Heading Forward Starter TB

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Robert Campbell



Robert Campbell
Gill Holley
Rob Metcalf

Campbell, Robert
Heading forward starter teachers book / Robert Campbell ; Gill Holley ;
58 St Aldates
Oxford OX1 1ST Robert Metcalf. - 1a ed . - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Santillana,
United Kingdom 2016.
128 p. + CD-DVD ; 28 x 22 cm.

ISBN 978-950-46-4985-4
© 2016 Ediciones Santillana, S. A.
Leandro N. Alem 720 1. Inglés. 2. Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras. I. Holley, Gill II. Metcalf,
C1001AAP Buenos Aires, Argentina Robert III. Título
CDD 420

© Robert Campbell, Gill Holley and Rob Metcalf 2009

Heading Forward is an adaptation of English in motion by Robert All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored
Campbell, Gill Holley and Rob Metcalf. in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without prior permission in writing from the Publisher.
ISBN: 978-950-46-4985-4

The Publisher has made every effort to trace the owner of copyright
Publisher: Mabel Manzano material; however, the Publisher will correct any involuntary
Managing Editor: Janet Wilson-Smith omission at the earliest opportunity.
Editorial Team: Catherine Richards, Adriana Méndez, Gabriel Mohr
Proofreader: Patricia Guaráz
Este libro se terminó de imprimir en el mes de julio de 2016, en Artes
Art Director: José Crespo Gráficas Rioplatense, Corrales 1393, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos
Cover Design: Estudio Manuel Estrada, Virginia Lasta Aires, República Argentina.
Cover Illustration: © windesign/Shutterstock.com
Design and Layout: Novimago, S.L., Rocío Lominchar,
Miguel Ángel Mora-Gil Domínguez; Virginia Lasta
Art Coordinator: Carlos Aguilera
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Technical Director: Ángel García Encinar
Production Manager: Jesús A. Muela Ramiro
Technical Coordinators: Rosa Marín, Antonio Ocaña,
Javier Tejeda

Recordings: RIERA SOUND; SUENA ESTUDIO, Javier Lupiáñez

Copyright clearance and legal consulting: RUZ LEGAL (Spain)

This Teacher’s Book includes Audio CDs.

Queda hecho el depósito legal que marca la ley 11.723.

Impreso en Argentina. Printed in Argentina.
First Edition Published 2016

Websites given in this publication are all in the public domain and
quoted for information purposes only. Richmond has no control over
the content of these sites and urges care when using them.
Methodology 4

Syllabus 14

Teaching notes 16

0 Getting started 16

1 Our favourite things 21

2 Families everywhere 29

3 Everyday life 37

Review Units 1-3 45

4 Great school days 49

5 Our lives right now 57

6 This is our time and place 65

Review Units 4-6 73

7 Forever idols 77

8 Dear-diary stories 85

9 Being at home and away 93

Review Units 7-9 101

Student’s Book review answers 105

Workbook audio transcripts 108

Workbook answers 110

Photocopiable self-check answers 124

Audio track list 126

For ward
t Language input is provided through interesting
Methodology reading texts and listening activities.

t Heading Forward is a dynamic four-level secondary t Clear speaking and writing models are given to
course (plus a Starter level). The course thoroughly students as extra guidance for producing their own
integrates practice of the four macro skills – reading, work.
listening, speaking and writing – with work on t Language for everyday situations is presented and
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. practised in a special section in every unit.
t Language is presented through interesting topics. t Students are provided with a variety of material to
This is followed by practice, which begins with consolidate what they have learnt and practised
meaningful controlled exercises and gradually in the classroom both in the Student’s Book and
develops into freer, personalised activities. Workbook and through the interactive activities for
students in the website.
t The Workbook also comes with Speaking and Writing
Practice Booklets to further practise the productive
t Mixed ability in the classroom is catered for by a
wide selection of resource material for teachers:
photocopiable worksheets, tests and exams at three
levels of difficulty in the website. The Teacher’s
Book also includes suggestions on how to adapt
the material in the Student’s Book to suit individual

Teaching with Heading Forward
Each unit starts with a vocabulary double-page spread. This
Student’s Book presents eight to twelve words or expressions related to the
topic of the unit. Practice activities, including listening and
repeating, answering questions, completing and writing
sentences or paragraphs, help these words and expressions
to become part of the students’ active vocabulary.

The following double-page spread starts with a warmer to

activate students’ knowledge of the topic and to generate
interest. Students then read a text, with the option of
listening on the Audio CD. The texts reflect a variety of text
types that students could meet outside the classroom, and
they exemplify some of the new vocabulary.
Activities then teach students how to read by practising
strategies such as predicting content from titles and visual
clues. Carefully-staged exercises teach students to read for
general meaning and then for more specific information.

The Student’s Book is divided into a Welcome unit, nine

core units, three review units and a reference section. At
the starter and elementary levels, the Welcome unit revises
basic language that students may know from their primary-
level education or a beginner's secondary course. At pre-
intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate levels, it
revises the language taught in the previous level. The core
units are presented in blocks of three units, followed by a
review unit. There is finally a unit-by-unit review section to
further consolidate all the contents studied.

Core units

Teaching with Heading Forward
These activities are followed by grammar structures that This is followed by more grammatical structures that
students have been exposed to in the reading text and students have been exposed to in the listening activities and
exercises integrated into other skills such as reading or exercises integrated into other skills such as listening and
writing. speaking.

Graded exercises check students’ understanding and provide

practice. This practice is personalised and meaningful,
while at the same time develops students’ accuracy. A
full explanation of each grammar point is included in the
Grammar Reference at the back of the book.

The next double-page spread helps develop the speaking

skill. It presents functional language that students will need
in specific situations, such as helping a tourist or talking on
the phone. Useful expressions are introduced through short
dialogues. Students practise these expressions to build
confidence before creating and practising their own
The third double-page spread introduces eight to twelve dialogues. The Pronunciation exercises practise recognising
new words or expressions which prepare students for the and producing important sounds in English and develop an
listening activities. In the Listening section, students learn awareness of stress, rhythm and intonation. The final related
how to go about understanding a range of different spoken activities give students an opportunity to try using the new
texts, from informal conversations to radio programmes. language. These include a fun speaking task, which develops
students’ fluency in the new grammar points. All the
expressions from every unit are listed at the back of the
book, in the Useful phrases section. More practice is
provided in the Speaking Practice Booklet accompanying
the Workbook.

21st Century skills are the main focus of the last double-
page spread. These pages present cross-curricular topics of
special interest to the age group. Students practise their
reading skills and extend their knowledge of a range of

Comprehension exercises are followed by a research activity

in which students are encouraged to investigate the topic in
greater depth through learning links.

21st Century skills are practised throughout the book and

especially in this section. These are some essential skills and
knowledge that today's students need to become successful
and productive citizens in the 21st century.

They include:
t Learning and innovation skills such as problem-solving,
creativity, visual literacy, scientific and numerical literacy,
Writing is broken down into clear steps and thoroughly cross-disciplinary thinking, decision-making and learner
practised. After a speaking warmer, students read a model autonomy, among others.
text, which recycles grammar and vocabulary from the unit.
t Information, media and technology skills such as
They then focus on an area of their writing which helps information literacy, ITC literacy, accessing and analysing
them to make it more effective. As with speaking, all the information, learning in digital networks through digital
expressions from every unit are listed at the back of the book means such as social networking, technological awareness
in the Useful phrases section. and simulation, contribution to the development of social
Students can still further practise this skill in the Writing and intellectual capital, etc.
Practice Booklet which also accompanies the Workbook.
t Working skills such organisation , time management,
negotiating, communication and cooperation, team-
building and working, initiative and self-direction.

t Social skills like citizenship, cultural awareness, health and

environmental literacy, leadership, responsibility, etc.

Review units

Teaching with Heading Forward
The review units present a new topic so that students have Grammar Reference
a context in which to revise and consolidate the language
covered in the previous three units.
The first page revises vocabulary. In the following pages
reading, listening and speaking tasks provide integrated
grammar practice.
The section ends with a short project linked to the topic
of the unit. Students work in pairs or groups to produce a
piece of work such as a poster or class magazine. The project
provides another opportunity for writing practice.
The final page of the review units features a fun game or
quiz that puts into practice grammar and vocabulary learnt
throughout the three previous units. At the starter level,
each review unit ends with a popular song for students to

This reference section includes tables, explanations and
example sentences.

Word List

There is also a review page per unit. This one-page review

includes the main vocabulary and grammar studied in the
unit. Students can use this to revise before their exams.

This list is ordered by unit, beginning with vocabulary sets,

and followed by other difficult words that appear in the unit,
which are grouped by parts of speech. Each word appears
with its phonetic transcription.

Phonetic symbols Irregular verbs list

This sections lists and exemplifies, the vowel, diphthong and

consonant sounds of the IPA.

A list of all the irregular verbs used in the book and in the
Speaking and Writing Useful Expressions following levels of Heading Forward is also provided. It can
This section includes all the useful phrases learnt for both also be easily cut out along the dotted lines.
skills in each unit. It can be easily cut out along the dotted
lines so that students can have it at hand when needed.


The Workbook gives students extra practice of the Student’s

Book content and encourages independent study. It can also
be used in class.

Teaching with Heading Forward
Speaking and Writing Practice

The exercises in the Workbook cover the Student’s Book

material in the following order:
t vocabulary and grammar
t listening, speaking and reading
t reading and writing
t self-check

The dictation exercise recycles the vocabulary and grammar

from the unit, while the translation exercise helps students
become aware of the different ways that concepts can be The speaking worksheets (one or two per unit) are provided
expressed in different languages. The correction exercise to help students use the grammar and vocabulary structures
focuses students’ attention on common mistakes. covered in a speaking context. The tone of the exercises
is intended to be fun and a move away from the more
The unit ends with a ‘Self Check’ page. Students can
rigid grammatical activities in the Student's Book and the
independently monitor their progress by completing the
exercises. You can provide them with the answers if you
want or carry out whole-class correction. Photocopiable
The activities are designed for pairwork, although several
answers are provided in this Teacher's Book.
can be adapted for larger groups. Students are provided
with a context, model dialogues and a task. The tasks require
students to use some of the structures covered in the unit
and recycle vocabulary.

Notice that when doing these activities students are not

asked to focus on their use of grammar and vocabulary, but
rather on the effectiveness of communication.

Teacher’s Book

As well as teaching notes, answer keys and audio transcripts

The Writing Practice Booklet is a an extra resource for for the Student’s Book, the Teacher’s Book provides ideas for
students to think about their language learning experiences, extra activities to cater for mixed-ability classes. Warmers,
assess their language skills and collect samples of their work. Extension, Reinforcement and Consolidation activities are
suggested at different stages in the lesson. ‘Did you know?‘
The activities link directly to the step-by-step writing tasks boxes provide teachers with background information on
in each unit in the Student’s Book. Useful expressions the topic of each unit. At the back of the book is where
and writing guidelines are provided in each unit. There is teachers can find the answer key for the Workbook and
also a handy ‘Writing guide‘ at the end of the booklet for photocopiable Self-check sections in case they want to
students to consult. By the end of the course, they will have provide students with this tool to encourage autonomous
a complete dossier with samples of their written work. learning.

Teaching with Heading Forward
Digital Resources
Digital resources for both teachers and students are
provided in our website: www.richmond.com.ar . They
include a Teacher’s and a Student’s area.

The Student’s area includes:

t The Workbook Audio students need to complete the
listening and dictation exercises
t Interactive vocabulary and grammar e-practice exercises to
revise key concepts while studying each unit. Teachers can
ask students to alternate or combine the exercises in the
Student’s Book and Workbook with the interactive ones to
generate interest and motivation.

The Teacher’s area includes a wealth of downloadable and

photocopiable material:
t Mixed-ability worksheets: vocabulary and grammar
reinforcement, consolidation and extension exercises for
weaker students and fast-finishers.

Audio Material

The Teacher’s Audio Material includes two Audio CDs with all
the Student’s Book listening activities.
The Workbook Audio with all the recordings to complete the
listening and dictation exercises is available online on our
t Tests: Available at three levels of difficulty to cater for
mixed-ability classes:
- Consolidation: same level as in the Student’s Book
- Reinforcement: a level below
- Extension: a level above
There are tests for each unit, two mid-term tests and two
end-of-year exams (to cater for re-sits). Tests and exams
cover reading, vocabulary, grammar, speaking and writing.

Contents Vocabulary Grammar
Getting started Numbers a / an

0 The alphabet
Countries and nationalities
Plural nouns
can: ability

Our favourite Favourite things Subject pronouns

things Sports be: Present simple
Question words

Families Family members and relatives This, That, These, Those

2 Adjectives for pets Possessive adjectives
Possessive ’s
Present simple

Everyday life Daily routines Adverbs of frequency

3 Free-time activities Present simple: questions

love, like, not like, hate + -ing form

Review Revision of units 1, 2 and 3

Great school Food items and drinks Countable and uncountable nouns
4 School subjects a lot of, some, any
Frequency expressions
How often?

Our lives right The weather Present continuous

now Collocations Present continuous for future plans
5 Present continuous vs. Present simple

This is our time Prepositions of place There is / There are

and place
6 Home furniture and home items Object pronouns
have got
How many?

Review Revision of units 4, 5 and 6

Forever idols Physical descriptions was / were

Jobs and occupations Past simple: regular verbs
Dear-diary Things people read Past simple: irregular verbs
stories Adjectives of opinion There was / There were
8 Past time expressions
Past simple: questions

Being at home Holidays going to

and away
9 Rules must / mustn’t
can: permission

Review Revision of units 7, 8 and 9

Reading Listening Speaking Writing 21st Century Skills
A text on Listening to Introductions
a personal people Classroom language
introduction introducing Pronunciation: Word stress

Different people's An interview with Asking for and giving My online profile The Kiwi quiz
profiles a candidate for a personal information and and but A webpage on Maori
Spy School Talking about your country language facts
Talking about your favourite
Pronunciation: Sentence

Family life stories People’s pets Talking about your family My family A mixed- culture girl’s life
Dialogues with Telling the time Capital letters story
different times Describing a pet A blog by a TCK (a Third
Pronunciation: Third person -s Culture Kid)

A rap on daily A quiz on different Performing a rap My perfect day Festivals around the world
routine people’s chill Talking about dates Sequencers Tips and tricks!
factor Pronunciation: Rhyme and

An article on An exchange Describing your school My school day An article on The Tour de
Scotland's top teen student in the UK timetable because France’s cyclists and their
chef Odering food in a restaurant healthy habits
Pronunciation: Weak forms: /ə/ High-tech hydration

A travel diary A phone call to Describing a holiday An email An article about satellites
identify differences Asking what someone is Expressions in orbiting Earth
doing informal letters Space Junk. Take action
Talking on the phone now!
Pronunciation: -ing form: /iŋ/

A diary by a person A radio Describing a scene My room Clone cities

who can travel in programme about Describing a house Adjectives: before An article on different Apple
time a famous person’s Giving directions nouns and after be Stores around the world
home Pronunciation: Linking sounds

Some famous A radio quiz on Talking about when you An online fan page The cool clothes quiz
people's famous people’s were young Organising Wearable technologies
biographies lives Doing a quiz information
Going shopping
Pronunciation: Past simple: -ed

A dream diary A dialogue about a Describing a dream A blog entry Famous people’s diaries
weekend Talking about last weekend before, during, after Collective thoughts
Describing a process
Pronunciation: Past simple of
some irregular verbs

Holiday plans Bedroom rules Talking about holiday plans My summer plans Birthdays around the world
Setting rules so Online greetings
Making plans
Pronunciation: can /æ/ , /ə/ , /ɑː/

UNIT 0 Getting
SB Pages 4-5 Consolidation
Ask students if they know what html stands for.
Write the answer on the board. In pairs, students
Identifying numbers, letters, write other answers they know or can guess.
countries and nationalities Answers
1 html- Hypertext Mark-up Language
Warmer 2 BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
3 UK - United Kingdom
tSay the number 1. Ask a student to tell you the next 4 DVD - Digital Versatile/Video Disc
number - 2. Continue asking students until everyone in 5 USA - United States of America
the class has said a number up to 100. 6 www - World Wide Web
7 PC - Personal Computer
8 EU - European Union
1 1.1 Say the numbers. Then listen and check.
t Students say the numbers.
t Play the CD to check answers. Write the numbers in words 3 In pairs, can you say the alphabet from A to Z? Can
on the board. you count to 100?
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the numbers. t Students work in pairs and answer the questions. Monitor
the activity by circulating around the classroom and
Answers / Transcript observing students' performance.
a eight e twenty-four
b seventy-eight f fifteen 4 Complete the nationalities.
c three g sixty-six
t Students complete the nationalities.
d nine h one hundred

Warmer Answers
tAsk students how many letters there are in the English 1 American 4 Japanese 7 Portuguese
alphabet (26). Write them on the board. 2 British 5 Spanish 8 Argentinian
tStudents chant the alphabet together with you to practise 3 French 6 Dutch
saying them.

5 1.3 Listen and mark the stress on the nationalities

2 1.2 Say the letters. Then listen and check. in exercise 4. Then listen and repeat.
t Students say the letters. t Students listen and mark the stress on the nationalities in
t Play the CD to check answers. exercise 4. They will hear each word twice.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the letters. t Play the CD again. Pause the CD after each word so that
students can repeat.

Answers / Transcript
Answers / Transcript
1 html 3 UK 5 USA 7 PC 1 American 4 Japanese 7 Portuguese
2 BBC 4 DVD 6 www 8 EU 2 British 5 Spanish 8 Argentinian
3 French 6 Dutch

6 Can you write the countries and languages for the SB Pages 6-7
t Students write the countries and languages for the Abilities, introductions, imperatives
nationalities in exercise 4.
t Point out the use of the definite article: in the USA and the and classroom language
UK, and capital letters for nationalities, countries and
languages. Warmer
t Hold up a copy of the Heading Forward Starter Student's
Answers book and ask students: What's this? Write the answer on
1 American, the USA, English the board: a book. Open the book, point to any exercise
2 British, the UK, English and ask: What's this? Write the answer on the board: an
3 French, France, French exercise. Write the rule on the board and ask students to tell
4 Japanese, Japan, Japanese you which letters of the alphabet are vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
5 Spanish, Spain, Spanish
6 Dutch, the Netherlands, Dutch
7 Portuguese, Portugal, Portuguese
8 Argentinian, Argentina, Spanish 1 Can you find eight objects? Use a or an.
t Students find eight objects in the picture puzzle, and
write their names using a or an.
7 In pairs, take turns to say some famous people’s
names and their nationalities.
t Students work in pairs, look at the examples and practise Answers
in a similar way. a dog a phone an apple
a computer a bike an elephant
a jacket an ice cream
8 Unscramble these famous people’s names.
t Students unscramble the names. Check answers with the
whole class.
2 Draw pictures of three objects you know in English.
Can your partner identify them?
Answers t In pairs, students draw pictures of objects they know in
1 Taylor Swift English. Can their partners guess the objects? Make sure
2 Lady Gaga they use a or an.
3 Anne Hathaway
4 Lio Messi
5 Katy Perry
6 Cristiano Ronaldo tWrite the headings Singular and Plural on the board.
7 Johnny Depp Under the Singular heading write one dog. Can students
8 Penelope Cruz tell you the plural form? Under the Plural heading write
two dogs.

9 In pairs, take turns to spell out the names in exercise

3 1.4 Write the plurals. Then listen and check.
t Students work in pairs, look at the example and spell the
names of the famous people mentioned before. t Students write the plurals.
t Play the CD to check answers.

Answers / Transcript
1 dogs 3 cities 5 buses
2 watches 4 women 6 nationalities

6/*5tGetting started 17
Consolidation 6 Complete the sentences about you.
t Focus on the pronunciation of the plural forms. Point out t Students complete the sentences about themselves.
that after -s, -x, -ch and -sh, the plural ending -es is
pronounced /ɪz/.
t Play the CD again. Pause the CD after each word for Answers
students to repeat. Students’ own answers

7 In pairs, talk about the information in exercise 6.

Warmer Include two false statements. Can your partner
t Ask a student to count from 1 to 10 in English and then identify the false ones?
say: He / She can count to ten in English. Write the sentence t In pairs, students exchange the information in exercise 6.
on the board. Ask another student to count from 1 to 10 in They include two false answers. Can their partners
Japanese. Introduce the negative form can't and write: identify the false information?
He / She can't count to ten in Japanese. Tell students that we
use can to talk about ability.
SB pages 121 and 145
WB pages 4 and 5
4 Complete the sentences about you with can or can’t.
t Students complete the sentences about themselves with Warmer
can or can't. Make sure they understand that the
sentences should be true for them. t Tell students you are going to spell two words and they
should write them down. Spell out: Understand instructions.
Say the words and ask students to repeat them after you.
Finally, tell them to look at page 7 in their books and
Students’ own answers explain that they are going to learn how to understand
t Ask students to turn the first sentence in exercise 4 into a
question and write it on the board: Can you count from 1 to 8 1.6 Match the pictures with the words. Listen and

20 in English? Ask a student the question. Introduce the check. Then listen and repeat.
short affirmative and negative answers and write them on t Students match the pictures with the words. Point out
the board: Yes, I can. No, I can't. that many of these instructions appear on pages 4-6 of
t Students write questions for the sentences in exercise 4. their books. Students can look back at these pages to help
t In pairs, students ask each other the questions and answer them do this matching activity.
them. t Play the CD to check answers. Tell students that the
instructions are all imperatives. To make an imperative in
English, we use the infinitive of the verb without to.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.
5 1.5 Read and listen.
t Students read and listen. Point out the way Victor says his
email address: victor at britmail dot co dot uk. Ask students Answers / Transcript
to repeat it after you. 1 match 4 repeat 7 ask
2 listen 5 read 8 answer
Transcript 3 check 6 write
Hi. My name’s Victor. I’m fifteen years old. I’m from the UK. I’m
British. I can speak English and Spanish. My phone number is
020 8652289. My email address is victor@britmail.co.uk.

9 1.7 Unscramble the questions used in classroom
SB Pages 8-9
language. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students unscramble the questions.
t Play the CD to check answers.
Recapping it all
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the phrases.
Answers / Transcript t Divide the class into two teams and hold a spelling
1 How do you say ‘idioma’ in English? contest. Invite two volunteers from each group and say a
2 How do you spell that? word related to the vocabulary in this unit for them to
3 Can you repeat that? spell. The student who spells the word correctly gets a
4 How do you pronounce that? point. Teams can win an extra point if they use the word in
a sentence.

1 Complete the number sequences.
t Encourage students to use the classroom language
t Students write the missing numbers.
questions from this lesson in future English classes. For
t Invite different students to write the answers on the board
example, say a word in English and have students ask you
to check spelling.
to repeat and spell it. Enquire what words students are
interested to learn in English, and encourage them to ask
you how to say and pronounce these words in the target Answers
language. 1 twelve, thirteen
2 twenty, twenty-one
3 thirty-one, thirty-two
4 fifty, fifty-one
10 Write five nouns from this unit. Translate the nouns. 5 seventy, seventy-one
Then ask your partner. 6 ninety-eight, ninety-nine
t Choose three nouns from the unit, such as computer, book
and language. Translate them into your own language 2 Work in pairs. What are the English words for these
and ask a student: How do you say 'computadora' in
things / people?
English? Ask another student: How do you spell that? Check
that students understand that these words are nouns. t In pairs, students say the English words for the pictures.
t Students write five nouns from the unit. They translate the Encourage them to take turns and ask: What’s this? for
nouns into their own language and then test their their partners to answer.
partners by asking questions with How ... ?
Answers 1 book 4 dog
Students’ own answers 2 man 5 woman
3 watch 6 bus

SB page 121
3 Spell the words in exercise 2 with a friend.
t In pairs, students take it in turns to spell the words from
the previous exercise. Circulate around the classroom and

Students’ own answers

6/*5tGetting started 19
Consolidation Answers
Students’ own answers
Play Pictionary with the class. Ask a student to draw a
picture to represent a word they have learnt in the unit.
The student who guesses the word, draws another picture
for the rest to identify. 8 Work in pairs. Take turns to introduce yourself to your
friend. Tell him / her something about you.
t In pairs, students take it in turns to introduce themselves.
4 Work in pairs. Who are these people? What are their Encourage students to ask each other questions to learn
nationalities? more about each other.
t In pairs, students answer the questions about the people
in the photos. Draw students’ attention to the example Answers
dialogue to help them.
Students’ own answers
t Call on pairs to share their answers to check.

Invite pairs to work together. Encourage students to take
Adele, British turns and share with the class their partners' information
Ricky Martin, Puerto Rican that was collected in exercise 8.
Lionel Messi, Argentinian

5 Complete with a or an.

t Students write the correct article.
9 Unscramble these classroom language questions.
t Check answers with the whole class. t Students order the words to make questions.

1 a 5 a 9 an
2 a 6 an 10 a 1 How do you say ‘ciudad’ in English?
3 an 7 a 2 How do you spell that, please?
4 an 8 an 3 Can you repeat that, please?
4 How do you pronounce that, please?
6 Write the plural form of these nouns.
t Students write the plurals.
t Ask different students to write the words on the board to 10 Complete this chat message with some information
check spelling.
about yourself.
t Students write information about themselves. Elicit the
Answers type of information that they may include and write it on
1 watches 5 sandwiches the board as a guide.
2 men 6 phone numbers
3 women 7 countries
4 buses 8 books
Students’ own answers

7 Write sentences about things you can () or can’t ()

do. WB pages 6 and 7
t Students write sentences so that they are true for them. WP page 4
t Invite some students to read out their sentences.

Our favourite UNIT 1
things Answers
1 mobile 3 iPad 5 books
2 computer 4 camera
SB Pages 10-11
My favourites 4 In pairs, do the quiz about these celebrities'
Warmer favourites.
t Tell students they are going to complete a quiz. Ask them
t Write My favourite things on the board. Ask students to call to look at the pictures and identify the celebrities.
out some of their favourite things. Make a list of these on Encourage them to give information they may know
the board, translating into English if necessary. about these people: nationality, age, profession, etc.
t Check students understand the meaning of the words.
Then students choose the options and read the answers
1 1.8Match the pictures with the words. Listen and at the bottom to check.
check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students match the pictures with the words. 5 Write your five favourite things.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Students write a sentence about their five favourite
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.

Answers / Transcript Answers

a an iPad g a piano Students’ own answers
b a DVD h computer games
c books i a bike
d clothes j a cat 6 Ask two partners about their favourite things. Copy
e a games console k a camera and complete the table with their answers. Are your
f a mobile l trainers
favourite things similar?
t Students ask their partners the question to complete the
2 In pairs, complete the table with words from exercise table. Draw their attention to the example dialogue to
1. help them.
t Ask some students to tell you how many things they have
t Ask students to write the words from the previous exercise in common and what they are.
with the corresponding category. Point out that some
words can go with more than one category.
t Invite different students to read their lists. Answers
Students’ own answers
Suggested answers
Technology: an iPad, a camera, a games console, a mobile
Tell students to write a sentence about one of their favourite
Entertainment: a bike, books, a camera, computer games, a
things on a slip of paper. Encourage them to use phrases
mobile, an iPad, a piano
from the Quiz in exercise 4: I love..., One of my favourite things
Sports: a bike, trainers
is..., etc. Collect all the slips of paper and put them in a bag.
Then invite different students to take one and read the
3 Look at the photo of the boy on page 10. Unscramble the sentence aloud for the class to identify who wrote it.
words to learn about his favourite things.
t Students identify the objects in the photo. They read the
descriptions and order the letters to write the words. WB page 8
t Call on some students to read their answers to check.

6/*5tOur favourite things 21

3 Read again. Find these words.
SB Pages 12-13 t Students read the profiles again and find the words.
We all have our favourites
Warmer 1 cool, brilliant, great
t Students guess which objects in exercise 1 belong to the 2 France, Argentina, New Zealand, England
people in the photographs. 3 pop, rap
4 black, white

1 1.9Read and listen to the profiles. Match the 4 Match the sentence halves.
people with the objects. t Students match the sentence halves and write complete
t Students read and listen to the profiles, and check their
t Students translate the sentences into their own language
answers to the warmer.
if you consider it appropriate.
Patrick: I’m fourteen and I’m from France. I’m into music and
clothes. I like pop and rap music and one of my favourite things 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 f 6 d
is my iPad. I like sports clothes.
They’re cool and they aren’t expensive. My number one thing is
my cat, Vince. He’s black and white and he’s very independent.
Write the translations of the first parts of the sentences
Eva: I’m from Argentina, but my mother’s English. I’m thirteen (1-6) in exercise 4 on the board. Students close their books
and I’m into books, films and music. My favourite books are and translate them back into English. They then complete
adventure books. They’re brilliant. But my number one thing the sentences about themselves. Finally, invite some
isn’t a book or a DVD. It’s my piano. students to read their sentences to the class.

Mark: I’m from New Zealand and I’m thirteen. My number one
thing is my games console and my favourite computer game is 5 Match the people and objects with a subject
Final Fantasy. I love football too. pronoun.
Football isn’t very popular in New Zealand, but I’m a fan of
Manchester United. They’re from England and they’re great! t Students match the people and objects with a subject

Answers Answers
Patrick - an iPad, a cat Eva- she Patrick - he
Eva - books, a piano a piano - it books - they
Mark - a games console, a computer game Eva and Julia - they Mark and Eva - they

2 True or false? Correct the false sentences. 6 Write the subject pronoun.
t Students decide if the sentences are true or false, and t Students write the subject pronoun in the sentences.
correct the false ones.
1 I 2 We 3 you 4 It 5 you 6 They
1 False - He's French.
2 True
3 True
4 True Be: present simple
5 False - He's a fan of Manchester United. t Write the two examples on the board. Write the full forms of
6 False - Football isn't very popular in New Zealand. I'm and isn't, and explain that am and is are different forms of
the verb be. Point out that be (not have) is used for ages in

t With the students' help, build up a table on the board that Consolidation
shows both the full and contracted forms of affirmative and
negative be. Explain that the contracted forms are almost t Students say just the stressed words.
always used in informal spoken and written English. t Then students say the whole sentence, exaggerating the

7 Match the sentence halves.

t Students match the sentence halves and write complete 10 Make a list.
sentences. t Students work on their own and make a list of their
favourite things.
1 c 2 d 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 e 11 In pairs, talk about your favourite things.
t In pairs, students talk about their favourite things.
8 1.10Complete with the affirmative or negative of
be. Then listen and check.
t Students complete the profile with the affirmative or Students complete the list in exercise 10 about their partners
negative form of be. Tell them to use contracted forms from memory. Then they show the list to their partners to
where possible. check it.
t Play the CD to check answers.
Transcript Teach the possessive adjective your. Students write
Hi. My name’s Antonia. I’m from England, but my parents aren’t sentences about their partners' favourite things using
English. They’re Italian. I love music and I’m a fan of Beyoncé. Your ... and You're .... Then they show the sentences to their
She’s really cool. But my number one CD isn’t a Beyoncé CD. partners to check them. Point out that you're and your are
It’s a Madonna CD. My favourite book’s Poirot Investigates. The pronounced in the same way, but spelled differently (you're
Agatha Christie books are brilliant! has an apostrophe).

SB page 122
1 's 3 aren't 5 'm 7 isn't 9 's
WB page 9
2 'm 4 're 6 's 8 's 10 are

Pronunciation: Sentence stress

t Explain that in English some words are stressed more than SB Pages 14-15
others. These are usually the important words in a sentence:
the words that contain meaning. Spy School
9 1.11 Listen and repeat. Focus on stress.
t Ask students which sports they can name in English. Build
t Students listen to the sentences. Can they hear the up a list on the board.
stressed words?
t Students listen again and repeat the sentences. Pause the
CD after each sentence so that students can repeat.
1 1.12 Can you guess the sports? Listen and check.
Transcript Then listen and repeat.
1 My name’s Antonia. t Students guess the sports in the pictures.
2 I’m from England. t Play the CD to check answers.
3 My parents aren’t English. They’re Italian. t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.
4 I love music and I’m a fan of Beyoncé.
5 She’s really cool.

6/*5tOur favourite things 23

Answers / Transcript J: Yes, sir.
I: Good. Can you spell your new surname?
1 tennis 5 skiing 9 swimming J: Of course. It’s F-O-R-D.
2 karate 6 cycling 10 rugby I: Are you American?
3 snowboarding 7 basketball J: No, I’m not. I’m British.
4 horse riding 8 football I: Where are you from, Jason?
J: I’m from London, in England.
I: And how old are you?
2 Complete the sentences. J: I’m fourteen.
I: Fourteen. I see. And, what’s the name of your school?
t Students complete the sentences about sports referring to J: It’s Highgate School
their own preferences. I: Are you sure?
J: Um… Yes.
Answers I: Who are your best friends there, Jason?
Students’ own answers J: My best friends are Paul and Sarah.
I: Oh. And, what are your favourite sports?
J: Well, I like snowboarding, football and basketball. But my
favourite sport is tennis.
I: And what’s your favourite music?
Consolidation J: Hip hop. I love hip hop.
I: I see. Can you speak any languages?
In small groups, students compare their sentences from J: I speak English and French.
exercise 2. Do they have anything in common with the rest I: Are you sure?
of their groups? Ask some students to tell you what they J: Yes… I think…
have in common with the rest of their groups. I: I see. And you want to be a spy. Is that correct?
J: Well, your test result is… a fail. I’m sorry, Jason. Maybe next
t Check students understand the word spy (plural spies). Answers
t Ask students to describe the picture. Explain that the boy
is a student at a spy school. He has to memorise a new Age: thirteen not fourteen
Best friends: Andrew and Lucy, not Paul and Sarah
identity. The teacher is testing him to see if he can
Favourite sports: football, not rugby
remember it. Languages English and French, not English and
He fails the test.
3 Read the identity test. Complete 1–5.
t Students read the test and complete 1-5. 5 1.13 Listen again. Complete the questions.
t Students listen again and complete the questions. Pause
Answers the CD at the end of each question for students to write
1 England 3 tennis 5 German the answers.
2 thirteen 4 hip hop
4 1.13Listen to the interview. What four things are 1 Are 2 are 3 are 4 's 5 are 6 are
different? Does Jason pass or fail the test?
t Students listen and note which answers are different from
the information on the Identity Test. Be: questions
t Pause the CD before the end and ask students to predict
t Write on the board: You are American. Ask students to look at
if he passes or fails the test.
exercise 5 on page 14 and find the question Are you American?
Explain that the subject and the verb be are inverted. With the
Transcript students' help, build up a table like the following on the board:
I - Interviewer J – Jason Affirmative Question
I: Agent 497. This is your Spy School New Identity Test. Listen I'm Am I?
and answer the questions about your new identity. Ready? You're Are you?

t Ask students for the negative answer to the question Am I? Consolidation
(No, I'm not). Point out that we repeat the verb be in the short
answer. Highlight that we don't use the contracted form in In pairs, students ask and answer the questions from
affirmative short answers. Build up a table of short answers on exercise 7. Then they write about their partners: He / She
the board: likes Orlando Bloom.

Affirmative Negative
Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Yes, you are. No, you aren't. Be: wh- questions
t Write on the board: are / you / where / from ? Ask students to
order the words to make a question. Highlight the formula:
6 Unscramble the questions. Then answer them. question word + be + subject + other words.
t Students order the words to make questions. Then they
write the short answers.
9 Write questions adding the verb be.
t Students write questions using question words and be.
Answers Tell them to use contracted forms of be where possible.
1 Are you from Madrid? Answers
2 Is your teacher French?
3 Are you and your friends good students? 1 What's your favourite film?
4 Are your favourite actors American? 2 Where are your parents from?
5 Is your school very big? 3 Who's your favourite singer?
6 Are you into sports? 4 How old's your mother?
Students’ own answers 5 What are your favourite things?
6 When's your birthday?

In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in exercise
6. Ask some students to tell you if they had any different Students answer the questions from exercise 9.

10 In pairs, ask the questions from exercise 9.

Question words t In pairs, students ask and answer the questions from
exercise 9. Student B gives two false answers. Student A
t Encourage students to look at the pictures and the question
guesses which answers are false. Students change roles
words. Ask students to translate the question words.
and repeat.

7 Complete the questions. SB pages 122 and 123

t Students complete the questions. WB pages 10 and 11
SP page 4
1 Who 2 How old 3 When 4 Where 5 What
SB Pages 16-17
8 Answer the questions from exercise 7. Talking about different countries
t Students answer the questions from exercise 7.
Answers Students count together from 1 to 30. Then, revise the
Students’ own answers numbers from 30 to 99 by writing some of them on the
board for students to read them out loud. Finally, pre-teach
these words: hundred, thousand, million.

6/*5tOur favourite things 25

1 1.14 Match the words with the numbers. Then 3 1.16 Listen to the dialogue. Write the missing
listen and repeat. numbers.
t Students match the words with the numbers. t Students read and listen to the dialogue, and write the
t Play the CD to check answers. missing numbers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the numbers.

Transcript Ali: Where are you from?
1 one hundred 3 one hundred thousand Eva: I’m from Argentina.
2 one thousand 4 one million Ali: What’s the population of Argentina?
Eva: It’s about 43 million.
Ali: Where are you from in Argentina?
Answers Eva: I’m from Santa Rosa. It’s in the centre of Argentina. It’s 612
kilometres from Buenos Aires, the capital city.
1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c Ali: What’s the population of Santa Rosa?
Eva: It’s 300,000.

