LDS General Conference Report Talks From 1907

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The document discusses the proceedings of the 77th Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1907.

In his opening address, President Joseph F. Smith congratulates the Saints on God's blessings and commends the diligence of priesthood quorums and auxiliary organizations.

The First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, First Council of Seventy, and Presiding Bishopric are listed as present.

APRIL, 1907

Seventy- Seventh

Annual Conference

Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints
Held in the Tabernacle
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 5, 6, 7,


With a Full Report

of the Discourses, also

"An Address to the World"

by the Church.





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and Price Lisl.

No. 6
STREET Salt Lake City, Utah, Deseret News Bldg.

; : : ——




The Seventy-eighth Annual Gen- vices were commenced by the choir
eral Conference of the Church of and congregation singing the
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hymn
convened in the Tabernacle, Salt
Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah,
Lake City, at 10 a. m., on Friday, Lead us to the promised land,
April 5th, 1907, President Joseph We are weak, but Thou art able
F. Smith presiding-. Hold us with Thy powerful hand.
Holy Spirit,
AUTHORITIES PRESENT. Feed us till the Savior comes.
There were present of the First
Presidency, Joseph F. Smith, John The opening prayer was offered
R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund by Elder David McKenzie.
of the Council of the Twelve Apos- The choir and congregation then
tles, Francis M. Lyman, John Hen- sang the hymn
ry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber Redeemer of Israel,
Our only delight,
J. Grant, Rudger Clawson, Reed
Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, George
On whom for a blessing we call,
Our shadow by day,
Albert Smith, George F. Richards, And our pillar by night,
Orson Whitney and David O.
F. Our King, our Deliv'rer, our all.

McKay; Presiding Patriarch John

Smith ;of the First Council of PRESIDENT JOSEPH P. SMITH.
Seventies, Seymour B. Young,
(opening address.)
Brigham H. Roberts, J. Golden
Kimball, Rulon S. Wells, Joseph Congratulations to Saints on abundant
W. McMurrin and Charles H. blessings. —
Fidelity and diligence of
the Priesthood and Saints generally.
Hart; of the Presiding Bishopric, — Priesthood quorum meetings should
William B. Preston and Orrin P. —
be educational. The work of the aux-
Miller. There were also a large iliary organizations commended.
number of presidents of stakes and Faithfulness in paying tithing. The —
missions, with their counselors, Church free from debt. The general —
authorities of the Church do not re-
bishops of wards, and numerous ceive support from tithing.
other prominent men and women
representing various organizations I am delighted to greet you at

of the Church. the opening meeting of our general

President Joseph F. Smith called conference. It is certainly assuring
the assembly to order, and the ser- and extremely pleasant to see so
many assembled at the first meet- single thought in the mind of any
ing. I think it indicates an interest member of the Presidency or the
in the occasion on the part, especi- Twelve Apostles that would not
ally of the presiding authorities of meet with the signal blessing, ap-
the Church and the leading mem- proval and sanction, of our Great
bers. We are delighted to see you Father and Judge. In saying this
here, and we have only congratula- much for the brethren who stand
tions to offer to you and to all the at the head, I believe I am only do-
Latter-day Saints for the abundance ing them justice and representing
of the mercies and blessings of the briefly but truly the real condition
Lord upon His people throughout of these two leading councils of the
the land. holy priesthood. I am also happy
I do not desire to say anything to say that the same goodwill, union
this morning in a boastful spirit, love and confidence exist between
nor with over-confidence in our- these two bodies and the presiding
selves, but what I shall say I sin- Seventies of the Church. The First
cerely hope may be prompted by the Seven Presidents of the Seventies
which is the spir-
Spirit of the Lord, are united with us, and we with
itof wisdom, that I may not say them. All these brethren are dili-
anything that the Lord would not gent in the performance of their
approve and that would not be ac- duty. They are willing, ready, and
ceptable to you in the spirit of truth. always on hand to meet every call
I desire to briefly represent before that is made of them. You know
this vast assembly, as the Spirit may them yourselves, they having visited
give me utterance, the present con- you and preached in your Stakes
dition of the Church of Jesus Christ and Wards, so you can judge of
of Latter-day Saints, as I see it. I their spirit, and that they are in the
will speak first of the Presidency of faith of the Gospel, to remain for-
the Church and their associates, the ever, if they will continue to enjoy
Council of the Apostles. I only and cultivate the spirit of the Gos-
wish to refer to them very briefly; pel and the love of the truth which
for we are here before you, and it pervades their souls today. We
is probable that you will hear from pect that we look for it and we
; ;

us during this conference individu- could not for one moment admit
ally, and will be able to judge for in our thoughts that anything other
yourselves of our spirit, our faith than that could ever occur with
and our works. I am most happy these three leading quorums of the
in saying to you that the Presi- Church.
dency are as united in their spirit, I am sorry to say that the health
in their faith and in their works as and vigor of some of the members
they have ever been since the organ- of the Presiding Bishopric is not
ization of this Presidency. We leave that which we could desire but they

it to you to judge whether our spirit are united, and they have efficient
is right, and whether our faith is help in their office. They are men
founded in the truth or not. The who have been tried for years in
Presidency and the Apostles are their bishopric. They are men of
united in their feelings and in their God, men of truth and soberness,
love for one another. So far as I men of wisdom and judgment, un-
am able to discern, there is not a der the inspiration of the Holy

Spirit; and God

has been with Christ of Latter-day Saints, true to
them, as the presiding quorum over their office, faithful and united in
the lesser priesthood of the Church, the discharge of their duty, and dil-
and they have been wonderfully igently looking after the spiritual
blessed. They are true men, ac- and temporal welfare of the Stakes
cording to the light and intelligence of Zion over which they preside.
with which they are endowed. They are men in whom we repose
I need not say very much about the most absolute confidence, men
our Presiding Patriarch. He is be- of integrity, of tried faith, of noble
fore the people. He has not been character, of pure lives, fathers to
able to travel among the people and the people, whose mission it is to
counsel with the patriarchs in the look after the welfare of Zion and
different Stakes of Zion as much as the building up of that portion of
we would like him to do, on account the kingdom of God submitted to
of family illness but we hope that
; their care. I speak well of the
the Presiding Patriarch of the Presidents of Stakes and their
Church will find himself strength- Counselors. The members of the
ened and relieved from embarrass- various High Councils we cannot
ments and obligations that tie him speak so comprehensively of, be-
down, and be able to exert himself cause they are too numerous for
to visit the Saints and administer us to be individually acquainted
consolation and blessings to them, to with them. But we know the Pres-
strengthen their faith in bearing tes- idents of Stakes, and we are more
timony of the truth to them, and in or less familiar with their Counsel-
this way magnify and honor his ors, and we believe that care is be-
holy and high calling; for it is his ing taken in all the Stakes of Zion
duty. Indeed it is expected of ev- to have efficient High Councilors,
ery man on whom responsibility is men who are exemplary in their
placed, and who is called by the lives, men of good influence in the
voice of the Spirit and sustained bv Stake in which they are called to
the vote of the people, that he will be twelve counselors to the Pres-
do his duty to the uttermost, accord- idency, and twelve judges also, to
ing to his ability and the inspira- sit with the Presidency of the Stake
tion that he is entitled to enjoy in and adjudicate and adjust difficul-
the discharge of the duties of his ties and differences that may arise
office and calling. in the Stake, and to look after the
I can speak heartily and warmly proclamation of the Gospel, both
of the fidelity, intelligence and wis- by precept and by example. We
dom, strength and influence of those believe that great care is being taken
who today are acting as presidents to select and to maintain efficient
of stakes. With exceedingly few High Councils throughout Zion.
exceptions —
and I would hardly de- Where there is weakness and any
sire to admit that there is any ex- necessity for change, it is our coun-
ception, but if there are exceptions sel to the Presidencies of the Stakes

they are very, very few the pres- of Zion to make such changes, to
idents of Stakes and their Counsel- fill up the High Councils, and to be

ors are men after God's own heart, provided with alternates who will
true to their callings and their bish- be efficient in the discharge of the
oprics, true to the Church of Jesus duty that devolves upon them.
The same may be said almost uni- upon our Bishops, and as a rule
versally of the Bishops of the they are faithful men chosen by in-
Church and their counselors. Of spiration. The choice of our Bish-
course, Bishoprics are frequently ops is not made by the body. Let
changed. It is often the case that me say just a word in regard to
Bishops remove to other sections that principle. There is no officer
of the country, and it becomes nec- in the Church of Jesus Christ of
essary to reorganize the bishoprics. Latter-day Saints chosen by the
Then wards are frequently divided body. The Lord has given us His
into two or more, and this calls for way to do these things. He has re-
more Bishops and Counselors. Oc- vealed to us that it is the duty of
casionally men become feeble from the presiding authorities to appoint
age, and after serving many years and call and then those whom they

it becomes necessary to relieve them choose for any official position in

from the great responsibility of the Church shall be presented to the
their calling, and to call younger body. If the body reject them, they
and stronger men to fill their places. are responsible for that rejection.
In this way our bishoprics are more They have the right to reject, if
frequently changed probably than they will, or to receive them and
anv other council of the priesthood. sustain them by their faith and
But we do not know of any particu- prayers. That is strictly in ac-
lar deficiency in this important part cordance with the rule laid down of
of the priesthood. I do not think the Lord. If any officer in the
there is any organization in the Church has my sympathy, it is the
Church of greater importance than Bishop. If any officer in the
that of the Bishopric. They are Church deserves credit for patience,
indeed fathers to the people. It is for longsufferinf. kindness, charity,
their duty to look after the widow, and for love unfeigned, it is the
the fatherless, the ooor, the needy, Bishop who does his duty. And
the sick and the afflicted. They are we feel to sustain in our faith and
expected to not only be temporal love the Bishops and Counselors in
fathers of the people, but spiritual Zion. Wesay to the Bishoprics of
fathers also. A double duty rests the various Wards, Be united see ;

upon them with mighty force. It eye to eye, even if you have to eo
is their business to look after the down on your knees before the Lord
errinp- as well as the feeble, and to and humble yourselves until your
feel after those who are inclined to spirits will mingle and your hearts
stray from the paths of virtue and will be united one with the other.
honor. It is expected that the Bish- When you see the truth, you will
oprics of Wards will be in constan. see eye to eye and you will be
touch with their people, and that the united.
Bishop will know every member in The truth will never divide coun-
his ward, through the agencies that cils of the priesthood. It will never
are established in the Church by di- divide Presidents from their Coun-
vine revelation, by means of which selors, nor Counselors from their
every member of the Church can be Presidents, nor members of the
reached and his or her condition, Church from one another, nor from
spiritual and temporal, be known. the Church. The
truth will unite
This is a great responsibility resting us and cement us together. It will

make us strong, for it is a founda- deed the fathers of the people at

tion that cannot be destroyed. large. In our High Priests' quor-
Therefore, when Bishops and their ums are numbered the Presidents of
Counselors do not see eye to eye, or Stakes and their Counselors, Bish-
when Presidents and their Counsel- ops and Counselors, Patriarchs, and
ors have any difference whatever in all that have been ordained to the

their sentiments or in their policy, office of High Priest in the Mel-

it is their duty to get together, to chisedek Priesthood. All such be-
go before the Lord together and long to the High Priests' quorum.
humble themselves before Him until They come under its supervision,
they get revelation from the Lord and they should have a lively union
and see the truth alike, that they with it, not a dead connection. They
may go before their people united- should be united with the quorum
ly. It is the duty of the Presidents in such a way that they give it all
of Stakes and High Councilors to the force that they can impart for
meet often, to pray together, to good. They should give it their
counsel together, to learn each oth- individual influence, their hearty
er's spirit, to understand each other, support, their confidence, and the
and unite together, that there may benefit of their advice and counsel.
be no dissension nor division among They should not pull apart nor be
them. The same with the Bishops disinterested in these matters.
and their Counselors. The same The same may be said of the
may be said of the councils of the Seventies' quorums. I believe that
priesthood from first to last. Let the Seven Presidents of the Seven-
them get together and become unit- ties have it in their hearts and
ed in their understanding of what minds to establish a better system
is right, just and true, and then go of growth, advancement and in-
as one man to the accomplishment struction in those quorums. The
of the purpose they have in view. Seventies are called to be assistants
There is an effort being made to the Twelve Apostles indeed they

(it has come more particularly to are apostles of the Lord Jesus
our notice in the near Stakes of Christ, subject to the direction of
Zion) by the Presidents of Stakes the Twelve, and it is their duty to
and the presidents of the various respond to the call of the Twelve,
quorums of the priesthood to induce under the direction of the First
the members of these councils to Presidency of the Church, to preach
attend to their priestly duties. The the Gospel to every creature, to ev-
High Priests' quorums should have ery tongue and people under the
their regular meetings. They should heavens to whom they may be sent.
meet together as often as circum- Hence they should understand the
stances will permit or as necessity Gospel, and they should not be
requires, and grow and unite to- wholly dependent upon our auxili-
gether. They should establish their ary organizations for instruction,
schools of instruction and enlight- neither should they be wholly de-
enment for it is the duty of the
pendent upon the missionary classes
High Priests' quorum to teach the in our Church schools for their
principles of government, of union, knowledge of the Gospel and for
of advancement and of growth in their qualifications to preach that
the kingdom of God. They are in- Gospel to the world. They
should take up the study of the Joseph Smith, whose duty it is to
Gospel, the study of the scriptures look after the interests of the wom-
and the history of the dealings of en of Zion and of all the women
God with the peoples of the earth, that may come under their super-
in their own quorums, and make vision and care, irrespective of re-
those quorums schools of learning ligion, color or condition. I ex-
and instruction, wherein they may pect to see the day when this or-
qualify themselves for every labor ganization will be one of the most
and duty that may be required at perfect, most efficient and effective
their hands. The Bishops should organizations for good in the
take especial charge of the lesser Church but that day will be when

priesthood, and train them in the we shall have women who are not
duties of their callings — the Priests, only imbued with the Spirit of the
Teachers and Deacons. Our youns; Gospel of Jesus Christ, and witli
men should be looked after. The the testimony of Christ in their
boys, as soon as it is prudent, should hearts, but also with youth, vigor
be called to take part in the lesser and intelligence to enable them to
priesthood. If it were possible to discharge the great duties and re-
grade them, from the Deacon to sponsibilities that rest upon them.
the Priest, and from the Priest up- Today it is too much the case that
ward through all the offices that will our young, vigorous, intelligent
eventually devolve upon them, it women feel that only the aged
would be one of the best things that should be connected with the Relief
could be done. All these things Society. This is a mistake. We
should be looked after by the pre- want the young women, the intelli-
siding authorities of the Church, es- gent women, women of faith, of
pecially those who preside over the courage and of purity, to be asso-
quorums. I will reneat what I said ciated with the Relief Societies of
before, it is expected that even? man the various Stakes and Wards of
on whom responsibility is placed Zion. We want them to take hold of
will do his duty faithfully, and be this work with vigor, with intelli-
diligent in the performance thereof gence and unitedly, for the building
Our auxiliary organizations, I be- up of Zion and the instruction of
lieve, are in excellent condition. I women in their duties domestic —
need only to mention to you that duties, public duties, and every
our Sunday Schools probably have duty that may devolve upon
never had a better organization them. Our Mutual Improve-
than they have today. There never ment Associations are in excel-
has been a time in the Church when lent condition, and doing a good
more attention has been given to work. I think Brother Heber J.
imparting instruction and to form- Grant, just returned from the mis-
ing outlines for guidance of teach- sion field, will bear me out in the
ers, in our Sunday Schools than has statement that the young men who
been given of late and there is a
; have had training; in the Mutual
good, lively spirit and influence Improvement Associations make the
felt among the Sunday School work- most effective and successful mis-
ers. I will s^eak of the Relief Soci-
ety as- one great organization in the
sionaries in the world.
e want
work continued, not only
Church, organized by the Prophet among the young men, but among

the young women also. The Pri- once. At last we are in a position
mary Associations are doing a /ast that we can pay as we go. do We
amount of good, as are our Religion not have to borrow any more, and
Class workers also. The Religion we wont have to if the Latter-day
Class work has been hampered con- Saints continue to live their religion
siderably, in consequence of the pre- and observe this law of tithing, It
judice of some people and a dispo- is the law of revenue to the Church.

sition to hedge up the way of the Furthermore, I want to say to you,

Gospel nevertheless it is accom-
; we may not be able to reach it
plishing good. Whatever is most ripht away, but we expect to see the
effective of good is most hated and day when we will not have to ask
opposed by the enemy of truth. you for one dollar of donation for any
I want to say to my brethren purpose, except that which you vol-
and sisters here this morning, that unteer to give of your own accord,
in my opinion there never was a because we will have tithes suffi-
time when the members of the cient in the storehouse of the Lord
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- to pay everything that is needful
day Saints were living better lives, for the advancement of the king-
were more faithful and more dili- dom of God. I want to live to see
gent, than they are today. We have that day, if the Lord will spare my
various means of judging of this. life. It does not make any differ-
One very accurate way of knowing ence, though, so far as that is con-

is the fact that the law of tithing is cerned, whether I live or not. That
being observed. There never has is the true policy, the true purpose

been a time in the history of the of the Lord in the management of

Church, I believe, when the law of the affairs of His Church.
tithingwas observed more univer- Before I sit down I would like
sallyand more honestly than it has to make another statement. Our
been observed by the Latter-day enemies have been publishing to
Saints of late. The tithes of the the world that the Presidency of the
people during the year 1906, have Church and the leading officers are
surpassed the tithing of any other consuming the tithes of the people.
year. This is a good indication Now, I am going to tell you a little
that the Latter-day Saints are doing secret, and it is this there is not

their duty, that they have faith in one of the general authorities in
the Gospel, that they are willing to the Church that draws one dollar
keep the commandments of God, from the tithes of the people for his
and that they are working up to own use. Well, you may say, how
the line more faithfully perhaps do they live? I will give you the
than ever before. I want to say key The Church helped to support

another thing to you, and I do so in its infancy the sugar industry in

by way of congratulation, and that this country, and it has some meani
is, that we have, by the blessing of invested in that enterprise. The
the Lord and the faithfulness of the Church helped to establish Z. C. M.
Saints in paying their tithing, been I., and it has a little interest in that,

able to pay off our bonded indebted- and in some other institutions which
ness. Today the Church of Jesus pay dividends. In other words,
Christ of Latter-day Saints owes tithing funds were invested in these
not a dollar that it cannot pay at institutions, which give employment
to many, for which the Trustee-in- but one thing more I will speak of.
Trust holds stock certificates, which We have seventeen or more mis-
are worth more today than what sions in the world, and they are
was given for them; and the divi- mostly young men who are presid-
dends from these investments more ing over them. [There are 23 mis-
than pay for the support of the gen- sions, all told.] My
brethren and
eral authorities of the Church. So sisters, let me say to you that these
we do not use one dollar of your young men are your sons, and they
tithing. I thought I would like to are men after God's own heart. We
tell you that much, so that when have absolute confidence in their in-
you hear men talking about Joseph tegrity. We know they are true-
F. Smith and his associates consum- born and true metal. We kno v
ing the tithes of the people you can they can be trusted with the great
throw it back into their teeth chat responsibilities that devolve upon
they do not use a dollar of the tith- them. The- are noble young me i

ing for their support. I would like men of intelligence, virtue, hon< r
our "friends," if I might be per- and integrity, whose word is as
mitted to use a vulgar expression., good as any man's bond, I do not
to "put that in their pipe and smoke care how strong the bond may be.
it." (Laughter.) Therefore, I commend these young
A word about our Church men, and say in my heart, God
schools. Our Church schools were bless the Presidents of the Missions
never more efficient than they are of the Church of Jesus Christ of
today. We have good men at their Latter-day Saints throughout the
head, and good teachers, Latter-day world. Elder Charles W. Penrose
Saints, who are teaching your chil- is presiding now over the European

dren principles of righteousness, Mission, where he is using the abil-

honor, virtue, truth and upright- ity the Lord has given him (which
ness, as well as giving them the ben- we know is of no mean order) in
efits of a secular education. Hith-' the proclamation of the Gospel, in
erto we have had sufficient means writing editorials for the Millennial
to take care of our schools, but Star, and in exercising his influence
there is nothing that I have any- and intelligence in the defense of
thin"- to do with in the Church that the cause of Zion, and in the ad-
has grown so fast in so short a time vocacy of the principles of the Gos-
as our Church schools. do not
I pel to the world and he has a larg'e

know but they will outfrow the number of most faithful, energetic
Church by and by, if we do not and worthy young elders seconding
put a little hedge about them. We his efforts in that Mission.
will have to exercise some judg- I feel that have really tres-

ment and wisdom in their manage- passed upon your time. I now
ment, for they may grow so big wish to announce to you, that the
that we will not be able to carry Presidency and the Twelve have
them at all. We may have to cur- prepared a document containing our
tail them a little, and guage their views, our faith and doctrines, and
growth and increase somewhat to asserting the truth in connection
correspond with the means avail- with the up-building of Zion and
able for their suoDort. the pur loses of the Church of Jesus
Many things come to my mind, Christ <f Latter-day Saints, which


document we propose to have read be governed should be made. The

to you this morning by Elder Orson address just read covers that
F. Whitney, and then we want to ground in a very comprehensive
present it to you for your accept- manner; and the times are propi-
ance or rejection, as you desire, that tious for issuing it to the world.
it may go forth from this confer- The storms that have beat upon us
ence, if approved, as an authorita- for so long have subsided. They
tive statement ofour faith, our pur- have passed over us, thank the
poses and our works, as the Church Lord, without doing us any material
of Tesus Christ of Latter-dav harm. We
are laboring under no
Saints. stress of feeling, and hence we are
God bless you, is my prayer in in the right frame of mind to adopt
the name of Jesus. Amen. the address.
I therefore move that, represent-

ADDRESS TO THE WORLD. ing the Church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-day Saints, in general con-
The Address referred to by Pres- ference assembled, we do now
ident Smith in his concluding re- adopt this document presented by
marks was then read to the congre-
the First Presidency, and that we
gation, in a clear and impressive
accept it as an expression of the
manner, by Elder Orson F. Whit- principles and policy of the Church
that we will advocate and sustain.
The document in full is inserted
as an appendix to this official report
Elder John Henry Smith, in sec-
of the Conference proceedings.
onding the motion for the adoption
After the reading of the Address
of the Address, said: "Believing
by Elder Whitney, President Fran- that the best interests of the Church
cis M. Lyman made the following
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
statement and motion
are in connection with this matter,
and the well-beine of the American
President Joseph F. Smith and
people and the world at large, I
my Brethren and Sisters — most heartily second this proposi-
The council of the Twelve Apos- tion."
tles most heartily approve and en-
dorse the princiDles and views in President Smith called upon all
the address that has just been read. who favored the adoption of the
The tone of this document is admir- Address to arise to their feet. In
able. It breathes a spirit of truth response nearly every person in the
and moderation that will commend congregation arose, thus manifest-
it to the judgment and approval of ing their approval of the document.
all reasonable men. As stated in Before calling for the negative vote.
the document itself, we desire President Smith stated that the sub -

peace and as the first requisite to

; ject was for the consideration only
this isa proper understanding of of Church members, and if any such
the position the Church proposes present were not in sympathy with
to take with reference to the ques- the contents of the paper read in
tions that have arisen in the recent their hearing, they also should arise.
past, it is very proper that a straight No one responded, and the motion
forward statement of the principles was declared to have been carried
and policy by which the Church will unanimously.
:: ! ; —

The choir and congregation sang en by me during the few minutes 1

the hymn stand before you.

One expression in the document
Do what is right, the day-dawn is break- that we supported this morning re-
Hailing a future of freedom and light ;
mains in my mind, and I feel to
Angels above us are silent notes taking touch upon it, because I believe that
Of every action do what is right.
; it contains much food for thought,

as does every sentence in that dec-

Conference was adjourned till 2 laration. It is implied therein that
p.m. the Latter-day Saints are members
Benediction was pronounced by of the Church "for the fostering oi
Patriarch John Smith. spiritual life, and the achievement
of moral and charitable ends ;" in
other words, for the developing of
the religious sentiment, the true re-
Afternoon Session. ligious spirit. This may be done
in two ways first, by seeking the

Conference was resumed at 2 truth and living in harmony with

p. m. it ; and second, by resisting every
The choir and congregation sang influence, every pozver that tends:
the hymn commencing: to destroy or to dwarf in any way
the religious sentiment. When the
Our God, we raise to Thee, Latter-day Saint stood at the wat-
Thanks for Thy blessings free, er's edge, before being buried witli
We here enjoy; Christ in baptism, he had within
In this far western land,
A true and chosen band,
him an implicit faith that the
Led hither by Thy hand, Church of Christ is established up-
We sing for joy. on the earth, and that this organ-

ization is the best in the world to-
Prayer was offered by Elder Jos- day for the fostering of spiritual
eph E. Taylor. life, for the attaining of true re-
The choir and congregation sang ligious devlopment, for the salva-
the hymn tion of his soul. I repeat that this
implicit faith was within him and ;

Praise to the man who communed with

with that, there was a true repent-
Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer ance, and that repentance carried
Blessed to open the last dispensation with it a desire to leave off every-
Kings shall extol him and nations thing in the past life that was con-
trary to the teachings of the Gospel
or the Church he was about to ioin.
Llis old life, and the sins, if there
were any connected with it, he truly
Regeneration of the result of true
faith and repentance. —
Importance of
repented of. He looked forward to
power of resistance. Statement of — the time when he would be born
evils that should be resisted. anew in the Kingdom of God. Lie
was about to go through the ordi-
My brethren and sisters I hope : nance of baptism, typical of the bur-
that the Spirit of the Lord will ial of his old life and with it all the
prompt the words that may be spok- imperfections, the frailties, the evils.

tlie sins that accompanied that old yet the old weaknesses remain-still
living. He was to be buried by ed with us. The evil one was eager
baptism, that like as Christ was and ready to attack and strike us
raised from the dead by the power at our weakest point, and he has
and the glory of the Father, he been striking on it ever since. Why?
might come forth in newness of That he might thwart the very pur-
life, a member of the Church of pose for which we entered the
God, a child of the Father, a citizen Church of Christ. That is his mis-
in the Kingdom of Christ. By bap -
sion. Take as an example the Sa-
tism he was born again, and became vior/. After He passed through
a fit recipient of the Holy Spirit. that ordinance to fulfill all right-
His body came forth anew, and the eousness, after He had received
Holy Ghost was bestowed upon the commendation of the Father,
him he was confirmed a member
; and the testimony from on high
of the Church of Christ. That is that He was the Son of God, the
where we all stood at one time. "Beloved Son" in whom the Father
Those were our feelings, our faith, was well pleased, Satan was there
our hope. We stood that day for- ready to thwart His mission. Jesus
given of past evils and follies. Now, went forth in fasting and prayer,
the whole mission —
the life, if you preparatory for the great mission
please, of soul development was — resting upon Him
and when in ;

before us, and we had thus be- His weakest moment as Satan —
stowed upon us the light that em- —
thought when His body was weak
anates from the Father, to lead us and exhausted bv long fasting, the
that our feet might not stumble, evil one presented himself in temp-
that the truths of His Holy Gospel tation and what was the tempta-

might sink into our hearts the — tion? An appeal to His bodily
truths that will give us knowledge, weakness "If thou be the Son

that our souls might be saved in of —

God (note the taunt the very- —
intelligence. The Holy Ghost was testimony on the bank of the Jor-
to bring all things to our remem- dan was, "This is my beloved
brance, to show us things to come, to Son;") "If thou be the Son of God,
testify of the Father; and as we command that these stones be made
seek that light, and live in accord- bread." In a moment of weakness
ance with the duties that are placed and hunger, that temptation would
upon us by that obligation, we are be strongest, other things being
seeking the true religious develop- equal. There was the moment of
ment, we are fostering the true resistance on Jesus' part. His seek-
religious growth. ing had been manifested in prayer
But what is the other element and fasting; His resistance came,
which we must consider? Along at the moment of bodily weakness.
with this new life, with this seeking Though the body was weak the
for truth, there should be a strong Spirit was strong and Christ an-
power of resistance. Someone has swered : "It is written, man shall
said that when God
makes the not live by bread alone, but by everv
prophet He does not unmake the word that proceedeth out of the
man. I believe that, though being mouth of God." Then Satan tried
born anew, and being entitled to Him on another point. Failing in
new life, new vi^or, new blessings, that, the tempter tried Him still on
the third, tempted Him first on His ery member of the Church of
love for physical comfort; second, Christ. In some way the evil one
tempted Him
on vanity, and third, will attack us. In some way he can
tempted Him
on love for worldly weaken us; in some way he will
wealth, and the power to rule the bring before us that which will
world. But all these temptations weaken our souls, and will tend to
Christ resisted and the final re-
; thwart that true development of re-
sistance was "Get thee behind me,
: ligious sentiment; and what I mean
Satan, for it is written Thou shalt : bv that is this the development of

worship the Lord thy God and Him the spirit within, the strengthening
only shalt thou serve." may We of the inner man, the strengthening
not have heard audibly on the wat- and growth of the spirit, that time
er's edge, the words "This is my : cannot kill, but which is enduring
beloved Son in whom I am well and lasting as the eternal Father of
pleased," but the Spirit bore testi- that spirit. And the things that
mony in our souls that God was will tend to dwarf this spirit or to
well pleased with the act, and He hinder its growth are things that
was pleased to lead us as we sought the Latter-day Saints are called
His guidance, in fasting and prayer. upon to resist.
We might not have heard in audi- We have in the 89th section of
ble tones "If you are a member of
the Doctrine & Covenants, the word
that Church, a member of that of the Lord upon a few little things
Kingdom, entitled to the Holy
command — — little as considered by many, and
Spirit, do this or that particularly by the men of the
these stones to be made bread." Our world, which the Latter-day Saints
temptation may not have come in are asked to. observe. It is a tem-
that form. It may have come in the poral law, and pertains to our phy-
form of the old love for the passion
sical welfare. We
can say nothing
which we had satisfied for years. about resisting the temptation of
It may have been, and I doubt not vanity. That, too, comes to us but ;

that it was, in the form of some O I hope it will keep out of the
bodily temptation some —
longing. Church. I hope our sisters will re-
It may have been the love of the old sist all the temptations of the world
pipe which we determined if we — that may come under that heading

were sincere to put aside when go- —vanity. I hope that we may have
ing into the waters of baptism. O strength to resist all the allurements
when that longing came, after we that come with wealth and worldly
were in the Church or Kingdom, position, when we make those two
who was it that said: "Though things an end in themselves. To-
you pretend to throw that aside,
day we have only time enough to
take only once more; this once
consider those few little things with
will not hurt." There was the nec- which Satan tempts us, in regard to
essary moment of resistance. How our body:
many of us stood as Christ our
leader and said: Get thee behind "Verily, thus saith the Lord In con-

me This element of resistance in sequence of evils and designs which do


regard to our bodily longings sat- and will exist in the hearts of conspir-

isfying the passions, applies to ev- ing men in the last days, I have warned
— ;


you, and forewarn you, by giving unto

comes forth from the waters of bap-
you this word of wisdom by revelation
that inasmuch as any man drinketh wine tism ought to know that it is part of
or strong drink among you, behold it is his duty to resist smoking a cigar-
not good, neither meet in the sight of ette. Every young person in the
your Father, only in assembling your- Church should be taught, when
selves together to offer up your sacra-
ments before Him; and behold this
coming from the waters of baptism,
should be wine, yea pure wine of the that he should resist the wine cup
grape of the vine, of your own make. that is passed around at the social
And, again, strong drinks are not for gathering. Every young member
the belly, but for the washing of your
of this Church should know that
bodies. And again, tobacco is not for
the body neither for the belly, and is not tobacco in any form should not be
good for man, but is an herb for bruises used. He
should resist all these
and -all sick cattle, to be used with judg- habits, not only for the blessing
ment and skill. And again hot drinks that promised herein by our
are not for the body or belly. And
again, verily I say unto you, all whole-
Father, but because of the strength
some herbs God hath ordained for the that will come to him to resist
constitution, nature, and use of man. greater temptations.
Every herb in the season thereof, and Now, just a word in regard to
every fruit in the season thereof; all
these to be used with prudence and
this resisting under circumstances
thanksgiving. Yea, flesh also of beasts that seem difficult. A younp- man
and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, who may refuse his coffee or tea
have ordained for the use of man with at the home, and who may find it
thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to
easy to do so, might yield when he
be used sparingly; and it is pleasing
unto me that they should not be used is out in company at a social. When
only in times of winter or of cold, or ail the others partake of coffee, he
famine. All grain is ordained for the might not have strength to resist
use of man and of beasts, to be the staff the temptation. That is the mo-
of life, not only for man but for the
beasts of the field, and the fowls of
ment when the true soul growth
heaven, and all wild animals that run should be made and fostered. That
or creep on the earth and all saints who
; is the moment, in the hour of great-
remember to keep and do these sayings, est temptation, when the strongest
walking in obedience to the command-
resistance does the most good. It
ments, shall receive health in their nave!,
and marrow to their bones; and shall is not when it is in the family cir-
find wisdom and treasures
great of cle, when father and mother's in-
knowledge, even hidden treasures and ;
fluence help to keep these things
shall run and not be weary, and shall
away. In this respect it is to be
walk and not faint; and I the Lord,
give unto them a promise, that the de- hoped that every father and mother
stroying angel shall pass by them, as will set a good example. I hope
the children of Israel, and not slay that parents will not set bad exam-
them." ples so that the children indulging
These things mentioned here in weakness may say, "I am fol-
strong drinks, tobacco, hot drinks lowing you." As far as possible let
tea and coffee included, are a — our fathers and mothers restrain
few of the temporal things that Lat- themselves in these things. Par-
ter-day Saints who would follow ents, resist that appetite. What
the true religious sentiment of this though you do love it? The more
Church should resist. Every young you love it, the greater should be
man throughout Zion, when he your resistance and the greater will
be your soul development. It is no ELDER GEORGE F. RICHARDS.
credit for us to resist drink, who
do not love it. The man who grows Great extent of information concerning
most by resisting, is the man who —
purposes of God. Testimony obtained

by obedience. The Church encourages
resists what he loves, who will say, acquisition of intelligence.— Intelli-
in the strength of the Gospel, "I gent obedience only — Integ-
is desired.

will stop it, I will resist it." rity of the Saints.

"It's easy enough to be pleasant

I rejoice with you, my beloved
When life flows by like a song, brethren and sisters, in the privi-
But the man worth while leges and blessings of this another
Is the man who will smile, conference of the Church, and in
When everything goes wrong.
the possession of the Good Spirit
"It'seasy enough to be prudent, which has been with us thus far in
When nothing tempts you to stray; these conference meetings. I re-
When without or within, joice in the condescension of our
No voice of sin Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in
Is luring your soul away.
that He came upon the earth in the
meridian of time and Himself
"But it's only a negative virtue
Until it is tried by fire,
taught the children of men the
And the soul that is worth great plan of life and salvation,
The honor of earth, which plan was instituted from be-
Is the soul that resists desire." fore the foundations of this earth.
He, so far as it was possible, made
May Godgrant that as we are an object lesson of every principle
seeking the further establishment of the Gospel, by living and yield-
of the Kingdom of God, that we ing obedience unto the same Him-
may instruct our young people, and self. He lived a perfect life, filled
the members of theChurch every- His mission completely, and has
where, to resist the temptations that asked of us to do only what He
weaken the body, that destroy the has done, perform our duty as it is
soul, that we may stand truly re- made known unto us. It is the de-
pentant as we were when we en- sign of the Father that the Gos-
tered the waters of baptism, that we pel shall be taught to all the chil-
may be renewed in the true sense dren of men, that they may learn
of the word, that we may be born the will of the Father, and know
again, that our souls might bask in what requirements are made of
the light of the Holy Spirit, and them in order to obtain eternal life.
go on as true members of the Through the mercy of our Father
in Heaven, all His children will
Church of Christ, until our mission
have that privilege. I rejoice that
on earth is completed, and God re-
ceives us and rewards us according;
we have such a complete record
of the Savior's mission, and His
to our merits. May this be our lot,
teachings, as that contained in the
I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.
New Testament. I appreciate the
additional knowledge that has
come to us concerning the great
Sister Edith Grant sang the so- plan of salvation by the coming
prano solo, "Fear not, O Israel." forth of the Book of Mormon, by

the revelations contained in the Lord, which enabled them to make

Book of Covenants, and by the the sacrifices that have been re-
words of inspiration that have come quired at their hands, but many
to us from time to time through the have laid down their lives for the
mouths of His servants, whom He truth of the Gospel and the testi-
has honored with the Holy Priest- mony which the Lord has given
hood and authority to preach the them. I rejoice that today we
Gospel and administer in the or- have a multitude of men and wo-
dinances thereof. men of like integrity. I have no
I rejoice that there have been so doubt that all those whom Presi-
many of our Father's children who dent Smith has mentioned in his
have heard the truth, who have opening address in this conference,
been willing to accept it, and make all those officers, with very few ex-
the sacrifices that were required at ceptions, if any, would be willing
their hands, for assuredly it has re- to lay down their lives, if neces-
quired great sacrifice. Our fathers sary, for the salvation of the chil-
and mothers, many of them who dren of men, and that they them-
heard the Gospel in the world, have selves may obtain eternal life.
forsaken their homes, their occupa- It is a rare thing to find a man in
tions, the love and friendship of this Church, in full standing, who
their parents and brothers and sis- refuses to do anything that he is
ters, and all that was dear to them asked to do. Why? Because he
in this life, and have cast their lot has an intelligent understanding of
with a despised people, and made the plan of life and salvation. He
these sacrifices because of the love knows that it is God's work, and
which they had for the Gospel and that man does not elect himself to
the testimony which the Lord gave office, or assign to himself the part
them of the truthfulness of this he is to perform in this kingdom,
work. The Lord has borne rec- but every man who has heard the
ord to every faithful son and word and had the privileges of the
daughter who has yielded obedi- Gospel expected to give his time
ence to the principles of the Gospel, his talents, his —
means all that he
that this work is true, that there is has, if —
need be for the building
no other plan devised, no other up of the kingdom, the salvation
way under heaven, by which man- of the human family, but he does
kind can obtain salvation and eter- not yield a blind obedience.
nal life. There is no way to ex- It is a mistaken idea, prevalent
altation except by yielding obedi- in the world, that the perpetuity of
ence to the principles which are this work depends upon the au-
taught by the Latter-day Saints, re- thorities keeping the masses of the
vealed in this last dispensation people in ignorance. The truth is
through the prophet Joseph Smith, the direct reverse, else why have
the same principles, in the same we all these auxiliary organizations
order, as they were taught by and quorums of priesthood in the
Jesus Himself, having the same church, for the education of the
saving power. Those who have rising generation. Their being es-
yielded implicit obedience to these tablished in the faith depends upon
principles know of a surety that their knowledge of the Gospel.
the work is true; and they have Our greatest fear concerning our
not only obtained this knowledge children in Zion is the possibility
and strength and courage from the of their growing up in ignorance

of the everlasting Gospel, for it is to the world that we are sincere in

only that class with few excep- this expression.
tions —who give up the faith. Pos- I do not see how the people of
sibly some who have had a little the world can consistently charge
faith in the Gospel have been over- the Latter-day Saints with being
come by temptation and fall- insincere, or that our union and
en from grace; they have not had strength are caused by the alleged
enough faith to bring about re- fact that we are ignorant as to the
pentance in their hearts, to humble methods, designs, and purposes of
themselves and regain their stand- the authorities of the Church. Be-
ing. It may be we have lost a few fore coming into the Church, men
of our sons and daughters on this and women are taught the princi-
account, but we never see them ples of the Everlasting Gospel, the
uniting with other churches and principles of righteousness, and are
denominations. They are sure we informed concerning the course of
have the true Gospel and Church life they will be expected to pur-
of Christ, with all its saving power. sue as members of the Church
Respecting those who have receiv- and, without a covenant on their
ed the testimony of the Gospel, our part to observe and keep the com-
fear is that they may become in- mandments of the Lord, to live
different, that they will not join the righteous and pure lives, and make
auxiliary organizations, and that complete reformation, they are not
they do not always receive at their received into the Church. There is
firesides in their homes the instruc- no way to become members of this
tions concerning this work that Church except through faith in
they should receive, and because God the Eternal Father, and in His
they have not retained a knowledge Son Jesus Christ, and repentance
of the Gospel their eyes may be from sin. We must confess our
blinded. But we do know that sins we must come forth with

where our sons and daughters are broken hearts and contrite spirits,
virtuous and upright, and have a and give evidence that our repent-
knowledge of the Gospel, that they ance is genuine, that we are sin-
love it; appeals to their judg-
it cere in what we are undertaking;
ment and intelligence, and they when we have done this, and have'
will hardly laydown the truth for yielded obedience to the principle
a falsehood. Webelieve in our of baptism, we receive as a result
young people being educated in the the forgiveness of sins. Then fol-
district schools and in the colleges, lows the laying on of hands for the
for we believe that intelligence gift of the Holy Ghost, and we
gained from those sources is neces- receive light and intelligence, and
sary to enable them, as they grow the fulfillment of the promise of
up, to assume the responsibilities the Lord that we shall know of
that now rest upon the shoulders of the doctrine; thus we are made
their parents. This education is better for. having received the Gos-
necessary to make them more pro- pel, if we have been true to our
ficient in preaching the Gospel covenants.
abroad, and in ministering among The fact that we are not all of
the people at home. Above all, we us true under ail circumstances is
believe in the religious training of evidence of the necessity for of-
our children, and we give evidence ficers in the Church whose duty it

isto encourage the people to works to obey His wishes. We do not

of righteousness, not to force or care to argue as to the effects of
oblige them to do something re- drinking a little liquor, or smok-
garding which they have not be- ing a pipe or cigar, or drinking tea
come converted. No man nor and coffee. When the Lord com-
woman is asked to do anything manded Adam to build an altar
that they are not first thoroughly and offer sacrifices to His name,
convinced is the right and proper do we hear of Adam arguing with
thing for them to do for their soul's the Lord? Adam did not say: I
salvation. We labor with men and see no necessity for offering a sac-
women in all kindness and gentle- rifice, and I would like to know
ness, and with love unfeigned. We why this requirement is made of
do all we can, pray for them, coun- me." When the angel came to
sel with them, and help them Adam and asked why he offered
along; that is the method of the sacrifices, what was his reply ? He
officers in the Church, not to force said: "I know not, save God has
men and women into of
a line commanded it;" and then the angel
duty. Men come into this Church explained this matter to him. When
of their own free will and choice, the Lord commanded Abraham to
and they can just as easily leave offer up his son as a sacrifice, we
it, if they think they have made a do not hear of Abraham parleying
mistake. I thank the Lord that with the Lord and wanting to
there are very few who have in all know why. It was sufficientfor
sincerity embraced the Gospel that him to know it was the will and
ever had any desire whatever to word of the Lord unto him. He
retrace their steps those who have
; undertook to do what the Lord re-
fallen away have done so because quired; he made the sacrifice in
of their own disobedience to the spirit, and it was accepted of the
laws of righteousness, not because Lord. And so, obedience to the
they have discovered in the prin- will of the Lord is the principle
ciples of the Gospel, as taught by we must learn. This simple word
the Latter-day Saints, any error, of wisdom, adapted to the weakest
or anything that tends to degrade of those who may be called
mankind. They must acknowledge "Saints," is given that we may
that those principles are ennobling. manifest to the Lord, in this little
If all of us would yield implicit thing, whether or not we are obed-
obedience to the principles of the ient and willing to do what He re-
Gospel, we would indeed be a hap- quires at our hands. As a matter
py people. The evil results of the —
of intelligent obedience not blind
use of strong drink would be —
obedience we should observe to
averted if we all yielded obedience keep the word of wisdom. For the
to this word of wisdom, to which same reason we should observe to
reference has been made this after- keep holy the Sabbath day, and the
noon, and so with the other laws. name of our Father in Heaven,
One of the greatest arguments in and His Son Jesus Christ, and in-
favor of faithfulness on the part telligently yield obedience to every
of the people, in observing the requirement that is made at our
word of wisdom, is that it gives hands.
evidence to our Father in heaven, I love the Latter-day Saints. I
and to one another, our willingness pray God to bless them and keep
them in the faith.have had the
I I occupied this same position.
pleasure of associating with a Since then it has been my privilege
great many of them during the to go into the mission field, and to
past year, having traveled more visit some of the branches of the
than twenty thousand miles, visit- Church in different portions of the
ing the Saints in the stakes of Zion United States. The testimony of
and in the mission field. I have President Smith of the worth of
found them in the world, and in the our Mission Presidents coincides
stakes of Zion just as true to the with my feelings. I met a number
Gospel as the most faithful of these of Presidents of Missions in their
men and women here near the head- and found them de-
fields of labor,
quarters of the Church. I know sirous of building up the Church
of their integrity; I have heard of God, and they are laboring dil-
their testimonies I ;have heard igently to that end. I had the
their presidents speak well of them. pleasure of meeting many of your
I have seen them in the auxiliary sons and some of your daughters
organizations working like bees in also, who are giving their time and
a hive. I do know something of ability to the promulgation of the
the strength of the veterans of work of our Father. I rejoiced in
Zion, and the faith and integrity of the testimonies they bore. I dis-
the youth of Zion, and I doubt them covered that the sweet Spirit of the
not. There is a very small percent- Lord was with them, and that they
age of the boys and girls, sons and were happy, even though their
daughters of the Saints, who will names, in many cases, were cast
be recreant to the faith of their out as evil because they were mem-
parents. Our young people are, bers of the Church of Christ. I
in a large measure, as I have said, listened to the testimonies of those
true and faithful, and they will who are members of the Church, in
continue so, and the Lord will the Eastern and the Southern
prosper Zion, and bless His people. States, and they bore the same wit-
Zion will triumph; the truth will ness that is expressed in our meet-
prevail, and God's purposes will be ings at home when opportunity for
consummated in the earth. May testimony is afforded. I find,
the Lord help us all to be faithful, I wherever I go among the branches
pray, in the name of Jesus Christ. of the Church, that the spirit which
Amen. should characterize the Elders of
Israel and the members of the fold
ELDER GEORGE ALBERT SMITH. of Christ is strongly manifest in
the lives of its devotees.
Faithfulness and zeal manifest in the
Speaking of the apparently rap-

missions. Observance of the Word of
id way that time passes, I am re-

Wisdom a means of exaltation. Faith
and intelligence increased by obedience minded that none of us are here in

to the laws of health. Transmission this life very long. We believe
of tendency to physical and mental
that we are harvesting the fruits

weakness. Evidence of faith is keep-
of our pre-existent lives, and earn-
ing the commandments.
ing here the reward we expect to
It is very remarkable to me how reap when we go hence. The Lord
rapidly the time passes. It does has indicated to us that by faith
not seem six months since we were we can please Him, and that by
in our last general conference, and keeping His commandments we

can draw near unto Him. We are creased, that thereby we might be
fold that faith is a gift of God, and better prepared to return to His
that return for obedience our
in presence when our labor here is
faith isincreased. Thereby we complete. I fear that, as sons and
grow in strength, and we feel the daughters of Zion we sometimes
presence of the Holy Spirit more fail to realize the importance of
abundantly. Some of the brethren this great message to the world.
have spoken to us today concerning Sec. 89 of the Doctrine and Coven-
one of the temporal laws of the ants is not only a Word of Wis-

