Thermodynamic Properties, Equations of State, Methods Used To Describe and Predict Phase Equilibria

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18


Course Objective: To understand the theory and applications of classical thermodynamics,
thermodynamic properties, equations of state, methods used to describe and predict
phase equilibria.


C211.1 Students will be able to understand the Basic concepts of Thermodynamics and basic
terminology in thermodynamics
1. Distinguish between ‘Open system’ and ‘Closed system’, with examples. (Nov 2009, May 2017).
Open Systems: The systems which can transfer both matter and energy with the surroundings
are termed as
open systems. Closed Systems: The systems which can transfer only energy but not matter are
called as closed systems.
2. State the Zeroth law of Thermodynamics.(April/May2015)
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two bodies are each in thermal equilibrium
with some third body, then they are also in equilibrium with each other

3. Differentiate work and heat. (Nov 2008)(April/May2015)

Work and heat are both two forms of energy. Energy is expended in the form of work when
a force acts through a distance. Heat is that quantity which is transferred between bodies
due to the difference in temperatures existing between them. Work is considered to be
superior form of energy than heat, as inter conversions of work in to different forms is
efficient than conversion of heat into work.
4. Distinguish between state function and path function. (Nov 2010, April and Nov 2011)
Point Functions: Functions which are independent of the past history how the second state is
reached are called Point functions. They do not depend on the path of the process. Examples:
Pressure, Temperature. Path Functions: Functions whose values do depend on the path how the
second state is reached are called Path functions. Examples: Heat, Work
5. Distinguish between steady and equilibrium state. (Nov 2010, April 2011)
A system which is interacting with the surroundings is said to have attained a steady state
condition when the properties at a specified location in the system do not vary with time.
A system is said to be in equilibrium if the properties are uniform throughout and they do
not vary with time.
6. Define irreversible Processes? (Nov 2008, May 2012)
The Process in which the system and surroundings cannot be restored to the initial state is
called irreversible Process
7. What are intensive properties and Extensive Properties? Give examples.(May 2017)
Intensive Properties: Properties which are independent of the mass of the material
involved are called intensive properties.
Examples: Pressure, Temperature.
Extensive Properties: Properties which are dependent on the mass of the material
involved are called Extensive Properties.
Examples: Volume, Internal
Energy, Enthalpy

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
8. What is Phaserule?NOV2013
Phase rule is the mathematical condition, which allows to determine the number of
degrees of freedom, when number of components and number of phases comprising the
system is known.
9. Write the scope and limitations of thermodynamics? ( May 2016 &2010)
The science thermodynamics deals with energy and its transformation. It clearly tells us about
the direction in which changes takes place in nature. It tells us about the conditions under which
a proposed change attains equilibrium. In total heat and work effects accompanying a physical or
chemical process can be accurately predicted using thermodynamic calculations.
10. Define control volume

When working with devices such as engines it is often useful to define the system to be an
identifiable volume with flow in and out. This is termed a control volume.
11. Difference between microscopic and macroscopic view of
thermodynamic. Macroscopic ( or classic thermodynamics):
∙ In this approach, a certain quantity of matter is considered , without taking into
account the events occurring at the molecular level.
∙ This macroscopic approach to the study of thermodynamics that does not require
knowledge of the behaviour of individual particles.
∙ Macroscopic thermodynamics is only concerned with effect of the action of many
molecules, and these effect can be perceived by human senses.
∙ The macroscopic observation are completely independent of the assumptions
regarding the nature of matter.
Example: A moving car, a falling stone
from a cliff, etc.
Microscopic ( or statistical
∙ From the microscopic view point, matter is composed of a large number of small
molecules and atoms.
∙ This microscopic approach to the study of thermodynamics that require knowledge of
the behaviour of individual particles.
∙ Microscopic thermodynamics that require knowledge of the behaviour of individual
∙ Microscopic thermodynamics is concerned with effects of the action of many
molecules, and these effect cannot be perceived by human senses.
∙ The microscopic observations are completely dependent on the assumptions
regarding the nature of matter.
12. Define quasi-static process?
When a process proceeds in a such manner that system remains infinitesimally close to the
equilibrium state at all times, it is called a quasi-static or quasi-static equilibrium process.
13. Define equilibrium and its types

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In an equilibrium state, there are no unbalanced potentials (or driving forces) within the
system. A system in equilibrium experiences no changes when it is isolated from its
Thermal equilibrium: when the temperature is the same throughout the entire system.
Mechanical equilibrium: when there is no change in pressure at any point of the system.
However, the pressure may vary within the system due to gravitational effects.
Phase equilibrium: in a two phase system, when the mass of each phase reaches an
equilibrium level. Chemical equilibrium: when the chemical composition of a system
does not change with time, i.e., no chemical reactions occur.
14. Difference between processes and path
Any change a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another is called a process, and
the series of states through which a system passes during a process is called a path.

15. Define the following

▪ Isothermal: is a process during which the temperature remains constant
▪ Isobaric: is a process during which the pressure remains constant
▪ Isometric: is process during which the specific volume remains constant.
16. Define pressure
Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area.

17. Give the purposes of study of thermodynamics? (May 2010)

The science thermodynamics deals with energy and its transformation. It clearly tells us about
the direction in which changes takes place in nature. It tells us about the conditions under
which a proposed change attains equilibrium. In total heat and work effects accompanying a
physical or chemical process can be accurately predicted using thermodynamic calculations.
18. What are the factors responsible for the irreversibility oa a process?(May 2016)
(i). For the system to undergo reversible change, it should occur infinitely slowly due to
infinitesimal gradient. During reversible process, all the changes in state occurred in the system
are in thermodynamic equilibrium with each other.
(ii)Thus there are two important conditions for the reversible process to occur. Firstly, the
process should occur in infinitesimally small time and secondly all the initial and final state
of the system should be in equilibrium with each other.
(iii)If during the reversible process the heat content of the system remains constant (adiabatic
process), then the entropy of the system remains constant (isentropic process)
(iv)The phenomenon of undergoing reversible change is called as „Reversibility‟. In
actual practice the reversible process never occurs, thus it is an ideal or hypothetical
19. Write a note on thermodynamic temperature scale
Experimentally obtained Temperature Scales: the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales, are based on

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
the melting and boiling points of water. They are also called two‐point scales.
Conventional thermometry depends on material properties e.g. mercury expands with
temperature in a repeatable and predictable way
Thermodynamic Temperature Scales (independent of the material), the Kelvin and
Rankine scales, are determined using a constant volume gas thermometer.
20. What do you mean by the number of degrees of freedom?
The number of independent variables necessary to define the state of equilibrium uniquely
is known as the number of degrees of freedom.
21. What is thermodynamics?
List out the applications of thermodynamics? Thermodynamics is the science of energy transfer
and its effect on the physical properties of substances. The applications of the
thermodynamiclaws and principles are found in all fields of energy technology, notably in steam
and nuclear power plants, internal combustion engines, gas turbines, air conditioning,
refrigeration, gas dynamics, jet propulsion, compressors, chemical process plants and direct
energy conversion devices.
22. How work for an irreversible process is calculated?
Consider the irreversible expansion of a gas in piston-cylinder assembly. If „F‟ is the force acting
downwards and „dz‟ is the displacement of the piston, then the work done against the
atmosphere is W = ∫ F dz. When the force acting downwards and the gas pressure are in exact
balance (F = P A, where „A‟ is the area of the piston), the work done by the gas against the
atmosphere is W = ∫ P A dz = ∫ P dV. Here, „dV' is the increase in volume due to expansion.