Consolidation Answers
Write some big numbers on the board, for example: 180 /
1 43,000,000 / 43 million
1,350 / 12,973 / 240,000 / 65,000,000. Before students
2 612
practise saying them, point out that:
3 300,000
1) hundred, thousand and million are not used in plural form
with a number before them.
2) we say and between hundred and another number, e.g. Reinforcement
one hundred and eighty In pairs, students practise the dialogue in exercise 3.
3) we don't say and between million and thousand, or
between thousand and hundred.
4) we use commas when we write big numbers, not dots, Extension
for example: 65,000 / 65,000,000.
Students close their books, and try to reconstruct the
dialogue in exercise 3 from memory. Start by writing Ali -
Where ... ? on the board and see if they can continue.
2 1.15Say the numbers. Complete the Big Facts. Students then practise the dialogue in pairs.
Then listen and check.
t Students say the numbers.
t Students complete the Big Facts with the numbers. 4 Copy and complete the information about you.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Students copy and complete the information about
1 The Maori population in New Zealand is 620,000. Answers
2 The number of countries in the United Nations is 192. Students’ own answers
3 Mount Everest is 8,850 metres high.
4 Wellington in New Zealand is 18,839 km from London.
5 The Moon is 384,000 km from our planet. 5 In pairs, talk about your country.
t In pairs, students talk about their own country. Tell them
to use the dialogue in exercise 3 as a model.
1 620,000 3 8,850 5 384,000 SB page 145
2 192 4 18,839
WB pages 12 and 13

Warmer 8 Make notes. Then write your own online profile.
t Students get ready to write their own online profiles. First,
Write the prompts from exercise 6 on the board: Name, Age,
they make notes about themselves (their names, ages,
Favourite group / singer, etc. Ask students these revision
cities, etc.). Then they write their profiles.
What's your name?
How old are you?
What's your favourite group or singer?
9 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors?
Who's your favourite actor / actress? t Students read their compositions and check them for
What are your favourite sports? errors. Write the following checklist on the board for
What are your favourite things? students to refer to:
Write one or two students' responses next to each Subject pronouns
prompt on the board. be: present simple
and and but

6 Read Bela’s online profile. Complete the information. SB page 146

t Students read about Bela and complete the information WB page 14
about her. WP page 5

1 Bela 4 Daisy Ridley
SB Pages 18-19
2 twelve
3 Coldplay
5 tennis, skiing
6 mobile, iPad
Distant countries at a glance
And and but t Play hangman with the words New Zealand.
t Ask students to tell you people and things they associate
t Write these sentences on the board: with this country. Write their ideas on the board.
I like music. t Students look at page 18. Ask them what they can see in
I like films. the photos in the quiz about New Zealand. Pre-teach
I like music ____ films. these words: bird, sheep, rugby team, indigenous people.
I love tennis. I'm not into football.
I love tennis, ____ I'm not into football.
Ask students to complete the gaps. Check students
understand the meaning of and and but. Point out the
1 Do the quiz.
comma before but. t Students do the quiz. Don't check answers at this point.

7 Join the sentences. Use and or but. 2 1.17

Read and listen to the fact file. Check your
t Students join the sentences using and or but. answers to the quiz.
t Students read and listen to the fact file, and check their
answers to the quiz.
1 I'm from Spain, but my mother's from Germany.
2 Australia is a big country, but the population is small.
3 I'm a fan of the Internet and my favourite site is YouTube. 1 New Zealand is two islands in the Pacific Ocean – North
4 My favourite things are films and I love comedies. Island and South Island. The capital city, Wellington, is on
5 I like football, but it isn't my favourite sport. North Island.
6 My name's Jason and I'm fourteen. 2 The population is only four million, with ten sheep for every
3 The indigenous people of New Zealand are the Maori, but
70% of the population is originally from Europe. Maori and
English are the official languages.

6/*5tOur favourite things 27

4 New Zealand is famous for its mountains. It’s the location for t Invite some students to tell the rest of the class which
the Lord of the Rings films. And it’s also famous for the All digital things are good for learning a language. Have a
Blacks, the national rugby team. vote to find out which of the options is the best.

Answers Answers
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a Students’ own answers

Ask students to look back at the words and phrases written
6 Read the webpage. Are any of the things you chose
on the board from the Warmer. How many of them appear in exercise 5 mentioned?
in the fact file? t Tell students to read the text and check their answers in
exercise 5.
t Invite some students to mention the digital things that
appear in the webpage.
3 What are 1–5 on the map?
t Students identify 1-5 on the map. They do this by looking
back at the fact file. 7 Read the text again and correct the sentences.
t Students read the webpage again and correct the
1 North 3 Wellington 5 The Pacific
2 South 4 South Island Ocean Answers
1 Thomas is 16 years old. / Emily is 13 years old.
2 Ben is a university student. / Lucy is a teacher.
4 Answer the questions about New Zealand. 3 Lucy is a fan of an educational app with reading and
t Students answer the questions about New Zealand. Tell listening exercises and interactive games.
them to look back at the quiz and the fact file to help 4 Jake is a tourist.
them. 5 Emily’s favourite digital technology is a bilingual app with
stories about indigenous people.
1 The kiwi 21st Century Skills
2 A person from New Zealand (because it's written with a
capital 'K') Find this information about Australia.
3 On North Island
4 Europe t Ask students to find out the information in the box about
5 Maori and English Australia. They can do this by entering the word Australia into
6 Its mountains and the All Blacks rugby team an Internet search engine or by consulting reference books.

Did you know? Answers

Famous New Zealanders include film director Peter Jackson The capital city is Canberra.
(director of the Lord of the Rings films) , actor Russell Crowe The population is about 24 million.
and mountaineer Edmund Hillary (who first climbed Mount The indigenous people are the Aborigines and Torres Strait
Everest with Tenzing Norgay in 1953). Islanders.

SB page 112
5 Imagine you visit New Zealand and want to learn the
WB page 15
Maori language. In pairs, choose three digital things
that are good for learning it.
t In pairs, students discuss the different options and choose
the best three digital things. Check students understand
the words in the box.

Families UNIT 2
ever y where t Students complete the information about Molly.
t Play the CD to check answers.

SB Pages 20-21 Transcript

Families I’ve got three children. Tom and Jack are my sons and Riana’s
my daughter. My parents are called Ian and Julia. I’ve got a
Background brother called Oliver. He’s got two children. Megan’s my niece
Tom lives with his mother and stepfather. His family is an and Simon’s my nephew.
example of the diversity of family models today.
Warmer 1 children 3 daughter 5 niece
2 sons 4 parents 6 nephew
tIntroduce the phrase family tree, and use your own family
as an example to teach or review family words.
4 In pairs, take turns to choose a person from the
family tree on page 20. Say sentences for your
1 1.18Write the missing words in the family tree. partner to identify who you are.
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Ask students to take turns to say a sentence about one of the
t Students write the missing words in the family tree. members of the family in exercise 1 and identify him / her.
t Play the CD to check answers. Tell students that they will Draw their attention to the example dialogue to help them.
hear all the family words, starting with grandfather at the
top, and then the left side of the family tree followed by
the right. Point out that we use the word cousin in English Answers
for males and females. Students’ own answers
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the family words.

Transcript 5 Complete the definitions with a word from the box.

grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, t Read the words in the box to model pronunciation. Then
stepfather, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins ask students to complete the sentences.
t Invite some students to read out their answers to check.
Julia - grandmother Oliver - uncle Answers
Ibrahim - father Megan - cousin 1 nuclear 3 single-parent
Riana - sister Simon - cousin 2 extended 4 blended
Nancy - aunt

6 Look at the picture and circle the correct option.

2 Match these informal words with the ones in exercise 1.
t Ask students to choose the options according to the photo.
t Students match the informal words with words in the
t Call on different students to read their answers. Make sure
family tree in exercise 1.
students understand new vocabulary.
t Model the pronunciation of the informal words for
students to repeat.
Answers 1 blended 2 mum 3 sons 4 stepbrothers
1 grandfather 3 mother
2 father 4 grandmother
7 In pairs, describe the families in the pictures. What
type of family are they?
3 1.19 Complete the information about Molly. Then t In pairs, students talk about the families in the photos.
listen and check. Encourage them to use complete sentences and the
t Ask students to find Molly in the family tree in exercise 1. vocabulary from this lesson. Walk around the classroom to
Then teach the meaning of the words in the box. monitor.

6/*5tFamilies everywhere 29
t Invite some students to describe the photos to the rest of 2 1.20 Read above about Tom. Then listen and correct.
the class and compare their ideas. t Students read about Tom and correct the mistakes.
Encourage them to write complete sentences.
Students’ own answers Transcript
Hi, I’m Tom and I’m thirteen. I live in Manchester in the north of
England with my mum, my stepdad, my sister and my dog,
8 Draw your family tree and write about your family.
Rusty. My brother, Jack, lives in London.That’s our house and
Then share your ideas with your partner. that’s my bike. Can you see Rusty?
t Ask students to draw their family trees and direct their This is my mum, and this is my sister, Riana. She’s sixteen. This is
attention to the example in exercise 1 to help them. Then her boyfriend, Andy. He comes to our house after school every
students write a description. day and they watch TV. They’re in love!
t In their pairs, they take it in turns to talk about their families. This is my room. My CDs and DVDs are here, and these are my
t Call on some pairs to tell the rest of the class about their comics. My clothes are on the bed, and that’s my computer on
families. the desk. Can you see the tank over there? Those are my fish.
I’m really into animals!
WB page 16 This is the kitchen, and that’s my stepdad, Steve. My dad’s from
Turkey and he lives there now, but we talk a lot on the Internet,
with a webcam. I visit my dad in the summer.
SB Pages 22-23
Family life 1 Tom's thirteen years old.
Background 2 Tom lives with three people (and his dog).
3 Riana watches TV with Andy after school.
Tom is the boy from the family tree on page 20. He's making 4 He's really into animals.
a home video with his camcorder. On this page are still 5 He talks to his dad on the Internet.
images from the video and extracts from the video
soundtrack as Tom walks around his house and introduces
the members of his family.
3 Answer the questions.
t Students answer the questions using complete sentences.

Students look at the pictures. Ask students these questions 1 He's from Manchester.
about the people, rooms and things in each one: 2 He's in London.
Picture 1: What's this? (Tom's house) What country is it in? 3 Riana and Andy are in love.
(England) 4 He's Tom's stepdad.
Picture 2: Who are these people? (Tom's mum and sister) 5 He's in Turkey
Where are they? (In the living room)
Picture 3: What's this? (A bedroom) What's in the room?
(Students name things they can see.) This, that, these, those
Picture 4: Who's this? (Tom's stepfather) Where is he? (In the
t Write this, that, these, those on the board. Ask students to find
an example of each word in the texts in exercise 1 on page 22.
Ask questions to establish the meaning of the different
demonstrative pronouns: Is it singular or plural? Is it near (here)
1 Find the objects in the pictures.
or far (over there)?
t Students find the objects in the pictures. t Point to things in the classroom and ask students to say this,
these, etc. Work on the pronunciation of th- /ð/, this /ɪs/ and
Answers these /iːz/.
a fish tank - picture 3 a dog - picture 1
a bike - picture 1 a kitchen - picture 4 Consolidation
clothes - picture 3 DVDs - picture 3 In pairs, students ask each other about things in the
a computer - picture 3 a TV - picture 2 classroom. They point to things and ask What's this / that? or
a radio - picture 2 What are these / those?

Possessive adjectives 7 Write names of people in your family.
t Write I'm Tom. This is mum. on the board. Ask students t Students make a list of the names of people in their
what the missing word is. Explain that my is the possessive families. Encourage them to include not only direct family
adjective that relates to l. Look at the grammar table. Ask members, but also extended family members (cousins,
questions to highlight the differences between English and grandparents, etc.).
their own language: Does your language have three forms for
the third person singular? 8 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the names.
t Highlight that the possessive adjective its is pronounced in
t Write the names of some people in your family on the
the same way as it's (the contracted form of it is), but the
board and encourage students to ask questions about
possessive adjective does not have an apostrophe.
them. Write the following prompts on the board: Who ... ?
How old ... ? Where ... from? What's ... ?
4 Complete the sentences. t In pairs, students ask and answer questions about the
names on each other's lists from exercise 7. Tell them to
t Students complete the sentences.
make a note of their partners' answers.

Answers 9 Write a description of your partner’s family.

1 our garden 3 its bed 5 her bike t Students write a description of their partners' families. To
2 my dog 4 their tank illustrate how they should do this, write an example on
the board based on the sample dialogue in exercise 8:
David is James' brother. He's fifteen. Leonard and Sarah
5 Complete the sentences with the possessive are his ...
adjectives in the box.
t Students complete the sentences with the possessive
adjectives. SB page 124
WB page 17
1 My 2 her 3 your 4 Their 5 his 6 its
SB Pages 24-25
Possessive 's The perfect pet
t Tell students to look at picture 1 on page 22 and ask: What can Warmer
you see in front of the house? If students answer a dog or a bike,
ask them to be more specific. Write It's Tom's bike / dog. on the t In pairs, students write down as many animals as possible
board. Explain that we use apostrophe +s to indicate in one minute.
possession. t Ask students what words they wrote. Write these on the
t Point to different possessions in the classroom and ask board in two columns: Pets and Other animals. Ask
students to make sentences: What's that? It's Maria's bag. students what the words in the first column have in
t Write My cousins' house on the board. Explain that if a word common. Introduce the word pets and write it on the
already ends in -s (e.g. a plural form), we write the apostrophe board.
after the -s, but we don't add another s. t Ask students: Have you got a pet? What is it? What's its
t Students look at the picture on page 24. Can they find
6 Write one missing possessive ’s or ’ in each sentence. their pet(s) in the picture?
t Students write one missing 's or ' in each sentence. t Ask students: Which pet in the picture is a toy pet? (number 3)

1 In the summer I visit my dad's family. 1 Match the pictures with the words in the box.
2 I stay at my grandparents' house in Istanbul. t Students match the pictures with the words.
3 My grandfather's name is Mehmet.
4 My grandmother's name is Nuray.
5 This is my uncle with my cousins in my uncle's shop.
6 My cousins' names are Alper and Melis.

6/*5tFamilies everywhere 31
Answers Transcript
1 a dog 4 a cat 7 a rabbit I – Interviewer T – Tony A – Alison J – Jay
2 a fish 5 a spider 8 ants
3 a roboraptor 6 a bird 9 a hamster I: So, Tony. What’s your pet?
T: I haven’t got one pet. I’ve got hundreds.
I: Er… hundreds?
2 1.21
Are these adjectives positive or negative? T: Yes, my pets are ants.
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. I: Um... yes, very unusual. But they aren’t real pets. I mean…
they don’t play.
t With students' help, build up two lists on the board of T: But they run and they work. They’re quiet and they aren’t
positive and negative adjectives. Check students messy.
understand the meaning of each word. I: Yes, well…, thank you, Tony.
t Play the CD to check answers. I: And you, Alison. What’s your pet?
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the adjectives. A: My pet’s a dog. His name’s Pooch. He’s great!
I: Why’s that?
A: Well, he’s always happy when he sees me. I play with him in
Answers / Transcript the park at weekends. And he’s very intelligent. He understands
Positive: clean, friendly, intelligent, cuddly, quiet instructions. Listen - come here Pooch.
I: Um… he isn’t very friendly.
Negative: noisy, messy, scary, annoying
A: No, he doesn’t like people.
I: Yes,… thanks, Alison.
I: And Jay, what’s your pet?
3 Describe the pets in the photos. Use the adjectives in J: My roboraptor.
I: Your what?
exercise 2.
J: My roboraptor.
t Students describe the pets in the photos using the I: Is it a real pet?
adjectives in exercise 2. J: It’s a real pet to me. Look, I do this and… it walks and runs. It
doesn’t eat, but it plays.
I: It’s a bit scary.
Answers J: It depends. It can be friendly, but if I do this…
Students’ own answers I: Ouch!
J: It bites.

Ask students: What's your favourite pet? 5 1.22 Listen again. Write the correct option.
Encourage them to explain why. t Play the CD again. Students write the correct option.
Pause the CD after each speaker for students to write.

Did you know? Answers

t The number one pet in Britain is the cat. 1 hundreds of pets 4 park
t The favourite names for cats are Tigger, Oscar and Charlie. 2 work 5 is
t Cats are also popular in the USA, but the Japanese prefer 3 is 6 the interviewer

6 Write the adjectives for the pets.

Warmer t Students write the adjectives for the pets.
t Tell students they're going to listen to interviews with the
three people in the photos in exercise 4. Before they Answers
listen, what pets do they think these people have? 1 quiet, messy
2 intelligent, friendly
3 friendly, scary
4 1.22 Listen to Tony, Alison and Jay. What are their
t Students listen to Tony, Alison and Jay and write what pets WB page 18
they have.

Present simple Consolidation
t Write these verbs on the board: run, play, eat. Can students Students pronounce the verbs in exercise 7 and write them
describe Tony's, Alison's and Jay's pets using these verbs? Elicit in the table. Encourage them to add any other verbs they
these sentences and write them on the board: can think of.
Ants run and eat. They don't play.
The dog runs, plays and eats.
The roboraptor runs. It doesn't play and ít doesn't eat. 10 Complete the sentences with the verbs.
t Point out the third person singular -s in the affirmative of the t Students complete the sentences.
present simple and explain how to form the negative.
t Students look at the table for a summary of the present Answers
simple. 1 understands 4 doesn't eat, plays
t Explain the third person singular spelling rules. 2 doesn't like 5 run, work
3 walks, runs 6 don't play
7 Write the third person singular of these verbs.
t Students write the third person singular of the verbs.
Students choose another pet from the picture on page 24
and write about the things it does and doesn't do.
1 swims 3 finishes 5 plays
2 lives 4 studies 6 does 11 Do the quiz. Write the affirmative or negative of the
verbs. Are the results true?
t Students do the quiz. Make sure they understand that
Pronunciation: Third person -s they have to write the affirmative or negative of the verbs
to make the sentences true for them. Then they calculate
8 Copy the table. their score. The number of negative sentences reveals
their ideal pet. Ask some students what the quiz says their
t Students copy the table into their notebooks. ideal pet is and if they think the results are true.
t Model the pronunciation of the examples eats, plays and
washes for students to repeat.
12 Invent a pet. Is it real or a toy? What’s its name?
t Students think of a pet. First, they decide if it's a real pet or
9 1.23Listen to six sentences. Write the verbs in the a virtual (toy) pet. Then they give it a name.
table. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students listen to the sentences and write the verbs in the
correct column of the table. 13 Draw your pet. What does it do?
t Play the CD again to check answers. Students hear each t Students draw their pets and write a short description of
sentence twice. them using the verbs in the box. Encourage them to also
t Play the CD again. Pause the CD for students to repeat. use adjectives to describe them.

Transcript 14 In pairs, describe your pet. Use adjectives.

1 My dog sleeps in my room. t In pairs, students describe their pets using the verbs and
2 My sister teaches French. adjectives.
3 A parrot flies.
4 My friend walks to school. Consolidation
5 My father lives in Turkey. Students display the drawings and descriptions of their
6 My mother watches television. invented pets on the classroom walls.

/s/: eats, sleeps, walks
/z/: plays, flies, lives SB pages 124 and 125
/ɪz/: washes, teaches, watches WB pages 19 and 20
SP page 5

6/*5tFamilies everywhere 33
SB Pages 26-27 A: Hello, can I help you?
Telling the time B:
Yes. What time is the concert tonight?
It starts at a quarter past seven.
B: OK. Thank you.
A: Dad, what time is it?
t Draw a large clock face on the board. Ask a student to say B: It’s ten past seven.
the numbers as you write them. Draw the minute hand of A: Oh, no! Basketball practice starts at twenty past.
the clock pointing to twelve. Use a ruler as the hour hand B: You’re late, again!
and point it to three. Ask a student: What time is it? (It's A: Excuse me. When’s the next train to Manchester?
three o'clock.) B: Um, three o’clock.
t Move the hour hand to different numbers and ask A: Great. Thanks.
different students to tell you the time. Write the question B: No problem.
What time is it? and an example answer on the board.
t Draw the hour hand pointing to seven and use the ruler
as the minute hand pointing to twelve. Move the minute
hand to check students understand how to say the time 1 a quarter past seven 3 three o'dock
using past and to the hour. Teach the expressions a quarter 2 ten past seven
to, a quarter past and half past. Write example sentences
on the board. During the lesson, ask different students to Reinforcement
tell you the current time.
Play the dialogues in exercise 3 again. Pause after each line
for students to repeat.
1 What time is it? Match the clocks with the times.
t Students match the clocks with the times.
4 In pairs, practise the dialogues above. Change the
Answers t Students practise the dialogues in exercise 3. Encourage
1 c 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 d 6 b them to change roles and repeat, and change the times.

2 1.24
Write the times. Listen and check. Then listen Give students local situations they will be familiar with, such
and repeat. as a local bus station or a football stadium. In pairs, students
t Students write the times. prepare and practise dialogues for those situations.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the times.
SB page 145
Answers / Transcript WB page 21
1 It's twenty past one.
2 It's five to seven.
3 It's twenty-five past five. Warmer
4 It's five past twelve. Write this sentence on the board: Do i live in england? Ask
5 It's nine o' dock.
students to correct the sentence. (Two capital letters are
6 It's ten to nine.
missing.) Are the equivalent words in their language written
with a capital letter? Highlight that, in different languages,
3 1.25 Listen. Complete the dialogues with the times. different words need capital letters.
t Students listen and complete the dialogues with
the times. Pause the CD after each dialogue and
check answers. 5 Match the rules with the examples.
t Students match the rules with the examples.
t Ask students to tell you which of the rules are different in
their language.

Answers I like / don't like ... He plays / doesn't play ...
Capital letters
1 c 2 e 3 b 4 d 5 a

SB page 146
6 Write the sentences with capital letters. WB page 22
t Students write the sentences using capital letters. WP page 6

1 Our dog, Max, is five.
SB Pages 28-29
He goes to my school in Brighton.
Her name's Odile and she's French. Mixed-culture stories
4 He loves football, but I hate sport.
t Many children in the UK are mixed-race. This means that
7 Read about Bela’s family. Complete the text with the
their parents are from different races or religions. These
sentences from exercise 6. children often grow up in two very different cultures.
t Students read about Bela's family and match the
sentences from exercise 6 with a-d.
Answers Write these countries on the board: Scotland, Bangladesh.
a 2 b 4 c 3 d 1 Can students tell you three things they associate with each
country? Write their ideas on the board. Encourage students
to tell you names of places, types of food, etc.
8 Read the text again. Complete the table.
t Students read the description in exercise 7 again and
complete the table. 1 Where’s Meva from? Are the two cultures shown in
the pictures similar or different?
t Students look at the photos and answer the questions
with their own ideas.
1 eleven 5 He's very friendly and
2 thirty-eight intelligent, and he doesn't
3 dad bite. Answers
4 Max Students’ own answers

9 Make notes. Then write about your family. 2 1.26 Read and listen about Meva. Check your

t Students get ready to write about their families. First, they answers to exercise 1.
make notes about the members of their families and their t Students read and listen to check their answers to exercise 1.
pets. Then they write their compositions.
Reinforcement Hi! My name’s Meva. I’m half Bangladeshi and half Scottish
Before writing, students look at Bela's description in exercise because my dad’s from Bangladesh and my mum’s from
7 again and rewrite three of the sentences using their own Scotland. I live in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, but I
information. visit my family in Bangladesh in the summer.
My dad’s family lives in a small village in Sylhet in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh has got about sixty thousand villages! Scotland
10 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors? and Bangladesh are very different. For example, in the village
t Students read their compositions and check them for we haven’t got cars, telephones or newspapers. We don’t watch
errors. Write the following checklist on the board for TV because we haven’t got electricity. In Edinburgh I watch a
students to refer to: lot of TV.
This, that, these, those The village in Bangladesh is really small and I know all the
My mum's parents ... My sisters' names ... people there. I don’t speak Bangla, the official language of

6/*5tFamilies everywhere 35
Bangladesh, but I study it on the Internet. My favourite sport is 6 Read about Nick. What are the positive aspects of a
football. In Bangladesh I play football in a rice paddy. It’s
fantastic. Third Culture Kid?
t Draw students’ attention to the picture and encourage
them to mention the relationship between the boys: Are
they friends / brothers / stepbrothers / cousins?
Meva's from Bangladesh and Scotland. She says the two t Ask students to read the text to identify the positive
cultures are very different.
aspects and check their predictions.
t Invite some students to read out their answers. Encourage
them to think of other positive things of being a TCK.
3 1.27
Are Meva’s sentences about Scotland,
Bangladesh or both? Listen and check.
t Students decide if the sentences are about Scotland, Answers
Bangladesh or both. Encourage them to use the A Third Culture Kid eats traditional food and learns about new
information in the text and their world knowledge to help cultures. He / She meets people and can keep in touch with
them answer. them through social networking sites and apps.
t Play the CD to check answers.

7 True or false? Read the blog entry again and correct
the false sentences.
1 In Bangladesh, I eat rice and vegetables for breakfast.
2 I've got a computer in my bedroom in Scotland. t Students read the blog entry again and decide if the
3 It rains a lot in Scotland and Bangladesh. sentences are true or false and correct the false ones.
4 At school in Bangladesh the boys and girls sit separately. t When checking answers, ask students to tell you the
5 Two thousand people live in the village in Bangladesh. sentences that helped them correct the mistakes.
6 In Scotland I go to school by car.
Answers 1 True
2 False. He’s Spanish.
1 Bangladesh
3 False. His brother doesn’t learn languages fast.
2 Scotland
4 True
3 Scotland and Bangladesh
5 False. He shares photos with his family on Flickr.
4 Bangladesh
5 Bangladesh
6 Scotland
21st Century Skills
Find the nationalities of these famous TCKs and those of
4 Find a word in the same category in the text above. their parents.
t Students find words in the same category in the text in t Students find the information by entering the names of the
exercise 2. famous TCKs into an Internet search engine.

Answers Answer
Barack Obama: American Mother: American Father: African
1 dad 3 summer 5 small Uma Thurman: American Mother: Mexican Father: American
2 Edinburgh 4 villages 6 football Freddie Mercury: British (Place of birth: Tanzania, at that time, a
British colony) Mother: Indian Father: Indian

5 Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 4.

t Students complete the sentences using words from SB page 113
exercise 4. WB page 23

1 dad 3 summer 5 Edinburgh
2 villages 4 football 6 (really) small

Ever yday life UNIT 3
t In pairs, students take it in turns to say and correct the
SB Pages 30-31 sentences. Draw students' attention to the example
dialogue to help them. Walk around the classroom and
Daily routines monitor.

tWrite 24/7 at the top of the board.
Students’ own answers
tDraw a timeline across the middle of the board. Write 0 at
one end of the line and 24 at the other. Explain the
meaning of the abbreviation 24 / 7. 4 Copy and complete the table with the words in the
tMime some activities that you do every day and ask box.
students if they know how to say them in English. Write t Read out the words in the box and ask students to repeat.
the activities on the line at the times that you do them. Check they understand the vocabualry.
Then clean the board. t Students complete the table in their notebooks.
t Invite some students to read out their answers to check.

1 1.28
Describe the pictures with these words. Listen
and check. Then listen and repeat. Answers
t Students match the words in the boxes. Tell them they Do: sports, the dishes
can use some of the words more than once. Students Go: home, shopping, to the sports centre
then use the words to describe the pictures. Highlight Have: a nap, classes, a bath
that the pictures are not in order.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words. 5 What time do you do the activities mentioned
Answers / Transcript t Students write sentences about the time they do the
a get up f go to bed activities in exercise 4.
b have dinner g have breakfast t Invite some students to share their answers with the rest
c do my homework h have lunch of the class.
d brush my teeth i have a shower
e wake up j go to school Answers
Students’ own answers

2 1.29 Listen to Jackie. Order the pictures in exercise 1.

t Students listen and order the pictures.
6 In pairs, compare your routines. Then share the
t Play the CD again. Pause the CD after each sentence and activities you have in common with the class.
check answers. t In pairs, students talk about their routines and compare
them. Direct their attention to the example to help them.
t Call on some pairs to share their answers.
Hi. I’m Jackie and this is my daily routine. I wake up and then I
get up. I have a shower, I have breakfast, then I brush my teeth. Answers
I go to school at eight o’clock. Then I have lunch. At home, I
have dinner, and then I do my homework. Then I go to bed. Students’ own answers

Answers 7 In pairs, imagine and describe these teens’ daily

1 e 2 a 3 i 4 g 5 d 6 j 7 h 8 b 9 c 10 f routines. Use words from the box to refer to their
everyday lives.
t Ask students to look at the photos and discuss the teen's
3 Write five wrong sentences about Jackie’s day. Read daily routines. Make sure they understand the words in
them to your partner and ask him / her to correct the box.
them without looking at the pictures on page 30. t Invite some pairs to share their descriptions and opinions
t Students write five false sentences about Jackie's routine. with the rest of the class.

6/*5tEveryday life 37
Answers Jackie leaves home
And goes to school
Students’ own answers Where she studies
A new grammar rule
8 Describe your ideal day to your partner. Include your Repeat chorus
activities and the time you do them. Jackie has lunch
t In pairs, students talk about their ideal day. Encourage At one fifteen
them to ask each other questions to know more details. It’s spaghetti Bolognese
In the school canteen
Walk around the classroom to monitor and help if
necessary. She has classes again
Until half past four
Answers When the school bell rings
She runs out of the door
Students’ own answers
Repeat chorus
She does her homework at five
9 In pairs, ask and answer questions about your ideas The she sees her friends
in exercise 8. She has dinner with her family
And sometimes she sends
t In pairs, students take it in turns to ask and answer
questions. Encourage students to ask each other more A text message or two
questions about the information their partners give. Or she watches TV
Before she goes to bed
At ten thirty
Repeat chorus
Students’ own answers
We know what you mean
It’s the daily routine
WB page 24 24 / 7
For the average teen

SB Pages 32-33 Answers

1 six 3 one fifteen 5 five
Routines aren't always boring 2 seven thirty 4 half past four 6 ten thirty

1 1.30 Read and listen to the rap. Write the times for Consolidation
1–6. Ask students to look at the first picture in exercise 1. Ask
t Students read and listen to the entire rap, and write the them what they can see (Jackie with her group). Ask
times. students to find a line in the rap which describes this picture.
t Play the CD again. Pause after each verse or chorus, and (Then she sees her friends.) Students match the other
check the answers. pictures with the corresponding lines from the rap.

Transcript Answers
She wakes up at six 1 Then she sees her friends
When the alarm bell rings 2 When the alarm bell rings
Jackie gets up, 3 Then she says goodbye
Has a shower and sings 4 A new grammar rule
Chorus: 5 When the school bell rings
It’s the daily routine 6 A text message or two
For the average teen
24 / 7
If you know what I mean 2 Order the sentences. Use numbers.
She always has breakfast t Students order the sentences from the rap.
At seven thirty
Then she says goodbye
To her dog and family Answers
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 b 6 e

Extension 5 In pairs, discuss your answers to exercise 4.
Write these text messages on the board: t In pairs, students discuss their answers to exercise 4.
How RU?
CU B4 skool 2MORO Answers
Can students translate them into ordinary English? Students’ own answers

How are you?
Pronunciation: Rhyme and rhythm
See you before school tomorrow. t Write the word rhyme on the board. Ask students to repeat the
I've got homework for you. word after you /raɪm/.
t Write the words time and do on the board. Explain that the
words time and rhyme sound the same. In other words, they
Adverbs of frequency rhyme. Can students think of a word that rhymes with do? (e.g.
t Ask students: What time does Jackie have breakfast? Does you, blue).
she have breakfast at half past seven on Mondays? ... on
Tuesdays? etc. 6 1.31Match the words that rhyme. Listen and
t Focus on this sentence from the rap: She always has
breakfast at seven thirty. Ask students: Does she always
check. Then listen and repeat.
watch TV? ... send text messages? (No, she sometimes t Students match the words that rhyme. Encourage them
watches TV; No, she sometimes sends text messages.) Tell to look back at the rap Iyrics on page 32 to help them.
students that the words always and sometimes are called t Play the CD to check answers. Students hear the words
adverbs of frequency. twice.
t Look at the chart with students and check they t Play the CD again. Pause the CD for students to repeat.
understand the meaning of the adverbs.
t Students close their books. Draw a line on the board with Answers / Transcript
always at one end and never at the other. Say the other 1 teen-mean 3 school-rule 5 four-door
adverbs. Ask students where they go and write them on 2 sings-rings 4 friends-sends
the line.
t Focus on the position of the adverbs in the example
sentences (after be and before other verbs). Reinforcement
tRead out the chorus of the rap on page 32 slowly,
3 Write sentences. Put the adverb of frequency in the emphasising rhyme and rhythm. Students repeat each
line after you. Then do the same for the first verse.
correct place.
t Students write sentences with the adverb of frequency in
the correct place.
7 Complete the sentences about your daily routine.
t Students complete the sentences about their own daily
1 I usually go to school by bus.
2 John never does his homework. Answers
3 We're often late for class.
4 My friends sometimes have lunch at school. Students’ own answers
5 You're always friendly.
6 I hardly ever use my phone.
8 Give your sentences to your partner.
t Students give their sentences to their partners.
4 Write the sentences about you. Use adverbs of
t Students write sentences about themselves using adverbs 9 Copy and complete the rap about your partner.
of frequency. t Students use their partners' sentences to write two verses
Answers of the rap. They use the example as a model.

Students’ own answers

6/*5tEveryday life 39
10 1.32 Perform your rap to your partners. 4 1.34 Listen to Isaac and Gemma. True or false?
t Students perform their raps to their partners. Correct the false sentences.
t Ask some students to chant their rap to the music. Play t Explain that Isaac (from the photo in exercise 1) is asking
the CD with the backing track version of the rap. This Gemma about the questionnaire so that he can calculate
starts with voices rapping the chorus and continues with her chill factor.
an instrumental version for students to rap along to. t Students read the sentences. Check they understand
t Students listen and identify the false sentences.
SB page 125 t Play the CD again. This time students correct the false
WB page 25 sentences. Encourage them to write complete sentences.
SP page 6 Pause the CD at appropriate points to give students time
to write.

SB Pages 34-35 Transcript

Free time activities I – Isaac G – Gemma
I: Look at this questionnaire.
Warmer G: Mmm. Your chill factor. That’s interesting. Can you calculate
my chill factor?
tWrite In my free time, I ... on the board. Students copy the I: You? You’re always busy!
sentence and complete it referring to three different G: OK, I’m busy, but not always.
activities. Then write some of their ideas on the board. I: Let’s see. Where do you have breakfast?
G: I usually have breakfast at home.
I: What do you do after school?
G: After school? I usually study.
1 1.33
Match the people with the activities. Listen I: OK. Do you have time for your hobbies?
and check. Then listen and repeat. G: Yes, I do. I have a lot of time for my hobbies.
t Students match the people with the activities. I: Really? When?
G: When I finish my homework.
t Play the CD to check answers.
I: Do you do exercise?
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the phrases. G: Yes. I sometimes go swimming on Wednesday afternoon.
I: Do you like swimming?
Answers / Transcript G: No, I don’t. But it’s good for you.
I: And do you read or listen to music before you go to bed?
Gemma I read and I see my friends.
G: Oh, yes. I always read. I love reading.
Isaac I play computer games and chat on the Internet. I: Do you read comics?
Alice I go shopping and I listen to music. G: No, I don’t. I read books.
Max I do exercise and I play basketball. I: Right! And what do you do at the weekend? I bet you study!
G: I usually study a little, yes, but I often meet my friends. So
what’s my chill factor?
2 Can you guess your partner’s free time activities? I: Just a moment… It’s 8 – medium.
G: You see? I’m not so busy!
t In pairs, students guess their partners' free time activities.
Encourage them to use adverbs of frequency.
3 Complete the quiz. 1 False - She has breakfast at home.
2 True
t Students complete the questionnaire. Point out that meet 3 True
my friends is another way to say see my friends. 4 False - She doesn't read comics before she goes to bed. /
t Students calculate their score using the key and then read She reads books before she goes to bed.
about their chill factor. 5 True
Answers 6 False - Her chill factor's medium. / It's medium.

Students’ own answers

Reinforcement 1.34

Students listen again to find three things they have in

common with Gemma and tell a partner using We both ...

Extension 1.34 Question word + Auxiliary + Subject + Infinitive.
Students can remember this as 'QASI'.
tWrite these questions on the board:
1 What does Gemma do after school?
2 When does she go swimming? 6 Order the questions. Then answer them.
3 Does she like swimming? t Students order the questions.
4 Why does she go swimming? t Students answer the questions by writing them in their
5 Does she study at the weekend? notebooks.
tPlay the CD again. Students answer the questions by
writing them in their notebooks. Answers
1 What time do you get up?
Answers 2 What do you have for breakfast?
1 She studies and then she does her hobbies. 3 When does school start?
2 On Wednesday afternoon. 4 When does your mum go shopping?
3 No, she doesn't. 5 What do you do on Friday evenings?
4 Because it's good for you. 6 What does your teacher do at lunchtime?
5 Yes, a little. Students' own answers

WB page 26 7 Write complete questions.

t Students write complete questions.

Present simple: Yes / No questions Answers

t Write these affirmative sentences and questions on the board: 1 Where do you have breakfast?
Affirmative Question 2 What do you do after school?
You read books. Do you read books? 3 Do you have time for your hobbies?
She reads books. Does she read books? 4 Do you do exercise?
t Focus on the use of the auxiliaries do and does in Yes / No 5 Do you read before you go to bed?
questions. Explain that the main verb (read) is an infinitive 6 What do you do at the weekend?
without to in questions.
t Look at the word order of questions in the grammar table:
Auxiliary + Subject + Infinitive. Students can easily remember 8 Ask a partner the questions in exercise 7. Write his /
this as 'ASI'. It is a simple mnemotechnich resource. her answers. Then calculate the Chill Factor.
t Explain how to give short answers.
t In pairs, students ask the questions in exercise 7 and write
their partners' answers.
t Students use these answers to calculate their partners'
5 Complete the questions. Use Do or Does. Then answer chill factor. To do this, tell them to use the key in the
them. questionnaire on page 34.
t Students complete the questions using Do or Does.
t Students answer the questions with short answers.
Answers Students’ own answers

1 Do 2 Does 3 Do 4 Does 5 Do 6 Do
Love, like, not like, hate + -ing form
t Write l like reading on the board. Explain that we normally use
Present simple: wh- questions the -ing form of the verb after like.
t Write these answers on the board. Ask students if they can ask t Draw the emoticons and write the sentences on the board.
the questions and write them on the board.
Question Answer I ... reading. I ... reading.
What do you study? I study Maths. I like reading. I ... reading.
Where does he study? He studies at home.
t Ask students which verbs can be used to complete the
t Explain the word order of wh- questions:
sentences. Introduce love, not like and hate.

