This document summarizes the air system sizing for AHU-G-01 which serves a 1-zone faculty of medicine building in AlBahah, Saudi Arabia with a floor area of 6566 sqft. Key findings include:
- The central cooling coil requires 36.2 tons of cooling to handle a peak cooling load of 434 MBH in July.
- The maximum outdoor air required is 14561 CFM.
- Zone 1 has a peak cooling load of 228.9 MBH in June handled by an airflow of 14561 CFM.
This document summarizes the air system sizing for AHU-G-01 which serves a 1-zone faculty of medicine building in AlBahah, Saudi Arabia with a floor area of 6566 sqft. Key findings include:
- The central cooling coil requires 36.2 tons of cooling to handle a peak cooling load of 434 MBH in July.
- The maximum outdoor air required is 14561 CFM.
- Zone 1 has a peak cooling load of 228.9 MBH in June handled by an airflow of 14561 CFM.
This document summarizes the air system sizing for AHU-G-01 which serves a 1-zone faculty of medicine building in AlBahah, Saudi Arabia with a floor area of 6566 sqft. Key findings include:
- The central cooling coil requires 36.2 tons of cooling to handle a peak cooling load of 434 MBH in July.
- The maximum outdoor air required is 14561 CFM.
- Zone 1 has a peak cooling load of 228.9 MBH in June handled by an airflow of 14561 CFM.
This document summarizes the air system sizing for AHU-G-01 which serves a 1-zone faculty of medicine building in AlBahah, Saudi Arabia with a floor area of 6566 sqft. Key findings include:
- The central cooling coil requires 36.2 tons of cooling to handle a peak cooling load of 434 MBH in July.
- The maximum outdoor air required is 14561 CFM.
- Zone 1 has a peak cooling load of 228.9 MBH in June handled by an airflow of 14561 CFM.
Project Name: FACULTY OF MEDICINE-ALBAHA 04/20/2020
Prepared by: SAJMEP 10:45AM
Air System Information
Air System Name AHU-G-01 Number of zones 1 Equipment Class CW AHU Floor Area 6566.0 ft² Air System Type SZCAV Location ALBAHA, Saudi Arabia
Sizing Calculation Information
Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone CFM Sizing Sum of space airflow rates Sizing Data Calculated Space CFM Sizing Individual peak space loads
Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data
Total coil load 36.2 Tons Load occurs at Jul 1600 Total coil load 434.2 MBH OA DB / WB 96.3 / 61.0 °F Sensible coil load 434.2 MBH Entering DB / WB 86.5 / 58.2 °F Coil CFM at Jul 1600 15327 CFM Leaving DB / WB 54.5 / 46.2 °F Max block CFM 15327 CFM Coil ADP 51.0 °F Sum of peak zone CFM 15327 CFM Bypass Factor 0.100 Sensible heat ratio 1.000 Resulting RH 50 % ft²/Ton 181.5 Design supply temp. 53.0 °F BTU/(hr-ft²) 66.1 Zone T-stat Check 0 of 1 OK Water flow @ 10.0 °F rise 86.89 gpm Max zone temperature deviation 0.1 °F
Central Heating Coil Sizing Data
Max coil load 111.5 MBH Load occurs at Des Htg Coil CFM at Des Htg 15327 CFM BTU/(hr-ft²) 17.0 Max coil CFM 15327 CFM Ent. DB / Lvg DB 52.7 / 60.9 °F Water flow @ 20.0 °F drop N/A
Humidifier Sizing Data
Max steam flow at Jan 0700 327.98 lb/hr Air mass flow 56491.04 lb/hr Airflow Rate 15327 CFM Moisture gain .00581 lb/lb
Supply Fan Sizing Data
Actual max CFM 15327 CFM Fan motor BHP 0.00 BHP Standard CFM 12554 CFM Fan motor kW 0.00 kW Actual max CFM/ft² 2.33 CFM/ft² Fan static 0.00 in wg
Return Fan Sizing Data
Actual max CFM 15327 CFM Fan motor BHP 0.00 BHP Standard CFM 12554 CFM Fan motor kW 0.00 kW Actual max CFM/ft² 2.33 CFM/ft² Fan static 0.00 in wg
Zone Sizing Summary for AHU-G-01 Project Name: FACULTY OF MEDICINE-ALBAHA 04/20/2020 Prepared by: SAJMEP 10:45AM
Air System Information
Air System Name AHU-G-01 Number of zones 1 Equipment Class CW AHU Floor Area 6566.0 ft² Air System Type SZCAV Location ALBAHA, Saudi Arabia
Sizing Calculation Information
Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone CFM Sizing Sum of space airflow rates Sizing Data Calculated Space CFM Sizing Individual peak space loads
Zone Sizing Data
Maximum Maximum Zone
Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone Zone Name (MBH) (CFM) (CFM) Peak Load (MBH) (ft²) CFM/ft² Zone 1 228.9 14561 14561 Jun 1600 8.9 6566.0 2.22
Zone Terminal Sizing Data
No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system.
Space Loads and Airflows
Cooling Time Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space Space Name Mult. (MBH) Load (CFM) (MBH) (ft²) CFM/ft² Zone 1 01-G-CO-019 1 2.1 Jul 1600 127 0.0 86.1 1.48 01-G-CO-021 1 6.5 Jul 2100 394 0.0 419.8 0.94 01-G-CO-022 1 15.4 Jun 1600 937 0.6 322.9 2.90 01-G-LA-016 1 18.4 Dec 1100 1116 0.5 441.3 2.53 01-G-LA-017 1 18.4 Dec 1100 1116 0.5 441.3 2.53 01-G-LA-020 1 15.8 Jun 1600 958 0.6 333.7 2.87 01-G-LA-021 1 108.9 Jun 1600 6617 3.4 3024.7 2.19 01-G-LA-025 1 33.7 Dec 1400 2050 2.0 1001.0 2.05 01-G-OF-026 1 9.0 Jun 1600 545 0.6 172.2 3.16 01-G-VA-014 1 11.5 Jun 1600 700 0.6 322.9 2.17