1. Explain how ideal gas temperature scale is devised.(April/May 2015)
2. Distinguish between (i) open and closed system (ii) Reversible and irreversible processes. .
(April/May 2015)
3. An elevator with a mass of 2500 kg rests at a level 7.5 m above the base of an elevator
shaft. It is raised to125m above the base of the shaft. The elevator falls freely to the base of
the shaft and strikes a spring and comes to rest. Calculate.,(i). the potential energy of the
elevator in its initial and final position. (ii) Work required to raise the elevator.(iii). The
velocity and kinetic energy of the elevator before it strikes the spring. (iv). The potential
energy of the compressed spring.(v). If the elevator and spring is considered as a system,
calculate the energy of the systems at different conditions mentioned above.
4. State your assumptions and explain the interface. (Nov2013)
5. A special manometer fluid has a specific gravity of 3.65 and is used to measure a pressure a
pressure of 1.25 bar at a location where the barometric pressure is 760 mm Hg. What
height will the manometer fluid register?
6. Five kilograms of CO2 gas is contained in a piston cylinder assembly at a pressure of 7.5 bar
and a temperature of 300 K. The piston has a mass of 6000 Kg and a surface area of 1 m 2.
The friction of the piston on the walls is insignificant. The atmospheric pressure is 1.0135
bar. The latch holding the piston in position is suddenly removed and the gas is allowed to
expand. The expansion is arrested when the volume is double the original volume.
Determine the work done in the surroundings. (Nov 2009)
7. Distinguish between heat pump and heat engine.
8. A spherical balloon of diameter 0.5 m contains gas at 1 bar and 300 K. The gas is heated and
the balloon is allowed to expand. The pressure inside the balloon is directly proportional to
the square of the diameter. What would be the work done by the gas when the pressure

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inside reaches 5 bar?
9. The turbines in a hydroelectric power plant are fed by water falling from a 50 m height.
Assuming 91% efficiency of for conversion of potential to kinetic energy and 8% loss of the
resulting power in transmission, what is the mass flow rate of water required to power a
200 W light bulb.
10. (i). Write short notes on internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity and phase rule.
(ii). A system undergoes a process 1-2 in which it absorbs 100 KJ energy as heat and does 40
KJ work. Then it flows to another process 2-3 in which 50 KJ of work is done on it while it
rejects 30 KJ as heat of it is desired to restore the system to the initial state by an adiabatic
path. Calculate the work and heat interaction during this process. Also determine the
network and heat interactions. (April 2011).

11. Nitrogen gas is confined in a cylinder and the pressure of the gas is maintained by a weight
placed on the piston.the mass of the piston and the weight placedon the piston.The mass of
the piston and the weight together is 100kg.The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81m/s 2and
the atmospheric pressure is 1.01325 bar.Assume frictionless piston.Determine:
(i)The force exerted by the atmosphere, the piston and the weight on the gas if the
piston is 200mm in diameter.
(ii)The pressure of the gas.
(iii)If the gas is allowed to expand pushing up the piston and the weight by 500mm, what is
the work done by the gas in KJ?
(iv) What is the change in the potential energy of the piston and the weight after the
expansion in part (3)? (April/May 2015/ MAY 2016)
12. Determine the power required to accelerate a car weighing 1200kg from a velocity
of 10km/h to 100 km/h in just 1 min on a level road. (MAY 2016)
13. Explain how zeroth law of thermodynamics is employed in the determination of absolute
temperature.(May 2016)
14. Differentiate between (1)heat and work (2)reversible and irreversible (3)system and
surroundings(May 2016)
15. What are macroscopic and microscopic properties? (May 2016)


C211.2 Students will be able to understand and determine changes in the properties of gases, fluids and
solids undergoing changes in temperature ,pressure and volume.
1. Mention any two limiting conditions that should be satisfied by any equation of state
in general. (Nov 2012)
Two limiting conditions that should be satisfied by any equation of state are:
(i). All equations reduce to the ideal gas equation at low pressures. That is, PV
= RT as P → 0
(ii). The slope of the PV isotherm against „P‟ may be equal to, greater than, or
less than zero as
pressure tends to zero. This is true for the slope of the compressibility factor
versus „P‟ curve also. That is, [∂(PV)/∂P]T ≤ 0 as P → 0
2. Explain ‘Acentric factor’.
The Acentric factor „ω‟ is a factor originally used by K.S. Pitzer and coworkers as an
expression in an equation for the compressibility factor. It is defined as

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For most simple fluids psat at Tr = 0.7 (i.e. T = 0.7Tc) is close to 0.1, therefore. In many cases,
Tr = 0.7 lies near the normal boiling point (i.e. at atmospheric pressure).Acentric factor
accounts for characteristic of molecular structure. Values of ω can be determined for any
fluid from Tr and pr, and a single-vapor measurement made at Tr = 0.7.
3. What is a compressibility factor chart?[MAY 2013, 2015]
It is a plot or chart between the compressibility factor „Z‟ as a function of temperature and
pressure or reduced temperature and pressure.It provide on of the best means of expressing the
deviation from ideal behavior. When precise equation of state is not available, these charts
provide a convenient method for the evaluation of compressibility factor.
4. Distinguish fugacity from activity. (May 2012)
Fugacity is the actual pressure, which is the product of fugacity coefficient and the ideal
pressure. This is significant to compressible non ideal fluids.
Activity is the ratio of fugacity of the component in the solution state to that of pure
component fugacity. This is applicable to non ideal solutions.
5. How do internal energy of an ideal gas vary with pressure and temperature?(Nov 2011)
Internal energy of ideal gases is the function of temperature alone. It is directly proportional
to the temperature and independent of pressure

