1999 340 2 680 4
Total 1120 0 480 10

1120 480
Now a = = 224 and b = = 48
5 10

∴Trend equation is Y = 224+48X, origin: Ist July 1997, unit of X = 1 year

224 48
The quarterly trend equation is Y= + X=56+3X, origin: Ist July 1997,
4 16
unit of X = 1 quarter.

Shifting the origin to III quarter of 1997, we get

Y = 56 + 3 (X+ ) = 57.5 + 3X

Table of Quarterly Trend Values

1995 27.5 30.5 33.5 36.5
1996 39.5 42.5 45.5 48.5
1997 51.5 54.5 57.5 60.5
1998 63.5 66.5 69.5 72.5
1999 75.5 78.5 81.5 84.5

Ratio to Trend Values

1995 109.1 131.1 107.5 93.2
1996 86.1 122.4 109.9 90.7
1997 77.7 106.4 93.9 79.3

1998 85.0 114.3 97.8 85.5
1999 106.0 117.2 105.5 97.0
Total 463.9 591.4 514.6 445.7
At 92.78 118.28 102.92 89.14
S.I. 92.10 117.35 102.11 88.44

Note that the Grand Average G= = 100.78. Also check that the sum of
indices is 400.

Remarks: If instead of multiplicative model we have an additive model, then

Y = T + S + R or S + R = Y-T. Thus, the trend values are to be subtracted
from the Y values. Random component is then eliminated by the method of
simple averages.

Merits and Demerits

It is an objective method of measuring seasonal variations. However, it is

very complicated and doesn’t work if cyclical variations are present.

Ratio to Moving Average Method

The ratio to moving average is the most commonly used method of

measuring seasonal variations. This method assumes the presence of all the
four components of a time series. Various steps in the computation of
seasonal indices are as follows:

(i) Compute the moving averages with period equal to the period of
seasonal variations. This would eliminate the seasonal component
and minimise the effect of random component. The resulting
moving averages would consist of trend, cyclical and random

(ii) The original values, for each quarter (or month) are divided by the
respective moving average figures and the ratio is expressed as a

percentage, i.e. = = SR' ' , where R´ and R´´ denote the
M . A. TCR '
changed random components.

(iii) Finally, the random component R´´ is eliminated by the method of

simple averages.

Example 7.17

Given the following quarterly sale figures, in thousand of rupees, for the year
1996-1999, find the specific seasonal indices by the method of moving
1996 34 33 34 37
1997 37 35 37 39
1998 39 37 38 40
1999 42 41 42 44


Calculation of Ratio of Moving Averages

Year/Quarter Sales 4-Period Centred 4 Period Y
× 100
Moving Total M M
1996 I 34 … … …
II 33 … … …
III 34 279 34.9 97.4
IV 37 284 35.5 104.2
1997 I 37 146 289 36.1 102.5
II 35 148 294 36.8 95.1
III 37 150 298 37.3 99.2
IV 39 152 302 37.8 103.2
1998 I 39 153 305 38.1 102.4
II 37 157 307 38.4 96.4
III 38 161 311 38.9 97.7
IV 40 165 318 39.8 100.5
1999 I 42 169 326 40.8 102.9
II 41 334 41.8 98.1
III 42 … … …
IV 44 … … …

Calculation of Seasonal Indices

1996 - - 97.4 104.2
1997 102.5 95.1 99.2 103.2
1998 102.4 96.4 97.7 100.5
1999 102.9 98.1 - -
Total 307.8 289.6 294.3 307.9
At 102.6 96.5 98.1 102.6
S.I. 102.7 96.5 98.1 102.7

Note that the Grand Average G= =99.95. Also check that the sum of
indices is 400.

Merits and Demerits

This method assumes that all the four components of a time series are
present and, therefore, widely used for measuring seasonal variations.
However, the seasonal variations are not completely eliminated if the cycles
of these variations are not of regular nature. Further, some information is
always lost at the ends of the time series.

