Ncert Revised Calendar 2020 Middle Section PDF
Ncert Revised Calendar 2020 Middle Section PDF
Ncert Revised Calendar 2020 Middle Section PDF
New Delhi National Council of Education
April 2020 Research and Training
The Council extends its heartfelt thanks to the heads of its constituent
units, Joint Director, CIET, Joint Director, PSSCIVE and Principals of all the
five RIEs and Heads of its concerned NIE departments, viz., Department of
Elementary Education, Department of Teacher Education, Department of
Educational Psychology and Foundations of Education, Department of
Education in Arts and Aesthetics and also to Dean (Academic), because this
work could not be completed without their coordination and contribution of
their faculty members. The Council is grateful to Head, Publication Division
and his team for the editing and designing of the entire document and giving
it the final shape.
The Council is also thankful to Ms. Shveta Rao for the cover page
Introductory Note 1
English 10
Mathematics 13
Science 15
हिन्दी 17
Urdu 18
Social Studies
a. History 19
b. Geography 22
c. Social and Political Life 24
English 25
हिन्दी 28
Urdu 29
Mathematics 30
Science 32
Social Science
a. History 37
b. Geography 38
c. Social and Political Life 40
English 41
हिन्दी 44
Urdu 46
Mathematics 47
Science 49
Social Science
a. History 52
b. Geography 54
c. Social and Political Life 55
Arts Education 58
Annexure-I 81
Social Media for Synchronous and Asynchronous
Communication: Guidelines for Teachers and Educators
Annexure-II 88
Guidelines to Cope with Stress and Anxiety
in the Present Situation
Annexure-III 97
Pre-vocational Activities
Annexure-IV 103
Sargam Teentaal
Sargam Jhaptaal
Guidelines for Studying at Home for
Teachers, Parents and School Principals
India and the world are facing an enormous crisis due to COVID-19. India as
a country is under lockdown, so is the condition in most of the cities and
states around the world. Medical care professionals, security personnel and
people related to delivering essential services are working round the clock to
tide over the crisis and all efforts are being made to control the spread of the
virus. Schools, Colleges and Universities are closed. Students are confined to
their homes, and so are teachers and parents. In order to engage students
meaningfully teacher educators, teachers and parents need to find ways to
deal with this unprecedented situation arising out of lockdown and undertake
educational activities to support learning at home.
How could this be made possible? The first thought would perhaps be
homework or home assignments. However, the concept of homework is that
of a task done individually; moreover, it carries with it the pressure of
completion rather than that of joyful learning. Hence it is not desirable to
recommend homework over a long duration especially, for very young
learners. We therefore have to seek alternative methods.
In the present times there are various technological tools and social
media tools available for imparting education in fun-filled, interesting ways,
which can be used by learners to learn even when they are at home. To
facilitate this process of learning, there is a need to provide a broad structure
for clarity and focus. Keeping in mind the varying levels of access to such tools
and the variety of their content, NCERT has developed General Guidelines for
Implementing Weekly Plan (for four weeks) for Learning of Students at the
Upper Primary Stage. This entails the use of a commonly used, simple
instrument i.e., the mobile phone.
A number of our learners in the present times use a mobile phone for
social media, such as, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, as well as,
Google mail and Google Hangout. These tools have the advantage of providing
us with the facility to connect with more than one student and parent at a
There is a possibility that many of our learners may not have internet
facility on their mobile, or may not be able to use all of the above-mentioned
social media tools. In such a situation, students may be guided through SMS
or voice calls on mobile phones. Along with this, parents’ help can also be
sought for upper primary stage students.
A week-wise plan for the upper primary stage (from Classes VI to VIII)
has been developed, keeping in view the choice and availability of tools with
teachers. The week-wise plan consists of interesting activities and challenges,
with reference to themes/chapters taken from the syllabus or textbook. Most
importantly, it maps the themes with the learning outcomes. It needs to be
highlighted that the activities are suggestive in nature, not prescriptive,
neither are they sequential in nature. Teachers and parents have the option
to do the activities that the student shows interest in, irrespective of the
sequence. In the case of learners in the same family studying in different
classes, siblings may collaborate while doing the activity; if the activities cater
to different cognitive levels, the elder sibling can guide the younger one.
The purpose of mapping of themes with learning outcomes is to facilitate
teachers/parents to assess the students’ progress in learning. This can be
done in a variety of ways i.e., asking questions, encouraging interaction,
suggesting another activity of a similar kind, observing learner’s interest and
participation in the activity, etc. Further, teachers may design activities on
more themes (if required) based on the given learning outcomes. However, it
is reiterated that the focus should be on learning, rather than testing for
Since learners at the upper primary stage do have language skills and
they can study themselves with very little guidance by the teachers, therefore,
teachers can make whatsapp groups or send SMS to a group of students and
guide them on various interesting activities designed for them. In case of
Learner with Special Needs or Learner who needs parents’ support, parents
may be guided on the activities to be conducted at home.
Links for e-resources have been provided along with the activities. Yet,
if it is not possible for students to access these resources, the teacher may
guide them through mobile to other reference sources, such as, dictionary,
atlas, news headlines, storybooks, etc.
In case tools such as
WhatsApp Group Call
WhatsApp, Google Hangout,
To start a group call on WhatsApp, first of
etc., are being used, teachers
all you have to create a group of parents
may conduct audio and video
then initiate a conversation on your
calling with a group of
WhatsApp and click the phone icon on the
students and discuss with
top right of the screen. Once your contact
them in small groups, or all
has picked up the phone, you can then
students together. Teachers
click on the + icon on the screen and select
may also guide students for
multiple contacts to connect to a group
peer learning or group
learning through these tools.
In the situation of learning at home during the period of lockdown, in
cases where the teacher is using the mobile only for calling/ receiving calls
and messaging, connecting with individual students or parents on a daily
basis may be difficult. The teacher may opt for calling students or parents in
a phase-wise manner for interacting, explaining and assessing using simple
mobile. Hence it is suggested that this may be done in small groups. After
sending one collective SMS containing activities to a large group of
parents/students, the teacher may call 15 students in a day (Day 1) and
explain the work expected from them. On Day 2, she can call 5 out of the 15
students to ascertain the progress of their learning. The progress of the
remaining 10 would be ascertained on Day 3 (5 students) and Day 4 (5
students). On the same day (Day 2) she may call an additional 10 students to
explain the work expected. This cycle would continue, so that a class of 40
students would be covered in 5-7 days. Likewise she can do for another set
of students. Voice/video recorded messages may also be sent. Subsequently,
parents can also respond to teachers through SMS and recorded voice
message. Thus, in case of non-availability of the internet, mobile calls, SMS,
voice recorded messages are some of the means through which a teacher can
connect with parents and students.
Guidelines for using various types of available social media is annexed
at Annexure-I.
General Guidelines for Implementing Weekly Plan (for four weeks)
for the Learning of Students at the Upper Primary Stage
• Also, many activities cater to different concepts and skills which have to
be developed in the student. A watchful integration of the concepts and
prior understanding is required on the teachers’/parents’ part.
• Clear and sufficient verbal and visual instructions are to be given by
teachers/parents so that all learners, including Learners with
Special needs, are able to follow the activities suggested.
• To overcome difficulties of access with respect to learning
mathematics, some pupils may require tactile, and others
specialised, equipment for work related to shape, geometry,
calculations, etc. Some may require simpler language or more
pictures. Others may need help in interpreting data in graphs, tables,
or bar charts. There may be some learners who may need help in
interpreting oral directions or while making mental calculations.
• Opportunities are to be given to the student for logical reasoning and
language proficiency (in terms of expression of thought). Asking good
questions and encouraging the student to think would help to achieve
this objective.
• Appropriate worksheets can also be created aligned with the activities
along with those given in the textbooks.
• Chapter wise e-content is available on the e-pathshala, NROER and
DIKSHA portal of Government of India; these may be made use of.
• Before beginning the week-wise alternative academic interventions,
teachers need to talk with parents on ‘Reducing Stress and Anxiety’. For
this, the teacher needs to go through the Guidelines on ‘Reducing Stress
and Anxiety’ annexed at Annexure-I and accordingly develop points to
undertake discussion, keeping in view the stage and level of students.
Teachers may also conduct WhatsApp conference call or Google Hangout
with parents to discuss these concerns.
• In this Calendar, even though experiential learning i.e., Art and Physical
Education are integrated into subjects such as Languages, Science,
Mathematics and Social Sciences; yet in the interest and for the benefit
of the learner, Art Education and Health and Physical Education have
also been given special space as curricular areas.
• Integration of pre-vocational skills from Class VI onwards help students
to choose relevant vocational courses at the secondary stage. Therefore,
development of pre-vocational skills at the upper primary stage is needed.
Many pre-vocational skills have been given space in various subject areas
in an integrated manner. However, this needs to be emphasised by the
teachers and parents. In view of giving an understanding of pre-
vocational skills through various subject areas, details of pre-vocational
components in terms of learning outcomes have been given in Annexure-
III. These components need to be emphasised in different activities across
subject areas.
• Before the teacher begins explaining these activities, he/she must guide
/explain to parents / guardians and learners the reasons for and the
merits of using this calendar.
Exemplar: Story
For the teacher (How to conduct Reading Activity guiding students
through mobile)
Learning is based on previous knowledge. If learner can connect
their prior knowledge and experiences to the current task, they respond
with more interest. The process would involve pre reading, while reading
and post reading activities.
Pre reading
Some pre reading activities that you can use are:
• Asking questions related to the theme of the story, showing pictures to
generate ideas and related vocabulary.
• Teaching new vocabulary or expressions that will appear in the story.
• Giving some listening activity to the learners related to the theme.
While reading
• Depending on the length of the text, divide it into parts. While reading
the text, pause to check the comprehension of the learners for each part.
This can be done by using true/false, matching, multiple choices, short
answer, gap filling, completion type, word attack and table completion
type questions, etc. Alongside, activities on the four skills: Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW) may also be given.
Post reading
Post reading activities can focus on aspects beyond the text.
• Grammar in context
• Writing activities of various kinds
• Listing points for debate
• Writing dialogues for role play
• Arranging sentences in a paragraph
• Retelling in a group
• Creating his/ her own ending
• Story mapping
• Story boarding
• Reflecting
Suggestions for engagement and assessment of Students
Assessment need to be an integrated part the teaching-learning process
whether through face-to-face-mode or distance mode. Learners may be
motivated for self-assessment. Following are some activities through which
learners at any stage can do self-assessment under the guidance of teachers
and parents. Teachers need to keep in view – that the activities must be
interesting and challenging for the children.
• Assignments that can be given to students are:
✓ Multiple Choice Questions
✓ Short Answer Type Questions
✓ Long Answer Questions
✓ Activity Based Questions
✓ Open Book questions
• Learners may be motivated to
✓ Solve crossword puzzles
✓ Participate in Online quizzes by using Kahoot (please also se
✓ Construct Model/ Device related to concept learnt.
✓ Discus some questions posed by mentor or any query raised by any
✓ Write slogans / create any poem on the concept learnt.
✓ Create games on the concept learnt.
textbook dependent. These require focus on a student’s day-to-day
experiences. The importance for the teachers and parents to know about the
learning outcomes is that it would help them to observe the progress in the
learning of their children during the process rather than taking learning as
an end product.
The next column is titled ‘Resources’. This provides the teachers
references to textbooks, chapters, themes, e-resources, some web links, etc.
which may be referred to while designing contextual activities for children.
These would also be helpful for parents to understand the activities they are
going to conduct with their children. It may be mentioned here that there is
no one-to-one mapping of activities with the learning outcomes. It is
important to point out here that parents/teachers can observe changes in
students in terms of their questions, discussion, their actions such as
classification of objects, etc., as these changes relate to the learning outcomes,
and ensure that the student is learning. The activities given here are
exemplar; additionally, teachers and parents may design their own activities
that focus on these learning outcomes.
