Intelligence: Approx No of Questions On This Chapt. (1 Mark-1 or 2, 2 Marks-1 or 2, 5 Marks-2, 10 Marks-01)
Intelligence: Approx No of Questions On This Chapt. (1 Mark-1 or 2, 2 Marks-1 or 2, 5 Marks-2, 10 Marks-01)
Intelligence: Approx No of Questions On This Chapt. (1 Mark-1 or 2, 2 Marks-1 or 2, 5 Marks-2, 10 Marks-01)
Total hours‐ 14 hours
Total marks‐ 20‐24 marks
Approx no of questions on this chapt. (1 mark-1 or 2, 2 marks- 1 or 2, 5 marks-2, 10 marks-01)
1 Mark Questions :
1. Who gave the concept of mental age (MA)
Key: Alfred Binet.
2. Who gave the concept of IQ?
Key: William stern.
3. Who is a genius?
Key : A genius is an intellectually gifted/ A genius is a person of great intelligence.
Whose IQ is 140 and above.
4. What is mental Retardation? (Mentally Challenged)
Key : Mental Retardation is the inability to meet the demands of every day life.
Individuals having IQ below 70 are called as mentally retarded/significantly sub
average level of intellectual functioning is known as mental retardation.
5. What is the cause for cretinism?
6. Who constructed the first intelligence test
Key: Alfred Binet‐Simon.
7. Give an example for individual test of intelligence
Key: Stanford‐Binet/Wechsler’s test of intelligence, etc.
8. Give an example for group test of intelligence.
Key: R.P.M (Raven’s Progressive matrices)
9. Give an example for non‐verbal test of intelligence.
Key: Ex: R.P.M
10. Give an example for verbal test of intelligence
Key: Stanford Binet test of intelligence.
Two marks questions
1. What is hydrocephalus?
Key : It is a condition where there is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal
fluid with in the cranium causing damage to the brain tissue & enlargement of
the cranium. This is known as hydrocephalus.
2. Explain ‘Mental Age’.
Key: M.A. concept Was given by Alfred Binet ‐ It refers to an individual’s level of
mental development relative to the environment in which he/she lives.
3. What is the cause for cretinism?
Key: condition seen in children due to deficiency of thyroxin secretion of thyroid
gland results in severe stunted physical and mental growth.
4. What are the characteristics of cretinism?
1. Retardation of Physical and mental growth.
2. If untreated at the right time, growth is stunted.
3. Flattened nose & abdomen protrudes.
4. Face appears puffy with dull look.
5. Thick and protruding tongue‐dry brittle hair, etc.
5. A ten year old boy’s mental age (M.A) is 15. Then what is his IQ? Calculate.
MA = 15
CA = 10 IQ = M.A x 100
IQ = ?
= 15x100 = 150
I.Q = 150
6. Write any two uses of intelligence tests
1) Intelligence tests are useful in educational guidance
2) Intelligence tests are useful in assessing the mentally retarded children
3) They are useful in determining the I.Q. level of students.
4) Intelligence tests are used in recruitment of army personnel. Etc.
7. What is intelligence? Define.
Key: “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act
purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his (her) environment.”
5/10 Marks questions
1. Explain the growth of intelligence
Key: Intelligence grows rapidly during childhood reaches peak around 16‐18 years age.
More exposure, good nutrition, parental care, active participation in variety of activities
stimulate IQ growth.
Psychologists differ regarding the age at which growth of intelligence ceases.
According to Terman‐Merril, I.Q growth reaches peak at the age 16. Freeman and Flory
opine that it reaches its peak around 20 years of age. Binet test has showed that in
some individuals intelligence grow up to the age of 18 years. In majority of person’s
intelligence growth reaches peak around 15‐16 years. Hence the Psychologists have
arrived at a conclusion that intelligence grow up to 16 years age. Now it has been
accepted that intelligence grow up to 16 years.
2. How is intelligence distributed in a populations?
Key: If we measure the intelligence of a large no. of individuals & plot the IQ score on a
graph it assumes the shape of a normal probability curve (NPC). A very few individuals
will be at the lowest score & very few will be at the highest level of IQ – Number
gradually increases as we go up till the mid‐point or average – large no. of individuals
cluster around the meanscore. From‐there, number gradually decreases till we reach
the highest IQ level where we find very few individuals.
