Elementary Lesson Plan Edtpa 4
Elementary Lesson Plan Edtpa 4
Elementary Lesson Plan Edtpa 4
I will start the lesson off by introducing the topic of today’s lesson by activating students. However, as an
the student’s prior knowledge and hooking them into how this can be fun - introduction I can’t expect that
“Hi students, today we will begin to work on writing informative texts! Have every student shares out. They
any of you ever read a book about a specific topic you were really interested in will be assessed on their ability
such as, airplanes, dinosaurs, or even a specific event in history? What are to follow directions and activity
some of the books you’ve read? Turn and tell your partner the title of that participate.
book. Can I get a volunteer to share? Wow those are some great books! Believe
it or not, now you’re going to get to write just like that! That’s okay if you have
never read a book about a specific topic or event. You will still be able to write
your own informative text because we all have specific interests.
Part 2 - (3 minutes)
Now I will explain what the definition of informative texts is.
“What does the word informative sound like? What word is hidden in it?
(maybe write it on the board if unclear) Yes, inform. So what do we think these
papers might do? Correct, the focus of these texts is to inform your audience
on the topic you have chosen. Today we are going to work on choosing a
specific topic we want to inform our audience on.”
“Let’s brain storm some ideas together first…” (this then leads into the bulk of
the lesson)
Lesson: What are the specific steps and sequence of the lesson? How
long do you anticipate each lesson segment taking?
We will have 25-30 minutes’ total for this lesson. Students who did not
participate in the introduction
Part 1 - (4 minutes)
section will be encouraged to
Use chart paper to gather student’s initial ideas -
participate in this discussion. I
“We are going to use this chart paper to brainstorm some ideas of topics that
will do this by asking specific
we are interested in. Remember, the topics we choose to write about for our
students to share; they are
informational texts need to be specific enough to cover entirely. Some ideas
able to decline sharing if they
could be types of weather like hurricanes or tornadoes. What are some types
choose to.
of sports or technology you are interested in? (Allow time for 2 or 3 answers)
Remember we can’t just write about sports or technology because that is too
general for an informative piece.”
Part 2 - (5 -7 minutes)
Introduce the thinking map Informative Writing Topics – use the document
camera to show it, so that all students can see. Make sure to pass this out prior
to explaining so that students can follow along.
“Nice job coming up with so many great topic ideas as a class. Now we can use
some of our ideas and this graphic organizer to support us in thinking of other
topics that we may not have initially thought of. As you can see there are 12
overall topics and you are going to choose two more specific topics for each
category. For example, under the category of animals you will include two
types of animals you would be interested to learn and write about. The other
topics are (read them all aloud). What are some questions you have about any
of the general topics? “(Answer those questions. They may be confused on the
science or geography section) “Does everyone understand the goals of the
organizer, or would you like to work through a few of them together?” (Do so
as needed, but only work through three together, they should challenge
themselves and try to complete a majority themselves)
Part 3 - (10 minutes)
Now I will give them time to work on the thinking map independently at their
Students will be assessed on
“Great job working collaboratively to brainstorm some specific topics for
their completion of this graphic
informative writing. Now you will all get 10 minutes to fill out the rest of the organizer and whether their
organizer to help decide on a specific topic you want to work on. Even if you topics are specific enough. This
think you already know your topic very well, it is always good to practice other assessment will be based off of
ideas. Doing this may open your mind up to learning more about a topic you’re the first assessment described
not familiar with. You may ask you peers for assistance with any questions, as at the top of page 2.
you always are. However, please do your best to come up with two
specifications of your own because I want to see your own ideas and what
you’re interested in. That way I can better help you when we get further into
the process of writing our informative papers. Alright you may now begin, and
remember ask three peers before me because they can help you as well.”
I will walk around the classroom and help facilitate as needed. If they are
completely lost I will go through another example. If they are cruising through
it and finishing early I will regroup the students and explain the next thinking
Part 4 – (Only applicable if more than 5 minutes is left. If only 5 minutes are
left, then have the students who finished early independently read)
(Otherwise the explanation of this will take between 7-10 minutes)
Now I will explain the “Selecting a Topic” thinking map, in order to narrow
down their topic choice. Students will be assessed on
“Nice job working so diligently on these thinking maps I can tell you all have their ability to follow directions
great ideas for your informative writing pieces. Now that you have a sheet with and begin this thinking map.
24 total ideas I understand it’s overwhelming to just choose one. However, we This assessment will be based
can use this other thinking map to narrow down our top three topics and what off of the second assessment
we would possibly talk about for each. Here is the next graphic organizer (pass described at the top of page 2.
it out). You can see the three larger spaces are for you to put your favorite As described above, they will
topics. Whether that is airplanes, cats, tornadoes, any of those ideas that you not be expected to complete
listed under the broad topics will go there. Then you will narrow down three this map, because of lack of
more specific ideas you have about this topic. Would someone like to share out time. This organizer will be
one of their favorite topics? We will use it to walk through a class example. You carried over into the next
chose basketball, interesting I like it! What are some things you want to know lesson.
more about or tell your audience about basketball? Yes, the drills you can do to
be the best shooter. Good idea. Yes, you can also share about the number of
player on a team and what each position does. When you are trying to narrow
your topic down, you can ask yourself; “What do I want to know more about?
What is my favorite part about this topic?” I will write these thinking questions
down to remind you while you’re working. Any questions about this thinking
map? Also, I understand it’s getting towards the end of the lesson, so that is
okay if you are unable to finish this. Try to choose your top three topics and
possibly begin to narrow one of them down.
Closure: How will you conclude the lesson? How will you bring the
lesson together for students to help them return to the bigger purpose
and big ideas of the lesson?
Part 1 (3-5 minutes)
I will ask some students to share out a few of their favorite topic ideas, and
some of their narrowed down ideas as well. Students will be assessed on
“You all did a great job focusing on your interests and topics you can create their ability to recall and share
based off of those. I like that you were able to use the thinking maps in order some of their informative
to brainstorm some possible topics for your future informative writing pieces. writing topics.
That’s wonderful that most of you were also able to narrow down some of your
favorite chosen topics. Now that you have some of your favorites written
down, turn and tell your elbow partner the top three topics that you came up
with. Now if you’re comfortable I would love to hear some of your narrowed
down topic ideas based off of your top three chosen topics. Anyone want to
share your interests? Great ideas! I love that some of you picked some
challenging topics to inform your audience on. All I all, I think these papers will
be very interesting and I can’t wait to work together on the next part. Alright
let’s put away our writing materials and get ready to go to specials.