BTVN buổi 1-đã chuyển đổi
BTVN buổi 1-đã chuyển đổi
BTVN buổi 1-đã chuyển đổi
Check up test 2
1. A thorough of paragraph 6 should be made before the letter is signed.
2. Management is not for lost or stolen items unless they are kept in the hotel safe.
4. All visitors must show at least one form of to the security guard before entering the
6. Management is encouraging employees to work to meet the company goals for the next
7. The of heavy equipment should be left to professionals because of the safety regulations.
9. The textbook provides a lot of practical for students doing research papers and feasibility
10. Mr. Bradley has just been appointed to an important position in at Johnson Advertising.
11. Please report all incident details to the management office in the event of a in the security
12. Discount cards for Robinson’s Department Stores are not to Robinson’s Cafeteria outlets, as
they are two different companies.
13. Despite an unexpected in production, the new lines of luxury cars and trucks were able to
be in the showroom on time.
14. Close to the hospital and shopping center, Sunshine Hotel is located
15. For more than 20 years, Velocity buses have been the mode of transportation for business
travelers and leisure tourists alike.
(A) preferring (B) preference
16. Since he is a smart and competent person, the possibility of staying on as a creative is very
17. The manager argued that the use of the new factory equipment has not lead to any
improvement in the product’s quality.
18. All of the have been cleaned up in this river by the pollutant tracking and monitoring
20. The factory manager implemented new procedures that will help increase and generate
more savings.
21. In a to allow customers to spend a lot more time in stores, the owners of the Mall extended
the hours.
22. The fabric used in our products is very durable because of its to temperature changes and
23. John Smith was hired as a customer service to solve many product-related problems.
24. Payment problems have become much more since they have incorporated a new program
into their existing software.
25. Some of the supervisors expect excavation due to the allotted time by the federal
26. Mr. Durmit was deeply about the need to modify our business strategy.
27. John Anderson is a colleague of mine for nearly ten years, and it has been a pleasure to
work with him.
28. It would depend on which particular item you are looking for; in this store they are
29. The new City Bank is located within easy walking distance from my office building on
Mississippi Avenue.
Although there is a general agreement in principle to expand operations into Europe, the details of
exactly how this can be done are a matter for further .
We cannot start our project until the executive board has done a review of the related
For security reasons, please make sure that your internet passwords are not found in the
company handbook.
As a floor manager, some of your most tasks include ensuring the worker’s safety and
Although working from home allows people to spend more time with their family, it can be difficult
unless time is effectively .