This Calendar is in tabular form and contains class-wise and subject-
wise activities related to four languages as subject area, i.e., Hindi English,
Urdu and Sanskrit. Since Social Science at the upper primary stage deals with
four areas, i.e. History, Social-Political Life, and Geography, activities given
are in all these four areas. However, it is up to the choice of teachers and
students, which activity they will choose to take up keeping in view the needs
of the learner and the available tool.
(Note- At different places in the following tables, there are specific references
to figures and activities, etc., from NCERT textbooks. These are given for
exemplar purpose and are suggestive only. In case textbooks developed by
states are being used by the schools, it is suggested that the teachers may
take examples from their state developed textbooks.)
The learner - On line dictionaries WEEK 2
• uses synonyms,
antonyms www.macmillandictio Competency/Skill- Vocabulary
appropriately • Give examples on how to use a
deduces word dictionary as a reference book for
meanings from The Free Online finding multiple meanings of a word in
clues in context English Dictionaries a variety of contexts.
• Give activities so that learners
while reading a are used for
understand the use of antonym
variety of texts Definitions,
(clean/dirty) synonym (indoor/inside)
and homonym (tail/tale).
• refers to synonyms, • Guide learners/parents on conducting
dictionary to pronunciations, the following activities for enhancing
check meaning games, sound vocabulary:
and spelling, and effects, high-quality ➢ showing picture/object/illustration
to suggested images, etc. and asking for appropriate word(s)
websites for dictionary.cambridge. ➢ word web
information org › dictionary ➢ cross word
➢ word ladder
QR codes of the ➢ giving synonyms
textbook have some ➢ giving antonyms
➢ explaining through context
additional activities.
➢ using dictionaries
• responds to a ❖ short answer,
variety of ❖ gap filling,
questions on ❖ completion type,
familiar and ❖ word attack,
unfamiliar texts ❖ questions and answer,
❖ table completion type questions etc.
verbally and in
The learner - QR codes of the WEEK 4
• writes textbook have some
grammatically additional activities. Grammar and Writing
correct sentences These could be used ➢ Give students examples of the
for a variety of by all learners. grammar item and then ask them to
situations, using underline the grammar items in the
noun, pronoun, text.
➢ Ask them to look for more examples
verb, adverb,
online and write them down.
determiners, etc.
➢ Share the steps with the learners about
• uses meaningful
the Process Approach to Writing
sentences to ➢ Brainstorming: jotting down many
describe / ideas that occur to an individual’s mind
narrate factual / or through discussions, pair work, group
imaginary work
situations in ➢ Outlining: organizing the ideas into a
speech and logical sequence
writing ➢ Drafting: The writer concentrates on the
• drafts, revises content of the message (rather than the
and writes short form).
paragraphs based ➢ Revisions: in response to the writer’s
second thoughts or feedback provided by
on verbal, print
peers or teacher, the draft is revised.
and visual clues
➢ Proof-reading: with an emphasis on
• writes coherently
form. Correct the language and
with focus on appropriateness of its use.
appropriate ➢ Final draft: Write the final draft
beginning, middle The writing activities should be related to the
and end in immediate environment of the learner. For
English example, you can ask them to write a letter
to their friend describing their routine while
staying at home.
Learners can be asked to request their
elders at home to share their personal and
community stories (Oral Literature) with
them. Learners can make an illustrated
(drawing, collage, painting, etc.) collection
of five stories by the end of a month.
Mathematics (Class VI)
c01f24a38ae WEEK 3
• The next chapter of ‘Whole Numbers’ may
now be discussed on the same lines.
• Children may be given questions where they
would be required to think and discuss
things like: Is it true that Whole numbers are not closed under subtraction. Why or Why
5ab34ff81fccb4f1d8060 not? Subtraction is not commutative for
25/file/5b47006416b5 Whole numbers. Justify giving examples.
1c01f38e85fb • E-resources on NROER may be used to get
a better understanding of the concepts.
Whole numbers • Teachers may also use NISHTHA module for a better understanding of the transactional
5ab34ff81fccb4f1d8060 strategies.
1c7b700a7626 (video WEEK 4
in Hindi) • The activities of Week 3 may be continued.
• After observing the comments sent by
Playing with numbers students, the teacher may assess them and give appropriate feedback.
5ab34ff81fccb4f1d8060 • Some open ended questions that may be
25/file/5b484e6016b5 thought of are:
1c01f8f25d18 • For which of the operations the Whole
numbers are closed
/commutative/associative/ distribute?
• If the perimeter of a rectangle is 24 units,
what can be the possible lengths and
breadths? • Fiil in the blanks __ − __ = 7.
5ab34ff81fccb4f1d8060 • Give some one digit numbers like 1,2,3,4
25/file/5b47224716b5 (Different groups of numbers may be given to
1c01f24a546f different groups). Ask them to form two 2-
digit numbers from these (without repeating
the digits) such that the sum of these two
numbers formed is largest/smallest. Ask the
learners to compare the different sums
c7b700a77b2 (video in
obtained and decide which sum is
largest/smallest. Under what condition of
Books published by placement of digits, it was possible?
The Association of • Learners may be asked to form magic
Mathematics Teachers squares of different magic sums.
of India (AMTI) (Information about magic squares is
available in the books of The Association of
Email- Mathematics Teachers of India.)
Science (Class-VI)
● identifies components ?sub=99&brch=289& taking care that the paper does not
of food present in your sim=1433&cnt=3272 tear. He/ she should observe the
diet. Link 5 paper carefully.
● Classifies components http://aven.amritalea • An oily patch on paper shows
of food into starch, that the food item contains fat.
protein and fat; ?sub=99&brch=289& • If no oily patch, it means the food
diseases/disorders sim=1433&cnt=4185 item does not contain any fat.
caused by deficiency Link 6 3. The learner may be asked to read the
of vitamins and http://aven.amritalea paragraph on balanced diet In
minerals. NCERT Science textbook and prepare
● conducts simple ?sub=99&brch=289& a chart/collage containing items
investigations to seek sim=1433&cnt=3273 present in a balanced diet.
answers to queries, 4. The learner may be asked to take a
e.g., what are the tomato or a fruit such as an apple.
nutrients present in He/she may cut it into small pieces
salt? (take precaution/ under observation
● draws labelled of elder). Do your hands get wet while
diagrams / flow doing so? (many food materials
charts of food items contain water in themselves).
they eat. 5. The learner may use different food
● relates processes and items but take care not to waste food
phenomenon with material.
causes such as,
deficiency diseases WEEK 4
with diet. The learner may be asked
● applies learning of • In your kitchen, there are variety of
scientific concepts in food items, classify it into healthy
day-to-day life, e.g., and junk food items?
selecting food items • Take one packaged food product of
for a balanced diet. your kitchen and observe its packet
● makes efforts to carefully such as:
protect environment ➢ Manufacturing date
such as, minimising ➢ Expiry date
wastage of food. ➢ Vegetarian/non-vegetarian
● exhibits creativity in ➢ Ingredients present in it
designing, planning, ➢ Any other information
making use of Note down all the information and
available resources. discuss with your family/peer/ teacher.
● exhibits values of • Read and watch 3, 4, 5 and 6 links
honesty, objectivity, /documents and perform the task
cooperation, freedom mentioned in the videos carefully.
from fear and
हिन्दी (कक्षा––छ:)
)Urdu Language (Class-VI
Social Science (Class-VI)
a. History
❖ Why was it written or produced?
history and culture from ➢ Relation of Harappan towns with
this website. contemporary places/sites in
India or outside with focus on
https://artsandculture.g sources/things which tell us about this contact and the nature
of this contact.
• Use Google Hangout to share, discuss
among students and teachers.
• Projects can be assigned to different
groups of students.
• Each group of students can discuss
among themselves-how to go about it,
assign various tasks to an individual
student and regularly be in touch
with fellow students.
• Groups could be given 3-4 days to
complete the project. And when
groups are ready with their project
report, it can be shared with other
students and the teacher using the
same platform for a Google hangout
meet (date, time of this meet could be
decided and shared in advance among
all students).
• This session could be used by
students to discuss, raise questions
on other projects along with questions
and final comments by the teacher.
• You can assess students’ projects on
different points such as content
(introducing the topic, highlighting
main issues, concluding remarks),
presentation (visual and written
both), clarity of thoughts while
answering questions, cooperative
learning (interaction, participation
and taking initiatives to help others),
b. Geography (Class VI)
Geography for • Interpret the diagram shown on page 7
Schools (Hindi- regarding Universe, Milky Way Galaxy,
English-Urdu) Solar System and the Earth. • The student may be encouraged to consult trilingual Dictionary of Geography for
cellaneous/pdf_files Schools (Hindi-English- Urdu) for the
/tidog101.pdf technical terms given in the chapter.
• appreciates • Student may be asked to locate Prime
importance of Meridian and time difference at 15°E and
Standard 15° W meridian on the world map given in
Time for any the Atlas.
country. • Teacher may explain importance of
Standard time and Indian Standard Time
(IST) by giving examples from India.
• The student may be encouraged to consult
trilingual Dictionary of Geography for
Schools (Hindi-English- Urdu) for technical
terms given in the chapter.
English (Class VII)
Learning Outcomes Resources Week-wise Suggestive Activities
(to be guided by Parents with the
help of teachers)
The learner- The theme can be WEEK 1
• consciously listens to Health and Hygiene Competency/skill—Listening
songs/poems/stories • Teachers provide online links to listen
/prose texts in to poems /songs/ stories, etc., and ask
English through xtbook/textbook.htm them to record their comments and
interaction and being ideas.
exposed to print-rich Use QR code reader • Teachers may ask learners to listen
environment form mobile. to/see the news and summarise the
• listens to English main points.
news and debates Use • Learners may listen to audio enabled
(TV, Radio) as input texts (from audio textbooks of NCERT
for discussion and sources that are or any text, if available), share poems,
debating skills copyright free or in songs, jokes, riddles, tongue twisters,
• watches and listens creative commons. etc.
to English movies, • Learners listen to recorded messages.
serials, educational The message can be about how to keep
channels with sub- one’s self and community safe during
titles, audio-video the ongoing Corona virus/COVID 19
materials, teacher outbreak—(For example: By washing
reading out from their hands with soap for 20 seconds
materials and at regular intervals, etc.)
eminent speakers • Teachers share some links with
learners to listen to/ view safety
measures in English.
The learner - Online dictionaries WEEK 2
• infers the meaning of www.macmillandictio Vocabulary
unfamiliar words by • The teacher may give examples to
reading them in The Free Online use a dictionary as a reference book
context English Dictionaries for finding multiple meanings of a
• refers to the are used for word in a variety of contexts.
dictionary, thesaurus Definitions, • The teacher may give activities so
and encyclopedia to meanings, synonyms, that learners can understand the
find meanings / pronunciations, use of antonyms (clean/dirty)
spelling of words games, sound effects, synonyms (indoor/inside) and
while reading and high-quality images at homonym (tail/tale).
writing dictionary.cambridge.o
rg › dictionary
QR codes of the
textbooks have a few
additional activities.
These could be used
by all learners.
The learner - WEEK 3
• asks and responds to Reading
questions based on • After the learners have listened to
texts (from books or the story / text / poem, ask them to
other resources) and read the text on their own.
out of curiosity • Learners read the text in chunks
• reads textual/non- (the text may be divided into four or
textual materials in five sections). NCERT textbooks are
English/Braille with divided into sections followed by
comprehension oral comprehension check.
• identifies details, • Comprehension check can be
characters, main idea conducted by using
and sequence of ❖ true/false
ideas and events in ❖ matching
textual /non-textual ❖ multiple choices
material ❖ short answer
• thinks critically, ❖ gap filling
compares and ❖ completion type
contrasts characters, ❖ word attack
events, ideas, themes ❖ questions and answer
and relates them to ❖ table completion type questions
life etc.
• reads to seek
information in print / ook.htm
online, notice board, • End of the text questions can be
signboards in public attempted by the learners.
places, newspaper,
hoardings etc.