6. Write two equations of state for fluids. (Nov 2011)

Vander Waals equation of state: [P + (a/V2)] [V – b] = RT
Where „a‟ and „b‟ are constants, depends on critical temperature and
pressure; a = (27 R2 TC2)/(64 PC) & b = (RTC)/(8 PC)
Redlich-Kwong equation of state: P = [(RT)/ (V – b)] – {a/[T V (V + b)]}
Where „a‟ and „b‟ are constants, depends on critical temperature and pressure; a = (0.04278
R2 TC2.5)/PC&b = (0.0867RTC)/PC
7. Explain the physical significance of Triple point and Critical point.
Triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which three phases (for
example, gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.
Critical Point of a substance is the point above which vapor phase cannot be condensed. At
this point there is no distinction between vapor and liquid.
8. What is the significance of Vander Waals constants ‘a’ and ‘b’?
„a' is a measure for the attraction between the molecules of
the gas. „b' is the average volume excluded per mole of the
9. Write Redlich-Kwong equation and represents its constants in-terms of critical properties.
Redlich-Kwong equation of state: P = [(RT)/(V – b)] – {a/[T0.5V (V + b)]}
Where „a‟ and „b‟ are constants, depends on critical temperature and
pressure; a = (0.04278 R2 TC2.5)/PC & b = (0.0867RTC)/PC
10. Explain Virial equation of state.(April/May 2015)
Virial equation of state expresses the compressibility factor of a gas or vapor as a power
series expansion in „P‟ or „1/V‟. That is,
Z = (PV)/(RT) = 1 + BI P + CI P2 + DI P3 + …..
Z = (PV)/(RT) = 1 + (B/V) + (C/V2) + (D/V3) + …..
Where B and BI are second Virial coefficients, C and C I are third Virial coefficients and so on.
Such that, BI = B/RT and CI = (C – B2)/(RT)2
11. What is the effect of temperature and pressure on fugacity?
The effect of temperature on fugacity is given by
{∂[ln(f)]/∂T}P = [HO – H]/[RT2]
Where „H‟ is the molar enthalpy of the gas at the given pressure and H is the enthalpy at a

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very low pressure.
The effect of pressure on fugacity is given by {∂[ln(f)]/∂P}T = V/RT
Where „V‟ is the molar volume of the gas at given temperature.
12. List the types of thermodynamic diagrams.
The most common thermodynamic
diagrams are; ∙ P (pressure) – H
(enthalpy) diagram
∙ H (enthalpy) – T (temperature)
diagram ∙ T (temperature) – S
(entropy) diagram
∙ H (enthalpy) – S (entropy) diagram [the Mollier diagram]
13. What is equation of sate?
An equation of state is a functional relationship between the thermodynamic states of single
homogeneous fluid, may be specified by the properties such as pressure, temperature and
volume. It may be written as
f (P, V, T) = 0The most simple equation of state is the one applicable for idea gases.
14.Define fugacity and fugacity coefficient of real gases .(May 2012)
Fugacity is the actual pressure, which is the product of fugacity coefficient and the ideal
pressure. Fugacity coefficient is the ratio of fugacity of the gas to the ideal pressure of the
gas under the same conditions.
15. Write down the Peng-Robinson equation
P =RT aα
V −b V(V +b)+b(V −b)
Where a, b, are constants and α is function of reduced temperature T and Acentric factor ω.

16. What do you mean by saturation pressure and saturation temperature?

The pressure at which the liquid and vapor phases coexist in equilibrium is called the saturation
pressure and the temperature corresponding to this pressure is called the saturation
17. Define fugacity coefficient.[NOV 2013]
Fugacity coefficient (Φ) is defined as the ratio of fugacity to pressure. It is given by Φ = f/P. It is
dimensionless and depends on nature of the gas, the pressure, and the temperature.
18. How do internal energy of an ideal gas vary with pressure and temperature? (Nov 2011)
Internal energy of ideal gases is the function of temperature alone. It is directly proportional to the
temperature and independent of pressure.
19. Write the principle of corresponding states.
It states that “All gases when compared at the same reduced temperature and the reduced
pressure have approximately the same compressibility factor (also having the same Acentric factor)
and all deviate from the ideal behavior to the same extent
20. Define fugacity of real gases.
Fugacity (f) is a chemical quantity with units of pressure that is intended to better describe a gas's
real-world pressure than the ideal pressure "P" used in the ideal gas law.The word "fugacity" is
derived from the Latin for "fleetness" which is often interpreted as “the tendency to flee or escape”.
The concept of fugacity was introduced by American chemist Gilbert. N. Lewis.In the real world,
gases approach ideal gas behavior at low pressures and high temperatures; under such conditions
the value of fugacity approaches the value of pressure.It has been used extensively in the study of
phase and chemical reaction equilibria involving gases at high pressures
1. Explain with a neat diagram the PV and PT behaviour of pure substances.(May 2017,2015)(Nov
2. Explain the limiting conditions that an equation of a state should possess. Explain the virial
equation for real gases.[NOV 2013]
3. Obtain any two expressions for the determination of fugacity and fugacity coefficients from

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measurable quantities.[MAY 2013]
4. The equation of state of a certain substance is given by expression V=RT/P - C/T3 , and the specific
heat is given by the relation, CP =A +BT Where A,B and C are constants.Derive expressions for
changes in internal energy , enthalpy and entropy for (i) An isothermal process (ii)An isobaric
process. [ NOV 2013]
5. Prove that the fugacity of a gas obeying the Vander Waals equation of state is given by ln f =
b/(v-b) – 2a / (rtv) + ln (rtv /v-b)
6. Discuss about fugacity and fugacity coefficient.[NOV 2011]
7. Briefly explain about compressibliity chart. .[NOV 2011]
8. Define the compressibility factor and explain the significance of compressibility chart(May 2012) 9.
A mixture containing 30 mole% nitrogen and 70 mole% methane is at 50˚C in a rigid container of
volume 0.04 m3. Calculate the pressure exerted by (i) Ideal gas law and (ii). Vander Wall‟s equation.
Data: Vander Waals constants a and b for Methane and Nitrogen are 2.28, 0.0428 and 1.345, 0.0386
respectively. (April 2011)
10. The Berthelot equation of state is given by , where a and b are constants characteristic of the gas.
Develop relations to determine the constants a and b in terms of critical temperature and
pressure. (April 2011).
11. Determine the molar volume of gaseous methane at 303K and 600 bar using
(i) Vander Waals equation with a = 0.2285 N-m4/mol2 and b = 4.27x10-5 m3/mol
(ii) Redlich-Kwong equation with TC = 191K and PC = 46.4 bar.
12. Determine the molar volume of n-butane at 510K and 25bar by each of the following; (a) Ideal
gas equation (b) Vander Waal‟s equation (c) Redlich-Kwong equation. The critcal temperature
and pressure of n-butane are 425.1K and 37.96bar.
13. State the equation of state for real fluids(April/May 2015)
14.Determine the compressibility factor of steam at 627k and 200kpa using (i)van der waals equation
and (ii)Redlich-kwong equation of state when pc = 123.2 bar and 4.3073x10 -5(May 2016)
15.calculate the molar volume of methane at 672K and 12 bar using (i) Ideal gas equation of state
and (ii) Vander waals equation of state , where a=0.2303Nm 4/mol2 and b=4.3073x10-5(May 2016)
16.find the second,third and fourth virial coefficients of the vander waals equation of state. (May