6/*5tEveryday life 41
t Draw students' attention to items 2 and 6. Explain that we
9 Write sentences. Use love, like, don’t like and hate. use ordinal numbers in dates in English.
t Students write true sentences about themselves using
love, like, not like and hate, and the -ing form of the verbs. Answers

Answers 1 Chinese New Year 4 Carnival

2 New Year's Eve 5 Thanksgiving
Students’ own answers 3 Ramadan 6 Halloween

10 Choose three activities. For each activity, write one

question with like and another one with a question 3 1.36 Match the ordinal numbers. Listen and check.

word. Then listen and repeat.

t Students choose three activities. For each activity, they t Students match the ordinal numbers.
write one question with like and another one with a t Play the CD to check answers.
question word. t Play the CD again. Students repeat the numbers.

11 In pairs, ask and answer the questions above. Answers / Transcript

t In pairs, students ask each other their questions and write
1st first 5th fifth 20th twentieth
their partners' answers.
2nd second 11th eleventh 31st thirty-first
3rd third 12th twelfth
12 Tell another pair about your partner. 4th fourth 15th fifteenth
t Students use the answers they wrote in exercise 11 and t Ask students: What's the date today? Show students how
tell another pair about their partners. Remind them to use we write the date in English, for example: 6th December.
the third person singular. Then model how we say it: the sixth of December.

SB pages 125 and 126

4 1.37 Can you say the dates? Listen and check. Then
listen and repeat.
WB page 27
t Students write the dates as they say them in English.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the dates.
SB Pages 36-37
Answers / Transcript
Talking about dates 1 The twenty-second of January
2 The thirtieth of May
1 1.35 Write the months in order. Listen and check. 3 The first of September
Then listen and repeat. 4 The sixth of July
t Students write the months in order. 5 The nineteenth of April
t Play the CD to check answers. 6 The eighth of December
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words. Focus on
word stress.
t Point out that we also use capital letters for months.
Prepositions of time
t Ask students these questions and introduce the prepositions:
Answers / Transcript When's your birthday? (On ...); Which month does the school year
start? (In ...); What time does this class start? (At ...).
1 January 5 May 9 September t Students look at the table. Explain the use of prepositions of
2 February 6 June 10 October time.
3 March 7 July 11 November
4 April 8 August 12 December
5 Answer the questions. Then ask a partner.
t Students answer the questions. Then they ask a partner.
2 Match the dates with the pictures on page 38. Answers
t Students match the dates with the pictures on page 38. Students’ own answers

6 1.38 Listen and complete the dialogue.
1 e 2 b 3 d 4 a 5 c
t Students listen to the dialogue and write the missing
11 Find five words or phrases that show the order of the
Max: What’s the date today?
Leo: It’s the 6th of December. Why? activities in exercise 9.
Max: It’s my birthday on the 11th. t Students look at the text in exercise 9 again and find five
Leo: What day’s that? words or phrases that show the order of Bela's activities.
Max: It’s next Sunday, but my party’s on Saturday.Can you t Explain that the sequencers next, then and after that can
come? be used in any order in the middle of a text.
Leo: Yes, of course. What time does it start?
Max: At half past eight.
Leo: OK. Thanks! Answers
first, next, then, after that, finally
1 the 6th of December 4 on Saturday 12 Order these activities. Write a paragraph. Use the
2 on the 11th 5 at half past eight five sequencers listed above.
3 Sunday t Check students understand the meaning of the activities.
t Students order the activities as they wish and then write a
7 In pairs, practise the dialogue above. Change some paragraph using the five sequencers.
t In pairs, students practise the dialogue, in exercise 6, first 13 Make notes. Then write about your perfect day.
as it is, and then changing the information in 1-5. t Students get ready to write about their perfect day. First,
they make notes. They should include at least two activities
SB pages 125 and 145 for each part of the day (morning, afternoon and evening).
Then they write their compositions.
WB pages 28 and 29

14 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors?
t Students read their compositions and check them for
8 In pairs, talk about your perfect day. What things do
errors. Write the following checklist on the board for
you and don’t you do? students to refer to:
t In pairs, students talk about their perfect day. Tell them to Checklist
describe the things they do and don't do. Adverbs of frequency
love, like ... + -ing form
Prepositions of time
9 Read about Bela’s perfect day. What does / doesn’t Sequencers
she do? Write four things.
t Students read about Bela's perfect day and write four SB page 146
things that she does or doesn't do. Encourage them to WB page 30
write a mixture of affirmative and negative sentences. WP page 7

Possible sample answers

She doesn't get up early. SB Pages 38-39
She doesn't go to school.
She chats online. Festivals around the world
She goes shopping.
1 Match the pictures with the phrases in the box.
10 Order Bela’s activities. t Students match the pictures with the phrases in the box.
t Students put Bela's activities in the correct order. Tell them they will need to use some of the phrases more
than once.

6/*5tEveryday life 43
Answers 5 Read the text and identify the festival. Underline the
Carnival- wear special costumes, watch a parade words related to it.
New Year's Eve - watch fireworks
t Ask students to look at the photos and describe them.
Thanksgiving - have a family meal, eat turkey
Write the new vocabulary items that may crop up on the
Halloween - wear special costumes
Chinese New Year - wear special costumes, watch a parade
t Students read the text to identify the festival and
Ramadan - have a family meal
underline the key words connected to it.
t Invite some students to read out their answers. Write
vocabulary on the board and check students understand
2 1.39
Read and listen about four festivals. Write the the meaning: spooky, scare (someone) stiff, creepy, etc.
names of the celebrations.
t Students read and listen to four teens describing different
festivals and write the names. Answers
Halloween: tricks, costume, spooky, scare (your friends) stiff,
Answers skeleton, horrifying, creepy, terrifying, zombie faces, ghosts,
scary, pumpkin
1 Chinese New Year 3 Carnival
2 Ramadan 4 Thanksgiving
6 Complete the table with the information from the
3 Write the festival or festivals. t Students read the text again and complete the table.
t Students answer the questions. Draw students' attention to the example to help them.
t Ask some students to read out their answers to check.
1 Chinese New Year, Ramadan
LEDs: add special effects with lights shining bright or fading
2 Chinese New Year, Carnival
away. They are good to simulate a walking skeleton.
3 Chinese New Year, Ramadan, Thanksgiving
4 Chinese New Year, Carnival Mobile: makes you look more horrifying with creepy sound
5 Carnival, Thanksgiving effects and scary music you can download. And it has free apps
6 Chinese New Year, Ramadan to turn selfies into zombie faces.

Drone: makes a flying ghost with a white sheet.

4 Do you celebrate any festivals? Complete the
sentences. Digital projector: projects scary images such as ghosts,
t Students complete the sentences with information about pumpkins, skeletons and children wtih creepy voices.
the festivals they celebrate.

21st Century Skills

Answers Find out about Halloween. Where do people celebrate it?
Students’ own answers What do they do?
t Ask students to find out about Halloween. They can do this by
Did you know? entering Halloween into an Internet search engine or by
consulting a reference book in the library.
Colonists in the USA first celebrated Thanksgiving in 1621
at the end of their first harvest. They sent invitations to the
Native Americans and they all celebrated together. The Answers
celebration lasted for three days. Halloween is celebrated in most English speaking and Latin
American countries. It is also becoming popular in Europe.
On this day, people wear special costumes, eat special food, go
to parties and play games.

SB page 114
WB page 31

Review UNIT 1-3
SB Pages 40-41 Warmer
tAsk students to tell you the different ways in which they
E-pals and friends communicate with their friends. Write a list on the board.

tStudents make a list of five things you can find in a
4 Answer the questions.
bedroom. In pairs, they compare their lists. How many tStudents answer the questions.
things are the same? tTeach the term e-pal (someone in another country that
tStudents look at the picture. How many of the things on you write emails to). Explain that the terms e-pal (pal is an
their lists are in the picture? informal word for friend) and key pal can be used
iinterchangeably. They both refer to people who
correspond only by email. Ask students if they have a pen
pal or a key pal.
1 1.40 Complete words 1–10. Use a, e, i, o or u. Listen
and check. Then listen and repeat. Answers
tStudents complete the names of ten things in the picture
Students' own answers
using a, e, i, o or u.
tPlay the CD to check answers.
tPlay the CD again. Students repeat the words. Consolidation
In pairs, students ask each other the questions and compare
Answers / Transcript their answers.

1 camera 6 clothes
2 comics 7 books
3 fish 8 computer 5 1.41Read and listen to the e-pal messages. Then
4 bike 9 trainers
write descriptions for the four items below.
5 bedroom 10 games console
tTell students that the things in the photos are related to
the e-pal messages.
tStudents read and listen to the e-pal messages, and write
2 In pairs, ask the names of other things in the picture. descriptions. Look at the example sentence to show them
tIn pairs, students ask each other the names of other how to do this. Review possessive 's and this / these as
things in the picture. Point out the example dialogue. necessary.
Model it with a student to show them how to do this
activity. Transcript
Lee: Hello. I’m Lee, I’m fourteen, and I live in Seoul, the capital
3 Is it a boy’s or a girl’s room? Describe him / her. Use
city of Korea. In my free time I like watching films on Netflix and
the words below. playing video games on my computer, and chatting on the
tStudents say if they think the picture shows a boy's or a Internet to friends around the world. I’m the perfect
girl's room. Ask them to say why. e-pal – I always write back!
tStudents write a short description of the boy or girl using
Salma: Hi! My name’s Salma. I’m from Mexico, but I live in the
the words in the box. Look at the example description to
USA now with my mum and my sister. My dad lives in Mexico. I
show them how to do this.
speak Spanish at home and English at school. I like reading and
I love animals. I’ve got two cats. They’re very intelligent. I’ve got
Answers five hamsters and a bird too.
Students' own answers Liam: Hi everyone! My name’s Liam, I’m twelve years old and
I’m Irish. My number one sport’s football and my favourite
Consolidation player’s Leo Messi. He’s from Argentina and he’s great. Do you
In pairs, students read their descriptions to each other and like football? Please write to me.
identify differences. Ask some pairs to tell the class the Amanda: HELLO! I’m Amanda and I’m English. I’m fourteen and
differences. Write this prompt on the board to help them: my birthday is on Christmas Day! I have two sisters and two
I think he / she ... but (student's name) thinks he / she ...

6/*5tReview 45
UNIT 1-3
brothers. I love listening to music, and I sing in a pop group. We Answers
usually practise on Saturday afternoons. Email me!
Students' own answers
Answers Reinforcement
1 This is Liam's football. In pairs, students take it in turns to say a sentence about one
2 This is Lee's computer. of the e-pals in exercise 5, for example: He likes football. Their
3 These are Salma's cats. partners have to say which e-pal it is.
4 These are Amanda's sisters.

6 Write complete sentences. Extension

tStudents write complete sentences. Review be and the tStudents choose the e-pal they like better themselves
present simple as necessary. and write the reason(s) why. Write this prompt on the
board to help them: The best e-pal for me is .... He / She ...
Answers and I...
tIn pairs, students talk about their choice of e-pals. Are
1 They're fourteen years old.
they the same?
2 He likes playing video games.
3 She comes from a big family.
4 Her cats are really intelligent.
5 He's really into sport.
6 She doesn't live with her dad. SB Pages 42-43
7 Match the sentences in exercise 6 with the e-pals. Friends and music
tStudents match the sentences in exercise 6 with the
e-pals. 1 Complete the description with the words in the box.
tStudents complete the description using the words in the
1 Amanda and Lee 4 Salma
2 Lee 5 Liam Answers
3 Amanda 6 Salma
1 This 5 her 9 parents
2 my 6 His 10 friendly
8 Find these things in the messages. 3 That 7 sometimes
tStudents find examples of items 1 to 5 in the messages. 4 sister 8 our

2 1.42 Complete the questions about the girl in
1 Five of the following: listening to music, watching films on
exercise 1. Then listen and check.
Netflix, playing video games, chatting on the Internet,
reading, singing in a pop group tStudents complete the questions about the younger of
2 mum, sister, dad, brother the girls in exercise 1. Highlight that there are two words
3 cat, hamster, bird missing in each question. Review question forms with be
4 Spanish, English and the present simple as necessary.
5 intelligent tPlay the CD to check answers.

9 Can you write four other family words, four sports, Transcript
four pets and four adjectives for pets?
I - Interviewer R – Rebecca
tIn pairs, students write four other family words, four
sports, four pets and four adjectives for pets. I: What's your name?
R: My name's Rebecca.
I: How old are you?
R: I'm thirteen years old.

Review UNIT 1-3
I: Where are you from?
R: I'm from Australia. Project
I: Where do you live?
R: I live in Sydney Find an e-pal
I: What do you do in your free time?
R: I meet my friends, I go shopping and I listen to music.
I: What type of music do you like? 6 Write a message simulating you are somebody’s
R: I like rap music and soul. e-pal. Include information about you, your family
and free time activities.
Answers tTell students they are going to write a message to an
1 your name 4 Where do imaginary e-pal they have got. First, they look at the
2 old are 5 do you messages on page 41 and make a note of some
3 are you 6 do you expressions they want to use. Then they write their
messages. Tell them they should include information
about themselves, their families, their hobbies and their
3 1.42 Listen again. Complete her e-pal message. free time activities.
tStudents read the girl's e-pal message so that they know
what information they need to listen for. In pairs, students 7 Put all the messages in a bag. Take a message and
discuss possible answers before they listen. write a reply.
tPlay the CD. Students complete the message. Pause the tStudents put their e-pal messages in a bag. Then they
CD after each sentence to give students time to write take a message from the bag and write a reply. If a student
their answers. Play the CD again if necessary. takes their own message, they should put it back in the
bag and take another one.
1 Rebecca 4 Sydney Consolidation
2 thirteen 5 go shopping
If you want to find key pals for your students, there are sites
3 Australia 6 rap
on the Internet where you can post or answer a message to
set up a class key pal exchange with a teacher in another
4 Ask your partner the questions in exercise 2. Write
his / her answers on a piece of paper.
tStudents ask their partners the questions in exercise 2 and
write his or her answers on a piece of paper. Tell them to tAretha Franklin was born in Memphis, Tennessee, in the
write the answers in complete sentences. Write this USA in 1942. She is a singer, songwriter and pianist, and is
prompt on the board to help them: His / Her name's ... often called "The Queen of Soul".
He's / she's from ... etc. tThe song "I say a little prayer" was written by Burt Bacharach
and Hal David in 1967. Aretha Franklin recorded the song
in 1968. It has become one of the most famous soul songs
5 Pass your answers to the front of the class. Now take of all time.
a different piece of paper. Tell the class the answers,
but don’t say the person’s name. Can other students
Warmer 1.43
guess who it is?
tStudents pass their answers to the front of the class. Then tAsk students what type of music Rebecca (the girl on
they take a different piece of paper. They read out the page 42) likes (rap music and soul). Play the introduction
answers to the class, but they don't say the student's of the song. Ask: Is this rap music or soul?
name. Can the other students guess who it is?

6/*5tReview 47
UNIT 1-3
8 Read about the origins of soul and complete the fact And all through my coffee break time
I say a little prayer for you
tStudents read about the origins of soul and complete the My darling believe me
fact file. For me there is no one but you!
Please love me too
Answers I’m in love with you
1 soul Answer my prayer babe
2 the USA Say you love me too
3 the late 1950's
4 rhythm and blues, and gospel music Answers
5 call and response / the chorus (backing singers) respond to
the singer. 1 make up 4 me 7 too
6 Aretha Franklin 2 wear 5 us
3 part 6 break

9 Match the rhyming words.

tStudents match the rhyming words. 11 What’s the song about? Use the ideas in the box.
tStudents decide what they think the song is about and
answer the question. Point out the ideas in the box and
Answers encourage students to use the model expressions.
wake up-make-up bus-us tIn pairs, students compare their ideas. Invite some pairs to
hair-wear take-break share their ideas with the class.
heart-part you-too
Students' own answers
10 1.43
Listen and complete the song with some of
the words in exercise 9.
tStudents listen and complete the song with words from
the box on the right in exercise 9. Play the CD again if

The moment I wake up
Before I put on my make up
I say a little prayer for you
And while combing my hair now
And wondering what dress to wear now
I say a little prayer for you
Forever, and ever, you’ll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever, and ever, we never will part
Oh, how I love you
Together, together, that’s how it must be
To live without you
Would only mean heartbreak for me
I run for the bus, dear
Well while riding I think of us dear
I say a little prayer for you
And at work I just take time

Great school UNIT 4
days Answers
Vegetables: lettuce, cucumber, onion, tomato (treated as a
vegetable but scientifically it is a fruit.), broccoli, carrot.
SB Pages 44-45 Fruit: Students' own answers
Meat: ham, salami, roast beef, bacon, beef
Yummy school and family menus Fish: tuna, salmon
Drinks: Students' own answers
1 1.44 Match the pictures with the food on the Other: cheese, mayonnaise, pizza, spaghetti, sandwich
menu. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students match the pictures with the food on the menu. 5 In pairs, take turns to define five words related to
t Play the CD to check answers. food. Can your partner guess the answer?
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words. Point out t In pairs, students take it in turns to define five words related
the silent 'I' in salmon. to food from the lesson. Direct their attention to the
example dialogue to help them and teach the word chop.
Answers / Transcript t Walk around the classroom and monitor.
a cheese e salami i lettuce
b bacon f tomato j roast beef Answers
c ham g onion k salmon Students' own answers
d cucumber h tuna l mayonnaise

2 Discuss. What’s your favourite school sandwich?

6 Copy and complete the table with your ideas in the
YOU column. Guess your partner’s answers and write
t Introduce the word bread. Teach white bread and brown bread.
them on the other column.
Draw students' attention to the example to help them.
t In pairs, students describe their favourite school sandwich. t Students copy the table into their notebooks and
Walk around the classroom and help with vocabulary if complete it with their ideas. Walk around the classroom
necessary. and help students with new vocabulary.

Answers Answers
Students' own answers Students' own answers

3 Look at the picture below and complete the 7 In pairs, exchange the ideas you have of each other
description with the food words in the box. from exercise 6. How many answers about your
t Read out the words in the box and check students partner are correct?
understand them. t In pairs, students tell each other their predictions in the
t Encourage students to look at the pictures and complete previous exercise and check their ideas. Direct their
the text. attention to the example dialogue to help them.
t Invite some students to read out their answers to check. t Call on some pairs to share their correct guesses with the
rest of the class.
1 meat 5 sandwiches Students' own answers
2 pizza 6 carrot
3 cheese 7 tomato
4 spaghetti 8 broccoli 8 What do you usually eat? Write your weekly menu.
Then describe it to your partner.
t Students write a description of their weekly menus. Tell
4 Categorise the food items in the pictures in exercises
them to use the text in exercise 3 as a model and
1 and 3. Can you add some more? encourage them to include adverbs of frequency and
t Check students understand the categories of food by vocabulary from this lesson.
asking them to tell you one food item for each category. t In pairs, students take it in turns to describe their menus.
t Students categorise the food in the photos.
t Students add more words to the categories.

6/*5tGreat school days 49

Answers Answers
Students' own answers 1 False - She likes healthy food.
2 True
3 True
WB page 32
4 False - Miranda cooks dinner for her mum and dad.
5 False - They don't eat fish. / Her dad doesn't like fish.
6 False - Pasta is very popular / They all like pasta.

SB Pages 46-47 4 Answer the questions.

Healthy and simple to make and eat t Students answer the questions in complete sentences.

1 Answer the questions.
1 She's a chef.
t Students answer the questions. 2 Her favourite sandwich has got mayonnaise, cold chicken,
lettuce and tomato in it.
Answers 3 They've got a lot of vitamin A and C.
Students' own answers 4 It gives you energy and it's great with a salad.
5 Her salad has got spinach, avocado and parmesan cheese in it.
6 It's easy to make, and it's good for your body and your brain.
2 1.45
Read and listen about a top teen chef. What
does she describe? Countable and uncountable nouns
t Students read and listen to the article about the top teen
chef, and identify the things she describes. t Draw an apple on the board and ask students: What's this?
Draw two more apples and ask: What are these? Establish that
apple is a countable noun.
t Draw a bowl of pasta (e.g. spaghetti) on the board. Ask
I’m a chef so people often ask me about the food that I eat. I students: Is it possible to count pasta? Explain that pasta is an
like food that’s healthy, and simple to make. uncountable noun.
Breakfast is very important. I always have orange juice and an
egg on toast. I don’t eat any cereal because I don’t like milk.
For lunch I make a sandwich. This is my favourite sandwich: 5 Make a list.
take two slices of bread and put some mayonnaise on one. t Students make a list of countable and uncountable
Cut some cold chicken. Then add some lettuce and a tomato. nouns.
Tomatoes are brilliant. They’ve got a lot of vitamin A and C.
They protect your skin and they’re good for your eyes and Answers
immune system. Delicious! Countable banana, chip, harnburger, onion, pizza, potato,
In the evening, I usually cook for my mum and dad. We don’t tomato, vegetable
eat fish because my dad doesn’t like it, but we sometimes have Uncountable: bread, cheese, fmit, rneat, rnilk, spinach, toast
meat.We all like pasta – a lot of pasta. It gives you energy and
it’s great with a salad. Try a spinach, avocado and parmesan t Ask students when we use a / an. Teach students the rules.
cheese salad! It’seasy to make and good for your body and a / an + singular countable noun
your brain. no article + plural countable noun
no article + uncountable noun
She describes what she has for breakfast and lunch. She also 6 Copy and complete with a, an or nothing. Are the
describes what she usually cooks for her mum and dad in the
sentences true for you?
t Students copy and complete the sentences. They also
write if the sentences are true or false for them.
3 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
t Students decide if the sentences are true or false, and Answers
correct the false ones. Encourage them to write complete
1 - 2 - 3 an 4 an 5 - 6 a
Students' own answers

A lot of, some, any 9 Close your books. In pairs, ask questions about Victor
and Veronica.
t Write the example sentences on the board and check students
understand a lot of, some and any. t In pairs, students ask and answer questions about Victor
a lot of: a big quantity and Veronica. Pairs try to work from memory. Sholud this
some: a quantity that is not stated or known fail, then Student A keeps his / her book open and asks
any: it means 'none' if used with a negative verb questions. Student B closes his / her book and answers
from memory.

7 Write sentences about Victor and Veronica.

10 Work in pairs. Does your partner have a healthy diet?
t Students write sentences about Victor and Veronica using
Ask each other some questions. Use any and a lot of.
a lot of, some or any.
t Students prepare questions to ask their partners using
any and a lot of, and the food vocabulary. Encourage
students to use the words provided in the box.
1 Victor doesn't eat any fruit. Veronica eats a lot of fruit. t In pairs, students take it in turns to ask their questions and
2 Victor drinks a lot of milk. Veronica drinks some milk. make a note of their partners' answers.
3 Victor doesn't eat any fish. Veronica eats some fish.
4 Victor eats some Indian food. Veronica doesn't eat any
Indian food. 11 Tell another pair about your partner’s diet.
5 Victor eats a lot of vegetables. Veronica eats some t Students tell another pair about their partners' diet. They
vegetables. can use the short speech in the example as a guide.
6 Victor doesn't eat any chips. Veronica eats some chips.
SB pages 126 and 127
Pronunciation: Weak forms /ə/ WB page 33

8 1.46 Listen and repeat.

t Say the first sentence and ask students which words are
stressed (have, sandwich, lunch). Explain that the
determiner a isn't stressed: the pronunciation is /ə/. The
words an and some have the same sound /ə/.
SB Pages 48-49
t Students hear each sentence twice. Pause the CD for School subjects and surveys
students to repeat.
Transcript With students' help, build up a list of school subjects on the
1 I have a sandwich for lunch. board in their own language. Do they know how to say any
2 I eat an orange every day. of the subjects in English? If so, write these on the board.
3 I eat a lot of fruit.
4 I have some meat for lunch.
5 I have some milk for breakfast. 1 1.47
Match the pictures with the subjects. Listen
6 I eat a lot of vegetables. and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students match the pictures with the subjects.
Any in questions t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.
t Write these sentences on the board:
I eat some cheese.
I don't eat any tomatoes. Answers / Transcript
Ask students to complete these questions.
Do you eat cheese? a History g Art
Do you eat tomatoes? b French h Science
t Explain that we use any in negative sentences and in c Maths i ICT (Information and
questions. d Geography Communication
t Ask students to look at exercise 7. Ask: Does Victor eat any e Drama Technology)
fruit? (No, he doesn't.) Does Veronica eat any fruit? (Yes, she f Music j PE (Physical Education)

6/*5tGreat school days 51

Reinforcement S: No, I don't.
V: What's your favourite subject?
In pairs, students test each other on the school subjects. S: ICT.
Student A closes his / her book. Student B says the names of V: ICT?
the school subjects in his / her own mother tongue, Student S: Information and Communication Technology. I love ICT.
A translates the subjects into English. V: Why?
S: Because our teacher, Mr Walker, is excellent.
V: My teachers in France are very strict. Do you study any
Extension languages?
Students make a list of four words they associate with each S: Of course.
school subject (e.g. Science - experiments, biology, scientist, V: What languages can you study at school?
results). S: We can choose from Arabic, French, German or Mandarin.
V: What languages do you study?
S: Mandarin. Our teacher says that it's the language of the
2 In pairs, talk about school subjects. Do you like the V: Can I study French today?
same subjects? S: No.
t Model the activity by asking a student: What's your V: Why not?
favourite subject? Why? S: Because you're French!
t In pairs, students talk about school subjects. Do they like
the same subjects?
t Read out the list of subjects in exercise 1. Students put up
their hands when you say their favourite subject. Find out Four of the following: Geography, Science, ICT, Arabic, French,
which subject is the favourite of most students in the German, Mandarin
4 1.48
Listen again. Write Sandra’s answers to
3 1.48Véronique is a French exchange student in the Véronique’s questions.
UK. Listen to her conversation with Sandra. Write four t Students listen again and write Sandra's answers to
subjects she mentions. Véronique's questions. Pause the CD after each question
to give students time to write the answers.
t Explain that Véronique is a French exchange student in
the UK. Check students understand the meaning of
exchange student (someone who goes to a foreign Answers
country to study and learn the language). Do they know 1 at five to nine 5 Arabic, French, German or
any exchange students? 2 twice a week Mandarin
t Students listen to Véronique's conversation with Sandra 3 three times a week 6 Mandarin
and write the four school subjects she mentions. 4 ICT

Transcript 5 Answer the questions from exercise 4 referring to

S - Sandra V – Véronique your own school experience.
t Students answer the questions in exercise 4 about
S: Are you nervous, Véronique? themselves. Alternatively, in pairs, students take it in turns
V: Nervous? Yes! Today's my first day in a new school in a new to ask and answer the questions.
country. What time do classes start?
S: Classes always start at five to nine. Answers
V: Do you study Geography?
S: Of course. Students' own answers
V: I like Geography. How often do you have Geography classes?
S: We have Geography twice a week, on Monday and Frequency expressions
V: And Science? How often do you have Science? t Students close their books. Copy the table onto the board
S: Three times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. without writing the frequency expressions in the first column.
V: Do you like Science? Point to the first row and say: I listen to music on Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Write every day in the times a year.
table and explain that this expression can replace the days of 2 How often does the time change in the UK? Twice ayear.
the week mentioned before: I listen to music every day. With 3 How often does a full moon appear? Once a month.
students' help, complete the rest of the table with the 4 How often do kids in the USA use the Internet? Three to four
frequency expressions. times a day.
5 How often does the sun rise? Every day.
6 How often does a spider eat? Once a week.
6 Write the frequency expression.
t Students read the sentences and write the appropriate 10 How often do you do these activities?
frequency expressions. t Students write sentences describing how often they do
the activities mentioned in the list.
1 once a week 4 twice a week Answers
2 three times a week 5 every day Students' own answers
3 every day 6 twice a week

11 Make a list of the school subjects you like and don’t

7 Make a list of your school subjects. How often are the like.
classes? t Students make a list of school subjects they like and don't
t Students make a list of their school subjects and write like.
sentences describing how often they have classes.
12 In pairs, create your perfect weekly timetable.
Answers Include six school subjects or more.
Students' own answers t In pairs, students create a perfect school timetable that
includes six or more of their favourite subjects.
8 Complete the sentences. Use frequency expressions.
t Students complete the sentences with information about SB page 127
themselves using frequency expressions. WB pages 34 and 35

Students' own answers

How often?
SB Pages 50-51
t Use the sentences from exercise 8 to illustrate the use of How Ordering food and a typical school day
often ... ? Ask a student: How often do you go shopping? After
asking a few students this question, write it on the board. Then 1 Look at the menu. Write the words.
introduce the third person singular question by asking: How
often does [student's name] go shopping? Write this question on t Students look at the menu and write the words.
the board.
9 Complete the questions. Then match them with the 1 veggie burger 3 medium
answers. 2 BLT 4 fries
t Before students do this exercise, check they understand
the new vocabulary: earthquakes, full moon, rise, spider.
t Students complete the questions. Then they match them
2 1.49 Listen to six prices. Write the food.
with the answers. t Look at the box about prices in the UK. Students practise
saying the prices.
t Say two or three prices from the menu. Ask students what
Answers food they correspond to.
1 How often do earthquakes happen in the UK? About 200 t Students listen to six prices and write the food.

6/*5tGreat school days 53

A: Anything else?
Transcript S: No, thanks.
A: That's £ 5.29, please.
1 That's £1.99, please. 4 That's £1.30, please.
2 That's £1.75, please. 5 That's 99 p, please.
3 That's £1.89, please. 6 That's £2.65, please. Answers
Ruby: a veggie burger, a medium salad, a large cola
Scott: a BLT sandwich, a large salad, a medium orange juice
1 a veggie burger 4 a medium water
2 a medium orange juice 5 medium fries 5 1.51
Listen to Ruby’s order again. Complete the
3 a large cola 6 a sandwich sentences. Then listen and repeat.
t Students listen to Ruby's order again and complete the
sentences. Pause the CD after each sentence to give
3 1.49 Listen again. Write the prices. Then listen and students time to write.
repeat. t Play the CD again. Students repeat the sentences. Pause
t Students listen again and write the prices. Then they listen the CD after each one. Focus on intonation.
once again and repeat them.
1 help 3 have 5 How
Answers 2 drink 4 Anything 6 Here
1 £1.99 2 £1.75 3 £1.89 4 £1.30 5 99 p 6 £2.65

6 In pairs, prepare and practise the dialogue. Then

4 1.50 Ruby and Scott are at a café. Listen and write change roles.
their orders. t In pairs, students prepare and practise a dialogue
t Explain that Ruby and Scott are at the Fresh & Fast Café. between a customer and an attendant. Encourage the
Students listen and write their orders. Pause the CD after attendant to write down the order to make it easier to
the first order to give students time to write. If necessary, calculate the price.
play the CD again. t Students swap roles and repeat.

Transcript SB page 145

SP page 7
A - Attendant R - Ruby S – Scott WB pages 36 and 37
A: Can I help you?
R: Yes, can I have a veggie burger and a salad, please?
A: A medium or large salad?
7 In pairs, describe your typical school day.
R: Medium, please. t In pairs, students describe their typical school day,
A: Anything to drink? including the times that they do different things.
R: Can I have a large cola, please?
A: Anything else?
R: No, thanks. How much is that? 8 Rohan is from Australia. Read about his school day.
A: That's £ 5.43, please Find two things that are the same and two things
R: Here you are. that are different for you.
A: Thanks. Next, please l Can I help you? t Explain that Rohan is a boy from Australia. Tell students
S: Yeah. What's a BLT sandwich? that Australia is 14 hours ahead of Argentina in winter /
A: Bacon, lettuce and tomato. spring and 13 hours ahead of Argentina in summer /
S: Oh! Can I have a BLT and a salad, please? autumn. Ask them to calculate the current time in
A: A medium or large salad? Australia.
S: Large, please. t Students read about Rohan's school day and find two
A: Anything to drink? things that are the same and two things that are different
S: Yes! Can I have a medium orange juice, please? for them.

Answers SB Pages 52-53
Students' own answers
Sportspeople’s diets
Because Warmer

t Ask students Why does Rohan wear a cap to school? / Why does he t Review the sports from page 14 (Unit 1). Give a short
go to bed at half past ten? definition of a sport and students write the name, for
t Use the example sentences to teach the meaning of because. example: You do this sport on a horse. (horse riding) You do
Explain that we use Why ... ? to ask a question and because to these sports on snow. (skiing, snowboarding)
give a reason for our answer. t Students look at page 52. Ask: What sport is the article
about? What competition can you see in the photo?
Students look at the fact file at the top of the page. Check
they understand all of the words by asking them if they
9 Join the sentences using because.
know or can guess any of the missing facts.
t Students join the sentences using because. Point out that
they may need to change the order of the sentences.
1 1.52 Copy the factfile. Read and listen about the
Answers cyclists. Then complete the information.
1 I walk to school because my school's near my house. t Students copy the fact file. Then they read and listen to
2 I wear casual clothes to school because we don't have a the article about the cyclists and complete the
school uniform. information.
3 I have sandwiches for lunch because I don't like the food at
4 My favourite day is Wednesday because we play sports in
the afternoon. Competition: The Tour de France
5 I don't chat online with friends after school because I have a Sport: Cycling
lot of homework. Month: July
6 I watch TV with my parents because I haven't got a TV in my Total distance: 3.5 thousand kilometres
room. Distance per day: 180 kilometres or more
Calories per day: ten thousand

10 Make notes. Then describe your typical school day.

2 Choose the correct option. Then read and check.
Include different times.
t Students choose the correct option. Then they read and
t Students get ready to write about their typical school day. First, check.
they list the things they do before school, at school and after
school, including the times that they do these things. Then they
write their compositions. Answers
1 isn't 3 weeks 5 a lot of food
2 all over the world 4 sometimes 6 hour
11 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors?
t Students read their compositions and check them for
errors. Write the following checklist on the board for 3 Does a professional cyclist eat these things before,
students to refer to: during or after a race? Make a list.
Present simple (third person singular -s)
t Before students do this exercise, check they understand
Adverbs of frequency (before verbs, after be)
the meaning of the words listed in the box.
Frequency expressions
t Students decide whether a professional cyclist eats the
food items mentioned before, during or after a race and
make a list.
SB page 146
WB page 38
WP page 8

6/*5tGreat school days 55

Answers Answers
Before: bread and jam, cereal, omelette, orange juice, pasta or 1 What exactly is this new item?
rice 2 What does this device do?
During: biscuits, cakes, energy bars, fruit 3 How does it work?
After: dessert, salad, meat, fish or chicken, pasta or rice 4 What are the smart parts of the bottle?
5 What specific information does the coach receive?
Reinforcement 6 Why is this useful?
Students close their books. In pairs, can they remember
what a cyclist eats? Together, they make a list and then check
their answers. 6 Read the text again and match the sentence halves.
t Students read the interview again so that they can match
the information and make sentences.
Extension t Invite some students to read out their answers to check.
In pairs, students do a role-play Student A is a professional
cyclist and Student B is his / her friend. Student A describes Answers
what the Tour de France is like. Student B listens and asks
questions to obtain more information. Then they swap roles 1 A smart bottle helps athletes to get the correct hydration
and repeat. level.
2 The top of the bottle has the athlete’s name on it.
3 The chip of the bottle is connected to the chips the athlete
has on the body.
Did you know? 4 Coaches receive the information about the athletes in real
The swimmer Michael Phelps won four gold and two silver time.
medals at the 2012 Olympics. During his training, he ate 5 Athletes are aware of their hydration level by looking at the
12,000 calories per day, including two kilos of pasta and a LED lights at the top of the bottle.
whole pizza for dinner!

21st Century Skills

Find out the names of pro athletes and teams testing
4 Discuss these questions in pairs. Gatorade smart bottles before they go onto the market.
t In pairs, students answer the questions and exchange
their ideas. t Students find out the names of the athletes or teams by
t Invite some pairs to share their answers and discuss them entering the key phrase 'athletes testing Gatorade smart bottles'
with the whole class. into an Internet search engine.
t Write new vocabulary on the board and check students
understand it.
Teams testing the smart bottle are the Kansas City Chiefs, the
Answers Boston Celtics basketballl team, FC Barcelona, Brazil's National
Students' own answers Football Team and Gatorade sponsored IMG Academy in
Bradenton, Florida.
5 Complete the interview with the questions below.
t Direct students' attention to the photos and ask: What are SB page 115
these products for? Do you use these or other similar WB page 39
products when doing sports? Are they effective?
t Read out the questions to check students understand
them. Teach new vocabulary if necessary.
t Students complete the interview with the questions.
Invite some students to read out the complete text to
check. Encourage them to mention the key words that
helped them to find the connections.