• infers the meaning of
unfamiliar words by
reading them in
• reads a variety of
texts in English /
Braille and identifies
main ideas,
characters, sequence
of ideas and events
and relates with
his/her personal
• reads a variety of
texts for pleasure e.g.
adventure stories and
science fiction, fairy
tales, biography,
travelogue, etc.
(extensive reading)
The learner - Writing activities WEEK 4
should be related to Grammar and Writing
• uses appropriate the immediate The teacher may
grammatical forms in environment of the • Give learners examples of the
communication (e.g. learner. grammar item and then ask the
noun, pronoun, verb, For example you can learners to underline the
determiners, time and ask them to prepare a grammar items in the text.
tense, passivisation, poster on Staying • Ask them to look for more
adjective, adverb, etc) Healthy And Safe by examples online and write.
• organises sentences referring only to • Share the steps in the Process
coherently in English resources on Approach to Writing with the
/ in Braille with the QR codes of the learners.
help of verbal and textbook have some Brainstorming: writing down
visual clues and with additional activities. many ideas that may come to an
a sense of audience These could be used individual’s mind or through
• writes formal letters, by all learners. discussions, pair work, group
personal diary, list, work.
email, SMS, etc. Outlining: organising the ideas
• writes descriptions / into a logical sequence.
narratives showing Drafting: writer concentrates on
sensitivity to gender, the content of the message
environment and (rather than the form).
appreciation of Revisions: in response to the
cultural diversity writer’s second thoughts or
• writes dialogues from feedback provided by peers or
a story and story teacher, the draft is revised
from dialogues through
• writes a book review. Proof-reading: with an emphasis
on form. Correct the language
and appropriateness of its use.
Final draft: write the final draft
Learners can be asked to collect all the
advertisements /advisories released
from by official sources only like,
WHO and UNICEF and make a collage.
हिन्दी (कक्षा––सात)
ां ातिि सीखने के प्रतिफल तिषय-िस्िु (थीम) प्रस्िातिि गतितितियाां
कौशल/ दक्षिा (बच्चेइन गतितितियों को
अतििािक/तशक्षक की मदद से करेंगे।)
ICT का उपयोग कििे हुए भाषा कक्षा––साि • स्शक्षक एविं स्शस्क्षकाएँ उपिोक्ि पाठ को
औि सास्हत्य (स्हदिं ी) के कौशलों को उदाहिर्–– ‘हम पिंछी वििमाि सिंदभि से जोडिे हुए अध्यापि कायि
अस्जिि कििे हैं। उन्मक्ु ि गगि के ’ किें । यह कायि स्वद्यास्िियों के साि वीस्ियो
(कस्विा) कािंफ्रेंस्सिंग के द्वािा (जैसे––जमू कॉल, व्हाटसप
रा.शै.अ.प्र.प.द्वारा पूर्व-हनधावररत स्शवमिंगल स्सिंह समु ि
समहू कॉल आस्द) या स्फि वीस्ियो पढ़ािे हुए
सीखने के प्रहतफल–– (कस्व) रिकािि कि स्वद्यास्िियों को भेजा जा सकिा है।
• स्कसी सामग्री को पढ़िे हुए
(िा.शै.अ.प्र.प.की स्वद्यािी इसे अपिी-अपिी पाठ्यपथु िकों में
लेखक द्वािा िचिा के परिप्रेक्ष्य
पाठ्यपथु िक वसंत देखें ििा वििमाि सिंदभि में उपयोगी प्रोजेक्ट/
में कहे गए स्वचाि को समझकि
औि अपिे अिभु वों के साि भाग2) दि कायि को पिू ा कििे का प्रयास किें ।
उसकी सिंगस्ि, सहमस्ि या • QR कोि में िा.शै.अ.प्र.प. द्वािा िैयाि स्कया
असहमस्ि के सिंदभि में अपिे पीिीएफ़ स्लक िं ––
गया ऑस्ियो/ वीस्ियो पाठ।
स्वचाि व्यक्ि कििे हैं।
• स्वस्भन्ि थिािीय, सामास्जक • ऑस्ियो स्लक िं ––
एविं प्राकृ स्िक मद्दु ों/ घटिाओ िं के
pdf nt-ii&ln=en
प्रस्ि अपिी िास्कि क प्रस्िस्िया
देिे हैं। जैस–े – लॉकिाउि, • कस्व एविं कस्विा पि आधारिि
नोट–– आप ववषय-वस्तु
प्रकृ स्ि औि स्चस्डयों का िा.शै.अ.प्र.प.एविं यटू ् यबू पि उपलब्ध सामग्री।
(थीम) से सबं वं ित कोई
अन्य कववता भी उदाहरण • िवीििम सचू िाओ िं का (कस्विा को ध्याि में
• कहािी,कस्विा आस्द पढ़कि िखिे हुए) पयािविर् सििं ल ु ि सबिं धिं ी गस्िस्वस्ध
लेखि के स्वस्वध ििीकों औि के रूप में ले सकते हैं।
भाषा-कौशल–– के स्लए उपयोग।
शैस्लयों को पहचाििे हैं।
• स्हदिं ी भाषा में स्वस्भन्ि प्रकाि सिु िा/देखिा, बोलिा, • स्शक्षर्-अस्धगम को प्रभावी बिािे के स्लए
की सामग्री (स्वशेषकि इटिं ििेट पढ़िा-स्लखिा, ICT आकलि के उद्देश्य से स्वद्यास्िियों को
पि उपलब्ध समाचाि आधारिि भाषाई दक्षिा ऑिलाइि प्रथिस्ु िकिर्, प्रदि कायि के रूप में
पत्र/पस्त्रकाएँ,जािकािीपिक प्रदाि कििा।
सामग्री आस्द) को समझकि
पढ़िे है औि उसमें अपिी
पसिंद-िापसिंद के पक्ष में स्लस्खि
या ब्रेल भाषा में िकि िखिे हैं।
)Urdu Language (Class VII
Mathematics (Class VII)
Learning Sources/Resources Week-wise Suggestive Activities
Outcomes (to be guided by Parents with the help of
72d4a9b25a086cc WEEK 3
(video in Hindi) • On similar lines as done in earlier weeks
concept of multiplication of fractions can be taken up.
55ab34ff81fccb4f1d80 • E resources can be used for better
6025/file/5850f8b74 visualisation and understanding of
72d4a9b25a0875c concepts.
(video in Hindi) • While getting comments from learners,
teachers may assess understanding of learners about the concepts and plan for
55ab34ff81fccb4f1d80 an appropriate feedback.
6025/file/57d9044f1 • In all the activities learners may be
6b51c0312a1ef63 encouraged to draw their inferences and
(Video in Hindi) try to justify them through examples.
• Concept of division of fractions can then
be discussed using activities in the
textbook and laboratory manual in
mathematics at Elementary stage
• The activities and their online sharing can
continue in Week 4.
• Laboratory Manual for Elementary stage
(Activities 35,36,37,39,40)
• Learners may be involved in a game
which goes as follows:
➢ Think of a number
➢ Add 7 to it
➢ Multiply the result obtained by 2
➢ Subtract 4
➢ Find half of the result obtained
➢ Subtract original number.
➢ Learners may tell the number obtained
➢ Discuss the game by changing its rules
and try to find how all of them get the
same answer under given conditions.
• More such games can be played, but at
the end of the game an attempt should be
made to discuss about the relation
between the conditions of the game and
the result obtained. It may lead to
understanding of some relation between
numbers. The games can be modified for
Science (Class VII)
using materials and discuss with your friends, elders or
from surroundings teachers.
and explains their •
working, e.g. SUN
DIAL, Simple WEEK 2
Pendulum • Project: Make your own sundial. (For
• discusses and details, refer to your textbook or the
appreciates stories internet.)
of scientific • Make a simple pendulum and find its
discoveries time period. (Activity 13.2 NCERT
• applies learning of Textbook)
scientific concepts
• Perform the above mentioned activity
in day-to-day life,
by changing the length of the pendulum
e.g. in measuring
and also by changing the mass of the
speed of different
moving objects
Write your observations in each case.
• exhibits creativity
➢ Do you observe any change in time-
in designing,
period on changing the length of the
planning, making
use of available pendulum or mass of the bob?
resources, etc. eg. ➢ Search on the internet to find the
Measuring distance reasons for your observations or you
in absence of can discuss with your friends, elders
standard scales by or teachers. Caution: Perform all the
using objects of activities under the guidance of elders.
known lengths etc. • Measure speed of any rolling object.
• exhibits values of (Activity 13.4 NCERT textbook)
objectivity, O-ty1j5o
cooperation, • Watch this programme and try to
freedom from fear understand about different types of graphs
and prejudices etc and their nature.
such as reporting • Make a distance time graph for your toy car
the findings or any rolling object.Identify its type of
honestly, motion and speed from this graph.
supporting other
friends in need etc
regulator etc on Electric Current
their function • Electromagnet
• differentiates • Electric Bell s7Q1g8&
between different • Chapter 14 NCERT Watch the video carefully and try to
effects of electric Science Textbook make your own circuit for this and play
current, on the Class VII with your family members.
basis of certain • Open the link given below
observations eg. /textbook/pdf/ges
Heating effect, c114.pdf 66681d/file/58871106472d4a1fef810c49
magnetic effect Exemplar
etc. Problems, Ch. 14, • Watch the video carefully and try to
• conducts simple Class VII Science make your own simple electric switch.
investigations to Note: Instead of generator shown in the
seek answers to /ncerts/l/geep114. video you can use a combination of two dry
queries, e.g., effect pdf cells and in place of crocodile clips you can
of adding more • Laboratory Manual use copper wires directly.
number of cells in in Science for Class • Make an electric circuit as shown in Fig.
an electric circuit VI-VIII 14.7 in Ch. 14 of NCERT Textbook (Class
• relates processes http://www.ncert. VII Science).
with causes, e.g., Note: Nowadays mostly we find LEDs
heating of bmanuals.html instead of the bulb shown in the figure. If
conducting wire, • E-Resources LED is available instead of the bulb shown
deflection in developed by in the figure, then make sure that you are
magnetic needle NCERT, which are connecting positive terminal of the cell to the
due to a current, available on longer leg of the LED.
etc. NROER and also For making these circuits, take help from
• explains attached as QR your elders and try to find an old torch or
processes, e.g., Code in textbooks other electrical devices from which you can
heating and of NCERT. collect the required items for your circuits.
magnetic effects of • Chapter 13, Class • Make a simple electric circuit using few
electric current, VI NCERT dry cells, LED or torch bulb and wires.
etc. Observe the effect on intensity or glow of
• draws labelled /textbook/pdf/fesc bulb on increasing the number of cells in
diagrams and 113.pdf the circuit. Repeat the activity with a fuse
circuit diagrams of torch bulb and note the observations.
electric Discuss the observation with your friends,
components, elders and teacher.
electric circuits, • Open the link given below
organ systems
electric circuits; 06025/file/5b4d793e16b51c01e4ec660a
experimental set It is an interactive simulation, play with
ups; etc. the simulation to learn more about
• constructs models electric circuits.
using materials
from surroundings Heating effect of electric current
and explains their • Make an electric circuit as shown in Fig.
working, e.g., 14.7 or Fig. 14.9 or Fig. 14.10, Ch. 14
electromagnets; NCERT Textbook (Class VII Science).
electric fuse, etc. After keeping the switch ON for few
• discusses and seconds, touch the bulb (Fig. 14.7) or wire
appreciates stories (Fig. 14.10) connected in the circuit. What
of scientific have you observed?
discoveries eg. Discuss with your friends, elders and
How magnetic teacher about your observations.
effect of electric • Collect information about various
current was electrical equipments whose
discovered etc. performances are based on the heating
• applies learning of effects of electric current. This
scientific concepts information can be collected by
in day-to-day life, discussing with elders, friends, teachers
e.g., connecting or by surfing on internet. Try to identify
two or more the equipments in your house which
electric cells in work on this effect.
proper order in
devices; WEEK-4
discussing the • Make a circuit as suggested in Activity
importance of 14.4 in NCERT Textbook (Class VII
electric fuse in the Science), for understanding the
circuits etc. purpose of a fuse in an electric circuit.
