"Lic Mutual Fund": Master of Business Administration
"Lic Mutual Fund": Master of Business Administration
"Lic Mutual Fund": Master of Business Administration
Programme of
Reg. No.-092130410
In few years Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring one’s
financial well being. Mutual Funds have not only contributed to the Indian
growth story but have also helped families tap into the success of Indian
Industry. As information and awareness is rising more and more people
are enjoying the benefits of investing in mutual funds. The main reason the
number of retail mutual fund investors remains small is that nine in ten
people with incomes in India do not know that mutual funds exist. But
once people are aware of mutual fund investment opportunities, the
number who decide to invest in mutual funds increases to as many as one
in five people. The trick for converting a person with no knowledge of
mutual funds to a new Mutual Fund customer is to understand which of the
potential investors are more likely to buy mutual funds and to use the right
arguments in the sales process that customers will accept as important and
relevant to their decision.
This Project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it
gave me enough scope to implement my analytical ability. The analysis
and advice presented in this Project Report is based on market research on
the saving and investment practices of the investors and preferences of the
investors for investment in Mutual Funds. This Report will help to know
about the investors’ Preferences in Mutual Fund means Are they prefer
any particular Asset Management Company (AMC), Which type of
Product they prefer, Which Option (Growth or Dividend) they prefer or
Which Investment Strategy they follow (Systematic Investment Plan or
One time Plan).
Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who
share a common financial goal. This pool of money is invested in
accordance with a stated objective. The joint ownership of the fund is thus
“Mutual”, i.e. the fund belongs to all investors. The money thus collected
is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures
and other securities. The income earned through these investments and the
capital appreciations realized are shared by its unit holders in proportion
the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most
suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to
invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a
relatively low cost. A Mutual Fund is an investment tool that allows small
investors access to a well-diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and other
securities. Each shareholder participates in the gain or loss of the fund.
Units are issued and can be redeemed as needed. The funds Net Asset
value (NAV) is determined each day.
For investments in mutual fund, one must keep in mind about the Pros and cons
of investments in mutual fund.
stocks or bonds, the investors risk is spread out and minimized up to certain extent. The
idea behind diversification is to invest in a large number of assets so that a loss in any
particular investment is minimized by gains in others.
3. Economies of Scale - Mutual fund buy and sell large amounts of securities at a time,
thus help to reducing transaction costs, and help to bring down the average cost of the
unit for their investors.
4. Liquidity - Just like an individual stock, mutual fund also allows investors to
available instruments in the market, and the minimum investment is small. Most AMC
also have automatic purchase plans whereby as little as Rs. 1000, where SIP start with
just Rs.100 per month basis.
1. Costs Control Not in the Hands of an Investor -Investor has to pay investment
management fees and fund distribution costs as a percentage of the value of his
investments (as long as he holds the units), irrespective of the performance of the fund.
decision taken by the fund manager. Investors have no right to interfere in the decision
making process of a fund manager, which some investors find as a constraint in
achieving their financial objectives.
select one option from the plethora of funds/schemes/plans available. For this, they
may have to take advice from financial planners in order to invest in the right fund to
achieve their objectives.
In the past decade, Indian mutual fund industry had seen a dramatic
improvement, both qualities wise as well as quantity wise. Before, the
monopoly of the market had seen an ending phase; the Assets Under
Management (AUM) was Rs67 billion. The private sector entry to the fund
family raised the Aum to Rs. 470 billion in March 1993 and till April
2004; it reached the height if Rs. 1540 billion.
1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into
being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were to be registered and
governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now merged with Franklin
Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered in July
In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963
UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with assets under management of
Rs.29,835 crores as at the end of January 2003, representing broadly, the
assets of US 64 scheme, assured return and certain other schemes
To protect the interest of the investors, SEBI formulates policies and regulates
the mutual funds. It notified regulations in 1993 (fully revised in 1996) and
issues guidelines from time to time.
Proof of identity :
In case of non-photo PAN card in addition to copy of PAN card any one of the
following: driving license/passport copy/ voter id/ bank photo pass book.
Proof of address (any of the following): latest telephone bill, latest electricity
bill, Passport, latest bank passbook/bank account statement, latest Demat account
statement, voter id, driving license, ration card, rent agreement
Mutual funds can be classified as follow:
• Open-ended funds: Investors can buy and sell the units from the
fund, at any point of time.
• Close-ended funds: These funds raise money from investors only once.