Our lives UNIT 5
right now Answers
1 blizzard
2 heatwave
SB Pages 54-55 3 thunderstorm
4 tornado
Weather conditions
4 In pairs, tell your partner what you usually do under
a particular weather condition. Can he / she identify
Ask students about the weather today : What's the it?
temperature? Is it hot or cold? Is it sunny, rainy or windy? Use t In pairs, students take it in turns to describe the activities
today's weather to introduce some of the weather they do under certain weather conditions. The students
vocabulary from exercise 1. who remain silent identify the weather condition. Walk
around the classroom to monitor this activity.
t Invite some students to share their descriptions with the
1 1.53
Match the pictures with the expressions. rest of the class so that their partners can recognise the
weather conditions being described.
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
t Students match the pictures with the expressions.
t Play the CD to check answers. Answers
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the expressions. Students' own answers

Answers / Transcript
1 It's foggy. 6 It's cloudy.
5 In pairs, ask and answer these questions.
2 It's sunny. 7 It's cold. t In pairs, students ask and answer the questions. Direct
3 It's snowing. 8 It's warm. their attention to the example to help them. Check
4 It's raining. 9 It's hot. students understand weather forecast.
5 It's windy. t Encourage students to ask each other more questions to
get specific information.

2 Look at the photos. Describe the weather.

t Students look at the photos and describe the weather.
Students' own answers
Encourage students to look at the example provided to
help them do this task.

6 Tick the things you do to help stop climate change.

Answers Then compare your answers with your partner.
1 In London, it's cold, a bit foggy and it's raining. t Invite some students to read out the sentences in the list.
2 In Cairo, it's hot and sunny. Make sure students understand the words and teach new
3 In New York, it's cold and it's snowing. vocabulary on the board, if necessary.
4 In Sydney, it's warm and sunny. t Students tick the actions they take. Then, in pairs, they
compare their answers.
3 Read the weather reports and match the words in
bold with the pictures. Answers
t Encourage students to look at the photos and mention Students' own answers
what the weather is like using the vocabulary from the
previous exercises. Point out that the reports refer to
extreme conditions. 7 In pairs, choose three actions from exercise 6 and
t Students read the descriptions and match them with the design a poster to illustrate your ideas.
t In pairs, students discuss the ideas from the previous
t Invite some students to read out the answers to check.
exercise and choose three actions. Ask them to make a
Make sure students understand the meaning of the words
sketch before designing the poster.
in the descriptions.

6/*5tOur lives right now 57

t Invite pairs to show their posters to the rest of the class. seats! They have concerts and rugby games here. Rugby’s the
Encourage them to describe the illustrations and explain Welsh national sport.
their designs. Saturday. Here we’re lying on a beach near Cardiff. Jim’s
swimming and Mum’s having an ice cream. The weather in
Answers Wales is crazy. One minute it’s sunny and the next minute it’s
Students' own answers raining.
Sunday. In this picture we’re climbing a mountain in the Brecon
WB page 40 Beacons. It’s incredible. Mum and Dad are singing, but I’m not
listening. I’ve got my MP3 player. Tomorrow we’re taking a train
to the Snowdonia National Park. More mountains!

SB Pages 56-57 Answers

1 driving 4 swimming
Travelling and future plans 2 visiting a stadium 5 climbing a mountain
3 Iying in the sun 6 singing
Ask students if they know anything about Wales - the 3 Can you remember? Write Mum, Dad or Jim. Read
weather, sports, places, etc. Write their ideas on the board. the travel diary again and check.
t Students cover up the diary entry on page 56 and
complete the sentences with the corred family members.
1 Look at the pictures. When is it … ? Then they read the diary again and check their answers.
t Students look at the pictures and write when the weather
is sunny, raining, etc. Answers
Answers 1 Mum 3 Jim 5 Mum
2 Dad 4 Jim 6 Mum and Dad
1 It's sunny on Saturday.
2 It's raining on Thursday.
3 It's windy on Sunday.
4 It's cloudy on Friday.
4 Answer these questions.
t Students answer the questions.

2 1.54 Read and listen about a travel diary. Order the Answers
activities. 1 English and Welsh 4 rugby
t Check students understand the meaning of the words 2 Cymru /kʌmriː/ 5 in the Brecon Beacons
and phrases in the box by relating them to the pictures. 3 Cardiff 6 Snowdonia
t Students read and listen to the travel diary, and put the
activities in the order that they hear them by using
numbers. Present continuous
t Ask students to look at the diary entry for Thursday on page 56
Transcript again and find examples of be and verbs ending in -ing.
t Explain that be + verb in the -ing form is the present
Wednesday. Tomorrow we start our holiday in Wales. People
continuous. We use this tense to talk about things happening
speak two languages in Wales – English and Welsh. The Welsh
at the moment of speaking.
for Wales is Cymru.
t With students' help, build up a table on the board: with the
Thursday. Here we’re going to Cardiff, the capital of Wales. verb be in the affirmative and negative, and verb with -ing.
Mum’s driving and Dad’s sleeping. Jim’s sitting next to me but t Explain the -ing form spelling rules.
you can’t see him. He’s reading a book. I’m not reading. I’m
looking at the countryside.
Friday. In this picture we’re visiting the Millennium Stadium.
5 Write the -ing form of the verbs below.
We’re on a guided tour. The stadium’s enormous. It’s got 74,000 t Students complete the text with the correct form.

9 Are the sentences about the present or the future?
1 visiting 4 playing 7 flying
t Students decide if the sentences are about the present or
2 going 5 dancing 8 taking
the future.
3 swimming 6 running
6 Write affirmative or negative sentences with the 1 future 4 future
present continuous. 2 present 5 present
3 future 6 present
t Students write sentences with the present continuous
affirmative or negative. Highlight that the sentences
should describe what is or isn't happening at the 10 Imagine you are in one of these cities. Describe the
weather. What are you and other people doing?
Answers t Students look at the cities and read the example
Students' own answers description. Can students guess where the person is?
t Students imagine they are in one of the cities. They write
Pronunciation: -ing form /ɪŋ/ a description of the weather, and what they and other
people are doing.
7 1.55 Listen and repeat. Focus on the -ing sound.
t Explain that the pronunciation of -ing is /ɪŋ/. Point out that 11 Tell your partner. Can he / she guess where you are?
the 'g' is silent. t In pairs, students read their descriptions to each other.
t Students listen to each sentence twice. Pause the CD for Their partners try to guess where they are.
students to repeat. Focus on the -ing sound.

SB pages 127 and 128

Transcript WB page 41
1 We’re going to Cardiff.
2 Mum’s driving.
Dad’s sleeping.
I’m not reading.
SB Pages 58-59
I’m not listening.
We’re climbing.
Playing the invisible game
8 Complete with the present continuous. The Invisibles are a family of superheroes who have the
t Students complete the final diary entry using the present power to make themselves invisible. The father and mother
continuous. are called Mr and Mrs Invisible. They have a daughter called
Gill and a son called Junior.
1 're going 4 's reading 1 1.56Match the verbs with the nouns. Listen and
2 isn't raining 5 aren't talking check. Then listen and repeat.
3 's driving 6 'm listening to t Students match the verbs with the nouns.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the phrases.
Present continuous for future plans
t Students look at the example sentences. Explain that we also
Answers / Transcript
use the present continuous to talk about already arranged
future events. We use this tense with future time expressions, 1 read a newspaper 5 watch TV
for example: tomorrow, next week, on Saturday, in June, etc. 2 listen to music 6 eat some cereal
3 drink milk 7 answer the phone
4 do my homework 8 rob a bank

6/*5tOur lives right now 59

2 Describe picture A. Use the collocations from Answers
exercise 1 in the present continuous. Junior's eating sorne cereal, not a sandwich.
t Students describe picture A using the collocations from
exercise 1 in the present continuous. 4 1.57 Listen again. Choose the correct option.
t Play the rest of the track. Students listen to the entire
Answers scene and choose the correct option.
1 answering the phone.
2 's reading a newspaper.
3 's listening to music and doing her homework. Answers
4 's watching TV and eating some cereal. 1 a 2 a 3 b

t Students close their books. How much can they
5 1.58 Look at picture B. Listen and match the names

remember about the picture of The Invisibles in their

with the activities.
kitchen? Write the names of the four characters on the t Students look at picture B. Then they listen and match the
board and ask students to say what each one is doing. names with the activities.
t Ask students what time of the day it is in the picture
(morning). How do they know? Ask them to complete this Transcript
sentence: The Invisibles are ... (having breakfast).
PC - Police Commissioner Mr I - Mr Invisible Mrs I - Mrs

3 1.57 Listen. Find one difference in picture A. PC: Mrs Invisible, I'm calling to say thank you to you and your
t Play the CD and pause when the narrator finishes family
speaking. Students listen and find one difference in Mrs I: You're welcome, Mr de Vinci. Any time. Do you want to
picture A. speak to my husband?
PC: Is he there?
Mrs I: I'm not sure. He's invisible. One moment. Mr Invisible!
Transcript Where are you? What are you doing?
Mr l: I'm here, darling. I'm washing the car.
Today is an ordinary morning and The Invisibles are having Mrs I: Where's Junior? Is he washing the car too?
breakfast. Mrs Invisible's reading a newspaper. Gill's listening to Mr I: No, he isn't. He's playing with the dog.
music and doing her homework. Junior's watching TV and Mrs I: And Gill? What's Gill doing?
eating a sandwich. Mr Invisible's drinking milk and answering Mr I: She's eating a sandwich. I think. And you? What are you
the phone. Who's phoning The Invisibles? Listen and find out. doing, darling?
Mrs I: I'm talking on the phone. It's the police. He's phoning to
Mr I - Mr Invisible PC - Police Commissioner say thank you for stopping the robbery.
Mrs I - Mrs Invisible G - Gill J - Junior
Mr I: Hello? Mr Invisible speaking.
PC: Mr Invisible. It's Bob de Vinci. We need you. The Jackson 1 Mr Invisible's washing the car.
brothers are robbing another bank. 2 Junior's playing with the dog.
Mrs I: Who is it, honey? 3 Gill's eating a sandwich.
Mr I: It's the Police Commissioner, honey. He needs us. The 4 Mrs Invisible's talking on the phone.
Jackson brothers are robbing another
bank. OK, Mr de Vinci. We're on our way! SP pages 8 and 9
G: Wow! No school today.
Mr l: Come on, Invisibles. Let's go!
J: What's the plan, dad?
Mrs I: Shhhh, Junior. Your father's thinking. Present continuous: questions
J: What are you thinking, dad? t Write on the board: I'm reading. Can students make the
Mr l: I'm thinking... it's time to be invisible! question? Remind them how to ask questions with be and
All: Now you see us... ! write on the board: Am I reading? With students' help, build up
All: ... Now you don’t!

a table of present continuous questions with different subject Present continuous vs. Present simple
pronouns on the board.
t Ask students different questions and focus on the short answers. t Remind students that we use the present continuous to talk
about things that are happening now and the present simple
to talk about habits and routines. Both tenses are often used
6 Write the questions in order. Then answer them. with different time expressions. Write the headings Present
t Students write the questions in order. Then they answer continuous and Present simple on the board. Read out the time
them using picture B on page 58 to help them if expressions in the table and ask students to tell you under
necessary. which heading you should write them.

Answers 9 Complete with the present continuous or present

1 Is Junior playing with the dog? Yes, he is. simple.
2 Is Mr Invisible having a sandwich? No, he isn't.
t Students complete the dialogue with the present
3 Is Gill listening to music? No, she isn't.
continuous or present simple of the verbs in brackets.
4 Are Mr and Mrs Invisible sitting on the grass? No, they aren't.
5 Is Junior washing the car? No, he isn't.
6 Is Mrs Invisible talking on the phone? Yes, she is. Answers
1 are; doing 5 isn't
Reinforcement 2 'm making 6 watches
Students write similar present continuous questions for 3 cook 7 's playing
picture A In pairs, they ask and answer each other's 4 Is; sitting 8 doesn't like
10 Imagine that you are invisible. What are you doing?
Extension Write three sentences.
Write these short answers on the board: Yes, I am. No, they t Students imagine they are invisible. They think of three
aren 't. Yes, she is. No, it isn 't. Yes, you are. Ask students to write activities and write three sentences using the present
questions to work in pairs and ask their partners that they continuous to describe them. If you want to make this
think will get these answers. When they are ready, students activity more controlled, tell students they can only use
ask their partners the questions they prepared and see if the activities which appear on pages 58 and 59.
they were right about the answers.
11 In pairs, take turns to mime your actions above. Ask
7 Write questions in the present continuous. four questions to guess what your partner is doing.
t Students write questions in the present continuous. t In pairs, students ask each other What am I doing? Can
they guess what their partners are doing in no more than
four questions? They check their answers by showing
Answers each other the sentences they wrote. Encourage pairs to
1 What are they doing? look at the example dialogue for help.
2 Who are you phoning?
3 What's she having for lunch? SB page 128
4 Where are we going? WB pages 42 and 43
5 What are you playing?
6 What's he buying?

SB Pages 60-61
8 Match the questions in exercise 7 with these
Phoning and writing an email
t Students match the questions with the answers. Warmer
Students imagine they are going to phone an English-
Answers speaking friend. The friend's father or mother answers the
a 3 b 5 c 2 d 1 e 4 f 6 phone. Ask students to suggest how the first few lines of the
conversation might go.

6/*5tOur lives right now 61

1 1.59 Listen. Is the photo for dialogue 1 or 2?
t Play the CD. Students listen to the dialogues and decide if 1 want 3 Can 5 It's
the photo is for dialogue 1 or dialogue 2. 2 See 4 moment 6 time

Transcript 4 1.60 Listen and repeat.

Dialogue one t Students translate the sentences. Point out that when you
Ally: Hi, Jane! identity yourself on the phone in English, you say It's +
Jane: Hi! What are you doing? your name (NOT: I'm).
Ally: I’m watching TV. Why? t Play the CD. Students repeat the sentences. Focus on
Jane: Do you want to watch a DVD at my house? intonation.
Ally: Yeah, OK.
Jane: Great. See you soon! Transcript
1 Can I speak to Ally, please?
Dialogue two
2 Yes, who’s calling?
Mum: Hello. 3 It’s Zach.
Zach: Hello. Can I speak to Ally, please? 4 Just a moment.
Mum: Yes. Who’s calling? 5 Do you want to go to the cinema?
Zach: It’s Zach. 6 See you soon!
Mum: Just a moment, Zach. Ally! Phone!
Ally: Hello.
Zach: Hi, Ally! It’s Zach. 5 In pairs, prepare and practise a phone dialogue.
Ally: Oh, hi. t In pairs, students prepare and practise a phone dialogue.
Zach: What are you doing at the moment? Encourage pairs to look at the situation provided to help
Ally: I’m studying. Why? them plan what they are going to say.
Zach: Do you want to go to the cinema? t Invite some students to perform their dialogues in front of
Ally: I can’t. I’ve got an exam on Monday. the class.
Zach: OK. Another time.
Ally: OK. See you at school! Bye!
SB page 145
WB pages 44 and 45
Dialogue 2
t Ask students: When you go on holiday, do you phone your
2 1.59 Listen again. Write the correct option. friends? Students put up their hands if the answer is yes.
t Play the CD again. Students listen and write the correct Ask the same question for: write emails, write postcards
option. and send WhatsApp messages.
t Tell students they are going to read an email from Rohan,
a boy who is on holiday, who writes to his friend.
1 watching TV 3 go the cinema
2 wants to go 4 doesn't meet 6 In pairs, look at the photos. Do you know the
t In pairs, students look at the photos. Do they know the
3 1.59 Complete the dialogues. Then listen again and countries? Can they also name the cities and places?
t Students complete the dialogues. Answers
t Play the CD once again to check answers.
1 Italy - The Colosseum in Rome.
2 Australia - The Sydney Opera House in Sydney
3 China - The Great Wall.

7 Read the email. Where is it from? 10 Make notes. Then write an email.
t Students read the email and decide where it is from. t Students get ready to write an email. First, they answer
the questions and make notes. Then they write their
Any of the following: Europe, Italy, Rome
11 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors?
t Students read their compositions and check them for
8 Order the sentences. Use numbers. errors. Write the following checklist on the board for
t Students read the email again and order the sentences. students to refer to:
Weather expressions
Present continuous (be and -ing spelling rules)
Answers Time expressions - at the moment, now, today, right now
1 b 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 e Informal expressions to start and end a letter or email.

Consolidation SB page 146

Write these questions on the board for students to answer:
WB page 46
1 What two things are different from Australia? WP page 9
2 What do Rohan 's parents do every day?
3 What's his sister doing now?
4 Where's Rohan?
5 What's he doing?
6 Where are they going tomorrow?
SB Pages 62-63
Satellites and more
1 The buildings are old and the people drive on the right.
2 They go sightseeing every day. Play hangman with the words: the Earth, satellite dish and
3 Right now she's shopping. the equator.
4 He's in an Internet café.
5 He's listening to music and writing to his friends.
6 Tomorrow they're going to Pisa. 1 Match the photos with the words.
t Students match the photos with the words.
Expressions in informal letters t Model the pronunciation of the words for students to

9 Make two lists for informal letters. Answers

t Explain that we use informal expressions to start and end
1 a satellite 3 the equator
the letters or emails we write to friends.
2 the Earth 4 a special dish
t Students make two lists of expressions to start and to end
informal letters or emails.
t Point out that it is possible to use a combination of the
expressions to end a letter, for example: Write soon, Love,
2 Can you answer the questions?
and Bye for now. t Students guess the answers to the questions.
t Compare answers to see if the class generally agrees, but
Answers don't check answers at this point.
To start: Hi ...!, How are things?, Dear ...,
To end: Write soon, Love, Bye for now Answers
Students' own answers

6/*5tOur lives right now 63

3 1.61
Read and listen about satellites. Check your 6 Read the text and complete it with the
answers to exercise 2. corresponding subheadings.
t Students read and listen to the article about satellites and t Students read the text and write the subheadings in the
check their answers to exercise 2. correct place. Make sure students understand the words
in the subheadings.
t Invite some students to read out their answers. When
checking, ask students to tell you the sentences or
phrases that helped them find the connections. Make
1 a 2 b 3 a, b, c sure students understand the vocabulary in the text.

4 True or false? Correct the false sentences. Answers

t Students decide if the sentences are true or false, and 1 Collect and destroy
correct the false ones. Encourage students to write 2 Remove
complete sentences. 3 Collect and recycle

7 Answer the questions.
1 False - We use satellites every day.
t Students read the text again and answer the questions.
2 True
t Ask some students to read out their answers to check.
3 False - We can see some satellites at night.
4 True
5 True Answers
6 False - 'Space junk' is another name for old satellites and
other objects. 1 Yes, they are.
2 The ISS changes its course once a year to avoid junk space.
Other possible solutions are: to place a laser cannon on the
station to reduce part of the threatening junk and send it
In pairs, students choose four words or expressions from the down to the atmosphere where it extinguishes; or to use
article which they don't understand and ask you what they gas to move the particles away.
mean using What does ... mean? 3 By using the particles they collect to make fuel.
4 Students' own answers

In pairs, students write three more questions about the
article for another pair to answer. 21st Century Skills
Find out locations and dates of meteorite entries and
reentering space junk on planet Earth.
Did you know? t Students find the information by entering the key phrase
t The first satellite was Sputnik 1. It was launched by the locations and dates of meteorite entries and reentering space junk
Soviet Union in 1957, and it started the space race into an Internet search engine. Encourage students to focus
between the Soviet Union and the USA. their attention only on the latest locations and dates. In this
t Sputnik is the Russian word for satellite. way, their searches will be more restricted and easier to find
on the Web.

5 In pairs, tick the ideas you agree with.

SB page 116
t In pairs, students discuss the options and tick the ones WB page 47
they agree with.
t Call on some pairs to share their answers.

Students' own answers

This is our UNIT 6
time and place
SB Pages 64-65 You are in the treasure room. A table is in front of you. The
treasure chest is between the two statues. The first key is on
Talking about where things are the floor under the table.
The second key is behind the statue, next to the chair. The third
located key is on the shelf above the chair. Which keys open the
treasure chest?
Lara, the woman in the picture in exercise 3 on page 65, can Answers
travel in time. 1 in 4 under 7 on
2 in front of 5 behind 8 above
3 between 6 next to
Teach or review the prepositions of place in exercise 1 with t Ask students which keys open the treasure chest.
different objects in the classroom. Ask questions, e.g. Where's
my bag? Students describe the location of different objects Answers
using as many prepositions as they can.
Keys B, D and E.

1 2.1Match the symbols with the prepositions.

4 Write a message about the other three keys in the
picture. Read it to your partner so that he / she can
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
identify the keys in the correct order.
t Students match the symbols with the prepositions.
t Play the CD to check answers. t Students write a message about the other three keys in
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words. Focus on the picture. Ask them to use two prepositions to describe
word stress. each key.
t Then students work in pairs. They take it in turns to read
out their messages to their partners who try to identify
Answers / Transcript the keys in the correct order.
1 in front of 4 in 7 between
2 behind 5 next to 8 above Answers
3 on 6 under Students' own answers

2 Look at the picture and circle the correct option. 5 In pairs, close your books and ask questions about
t Students look at the picture and read the description. the scene in exercise 3. Can you remember the
Then they circle the correct options. Check answers with location of the objects?
the whole class.
t Students take it in turns to ask and answer questions
about the location of different objects in exercise 3. Direct
Answers their attention to the example dialogue to help them.
1 behind 4 on t Walk around the classroom to monitor.
2 on 5 between
3 next to Answers
Students' own answers
3 2.2 Look at the picture. Complete the message
with the prepositions in exercise 1. Then listen and 6 Design a room with five objects that are part of the
check. treasure. Write a description and read it to your
t Ask students what they can see in the picture. partner so that he / she can draw a plan. Is his / her
t Students complete the message with suitable picture correct?
prepositions. t Encourage students to think of five objects that might be
t Play the CD to check answers. part of the treasure. They draw the objects in different

6/*5tThis is our time and place 65

places of the room and write a description using suitable B
prepositions. I’m under a big building. There are a lot of rooms here. There’s a
t In pairs, students take turns to read out their descriptions. lion in one room. It’s looking at me. I think there’s a man in the
The student who remains silent produces the next room. I can see him now. He’s a gladiator! I’m outside now.
corresponding design. Then students compare their What’s happening? People are running. There’s black smoke
pictures to check. everywhere. There isn’t any air. I can’t breathe!

I’m in an old city. There aren’t any people in the street. It’s very
Students' own answers dark – there isn’t a moon tonight. There’s a large object in the
square. I can’t see it very well, but there’s a door in it. The door’s
opening. It’s an enormous wooden horse. Help!
SP pages 10 and 11
A She's on the Titanic. C She's in Troy.
B She's in Pompeii.
SB Pages 66-67
An amazing time traveller 3 Match sentences 1–6 with the texts A–C above.
t Students match the sentences with the diary extracts.
t Write these dates on the board: 14th April 1912, AD 79, 1200 Answers
BC. Ask students to say the dates, and explain the 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A
meanings of AD and BC. (AD = after the birth of Christ,
BC = before the birth of Christ.)
t Students look at the pictures and try to match each 4 Answer the questions.
picture with a date. Ask what they can see in the pictures t Students answer the questions in complete sentences.
and teach vocabulary as necessary.

1 Match the pictures with the names. 1 It's playing classical music.
t Students match the pictures with the names. 2 No, they aren't.
3 She sees the lion first.
4 They're running.
5 Because there isn't a moon.
1 The Titanic 2 Troy 3 Pompeii 6 She sees a wooden horse.

2 2.3Lara can travel in time. Read and listen to her There is / There are
diary. Where is she? t Students write sentences starting with there is / there are from
t Students read and listen to extracts from Lara's diary and the diary extracts on page 66, and then close their books.
decide where she is. Write the grammar table on the board, with the headings but
no example sentences. Ask students to call out their sentences
and to tell you where they go in the table. Explain that we use
there is and there are to refer to what exists (There is = singular)
A or exist (There are = plural) in a place or situation.
I’m in a restaurant. There are some tables with food on them,
and some people are having dinner. They’re wearing elegant
clothes. In the corner there’s a small orchestra. It’s playing 5 2.4Complete with there’s or there are. Then listen
classical music, but the people aren’t listening to it. What’s and check.
happening? The floor’s moving! t Students complete another extract from Lara's diary with
there's or there are.
t Play the CD to check answers.

Transcript Object pronouns
I’m in a house. There’s a door in front of me. Next to the door
there’s a piano, and there are some other instruments in the t Write I like ... on the board. Students call out ways of completing
room too. On a table there are a lot of pieces of paper with the sentence. Write them on the board, and then show
writing on them. It’s music! There’s some food on the table too. students how to substitute their suggestions with object
What’s that noise? There are some people. They’re talking in pronouns, e.g. I like sports - l like them.
German. I know! I’m in Mozart’s house.
8 Rewrite the sentences using object pronouns.
Answers t Students rewrite the sentences using object pronouns.
1 There's 4 there are
2 there's 5 There's Answers
3 there are 6 There are 1 them 2 her 3 us 4 it 5 them 6 him

Pronunciation: Linking sounds 9 You’re a time traveller. Choose A, B or C. Tell a

partner. Can he / she guess where you are?
6 2.5 Listen and repeat.
t Students prepare a description for one of the options and
t Play the CD. Students listen and repeat the sentences. read it to a partner who must try to guess where he / she
Focus on linking. (Linking occurs when the end of one is. Then students change roles. Encourage students to
word runs into the beginning of the next word, with no look at the example description for help.
pause. The result is that the two words sound like one t Ask some students to read out their descriptions to the
longer word.) class and the other students guess where they are.

Transcript SB page 129

1 There’s some food. There’s some food. WB pages 48 and 49
2 There isn’t any food. There isn’t any food.
3 There are some tables. There are some tables.
4 There aren’t any tables. There aren’t any tables.
SB Pages 68-69
There is / There are: questions
t Write these words on the board: food, is, some, there. Ask
Different homes, different people
students to order the words to write a full sentence. (There is
some food.) Now ask students to make a question. Highlight Warmer
the change in word order and of some into any. Then ask what Draw the outline of a house. Ask students to name the
the short answers are. Do the same with the other sentences rooms and write the words you elicit in the correct area of
in the table. the house drawn on the board.

7 Complete the questions about your classroom. Then 1 Match the people in the pictures with the rooms.
answer them. t Students match the people with the rooms.
t Students complete the questions about their classroom.
Then they answer them. Answers
1 Mickey's bedroom 3 Sharon's kitchen
2 Lorene's living room
1 Are there any windows?
2 Is there a DVD player?
3 Is there a statue? 2 2.6
Make two lists. Listen and check. Then listen
4 Are there any chairs? and repeat.
5 Is there a computer?
t Students write the words in the correct list.
6 Are there any pictures on the walls?
t Play the CD to check answers.
Students' own answers t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.

6/*5tThis is our time and place 67

Answers / Transcript
5 2.7 Listen again. For each room, write three words
Furniture / objects: cooker, wardrobe, mirror, shelf, plant, pillow, for furniture or objects.
sound system, cupboard, carpet
t Students listen again and write the of names three pieces
Part of room: wall, floor, window
of furniture or objects in each room. Pause the CD after
each room.
3 Find these things in the pictures. Write sentences
with these prepositions of place. Possible answers
t Students identify objects 1 - 6 in the pictures and write Living room: minor, sound system, shelves
sentences using the prepositions of place in the box. Kitchen: cooker, window, fridge, walls
Bedroom: pillows, bed, carpet, wardrobe
1 In the bedroom, there's a wardrobe next to the window. 6 2.7 Complete the sentences. Listen and check.
2 In the living room, there's a mirror on the wall. t Students complete the sentences. Then they listen again
3 In the kitchen, there are cupboards above the cooker. to check.
4 In the living room, there's a carpet on the floor. t Do any of the students know whose house it is? Tell them
5 In the bedroom, there are pillows on the bed. it's a famous star called Henry Churches. Explain that
6 In the living room, there's plant next to the door. Henry Churches is an English version of a famous Spanish
name. Can they translate the name into Spanish? (Enrique
4 2.7
Listen to ‘Who lives here?’ Write the three
rooms in order.
t Students listen and write the three rooms in the order Answers
that they hear them. 1 reading 3 food 5 black
2 Spanish 4 the walls 6 music
Hi. Today I'm visiting the home of a very famous person in
Have got
Miami. Come with me and see if you can guess Who Lives t Write the example sentences on the board. Explain that have
Here? got is the same as have when we talk about possession. It is
OK. I'm standing in the living room. There's a beautiful mirror common in informal English. Point out the use of have got and
and a fantastic sound system. The person who lives here has has got in their contracted forms: 've got and 's got. Note that 's
got a lot of shelves with books in English and in Spanish. I think is used for both has and is.
this person likes reading a lot. t Students look at the table. Ask them: When do we use 'have'
and when do we use 'has'?
Now I'm walking into the kitchen. Very nice. There's a big
cooker next to the window. And there's a lot of food in the
fridge. This person likes melon, lettuce and sushi. There are a lot 7 Write sentences about the famous person in
of music awards on the walls. This award is for best Latin pop exercises 4, 5 and 6. Use have got in the correct form.
t Students write true sentences about the mystery star
Now I'm in the bedroom. I think this person likes the colour using have got.
black. The pillows on the bed are black and the carpet is black,
too. Now I'm looking in the wardrobe. Hmmm. Our mystery
star hasn't got a lot of clothes. But this person loves music.
There's a CD of the album Insomniac. 1 He's got a sound system.
2 He's got a lot of books.
So, who is our mystery star? Call us with your answers! 3 He hasn't got a television in the living room.
4 He hasn't got a lot of clothes.
Answers 5 He's got awards on the kitchen wall.
1 living room 2 kitchen 3 bedroom 6 He's got a famous father.

8 Complete these sentences about you. Use have got in 11 Think of a famous person. Write five sentences about
the correct form. the person’s house. Use there is / are and have got.
t Students complete the sentences about themselves t Students prepare five sentences about a famous person's
using have got in the correct form. house. Encourage students to look at the example
t Ask some students to give you their books with their provided which they can use as a model.
answers. Read them aloud and ask students to put up
their hands to see how many students have answered
each sentence in a similar way. 12 In pairs, read your sentences to your partner. Can he /
she guess who the famous person is?
t In pairs, students read their sentences and guess who the
Have got: questions famous person is. Encourage students to look at the
t Write the last sentence from exercise 8 on the board. Can the example response which they can use as a model.
students help you turn it into a question? Write the question
on the board: Have we got a sound system in our class? SB pages 129 and 130
t Ask for the correct short answer. Then draw attention to the
WB pages 50 and 51
examples in the table. Point out the use of the question word.

9 Write questions with have / has got. Then answer

t Students write questions with have / has got and then
SB Pages 70-71
answer them. Giving directions
Answers Warmer
1 Have you got any brothers or sisters? Students look at the map. Ask them to identify the places
2 Have your parents got a green car? they can see, and to describe where they are by using
3 Have you got any Mika CDs? suitable prepositions.
4 Has your room got a big window? Introduce the phrases on the left and on the right. Check
5 Have your friends got your email address? understanding by asking further questions.
6 Has your town got any famous monuments? Is the computer shop on the left or on the right of the street?
Student's own answers Where's the fast food restaurant? And the bank?

How many? 1 2.8 Listen to three dialogues. What place is each

tourist looking for?
10 In pairs, ask questions. Use the prompts below. t Students listen to three dialogues. What place is each
t Ask a student: What have you got in your bag? Then ask the tourist looking for?
student: How many pens have you got? Explain to students
that we use How many to ask about quantities of Answers
countable nouns.
1 a café 3 a supermarket
t In pairs, students ask each other the questions in exercise
2 a sports shop
10 using the prompts provided. Encourage pairs to look at
the example dialogue for help.
Answers Dialogue 1
A: Excuse me. Do you speak English?
1 What have you got... / in your bag / on your bedroom B: Yes, a little.
walls / under your bed / next to your bed ? A: Can you help me? Is there a café near here?
2 How many... / books / posters / CDs / DVDs / ...have you B: Yes. There's one on this street. It's on the left, next to the fast
got? food restaurant.
Student's own answers A: Great, thanks.
B: You're welcome.

6/*5tThis is our time and place 69

Dialogue 2 4 In pairs, prepare and practise a dialogue. Then
A: Excuse me.
change roles.
B: Yes?
A: Is there a sports shop near here? t Tell students they are in front of their school and a tourist
B: Yes, there's one in Central Square. asks them for directions to a bank. What do they say?
A: In Central Square? Write the dialogue on the board.
B: Yes, that's right. Opposite the bank. t In pairs, students write a similar dialogue for one of the
A: Ok. Thank you very much. other places in the exercise. Then they practise and try to
remember the dialogue. Students swap roles and repeat
Dialogue 3 the dialogue. Encourage students to look at the example
A: Excuse me. Do you speak English? dialogue for help and to use the rest of the places the
B: Yes, a little. tourist mentions.
A: Is there a supermarket near here?
B: A... sorry, a what? Answers
A: A supermarket. Students' own answers
B: Ah, yes, over there. It's on the right, between the bank and
the clothes shop.
A: Sorry. Where exactly? SB page 145
B: On the right, between the bank and the clothes shop. WB pages 52 and 53
A: Ok. Thank you.
B: You're welcome.

5 Talk to a partner. Describe the room in the picture. Is

2 2.8 Listen again. Name A, B and C. it similar or different from your room? Why?
t Students listen again and name A, B and C in the picture. t In pairs, students describe the room in the picture. They
say if it's similar or different from their rooms and say why.
Refer students to the example dialogue to help them do
Answers this task.
a a sports shop c a supermarket
b a café 6 Read about Rohan’s room. Find six mistakes in the
3 2.9Listen and complete the sentences. Then listen t Students read the description of the room and find six
and repeat. mistakes in the picture.
t Play the CD and stop after each sentence to give students
time to write the missing words. Check they understand Answers
the expression You're welcome.
1 The window isn't small; it's big.
t Play the CD again and stop at the end of each sentence
2 The walls aren't white; they're blue.
for students to repeat. Highlight rising intonation at the
3 There aren't a lot of posters; there's one poster.
end of the question.
4 There isn't one shelf; there are three shelves.
5 The carpet isn't square; it's round.
Transcript 6 The room isn't tidy; it's messy.
1 Excuse me. Is there a café near here?
2 Yes, there’s one on this street.
3 It’s on the left, next to the fast food restaurant. Adjectives before nouns and after be
4 It’s on the right, between the bank and the clothes shop. t Ask students to look at the first two example sentences and
5 Great, thanks. answer these questions: What are the adjectives in the
6 You’re welcome. sentences? What are the nouns? Do we put the adjectives before
or after the nouns? In English, adjectives come before nouns.
Answers t Ask students to look at the second example sentence and
1 café 4 right; between; and answer the questions: Is 'the wall' singular or plural? How do we
2 on this street 5 thanks know? Does the adjective also have a plural form?
3 left; next to 6 welcome In English, adjectives are never plural.

7 Order the words to make sentences. SB Pages 72-73
t Students order the words to make sentences.
Copycat cities
1 I haven't got a big bedroom.
2 There's a red chair near the desk Ask students to name places, for example types of shops in
3 The lamp is orange. cities. Write a list on the board and include the places in
4 There aren't any English books here. exercise 1.
5 The computer games are new.
6 My room is messy.
1 In pairs, name three examples for places 1–6.
t In pairs, students name three examples for places 1-6.
8 Where are these things in Rohan’s room?
t Students write sentences describing the position of the Answers
things in the picture. Students' own answers

Answers 2 2.10 Read and listen about clone cities. What are
The computer's on the desk they?
The desk is next to the wardrobe / between the wardrobe and t Students look at the pictures in the article. Ask the class
the window. these questions: What different places can you see? What
The shelves are above the desk country do you think they are in?
The clothes are in the wardrobe, on the floor and on the bed. t Tell students they're going to read and listen to an article
The trainers are on the floor, in front of the wardrobe. on 'clone cities'. Ask: What are clone cities? Students read
The comics are on the floor next to the bed, and on the and listen to the article and choose the correct option.
bedside table next to the bed.

9 Make notes. Then write about your room.
The next time that you go shopping, look at the names of the
t Students get ready to write about their rooms. First, they
shops. How many are local? How many are international? Many
answer the questions. Then they write their compositions.
cities today are clone cities, with the same shops, banks and
restaurants. Do you live in a clone city?
10 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors? Fast food
t Students read their compositions and check them for About 50 million people eat a McDonald’s meal every day. It’s
errors. Write the following checklist on the board for impossible to say how many McDonald’s there are because
students to refer to. new restaurants open every day, but there are at least 30,000 in
There's + singular / uncountable noun more than 119 countries.
There are + plural noun
I've got ... Hot drinks
My room's got ... Americans love Starbucks and they often drink the same coffee
Adjectives before nouns when they visit Europe on holiday. New Starbucks cafés open
No plural for adjectives every day and there are now about 15,000 in over 44 countries
in the world, including Turkey, Thailand and China.
SB page 146 United Colours of Benetton is originally from Italy, but you can
WB page 54 now see its sign all over the world. Benetton has got five
WP page 10 thousand shops in 120 countries. This means that you can buy
the same clothes in Italy, Mexico and Iran.

c identical cities

6/*5tThis is our time and place 71

3 Read again. Match the sentence halves.
Students' own answers
t Check students understand these expressions to talk about
about 50 million people 6 Read the article and check your answers in exercise 5.
at least 30,000 restaurants t Students read the text to check their answers in the
more than 119 countries previous exercise.
over 44 countries t Check with the whole class.
t Students read the article again and match the sentence
halves, then they write complete sentences in their Answers
1 New York 2 Paris 3 Tokyo 4 Shangai

1 c 2 d 3 f 4 a 5 b 6 e
7 Re-read the article above and complete the
t Students read the article again and complete the
4 Answer the questions. sentences.
t Students answer the questions. Check answers with the t Call on some students to read out their answers.
whole class.
1 Apple has stores in 18 countries all over the world.
1 50 million 2 Apple Stores are usually made of glass and steel.
2 At least 30 thousand 3 Inside Apple Stores, there are wooden tables with products
3 Every day and accessories, a Genius Bar and there are iPod bars in the
4 Europe, America and Asia newly built shops.
5 Italy 4 Customers can buy products and get technical support or
6 120 service on products.
5 In new shops, there are iPod Bars.
Discuss the article by asking these questions.
Is there a McDonald's, a Starbucks and a 21st Century Skills
Benetton shop in your city?
Where are they? Find out some information about another well-known shop
Are clone cities a good thing or a bad thing? with worldwide branches.
t Ask students to find information for another famous shop.
They may include the number of shops worldwide, the
countries where they are located and the products or services
Did you know? the shop offers. Students can do this by entering the name of
10% of Americans have their first job in McDonald's. the shop into an Internet search engine.
Every day 25% of Americans eat fast food. Suggested shops: Nike, Adidas, Sony, Burger King, Walmart,
Children usually recognise the McDonald's logo before they Coca Cola, Samsung, Nikon, Levi's, etc.
can respond to their own names.