• exhibits creativity Discuss the importance of fuse in an
in designing, electric circuit with your friends.
planning, making You can write a short narrative for
use of available emphasizing the need of an electric fuse
resources, etc. eg. in our household circuits. You can also
finding magnets make a poster showing the need of
from broken or electric fuse in circuits.
non working • Perform the activity 14.5 as suggested
speakers or in NCERT Textbook (Class VII Science),
headphones etc. for understanding the magnetic effects
of electric current.
Note: You may not have a magnetic needle
in your house, for this you can use a
magnetized pin fitted in cork or thermocol
floating on water surface (Refer to Activity 6
Ch. 13 NCERT Text book Class VIh). You
may have a magnet or try to find a magnet
from the old radio, speakers or head phones
which are unusable.
• Change the polarity of cell used or number
of cells used in the circuit.
• Note down your observations. Discuss
your observations with your friends, elders
or teacher.
• Open the link given below
Watch the video carefully and try to
understand how magnetic effect of
current was discovered.
Social Science (Class-VII)
• The learner may discuss with parents about the
advantage enjoyed by the countries which are
having superior military technology. Ask
questions with teachers about this superior
military technology during medieval period and
the expansion of empire.
• While discussing with the peer group or with
siblings, the learner develops an understanding
that a ruler having superior military technology
is a prosperous and wealthy ruler having control
aver a large area.
• Construction of large palaces, forts,
monuments, roads etc. by these powerful rulers
is thus explained by parents/ teachers.
The learner
• Collects picture from newspapers, magazines to
show latest irrigation technology being used, war
being fought with latest technological warfare
• Shows photos and videos of the changes taking
place in society and economy, prosperity of the
• Shows pictures of splendid temples of south
India built during medieval period and explain
about the massive architecture
Establishment of kingdoms
• The teacher with the help of parents may
administer a theme of establishment of new
kingdoms and the reasons behind their success.
• This may be debated amongst the peers and
prepare a project and tries to submit it online.
(Source: NCERT Textbooks, State government
textbooks, any other supplementary books)
• Shows sensitivity • Similarly think, and identify if any changes
to the need for http://epathshala. have taken place in our environment in past
conservation of few years. Write down about these changes.
natural d.php?id=0762CH0 • Discuss with parents/ grandparents about
resources—air, 1 the changes which have taken place over the
water, energy, years/decades.
flora and fauna. Trilingual • Discuss and identify various components of
Dictionary of the environment with the help of figure 1.1.
Geography for given in the chapter.
Schools (Hindi-
English-Urdu) WEEK 2
http://www.ncert. Learner may • read about the major domains of the earth.
Miscellaneous/pdf • encouraged to do following activities:
_files/tidog101.pdf • write his/her observations about the
surroundings and make a list of uses that
the land in the neighbourhood is being put
• Find out the source of the water used in the
home come from; make a list of different
uses of water in our daily life. (Have you
seen anyone wasting water? How?)
• Observe the sky during day and make a note
whether the day is cloudy, rainy, sunny,
foggy etc.
• Imagine an ideal environment where they
would love to live and draw the picture of
their ideal environment. Those who may not
prefer to draw can prepare a write up or a
• Identifies major Chapter 2: Inside
poem on the theme.
layers of the Our Earth
earth’s interior Interior of Earth
http://epathshala. • The learner can read the chapter and
d.php?id=0762ch0 observe figures 2.1 and 2.2 given in the
chapter. Elders at home can help the learner
to understand about various layers of the
earth. An onion or boiled egg can be used to
Dictionary of
explain about the layers.
Geography for
• The learner can draw the diagram of various
Schools (Hindi-
layers of the earth.
c. Social and Political Life (Class VII)
English (Class-VIII)
vocabulary is learned and the
QR codes of the factors that play a role in
textbook have a few vocabulary development.
additional activities. ➢ It is useful for the teacher to be
aware of the variety of methods that
These could be used can be used to enhance vocabulary
by all learners. because it helps develop reading
comprehension and expression.
➢ Give examples on using the
dictionary as a reference book for
finding multiple meanings of a word
in a variety of contexts.
online, notice board, These could be used underline grammar items in the
newspaper, etc. by all learners. text.
• communicate • Share the steps with the learners
accurately using Writing activities about the Process Approach to
appropriate should be related to Writing
grammatical forms the immediate • Brainstorming: jotting down
(e.g., clauses, environment of the many ideas that may come to an
comparison of learner. individual’s mind or through
adjectives, time and For example you discussions, pair work, group
tense, active passive can ask them to work
voice, reported speech write an article on • Outlining: organising the ideas
etc. the topic –“Recycle, into a logical sequence
• write a coherent and Reduce, Reuse” • Drafting: writer concentrates
meaningful paragraph on the content of the message
through the process of (rather than the form).
drafting, revising, • Revisions: in response to the
editing and finalising. writer’s second thoughts or
• write short paragraphs feedback provided by peers or
coherently in teacher, the draft is revised
English/Braille with a through
proper beginning, • Proof-reading: with an
middle and end with emphasis on form. Correct the
appropriate language and appropriateness of
punctuation marks. its use.
• write answers to • Final draft: Write the final
textual/non-textual draft
questions after • Project: Learners can be asked to
comprehension / collect 5 stories and 5 poems related
inference; draws to the Environment and make a
character sketch, compendium. They can also
attempts extrapolative illustrate them with drawings,
writing. collages, paintings, etc. OR They can
• write emails, be asked to create illustrated mini
messages, notices, biographies of environment saviours
formal letters, such as Greta Thunberg.
narratives, personal
diaries, reports, short
personal/ biographical
experiences etc.
• develop a skit
(dialogues from a
story) and story from
• write a book review
हिन्दी (कक्षा ––आठ)
ां ातिि सीखने के तिषय-िस्िु (थीम) प्रस्िातिि गतितितियाां
प्रतिफल कौशल/ दक्षिा (बच्चेइन गतितितियों को अतििािक/तशक्षक की
मदद से करेंगे।)
तिद्याथी कक्षा-8 • स्शक्षक एविं स्शस्क्षकाएँ उपिोक्ि पाठ को वििमाि सिंदभि
• ICT का उपयोग कििे उदाहिर्–– ‘ध्वस्ि ’ से जोडिे हुए अध्यापि कायि किें । यह कायि स्वद्यास्िियों
हुए भाषा औि सास्हत्य (कस्विा) के साि वीस्ियो काफ्र िं ें स्सगिं के द्वािा (जैसे- जमू कॉल,
(स्हदिं ी) के कौशलों को सयू िकािंि स्त्रपाठी व्हाटसप समहू कॉल आस्द) या स्फि वीस्ियो पढ़ािे हुए
अस्जिि कििे हैं। ‘स्ििाला’ (कस्व) रिकािि कि स्वद्यास्िियों को भेजा जा सकिा है। स्वद्यािी
(िा.शै.अ.प्र.प.की इसे अपिी-अपिी पाठ्यपथु िकों में देखें ििा वििमाि
• स्हदिं ी भाषा में स्वस्भन्ि
पाठ्यपथु िक वसंत सिंदभि में उपयोगी प्रोजेक्ट/ दि कायि को पिू ा कििे का
प्रकाि की सामग्री
भाग3) प्रयास किें ।
(समाचाि, पत्र-पस्त्रकाएँ,
जािकािीपिक सामग्री, • QR Code में उपलब्ध िा.शै.अ.प्र.प. द्वािा िैयाि स्कया
पीिीएफ़ स्लिंक––
इटिं ििेट, ब्लॉग आस्द पि गया ऑस्ियो-वीस्ियो पाठ।
छपिे वाली समग्री) को
xtbook/pdf/hhvs101 • ऑस्ियो स्लिंक––
समझकि पढ़िे हैं औि
उस पि अपिी पसिंद- 025/page/58104d3016b51c23fb29eea8#met
िापसिंद, िाय आस्द को adata_info
नोट–– आप ववषय-वस्तु
मौस्खक/सािंकेस्िक भाषा
(थीम) से संबंवित कोई • वीस्ियोस्लक िं ––
में अस्भव्यक्ि कििे हैं।
अन्य कववता भी
• कहािी, कस्विा आस्द उदाहरण के रूप में ले 025/page/58104d6c16b51c23fb29ef1a
पढ़कि लेखि के स्वस्वध सकते हैं।
• कस्विा की समझ को स्वेथिाि देिे के स्लए NROER एविं
ििीकों औि शैस्लयों को
यटू ् यबू पि कस्व एविं कस्विा के सिंदभि में उपलब्ध सामग्री।
पहचाििे हैं। भाषा-कौशल–– • यटू ् यबू स्लिंक––
• भाषा की बािीस्कयों/ सिु िा/देखिा, बोलिा,
व्यवथिा का स्लस्खि पढ़िा-स्लखिा, ICT
प्रयोग कििे हैं, जैसे–– आधारिि भाषाई दक्षिा
कस्विा के शब्दों को • बदले हुए परिवेश एविं िवीि सचू िाओ िं को ‘ध्वस्ि’
बदलकि अिि औि लय कस्विा से जोडकि िचिात्मक गस्िस्वस्धयाँ िैयाि कििा
को समझिा। एविं प्रकृ स्ि की आवाज को वििमाि परिवेश की आवाज
से जोडिे का सिंदश े प्रदाि कििा।
• पाठ द्वािा अस्जिि स्वषय-
वथिु की समझ को • स्शक्षर्-अस्धगम की प्रस्िया के रूप में आकलि का
वििमाि परिवेश से उपयोग कििे हुए स्वद्यास्िियों को ऑिलाइि प्रथिस्ु िकिर्
जोडकि िचिात्मक एविं (प्रदि कायि के रूप में) के स्लए प्रेरिि कििा।
िास्किक अस्भव्यस्क्ि एविं
स्लस्खि एविं मौस्खक रूप • उपिोक्ि प्रस्ियाओ िं को कििे हुए ध्याि िखिा है स्क
से प्रदाि कििे हैं। हमािा उद्देश्य स्कसी खास कस्विा को पढ़ािे के बजाए
• अस्भव्यस्क्ि की स्वस्वध स्वद्यास्िियों में कस्विा की समझ पैदा कििा है िास्क
शैस्लयों/रूपों को भस्वष्य में अगि ऐसी ही कोई कस्विा उिके समक्ष
पहचाििे हैं, थवयिं (पाठ्यिम या पाठ्यिम से इिि भी) आए िो वे उिका
स्लखिे हैं, जैसे–– भाव एविं अिि-स्वथिाि कि सकें । परिवेश से जोडकि
कस्विा, कहािी, स्िबिंध कस्विा का स्ववेचि कि सकें । साि ही कस्विा को पढ़िे-
आस्द। पढ़ािे भाषा औि सास्हत्य के स्वस्वध कौशलों को अस्जिि
कि सकें । वििमाि सदिं भि में भाषा औि सास्हत्य के स्शक्षर्-
अस्धगम की प्रस्िया में ICT के उपयोग की समझ का
स्वथिाि भी एक उद्देश्य है। यहाँ स्वधा के रूप में कस्विा
की समझ के साि-साि हर्षयर्स्तु (थीम) के रूप में
‘प्रकृ स्ि, पयािविर् औि मिष्ु य’ की समझ को भी स्वथिाि
देिा हमािा उद्देश्य है। अििं ि: सािे स्ियाकलापों का उद्देश्य
अस्जिि ज्ञाि औि समझ का वाथिस्वक परिस्थिस्ियों में
उपयोग ही िो है।
)Urdu Language (Class- VIII
Mathematics (Class- VIII)
Learning Outcomes Sources Week-wise Suggestive Activities
(to be guided by Parents with the help of
The learner NCERT Textbook WEEK 1
• generalises of Mathematics • Teacher may initiate discussion about
properties of Rational numbers introduced in Class VII
addition, Chapter 1: by sending some questions to learners.
subtraction, RATIONAL Based on the responses feedback can be
multiplication and NUMBERS given.
division of rational • Discussion about the properties of rational
numbers through Chapter 2: numbers can begin by motivating the
patterns LINEAR learners to create and observe the
• finds out as many EQUATIONS IN examples. Generalisations can then be
rational numbers ONE VARIABLE discussed.
as possible • Learners may be asked to compile
between two E-resources: statements related to properties exhibited
rational numbers Rational Numbers by numbers under different operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and
n/55ab34ff81fccb division. They may be encouraged to
4f1d806025/file/5 observe how these properties change as
b48442816b51c01 the number system extends. Discussion
f8f25cde can be held to evolve a general form of
such properties.
n/55ab34ff81fccb WEEK 2
• Use of Exemplar problem book can be
done which is available on NCERT
• Since learners have learnt decimals in
earlier classes, open ended questions of
the following form may be discussed.