Lord the Word of Wisdom. I dom to the members of this Church
sometimes wonder if Latter-day but it is a law for the temporal
Saints realize that it has been given salvation of all of our Father's
to us for our exaltation ;not only for children in the world, and it be-
our temporal blessing.but to prepare hooves the Latter-day Saints to de-
us for spiritual life. It was my clare the truth of this law to all
observation in the mission fields men. Weobserve that compliance
that the Elders who manifested the with the laws of health produces
most faith, who seemed to have the mental and physical strength, and
greatest assurance of the divinity we discover that through disobedi-
of this work, were those who had ence thereto, mental and physical
kept this law of the Lord. I found deterioration follows. It is our
that many of those who, in times Creator, the Father of our spirits,
past, had questioned the divinity who gave us opportunity to dwell
of this Church, had tampered with upon this earth, who has said that
things which the Lord has said certain things referred to in that
are not good for us. We are told revelation are not good for us. He
that the glory of God is intelli- has made us valuable promises, if
gence, and we all admire intelli-
gent men and women, therefore it
we will obey this law, promises —
of wisdom, of health and strength,
should be our desire to lay the and that the destroying angel shall
foundation for increased mental pass us by and not hurt us, as he
power and not do anything to did the children of Israel. I look
weaken it. It is evident in the upon the Word of Wisdom as kind
lives of some that they deprive advice of our Father in heaven,
themselves of the brain power they who desires to see His children be-
might enjoy, by the continued use come more like Him. He sent me
of things our Heavenly Father has into the world that I might de-
said are not good they become less
velop my manhood and magnify
intelligent as a result, and fail to my opportunities. I take it as the
make the preparation for Eternal fatherly counsel of one who, know-
life that should be their ambition. ing what I needed, said to me:
I am fully convinced that the "Mv son, these things are not good
Lord in His mercy, when He gave for you, and if you will avoid them
us the Word of Wisdom, gave it I will give you the companionship
to us, not alone that we might have of my Holy Spirit and joy while
health while we live in the world, you live in the world and in the
but that our faith might be end eternal life. How foolish
strengthened, that our testimony I would be then to partake
of the divinity of the mission of of these forbidden things, having
our Lord and Master might be in- the assurance that it is the
counsel of the Lord I should ab- eases, usually regarded as of a her-
stain therefrom. I would feel editary nature, are on the increase,
under condemnation if I should par- and they send thousands to the
take of them,when He who knows grave annually. There is no doubt
better than anybody else says that that, in many cases, their begin-
they are harmful, and has warned ning is traceable to the causes I
me against them. have named. How terrible we
Tobacco often affects the heart; would feel if, having weakened our
and many men who have been phy- physical structure and mentality by
sically strong in their childhood the use of these forbidden things,
have weakened that vital organ in we should find that we have left
young manhood by the tobacco as a heritage to our children, weak-
habit, and in many cases the mal- nesses that may be handed down
ady is transmitted to their off- from generation to generation un-
spring. Sometimes consumption tilour names shall be obliterated
results from the use of those from the earth Oh, how I wish

things God has forbidden; the the sons and daughters of the Lat-
tissue of the lungs and the mem- ter-day Saints could understand
branes give way, disease sets in, the importance of this law How !

and the violator of the law of I wish that the fathers and mothers
health goes to an untimely grave. who tamper with these things, and
Unfortunately the scourge does then offer excuses for themselves,
not always stop with them; they might understand that they are

transmit it to their children those bringing humiliation and distress
blessed jewels in whose develop- upon their children. are We
ment they expect to rejoice in the taught that the glory of our Heav-
Kingdom of God. It is well enly Father will be shared by us,
known that many dread diseases if we are faithful. If I am hon-
are transmitted from one genera- orable and keep the commandments
tion to another, and have the effect of the Lord, I believe that my chil-
of weakening the mental and phy- dren will inherit similar strength
sical powers of the race. Surely we of character. On the other hand,
do not want to be among those if I plant in them appetites and de-
knowingly guilty of increasing the sires for those things which the
burdens of those yet unborn. The Lord has forbidden, whereby they
Lord has warned us that the sins transgress His laws, forfeit the
of the fathers will be visited upon companionship of His Holy Spirit,
the children to the third and fourth and go outside the pale of the
generation and it is said that those
; Church, when I go to the other side
who walk uprightly before the and find that by my unfaithfulness
Lord and obey His counsel will and determination to be a law unto
bequeath virtues to their offspring. myself, I have placed a stumbling
I believe that the Word of Wis- block in the way of my children,
dom is a natural law, and that it is so that they are deprived of ex-
incumbent upon the Latter-day altation in the presence of the
Saints to obey the Lord in this as Father, all the excuses I have made
in other matters. In the world to- in this life will be of no avail.
day we find that consmption, heart Brethren and sisters, let us not be
troubles of various kinds, tubercu- a community of excuse-makers.
losis, cancer and other dread dis- Let us not be among those who say

that, because they are old and portance of students observing

feeble, they must have these things. this law. It is a well known fact
The Lawgiver made no distinction that the effect of tobacco upon the
for age let us make none.
; The child brain is most harmful, des-
older we are the mo're exemplary troying the memory and dulling
should be our lives. I do not feel the finer senses also, that the ef-

to criticise or condemn any of those fect of liquor upon the youthful

who have laws of the
violated brain is very deleterious it breaks

Lord, do not
I say unkind
feel to down the desire to be honorable
things of them;I sympathize with and upright, and leads to vice and
them deeply, and I pray that the crime. The baneful effect of tea
Lord may come to their rescue be- and coffee upon the nerves of wo-
fore it is too late, and assist them mankind is too well understood to
to overcome. admit of argument. And so it is
Brethren and sisters, we cannot all along the line. The Lord has
with impunity look slightingly up- given us this law in kindness and
on the Word of Wisdom. It was love, promising certain blessings if'
given as counsel and advice, not we will obey His counsel. I feel
by commandment or constraint, to exhort you, by brethren and sis-
but as a word of wisdom, from our ters, to teach this in your homes.
Father, for the temporal salvation Call the attention of your growing
of our bodies and the preparation children to it, and to the
of our souls for eternal life. He reward predicated on its ob-
thought it of enough importance servance. Let me say to you
to give it unto us, and to warn us that the best evidence of our
and if He who knows all things faith in that law, that we be-
thought it necessary to give ad- lieve it came from God, is a con-
vice and counsel upon these temp- sistent observance of it in our lives.
oral matters, how carefully we, We may preach it all day long, but
who know not what the morrow if we transgress it in practice, our
has in store for us, should observe example may be disastrous to those
that divine counsel. I feel that we love better than life, for they
the Latter-day Saints have in the will feel that they can safely fol-
Word of Wisdom a law that will low where we lead.
exalt them and lift them above I am thankful for the sons and
those who fail to keep it. As I daughters of Israel, for their
have already said, fathers and virtue and temperance, and rejoice
mothers, if they will keep the in their righteousness. I thank
Word of Wisdom, may transmit the Lord that we have been planted
to their offspring virtues and in this land of Zion, which He- has
strength that they could not other- said is blessed above all other
wise give to them. I believe that lands. Today, I raise my voice in
the companionship of the Spirit of humility and pray that we may
our Father will be in the hearts have strength to observe the Word
and homes of those who keep this of Wisdom and all other laws of
law, and their desire to be obedient the Lord, that our lives may com-
will be transmitted to their chil- port with the dignity of the great
dren. Brother McKay, who spoke Church with which we are identi-
on this subject, has had evidences fied, that men and women every-
in his educational work of the im- where, seeing our good works.
may be led to glorify our, Father presence and receive eternal life at
which is in heaven; that in the His hands, in the name of Jesus
future the sons and daughters of Christ. Amen.
Zion may bless us for examples of
integrity bequeathed to them; that
our brothers and sisters of other ELDER HYRUM M. SMITH.
faiths may be able to say, "There
are men and women in the valleys General unanimityof the Priesthood
of the Rocky Mountains, who live and members of the Church. Vain —
According to their teachings to following of fashion censured. The—
others, evidencing their belief that

Saints "a menace" to crime. Warning
against the skating rink craze, and
those principles are from God." excess in amusements.
I pray that our Father may bless
the man who stands at the head
My brothers and sisters, there is
of this work, with his counselors,
nothing gives me more happiness
and those associated with them,
than the knowledge that the Latter-
that each may be inspired to teach
day Saints are progressive and
in power and plainness the truths
prosperous, both spiritually and
of heaven; that the Presidents of
temporally. I am exceedingly well
Stakes, who
so faithfully and ener-
pleased at the large attendance upon
getically discharge their duties in
this conference, and with the ad-
the organized Stakes of Zion, may
dresses that have already been de-
find joy in their ministry, and that
livered. I rejoice in the opening
the Bishops and other officers may
statement of President Smith con-
receive abundant blessings from
cerning the condition of the Church,
the Lord for their labors among
His children. I pray that love for because I myself know that state-
the Gospel may be found in the
ment to be the truth. My experi-
hearts of the rising generation, that ence in traveling throughout the
they may prepare to teach its truths lands where the Saints are gath-
to the convincing of the honorable ered confirms the truth of his re-
of the earth. That day and night, marks, and proves to me that they
by reason of our devotion to those are conservative and just. I rejoice
things that are right and pure and in the general faithfulness of the
true, the Spirit of our Father may Latter-day Saints, in keeping the
tabernacle with us, that we may re- commandments of the Lord. The
joice in its companionship. I counsel and advice that was given
pray that His Spirit may be poured to the Presidents of Stakes, the
out upon all the world, wherever Bishops of Wards, the Presidents
men and women desire to know of Quorums and other leading
His will and keep His command- brethren, that they be united and
ments and that it may find its way
see eye to eye, is veritably complied
to those who are not disposed to with by those authorities, with few
keep the laws of God, that the exceptions. Not only is this the
spirit of may come up-
repentance case with the authorities of the
on them that all may be prepared
; Church throughout Zion, but it is
for the time which we are assured is the case with the Latter-day Saints
not far distant, when the Lord will universally; as to the Gospel of
suddenly come to His temple; that Jesus Christ they see eye to eye.
His children may rejoice in His The fundamental principles and

doctrines of the Church are under- fail ina measure to observe that
stood alike by all its members. They law. I do not know that any of
all understand faith to be the first them fail to understand it. Those
principle, and you will not hear any who do not keep the Word of Wis-
one declaring that some other prin- dom will admit that they do wrong.
ciple i's first. They also see eye to If those who neglect to observe that
eye in relation to repentance, the law could but develop within them
second principle in the Gospel. The the power which cometh of repent-
same as to baptism, the manner and ance and righteous desire, and resist
purpose of it, and the condition that the temptation, it would be better
the individual should be in at the for them and their children, and for
time of baptism, are all understood the Church at large.
perfectly, and there is no schism in There are other follies that find
the Church in relation to this or- place among us and that are indulg-
dinance. There is not more than ed in to some extent despite the
one plan, there is only one way, general faithfulness and integrity
and that is, baptism by immersion of the Saints. Brother McKay sue-
for the remission of sins, being gested to the sisters the hope that
buried in water, and being brought they would not become vain after
forth out of the water into newness the manner and fashion of the
of life. As to the reception of the world. I endorse his remarks on
Holy Ghost, there is no difference this subject. I will go further than
of opinion among the Saints. That that and apply the same reflection
He can be received only by the lay- to the men; for, so far as I have
ing on of hands of one having au- observed, the men are as liable to
thority is a doctrine of truth re- be vain as the women. As to their
vealed anew in this dispensation clothes, and other things, they are
through Joseph Smith. It was a as punctilious and as anxious to
doctrine promulgated by Christ and observe the fashions as are the
practiced by Him and His Apostles women. They want the latest cut
in primitive times. And thus have of trousers, coats, and vests, tV>~
we all received the testimony of the newest style of hats, the latest shoes
Spirit, and He has borne record and so on. So that we may as well
unto us that these are the doctrines apply the plaster to cover the whole
and principles of the Gospel of wound, because men also are inclin-
Christ, which is the power of God ed in this direction. I believe in
unto salvation, and which we all being moderate in these things, that
understand alike. Is it not an evi- it may not be said of us as it was

dence, if we do comprehend them said by a prophet in former times,

alike, that we possess the same Spir- that all is vanity under the sun. We
which has given us the same tes-
it, find a little of it now and again, of
timony and revealed to us the same course. Let us clothe ourselves be-
truths? In relation to tithing, it comingly and neatly, even richly if
has already been said that the we can afford it, without catering
Saints are faithful in observing this to the fashions and ways of the
law, and there is no misundertand- world.
ing in relation to it. Brethren and sisters, we who
As to the Word of Wisdonj, I be- have supported this declaration of
lieve many of the Latter-day Saints principles which has been read will,
I hope, live according to its pre- young men and young women. I
cepts that our lives will conform to
; disapprove of these and other places
the truth that we will desire to
; of amusement where young people
know the truth, and knowing it, are thrown promiscuously into the
seek power from the Lord to live society of the wicked, who care
according to it; that we will not neither for God nor man, for vir-
yield to the temptations and ture nor decency. To allow pure
evils that beset us, and that would girls and virtuous boys to mingle
lead us astray. Many of these in the society of men and women
evils and temptations are now in who are steeped in sin is little short
our midst. The Latter-day Saints of a crime on the part of parents
are frequently called by our enemies and guardians of the young. To
a menace to good government, to the extent that these things are car-
good order, to law, etc., which we ried to excess and are not governed
deny. If the Latter-day Saints are properly I disapprove of them, both
a menace at all, they are a menace Sunday and week days. I warn the
to sin and vice of all kinds, to error, Latter-day Saints against them
to falsehood, to outlawry, and an- They ought to warn their children
archy, and all such. Weare op- against them, and keep them away
posed to these things, nevertheless from Sunday theatres, from Sun-
some of these unwelcome evils day dance-halls, from skating rinks
creep in stealthily among us. Sa- and other like resorts. If they at-
loons are a menace which, if we tend such places on week days, thev
had our way, would be absolutely, should be accompanied by their par-
abolished from among the people. ents, or by responsible people who
They are the greatest destroyers of can keep them from being led astray
the home, American and others, and and from falling into sin. I look
I amsorry that there are men of upon these resorts as dangerous. If
intelligence who do not so regard we value the innocence, virtue, and
the saloons. The Sunday theaters purity of our youth, then we
and amusements are a menace to should see to it that their innocence,
the morals and welfare of the peo- virtue and purity is guarded, that
ple, both young and old. So far our children are kept away from
as I am concerned, I disapprove contaminating influences, and that
most emphatically of all such things such influences are kept away from
on the Sabbath day, and I disap- them, just as far as lies in our
prove of some species of amuse- power.
ments on week days as well I be- ; Wherever the Saints are assem-
lieve they are evil, and their influ- bled in the land we find a goodlv
ence is bad. Skating rinks are a degree of faithfulness. They are
menace, and at the present time the observing the laws of the Gospel,
desire to frequent them is a craze. they are prayerful, but it would be
They are being introduced in cer- well if they were more so. Wher-
tain Stakes of Zion, and the young ever there is room for improve-
people are going wild over this pas- ment, I hope we will take advan-
time, which they carrv to excess. tage of the opportunities within our
As a result of enthusiasm in rela- reach to make anv needed reforma-
tion to this so-called pleasure we tion.
mark the downfall of far too many May* God bless vou, guard you
:; !


from evil and give you the power PRESIDENT JOSEPH P. SMITH.
to guard from evil those entrusted
I would like to say to the Presi-
to your care. May He give to the
Priesthood wisdom and foresight to dents of Stakes and counselors, and
warn the Saints of evil and sin, and to the Bishops and their counselors,

to instruct them in the ways of who are present today, that we

righteousness and may He put int j
commend to their careful considera-
tion the subjects that have been
the hearts of the people the love of
treated upon this afternoon by the
the Holy Priesthood, and willing-
ness to listen to good counsel and
brethren who have spoken the ob- —
servance of the divine law of health
follow it. In the history of the
and life, the Word of Wisdom, ab-
Church the Saints have never gone
stinence from folly and from the
wrong, not in one instance, when
wild, foolish pleasure resorts that
they have followed the advice of the
are being so freely patronized by
Holy Priesthood neither will they
young people in these days. I think
ever go wrong in following that ad-
that the presiding priesthood ev-
vice, because it cometh of God,
erywhere should pay attention to
through the proper channel, and
these things, and carefullv guard
must lead the people aright and
the youth of Zion, as well as the
eventually into the presence of the
middle aged and a?ed, against these
Father, being justified by a right-
foolish excesses.
eous life. The Lord bless vou. May
The choir and congregation sang
He bless our brethren who shall the hymn
speak, bless the interests of Zion
and the honest in heart everywhere. The Spirit of God like a fire is burning
The latter-day glory begins to come
May those upon whom responsibil- forth
ity is placed, feel their responsibil- The visions and blessings of old are re-
ity and acquit themselves as true turning,
servants of the Lord, to the uplift- And angels are coming to visit the
ing of their fellow-men to a higher
plane of righteousness, is my prayer Benediction was pronounced by
in the name of Jesus. Amen. Elder Charles H. Hart.
: ! : —!

Saturday, April 6th, 10 a. m. attributed to —
man three score and
Conference was called to order by
ten. You will agree with me when
I say that I have much cause to be
President Joseph F. Smith.
thankful to the Lord, for His mer-
The choir and congregation sang
cies and blessings and preserving
the hymn care.
How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the It is needless for me to say to
Lord, you that I endorse the sentiments
Is laid for your faith in His excellent expressed in the document that
word was read to us yesterday morning.
What more can He say than to you He
hath said, I wish to add that I also endorse
You who unto Jesus for refuge have all of the sentiments that were
fled? spoken by our President in his
opening address to us. I am
Prayer was offered by Elder Ju- heartily in accord with everything
nius F. Wells. he said in relation to the condition
The choir sang the hymn of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. In this con-
Though deep'ning trials throng your
way, nection, I was reminded of an ex-
Press on, press on, ye Saints of God pression that was used by Presi-
Ere long the resurrection day dent Taylor, when he published a
Will spread its life and light abroad. newspaper in New York, many
years ago, that "It is better for us
PRESIDENT JOHN R. WINDER. to represent ourselves than to be
misrepresented by others."
Endorsement of Address to the World,
and President Smith's statements. Those of you who were present
Fruits of "Mormonism." Encourag- — at the concert in this Tabernacle
ing condition in the Church, at home last evening, I think will join with
and abroad. Gratitude— for many me when I say What a beautiful

exhibition we had here Five or !

I very thankful, this morn-

feel six hundred children on this stand
ing, my brethren and sisters, that singing the beautiful songs of
the Lord has lengthened out my Zion I thought of the saying of

days and permitted me once more the Savior "Do men gather grapes

to meet with you in general con- of thorns, or figs of thistles?"

ference. I wish to join with our Then, as I gazed uoon these chil-
President in extending heartfelt dren, I thought: These are fruits
greetings to you, my brethren and of "Mormonism." Did you ever
sisters and congratulate you on
see a finer lot of children grouped
the blessings and privileges, and all together than you saw here last
good things we are enjoying at the evening on this stand? I never
present time. I feel very thankful did. It was inspiring to listen to
that the Lord has been so merciful their trained and beautiful voices.
and kind to me personally, that he Again, as thought of the fruits

has lengthened out my days six- of "Mormonism" which are pre-

teen years beyond the limit that is sented here, gathered from the na-


thousands of in-
tions of the earth ; ELDER REED SMOOT.
dividuals who have obeyed the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and have Endorsement of the Address to the
come to Zion. —
World. Honesty and sincerity of the
Saints. — Charles Dickens' tribute to
congratulate my brethren and
I "Mormon" emigrants. — Astounding ig-
sisters on the success that is attend- norance among leading people con-
ing your efforts here at home, as cerning "Mormonism." — Anxious to
have our doctrines and lives investi-
well as the brethren of the- priest-
hood who are scattered abroad in
gated. —
Ours an everyday religion.
Maxims given by a good mother to
the nations of the earth engaged in her son.
missionary labors. It is encourag-
ing to hear and to know that pro- My dear Brethren and Sisters, I
gress is being made everywhere. am exceedingly delighted to have
Wherever our elders are laboring, the privilege of attending this gen-
much good is being done, and the eral conference of the Church of
work at home is also progressing
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
and thriving. I rejoice, my breth- I have listened to all that has been
ren and sisters, to be enabled to
said, and I am pleased to say that it
join with you in the events that are
findsan echo in my heart, and I can
transpiring around us. I hope, if it
say "Amen" to all of the sentiments
be the Lord's will, that He will ex-
so far expressed by the brethren
tend my days a little longer, that I
during this conference.
may continue to rejoice with you in
seeing the work of the Lord pro- In connection with President
gress in the earth. Winder, I testify to you that I am
in fullaccord with the sentiments of
God bless our President. I feel
the Address read yesterday, and ap-
in myheart to sustain and stand by
proved by this conference.
him ; I am thankful to him for
I hope that, for the few minutes
the many
blessings that he has ex-
I stand before you, I will be di-
tended towards me, and for the
courtesies and kindnesses I have rected and guided in what I shall
received and still receive from his say by that same kind, charitable
hands ; and I thank you all, my spirit manifest in the remarks of

brethren and sisters. I often won- the previous speakers.

der why it is that I am receiving There is no place on this earth so
so many courtesies and kindnesses dear to me as our blessed State of
from my brethren of the Apostles, Utah, and there are no people I love
and from all the Latter-day Saints so well. I am proud of the fact
I may say. that I am a member of the Church
pray that the blessings of the
I of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Lord may continue to be poured I am also proud that I was born of

out upon us. Help me O Lord, I goodly parents, and I thank God
pray Thee, to be faithful and true every day of my life that I was born
the remainder of my days, that, a member of His Church. I hope
when I have finished my work, I and trust that our aim and desires
may receive salvation in Thy king- are to live as worthy and consistent
dom, is my prayer in the name of members of the Church, and that
Jesus. Amen. we will be true and loyal to every
! :

principle revealed in this last clay English novelist and writer, before
and dispensation. he had made a personal investiga-
I love honesty and sincerity, and tion. He thought that "Mormon-
I believe no other people on earth ism" was taking from the shores of
are as sincere in their belief and England only the scum of the land
faith as are the Latter-day Saints. — the ignorant class. The article
They are honest in their business referred to tells the object of his
and in their religion they say what ;
visit and what he found, and how
they mean, and mean what they say. utterly astonished he was in finding
When it is "Yes," it is "Yes;" just the opposite of what he ex-
when it is "No," it is "No." They pected. He visited the emigrant
are void of hypocrisy so common in
the world. I thank God that this
ship named "Amazon," perhaps
there are people in this congregation

people, as a whole, are true and who crossed the ocean in that ship
loyal to their faith and to God's will — and this is what he says
concerning them.
In the Address delivered yester- "My emigrant ship lies broadside on
day the sentiment was expressed to the wharf. Twogreat gangways
made of spars and planks connect her
that we are hoping for an enlight-
with the wharf and up and down these

ened investigation of what the gangways, perpetually crowding in and

world calls "Mormonism." My out, to and fro, like ants, are the emi-
brethren and sisters, I hope to see grants who are going to sail in my emi-

the day and God grant that it be
grant ship I go out on the

an early one, too when a just and — poop-deck for air, and surveying the
emigrants on the deck below (indeed
unprejudiced investigation will be they are crowded all about me, up there
made of all the principles of the too) find more pens and inkstands in
action, and more papers, and intermin-
Gospel, and the lives of the Latter-
able complication respecting accounts
day Saints. Never has there been with individuals for tin cans and what
an investigation of any sort calling not. But nobody is in an ill temper, no-
in question the principles of the body is the worse for drink, nobody
Gospel or the lives of the Latter-day swears an oath or uses a coarse word,
nobody appears depressed, nobody is
Saints that has not proved an ad-
weeping; and down upon the deck, in
vantage to us as a people, and we every corner where it is possible to find
have been and will be the gainers a few square feet to kneel, crouch, or lie
thereby. I know in my heart that in, people in every unsuitable attitude for
writing, are writing letters.
if the enlightened men of this world
will take time to inquire into real
"Now, I have seen emigrant ships be-
fore this day in June. And these people
"Mormonism," what the fruits of are so strikingly different from all other
it are, halfour great battle in this people in like circumstances whom I
world will be won. have ever seen, that I wonder aloud,
Last night I picked up one of 'What would a stranger suppose these
emigrants to be
Dickens' works, and after reading
"The vigilant bright face of the weath-
the article written by him regarding
er-browned captain of the Amazon is at
his visit to an immigrant ship, I my shoulder, and he says 'What, in-

thought to myself how many men deed !The most of these came aboard
are laboring under the same misap- yesterday evening. They came from
various parts of England in small par-
prehension and predisposition re-
ties that had never seen one another be-
specting the "Mormon" people as fore. Yet they had not been a couple of
was Charles Dickens, the great hours on board when they established
: —


their own police, made their own regula- intelligent men to honestly investi-
tions, and set their own watches at all
gate the lives, the character and the
the hatchways. Before nine o'clock the
ship was as orderly and as quiet as a faith of the Latter-day Saints. Are
man-of-war !'
we gaining ground? Certainly we
"Later in the day, when this self-same are. There is hardly a stranger that
boat was filled with a choir, who sang
comes into this building and hears
glees and catches for a long time, one of
the singers, a girl, sang her part me- —
the organ the sweetest toned one
chanically all the while, and wrote a let- in the world —
who is not favorably
ter in the bottom of the boat while doing impressed. There is no visitor that
attends our services and listens to
"'A stranger would be puzzled to
guess the right name for these people,
our choir who does not question the
Mr. Uncommercial,' says the captain. absurd stories told of us. I have
" 'Indeed he would. met thousands of strangers who
" 'If you hadn't known, could you ever
have expressed to me the pleasure
have supposed ?'
" 'How could I
— they had in meeting members of the
I should have said

they were, in their degree, the pick and Church connected with the Bureau
flower of England.' of Information, and said that their
" 'So should I,' says the captain.
ideas of "Mormonism" had thereby
"'How many are they?' been completely changed. I have
" 'Eight hundred, in round numbers,'
" 'Eight hundred what? Geese, villian?'
been dumbfounded in meeting hun-
Eight hundred Mormons. I, Uncom- dreds and thousands of leading men
mercial traveler for the firm of Human and women of this country to find
Interest Brothers, had come aboard this that they knew absolutely nothing
emigrant ship to see what eight hundred of our beliefs and aims, and were
Latter-day Saints were like And I
ignorant as to what we have ac-

found them (to the rout and overthrow

of my expectations) like what I now complished in the past and what we
describe with scrupulous exactness." were now doing as a people. Thank
God, I have had the privilege of
In closing the article the great bearing testimony to hundreds con-
novelist says this cerning your honesty, your virtues,
your hopes and aims in life. Many
"What is in store for the poor people have said to me that they were de-
on the shores of the Great Salt Lake, lighted to learn the truth respecting
what happy delusion they are laboring
the Latter-day Saints. I have met
under now, on what miserable blindness
their eyes may be opened then, I do not hundreds of leading women of the
pretend to say. But I went on board country, and after I had talked with
their ship to testify against them if they them for ten or fifteen minutes,
deserved it, as I fully believed they about the first thing they would say
would; to my great astonishment they
to me would be, "Why, Senator
did not deserve it; and my predisposi-
tions and tendencies must not affect me Smoot, I signed the petition asking
as an honest witness. I went over the your expulsion from the United
Amazon's side feeling it impossible to States Senate, because I believed
deny that, so far, some remarkable in-
fluence had produced a remarkable re-
the stories published and told
sult, which better known influences have against you and the Mormon
often missed." Church." But they have been hon-
est enough to say that from that
My brethren and sisters, all I moment they would try to undo all
want in this world, as a member of that they had attemoted to accom-
the Church of Jesus Christ, is for plish against me, and in the future

would guard against such unjust cle which was headed "A Weekday
imposition. Religion." It says
My brethren and sisters, I believe
"There is a general feeling that the
I can recognize the hand of God in world needs a new wave of religious
directing the thought of the best feeling that shall chasten the material-
people of this country favorably to- ism of the rich and reconcile the poor
to their lot. It is hard to tell whether
ward the beliefs and lives of the
the churches have lost their hold alto-
Mormon people. God grant that gether upon the people today. The evi-
future investigations may be hon- dence is confusing and partial. But it
est and enlightened. If they are we is obviously true that the world never
will come out of them far advanced, mere needed genuine religious convic-
tion to restrain its passions and r«.'i5e
and be recognized as an industrious, ideals. When the new religion
honest, and God-fearing people. In- comes, or the old faith is re-shaped to
stead of holding the theory that we meet the modern needs, one thing is ab-
want no one know what our solutely certain it must be a religion
to lives, :

that shall deal with men actively six

our aims, our ambitions, and our
days out of the seven, instead of attend-
doctrines are, we desire the very ing to them only one day."
opposite, and want all people, from
one end of the world to the other, I will not take time to read the
to understand that we desire them balance of the article. I say to you
to know us. that the world will have to learr.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel that a religion that is worth consid-
of Jesus Christ, nor am I ashamed ering at all must be a religion that
of the fruits of "Mormonism." governs each individual seven days
Compared with other people, intel- in every week, and not merely a part
lectually, the Mormon people stand of one day weekly. We hold to
almost at the top, according to sta- that view as a Church, and, there-
tistics. Only three States in the fore, we are sometimes criticised.
Union have a higher percentage Some people complain that our re-
than Utah; and, mind you, their ligion interferes with the temporal
lareer percentage is so small that it affairs of life. I would not give a
is hardly noticeable. Talk about the cent for a religion that was not a
Mormon people not believing in ed- part of, and did not affect, the tem-
ucation I say, without fear of suc-
! poral life of every adherent. God
cessful contradiction, that we be- so intended it. That is the kind of
lieve in it with all our souls. We religion He has had in every dis-
are spending a great proportion of pensation from the beginning until
the tithes in educating our sons and —
the present a religion that appeals
daughters with a view to making to man every day in the week, and
them honorable men and women, every hour in the dav.
worthy members of the Church, and I notice, my brethren and sisters,
stalwart citizens of this great coun- time is rapidly passing. I had a
try in which we live. number of things I wanted to say
Some of the thinking men of this to the young people, but the time al-
country have come to the conclusion lotted to me has gone. However,
that there is something out of bal- there are a few things I want to
ance in modern Christianity. Just now present to the Latter-dav
the other day I clipped from the Saints. I ask you to consider them
"Saturday Evening Post" an arti- as suggestions and each sueeestion


" 'Be say not "The days are

a sermon. I hope you will remem- strong :

evil; who's to blame?' and fold the

ber them.
hands and acquiesce. Oh, shame stand :

While sitting at home last eve- up, speak out and bravely, in God's
ning I was thinking of some of the name!'"
things my mother used to impress
upon me with the request that I My brethren and sisters, I hope
make them a part of my life. I and pray that the spirit of God will
jotted some of them down, and I be in your hearts. I want to leave
want to read them to you today. my testimony with you this day
They are as follows :
that God lives, and that Jesus is the
Christ. I also leave my testimony
"Pray to your heavenly Father for His
guidance and blessing, and with His love
with you that God
is at the helm of

in your heart, rely upon your own

the ship Zion, and He will never al-
strength of body and soul. low it to run upon the rocks, but
"Take for your motto, Faith in God, will protect and guide it. The mis-
self-reliance, honesty and industry. sion that was placed upon the
"Inscribe in the most conspicuous place
in your home, 'Luck is a fool, pluck is a Prophet Joseph Smith, of establish-
" ing the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints in this last dis-
Let me call your attention partic- pensation, never more to be thrown
ularly to this last saying, because down or given to another people,
there is a fever of speculation rag- will succeed. Let us all be humble,
ing among the people, especially in and live in such a manner that our
mining stocks, and they are relying conduct will be worthy of emula-
upon luck rather than upon the tion. God give us strength to do
strength of their own brawn and this, that our influence may be felt
brain. from one end of the world to the
other. May our young people be
"Be careful from what source you pure in heart and pure in their
take your advice, and remember that
lives, live according to the laws of
the great art of commanding is to as-
sume a large share of the work. God and receive His blessings
"Rise above the envious and w;lful which I ask in the name of Jesus
liars. Christ. Amen.
"Place your ambitions, your aims in
life away above the goal you intend to
Brother William D. Phillips ren-
"Remember that energy, indomitable dered a tenor solo, entitled "The
determination, with a proper incentive, Perfect Life."
are the levers that move the world.
"Don't drink intoxicating liquors.
Don't chew. Don't smoke. Keep the
Word of Wisdom. Don't swear. Don't ELDER RUDGER CLAWSON.
read trashy books, and save your time
and peace of mind by paying no atten- Unusual musical talent among the Lat-
tion to vicious and lying newspapers. —
ter-day Saints. Character of commu-
"Be in earnest. Be generous. Be nity indicated by their popular songs.
civil. Love your God and fellow-men. — Sublime themes of hymns sung by
"Love truth and virtue. Love your Latter-day Saints.
country and pray for its success.
"Be strong. We
are not here to play,
Brethren and sisters The Lat-

to dream, to drift; we have hard work

to do, and loads to lift shun not the
ter-day Saints are not only studious,
struggle; face it; 'tis God's gift' thoughtful, and reverent, but they


are also a musical people. In evi- all very proper, I suppose, but we
dence of this, like my brother who feel highly honored in the victory
has just preceded me, I point to this won by the Choir.
great organ, which is an outward I want
to say to you that I be-
symbol that speaks in tones of elo- lieve we
are most profoundly in-
quence of our love of music. I fluenced by the songs which we
point to the congregational hymns sing. Some writer has said, in sub-
of praise that ascend during these stance, that if you will show me
conference times from the Taber- the songs which a people or a com-
nacle of the Lord, the influence of munity sing, then I will tell you the
which I am sure must penetrate into character of that community. There
the heavens. I point to the Taber- is much truth in this statement. I
nacle Choir, which, under the cap- hold before you a book which is en-
able leadershio of Brother Evan titled "Sacred Hymns and Spir-

Stephens as conductor, and Brother itual Songs," for the Church of

John J. McClellan as organist, have Jesus Christ of Latter-dav Saints,"
accomplished great achievements and I declare that this is one of
within our knowledge. I point to the most remarkable books in the
the numerous choirs in the 700 literature of the Latter-day Saints.
wards of the Church, some of which It comprises 460 hymns, about sev-
have greatly distinguished them- enty of which treat upon five great
selves. The members of the Tab- and important themes, and they are
ernacle Choir, especially, in concert as familiar to the Latter-day Saints
and upon the Sabbath day. and also as the A
B Cs. The themes to
at the general Conference, have cap- which I allude are as follows
tivated and charmed the Latter-day Jesus Christ, the Lord; Joseph
Saints by their splendid work; and Smith, His prophet; the Book of
you will remember that the Taber- Mormon; the founding of Zion;
nacle Choir appeared in competi- and the Millennium.
tion with other choirs before the na- Jesus, the Christ. We
tions of the earth, at the World's that He was and is the Son of the
Fair. While they did not receive the living God —
not in some mysterious,
first prize, yet in the estimation of unaccountable way, but naturally.
very many people, strangers as well We believe that we are the chil-
as friends, they were entitled to it; dren of God, and that Jesus is our
but our Choir did win the second elder brother and we are confirmed

prize, and surely that was sufficient in this because the Father
honor to satisfy the most ambitious and the Son appeared to the youth-
of choirs or choir-leaders, and will ful prophet, Joseph Smith, and the
give them influence and prestige Father said "This is my beloved

that will attach to them to the lat- Son; hear Him." Surely, we
est generation. It seemed that the should sing of the Lord. You will
world could not concede the first find in the hymn book eleven great
prize to the "Mormon" singers, and hymns treating upon His life and
consequently there was a great com- labors, His suffering, and death,
bination effected, consisting of the and his resurrection. Let me call
very best and choicest choral sing- you attention to them only to re-
ers of Wales and the United States, mind you how familiar the Latter-
to defeat this purpose, which was day Saints are with these beautiful
: : : "


hymns of praise. The first two the testimony of Jesus, and for the
lines of each are as follows founding and establishing of this
"Jesus, once of humble birth,
great work. You will find in the
Now in glory comes to earth." hymn book six notable songs that
refer to the Prophet and which are
"Come, O Thou King of kings, perfectly familiar to the Latter-day
We've waited long for Thee." Saints, and are sung upon fre-
"Redeemer of Israel,
quent occasions
Our only delight."
"Our God, we raise to Thee,
"A poor wayfaring man of grief, Thanks for Thy blessings free."
Hath often crossed me on the way."
"Come listen to a prophet's voice
"Glory to God on high,
And hear the word of God."
Let heaven and earth reply."
"We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet
"Arise, my soul, arise,
To guide us in these latter days."
Shake off thy guilty fears."