(draw a neat diagram of NPC)
Characteristic features of NPC:‐
‐ It has 6 sigmas three are to the right & three to the left of centre point of the
‐ The measures of central tendency are very close to each other.
‐ It indicates relation between one score & the other.
‐ The normal people will fall with in the range covering below or slightly above the
mid point.
‐ As we go further down the scale we notice the different degrees of feeble
Table showing the distributions of individuals
according IQ scores and their classification :
IQ range classification percentage of population
140 & above very superior intelligence ‐ 1%
120 ‐ 139 superior intelligence ‐ 5%
110 ‐ 119 High average intelligence ‐ 15%
90 ‐ 109 Average intelligence ‐ 58%
80 ‐ 89 Low average intelligence ‐ 15%
70 ‐ 79 Border line defective ‐ 5%
60 and below ‐ Mentally defective ‐ 1%
3. Explain Classification of intelligence tests
Key : All the intelligence tests can be broadly classified into:
1) Verbal tests consists of entirely verbal material dealing with vocabulary, general
information etc.
Eg : Binet test(1905), Stanford‐Binet test, otis test, etc.
2) Nonverbal or performance test – involve no language. But items are pictures,
drawing, block patterns, etc. Eg: Goddard form board, R.P.M., etc.
Intelligence tests can also be classified as :
1) Individual tests – can be administered to only one individual at a time.
Eg: Goddard form board, Bhatia test of intelligence, etc.
2) Group tests – can be administered to a large no. of individuals at a time.
Eg: Army Alpha, Army Beta & RPM.
Intelligence tests can also be classified as :
1) Power tests: Allow sufficient time to the subject to answer the items.
Eg: Wechsler’s test of Intelligence. etc.
2) Speed tests: There is time limit to answer. The subject should try to answer as
many items as possible with in that time limit. Eg: Khos block design test,
Alexander pass along test, etc.
4. Write any five uses of intelligence tests.
1) Intelligence tests are used to determine the levels of IQ of an individual.
2) They are useful in educational guidance and vocational guidance in schools and
3) Used in educational institutions to select the students for admission.
4) It the child is exceptionally of superior intelligence he many be a problem – to
teachers, parents & associates.
5) Such a talent is traced and suitable education can be given.
5. Explain APA Classification of mental retardation.
Key: The mentally retarded have been classified by American Psychological
Association as follows.
1. Border line Mental Retardation IQ is 68 to 83 – slow learners – verbal
learning is slower than motor learning. Educable M.R.
2. Mild mental Retardation. IQ is 52 to 67 are equal to 8 to 11 years
boys lack imagination judgment – need supervision.
3. Moderate mental retardation IQ is 36 to 51‐Trainable M.R.
4. Severe mental retardation IQ is 20 to 35 custodial M.R.
5. Profound mental retardation IQ is below 20
6. Explain Clinical types of Mental Retardation.
1. Down’s syndrome / Trisomy‐21. (Mongolism)
This is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the
21st pair.
Named after a British doctor Langdon Down, who discovered this syndrome– at
the time of conception baby inherits genetic information from its parents‐46
chromosomes. But In Down’s syndromes – child gets an extras chromosome that is
47 instead of 46‐ this extra chromosome is the cause for this syndrome.
Physical features: head is small, rounded, tongue has large fissures, eyes are narrow,
slant & upward‐ Temperament‐pleasant, good natured. They have moderate mental
retardation‐able to learn self help skills.
2. Cretinism – Condition of mental deficiency & lack of Physical & mental development
– caused by malfunctioning of thyroid gland during prenatal & postnatal growth
period – deficiency of iodine in soil, water, air cause cretinism, Apart from these –
birth injuries, infections diseases like measles, diphtheria, etc also responsible for
cretinism.‐IQ is about 30 to 40. Metal age is usually not higher than 3 to 4 years.
3. Hydrocephalus – Accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain causes damage to
the brain tissues – leads to M.R. called Hydrocephalus‐I.Q. 30 to 90.‐ Sensation
becomes defective, weak muscles, epileptic seizures common.
4. Microcephalus ‐ Head small – called pin‐headed people‐I.Q. below average‐M.A.‐ 3‐
7 years.
causes exposure to X‐ray during early pregnancy and infections.
6. Macrocephales – Abnormal growth of cells which support the active nerve cells
leads to Macrocephalus mental retardation – skull and the face enlarged I.Q. less
than 40‐M.A. 3 to 7 years.