Write those decimal numbers which when
rounded off to say second decimal place
can give, say, 25.32. Change numbers for
different groups and discuss.
• The work of Week 1 may be carried further
and textbook of Class VIII may be used
which is available on NCERT website.
6790645 • Teacher may also look for e resources on
NROER and ask the learners to refer to
Linear Equations them and send their observations.
in one variable • The observations of all learners may be compiled and discussion about a general
n/55ab34ff81fccb form can be initiated.
7c6f4fb16b51c1d3 WEEK 3
087a63a • The other properties of rational numbers
may now be discussed
• The work of properties of rational numbers
initiated in Week 2 may be carried further
in this week and the next week.
• Learners may be given different linear
equations to solve. They may be asked ,
which of these have solutions that are
natural numbers/integers/rational
numbers which are not integers.
• they may be asked to form equations
which have solutions which are whole
numbers/integers/rational numbers
which are not integers.
• Games of the following type can be played:
• Write a number
• Add 2 to it
• Multiply the resulting number by 3
• Subtract 3
• Multiply by 2
• Find 1/6 of the resulting number
• Subtract the original number
• Discuss about the answer obtained.
Discussion can be made and inference
may be sought about the relation between
the conditions of the game and the final
result. Discuss whether using the
variables for the given conditions can
make things more clear and if so, how can
the conditions be changed to evolve a new
set of conditions and a new result. This will
help learners to draw a relation between
numbers and also how algebra can
simplify things.
• Assessment of learners can be done by
observing their responses. Appropriate
feedback can then be given.
Science (Class-VIII)
environment • Discuss about Biodegradable and non-
friendly habits by /ncerts/l/heep103 biodegradable materials with peers on
following 5 Rs .pdf group made by your teacher.
• Material: Metals • Write slogans to create an awareness
and Non-Metals about 5Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover
/ncerts/l/heep104 and Refuse)
• Learning
Outcomes at
Elementary Stage
and non-metals http://www.ncert.
with air, water and WEEK 4
acids, etc. bmanuals.html Themes:
• draws labelled • Exemplar • Chemical properties of Metals and
diagram of Problems in Non metals
activities , simple Science for Class
• Uses of Metals and Non-metals
investigations VIII
related to metals http://www.ncert.
and non-metals
• Watch the video on given link
,experimental set ndex.html#view3
ups, etc. • Synthetic Fibres
• applies learning of and Plastics
scientific concepts
Try to answer the following:
in day to-day life, /ncerts/l/heep103
➢ Name some metals used in daily life.
e.g., purifying .pdf
➢ Why metal sheets can be prepared?
water; using • Material: Metals ➢ Metals are ductile. Comment on it.
appropriate metals and Non-Metals
• Listen to the audio on the links given
and non-metals for
below and try to understand the
various purposes , /ncerts/l/heep104
reaction of sodium metal with water:
loss of gold during .pdf
Sodium rap
cleaning by • Learning
jewelers etc Outcomes at 1d806025/file/59f024ca16b51c59f65d
• makes efforts to Elementary Stage fb62
protect http://www.ncert.
• Listen to the audio on the link given
environment, e.g
below and try to understand the
making controlled /Miscellaneous/pd
reaction of non-metal with air. Write its
use of fertilisers f_files/tilops101.p
word equation.
and pesticides; df
Jal gaya sulphur
• exhibits values of
• Listen to the audio and watch the video
freedom from fear
on the links given below:
and prejudices
(Munni kyon udaas hai )
Audio link:
Video link:
• Try to understand the reaction of metal
with air and water.
• Write word equation for the reaction.
• Explore about the amount of loss occur
due to rusting of iron every year in our
country. Comment on what measures
can be taken to prevent rusting of
• Collect some rust from rusted articles in
your house and investigate its nature by
using any available natural indicator
• Create a rap song on uses of metals and
non-metals and share it in your group.
Social Science (Class VIII)
a. History
Theme- paternal side and collect important
Ruling the dates and incidents of each one who is
Countryside represented in family tree. He/she may
• https://www.eklavy talk to grandparents and parents about how different his/her family tree is from
TP/social_studies_8 the family tree of their childhood.
/history/8%20Britis • The same exercise may be used for
h%20Rule%20&%20 importance of certain places associated
Peasants.pdf with learner, parents or other family
members of the family.
• Lagaan Movie
• Parents may ask the learner to build up
history with the help of available source
materials, such as newspaper,
magazine, books television, internet
and also from their elders. For instance,
the learner may collect information
about current Corona epidemic, causes,
origin, spread in different parts of world
and India. He/ she may locate these
places on the map.
• The learner may collect information
about such epidemic during British rule
from different sources viz, newspaper,
magazine, books, television, internet
and also from their elders. How colonial
ruler dealt with such epidemic that time
and how the present government is
dealing, and the reason for this
• Parents may explain and discuss
foreign trade of contemporary time and
begin by analysing the manner in which
British East India Company and other
European Companies operated in India.
How armed force used for trade in India
may be investigated through few
examples and special features of the
armed forces are outlined.
• Parents may ask learner to describe the
main events and personalities of the
period and final outcome of this process
by showing them map of British ruled
areas and areas control under Indian
• Parents may brief the learner about
revenues and taxes and then ask him to
describe new norms introduced by the
British rulers for the collection of land
revenue and compare them with
previous practices of Mughal rulers.
• Parent may ask the learner to collect
more information about Indigo rebellion
and few similar rebellions during
British period and also ask them to
analyse cause and consequences of
such rebellions.
important resource. Write down their
contribution in a notebook.
• Suggest ways how we can conserve our
• Make the best out of waste e.g. bags from
old newspapers, old clothes etc.
would impact women and girls more
• Make poster on different public facilities in
your locality.
• Solve activities given in QR Code of the
• Submit written assignments on
any/assigned topic.
गद्यपाठ (कथा) सथिं कृ ि भाषा के थवाध्याय पाठके पर्ू व––प्रकृ ि पाठ पढ़िे के पहले पाठ के स्वषयपि
सास्हत्य की स्वस्भन्ि िोचक में आत्मस्वश्वास जागृि उपलब्ध ई-सामस्ग्रयों की सहायिा ले सकिे हैं। स्वषय पि
गस्िस्वस्धयों द्वािा होगा। सामान्य जािकािी स्मल जािे से भाषा समझिा सहज हो
भाषास्शक्षर्सहज व िोचक जािा है।
हो जािा है। सिंथकृ ि भाषा अििपवू िक पदों को अलग-
के अध्ययि के स्लए भी अलग कििे हुए वाक्य को प्रथमपठन––ध्याि से किा काएक साि पिू ा वाचि किें ।
किा, स्िबधिं , गीि व िाटक सचु ारु रूपसे पढ़कि सामान्य आवाज़ से पढिे हुए शब्दों को पहचाििे हुए
आस्द स्वस्वध िोचक सामान्य अिि का बोध कि कहािी का सामान्य अिि समझिे के स्लए प्रयास किें । सस्न्ध
सामग्री पाठ्यपथु िक एविं सकें गे। या समास में अलग-अलग पदों को अिि सस्हि पहचािें।
अन्य रूपों में उपलब्ध हैं, जैसे उि किा में––यिाsहम् (यिा अहम)् , मत्थयकूमािदीि्
इन्हीं स्वषयों के अध्ययि के िए-िए शब्दों को स्चत्रों के (मत्थय + कूमि + आदीि)् , मैवम् (मा एवम)् इत्यास्द। ऐसा
समय एविं सिंदभि में भाषा मदद से एविं सिंदभि में कििे से पदों के अिि एविं वाक्यों के अिि को समझिे में बडी
की व्याकिर् भी समझ देखकि समझ सकें गे औि सहायिा स्मलेगी। सथिं कृ ि वाक्य में प्रयि ु शब्द अस्धकिि
आिी है। दसू िी भाषाओ िं प्रयोग भी कि सकें गे। स्हदिं ी अिवा अन्य भाििीय भाषाओ िं में उपलब्ध होिे हैं,
का पवू िज्ञाि भी सिंथकृ ि अिः उिके अिि समझिा कस्ठि िहीं होिा। यस्द किा में
भाषा के ज्ञाि के स्लए व्याकिर् के सामान्य स्ियम कोई अपरिस्चि शब्द आिे हैं िो सदिं भि में उिके अिि का
सहायक होिा है। अिः जैसे सस्न्ध, कािक, स्वभस्ि सामान्य अिमु ाि लगाकि आगे बढ़िा चास्हए एविं किा को
सिंथकृ ि पढ़िे समय आस्द का सामान्य बोध एविं पिू ा पढ़ लेिा चास्हए।
स्वद्यािी अपिी मािृभाषा प्रयोग कि सकें गे।
एविं अन्यभाषाओ िं के ज्ञाि हद्वतीयपठन––प्रिम पाठ से किा का सामान्य अिि समझ
का आधाि ले सकिे हैं व आत्मस्वश्वास के साि लेिे के बाद स्द्विीय पाठ में अस्धक थपष्टिा होगी। उसके स्लए
िमशः सथिं कृ ि भाषा में सिल सथिं कृ ि में किा सिु प्रत्येक पद के स्वभस्ियों पि ध्याि देिा चास्हए। साि ही
स्वस्भन्ि कौशलों का सकें गे एविं कह सकें गे। साि अपरिस्चि पदों के अिि के स्लए पाठ के अििं में स्दए
स्वकास कि सकिे हैं। घि में गए शब्दािि सिंग्रह की सहायिा ले सकिे हैं। उसमें सिंथकृ ि
िहकि थवयिं सिंथकृ ि सिंथकृ ि में किासाि एविं शब्दों के स्हदिं ीऔि अग्रिं ेजी अिि स्दए गए हैं ििा सिंथकृ ि में
अध्ययि के स्लए यहािं कुछ सदिं श
े स्लख सकें गे। व्याख्या दी गई है। इिकी सहायिा से किा को पिू ा किें औि
स्दग्दशिि स्कया जा िहा है। किा में रुस्च लेिे हुए अन्य अस्धक थपष्टिा से समझें। स्द्विीय पाठ में किा का आििंद
के वल उदाहिर् के स्लए, किाओ िं को भी पढ़ेंगे। लेिे हुए सिंथकृ ि भाषा के स्वशेष प्रयोगों पि भी ध्याि दें। िए
सप्तम कक्षा के सथिं कृ ि पदों के अिि एविं स्वशेष व्याकिस्र्क प्रयोगों को अपिे
पाठ्यपथु िक रुस्चिा- भाग िोटबक ु में स्लख लें औि उिका अिक ु िर् कििे हुए िए-िए
२ के दसू िे पाठ *दबु िस्ु ि: वाक्यों की िचिा किें ।
स्विश्यस्ि* का प्रयोग
स्दखाया गया है। ततृ ीयपठन–––दो बाि पढ़िे के बाद भाषा एविं स्वषय की
समझ स्वकस्सि हो चक
ु ी होगी। एक बाि औि पिू े मिोयोग
से किा का आिन्द लेिे हुए आिम्भ से अन्ि िक प्रवाह के
साि पढ़ें ।
स्ियां मूलयाांकन
• पाठ के अििं में जो अभ्यास प्रश्न स्दए गए हैं वह मख्ु यिया
बोधपिक, प्रयोगात्मक व्याकिर्, भास्षक कायि एविं
उच्चािर् के अभ्यास के स्लए हैं उन्हें धैयिपवू िक स्लखें।
आवश्यकिा पडिे पि स्शक्षक, स्मत्र या अििं जािल से
सहायिा लें।
• यह प्रस्िया पिू ी होिे पि एक सप्ताह िक पिु ःपिु ः दोहिाई
जाए। अगले सप्ताह में एक दसू िी किा लेकि ऐसे ही ही
अभ्यास किें औि सिंथकृ ि भाषा के स्वस्भन्ि कौशल पि
दक्षिा एविं आत्मस्वश्वास बढ़ाए।िं
सिायक स्रोत िा.शै.अ.प्र.प.की वेबसाइट पि पाठ्यपथु िक एविं इिि अध्ययि सामग्री उपलब्ध हैं। इिके
अलावा कुछ श्रव्य एविं दृश्य-श्रव्य सामग्री हैं। यटू ् यबू में *एि सी ई आि टी
ऑस्फस्शयल* चैिल में सिंथकृ ि स्वषय पि आधारिि अिेक चचाि एविं व्याख्याि उपलब्ध
हैं स्जिका आप उपयोग कि सकिे हैं।
In Arts education, various performing and visual arts are learnt with the
objectives to;:
• work together on integrated projects,
• practice free expression and creativity,
• get acquainted with basic elements and principles of design,
• understand the basic characteristics of different techniques, mediums and
its practical applications,
• develop an insight towards sensibility and aesthetic appreciation,
• understand and appreciate cultural diversity by recognising different
traditional art forms prevalent in the country.