"Praise to the man who communed with

"He died ! the Great Redeemer died,
And Israel's daughters wept around."
Jesus anointed that 'Prophet and Seer.'
"I know that my Redeemer lives;
"The Seer, the Seer, Joseph the Seer,
What comfort this sweet sentence gives !" I'll sing of the prophet ever dear."

"Behold the great Redeemer comes

"O give me back my Prophet dear,
To bring His ransomed people home."
And Patriarch, O give them back,"

"Behold the great Redeemer die,

A broken law to satisfy." have sometimes thought that

"How great the wisdom and the love

the fame of Isaiah, the prophet,
That filled the courts on high." rests largely upon his predictions
concerning the coming forth of the
The Lord never works in a di- Book of Mormon and those relat-
rect way, by revelation, or word ing to Zion. In speaking of this
of mouth, among
the people of the remarkable book, the ancient proph-
earth, except He has a prophet, a et says that "It whispers from the
man who holds the keys of author- dust," whispers of a people long ex-
ity to officiate in the ordinances of tinct, and "The truth springs from
the Gospel, who possesses the seal- the earth." Is it not so? This
ing power, to seal on earth and it wonderful book embraces the ful-
shall be sealed in the heavens, to ness of the Everlasting Gospel. It
loose on earth and it shall be loosed harmonizes in principle and doctrine
in the heavens, to remit sin on with the Holy Bible, and instead of
earth and it is remitted in the heav- weakening strengthens it, and cer-
ens. Such a prophet was Joseph tifies to the glorious truths set forth
Smith, and he stands at the head of therein. we will sing of the
this great, last dispensation. Surely Book of Mormon. You will find
in our songs of praise and thanks- in this hymn book five splendid
giving we shall soeak of the mur- songs respecting the Book of Mor-
dered prophet, the man who, with mon, the first lines of which are as
his brother, laid down his life for follows
; :
; : : !

"What was witnessed in the heavens? will immortalize the writers who
Why, an angel, earthward bound."
penned them under the inspiration
"Hark! ye mortals. Hist! be still.
of the Almighty
Voices from Cumorah's hill."
"The morning breaks, the shadows flee;
"An angel from on high Lo! Zion's standard is unfurled."
The long, long silence broke."

"The happy day has rolled on,

I hardly need to go further, this
The truth restored is now made known." is a text in itself.

"Go, ye messengers of glory

"Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Run, ye legates of the skies." Zion, city of our God."

Great and glorious were the pre- "On the mountain's top appearing,
dictions of Isaiah, concerning the Lo, the sacred herald stands."
founding of Zion. In one place he
"Zion stands with hills surrounded—
says :"And it shall come to pass Zion, kept by power divine."
in the last days, that the mountain
of the Lord's house shall be estab- "Come, come, ye Saints, no toil nor
lished in the top of the mountains, labor fear,
But with joy wend your way."
and shall be exalted above the hills
and all nations shall flow unto it. "The Spirit of God like a fire is burning
And many people shall go and say The latter-day glory begins to come
Come ye, and let us go up to the forth."

mountain of the Lord, to the house

"O, ye mountains high, where the clear
of the God of Jacob; and He will blue sky
teach us of His ways, and we will Arches over the vales of the free."
walk in His paths for out of Zion;

shall go forth the law, and the word Now, brethren and sisters, let us
of the Lord from Jerusalem." And refer for amoment to the fifth great
in another place the prophet says: theme. We
are passing through
"Fear not, for I am with thee. I trying times which are testing the
will bring thy seed from the east, souls of men. There are thunder-
and gather them from the West ings and lightnings, and vapors
and I will say to the North: Give of smoke, and earthquakes, and the
up, and to the South Keep not : sea heaving itself beyond its
back and I will bring your sons
; bounds. There is commotion in the
from afar, and your daughters from midst of the nations, and men's
the ends of the earth, even all who hearts are failing them for fear.
bear the name of the Lord." O, These things will all pass away.
what a glorious theme is Zion
this, Latter-day Saints Hold on to the!

of the latter-days! Shall we not faith be firm be patient be stead-

; ; ;

celebrate such a great subject -in fast; be true to the cause; be true
praise, and in thanksgiving? It is to Zion.
done. You will find in the hymn Surely we will sing of the great
book 26 inspired songs respecting Millennium. You will find herein
Zion, too many to be read upon this five songs which emphasize in a
occasion, but I will name a few that very striking manner the opening
are most prominent among them. of a thousand years of peace and
These are familiar to us all, and rest
: : : ! — ;


"Softly beams the sacred dawning

Of the great Millennial morn."
It seems to me — to use a strong
expression —
that the atmosphere of
"Come let us anew our journey pursue, our mountain home is charged and
Roll round with the year."
surcharged with the spirit of mel-
"Let us pray, gladly pray, ody. Is it any wonder that the great
In the house of Jehovah." prophet of former times should pro-
"Now let us rejoice in 'the day of salva-
claim: "For the Lord shall com-
tion, fort Zion; He will comfort all her
No longer as strangers on earth need we waste places and He will make her

roam." wilderness like Eden, and her des-

"Sons of Michael, approachesHe ert like the garden of the Lord
Rise, the Eternal Father greet." joy and gladness shall be found
therein, thanksgiving, and the voice
And the glorious hymn that was of melody."
sung this morning May the Lord bless us. May His
peace be upon the congregations of
"Though deep'ning trials throng your Isarel. May His choicest blessings
rest upon our President and his
Press on, press on, ye Saints of God !"
counselors. This is my prayer, and
I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ.
And there are some miscellaneous
songs in the hymn book which are Amen.
worthy of mention, and worthy of
our profound consideration. They
set forth some of the most glorious
truths that have been given to the
Commendation of labors of Elders Ly-
Latter-day Saints. Let me remind
you of
man and —
Penrose. Endorsement of
truths advocated by other speakers.
Three vitally important questions, and
"O my Father, Thou that dwellest answers thereto.
In the high and glorious place."
I would have been happier had it
"God moves mysterious
in a way
His wonders to perform." fallen to my lot to have more than
eighteen minutes to talk to you but ;

"Should you feel inclined to censure, as the people in this city are inclined
Faults you may in others view."
to anybody who talks in
"Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, meeting beyond four o'clock, unless
Unuttered or expressed." I forget myself, for the first time
in this Tabernacle, I shall stop at
"School thy feelings, O my brother,
Train thy warm impulsive soul."
four o'clock — I mean
twelve at
o'clock. I have forgotten myself
"Do what is right; let the consequence already, you see. If I were in Ari-
follow." zona, or Mexico, or Canada, or
some place other than Salt Lake, I
"O say, what is Truth?"
would feel at perfect liberty to talk
ten or fifteen minutes beyond the
And last but not least
time, and not expect to be censured
"My country, 'tis of thee, bv the Saints. We
have so much
Sweet land of liberty, good preaching and so much good
Of thee I sing." singing here that we apparently get

tired of it. I some times
notice that In ability to expound the Scrip-
when the Tabernacle choir gives a tures, Brother Penrose has that
concert very few people attend; I qualification pre-eminently. I once
sunoose they hear the choir so often heard a man talking with Rev. Dr.
for nothinf that they do not care to Iliff on the railway train. (They
pay for the privilege. did not know I was in the seat be-
After an absence of three years hind.) This man said to Iliff that
and a half, I rejoice to return to he had heard nearly every great
my mountain home. I rejoice in the preacher in the United States, but
progress of the work of God at that when he was in Salt Lake City
home or abroad. I wish to say to he had heard in the Mormon Taber-
fathers and mothers who have sons nacle the best and most logical ser-
in the Eurooean Mission that they mon he had ever listened to. He
are doing their duty, they are boys asked Dr. Iliff, "Who is your great
to be proud of. Mormon preacher out there?"
While in Japan, I prayed to the Iliff know any great
said he didn't
Lord with all my heart, in the Mormon "Why," said the
woods of that countrv. that I might man, "you must know that man;
be permitted to succeed Brother there could not be another one like
Lyman as the President of the Eu- him." "Well," replied Iliff," I
ropean Mission. And why? Be- don't know who you mean." "Well,
cause I knew from my experience who edits the Mormon paper out
in following him in the Tooele there?" "Oh! that's Penrose,"
Stake of Zion that he would have all said Iliff. "That's the fellow," said
the holes filled up, the bridges made, the man "he preached the best and

and the roads in good condition. I most logical sermon I ever heard in
knew that I would find the Mission my life." Thin as I am, that put
well organized and everything in fat on my ribs ; but it seemed to
fine shape, with a good foundation kill off Iliff. It was like pouring
upon which to build. I built upon a bucket of cold water on his head,
that foundation, and the young mis- and he moved away from the man
sionaries seconded my efforts there. he didn't want any more of it. This
God blessed us in our labors, and man who preaches such a fine ser-
there was an increase of our Church mon is today President of the Eu-
work in that land during my ad- ropean Mission. I tell you that,
ministration. I feel that there will with all the intelligence in the Brit-
be still greater increase under the ish Isles, there is no man there who,
administration of Brother Penrose, with the Bible as the standard, can
because of the foundation laid by confute Brother Penrose. We are
Brother Lyman, seconded by my not ashamed of our religion. We
efforts. When people sav that the know the Gosoel of Jesus Christ is
Latter-day Saints do not believe in true. We have set our light so that
education and investigation, they it can be seen of all men.

simply tell that which is not true. I call your attention to a little
Last year, in the British Isles alone, tract written by President Hugh J.
over four million tracts were dis- Cannon, entitled, "Whv." It gives
tributed by the elders, and those reasons why our voung men with-
tracts were principally written by out college education, with little ex-
Elder Charles W. Penrose. perience, and without polemic train
: ;;;


ing, can meet the wisest and best I want what Charles
to endorse
informed and cause many of them Dickens wrote, that was read here
to lay down their sectarian minis- today by Brother Reed Smoot.
try and embrace the principles of Wherever the Latter-day Saints go
truth and salvation, as taught by the proclaiming this Gosoel, it is the
Latter-day Saints. They are suc- pick and the flower of the people
cessful because we have the truth, that embrace it. It is honest men
and the divinity of the work in and women who embrace the truth
which we are engaged is beyond and when they hear the word of
question. God they rejoice in their souls. They
I endorse with all my heart every are full of integrity, and they show
word that is in the declaration to their integrity by sacrificing, if need
the world that was read here yester- be, for the advancement of this
day. I endorse the remarks made cause.
by. our President and by all the I endorse all the good things said
other speakers. I want to endorse here by Brother Clawson regarding
the Word of Wisdom. I have been the songs of Zion. God Himself
in only two or three Stakes since said, in a revelation to Emma
I have been home, and the Presi- Smith, who was given the mission
dents of those Stakes have told me to choose the hymns that would be
that there is an increased sale of tea, acceptable to Him, that His soul de-
coffee and tobacco among the Lat- lighted in the song of the heart
ter-day Saints. In our social gath- "yea, the song of the righteous is a
erings, too many of the people, prayer unto me, and it shall be an-
some holding official positions, swered in blessing upon their
drink tea or coffee. Therefore, I heads." I hone that when the next
endorse all that I heard yesterday psalmody is published they will be
on the Word of Wisdom before I able to find room enough in it to
withdrew to attend a funeral. I un- put in the fourth verse of many of
derstand there was more said after- our best hymns. One of the finest
ward, and I endorse that, too. I hymns we have is one of those that
heard of one of the brethren who Brother Clawson referred to,
was awakened from sleep at the "Come, come, ye Saints !" It is mv
close of a sermon, and he* got up favorite. When I think of the trav-
and bore testimony to the truth of els of our fathers and mothers
what had been said. He was asked when I think of their singing that
how he could do it, and he replied song, many of them laying down
"Because I know the speaker would their lives in the spirit of the words,
not say anything that was not true." "And should we die before our
So I bear testimony to all that was journey's through, Happy day, all
said here yesterday by the servants is well !"
—when I realize their in-
of the Lord on the Word of Wis- tegrityand devotion, I pray God to
dom, including that which was said make us worthy of such fathers and
after I left. It is a law of God;
mothers as those who sang this
President Brigham Young declared
song from their hearts, for many of
it to be such, therefore, we are
breaking one of the commandments them did lay down their lives be-
of God if we fail to obey the Word fore their journey was through. I
of Wisdom. endorse all the good thiners that
: :

have been said during- this Confer- stubborn objections,' and so forth and so
ence. on.
want to read here something
I "The men to whom these questions
were put were particularly high-grade
from a book written by one of '
ministers. One of them had already
America's foremost statesmen, won a distinguished reputation in New
which I had the pleasure of read- York and the New England states for
ing- in nearly all the conferences of his eloquence and piety. Every one of
England them had had unusual successes with
fashionable congregations.
"But every one of them had noted an
"A few years ago a certain man, with absence of real influence upon the hearts
good opportunities for the investigation of their hearers and all thought that
and a probability of sincere answers, same condition
this is spreading
asked every young preacher whom he throughout the modern pulpit.
met during a summer vacation these "Yet not one of them suspected that
questions the profound cause of what they- called
"First, Yes or no, do you believe in
'the decay of faith' was, not in the world
God, the Father; God a person, God a of men and women, but in themselves.
definite and tangible intelligence—not a How could such priests of ice warm the
congeries of laws floating like a fog souls of men? How could such apos-
through the universe; but God a person tles of interrogation convert a world?"
in whose image vou were made? Don't
argue; don't explain; but is -"our mind What are the answers of every
in a condition where you can answer Latter-day Saint who goes out to
yes or no?
preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
"Not a man answered Yes. Each man
wanted to explain that the Deity might to these questions? The answers
be a definite intelligence or might not; are Yes! Yes! Yes! without a mo-
that the 'latest thought' was much con- ment's hesitation. And the same
fused upon the matter, and so forth answers will be given by each ten-
and so on.
"Second, Yes or no, do you believe
year-old child in any of our Sab-
that Christ was the Son of the living bath schools. We believe in God
God, sent by Him to save the world? I the Father. We believe in Jesus
am not asking whether you believe that Christ, the Son of God, with a di-
He was inspired in the sense that the vinely-appointed mission, the Sa-
great moral teachers are inspired no- — vior of the world. We believe that
body has any difficulty about that. But
do you believe that Christ was God'3 we shall exist eternally, and that
very Son, with a divinely appointed and we have a conscious knowl-
definite mission, dying on the cross and
edge of ourselves, and of others.
raised from the dead yes or no? — We are married for time and for
"Again not a single answer with an
unequivocal, earnest Yes. But again ex- all eternity. We have God's truth
planations were offered and in at least to give to the world. We
court the
half the instances the sum of most of light of day; we court investiga-
the answers was that Christ was the
most perfect man that the world had
tion. We say to all the world, God
seen and humanity's greatest moral lives, and we are made in His im-
teacher. age. We say to all the world,
"Third, Do you
believe that when you Jesus is the Christ, and we know it
die you will live again as a conscious,
intelligence, knowing who you are and
We say to all the world, Joseph
who other people are? Smith was God's prophet. I bear
"Again, not one answer was uncon- my testimony that I know that God
ditionally affirmative. 'Of course they lives, that I know that Jesus is the
were not sure as a matter of knowledge.' know
Christ, that I that Joseph
'Of course that could not be known pos-
itively.' 'On the whole, thev were in- Smith was a Prophet of God. God
clined to think so, but there were very- blessyou all. Amen.
: — ;


PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. SMITH. Father in the flesh. And there is

no Latter-day Saint in all the world
Important interrogations. —Emphatic re- but knows as truly and as fully as
God can impart that knowledge to
the soul of man, that he shall live
I want to give this congregation
again after death, and that men and
the opportunity of answering yes
women shall be associated together
or no to the questions that have
as God has ordained and they have
been read by Brother Heber J. been united by His power, to dwell
Grant, namelv
together forever and forever; and
they shall know as they are known,
"First, Yes or no, do you believe in
God, the Father God a person, God a
they shall see as they are seen, and
definite and tangible intelligence not a — they shall understand as God under-
congeries of laws floating like a fog stands for they are His children.

through the universe but God a person

I wanted to say this much in con-
in whose image you were made? Don't
firmation of the faith of the Latter-
argue; don't explain; but is your mind
in a condition where you can answer day Saints with reference to the
yes or no? questions that have been asked here,
"Second, Yes or no, do you believe and that cannot be answered by the
that Christ was the son of the living
sectarian world, because they have
God, sent by Him to save the world?
I am not asking whether you believe
not the faith or the knowledge to
that He was inspired in the sense that answer them. Latter-day Saints can
the great moral teachers are inspired answer them, because God has re-
nobody has any difficulty about that. But vealed the knowledge to them in
do you believe that Christ was God's
this day through the Prophet Jos-
very Son, with a divinely appointed and
definite mission, dying on the cross and eph Smith, and by the testimony of

raised from the dead yes or no? the Spirit of God in the heart of
"Third, Do you believe that when you every faithful Latter-day Saint.
die you will live again as a conscious
intelligence, knowing who you are and
who other people are?" The choir and congregation sang
Every man and woman in this
congregation that can answer yes For the strength of the hills we bless
(There Thee,
to these questions, say yes.
Our God, our fathers' God
was a universal response from all Thou hast made Thy children mighty,
over the house.) And every one By the touch of the mountain sod.
that bears the name of Latter-day
Saint in this vast congregation that AUDITING. COMMITTEE'S REPORT.
cannot say yes, let him say no. (Not
a single response.) Brother Heber President Joseph F. Smith read
has told us the truth. There is no the annual report of the Church
doubt in the minds of Latter-day auditing committee, as follows :

Saints in relation to the existence

and personage of the Lord God Al- Salt Lake City, March 20, 1907.
mighty, who is the Father of our
President Joseph F. Smith and
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
There is no doubt in the minds of
Latter-day Saints that Jesus is the Dear Brethren —We,un- the

Son of God, being begotten of the dersigned members of the general

; :! : ;

Church auditing committee, beg The choir sang the hymn
leave to report as follows :

We have carefully examined the Lo ! the mighty God

accounts of the Trustee-in-Trust,
From on high Jehovah speaks
Eastern lands the summons hearing,
Presiding Bishopric, the Deseret O'er the west His thunder breaks.
News, the Latter-day Saints' hos-
pital and other business concerns Prayer was offered by Elder J.
in which the Church is interested, Golden Kimball.
for the year 1906. We find that The choir sang the hymn
the accounting in the various de-
partments is properlv done; every We're not ashamedto own our Lord,
dollar received has been correctly And worship Him on earth
entered, and the disbursements un-
We love to learn His holy word,
And know what souls are worth.
der your direction have been econ-
omically and wisely made for the
exclusive benefit of the various in- ELDER SEYMOUR B. YOUNG.
terests of the Church. And we
heartily endorse your judicious and my
I am very grateful, brethren
conservative administration. and for this privilege, and
The Church is to be congratulat- I cheerfully respond to the call
ed upon the fact that the Church made upon me, believing that I have,
bonds have been redeemed, that
the confidence, the faith and the
the Church is entirely free from
prayers of my brethren and sisters
debt and has sufficient funds on
and I ask a continuation of these
hand to meet 'necessary require- favors at this time, in my behalf
praying that the Lord may inspire
Your brethren, me to say those things that will be
(Signed.) Rudger Clawson,
for your edification as well as mine.
Reed Smoot,
I rejoice that I have a name and
W. W. Riter,
standing in the midst of this people.
A. W. Carlson,
How great you look to me this af-
ternoon I can hardly tell you. The
General Church Auditing
immense capacity of this building
filled with human beings, your faces
President Anthon H. Lund mov- all turned toward the speaker, is,

ed that the report of the auditine indeed, an inspiring sight. I am

committee be accepted and approved grateful to the Lord for this con-
by the Conference. The motion was ference, for this grand assemblage
seconded, and carried unanimously. of His children, for the united vote
Benediction was pronounced by- that you gave this morning, and in
Bishop Orrin P. Miller. respect to questions on doctrinal
points that were given you to an-
swer this forenoon. The way they
were answered is in strict keeping
Afternoon Session. with the spirit of the faith you
have adooted. When President
The meeting was called to order Brigham Young entered the Salt
at 2 p. m., President Joseph F. Lake Valley in 1847, he raised him-
Smith presiding. self upon his elbow, in the carriage


of Brother Woodruff, where he was Brother Clawson, and the allusion

reclining, and looked over the val- to those hymns by Brother Grant
ley, from the mouth of Emigration and others. I was also interested
Canyon, and said : "This will do in the reference thatwas made to
drive on, Brother Woodruff this ; the sacred purpose that the Saints
is the place for the gathering of have in their hearts, while diligently
the Saints." That saying was laboring in the stakes and wards of
prophetic, as manifest in the events Zion.
which have transpired since that '
Mybrethren and sisters, I believe
vision to the prophet of the Lord, firmly in the doctrines you have so
and evidenced in the prosperity that honestly announced today to be
has attended the people. Their your convictions, that the God of
united faith has drawn them to- heaven lives, that He is our Father,
gether in greater numbers year by the Father of our spirits, the Cre-
year, and so I believe it will contin- ator of the universe that from His

ue to be. presence we have come to our

In relation to the document that earthly probation; that He chose
was read in your hearing yesterday, His well beloved Son, Jesus of
I endorse every word of it now in Nazareth, to be the Savior of the
my testimony as I did in my vote world. He was the only begotten
yesterday. I am delighted with the of the Father. That is the stand
prospect, which I consider is bright- we take in regard to the matter of
er today than ever before, that the relationship between God the eter-
whole world shall learn of the faith nal Father and His Son, Jesus
of this people and our probable fu-
; Christ. As Brother Smoot proper-
ture destiny will be studied with ly observed today: If any of our
greater interest, I believe, by the Sunday School children, ten years
thinking people of the world, than of age, had been in that congrega-
it has been heretofore. The truth tion of ministers, and had been
of the old song is evidenced to me asked the question "Do you be-

today: "Zion is growing; give us lieve in a personal God, of body,

room that we may
dwell." If this parts, and passions ?" every Sunday
were not so, I think that some of School child would have answered
us would feel very much disappoint- that they do believe in such a God.
ed. The work of the Lord is des- They have been perfectly taught in
tined to make progress; it means these matters, and so have the
progression. In the common par- Saints, not alone by the doctrines
lance of the times, this work "has of the Church, but we also endeavor
come to stay," and, having come to individually obtain a living tes 1
with this purpose, it must grow it ;
timony that God lives, that His Son
must extend, because it cannot stand Jesus Christ lives, and that the Holy
still. If there is any project that Ghost is a personage of spirit. We
comes to a stop, retrogression, a believe in the passage of scripture
movement backward, is the natural which gives an account of the bap-
condition that ensues. tism of the Savior. John was bap-
In regard to the beautiful expo- tizing in the river Jordan, and the
sition that was made this morning Savior came to him and asked for
of the hymns we sins", I was de- baptism, but John forbade him, say-
lighted with the statements made by ing: "I have need to be baptized
of thee, and comest thou to me ?" Adam's transgression." This doc-
and Jesus said "Suffer it to be so
: trine is in perfect accord with the
now, for thus it becometh us to ful- teachings of the Holy Scriptures,
fill all righteousness," and so he and harmonizes with the divine
suffered Him, and they went down teachings given through the Proph-
into the water. As they came up et Joseph Smith in the day and age
out of the water and stood upon in which we live. When the Savior
the bank of the river, a voice was was upon the earth he gave the
heard from heaven, saying: "This promise :"If any will obey the
is my beloved Son, in whom I am doctrine that I teach he shall know
well pleased;" and the Holy Ghost whether it is of God, my Father, or
descended upon Him in the sign whether I speak of myself. It is
of a beautiful white dove. the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
In a Sunday School gathering in that this people have been called to
the city of New York, not long ago, teach, and to exemplify in their
(not a Latter-day Saints' Sunday lives. Although there has always
School, however), a young lady been some opposition to the truth,
teacher approached the minister who ever since the Church was organ-
was presiding over the school, and ized, that has not, however, resulted
asked : "How shall I teach God to in staying its progress. The Church
my children —the class that I am of Christ, the ordinances of God's
teaching?" The minister replied: house, and the organizations of the
"You must teach God according to Holy Priesthood are upon the
the intelligence of those whom you earth, and they will remain until
are teaching." The lady replied they have accomplished the pur-
that this did not answer her ques- poses that the Lord has designed.
tion. Then the minister appealed It was fortunate for us, my breth-
to the congregation, and asked if ren and sisters, that the Church was
there was any one present who organized under the protection of
would answer the question of the the constitution of this great gov-
lady; and it is said that a "Mor- ernment. This grand constitution
mon" elder who was present volun- and government was established un-
teered this information on the sub- der the inspiration of Almighty God
ject: He referred them to the first by our revolutionary fathers, and
chapter of Genesis where God de- we have had the privilege of living
clares that He "created man in His under these favorable conditions,
own image, and in His own like- and becoming numerous and

ness male and female, created He strong; and the State in which we
them." This was in keeping with live is now one of the bright stars
the teachings of Scripture, and no in the galaxy of our national starry
doubt satisfied the query that was host. Weare proud of the State
in the mind of the lady, as no fur- of Utah; we are proud of the pro-
ther questions were asked. Wehave ducts of Utah. We
are proud of
declared in our articles of faith that our boys and girls, and we are not
"We believe in God the eternal afraid to compare them with any
Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ that the world can produce, for
and in the Holy Ghost. We be- moral, physical, and intellectual
lieve that mankind will be punished strength. The Gospel net has gath-
for their own sins and not for ered people from many nations of


the earth, weare therefore a cos- Latter-day Saints, in conference as-

mopolitan people, and the mixture sembled, is a plea for fair play, for
has produced a race of men and justice. It is a plea to the world
women gigantic in health and phy- not to believe the misrepresenta-
sical powers, as well as in moral tions that have been sent out by the
and intellectual development, and enemies of this people. It is the
their understanding of Gospel phi- protest of a great people against
losophy. There was no cold, dead being maligned by a world which
response, no myth, no shadow in has been misled by unscrupulous
the answers on Gospel philosophy men and women. I echo the senti-
that were given this morning. Every ment expressed, that it is better to
man and woman knew what they represent ourselves than to be mis-
were declaring. They understood represented by others. It appeals
the questions they were answering. to me that that is the proper thing
They knew in their hearts that God for us to do. I endorse with all my
lives, and that Jesusis the Christ. heart the principles set forth in that
They also know that Joseph, the document. They are principles that
prophet, through the inspiration of have been taught to me from my in-
the Almighty, brought to pass the fancy. They are not new to the
organization of the Holy Priesthood Latter-day Saints. It is something
upon the earth; that Zion is being that we do not need to deliberate
built up, and Israel is being gath- upon. The moment we heard the
ered, through the efforts of that declaration of these principles every
mighty prophet and those who have soul was ready and prepared to
followed him. vote upon the proposition. They
My brethren and sisters, I pray are principles that are dear to our
the blessings of the Lord upon you. hearts. They have been revealed
I testify that the Gospel is true. I from heaven in the dispensation in
know that my Redeemer lives. I which we live. I also endorse and
know that Joseph Smith was a believe that all the good that has
prophet of God, and that we are been spoken of Zion and her people
being led under the prophetic influ- is true. There are no better peo-
ence of the Spirit of God today, by ple upon the face of the earth than
His servants who preside over us. the Latter-day Saints, and whatever
Amen. superiority we have attained to is
the direct result of obedience to
these principles which our Father
ELDER RULON S. WELLS. has revealed unto us. While I be-
lieve these things with all my heart,
The present conference has been nevertheless there is danger that we
to me full of the deepest interest. might think we have already at-
To my mind, this has been a mem- tained to so much excellence that
orable occasion, one that has made we should stop. I wish to bear wit-
an impression upon the people, and ness that there is ample room for
which, I believe, will make an im- improvement among the Latter-day
pression upon the world for, in the
Saints, as well as in the world at
declaration of principles that has large.
been adopted and approved by the The Gospel we have received is
the Gospel of repentance; and dur- should be with a determination that
ing this conference, it seems to me, through our faith in the Lord we
a great deal of stress has been laid are going to live in obedience to
upon that principle. Sometimes we His laws and commandments, that
are prone to think that because we we are going to apply the princi-
have yielded obedience to the prin- ple of repentance by turning away
ciples of faith and repentance and from every evil deed; and if I deal
have received baptism by immer- with my brother, that dealing will
sion for the remission of sins, we be honest, and if I speak I will
have no further need of repentance. speak the truth.
My brethren and sisters, we have Some people have an idea that if
-dailyneed of this saving principle we become so religious that we
of repentance. It should apply to must take the Lord into considera-
our daily lives. The one great rea- we do we will be-
tion in everything
son why the world does not accept come so holy and so good that no-
the message which is borne by the body can speak to us. People say,
missionaries of this Church is be- "Oh, he is altogether too good,"
cause they are not willing to prac- and he is referred to as "goody-
tice the principle of repentance. —
goody" as if it were possible for
There seems to be a deep-seated men to be too good. I recollect
feeling among —
people I mean the talking with a gentleman a short

higher class of people that they time ago, and he referred to a cer-
have no need of repentance. And tain individual as being altogether
sometimes many of the Latter-day too good. I asked him the ques-
Saints appear to think similarly. tion, Is it possible for a man to be
The truth is, we all need repent- too good ? Oh, yes, he said and

ance, day by day, in the common, then he went on to describe a cer-

ordinary walks of life. Repentance tain individual whom he knew, say-
is a saving principle, and we will ing that he was altogether too good.
be saved through yielding obedi- He described a man who was some-
ence to that law. We
are inspired what fanatical, a sort of a bigot,
to it through the faith we have in a sanctimonious hypocrite, and
God our Eternal Father. Without called him "too good !" Why, that
repentance we cannot grow spir- is not goodness at all. A man can-
itually, we cannot advance. It is not be too good. Can a man be too
because we have to some degree re- honest ? No. Can a woman be too
pented and turned, away from evil virtuous? No. Neither can any-
practices and bettered our lives, one be too good. The trouble is,
that we can today point with pride none of us are good enough. So
to the condition of the Latter-day we need to improve by a practice
Saints as compared with other peo- of that saving principle of repent-
ple in the world. Repentance is ance, that will eventually make us
not simply a grieving and mourn- like our Heavenly Father. If we
ing over sin. It is something to in- find that we are dealing in a way
fluence us in every business trans- that our Father will not approve of,
action, in every dealing that we repent, because we are doing
have, in every labor we perform. wrong; and never stop repenting
When we arise in the morning it until we can harmonize our con-

duct with the will of our Father EIDER BRIGHAM H. ROBERTS.

in heaven. Repentance is a saving
law. Weall have weaknesses, and
Of late years it has been the cus-
we may confess them freely; it is tom of the Church to publish in
good do so. But we must not
to pamphlet form the proceedings of
glory in our weaknesses. We must the annual and semi-annual confer-
not think it possible for us to walk ences of the Church, and I presume
too closely to the line. We should that the present conference will be
be ambitious to become better every no exception to that rule. I take it
day, by a practice of this principle. for granted, therefore, that the im-
Our prayers to the Father are a portant document presented by the
practice in the principle of repent- Presidency of the Church and ac-
ance. If we go before Him in the cepted by the conference in behalf
spirit of prayer, with broken hearts of the Church will be published in
and contrite spirits, the spirit of the proceedings of this conference.
repentance is with us. By prac- It will find its way into the hands of
ticing this principle we learn to the Elders who are engaged in the
know ourselves; we behold our foreign ministry, and I doubt not
weaknesses because we are trying but it will furnish them with very
to overcome them, and as we be- important data, by which they can
come conscious of them, and have meet much of the misunderstanding
a desire to overcome them, we grow and some of the misrepresentation
stronger day by day. that obtains in the world concern-
The kingdom of God has been ing the work of the Lord in these
likened to a city set upon a hill, last days. In view of this probable
whose light cannot be hid. Such use of the document, I have it in
will be and is the position of the mind to make a supplemental con-
Latter-day Saints today. They are tribution, in the way of argument
as a city set upon a hill and historical illustration of some
whose light cannot be hid. Never one or two points in it, which, while
mind the calumny that goes abroad it may not be of so very much in-

in the land, never mind what peo- terest to you, may yet be of some
ple think of us. I am not half so use to your sons and husbands who
much concerned in what they may are abroad in the world on missions.
think of us as in what we must You will remember that we ex-
think of ourselves, and what is the press a desire in the document (and
truth in regard to our own condi- I say "we" advisedly; for while the
tion. If we are living up to the document is signed by the Presi-
laws and commandments of God, if dency of the Church, it -becomes
we are dealing righteously one with "ours" by reason of the unanimous
another, if we are practicing the adoption of it in this conference) to
principles that the Lord has re- live atpeace with all men. de-We
vealed, our light will shine, and the sire to live inpeace and confidence
whole world will behold it. May with our fellow-citizens of all politi-
the Lord help us to be always on cal parties and of all religions,
the alert, always willing to improve, is the hope expressed. Then
always full of the spirit of repent- attention is called to the fact that
ance, is my prayer, in the name of there exists a doubt as to our abil-
Jesus. Amen. ity to so live with our fellow-citi-
: :

zens, because we believe in revela- kind may seem very bold and some-
tion from God, and that a revela- what egotistical. It is not, how-
tion may come from Him at any ever, without illustrious example
time, even as He wills, as He may and precedent if we need pre-
determine, and upon whatsoever cedent to guide our conduct,
subject He may choose to reveal which, of course, we do not especi-
Himself to His Church. For the ally need; still if there are illus-
sake of accuracy I quote the pas- trious examples that justify such a
sage I have in mind verbatim. position as this, there can be no
harm in referring to them. The
"It is sometimes urged that the per-
position here taken is not only the
manent realization of such a desire is
impossible, since the Latter-day Saints position of the Church of Latter-
hold as a principle of their faith that day Saints, but is the position also
God now reveals Himself to man, as in of the great Catholic Church. Rev.
ancient times that the priesthood of
Dr. John Milner, a most able ex-
the Church constitute a body of men
who have, each for himself, in the sphere ponent and defender of the Cath-
in which he moves, special right to such olic faith, in his great work, "The
revelation; that the President of the End of Religious Controversy,"
Church is recognized as the only person published at the commencement of
through whom divine communication
will come as law and doctrine to the re- the nineteenth century, quotes with
ligious body; that such revelation may approval one of the early Christian
come at any time, upon any subject, fathers —
Tertullian, of the second
spiritual or temporal, as God wills and
finally that, in the mind of every faith-
century of the Christian era upon —
ful Latter-day Saint, such revelation, in
that subject, as follows. By the
whatsoever it counsels, advises or com- way, the Christian father is criti-
mands, is paramount. Furthermore it cising the attitude of some of the
is sometimes pointed out that the mem- heretics and reproving their pre-
bers of the Church are looking for the
actual coming of a Kingdom of God on
sumption in using the Scriptures
earth, that shall gather all the kingdoms against the Catholic Church, he
of the world into one visible, divine em- says
pire, over which the risen Messiah shall
reign. All this, it is held, renders it im-
possible for a 'Mormon' to give true al- "Heretics are not to be allowed to ap-
legiance to his country, or to any earthly peal to Scripture, since they have no
government." claim to it. Hence it is proper to ad-

dress them as follows: Who are you?

In relation to that expressed fear Whence do you come? What business
have you strangers with my property?
we say
By what right, Marcion, [one of the
"We refuse to be bound by the inter- heretics against whom Tertullian was
pretations _ which others place upon our contending] by what right are you, Mar-
beliefs, or by what they allege must be cion, felling my trees, by what authority
the practical consequences of our doc- are you, Valentine [another heretic]
trine. Men have no right to impute to turning the course of my streams? Un-
us what they think may be the logical der what pretense are you Appelles re-
deduction from our beliefs, but which we moving my land marks? The estate is
ourselves do not accept. We
are to oe mine. I have the ancient, the prior pos-
judged by our own interpretations and session of it. I have the title deeds de-
by our actions, not by the logic of oth- livered to me by the original proprietors.
ers, as to what is or may be the result of I am the heir of the apostles they have ;

our faith." made their will in my favor while they ;

disinherited and cast you off, as stran-

At first glance a statement of that gers and enemies."
: : :


Dr. Milner, quoting with approv- doubted in England if Catholics,

al St. Vincent of Lerins (who flour- who held allegiance to the Pope,
ished at the end of the Fifth cen- who regarded him as infallible as
tury) on the question as to how the an interpreter of questions of faith
children of the Church were to use and morals, and themselves sub-
the scriptures so as to discern truth ject to his spiritual direction it —
from falsehood, quotes the father as was doubted if Catholics were cap-

saying able of genuine allegiance to the

British government; or if the Jews,
"They are to interpret the divine text who looked for the coming of a
according to the tradition of the Cath- Messiah to stand at the head of a
olic church." (End of Religious Contro- great and dominating Hebrew
versy, Letter X.)
could give such allegiance to
Great Britain as would warrant
Dr. Milner himself, in his con-
their participation in her civil af-
troversy with Protestants (1801-2)
fairs. These principles were dis-
cussed by Lord Macauley in his Es-
have reminded you, that no proph-
says,and I read you an extract from
ecy of Scripture is of any private inter- one of them
pretation; and I have proved to you
that the whole right to Scripture belongs "It passes for an argument to say that
to the Church. She has preserved them, a Jew will take no interest in the pros-
she vouches for them, and she alone, by perity of the country in which he lives,
confronting the several passages with that he will not care how bad its laws
each other, and with tradition authori- and police may be, how heavily it may
tatively explains them. Hence it is im- be taxed, how often it may be con-
possible that the real sense of Scripture quered and given up to spoil, because
should ever be against her and her 'doc- God has promised that, by some un-
trine; and hence, of course, I might known means, and at some undetermined
quash every objection which you can time, perhaps 10,000 years hence, the
draw from any passage in it by this short Jews shall migrate to Palestine. Is not
reply: The Church understands the this the most profound ignorance of hu-
passage differently from you therefore
; man nature? Do you not know that
you mistake its meaning." (End of Re- what is remote and indefinite affects
ligious Controversy, Letter XII.) men far less than what is near and cer-
tain? The argument, too, applies to
Christians as strongly as to Jews. The
So with reference to our Scrip- Christian believes, as well as the Jew,
tures. The Church, and the Church that at some future period the present
alone, holds the right of interpreta- order of things will come to an end. Nay,
tion; and we are not bound to ac- many Christians believe that the Mes-
siah will shortly establish a kingdom on
cept either the interpretation or the
the earth, and reign visibly over all its
logfcal deductions built thereon that inhabitants Now wherein
are made by others than the Church. does this doctrine differ, as far as its po-
I desire now to put in the record litical tendency is concerned, from the

another important quotation; one. doctrine of the Jews? If a Jew is unfit

to legislate for us because he believes
that has a bearing on the supposed
that he or his remote descendants will
impossibility of our giving true al- be removed to Palestine, can we safely
legiance to government because we open the house of commons to a 'fifth
look for the coming of the kingdom monarchy' man, who expects that, be-
fore this generation shall pass away, all
of God. This time I quote not from
the kingdoms of the earth will be swal-
a churchman, but from a great his- lowed up in one divine empire?
torian. At one time it was strongly "Does a Jew engage less eagerly than
: ; :

a Christian in any competition which in these islands would any man in his
the law leaves open to him? Is he less senses lend a thousand pounds without
active and regular in his business than security? A
man who should act, for
his neighbors? Does he furnish his one day, on the supposition that all the
house meanly because he is a pilgrim people about him were influenced by the
and sojourner in the land? Does the religion which they professed, would
expectation of being restored to the find himself ruined before night; and
country of his fathers make him insen- no man ever does act on that supposi-
sible to the fluctuations of the stock ex- tion in any of the ordinary concerns of
change? Does he, in arranging his pri- life, in borrowing, in lending, in buy-
vate affairs, ever take into the account ing, or in selling. But when any of our
the chance of his migrating to Palestine ? fellow-creatures are to be oppressed, the
If not, why are we to suppose that feel- case is different. Then we represent
ings which never influence his dealings those motives which we know to be so
as a merchant, or his dispositions as a feeble for good as omnipotent for evil.
testator, will acquire a boundless influ- Then we lay to the charge of our vic-
ence over him as soon as he becomes a tims all the vices and follies to which
magistrate or a legislator. To ... their doctrines, however remotely, seem
charge men with practical consequences to tend. We
forget that the same weak-
which they themselves deny, is disin- ness, the same laxity, the same disposi-
genuous in controversy, it is atrocious in tion to prefer the present to the future
government." which makes men worse than a good re-
ligion, makes them better than a bad

Discussing the principle in hand one."

stillfurther, and with that wealth

of illustration so characteristic of There is one other quotation I de-
him, our author says sire tomake, and this time from an
eminent American statesman, not
"The doctrine of predestination, in the long since deceased, and I trust that
opinion of many people, tends to make he will for a long time live in the
those who hold it utterly immoral. And memory of the Latter-day Saints,
certainly it would seem that a man who
believes his eternal destiny to be already
cause of the evident fairness that
irrevocably fixed is likely to indulge his he manifested in dealing with the
passions without restraint, and to neg- questions in which the Church was
If he is an heir
lect his religious duties. involved in the recent investigation
to wrath, his exertionsmust be unavail-
had before the Senate Committee
ing. If he
preordained to life, they
must be superfluous. But would it be on Privileges and Elections. Influ-
wise to punish every man who holds the enced, though perhaps unconscious-
higher doctrines of Calvinism, as if he ly, but influenced, I believe, by the
had actually committed all those crimes doctrine of Macaulay just set forth,
which we know some Antonomians to
have committed? Assuredly not. The Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts,
fact notoriously is that there are many said
Calvinists as moral in their conduct as
any Arminian, and many Arminians as "We have no right to deal, in deter-
loose as any Calvinist. mining Mr. Smoot's case, with any ar-
"It is altogether impossible to reason ticle of religious faith of his; and I
from the opinions which a man pro- —
suppose further now I speak only for
fesses to his feelings and his actions —
myself that I have no right to impute
and in fact no person is ever such a fool to him what I think may be the logical
as to reason thus, except when he wants deduction from his beliefs, but which he
a pretext for persecuting his neighbors. himself does not accept. He is not
A Christian is commanded, under the obliged to be judged by my logic as to
strongest sanctions, to be just in all his what is the result of his creed. That is
dealings yet to how many of the twen-
the great source of all religious perse-
ty-four millions of professing Christians cution and tyranny in this world."