Line Relatives Method

This method is based on the assumption that the trend is linear and cyclical
variations are of uniform pattern. As discussed in earlier chapter, the link
relatives are percentages of the current period (quarter or month) as
compared with previous period. With the computation of link relatives and
their average, the effect of cyclical and random component is minimised.
Further, the trend gets eliminated in the process of adjustment of chained
relatives. The following steps are involved in the computation of seasonal
indices by this method:
(i) Compute the link relative (L.R.) of each period by dividing the figure of
that period with the figure of previous period. For example, link relative of
figure of 3rd quarter
3rd quarter = × 100
figure of 2nd quarter

(ii) Obtain the average of link relatives of a given quarter (or month) of
various years. A.M. or Md can be used for this purpose. Theoretically, the
later is preferable because the former gives undue importance to extreme
(iii) These averages are converted into chained relatives by assuming the
chained relative of the first quarter (or month) equal to 100. The chained
relative (C.R.) for the current period (quarter or month)

C.R. of the previous period × L.R. of the current period


(iv) Compute the C.R. of first quarter (or month) on the basis of the last
quarter (or month). This is given by

C.R. of the last quarter (or month) × L.R. of 1st quarter (or month)

This value, in general, be different from 100 due to long term trend in the
data. The chained relatives, obtained above, are to be adjusted for the effect
of this trend. The adjustment factor is

d= [New C.R. for Ist quarter-100] for quarterly data

and d = [New C.R. for Ist month –100] for monthly data.

On the assumption that the trend is linear, d, 2d, 3d, etc. is respectively
subtracted from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc., quarter (or month).

(v) Express the adjusted chained relatives as a percentage of their average to

obtain seasonal indices.

(vi) Make sure that the sum of these indices is 400 for quarterly data and
1200 for monthly data.

Example 7.18

Determine the seasonal indices from the following data by the method of link
Year Ist 2nd Qr 3rd Qr 4th Qr
2000 26 19 15 10
2001 36 29 23 22
2002 40 25 20 15
2003 46 26 20 18
2004 42 28 24 21

Calculation Table
2000 - 73.1 78.9 66.7
2001 360.0 80.5 79.3 95.7
2002 181.8 62.5 80.0 75.0
2003 306.7 56.5 76.9 90.0
2004 233.3 66.7 85.7 87.5
Total 1081.8 339.3 400.8 414.0
Mean 270.5 67.9 80.2 83.0
C.R. 100.0 67.9 54.5 45.2
C.R. (adjusted) 100.0 62.3 43.3 28.4
S.I. 170.9 106.5 74.0 48.6

The chained relative (C.R.) of the Ist quarter on the basis of C. R. of the 4th
270 × 45.2
quarter = = 122.3
The trend adjustment factor d = (122.3 − 100) = 5.6
Thus, the adjusted C.R. of 1st quarter = 100
and for 2nd = 67.9 – 5.6 = 62.3
for 3rd = 54.5-2 × 5.6 = 43.3
for 4th = 45.2 – 3 × 5.6 = 28.4
100 + 62.3 + 43.3 + 28.4
The grand average of adjusted C.R., G = = 58.5

Adjusted C.R. × 100
The seasonal index of a quarter =

Merits and Demerits

This method is less complicated than the ratio to moving average and the
ratio to trend methods. However, this method is based upon the assumption
of a linear trend, which may not always hold true.

Deseasonalisation of Data

The deseasonalization of data implies the removal of the effect of seasonal

variations from the time series variable. If Y consists of the sum of various
components, then for its deaseasonalization, we subtract seasonal variations
from it. Similarly, in case of multiplicative model, the deseasonalisation is
done by taking the ratio of Y value to the corresponding seasonal index. A
clue to this is provided by the fact that the sum of seasonal indices is equal
to zero for an additive model while their sum is 400 or 1200 for a
multiplicative model.

It may be pointed out here that the deseasonalization of a data is done

under the assumption that the pattern of seasonal variations, computed on
the basis of past data, is similar to the pattern of seasonal variations in the
year of deseasonalization.
Example 7.19
Deseasonalise the following data on the sales of a company during various
months of 1990 by using their respective seasonal indices. Also interpret the
deseasonalised values.
Month Sales S.I. Month Sales S.I.
(Rs. ‘000) (Rs. ‘000)
Jan 16.5 109 Jul 36.5 85
Feb 21.3 105 Aug 44.4 88
Mar 27.1 108 Sep 54.9 98
Apr 31.0 102 Oct 62.0 102
May 35.5 100 Nov 67.6 104

Jun 36.3 89 Dec 78.7 110


Let Y denote monthly sales and DS denote the deseasonalised sales. Then,
we can write

DS = × 100
S .I

Computation of Deseasonalised Values

Month Sales S.I. DS Month Sales (Y) S.I. DS
Jan 16.5 109 15.14 Jul 36.5 85 42.94
Feb 21.3 105 20.29 Aug 44.5 88 50.45
Mar 27.1 108 25.09 Sep 54.9 98 56.02
Apr 31.0 102 30.39 Oct 62.0 102 60.78
May 35.5 100 35.50 Nov 67.6 104 65.00
Jun 36.3 89 40.79 Dec 78.7 110 71.55

The deseasonalised figures of sales for each month represent the monthly
sales that would have been in the absence of seasonal variations.