SB page 117
5 Where are these Apple Stores? Guess and match the WB page 55
places with the pictures.
t Invite students to describe the buildings and find
similarities. Write and teach new vocabulary on the board.
t Students write the names of the cities under the pictures,
trying to guess where each store might be located. Do
not check answers yet.

Review UNITS 4-6
SB Pages 74-75 Four of the following:
Food items and birthday celebrations Is there any cheese?
Is there a chicken?
Is there a pizza?
Are there any hamburgers?
Ask students to make a food alphabet by writing a food Is there any salmon?
word for each letter of the alphabet, for example: Apple, Is there any bacon?
Banana, Cupcake, etc. Give students a time limit. When they Is there a lettuce?
have finished, ask them to tell you what food words they Are there any bananas?
thought of for each letter and write these on the board.
In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in exercise
1 What food items from the shopping list can you see 4. Point out that they should use the short answers Yes,
in the picture? there is / No, there isn't or Yes, there are / No, there aren't.
t Students write the food items from the shopping list that
they can see in the picture.
5 Memorise the picture for 20 seconds. Close your
Answers books and ask your partner.
ham a banana tomatoes chicken t Students memorise the picture for 20 seconds. Then they
close their books and ask their partners questions to test
their memory.
2 What other food items can you see in the picture?
Use there’s / there are with a / an or some. Answers
t Students name the other food items they can see in the Students’ own answers
picture using there's / there are with a / an or some.
Answers t Ask students to imagine they are organising a birthday
1 There's some water. party. What things do they need for the party? Make a list
2 There's some orange juice. on the board. Include the word presents.
3 There's some cheese. t Explain to students that they are going to read about a
4 There's a pizza. surprise birthday party. Can they tell you what a surprise
5 There are some hamburgers. party is?
6 There's a lettuce.

6 2.11
Complete the email with verbs in the present
3 What things from the shopping list can’t you see? continuous. Then listen and check.
Use there isn’t / aren’t with a / an or any. t Students complete the email with verbs in the present
t Students name the things from the shopping list they
t Play the CD to check answers.
can't see using there isn't / aren't with a / an or any.

Answers Transcript
1 There aren't any apples. Hi Sam!
2 There isn't a cucumber. How are things? It’s Julie’s birthday today and I’m organising a
3 There aren't any onions. surprise party with her friends. Can you help us? Helen’s
4 There isn't any tuna. preparing a CD of her favourite singers – Selena Gomez, Ariana
Grande, etc. Jack’s baking a birthday cake. He’s got a fantastic
recipe book.
4 Write four questions about the picture. Marc’s got a video camera and he’s making a DVD. On the DVD,
Julie’s friends talk about her and sing ‘Happy Birthday’. I’m
t Students write four questions about the picture.

6/*54tReview 73
putting her presents in secret places! Susie and Justin aren’t Answers
helping. They’re sitting on the sofa with Susie’s iPod. Typical!
1 The book's in front of the mirror.
At the moment, Julie’s shopping with her sister. Then they’re
2 The CD's on the table.
coming here at three o’clock.
3 The guitar's under the shelves.
I hope the weather’s OK this afternoon. It isn’t raining at the
4 The basketball's between the cupboard door and the chair.
5 The skateboard's behind the sofa.
Can you come and help?
6 The poster's in the cupboard

Answers Consolidation
1 'm organising 6 aren't helping t Ask students to make four questions about the picture.
2 's preparing 7 're sitting Each question must use one of the following: present
3 's baking 8 's shopping continuous, have got, prepositions of place and
4 's making 9 're coming vocabulary related to the house. Write their questions on
5 'm putting 10 isn't raining the board. Students then write four more questions of
their own.
t Students close their books, work in pairs and take it in
turns to ask their partners the questions. They answer the
7 Read the email again. Identify the people in the
questions from memory, then check their answers by
picture. What are they doing? looking at the picture.
t Students read the email again and identify the people in
the picture. They write sentences about what they are

SB Pages 76-77
A Millie - She's putting the presents in secret places. School, celebrations and pop music
B Helen - She's preparing a CD of her favourite singers.
C Susie - She's sitting on the sofa with Justin. Warmer
D Justin - He's sitting on the sofa with Susie.
E Marc - He's making a DVD. t Explain that now Julie is phoning Millie, but Millie can't
F Jack - He's baking a birthday cake. say what she is doing because she is preparing the
surprise party. Add that Julie is a bit confused and elicit
reasons why students think she may be confused. Write
8 Write questions with have got. Then answer them. what you elicit on the board.
t Students write questions with have got. Then they answer
the questions.
1 2.12
Listen to the conversation. Why is Julie
Answers confused? Give three more reasons.
1 Has Marc got a video camera? Yes, he has. t Students listen and give three reasons to explain why
2 Has Jack got a Selena Gomez CD? No, he hasn't. Julie is confused.
3 Has Helen got a computer? Yes, she has.
4 Has Julie got a cat? No, she hasn't.
5 Have Susie and Justin got an iPod? Yes, they have. Transcript
6 Has Jack got a recipe book? Yes, he has.
M - Millie J – Julie

M: Hello?
9 Find the presents in the picture in exercise 7. Write
J: Hi, Millie. It's Julie.
sentences using some of these prepositions. M: Oh! Hi, Julie.
t Students find the presents in the picture in exercise 7. J: Where are you? What are you doing?
Then they write sentences using some of the prepositions M: Um… I'm at home. I'm doing my History homework.
in the box. J: But it's Saturday!
M: I always do it on Saturday.

J: You never do homework on Saturday, Millie! Transcript
M: Yes, I do.
J: I can hear people. Who's that talking? Millie: It’s raining here. Is it raining there?
M: It's Jack. He's helping me with my Science homework. Julie: Yes, it is! It always rains on my birthday.
J: You mean History homework. Millie: What are you doing?
M: Oh... well... I finished my History homework. Now I'm doing Julie Nothing special. I’m shopping with my sister. We go
Science. shopping every Saturday.
J: Do you know what day it is today?
M: Yes. It's Saturday. Answers
J: You don't remember!
M: Remember what? 1 's raining 3 rains 5 'm shopping
J: It's my birthday! 2 Is (it) raining 4 are you doing 6 go
M: Is it today? Really?
J: Yes.
M: I'm sorry... It's raining here. Is it raining there? 4 In pairs, describe this week’s weather forecast.
J: Yes, it is! It always rains on my birthday. t Students describe the weather. They work in pairs and
M: What are you doing? take it in turns to look at the weather icons and make
J: Nothing special. I'm shopping with my sister. We go sentences.
shopping every Saturday. She's buying a top for me.
M: Great. What colour is it?
J: It's green. What's that? Answers
M: What? 1 It's foggy on Monday.
J: I can hear a dog. 2 It's snowing on Tuesday.
M: It's the TV. 3 It's cloudy on Wednesday.
J: I know that dog. It's Rufus! 4 It's windy on Thursday.
M: No, it's not. That's impossible! Rufus is in your house and I'm 5 It's cold on Friday.
in my house. 6 It's raining on Saturday.
7 It's sunny on Sunday.

Three of the following: 5 Replace the underlined words with object pronouns.
Millie's doing her homework on Saturday. t Students replace the underlined words with object
Julie can hear some people talking. pronouns. Encourage students to write complete
Millie mentions her History homework and then she talks sentences.
about her Science homework.
Julie can hear her dog, Rufus. Answers
1 What colour is it?
2 2.12 Listen again. Answer the questions. 2 I always do it on Saturday.
t Students listen again and answer the questions. 3 She's buying a top for her.
4 Julie likes them a lot.
5 Can you help us to organize the party?
Answers 6 Millie: 'He's helping me with my Science homework.'
1 Saturday 4 On Julie's birthday
2 History and Science 5 She goes shopping.
3 Jack 6 A top 6 Write Millie’s other school subjects.
t Students write Millie's other school subjects.

3 2.13Write the verbs in the present simple or Answers

present continuous. Then listen and check. 1 Art 3 Maths 5 ICT
t Students write the verbs in the present simple or present 2 Drama 4 Geography 6 Music
t Play the CD to check answers.

6/*54tReview 75
7 In pairs, write and answer the questions. 10 Guess the correct option. Then read and check your
t Students write questions. Check students have asked the answers.
questions correctly before they answer them. t Students choose the correct option. Then they read the
t Students answer the questions. text and check their answers.

Answers Answers
Answers to these questions will vary 1 Italian operas 2 1940s 3 Australia
1 How often do you go to parties?
2 How often does your teacher give you homework?
3 How often do you do PE? 11 2.14 Listen to the song. What is it about?
4 How often do your friends give you presents? t Students listen to the song and answer the question.
5 How often do you bake cakes? t Ask students to find and underline words in the song that
6 How often do you go shopping? support their answer. Help students understand the
meaning of any new words in the song lyrics.

In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in exercise
7. Any of the following:
a party a celebration having a good time

Project 12 Find abbreviations of these words in the song lyrics.

t Students find abbreviations of the words. Point out that
Plan a party these forms are very common in song Iyrics and informal
8 Plan a party. Make a list of the things you need: food, spoken English.
drink, music...
t Students plan a party. Ask them to make a list of the Answers
things they need, including food, drink and music.
1 goin' 2 gonna 3 'Cos

9 Look at the party invitation above. Write an

invitation for your party. 13 Name four good songs for a party. Why are they
t Students write an invitation for their party using the good?
model to help them. t Students name four good songs for a party. Ask: Why are
they good for a party? Encourage them to use the
expressions You can dance to ... and I like ... because it's ....
t In pairs, students compare their opinions. Then invite
t Kylie Minogue is an Australian pop singer who became some pairs to tell the class their choices and explain why
famous in the 1980s as an actress in the Australian television they think these songs are good for a party. Write the
soap opera, Neighbours. song titles on the board.
t The song Celebration was first released in 1980 by Kool & the
Gang and it reached number one on the US chart. Kylie
Minogue recorded her version of the song in 1992. Consolidation
Use the songs that students chose in exercise 13 to
Warmer create The Ultimate Party CD containing the top 10 songs.
Students can vote for the songs they like best and the
Ask students to mention the titles of current English pop
order in which they should appear on the CD.
songs and the singers' names. Write a selection of song titles
and artists on the board. Does anyone know which song is
number one on the pop charts at the moment?

Forever idols UNIT 7
SB Pages 78-79 4 Describe a famous person. Can your partner guess
who it is?
Talking about physical description t In pairs, students take it in turns to describe a famous
person. Their partners try to guess who it is.
Warmer t Direct students' attention to the example phrases and
encourage them to use these expressions.
t Play twenty questions, Tell students you are thinking of a
famous person. Students can ask you twenty questions to
guess the person's identity, but you can only answer Yes Answers
or No. For example: Is it a woman? (Yes, it is.) Is she Students' own answers
American? (Yes, she is.)
t Students can then play the game in pairs or small groups.

5 Write five wrong descriptions of famous people you

1 Match the people with the descriptions. admire. Then ask your partner to correct them.
t Students match the people with the descriptions. t Students write five wrong descriptions. Then, in pairs, they
take it in turns to read out their sentences. The other
student corrects the descriptions. Draw students'
Answers attention to the example to help them.
1 Sergio Ramos 4 Michelle Wie
2 Justin Timberlake 5 Lewis Hamilton Answers
3 Christina Aguilera 6 Scarlett Johansson
Students' own answers

2 2.15Write words from exercise 1. Listen and check.

Then listen and repeat. 6 Complete the paragraph about you. Then share your
t Students write the words from exercise 1. description with your partner.
t Play the CD to check answers. Check students understand t Students complete the paragraph with the information
the meaning of each word. provided in the prompts in brackets. Then, in pairs, they
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words. take it in turns to read out their descriptions.

Answers / Transcript Answers

1 eyes: brown, blue, green Students' own answers
2 hair colour: brown, blonde, dark
3 hair: long, short, curly, straight, wavy
4 build: tall, slim, short WB page 56

3 In pairs, describe these famous siblings. Are they

t Students describe the famous people in the photos and SB Pages 80-81
compare them. Encourage students to use the vocabulary
in exercise 2. Some famous people's biographies
t Walk around the classroom and monitor. Then call on
some pairs to share their ideas with the whole class. Warmer
Students look at the famous people on page 78 again. Ask
Suggested answers them what they know about each of these people, for
example, where they are from, their songs, films, football
Owen Wilson has got wavy blonde hair and his eyes are blue. teams, etc.
Luke Wilson has got blue eyes too. But his hair is brown.
Dakota and Ella Fanning are similar. They have got long straight
blonde hair and blue eyes. They're both slim.

6/*5tForever idols 77
3 True.
1 Match the photos with the people on page 78. 4 False - He's got a lot of restaurants and his own clothes
t Explain that these photos show some of the people on label.
page 78 when they were children. Students match the 5 False - He was born in England.
photos with the people. 6 False - His first go-kart was a Christmas present.

Answers 4 Answer the questions.

A is Justin Timberlake. C is Scarlett Johansson. t Students answer the questions.
B is Lewis Hamilton.

2 2.16
Read and listen to the biographies. Match with 1 North
the people in exercise 1. 2 The same age as her
t Students read and listen to the biographies, and match 3 An actor and singer
them with the people in exercise 1. Check students 4 'N Sync
understand the phrase was born. 5 A driver on the London Underground
6 Eight

Transcript Extension
1 She was born on 22 November, 1984 in New York. Her Students read the biographies again and find one fact that
father’s from Denmark and her mother’s family is Polish. Her was new for them, and one fact that they already knew
parents weren’t rich when she was a child. She was only ten in about each person. In pairs, students compare the facts.
her first film, North, and fourteen in The Horse Whisperer. She’s Who knew the most about each person?
got a twin brother called Hunter. She loves clothes and

2 He was born on 31st January, 1981 in Memphis, Tennessee. He Was / Were

was a good student, but he wasn’t happy at school. When he t Draw a table with two columns on the board. Write Past at the
was twelve, he was an actor and singer on a TV show and in top of the left column and Present at the top of the right
1995 he was a singer in the boy band ’N Sync. He’s got a lot of column. On a different part of the board, write some key
restaurants in the USA and his own clothes label. words and phrases from the biographies on page 78, for
example: Scarlett - parents not rich, first film / ten, clothes and
3 His father’s from Grenada, in the Caribbean, but he was born shopping; Justin - actor and singer on TV show, a lot of restaurants,
in England on 7th January, 1985. His grandfather was a driver on singer in boy band; Lewis - football, first go-cart / Christmas
the London Underground. His first go-kart was a Christmas present. Students decide if this information refers to the past or
present when he was six and his first race was when he was the present. Then they look back at the biographies and find
eight. He loves football and he’s got a black belt in karate. the corresponding sentences to check.
t Copy the tables of the past of be in the affirmative and
Answers negative onto the board but without was and were. Ask
students to tell you the different forms of be in the past.
1 Scarlett Johansson 3 Lewis Hamilton
Explain that the negative verbs are contracted forms, and that
2 Justin Timberlake
the full forms are was not and were not.

3 True or false? Correct the false sentences. 5 Complete these sentences about you. Use was /
t Students decide if the sentences are true or false, and wasn’t or were / weren’t.
correct the false ones. Encourage students to write t Students complete the sentences so that they are
complete sentences. true for them using was / wasn't or were / weren't.

1 False - He was born in Denmark.
2 False - She was ten years old in her first film. Students' own answers

6 Complete with was / wasn’t or were / weren’t. Who is Answers
it? 1 Where were you born?
t Students complete the biography with was / wasn't or 2 When were you born?
were / weren't. Then they guess who the woman in the 3 Where were your parents born?
photo is. 4 What was your favourite toy?
5 What were your favourite TV programmes?
Answers 6 What was the name of your first schoo!?
7 What was your favourite food and drink?
1 was 3 were 5 was 7 was
2 weren't 4 was 6 wasn't 8 was
Michelle Wie 9 Interview a partner. Use the questions above.
t Students interview their partners using the questions in
exercise 8 and any other questions they can think of.
Was / Were: questions Encourage them to look at the example dialogue for help.
t Write this sentence on the board: He's an actor. Ask students to
ask the question. (ls he an actor?) Remind them that, to make a
question with be, we invert the subject and the verb. Repeat SB page 131
this process with the same sentence in the past. WB page 57
t Ask students to tell you the short answers for all subjects and
write these in a table on the board. Encourage students to
look at the tables of the past of be in the affirmative and
negative to help them.
t Write on the board: His father was from Grenada. Where ... ? Ask
students to complete the question. Explain that the question
SB Pages 82-83
word goes in front of the inverted subject and verb. 20th Century idols
7 Order the questions. Then answer them.
t Students order the questions. Check students have In pairs, students write a list of as many jobs as they can in
ordered the questions correctly before they answer them. two minutes. Find out which pair has the longest list and ask
t Students answer the questions. them to write their jobs on the board. Then ask other pairs if
they can suggest some more jobs.
Answers to these questions may vary 1 2.17Match the pictures with the jobs. Listen and
1 Where were you yesterday? check. Then listen and repeat.
2 What was your favourite subject at primary school? t Students match the pictures with the jobs.
3 Was your first English teacher a woman? t Play the CD to check answers.
4 When was your last phone conversation? t Play the CD again. Students repeat the jobs. These come
5 Who were your friends at primary schoo!? at the end of each sentence.
6 Were you born in a big city? t Explain that we use a or an before a job: Alexander Fleming
was a doctor; Pablo Picasso was an artist.
In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in Answers / Transcript
exercise 7.
1 Alexander Fleming was a doctor.
2 Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tenzing were mountaineers.
8 Complete the questions about the past. 3 J.R.R. Tolkien was a writer.
4 Pablo Picasso was an artist.
t Tell students that they are going to prepare questions to 5 Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were astronauts.
interview their partners about their childhood. 6 Steffi Graf is a tennis player.
t Students complete the questions using the past of be. 7 Charles Windsor is a prince.
8 Tim Berners-Lee is a scientist.

6/*5tForever idols 79
B: In 1937, this Spanish artist painted his famous painting,
2 Can you name other people with these jobs? Guernica. What's his name?
t Students name other people with the jobs in exercise 1. A: Was it Salvador Dalí?
B: I'm sorry, Alan.
A: It was Pablo Picasso.
Answers J: 1994!
Students' own answers B: In 1994, this scientist created the World Wide Web. What's his
A: Bill Gates?
Reinforcement B: It’s the wrong answer. It was Tim Berners-Lee.
In pairs, students take it in turns to mime one of the jobs in J: 1953!
exercise 1. The other student has to guess what the job is by B: In 1953, two mountaineers climbed Mount Everest. Can you
asking: Are you a(n) ... ? name one of them?
A: No, I can't.
B: The answer is Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tenzing.
Extension J: 1928!
In pairs, students compare the lists they made in exercise 2. B: In 1928, this doctor discovered penicillin. What was his
Then they prepare questions about the people, for example: name?
Who was Van Gogh? Finally, they ask another pair their A: It was Alexander Fleming!
questions. B: That's right! Alexander Fleming!
J: 1969!
B: In 1969, two astronauts landed on the moon. Can you name
one of them?
A: Neil Armstrong.
3 2.18
Complete the sentences with the people in
B: Correct. The other was Edwin Aldrin.
exercise 1. Then listen to a radio quiz and check your J: 1981!
answers. B: In 1981, this man married Diana Spencer. What's his name?
t Read the incomplete sentences and check that students A: Charles Windsor.
understand them. B: It’s the correct answer. Time’s up, Alan.
t Students complete the sentences with the people in A: Well done!
exercise 1.
t Explain to students that they are going to listen to a radio
quiz in which a contestant (Alan) answers questions Answers
about the 20th century. Tell them to listen and check their
1 J.R.R. Tolkien
2 Steffi Graf
3 Pablo Picasso
Transcript 4 Tim Berners-Lee
5 Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tenzing
B - Betty A - Alan J – Jingle 6 Alexander Fleming
7 Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
B: It's time for the 20th century quiz. Our contestant today is 8 Charles Windsor
Alan from Brighton. Alan, are you ready?
A: I'm ready.
B: OK, let's play. 4 2.18 Listen again. Match the events with the dates.
J: 1949!
B: In 1949, after 12 years, this writer finished his book, The Lord t Review how we say different years in English, for example:
of the Rings. What's the writer's name? (1928) nineteen twenty eight. In pairs, students practise
A: Tolkien! saying the years in this exercise.
B: It’s the correct answer! J.R.R. Tolkien. t Students listen to the quiz again and match the events in
J: 1999! exercise 3 with the dates.
B: In 1999, this German tennis player played her last match.
What's her name? Answers
A: Is it Steffi Graf? 1 1949 3 1937 5 1953 7 1969
B: Steffi Graf is the right answer. 2 1999 4 1994 6 1928 8 1981
J: 1937!

Past simple: regular verbs 8 2.19 Write the verbs in the table. Listen and check.

t Students look at the sentences in exercise 3 on page 82. Ask: Then listen and repeat.
Are they about the present or the past? (The past) What two letters t Students write the past simple form of each verb in the
are at the end of all the verbs? (-ed) correct column of the table.
t Explain that these verbs refer to completed actions and events t Play the CD to check answers. Students listen to each verb
in the past. You can add that they are examples of the past twice.
simple tense and that these verbs are regular: to form the past t Play the CD again and pause for students to repeat.
simple affirmative, we add -ed to the verb. To form the past
simple negative, we use didn't and the verb without -ed.
Answers / Transcript
t Point out that the form of the past simple is the same for all
subject pronouns. Then explain the spelling rules. /d/ climbed, played, married, discovered
/t/ finished, stopped, watched, helped
/ɪd/ landed, invented, studied, painted
5 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple. Then
match the sentences with the names.
t Students complete the sentences using the past simple. 9 Write true sentences. Use the past simple affirmative
Then they match the sentences with the names. or negative.
t Students write affirmative or negative sentences.
1 invented - Alexander Graham Bell Answers
2 played - Sigourney Weaver
3 studied - Prince William 1 Astronauts didn't land on Mars in 1997.
4 finished - Jane Austen 2 Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse.
5 robbed - George Clooney 3 The Italians didn't invent pasta. (It was the Chinese.)
6 discovered - Marie Curie 4 Tom Cruise didn't marry Penelope Cruz.
5 The Second World War stopped in 1945.
6 Write negative sentences. Can you correct the 6 Davo Karnicar skied down Mount Everest in 2000.
t Students write negative sentences. They then try to
correct the sentences.
10 In pairs, write three quiz questions. Use some of
these verbs.
t In pairs, students write three quiz questions using some of
Answers the verbs in the box. Encourage students who feel more
confident to write more questions. Draw students'
1 Marconi didn't invent the telephone. He invented the radio. attention to the example of a quiz question to help them
2 Steffi Graf didn't play football. She played tennis. do this task more easily.
3 French astronauts didn't land on the moon first. American
astronauts landed on the moon first.
4 Victoria Adams didn't marry Cristiano Ronaldo. She married
David Beckham.
11 Read your questions to another pair. Can they
5 Picasso didn't paint the Mona Lisa. Leonardo Da Vinci answer the questions?
painted it. t Pairs read their questions to another pair who try to
6 Marie Curie didn't study History at university. She studied answer them.
SB pages 131 and 132
Past simple: -ed WB pages 58 and 59

7 Copy the table.

t Students look at the table. Model the sounds represented
by each phonetic symbol and the pronunciation of the
verbs climbed, finished and landed for students to repeat.
t Students copy the table in their notebooks.

6/*5tForever idols 81
SB Pages 84-85 3 2.21 Complete the sentences. Listen and check.
Then listen and repeat.
Clothes and idol fans t Students complete the sentences.
t Play the CD to check answers.
Warmer t Play the CD again. Students repeat the sentences.
t Draw a square on the board to represent a shop window.
Draw the outlines of two shop window dummies in the
t Tell students that you need to put some clothes on the 1 I’m looking for a top.
dummies. What items of clothing can they name? As they 2 Have you got it in size 40?
tell you words, write them on the board and draw the 3 Can I try it on?
clothes on the dummies. Put boys' clothes on one dummy 4 It’s perfect.
and girls' clothes on the other. 5 How much is it?
6 OK. I’ll take it.

1 Match the clothes with the picture. Answers

t Students match the clothes with the pictures. 1 a 2 it 3 it 4 It 5 it 6 it
t Ask if any of the other clothes listed on the board during
the warmer appear in the pictures.
4 In pairs, prepare and practise a dialogue between a
shop assistant and a customer at a clothes shop. Use
Answers the clothes in the picture above.
1 a skirt 3 a jacket 5 a sweater t In pairs, students prepare and practise a a dialogue
2 a top 4 shorts 6 trousers between a shop assistant and a customer at a clothes
shop, using the clothes in the picture in exercise 1.
t Invite some students to perform their dialogues in front of
2 2.20Complete the dialogue with these sentences. the class.
Then listen and check.
t Students complete the dialogue with the sentences in SB page 145
the box. WB pages 60 and 61
t Play the CD to check answers. SP page 12

Assistant: Can I help you? 5 In pairs, discuss what you know about the person in
Barbara: Hi. Yes. I’m looking for some shorts. the photo below.
Assistant: What size are you? t In pairs, students discuss what they know about the
Barbara: 40. person in the photo.
Assistant: OK. Here you are.
Barbara: Great. Can I try them on?
Assistant: Yes, of course.
Well? What do you think? Students' own answers
Barbara: They’re perfect. How much are they?
Assistant: 30 euros.
Barbara: OK. I’ll take them. 6 Read Sandra’s fan page description and check your
answers above. Why does Sandra like him?
Answers t Students read the description and check their answers
1 I'm looking for sorne shorts. from exercise 5.
2 Can I try thern on? t Students answer the question.
3 How rnuch are they?
4 I'll take thern.

Sandra likes Rafa Nadal because he is an ordinary person just
SB Pages 86-87
like you and me, and she likes the clothes he wears. Super cool fashion
7 Put the sentences in chronological order. 1 Answer the questions.
t Students put the sentences in chronological order. t Students answer the questions.

Answers Answers
c 1 d 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 Students' own answers

2 Do the quiz.
8 Match the words and phrases with the sentences in t Students do the quiz.
exercise 7. t Ask students to compare their answers in pairs. Don't
t Students match the words and phrases with the check answers at this point. Students will check them
sentences in exercise 7. when they do the listening task in exercise 3.

Answers Answers
1 he decided to devote his life to tennis. 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c
2 He was born
3 he is rich and famous.
4 he wanted to be a footballer. 3 2.21 Read and listen to the descriptions. Match the
5 he was in the world's top 10 tennis players. descriptions with the clothes.
t Students read and listen to the descriptions. They match
the descriptions with the clothes and accessories in the
9 Make notes. Then write a description for a fan page
about someone you admire.
t Students get ready to write about someone they admire.
First, they make notes about the person's early life, his / Transcript
her appearance and why they like him / her. Then they 1 In the Second World War a lot of American soldiers travelled
write their compositions. Encourage students to use the to Europe. They discovered a cotton shirt in the shape of the
phrases in exercise 8. letter T.

2 The original ones didn’t have a left foot or a right foot. In the
10 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors? United States they called them sneakers because they were
t Students read their compositions and check them for very quiet.
errors. Write the following checklist on the board for
students to refer to: 3 They were in fashion in the 1950s but people first used them
Physical descriptions vocabulary in ancient China in the 12th century. Some of today’s models
was / were are smart and have a camera and phone connection.
Past simple: regular verbs (-ed and didn't + infinitive
without to) 4 They were popular in the United States in the 1850s because
they were strong. The name comes from a kind of material.
They’re usually blue.
SB page 146
WB page 62
WP page 11 1 T-shirt 2 trainers 3 sunglasses 4 jeans

6/*5tForever idols 83
t Students use the descriptions to check their answers to friends to be in contact with them. And you can programme
the quiz. How many questions did they answer correctly? the bracelet to receive notifications from other social networks.
Techie necklaces:
They connect their owners to other users and social networks,
4 True or false? Correct the false sentences. like Facebook or Instagram.
t Students decide if the sentences are true or false, and Trendy smartwatches:
correct the false ones. By wearing them, you can have access to numerous apps, like
GPS and fitness tracking, and be connected to your friends.

1 True
7 Read the sentences and identify the accessory. Write
2 False - They were popular because they were strong. 1, 2 and / or 3.
3 True t Students read the article again and match the sentences
4 False - T-shirts come from Europe. with the accessories.
5 True t Ask some students to share their answers with the class
6 True and mention the information from the text to support
them. Write new vocabulary on the board and check
students understand it.
Did you know?
t NIKE is the name of the Greek goddess of victory.
t The ADIDAS brand name comes from the nickname (Adi)
and surname of Adolf Dassler, the shoemaker who started 1 1, 2, 3
the company. 2 1
3 1, 2
4 3
5 2
5 In pairs, discuss these questions.
t In pairs, students answer the questions.
t Invite some students to share their ideas with the whole 21st Century Skills
class. Have a vote to find out which accessory is the most
essential for the class. Search for some information about another wearable
techie device.
t Students find the information by entering the key phrase
Answers wearable technology into an Internet search engine. You
Students' own answers may suggest some items related to wearable technologies
to help students find information about: trainers, smart
socks, rings, glasses, fitness tracking bands, etc.
6 Read the article and underline the different
functions of the accessories.
t Ask students to look at the pictures and read the names of
SB page 118
the accessories. Encourage them to guess the functions WB page 63
of the objects. Make sure students understand smart,
techie and trendy.
t Students read the text to identify the functions of the
accessories and check their predictions.
t Invite some students to read out their answers.

Smart friendship bracelets:
They indicate through light flashes when a friend, also wearing
a bracelet, is near. You can create codes to share with your

Dear-diar y UNIT 8
stories 4 Complete the table with words from exercise 1. Add
some more words to the lists if you can. Then
SB Pages 88-89 compare your answers in pairs.
t Students write the words in the table and then compare
Things people read the answers with their partners.
t Ask some students to read out their lists.
Write these things on the board: The Hobbit, The New York Answers
Times, WhatsApp messages, school textbooks. Can students
Students' own answers
tell you what they all have in common? ( They are all
different examples of things people read.)
5 Write definitions for three of the words listed above.
1 2.23Match the pictures with the words. Listen and Include examples.
check. Then listen and repeat. t Students choose three words from exercise 4 and write
definitions and give examples.
t Students match the pictures with the words.
t Draw students' attention to the example to help them.
t Play the CD to check answers.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.
Answers / Transcript Students' own answers
1 a comic strip 6 a diary
2 magazines 7 an e-book reader
3 a chat message 8 a street sign 6 Read your definitions to your partner. Can he / she
4 song lyrics 9 a blog guess the word?
5 a novel 10 newspapers t In pairs, students take it in turns to read their definitions.
The other student identifies the word.
t Invite some students to read out their definitions for the
2 In pairs, describe the photos. Discuss what the rest of the class to guess the word.
teenagers are reading and why. Then share your
ideas with another pair.
t In pairs, students describe the photos and speculate Answers
about what the teenagers are reading and give reasons to Students' own answers
support their ideas. Then they exchange their opinions
with another pair.
7 Write questions about your reading habits and
Answers answer them. Use the prompts below.
Students' own answers t Students use the prompts to make questions and answer
t Ask some students to read out the questions to check.
3 Discuss in pairs. What reading material...
t Students answer the questions using the vocabulary in
exercise 1.
t Call on some pairs to share their ideas with the class. 1 What do you like reading?
2 How often do you read this type of text?
3 Why do you read?
Suggested answers 4 Do you like reading on a screen?
5 What don't you like reading? Why?
1 a comic book, a diary, magazines, newspapers, a novel, an
e-book reader
2 a blog, a comic strip, magazines
3 a comic strip, a blog, magazines, newspapers, song lyrics
4 a blog, a diary, a chat message

6/*5tDear-diary stories 85
8 Ask your partner the questions in exercise 7 and take Transcript
down some notes. Then report his / her ideas to the Saturday 26th. I was in a zoo. Suddenly there was a noise behind
class. me. I looked round and saw a tiger. I started running. There was
a bridge in front of me. I ran towards it, but I didn’t see a big
t In pairs, students take it in turns to ask and answer the hole and fell into it. That’s when the tiger spoke, ‘Can I help
questions from the previous exercise. Remind them to you?’ it said.
write down notes about their partners' ideas.
t Invite some students to share their partners' answers with Sunday 27th. My bed was on the sea, and there were flowers in
the whole class. the water. I saw a pirate ship. There was a ladder on the side. I
climbed it. There weren’t any people on the ship, but I saw a
treasure chest. It was full of jewellery. Suddenly there were
Answers pirates around me. I was frightened, but they smiled and sang
‘Happy Birthday’.
Students' own answers
Monday 28th. My alarm clock rang. I got up, but I wasn’t in my
bedroom. I was at school, alone in my classroom. But then I saw
WB page 64 my teacher. She had a piece of paper in her hand. ‘Your exam,’
she said. I went to my desk and wrote my name at the top.
Then my teacher said ‘Stop writing!’ Suddenly the bell rang and
I woke up.
SB Pages 90-91
Dream diaries Answers
1 Monday 28th 2 Saturday 26th 3 Sunday 27th
Write these sentences on the board: 3 Write the day.
I had a good ... last night. t Students read the dream diary again and write the day
A bad ... is called a nightmare. next to each of the sentences 1-6.
My ... is to travel around the world.
Students copy them and decide which word can complete
all of the sentences (dream). Answers
1 Monday 4 Saturday
2 Saturday 5 Monday
1 Answer the questions. 3 Sunday 6 Sunday
t Students answer the questions.
Students close their books. Dictate the words in red in the
Students' own answers Dream dictionary. Explain that these words often appear
in dreams and some people think they represent special
Consolidation things in real life. Tell students you are going to read out
the interpretations, but in a different order. Can they guess
In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in exercise 1. which thing each interpretation refers to?

2 2.24Read and listen to a dream diary. Match the 4 Look at the dream dictionary. Complete this
pictures with the dreams. interpretation. Which of the dreams above is it?
t Write these words on the board: ship, zoo, jewellery, bridge, t Students look at the dream dictionary and complete the
treasure, tiger, pirate, classroom, hole, ladder. Check students interpretation of the dream. Then they decide which
understand their meaning. dream it is.
t Explain that the pictures represent three dreams. What
can they see in the pictures? What do they think happens Answers
in each dream? 1 two friends not talking
t Students read and listen to a dream diary, and match the 2 love
pictures with the dreams. 3 important things
t Ask if their predictions about the dreams were right. The dream is Sunday 27th

Consolidation Pronunciation: Irregular verbs
In pairs, students write an interpretation of one of the other
two dreams. They read it to another pair who identify which
7 Copy the table.
dream it is. t Students look at the table. Model the sounds represented
by each phonetic symbol and the pronunciation of the
verbs went, sang and wrote for students to repeat.
t Students copy the table.
Past simple: irregular verbs
t Write I looked around and I saw a tiger on the board. Ask
students to tell you the infinitive of the two verbs. Review how
8 2.26 Match the verbs with the sounds. Listen and

we form the past simple of regular verbs. check. Then listen and repeat.
t Tell students that some verbs are irregular and change in the t Students match the verbs with the sounds.
past, for example: see-saw. Point out that the negative form of t Play the CD to check answers. Students listen to each verb
irregular verbs is the same as regular verbs: didn't + verb twice.
without -ed. t Play the CD again and pause for students to repeat.

5 Find the past simple of these irregular verbs in the Answers / Transcript
dream diary in exercise 2. /e/ went, fell, said /æ/ sang, ran, rang
t Students find the past simple of the irregular verbs in the /əʊ/ wrote, spoke, woke up
dream diary in exercise 2 on page 90.

9 Write true sentences about you with the past simple.

Answers t Students write true sentences about themselves using
see-saw ring-rang the past simple.
run-ran get up-got up
fall-fell have-had
speak-spoke go-went
say-said write-wrote Students' own answers
sing-sang wake up-woke up

There was / There were

6 2.25
Complete the description with the past t Students look at the dream diary on page 90 and find
simple verbs in exercise 5. Then listen and check. examples of there was and there were. Write these on the
t Students complete the description of another dream with board.
the past simple of the verbs in exercise 5. t Ask students to ask questions and give short answers for the
t Play the CD to check answers. examples on the board (e.g. Were there flowers in the water? Yes,
there were. / No, there weren't.)