Here, then, is where we stand on ELDER JOSEPH W. M'MURRIN.

this question of the interpretation of
our doctrines —we upon
insist our In standing up in the midst of
own interpretation —we refuse 'tobe this great congregation I trust I
bound by the interpretation of oth -
may be assisted by my Heavenly
ers, or by what they may consider Father to say such words as shall
logical deductions from our beliefs be appropriate and profitable for
and in this position we are sustained you to hear. In common with my
by the example of the great Cath- brethren, who have already ad-
olic Church by such authorities as
dressed those who have assembled
Macaula^ and Senator Hoar; and, in these conference meetings, I can
what is better still, by the reason- say that my heart has been made
ableness of the thing itself. And happy, and I have felt in very deed
now, placing our own interpreta- to praise the name of my Maker,
tion upon our own doctrines, "We for giving me standing in the midst
deny," to use the language of the of the Latter-day Saints, and for
Address read and adopted by this giving me fellowship with my breth

conference "We deny that either ren with whom I am privileged to
our belief in divine revelation, or labor. We
believe, my brethren and
our anticipation of the coming king -
sisters, that our Father in heaven
dom of God, weakens in any de- has called us to the accomplishment
gree the genuineness of our allegi- of a marvelous work. We feel sat-
ance to our country. When the di- isfied that we have not been led
vine empire will be established, we astray, and that we are in no way
may not know any more than other deluded in giving the Church of
Christians who pray, "Thy kino-dom Jesus Christ of Latter-dav Saints
come, Thy will be done, in earth as our allegiance. I can say as an in-
;" but we do know dividual that I could not discover
it is in heaven

that our allegiance and loyalty to the truth of the work the world
country are strengthened by the fact calls "Mormonism" through the
that while awaiting the advent of teaching and persuasion and exam-
the Messiah's kingdom, we are un- ple of my parents alone, although
der a commandment from God to my parents, before I was born up-
be subject to the powers that be, un- on the earth, had been convinced of
til He comes "whose right it is to the truth of "Mormonism," and had
reign." separated themselves from their
friends, and relatives, and country,
These things may not be of so
for the Gospel's sake. They were
much interest to you as some others
filled with a strong desire that their
would have been, but I desired to
children might have faith in that
cet a statement of these principles
Gospel and system of religion that
and arguments into the record of
had brought them from a far-off
this conference. May the Lord
land. I could not comnrehend the
bless them to the good of our cause,
truth of this work merely because
is my prayer. Amen.
my parents had yielded obedience
to it, notwithstanding they were
Sister Delia Daynes sang the sa- very devout, and believed intensely
cred solo, "Jerusalem." in the truth of "Mormonism," and

they sought by every means within in my recollection every man who
their power to transmit to me a occupies a prominent position in
knowledge of that truth, and to im- the counsels of the presiding au-
press me with the fact that they had thorities of the Church of Jesus
planted their feet in the right path. Christ of Latter-day Saints today,
While I believed measurably in the has been brought up from the ranks
representations they made concern- of the people since I attained my
ing the principles of Mormonism, majority, with the exception of
because of the honesty of their lives, President Joseph F. Smith alone.
their uprightness in every action They have not come to the positions
and in every labor to which they they occupy through any royal road,
set their hands, yet I could learn or because of any special prefer-
that Mormonism was the power of ence for them or the names they
God unto salvation only by the rev- bear, but because of the duties and
elation of that truth to me as an in- labors they have faithfully accom-
dividual. When I obtained that plished in assisting to build up and
knowledge it came to me in the bring to pass the work of our God.
very same manner in which it had It has fallen to my lot, just in re-
been revealed to my parents in the cent years, in attending to the labors
land of their birth. and responsibilities that have been
I believe there is a feeling, a con- assigned unto me in the Holy
scientious disposition on the part of Priesthood, to preside over two of
the young men and women of these men who stand today as Apos-
"Mormondom," to hesitate in say- tles of the Lord Jesus Christ. I

ing that they have knowledge con- have directed them in missionary
cerning the truth of the Gospel, un- labors, and I have this testimony to
til every doubt has been swept away bear concerning them that they are

by the power of the Holy Ghost, men of humility, that they appreci-
and the knowledge has been given ated the responsibility of the Priest-
to them by the inspiration that hood that had been conferred upon
comes from our Father in heaven. them, and they honored that author-
This revelation of truth to the indi- ity in the men who presided over
vidual is the secret of the strength them. I take it, my brethren and sis-
of "Mormonism." It is not, as has ters, that if we were to study the
been supposed and ofttimes inti- history and the lives of the men who
mated, that the ignorant of the have been called to responsible po-
world have been gathered together, sitions in this Church, we would
and that presiding over them are a discover that they had been anxious
few men of great intelligence, who to keep the commandments of our
have had power to control the peo- Father in heaven. We would dis-
ple, and to keep them in ignorance. cover that into their souls had
Who are the men, my brethren and dawned a knowledge of the truth
sisters, who preside in the midst of of the glorious Gospel of the Re-
the Latter-day Saints today ? I can- deemer of men. Wewould discover
not help but think and remember that they have been men who, in
that in my life time — and when I the early days of their lives, have
consider my age in comparison with entered into sacred and secret cov-
the age of President John R. Win- enant with our Father in heaven to
der, I feel that I am only a boy honor Him and to keep His com-


mandments, and to assist as God Thank God for it, in the name of
would give them light and power, to Jesus. Amen.
bring to pass His purposes among
the children of men. They have not
been men who have been anxious to
wield the sceptre of power, rather
they have been men who were will- President Joseph F. Smith pre-
ing to take lowly positions, willing to sented the General Authorities of
accomplish and perform without the Church, to be voted upon by the
question every labor assigned unto assembly, as follows
them because God had revealed to
Joseph F. Smith, a£ Prophet,
them that "Mormonism" is the Seer and Revelator and President
of the Church of Jesus Christ of
power of God, the true religion of
the Redeemer of men, given anew Latter-day Saints.
in this great and last dispensation, John R. Winder, as first coun-
selor in the First Presidency.
according to the promises of the
holy prophets.
Anthon H. Lund, as second coun-
selor in the First Presidency.
God decreed long ago that His
Francis M. Lyman, as President
word, in the latter times, should be
of the Twelve Apostles.
re-established among men, that the
As members of the council of
truth should go forth from nation
Twelve Apostles Francis M. Ly-

to nation, that the honest among

man, John Henry Smith, George
men should be pricked in their
Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, Rudger
hearts by the power of God and ;
Clawson, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M.
that, by His power and His reve- Smith, George Albert Smith,
lation,they should be brought to- Charles W. Penrose, George F.
gether from the East and from the Richards, Orson F. Whitney and
West, from the North and from David O. McKay.
the South, to a place called "Zion," John Smith, as Presiding Patri-
for the very purpose of learning arch of the Church.
more fully of the ways of the Lord The counselors in the first presi-
and walking more perfectly in His dency and the Twelve Apostles and
path. Let us remember, my breth- the Presiding Patriarch as Proph-
ren and sisters,that this is the grand ets, Seers and Revelators.
object of our being gathered togeth- First Seven Presidents of Seven-
er. I pray that it may be fully ac- ties: Seymour B. Young, Brigham
complished in our lives. Our H. Roberts, George Reynolds, Jon-
hearts, and the hearts of our saint- athan G. Kimball, Rulon S. Wells,
ed parents before us, have been Toseph W. McMurrin and Charles
pricked by the power of God, we H. Hart.
have all been made to know father — William B. Preston, as Presiding
and mother, son and daughter in — Bishop, with Robert T. Burton and
the same marvelous manner, that Orrin P. Miller as his first and sec-
this is the truth, the Gospel of the ond counselors.
Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph F. Smith as Trustee-in-
This is my testimony. I rejoice Trust for the body of religious wor-
in it ; I know that I speak the truth, shipers known as the Church of
for it has been given to me by my Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Father, my Redeemer, my Creator. Anthon H. Lund, as Church His-
torian and General Church Re- and Walter J. Poulton, Jr., Assist-
corder. ant Organists ; Noel S. Pratt, Sec-
Andrew Jenson, A. Milton Mus- retary Joseph F. Smith, Jr., Treas-

ser, Brigham H. Roberts and Jos- urer and Librarian, and all the
eph F. Smith, Jr., assistant histor- members.
Horace H. Cummings, General AUDITING COMMITTEE.
Superintendent of Church Schools.
As members of the General Rudger Clawson, Reed Smoot,
Church Board of Education Joseph
: William W. Riter, Charles W. Nib-
F. Smith, Willard Young, Anthon ley,August W. Carlson.
H. Lund, George H. Brimhall, All were sustained by unanimous
Rudger Clawson, John R. Winder, vote of the Conference.
Charles W. Penrose, Horace H. The choir and congregation sang :

Cummings and Orson F. Whitney.

Arthur Winter, Secretary and Now let us rejoice in the day of salva-
Treasurer to the General Church
No longer as strangers on earth need
Board of Education. we roam,
Duncan M. McAllister as Clerk Good tidings are sounding to us and
of the Conference. each nation,
And shortly the hour of redemption

Evan Stephens, Conductor and Benediction was pronounced by

Manager; Horace S. Ensign, As- Elder Andrew Jenson, and Confer-
sistant Conductor; John J. McClel- ence adjourned till Sunday morning
lan, Organist; Edward P. Kimball at 10 o'clock.

Sunday, April 7th, 10 a. m. this is the place for the Latter-day

Conference was called to order Saints. They have enjoyed the ad-
by President Joseph F. Smith, and dresses made, and have taken part
he announced that, as the Taber- in the business of the conference
nacle could not accommodate all with pleasure, and everything has
who desired to be admited, an over- been done unanimously.
flow meeting would be held this I was pleased yesterday to hear
morning in the Assembly Hall, un- the auditor's report. I know that it
der direction of Elder Heber J. is exactly according to truth. These
Grant. men who have been appoint-
The choir sang the hymn ed to act as auditors, devoted con-
siderable time to go through all the
Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise Thy name, give thanks and accounts and books kept by the
sing, Church, and hence in giving their
To show Thy love by morning light, report they did so understandingly.
And talk of all Thy truths at night. They gave the true status of the fin-
ancial affairs of the Church. I am
Prayer was offered by Elder By-
pleased that our accounts are kept
ron Sessions,
in such shape that everv cent is ac-
The choir sang, the anthem,
"Rouse, O Ye Mortals." counted for, so that it can be shown
how the/ Church funds have been
used. Much credit is due to the
PRESIDENT ANTHON H. LUND. Presiding Bishopric and to Brother
John Wells for the accurate man-
Gratifying condition of financial and ner in which the Church books are

other records of the Church. One per kept; and as they are kept in the
cent death rate among members of general office, so they are now kept
the Church in Utah, in 1906.— Rea- in all the stakes and wards of Zion.
sons for observing first day of week
Less loss in handling produce has
as Sabbath, and for believing in res-
urrection. been reported this year than ever
before. This shows how well the
Brethren and Sisters : I feel a Bishops are taking care of the
certain timidity, when I see this things pertaining to the Lord's
large congregation, and have to oc- storehouse.
cupy your attention for a time. I I am also able to say unto you
ask that the Spirit of the Lord may that the historical and statistical
aid me in what I desire to say unto records of the Church are getting
you. into a similar condition of accuracy
I have enjoyed the past sessions and completeness. As early as the
of the conference, and I believe all 6th of April, 1830, the Lord, in a
who have been present have been revelation, told the Prophet Joseph
paid for coming, and have felt that that there should be records kept in
the Church; and later on John record and the records of the earlv
Whitmer was commanded to write recorders of the Church are not
a history of the Church. This is a very extensive, and if it were not

very important matter. How glad for the history of the Prophet Jos-
we are that Matthew, Mark, Luke eph, and the journals kept by some
and John applied themselves to the of our leading men in those early
work of writing a part of the his- days, our knowledge of the interest-
tory of our Redeemer If they had
! ing events of that remarkable pe-
not done so, how much we would riod of our history would be very
have missed! We
love to read the meager. Weare trying to obtain
accounts given us in their gospels, from journals, letters and corres-
of the beautiful life of our Savior pondence additional historical mat-
while here upon the earth, and we ter to what we have in the history
are very thankful that these records of the Prophet Joseph, and we
were kept. Likewise we are thank- gather many interesting facts from
ful that we have the record called precious documents which have
the Book of Mormon, which con- been kept in different families. We
tains a history of the earliest set- hope that the descendants of the
tling of this continent. We
rejoice early members of the Church who
that we have the writings of the kept journals or records of any
Nephis, of Alma, and of all those kind will be kind enough to bring
recorders who gave us the history them to the Historian's Office, and
of the Lord's hand dealings with give us the opportunity either to
His people upon this land. When keep them or to copy them, in or-
Lehi left Jerusalem he saw the ne- der that the facts recorded may be
cessity of having records with him, remembered.
and sent his sons back to get the In late years great importance
records kept by one of his kinsmen. has been attached to the keeping of
He obtained the history of the peo- the statistics of the Church. We
ple of the Lord until within six have these reports bound, and they
hundred years of Christ. The give us interesting data, and will
prophecies of several of the proph- be more and more valuable in
ets, the accounts from the creation time to come. In looking over
up to that time, were brought with the statistics of the Church for the
them to this land, and this helped last year, I find that there has been
them to regulate their lives, to obey a substantial increase in the mem-
the laws of God, to remember what bers added to the Church 542 more

the Lord had done for their fore- births in 1906 than in 1905, and
fathers,and to keep their language the death rate was considerably
purer than they otherwise could —
smaller 332 less than in 1905. In
have done. As I said, when the fact, the death rate in all the stakes
Church was organized in our day of Zion combined does not exceed
the Lord commanded that records one per cent. This is quite an item
should be kept. I wish that com- for the life insurance companies. If
mandment had been more strictly such a rate could be kept up, the
obeyed and more elaborate records prophecies would be fulfilled that
had been kept from the beginning people should live to be a hundred
of the Church. What history we years old. I believe that the mode
have is correct, but John Whitmer's of living observed by the Latter-

day Saints tends to longevity, and the Lord they can be sealed for
that if the Saints will follow the time and for all eternity by that au-
counsel that has been given in this thority which binds on earth and 't
conference on the subject of the shall be bound in heaven. We be-
Word of Wisdom, they will add lieve in the eternity of the marriage
years to their lives. Instead of in- contract. We do believe in a
dulging in appetites that are de- future life. We gave evidence of
structive to the system, they should this belief in answer to the ques-
live pla^n and simple lives, and tion asked us yesterday. We be-
they would thereby receive much lieve that life is continuous. We be-
greater happiness. If, however, lieve in the resurrection, and that
they allow themselves to gratify the spirit and body will again be
their appetites for strong drink, united; we believe that we will
tobacco or other stimulants, they know as we are known, and that the
create an almost uncontrollable marriage relation will continue, that,
longing for these things, and form husband and wife will dwell to-
a habit that is very hard to over- gether through all eternity, that the:
come, and which is ruinous to the love which binds their hearts to-
functions of the vital organs. I gether upon the earth wil! not
do honor those who, though having leave them at death, but that it will
strong desires for these things, still endure eternally, and hence we en-
do not yield, but resist and over- courage our young people to com-
come their inclinations. Let us mence their married life in the
try, brethren and sisters, to follow right way.
the counsel of the Lord who gave There is a matter to which I
this advice to us, not to take from would like to call the attention of
us the pleasures of life, but rather our brethren and sisters, and that
to increase them for what is of
; is our Sunday meetings. It is a
greater benefit to the human body pleasure to visit some of our wards
than health, and health cannot be and find every seat taken and our
enjoyed if we go contrary to the meeting houses full of worshipers,
laws which the Lord has laid down. but there are too many wards whej-e
I believe that the keeping of the the Saints are not so attentive to
Word of Wisdom, to the extent that this duty. We
go to the house of
the Saints have kept it, is responsi- worship to receive spiritual food, to
ble for the low death rate. be instructed and advised by the
I notice also in the statistical re- servants of the Lord and to wor-
port that more of our young people ship Him to whom we owe all. He
have entered the temples last year has commanded that we should go
than the year before, and they have to the house of worship on the day
been sealed by the authority the appointed, and let us not feel sat-
Lord has given His servants. I isfied on that day to stay at home,
would encourage our young people or think that by reading some good
to marry, and to marry right. They book we can be instructed as well
should keep themselves pure and as by going to meeting. Remem-
free from the sins of the world, that ber that the meeting is the place
when they wish to marry, their where we renew our covenants we ;

Bishops can give them recommends partake of the Sacrament, and re-
to the temples, and at the altar of new our vows to serve the Lord,
and His Spirit is promised us when ly. There are instances where per-
we do this in sincerity. It puts us sons were put to death who violated
in communion with Him who insti- this command of the Lord. There
tuted the Sacrament. It is our duty are instances in the Jewish history
to go to the table of the Lord and where the people out of reverence
partake of the emblems of His body for the Sabbath would not engage
and blood, but this must be done in in battle on that day. If their en-
the right way. We
must not go emies, the Gentiles, attacked them
there with hard feelings towards on the Sabbath day, they would not
our brethren and sisters. Those defend themselves, hence leaving it
who take part in that sacred ordi- very easy for their enemies to gain
nance must be one, for if they are the victory, so strict were they in
not, or are under transgression, or the observance of the day which the
harbor feelings of hatred in their Lord had apoointed. But we ob-
hearts towards any of their breth- serve the first day of the week. Is
ren, they eat and drink unworthily. there any commandment in the
The Apostle Paul says that anyone Scriptures in regard to this ? Read-
who does so "eateth and drinketh ing the New Testament through we
damnation to himself." Conse- cannot find any direct command to
quentlywe must watch ourselves change the Sabbath to the first day,
thatwe do not so partake of it. and some Christian sects hold that
Some may say "If there is dan-
: allthe rest of the Christian world
ger of eating and drinking unto have gone astray because they keep
condemnation, we had better not the first day of the week holy in-
touch it," but the Lord has given a stead of the seventh day. Some
commandment that we are to par- have attacked us on this point, and
take of the Sacrament, and if we they have said Your principles are

abstain from doing this, we are not strictly in accord with the teachings
fulfilling our duty. It is a great of the apostles formerly, but you do
blessing to partake of the Sacra- not keep the commandment of the
ment. In doing it our thoughts go Lord in regard to the Sabbath day.
back to Him who gave His life for We are informed in the Scriptures
us, and we make the covenant that that the Lord, our Savior, was res-
we upon us His name and
will take urrected upon a Sunday A week
keep His commandments, and al- ago we celebrated the anniversary
ways remember Him, and we are of His resurrection. We believe
promised that we shall have His that He was resurrected bodily;
Spirit. In doing this we are blessed that the man Jesus, the Son of God,
and strengthened for the coming did as He had told His disciples He
week's work. would do on the third day He took

In regard to the Sabbath dav I up His body. That same day He

will say that there is no doubt in appeared to some of the disciples
the minds of the Latter-day Saints and to some of the women. On the
in regard to the day of the week Sunday following He appeared to
on which we are to worshin. In His apostles, and showed them the
the beginning the Sabbath was com- marks on His body, convincing the
manded to be observed on the sev- "doubting Thomas" who would not
enth day. The Lord rested on that believe unless he should see Him
day. Israel observed it very strict- himself. He was gratified to see


the Savior, but he got this gentle you Paul there alludes
will see that
reproof "Blessed are they that
: to the Saints coming together on
have not seen and yet have be- the Sunday. Writers from the first
lieved." Thomas doubted at first, century tell us that the Christians
but his doubts were dispelled. The met on the Sunday and made that
admonition is to all of us that we their holy day. I believe that this
must not reject that which is taught custom was inaugurated by the
us, just because we have not seen apostles. The day of the resur-
it ourselves. By taking the testi- rection was of such importance that
mony of others we increase our they made the first day, on which it
store of knowledge. By taking the took place, the Sabbath day, or the
testimony of the aoostles and five holy day of the week. You remem-
hundred who saw Jesus at one ber the commandment of the Lord,
time, we increase our knowledge to recorded in the book of Deuteron-
this extent that we know that one
: omy, in regard to the Sabbath day,
person conquered death. Then we as follows "But the seventh day

read that other resurrected beings is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.

were seen in Jerusalem, having ris- In it thou shalt not do any work

en from their graves showing that thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
the resurrection was not confined nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-
to Jesus alone, and that it com- servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass,
menced not before, but after, Christ nor any of thy cattle, nor thy
had conquered death. stranger that is within thy gates,
What an inspiring thought, that that thy man-servant and thy maid-
death is conquered, that Jesus won servant may rest as well as thou
the victory over death It was a
! and remember that thou wast a ser-
great event, worthy of being cele- vant in the land of Egypt, and that
brated and remembered. There is the Lord thy God brought thee out
no doubt in my mind that the apos- thence through a mighty hand and
tles taught the Saints to come to- by a stretched out arm; therefore
gether on the first day of the week the Lord God commanded thee to
— —
on the Sunday to make that the keep the Sabbath day." One rea-
day of worship. The Jews, you son is given here by the Lord why
know, were very strict as to the Israel should observe the Sabbath,
Saturday, the seventh day, and namely, their wonderful deliverance
they dared, perhaps, not neglect from servitude through His power,
that day. Not only did they keep and they were commanded to com-
the Sabbath according- to the Mo- memorate this event on the seventh
saic law but we find that they also
; day. Is it, then, so strange that
came together for worshio on the the apostles formerly changed the
Sunday, the Lord's day. They par- day to remember the much greater
took of the Sacrament on that day. —
event the event of the resurrec-
Paul at one-time preached on the tion, and that Sunday on which that
Sunday evening so late that one great event occurred became the
person, falling asleep, fell down Sabbath day unto the Saints?
from the third story, and was found It is impossible for all to keep

to be dead, but Paul, by the power the Sabbath day at the very same
of God, raised him from the dead. time all over the globe. If all the
If you will refer to the Corinthians people lived on one longtitude or

meridian they could keep it at the in every seven is set apart to be a
same time, but as they are now day of rest.
scattered around the globe, there There are some who strongly
is a great difference in time. For argue in favor of the Saturday as
instance, children went to Sunday the Sabbath instead of the Sun-
School in New Zealand yesterday day, and they create in the minds
at half past two o'clock. It was of many a grave doubt as to which
Saturday to us ; it was ten o'clock day is the correct day to be ob-
Sunday morning to them. The served as Sabbath. Where such
children on the Hawaiian Islands doubt exists it cannot be removed
will go to Sunday School about one by any other means than revela-
o'clock today, and it will be ten tion. When the Scriptures are si-
o'clock then for them. Thus, at a lent on this point, and men do not
given time it may be Sunday for feel to take tradition as a rule, then
one set of people and Saturday for they areleft without positive knowl-
people in another nlace. The teach- edge on the subject. The Latter-
ers in the Hawaiian Sunday School day Saints are not so left. The
might say today to the children, Lord in a revelation given to the
"Your brethren in New Zealand Saints says :

met yesterday, when it was twelve

o'clock here, inSunday their "And that thou mayest more fully
School," and the children would keep thyself unspotted from the world,
thou shalt go to the house of prayer
likely say, Why, they have Sunday and offer up thy sacraments upon my
School on a Saturday !" The line holy day; for verily this is a day ap-
which divides the time, or which in- pointed unto you to rest from vour la-
dicates where day begins, is an ar- bors, and to pay thv devotions unto the
Most High;"
bitra— one made by men for the
sake of convenience. It is located
"Upon my holy day." Which is
the very best place that it could
that day? This revelation was giv-
be, because there are very few in-
en August seventh, 1831, which
habitants that the line will strike.
was a Sunday. The following par-
It passes over the Pacific Ocean,
agraph makes it plain that Sunday
and in order that no island shall
is the day set apart for worship
have Saturday on one side and Sun-
"But remember that on this the Lord's
day on the other, they have turned day, thou shalt offer thine oblations and
the line around the groups in the thy sacraments unto the Most High, con-
Pacific Ocean, so that those oer- fessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and
taining to the same country, under before the Lord."

the same government, mav have

the same day; but this is all an ar- This takes away all doubt from
bitrary arrangement. If then the the minds of the Saints, for here
Lord acceoted the devotions of through the revelation of the Lord
those who worshiped Him --°ster- we are told that we are to hold the
day, calling the day Sunday, and Sunday holy.
accepts the worship of those living Now, brethren and sisters, let us
a short distance eastward who call go to our meetings let us worship

today Sunday, the important ques- the Lord let us not feel satisfied to

tion seems to be, not so much the stay at home; but always feel that
exact time as the fact that one day it is a duty to go to the Lord's


house and there with the Saints be unanimously endorsed by this

partake of the blessings which He conference, may bear witness to the
has promised. May the Lord bless wisdom that exists in our methods
you all is my prayer in the name of of collecting means for charitable
Jesus. Amen. and religious purposes. Thank God,
there is an institution in the earth
FAMINE IN CHINA. whose charities are constantly ac-
cumulating, that in the very mo-
President John R. Winder moved ment of need there is a means of
the adoption of the following reso- ministering unto the children of
lution :
men —
a circumstance that speaks
loudly for the divine wisdom that
"Whereas, The president of the has made these provisions in the
United States has called national at- Church of Christ. With all my
tention to the existence of the sore heart I second the resolution of
distress in China on account of fam- President Winder.
ine,and The resolution was adopted by
"Whereas, The Lord has greatly unanimous vote of the congrega-
blessed the Saints and all the inter-
ests of the Church, and, Brother Elihu Call rendered a
"Whereas, our Relief Societies tenor solo, entitled, "Save Me, O
have stored up grain against a time God."
of need now therefore, I move that

the Trustee-in-Trust be, and is here- ELDER SYLVESTER a. CANNON.

by authorized to appropriate and I my brethren and sis-
donate toward the relief of the poor ters, being present at this con-
in famine stricken China 20 tons ference this morning; and I have
of flour." rejoiced exceedingly in the meet-
ings which have already been held.
ELDER BRIGHAM H. ROBERTS. I trust that the few moments
I stand before you, my remarks
My brethren and sisters, I desire may be directed by the Spirit of
to second the resolution offered by the Lord. As has been said by
President Winder to this confer- President Smith, I have been call-
ence; and in doing so I desire to ed to labor in the Netherlands
call attention to the fact that we are mission. While I feel that there
connected with an institution found- is a great work to be done here at
ed of God for the benefit of the home, I am happy in the opportun-
whole world, and that it is an insti- ity of going abroad to again preach
tution of world-wide sympathies the Gospel in the nations of Hol-
that it is an institution whose doc- land and Belgium, because I can
trines recognize the great truth that assure you that the mission I have
the children of men are also the already performed in those coun-
children of God, and that all men tries was the most enjoyable time
are brethren. No calamity can fall of my life. I believe that no
upon any of our Father's children greater joy can come to any one
but what our hearts go out in sym- than the joy experienced in the sav-
pathy to them. I trust also that ing of human souls. Our Father
this movement, which I believe will has said that human souls are pre-
cious in His sight, and He has as a whole has not been in their
given a commandment to His hands ;and I feel that it will prove
Church that the Gospel shall be a great blessing, and a great bene-
preached in all nations, and that fit to the saints who have accepted

every man, woman and ch.ild that the Gospel there, to have the priv-
is able to understand, shall have the ilege of reading and studying this
opportunity of hearing the Gos- important Church work.
pel and receiving its blessings, if I rejoice in the prospects that are
they believe the same and obey it. before us, my brethren and sisters.
I rejoice in this call that has been I desire to endorse and to sustain
made, because, as has been said every action that has been taken at

here more particularly in our this conference thus far. I desire

priesthood meeting, the people of to sustain the Presidency of the
those countries, Holland and Bel- Church and the Quorum of the
gium, are a sturdy class, and those Apostles, and every one of the
who are accepting the Gospel are general authorities. I realize that
among the best in those nations. they are men of God, that they are
They accept the Gospel because indeed inspired and that they en-

they understand the Bible. They joy the spirit of their calling, which
have studied the Scriptures, and will enable them, and which
they are prepared, in very many in- does enable them, to guide
stances, to receive the truth when and direct the affairs of
the missionaries bring it to them. 'this Church in accordance
They seek to live according to the with the will of our Father in heav-
Gospel they seek to obey its pre-
en. I pray that we as a people may
cepts, to live up to its require- sustain them, that we may be pre-
ments. I feel that they are a good pared to accept the instructions we
people. I believe that those who receive and to carry them out. For
have accepted the Gospel will be myself, I desire with all my heart
true, generally speaking, to the end to remain true to this work to the'
of their lives. The missionaries end of my life. I desire not only
who have labored in that field have to be true to it, but I desire to be
been diligent in their labors. I do active in its behalf, for the further-
not know the present situation with ance of the work and the fulfilment
regard to the needs of the mission, of the responsibilities which the
respecting elders, but I do know Lord has placed upon us. May the
that every man who is prepared to Lord bless us, and may we carry
go forth and labor diligently, and with us, wherever we go, the spirit
in humility, for the progress of of this conference may we seek to

this work will be welcomed in the fulfill and carry out the instructions
Netherlands mission. I believe which have been given, or which
there is no more fruitful field any- may be given to us, is my prayer,
where in the world today than that in the name of Jesus, Amen.
mission. I rejoice in the prospect
of the publication of the Doctrine ELDER WILLIAM H. SMART.
and Covenants in that language, (President of Uintah Stake.)
because the people have been long-
ing for that record of revelations. In speaking briefly, my
At various times certain sections and sisters, of matters pertaining to
have been published, but the book the Stake over which I have been

called to preside, I sincerely hope sterile aspect; and one who goes
that I may be actuated by the spirit from a grassy country will look
of truth —the spirit of this confer- upon it as a rather forbidding land ;
ence. It was, as I remember, last but, like the soil of many parts of
June when I was called to preside Southern Utah, and other places in
over the Uintah Stake of Zion, and the West where the land seems to
in the month of August, having when it is blessed by ir-
be sterile,
then been released from my labors rigation, it is exceedingly fertile.
in the Wasatch Stake, with my There were some very glowing
family I went immediately to Ver- statements made with reference to
nal, the headquarters of the Uintah this land prior to the opening of
Stake. The territory within the the Uintah Indian Reservation,
confines of the Uintah Indian Res- and they were sometimes somewhat
ervation, which had recently been overdrawn. A great many people
thrown open for settlement, was rushed there expecting to see an
placed within the organized Uintah —
Eldorado, an oasis, well cultivated
Stake. The Uintah Stake proper farms and orchards, the products
had been organized twenty years. of the Indians' labor under the tut-
Brother Samuel R. Bennion, of elage of the government, and when
Salt Lake County, was called as the they found that the country had
first President of that Stake. Prior to be made, many of them were
to that it was presided over by dissatisfied and went away, not to
Jeremiah Hatch, as a presiding return. Some of these people have
Elder, acting under the President scattered broadcast unfavorable
of the Wasatch Stake, Abram statements concerning the land, and
Hatch. The Uintah Stake as it is the impression has got out that
now comprised is bordered on the there is so much mineral matter in
east by Colorado, and on the west the soil that it will continue sterile
by the Wasatch Stake of Zion. It and barren. But upon the Uintah
is in a general direct line between Indian Reservation territory last
Salt Lake City and Denver. It holds year there was some as fine cereals
an intermediate position between raised, as well as watermelons, po-
the country traversed by the Union tatoes and other vegetables, as I
Pacific railway and the Rio Grande have ever looked upon. This is
railway, and consequently it bids perhaps a strong statement, but I
fair to be pierced by another con- was myself exceedingly surprised
tinental railroad in the near future, to see the fine results of husbandry
which will facilitate the growth in this virgin soil the first year. I

and interests of that country, firmly believe that the prediction

which I verily believe has a great made by President Lyman, at the
future. Speaking in a general re-organization conference last
way, the Uintah basin is about 125 June, will be fulfilled, wherein he
miles by 90 miles. It is of an oval stated that the time would come
shape. It is one of the best water- when that district would be looked
ed sections of the State of Utah. upon as one of the most important
The main streams that flow into it parts of the State of Utah. I
are the Strawberry, Duchesne, Lake want to say to you brethren and
Fork, Uintah, Ashley, Green river, sisters who are not satisfied where
and White river, with their numer- you are, who have not sufficient
ous tributaries. The soil has a
land, and not sufficient means to
increase your acreage, and are meetings, and I am thankful to say,
looking for homes elsewhere, I do they have reaped a rich har-
not know of a better place than the vest; yea, I am glad to report that
Uintah basin. I speak of this in some of the most active workers in
truth. I thank God I have got the the Church there today have been
spirit of love for that country, since reclaimed by the administrations of
I am called to preside over it, but these men of God.
I thank Him too that my heart is There are three general ways to
not closed against other parts of approach that land. One by means
His footstool. I feel in this mat- of the Rio Grande railroad as far
ter very largely as that character as Heber, and thence east into the
into whose mouth the immortal Uintah basin. Another by way of
Shakespeare put these words "Not : the Rio Grande railroad to Price,
that I love Caesar less, but that I and thence by wagonroad. Another
love Rome more." So I feel with leaving the Rio Grande railroad at
reference to the Uintah basin not — Mack, just over the dividing line
that I love other lands less, but that between Utah and Colorado, taking
I love the Uintah basin more. there the Uintah railroad, a small
As to the people in that land who branch that passes over the Book
have assisted in the reclamation of Cliff mountains, and enters the
the old Uintah Stake of Zion, I feel Uintah basin, having its terminus
to speak of them in the highest at Dragon. From there you take
praise. Brother Samuel R. Benn- team conveyance, and it is one day's
ion is a man of sturdy qualities, drive to Vernal. There are many
conservative, well-balanced, econ- people settling on that land who
omical, active in his labors, and he are not of the Latter-day Saints'
has taught the people there how to faith, and I am pleased to state that,
wrest from mother earth the neces- as a rule, our people and our broth-
saries of life, and then to hold ers and sisters of other faiths, or of
them as sacred trusts, as their no faith, are dwelling in peace to-
stewardships, under the hands of gether. They are uniting in the
God. Under his guardianship and building up of that country, and
guiding hand the people are becom- there is very little of that spirit
ing thrifty and progressive. His which, I am sorry to say, we
counselors have ably assisted him breathe to some extent when we
in the work. I find that many come into the atmosphere of this
of the people there are descendants city, the principal place of Zion.
of fathers and mothers from Utah There is great credit due to the
and Salt Lake counties, and they Uintah Railroad Company in build-
are a very fine class of people. The ing that little railroad from Mack
majority seem to be progressing, to Dragon; and, while it was done
vet among them we find some who largely from a commercial stand-
have been indifferent in the lands point, yet some of those connected
from which they have come, and with it have felt an interest in that
they continued indifferent. Some country from almost its early settle-
have even forsaken the faith of ment, and they have a sentimental
their fathers, but, perhaps you re- pride in seeing its development, as
member that at various times the well as satisfaction in receiving a
Apostles and other missionaries reasonable amount for the expendi-
"have gone into the Stake and held ture of their means. This railroad


passes over the Book Cliff range; gether all the people of the various
you who have traversed it will re- districts. The brethren testified
member that the descent is very that they had never witnessed a
precipitous, and that the railroad greater outpouring of the Spirit of
takes a serpentine course. There God ; and through their efficient
are some portions where you can labors quite a number have become
see the railroad track curves seven investigators.
or eight times. It shows the won- May God bless us, brethren and
derful ingenuity and determination sisters, that we may continue en-
of this company in building that deavoring do His work, spread
road. the truth, reclaim the soil, and re-
The Presidency and High Coun- deem ourselves through the bless-
cil of the Uintah Stake are united. ings of the Gospel. I ask it, in
All the wards are presided over by the name of Jesus. Amen.
men of God. There are six wards
and four branches, and others in ELDER GEORGE TEASDALE.
embryo. Much of the territory of
the old Uintah Reservation is com- The re-establishment of the Church of

prised in one ward the Duchesne
Christ. —
Fulfilment of ancient proph-
ecies. —
Testimony concerning person-

and there are several branches ality of the Father and the Son. —
under its protectorate. As the knowledge of God necessary to ob-
country grows it naturally will be tain eternal lit'e. —
Unrighteous do-
minion cannot be exercised by the
divided up into more wards. Last
winter there was excellent mission-
ary work done in that Stake. There I am deeply grateful to God, my
was a missionary committee of the Eternal Father that I have
High Council appointed, and they the privilege of attending this
acted in connection with the Bish- glorious conference to hear
oprics of the wards, and had as as- "the glad tidings of great
sistants all of the home mission- joy," and the good things that have
aries, the Stake Presidency, the been said in defense of the work
High Council, and all the teachers of the Lord. I am thankful for
in the various wards. They divid- the privilege of being a member of
ed the work of the Stake among the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
them. They went into each teach- ter-day Saints, and that it has
ers' district and visited the homes pleased the Father to give me a
of every family. In those visits testimony ccncerning the divinity
there was a representation of the of this work. For a great many
Stake authorities, of the Bishopric, years, I have been advocating the
and of the teachers of that district. principles of the Everlasting Gos-
They visited every home, regardless pel. It is wonderful to me, that at
of the faith of the residents. After my advanced age, I enjoy the mea-
the teachers' district was finished, sure of life and health that I do,
then they held a general district and that I have been enabled to at-
meeting, calling all the families of tend the meetings of this confer-
the saints together within that dis- ence and to rejoice in the spirit and
trict. After this was done in all influence thereof.
the teachers' districts in the res- I know that the Church of Jesus
pective wards, then there was a Christ of Latter-day Saints is the
general meeting held, calling to- Church of the Lamb. I know that
; '

God hears- and answers prayers; with "apostles and prophets, evan-
and it seems to me perfectly con- gelists, pastors, and teachers," "for
sistent that we
should trust in the the work of the ministry and for
Lord. Viewing this immense con- the edifying of the body of Christ."
gregation, looking upon the glori- "Ye are the body of Christ and
ous sight it presents, I am impress- members in particular." In con-
ed with this wonderful gathering sequence of this organization, the
of precious souls, the redeemed of inhabitants of the earth have the
the Lord who have accepted the opportunity, if they desire it, to be-
principles of the Everlasting Gos- come the disciples of Jesus Christ.
pel, and who have a living testi- Joseph Smith was a disciple of
mony, so that they know His will. Jesus Christ. Hyrum Smith, his
As I say, sometimes, "We know brother and fellow martyr, was also
what we know." We are perfect- a disciple of Jesus Christ. They
ly certain, but we cannot always ex- manifested by their integrity the
plain it. I know that Joseph Smith truth of the principles they advo-
was a true prophet of God. How- cated.
do I know
it ? He taught the same This wonderful oragnization has
principles that were taught by the been brought about in fulfilment of
Messiah and His apostles on the —
prophecy, the coming of John the
eastern continent the same princi-
; Baptist to restore the Aaronic
ples that were taught on this west- priesthood ; the coming of the
ern continent, when the Lord Jesus prophet Moroni, bringing forth the
Christ visited the ancient Nephites, Book of Mormon, containing the
when He revealed Himself unto fulness of the everlasting Gospel
them, and instructed them in His the coming of Peter, James, and
doctrines. And in these last days John, restoring the keys of the holy
the Lord inspired His servant Jos- apostleship and the sealing power,
eph, and revealed His mind and so that there might be a representa-
will unto him concerning the or- tive upon the earth, with authority
ganization of the Church of Christ to seal upon the earth and it should
upon the earth, with the same prin- be sealed in the heavens. Also, the
ciples as taught anciently, and with coming of Elijah to turn the hearts
the signs following the believers. of the children to the fathers, and
It seems to me a very natural thing the fathers to the children and the

that God the Eternal Father should voice of one crying in the wilder-
manifest Himself unto His servant ness: "Prepare ye the way of the
Joseph Smith, then a boy, whom Lord, make straight in the desert
He had ordained from before the a highway for our God. Every
foundation of the earth to usher in valley shall be exalted, and every
the dispensation of the fulness of mountain and hill shall be made
times. I believe that ''Known un- low and the crooked shall be made

to God are all things from the be- straight, and the rough places,
ginning," and I believe that He plain :And the glory of the Lord
knew everything concerning the es- shall be revealed, and all flesh shall
tablishment of His Church upon the see it together, for the rpouth of
earth in these last days. This the Lord hath spoken it." "Com-
Church has been properly organ- fort ye, comfort ye my people, saith
ized, for the Lord Jesus Christ Him- your God. Speak ye comfortably to
self organized it. He organized it Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that

her warfare is accomplished, that ashamed of the Gospel of

her iniquity is pardoned for she : Christ, for
it was "the
hath received of the Lord's hand power of God unto salvation," and
double for all her sins." are We "therein was the righteousness of
on the eve of the fulfilment of these —
God revealed, from faith to
precious promises. . faith." The Lord said that to
It had to be that there should be know God and Jesus Christ, whom
a testator upon the earth who knew He hath sent, is eternal life. If we
that God was a personal being. The could not obtain this knowledge
Apostle Paul said: "God, who at we certainly would come short of
sundry times, and in divers man- eternal life. It is a kindly dispen-
ners spake in times past unto the sation that the Almighty has given
fathers by the prophets, hath in unto us in the restoration of this
these last days spoken unto us by knowledge by the spirit of revel-
His Son, whom He hath appoint- ation — that Spirit which revealed
ed heir of all things, by whom also unto Peter that Jesus was the
He made the worlds, Who being Christ. The Lord told Peter how
the brightness of His glory, and itwas brought about "Blessed art :

the express image of His person, thou,Simon Barjona." What for?