It will be engaging for learners studying in Classes VI, VII and VIII to
achieve the above objectives by giving daily 30-45 minutes each for Visual and
Performing Arts along with other school subjects while staying at home during
the lockdown period.
operation, group work, socio-personal skills, etc. Parents can also join as
facilitators by guiding and not doing actual work in place of the learner.
• All the activities are suggestive and students may like to modify them
according to the facilities and resources available.
• Art activities may be completed in one day or it may take few days,
depending upon the type of activity.
• Since there are no textbooks for Arts Education for Classes VI-VIII, all
activities are theme based and relates to Experiences, Traditions, Objects,
Environment, and People.
• All the activities evolve around these basic themes and for this, students
will find all their subjects within their four walls of home.
• Also, students may pick up any activity to start with and may not follow
the given sequence. However, they are required to complete all the
activities within the given time.
• Art is a process which learners should enjoy and learn. At this stage the
emphasis has to be on art processes and not a perfect product, this has
to be taken care off.
• Parents should support learners and encourage them and not to
discourage or demotivate them.
❖ Music of advertisements (Words, product, music created to promote the
❖ Classical Music with their diversity (name of artist, Type, Musical
Instrument, Ragas, words, Taal etc.)
❖ Folk Music with their diversity (Name of artist, Region , word
meaning/theme, if video can be seen the costumes)
• Analysis, comparison of the forms
• Learn to sing and play musical instruments. Music is performing arts and
gives a lot of happiness to the inner self. Children and adults both are
supposed to stay at home. In such a situation knowing, understanding
and singing music will definitely create a harmonious atmosphere. Delving
deep in any art form will create a constructive creative introspective mind.
objects and subject Tradition based activities; Available/ found
matters from life, and Time required - 4 hours, split into 5- objects for 3D
communicate ideas. 6 days works
• understands and This can be a craft object, a drawing or Old newspapers,
apply elements and a painting. They can find out a magazines,
principles of design traditional craft piece in their home, it calendar, greeting
effectively in their can be a piece of textile, a pot, a cards, and other
works. sculpture, a toy, or any object made by found objects.
• identifies and traditional crafts person and study its
discriminate between materials, colour, design, utility, place
types of shapes of origin etc. Talk to elders at home and
(geometric and research and make an object which may
organic), colors be used as a dustbin, a folder, a pen
(primary, secondary, stand or any other object, using
complementary, traditional materials, if possible or
intermediates, materials available using a traditional
neutrals, tints, tones, motif.
shades, and values),
lines (characteristics, Environment based activities;
quality), textures Time required - 6 hours, split into 7-
(tactile and visual), and 8 days
space (background, Draw and sketch plants, flowers, pet,
middle ground, birds, stones, etc., from your garden or
foreground, placement, balcony. Make drawings of them (one or
perspective, overlap, two of them) in details based on
negative, converging observation and sitting in front of them
lines positive, size, and paint.
color), balance Create a collage, using objects like
(symmetrical, leaves, dried petals, old newspaper,
asymmetrical, radial) magazines, buttons, shell, etc.
and the use of
proportion, rhythm, Experience based activities
variety, repetition, and Time required - 4 hours, split into 5-
movement in their 6 days
work Based on previous experiences of
weather, a walk, a classroom, sports
event, festival, etc., make a simple
composition with figures, natural
surroundings and colour them.
Suggested Activities (Performing Arts-Music): Class VI
Learning Outcomes Sources Week-wise Suggestive Activities
Suggested Activities (Visual Arts): Class VII
and principles of festivals you celebrate such as Dusshera,
design effectively in Diwali, Id, Gurupurab, Pongal, Onam,
their works. Bihu, Christmas, etc.
• Identifies and Study and draw from objects being used
discriminate in households, and handed down through
between types of the family traditions and inheritance.
shapes (geometric Also, can enquire from elders at home
and organic), colors about traditional dresses and costumes,
(primary, designs and motifs, crafts objects,
secondary, jewellery etc. and draw them and paint.
intermediates, Environment based activities
neutrals, tints, Time required - 6 hours, split into 7-8
tones, shades, and days
values), lines Observe, experience, and enjoy nature
(characteristics, around and do nature study such as
quality), textures learning to render and draw garden,
(tactile and visual), potted plants, trees, birds, animals,
and space stones, grounds in or around home
(background, visible from balconies or window. Sketch
middle ground, and draw them, use imagination and
foreground, previous observation/ experience and
placement, add elements to it to make a composition.
perspective, Paint it in bold colours.
overlap, negative,
converging lines Experience based activities
positive, size, Time required - 4 hours, split into 5-6
color), balance days
(symmetrical, Choose themes or characters they like,
asymmetrical, make masks with paper or papermache,
radial) and the use and paint them (4-5), inspired from
of proportion, existing – tribal, religious or dance masks
rhythm, variety, as well as imaginary – demonic, space
repetition, and age, robots, etc., using the basic elements
movement in their of art such as line and colour. This is an
work effective way to observe, experience, and
• appreciates display emotions such as fear, joy, anger,
creativity hatred, etc. The masks can be used in
school later during various activities.
Suggested Activities (Performing Arts-Music): Class VII
Suggested Activities (Visual Arts) - Class VIII
intermediates, neutrals, Environment based activities
tints, tones, shades, and Time required - 6 hours, split into
values), lines 7-8 days
(characteristics, quality), Draw animals and birds, plants and
textures (tactile and trees, in detail including skeletal
visual), and space study (basics to understand
(background, middle movement). Paint in an
ground, foreground, environmental setting in an
placement, perspective, urban/rural setting capturing the
overlap, negative, flavour and heritage.
converging lines positive,
size, color), balance Experience based activities
(symmetrical, Time required - 8 hours, split into
asymmetrical, radial) and 10-12 days
the use of proportion, Can create a simple story strip,
rhythm, variety, based on a cartoon, Panchtantra
repetition, and movement story, mythological, historical, people
in their work or prominent personalities etc. Study
the characters and their plots, it
could also be a trip you took staring
from and coming back home,
different scenes and people you met.
Can depict experiences about people
and places through the traveler’s eye.
Draw and paint figures to
understand distinctions and
differences in the approach to the
human figure.
Suggested Activities (Performing Arts-Music)- Class VIII
Learning Outcomes Suggested Activities Resources
Activity - 9
Listen to the playback Music of any serial
or film and try to think about the role of
Music in making a film. Observe all
features of Music- Vocal, Orchestration
For ** and +++ - please see Annexure-IV
(Being physically, emotionally and mentally healthy)
Many factors like, physical, psychological, socio-economic and culture
influence health, both in our day-to-day life and in the long run. Health of
children is very important as they constitute a large percentage of our
population. In the present time when children are at home, some in house
games and physical activities play an important role. Right to Education Act
2009, has very categorically focused on the holistic development and health
of children in the age group of 6-14 years. Therefore, health and physical
fitness needs to be looked even when the child is at home. Physical activities
including Yoga should be considered as an integral part of the everyday
activities towards an overall development of the child. Involving children
studying in Classes VI, VII and VIII daily for 30-40 minutes in physical and
yogic activities will enable them to achieve the following objectives, even
staying at home during lock down. Some other activities related to
understanding about growing up, and helping children to be emotionally and
mentally strong have also been included.
Activities promoting Physical Health
• develops games A Teachers’ Guide The following General Guidelines for Yogic
and sport for Class VII Practices need to be followed before taking
related http://www.ncert. any Yogic practices. Yogic practices be
awareness • done early morning but it can also be
• does yogic /Miscellaneous/p practiced in the evening with empty stomach
activities for df_files/hehped10 about three hours after lunch
achieving 1.pdf
• not practiced in hurry or when exhausted.
holistic health
• appreciates the Health and • in a clean and non-disturbing place.
Diversity of, Physical Education • on a darri, a mat or a blanket.
seasonal and A Teachers’ Guide • simple in the beginning and gradually
locally available for Class VIII proceed to do advanced practices.
food Indian http://www.ncert.
• done regularly with sincerity and faith.
/Miscellaneous/p • started again if practices are discontinued
• identifies
differences in df_files/HaP_edu_t with the basic
physical growth g.pdf The duration and time of yogic practices depend
and changes on your availability. However 20-30 minutes is
that take place Yoga A Healthy also good for yoga related activities. In Yoga do’s
in boys and Way of Living and don’t are very important. Therefore these
girls; Upper Primary should be kept in mind while doing yogic
• Describes the Stage practices. The child can be encouraged to do the
relationship of following yogic activities keeping the comfort
the functioning http://www.ncert. level of the child into consideration.
of various organ
systems and /tiyhwlups1.pdf Yogic Practices for Class VI
Activities.. These books are • Tadasana • Niralamba
available in Hindi,
• Vrikshasana • Bhujangasana
Urdu and English
and also in the • Utkatasana • Ardha–Shalabhasana
NCERT • Vajrasana • Makarasan
website • Swastikasana • Uttanapadasana
(• Ardhapadmasana• Pawanmuktasana
Pictures of
• Shavasana
athletes and
Sports bulletins
Sports records -
making and Yogic Practices for Class VII
breaking from
various Sport Yogic Practices to • Dhanurasana
Federations Enhance Flexibility • Makarasana
• Surya Namaskara • SuptaVajrasana
Asanas • Chakrasana
• Tadasana • Ardhahalasana
• Hastottanasana • Shavasana
• Trikonasana Kriya
• Katichakrasana • Kapalabhati
• Padmasana Pranayamas
• Yogamudrasana o Anuloma-viloma
• Paschimottanasana o Bhastrika
Yogic Practices for Class VIII
Vrikshasana Utkatasan
(Tree Posture)
It is beneficial in constipation, indigestion,
nervous weakness and diabetes. It strengthens
the abdominal muscles. It balances the navel
Concentrate on inhalation and exhalation.
During this, your mind may wander here and
there. Try to concentrate on your breath only.
Keep breathing normally. Try not to think about
anything. Give attention to the breath only. This
makes the body and mind relaxed.