CC211.3 To understand the concept on first law and second law of thermodynamics and its

1). Why specific heat at constant pressure Cp always greater than that at constant volume Cv?
(Nov 2012)
During constant pressure, heat given to the system is used both for increasing the energy constant
as well as doing work, to maintain constant pressure of the system. But in constant volume process,
heat is entirely used to increase the energy of the system. Hence always, specific heat at constant
pressure is greater than that at constant volume.
2). Write the expression for work done in a polytrophic process. (May 2011)
The polytrophic process is neither isothermal nor adiabatic. Hence PV n = Constant. Keeping this in
mind, instead of γ, n has to be used, in the following equations.
dw = dQ – dW; dU = CvdT; dH = CpdT
3). Define the thermal efficiency of a heat engine? (May 2010)
Thermal efficiency of a heat engine is defined as the ratio of work output to the energy input.
4). Show that ΔH = (Cv + R) (T2 – T1), ΔH is change in enthalpy, T1 and T2 are temperatures at state 1

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and 2.
We know that, ΔH = CpdT
We also know that Cp - Cv = R; Hence, Cp = Cv + R. 5).
5.State First law of thermodynamics.
The fundamental implication of first law states that “Although energy may be converted from one
form to another, it cannot be created or destroyed”.
Note: It is otherwise said to be “Law of conservation of energy”. That is, “the energy of the universe
is conserved”.
6). Show that law of conservation of energy is a consequence of the first law of thermodynamics.
(Nov 2011)
First law of thermodynamics says that, “although energy can be converted from one form to
another, it cannot be created or destroyed”. Any loss or gain of energy by the system is must be
exactly equivalent to the gain or loss of energy of the surroundings. First law precisely states that
energy is indestructible, which leads to the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be
created nor be destroyed.
7). What do you understand by the term ‘Internal Energy’?
It is the energy of the molecules making up the substance which are in ceaseless motion and possess
kinetic energy of translations.
8). What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics? (Nov 2011, Nov 2012).
The major limitations of the first law of thermodynamics are its inability to deal with the direction of
the process and the extent of change. It fails to recognize the qualitative differences between various
forms of energy. (This difference is apparent when we attempt to convert heat into work by means
of heat engines.).
9). Differentiate between flow and non-flow processes. Give examples.
Non-flow Process:
One in which the working fluid does not flow into or out of its container in the course of the process.
Examples – Air compressors, Internal Combustion engines.
Steady Flow Process:
One in which a working substance flows steadily and uniformly.
Examples – Boilers, Turbines, Condensers.
10). How does the internal energy of an ideal gas vary with pressure and temperature? For
constant pressure process, dU = CVdT or ΔU = ∫ CVdT
For constant temperature process, ΔU = 0
Note: Internal energy of an ideal gas change only if the temperature changes.
In an isothermal process involving ideal gas, the change in internal energy and the change in
enthalpy would be zero.
11). Estimate the heat and work effects in an isothermal process involving ideal gases.
We know that the mathematical statement of first law of thermodynamics for non-flow process is
dU = dQ – dW
For an isothermal process, the above equation becomes
dQ – dW = 0 or dQ = dW or Q = W = ∫ P dV
Since P = RT/V, for ideal gases, the above equation becomes
Q = W = RT ln(V2/V1) = RT ln(P1/P2)
12). What are the statements of Second law of thermodynamics? The
statements of Second law of thermodynamics are;
Heat cannot by itself pass from a cold body to a hot body.
All spontaneous processes are, to some extent, irreversible and are accompanied by a degradation of
Every system, when left to itself (will on the average), change toward a system of maximum
Kelvin-Planck statement: It is impossible to construct an heat engine that, operating continuously (in
a cycle), will produce no effect other than the transfer of heat from a single thermal reservoir at a
uniform temperature and the performance of an equal amount of work.

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Note: This statement implies that at least two thermal reservoirs of different temperatures are
necessary for a heat engine to operate. This is because only part of the heat transferred to the
engine from a higher temperature reservoir is converted to work; the rest is rejected to a low
temperature reservoir.
Clausius statement: It is impossible to construct a heat pump, operating continuously, will produce
no effect other than the transfer of heat from a lower temperature body to a higher temperature
Note: It means that energy in the form of work must be supplied to the heat pump in order to
transfer heat from cold body to a hot body. Therefore, the coefficient of performance of a heat
pump can never be infinity.
13). State ClausiusStatement of second law.[NOV 2013]
Clausius statement: It is impossible to construct a heat pump, operating continuously, will produce
no effect other than the transfer of heat from a lower temperature body to a higher temperature
Note: It means that energy in the form of work must be supplied to the heat pump in order to
transfer heat from cold body to a hot body. Therefore, the coefficient of performance of a heat
pump can never be infinity
14). Show that the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements are equivalent. (Nov 2011)
Equivalence of Clausius and Kelvin-Planck Statements:
Kelvin-Planck from Clausius:
Suppose we can construct a heat pump which transfers heat from a low temperature
reservoir to a high temperature one without using external work. Then, we can couple it with a heat
engine in such a way that the heat removed by the heat pump from the low temperature reservoir is
the same as the heat rejected by the heat engine, so that the combined system is now a heat engine
which converts heat to work without any external effect. This is thus in violation of the Kelvin-Planck
statement of the second law.
Clausius from Kelvin-Planck:
Now suppose we have a heat engine which can convert heat into work without rejecting heat
anywhere else. We can combine it with a heat pump so that the work produced by the engine is
used by the pump. Now the combined system is a heat pump which uses no external work, violating
the Clausius statement of the second law.
Thus, we see that the Clausius and Kelvin-Planck statements are equivalent, and one necessarily
implies the other.
15). Write the combined statement of first and second laws of thermodynamics. (April 2011).
In thermodynamics, the combined law of thermodynamics, also called the Gibbs
fundamental equation, is a mathematical summation of the first law of thermodynamics and the
second law of thermodynamics subsumed into a single concise mathematical statement as shown
dU – TdS + PdV ≤ 0 Or dG ≤ 0
Where „dG‟ is variation in Gibb‟s free energy, „dU' is a variation in internal
energy, „T‟ is temperature, „dS‟ is variation in entropy, „P‟ is pressure, and „dV‟ is variation in
volume of a simple working body in which there are no flows of particles or out of the body nor
external forces, other than gravity, acting on the body.
16). Define cyclic process. What is the change in internal energy for a cyclic process?
A thermodynamic cycle is a series of thermodynamic processes transferring heat and work,
while varying pressure, temperature, and other state variables, eventually returning a system to its
initial state.
The net change in internal energy is zero since the system returns to the same
thermodynamic state (the definition of a cyclic process) and internal energy is a property and
therefore only a function of the state of the system. So for a cyclic process, Q=W.
17). Sate Carnot theorem.(April/May2015)
No heat engine operating between the two given thermal reservoirs, with fixed temperatures,
can be more efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same two thermal reservoirs.