Tuesday 29th. I woke up at seven, as usual. I had a shower and
10 Complete the sentences about the dreams. Use
then I went to the kitchen. Suddenly my mobile rang. It was my There was / wasn’t or There were / weren’t.
Maths teacher. ‘You’re late for school!’ she said. I couldn’t find t Students complete the sentences about the dreams
my trainers, but I finally saw them in the fridge. When I arrived using There was / wasn't or There were / weren't.
at school, it was closed. It was Sunday!
Answers 1 There was 3 There wasn't 5 There were
1 woke up 3 went 5 said 2 There wasn't 4 There weren't 6 There weren't
2 had 4 rang 6 saw

6/*5tDear-diary stories 87
11 Think about your last dream. Tell your partner about 2 In pairs, discuss these things.
it. t In pairs, students discuss the items listed in the box.
Encourage them to use the question on the board from
t Students think about their last dream or about dreams
the warmer: What do you think of ... ? Point out the use of
they once had. Tell them to make notes about where they
prefer in the example answer.
took place, who or what was in the dream, and what
t Students tell their partners about their dreams. Answers
Students' own answers
12 Listen to your partner’s dream. What’s your
t Students listen to their partners' dreams. Encourage them
3 2.28 Guess what Martin and Jane did at the

to make notes as they listen. weekend. Then listen and check.

t Students give their interpretation of their partners' dreams t Students look at the list of activities in the box and write
using the Dream dictionary on page 90 and the notes what they think Martin and Jane did at the weekend.
they made. Highlight that each person did more than one thing. Then
students listen to the CD and check their predictions.

SB pages 132 and 133

WB page 65 Transcript
J – Jane M – Martin

J: Hi, Martin.
SB Pages 92-93 M: Hi, Jane.
J: What did you do at the weekend?
At the weekend M: Nothing special. I stayed at home on Saturday morning.
That was all right. Then in the afternoon I met Sam and Justin.
J: Where did you go?
Adjectives of opinion M: We went to the shopping centre.
J: That was boring.
Warmer M: No, it wasn't. It was fun. I saw this fantastic shirt.
J: Oh. Did you buy it?
Draw two large speech bubbles on the board. In the first M: No, I didn't. But I bought a DVD. Then in the evening we
one, write: What do you think of ... ? In the second one, write: went to the Robbie Williams concert.
It's ... / They're ... Think of some names that will provoke a J: Really? I went to the concert too.
strong reaction from students (e.g. pop stars, sports teams, M: No way. Who did you go with?
politicians, types of food, etc.). Ask the question several J: Laura. Her boyfriend didn't go so she gave me his ticket.
times using different names and write their answers in the M: What did you think of it?
second speech bubble. J: I thought it was amazing. What about you?
M: I thought it was... OK.
J: Oh. What did you do on Sunday?
M: We went skateboarding. That was cool. Then we ate a pizza
1 2.27
Are these adjectives positive, negative or
and watched the DVD. What about you?
neutral? Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. J: I got up late. Then I studied for today's History test.
t Students decide if the adjectives listed on the right are M: That's awful!
positive, negative or neutral. J: Not really. I think History's interesting.
t Play the CD to check answers. M: Oh. Well... Good luck with the test.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the adjectives. J: Thanks. See you.

Answers / Transcript Answers

Positive: amazing, cool, fantastic, fun, good, great, interesting Martin stayed at home, met friends, went to the shopping
Neutral: all right, OK centre, bought a DVD, went to a concert, went skateboarding,
Negative: awful, boring, terrible ate a pizza and watched the DVD.
Jane got up late, studied for a History test and went to a

4 2.28 Write the correct answer. Then listen and Past simple: wh- questions
check. t Ask students to tell you different Wh- question words they
t Students write the correct answer next to each sentence remember: Who, Where, When, Why, What, etc. Explain that the
1-6. word order to ask Wh- questions in the past is: Question word
t Play the CD again to check answers. + did + subject + verb without -ed.

Answers 7 2.29
Order the words to make questions. Then
1 morning 3 Sunday 5 late complete the dialogue. Listen and check.
2 didn't buy 4 Laura 6 today t Students order the words to make questions. Then they
complete the dialogue by writing these questions in the
correct place.
5 2.28Listen again and write the adjectives you hear t Play the CD to check answers.
to describe these things.
t Students listen again and write the adjective or adjectives
they hear Martin and Jane use to describe the different Transcript
items 1 - 6 in the list. Trudy: What did you do last weekend?
Colin: I went to the cinema.
Answers Trudy: What did you see?
Colin: A horror film.
1 all right 4 amazing, OK
Trudy: What did you think of it?
2 boring, fun 5 cool
Colin: It was great.
3 fantastic 6 awful, interesting
Trudy: Who did you go with?
Colin: A friend from school.
SP page 13 Trudy: Where did you see it?
Colin: At the UCI cinema.
Trudy: When did it start?
Past simple: Yes / No questions Colin: At four-thirty, I think.

t Write this question on the board: Did Martin have a good

weekend? Can students answer the question? Write the short
and long answers on the board: Yes, he did. Martin had a good 1 When did it start? (6)
weekend. Explain that the word order to ask questions in the 2 Who did you go with? (4)
past simple is: Did + subject + verb without -ed for all subject 3 What did you do last weekend? (1)
pronouns. Write the question Did he buy the shirt? and 4 Where did you see it? (5)
introduce the negative short answer No, he didn't. 5 What did you see? (2)
t Tell students we use the same pattern for all subject pronouns. 6 What did you think of it? (3)
Check that students can give the positive and negative short
answers Yes, I did. and No, I didn't by asking them some personal
questions in the past. Past time expressions
t Make copies of the dialogue in exercise 7 and hand them out.
Ask students to find two past time expressions in the dialogue
6 Complete the questions. Use Did and the verbs in the
and write them on the board: last weekend, at four-thirty.
box. Then write the answers. t Explain that we often use time expressions when talking
t Students complete the questions using Did and the verbs about the past. Check students understand the meaning of
in the box. Then they answer them. the time expressions in the box. Point out that we use
yesterday with parts of the day (e.g. yesterday afternoon), but
Answers we say last night (not yesterday night). Also explain that we use
1 Did you go 5 Did you buy ago to say how far in the past something happened (e.g. two
2 Did you watch 6 Did you eat months ago).
3 Did you play Students' own answers
4 Did you meet

6/*5tDear-diary stories 89
8 When did you last... ? Transcript
t Students answer the questions. Encourage them to use T – Tasha L – Lauren
different time expressions from the box.
T: Hey, what are you doing?
L: I'm writing my blog.
Answers T: Your what?
L: My weblog. You know, my online diary.
Students' own answers
T: Wow, can I see? That's amazing. So, how do you start a blog?
L: It's easy. First, you find a provider on the Internet. There are a
lot of providers
9 Write two true sentences about your last weekend, T: And what do you do next?
and another one that isn’t true. L: Well, next you register. You write your name, your email
t Demonstrate this activity by writing three sentences on address, and choose a password. Then you select a design.
the board about what you did last weekend. Two of the And after that, you create your site. You write your name and
sentences should be true and the other one should be hobbies. And finally, you can change the colours and add
false. pictures if you like.
Explain that students have to ask you questions to T: And how often do you write it?
discover which of the sentences is false. They can ask a L: It's a good idea to write every day. I usually write it before I
maximum of 15 questions. Answer their questions, go to bed.
inventing convincing details for the false fact. Can the T: That's really cool.
students identify the false sentence?
t Students write two sentences about what they did last Answers
weekend and a third sentence that isn't true.
1 Find a provider
2 Register with the provider on the Internet
10 In pairs, talk about your last weekend and ask 3 Choose a password
questions. Try to guess your partner's false 4 Select a design
information. 5 Create your blog site
t In pairs, students talk about their last weekends and ask
questions in order to guess the false information.
Encourage pairs to use the sentences they prepared in
3 2.30 Order the questions. Listen again and check.
exercise 9. Draw attention to the example dialogue which t Students order the questions.
may help them ask questions properly. t Play the CD again to check answers.

SB pages 133 and 134 Answers

WB pages 66 and 67
1 How do you start a blog?
2 What do you do next?
3 How often do you write it?
SB Pages 94-95
Describing a process 4 2.31
Listen and complete the sentences. Then listen
and repeat.
1 Order the steps to start a blog. t Play the CD. Students complete the sentences.
t Play the CD again. Pause the CD after each sentence for
t Students order the steps to start a blog. students to repeat.
t Compare answers to see if the class generally agrees, but
don't check answers at this point.
2 2.30
Lauren is explaining how to start a blog. Listen 1 First, you find a provider.
and check your answers for exercise 1. 2 Next, you register.
3 Then, you select a design.
t Students listen to Lauren explaining how to start a blog 4 After that, you create your site.
and check their answers for exercise 1. 5 And finally, you can change the colours.

Answers Before, during, after
1 First 3 Then 5 And finally
2 Next 4 After that t Draw a line on the board and mark these activities on it:
breakfast, lunch, went to town, watched TV, dinner, Maria
t Ask students: Which activity did Sandra do first: watch TV or have
5 Choose one of the activities listed below and write
dinner? Introduce the sentence: She watched TV before dinner.
the process. t Ask students: Which activity did she do first: have lunch or go to
t Demonstrate this task by choosing one of the activities. town? Introduce the sentence: After lunch, she went to town.
Ask students to describe the process and write it on the t Ask students: Did she have breakfast before Maria phoned? (Yes)
board. Encourage them to use the sequencers from And after? (Yes) Introduce the sentence: Maria phoned during
exercise 4. breakfast.
t Students choose another activity and write the process.
Remind them to use sequencers.
9 Fill in the blanks with before or after.
Answers t Students write before or after in the sentences.
Students' own answers
1 before 3 after 5 after
6 Explain the process to a partner. 2 before 4 After 6 before
t Students explain to a partner the process they have
written about. Encourage students to look at the example
dialogue for help. Then they can swap roles so that 10 Write the correct option.
everyone in the class has the chance to describe a
t Explain that this is Sandra's blog entry for Sunday.
Students write the correct option to complete it.

SB page 145
WB pages 68 and 69
1 During 3 After 5 after
2 Before 4 During 6 before

7 Read Sandra’s blog entry about her last Saturday. Is

Sandra’s experience similar to yours? Discuss in pairs. 11 Make notes. Then write a blog entry about your last
t Students read Sandra's blog entry about her last Saturday. Saturday.
Then they talk to a partner and say if Sandra's day was t Students get ready to write about their last Saturday. First,
similar to their day. Draw attention to the example they make notes about what they did in the morning, in
dialogue which can be useful to discuss past experiences the afternoon and in the evening. Encourage them to
in pairs. write at least three things for each part of the day. Then
they write their compositions.
Students' own answers 12 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors?
t Students read their compositions and check them for
8 Read the blog entry again and order the pictures. errors. Write the following checklist on the board for
students to refer to:
t Students read the blog entry again and order the pictures.
Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)
Adjectives of opinion
Answers before, during, after
1 Picture c 3 Picture d 5 Picture b
2 Picture a 4 Picture e SB page 146
WB page 70
WP page 12

6/*5tDear-diary stories 91
SB Pages 96-97 The Generation Diary project was the creation of a collective
Famous people's diaries digital diary. One of its aims was to give teens the chance to
express their thoughts and feelings anonymously. Another aim
1 Answer the questions. was to make the biggest diary in the world.
t Students answer the questions.

6 Read the text again and correct the sentences.
t Students re-read the text and correct the information in
Students' own answers the sentences.
t Invite some students to read out their answers to check.
2 Look at the photos. Who do you think... ?
t Students look at the photos and guess who does / did the Answers
different things listed (1-3). Emphasise that students 1 The Anne Frank Trust UK organised the project after 70 years
shouldn't read the text. They will do so in the following of Anne’s last diary entry.
exercise. 2 Age was a restriction. Only teenagers between the ages of
t Compare answers to see if the class generally agrees, but 13 and 15 participated in the collaborative diary.
don't check answers at this point. 3 Teens submitted entries for a year.
4 The entries could be texts, photos with texts or videos.
3 2.32
Read and listen to the article. Check your 5 Some of the participants received a reward for their
answers to exercise 2.
t Students read and listen to the article, and check their
answers to exercise 2. 21st Century Skills
Search the following information about The Anne Frank
Answers Trust UK:
Date of creation
1 Jennifer Love Hewitt
Aim of the organisation
2 Anne Frank
Activities of the organisation
3 Samuel Pepys
t Students find this information about the organisation. They
can do this by entering the name into an Internet search
engine or by visiting the website: www.annefrank.org.uk
4 Answer these questions about Anne Frank.
t Students read the paragraph about Anne Frank again and Answers
answer the questions.
t Check answers with the class and encourage students to Date of creation: 1990
share their ideas for question 3. Aim of the organisation: To use Anne's life and inspirational
message as an anchor to educate people about damage
Answers caused by all forms of prejudice and discrimination.
Activities of the organisation: It organises educational
1 She was from Germany. programmes that are implemented in different schools
2 She wrote her diary in an attic in Amsterdam because she and it also delivers projects to prisons in the UK. And it runs
lived there to escape from the Nazis. campaigns and holds competitions and exhibitions in the UK
3 Students' own answers as well.

5 Read the text. Then explain what the Generation SB page 119
Diary project was and its aims. WB page 71
t Students read the text to explain the project and its aims.
t Invite some students to read out their answers.

Being at home UNIT 9
and away 4 In pairs, match these tourists’ comments with the
different types of accommodation in the photos.
SB Pages 98-99 t Students work in pairs and match the comments with the
Going on holiday t Ask some pairs to share their answers with the whole class
to check. Make sure they understand the new vocabulary
Warmer and encourage some students to define the words.

Draw a picture of a large suitcase on the board and teach

the word suitcase. Tell students that you are going on Answers
holiday to Italy. Can they help you pack your suitcase? Build 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d
up a list of the items on the board.

5 Complete these sentences with your own ideas

1 2.33Match the pictures with the words. Listen and about a good holiday.
check. Then listen and repeat. t Students finish the sentences with their own ideas. Tell
t Students match the pictures with the words. them to pay special attention to the prepositions and last
t Play the CD to check answers. words so as to write their ideas in the correct form.
t Play the CD again. Students repeat the words.
Students' own answers
Answers / Transcript
1 boots 5 a toothbrush 9 shorts
2 a torch 6 a guidebook 10 sun cream 6 Ask your partner some questions to get to know his /
3 a penknife 7 an umbrella 11 a towel her ideas from exercise 5.
4 a compass 8 a passport 12 a swimsuit t Students take it in turns to ask and answer questions
about their ideas in the previous exercise. Direct their
attention to the example dialogue to help them.
2 Look at the bags in exercise 1. Which one is for... t Invite some pairs to share with the class those answers in
t Students look at the bags A-C and match them with the which they have found to have similar ideas.
holiday destinations.
Students' own answers
1 Bag C 2 Bag A 3 Bag B

WB page 72
3 Name one or two other things in each bag.
t Students name one or two other things in each bag.

SB Pages 100-101
Bag A a sweater, a jacket Going away
Bag B: a digital camera, an iPod
Bag C: sunglasses (hooked onto the bag), a T-shirt Warmer
Write these words on the board: beach, mountains, city. Can
Consolidation the students suggest some holiday destinations for each
In pairs, students play a memory game. Student A closes
his / her book. Student B says a destination (the mountains,
a city, the beach). Student A has to name four things to take 1 Where are Richard, Marc and Jessica going?
on a holiday to that destination.
t Students say where they think Richard, Marc and Jessica
are going. Are they going to the beach, a city or to the

6/*5tBeing at home and away 93

mountains? Encourage them to give reasons for their Answers
answers. 1 He's got boots and a good map.
2 He went with his parents.
Answers 3 It's tomorrow.
Students' own answers 4 She's staying in Corfu for a week
5 He wants to practise her French.
6 He's taking an umbrella.
2 2.34
Read and listen to the holiday plans. Match
the people in exercise 1 with the plans. Going to
t Students read and listen to the holiday plans, and match
the people in exercise 1 with the plans. t Ask students to read out the first sentence of each of the texts
t Ask if their predictions about the holiday plans were right. on page 100. Write the examples of the present continuous
on the board. Remind students that we use the present
continuous when we talk about fixed plans and arrangements.
Transcript t Focus on the examples: I'm going to walk in the mountains
Marc: I’m flying to Switzerland for two weeks with my and We aren't going to speak any English. Ask: Are these
girlfriend. We love walking so we’re going to the mountains. arrangements? Explain that these are intentions.
We’ve got our boots and a good map. We’re going to stay in a t Copy the table onto the board and focus on the form of going
hotel in the Alps. I went there last year with my parents, so I to. Point out that the verb be changes, but going to stays the
know the area well. same for all subject pronouns.

Jessica: I’m travelling to the Greek island of Corfu for a week

with my family. We’re going to stay in an apartment near the 5 Complete with the correct form of going to of the
sea. It’s my birthday tomorrow so we’re going to have a party verbs in brackets.
on the beach. I’m going to sunbathe and listen to my iPod. t Students complete the sentences.
Richard: I’m flying to Paris for ten days. I’m going with other
students from my class. We’re going to stay with French families Answers
and practise our French. We aren’t going to speak any English.
We’re going to see the Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa. I’ve got a 1 aren't going to eat 4 'm going to study
guidebook. And I’m taking an umbrella in case it rains. 2 are going to visit 5 'm not going to chat
3 is going to go 6 aren't going to go

1 Marc 2 Jessica 3 Richard 6 Are the sentences in exercise 5 true for you?
t Students state whether or not the sentences in exercise 5
are true for them.
3 Copy and complete the table.
t Students copy and complete the table. Answers
Students' own answers
Country: Marc - Switzerland; Jessica - Greece; Richard - France
Place: Marc - The Alps; Jessica - Corfu; Richard - Paris
Going to: questions
Accommodation: Marc - a hotel; Jessica - an apartment; Richard - t Remind students that you are going on holiday to Italy. Write
French families these words and phrases on the board: in a hotel, the
Going with: Marc - his girlfriend; Jessica - her family; Richard - Colosseum, Italian, Yes, I am. Explain that these are the answers
his class to three questions about your holiday. Can students help you
Activities: Marc - walking; Jessica - have a party, sunbathe, listen write the questions using going to? As students say the
to her iPod; Richard - practise French, see the Eiffel Tower and questions, write them on the board. Then focus on how we
the Mona Lisa ask Wh-questions with going to:
Where are you going to stay?
4 Answer the questions. What are you going to see / visit?
t Students answer the questions in complete sentences. What language are you going to speak?

t Write the questions: Are you going to speak Italian? and Are you
going to speak English? on the board. Ask students for the short 1 2.35 Match the pictures with the rules. Listen and

answer to each question. check. Then listen and repeat.

t Students match the pictures with the rules.
t Play the CD to check answers.
7 Write questions with going to. Then answer them. t Play the CD again. Students repeat the sentences.
t Students write questions with going to. Then they answer
a Don’t look in my school bag.
1 Are you going to walk home after school? b Don’t take my CDs.
2 What are you going to watch on TV this evening? c Knock before you come in.
3 Is your teacher going to give you any homework today? d Don’t touch my things.
4 What are you going to do on Saturday? e Don’t use my computer.
5 Are you and your friends going to go to the cinema at the f Don’t try on my clothes.
weekend? g Don’t disturb me in the morning.
6 Where are you going to go for your next holiday? h Put things back.
Students' own answers

8 In pairs, plan a holiday. Decide these things.
1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 h 6 f 7 e 8 g
t In pairs, students plan a holiday. Encourage students to
think about the prompts in the box.
2 Write the four most important rules for you.
9 Ask another pair about their holiday. t Students write the four most important rules for them.
t Students ask another pair about their holiday. Draw
students' attention to the example dialogue for help. Answers
Students' own answers
SB pages 134 and 135
WB page 73
3 In pairs, compare your rules.
t In pairs, students compare their rules.
SB Pages 102-103
Setting rules 4 2.36 Dan and Vicki are talking about their bedroom
rules. Which of the rules in exercise 1 do they have?
t Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation
t Give this series of instructions to students using verbs between Dan and Vicki. They are talking about their
from exercise 1: bedroom rules. Explain that Vicki is visiting Dan's house
Touch your head. and she sees a list of rules on his bedroom door.
Touch your chair. t Students listen and write the rules that Dan and Vicki
Knock on your desk. have. Emphasise that they don't need to write complete
Knock on your partner's desk. sentences. They can simply write the numbers of the rules
Take your partner's pen. in exercise 1.
Use his or her pen to write your name. t With weaker students, play the CD twice. The first time,
Put the pen back on your partner's desk. students write Dan's rules. The second time, they write
Look in your school bag. Vicki's rules.
t As you give the instruction, do the action yourself for
students to imitate.
t Repeat the actions and ask students if they can remember
the verbs you used. As the students say each verb, write it
on the board.

6/*5tBeing at home and away 95

V - Vicki D – Dan 6 Write Dan’s rules for his friends. Use must or mustn’t.
t Students write Dan's rules for his friends using must or
V: Hey, what's this on the door? mustn't.
D: Those are my bedroom rules.
V: Wow! What do they say?
D: Rule number one: people must knock before they come in. I Answers
hate it when people walk in.
1 You mustn't forget my birthday.
V: That's a good rule.
D: And my second rule is that my brother mustn't take my 2 You must listen to my problems.
things, especially my CDs. He always takes them and he never 3 You must be a fan of rap music.
puts them back. Rule number three: if you take things, put 4 You mustn't study on Saturday afternoon.
them back. 5 You must like skateboarding.
V: I know what you mean. My sister loves trying on my clothes. 6 You mustn't tell other people my secrets.
I tell her that she mustn't try on my clothes, but she never
listens. And I don't like it when she uses my computer. She
knows that she mustn't use my computer, but she sometimes 7 Complete the rules. Use must / mustn’t and the verbs
D: Right. Rule number four is that my mum mustn't look in my in the box.
school bag. t Students complete the rules using must / mustn't and the
V: My mum can look in my school bag, but she mustn't touch verbs in the box.
things in my room.
D: Oh, and my other rule is that the cat mustn't disturb me in Answers
the morning. He always wakes me up at 5 o'clock. It drives me
mad! 1 must have 3 mustn't listen 5 mustn't take
V: And tell me how does the cat read that rule? 2 must buy 4 must look 6 mustn't use
D: Very funny!

Can: permission
t Write Dan's rule about his school bag on the board: She
Dan: 2, 3, 5, 4, 8 mustn't look in my school bag. Ask if Vicki has the same rule
Vicki 6, 7, 1 (No). Write Vicki's rule on the board: She can look in my school
bag. Explain that we use can to say that someone has
permission to do something.
5 2.36 Listen again. True or false? t Students look at the table. Point out that can / can't is also
followed by an infinitive without to (Iike must / mustn't).
t Students listen again and decide if the sentences are true
t Tell students that can't and mustn't have a similar meaning:
or false.
they are both used to say that something is forbidden /
1 True 3 False 5 False
2 True 4 True 6 True 8 What things can or can’t you do?
t Students write the things they can or can't do.

t Write these rules on the board: Knock before you come in. Don't
Students' own answers
try on my clothes. Ask students if they know another way to say
these rules. Write the example sentences on the board next to
the ones above: People must knock before they come in. She
mustn't try on my clothes. Explain that we use must to say that Pronunciation can / can't: /æ/ /ə/ /ɑː/
something is obligatory and mustn't to say that something is
forbidden / prohibited.
t Students look at the table. Point out that must and mustn't are 9 2.37 Listen and repeat.
the same for all subject pronouns, and that they are followed t Model the pronunciation of the three sounds for students
by an infinitive without to. to repeat.

t Play the CD. Pause after each sentence. For each sentence,
ask students which sound they hear in the verb can: 1 /æ/, SB Pages 104-105
2 /ə/ or 3 /ɑː/. Explain that the pronunciation is /æ/ in the
affirmative short answer, /ə/ in other affirmative sentences Making plans
and questions, and /ɑː/ in the negative.
Answers t Tell students to imagine it is their birthday next weekend.
1 /ə/ 2 /æ/ 3 /ə/ 4 /ə/ 5 /ɑː/ 6 /ɑː/ Ask them to think of possible places where to celebrate it
and things they would like to do on this special day. Build
up a list of their ideas on the board. Include the items
t Play the CD again. Students listen to each sentence twice. mentioned in exercise 1.
Pause the CD for students to repeat.

1 2.38 Listen to the dialogue. What do the friends

10 Answer these questions. Can you… decide to do on Kylie’s birthday?
t Students answer the questions using short answers. t Students listen to the dialogue between Kylie and her
friends, and choose the activity that they decide to do on
her birthday.
Students' own answers
Consolidation K - Kylie M - Mia B – Becky

In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in exercise K: What shall we do on Saturday? It's my birthday, remember?
10. M: Let's go to the cinema.
K: That's a good idea. What's on?
B: We always go to the cinema. Why don't we go to the park?
11 Choose a place and write some rules. K: That's boring. We go there after school every day.
B: Well, let's go to the café in the shopping centre.
t Students choose a place and write the rules. Draw K: I don't know. It isn't very exciting.
students' attention to the example sentences and tell M: I know! Shall we go ice-skating?
them to use must / mustn't or can / can't. K: Oh! What a great idea!
B: But I don't like ice-skating.
M: Well, why don't we go to the cinema, then?
12 Tell another student about your rules. B: OK. What's on?
t In pairs, students tell each other about their rules.
In pairs, students think of rules for their ideal school. Then
they tell another pair and decide which set of rules they like 2 2.38 Listen again. Complete the suggestions.
best. t Students listen again and complete the suggestions.
t Briefly focus on the form of the suggestions: Let's ... , Shall
we ... ? and Why don't we ... ? + infinitive without to.
SB page 135
WB pages 74 and 75
1 Let's 3 Let's
2 Why don't we 4 Shall we

6/*5tBeing at home and away 97

3 2.39 Listen and match the responses with the Consolidation
suggestions from exercise 2. In groups of three, students practise the dialogue. Then they
t Before they listen, check students understand the change roles and repeat.
meaning of the responses.
t Students listen again and match the responses with the
suggestions from exercise 2. 6 In pairs, make plans for Saturday morning, afternoon
and evening.
Transcript t In pairs, students make plans for Saturday morning,
afternoon and evening. Encourage them to use all the
K - Kylie M - Mia B – Becky
expressions from exercises 2 and 3. Draw students'
M: Let's go to the cinema. attention to the example dialogue for help.
K: That's a good idea. t Weaker students could write their dialogues first and then
practise them until they can say them from memory.
B: Why don't we go to the park?
K: That's boring.
B: Let's go to the café.
K: I don't know. It isn't very exciting Students tell another pair about their plans for Saturday
using going to. Encourage them to start by saying: On
Saturday morning, we're going to ...
a 3 b 1 c 2 d 4

SB page 145
4 2.39
Listen again and repeat the suggestions and WB pages 76 and 77
responses. SP page 14
t Students listen again and repeat the suggestions and
responses. Focus on intonation.

5 2.40 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and check. t Ask students if they have any plans for the summer.
t Tell students that you are going to say some activities.
t Students complete the dialogue.
They should put up their hands if they are going to do
t Play the CD to check answers.
these things in the summer: go to the beach, go to the
mountains, stay at home, study, stay at your grandparents'
Transcript village, visit another city, visit another country.
Becky: What shall we do on Sunday?
Kylie: Why don’t we play tennis?
Mia: That’s boring. We play tennis at school.
Becky: Why don’t we go to a museum? We never go to 7 In pairs, talk about your plans for the summer.
museums. t In pairs, students talk about their plans for the summer.
Kylie: OK. Encourage them to use the example dialogue to help
Mia: I don’t know. It isn’t very exciting. them.
Becky: I know! Let’s go to the park. There’s a music festival in
the afternoon, and it’s free.
Mia: That’s a good idea. 8 Sandra lives in the UK. Read her blog entry. Where is
Kylie: Yes. What a great idea! she going to be in June, July and August?
Becky: Great. See you on Sunday! t Students read Sandra's blog and write where she is going
to be in June, July and August.
1 shall 5 don't know
2 don't we 6 Let's In June: at home
3 boring 7 good idea In July: in her grandparents' village
4 Why don't 8 great idea In August: in New York and at home

9 Find three expressions in exercise 8 that tell us that must / mustn't
can / can't
Sandra is happy about her plans.
t Students find three expressions that tell us that Sandra is
happy about her plans.
SB page 146
Answers WB page 78
WP page 13
1 I can't waitl
2 I love it there.
3 I'm really excited!
SB Pages 106-107
Birthdays everywhere
t Ask students: Why is Sandra going to stay in her grandparents' Warmer
village? Write the answer on the board: She's going to stay in her t In pairs, students make a list of six different ways they
grandparents' village because her parents work in July. would like to celebrate their birthdays. Then they compare
t Ask students if they can say the same thing using so and write their lists with the items mentioned in exercise 1. How
this sentence on the board: Her parents work, so she's going to many things are similar?
stay in her grandparents' village.
t Check students understand the meaning of so and point out
the comma before this word in the sentence.
1 How do you celebrate your birthday?
t Check students understand the phrases.
10 Write sentences with so. Change the order of the t Students say how they celebrate their birthdays. Draw
sentences when necessary. students' attention to the example sentence for help.
t Students write sentences with so. Highlight that it may be
necessary to change the order of the sentences. Answers
Students' own answers
1 I'm tired, so I'm going to bed.
2 It's Saturday tomorrow, so I'm going to get up late. 2 Read the text and match the pictures with the
3 It's hot today, so we're going to go to the beach. descriptions.
4 We went to Australia last year, so we're going to stay here
t Before they read the descriptions, students look at the
this summer.
pictures and describe what they can see. Teach the words
5 My uncle's got a flat in Prague, so we're going to stay there
flag (n), hit (v) and lift (v).
in July.
t Students read about different birthday celebrations
6 My Dad doesn't like flying, so we're going to go to
around the world, and match the pictures with the
Switzerland by car.

11 Make notes. Then write a blog entry about your Answers

plans for the summer. 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c
t Students get ready to write a blog entry about their plans
for the summer. First, they answer the questions. Then
they write their blog entries. 3 2.41 Match the descriptions in exercise 2 with the
correct country. Listen and check.
12 Now read your work again. Can you find any errors? t Students match the descriptions with the correct country.
t Students read their blog entries and check them for errors. Encourage them to guess if they are not sure.
Write the following checklist on the board for students to t Play the CD to check answers.
refer to:
Present continuous (for future plans)
going to

6/*5tBeing at home and away 99

Transcript t Ask some students to read out their answers to check.
Discuss the last question in the text with the whole class:
1 In Vietnam people don’t celebrate on the day when they
How would you feel about having a personalised birthday
were born. They celebrate their birthday on “Tet” (New Year’s
Day). Babies are one year old on their first Tet. Children get doodle?
some money as a present.
2 The evening before your birthday, people in Denmark put a Answers
flag outside your house. When you’re sleeping, family
members put presents around your bed. When you wake Ways in which Google…
up on your birthday, you can open the presents. 1 remembers people’s birthdays: It uses personal information
3 In Mexico people put sweets in a paper animal – the ‘piñata’. provided by users when creating a Google account.
This hangs from the ceiling. First you must cover your eyes. 2 greets people on their birthdays: A truly personalised and
Next you must hit the piñata with a stick. When it breaks, original doodle appears in the homepage of this search
you can eat the sweets. engine.
4 In England people give you the ‘bumps’. They take your 3 makes others feel special on their birthdays: It gives a virtual
hands and feet and lift you in the air. They must give you present to users on their birthdays.
one bump for every year, and one for luck. So on your
thirteenth birthday, you get fourteen bumps.
7 Complete the sentences with information from the
Answers text.
Denmark - 2 Mexico - 3 t Students read the text again and complete the sentences.
England - 4 Vietnam -1 t Have some students read out their answers to check.

4 Read the text again and write the country.

t Students read the descriptions again and write the
country. 1 ... designs, which involve illustrations and interactive images,
that remind Google users of important dates.
Answers 2 ... professionals that include illustrators, film animators and
1 Mexico 3 Vietnam 5 Vietnam 3 ... in 2010.
2 Denmark 4 England 6 Mexico 4 ... cakes, presents and fireworks.
5 ... you provide personal information when creating a Google
5 In pairs, write as many ideas as you can. Then
compare your lists with another pair.
t Students work in pairs and list their ideas. Then they
21st Century Skills
compare their suggestions with another pair. Check the following website to see all the Google Doodles.
t Invite different students to read out their lists. Conduct a What’s your favourite doodle?
class vote to get to know which are the most common
ways in which students do each of the actions. t Students visit the website to see all the doodles and choose
their favourite design. Encourage them to write a brief
description of the design they choose and give some reasons
Answers for their choice.
Students' own answers
Students' own answers
6 Read the text and answer how Google completes
your ideas listed in exercise 5.
t Students read the text to compare the information in it SB page 120
with their previous ideas. Encourage students to underline WB page 79
the sentences in the text they have found useful when
doing this task.

Review UNITS 7-9
SB Pages 108-109 a camera a programme for a karate
a guidebook championship
A trip to Jamaica with my friends a karate jacket sunglasses
an MP3 player swimming trunks
Warmer a passport a toothbrush
Write these words on the board one by one: sugar, bananas, a penknife a towel
coffee, Caribbean Sea, James Bond, ex-British colony, Kingston, a phone / a mobile trainers
Bob Marley, reggae. After writing each word, ask students to a plane ticket a T-shirt
name the country (Jamaica).

In pairs, students close their books and draw the outline
1 Look at the picture. Then answer the questions
of a suitcase. They take it in turns to draw one of Jack's
about Jack. objects inside the suitcase. Their partners have to identify
t Students look at the picture and answer the questions the item and write the word.
about Jack. Encourage them to guess if they are not sure.

Answers Extension
Students make a list of the items they need to take with
Students’ own answers
them to go to the Alps for a skiing competition.

t After listening to students' ideas, tell the class that Jack

went to Jamaica by plane to take part in a karate Warmer
championship. Point to the karate book in his suitcase and
tell them that this is the programme. Point to the white In pairs, students look at the picture in exercise 4 and
shirt in the suitcase and tell students that this is Jack's describe the people in as much detail as possible. Invite
karate jacket. some pairs to share their descriptions with the rest of the

2 Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then close 4 Find Jack and his friends in the picture.
the book and make a list of all the things you t Students read the description, and find Jack and his
remember. friends in the picture.
t Students look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then
they close their books and make a list of all the things Answers
they remember.
Jack - 1 Sal - 2 Justin - 3
Students’ own answers 5 Add words to the categories. Then write a description
of Jack.
t Students add words to the categories. Then they write a
3 Memorise the picture for 20 seconds. Close your description of Jack.
books and ask your partner.
t Students memorise the picture for 20 seconds. Then they
close their books and tell their partners what items in
Jack's suitcase they remember. Encourage students to use Build: short, slim, tall
the example dialogue to say what they did and didn't Eye colour: brown, green, blue
remember. Hair colour: blond, brown, dark
t Write the complete list of words on the board and tell Hair type: wavy, long, short, curly, straight
students to check their spelling carefully. Point out that Students' own answers
the word swimsuit is used for women and swimming
trunks for men.

6/*54tReview 101
Consolidation 8 Correct the sentences.
Students write descriptions of the other two people in the t Students correct the sentences. Call on different students
picture (the girl and boy identified with numbers 4 and to read out their answers to check.
5). They read their descriptions to a partner who identifies
each person.
1 They didn't arrive on Tuesday morning. They arrived on
6 2.42
Complete the diary entry. Use the verbs
Tuesday night.
below. Then listen and check. 2 Ian Fleming didn't write some of the Narnia books in
t Students complete the diary, entry, using the verbs in the Jamaica. He wrote some of the James Bond books.
box. Emphasise that the verbs need to be in the past 3 Dolphin Cove wasn't in Montego Bay. It was in Ocho Rios.
tense. 4 There weren't a lot of dolphins in the Blue Mountains. There
t Play the CD to check answers. were a lot of dolphins in Dolphin Cove.
5 They didn't see another country from Discovery Bay. They
Transcript saw another country from the Blue Mountains.
6 Jack bought a present for his parents. He bought some Blue
We arrived on Tuesday night and took a bus from the airport to Mountain coffee.
our hotel near Discovery Bay. I didn’t sleep well because I was
very excited. The next morning, we went to James Bond Beach.
The author Ian Fleming wrote some of the James Bond books Consolidation
here. In the afternoon, we visited Dolphin Cove in Ocho Rios. Students write three more sentences about the diary
There were lots of dolphins and a shark too. Sal swam with the containing factual errors. Then in pairs, they correct their
dolphins. She said it was amazing. In the evening, we ate some partners' sentences.
typical Jamaican food. It was delicious. The next morning, we
woke up very early and left Discovery Bay to go to the Blue
Mountains. From the highest point we could see Cuba. It was 9 Complete the sentences. Use was / wasn’t or were /
so cool. On the way, we saw a coffee plantation and I bought weren’t.
some Blue Mountain coffee for mum and dad.
t Students complete the sentences using was / wasn't or
were / weren't.
1 took 5 said 9 saw
2 went 6 ate 10 bought Answers
3 wrote 7 woke up 1 were 3 wasn't 5 was
4 swam 8 left 2 were 4 was 6 were

7 Write questions about the trip. Then answer them.

t Students write questions. Check students have made the SB Pages 110-111
questions correctly before they answer them.
t Students answer the questions. A trip to Jamaica and reggae music
Answers Warmer
1 When did they arrive? They arrived on Tuesday night. Students look at the photos in exercise 1 and describe what
2 How did they travel from the airport to the hotel? They took they can see.
a bus.
3 Where did they go the next morning? They went to James
Bond Beach. 1 2.43Listen and answer the questions about Jack
4 What did Sal swim with? She swam with dolphins. and his team.
5 What did they eat in the evening? They ate typical Jamaican
t Explain that students are going to listen to Jack and his
team talking while they are still in Jamaica.
6 What could they see from the Blue Mountains? They could
t Students listen and answer the questions.
see Cuba.