Along with yogic practices, it is important to take
nutritious and healthy food. We should take at
least eight hours of sound sleep.Some of the
asana are shown below
Activity 3
Asks the child to make an album entitled “My
Family and I” in which the child pastes
photographs of him/her as a baby, an infant, of
an elder brother, sister, parents and
grandparents to see various stages of life. The
photographs can be of extended family, relatives
or even neighbour.
• The child can also be asked to draw if
photographs are not available. With this
activity, the child has to get an idea that
everyone grows and develops from the time
when he/she is newborn to an aged person
and passes through phases of infancy,
childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, old
age .
Activity 4
Asks the child to write below and records
answers given based on their experiences,
• Do you think your height was the same last
year? How do you know?
• Have you notice the changes in height and
weight of you friends.
• Have you notice any differences?
• Are these differences normal?
• If yes why? Find out from parents or elders
and from other resources.
Write down your experience in your
Activity 5
Ask the child to prepare a set of chits with
names of organ systems written on them. Only
one system is to be written on one chit. The child
select only a few organ systems to begin with
Now ask the child to write on the back of the chit
how to keep the organ systems fit and healthy?
Activity 6
Do some physical activities daily at home for
keeping yourself healthy?
• Forward roll,
• Backward roll,
• Sideward roll,
• Balance on one leg,
Activity 7
The Child may be encouraged to read about the
life and their achievements about sport persons
and other great personalities.
.Ardhapadmasana (Half Lotus Posture) Ardhapadmasana also is a meditative posture
Hastottanasana is made of three words: hasta, uttana and asana. Hasta means 'arms';
uttana means 'stretch up' and asana means 'posture'. In this posture, the arms are
stretched upwards, hence, it is called Hastottanasana.
Parents and children should know that children in the age group of 10- 14
years develop and maintain social and emotional habits which are important
for mental well-being. These include eating healthy food, adopting healthy
sleep patterns, doing regular exercise, coping with negative emotions,
problem-solving, and interpersonal skills.
C. Managing Stress and Anger
Now see your responses and judge whether your responses were helpful or
D. Also think about alternative ways to express the anger and to resolve the
issue/ conflict. Some are given below
E. Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. List the
actions to be taken to improve your strengths and weaknesses.
• Identifying and using one‘s strengths can promote wellbeing.
• Strengths can also be applied to manage personal challenges as well as make
good use of available time and opportunities.
• Identifying areas of improvement or weaknesses helps individuals grow and
become better.
• It is important that one to identify resources at this time of social distancing
which can support them to learn new skills and abilities and can help create
• Time is precious; therefore, it is very important to see how productively we
spend our valuable time.
• It is important to have a check on what are you accessing through media
• If you encounter any kind of uncomfortable message which you are unsure
of, please talk to a trusted adult of your family before talking to your peers.
• Show your time plan to your parents at home and take their help in making
a plan that will result you to be healthy and happy.
• Focus not only on the time spent but content reviewed too.
• Try to follow the plan for one week.
• Record any difference in your learning and performance your stress level.
• Use internet and social media to learn new skills related to your favorite
game and yogic activities. And practice them.
• Observe the change in your physical and mental health.
• NCERT has also brought out the following Books on Health and Physical
Education, Yoga and also on growing up Issues.
▪ Health and Physical Education-A Teachers Guide for Class VI,
▪ Health and Physical Education “Teachers’ Guide for Class VII,
▪ Health and Physical Education “Teachers Guide for Class VIII.
• These books are also available on the NCERT website (
1. WhatsApp
It is an application that requires to be downloaded on mobile
phone (also can be accessed on laptop or desktop) and the
user has to register using individual mobile number. We can
send messages, making audio-video calls. We can also share
a wide variety of media like photos, audio, video, and other
documents. We can communicate one-to-one or in a group
in the above mentioned ways. Up to 256 people can join a group and interact
with each other. One can create any number of groups (e.g., one group for
each class or subject or course) on WhatsApp.
Use case: A teacher or educator can use WhatsApp group call to organise a
virtual class and post an assignment on a group. Later learners can post their
completed assignment. A teacher can share the link for learning resources in
a group or share a downloaded document/ own recorded voice/ a self-created
document on a topic. The teacher can also help parents with tips on how to
engage learners at home. The School Head can create a WhatsApp group to
interact and mentor fellow teachers.
2. Facebook
Facebook can be accessed on a laptop/desktop computer as
well as through mobile App. One needs to create an account
to log into Facebook. Facebook allows us to share or post
information consisting of text, image, audio, video and other
documents. It gives a sense of community as we can add and
connect with other users as ‘friends’, thus creating a sense of
community. Facebook also provides options to have closed as well as open
groups. It also provides the user with control like permissions of users to
collaborate, share, join etc.
Use case: Teachers can create subject or class wise groups and share contents
in various forms. In addition, they can interact with learners, deliver live
lectures, organise a watch party etc. Personalized feedback can also be given
to learner in Facebook chat/messenger. Facebook for education
( is a dedicated platform of Facebook for educators
to collaborate and innovate.
3. Twitter
Twitter is a micro blogging and social networking service
on which users can post and interact through messages
known as "tweets". It can be accessed on a laptop/desktop
computer as well as through mobile App. It allows users to
write and share their ideas and opinions in real time
(instant messaging) within maximum 280 characters. We
can also upload and share image, audio, video and
document through twitter. While sharing, one can mention other person or
group through a feature called hashtag (#). Twitter can be used for self-
expression, social interaction, and information sharing.
Use Case: Teachers can use it as an effective pedagogical tool to gain
information, engage learners, follow interested communities, share their
insights on specific topics, etc. It can enhance engagement and collaboration
among peers, learners and teachers. The teacher can tweet assignments, link
to other resources or web pages. Learners can work collaboratively on
assignments using Twitter. Teachers and learners can subscribe to relevant
and important hashtags for further learning.
4. Edmodo
Edmodo is a free and secure online educational learning
network. It is a social network to interact with others.
Teachers can use it to create and manage an online
classroom community, and learners can connect and
collaborate with their peers. It helps to schedule homework
and assignments, network with other teachers, and
monitor students’ progress.
Use Case: Teachers can manage their classes and consolidate all of their
activities in one place. Teacher can create a digital classroom space for all
teachers and students to work together share ideas and resources. Edmodo’s
quiz builder or poll feature can be used to assess students’ learning during or
after a unit of study. Teacher can divide a class into smaller groups and have
them post their work to their group for peer review and feedback. Teacher can
further use Edmodo Badges to help motivate Students to push their learning
and increase their practice time on new topics. Badges let students show off
their accomplishments and motivate others.Administrators can use the
platform to coordinate and collaborate with fellow teachers. Panning
professional development seminars is easy, especially with SchoolTube,
Edmodo’s video service.
5. Instagram
Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking
service that has millions of active consumers all over the
world. It can be accessed on a laptop/desktop computer as
well as through mobile App. It can be used to share short
videos, pictures, audios, quotations, write-ups and much
more. Teachers can also make groups on Instagram and
post photos and other media on groups. They can either keep a group open
for all or make it a closed group.
6. Telegram
Telegram is a mobile app based communication tool. It has
a capability to share a wide variety of media, be it photos,
audio, video, and even documents. It supports one to one
communication as well as group communication. Subject
groups can be created, and each group can have even
1,00,000 members. It provided various admin supports
such that the groups can be maintained by several admin in a collaborative
manner. The groups can be controlled to have only one way or two way
communications. It can also be used for making audio calls and video calls.
Group conference calls are also an additional support that will help teachers
to take online sessions and encourage interaction. Every time when someone
opens his/her desktop, just click on the telegram icon, it will start working.
Telegram channels can be helpful for providing the desired information to an
unlimited number of students and teachers.
Use Case: Teachers can create large groups of teachers, students and
continuously interact on various themes. During NISHTHA training many
states like Assam, Karnataka, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan used Telegram for
sharing of information and best practices.
7. Blogger
Use Case: Teachers and students can create their accounts on Blogger
through their Gmail accounts. Teachers can write and share blogs on difficult
topicsrelated to the subject areas they teach, for instance, Science,
Mathematics, Language, etc. They can display teaching learning material on
blogs by adding pictures, videos, audios, PPTs, etc. A common classroom blog
can also be created using WordPress, and a community of teachers and
students can together post and discuss about concepts and ideas.
8. Skype
Use Case: Skype provides an excellent way for teachers to introduce the world
beyond the classroom to their students. Through video calling, students can
connect with teachers, educators and other students for live discussions and
solving their queries. We can also use Skype to explore virtual field trips,
organise guest speaker sessions with two-way communication between
presenter and the audience. Special events can be conducted like live
discussion with authors, celebrities, technology experts, doctors, artists, etc.
Sharing of screens, files, resources and other information with students,
teachers and parents can also be part of an e-learning process through Skype.
9. Pinterest
Pinterest is a visual social network in multilingual format
available on social web as well as mobile application (both
android and iOS supported). It is like an online open
bulletin board in which communities, teachers, students
and parents can interact, share and post/ pin on a single
forum. It enables posting, saving, blogging and discovery of
information using images, GIFs, interactive videos, documents and blogs etc.
The resources which are pinned get segregated into various categories. There
are a lot of categories to choose from diversified fields of learning. These
categories or boards are displayed on the user’s Pinterest profile. Since these
pins can be shared and are easily searchable, they have the potential to
become a very useful educational tool.
10. YouTube
YouTube is an online video sharing platform wherein the
users can watch, upload, edit and share videos. They can
also like, dislike the content and comment on it. It allows
the users to create free of cost YouTube channels in which
they can upload the videos created by them. Also, users can
sort videos and create their own playlists. Video lectures, animation videos,
360 videos are useful resources to engage the students and help them learn
difficult concepts.
Use Case: Teachers, for example, can create “Geometry” as a playlist
containing all the videos related to the geometry topic of maths. Teacher can
search and share with students videos on various topic which are correct both
conceptually and pedagogically. The videos can be auto-translated in local
languages making them useful for everyone. The subtitles which can also be
in a local language can be added in the videos for inclusion. The teachers can
also Live Stream the lectures wherever they are to the selected group or public.
The novel corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic presently is a situation that calls
for vigilance and we all, including our teachers and students have been
advised to remain at home so as to maintain social distancing and stop the
chain of virus spread. It is affecting individuals not only physically but also
psychologically. The corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak may result in stress
for a lot of individuals including students, teachers and parents as the
pandemic has caused strong emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety, feeling
of helplessness, uncertainty, loss of interest and hopelessness among others.
Such changes are understandable in the face of this sudden outbreak as it
has resulted in an unexpected change in their daily life activities (e.g. going to
school, meeting friends, socialising, going out with family,
disruption/uncertainty about examination, future admission, career, travel
plans, etc.). The demand of the situation for social distancing and self-
isolation also leads to individuals becoming stressed.
Some emotions, feelings and reactions generally felt by people experiencing
stress are:
• Negative thoughts
• Anxiety, worry, fear
• Sadness, tearfulness, loss of interest in usual enjoyable activities
• Frustration, irritability, or anger
• Restlessness or agitation
• Feeling helpless
• Feeling disconnected from others
• Difficulty in concentrating
• Trouble relaxing or sleeping
• Physical signs such as stomach upset, fatigue, uncomfortable
It is therefore important to be mindful to the wellbeing of all around us
and to take constructive action to help students, teachers and parents to cope,
handle, and relieve stress and anxiety.
• Focus on your ‘self’ and recognise your feelings : We have been trying to
fit so many things in the daily time schedule such as ; school, studies, home
work, examinations, coaching ,etc. that we are not able to take out time for
ourselves. It is important to recognize your feelings and acknowledge that it is
okay to feel what you are going through as everyone is feeling the same way.
The present time at home needs to be seen as an opportunity to allow yourself
time to reflect on what you have been doing in your life for yourself and for
others, which aspects you would like to change, what kind of
effort/thinking/action it would require from your side. Try to observe i.e.
become aware of your sensations and express what you are feeling. Write
down your reflections about what you observed in yourself, did these help you
to understand yourself better? Try to maintain a daily chronicle of your
activities and reflections.