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
All reversible heat engines operating between the two given thermal reservoirs, with fixed
temperatures, have the same efficiency. The efficiency of a reversible heat engine does not depend
on the nature of the working fluid, but depends only on the temperatures of the reservoirs between
which it operates.
18). Show that a Carnot engine has the maximum efficiency and that the efficiency is independent
of the working fluid. (May 2012)
Carnot engine is one which is assumed to be free from all the mechanical irreversibilities. An engine
without any friction, quite obviously will have highest efficiency.
Carnot engine is assumed to be having a working fluid which is ideal. Any ideal working fluid will
always perform in the same manner, and hence the efficiency of Carnot‟s engine is independent of
working fluid.
19). Distinguish Available and Unavailable energies. (Nov 2008)
Available energy is the maximum work output obtainable from a certain heat input in a cyclic heat
engine. Available energies are capable of being transformed into useful form.
Unavailable energy is the minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the second law.
Unavailable energies are not capable of being transformed into useful form.
Note: The available energy of a given system is the maximum useful work that can be obtained in a
process in which the system comes to equilibrium with the surroundings or attains a dead stat; Vice-
versa is the Unavailable energy.
20). Define ‘Absolute Entropy’. (Nov 2008).(April/May2015)
Entropy (means „Transformability‟ in Greek, introduced in classical thermodynamics by Clausius in
1851) is the thermodynamic property, which serves as a measure of the unavailability or degradation
of energy. An increase in unavailability of the total energy of a system is quantitatively expressed by
a corresponding increase in its entropy.Or
Entropy is a measure of the degree of disorder in a system.
21). How will you prove that the entropy is a property?
Entropy, being an intrinsic property of a system, is functionally related to the measurable
coordinates which characterize the system and is not affected by the external position of the body or
its motion relative to other bodies.
22). Write about the quantification of entropy.
The quantitative definition of entropy requires the following specification;
The amount of heat transferred
The temperature level at which the transfer occurs
The nature of the process, whether reversible or irreversible
To comply with these requirements, we define entropy change in a process as dS = dQR/T Where
„S‟ denotes the entropy, „Q‟ the heat transferred, „T‟ the absolute temperature, and the suffix „R‟
indicates the reversibility of the process.
23). Explain ‘Isentropic process’.
We know for a reversible and adiabatic process, dQ R =0, then from the definition dS = 0. Thus
the entropy of a system is constant during a reversible adiabatic process, and the process is said to
be „Isentropic‟.
24). What is the effect of heat and temperature on entropy?
When heat is added to a system at high temperature, the increase in entropy is small. When
heat is added to a system at low temperature, the increase in entropy is great. This can be quantified
as follows: in thermal systems, changes in the entropy can be ascertained by observing the
temperature while observing changes in energy.
25). State third law of thermodynamics.(May 2017)
Third law of Thermodynamics states that “The Absolute entropy is zero for all perfect
pure crystalline substances at absolute zero Temperature”.
1. Write short notes on internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity and phase rule.
2. A system undergoes a process 1-2 in which it absorbs 100 KJ energy as heat and does 40 KJ work.
Then it flows to another process 2-3 in which 50 KJ of work is done on it while it rejects 30 KJ as

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
heat of it is desired to restore the system to the initial state by an adiabatic path. Calculate the
work and heat interaction during this process. Also determine the network and heat interactions.
(April 2011).
3. A system consisting of a gas confined in a cylinder is undergoing the series of process before it is
brought back to the initial conditions.
Step 1: A constant pressure process when it receives 500 J of work and gives up 25 J of
heat. Step 2: A constant vlume process when it receives 75 J of heat.
Step 3: An adiabatic process. Determine the change in internal energy during each step and the
work done during the adiabatic process. (April 2011)
4. Derive the expression for first law of thermodynamics as applied to steady state flow processes.
State the assumptions(May 2017)
5. A Tank containing 20 kg of water at 20˚C is fitted with a stirrer that delivers work to water at the
rate of 0.25 kW. How long does it take for the temperature of water to rise to 30˚C if no heat is
lost from the water? Cp for water may be taken as 4.184 KJ/Kg˚C(Nov 2011).
6. An inventor claims to have developed a cyclically working device which absorbs 500 KJ as heat
from a reservoir at 800K and 300KJ from a reservoir at 400k and rejects 100 KJ as heat to a
reservoir at 600K and 50KJ to a reservoir at 300K, while it delivers 650 KJ work. Would you agree
with his claim? Justify your answer on thermodynamic grounds. (Nov 2010).
7. Explain in detail the Carnot cycle and prove the theorems . (April/May 2015/ May 2017)
8. A Carnot engine operating between 800 oC and 25oC is used to run a Carnot refrigerator operating
between -20oC and 25oC. If the engine absorbs 10 KJ/s from the reservoir at 800 oC, determine
the capacity of the refrigerator.
9. A rigid and insulated container of 2m 3 capacity is divided into two equal compartments by a
membrane. One compartment contains Helium at 200KPa and 127oC while thesecond
compartment contains Nitrogen at 400KPa and 227 oC. The membrane is punctured and the
gases are allowed to mix. Determine the temperature and pressure after
equilibrium has been established. Consider Helium and Nitrogen as ideal gases with their C V as
1.5R and 2.5R respectively.
10. Obtain an expression for finding the entropy changes of an ideal gas from the first law of
11. State and prove the statements of second law of thermodynamics. [NOV2013]
12. A vapour compression cycle using ammonia as refrigerant in employed in an ice manufacturing
plant. Cooling water at 288K enters the condenser at a rate of 0.25kg/s and leave at
300K.Ammonia at 294K condenses at a rate of 0.50Kg/minute. Enthalpy of liquid ammonia at
294k is 281.5 KJ/Kg.The compressor efficiency is 90%. Saturated ammonia vapour at 258K and
enthalpy of 1426KJ/Kg enters the compressor. What is the power requirement of the
compressor and refrigeration capacity in tons? (April/May 2015)
13. Explain the advantage of multistage compression.
14. Heat is transferred to 10kg of air which is initially at 100kpa and 300k until its
temperaturereaches 600k.Determine the change in internal energy,the change in enthalpy, the
heat supplied and the work done for the following cases. (i) constant volume and constant
pressure.(April/May 2015)
15. Preapre an energy balance for open system and state the assumption clearly.(May 2016)