and upholding all things by the Because he said he knew that Jesus
word of His power, when He had was the Christ, the son of the liv-
by Himself purged our sins, sat ing God. How did he obtain that
down on the right hand of the Ma- knowledge? By the spirit of rev-
jesty on high." From this we elation, the same Spirit that we
know that the Lord Jesus Christ have in "Blessed art thou,
this day.
was the express image of His Fath- Simon Barjona, and blood
for -flesh
er's person, but this knowledge of hath not revealed this unto you, but
God had been lost, and consequent My Father which is in heaven. And
ly it had to be restored, and in that I say also unto thee, That thou
restoration we have obtained the art Peter, and upon this rock I will
testimony that we declare. build my Church, and the gates of
The Lord said that whoso would hell shall not prevail against it."
"do the will of the Father should The gates of hell cannot prevail
know of the doctrine." Is this vast against the spirit of revelation.
congregation deceived, and under This knowledge comes to the be-
the dominion of priestcraft? Can liever in the Lord Jesus Christ,
it be asserted that this concourse of through obeying the principles of
intelligent people did not know the Everlasting Gospel. No mat-
what they were saying when they ter what our circumstances, we
declared this morning, with united may, if we desire, obtain the fellow-
voice, that they knew that God ship of the Holy Ghost, and the
lives that Jesus is the Christ
; and ; Holy Ghost imparts light and truth,
that Joseph Smith was a true illuminating our minds and im-
prophet sent of God ? How do we pressing us so that we are enabled
know it? By our experience, the to understand, by having "eyes to
signs following the believer, the see and ears to hear," and the un-
testimony coming through obedi- derstanding heart. This the Latter-
ence. The Lord promised us this day Saints claim to have and I ;

knowledge and He has fulfilled His know they have it, for I have had
promise. Paul said he was not years of experience, longer than —
ever I anticipated, having passed that they which do such things
my 75th year — having advocated shall not inherit the kingdom of
these principles ever since 1852. I God. But the fruit of the Spirit
know they are true. But this is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
knowledge does not inspire me with gentleness, goodness, faith, meek-
the spirit of contention. I do not ness, temperance, against such
contend with anybody to try to im- there is no law. And they that are
press upon them what I believe Christ's have crucified the flesh
or know. The Lord said to the with the affections and lusts. If
Nephites that contention was not of we live in the Spirit, let us also
Him. but was of the devil. I walk in. the Spirit." That is how
notice that the Latter-day Saints I understand it. That is the dif-
who love the principles of eternal ference manifest between the two
life, are cheerful, happy, and satis- spirits. There is the spirit of
fied they have a living testimony.
hatred, the spirit of contention, fal-
I notice, on the other hand, that sifying, lying, slandering, and all
people who do not have that testi- manner of unrighteousness. Do
mony, who do not have the fellow- the leading men of the Church—
ship of the Spirit of Gpd, are dis- the First Presidency and Apostles
satisfied and contentious. The — manifest this disposition? No.
Apostle Paul has given us a rule They are men of God, men of long-
whereby we may judge these suffering, who love the Lord Jesus
things. He said: "For, brethren, Christ and would not do anything
ye have been called unto liberty; to grieve His Holy Spirit, if they
only use not liberty for an occasion knew it. We
are united in preach-
to the flesh, but by love serve one ing the Everlasting Gospel. We
another. For all the law is fulfilled find no fault with anybody else; it

in one word, even in this Thou :

takes us all our time to advocate
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. the truth.
But if ye bite and devour one an- I am thankful that I have the

other, take heed that ye be not con- privilege of standing before you,
sumed one of another. This I my beloved fellow-laborers you
presidents of stakes, and counsel-

say then. Walk in the Spirit, and ye
shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. ors, and high-councilors, who aid

For the flesh lusteth against the us by your faith, prayers, and loy-
Spirit, and the Spirit against the alty. It is impossible to express

flesh and these are contrary the

the affection we have for you. Hav-
one to the other so that ye cannot
ing passed from death unto life,

do the things that ye would. But we know that we love the brethren,
if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are as Apostle John expresses it.
not under the law. Now the works You know that we love you, and
of the flesh are manifest, which are you know that we do not presume
these Adultery, fornication, un-
to exercise any unrighteous domin-
cleanness. lasciviousness,. idolatry, ion, or anything of the kind, but
withchcraft, hatred, variance, em- that we are striving for the further-
ulations, wrath, strife, seditions, ance of the purposes of the Al-
heresies, envyings, murders, drunk- mighty in the establishment of His
enness, revellings, and such like of :
righteousness upon the earth.
the which I tell you before, as I I thank you, as a member of the

have also told you in the time past, Council of the Apostles, for your
: ; ;:


faith and prayers. You see me to- We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,
day in the enjoyment of health. To guide us in these latter-days
About twelve months ago I was not We thank Thee for sending the Gospel
To lighten our minds with its rays;
in that condition. I passed through We thank Thee for every blessing
the narrows, but my life was pre- Bestowed by Thy bounteous hand;
served. I have needed your faith We feel it a pleasure to serve Thee,
and prayers, and I am thankful un- And love to obey Thy command.
to you that I have had them, for
the Lord has healed me, and He has
Benediction was pronounced by
prolonged my life upon the earth, Elder Henry F. McCune.
Conference adjourned till 2 p. m
in answer to your prayers. I am
grateful that you have sustained
me. I feel my Own unworthiness,
and I would not dare to exercise
any unrighteous dominion, or go Overflow Meeting.
to any foolish extreme to have my
own ways or notions carried out. An
overflow session of the Con-
ference was held in the Assembly
I know that the First Presidency,
Hall at 10 a. m. Elder Heber J.
and the brethren of the Twelve, are
Grant presided, and Prof. Charles
men of God. I bear this testimony,
that the Church of Christ is estab- J. Thomas conducted the singing.
lished upon the earth by the power
The congregation sang: the hymn,
of God; that we hold the Everlast-
"We thank Thee, O God, for a
ing Priesthood that we have au-

Prayer was offered by Elder

thority to call the sinner to repent*
ance, to baptize by immersion for
John W. Woolley.
the remission of sins, and through
The congregation sang the hymn
the laying on of hands that they
O, say, what is truth? 'Tis the fairest
may receive the gift of the Holy gem
Ghost. Wehave the privilege of That the riches of worlds can produce
advocating the doctrine of the Lord And priceless the value of truth will be
Jesus Christ, and administering in when
The proud monarch's costliest diadem
His holy sacrament. I am thank-
Is counted but dross and refuse.
ful that I have the opportunity of
declaring these precious truths at
this wonderful conference. Seven- ELDER NEPHI PRATT.
ty-seven years ago, the Church of
Jesus Christ was restored to the (President of Northwestern States
earth. Think of it. Think of the Mission.)
inspiring meetings that have been
held here. All glory to God the Brothers and sisters, I approach
Eternal Father, who by His power this duty with much misgiving, be-
and might has brought about this cause I am not accustomed to
wonderful gathering, through Je- preaching to large congregations.
sus Christ. Amen. I hope that the same Spirit that has
been in the former meetings of this
The choir and congregation sang conference may rest upon this con-
the hymn gregation, and inspire those who
shall address us this morning. Our liquors, and tobacco, and was a
brethren can speak impressively cigarette fiend. I was also inclined
when the inspiration and power of to profanity, and I have had a fight
God is upon them, and their words to wage with myself that few elders
are then profitable to those who that come into the mission field have
hear; therefore, I pray that you ever had. But I smoked my last ci-
will bless the brethren by petitioning garette after I accepted the call, and
the Lord that their words may be have never smoked since; I have
inspired, and all of us be fed with never since taken a glass of liquor
the bread of life. The object of my of any kind, and I have kept the
particular thoughts and affection is Word of Wisdom strictly. I re-
the Northwestern States Mission, joice to say that this young man
with its elders and scattered Saints, made a splendid missionary. He
and a little more than two million came home and doubtless will be a
inhabitants. I love Zion, with its shining light. His father and moth-
temples, tabernacles, institutions of er were able to look into the eyes of
learning, and its people, of course, a virtuous young man who had
above all things in the earth; but truly repented, and found the Lord.
my time is occupied in the mission- I have no doubt he will be a good
ary field, and a man speaks general- son, a good husband, and a good
ly of that which he is accustomed father, the Lord blesses him with
to do, in which his heart is inter- children. This is what a mission is
ested. doing occasionally for wayward
We have about thirty-eight of the sons of this people. There are none
sons of this peonle. from Idaho among my elders that have defiled
and Utah, in my mission, and there themselves with sin.
has not been a man in it for five My field is open to the sons of
years, with perhaps two exceptions this people, because God appoints
that come to my mind, but who has them. I want you to know that
faithfully obeyed the Word of Wis- however your sons come to me, my
dom. A few have come to me and heart is open to receive them, be-
expressed regret that they had not cause the Spirit of the Lord makes
been oroperly taught to oray in the me feel thus toward them. But O
family circle; because their father ye Saints, see to it that your sons
had done most of the praying. are prepared to come virtuous,
Some of these young brethren re- honorable and noble examples of
ally made their first effort to learn righteous training.
to pray when we called upon them Now, brethren and sisters, one
to kneel with us at headquarters, word about the schools in Zion.
when they joined the mission. As a where the boys are receiving an ed-
rule, they become devout, and make ucation. I have seen the benefit to
splendid missionaries. We
had one the elders who have studied in the
in our corps who was a remarkable Church schools on the line of mis-
example of what may be overcome sionary work. If your means are suf-
by determination and the aid of the ficient, and you can give your sons
Spirit of the Lord. He said to me who are expected to take missions
on one occasion 'Brother Pratt,
: a training in the Church schools,
before I came on this mission I was you should do so, that they may
addicted to the use of spirituous come to the mission field somewhat


prepared, comprehending the first in that state, where they were so

principles of the Gospel, and able unfriendly to us once, there is now
to pray. Furthermore, let your boys a feeling of friendliness toward us.
and girls be trained to sing the In the city of Independence, where
hymns of Zion. If I could get some we have recently located our head-
more good singers up in my coun- quarters, the people generally are
try I would be much pleased. quite friendly. They meet us on the
Brethren and sisters, I bless you, street and shake hands with us, as
as one who loves God, and with a though they had met us before. Ap-
heart full of thanksgiving for this parently they feel like we have re-
great conference, in the name of sided with them always, and there
Jesus Christ. Amen. is not the spirit of antagonism that
there was once. I am very thankful
to the Lord that this is the case, that
ELDER SAMUEL 0. BENNION. we are living in peace with our
neighbors, although it is a strong-
(President of Central States Mis- hold of the reorganized church. A
sion.) number of the lay-members of that
organization are attending the ser-
My brethren and sisters, it af- vices that we hold. The second or
fords me much pleasure to have the third Sunday we were there we
privilege of attending conference, had to rent a hall in Independence
and being able to meet you here in in order to accommodate the peo-
Salt Lake City this spring. I have ple —people who had belonged to
listened with much interest to the the Whitmerites and to various
remarks of Brother Pratt, knowing other off-shoots from the Mormon
that he has spoken from experience Church. They are attending our
and that he is interested in the work classes in the Sabbath Schools. Two
of our Father in his mission. old gentlemen told me, a few days
We have a large number of the before I left, "We are interested in
sons and daughters of Zion in the your work; we love the Book of
Central States mission, about a hun- Mormon that you use as a text book
dred and forty-five of them. I wish in your Sabbath School." One of
we had a hundred more to assist them sounds good to me;
said, "It
in the great work that is being done it isthe time I have been inter-

in mission.
that In the state of ested in it my youth." They
Missouri alone, where there are belonged to the Whitmerite church,
perhaps two million people, we have but, they said, "We are going: to in-
only about twenty-four elders, and vestigate, we are going to stav with
some of the counties of that state you and see what vou have to tearb
have never been canvassed by a us."
Mormon missionary. We
are receiv- The work
of the Lord is growing
ing inquiries and invitations for us in Central
the States mission.
to send the elders to visit them, Brother Duffin, who labored and
that the people might become ac- presided there before I did, laid a
quainted with the principles and good foundation, and we are getting
doctrines of Christ as they are set along nicely, and enjoy our labors.
forth and taught by the Latter-day The elders are honest and energetic
Saints. I am glad also to say that I don't think we have a drone in
the hive ; we distribute in the neigh- from north to south, without mon-
borhood of two thousand books ey, preaching the Gospel, delivering
each month. These elders are busy tracts, holding meetings and dispos-
holding meetings, and find many in- ing of books. The Lord is blessing
quirers, perhaps three to where we them, and they seldom have to sleep
used to have one, and they are la- out of doors. Wehave recently
boring zealously for the upbuilding held four conferences, and I think
of Church and Kingdom of
the that not more than three of our el-
God. want to tell you, brethren
I ders reported that they have laid
and sisters, that you should assist out during the past six months. I
them here at home. Pray for the tell you, the Lord will bless any
success of these elders, that they man who goes out to preach His
may not be led astray, but that they Gospel according to the method that
may remain faithful and patriotic in He has commanded, that is without
the great work that they have been purse or scrip, especially where you
sent forth to perform. And when can. Wehave some places, how-
you write to the missionaries, your ever, where our elders are not per-
sons and daughters, write letters mitted to travel without purse or
that are encouraging, and don't scrip, but in those cases the respon-
write things that will make them sibility is not upon our shoulders.
homesick. That feeling does not If we are faithful in our labors no
come from our Father in heaven, one can arise and accuse us of neg-
and we should not be instruments lect. After this life, when these el-
in causing it to arise in the hearts of ders meet any of the men or women
the elders. That has been one of to whom they have borne a faithful
the troubles we have had to contend testimony, and have said to them,
with, people at home writing things "I want you to read these books of
that have a tendency to discourage ours, and place yourselves in a po-
the elders. The people at home sition to see whether we are right
should assist the elders in keeping or wrong read the Book of Mor-

the spirit of their mission and call- mon and these pamphlets," if we do
ing. that, they can not rise up in the
I love the work of the Lord, the eternal world and accuse us of neg-
work in that mission, and every el- lect of duty. Among the bright
der engaged in it they are united
young men who have come out to
and willing. Thev are men of God, help us in the last six months are
working for the buildine up of His some who have attended colleges,
Church and Kingdom, and they are and had experience in various avo-
not idlers. I don't know of one in- cations in life, which makes them
stance of an elder that is not doing the more valuable. A man who has
his duty at the present time, to the had a college education and a good
best of his ability. They are try- practical experience in life, and in
ing to keep the commandments of the Church of God at home, is in-
the Lord, and laboring zealouslv. valuable. We have a few such, and
Ninety per cent of the elders in that it seems as if we cannot let them go.

mission travel without purse or but soon, of course, we will have

scrip today you could find about a
to. I trust we will get more, and
hundred and twenty of these younp- that we will get enough elders to
men trudging through that countrv, do the work we are trying to ac-


complish in that field. We have in by the method which they sing

our colony in the state of Texas the familiar hymns of the Church
about 500 people. There are bright, from this I conclude that the con-
intelligent young persons among gregation that is now before me is

them, but we have not enough heln in spirit and sympathy with the
to teach them, or to labor in their great work of human salvation in
Sunday Schools. We have one el- which we are all interested.
der there that is teaching school, I have been very much interested
and teaching music. If we could in the remarks of the brethren in
get at least two sisters, faithful >nd regard to the missions over which
solid in the faith, who could go they have the pleasure and the hon-
down there and teach some of those or to preside. I was somewhat
young ladies how to teach these interested in the remarks of Broth-
young people in the Sabbath school er Pratt, for the reason that they
and in the associations, it would be tallied and fitted so exactly with
a great blessing The elders who
. some of my early experiences in
go to that mission who have been the missionary field but I was glad

good men in the community here, to know that the exceptions he

and have attended to their meetings noted were only exceptions, and
and duties at home, make the best that, as a rule, the elders of the
missionaries. We have three elder? Church lead very exemplary lives.
from Canada, who have come into As I have traveled out in the world,
the mission field from active posi- as I frequently do, on business and
tions in life. They had attended otherwise, wherever I have gone
Mutual Improvement Associations, where there have been elders or
and each one of them could answer members of the Church, I have
questions intelligently and perform usually met them ; and my experi-
any missionary work that was re- ence is, and to this I think I can
quired of them. That indicates that truthfully testify, that there is a
the people in Canada are zealous great improvement in their behavior
in the work of
the Lord. and a great improvement and ad-
May the blessings of the Lord vancement in their intelligence. I
rest upon this people and their can remember when I was first
leaders, and upon this conference, called on a foreign mission, that
and the elders of Israel and His there were among us forty-eight
Saints everywhere, I ask in the young men, mostly boys you might
name of Jesus. Amen. call them, and there was not one
in the forty-eight that could speak
the English language correctly.
ELDEE WILLIAM W. RITER. This is all changed now, thanks to
our magnificent school system,
I was pleased to notice during thanks to the schools that are
our devotional exercises this morn -
fostered by the Church, and
ing that nearly every one present thanks to the great prosperity that
was singing, either audibly or else the Lord has brought upon us. The
their lipswere moving in harmony change is so great in this direction,

with the hymn. I know of no bet- that I have found many of our el-

ter standard by which to judge of ders the peers in the pulpit of any
the feelings of a congregation than men that I ever heard. experi- My

ence has covered a considerable time and simple faith that once an-
range, and these things are grati- imated a great many good people,
fying to me. Perhaps the best seems to be passing away; and the
school that we could be educated in conception of God is becoming
is the school of experience, and more hazy as the years roll by.
the best method of conveying in- Their ideas concerning Him are
formation is by stating the opposite becoming more shadowy, until the
of a question. condition is realized that in some
Now we all understand, when we of what we call Christian nations
stop to think of it, that the work of any distinct comprehension of a
the Latter-day Saints, the mission deity has well nigh vanished. There
of Joseph Smith, is to bring salva- is one nation in Europe, one of the

tion to the world, not only to those most learned nations, I presume,
who are living, and who can hear upon the face of the earth, where
it in this life, but our mission is the idea of a God, that is, any ac-
to bring salvation to the human tive idea of Him in the minds of
race, whether dead or alive. This the masses of the people, has well
is a larger problem than a great nigh vanished. Of course you can
many of us think it is. We are readily guess to which nation I re-
greatly engrossed by the affairs of fer ; and I will also mention its
life, and I think it is only now neighboring nation, that of Ger-
and then that we have time to turn many. I saw it stated here recent-
our minds to, and con over the ly, in one of the papers, that only
great mission whereunto we are four per cent of the people in coun-
called. As an item of importance try sections were to be found in
in this connection, I call your at- church on Sunday, and only two
tention to this fact, and I would per cent were to be found in church
premise, it by saying (excuse the in the cities. Now, ever since the
apparent egotism) that I, perhaps days of the Prophet Joseph, the
as much as any one, have kept my ideas of religion, and of man's con-
eyes on the religious conditions of nection and relationship to God,
the world. I read the religious are becoming relaxed ,and I do not
tracts of the day, showing: and ex- know how soon it will be before
emplifying the religious condition the time comes when the knowl-
of the people. Of course when I edge of God, or at least, faith in the
say people, I mean the Christian great God that created the heavens
people of the earth as yet we have
and the earth, will become only a
had very little to do with those of dark and shadowy memory. It was
heathen lands. I discover this, the great mission of the Israelites,
that as the years go by there is a the children of Abraham, through-
lessening and a relaxation in the out all their generations, though
minds of the people at large in re- apostate as they sometimes were,
gard to their conceptions of reli- and far removed from the true path
gious matters. Especially is this sometimes, to preserve the knowl-
true in regard to their thought re- edge of God uoon the earth. I

garding the existence of a Deity. know it has been frequently a mat-

The old time faith, such as was ter of wonder "What good is the
once had amongst the people — Jew?" Why, if the Jew did noth-

mean the people at large the old ing else but preserve the knowl-

edge of God upon the earth, he per- the Relief Society and to other
formed a great mission, for charities amongst the Latter-day
throughout all those generations in Saints and I have been surprised

which he lived, the knowledge of to see with what generality, and I

God would have completely per- might say, generosity, the people
ished from the earth except for have paid their tithes and offerings.
them, and the world would have In looking over the names of peo-
had in the place thereof only gods ple in some of the wards with
of "sticks and stones." which I was most familiar, I have
Now, my brothers and sisters, if frequently asked the Bishop, How
we as Latter-day Saints had no oth- can so-and-so pay any tithes and
er mission in the world than to pre- offerings, knowing their poverty?
serve a knowledge of God upon the It is surprising that, sometimes,
earth, that of itself is a great mis- people in the most humble circum-
sion. If we had no other calling stances of life, whom I have known
than to preserve simple faith in the and knew that their earnings were
providences of God, that of itself but little, that the amount of their
is a great calling. But fortunately donations and charities were sur-
it extends much further than this. prisingly large, and that this occurs
Our mission, as I have already re- generally. Then, since the division
ferred to, covers the welfare of the of the stake, it has fallen to my lot
whole human family, in all ages of for two years past, to be one of the
the world; and I believe that if the auditors of the accounts of the gen-
Latter-day Saints could properly eral organization of the Church ;

look at this subject, they would re- and I think I may perhaps, with-
gard themselves with considerable out violating any confidence what-
pride as the upholders of the true ever, say that the conditions in
faith and preservers of the knowl- which we have found things are
edge of God on the earth. gratifying almost beyond measure.
I have been greatly pleased with I believe that there is not a person
the spirit of this conference. I am present in this congregation, or any
convinced of this fact, which is, congregation of the Saints, to
never since the church was organ- whom, if they could see the gen-
ized was there as general good erosity with which the people re-
feeling amongst the Latter-day spond to these calls, and then see
Saints, as general a feeling of un- the wisdom and the judgment with
animity, and as little fault-finding, which their moneys and their dona-
and as little cause for fault-finding tions, are disbursed, it would not be

as at the present time. It may not a source of gratification. The peo-

be amiss for me to state a few rea- ple, I believe, as never before, are
sons for these conclusions. During paying their tithesand offerings
the existence of the old Salt Lake and living up to the requirements
Stake, which is now divided into of their faith.
several stakes, it became one of my There is one thing that struck me
duties to be an auditor of the ac- with extreme gratification, and that
counts of the different wards in the is the generous help that the gener-
stake. In this labor I had occasion al authorities of the Church have
to go over the list of tithepayers, extended to our educational insti-
and those who made donations to tutions. We have amongst us a
number of colleges and academies, be here in this general conference
and I think the day will soon pass of the Church, that we are permit-
away when men will have to speak, ted to meet and worship the Lord
in any degree of complaint of the without molestation, for, strange as
quality of the missionaries that are it may appear, this blessing, this
sent out into the field. The cause privilege, has not always been ac-
of education is close and dear to corded to the Saints of God. Why
the hearts of the Latter-day Saints, people should object to men and
their children are becoming educat- women meeting together and wor-
ed, and it is only a question of time shiping their Creator as their con-
when the old reproach that used to science may dictate to them, seems
be thrown at us, that the Latter- strange, but it is nevertheless a fact
day Saints were ignorant, will pass that in the history of the world re-
away. Strange as it may appear, ligious worship has been interfered
there was a statement in one of the with and the right of conscience has
New York papers some months ago been interrupted to a degree that
complaining that the elders of the no other privilege of the human
Latter-day Saints sent out into the race has been and so I say, when

world were educated men, and in we are permitted thus to meet to

consequence of that they were the worship the Lord, to acknowledge
more dangerous. It is only a His goodness and mercy to us,
question of time when that com- without molestation, I feel exceed-
plaint will be general, and the mis- ingly grateful, as I believe that you
sionaries that go out into the field all do, and want to make this ac-
will be men of culture and educa- knowledgement to our heavenly
tion, for the reason that there will Father 'this morning.
be none at home, none from among I am grateful to have the oppor-
whom they have come that are oth- tunity of saying just a few words
erwise. We have great cause for in behalf of your brethren and sis-
congratulation, mjy brothers and ters who are in Mexico, people iso-
sisters. Let us persevere, and let lated from the body of the Church,
us have hope for the future. The surrounded by influences different
future never looked as bright as it to those that exist in any other or-
dees today for the great cause of ganized stake of the church. In
human salvation. May God help fact, there is no other Latin coun-
us in this cause always, is my try in the world where there is a
paryer in the name of Jesus Christ. stake of Zion organized and we ;

Amen. should appreciate the conditions

which exist where Latin races and
Latin customs prevail they are ;

so different from the customs

ELDER ANTHONY W. IVINS. which Anglo-Saxon com-
exist in
munities that one must be-
(President of Mexican Mission.) come acquainted with them to ful-
ly appreciate them. Mexico is a
I desire, my brethren and sisters, very peculiar country, comprising
to express the gratitude I feel to very distinct, peculiar and contra-
our heavenly Father that I am per- dictory conditions. The country it-
mitted, in connection with you, to self is one of extreme contrast. Vast
: —


arid, unproductive plains abound, other city of the same size in the
which to look at one would think world, Aztec women pattering along
to be absolutely valueless, and yet the pavements, dressed exactly as
when the country is traced and ex- they were four hundred years ago
amined we find that it is inter- when Cortez marched into the city
spersed and dotted with valleys as at the head of his victorious army.
productive as any elsewhere in the And there, in sight of the towers of
world. Great treeless ranges of those temples and magnificent edi-
mountains, appearing to be without fices which have been erected by the
any valuable products, when more Catholic church, the humble hamlets
closely examined, are found to con- of the Indians may be seen, scat-
tain in their recesses mostbeautiful tered over the mountain sides and ;

and productive forests and some of

; they are living in the same sim-
the mountains are covered with per- plicity, speaking the same language,
petual snow, around the bases of wearing the same apparel, following
which oranges, lemons, and bananas the same avocations, that they did
are cultivated. It is a country of in the days of their fore-fathers.
extremely distressing drought, fol- We are doing some missionary
lowed by prolific rains, and so the work among these people, and it is
country from north to south is one interesting to the Latter-day Saints
of extreme and perplexing condi- at large to know that many of them
tions. It is not very strange that are receiving the Gospel. They are
a people who have lived in a coun- a vigorous race, mentally and phy-
try of this kind for hundreds of sically, thoroughly competent both
years should become somewhat like physically and intellectually to com-
it environment has had its effect
; prehend the Gospel and fulfil their
and they have become as it is. I part in the upbuilding of the
suppose there is no place in the Church, in connection with converts
world where greater extremes are that are made in other countries. If
found among the population, where we read the words of the Lord as
a more heterogeneous people live contained in the Book of Mormon
than are to be found in Mexico. and Mexico is essentially a Book of
And yet, taken as a whole, it seems —
Mormon country we find that a
harmonious, and when considered time must come, before the consum-
together it appears reasonably hom- mation of the purposes of the Lord,
ogeneous. before the redemption of the center
Mexico has a great interest to the stake of Zion, before completing the
Latter-day Saints from the fact that work we are so anxionsly looking
it is the home of the Lamanite, forward to down there at Independ-
the land of the Nephite. There are ence, Missouri, that the work of
millions of those people,the dark de- conversion must be commenced
scendants of father Lehi, there. The among the Lamanites. Jesus said
center of civilization upon the North to His disciples, when He minis-
American continent at the time of tered among them upon this conti-
its discovery was in the Valley of nent, that He would give them a
Mexico and there are to be found
; sign by which they might know
today, upon the paved streets of its when the things that He then pre-
principal city, surrounded with dicted were about to be fulfilled, and
wealth equal to that perhaps of any He said
"When these words which I now speak Lord wants us to be in Mexico for
unto you, and which you shall write,
the accomplishment of His pur-
shall be brought forth in latter times,
and when they shall be brought to a poses, we would not be there, for
remnant of your seed which shall dwin- there is nothing very desirable in
dle in unbelief, and your seed shall be- that country nor in the people. The
gin to come to a knowledge of these
conditions there are so contrary to
things, and know that their fathers came
from Jerusalem, and that they are of those conditions to which we have
the house of Israel, then may you know been accustomed that it would
that the promises which I have made re- not be desirable to us. Were it not
garding the redemption of my people, O for the conviction we have that the
ye house of Israel, are about to be ful-
Lord desires that the Gospel should
be established and maintained
Now, my brethren and sisters, we among that people, we would not
have a dozen elders laboring down feel content to be there. There are
there among that people, and they about 4,000 Latter-day Saints there,
are making converts every day. So without including the members of
we see that the Gospel has be.en in- the Church who live in the neigh-
troduced among them, that they are borhood of the city of Mexico, and
coming to a knowledge of the truth, who number five or six hundred.
that they again know that their Our people are doing the best they
fathers came from Jerusalem, that can to maintain themselves, to sus-
they do begin to realize the day of tain their families and properly edu-
their redemption draweth nigh, and cate their children. We are getting
thus we see in them the fulfillment no help at all from the government,
of Scripture. As a people we are not a single dollar has ever been ex-
fulfillers of Scripture. If there is pended for public purposes" in the
anything at all in the work of the part of Mexico where we live, since
Lord, it is here for the purpose of we have been there. We maintain
consummating His purposes, in ful- our own schools, we construct our
fillment of the words of the proph- own roads, we build our own
ets, preparing for the redemption bridges, we pay our own civil offi-
of the covenant people of the Lord cers; in fact, we bear all the bur-
in this the dispensation of the full- dens of government, and receive in
ness of times. Now if you will exchange the protection of the law.
read the Doctrine and Covenants, Our relationship with the Mexican
you will find that also justifies what government is very friendly, indeed.
I have said. The Lord revealed We have no difficulty with them,
through the Prophet Joseph that we participate in no degree at all
this people to whom I refer should in their politics. We let politics en-
become a very active factor in the tirely alone, attending to our own
redemption of the center stake of affairs ; suppose we might live
and I
Zion, and the construction of a in peace in almost any country un-
great temple there in this dispensa- der similar circumstances. We pay
tion, this generation. Taken alto- our taxes, bear our own expenses,
gether, we feel very much encour- and are permitted to live in peace.
aged with the outlook, from a mis- That just about explains it all. It
sionary standpoint, in Mexico. If is not without an effort, either, that

it were not for that fact, were it we do this, because we are the poor-
not for the faith we have that the est people in the Church, taken as

a whole, and yet these poor people earth. It is who know how-
support an excellent school in each to do, who know how to manufac-
ward in the stake and we maintain
; ture, who know how to take the ele-
a stake academy, which is perhaps ments of the earth and make them
equal to almost any other that exists into things useful for men and
in the Church, a splendid adminis- women,that have been the civilized
tration, a splendid school. In order nations of the earth. Egypt had the
to accomplish all this we are some- world's first civilization, and the
times required to assess a voluntary people of Egypt were pre-eminently
income tax upon the people, as high agricultural. But the manufactur-
as five or six per cent of their in- ing city of Tyre and the little city
come. But it is willingly paid, and of Sidon, whose inhabitants pulled
the schools are maintained. We
ap- down the cedars of their mountains
preciate the fact that, isolated as we and made them into ships, who
are, if we expect to keen in touch knew enough to take the ore of the
with our brethren and sisters in earth and convert it into iron and
more favored localities in the bind ships together, who were able
Church, we must educate our chil- to manufacture it into things that
dren, and we are trying our very people wanted, they were the peo-
best to do it. I want to say to you, ple who forged to the front. There
my brethren and sisters, you who is no country in the world where

perhaps are better able to amply agriculture is more appreciated than

provide for education, among whom in England. There is no country
it is possible, do not allow your pre- in the world whose influence for
judices, do not allow the argument good, towards the betterment and
that education is being overdone, to civilization of the inhabitants of the
persuade you to desist from per- earth, has been felt as strongly as
sistent effort to properly educate the that of the English people I say it ;

children of the Latter-day Saints. I without fear of successful contra-

tell you we never have been an over- diction. But it has never been her
educated people. The time will not agriculture that made it possible
come that we can properly fill the for her civilizing influence to go to
place the Lord designs we should allthe world. England is the great-
occupy among the people of the est manufacturing country on the
earth until greater attention is paid earth. It was because she had
to education. mines and knew how to work them,
We have been pre-eminently an and had factories and knew how to
agricultural people. I do not want conduct and operate them; I know
to depreciate agriculture. I do not this. I have felt impressed that the
want to deny the fact that, from an Latter-day Saints have neglected
agricultural standpoint, our educa- some of their opportunities, and the
tional institutions may be very result is that the most remunerative
greatly improved, and we are try- employment goes to others. What
ing all the time to improve them do we know about engineering?
down in our country; but I do What do we know about electricity ?
want to call your attention to the What do we know about manufac-
other fact that no pre-eminently ag- turing? As a community we do-
ricultural people ever took first very little indeed in these lines, and
place among the nations of the the result is that the advantages-
have largely been secured by oth- the betterment of mankind, be-
ers, and we are, in a measure, bear- longed to us, and it was our duty to
ers of burdens that others ought to acquire it.

share with us. May God bless us, my brethren

believe these great forces have
I and sisters, and keep us in the faith.
come into the world to stay. I do I rejoice in and bear
the Gospel,
not believe that when the redemp- testimony to its truth. I wish you
tion of Zion comes, and when truth to sustain us, your brethren and sis-
triumphs, that all the great discov- ters down in Mexico, with your
eries which make for the betterment faith and prayers, that we may all
of mankind are going to be rele- unite for the upbuilding of the king-
gated to the back ground, not a bit dom of God and the consummation
of it. Electricity has come to stay, of His purposes. May the blessings
the power of steam has come to of the Lord rest upon us all, is my
stay. The power to control these prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
things must be acquired by the peo- Amen.
ple who would be in the fore-
ground. Wemust progress. Take
Nelson or Paul Jones and put them ELDER J. GOLDEN KIMBALL.
in a modern man-of-war, and what
would they do? They would be as During the timeI. occupy this po-

helpless as babes, because conditions sition, I desire to be safeguarded

are changed, and conditions are con- by the Holy Spirit of God. I have
tinually changing, and we have got no desire whatever to say or do
to take advantage of the conditions anything that can be construed to
to make our way in the world. hurt the Church. I am perfectly
Let us see to it that our sons and willing to bear my individual res-
daughters are educated men and ponsibilities, but I believe a res-
women, and that they compare fa- ponsibility rests upon every man
vorably with educated men and and woman in the Church of Christ
women that go out from other com- to protect the Church, although I
munities. And that need not de- am confident that the Lord is amply-
able to take care of the Church of
tract from our faith. A
man said
Latter-day Saints, whether we suc-
to me the other day, "When you
ceed or fail: I have that faith.
come upon these material
to insist
I am a strong advocate of indi-
things, you destroy the faith of the
viduality and agency. I value it
Latter-day Saints." In other words
above everything that I can con-
the argument is made that you can-
ceive of, except salvation. I am
not educate the people and still have
very doubtful if a man can be
them retain their faith in the Gos- saved in the kingdom of God who
pel. That is nonsense. The Gos- has no individuality, and does not
pel of Jesus Christ comprehends
assert his agency, because salvation
every truth there is in the world, is an individual work. This is the
educationally, morally, physiologi- Church of Jesus Christ, and is no
cally, all that we can attain. The man's Church. It does not belong
Prophet Joseph laid the maxim to President Joseph F. Smith, and
down to us, that everything that he does not pretend to say that it
was good, everything that was ex- does nor to his counselors, nor to

cellent, everything that, made for the, Twelve

- Apostles it is the ;