• Stay connected: As social being connecting ourselves with friends and family
brings a sense of comfort and stability. Receiving support and concern from
others has a powerful impact on our emotional wellbeing and in helping us cope
with challenges. To deal with the present situation and resultant stress there is
a need to create a sense of “we” feeling. We in present times have the advantage
of technology that has made it possible to be connected globally through phones,
mobiles, emails, face book; Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, etc. are some ways to
connect with people. Use these mediums to talk with others, know about their
concerns, thoughts and feelings and share your feelings and viewpoints with
others. There are many ways we can use technology to stay connected such as:
• Call, text, or video-chat with friends and family
• Share quick, easy and nutritious recipes
• Start a virtual book or movie club
• Schedule a workout together over video chat
• Share your understanding of a topic, equation, experiment etc. with others in
an online group or peer forum.
➢ What strategies have helped me in the past to cope with challenging
➢ What is the helpful or positive action that I can take now at home?
➢ How are others (particularly elders – parents, teachers) dealing with the
present situation?
• Take care of your body: Eating healthy and well-balanced diet is important for
our body and mind. As students you might have received training in school on
Meditation and yoga. Now is the best time to start practicing it daily for building
better mental and physical health. Fix a time to do it regularly once a day. Do
some form of physical activity like aerobics, stretch exercises, yoga asanas, deep
breathing, dance, etc. Also drink plenty of water and get enough (6-7 hours) sleep
every day. This will give energy, boost up the immune system and keep spirits
high. This in turn will help to release the stress and anxiety.
• Be informed and updated: Do not act in a manner that you become an agent
1. Contribute towards well-being of all beings: The interdependence and
existence of all living beings need to be acknowledged and respected. Helping
people who are old, vulnerable and in need of care and help can promote a
sense of hope and meaning in life. Showing love and care towards your family
and friends can boost up your sense of purpose in life. Some ideas could
include; ensuring that people who are providing essential services are
respected, delivering a food items, etc. to old, needy people in your
neighbourhood, feeding birds, stray dogs, sending message of encouragement,
positivity, etc.
The present situation of outbreak of the corona virus has led to restrictions
on our social life and put a stop on our daily routine. To handle the situation
the suggested measures; self-isolation and distancing ourselves from others
are to be practiced, which is not our natural or normal behaviour. Therefore,
this has several consequences. We may experience a lack of control over life;
feel helpless, worried, angry, sad, restless or irritated through the days. This
can be emotionally exhausting leading to feeling weak emotionally (which may
not be our normal emotional self).
As teachers we are responsible not just for ourselves but are role models
for our students and for society at large. Therefore, we need to know how to
deal with the stressful times and help ourselves and others in the process.
Some of the ways to cope with the feelings associated with such forced social
isolation during a pandemic are:
• Take a proactive approach: Accept and help others (students, parents,
colleagues) to accept that the present times are difficult. Also, it is
necessary to control the emotional thoughts of despair and reassure that
since medical and research measures are being taken, hence times will
change for better. Make a plan for yourself; this will help give you a sense
of purpose and progress both in your personal and professional life.
Prepare a daily timetable or routine. Ensure variety in the schedule such
as work, leisure, exercise, learning, etc. Learn something new that sparks
your intrinsic motivation and curiosity.
• Stay connected: Advances in mobile technology will help to stay
connected through calls, text, Whatsapp, email, etc. Use this time to
connect with people, whom you have not been able to connect due to
distance, lack of time, etc. Sharing concerns with trusted others have
significant positive psychological benefits. Therefore, try to contribute to a
sense of togetherness by sharing your feelings and helping others to cope
with similar emotions that you too are experiencing. Utilize the additional
time available at home to reconnect and strengthen relationships within
the family.
• Focus on your health: Quarantine and isolation are stressful, and stress
weakens our immune system. Hence, being proactive about staying
healthy becomes even more important. Stick to regular meals with the
correct nutritional variety and avoid snacking. Anxiety can sometimes
prompt us to comfort eat, so we need to manage these urges. Daily exercise
will help regularise sleep patterns. All these boost our psychological health.
Maintain healthy sleep habits. The negative impact of sleep disruption on
mood is already well-known. Without the structure of having to get to
school, college or the workplace, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy sleep
habits like going to bed late and getting up late. However, this may be
detrimental in later days. So, it will be useful to scheduling a balanced
range of activities in our everyday by including physical exercise and
engaging in pleasant and relaxing activities. This will help with getting
quality sleep. Preparing balanced and nourishing meals for yourself and
family members is an important aspect for maintaining good health.
• Reflect and connect to yourself: Take time to engage in observing your
surroundings (at home and immediate nature) by identifying the smells,
textures and visuals. This will help to sooth our anxious minds. Self-care
also means maintaining boundaries such as refusing visitors, reducing
unnecessary demands, and saying "no". In our otherwise hectic everyday
schedule, we had difficulty in maintaining self-care schedule. Take the
opportunity to take up any such activity which will help you to connect
with your own self - meditation, yoga, walking, baking, reading etc. Think
of the small changes which you can bring in your life.
• Manage your media time: The information received through various social
media may make you feel overwhelmed and confused. Hence, even though
staying digitally active in present times is almost a necessity, yet it is
important to carefully choose news and media sources. Choose one or two
well-informed sources such as the Government of India’s Corona virus
(Covid-19) Helpdesk and WHO and set times during the day to check for
updates. Restrict consumption of news, particularly on social media.
Depend on traditional national media with direct lines to the trustworthy
medical decision-makers when accessing news. Use social media platforms
meaningfully to connect with people (friends, family, students, colleagues,
etc.) rather than passing on messages.
After contemplating about them, parents can have a clearer idea to
understand their source of anxiety.
• Avoid fake news and superstitions: Parents can adhere to dependable
sources such as Government of India’s Corona virus (COVID-19) Helpdesk
and WHO. They can move away from checking the news if they feel
overwhelmed and should also be careful about what they share through
social media platforms.
• Focus on the things they can control: In this scenario of global
pandemic, many things are outside our control like how long the pandemic
would last and what is going to happen in our community, etc. Focusing
on things which are out of control can make one feeling drained,
overwhelmed, and anxious. As a parent, one can help in reducing the
personal risk by asking their student to wash their hands and doing it
themselves too at least for 20 seconds or using a sanitizer with alcohol
content not exceeding 60 per cent. Apart from maintaining hand hygiene,
avoid touching your face especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. Stay at
home, avoid crowds, and maintain six feet distance between yourself and
others when out. Most importantly, get deep sleep.
• Physical exercise: Our body is meant for movement. There are
innumerable benefits by doing physical exercises such as release of
endorphins (feel good hormones), proper blood circulation, and feeling
light, etc. Stretching, alternate toe-touching along with jumping jacks for
10 minutes can have a drastic effect in reducing stress and anxiety.
• Yoga and meditation: The word Yoga means union. When body and mind
is balanced, when one reaches a state of unwavering attention, one has
reached a state of yoga. This is the time which can be utilised to performing
yoga yourself and also to teach your learner. Grounding yourself in the
present moment can help to reach that union. One effective technique is
to pay attention to your breath. Prana is the key here. Paying attention to
inhaling and exhaling can help in attaining the state of Dhyana—getting in
touch with the inner stillness.
• Paying attention to diet: One of the ways to cope with stress and anxiety
can be stress eating and taking in excess of calories by indulging in deep
fried, carbohydrate rich and sweet foods. This can make one feel anxious
as nourishing aspect of food is eliminated through such indulgence. As a
result, your immunity can take a toll. This is the right time to understand
and to make your learnerren understand that immunity is maintained not
from the outside-it is not that using sanitizers will keep your immunity in
check. To have a stronger immunity means to eat healthy i.e. eating fruits
and vegetables and having right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and
• Take care of your body and spirit: Apart from eating healthy meals,
getting plenty sleep and meditating, one should not forget to practice self-
care in this situation. Be kind to yourself, maintain a routine, wake up
early in the morning, and take time out for activities you enjoy, avoid self-
medicating, and be a calming influence in the life of your learner and those
around you.
In stressful times such as the present one, as a parent or teacher do
remember that the social distancing and isolating of self is not only for our
own good but also for all those around us and for everyone who is closely
or remotely connected with our life and living. Help your learners and
students to understand this and encourage them to feel in the same way.
Pre-vocational Activities
1. Describe the concept of kaleidoscope as a way of using mirrors to show how symmetrical
patterns can be changed as the mirrors are moved.
2. Describe the concept of reflection of light.
3. Create a variety of kaleidoscope.
1. Identify and select the materials which are generally used for making refrigerator magnets;
2. Demonstrate the procedure for making different types of refrigerator magnets.
3. Describe the use of magnets in everyday life, for example, door bells, TVs, refrigerators,
earrings, electricity gadgets, locks, whiteboards, etc.
1. Identify and select materials which are generally used to make bubble painting.
2. Describe the basic principles of design and colour
3. Demonstrate the procedure to create bubble painting.
❖ Identify and select materials and tools which are generally used in wire work.
❖ Identify and handle the various manual tools, equipment and materials to create wire
❖ Demonstrate the procedure to create figures using wire.
• Identify and select the materials which are generally used for making Planters.
• Demonstrate the procedure for making different types of Planters.
• Identify and select materials and tools which are generally used in decoration ofdiyas.
• Demonstrate the procedure to decorate earthen diyas.
Annexure- IV
1. Saa, rey, gaa, maa, paa, dhaa, nee, saa,Saa, nee, dhaa, paa, maa, gaa, rey,
2. Saasaa, reyrey, gaagaa, maamaa, paapaa, dhaadhaa, nee nee,
saasaaSaasaa, nee nee, dhaadhaa, paapaa, maamaa, gaagaa, reyrey, saasaa
3. Saareygaa, reygaamaa, gaa maapaadhaa, paadhaa nee, dhaa nee saa
Saa nee dhaa, nee dhaapaa, dhaapaamaa, paa maagaarey, gaareysaa
4. Saareygaamaa, reygaamaapaa…Saa nee dhaapaa, nee dhaapaa, maa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Dhaa Dhin Dhin Dhaa Dhaa Dhin Dhin Dhaa Dhaa Tin Tin Taa Taa Dhin Dhin Dhaa
x 2 0 3
Saa Gaa Saa Gaa Saa Gaa Maag Rey Nee Rey Nee Rey Nee Rey Gaare Saa
aa saa y nee
Saa Gaa Saa Gaa Saarey Gaama Paa -- Maagaa Rey Gaar Saan Saa Saa Saa --
a saa ey ee
Saa Saa Rey Nee Rey Rey Gaare Saare Gaa Gaa Maa Rey Nee Saa -- ---
saa saa y y Gaa saa rey
Gaa Gaa Maag Rey Maa Maa Maa -- Gaa Gaa Maag Rey Rey Rey Rey ---
aa gaa aa saa
Paa Paa Dhaa Maaga Maa Maa Paam Gaare Gaa Gaa Maag Rey Nee Rey Saa ---
paa a aa y aa saa
Saa Nee paa Maam Gaa Maama Paa Dhaa Saa Nee paa Maa Gaa Gaa Rey _--
dhaa aa a nee dhaa maa maa maa
Maag Rey Gaare Saa Saa Saa Saa --- Maagaa Rey Gaar Saa Saa Saa Saa ---
aa saa y nee saa ey nee
###Raga Brindavanisarang
**Sargam – Jhaptaal
DheeNaa DhiDhiNaa Tee Naa DhiDhiNaa
Saa Rey Maa Rey Maa Maa Rey Saa Rey Saa
MaaMaa Paanini PaaSaa Ni Paa Rey
May rey Saareyni Saani Pa nisaa
Ma paa Ni nipaa Saasaa Rey maarey
Saa --- Ni nisaa Maamaa Rey saasaa
Ni ni Paapaamaa Maa Rey rey Saasaa ---
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