C211.4 To learn the knowledge on thermodynamics potentials and thermodynamics diagram

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
1). What is the formula to calculate the entropy change when heat flows from a higher to a lower
temperature? (Nov 2012)
The following formula can be used to calculate the entropy change,
ΔS = Cp ln T2 − Rln 2
1 1
2). Write the Joule-Thomson coefficient for real gases in terms of Vander Waalsconstants ‘a’ and
‘b’. (Nov 2012)

3). Define compressibility factor. (May 2012)

Compressibility factor Z of a real gas is the ratio of its volume to the volume of an ideal gas at the
same temperature and pressure.
4). Estimate the heat and work effects in an isothermal process, involving ideal gases
(May 2011)
In a isothermal process, ΔT = 0, hence ΔQ = ΔU = ΔW
5). Draw the joule Thomson inversion curve. (May 2010)

The dotted curve in a typical joule Thomson inversion curve. 6).

6.How do you classify thermodynamic properties of fluids?
Thermodynamic properties of fluids can be classified into three broad groups;
Reference properties
Energy properties
Derived properties
7). Define ‘Reference properties’. (Dec 2016)
These properties are the ones that are used to define the state of the system. They have absolute
values which are measured relative to some arbitrary reference state. Examples are temperature,
pressure, volume and entropy. Of these temperature and pressure are intensive – volume and
entropy are extensive.
8). Explain ‘Energy properties’. The
four energy properties are; Internal
energy (U)
Enthalpy (H)
Helmholtz free energy (A)
Gibb‟s free energy (G)
All are extensive thermodynamic properties and are known relative to some reference state.
These are referred as energy properties, because, the changes in these thermodynamic functions
indicate useful work under certain conditions of restraint.
9). What is meant by derived thermodynamic properties? Give examples.(Nov 2011)
Derived thermodynamic properties are the partial derivatives of energy properties or reference
properties. Examples include specific heat (C), coefficient of expansion (β), coefficient of

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
compressibility (κ) and Joule-Thompson coefficient (μ).
10). Define ‘Work function’.
The Work function (Helmholtz free energy, was developed by Hermann von Helmholtz and is usually
denoted by the letter „A‟ ) is a thermodynamic potential which measures the “useful” work
obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system at a constant temperature and volume.
For such a system, the negative of the difference in the Helmholtz energy is equal to the maximum
amount of work extractable from a thermodynamic process in which temperature and volume are
held constant.
It is defined as A = U – TS. Where U, T and S are the internal energy, temperature and entropy of the
system respectively.
Since U, T and S are characteristic of the system, and depend only on its thermodynamic state,
Helmholtz free energy is a state function. Since U and S are both extensive, „A‟ also is an extensive
11). Explain Gibb’s free energy.
The Gibbs free energy (G) is a thermodynamic potential that measures the "useful" or process-
initiating work obtainable form an isothermal, isobaric thermodynamic system.
The Gibbs free energy is the maximum amount of non-expansion work that can be extracted from a
closed system; this maximum can be attained only in a completely reversible process
The Gibbs free energy, originally called “available energy” (was developed in the 1870s by the
American mathematician Josiah Willard Gibbs. in 1873).
It is defined as G = H – TS. Like the work function „A‟, „G‟ is a single valued function of the
thermodynamic state of the system and is an extensive property.
12). What do you mean by exact differential equations?
Let „z‟ be a single values continuous function of two independent variables „x‟ and „y‟. Then the
total differential of „z‟ can be written in terms of its partial derivatives with respect to „x‟ and „y‟ as
dz = (∂z/∂x)y dx + (∂z/∂y)xdy
A differential equation of this type is termed as Exact differential equation. A property of exact
differential equation that we will be using frequently is ∂ 2z/(∂y ∂x) = ∂2z/(∂x ∂y).
13). Write the four fundamental property relations. (Nov 2008) The
four fundamental property relations are;
dU = T dS - P dV dH = T
dS + V dP dA = -S dT -
P dV dG = -S dT + V dP
14). Write any two Maxwell’s relations. (April 2010/ May
The four Maxwell‟s relations are;
(∂T/∂V)S = - (∂P/∂S)V
(∂T/∂P)S = (∂V/∂S)P
(∂P/∂T)V = (∂S/∂V)T
(∂V/∂T)P = - (∂S/∂P)T
15). What is the significance of Maxwell’s equation? (April 2011, Nov 2012)
Maxwell‟s equations are helpful in replacing unmeasurable quantities appearing in thermodynamic
equations by measurable quantities.
16). Explain Mnemonic diagram for thermodynamic property relations.
It is a square drawn with diagonal arrows pointing upwards. The sides of the squares are labelled
with the energy properties in alphabetical order (A, G, H and U) starting with the topside. The
corners are labelled with the canonical variables of the energy properties in such a way that each
energy property is flanked by its canonical variables.
It can be used as a convenient tool for writing the differential equations for the energy properties as
well as the Maxwell‟s relations.
17). Write the Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
It predicts the dependence of equilibrium pressure on temperature when two phases of a given
substance coexist. It is given by
d[ln(PS)]/dT = ΔH/RT2