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- might depict a muzzled clergyman

day Saints, and I am sure that the preaching to a muzzled congrega-
Lord will take care of it, no matter tion.
what we do, whether we do right "The fact is that a civilization is
or wrong. a compromise. We
waive certain
It is my you an
desire to read to natural rights for security in the
«xcerpt taken from a magazine I ; possession of other rights. Among
do not wish you to get the idea that the waived rights is the right of
it is scripture. I presume some of free speech. You can say anything
•our enemies would like to take issue you like on a desert island in town ;

with us on the ground that we have you cannot. And upon the whole
no right to go outside of the Bible, most of us prefer to live in town,
Doctrine and Covenants, Book of muzzles and all.
Mormon, and Pearl of Great Price "What shall we say then ? Shall
for texts to be used in the pulpit. we sacrifice truth to conventionality
I read as follows :
and prudence? As a matter of
"I believe that a question of fact, we do continually. How far
super-eminent importance has been it is justifiable to suppress or color
raised, the question whether the religious truth (if we divide truth
pulpit shall be free or whether the into sections) in order to maintain
pulpit shall not be free. The the modus Vivendi rests ultimately
whole question of the churches is on the individual conscience."
involved in this question. It is not my intention to decide
"The chief office of a minister, I "that we are all muzzled by civili-
take it, is not to represent the views zation," nor "the fact that civiliza-
of the congregation, but to pro- tion is a compromise," but con- my
claim the truth as he sees it. How victionis that this people have
can he serve a congregation as a "waived certain natural rights," as
teacher save as he quickens the well as religious rights "for se-
minds of the hearers by the vitality curity in the possession of other
and independence of his utter- rights."
ances? But how can a man be The chief point I have in mind
vital and independent and helpful at this is that when we became
if he be tethered and muzzled? .. . .
members of the Church of Latter-
The minister is not to be the day Saints we waived certain rights
spokesman of the congregation, not and privileges. At least that was
the message bearer of the congre- my understanding when I became a
gation, but the bearer of a message member of the Church. Of course,
to the congregation. my case is different from those of
"We are all muzzled by civiliza- our people who were converted to
tion. It is unlawful to speak evil the Gospel in the world, as I had
of our neighbor. To refer to his no choice in the matter. I was
conduct or business injuriously is born in Salt Lake City in 1853, and
libelous. It is also dangerous so- when eight years old was baptized
cially. The newspapers are muz- and became a member of the
zled they cannot print 'all the
; Church. It was hardly a voluntary
news,' or one per cent, of the news ;
action on my part at that time, al-
the lawyers, doctors, politicians, though I strongly believe, as El-
merchants, housewives all are — der John Nicholson has said, "that
muzzled. An effective cartoon Latter-day Saints are born and not
: ;

made." I am
hopeful that the Gos- mence to exercise "unrighteous
pel has found its way into every dominion" when they find a trans-
fiber of my being, as I truly love gressor in the Church. Now, Lat-
the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- ter-day Saints, you have all "sinned
ter-day Saints and its organization, and come short of the glory of
and am thoroughly converted that God," and you stand condemned
the Priesthood and authority of before the Lord unless there is such
God has again been restored to the a thing as repentance and forgive-
earth. I love the people, and hope ness of sins. It is a question, How
the day will never come in my life long will it take for me to secure
and history that my integrity and salvation? The Lord only knows
devotion to the truth of the Gospel I don't: I am not competent to tell
will ever be in question. whether I will be saved or not. I
am making an effort for sal-
Now, as I said, I waived certain vation, and, as I said, I waived a
rights when I became a member of great many rights in order to be-
this Church; I waived the right of come a member of the Church. I
sin. I had my agency and indi-
have trampled ambition under my
viduality; but as long as I am a
feet, for I have an am-
member of this Church, I waive
bition, and it takes me
the right to sin, to transgress.
all the time to keep my feet on
When you joined the Church, be- it. I am sometimes afraid of my
came members of it, you also waiv- friends, because if one don't quali-
ed the right to do a great many fy every statement he makes, he
things. You have no right to may be like one man said of me in
break the ten commandments, have
the north country: "Well, he didn't
you ? You have no right to be say it but he intended to. and if he
dishonest. You have no right to will say to me that he did not in-
commit adultery, or to be immoral. tend to say it, then I will take back
You have waived all these rights. everything I said against him."
You have waived the right to I wish to properly express my
break the Word of Wisdom. And
thoughts and feelings cm this oc-
in many other things we have
casion. I will read to you from
waived our rights, and sometimes the Doctrine and Covenants
I feel muzzled when I wrestle with
"Behold, there are many called,
my nature and human weaknesses. but few are chosen, and why are
You know there is no other man they not chosen?"
just like me in all Israel, and prob-
(I have been surprised that I
ably you are glad of it. I am hav-
was chosen, but there will come
ing a pretty hard time wrestling
another time of choosing', and I
with myself. I don't feel self-
don't know whether I will be
righteous; I feel more like that
among the number then or not.
poor fellow who stood on the street You don't know, either.)
corner and bowed his head and "There are many called, but few
said, "O God, forgive me, a poor
are chosen. And why are they
sinner." I feel confident, when I
not chosen? Because their hearts
think about the matter carefully, are set so much upon the things of
that some people become self-right- this world, and aspire to the honors
eous in their own estimation, be- of men, that they do not learn this
cause they keep one or two or more one lesson That the rights of the

commandments they then com- priesthood are inseparably connect-


ed with the powers of heaven." they will immediately begin to ex-

Our hearts are set so much upon ercise unrighteous dominion.
the things of this world and aspire Hence many are called but few are
to the honors of men;" that is our chosen."
weakness, the weakness of the "No power or influence can or
human family. If you ever change ought to be maintained by virtue
some men along that line you will of the Priesthood, only by persua-
have to grind them over, for they sion, by longsuffering, by gentle-
have got it burned into their souls, ness, and meekness, and by love
and they love the honors of men. unfeigned; by kindness and pure
As I stand before you today, I do knowledge, which shall greatly en-
not love the honors of men, but I large the soul without hypocrisy,
honor God, and want to keep His and without guile."
commandments. I grant you that men holding au-
"And they do not learn this one thority have a right to reprove
lesson" —
and it is the hardest thing
— sharply, but they must be sure that
in the world to learn "that the they are moved upon by the Holy
rights of the priesthood are insep- Ghost.
arably connected with the powers "Reproving betimes .with sharp-
of heaven, and that the powers of ness, when moved upon by the
heaven cannot be controlled nor Holy Ghost, and then showing
handled only upon the principles of forth afterwards an increase of
righteousness. That they may be love toward him whom thou hast
conferred upon us, it is true; but reproved, lest he esteem thee to be
when we undertake to cover our an enemy; that he may know that
sins, or to gratify our pride, our thy faithfulness is stronger than
vain ambition, or to exercise con- the cords of death. Let thy bowels
trol or dominion, or compulsion, also be full of charity towards all
upon the souls of the children of men, and to the household of faith,
men, in any degree of unrighteous- and let virtue garnish thy thoughts
ness, behold, the heavens withdraw unceasingly, then shall thy confi-
themselves the spirit of the Lord
; dence wax strong in the presence
is grieved; and when it is with- of God, and the doctrine of the
drawn, amen to the Priesthood or Priesthood shall distil upon thy
the authority of that man." soul as the dews from heaven."
It matters not what position a Experience teaches me that when
man holds in the Church, if he uses I have been angry, I am quite sure
any unrighteous dominion it is I did not have the Holy Ghost, and
amen to the Priesthood that he I was not in any proper condition
holds, which is inseparably connect- to administer reproof. It took me
ed with heaven, and we should be- quite a long while to learn that.
gin to learn it now. When I became excited, fanatical,
"Behold ere he is aware, He is
! and over-zealous, I mistakenly
left unto himself to kick against thought it was the Spirit of the
the pricks to persecute the saints,
; Lord, but have learned better, as
and to fight against God. We have the Holy Ghost does not operate
learned, by sad experience, that it that way. My testimony is that the
is the nature and disposition of internal fruits of the Holy Ghost
almost all men, as soon as they get are joy, peace, patience, long suf-
a little authority, as they suppose, fering, and kindness.
hold the Melchisedek Priest-
I than some who hold the priesthood
hood I have the information by
; are to each other. I have learned
which I can trace my authority the lesson that nothing on earth
back to Joseph Smith, the Prophet. would be a greater failure to me
Elder William Moore Allred or- than to fail to keep my family in
dained me a Seventy Levi W.
; the Church. They were God's
Hancock ordained Elder Allred to children before they were mine, and
the priesthood, and Elder Hancock I think the Lord will look after
was ordained by Joseph Smith, the their interestsand save them in
Prophet. Now, I am speaking of His own due time. If Golden Kim-
myself I am not criticizing others
ball, can't be saved in the flesh,
I am talking about principles. after all the struggles and efforts
I stand before you a transgressor, he has made —and have made
but I am trying to be saved, and a few sacrifices—then believe I
that is all God asks me to do. Any God will save him on the other side,
man who tries to do the right thing and it may be that his earthly father
and continues to try, is not a fail- will come to his rescue, and lift up
ure in the sight of God. Dreyfus his voice to God in behalf of his
a Jew of the French Army, was child and plead for his salvation. It
falsely accused by his associates may take a hundred years to save
because of jealousy and hatred, and me, but if I get through in a thou-
it resulted in his losing his appoint- sand years it will be a most profit-

ment, being disgraced and ban- able investment. I have no fancied

ished. He was afterwards proven notions I have gotten rid of tradi-

innocent and reinstated with hon- tion, and of a few false ideas that
ors. His experience and sorrow rested on me. I do not expect to
would not be as great or as serious become a god, right away. No, it
as mine would be, if, for cause or will take a long time; I am too
otherwise, I was to lose my Priest- ignorant. When I stand before my
hood and appointment. Such Maker, in the other world, I
things have occurred through sin, will be like some of those
or apostasy, and sometimes it may poor Elders who have been labor-
be because men holding the Priest- ing in missions, I will speak with
hood have exercised unrighteous a stammering tongue, and God will
dominion, and have accepted state- look upon me. no doubt, as a child,
ments made by tattlers, and thus mediocre in intelligence compared
become suspicious, prejudiced and with those who have preceded
unfriendly. me.
My brethren and sisters, I want I conclude my remarks by brief-
you be good to me, and help
to ly calling your attention to diffi-
save me. If I can be saved it is an culties that the First Council are
encouragement to every man, wo- meeting in selecting the names of
man and child in Israel to make the Seventies from the many quorums
effort. If you have weaknesses, of Seventy for missions. Letters of
try and overcome them, and if you inquiry are sent to them to ascer-
fail, try again, and if you then fail, tain as to their moral, spiritual,
keep trying, for God is merciful to financial and physical condition,
His children. He is a good deal and as to their willingness to ac-
kinder to us than we are to our- cept a call from the Presidency of
selves, more kind to us, perhaps the Church for a mission. -very A
:: ;


great effort is being made by the sometimes, from a human point of

brethren to protect the interest of view, disqualified because they are
our people at home, as we are no not educated, but we feel confident
longer in possession of all the busi- that the Lord is well pleased with
ness interests in the State of Utah, His Seventies when they manifest
but are met with sharp competition^ a willingness to leave everything
and unless great care is taken to that they hold dear to go forth
protect these interests, our people among the children of men, and
will be the "hewers of wood and testify of this great work.
drawers of water." Also we find I pray the Lord to bless you.
many Seventies living in cities Amen.
and other places as employees, and
as soon as they are called on mis- The choir and congregation sang
sions, their families are left with- thehymn:
out means of livelihood. The Lord
has said "that men who will not Now let us rejoice in the day of salva-
provide for their own are worse ;

No longer as strangers on earth need

than an infidel, and has already we roam,
denied the faith," and as there is Good tidings are sounding to us and each
no plan established for a mission- nation,
ary fund, such men cannot very And shortly the hour of redemption
will come.
well be called on missions. Besides,
the Stakes and Wards of Zion must
Benediction was pronounced by
be protected, as well as the home
Elder James W. Ure.
circle, as it sometimes happens that
fathers go on missions and their
children lose the faith. We,also ex-
cuse Seventies who'are aged, physi-
cally disqualified, financially dis- Second Overflow Meeting.
abled, and others who are in debt •
and their homes mortgaged, so that
In the Assembly Hall at 2 p. m.
you can readily understand how
Elder Hyrum M, Smith presiding.
difficult it is to secure missionaries
The singing was efficiently ren-
who have had experience and
dered by the Temnle choir. Before
are qualified to preach the
the close of the services, the pre-
Gospel, There are many pa-
siding officer announced that the
thetic stories that might be
music of all the hymns that were
told as to the unfaltering,
sung had been composed, or har-
unwavering faith of many of our
monized, by the conductor, Prof.
brethren of the Seventies, as well
Charles J. Thomas.
as their wives and children, who
are willing to make any sacrifice in
The choir sang the hymn
order to preach the Gospel to the
Jesus, mighty King in Zion,
children of men. They have not Thou alone our guide shalt be
forgotten that the Gospel found Thy commission we rely on,
them in foreign lands through the We will follow none but Thee.
efforts of other Elders who have
made greater sacrifices than Seven- Prayer was offered by Elder
ties are called upon to make at the Henry Beal.
present time. These Seventies are The choir sang the hymn
: ; ;; ! : ; ;

Go, ye messengers of glory Angels from heaven and truth from
Run, ye legates of the skies earth
Go and tell the pleasing story, Have met and both have record borne
That a glorious angel flies, Thus Zion's light is bursting forth,
Great and mighty, To cheer her children's glad return.
With a message from the skies.

seemed to me that a dawning

of another day had come upon us,
ELDER JOSEPH A. M'RAE. and that we are beginning a new era
in the organization of the Church
(President of Western States Mis- of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
sion.) I wonder in my mind what influ-
enced each of you to come to con-
My brethren and there
sisters, ference. I know why I came. It
have been many thoughts pass was to become acquainted and to be
through my mind during the time associated with you, to partake of
that this conference has been in ses- the Spirit,that I might return again
sion,and I am truly thankful to my to the mission field over which I
Father in heaven that I have had have been called to preside, and
the opportunity of attending the tell the people there, the elders, the

meetings which have been held. I Saints and those who are not mem-
have rejoiced in the testimonies that bers of the Church, what a glori-
have been borne by my brethren, ous time we have had.
and I rejoiced in the declaration In sitting here this afternoon,
that was read the first day of the looking over this congregation, see-
conference by Brother Whitney, ing throngs of people that are pass-
the declaration by the President ing to and fro on the outside, and
and his counselors, that was ac- realizing that many thousands are
cepted by the body of the Church assembled in the tabernacle to hear
in conference assembled. When that the word of God, I could not help
document was *being read I could but say within myself, This people
not help but reflect on- the first is of necessity a social community.

hymn in the book They are not hermits, they are not
a law unto themselves, but we each
The morning breaks, the shadows flee
depend upon our brothers and sis-
Lo Zion's standard is unfurled
ters to a degree for strength to bear
The dawning of a brighter day that portion of the kingdom that
Majestic rises on the world. has been committed to our care. I
rejoice in the Gospel of Christ, and
The clouds of error disappear
Before the rays of truth divine in the testimony the Lord has
The glory, bursting from afar, blessed me with. I rejoice in the
Wide o'er the nations soon will shine. opportunity I have had of laboring
in the mission field for a few years,
The Gentile fullness now comes in,
And Israel's blessings are at hand presiding over some of your sons
Lo Judah's remnant, cleansed from sin,
and daughters, directing their foot-
Shall in their promised Canaan stand. steps and teaching them the Gos-
pel, telling them how to go among
Jehovah speaks let earth give ear,
the people and do the work which
And Gentile nations turn and live;
His mighty arm is making bare,
they are appointed to accomplish.
His cov'nant people to receive. In viewing the work they have done

I rejoice exceedingly. They are a of missionaries striving to the ut-

noble band of brethren and sisters, most of their ability to preach the
doing their duty, keeping the com- Gospel ; we have no place for
mandments of the Lord, and striv- drones in our hive, we have all re-
ing every day of their lives to solved to be workers in a great
preach the Gospel unto those who cause. I could not help but realize,
do not know it. The people in our as I said before, that our associa-
field are inquiring for the Gospel, tions together here are accomplish-
asking for it, and listening to the ing good. My association with the
testimony of the elders but we do
; mission presidents, visiting their
not have enough elders and sisters headquarters, has done much for
to preach the Gospel in the districts me, I have blessings in my heart
where we have been called. We for President Ellsworth, who pre-
have, practically, three states in our sides over the Northern States mis-
mission that have no elders preach- sion. I say God bless him; he has
ing in them. One has only two el- been an inspiration in the things
ders covering the entire state. Of that I have learned by visiting his
course they cannot cover it as a mission. When he asked me to take
whole, we have to confine them to a 1,500 copies of the Book of Mor-
small district, which keeps them mon, more than two years ago, 1
busy. Two other states have not thought it was more than we could
had elders in them for three or afford to carry. So I solicited Pres-
four yea'rs, we can not
because ident Robinson to take some off our
spare them. We
have letters now, hands, and I sent him 200. We
in our desk in Denver, asking for the remainder on our shelves, and
elders to come and preach the Gos- did not send them out to the mis-
pel to the people, invitations that we sionaries. A few months ago an
cannot comply with. I feel that the inspiration came to me, and I de-
Gospel spreading abroad in the
is cided to send each elder in the mis-
land. I often ask the Elders in the sion six copies of the Book of Mor-
mission field, Are we keeping pace mon, and to the conference pres-
with the rapid progress that the idents I sent twelve each. We
Gospel is making? Are we keep- 450 Books of Mormon out in one
ing up with this great movement week. Some of the elders said,
that has been established by our 'What do you want me to do with
Father in heaven? Are we keeping these?" I said, Put them in your
the commandments of the Lord, so grip, do anything you please, but I
that we can go back into the pres- am going to send another half doz-
ence of our Father in heaven with en in a very short time, and follow
those who shall be received in His that up. Some of the elders were
kingdom? When I see the rapid at first timid and backward in their
strides that are being made in the efforts to place the Book of Mor-
mission and the progress of
field, mon before the people, and we re-
the people, I wonder if our friends alized that to get them to work we
and relatives at home, who are of- must throw responsibility upon
fering up prayers and petitions for them. In the 23 months preceding
our welfare, realize what is being the first day of last December, we
accomplished today by the mission- sold in the mission field 700 copies
aries in the field. We have a corps of the Book of Mormon. In the
four months since then we have vidual and cause him to want the
sold 800. Not only that, but there book. Invariably it has been sold
were hundreds more of our Church under such conditions. They are
books distributed among the peo- not ordinary book agents, but they
ple. The elders also had an oo- are filled with the power of the
portunity of getting in the homes of Lord. We believe the spirit of that
the people and explaining the prin- book has permeated the hearts of
ciples of the Gospel unto them. I the people. One of the elders, the
wonder many times, if we, as a peo- other day, going into a dry goods
ple, understand the Book of Mor- store, took a book out of his pocket.
mon, do we comprehend what it is ? He had hardly taken it out when a
do we know why it was revealed in gentleman, a stranger, saw it, and
this dispensation? Evidently there held out his hand and said, "I have
was a wise purpose in it, for God been looking for the Book of Mor-
thought of sufficient importance
it mon for months, how much is it?"
to reveal it before the Church was Another instance I recall, of my

established. Read the title page to own experience recently in the city
that book, and observe what obliga- of Denver. I went into a business
tions we are under to distribute it house and took a book out of my
among the people. I have sent let- pocket and handed it to the pro-
ters to the elders telling them we prietor and. said: "Did you ever
have placed the mark on disposal see that book before?" He said.
of the Book of Mormon in our mis- "No; what are you going to do
sion field during the present year at with it?" I said, "I am going to
5,000 copies. President Ellsworth, let you have
it to read if you want

I expect, will tell you a bigger story it." He said, "All right, what is
than that, but he has nearly three the price?" He wanted the book,
times the number of missionaries and he took it. And so the people
that we have. I feel thankful for in our mission have become aware
the interest that has been taken in of the fact that Mormonism has
this great work. You may think something to give them, and they
that your sons and daughters are are inquiring after it, they are de-
made book agents in distributing siring to learn the principles of the
this book, but it is not so. We
have Gospel. These things that I am
elders in the mission field today telling you about are developing the
who have been book agents before elders. The elder that I mentioned
they went there, but while pursu- who took the book into the dry
ing former tactics, they failed in goods store was a timid, backward
getting the people to purchase the young man. He said, "I can't give
Book of Mormon, so they had to a book away, I can't loan it to the
change their plan. The plan that people," and the president of the
they have adopted now is to hand conference had been doing every-
the individual a Book of Mormon thing to get him filled with the
and ask him to read. It makes no spirit of the work, and he took the
difference what portion he reads, young man with him that morning,
anv of it is good. As he reads it, and decided on that peculiar action
the Elder stands there and silently which resulted as I stated. Wedo
prays that our Father in heaven not feel like book agents, but feel
will touch the heart of that indi- that we are going forth bearing the

message that God has given to this the children of men than ever be-
generation. I have often said to fore. I thank God that our breth-
the elders who are laboring in our ren, the First Presidency, have
mission, The Book of Mormon has made this declaration to the people
been written as a message to this of the world, that it was approved
generation, and if we withhold that by the Quorum of the Twelve, and
message from them, we will be hell that it has been sustained in this

responsible to God, as we would be conference unanimously. I am sure

held responsible before the courts that the spirit of the declaration
of the land by withholding any let- will be felt throughout the earth,
ter we may have received for de- for it is a message of truth, bearing
livery. the stamp of authority. It is a
I feel well in the Gospel. I feel mighty testimony to the honest in
to press on and do all that I can for heart and to those who desire to
the furtherance of this great cause. know the truth; and I rejoice in it.
I love my brethren and sisters, and My heart rejoices in the spirit of
the principles of the Gospel, and I this conference, and in the powerful
hope that I shall ever have a firm teachings that have been given unto
testimony, and not be afraid to God's people during the services. I
stand forth and bear it wherever hope and pray to live to see the day
the Lord shall see fit to send me. when the Latter-day Saints will feel
May He bless us and help us to do a pride in keeping the command-
right and keen His commandments, ments of the Lord. That it will be
is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. a joy to keep themselves so clean
Amen. and pure that through them the
light of the Gospel shall be dissem-
inated to all the honest in heart of
the earth, that they, too, may see
ELDER GERMAN E. ELLSWORTH. and know the way laid down by
the Master for the salvation of His
( President of Northern States Mis- children. There are thousands and
sion.) tens of thousands of honest hearted
people in the world who are pray-
I do not I ever attended a
believe ing and worshiping devoutly, but
conference which has appeared to all the light and knowledge they

me to be of more importance than have has come to them from unin-

the present one, nor at which I re- spired teachers, and they are not to
ceivedmore inspiration and felt blame for their state of mind. They
more impressed concerning the po- have been brought up to look upon
sition of God's people throughout these self-styled teachers as men
all nations. The reading of the called of God, and to believe the
Declaration at the opening of this things that have been taught by
conference, seems to place us in a them. They are taught that a calf
different position before the peo- to preach Christ comes from the
ple of the world, and I am confident Holy Ghost, and that ordination is
that the SDirit and import of the a secondary consideration that may
same will reach to the ends of the be administered by any preacher.
earth. All the world will know The people never stop to examine
more clearly our position toward the abstract of title to a man's an-
thority. were cen-
If their interests have been sent before his face to
tered in a few feet of ground they guide his footsteps in the way of
would look well into the title, but the honest in heart, and in the way
they fail to examine it in such an of friends.
important thing as everlasting life. I rejoice, my brethren and sisters,
I think the time is not far distant in the wonderful interest that is be-
when the light that shines from the ing taken by the people in the
lives of the faithful Latter-day Northern States mission, as well as
Saints will draw many of the hon- in the other missions. I believe
est in heart into the straight and truly that it is the dawning of a
narrow path. This is the gospel of new era, or a new opening for
liberty, restored through the Proph- presenting the Gospel truths to the
et Joseph Smith. The world has thousands and tens of thousands
long worshiped with a gospel of that desire to know the true way.
faith only, believing and teaching During the past four years the peo-
that faith alone is all that is neces- ple's attention has been wonderful-
sary; but the Gospel of faith and ly turned toward the doctrines of
works was restored through the the Latter-day Saints. As evidence
Prophet Joseph Smith and, as an of this, we sold about twenty-five
evidence of this, wherever this peo- Books of Mormon during Febru-
ple have established themselves, ary from the office alone, in an-
they have made their faith mani- swer to letters coming from indi-
fest by their works. They have viduals who had met some of our
built towns and cities, and have elders. That is almost as many as
beautified the earth. They have we sold in twelve months some few
gone into waste places and have years back ;not because the elders
demonstrated to the people of all were than they are to-
less faithful
nations that they have received a day, but because of the awakening
gospel of works as well as of faith. of the people. I rejoice in this, and
We have endeavored during the in the testimony that is given to me
time we have had the privilege of by the brethren who are constantly
laboring in the mission field to striving to present this great book
show to the people that we have of scripture to the people. They
come among them to work, to thus have related interesting and faith-
show our faith to teach them the promoting testimonies concerning
better way. For several years we the manner in which our heavenly
have given three rules to our mis- Father has opened up the way for
sionaries, as a means to sucess the; them to bring this book into the
first rule is Work, the second Hard homes of the people.
work, and the third Persistent, We are meeting hundreds of in-
prayerful, honest work. We bear dividuals who speak in very warm
testimony that success has come to terms concerning the work that is
every one who has followed these done by the Bureau of Information
three rules. We
have never had an upon this block. I have had sev-
elder go into the field, who has com- eral intelligent persons state that
plied therewith, but who has come it is very strange such a bureau was

home with his heart full of joy, not established 25 years ago, so that
with a testimony that God lives, much misrepresentation that has
and the messengers of our Father been going on these many years

might have been stopped. Many ing out His spirit upon the people
duly appreciate the very kind treat- throughout the nation the spirit of

ment they have received at the inquiry concerning this Gospel is

hands of our self-sacrificing breth- being awakened in their hearts. All
ren and sisters who come here daily we have to do is to labor and seek
to show people around these prem- earnestly to be led to those who are
and to give them a
ises, little infor- prepared to receive it. We feel
mation concerning the doctrines very much encouraged in that the
and history of
the Latter-dav Book of Mormon, which is scrip-
Saints.. Some have written to us ture to this generation, is being
inquiring for other books to supple- widely circulated in the Northern
ment the literature they have re- States mission. We succeeded in
ceived from the Bureau of Infor- distributing over 6,000 Books of
mation workers. Mormon during last year. Besides
We also receive many kind words there was about 20,000 10-cent books
from people who spend their win- and over 400,000 tracts distributed.
ters on the Pacific Coast. They This is a much better showing than
ask questions that convince us im- we were able to make the year pre-
mediately that they have come in vious. I do not believe our street
contact with some of our elders, for meetings, or our Gospel conver-
their questions are those referring sations were any fewer on account
to matters peculiar to the faith of of the increased labor in dispos-
the Latter-day Saints. ing of books and tracts. The Saints
The closing months of 1906, we are faithful concerning their tith-
had a very instructive and bene- ing, which has steadily increased
ficial visit from our brethren, Apos- during the past five or six years, as
tle Hyrum M. Smith, and Elder also have the offerings of the peo-
Charles H. Hart of the First Coun- ple. This is evidence that God has
cil of Seventy, and I can say that implanted in the hearts of the
they did us a great deal of good, Saints in the mission the love of
and strengthened our mission. They the Gospel, and has given them
gave the people who came to listen faith to keep the commandments,
to them much valuable instruction. and to impart of their substance to
Their visit strengthened the faith help build up His kingdom on the
of the Saints, assuring- them that earth.
the Gospel that has been delivered May the Lord bless the Latter-
to us is a Gospel of common sense, day Saints throughout Zion, both
a Gospel that teaches men and gathered and scattered. May He
women to be natural, and that true help us keep the commandments
religion is good common sense re- that we may reflect the light of the
vealed from our Father to His Gospel, that the honest in heart
children. may be gathered together to sing
We do not take any glory to our- His praises, build up His kingdom,
selves for the condition that now and establish the reign of right-
prevails in the mission. We feel eousness in the earth, is my prayer,
that our Father in heaven is pour- in the name of Jesus. Amen.
ELDER JOSEPH E. ROBINSON. the State of Nevada and stopping
for a brief moment at one of the
(President of California Mission.) little side stations I was intercepted
by a young man who came up to
I sincerely desire, my brethren me and wanted to know if he had
and sisters, your prayers of faith, heard me speak upon the corner of
that what I say to you shall be dic- Grant and Geary, in San Francisco,
tated by the Spirit of Truth, that upon a certain date. I told him I
it may be beneficial to you as well was there about that time. He
as to myself. I have rejoiced in the shook hands with me very warmly,
testimones of my brethren this af- and told me he wanted to come to
ternoon. I have drank in from Utah and to know more about that
them inspiration in the mission which he had heard that night on
work. I have rejoiced exceedingly the street corner. When I arrived
in meeting with the Saints in this in the city, coming up the street
conference. It is grateful to ones' here, I saw a gentleman looking at
soul to come from the world where me rather peculiarly, and he ap-
there is opposition, or if not oppo- proached and asked if he had
sition, indifference that is more not heard me on the occasion be-
hurtful to us in our labors than op- fore mentioned. I told him, yes.
position, to find such a vast con- He said that he was going east, and
course of people of one thought, one he had been constrained to stop off
purpose and one mind, that are and visit the city, and if he could
serving the Lord and keeping His have found employment here it was
commandments, who can truly say his purpose to have remained. I
that we do know that God lives, will say that these two incidents
that Jesus is the Christ, and that were brought about by the one
our souls shall live again. It has meeting, each of the young men
been, it seems to me, an epoch- having heard me speak just that
making conference. The spirit that once and I thought to myself, how

will go forth from it will be felt, far and how wide do our testimo-
doubtless, wherever the messengers nies go and whence are they car-
of truth and salvation are sent, ried ? I have met men from various
and it may be that even the spirit parts of the country who have said
shall reach beyond the footsteps that when they heard our testimony,
and go farther than the voices of that "that is the same thing that I
our elders are heard for in my ex-
; heard some elder say in the South,"
perience I have learned that we and another, "in New England,"
never know the result of our ef- and another told me "in Australia;''
forts nor how far-reaching their and one man said, "How is it that
effects. was approached today
I wherever you people are you alwavs
upon the stand by a young man who bear the same testimony; you do
heard us a few months ago in San not differ like us fellows of the
Francisco, now come with gladness world do. I am a Sunday School
of heart to tell me that he had join- teacher, but another teacher differs
ed the Church. We lost sight of with me in the interpretation of the
him just before the dreadful earth- Scriptures, but you fellows all
quake that came upon us. I re- speak the same way." He wanted
member once in traveling through to know if we were schooled and


trained in our academies or semi- Church, endorsed by the people in

naries of learning to that end. I re- conference assembled,
ferred him to the words of Isaiah I am glad to report, my brethren

concerning the last days "Thy: and sisters, that the condition of
watchmen shall lift up their voice, the California mission is much bet-
with the voice together shall they ter than it was a year ago. This I
sing, for they shall see eye to eye hardly thought possible, following
when the Lord shall bring again in the wake of the fire and the
Zion," and that He had brought earthquake, that destroyed our
again Zion. And the same testi- home and the homes of many of
mony that Isaiah bore, along with the Saints in San Francisco, that
the ancient prophets, and that was shut us out of any hall, that pre-
borne by the elders in these various cluded all our street work, or any
places is borne by the Latter-day particular efforts in that city for
Saints in Zion. This was a testi- some time. But despite it all, the
.mony to me that we are of the Saints in that district paid a greater
house of Israel, that we are that tithing last year than the year be-
which we claim, the true worship- fore. The tithes of the mission are
ers of the Lord Jesus Christ, seeing several hundred dollars more than
eye to eye, to His glory, under- they were the year previous, an ev-
standing alike the precepts of His idence of increased faith and zeal.
Gospel. The work done by the elders ha-;
I rejoice very much, as my breth- also been very much greater, so far
ren have, in the Address that has as statistics concerned, than
been issued to the world. It is ever before. The number of homes
manful and able it carries convic-
; visited by "invitation" has increased
tion with it. The proof of each over 100 per cent. The number of
statement is in the matter set forth homes visited in tracting, has in •

in itself. I thought what a splendid creased about 60 per cent above the
tract it would make for us in the year before, and the number of
missionary field, that here authori- tracts distributed about 35 per cent,
tatively by the Presidency of the and the number of books distrib-
Church, endorsed by the body of uted about 300 per cent, and bap-
the same, are these very principles tims more than 100 per cent above
brought together before the world. the previous year. I have hardly

We elders have possibly been dis- ever spoken of statistical matters,

credited, in part, because of our because I thought it not particu-
youth and inexperience, and people larly interesting, but the reports of
have said, "that may be the way my brethren made me feel to say
you look at it," and ofttimes they this much for our mission in Cali-
do make such remarks, when we fornia.
meet them. Sometimes they say When it comes to speaking .of
"Well, you are different from the your sons, my brethren and sisters,
rest of them; if they were all like I want to tell you that some of the
you, they would be all right. If choicest souls that are upon the
they would teach the same at home earth have been laboring with me
that they do in the world we could in that mission, and I know it be-
accept it." Now they have it au- cause God has loved them, He has
thoritatively from the heads of the magnified them in the eyes of the
people. He
has made the weak entirely,and helped them. Brother
strong, and given wisdom to those Kimball,who presides in that Stake,
who seemed like babes and suck- followed our footsteps, and made a
lings. Some of the mighty of that full ward organization at Bisbee
land have been confounded, and and established a branch in Doug-
have been made to stand in awe, lass. We felt that this was large-
almost, at the wisdom of some of ly through the work of the elders
our boys. Some of the leaders of in those two cities. We have had
that have complimented me
state good success in Tucson, Arizona.
upon the appearance which they We have finished recentl" our la-
make upon the streets. One physi- bors in the city of Phoenix, the cap-
cian, who is a member of the State ital of the state ; and while there,
Board of Medical Examiners, tpld this winter, had the privilege of
me "Elder Robinson, whenever I
: meeting with some of the lawmak-
see one of your boys on the street, ers of that territory, and with some
I want to take him in my arms and of the leading commissioners of the
bless him, because I can see clean- counties, who met there to advise
liness of life in his face and about ways and means for the im-
bearing. Before I knew you, before provement of their various districts.
I knew of the mission of the Mor- So that in this wav we have come
mons in this state, I had this same in touch with some of the leading
desire and feeling in my heart, spirits of these two states. In Ne-
whenever I saw any of them." He vada we have done but little. It is
has written me some letters calling filling up rapidly with people, and
me "Dear Brother," and saying when the mad rush for gold some-
"God will reward you and your what relaxes, we hope to be able to
boys for the work you are doing in do some good there. I wish to say
uplifting humanity. You doubtless that possibly the most joy that has
will with them at Tesus' feet,
sit come to us is the fact that we have
and I I may be there, or
trust that been able to interest anew some of
be permitted to be where I may at our brethren that have gone into
least look on." The Chief Execu- those states or territories, that we
tive, or Ex-Governor of our state have been able to reclaim some of
has been a friend of our people. The the girls that have been led awav
Secretary of State, a long-stand- by the glamor of the world, by the
ing friend. Also the mayors of the thought of better employment,
largest cities. And of the two mil- through the specious tales that de-
lion and odd inhabitants of Cali- signing men have told them. In this
fornit, three-fifths of them are we have had a great deal of com-
grouped within seventy miles of fort and consolation come to us, in
San Francisco and Los Angeles. the thought that we have been able
We have done some work in Ari- to save some, or cause their return.
zona. We went into the great min- Who are more precious to us than
ing camp of Bisbee, and found a the sons and daughters of the
little branch there almost disrupted, Saints ?
the presiding elder partly discour- I want to refer just briefly to one
aged. We
assisted them a little of the thoughts put out in our Ad-
while, and then went to Douglas, dress to the World. It is a matter
where the branch work had ceased that I have brought before the lead-
: :


ing men that I have come in contact very purpose, and redeemed the land by
the shedding of blood."
with in the state of California, and
that is respecting our -osition to-
In the prayer which was offered,
ward the general government of the
and which was given by revelation
land and the hope that we enter-
to the Prophet and Seer, Joseph
tain in relation to it.
Smith, and which was read in the
I do not know that the Latter-
Kirtland temple at the time of its
day Saints themselves fully realize dedication,March 27, 1836, these
all that the Lord has in hand, or
words occur
intends for the Gentiles, the peonle
of these United States. In the Book
"Have mercy, O Lord, upon all the
of Mormon wondrous promises are nations of the earth, have mercy upon
made to them. The Lord speaks of the rulers of our land, may those prin-
this land as the chosen land of ciples which were so honorably and
nobly defended, viz., the Constitution of
Joseph, where the tree of liberty
our land, by our fathers, be established
should be planted, that all the na- forever."
tions of the earth should find pro-
tection under its branches, that \a How can they say that we seek to
its beneficence it should reach out
tear down our Constitution and
over the nations of the land with its laws in view of these words?
succor and protection to all who Again
should come to it that, for this pur

pose, the Lord inspired the consti- "Now these words, O Lord, we have
tution, the men who framed it being spoken before thee, concerning the rev-
raised up by Him, that His king- elations and commandments which thou
hast given unto us, who are identified
dom or His Church might be es-
with the Gentiles."
tablished here under the nrotecL n
of the most benign and free "ov
"We," the Saints of God, then as-
ernment of the world, and thus
sembled in the temple, "who are
make its propoganda of the truth
identified with the Gentiles." Their
These are the words which the
Lord sneaks in relation to it: interests, my
brethren and sisters,
are our interests our interests are

their interests, as a commonwealth,

"According to the laws and constitu-
tion of the people which I have suffered
and we cannot be separated from
to be established and should be main- them. A
kingdom cannot grow up
tained for the rights and protection of within a kingdom established up-
all flesh, according to just and holy prin-
on democratic principles as this
ciples, that every man may act in doc-
government has been. I might
trine and principle pertaining to futur-
ity, according to the moral agency make a broader interpretation,
which I have given unto them, that ev- probably, than is justifiable in read-
ery man may be accountable for his own ing to you from the great Prophet
sins in the day of judgment. Therefore
Daniel, but I read from the seventh
it is not right that any man should be in

bondage one to another. [So that he chapter and 27th verse, speaking of
could claim that he was not responsible the times when the Lord shall again
for his acts, or that another might be establishHis kingdom, the works
held responsible for them.] And for which should follow in its wake,
this purpose have I established the con-
stitution of this land, by the hands of
and how the little stone that was
wise men whom I raised up unto this cut out of the mountains without
hands should roll forth and fill claring for upwards of two years,
the whole earth, he says "And the : if I remember aright, the Gospel
kingdom and the dominion and in the very household of the em-
the greatness of the kingdom peror, to the reclamation or con-
under the whole heaven shall version of many souls of Caesar's
be given to the people of the household. Conditions in this time
Saints of the Most High, whose and this day, thank the Lord, are
kingdom is an everlasting king- different than in the cases to which
dom, and all dominions shall serve I refer, for the Lord has not de-
and obey him." Now in our dec- signed that His work should be
laration, we state that God does thwarted or brought to naught in
nothing arbitrarily. Then He does this dispensation, but I believe that
allthings naturally, and they follow this government and the people of
as the natural sequence of condi- this government will help us to
tions or events. He has predes- maintain it. I believe God's king
tined the events of the nation. He dom could not have been set up
did intentionally set up kingdoms under other conditions or under any
for various purposes, and He made other government. How then is the
Joseph a savior to his father's law going forth from Zion and the
household and people in Egypt. If word of the Lord from Jerusalem?
it had not been for the power of You will remember that Christ is to
the kingdom in which his life and come and reign as King of kings
destiny were cast, he could not and Lord of lords. When He comes
have done it. King Nebuchadnez- we will not all be Latter-day Saints ;

zar, whom God placed at the head but there will be Protestants, and
of the nations of the earth, made it there will be Catholics in the na-
possible for Daniel to exercise the tions of the earth and in this land.
wondrous power which he did. Christ will reign over the kings of
Otherwise I believe that we would the earth, and they will acknowl-
not have known of him as a prince edge Him as the King of kings.
of the House of Judah. Even They will pay tribute to Him, and
Rome, which was set so bitterly kings and queens shall be the nurs-
against the Christian Church, as ing fathers and mothers of the
well as the Jew, enabled Paul to Saints of the Most High, and the
accomplish most successfully his kingdom which will be set up will
mission in the earth. When the protect the Church, as understand
forty members of the Jewish it, which will then be a protege of

scribes had said that they would that kingdom and the Gospel shall
neither eat nor drink until they had be preached by the people of the
consummated the apostle's death, Church, and the Great King will
that power was taken away by the see that we have liberty in those
strong hand of Rome. And when states and countries which today
Felix and Agrippa would have shut their doors against us. Scarce-
freed him, he had made the appeal ly more than a decade ago, the Iron
to be tried according to the rights Chancellor, Bismarck, of Germany,
of a Roman, by the Roman law. By speaking of the United States, said
that means his life was saved, and it was only a great "Commercial

he was taken to the household of Ox," that it should not be taken into
Caesar, and had the privilege df de- consideration in connection with

diplomatic affairs. What is the con- are they the people of England? are
dition today? When John Hay, they the Scandinavian people? .are
Secretary of State, voiced the gen- they the people in the republics to
eral policy of this nation in regard the south of us? are they the peo-
to the Japanese war, declaring that ple of China, or India, or of Africa?
Manchuria should not be divided, You will say, doubtless, in your
that the integrity of China should hearts, that they are the people of
be maintained, the whole world the United States, the Gentiles, with
stood aghast at his boldness. And whose interests our interests are
Russia, even if she had won, would identified in the constitution and
have lost under that policy, for then government which was prayed for,
she held Manchuria in her own that it might forever stand. Then
grasp but the policy that was sent
; do I make too broad the application
out by the United States was main- when I say that the government
tained and accepted by the peoples should be given to the people of the
of the old world. Again, the ques- Saints of the Most High God ? It
tion of the republics to the south of is something, at least, for us to
us, our position with relation to think about, for we are but a hand-
them has been fully defined by ful of people, and the prophecies
President Roosevelt, by Secretary made concerning us must certainly
Taft, also by Secretary Root, in be fulfilled soon, if fulfilled within
convention at Rio Janerio, recently, the time stated. We are scarcely
as well as the policy that we pro- 400,000 people, and look at the four
pose to follow in Oceanica. And and a half millions of souls in New
the peoples of the world have ac- York City alone. We could scarcely
cepted the position of the govern- police that city properly, let alone
ment of the United States in refer- govern the eighty millions of this
ence to these matters, and received Republic. I tell you that our inter-
our sentiment, and it has molded ests are identified with the interests
their legislation, while ten years apo of the Gentiles, and when the^ come
they would not have listened to us, to understand our purpose and our
nor dare we have presumed to un- mission, as this oroclamation will
dertake to set forth what we would give them to know, they will not
do in their territory or upon their look upon us as a menace to the na-
continents. President Roosevelt tion, nor as threatening the powers
has intimated to the powers of the of government, but, quite the re-
earth what position the United verse, they will be brought to the
States would take in regard to the knowledge of the fact that we are
government of the Congo Free the true worshipers of the Lord
State in Africa, and they have ac- Jesus Christ, that we would be the
cepted it. Are we beginning to true conservators of peace on the
mold the sentiment of the world? earth and of good will toward men
Are we preparing for the law to — rendering that which is just and
go forth from Zion, as well as send- true to all our fellows, by giving
ing the word of the Lord from Je- them a greater and better concep-
rusalem? Who are the people of tion of that which God has destined
the Saints of the Most High God? for this nation and people, and not
Are they the people of Germany? only for those who are living, but
: :

for those also who have long since had an opportunity to observe mis-
died. sionary life in various stages of de j
Maythe spirit of this conference, velopment. There was the young
the spirit of truth, the spirit of lib- missionary, fresh from the field, or
erty and of fairness, go abroad in from the forge, with hardened, cal-
the world. May the spirit of faith, oused hands, but with determina-
of courage and integrity rest down tion written upon every feature of
upon our people, and find place in his face, that, with the help of the
their hearts, that we shall not set Lord, he would make a success of
our feet in forbidden paths, that our his missionary work. There was
faces shall not be turned away from th^ sick elder, who was trying par-
the light, but that we shall follow tially to conceal his illness, lest it
after the worthy example of our might result in an untimely release,
sires, and emulate the virtues of — the missionary who was willing"
our mothers, until our Father shall to take his chances on laying down
say, "Enough, mv son, or my his life in the missionary field rath-
daughter, come home, for you have er than to return home before hav-
kept the faith, you. have finished ing fulfilled what is generally con-
your course, you have fought a sidered to be a full missionary term.
good fight, and henceforth there is Then there was the older mission-
laid up for you a crown of right- ary, the family man, who had left
eousness, and not for you only, but his wife and little ones at home
for all those that love the Lord praying for his safety and anxious
Jesus Christ." Amen. for his return only after he had
filled an honorable mission ; the
The choir sang the hymn strong man weeping for joy at re-
ceiving an honorable release, realiz-
O God, Thou God who rules on high, ing that he had fought a good fight
Bow down Thine ear to me
as a soldier of the cross, had re-
O listen to my humble cry,
O hear my fervent plea. ceived an honorable release and was
about to return home to his loved
ones. The sight of fifty mission-
ELDER CHARLES H. HART. aries coming in almost as it were by
magic, at a set time, from all points
One of the quorum
of the Twelve of the compass, walking in, some
expressed himself the other dav. .
of them a distance of hundreds of
that it seemed to him a very short miles, to attend the conference and,
time indeed since our last general strange to note, not one of them
conference; and so it seems to me appearing to be the worse for wear,
at this time. Since that conference neatly dressed, cheerful and joyous,
in addition to visiting the Northern not speaking of any hardships they
States mission, as referred to by had suffered, but rejoicing in the
President Ellsworth this afternoon, oooortunity of bringing souls unto
it was my privilege to accompanv Christ. And then I remembered
Elder Hyrum M. Smith through that, formidable as the number ap-
the Central States mission, and I peared to be in a small village, the
had an opportunity of noting the missionaries in the world number
excellent conditions of missionary more than thirty-five times such a
work in both of those missions. We band as this, and that here at home

there are tens of thousands of el- conditions I have mentioned as ex-

ders who have performed similar isting in the world.
unselfish service in behalf of man- In visiting, recently, a number of
kind, and there are thousands of the stakes and a large number of
others at home waiting to receive the wards. I have been fully con-
the call, and that those numbers are vinced of the accuracy of the re-
duplicated by faithful wives and port that was made by President
mothers who are content to remain Smith at the opening of this con-
at home, some of them, perchance, ference. There is a lively interest
enduring toil and privation, that taken by the people in religious
their husbands, sons and brothers matters, in meeting together and in
might perform this act of self-sac- observing the laws and ordinances
rifice for the good of mankind. As of the Church. In one town the
keenlv as they might miss the com- Bishop was able to report that not
pany of the husband or the brother, one young person in that town was
they would not have him return be- a breaker of the Word of Wisdom,
fore having fulfilled a faithful mis- boy or girl and that the men who

sion. And all this in a commercial broke the Word of Wisdom, or at

age, an age of greed and graft, least, who used tobacco or liquor,
when men generally are seeking

could be counted upon the fingers
exclusively almost, "the almighty of one hand, and then there would
dollar." Surely here is something be fingers to spare. In a number
new —
in the world a system such as of settlements every person could
this, a people such as this, in an be accounted for, those who were
age when newspaper and magazine not sick or absent from town were
writers, and preachers, are com- at the meetings.
menting unon the lack of faith that An elder renorted to me during
exists in the world, the falling off this conference that he had almost
of church attendance, people ceas- secured a choice convert to the
ing to read the Bible, the spirit of Church, a learned man, educated
skepticism, the spirit of graft and for the ministry, a practicing law-
greed and unrest; when preachers yer, a man who took an interest in
concede that the middle class of religious affairs; that he had been
people are losing interest in re- converted in reference to the princi-
ligion, debating the question wheth- ples of the Gospel, and that the only
er it is a loss of faith in the church thing lacking was that he was not
or whether it indicates something yet convinced that an angel of the
more deep-seajted than that, and Lord appeared to Joseph, the
means the loss of faith in God Him- Prophet that he was not convinced

self. Surely in an age such as this, of the angelic visitations or the

when special programs of classical revelations upon which the Church
music have to be advertised in or- is founded. Certainly a very im-
der to induce people to attend a portant element was still lacking
short service of sermonizing, to for his complete conversion, for
have the interest that is now shown Mormonism with angelic visitations
by the Latter-day Saints in meet- and revelations omitted would be

ing together, in proselyting it is in the religious world what in the
certainly in strange contrast to the drama of Hamlet that play would
: —

be with the character of Hamlet than the beautiful one which is
omitted. printed on the fly leaf of the Book
An elder told me a short time ago of Mormon, signed by the three
of a visit that he made to Kirtland, witnesses, and which carries with it
in the late seventies. A venerable the spirit of inspiration under which
guide showed him through that it was given that we might have

temple, the different apartments, something more in detail, more par-

the pulpits, etc., and during the time ticulars from some of those breth-
he was complaining somewhat con- ren. I chanced to find recently, a
cerning Brigham Young, who was statement from Oliver Cowdery, in
then president of the Church. The a letter to W. W. Phelps, and with
guide was no less a person than your forebearance, I will read that
Martin Harris, and the elder said statement, as it seems to me to have
to him, "How is it, Mr. Harris, that the true ring, and should have an
you now complain of the Church? effect in convincing individuals who
How about that visitation of an an- have not already been converted,
gel that you claim to have had ? At that the man who wrote these
that the old gentleman straightened words was a sincere man, and that
up, new life seemed to come into every word he uttered is the truth.
him, and he said, "Just as sure as In this letter dated September 7.
there is- a God in heaven, just as 1834, after telling about the desire
sure as that sun is shining in the for a manifestation from the Lord
firmament, just as sure as the moon and how he and Joseph, apart from
and stars give their light by night, the abodes of men, had fervently
just so sure I know that Joseph asked the Lord for this conde-
Smith was a Proohet of God, just scension, he goes on to say
so sure I know that I saw the plates
from which the Book of Mormon "On a sudden, as from the midst of
eternity, the voice of the Redeemer
was translated, and that I handled
spake peace to us, while the veil was
them with my own hands, and saw parted and the angel of God came down
the angel and heard his voice." And clothed with glory, and delivered the
he said, "So long as I live I shall anxiously-looked-for message and the
bear the same testimony, and when keys of the Gospel of repentance. What
joy! what wonder! what amazement!
I die I shall die bearing the same
While the world was racked and dis-
testimony." And, strangely enough —
tracted while millions were groping as
it so happened, that after Martin the blind for the wall, and while all men
Harris came to Zion and re-joined were resting upon uncertainty, as a gen-
the Church, and received his bless-
eral mass, our eyes —
beheld our ears
heard, as the "blaze of day," yes more
ings in the terrmle, at his death-bed above the glitter of the May sunbeam,
the same elder was present, and the which then shed its brilliancy over the
last audible words of Martin Har- face of nature ! Then his voice, though
mild, pierced to the center, and his
ris that could be distinguished were
words, 'I am thy fellow servant' dis-
words of testimony, supporting the pelled every fear. We
listened, we gazed,
statements that he had always made we admired. 'Twas the voice of the an-
as to the divine authenticity of the gel from glory