Therefore, after the offer period, fresh investments can not be made into the fund.
If the fund is listed on a stocks exchange the units can be traded like stocks (E.g.,
Morgan Stanley Growth Fund). Recently, most of the New Fund Offers of close-
ended funds provided liquidity window on a periodic basis such as monthly or
weekly. Redemption of units can be made during specified intervals. Therefore,
such funds have relatively low liquidity.
i) Index funds- In this case a key stock market index, like BSE Sensex or
iii|) Dividend yield funds- it is similar to the equity diversified funds except
iv) Thematic funds- Invest 100% of the assets in sectors which are related
vi) ELSS- Equity Linked Saving Scheme provides tax benefit to the
Balanced fund: Their investment portfolio includes both debt and equity.
As a result, on the risk-return ladder, they fall between equity and debt
funds. Balanced funds are the ideal mutual funds vehicle for investors who
prefer spreading their risk across various instruments. Following are
balanced funds classes:
Debt fund: They invest only in debt instruments, and are a good option for
investors averse to idea of taking risk associated with equities. Therefore,
they invest exclusively in fixed-income instruments like bonds,
debentures, Government of India securities; and money market
instruments such as certificates of deposit (CD), commercial paper (CP)
and call money. Put your money into any of these debt funds depending on
your investment horizon and needs.
ii) Gilt funds ST- They invest 100% of their portfolio in government
iii) Floating rate funds - Invest in short-term debt papers. Floaters invest in
due to mis-pricing between cash market and derivatives market. Funds are
allocated to equities, derivatives and money markets. Higher proportion
(around 75%) is put in money markets, in the absence of arbitrage
government securities.
vi) Income funds LT- Typically, such funds invest a major portion of the
1. Systematic Investment Plan: under this a fixed sum is invested each month
LIC Funds Management Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading fund houses in
the country with an investor base of over 4.6 million and over 20
years of rich experience in fund management consistently delivering
value to its investors. One of the world's leading fund management
companies that manage over US$ 500 Billion wore.
Today the fund house manages over Rs 28500 crores of assets and has
a diverse profile of investors actively parking their investments
across 20 active schemes. In 20 years of operation, the fund has
launched 20 schemes and successfully redeemed 15 of them, and in
the process, has rewarded our investors with consistent returns.
Schemes of the Mutual Fund have time after time outperformed
benchmark indices, honored us with 15 awards of performance and
have emerged as the preferred investment for millions of investors.
The trust reposed on us by over 4.6 million investors is a genuine
tribute to our expertise in fund management.
Equity schemes
• Index Fund
• Growth Fund
• Equity Fund
• Opportunities Fund
Debt schemes
• Bond Fund
• G-Sec Fund
• Liquid Fund
• Monthly Income Plan
• Floater MIP
• Children’s Fund
• Balanced Fund
4. To know why one has invested or not invested in LIC Mutual fund
Running a successful Mutual Fund requires complete understanding of the
peculiarities of the Indian Stock Market and also the psyche of the small
investors. This study has made an attempt to understand the financial
behavior of Mutual Fund investors in connection with the preferences of
Brand (AMC), Products, and Channels etc. I observed that many of
people have fear of Mutual Fund. They think their money will not be
secure in Mutual Fund. They need the knowledge of Mutual Fund and its
related terms. Many of people do not have invested in mutual fund due to
lack of awareness although they have money to invest. As the awareness
and income is growing the number of mutual fund investors are also
“Brand” plays important role for the investment. People invest in those
Companies where they have faith or they are well known with them.
Some AMCs are not performing well although some of the schemes of
them are giving good return because of not awareness about Brand.
Reliance, UTI, LICMF, ICICI Prudential etc. they are well known Brand,
they are performing well and their Assets Under Management is larger
than others whose Brand name are not well known like Principle,
Sunderam, etc. Many of investors directly invest their money through
AMC because they do not have to pay entry load. Only those people invest
directly who know well about mutual fund and its operations and those
have time.
Younger people aged under 35 will be a key new customer group into the
future, so making greater efforts with younger customers who show some interest
in investing should pay off.
Customers with graduate level education are easier to sell to and there is a
large untapped market there. To succeed however, advisors must provide sound
advice and high quality.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is one the innovative products launched
by Assets Management companies very recently in the industry. SIP is easy for
monthly salaried person as it provides the facility of do the investment in EMI.
Though most of the prospects and potential investors are not aware about the SIP.
There is a large scope for the companies to tap the salaried persons.