CBRC Hand Out Mapeh (P.e.)
CBRC Hand Out Mapeh (P.e.)
CBRC Hand Out Mapeh (P.e.)
Considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work
and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet
emergency situations.
General Fitness: is a state of health and well-being.
Specific Fitness: is a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific
aspects of sports or occupations.
AGILITY ability to change the body`s position and direction fast. (Zigzag
running or cutting movements)
BALANCE The ability to control the body`s position, either stationary or
while moving. (handstand, gymnastic stunt)
COORDINATION ability to move body parts smoothly and accurately in response
to what your senses tell you.
POWER ability to perform one maximum effort/force in a short period of
time as possible
REACTION TIME the time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
SPEED ability to move your body or part of your body quickly.
BODY Refers to the relative amount of muscle, fat, bone and other vital
COMPOSITION parts of the body, important to consider for health and
managing your weight
CARDIORESPIRATO The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply
RY FITNESS fuel during sustained physical activity.
FLEXIBILITY or limberness refers to the range of movement in a joint or
series of joints, and length in muscles that cross the joints to
induce a bending movement or motion.
MUSCULAR the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated
ENDURANCE contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.
MUSCULAR defined as the maximum amount of force that a muscle can
STRENGTH exert against some form of resistance in a single effort.
To know if the amount of effort exerted during physical activity will be beneficial to you,
the FITT formula should be kept in mind. FITT stands for:
FREQUENCY number of training sessions that are performed during a
(HOW OFTEN) given period (usually one week)
INTENSITY an individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal
(HOW HARD) effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage.
TIME duration of a workout (including warm-up and cool-down) or
(HOW LONG) the length of time spent in training
TYPE mode of physical activity