'twas a message from
Book of Mormon. the Most High, and as we heard we re-
joiced, while his love enkindled upon
I have sometimes wished that I
our souls, and we were rapt in the
might have had from some of these vision of the Almighty. Where was
witnesses a less formal statement room for doubt? Nowhere; uncertainty

had fled,doubt had sunk no more to the Gospel. But at the same time
rise, while fiction and deception had fled
forever. these witnesses never faltered in
"But, dear brother, think further, their adherence to the first testi-
think for a moment what joy filled our mony that they gave. There may
hearts and with what surprise we must have been a design in this circum-
have bowed (for who would not stance of their departing from the
have bowed the knee for such a bless-
ing?) when we received under his hands faith, all three of these great wit-
the Holy Priesthood, as he said 'Upon :
nesses, in order to strengthen the
you, my fellow servants, in the name of testimonies that they gave; for do
Messiah, I confer this priesthood and
not their testimonies stand stronger
this authority, which
remain upon
the earth, that the sons of Levi may yet and more convincing today, from
offer an offering unto the Lord in the fact that they parted from the
righteousness.' I shall not attempt to faith but never departed one iota
paint to you the feelings of this heart,
from the testimony that they gave
nor the majestic beauty and glory which
surrounded us on this occasion; but you as to the divine restoration of the
will believe me when I say, that earth, Gospel of Jesus Christ in this dis-
nor men, with the eloquence of time, pensation ?
cannot begin to clothe language in as in- I pray that the blessings of the
teresting and sublime a manner as this
holy personage. No nor has this earth
Lord may be with you, and that we
power to give the 'joy, to bestow the may be able "to pray always, .keen-
peace, or comprehend the wisdom which ing our lamps trimmed and burn-
was contained in each sentence as it ing and oil with us, that we may
was delivered by the power of the Holy
be ready for the coming of the
Spirit. Man may deceive his fellow
man deception may follow deception, Bridegroom." I ask it in the name

and the children of the wicked one may of Jesus Christ. Amen.
have power to seduce the foolish and
untaught, till naught but fiction feeds the
many, and the fruit of falsehood carries
in its current the giddy to the grave, ELDER ANDREW JENSON.
but one touch with the finger of his
love, yes, one ray of glory from the
have a few reflections in regard
upper world, or one word from the
mouth of the Savior from the bosom of to what has been said here today
eternity, strikes it all into insignificance, and a few historical dates and facts
and blots it forever from the mind. The which I would like to give in con-
assurance that we were in the presence nection with the missionary reports
of an angel; the certainty that we heard
that we have listened to on this oc-
the voice of Jesus, and the truth un-
sullied as it flowed from a pure person- casion. Nearly all those who have
age, dictated by the will of God, is to been appointed to address you this
me past description, and I shall ever afternoon in this hall may be said
look upon this expression of the Savior's to represent the missionary depart-
goodness with wonder and thanksgiving
while I am permitted to tarry, and in
ment of the Church, and it is very
those mansions where perfection dwells interesting to note the missionary
and sin never comes, I hope to adore, in work that has been accomplished
that day which shall never cease." by the Elders of the Church so
far and yet the great missionary

How strange, after a man had work that lies in the future to be
been given such a glorious visita- accomplished is of incalculable
tion and testimony as this, that he dimensions.
should afterwards grow lukewarm Christ commanded His Disciples,
in his adherence to the principles of just before ascending into heaven,


that they were to go forth and ganized, namely 1830, the restored
preach the Gospel to ev- Gospel had been preached to a con-
ery creature. We find it siderable extent in the States of
also recorded that the dis- New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
ciples on a certain occasion ap- (the eastern part of Ohio), in the
proached Jesus, as he sat upon the latter State by Oliver Cowdery and
Mount of Olives, and asked Him four other Elders who had been
about His second coming and the sent out on a special mission to the
end of the world. In his answer Lamanites.
to them he said. "This Gospel of The next year, 1 831, the Elders of
the kingdom shall be preached in the Church extended their mission-
all the world as a witness to all ary labors westward as far as Illi-
people, and then shall the end nois and Missouri, and preached
come." also in Indiana and Michigan, and
This Gospel as referred to by the going eastward they went as far
Savior on that ocassion,is certainly as Vermont, where the first branch
not to be preached in a great many of the Church in New England was
different ways; but it is to be raised up by Jared Carter in the
preached in power; it is to be latter part of 1831.
preached by authority; it is to be In 1832, the Elders reached, in
preached by the servants of God their ministry, the state of Vir-
who have been properly commis- ginia, and preached in that part of
sioned to go forth for that purpose said State which is now included
it is to be preached as a witness, in the state of West Virginia; they
and for that reason, John, the Rev- also crossed the Ohio river at Cin-
elator, while on the Isle of Patmos, cinnati into Kentucky. Other
saw that an angel should fly Elders, among them Orson Hyde
through the midst of heaven, hav- and Orson Pratt, the same year in-
ing the everlasting gospel to preach troduced the Gospel in New Hamp-
unto those who dwell upon the shire,Connecticut, Massachusetts,
earth. The Latter-day Saints bear Rhode Island and Maine.
testimony ,that that angel has come In 1833, the labors of the Elders
and that the true Gospel of Jesus were extended into New Jersey and
Christ was restored through him in 1834 into Tennessee and Ark-
but they also believe that the work, ansas. During the few following
the main work of communicating years, the Gospel was introduced
it to mankind, has been committed into nearly all the Southren States.
to mortals who are ordained in the Then came the martydrom of the
flesh to go forth into all the world Prophets and the exodus of the
and proclaim the Gospel. Saints from Nauvoo, and it seems
I find that this Church, commenc- as though nothing has ever hap-
ing with the time when it was first pened in the history of this Church
organized, has ever been true to its to verify the saying of the Savior
calling, to bear witness to the in regard to the mustard seeds, so
world since its first organization
; perfectly as that same exodus. Hit
it has been diligent in sending forth the head of a mustard, plant,
its Elders to perform this great when ripe, and it will scatter the
work. seed abroad, so that it will cover a
I findthat before the close of the great area. The departure of the
year in which the Church was or- Saints into the western wilderness

became the immediate means of in- Saints pushed their way through to
troducing the restored Gospel into these western valleys of the moun-
the western half of the United tains and founded their first set-
States. The circumstances con- tlement in what three years later
nected with the driving out of the became by congressional act
Saints from Nauvoo, at this par- the Territory of Utah. A
ticular time led, among other fraction of the Mormon Battal-
things to the sailing of about two ion, as they journeyed from Cali-
hundred Saints from New York on fornia eastward to join their
the ship "Brooklyn," in the month families and friends in the valley
of February, 1846. This ship of the Great Salt Lake, passed
doubled Cape Horn and introduced through portions of what is now
the Latter-day Saints with their Nevada and Idaho in the fall of
Elders to the people of California, 1847.
where they commenced immediate- Retracing my steps a little I may-
ly to preach the Gospel on the 31st add that as early as 1837 the Gos-
day of July, 1846, when they pel, as restored by the Prophet
landed and until the present time
; Joseph Smith, was preached by the
California has never been without a Elders of the Church in Wiscon-
Latter-day Saint. sin and Maryland; as early as 1838
I find also that as the Saints were in North Carolina and as early as
driven westward, and as their 1839 in South Carolina and Miss-
camps moved across Iowa, and issippi. Before 1843 the Elders,
through that part of the country in their travels, had reached Ala-
which is now Nebraska and bama, Florida, Delaware, Georgia
Wyoming ,the influence of Mormon and Louisiana. A branch existed in
Elders and Saints generally were New Orleans as early as 1848. Ore-
felt inthose parts. I find further- gon firstbecame a missionary field
more, that the Mormon Battalion, for our Elders in 1856.
in being called to perform their I will now, for a few moments,
grand march westward in the ser- direct your attenttion to our mis-
vice of their country, in the latter sionary labors in foreign lands. In
part of 1846, traversed over what 1832, when the Church was only
is now the state of Kansas in almost about two years old, the restored
its entire length. "Mormon" Elders Gospel reached Canada through the
prayed, preached and sang the instrumentality of Joseph Young,
songs of Zion around their camp- Brigham Young and others. Joseph
fires as they traveled along toward the Prophet, Sidney Rigdon and
the setting sun. Also a part of what others preached in Upper Canada
is now Oklahoma was travers- in 1833 and Parley P. Pratt opened
ed by these same Latter-day Saint up a great mission in and about the
soldiers in their, journeyings, as city of Toronto in 1836. From
were also New Mexico and Ari- Canada the Gospel spread to Eng-
zona. And when the Mormon Bat- land. Elder Heber C. Kimball and
talion arrived in southern Cali- others were sent to that country
fornia, in the early part of 1847, in 1837 and laid the foundation of
there was another introduction of that great and fruitful mission.
"Mormonism" into that state from Scotland was first visited by our
the east. Elders in 1839, Ireland in 1840 and
Tn the year 1847, also, the exiled Wales in 1 841.
But so had been
far the Gospel they had been assigned to labor, the
preached only to English-speaking next year, 1850, found them all en-
people. In 1843 the fi rst Elders tering upon their missionary work
were called to the Pacific Islands. with more or less success. Thus,
This mission was in a certain sense in 1850, a very successful mission
really the first foreign mission of was opened up in Denmark
the Church that is as far as foreign through the instrumentality of
languages are concerned. Four Apostle Erastus Snow and others.
Seventies were called that year The first converts were also made
from Nauvoo to go to the islands in Sweden that year by Elder John
of the Pacific. One of these E. Forsgren. Another mission was
(Brother Knowlton F. Hanks) opened in Italy by Apostle Lorenzo
found a watery grave before reach- Snow and missionary companions,
ing his destination. He was the and another one in Hawaii by
first of our missionaries who was Hiram Clark, George Q. Cannon
buried at sea. The other three and eight other Elders.
Elders arrived at the Society Is- In 185 1 the Gospel door was
lands in safety, and about the time opened to the inhabitants of Swit-
Joseph and Hyrum Smith were zerland, Norway, Australia and
martyred in Carthage jail the first Chili, while William Willis brought
branch of the Church was or- the glad tidings to India and mis-
ganized by Addison Pratt on the sionaries from Denmark first
island of Tubuai among a people visited Iceland in the far off north.
who did not speak the English In 1852 the Elders penetrated
language. One of these first mis- further into their missionary fields,
sionaries to the Islands,
Pacific but did not open up any new ones
Elder Noah Rogers, was the first of very great importance that year.
of our Elders to circumnavigate the I forgot to state that as
globe. In that first mission in the early as 1841 the first Latter-
Pacific Ocean still known as the day Saint missionary visited the
Society Islands Mission there are Holy. Land Apostle Orson
today about I'Soo members of the Hyde was the man who went
Church. there, and on the top of the Mount
of Olives he dedicated that histori-
In 1849 the restored Gospel was
cal land for the gathering of Israel
firstintroduced into France by the
in the last days. Subsequently
late William Howell and the fol-
Palestine became a regular mission-
lowing year by Apostle John Tay-
lor and fellow-missionaries who or-
ry field as a part of the Turkish
ganized a branch of the Church in
Paris. In 1853 our elders first preached
the gospel on the island of Malta,in
In the fall of 1849 a number of the Mediterranean which once was
missionaries were called from this a missionary field of the Apostle
valley —
the first Elders called to Paul. Two elders also went to
foreign fields from Great Salt Lake Gibraltar and commenced to preach
Valley. Nearly all of these were the Gospel in Spain. Their work,
called to open up new missionary- however, was almost confined to
fields among non-English speaking the garrison under the English flag
peoples and while it took some oi" for when the elders attempted to
these Elders many months to reach cross the isthmus into Spanish Ter-
the different countries in which ritory proper they were forbidden

to do so by the civil authorities. our Elders established themselves

In 1853, a l so >th e elders entered temporarily in Gautemala but we ;

the West Indies as missionaries, but have not preached in San Salvador,
met with little success. They also in Honduras, in Nicaragua, in
went to Prussia that year, but the Costa Rica, or in British Honduras.
elders going there were promptly In South America, we have done
banished from Berlin, and not till some preaching in Chili and Peru,
years later were missionary labors but we have not done any mission-
successfully commenced in the ary work in Columbia, Venezuela,
German-speaking part of the world. British Guiana, Dutch Guiana,
China was also tried as a mission- French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia,
ary field in 1853. Brother Hosea Paraguay Uruguay, Argentina and

Stout, an old stalwart Nauvoo Equador. All these countries in

"Mormon," went there, together South America will yet be made
with others, but they soon got dis- missionary fields by our Elders.
couraged and returned home. The In Europe, we have done exten-
Chinese, however, have become sive missionary work. We have
more enlightened since that time, large numerous branches in
and we have reason to expect that Great Britain, Germany, Denmark,
a successful missionary field will Sweden, Norway, Switzerland,
be opened in that land in the near Netherlands, and Belgium; but we
future. have only a few Saints in Austria-
In 1854 the Gospel was first Hungary, Italy, Greece, Turkey in
preached in New Zealand, but Europe, Russia, Romania, Servia
scarcely any attention was paid to and Bulgaria. We have not
the Maoris until 1883. In 1884, preached at all in Spain and Portu-
missionary work was first com- gal.
menced in Turkey in Europe. In In Asia, we have done limited
1888 the Samoan mission was work in Turkey (in Asia) includ-
opened, and in 1894 our elders be- ing Palestine and Asia Minor, and
gan missionary labors in Tonga, also in parts of India, and we have
another group of islands in the visited China and Siam but we ;

Pacific Ocean. In 1900 the Her- have done nothing in Asiatic Rus-
vey group or Cook Islands and also sia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Per-
the Marquesas group were made sia, Thibet, Arabia and Korea.
missionary fields by our elders. In In Africa we have only estab-
1901 Japan was entered by Elders lished a mission in the Cape Colony
Heber J. Grant and others. but there are other states there in
In summing up, I may state that which we have not yet preached
so far we have preached the Gos- the Gospel. Some of our Elders
pel quite successfully in all the have visited Egypt, but have done
states of the Union, also in Canada, but very little preaching there. As
on the north, and in Mexico, on the stated the only place where we so
south but I might say that North
; far have preached in Africa is the
America is the only grand division Cape Colony, in South Africa. Our
of the globe that we have fully Elders went to Cape Town in T853
covered by our missionary opera- and continued their labors in that
tions. colony for 11 years. Nearly all
In Central America we have done the saints then emigrated, and it
next to nothing. In 1902 some of is only of lateyears that the Gos-
. :


pel door has been again opened to an outdoor meeting was conducted,
the people in that part of the world. from the steps of the Bureau of In-
We have preached the Gospel in formation building, in behalf of the
all the Australian colonies, includ- multitude outside.
ing New South Wales, Victoria, Elder George Albert Smith pre-
Queensland, South Australia, West sided, and Prof. Charles Kent led
Australia and Tasmania, and also the singing.
on both islands of New Zealand. The congregation united in sing-
In Oceanica, or the smaller ing the hymn, "We thank Thee, O
islands in the Pacific Ocean, we God, for a Prophet."
have preached the Gospel in the Prayer was offered by Elder
following groups Society Islands,
Frank Sheffield.
Tuamotu Islands, Hawaii, Samoa, The congregation sang the hymn
and Tonga, and to a limited ex- "O my Father, Thou that dwellest."
tent, also, in the Marquesas, and
on the Cook Islands, (Harvey ELDER WM. T. JACK.
brethren and sisters, we ex- Elder George Albert Smith intro-
pect to preach the Gospel in all duced William T. Jack of the Cas-
the world; and by way of con- sia, Idaho, stake. Elder Jack was
clusion I will say: May God much pleased with the conference
speed the day that religious liberty and the excellent spirit which pre-
may be given to all the inhabitants vailed. From the crowds of peo-
of the earth may the time soon
ple thronging the space, unable to
come that all may enjoy the fruits gain admittance to the meetings in
of the Gospel as freely as they now the buildings, it is evident that Zion
enjoy the sunshine of the Al- is growing. He rejoiced in the
mighty and may that love of lib-
possession of a testimony of the
erty which has been kindled in the
truth of the Gospel which he had
hearts of the people in our own
received through the Holy Spirit.
land spread throughout the entire This is the privilege of all who
world, until our elders can go forth have embraced the Gospel, and car-
in peace and safety and preach the
ried out the teachings of the same.
Gospel to every nation, kindred, The speaker testified of the divine
tongue and people. This is my mission of the Prophet Joseph
sincere prayer in the name of Jesua
Smith, and said his work was the
Christ. Amen. beginning of a marvelous work in
the latter days. There is no fear
The choir sang the hymn, "Jesus,
regarding this work, nor for those
lover of my soul."
who abide by the principles of the
Benediction was pronounced by Gospel, for it will lead them to eter-
Elder William Spry. nal life.

Outdoor Meeting. President F. S. Bramwell of the
Union, Oregon, stake, was the next
The great Tabernacle and com- speaker. "I am reminded very for-
modious Assembly Hall were cibly, on this occasion of the vision
crowded beyond their capacity, and seen by the ancient prophets, when

they said that in the last days the ism. There is nothing that attracts
house of the Lord should be built the people so much as the preaching
in the tops of the mountains and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ev-
that all nations should flow unto it." ery Latter-day Saint can give an
The fulfillment of that prophecy is answer to the question, "Do you
here and now, for Israel has gath- know that Jesus Christ lives ?" They
ered here from all nations. When- do not hesitate they do not stop

ever the people of the world be- to explain with all the fervor in

come converted to the Gospel the them they answer, "Yes, I know
comes upon them
spirit of gathering: that Christ lives, and that He is the
at once, and in following; the Redeemer of the world." Let us be
promptings of this spirit they come charitable and forgiving. The
to Zion. When we look to the genius of the Gospel of Christ was
Temple on our right, we behold one expressed in Christ's words to the
of the works of Mormonism when ;
Magdalene, when her accusers had
we gather to praise the Lord we fled, "Go thy way and sin no more."

have the witness of the Spirit, and It is not that you have sinned but ;

we sing and praise God with the it is that you sin no more, that will

knowledge in our souls that the save your soul.

Gospel is true and that God lives."
Elder Rulon S. Wells said in
Elder G. F. Richards said he had part : "To me
there is ample evi-

cause to be exceeding joyful in the dence that this is the work of the
manifestations of the goodness of Lord. The impress of divinity is
God to him, and for the testimony upon it. Surely the Lord has
of the truth of the work which he wrought a marvelous work and a
possessed. "I rejoice in my testi- wonder since He revealed to the boy
mony of the truth of the mission of prophet the fulness of the everlast-
Joseph Smith, and it is the priv- ing Gospel. The angel seen by John
ilege of every man to obtain the on the Isle of Patmos has flown
same testimony. The Lord ap- through the midst of heaven with
proves those who acknowledge their the everlasting Gospel, and all who
testimony under any and all obsta- will may obey it and receive a sal-
cles,and show by their lives that vation. The great obstacle in the
they acknowledge God, for we are way of the world is that they will
in His image and have attributes not turn away from their evil ways.
that may assist us to attain perfec- If they would do so and repent,
tion." they would become susceptible to
the hymn,
The congregation sang the truth. The speaker bore a strong
"Now let us rejoice in the day of testimony to the truth of the Gos-
salvation." pel.


Elder Jensen also expressed him- Elder George S. Young, of the
self as much pleased with the soirit presidency of the Teton stake, made
of the outdoor gathering, and with a brief address in which he ex-
the practical workings of Mormon- pressed his pleasure in meeting with


the Saints here, and added his tes- An angel from on high
timony regarding the truth of the The long, long silence broke
Descending from the sky,
Gospel. These gracious words he spoke r

"Lo! in Cumorah's lonely hill

ELDER JAMES G. DTJFFIN. A sacred record lies concealed."

Elder James G. Duffin said that Prayer was offered by Elder

during the seven years of his incum-
Lewis W. Shurtliff.
bency of the presidency of the Cen-
The choir sang the anthem,.
tral States mission, in receiving and "Grant Us Peace, O Lord."
releasing more than 600 mission-
aries,he had not had occasion to
release a single elder for misconduct ELDER JOHN HENRY SMITH.
or sin. The manv attempts to defile
Zion had proven fruitless, and the Be not "lovers of pleasure more than-
good old doctrines taught the young
lovers of God." —
A reasonable
degree of recreation and amusement
men and young women by their unobjectionable.— Excess is dangerous
mothers at home had saved them in to morals.— Responsibility of parents
their hour of trial, and he thanked in controlling pleasure-seeking chil-
God for such young men and wom-
en, such mothers and such a Gos-
pel. I think, if my memory serves me
correctly, it was
St. Paul, in one of

ELDER GEORGE ALBERT SMITH his epistles Timothy, who said

that in the last days men shall be
"lovers of pleasure more than lovers
closed with a few appropriate re-
of God." It occurs to me that the
marks, commending the patience of
truth of this is now being realized,
the large crowd, and bearing testi-
and that the tendency to become
mony to the truth of what had been
lovers of pleasure more than lovers
of God is growing in many parts of
The congregation sang, "The the world nor are we ourselves as-

Spirit of God like a fire is burning,"

and benediction was offered by El-
free this disposition as we
should be. President Lund this
der Henry D. Wallace.
morning, in dwelling upon rever-
ence and respect for the Sabbath
day, recognized by the Christian
peoples of the world as the day ap-
Closing Session. pointed for rest and worship, point-
ed out to us the necessity of remem-
In the Tabernacle, at 2 p. m. bering the suggestions contained in
President Joseph F. Smith called the revelations of our Heavenly
the meeting to order, and an- Father to us in our own time. I
nounced that an outdoor meeting believe we are more censurable in
would be held under direction of El- regard to this tendency of pleasure-
der George Albert Smith, also an- seeking than perhaps in any other
other overflow meeting in the As- respect, without it may be our con-
sembly Hall. tinued disregard of the Word of
The choir sang the hymn: Wisdom, concerning which the

brethren have been speaking. The amusement that bring the immoral
spirit of the times leads us in the and impure into contact with the
way of amusement. I am not one of innocent and the pure, and the door
those that have serious objections is opened for the introduction of

to amusement on the contrary, I

; immorality and crime into every
am in sympathy with a reasonable village, town and city throughout
amount of recreation and pleasure. the land, Latter-day Saints
But when we note the fact that the should be much more
weekdays are devoted largely to upon their guard in regard to this
pleasure, and the Sabbath day is than they have been perchance. As
also taken for that purpose, we can- I remarked before, I am a believer
not help but feel that there is an in legitimate and proper amuse-
overstepping of legitimate bounds ments. The boys and girls, the
in this direction. From the be- fathers and mothers, should mingle
ginning of this work, the Latter- together and have proper recreation
day Saints have been accorded the and pleasure, but free from the pos-
privilege by our Heavenly Father, sibility of vicious and impure as-
through His servants, of enjoying sociation. The children entrusted
themselves in a reasonable way in to our watchcare should not be
the dance, in representations upon turned loose thoughtlessly, with-
the mimic stage, and in social gath- out guardians or chaperones, into
erings in keeping with legitimate the companionship of men who
exercise, to lighten the heart and scheme and devise for the injury
give the mind release from the tur- and overthrow of their kind, who
moils and struggles that corne to boast of their conquests, and who
every man and woman who per- rejoice in the opportunities offered
form and discharge the
their part them from the path of rec-
to lead
But when we
responsibilities of life. titudeany young or thoughtless girl
find our young people engaged in a that may
be brought into their
variety of amusements nearly ev- company. The same is true in re-
ery evening in the week,with scarce- gard to the other sex, where there
ly an evening spent at home, and are abandoned and impure women,
indulging in companionships that whose companionship is a menace
are not in keeping with the right, to thoughtless and imprudent boys.
going to places of amusement where Thrown into that species of com-
men and women of all classes are pany, they are apt to be led from
permitted to congregate, and min- the path of rectitude and the mark
gling with influences that tend to of shame written upon their brows
demoralization, it would seem to be by some overt act of an impure
time to call a halt. I believe that character.
a more thoughtful and prudent I trust that the suggestion of St.
course of conduct should be pur- Paul may be held in remembrance
sued by us in connection with these by the Latter-day Saints, as well as
matters, and that these general by all other Christian people who
gathering places, wherein our sons reside in the communities where
and daughters are permitted to con- we have companionship, that in the
gregate, should be modified in their enjoyment of the pleasures which
effects. Where places are open come from legitimate association
continuouslv for those classes of we shall si jw reverence and regard
for onr Father heaven, that
in carefully. They say to you, Why,
blight shall not come upon us by the this brother or that sister allow
spread of that spirit of thoughtless- their boys and girls to go hither and
ness and recklessness and extreme yonder; they have no objection to
desire for pleasure which shall their being found in restaurants, en-
carry from the home circle every joying the companionship of unde-
evening and during much of the sirable persons they do not object

day, as well as upon the Sabbath to their sons and daughters fre-
day, members of so many house- quenting the skatinp- rinks, or in the
holds among us. I ask my broth- great resorts that grow up in our
ers and sisters to look at this mat- communities why should you ob-

ter thoughtfully and prudently, and ject to our going when all around
that as a community, standing at us have these privileges? I pre-
the head of homes, having the sal- sume such remarks are brought to
vation of the community at heart, the home of every father and moth -

we shall seek to make this impress er. But I am satisfied that our re-
upon our own children and that ; grets will be much greater in the
we may not find ourselves, because future than they have been in the
of the liberality of our neighbors in past unless we shall bear in mind
connection with these things, un- the sacredness of the obligation of
able to throw around our own the fatherhood and motherhood in this
proper restraints necessary to keep connection. Let them sing the
them and that
in that purity of life songs of Zion let them enjoy them-

consistent course of conduct which selves legitimately in the dance; let

we so much desire that respect and
; them have their privilege of visit-
regard for the Supreme Being may ing these pleasure resorts under
be maintained, and that they may conditions that shall restrain them
not drift with the current, lose their from the possibility of being thrown
power of control, and become un- into the companionship of vile men
thankful, inconsiderate, and in ev- and women who would lead them
ery way improvident, so far as rev- from the path of rectitude and im-
erence for our Father in heaven is plant in their hearts the seeds of
concerned. I believe that when the their overthrow and destruction. T

great judge of the quick and the ask you to weigh this problem, that
dead shall look into the lives of His our children mav not stand with
children and consider the problems those who shall be lovers of pleas-
involved in the well-being of his ure more than lovers of God, but
sons and daughters, we will find that in the enjoyment of the proper
ourselves under most serious con- pleasures of life, guarded by the
demnation for the extent to which companionship of the wise and pru-
we 'are permitting these children of dent, they shall receive their lawful
ours to go unchecked. I recognize opportunities, rightly honoring the
the experiences through which you Supreme Being and the moral rules
go, from my own experiences along given of Him, sustaining the prin-
the same line. It is impossible to ciples of righteousness, and bring-
put a wise head upon young shoul- ing out the powers with which their
ders, and to impress upon the mind Father has endowed them in the
of a boy or a girl that their com- most complete and proper manner.
panionship should be guarded most I realize that in order that we


may accomplish this, and restrain among the children of men, in the
our children from the possibilities fulfillment of the great destiny He
of immorality and crime, more care designs they shall accomplish; that
and thought must be bestowed up- they shall indeed not be lovers of
on these matters than we have been pleasure more than lovers of God,
wont to give them in the recent but that they shall be lovers of God
past. Not that I would deny any and enjoyers of legitimate pleas-
boy or girl those proper pleasures ures, under the influence of the
which relieve them from the toil good Spirit that comes from on
and struggle that some may have to high, designed for their uplifting
undergo in life but when they
; and betterment. This is my prayer
break out in open rebellion against in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
every principle of good govern-
ment, when they propose to mingle Sister Emma
Ramsey Morris
with the vile and the impure, when sang, as a solo, the hymn, "Come,
they find companionship pleasurable come ye Saints."
with those whose lives are to be cen-
sured by every thoughtful father
and mother, we shall be under con- ELDER ORSON F. WHITNEY.
demnation if we permit them with-
out effort on our part to drift in Priesthood and people are one.— Promi-

nence provokes criticism. President
the line of that destruction, and our
Joseph F. —
Smith. Government by
regrets will be great at no distant consent of the governed. What it —
day, for it may be your boys and means to "sustain" our leaders.
my boys, your girls and my girls, Union the price of safety.

that will by their misdeeds bring to

u? sorrow and heartache.
A many good things have
been said during this conference,
I bear my testimony to the truth
and a great many good things re-
of the Gospel, and to the wisdom main unsaid. The main care of a
of the Apostle Paul when he ap-
speaker at such times, is, not to
pealed to the people to guard
find a subject, but to select one, to
against becoming more the lovers choose the thoughts and ideas that
of pleasure than the lovers of God.
will best suit the occasion, and
I commend the spirit that has been
then have the power to impress
manifest in this conference, in the them upon the minds and hearts
instructions that have fallen from of the hearers. No man can do
the lips of the elders from first to this of himself. The Holy Ghost
last. Reformation is requisite is the great teacher, and all that
among the Latter-day Saints in the God's servants can do, all that they
care we bestow upon the children are expected to do, is to put them-
which God has given to us. May selves in a position and keep them-
the Lord bless you with understand- selves in such a state of heart and
ing and faith. May the good work mind that they can be acted upon
move forward in the accomplish- by that divine Spirit which makes
ment of its great destiny, that as manifest the things of God. I
our boys and girls shall go into hope I shall have this Spirit during
the world they shall be entrenched the few minutes that I shall stand
in the moral virtues of the Gospel before you.
of Jesus, and be clean and sweet Many of the texts dwelt upon
and elaborated in the previous have taken upon them mortal bod-
meetings have been drawn from ies, to undergo experiences that
the Declaration that was read here will prepare them for honor and
upon the opening day. Lingering glory and eternal lives in the
in my memory are a few lines of worlds to come. But the men who
that Declaration, which, it seems to have been chosen to preside over
me, we might profitably reflect the Church, over the Stakes of
upon. They run something like Zion, over the various Wards, and
this "The effort to differentiate
: the men and women who are of-
the 'Mormon' priesthood and the ficers in the auxiliary organiza-
'Mormon' people, by allowing that tions- —are only a portion of the
the latter are a good, honest, people. They have
the same faults
though misguided folk, while al- and weaknesses, and the same vir-
leging that their leaders are the tues, as their fathers and mothers,
personification of all that is bad, and are no better and no worse
is a most futile one. The great than the average of the people
majority of the male members of from whom they came.
the Church hold the priesthood, and But because they are prominent,
though constituting the official because they have been placed on
body of the Church, they are a por- high, their weak points are more
tion of the people. Priesthood and manifest than they would be if they
people are inseparable, and, vindi- had remained where they were.
cated or condemned, stand to- They are not one whit more perfect
gether." I invite your attention to for having been lifted into promin-
these lines. ence, although they are expected to
Why should it be thought that set an example to the people.
there is a great gulf of difference President Heber C. Kimball was
between the priesthood and the once conversing with a friend.when
people of the Church of Jesus he stopped in his talk and picked
Christ of Latter-day Saints? Who up a twig or stick from the ground.
are these men that have been chos- It had been raining, and adhering
en to be the General Authorities of to this little stick were particles of
the Church, to be the Presidencies mud, and he held it up to illustrate
of the Stakes of Zion. and the the conversation. He said to his
Bishoprics of the Wards? Who friend, "If that stick had remained
are the men and women that stand upon the ground, you would not
prominently before the people in have noticed that it was
our auxiliary organizations? Have covered with mud, but when
they come from outside the I lift it up, the mud
about is

Church ? Are they angels from all that you can can
see ;
Heaven, or demons from Hades, hardly recognize anything else.
immortal beings, sent here to pre- So it is with men and women when
side over a mortal Church and its they are singled out for positions
departments and institutions? Why, in the Church." How true this is.
no. They have come up from the Such men and women become tar-
ranks of the people. True, their gets for criticism ; their faults are
spirits came down from God; but more apparent, or are more dwelt
so did the spirits of all the members upon, than their virtues, because of
of the Church. The spirits of all the positions they hold.
men have come from God, and Whois now the President of

this Church? He was a "Mor- leaders ; it isnot a physical differ-

mon" boy, born at Far West, ence, it is not a moral difference,
Missouri, in the midst of trials and it is not a spiritual difference; it

tribulations, eleven days, I believe, is simply this these men who hold

had been torn from

after his father authoritative positions in the
his wife and children, cast into Church have been chosen for those
prison and condemned to death. positions, not only by God Him-
His home was sacked and pillaged self, but also by the people of God.
by a mob, who, in their efforts to That is the difference. Joseph F.
rob the helpless family whose hus- Smith is God's prophet, because
band and father had been taken God wants him to be; and he is
from them, tore to pieces a bed our President because we want him
and tossed it upon the sleeping to be. And he could not be the
form of an infant child, one nor the other a moment past
almost smothering him out the time when he would cease to
of existence. That child was be acceptable to God and to His
President Joseph F. Smith, born in people. Neither could any man,
the midst of persecution, cradled in nor any woman, in this Church,
peril, enduring from childhood the perpetuate their power and author-
hardships and privations of a pil- ity beyond the time that God and
grim and a pioneer, manifesting the people were willing to sustain
his faithfulness and integrity in the them.
midst of the people; his whole life You saw yesterday an exhibition
an open book. Finally he becomes of the doctrine of common consent,
the head of the Church, chosen of which prevails in the Church of
God to be His prophet, and sus- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
tained by the people as their presi- The great principle enunciated in
dent. A "Mormon" boy! the Declaration of Independence,
And who are the Twelve that governments derive their just
Apostles? Who are the First powers from the consent of the
Council of the Seventies? Who governed, permeates this Church
are the Presidents of Stakes, the and lies at the foundation of its
High Councilors and the Bishops? government, determining the man-
They are mostly the sons of Lat- ner of the choice of men and wo-
ter-day Saints. They are the boys men to hold office therein. This
who have grown up among you. has always been the rule of the
Chosen from the ranks of the peo- Church. There is no room in it
ple, they have all the virtues and for tyranny, for usurpation, for
all the failings of their ancestors. the exercise of unrighteous domin-
Why look for perfection in them? ion. As our President has often
Why expect the priesthood to be informed us, this work is not only
tetter than the people, or the peo- the work of God, it is also our
ple to be better than the priest- work every man, woman and child

hood? "As with the priest, so in the Church has a personal inter-
with the people." They belong to est in this cause and is a joint pro-
the same class they are insepar-
prietor with God in all that pertains
able, "and vindicated or condemn- to it.

ed, stand together." The Prophet Joseph Smith, who

Nevertheless, there is a differ- was sustained in the beginning as
ence between the people and their the President of this Church, did
— :


not make himself the President. the Hill Cumorah? Would the
God chose him to be His Prophet, work have gone backward from
and the people sustained him as that hour? Not at all. It would
their President. Yes, this man have had this effect, and this only
who had looked upon the face of that little congregation would have
the Father and the Son, who had been without the gifts and powers
communed with angels, who had that God had conferred upon those
had revealed to him the "sacred men. It could not have been the
record" long "concealed," concern- Church of God. It would have
ing which we have been singing, been a body without a head. The
who had received the imposition priesthood would have been separ-
of hands by holy angels, confer- ated from the people. The Proph-
ring upon him the priesthood the— et, just before going to his death,
Aaronic priesthood, which em- speaking to the Nauvoo Legion
powered him to preach faith and and denouncing mob violence, said
repentance and to baptize for the to them, "Will you stand by me in
remission of sins, and the Melchis- the vindication of these great prin-
edek priesthood, which empowered ciples which God has committed to
him to bestow the Holy Ghost upon my care?" And they threw up
those who had been baptized, their hands and shouted "Yes
after all these wonderful exhibi- The Prophet replied, "It is well.
tions of the power of God, this . You are a good people, and I am
man and his associate, Oliver Cow- willing to lay down my life for
dery, were required to submit their you. Had you done otherwise, I
names to a little congregation on should have gone out there (point-
the 6th day of April, 1830, when ing to the west) and should have
this Church was organized, that it raised up a mightier people." This
might be seen whether or not those shows what would have resulted

assembled a little over thirty in had that little flock, the Church of

number would sustain them as God, on the 6th of April, 1830, re-
their leaders. They were sustain- jected Joseph Smith and Oliver
ed, and thus became the first and Cowdery as their leaders. They
second elders of the Church. But could have gone anywhere on
the query arises, Suppose they had earth, where men and women
not been sustained? Suppose that would have been willing to receive
little flock had voted against, in- them, and could have built up the
stead of for, Joseph Smith and Church and Kingdom. But God
Oliver Cowdery, what would have recognizes the rights of His peo-
been the consequence? Would it ple, along with the rights of His
have taken from those two elders priesthood, which are His own
the priesthood which God ha_d con- rights. God and His people
ferred upon them? Would it have constitute this Church, and these
taken away the gifts which He had men who have been chosen to be
given them? Would it have blot- the teachers, the counselors, the
ted out the fact that the dispensa- leaders are the Lord's servants,
tion of the fulness of times had His representatives, the instru-
been opened by the personal ap- ments and agents through whom
pearing of the Father and the Son He acts, to guide and bless His
to Joseph Smith? Would it have people.
re-consigned that sacred record to I want to remind this great con-


gregation that you who raised your low; have examined the machin-
hands to sustain these men in their ery every wheel is moving as it

positions, made a solemn coven- was ordained to move every pin is ;

ant with God that you would sus- in its place every man is at his

tain them in very deed. In effect, post; everything is working well,

you covenanted that you would and as long as this continues, there
pray for them, that you would up- is no danger whatever; but," he

hold and defend them, that you added, "if a single wheel refused
would exercise your faith for them, to move, if a single pin were out
and would listen to their counsels of place, if a man were to rebel
and that you would not go forth and mutiny, there would be dan-
from this conference to tear down ger that we might all go to the bot-
these men, to stab them in the tom of the sea." I think this an
back, and seek to weaken their in- apt illustration of the Church of
fluence among your brethren and God, of the good ship Zion, plung-
sisters and among the children of ing her way majestically through
men. You made that covenant. the billows of tribulation in this
See that you keep it; for it was world of pain and trouble and
a covenant with God, and cannot tears. So long as we serve God,
be broken with impunity. You and are one with each other, the
had the power to reject any and all storms that come from without and
but you chose to sustain them. Now spend their fury upon us, pass
see that you do it. harmlessly over; they only have
There is little danger to this the effect of driving us together,
work from the outside. The worst making us feel for one another,
perils that threaten us are always love one another, and strengthen
from within. God has pledged one another. But let there be ope
His word that this kingdom shall traitor in the camp; let there be
never be thrown down nor given to disobedience, treachery, indiffer-
another people. But if there ever ence, or division in the Church, and
was a time when this work was the danger is great until that con-
really in danger, it was because dition is removed. But God has
there was something wrong within, pledged His word that this work
and not because the powers of shall never be thrown down, and
earth and hell were arrayed against it is my faith and my testimony
it. A captain of a ship in a storm that if we remain united, if we re-
was approached and asked if there fuse to listen to those insidious
was any danger. The tempests voices that would introduce schism
had been beating upon the vessel and dissension between the people
for days; she had been driven out and their leaders if we present an

of her course the waves were roll-

unbroken front, and are one in
ing mountain high; the appearance
faith and practice of the principles
of things was perilous, and the
of the Gospel if the priesthood and
passengers were fearful. "Cap-
tain, is there danger?" asked one.
the people stand together, then
The Captain smiled reassuringly, shall good ship Zion weather
and replied, "Not one particle, so every storm and land her precious
long as conditions remain as they cargo of souls in the harbor of
now are. I have been down be- eternal peace. Amen.
The choir and congregation sang Scriptures, and are expected to be
the hymn commencing, "Praise to laboring, efficiently and acceptably,
the man who communed with Je- at home and abroad. Missionaries
hovah." are constantly being called for from
among the Latter-day Saints hun- ;

dreds of them are needed every

PRESIDENT FRANCIS M. LYMAN. year. This Church, I suppose, is
doing more in the line of mission-
Need of preparation to perform Priest- ary work than any other people of
hood duties. —
Admonition to Priest- the same number. All the churches
hood and Saints to set themselves
have their force of ministers but
in —
order. Experienced missionaries
1 know of no church, except this

should accompany the inexperienced.