As mentioned earlier that a typical time-series has four components: secular

trend (T), seasonal variation (S), cyclical variation (C), and irregular variation
(I). In a multiplicative time-series model, these components are written as:


The deseasonalization data can be adjusted for trend analysis these by the
corresponding trend and seasonal variation values. Thus we are left with
only cyclical (C) and irregular (I) variations in the data set as shown below:
= =C×I

The moving averages of an appropriate period may be used to eliminate or
reduce the effect of irregular variations and thus left behind only the cyclical

The procedure of identifying cyclical variation is known as the residual

method. Recall that cyclical variations in time-series tend to oscillate above
and below the secular trend line for periods longer than one year. The steps
of residual method are summarized as follows:
(i) Obtain seasonal indexes and deseasonalized data.
(ii) Obtain trend values and expressed seasonalized data as
percentages of the trend values.
(iii) Divided the original data (Y) by the corresponding trend values (T)
in the time-series to get S × C × I. Further divide S × C × I by S to
get C × I.
(iv) Smooth out irregular variations by using moving averages of an
appropriate period but of short duration, leaving only the cyclical


Since irregular variations are random in nature, no particular procedure can

be followed to isolate and identify these variations. However, the residual
method can be extended one step further by dividing C × I by the cyclical
component (C) to identify the irregular component (I).

Alternately, trend (T), seasonal (S), and cyclical (C) components of the given
time-series are estimated and then the residual is taken as the irregular
variation. Thus, in the case of multiplicative time-series model, we have
= = I

where S and C are in fractional form and not in percentages.


1. What effect does seasonal variability have on a time-series? What is the

basis for this variability for an economic time-series?

2. What is measured by a moving average? Why are 4-quarter and 12-
month moving averages used to develop a seasonal index?

3. Briefly describe the moving average and least squares methods of

measuring trend in time-series.

4. Distinguish between ratio-to-trend and ratio-to-moving average as

methods of measuring seasonal variations, which is better and why?

5. Why do we deseasonalize data? Explain the ratio-to-moving average

method to compute the seasonal index.

6. Apply the method of link relatives to the following data and calculate
seasonal indexes.

Quarter 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

I 6.0 5.4 6.8 7.2 6.6
II 6.5 7.9 6.5 5.8 7.3
III 7.8 8.4 9.3 7.5 8.0
IV 8.7 7.3 6.4 8.5 7.1

7. Calculate seasonal index numbers from the following data:

Year Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1991 108 130 107 93
1992 86 120 110 91
1993 92 118 104 88
1994 78 100 94 78
1995 82 110 98 86
1996 106 118 105 98
8. For what purpose do we apply time series analysis to data collected over a period of
9. What is the difference between a causal model and a time series model?
10. Explain clearly the different components into which a time series may be
analysed. Explain any method for isolating trend values in a time series.
11. Explain what you understand by time series. Why is time-series considered to be an
effective tool of forecasting?

12. Explain briefly the additive and multiplicative models of time series. Which of these
models is more popular in practice and why?
13. A company that manufactures steel observed the production of steel
(in metric tonnes) represented by the time-series:
Year : 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Production in steel : 60 72 75 65 80 85 95
(a) Find the linear equation that describes the trend in the production of
steel by the company.
(b) Estimate the production of steel in 1997.
14. The sales (Rs. In lakh) of a company for the years 1990 to 1996 are
given below:
Year : 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Sales : 32 47 65 88 132 190 275

Find trend values by using the equation Yc = abx and estimate the value for
15. A company that specializes in the production of petrol filters has
recorded the following production (in 1000 units) over the last 7 years.
Year : 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Production : 42 49 62 75 92 122 158
(a) Develop a second degree estimating equation that best describes these data.
(b) Estimate the production in 2004.


1. Spiegel, Murray R.: Theory and Practical of Statistics., London

McGraw Hill Book Company.

2. Yamane, T.: Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, New York, Harpered

Row Publication

3. R.P. Hooda: Statistic for Business and Economic, McMillan India Ltd.

4. G.C. Beri: Statistics for Mgt., TMH.

5. J.K. Sharma: Business Statistics, Pearson Education.

6. S.P. Gupta : Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons.


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