Review UNITS 7-9
Transcript Answers
Sa - Sal Ja - Jack St - Stall holder Ju – Justin 1 we're going to take
2 we're going to sit
Sa: Well? What do you think? 3 they aren't going to have
Ja: It's very big! 4 she's going to come back
Sa: I don't know. Maybe you're right. Excuse me. How much is 5 he isn't going to leave
this T-shirt? 6 I'm going to do
St: It's 2,000 Jamaican dollars.
Sa: Wow! That's expensive! Consolidation
Ju: Not really. It's about 20 euros.
Sa: OK. I'll take it. These street markets are great. Here you are. Students write about their plans for the next days of the
St: Thanks. week and for the weekend.
Ja: So what do you think of the trip so far, Sal?
Sa: Boring! No, I'm only joking. It's fantastic!
Ja: And tomorrow is going to be more fantastic. Warmer
Ju: Why?
Ja: Because we're going to visit Kingston On the board, make a list of countries students would like to
Sa: And then we're going to win the karate championship. visit in the future.
Ja: The karate is in the afternoon. What are we going to do in
the morning?
Sa: Why don't we go to another street market?
Ja: That's a terrible idea. Let's go to the Bob Marley Museum. I 4 In pairs, imagine you are on a trip. Answer the
want to buy a CD for my parents. questions.
Ju: I don't know. We mustn't be late for the championship. t In pairs, students imagine they are on a trip and answer
Sa: Don't panic, Justin! You can take my alarm dock. the questions.
Ja: We aren't going to be late. And we're going to win!
Ju: You mustn't think about winning or losing. Remember. You Answers
must only think about perfecting your karate...
Students’ own answers

Answers 5 Now improvise a dialogue with your partner about

1 They're at a street market. your trip.
2 They're going to be in Kingston. t Review the language used when making suggestions:
3 They must be at the karate championship. Let's ... , Shall we ... ? Why don't we ... ?
t Students prepare a dialogue about their imaginary trips.
Draw students' attention to the example dialogue for
2 2.43 Listen again and choose the correct option. help.
t Students listen again and choose the correct option. Tell t Invite some students to perform their dialogues in front of
students that, in some cases, both answer options are the class.
mentioned, so they need to listen carefully in order to
choose the right one.
Answers Keep a travel diary
1 big 4 Bob Marley Museum
2 2,000 5 alarm dock 6 In pairs, write about your trip in a travel diary.
3 fantastic 6 mustn't t In pairs, students write about their trip in a travel diary. If
possible, students use blank sheets of paper folded in half
to make a mini-booklet. Encourage students to prepare
3 Complete. Use the prompts in brackets and the the text for their diary in their notebooks first. Students
should read their drafts and check them for errors. Then
correct form of going to.
they copy the corrected text into the diary.
t Students complete the diary entry using the prompts in
brackets and the correct form of going to.

6/*54tReview 103
7 Add pictures and souvenirs to the diary. Transcript
t Students add pictures and souvenirs to the diary. If you Chorus
brought magazines and brochures to the class, they can ‘Don’t worry about a thing,
use those as a source for images. They can also find ‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right.’
images on the Internet. Singin’: ‘Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!’
8 Display your diary in the classroom. Invite other
students to read it. Verse
Rise up this mornin’,
t Students display their diaries in the classroom for
Smiled with the risin’ sun,
everyone to walk around and read them.
Three little birds
t Encourage students to keep a travel or holiday diary
Pitch by my doorstep
during the summer holidays.
Singin’ sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin’: ‘This is my message to you-ou-ou.’
t Bob Nesta Marley was born in 1945 in Jamaica. He was the Repeat
son of a white father and black mother. In the 1970s, he
became the world's most famous reggae star. He died in
1981, but is still popular today. Answers
t Three little birds comes from the album Exodus which was 1 It's the morning.
released by Bob Marley & the Wailers in 1977. 2 He feels happy. We know this because he smiled.
3 He can see three birds.
t Tell students you are going to say a word (reggae) and
you want them to write the first word or name that
12 2.44
Four instruments are common in reggae
comes into their minds. What did they write? Ask: Did music. Listen again and complete.
anyone write Bob Marley? t Tell students that four instruments are common in reggae
t Ask students what they know about Bob Marley, then tell music. Can students hear them? Play the song again.
them the information in the Background section. Students complete the names of the instruments.

9 Answer the questions about reggae. 1 guitar 2 bass 3 keyboard 4 drums
t Students answer the questions about reggae. Explain that
they are not expected to know all the answers and
encourage them to guess if they are not sure. 13 Is it a happy or a sad song? Why?
t Compare answers to see if the class generally agrees, but t Students decide if it is a happy or a sad song and explain
don't check answers at this point. why.
t In pairs, students compare their opinions. Invite some
10 Read about reggae. Check your answers in exercise 9. pairs to share their ideas with the whole class.
t Students read about reggae and check their answers to
exercise 9.
Students’ own answers
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c

11 2.44 Listen to the song. Answer the questions.

t Students listen to the song and answer the questions.

Review answers ST UD EN T'S BO OK

3 Write ‘s or s’. 6 Write a verb in each blank (1 to 5). Then

Unit 1 1 ‘s 3 s’ 5 s’ add another word or phrase in blanks 6 to
SB Page 112 2 ‘s 4 ‘s 6 ‘s 10.
1 play
1 Match the underlined nouns with the 2 go
correct subject pronoun.
4 Circle the correct option.
3 do
1 live 4 don’t go
1 c 3 f 5 b 4 have
2 flies 5 has
2 e 4 a 6 d 5 be
3 washes 6 don’t watch
6 Students’ own answers
2 Complete with the correct subject pronoun. 7 Students’ own answers
5 Match the opposites. 8 Students’ own answers
1 She 3 They 5 We 1 e 2 a 3 b 4 f 5 c 6 d 9 Students’ own answers
2 He 4 It
10 Students’ own answers
6 Write the opposite of these words.
3 Tick () the correct sentence.
1 Are you American?
1 intelligent
2 dirty
4 south
5 answer
Unit 4
2 Pablo isn’t Portuguese. 3 grandmother 6 expensive SB Page 115
3 Yes, she is.
4 I’m not very happy. 1 Countable or uncountable? Write C or U
5 Are they students? Unit 3 next to each word.
6 We aren’t English. SB Page 114 1 C 2 U 3 U 4 C 5 U 6 C

4 Order the questions. 1 Order the sentences.

1 I don’t usually have breakfast.
2 Tick () the correct sentence.
1 Is your best friend English?
2 Are John and Mike at the library? 2 She hardly ever uses her mobile phone. 1 Karen has got a lot of friends.
3 Is tennis her favourite sport? 3 We never go to bed at 11 o’clock. 2 We never have any sweets at home.
4 Am I in your class? 4 Paula is often late for class. 3 For breakfast, I have some cereal.
5 Is Jane’s cat black and white? 5 My brother sometimes has lunch at home. 4 Phil doesn’t drink any milk.
6 Are your parents American? 6 Simon’s parents always watch TV in the 5 I’m trying to give the cat some milk.
evening. 6 Sheila is a gourmet. There’s a lot of cheese
5 Match the questions with the answers. of different kinds in her fridge.

1 c 3 a 5 e 2 Match the questions with the correct

2 d 4 f 6 b answer. 3 Look at the table and complete the
1 b 2 e 3 f 4 c 5 a 6 d sentences using an expression from the box
6 Circle your top five favourite things and below.
sports. 3 Look at the table. Write sentences with 1 twice a week 3 three times a week
love, like, not like, hate + -ing form. 2 every day 4 once a week
Students’ own answers
1 Gemma likes listening to music.
2 Gemma loves going shopping. 4 Circle the food items you like.
Unit 2 3 Sam likes playing tennis.
Students’ own answers
SB Page 113 4 Sam doesn’t like listening to music.
5 Paul and Tim hate playing tennis.
1 Complete the sentences with this, that, 5 Complete the school subjects with the
6 Paul and Tim don’t like going shopping.
these or those. missing letters.
1 Art 5 History 9 PE
1 That 3 This 5 That 4 Put these daily activities in the order you 2 Drama 6 ICT 10 Science
2 These 4 Those 6 These normally do them every day. Use numbers. 3 French 7 Maths
Students’ own answers
4 Geography 8 Music
2 Complete the sentences. Use the possessive
adjectives in the box.
5 Match the columns.
1 her 3 your 5 his
2 my 4 its 6 their 1 d 3 f 5 g 7 c
2 a 4 b 6 h 8 e

Review answers 105

Review answers ST UD EN T'S BO OK

6 Complete the following phrases with a 2 Unscramble the questions.

suitable word. Unit 6
1 Where were you born?
1 you 3 have 5 much SB Page 117
2 When were you born?
2 Anything 4 else 6 are 3 Was your family rich?
1 Complete with there’s or there are.
4 What was your father’s job?
1 There’s 4 There’s 5 Were your father and grandfather
Unit 5 2 There’s 5 There are successful?
SB Page 116 3 there are 6 there are 6 Was your mother happy?

1 Write the opposite of these sentences. 2 Answer the questions. Use short answers. 3 Match the columns to get some regular
1 It isn’t snowing at the moment. 1 Yes, there are. 4 No, there aren’t. verbs in the past.
2 I’m playing the piano. 2 Yes, there is. 5 Yes, there are. 1 bed 3 ed 5 red
3 Gina isn’t looking at some clothes in a 3 No, there aren’t. 6 Yes, there are. 2 ied 4 ped 6 d
4 We aren’t starting to feel tired. 4 Correct the sentences using the past simple
5 Mum and Dad aren’t having lunch. 3 Replace the underlined nouns with suitable
subject or object pronouns. in the negative form.
6 You’re doing this exercise.
1 She, her 3 They, us 5 We 1 Rembrandt didn’t paint the Mona Lisa.
2 Six of the -ing forms of the verbs listed 2 him 4 He, them 6 It 2 Galileo didn’t discover penicillin.
below are incorrect. Correct the wrong ones 3 Australia didn’t win the Football World Cup
and tick the right ones. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct in 2006.
form of have got. 4 Gaudi didn’t build the Eiffel tower.
1  7 
5 William Shakespeare didn’t write ‘Don
2 dancing 8 studying 1 have got 4 hasn’t got
3 meeting 9  2 have got 5 have got
6 Brad Pitt didn’t star in ‘Specter’, the 2015
4  10 visiting 3 hasn’t got 6 haven’t got James Bond film.
5 writing 11 
6  12 playing 5 Write questions with have got / has got + 5 Write these adjectives in the correct
any or a / an. Use the prompts below. category.
3 Present or future? Write P or F. 1 Has Eddy got any animals?
Hair colour: dark, brown, blonde
Hairstyle: curly, long, wavy, short, straight
1 P 3 P 5 P 2 Has Judy got a new bag? Eye colour: blue, brown, green
2 F 4 P 6 F 3 Have you got a sister? Build: slim, short, tall
4 Have they got any plans?
4 Complete the short answers. 5 Has Mr Rushen got an orange car? 6 Unscramble these words. They refer to jobs
6 Have you got any brothers or sisters? and occupations.
1 Yes, she is. 4 No, it isn’t.
2 No, I’m not. 5 Yes, they are. 1 artist 5 tennis player
3 Yes, you are. 6 No, we aren’t. 6 Write these words in the word map. 2 astronaut 6 prince
Living room: sound system 3 doctor 7 scientist
5 Circle the correct verb. Bedroom: pillow 4 mountaineers 8 writer
Kitchen: fridge
1 plays 4 have Adjectives: tidy
2 love 5 Do you have 7 Put the dialogue in order. Use numbers.
Floor and walls: carpet
3 ‘s chatting 6 think 9, 2, 6, 1, 4, 7, 8, 3, 5, 10

6 Complete the weather words with the Unit 7

missing letters. SB Page 118
1 cloudy 6 snowing
2 cold 7 sunny
1 Complete with the correct form of was or
3 foggy 8 warm
4 hot 9 windy 1 was 4 were
5 raining 2 was 5 weren’t
3 were 6 wasn’t

Review answers ST UD EN T'S BO OK

2 Write questions and answers using the

Unit 8 correct form of be going to and the verbs in
SB Page 119 brackets.

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 1 are you going to visit
form of the past simple. 2 are going to travel
3 are you going to start
1 didn’t have 5 kept 4 are going to fly
2 saw 6 didn’t wake up 5 aren’t going to stay
3 went 7 rang 6 aren’t going to be
4 fell 8 was 7 are going to visit
8 are going to have
2 Complete the description with the
affirmative () or negative () form of
there was or there were. 3 Complete these rules using must / mustn’t
and the verb phrases in brackets.
1 there was 4 there wasn’t
2 There weren’t 5 there was 1 mustn’t use a mobile phone
3 there was 6 there wasn’t 2 must listen to the teacher
3 mustn’t step on the grass
4 must be quiet
3 Match the questions with the correct
5 must pay for the items you buy
6 must drive on the left
1 b 2 d 3 e 4 f 5 c 6 a

4 Complete the sentences using I + can /

4 Match the columns to get some past time can’t and the prompts below.
1 I can go to the outdoor swimming pool.
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 2 I can’t travel without a ticket.
3 I can (can’t) wear my own clothes.
5 Circle the items you usually read. 4 I can stay up late at night.
5 I can’t see my friends until I’ve done my
Students’ own answers
6 I can’t make too much noise in the house.
6 Use the sequencers in the box and
complete the description of this process. 5 Complete the words with the missing
1 First 4 After that letters. They refer to different items people
2 Then 5 Finally take with them when going on holiday.
3 Next
1 boots 7 sun cream
2 compass 8 swimsuit
3 guidebook 9 toothbrush
Unit 9 4 passport 10 torch
SB Page 120 5 penknife 11 towel
6 shorts 12 umbrella
1 Look at the table and write sentences with
be going to.
1 Tom is going to watch TV this evening.
2 Leanne is going to play basketball this
3 Tom is going to visit his sister tomorrow.
4 Leanne is going to work on a computer
project tomorrow.
5 Tom is going to study at the library on
6 Leanne is going to have a party on Friday.

Review answers 107

Transcripts WO RKB OOK

Unit 0 Unit 3 Unit 5

1 WB Page 4, exercise 3 6 WB Page 29, exercises 8 and 9 10 WB Page 45, exercises 6 and 7
1 IBM Christmas and New Year's Eve are important S - Sam M - Emma's mother E - Emma
2 CNN festivals in the UK. We celebrate Christmas on S Hi, Emma!
3 FBI 25th December. M This is Emma's mother.
4 MI6 We have lunch with our family and we eat S Oh! Sorry. Can I speak to Emma, please?
5 CD turkey and Christmas pudding, our special M Who's calling?
6 DJ food. We celebrate New Year's Eve on 31st S Sam.
December with our family and friends. At M Just a moment Sam.
midnight we listen to Big Ben, and we sing a E Hi Sam. Where are you?
special song. We sometimes watch fireworks. S I'm at Mark's birthday party. Do you want to
In Scotland, New Year's Eve is very important. come?
Unit 1 It's called Hogmanay. E I can't. My cousins are here.
S Emma! It's fantastic! All our friends are here.
2 WB Page 13, exercise 8 7 WB Page 29, exercise 10 And guess what? Debbie's dancing with Charlie!
E No!
My name's Juno and I'm from China. It's in the 1 On Saturday, 1 get up at eight. S Yes!
centre of Asia. I'm from the capital city, Beijing. 2 I usually play basketball. E Send me a photo.
Beijing is in the east of the country. The 3 I sometimes meet my friends. S OK. I'm sending it now.
population of Beijing is fourteen million. The 4 We often go shopping. E We're having dinner now.
official language of China is Mandarin, but
5 In the evening I like listening to music. S OK. See you at school.
there are 235 other languages. China is E See you.
famous for its mountains. Mount Everest's in 6 And chatting online.
the south-west. China is also famous for the
Great Wall. It's in the north. 11 WB Page 45, exercise 8
1 I'm sitting at home.
3 WB Page 13, exercise 9 Unit 4 2 It isn't very warm.
3 My sister's swimming at the moment.
1 Where are you from? 8 WB Page 37, exercises 6 and 7 4 I'm having an ice-cream.
2 I'm from the capital city. 5 What are you doing at the moment?
3 I like music and computer games. K - Kim D - David 6 Do you want to come here?
4 I'm not into sports. K Do you eat any fast food , David?
5 My favourite things are my clothes. D I sometimes have a hamburger for lunch on
6 They're really cool! Saturday. And you?
K I never eat hamburgers, but I get a pizza for
lunch three days a week.
D Kim! That's not very healthy! Unit 6
K I always have a salad too! love salads.
Unit 2 D Salads! Yuck! I hate salads. I don't really like 12 WB Page 53, exercises 7 and 8
any vegetables.
4 WB Page 21, exercises 5 and 6 K That's not very healthy David! P - Paul M - Marie
D But I like fruit! I eat some fruit every day. P Do you like my town, Marie?
Hello and welcome to Farwell Zoo! We're K So we're both healthy, then. M Yes! But it's very small. I live in a big city.
open every day from nine o' clock to half past P What's different?
six, and we have hundreds of animals for you M My house hasn't got a garden, and there
to see. The dolphin show is really popular. 9 WB Page 37, exercise 8 aren't any parks in my area. You're very lucky! I
There are three dolphin shows every day. live in the city centre, and there's a lot of
They're at ten o' clock, two o' clock and half 1 I love salmon sandwiches. noise. Your town's very quiet. But you've only
past four. And why not stay for lunch? Our 2 I don't like a lot of vegetables. got one cinema.
restaurant is open for lunch from a quarter to 3 Do you eat any fruit? There are five cinemas near my house! And
twelve to a quarter to three. 4 I eat an apple every day. there are a lot of shops in the centre, too. Your
5 How often do you have Science? house isn't near any shops.
6 Twice a week.
5 WB Page 21, exercise 7
13 WB Page 53, exercise 9
1 This is a photo of my family.
2 These are my parents. 1 Have you got a big house?
3 And that's my brother. 2 It's got three bedrooms.
4 My grandad lives in our house. 3 There's a sound system in the kitchen.
5 We've got two dogs. 4 I've got a wardrobe.
6 But grandad doesn't like pets. 5 It's next to my bed.
6 Are there any shops near it?

Transcripts WO RKB OOK

Unit 7 Unit 9
14 WB Page 61, exercises 7 and 8. 18 WB Page 77, exercises 9 and 10.
C - Chloe N - Niamh C - Christian D - Derek
C Hey! What's in this bag? C Are you going to have a party on your
N That's my new top. Do you like it? birthday, Derek?
C It's great. Where's it from? D No, I'm not. Parties are boring! I'm going to
N Silvi's. You know, in Leyton Square. do something different.
C It's very nice. How much was it? C Like what?
N It wasn't expensive. It was only 15 pounds. D I'm going to go to a theme park
C That's good. What size is it? C Who are you going to go with?
N It's a small. D You can come, of course. And I'm going to
C Can I try it on? invite Tom and Tina too.
N OK, if you like. C What about your parents?
C It's perfect. Can I wear it to go to the cinema D They don't like theme parks, so they're not
tonight? going to come.
N No, I'm sorry, you can't. I'm wearing it, with my C Do they know your plans?
new jacket and my new jeans. D No, they don't. I'm going to tell them
C They're nice. Where ... tonight. I hope they say it's OK.

15 WB Page 61, exercise 9 19 WB Page 77, exercise 11

1 She was born in 1995. 1 We're going to go to London.
2 She's got straight, brown hair and blue 2 I'm going to take some sun cream.
eyes. 3 Is mum going to buy a guidebook?
3 Her parents weren't at home yesterday. 4 You must have an umbrella.
4 She studied in the evening. 5 You can't take a penknife.
5 She stopped at nine o'clock 6 Let's visit a museum.
6 Then she watched TV.

Unit 8
16 WB Page 69, exercises 9 and 10
R - Rita J - Jessie
R Did you have a dream last night?
J Yes, I did.
R What happened?
J I was at home in my room. I wanted to open
my cupboard, but it didn't have a door. Then I
saw some presents. One of them was a guitar.
R Home means you're happy. Presents
represent love, and a guitar means you need
to relax. The closed cupboard represents a
secret. Nicky, do you have a secret?
J Well, you know Mike .
R Jessie! Do you like Mike?
J Well, ... yes.

17 WB Page 69, exercise 11

1 I woke up late yesterday.
2 Where did you go?
3 We went to the cinema.
4 Were there a lot of people?
5 The film was awful.
6 Did you write in your diary?

Transcripts 109
Answers WO RKB OOK

Unit 0 WB page 6 9 Fill in the blanks with a or an.

WB Page 4 1 Complete these commands with the 1 a 3 a 5 an 7 an
missing letters. 2 an 4 an 6 a 8 a
1 Do these Maths calculations.
1 Answer 5 write
1 sixteen 4 nineteen
2 Check 6 Match
2 fifteen
3 nine
5 sixteen
6 thirteen
3 Repeat 7 ask Unit 1
4 Listen 8 read WB Page 8
2 Write the numbers. 2 Put the dialogue in order. Use numbers. 1 Complete the words.
1 thirty-one 6 forty-three
2143 1 books 7 trainers
2 fifty-six 7 seventy-eight
3 eighty-eight 8 nineteen 2 cat 8 computer game
4 one hundred 9 twenty-one 3 Unscramble these questions used in 3 DVD 9 clothes
5 ninety-two 10 thirty-six classroom language. 4 bike 10 iPad
1 How do you pronounce 'birthday', Miss 5 mobile 11 camera
Stevens? 6 piano 12 games console
3 Listen. Write the letters.
2 How do you say 'libros' in English, Mike?
1 IBM 3 FBI 5 CD 3 Can you repeat that word, please?
2 CNN 4 MI6 6 DJ
2 Complete with words from exercise 1.
4 How do you spell this word, Jane?
1 sports clothes 4 a mountain bike
4 Complete the crossword. The words refer to 4 Look at the pictures and complete with a 2 a Siamese cat 5 a film on DVD
countries, nationalities or languages. suitable noun. 3 a digital camera 6 school books
Down Across 1 women 4 cities
1 Portuguese 5 Dutch 2 sandwich 5 watch 3 Complete the sentences about Ben.
2 Spain 6 American 3 buses 1 love 4 into
3 British 7 Argentina 2 fan 5 favourite
4 Japanese 8 French WB Page 7 3 one 6 like

5 Who are these famous people? What's their 4 Complete these sentences about your
5 Write a or an. nationality? Complete.
1 a 3 an 5 an 7 an 9 an preferences. Use similar ideas to the ones
2 an 4 a 6 a 8 a 10 a 1 Del Potro, Argentinian above.
2 Lady Gaga, American
Students’ own answers
WB Page 5 3 Neymar, Brazilian
4 Enrique Iglesias, Spanish
WB Page 9
6 Write a phrase to describe the pictures. 6 Shakira, Colombian
1 three pizzas 4 two countries 5 Write the plural of the underlined
2 four sandwiches 5 five apples 6 Match the sentence halves. pronouns.
3 three men 6 three buses
1 e 3 a 5 b 7 d 1 They 4 They
2 c 4 g 6 f 2 You 5 They
7 Complete the sentences.
3 We 6 You
1 can speak 4 can't speak 7 Write sentences about what you can () or
2 can ride; can't play 5 can ride; can't play can’t () do.
3 can't play Students’ own answers 6 Complete with these subject pronouns.
1 you 4 I
8 Unscramble the sentences. 2 we 5 She
8 Complete the number sequences. 3 they 6 It
1 Hi, my name's Daniela.
2 I'm fourteen years old. 1 twelve, thirteen
3 I'm from Rome in Italy 2 twenty-one, twenty-two 7 Complete with the affirmative form of be.
4 I'm Italian. 3 thirty-nine, forty
4 forty-eight, fifty 1 'm 2 're 3 's 4 are 5 's 6 're
5 I can speak Italian and English.
6 My phone number is 06-7034406. 5 eighty-nine, ninety-two
7 My email address is daniela@yahoo.com 6 ninety-eight, one hundred

Answers WO RKB OOK

8 Complete with the negative form of be. 6 Complete using a suitable question word 7 Match the places in the box with the
1 aren't 3 aren't 5 'm not and an appropriate form of be. phrases below.
2 isn't 4 aren't 6 isn't 1 What's 4 What's 1 China
2 Where are 5 Who's 2 Mount Everest
9 Complete with the contracted forms below. 3 How old are 6 What are 3 Asia
1 's 4 're 7 isn't 4 The Great Wall
2 'm 5 'm not 8 's 7 Write complete answers about you to the 5 Beijing
3 aren't 6 's questions in exercise 6.
8 Listen. Circle the correct option.
Students’ own answers
WB Page 10 1 centre
WB Page 12 2 east
1 Complete the puzzle. Find the mystery 3 14 million
phrase. 1 Answer the questions. Then read and 4 the official language
1 swimming 6 skiing check. 5 Mount Everest
2 cycling 7 snowboarding 1 b 2 c 6 The Great Wall
3 karate 8 basketball
4 rugby 9 horse riding 2 Match the places with the letters. 9 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear
5 football 10 tennis about Juno.
1 Disneyland
Mystery phrase: My trainers 2 Fontainebleau 1 Where are you from?
3 Mont Saint Michel 2 I'm from the capital city.
3 I like music and computer games.
2 Order the questions. Then circle the 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions. 4 I'm not into sports.
answers that are true for you. 5 My favourite things are my clothes.
1 Its history, culture and food. 6 They're really cool.
1 Are you Spanish?
2 In the centre.
2 Is your best friend a fan of horror films?
3 The City of Love. WB Page 14
3 Is your favourite singer from the USA?
4 The Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
4 Are your parents from South America?
5 32 kilometres 1 Write the information in the box on the
5 Are you into rap music?
6 The UK. identity card.
Students’ own answers

WB Page 13 1 Nate 5 basketball, tennis

3 Complete the dialogue. 2 14 years old 6 Maroon 5
3 NewYork 7 bike, iPad
1 isn't 3 aren't 4 Write the numbers.
4 the USA
2 isn't 4 are
1 one thousand
2 fifty thousand
2 Circle and or but in the email. Then check
WB Page 11 3 eight hundred thousand
your answers for exercise 1.
4 three million
4 Complete the questions. Use is or are. Then 1 and 4 and
write the answers. 2 but 5 but
5 Write the distances from Paris in numbers.
3 but 6 and
1 Is; Yes it is.
1 340 km 3 5,831 km
2 Are; students' own answers.
2 2,485 km 4 16,950 km 3 Complete with and or but.
3 Is; No, she isn't.
4 Are; Yes, they are. 1 but 4 but
5 Is; Yes, he is. 6 Order the questions. 2 but 5 and
6 Are; No, they aren't. 3 and 6 and
1 Where are you from?
2 Where is it? 4 Correct the sentences.
5 Complete with the question words below. 3 What's the population of Perpignan?
Then match the questions with the 1 I'm a fan of rap music. It's brilliant.
4 Is it the capital city?
answers. 2 Are you from the United States?
3 My sister is sixteen years old.
1 Who; c 3 When; e 5 How old; b
4 The population of the UK is 61 million.
2 What; d 4 Where; a
5 Where is Eva from?
6 My parents aren't English.

Answers 111
Answers WO RKB OOK

WB Page 15 3 Write the informal word. 2 Use some of the adjectives listed above to
1 dad 3 granny describe you, your family and friends.
1 Complete the sentences. 2 mum 4 grandad Students' own answers
1 bike 4 games console
2 DVD 5 skiing WB Page 17 WB Page 19
3 clothes
4 Complete the sentences with this, that, 3 Match the sentences with the animals.
these or those. 1 d 4 e
2 Write the correct subject pronoun.
1 This 4 Those 2 f 5 c
1 She 4 They 2 These 5 Those 3 a 6 b
2 We 5 He 3 That 6 This
3 It
4 Write the third person singular affirmative
5 Match the subject pronouns with the and negative forms.
3 Write the correct affirmative or negative possessive adjectives.
form of be. 1 plays, doesn't play
I-my it - its 2 does, doesn't do
1 's 4 are you -your we - our 3 watches, doesn't watch
2 'm 5 isn't he - his you-your
4 likes, doesn't like
she - her they- their
3 aren't 5 flies, doesn' t fIy
6 swims, doesn't swim
4 Write the questions. 6 Complete the sentences with possessive
adjectives. 5 Circle the correct option.
1 What's your name
2 Where are you from 1 his 4 her 1 eat 4 doesn't need
3 Is your father 2 my 5 your 2 drinks 5 sleeps
4 How old are you 3 their 3 don't live 6 don't
5 Are you
7 Match A with B. Use the possessive 's. 6 Write the verbs in the correct form.
5 Complete the text with the words from the 1 Dracula's castle 1 play 4 don't watch
box. There are two extra words. 2 Rafa Nadal's tennis racket 2 doesn't live 5 meet
1 south 4 language 3 Adele's love songs 3 studies 6 doesn't go
2 population 5 famous 4 Harry Potter's school, Hogwarts
3 capital city 5 Cristiano Ronaldo's football boots
6 The Simpsons' dog, Santa's helper.
7 Write the sentences in the negative form.
1 I don't read comics.
WB Page 18 2 My father doesn't work in an office.
Unit 2 1 Find eight pets and eight adjectives to
3 We don't live in a house with a garden.
4 My parents don't give me pocket money
WB Page 16 describe them. 5 Our dog doesn't sleep in the kitchen.
6 My sister doesn't hate spiders.
1 Complete the adjectives. I I C H O N L W U M E B
1 sister 6 uncle A R T F E B Q H O S A N 8 Complete the description.
2 brother 7 aunt G J U E V A E C Y S K O
1 plays 5 sleeps
3 mother 8 cousins C U D D L Y N T D Y V I
D A L N Z L J R G Q P S 2 watches 6 doesn't like
4 stepfather 9 grandmother
F S T R F R I E N D L Y 3 don't know 7 stays
5 father 10 grandfather I P C Z A B K G T E D S 4 think 8 go
2 Write the words from exercise 1 in the S E C A X Y O I A C T N WB Page 20
correct box. Can you think of some more? I R S D Q U I E T P M F

male singular: brother, stepfather, father,

1 Read and match the cities with the
uncle, grandfather
1 messy, hamster 5 clean, cat a London
female singular: sister, mother, aunt,
2 cuddly, rabbit 6 quiet, fish b Tokyo
3 intelligent, ants 7 scary, spider c New Delhi
plural: cousins
Students' own answers
4 noisy, bird 8 friendly, dog d Washington DC

Answers WO RKB OOK

2 Read the descriptions again and write the 3 Rewrite the sentences using capital letters. WB Page 25
1 We live in Pairs, the capital city of France. 2 Complete the sentences about Dean's daily
1 Keiko 5 Michael 2 My dad's name's Anton and he 's from routine.
2 Louise 6 Louise Lyon.
3 Arjun 7 Arjun 3 My mum's Canadian. She's from Quebec. 1 wakes up 5 does his
4 Keiko 8 Michael 4 I speak French and English at home. 2 gets up homework
5 My brother's name's Jean. 3 goes to school 6 has dinner
6 He likes spiders but I think they're scary 4 has lunch
WB Page 21
4 Translate the sentences. 3 Tick () the activity that you do first.
3 Write the times on the clock.
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers
1 10:00 4 05:45
2 03:30 5 11:40 4 Put the adverbs of frequency in order.
3 08:55 6 07:15 WB Page 23
1 never
4 Order the questions. Then complete the 1 Complete the dialogue. 2 hardly ever
answers. 1 these 4 aunt 3 sometimes
2 cousins 5 that 4 often
1 What time is it? It's twenty to nine. 3 parents 5 usually
2 What time is the film tonight? It starts at 6 always
half past six.
3 What time is it in New York? It's two o'clock 2 Complete the letter with the correct
options. 5 Look at Dean's week and complete the
in the morning. sentences using frequency adverbs.
4 When's the next bus to Brighton? It goes 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b
at twenty past eleven. 1 never
5 What time are your piano lessons? They're 2 usually
at twenty to five on Mondays and
3 Circle the correct option. 3 sometimes
Wednesdays. 1 quiet 4 clean 4 always
2 scary 5 Dogs 5 often
5 Listen to the information about Farwell 3 Birds 6 hardly ever
Zoo. Write true or false.
1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True 4 Write the time on the clocks. 6 Unscramble the sentences.
1 twelve o' clock 1 They often go to school by bus.
6 Listen again and complete the information. 2 twenty past eleven 2 You are always noisy
3 ten to ten 3 He hardly ever uses his phone.
1 9.00 4 4.30 4 He is usually tired in the morning.
2 6.30 5 11.45 4 half past seven
5 a quarter to six 5 My brother sometimes does my maths
3 2.00 6 2.45 homework
5 Write the correct form of the verbs in 6 I am never late for class.
7 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear brackets.
about Berta's family. 7 Write sentences about you using adverbs of
1 live 4 studies frequency.
1 This is a photo of my family
2 teaches 5 don't live
2 These are my parents. Students’ own answers
3 doesn't work
3 And that's my brother.
4 My grandad lives in our house. WB Page 26
5 We've got two dogs. Unit 3 1 Match the items in the boxes. They refer to
6 But grandad doesn't like pets.
Page 24 free time activities.
WB Page 22
1 Match the pictures with Dean's daily 1 b2 f 3 a 4 e 5 h6 g7 c 8 d
1 Circle the correct option. activities.
1 Andy 4 I'm 1 wake up 6 go to school 2 Complete the sentences with the activities in
2 England 5 stepmother's 2 get up 7 have lunch exercise 1.
3 Fran; she 6 teacher 3 have a shower 8 do his homework 1 listen to music
4 have breakfast 9 have dinner 2 meet my friends
5 brush his teeth 10 go to bed

Answers 113
Answers WO RKB OOK

3 do exercise 3 Thailand 10 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear

4 play video games 4 Argentina, Thailand about Marta.
5 chat online with friends 5 Argentina, Mexico 1 On Saturday, I get up at eight.
6 read magazines or books 6 Argentina, Thailand 2 I usually play basketball.
3 I sometimes meet my friends.
3 Complete these sentences about you with 4 We often go shopping.
different free time activities. 3 Write true or false for New Year in your 5 In the evening I like listening to music.
country. Correct the false sentences.
Students’ own answers 6 And chatting online.
Students’ own answers

WB Page 27 WB Page 29 WB Page 30

4 Circle the correct option. 4 Complete. Use different months of the year. 1 Put the activities in order. Then read and
1 Do 4 Do check. Ignore the blanks.
Across Down
2 Does 5 Does 2 August 1 June
3 Do 6 Does 1 f 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 d
4 October 3 September
6 March 5 December 2 Unscramble the words. Then complete the
5 Complete the short answers to exercise 4. 7 January 7 July text in exercise 1.
1 do 4 do 9 May 8 November 1 After that 4 Next
2 doesn't 5 does 10 February 2 Then 5 First
3 don't 6 doesn't 11 April 3 Finally
1 First
6 Complete the dialogue. 5 Write the dates. 2 Then / After that / Next
1 Do you have 1 1st December 3 Then / After that / Next
2 Do you get up 2 24th May 4 Then / After that / Next
3 Does your mother take 3 30th June 5 Finally
4 Do you play 4 3nd September
5 Does your teacher give 5 12th February 3 Circle the correct option.
6 31st August
1 First 4 After that
7 Write questions for the answers. 2 Then 5 Finally
6 Write the dates as we say them. 3 Next
1 Where does your teacher live? 1 the twenty-second of May
2 What time / When do your parents go to 2 the third of January
bed? 3 the second of November 4 Correct the sentences.
3 What time / When does your school start? 4 the thirty-first of July 1 What do you do at the weekend?
4 Where do you usually read? 5 the fifteenth of March 2 We often go to the cinema on Saturday.
5 What does your father do? 6 the eighth of October 3 I am never at home.
4 I don't do my homework
8 Write sentences with the verbs below + 5 I like listening to music.
-ing. Use your own ideas. 7 Write in, on or at.
6 When does the concert start?
Students’ own answers 1 on 4 on
2 in 5 in
WB Page 28 3 at 6 at WB Page 31

1 Read about New Year customs in different 8 Circle the correct option about the UK. Then 1 Write the correct word or phrase.
countries. Match the pictures with the listen and check. 1 always
countries. 2 get dressed
1 25th 2 sometimes 3 Scotland 3 have lunch
1 Thailand 2 Mexico 3 Argentina
4 have dinner
2 Read the texts again. Then complete the 5 hardly ever
9 Listen again. Are the sentences about
sentences. Christmas Day (CD) or New Year's Eve (NYE)?
1 Argentina, Thailand, Mexico 2 Complete the questions.
2 Mexico 1 CD 4 NYE
2 CD 5 NYE 1 Do you have
3 NYE 6 NYE 2 does school finish
3 do you do

Answers WO RKB OOK

4 Does your school have hamburger 3 Drama

5 do you see potato 4 Art and Design
sandwich 5 Science
3 Write a verb + -ing form. tomato 6 Geography
vegetable 7 Music
1 doing 4 reading 8 French
2 playing 5 going Uncountable nouns 9 Physical Education
3 listening bread 10 Information and Communication
bacon Technology
4 Write the dates in words. fruit
1 the ninth of April ham 2 Write the subjects that are optional and
2 the thirty-first of December meat compulsory at your school.
3 the fourth of October pasta Students’ own answers
4 the twenty-second of April spinach
5 the fourteenth of February toast
3 Write the frequency expressions in
decreasing order. Then write a true
5 Circle the corred option. 5 Tick () the correct phrases. Delete a / an sentence about you with each expression.
1 First 4 After that
in the other phrases. 1 every day
2 Then 5 Finally 1 2 a 3 a 4 5 a 6 7 a 8  2 four times a week
3 Next 3 three times a week
4 twice a week
6 Write a, an, some or a lot of. 5 once a week
1 a lot of 3 some 5 some Students’ own answers
Unit 4 2 a 4 an 6 a lot of
WB Page 32 WB Page 35
7 Write sentences with a lot of, some and not
1 Write the names of the food items. any. 4 Complete the sentences about the
1 cheese 7 salmon 1 She eats some chocolate. timetable. Use frequency expressions.
2 bacon 8 onion 2 She doesn't eat any fruit. 1 three times a week 5 once a week
3 salami 9 tomato 3 She eats a lot of chips. 2 once a week 6 twice a week
4 tuna 10 lettuce 4 She doesn't eat any vegetables. 3 twice a week 7 once a week
5 ham 11 cucumber 5 He eats a lot meat. 4 every day 8 four times a week
6 roast beef 12 bread 6 He doesn't eat any pizza.
7 He eats a lot of salad.
5 Rewrite the sentences using a frequency
8 He doesn't eat any ketchup.
expression instead.
2 Complete the sentences. Use food 1 I visit my grandparents once a week.
vocabulary. 8 Write questions with any. 2 We have homework three times a week.
Students’ own answers 1 Do you eat any pasta? 3 I have a shower every day.
2 Do you drink any orange juice? 4 My friends and I go shopping once a week.
3 Circle the correct option. 3 Do you eat any fish? 5 I have guitar lessons twice a week.
1 have 4 Do you eat any apples? 6 My brothers' friends come to my house
2 drink 5 Do you drink any milk? four times a week.
3 cook 6 Do you eat any chips?
4 makes 6 Order the questions. Then answer them.
5 cook; make 1 How often do you go to the cinema?
6 eat 9 Answer the questions in exercise 8 using a 2 How often does your family go on holiday?
lot of, some or not any. 3 How often do you and your friends chat
Students’ own answers online?
WB Page 33
4 How often does your mother go
WB Page 34 shopping?
4 Write the words below in the 5 How often do your friends come to your
corresponding tables. house?
Countable nouns 1 Complete the subjects. 6 How often do you have Maths?
apple 1 History Students’ own answers
banana 2 Maths

Answers 115
Answers WO RKB OOK

WB Page 36 WB Page 38 2 In Moscow, it's cold, windy and it's

1 Match the pictures with the food items in 1 Match the sentence halves. 3 In Rio de Janeiro, it's warm and sunny.
the table. 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b 4 In Tokyo, it's cold, foggy and it's raining.