— 'The Lord is pleased with His peo- that is made up entirely of minis-
ple," and guiding His Church. ters. The ministry in this Church
is not confined to the male mem-
The time of our conference is bers for our sisters are also teach-

very precious, and I presume every ers, and advocates, and expounders
one who occupies a portion of it of the faith. They have a work in
feels as though he were in a hurrv. the ministry, besides taking care of
and perhaps the congregation some- their homes and families but of

times wishes that the speaker would course they are almost entirely
hurry. home missionaries. A few of our
This has been one of the most sisters have gone into the world to
interesting conferences that the preach the Gospel, and I suppose
Latter-day Saints have ever held, there is no sister in the Church but
and I believe that it will prove most what would go as readily as the
profitable to the Latter-day Saints brethren if she were called. And
for all time. I am convinced that that is the difference in Church-
our faith will be strengthened, and membership between the brethren
that we will return to our homes and the sisters, just as Elder Whit-
better prepared for our ministry. ney has explained the difference be-
When I listened to the elders who tween the authorities of the Church
are presiding over the missions and the people. The Elders are
abroad, I was admonished that it called and designated by the voice
is very important that the body of of the Lord, through His servants,
the Priesthood be suitably trained and sustained by the people, to hold
and prepared for the great work en- the Priesthood, to officiate in the
trusted to our care. It is important foreign ministry, and to preside in
that we should be well trained from the affairs of the Church generally.
our first reception of the Priest- The brethren are supposed to be in
hood, for no man is fully justified the work from the time they are
who does not magnify the author- ordained.
ity which the Lord confers upon The Spirit seems to prompt me
him. This authority, held by nearly on this occasion to draw the atten-
all the male members of the Church, tion, particularly, of the presiding
has come from the Lord, through brethren in the Stakes, and Wards,
His servants and we are a Church
; and quorums to the necessity of
of ministers, teachers, exhorters, giving more care to the interests of
expounders of the faith and of the the brethren entrusted to their


presidency. We want you to give a are entrusted to us. These are

little closer attention to their condi- questions it would be well for
tion. The brethren who have spok- you to ask of the brethren, and they
en in this conference have seemed will counsel you. This applies to
inclined to commend to us the im- ail the brethren who have the forces
portance of the Word of Wisdom. of Israel to direct in the different
I believe that the presiding breth- Stakes and Wards and quorums.
ren in the Church set a suitable ex- We ask you to put these forces in
ample before you, and we feel that order.
it should be carried out by all the As the work requires and as the
various quorums and departments Lord directs, we make requisitions
of the Priesthood. You should upon the Presidents of Stakes. We
give greater thought and care to need twenty elders, or forty or fifty,
your own condition, my brethren may be, from your Stake.
as the case
who stand in responsible positions. We wish you to furnish us
In this regard I commend to you one-third of them veterans, men
the counsel of the Twelve and the who have seen service either
brethren who preside over us, that at home or abroad, men who
we take particular pains to exam- are established in the faith, and
ine ourselves, and to be examined who have ability and integrity.
by one another, to be considered, One-third of all we ask for
questioned, trained, instructed, cor- should be trained material, that
rected and reproved, and to be ex- the young and inexperienced may
horted and placed in order, as you feel in the presence of these, tried
have heard from President Joseph and proven men that they have
F. Smith. Wereport to him our strength and support, and that they
condition we want you to report to
; can follow in their footsteps and
us in regard to your condition. We take instruction from them. How
would you to take particular
like well I remember when I went to
pains with your brethren. Having Europe in 1860, with President Jos-
first set yourselves in order, set eph F. Smith and others. We were

your brethren in order the High young men at that time, and when
Priests, Seventies, Elders, and I was sent out into the missionary
members of the lesser priesthood field I was placed in the care and
tor you are held responsible, as company of John Brown, the late
we are. The First Presidency sure- Bishop and Patriarch, of Pleasant
ly feel that the Twelve should al- Grove. Joseph C. Rich, son of El-
ways be in good condition and ; der Charles C. Rich, was placed in
when any of these brethren visit company with James S. Brown.
you, we would like you to notice These were two mature, able men,
them and follow in their footsteps expounders of the faith, men of ex-
and good examples. You presidents perience, men of God. So it was
of Stakes and you Bishops, when with the rest of the brethren. Broth -

you are within reach of the Twelve, er Joseph F. Smith did not need an
ask what instructions they have for experienced man with him, for he
you and for your assistants in the was already trained, having been
Priesthood. What is necessary to four years on the Sandwich Islands,
be done? How shall we take care where he had been a faithful and
of those holding the Priesthood who devoted elder. He was a veteran,
although a young man. He had and sisters are His daughters.
had training and experience such There is no lineage more roval than
as we had not received. The Pres- that of the Father and the Son. We
idents of missions should have in are the brethren of Jesus, and you,
the field at least one-third of train- my sisters, are His sisters.
ed men, and we ask you to furnish Now, the Lord is pleased with
that kind to us. We
expect them His people and their condition to-
to be in good condition, clean and day. I thank the Lord for what
sweet. We do not want to have to we have witnessed here, and for the
purge and cleanse them when thev union that dwells among the Lat-
come here. Bishops, labor with ter-day Saints. I speak in this way
your young men. If they have any because I realize the Bishops, the
faults and failings, let them be cor- Presidents and their Counselors,
lected, and reproved if necessary, and the High Councilors are here,
at home. Do not let them be hu- and we require and expect of you
miliated before the brethren when just what the Presidency require
they come here. Have them so well and expect of us. The Presidency
prepared that we shall be proud of would not be satisfied unless these
them. Take pains with them, and Apostles were proper in their con-
do not leave it for us to do. I do duct and in their lives. When they
not leave it for the Presidency to travel among you, the Presidency
train these brethren of the Twelve. feel that the" are properly repre-
I take particular pains with my sented, and that the Lord is prop-
brethren, and they take particular erly represented among His people.
pains with me. It is their business Our lives are before them, as they
to help me, and it is my business to are before you, and they have n )

help them. We wish you to help fear concerning us; we have been
one another, and train one another, before you as long as you can re-
so that all will be in good condi- member us. Now, we want vour
tion and none will be ashamed. I lives to be at least as good as ours.
would be ashamed, and so would No man should be worse than we
my brethren, if President Smith had are. It is not pleasing to the Lord
to stand up here and say that the that your lives should be worse than
Twelve were not in order, that they curs. We want you to be better, to
would not listen to him, nor take in- set us a good example, and to help
struction from him, and that they us. You pray for us we want you

would not reform and improve to live and labor with us. Bishops,
That would not do at all. No; we it is a reproach to you when you

try to labor with ourselves. We send men to us that are not in a

1 ave our weaknesses, and we neee proper condition, and that have to
to be trained and cared for, just be labored with here, or at Liver-
vhe same as you and your brethren pool, or in any other mission, by
We are of the same kind of mater- the authorities. We ask you to
ial, the same kind of flesh and send them to us in proper condition,
blood. Weare of the roval lineage, that we may know they are con-
just as you are for we have de-
; scientious, honest, undefiled, pure
scended from the Father our Fath-
; and clean, that we shall not be
er who is in heaven, and your Fath- ashamed of their conduct when they
er. Weare His sons, and our wives go out into the world. The life of
— ;


an elder is more to the people than person at all, that He was not re-
anything he says. The chief thing: ally our Father, that we were not
is what a man does. It was what in His likeness or, if He was a

Jesus did, the example He set, that personage, that in some mysterious
lifts Him above all others. He way the Father, the Son and the
walked in the fear of God. He Holy Ghost were just one person.
loved the Father and honored Him. It remained for the Prophet Josenh
He did the Father's will, instead of Smith to bear record to the world
his own. He was submissive to that the Father and the Son both
Him. He was without sin. He set lived, and that they are as separate
the pattern for us. We should be and distinct in their personalities as
as like Him as it is possible for us any father and son on this earth.
to be. I bear testimony that this Church
I have felt thankful to the Lord was organized by the Lord, and He
for the ministry of our brethren in has maintained that organization
this conference. How
beautifully from the Prophet Joseph Smith
and splendidly they have talked to down to the Prophet Joseph F.
us In the doctrines they have laid
! Smith, without any mistake for ;

down no mistake has been made. I God has directed the choice of ev-
bear testimony to you, my brethren ery President, every Counselor, ev-
and sisters in regard to this Church. ery Apostle, every President of
From its beginning, with thirty or Stake, and every Bishop in this
forty members, on the 6th day of Church. The Lord has done it,
April, 1830, I testify to you— for and it has not been the work of
I know as I know that I live man. He has designated these
that this Church has been and is the men, by His own Spirit and voice,
Church of Jesus Christ. It is the and they stand just where they
work of the Lord. It was brought belong, and they will always stand
to the world and established under there as long as they are worthy
the personal direction of the Father and are not placed in some other
and the Son. Such a vision and position. The Lord is caring for
experience was never given before His work and for His people, and
on this earth, so far as we have He will do it to the end. I want
any account, as the personal ap- this testimony to come to this con-
pearing of the Father and the Son gregation, and to all Israel. It is
at the same time. The voice of the our business to do our duty and
Father had been heard several to perform our part of the work
times, presenting His Son but it ; for, as Elder Whitnev has testified,
was left for the Prophet Joseph we are interested in it as well as the
Smith, in the nineteenth century, Lord. We share with Him, as His
to be the witness of the Father and children and His trusted servants
the Son, that they live, for they
The Gosoel has been delivered to
both appeared to him in person.
us, it is in our hands, and we are
And surely the world needed that
exnected to be the expounders and
witness. No man had
the seen
Father or the Son for many cen- teachers of this faith until the-

turies. Their faces had been hid world is filled with the light and
from the world, until the world had knowledge and power of God.
come to believe that God was not a Amen.


PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. SMITH. be pure, holy, honest, upright men,
after God's own heart, free from
(closing remarks.)
the sins of the world, broadminded,
I desire to say to you, my breth- full of the love of truth, charity, the
ren and sisters, God" bless you. I spirit of forgiveness, mercy and
invoke the favor and protecting kindness, that they may be as fath-
care, the mercy, forgiveness and ers indeed in the midst of the peo-
loving kindness of the Father of ple, and not tyrants. You, mv
light, in whom there is no variable- brethren, are not called to be mas-
ness nor shadow of turning, upon ters; you are called to be servants.
all the Latter-day Saints, and upon Let him that would be great amon«-
all the honest in heart and upright you be the servant of all. Let us
in all the world. May the Lord follow in the footsteps*of our Mas
God bless the people of this State ter, the Lord Jesus Christ. He
and of the nation, as well as the alone is the perfect example for
rulers of the nation. May peace mankind. He is the only infallible
reign in the midst of all the peo- rule and law, way and door into
ple. May the strife, contention and everlasting life. Let us follow the
discontent which exists more or less Son of God. Make Him our ex-
all over our land be settled amica- emplar and our guide. Imitate Him.
bly, that peace may dwell withi i Do His works. Become like unto
our borders, and that our people Him, as far as it lies within our
may be prosnerous and happy, and power to become like Him that
continue to grow in power, num- was perfect and without sin.
ber and glory in the land. May the God bless the mothers in Zion,
Lord God bless the President of and the sons and daughters of Is-
the United States, and his Cabi- rael, and keep our children from
net, and all the honorable men in the ways of the world, from trans-
public life in our nation, and in the gression and from temptation that
other nations of the world, that will lead them astray. May the pow-
peace may dwell on earth and good er of God be over all the household
will towards man. of faith. May Israel flourish upon
Our mission is to save, to pre- the hills and rejoice upon the moun-
serve from evil, to exalt mankind, tains, and assemble together unto
to bring light and truth into the the place which God has appointed,
world, to prevail upon the people of and there prosper, multiply and
the earth to walk righteously before replenish the earth, and thence
God, and to honor Him in their spread abroad throughout the
lives and with the firstfruits of all land ; for the time will come
their substance and increase that when we will find it necessary
their barns may be filled with plen- to fulfill the purposes of the
ty, and, figuratively speaking, that Almighty by occupying the land of
"their presses may burst out with Zion in all parts of it. We
are not
new wine."' destined to be confined to the val-
May God bless the Presidents of levs of the mountains. Zion is des-
the Stakes of Zion and their coun- tined to grow, and the time will
selors,and all the officers in the come when we will cry aloud, more
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- than we do today, Give us room
day Saints. May He help them to that we may dwell

Now may the Lord God of Israel The choir sang, "Inflammatus,

bless you, my brethren, my sisters with solos by Sister Lizzie Thomas

and my friends. May the mercy of Edward.
God be extended unto our enemies. Benediction was pronounced by
We wish them good, not evil. They Patriarch John Smith, and confer-
will bring sufficient evil upon them- ence was adjourned for six months.
selves by the course they pursue,
and we need not wish evil to come
Prof. Evan Stephens conducted
.upon them for it will come soon
the singing of the choir and congre-
enough if they do not repent. May
gation at all the conference meet-
God have mercy upon them. ings in the Tabernacle, -and Prof.
May He turn the erring from
John J. McClellan played the ac-
the error of their way, and
companiments and voluntaries on
he that wandereth into the paths
the great organ.
of certainty and truth. This
is my prayer, and I invoke these
The stenographic reports of the
discourses were taken by Elders
blessings upon this great congrega-
Arthur Winter, Franklin" W. Ot-
tion and upon all the people of the
terstrom and Frederick E. Barker.
Lord throughout the land, in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. D. M. McAllister,
Amen. Clerk of Conference.
Which appears on the following-
pages constitutes part of the offi-
cial proceedings of the Confer-
ence, and its connection therewith
is set forth in full on page nine of

this report.

"Let fads be submitted to a candid world."


APRIL, 1907.
: :

The Church of Jesus ChrisT: of Latter-day Saints

to the World,

In the hope of correcting misrepresentation, and of es-
tablishing a more perfect understanding respecting ourselves
and our religion, we, the officers and members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in General Con-
ference assembled, issue this Declaration.
Such an action seems imperative. Never were our prin-
ciples or our purposes more widely misrepresented, more se-
riously misunderstood. Our doctrines are distorted, the sacred
ordinances of our religion ridiculed, our Christianity ques-
tioned, our history falsified, our character traduced, and our
course of conduct as a people reprobated and condemned.
In answer to the charges made against us, for ourselves and
for those who, under divine direction, founded our religion and
our Church for our posterity, to whom we shall transmit

the faith, and into whose keeping we shall give the Church of
Christ and before mankind, whose opinions we respect, we sol

emnly declare the truth to be

Our religion is founded on the revelations of G.jd.
The Gospel we proclaim is the Gospel of Christ, restoied to
earth in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. The
high claim of the Church is declared in its title The —
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Established
by divine direction, its name was prescribed by Him whose

Church it is Jesus the Christ.
The religion of this people is pure Christianity. Its creed
is expressive of the duties of practical life. Its theology is
based on the doctrines of the Redeemer.
If it be true Christianity to accept Jesus Christ in
person and in mission as divine to revere Him as the Son

of God, the crucified and risen Lord, through whom alone can
mankind attain salvation to accept -His teachings as a guide, to

adopt as a standard and observe as a law the ethical code He

piomulgated to comply with the requirements prescribed bv

Him as essential to membership in His Church, namely, faith,

repentance, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins,
and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost,
if this be Christianity, then are we Christians, and the Church

of Jesus Christ of Lattei-day Saints is a Christian church.

The theology of our Church is the theology taught
by Jesus Christ and His apostles, the theology of scrip-
ture and reason. It not only acknowledges the sacredness of an-
cient scripture, and the binding force of divinely-inspired
acts and utterances in ages past; but also declares that God
now speaks to man in this final Gospel dispensation.
Webelieve in the Godhead, comprising the three individ-
ual personages, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Wehold that man is verily the child of God, formed in His
image, endowed with divine attributes, and possessing power to
rise from the gross desires of earth to the ennobling aspirations
of heaven.
Webelieve in the pre-existence of man as a spirit, and in a
future state of individual existence, in which every soul shall
find its place, as determined by justice and mercy, with opportu-
nities of endless progression, in the varied conditions of eter-
We believe in the free agency of man, and therefore
in his individual responsibility.
We believe that salvation is for no select few, but
that all men may be saved through obedience to the laws
and ordinances of the Gospel.
Weaffirm that to administer in the ordinances of the Gos-
pel, authority must be given of God and that this authority is

the power of the Holy Priesthood.

We affirm that through the ministration of immortal
personages, the Holy Priesthood has been conferred upon
men in the present age, and that under this divine authority
the Church of Christ has been organized.
proclaim the objects of this organization to be, the
pi eachinc of the Gospel in all the world, the gathering of scat-
tered Israel, and the preparation of a people for the coming of
the Lord.
"Mormonism" seeks its converts among all classes and con-
ditions of society,and those who accept it are among the best
men and women of the nations from which they come —
industrious, virtuous, and reverent. In their community life
they are peaceable, law-abiding and exemplary. Their in-

stincts, traditionsand training are opposed to vice and crime.

The icligion they have embraced, the Church of which they
are members, condemns every form of evil, and their lives,
with few exceptions, are exponents of righteousness. Many of
the early proselytes to our faith were descendants of the Pil-
grims and Puritans. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and other
leaders among the Latter-day Saints, traced their lineaee to the
founders and first defenders of the nation. Joseph Smith was a
native of Vermont, and by vocation a farmer. All trades and
piofessions were drawn upon for the membership of the Church.
In England, its first foreign mission field, it was mainly the
middle and working classes that responded to the Gospel mes-
sage. All over the world it has been the same, —
our converts
have been men and women of character, intelligence, and integ-
rity. There is nothing in "Mormonism" to attract the selfish or
the vile.
The effort to differentiate the "Mormon" priesthood and
the "Mormon" people, by allowing that the latter are a good,
honest, though misguided folk, while alleging that their lead-
ers are the personification of all that is bad, is a most futile

one. The great majority of the male members of the Church

hold the priesthood, and though constituting the official body
of the Church, they are a portion of the people. Priesthood and
people are inseparable, and; vindicated or condemned, stand
The charge that the Church relies upon duplicity in the pro-
pagation of her doctrines, and shuns enlightened investigation,
is contrary to reason and fact. Deceit and fraud in the per-
petuation of any religion must end in failure. A system of re-
ligion, ethics, or philosophy, to attract and hold the attention of
men. must be sincere in doctrine and honest in propaganda. That
the Church employs deceptive methods that she has one doc-

trine for the priesthood and another for the people that she ;

teaches one set of principles to her members in Zion, and an-

other to the world, is not true. Enlightened investigation is the
very means through which the Church hopes to promote belief
in her principles, and extend the beneficent influence of
her institutions. From the beginning, enlightened inves-
tigation has been the one thing she has sought. To secure
this she has sent her missionaries into all parts of the world,
especially to the centres of civilization and enlightenment,
where her literature has been freely distributed; yet too fre-
quently her claims have been disallowed without inves-

tigation,and judgment has been pronounced without a hearing-.

At the Columbian Exposition, which celebrated the four
hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, the re-
ligions of the world were represented in a great parliament,
for the purpose of showing "in the most impressive way,
what and how many important truths the various religions hold
and teach in common ; ....
to set forth by those most
competent to speak, what are deemed the important distinctive
truths held and taught by each religion ; ....
to in-
quire what light each religion has afforded or may afford to
the other religions of the world." To this gathering the
Church of Jesus Christ ~f Latter-day Saints, though the most
distinctively American church, was not invited nevertheless she

sought opportunity to place side by side with the creeds of all

the great historic faiths, a presentation of her principles, and to
voice to mankind the truths she deemed most important and
most helpful. This opportunity was denied the Church, ex-
cept upon such terms as were humiliating and subversive of
the end sought —
a wider publication and a more just con-
sideration of her faith. After such an experience, and oth-
ers of like kind, though of varying degree, we submit that
it ill becomes our accusers to charge us with shunning en-

liehtened investigation.
It has been charged that "Mormonism" is opposed to
education. The history of the Church and the pre-
cepts of its leaders are a sufficient answer to that accusation.
Joseph Smith, the President of the Church, founded
schools, and attended them as a student, as did many
of his followers under his advice and influence. Brigham
Young, who succeeded Joseph Smith, emulated him as a
founder and patron of schools and every subsequent Presi-

dent of the Church, his associates, and the people generally,

have been equally zealous in that cause. In the course of their
exodus from Illinois, our people built log school houses while
halting on the Missouri river, then the frontier of the nation
and after they had traversed a thousand miles of wilderness, and
planted their infant colony in the valley of the Great Salt
Lake, school houses were amon.r the first buildings they
erected. Such Las been the course pursued in every "Mor-
mon" colony. The State of Utah, now dotted with free
schools, academies, colleges, and universities, institutions
which have given her marked educational prominence,
furnishes indisputable evidence that her people mostly —

"Mormons" —are friends and promoters of education. To

the Latter-day Saints, salvation itself, under the atonement
of Christ, is a process of education. That knowledge is a means
of eternal progress, was taught by Joseph Smith :
—It is impos-
sible for a man to be saved in ignorance. —A man is saved no
faster than he gets knowledge. — The glory of God is intelli-
gence.— Whatever principles of intelligence we attain to in this

life, will rise with us in the resurrection. He who gains in this
life more knowledge than another, will have so much the advan-
tage in the world to come. These were aphorisms with the
Prophet Joseph Smith.
Neither is it true, as alleged, that "Mormonism" is de-
structive of the sanctity of the marriage relation on the con-

trary it regards the lawful union of man and woman as the

means through which they may realize their highest and
holiest aspirations. To the Latter-day Saints, marriage is not
designed by our heavenly Father to be merely an earthly union,
but one that shall survive the vicissitudes of time, and endure
for eternity, bestowing honor and joy in this world, glory
and eternal lives in the worlds to come.
The typical "Mormon" home is the temple of the family, in
which the members of the household gather morning and eve-
ning, for prayer and praise to God, offered in the name of Jesus
Christ, and often accompanied by the reading of scripture and
the singing of spiritual songs. Here are taught and gently
enforced, the moral precepts and religious truths,
which, taken together, make up that righteousness which exalt-
eth a nation, and ward off that sin which is a reproach to any
people. If such conditions are not a sufficient answer to the
charge that our homes are un-Christian, subversive of moral
influence, and destructive of the state's stability, then we turn
to the present generations, "Mormon" American citizens, pro-
ducts of our religion and our homes, for our vindication:
Here are our sons and daughters, submit them to any
test of comparison you will : regard for truth, veneration
for age, reverence for God, love of man, loyalty to country,
respect for law, refinement of manners, and, lastly, in this is-
sue between us and our accusers the crowning test of all,
purity of mind and chastity of conduct. It is not inordinate self
praise to say of the generations of our people, born and reared
ii; "Mormon" homes, that they will compare favorably, in the

Christian virtues, and in all that makes for good citizenship,

with any community in this or any other country.

The charge that the Church

is a commercial rather than a

religious institution; that its aims are temporal rather than

spiritual; that dictates its members in their industrial

activities and relations, and aims at absolute domination

in temporal affairs, —
all this we emphatically deny. That the
Church claims the right to counsel and advise her members in
temporal as well as in spiritual affairs is admitted. Leading
Church officials, men of practical experience in pioneer life,
have aided the people in establishing settlements throughout
the inter-mountain west, and have given them, gratuitously, the
benefit of their broader knowledge of things, through counsel
and direction, which the people have followed to their advan-
tage and both the wisdom of the leaders and the good

sense of the people are vindicated in the results achieved.

All this has been done without the exercise of arbitrary
power. It has resulted from wise counsels, persuasively given
and willingly followed.
It has also been the policy of the Church to foster
home industries. Where there has been a lack of confi-
dence in some of these enterprises, and private capital has
been afraid to invest, the Church has furnished funds that
the practicability of the undertaking might be demonstrat-
ed and repeatedly the wisdom of this policy has been

made manifest. Thereby the resources of various localities

have been developed, community industries diversified,
and the people, especially the poor, given increased op-
portunity of employment and a better chance to become self-
deny the existence of arbitrary power in the Church;
and this its government is moral government purely,
and forces
its are applied through kindness, reason,
and persuasion. Government by consent of the pw-
erned is the rule of the Church. Following is a sum-
mary of the word of the Lord, setting forth the principles
on which, the Church government is to be administered
The rights of the priesthood are inseparably con-
nected with the powers of heaven, and the powers of
heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the
principles of righteousness. That they may be con-
ferred upon men, is true but when they undertake to

cover their sins, or gratify their pride, their vain ambi-

tion, or exercise control, or dominion, or compulsion, up-
on the souls of the children of men, in any degree of un-

righteousness, the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when

it is withdrawn, amen to the priesthood, or the author-
ity of that man. No power or influence can or
ought to be maintained b*<- virtue of the priesthood, only
by persuasion, by long suffering, by gentleness, and meek-
nes.', and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure
knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without
hypocrisy and without guile.
Nominations to Church office may be made by revelation
and the right of nomination is usually exercised by those hold-
ing high authority, but it is a law that no person is to be ordained
to any office in the Church, where there is a regularly or-
ganized branch of the same, without the vote of its members.
This law is operative as to all the officers of the Church, from
the president down to the deacon. The ecclesiastical govern-
ment itself exists by the
will of the people; elections are fre-
quent, and the members are at liberty to vote as they choose.
True, the elective principle here operates by popular acceptance,
rather than through popular selection, but it is none the
less real. Where the foregoing facts exist as to any sys-
tem, not and cannot be arbitrary.
it is

The Church officers, in the exercise of their functions,

are answerable to the Church. No officer, however exalt-
ed his position, is exempt from this law. All decisions,
rulings and conduct of officials are subject to investiga-
tion, correction, revision and final rejection by the gen-
eral assembly of the priesthood of the Church, its final court of
appeal. Even the President, its highest officer, is subject to these
laws, and special provision is made for his trial, and, if neces-
sary, his deposition. Where these facts exist in any
administration of government, it cannot be justly classed
as a tyranny, nor considered a menace to free institutions.
The tithing: system of the Church, so often de-
nounced as oppressive, and as imposing an arbitrary ec-
clesiastical tax, is in reality a system of free-will offerings.
True, the members, by the law of the Church, are under
moral obligation to pay one-tenth of their interest annu-
ally. But from the very nature of the principles on which
churches exist, they being voluntary associations for the
fostering of spiritual life, and the achievement of moral

and charitable ends in which associations membership
cannot be —
compelled there is no compulsory means
of collecting this or any other church revenue. Tithing

is a voluntary offering for religious and charitable purposes,

and not a scheme of extortion for the enrichment of the higher
officials. Service in the interest of the Church is given, for the
most part, without monetary compensation; where compen-
sation is allowed it is moderate; the high Church officials are
not rich, but in the majority of cases are men of limited means,
and where it is otherwise their wealth did not come from the
tithes of the people;— these facts are a complete refutation of
the slander that our tithing is a system of extortion practiced
upon the people for the enrichment of the priesthood. Like the
Church government throughout, the tithing system operates
upon the principle of free will and the consent of those who
hold the faith to be divine.
Neither in mental attitude nor in conduct have we
been disloyal to the government under whose guarantee
of religious freedom our Church was founded. The Book
of Mormon proclaims America to be the land of Zion ;a
land dedicated to righteousness and liberty a land of

promise to certain branches of the house of Israel, and

also to the Gentiles. It declares that. God will fortify
this land against all other nations and "he that fightetn

against Zion shall perish." By revelation to Joseph Smith

the Prophet, the Lord declared that he had established
the Constitution of the United States through "wise men
raised up unto this very purpose." It is also our belief that
God has blessed and prospered this nation, and given unto
it power to enforce the divine decrees concerning the
land of Zion. that free institutions might not perish from
the earth. Cherishing such convictions, we have no
place in our hearts for disloyal sentiments, nor is there
likelihood of treason in our conduct. Were we evil-dis-
posed toward American institutions, or disloyal to the
United States, we would be recreant to those principles
to which by interest and education we are attached, and
would repudiate the revelations of God concerning this
In reaffirming our belief in the high destiny of America,
our attachment to American institutions, and our loyalty to the
United States, we declare that these sentiments, this loyalty,
have outlived the memory of all the wrongs inflicted upon our
fathers and ourselves.
. patriotism and loyalty are qualities manifested
in times of peace, by just, temperate, benevolent, industrious,

and virtuous living; in times of trial, by patience, resistance

only by lawful means to real or fancied wrongs, and by final
submission to the laws of the land, though involving distress
and sorrow and in time of war, by willingness to fight the bat-

tles of the nation, then, unquestionably, are the "Mormon"
people patriotic and loyal.
The only conduct seemingly inconsistent with our pro-
fessions as loyal citizens, is that involved in our atti-
tude during the controversies that have arisen respecting plural
marriage. This principle was introduced by the Prophet Joseph
Smith, at Nauvoo, Illinois. The practice was continued in
Utah, and published to the world, as a doctrine of the Church,
in 1852. In the face of these facts, Brigham Young, whose
position in the matter was well known, was twice appointed,
with the consent of the Senate, first by President Fillmore, and
afterwards by President Pierce, to be the Governor of the Terri-
tory. It was not until 1862 that Congress enacted a law forbid-
ding plural marriage. This law the Latter-day Saints consci-
entiously disregarded, in their observance of a principle
sanctioned by their religion. Moreover they believed the
enactment to be violative of the Constitution, which pro-
vides that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the
free exercise of religion. Notwithstanding this attitude and
conduct on the part of our people, no decision of
the Supreme Court upon this question was secured un-
til 1878, more than thirty years after the settlement of
Utah nor were determined efforts made to enforce the

law until a further period of five or six years had elapsed.

Surely this toleration, under which the practice of plural
marriage became firmly established, binds the United
States and its people, if indeed they are not bound by con-
siderations of mercy and wisdom, to the exercise of pa-
tience and charity in dealing with this question.
If it be charged by those who find extenuation for
offenses committed prior to the decision of 1878, that our
subsequent duty as good citizens was clear and unmis-
takeable, we reply that the situation, as viewed by some
of our members, developed a conflict between duty to
Cod and duty to the government. Moreover, it was
thought possible that the decision of the Supreme' Court
might be reversed, if what was regarded as a con-
stitutional right were not too easily surrendered. What our
people did in disregard of the law and of the decisions of the

Supreme Court affecting plural marriages, was in the spirit of

maintaining religious rights under constitutional guaranties,
and not in any spirit of defiance or disloyalty to the govern-
The "Mormon" people have bowed in respectful submis-
sion to the laws enacted against plural marriage. While it is
true that for many years they contested the constitu-
tionality of the law of Congress, and during that
time acted in harmony with their religious convictions in up-
holding by practice, as well as by spoken and written word, a
principle committed to them from God, still, when every means
of constitutional defense had been exhausted, the Church
abandoned the controversy and announced its intention
to be obedient to the laws of the land. Subsequently,
when statehood for Utah became a possibility, on the condi-
tion that her constitution provide by ordinance, irrevocable
without the consent of the United States, that plural marriages
should be forever prohibited, the "Mormon" people accepted
the condition by voting for the adoption of the constitu-
tion. From that time until now, the Church has been
true to its pledge respecting the abandonment of the prac-
tice of plural marriage. If it be urged that there have been
instances of the violation of the anti-polygamy laws, and that
some persons within the Church have sought to evade the
rule adopted by her, prohibiting plural marriages, the plain
answer is that in every state and nation there are individuals
who violate law in spite of all the vigilance that can be exer-
cised but it does not follow that the integrity of a community

or a state is destroyed, because of such individual transgres-

sions. All we ask is that the same common-sense judgment
be exercised in relation to our community that is accorded to
other communities. When all the circumstances are weighed,
the wonder is, not that there have been sporadic cases of plural
marriage, but that such cases have been so few. It should
be remembered that a religious conviction existed among the
people, holding this order of marriage to be divinely sanc-
tioned. Little wonder then that there should appear, in a
community as large as ours, and as sincere, a few over-zealous
irdividuals who refused to submit even to the action of the
Church in such a matter, or that these few should find others
who sympathized with their views; the number, however, is
small. ...
Those who refer to "Mormon polygamy" as a menace to
: : :


the American home, or as a serious factor in American prob-

lems, make themselves ridiculous. So far as plural marriage is
concerned, the question is settled. The problem of polygamous
living among our people is rapidly solving itself. It is a matter
or record that in 1890, when the manifesto was issued, there
were 2,451 plural families; in nine years this number had been
reduced to 1,543. Four years later the number was 897; and
many of these have since passed away.
In answer to the charge of disloyalty, founded upon al-
leged secret obligations against our government, we declare to
all men that there is nothing treasonable or disloyal in any or-
dinance, ceremony, or ritual of the Church.
The overthrow of earthly governments the union of ;

church and state domination of the state by the church eccles-

; ;

iastical interference with the political freedom and rights of the

citizen, —
all such things are contrary to the principles and policy
of the Church, and directly at variance with the oft repeated
declarations of its chief presiding authorities and of the
Church itself, speaking through its general conferences. The
doctrine of the Church on the subject of government, stands as
"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents,
rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustain-
ing the law."
Such is. our acknowledgment of dutv to civil governments.
"We believe that all governments necessarily require
civil officers and magistrates to enforce the laws of the
same, and that such as will administer law in equity and
justice should be sought for and upheld by the voice of
the people (if a republic), or the will of the sovereign."
"We do not believe it just to mingle religious influ-
ence with civil government, whereby one religious so-
ciety is fostered and another proscribed in its spiritual
privileges, and the individual rights of its members, as citi-
zens, denied."
With reference to the laws of the Church, it is expressly
"Be subject to the powers that be, until He reigns whose
right it is to reign, and subdues all enemies under His feet.

"Behold, the laws which ye have received from my

hand are the laws of the Church, and in this light ye shall
hold them forth."
; ; :


That is to say, no law or rule enacted, or revelation re-

ceived by the Church, has been promulgated for the State.
Such laws and revelations as have been given are solely
for the government of the Church.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds to
the doctrine of the separation of church and state; the non-in-
terference of church authority in political matters and the ab-

solute freedom and independence of the individual in the per-

formance of his political duties. If, at any time, there has been
conduct at variance with this doctrine, it has been in violation

of the well settled principles and policy of the Church.

Wedeclare that from principle and policy, we favor
The absolute separation of church and state;
No domination of the state by the church
No church interference with the functions of the state;
No state interference with the functions of the church,
or with the free exercise of religion
The absolute freedom of the individual from the dom-
ination of ecclesiastical authority in political affairs;
The equality of all churches before the law.
The reaffirmation of this doctrine and policy, however,
is predicated upon the express understanding that politics in

the states where our people reside, shall be conducted as in

other parts of the Union; that there shall be no interference
by the State with the Church, nor with the free ex-
ercise of religion. Should political parties make war upon
the Church, or menace the civil, political, or religious
rights of its members as such, —against a policy of that kind,
by any political party or set of men whatsoever, we
assert the inherent right of self-preservation for the Church,
and her right and duty to call upon all her children, and upon
all who love justice, and desire the perpetuation of religious lib-
erty, to come to her aid, to stand with her until the danger shall
have passed. And this, openly, submitting the justice of our
cause to the enliehtened judgment of our fellow men, should
such an issue unhappily arise. Wedesire to live in peace and
confidence with our fellow citizens of all political parties and of
all religions.
It is sometimes urged that the permanent realization of
such a desire is impossible, since the Latter-day Saints hold as a
principle of their faith that God now reveals Himself to man, as
in ancient times that the priesthood of the Church constitute

a body of men who have, each for himself, in the sphere in


which he moves, special right to such revelation that the


President of the Church is recognized as the only person

through whom divine communication will come and
as law
doctrine to the religious body that such revelation may

come atany time, upon any subject, spiritual or temporal, as

God wills and finally that, in the mind of every faithful

Latter-day Saint, such revelation, in whatsoever it counsels,

advises or commands, is paramount. Furthermore it is some-
times pointed out that the members of the Church are looking
for the actual coming of a Kingdom of God on earth, that shall
gather all the kingdoms of the world into one visible, divine
empire, over which the risen Messiah shall reign.
All this, it is held, renders it impossible for a "Mormon"
to give true allegiance to his country, or to any earthly govern-
We refuse to be bound by the interpretations which
others place upon our beliefs or by what they allege

must be the practical consequences of our doctrines. Men have

no right to impute to us what they think may be the logical de-
duction from our beliefs, but which we ourselves do not accept.
We are to be judged by our own interpretations, and by our ac-
tions, not by the logic of others, as to what is, or may be, the
result of our faith. We deny that either our belief in divine rev-
elation, or our anticipation of the coming kingdom of God,
weakens in any degree the genuineness of our allegiance to our
country. When the divine empire will be established, we may not
know any more than other Christians who pray, "Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven;" but we do
know that our allegiance and loyalty to country are strength-
ened by the fact that while awaiting the advent of the Messiah's
kingdom, we are under a commandment from God to be subject
to the powers that be, until He comes "whose right it is to
"Mormonism" is world for the world's good. Teach-
in the
ing truth, inculcating morality, guarding the purity of the home,
honoring authority and government, fostering education, and
exalting man and woman, our religion denounces crime, and is
a foe to tyranny in every form. "Mormonism" seeks to uplift,
not to destrov society. She joins hands with the civilization of
the aee. Proclaiming herself a special harbinger of the Savior's
second coming, she recognizes in all the great epochs and move-
ments of the past, steps in the march of progress leading up to
the looked for millennial reign. "Mormonism" lifts an ensign of


peace to all people. The

predestined fruits of her proposed sys-
tem are the sanctification of the earth and the salvation of the
human family.
And now, to all the world Having been commanded of

God, as much as lieth in us, to live peaceably with all men we, —
in order to be obedient to the heavenly commandment, send
forth this Declaration, that our position upon the various ques-
tions agitating the public mind concerning us may be known.
We desire peace, and will do all in our power on fair and hon-
orable principles to promote it. Our religion is interwoven
with our lives, it has formed our character, and the truth of
it: principles is impressed upon our souls. We
submit to you,
our fellow-men, that there is nothing in those principles that
cells for execration, no matter how widely in some respects they
may differ from your conceptions of religious truth. Certainly
there is nothing in them that may not stand within the wide cir-
cle of modern toleration of religious thought and practice. To
us these principles are crystalizations of truth. They are as dear
to us as your religious conceptions are to you. In their applica-
tion to human conduct, we see the world's hope of redemption
from sin and strife, from ignorance and unbelief. Our motives
are not selfish; our purposes not petty and earth-bound; we
contemplate the human race, past, present and yet to come, as
immortal beings, for whose salvation it is our mission to labor
and to this work, broad as eternity and deep as the love of God,
we devote ourselves, now, and forever. Amen.
In behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
ter-day Saints, March 26, 1907.

Adopted by vote of the Church, in General Conference,

April 5, 1907.

Salt La:::2 City, Utah.

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