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Where PS is the saturation pressure, „T‟ is the temperature, ΔH is the change in enthalpy and „R‟ is
the universal gas constant.
18). Name and write the equation that provides the effect of temperature on Gibb’s free energy.
(April/May 2015) (Nov 2008)
Gibb‟s-Helmholtz equation provides the effect of temperature on Gibb‟s free energy. It is given by
[∂(G/T)/ ∂T]P = - H/T2,
It finds wide application in the analysis of chemical reaction equilibria.
19). Write the entropy-heat capacity relationships.
It is given by
(∂S/∂T)P = CP/T
(∂S/∂T)V = CV/T
An important use of the above equation is in the determination of entropy change of a system at
constant pressure or at constant volume respectively, for a specified change in temperature
20). Write the differential equations for entropy.
It is given, in terms of measurable quantities, as
dS = (CP/T) dT – (∂V/∂T)PdP
dS = (CV/T) dT + (∂P/∂T)VdV = (CV/T)dT – [(∂V/∂T)P/(∂V/∂P)T] dV
21). Give the relationship between CP & CV for real gases
The relationship between C & C for real gases are C P –
CV = - T (∂V/∂T)P2 (∂P/∂V)T = (β2VT)/κ
Where „β‟ is the coefficient of thermal expansion and „κ‟ is coefficient of isothermal compressibility.
22). Express the coefficient of thermal expansion and isothermal compressibility in terms of
measurable properties.(Nov 2011).
The coefficient of thermal expansion (β) is given by β =
(1/V) (∂V/∂T)P
The coefficient of isothermal compressibility (κ) is given by κ = -
(1/V) (∂V/∂P)T
23). Show that for an ideal gasCP – CV = R
Enthalpy is defined as
H = U + PV or dH = dU + d(PV) For
ideal gas, PV =RT, and hence
dH = dU + R dT
We know, by constant volume process, dU = C VdT and By
constant pressure process, dH = CP dT
Substituting these into the above equation, we get
CP dT = CV dT + R dT or CP = C V + R
Or CP – CV = R
Alternate method:
We know, by thermodynamic formulations, CP
– CV = - T (∂V/∂T)P2 (∂P/∂V)T
For ideal gases, PV = RT or V = RT/P or (∂V/∂T) = R/P Also,
P = RT/V or (∂P/∂V)T = - RT/V2
Substituting these differentials into the above, we get
CP – CV = - T (R/P) (- RT/V2) Or CP – CV = R 24).
Explain Joule-Thomson effect.
The Joule–Thomson effect (adiabatic throttling of a gas, which is a constant enthalpy process) is
achieved by allowing the gas to expand through a throttling device (usually a valve) which must be
very well insulated to prevent any heat transfer to or from the gas. No external work is extracted
from the gas during the expansion (the gas must not be expanded through a turbine, for example).
The effect is applied in the Linde technique as a standard process in the petrochemical industry,
where the cooling effect is used to liquefy gases, and also in many cryogenic applications (Ex: for the
production of liquid oxygen, nitrogen, and argon).
25). Define Joule-Thomson coefficient.(Dec 2010)
Joule-Thomson coefficient (μ) is defined as the fall in temperature associated with a unit decrease in

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
pressure, for an adiabatic throttling of gas, under constant enthalpy condition. That is,
μ = (∂T/∂P)H
Generally, a gas cools on throttling, so that the Joule-Thomson coefficient is positive. However, it
may take negative values if the temperature increases with the expansion of the gas.
1. Derive the residual property for Gibb‟s energy. Helmholtz free energy and Gibbs free energy.
(April/May 2015)
2. For gas obeying the relation p(V-B) = RT and having a constant Cv show that:
(i). The internal energy is a function of temperature alone.
(ii). The ratio of heat capacities is a constant.
(iii). P(V-b)γ is constant for a reversible adiabatic process. (Nov 2012, 2009, May 2012)
3. (i). Derive a relationship between the specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume in
terms of coefficient of volume expansion and compressibility
(ii). Derive Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. (Nov 2009)
4. (i). Define joule Thompson coefficient and prove that it is equal to zero for ideal gases. (Nov 2009)
5. Obtain Clapeyron equation using Maxwell‟s equation.(May 2012)
6. (i) Prove CP – CV = TVβ2/κ(NOV 2011)
7. Derive the following relations.(Dec 2016)
(a) dG = -S dT + V dP
(b) dH = T dS + V dP
(c) dU = T dS - P dV
(d) dA = -S dT - PdV
8. Prove the following;
(i) dS = CV (dT/T) – [(∂V/∂T)P/(∂V/∂P)T] dV
(ii) CP – CV = -T (∂2V/∂T2)P(∂P/∂V)T
(iii) ∆S =CPln(T2/T1)
9. Show the following;
(a) CP – CV = R for an ideal gas.
(b) CP – CV = TVβ2/κ
(c) (∂CP/∂P)T = -T(∂2V/∂T2)P
(d) (∂CV/∂V)T = T(∂2P/∂T2)V
10. Derive the Maxwell relations from the fundamentals(April/May 2015) [NOV2013]
11. Show that for a gas obeying Vander Waals equation of state
CP – CV = R/{[1 – 2 a (V – b)2]/[RTV3]} [dec 2016]
12. State Joule-Thomson effect. Derive an expression for Joule Thomson coefficient in terms of
Vander Waals constants „a‟ and „b‟.(ii) Define Joule Thomson coefficient and prove it is equal to
zero for ideal gases[MAY 2016]


C211.5 To understand the concept on compression fluids and application on power plant and

1.What is the physical significance of the Mach number? (Nov 2012)
Mach number is the ratio of the velocity of the fluid to the velocity of sound. It is possible to
characterize the fluid velocity, is subsonic, sonic or supersonic based on the Mach number.

2. What are the basic principles involved for an exhaustive thermodynamic analysis of ejectors?
(Nov 2012)
Ejectors employ the momentum and kinetic energy of high velocity stream to entrain and compress
a second gas or vapor stream. The exhaustive thermodynamic analysis of the ejector required

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CH6402 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics- I 2017-18
applications of the equation of continuity, momentum and energy to various component parts.
3. Using H-S diagram how will you find out the efficiency of an adiabatic compression process?
(May 2011)
For adiabatic compression, of gases under negligible changes in kinetic and potential energies, Ws =

The minimum shaft work required for compressing a gas adiabatically from a given initial state to a
given discharge pressure is the isentropic work which is given by,
Ws = ΔHs
The values of ΔH and ΔHs can be obtained from the H-S diagram.
Efficiency of the compression process is the ratio of ΔH to ΔHs.
4. Give an expression to determine critical pressure ratio.

5. What are two fundamental methods of compressing gases? (May 2010)

Two basic methods of compressing the gases are by isothermal method and by adiabatic method.
6. What is a divergent flow? (Nov 2010)
Divergent flow is one which reduce velocity and regain pressure, if the flow is subsonic, and increase
velocity and obtain Mach numbers greater than unity if flow is supersonic.
7. How compressors are classified?
Compressors may be of Reciprocating type or Turbo (Rotary) type.
Reciprocating type compressors are used for developing high pressure-ratios.
Turbo (Rotary) type compressors are preferred for high volumetric rate.