1 b 2 d 3 c 4 f 5 e 6 a
2 Read and check your answers above. 3 Describe the weather today in different
2 Read the article about school meals in the Students’ own answers cities in your country.
UK. Circle Yes or No in the table above. Students’ own answers

1 Yes 4 Yes 3 Complete these sentences about you. WB Page 41

2 No 5 No Students’ own answers
3 No 6 No
4 Write the -ing form of the verbs in the box.
4 Translate the sentences. + -ing climbing, going, snowing, visiting
3 Match the questions with the answers. Students’ own answers -e + -ing: driving, having, phoning
-ie + -ying: lying
1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b double consonant + -ing: swimming,
WB Page 39
WB Page 37 1 Circle the correct option.
5 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs
4 Write the prices in numbers. 1 any 4 any from exercise 4.
2 a lot of 5 an
1 7.20€ 4 80p 3 some 1 's snowing
2 $17.39 5 £2.99 2 're visiting
3 'm climbing
3 £3.75 6 4.50€ 2 Complete with school subjects.
4 're going
1 Geography 4 Science
5 are swimming
5 Order the words in the dialogue. Then tick 2 Art 5 History
6 's eating
() the correct picture, A or B. 3 Maths
1 Can I have a veggie burger with fries 6 Write sentences. Then match them with
3 Complete the dialogue. Use these words. the pictures.
2 Medium fries please. 1 often 4 every 1 They aren't talking, they're listening to
3 Yes, can I have a large salad please? 2 twice 5 times music. - c
4 a large orange juice 3 once 2 She isn't reading, she's writing in her diary.
5 How much is that? -f
6 Here you are. 4 Write one word in each gap. 3 They aren't running, they're walking. - a
Picture A 1 Can 4 juice 4 You aren't chatting online, you're doing
your homework. - d
2 large 5 Here
3 drink 5 We aren't having lunch, we're making
6 Listen to the dialogue between Kim and sandwiches. - b
David. Who eats fast food? 6 I'm not watching TV, I'm playing a
5 Choose the correct options.
c computer game. - e
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a

7 Listen again. Circle the correct option. 7 Tom's going to Oxford next week. Write
sentences about his plans.
1 hamburger 4 a salad Unit 5 1 's taking the train to Oxford.
2 hamburgers 5 vegetables
WB Page 40 2 's visiting the city.
3 three times a week
3 are arriving.
1 Complete the sentences. 4 's having dinner with Dave and Stephan
8 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear 5 're playing rugby
1 sunny 6 cloudy
about Kim. 6 's returning to London
2 raining 7 hot
1 I love salmon sandwiches. 3 windy 8 cold
2 I don't like a lot of vegetables. 4 foggy 9 warm
WB Page 42
3 Do you eat any fruit? 5 snowing
4 I eat an apple every day. 1 Match the verbs with the nouns.
5 How often do you have Science? 1 c 2 d 3 h 4 g 5 a 6 f 7 e 8 b
2 Describe the weather.
6 Twice a week.
1 In Bangkok, it's hot and cloudy.

Answers WO RKB OOK

2 Describe the pictures. 8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in 5 photo
1 's reading the newspaper. the present simple or continuous. 6 having dinner
2 's doing homework. 1 'm doing
3 are watching TV. 2 get up 8 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear
4 's eating cereal. 3 are watching about Emma.
5 's drinking milk. 4 go 1 I'm sitting at home.
6 are robbing a bank. 5 play 2 It isn't very warm.
6 'm having 3 My sister's swimming at the moment.
3 Write questions. Use the present
4 I'm having an ice-cream.
continuous. WB Page 44 5 What are you doing at the moment?
1 Are you having 6 Do you want to come here?
2 Are you eating 1 Circle the option that best describes you.
3 Is Junior sitting Students’ own answers WB Page 46
4 Are you doing
5 Is dad helping 2 Read the chat message dialogue. When 1 Complete the sentences. Use the words and
6 Are mum and dad sleeping teenagers chat online, the majority of phrases in the box.
them... 1 Nice
WB Page 43 1 Yes 4 Yes 2 my family
2 Yes 5 Yes 3 food; shops
4 Write questions. Then answer them. 3 No 4 warm; sunny
5 sitting in a nice café; eating an ice-cream
1 Are you studying English at the moment?
3 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
2 Is your mother working now?
1 True 2 Write these informal expressions in the
3 Is it raining?
2 False. It's about the difference between email.
4 Are your friends going shopping on communication now and in the past.
Saturday? 1 Dear Jeremy / Hi Jeremyl
3 False. She's got a lot of information. 2 How are things
5 Is a person in your family watching TV at the
4 True 3 Love / Bye for now / Write soon
5 False. She's not going out on Saturday.
6 Are you and your family chatting right
6 True
3 Write an email to Leonor. Use the notes
Students’ own answers
WB Page 45 below and the expressions in exercise 2.
Students’ own answers
5 Order the questions. Then match them to
the answers. 4 Match the sentences halves. 4 Correct the sentences.
1 What are you watching? - d
1 d 2 c 3 f 4 a 5 b 6 e 1 Hi. It's Paula. Can 1 speak to Rose, please?
2 Where is mum going? - f 2 We're driving to Cardiff, in Wales.
3 What are the Invisibles eating? - b 5 Emma is phoning Sam. Complete the 3 The weather's fantastic - really warm.
4 Who are you phoning? - c dialogue with the sentences in exercise 4. 4 I'm Iying in the sun.
5 Where is Elena sitting? - a 1 Can I speak to Sam please? 5 What are you are doing?
6 Who are robbing the bank? - e 2 Yes, who's calling? 6 How are things in England?
3 Just a moment.
6 Complete the questions. 4 Hi Sam. It's Emma WB Page 47
1 are you doing 5 Do you want to come?
2 's he talking 6 See you soon. 1 Write the words to describe the weather.
3 are they playing
4 are you going 1 cold 4 snowing
6 Listen to the dialogue. Where are Sam and 2 sunny 5 raining
5 's Peter helping
6 are they reading 3 windy
Sam's at a birthday party.
Emma's at home.
7 Circle the correct option. 2 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct
1 everyday 7 Listen again. Circle the correct answer. form in the present continuous.
2 in my room 1 Emma's mother
3 now 2 a friend's birthday 1 're staying 4 isn't feeling
4 on Sundays 3 cousins 2 's swimming 5 'm writing
5 today 4 dancing 3 are Iying
6 here

Answers 117
Answers WO RKB OOK

3 Complete the dialogue. 5 Complete the questions and short answers 2 Complete the sentences about your home.
with there is or there are. Students’ own answers
1 Is it raining?
1 Are there
2 What are you doing?
3 Are your friends sitting?
2 there are 3 Complete the sentences about Tyler's bag.
3 is there Use 's got or hasn't got.
4 What's she watching?
4 there isn't
1 's got 4 hasn't got
5 Where are you going?
5 Are there
2 hasn't got 5 's got
6 there aren't
3 's got 6 hasn't got
4 Complete the dialogue.
1 speak 4 it's 6 Write questions. Then answer them WB Page 51
2 calling 5 See referring to your country.
3 moment
1 Are there any mountains?
4 Write about what you've got in your school
2 Is there a big city in the centre?
bag. Use have got and these words.
5 Write these phrases in the email. 3 Is there a holiday in July? Students’ own answers

1 Hi Eva! 4 I'm going 4 Are there any tourists in the summer?

5 Is there one official language?
5 Complete the description. Use the correct
2 How are things 5 Bye for now form of have got.
3 it's raining 6 Are there any famous rugby teams?
Students’ own answers
1 haven't got 4 've got
2 haven't got 5 hasn't got
3 haven't got 6 's got
Unit 6 7 Write the object pronouns.
I - me
WB Page 48 You - you 6 Order the questions. Then answer them.
He - him 1 Have you got any brothers or sisters?
1 Complete the description of Lara's room. She - her 2 Has your school got a school uniform?
Use the prepositions in the box. It - it 3 Have you got any pets?
We - us 4 Have all your friends got mobile phones?
1 on 5 between
You - you 5 Has your classroom got nice posters?
2 behind 6 Above
They - them 6 Has your Mum got a red car?
3 next to 7 in front of
4 under 8 in 8 Complete the dialogue with object Students’ own answers
2 Write sentences about Lara's room. Use 1 me 3 them 5 him 7 us 7 Write questions using these prompts. Then
prepositions from exercise 1. 2 you 4 it 6 her 8 you answer them.
1 How many windows has it got?
1 The picture's above the piano.
WB Page 50 2 What colour walls has it got?
2 The cat's on the chair.
3 What has it got on the floor?
3 The dog's under the table.
4 What have you got on your walls?
4 The camera's in front of the computer. 1 Find words related to home furniture and
5 What have you got next to your bed?
5 The statue's behind the bike. home items.
6 How many books have you got?
6 The stool's next to the fish tank.
S O U N D S Y S T E M X C Students’ own answers
3 Complete the sentences with there's, there W A L L B H C N W L R J B WB Page 52
isn't, there are or there aren't. Which city A V N H V T R N A W O F O
do they describe: London or New York?
1 There's
D L D U K R S D E R F S R 1 Tick (ᅚ) the things you can find near your
2 There are O X O B O Y J O K Z M T T house.
B C Y L U R B V E Q N A I Students’ own answers
3 There aren't E W L C A R P E T A X B F
4 There's C I K G S C O H L R D L X
2 Read the email. What things are there near
5 There isn't Sally's house?
6 There are
1 cooker 7 plant 12 shelves a park, a swimming pool and a train station.
They describe London
2 table 8 wall 13 minor
3 chair 9 sound 14 wardrobe
3 Read the email again. Circle the correct
WB Page 49 answer.
4 cupboard system 15 floor
5 door 10 carpet 1 No 4 Yes
4 Write sentences about where you live. 2 Yes 5 No
Students’ own answers 6 window 11 pillow
3 We don't know 6 We don't know

Answers WO RKB OOK

4 Answer the questions. 3 Now complete the description in exercise 2 2 Circle the correct option.
1 Marie's visiting her in a week. with these adjectives. 1 isn't 4 have got
2 No, she doesn't. 1 small 4 plastic 2 has got 5 've got
3 Twice a week. 2 round 5 big 3 's 6 'm
4 In the fast food restaurants. 3 new
5 Ten. 3 Describe three people: you, a family
6 By train. 4 Rewrite the sentences with the adjectives member and a friend.
in brackets in the correct place. Students’ own answers
WB Page 53 1 I've got a big room.
2 The walls are yellow, my favourite colour. WB Page 57
5 Find Marie on the map. Then complete the 3 There are some beautiful posters on the wall.
dialogues with the expressions in the box. 4 There's a round carpet on the floor. 4 Complete with was or were.
5 I've got two white shelves above my bed. 1 was 3 were 5 were
1 near here 4 Excuse me
6 My old comics are usually on the floor. 2 was 4 was 6 were
2 there's one 5 over there
3 on the left 6 between
5 Translate the sentences. 5 Complete with wasn't or weren't.
6 Look at the map and complete the Students’ own answers 1 wasn't 4 weren't
dialogue. 2 weren't 5 wasn't
WB Page 55 3 wasn't 6 weren't
1 Excuse me 4 there's one
2 Is there 5 the right
1 Circle the correct option. 6 Complete the biography with was / wasn't
3 near here 6 next to
1 above 4 between or were / weren't.
7 Listen to the dialogue. Is Marie's city 2 in front of 5 under 1 was 4 wasn't
similar or different to Sally's town? 3 Next to 2 were 5 was
It's different. 3 was 6 were
2 Complete with object pronouns.
8 Listen again. Circle the correct option for 1 them 4 him
7 Write questions with was or were.
Marie's city. 2 it 5 me
1 When were you born?
1 big 4 noisy 2 What was the name of your first school?
3 her
2 hasn't got 5 five cinemas 3 Were you a good student at primary school?
3 hasn't got 6 are 4 Who was your first teacher?
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct 5 Were your teachers strict?
form of have got.
9 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear 6 What was your favourite subject?
1 Have; got 4 Has; got
about Marie's house. 2 haven't 5 've got
1 Have you got a big house? 3 's got
8 Write the answers to the questions in
2 It's got three bedrooms. exercise 7 referring to you. Use complete
3 sentences.
There's a sound system in the kitchen. 4 Complete the dialogue. Use these phrases. Students’ own answers
4 I've got a wardrobe. 1 near here 4 over there
5 It's next to my bed. 2 there's one 5 You're welcome WB Page 58
6 Are there any shops near it? 3 on the left
WB Page 54 1 Write the jobs. Then match them with the
5 Choose the correct option. pictures.
1 Look at the picture. Match the adjectives 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 1 artist - d
with the nouns. 2 scientist - c
1 a big window 3 writer - e
white walls
a small lamp
Unit 7 5
mountaineer - f
doctor - a
4 a grey desk and chair
WB Page 56 6 prince - g
5 a tidy room 7 astronaut - b
1 Complete the descriptions. 8 tennis player - h
2 Read the description of the room. Don't 1 tall 5 long 9 blonde
complete it! Check your answers for 2 short 6 straight 10 blue 2 Write the jobs from exercise 1.
exercise 1. 3 dark 7 green 11 short 1 astronaut, mountaineer
Students’ own answers 4 slim 8 curly 12 wavy 2 artist, writer

Answers 119
Answers WO RKB OOK

3 doctor 2 Read the article about shopping. What 3 Her parents weren't at home yesterday.
4 tennis player information does it include? 4 She studied in the evening.
5 scientist 5 She stopped at nine o'clock.
1 ᅚ 2 ᅚ 3  4 ᅚ
6 prince 6 Then she watched TV.

3 Match the verbs with the rules. Then write 3 Circle the correct option. WB Page 62
the past simple of the verbs on the left. 1 exchanged things
finish, play + ed, finished, played 2 5000 BC 1 Write sentences about Angelina Jolie.
create, live + d, created, lived 3 markets 1 Angelina Jolie was born in Los Angeles.
stop, chat + double consonant + ed, stopped, 4 used 2 Originally she was a fashion modeL
chatted 5 the USA
marry, study y + ied, married, studied 3 She's got long hair and blue eyes.
6 buy 4 I like Angelina because she's a strong
4 Complete the sentences. Use the past 4 Answer the questions.
simple verbs from exercise 3. 1 On Saturday afternoons. 2 Read the description and check your
1 finished 5 married 2 No, they don't. answers above.
2 studied 6 played 3 In China. Students’ own answers
3 stopped 7 lived 4 In the centre of Rome.
4 created 8 chatted 5 Bread, fruit and vegetables, fish. 3 Write about Johnny Depp. Use these notes.
6 In 1922. Students’ own answers
WB Page 59
WB Page 61 4 Correct these sentences.
5 Complete by writing the past simple of the 1 She is tall and slim.
verbs below. Who is it? 5 Write the names of these clothes items. 2 He was born in Australia.
1 moved 1 a skirt 4 a top 3 Were they good students?
2 studied 2 shoes 5 a jacket 4 She marries a prince in 2004.
3 worked 3 shorts 6 sweater 5 Picasso didn't paint the Mona Lisa.
4 married 6 How much is this Johnny Depp T-shirt?
5 decided 6 Complete the dialogue. Use the words and
6 planned phrases below. WB Page 63
It's J.K Rowling 1 help 5 try
2 looking 6 think
1 Complete the dialogue with the words
6 Correct the sentences. Use the past simple. below.
3 size 7 How much
1 Pablo Picasso didn't marry Diana Spencer. 4 Here 8 take 1 green 4 curly
Prince Charles married her. 2 blonde 5 slim
2 Norgay Tensing didn't paint Guernica. 3 tall
Pablo Picasso painted it.
7 Listen to the dialogue. Circle the correct
3 Prince Charles didn't climb Mount Everest. 2 Complete with the correct form of was or
Edmund Hilary and Norgar Tensing 1 b 2 a were.
climbed it.
4 Neil Armstrong didn't discover penicillin.
1 Was 4 weren't
Alexander Fleming discovered it.
8 Listen again. True or false? Correct the false 2 wasn't 5 was
5 Alexander Fleming didn't create the Web.
sentences. 3 Were
Tim Berners-Lee created it. 1 False - Niamh's got a new top.
6 Tim Berners-Lee didn't land on the moon. 2 True 3 Complete the sentences. Use the past
Neil Armstrong landed on it. 3 False - It was cheap. simple of the verbs below.
4 False - It was 15 pounds. 1 didn't land
7 Complete these sentences about you. Use 5 True 2 stopped
the past simple affirmative or negative. 6 False - Niamh's wearing it. 3 didn't climb
Students’ own answers 4 married
9 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear 5 created
WB Page 60 about Niamh.
1 Answer these questions about your 1 She was born in 1995. 4 Circle the correct option.
shopping habits. 2 She's got straight, brown hair and blue 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
Students’ own answers

Answers WO RKB OOK

5 Circle the correct option. 5 There weren't 7 Complete the questions.

1 was born 4 because 6 There wasn't 1 What time did you get up
2 when she was 5 isn't 2 What did you do
3 Today 7 Complete the dialogue. Use an appropriate 3 Did your meet your friends
form of there was or there were. 4 Where did you go
5 Did you stay at home
Unit 8 1 Were there
2 there were
4 there was
5 Were there
6 Did you watch TV
WB Page 64 3 Was there 6 there weren't
8 Answer the questions in exercise 7 about
1 Complete the crossword. WB Page 66 you.
Across Down Students’ own answers
1 comic 2 magazine 1 Complete the opinions.
4 novel 3 text message 1 great 2 all right 3 awful 9 It's six o'clock on Saturday afternoon.
8 song Iyrics 5 diary Match the time expressions.
10 textbook 6 newspaper 2 Unscramble the adjectives. Are they 1 e 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a
7 sign positive (+), neutral (N) or negative (-)?
9 blog 1 good + 10 Write true sentences about you in the
2 amazing + past.
2 Complete the questions with some of the 3 cool +
words in exercise 1. Then answer them. Students’ own answers
4 OK, N
1 song lyrics 5 fun +
2 magazines / newspapers
WB Page 68
6 fantastic +
3 newspapers / magazines 7 terrible-
4 diary / blog 1 When did you read these things?
8 boring-
5 text messages Students’ own answers
9 interesting +
6 novel / magazine / newspaper / comic
story 2 Read the extracts. Match them with the
Students’ own answers 3 Complete the sentences with an adjective items 1-5 from exercise 1.
to make them true for you. 1 a diary
WB Page 64
Students’ own answers 2 a textbook
3 a novel
3 Write the past simple of these verbs. 4 Order the words to make questions. 4 a magazine
1 fell 4 said 5 a blog
2 went 5 saw 1 Did Omar wake up late?
3 had 6 spoke 2 Did he and his friends go to the park?
3 Did they go to a restaurant for lunch? 3 Match the extracts above with a final
4 Did it rain? sentence.
4 Complete the description of a dream. Use 5 Did Karen buy some sunglasses? 1 b 2 e 3 c 4 a 5 d
the past simple verbs in exercise 3.
6 Did they like Omar's CD?
1 went 4 said 4 Answer the questions.
2 saw 5 spoke 5 Read Omar's diary entry. Answer the 1 Two
3 had 6 fell questions in exercise 4. 2 Forty-five years
1 No, he didn't. 3 In a café
5 Complete with a negative form of the
2 Yes, they did. 4 At a secret location near Bath
underlined verbs.
3 No, they didn't. 5 He thought it was really awful.
1 didn't see 4 didn't run
4 No, it didn't.
2 didn't say 5 didn't get up
3 didn't have 6 didn't write
5 Yes, she did. WB Page 69
6 Yes, they did.
5 Complete the questions. Use the prompts
6 Write true sentences about the party. Use WB Page 67 below.
there was / wasn't or there were / weren't.
6 Write questions with the verbs below. 1 How; you 3 How often; write
1 There were
1 did; wake up 4 did; see 2 do; do
2 There was
3 There wasn't 2 did; do 5 did; buy
4 There were 3 did; have 6 did; study

Answers 121
Answers WO RKB OOK

6 Read the dialogue and check your answers 2 Circle the correct option. 2 Choose three things to take with you to
for exercise 5. Don't complete it now! 1 After 3 During 5 during these different destinations.
Students’ own answers 2 before 4 After 6 before Students’ own answers

7 Unscramble the sequencers in the list. Then WB Page 73

3 Complete with before, during or after.
complete the dialogue in exercise 6.
1 before 3 after 5 before 3 Write sentences about these people's
1 First
2 during 4 After 6 During holidays.
2 Next / Then / After that
3 Next / Then / After that 1 She's going to stay in Los Angeles.
4 Next / Then / After that 4 Translate these sentences. 2 She's going to take a lot of photos.
5 Finally Students’ own answers 3 She's going to visit Universal Studios.
4 They're going to fly to London.
8 Do you sometimes remember these things WB Page 71 5 They're going to buy souvenirs.
from your dreams? Tick () the ones you 6 They're going to visit many museums.
remember. 1 Write the names of different things we
Students’ own answers
1 newspaper 4 diary
4 Write about you and your family's summer
plans. Use the prompts below.
2 novel 5 magazines
9 Listen. What four things from exercise 8 Students’ own answers
3 textbook
were in Jessie's dream?
1 home 5 Read the note. Then complete the
2 cupboard 2 Complete the description of a dream. Use questions and short answers.
3 presents the past simple of the verbs below.
1 Are you going to watch
4 guitar 1 were 3 didn't run 5 woke up 2 are; going to take
2 saw 4 said 3 Is; going to meet
10 Listen again. Write the items listed above 4 isn't
next to their meanings. What's Jessie's 3 Complete the questions. 5 Are; going to have
secret? 6 are
1 did you go 4 Did you play
1 presents 2 did you buy 5 did you see
2 guitar 3 Did you meet 6 Write questions. Use the prompts below.
3 cupboard 1 Where are you going to travel?
4 home
4 Complete the dialogue with suitable 2 Who are you going to go with?
Jessie likes Mike. 3 Where are you going to stay?
1 First 3 Then 5 finally 4 How long are you going to stay there?
11 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear 2 next 4 After that 5 What are you going to take?
from Jessie's conversation. 6 What are you going to do?
5 Circle the correct option.
1 I woke up late yesterday WB Page 74
2 Where did you go?
1 during 4 sang
2 lyrics 5 fun
3 We went to the cinema. 1 Complete the rules using the verbs below.
4 Were there a lot of people?
3 were
1 take 5 disturb
5 The film was awful. 2 put back 6 touch
6 Did you write in your diary?
Unit 9 3 try on 7 knock
WB Page 70 4 look 8 use
WB Page 72
2 Write your own rules for these items.
1 Complete the sentences with the activities 1 Complete the puzzle. Students’ own answers
listed below.
1 toothbrush 7 towel
1 went horse riding, I bought some shoes, I 2 torch 8 shorts 3 Complete the school rules with must or
had dinner with my grandparents.
3 swimsuit 9 boots mustn't and one of the verbs listed below.
2 read, I saw a film, I had a drink
4 sun cream 10 compass 1 must do 4 mustn't arrive
5 guidebook 11 penknife 2 mustn't chat 5 must have
6 passport 12 umbrella 3 must listen

Answers WO RKB OOK

WB Page 75 6 Match the two parts of the responses. 4 a - I love swimming so I'm going to go to
the swimming pool in town this summer.
4 Complete the rules. Use must or mustn't. 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d 5 d - We want to paint our flat so we aren't
Then match them to a place. going to have a holiday this year.
1 must speak only in English - c 7 Your friend makes the suggestions in 6 b - My brother's got a new job so he's
2 mustn't use your mobile phone - a exercise 5. Write your responses. going to work this summer
3 mustn't take photos - f Students’ own answers
4 must stop - e 4 Correct the sentences.
5 mustn't cross the rails - d 8 It's your birthday. Tick () the perfect 1 What's he going to do this summer?
6 must pay the driver - b activity for you on this special day. 2 We're going to go to Greece in August.
Students’ own answers 3 You must take a passport.
5 Complete the conversation with can or 4 Can you get up late every day?
can't. 9 Listen to the dialogue. What's Derek going 5 Let's visit a museum.
1 can 4 Can you go to do on his birthday? 6 What a great idea!
2 Can she sleep 5 can't He's going to go to a theme park 5 Translate the sentences.
3 can't 6 can Students’ own answer
10 Listen again. Circle the correct option
6 Circle the correct option. about Derek's birthday celebrations. WB PAge 79
1 must 3 can't 5 mustn't 1 isn't
2 can 4 can 6 must 2 boring 1 Complete the items you can take with you
3 three when you go on holiday.
7 Write about the rules at your school. 4 aren't 1 sun cream 4 toothbrush
Choose one of the options for each rule. 5 don't know 2 shorts 5 penknife
Students’ own answers 3 torch
11 Listen. Write the six sentences you hear 2 Complete the email with the correct form
WB Page 76 about Derek's holiday plans. of going to and the verbs below.
1 We're going to go to London. 1 're going to spend
1 Answer the questions. 2 I'm going to take some sun cream. 2 's going to buy
Students’ own answers 3 Is mum going to buy a guidebook? 3 aren't going to have
4 You must have an umbrella. 4 'm going to go
2 Read about a famous song. Can you 5 You can't take a penknife. 5 are you going to do
complete the name of the song? 6 Let's visit a museum.

Happy birthday to you

WB Page 78 3 Complete the words in the note.
1 knock 4 use
3 True or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Match the first and the second part of 2 put; back 5 disturb
1 False. Two sisters wrote the song, and one these notes somebody wrote. 3 try on
sister was a teacher.
1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a
2 True 4 Circle the correct option.
3 False. Patty wrote the original words. 2 Read the blog entry. Check your answers
for exercise 1. 1 can 4 mustn't
4 True
2 can 5 must
5 False. People sing it in different languages. Students’ own answers
3 can't
6 True
3 Match the sentences that can be joined
WB Page 77 using so. Then write the six sentences you 5 Complete the dialogue with the words
get. Change the order when necessary. below.
4 Tick () the correct question. 1 e - 1 study a lot at school so I'm going to 1 Let's 4 Why
1  2  relax all summer. 2 What 5 shall
2 c - My parents work in July so I'm going to 3 so
5 Circle the correct option in the suggestions. stay with my grandparents.
1 Let's 4 Let's 3 f - I've got an aunt in ltaly so I'm going to
2 Why don't 5 Shall we stay with her in Rome.
3 Shall we

Answers 123
Photocopiable self-check answers
Unit 1 4 Write the time on the clocks. Unit 4
WB Page 15 1 twelve o' clock 4 half past seven WB Page 39
2 twenty past eleven 5 a quarter to six
1 Complete the words. 3 ten to ten 1 Circle the correct option.
1 bike 4 games console 1 any 4 any
2 DVD 5 skiing 5 Write the correct form of the verbs in 2 a lot of 5 an
3 clothes brackets. 3 some
1 live 4 studies
2 Write the correct subject pronoun. 2 teaches 5 don't live 2 Complete with school subjects.
1 She 4 They 3 doesn't work 1 Geography 4 Science
2 We 5 He 2 Art 5 History
3 It 3 Maths
Unit 3
3 Write the correct affirmative or negative WB Page 31 3 Complete the dialogue. Use these words.
form of be. 1 often
1 ‘s 4 are 1 Write the correct word or phrase. 2 twice
2 ‘m 5 isn’t 1 always 4 have dinner 3 once
3 aren’t 2 get dressed 5 hardly ever 4 every
3 have lunch 5 times
4 Write the questions.
1 What's your name 3 Is your father 2 Complete the questions. 4 Write one word in each gap.
2 Where are you 4 How old are you 1 Do you have 1 Can 4 juice
from 5 Are you 2 does school finish 2 large 5 Here
3 do you do 3 drink
5 Complete the text with the words from the 4 Does your school have
box. There are two extra words. 5 do you see 5 Choose the correct options.
1 south 4 language 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a
2 population 5 famous 3 Write a verb + -ing form.
3 capital city 1 doing
2 playing
3 listening
Unit 2 4 reading Unit 5
5 going WB Page 47
WB Page 23
4 Write the dates in words. 1 Write the words to describe the weather.
1 Complete the dialogue.
1 cold 4 snowing
1 these 4 aunt 1 the ninth of April
2 sunny 5 raining
2 cousins 5 that 2 the thirty-first of December
3 windy
3 parents 3 the fourth of October
4 the twenty-second of April
5 the fourteenth of February 2 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct
2 Complete the letter with the correct form in the present continuous.
5 Circle the correct option. 1 're staying 4 isn't feeling
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 2 's swimming 5 'm writing
1 First 4 After that
3 are Iying
3 Circle the correct option. 2 Then 5 Finally
3 Next
1 quiet 4 clean 3 Complete the dialogue.
2 scary 5 Dogs
1 Is it raining?
3 Birds
2 What are you doing?
3 Are your friends sitting
4 What's she watching?
5 Where are you going

Heading Forward Starter © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2016 Photocopiable

Photocopiable self-check answers
4 Complete the dialogue. 2 Complete with the correct form of was or 4 Complete the dialogue with suitable
1 speak 4 it's were. sequencers.
2 calling 5 See 1 Was 4 weren't 1 First 4 After that
3 moment 2 wasn't 5 was 2 next 5 finally
3 Were 3 Then
5 Write these phrases in the email.
1 Hi Eval 4 I'm going 3 Complete the sentences. Use the past 5 Circle the correct option.
2 How are things 5 Bye for now simple of the verbs below. 1 during 4 sang
3 it's raining 1 didn't land 2 lyrics 5 fun
2 stopped 3 were
3 didn't climb
Unit 6 4
WB Page 55
4 Circle the correct option. Unit 9
1 Circle the correct option. WB Page 79
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
1 above 4 between
2 in front of 5 under 1 Complete the items you can take with you
3 Next to 5 Circle the correct option. when you go on holiday.
1 was born 4 because 1 sun cream 4 toothbrush
2 Complete with object pronouns. 2 when she was 5 isn't 2 shorts 5 penknife
1 them 4 him 3 Today 3 torch
2 it 5 me
3 her 2 Complete the email with the correct form
of going to and the verbs below.
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct Unit 8 1 're going to spend
form of have got. WB Page 71 2 's going to buy
1 Have; got 4 Has; got 3 aren't going to have
2 haven't 5 've got 1 Write the names of different things we 4 'm going to go
3 's got read. 5 are you going to do
1 newspaper 4 diary
4 Complete the dialogue. Use these phrases. 2 novel 5 magazines 3 Complete the words in the note.
3 textbook 1 knock 4 use
1 near here
2 put; back 5 disturb
2 there's one
3 on the left
2 Complete the description of a dream. Use 3 try on
the past simple of the verbs below.
4 over there
5 You're welcome 1 were 4 said 4 Circle the correct option.
2 saw 5 woke up 1 can 4 mustn't
5 Choose the correct option. 3 didn't run 2 can 5 must
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 3 can't
3 Complete the questions.
5 Complete the dialogue with the words
1 did you go below.
Unit 7 2 did you buy
1 Let's 3 so 5 shall
WB Page 63 3 Did you meet
2 What 4 Why
4 Did you play
1 Complete the dialogue with the words 5 did you see
1 green 4 curly
2 blonde 5 slim
3 tall

Heading Forward Starter © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2016 Photocopiable

Audio Track List
Audio CD1
Track Unit Page Exercise Track Unit Page Exercise
1.1 0 4 1 1.37 3 36 4

1.2 0 4 2 1.38 3 36 6

1.3 0 5 3 1.39 3 38 2

1.4 0 6 3 1.40 Review 1, 2 & 3 40 1

1.5 0 6 5 1.41 Review 1, 2 & 3 41 5

1.6 0 7 8 1.42 Review 1, 2 & 3 42 2&3

1.7 0 7 9 1.43 Review 1, 2 & 3 43 10

1.8 1 10 1 1.44 4 44 1

1.9 1 12 1 1.45 4 46 2

1.10 1 13 8 1.46 4 47 8

1.11 1 13 9 1.47 4 48 1

1.12 1 14 1 1.48 4 48 3&4

1.13 1 14 4&5 1.49 4 50 2&3

1.14 1 16 1 1.50 4 50 4

1.15 1 16 2 1.51 4 50 5

1.16 1 16 3 1.52 4 52 1

1.17 1 18 2 1.53 5 54 1

1.18 2 20 1 1.54 5 56 2

1.19 2 21 3 1.55 5 57 7

1.20 2 22 2 1.56 5 58 1

1.21 2 24 2 1.57 5 58 3&4

1.22 2 24 4&5 1.58 5 58 5

1.23 2 25 9 1.59 5 60 1, 2 & 3

1.24 2 26 5 1.60 5 60 4

1.25 2 26 3 1.61 5 62 3

1.26 2 28 2

1.27 2 28 3

1.28 3 30 1

1.29 3 31 2

1.30 3 32 1

1.31 3 33 6

1.32 3 33 10

1.33 3 34 1

1.34 3 34 4

1.35 3 36 1

1.36 3 36 3

Audio Track List
Audio CD2
Track Unit Page Exercise Track Unit Page Exercise
2.1 6 64 1 2.32 8 96 3

2.2 6 65 3 2.33 9 98 1

2.3 6 66 2 2.34 9 100 2

2.4 6 67 5 2.35 9 102 1

2.5 6 67 6 2.36 9 102 4&5

2.6 6 68 2 2.37 9 103 9

2.7 6 68 4, 5 & 6 2.38 9 104 1&2

2.8 6 70 1&2 2.39 9 104 3&4

2.9 6 70 3 2.40 9 104 5

2.10 6 72 2 2.41 9 106 3

2.11 Review 4, 5 & 6 75 6 2.42 Review 7, 8 & 9 109 6

2.12 Review 4, 5 & 6 76 1&2 2.43 Review 7, 8 & 9 110 1&2

2.13 Review 4, 5 & 6 76 3 2.44 Review 7, 8 & 9 111 11 & 12

2.14 Review 4, 5 & 6 77 11

2.15 7 79 2

2.16 7 80 2

2.17 7 82 1

2.18 7 82 3&4

2.19 7 83 8

2.20 7 84 2

2.21 7 84 3

2.22 7 86 3

2.23 8 88 1

2.24 8 90 2

2.25 8 91 6

2.26 8 91 8

2.27 8 92 1

2.28 8 92 3

2.29 8 93 7

2.30 8 94 2&3

2.31 8 94 4

Audio Track List 127

Audio Track List
Workbook Audio
Track Unit Page Exercise
1 1 4 3

2 1 13 8

3 1 13 9

4 2 21 5&6

5 2 21 7

6 3 29 8&9

7 3 29 10

8 4 37 6&7

9 4 37 8

10 5 45 6&7

11 5 45 8

12 6 53 7&8

13 6 53 9

14 7 61 7&8

15 7 61 9

16 8 69 9 & 10

17 8 69 11

18 9 77 9 & 10

19 9 77 11



Heading For war d

r level
nage course, plus a Starte
is a dynamic four-level tee ng in the four macro skills with
integ rates tra ini ntury skills.
which thoroughly ctice, an d the development of 21st ce
iation pra e presentation
grammar and pronunc pe aling topics for teenagers. Th
thr ou gh ap y develops
Language is presented an d controlled practice that graduall
stage is followed by conte
and freer activities.
into more personalised
Teacher’s Book + Audio CDs
Student’s Book t Complete teaching no
tes, audio
t Welcome unit + 9 core transcripts and answer
keys for the
t Review units student’s material
t Grammar reference t Extra activities to cater
t Word list mixed-ability cla sse s
t Speaking and Writing t 21st century skills refere
nces and
t Irregular verbs list notes
t Phonetic chart t Class audio material

Digital Resources
Workbook + Speaking and For the student
Writing Practice Booklets t Workbook audio
d vocabulary d vocabulary
t Extensive grammar an t Interactive grammar an
practice activities
r skills
t Further practice in all fou t Learning links
t Self-check per un it
rk speaking For the teacher
t Extra pair and group wo t Vocabulary and gramm
ar worksheets
practice per unit at three different levels
t Additional step-by-step t Tests and exams
tasks per unit

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