8. How work for an adiabatic compression is calculated?

For a gas under adiabatic compression, the wok is calculated using the relation, given as, W S = [γ/(γ –
1)] P1V1 [1 – (P2/P1)(γ – 1)/ γ = [γ/(γ – 1)] RT1 [1 – (P2/P1)(γ – 1)/ γ
Where γ = CP/CV, which is assumed constant for an ideal gas.
9. Write short notes on ‘Isothermal Compression’.
For a reversible isothermal compression of an ideal gas, the work is given by the relation
WS = RT ln(P1/P2) = RT ln(V2/V1)
10. State the advantages of multistage compression over single stage compression? (Nov 2011)
The multi-stage compression has the following advantages;
The work done in compressing the air is reduced, thus power can be saved.
Prevents mechanical problems as the air temperature is controlled.
The suction and delivery valves remain in cleaner condition as the temperature and vaporization of

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lubricating oil is less.
The machine is smaller and better balanced.
Effects from moisture can be handled better, by draining at each stage.
Compression approaches near isothermal.
Compression ratio at each stage is lower when compared to a single-stage machine.
11. Using PV diagram, draw the isothermal and adiabatic paths of a three stage compression of a
gas. (Dec 2016)

12. Why inter-stage cooling is necessary in a multi-stage compression?

Inter cooling in an air compressor increases the efficiency of compressor by trying to achieve
isothermal compression, since work required for isothermal compression is less than that in
adiabatic compression.
13. Define clearance volume in a compressor( (April/May 2015)
Clearance volume in a compressor is the volume of the high-pressure gas remains entrapped within
the cylinder, at the end of the discharge stroke.
The function of providing clearance volume in a reciprocating air compressor is to prevent the piston
form hitting the walls of the cylinder.
Clearance volume, and hence clearance, should be minimum because greater the clearance more
compressed gas that left in the cylinder after each compression stroke, so that it leads to energy loss
and lower efficiency

14. Give the equation for clearance volume in a compressor.

Clearance (c) is defined as the ratio of clearance volume to displacement volume. It is given by
Clearance, c = V3/(V1 – V3)
Note: Displacement volume is the volume swept through the piston after discharge of the
compressed gas.
15. Explain volumetric efficiency.
Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of the intake volume to the displacement volume. It is given by
Volumetric efficiency = (V1 – V4)/(V1 – V3)
Note: The intake volume is the volume of gas sucked in during the suction stroke.
16. Define compressor efficiency.

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It is defined as the ratio of the isentropic work (minimum shaft work required for compression of a
gas from a given initial state to a given discharge pressure) to the actual work. That is,
ηS,Comp = WS (isentropic)/WS = (ΔH)S/ΔH
Note: Compressor efficiencies are usually in the range of 0.7 to 0.8
17. What is a nozzle? Give its application.
A nozzle is a device for converting thermal or mechanical energy into kinetic energy, by changing the
cross sectional area of flow.
Nozzles find application in turbines, ejectors, diffusers, etc.
18. Define Mach number. Give its significance.
Mach number (M) is defined as the ratio of actual velocity of the compressible gas to the speed of
If M < 1 then the flow of gas is Sub-Sonic. If M
= 1 then the flow of gas is Sonic.
If M > 1 then the flow of gas is Super-Sonic.
19. What is sonic velocity? Where it develops in a complete nozzle?
The maximum velocity attained by the gas in the converging section of the nozzle is said to sonic
velocity. In a complete nozzle, It develops at the throat of the nozzle.
20. Explain Critical pressure ratio.
The critical pressure ratio (PC/PO) is the pressure ratio (P/PO) at which the velocity of the fluid at the
throat becomes the sonic velocity.
It depends on the ratio of the specific heats (γ).
21. What is the working principle of Steam-jet ejector?
Ejectors or devices which employ the momentum and kinetic energy of a high velocity stream to
entrain and compress a second gas or vapor stream.
Steam-jet ejectors are used for pumping large volumes of vapor and gas at low pressures.
22. Enlist the important parts of an ejector.
The important parts of an ejector are;
A nozzle for accelerating the primary fluid.
A fluid suction for accelerating the secondary fluid before its entrainment.
A mixing section, where the secondary fluid is further accelerated and primary fluid is decelerated. A
diffuser section for decelerating the combined streams of primary and secondary fluids with
consequent increase in pressure.
23. Define the overall efficiency of an ejector.
The overall efficiency of an ejector is the ratio of work of isentropic compression of the secondary
fluid from suction to the discharge pressure, divide by the work of isentropic expansion of the
primary fluid from its initial to the discharge pressure.
24. What is meant by ‘Throttling’?
Throttling is a steady-state steady-flow process across a restriction, which results in a reduction in
pressure for the fluid.
25. What are ‘Turbines’?
A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. It
converts kinetic energy into shaft work, when the fluid stream impinges on blades attached to a
rotating shaft.
1. (i). Derive an expression for work done in a adiabatic process of a compressor from fundamentals.
(ii). Briefly explain the principle and working of steam jet ejectors with a diagram.
2. Derive Bernouli‟s equation ( NOV 2011)
3. Discuss about clearance volume and efficiency of compression operation.[NOV 2011]
4. With a neat sketch ,prove that in a multistage compression with intercooling, the intermediate
pressure is proportional to initial and final pressure.[NOV2011]
5. Explain the critical pressure ratio of nozzles.
6. Show that in a two stage reciprocating compressor, the minimum total work results when
pressure ratios in each stage are equal and are given by the square root of the overall pressure

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7. CO2 at 1 bar and 300K is to be compressed to a pressure of 10 bar in a single stage compressor at a
rate of 100 m /hr. Assuming that CO 2 behaves a an ideal gas, calculate the temperature of the
gas after compression and the work required. Take γ = 1.3[NOV 2013]
8. Derive an expression for the work done for multi-stage compression of gases
9. State the advantage of inter stage cooling in multistage compression
10. Explain the critical pressure ratio of nozzles
11. Steam at 700 KPa and 553 K enters a nozzle with negligible velocity and discharges at a pressure
of 475 KPa. Determine, (i). the Exist velocity (ii). The cross sectional area at the nozzle exit for a
flow rate of 0.5 Kg/s. State the assumptions that made to solve this problem. (April
12. How is the minium work in an adiabatic compressor related to the decrease in enthalpy of the
fluid?[NOV 2013]
13. Explain the working of ejectors with a neat sketch.[NOV 2013]
14. Air at 600 K and 2000 KPa enters a convergent –divergent nozzle whose throat area is one half
that of the discharge of the divergent section. Assuming γ=1.4 for air determine the following:
(i). The pressure, temperature, velocity and density at the throat when the mach number is 0.8
at the throat.(Dec 2016)
15. Consider the steady state , adiabatic , irreversible flow of an incompressible liquid in a horizontal
pipe of constant c.s.area . (i) velocity constant, (ii) temperature increases in direction of flow, (iii)
pressure decreases in the direction of flow. (April/May 2015)
16. Classify and explain the different compression processes.
17. Derive an expression for the critical pressure and temperature ratio for the flow of compressible
fluid through a convergent-divergent nozzle. (Dec 2016)
18. A Steam turbine with rated capacity of 56,400Kw operate with steam at inlet conditions of
8600kpa and 773.15K and discharges into a condenser at a pressure of 10kpa.Asssuming a
turbine efficiency of 0.75.determine the rate of the steam at discharge and mass flow are of
steam. (April/May 2015)
19.Based on first law of thermodynamics,derive expression for the A:F ratio for a single jet
carburettor considering air is incompressible. [May 2016]

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