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Commodity Option Implied Volatilities and the

Expected Futures Returns

Lin Gao

November 12, 2017


The detrended implied volatility of commodity options (VOL) forecasts the cross
section of the commodity futures returns significantly. A zero-cost strategy that is
long in low VOL and short in high VOL commodities yields an annualized return of
12.66% and a Sharpe ratio of 0.69. Notably, the excess returns based on the volatility
strategy emanate mainly from its forecasting power for the future spot component,
different from the other commodity strategies examined so far in the literature which
are all driven by roll returns. This strategy demonstrates low correlations (below 10%)
with the other strategies such as momentum or basis and performs especially well in
recessions. Our results are robust after controlling for illiquidity, other commodity
pricing factors, and exposure to the aggregate commodity market volatility. The VOL
measure is associated with hedging pressure on the futures and especially on the options
market. News media also helps amplify the uncertainty impact. Variables related
to investors’ lottery preferences and market frictions are able to explain part of the
predictive relationship.

Lin Gao ( is at the Luxembourg School of Finance, University of Luxembourg. Ad-
dress: Campus Kirchberg (Bloc F), rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi 6, L-1359 Luxembourg. E-mail: Tel.: +352 466 644 5482.

1 Introduction

What is the relationship between volatility and the expected returns of commodity futures?
The Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) of Merton (1973) suggests that
the excess return of the market portfolio should be positively related to the volatility of
the market. Economic theories also postulate a positive relationship between idiosyncratic
volatility of individual assets and future expected returns. Merton (1987) argues that in an
information-segmented market, investors demand higher returns for firms with larger firm-
specific volatilities. This additional risk premium is a result of compensation for holding
imperfectly diversified portfolios. Coincidentally, behavioral models such as Barberis and
Huang (2001) predict higher expected returns for higher volatility stocks as well.

The goal of this paper is to examine the cross-sectional relationship between option-implied
volatilities and expected returns of commodity futures. We look at a sample of 25 commodity
futures and their related option implied volatilities in the post-1990 period, where options
of most commodities are available. Our findings uncover that commodities with high VOL
earn lower returns in the following month, and the return difference between the highest and
lowest VOL commodities is statistically significant. This evidence contradicts the existing
theories which imply a positive volatility–return relationship. Furthermore, this result also
departs to certain extent from the empirical findings of the volatility risk premium literature
on the equities and FX markets. For example, Bollerslev et al. (2009) and Corte et al. (2016)
show that the volatility risk premium, defined as the difference between the implied volatility
and realized volatility of the respective market, positively forecast future returns.

Interestingly, this evidence from the commodity market echoes the similar puzzling findings
in the equity market. Ang et al. (2006) sort individual stock returns on their respective
volatility or idiosyncratic volatility. They find that stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility

from last month have low average expected returns and the difference between portfolio with
the highest and lowest idiosyncratic volatility stocks is significantly negative.

We form a strategy that sells commodities with the highest VOL and buys commodities
with the lowest VOL in month t and earns the zero-cost return in month t + 1. Our strategy
yields an average annualized return of 12.66% and a Sharpe ratio of 0.69. Notably, the
strategy return is almost entirely driven by the spot return component. This means that
commodities with the most expensive volatility insurance tend to experience price decline in
the next month, whereas commodities with the cheapest volatility insurance become more
expensive in the subsequent period. We further show that our strategy returns are not
mainly driven by illiquid commodity futures.

The fact that the VOL strategy return emanates mainly from the spot return component
is of crucial importance for commodity investment and risk management. So far, literature
has mainly documented commodity investment strategies based on signals from the term
structure (commodity futures contracts of different maturities) or roll return component.
This means that an important part of those strategy returns in month t + 1 come from the
“artificial” profit of selling the more expensive nearby contract and buying the less expensive
next nearby contract in month t. As a result, these strategy returns including momentum are
predominantly attributed to the positive roll return component. However, little knowledge
has been acquired regarding the spot component or time series evolution of the commodity
prices. Such kind of knowledge is apparently important in face of risks and the potential
state variables such as volatility that drive the evolution of prices over time.

Therefore, our findings favor a portfolio diversification with the volatility strategy. Alter-
natively, combining the volatility strategy with the other strategies in the double portfolio
sorts earns much higher returns thanks to the different sources of profitability. In addition,
one desirable feature of our strategy is that the volatility strategy performs particularly well

during recessions, as the VOL strategy acts as a natural hedge against the extremely volatile

So far, most of the commodity literature deals with the realized volatilities and returns with
a few exceptions1 . However, these studies typically employ volatility of commodities as a
characteristic to explain returns based on other state variables or test volatility endogenously
as a function of other pricing factors2 , whereas we investigate volatility and its predictability
for commodity returns. We find that the option-implied volatility demonstrates superior
predictive power to the realized volatility, the variance risk premium, and option implied
skewness both in terms of cross-sectional strategy return and time series predictability for
the overall commodity market. Furthermore, the predictability of the implied volatility is
not solely driven by its good or bad volatility component. Tail risk accounts for a substantial
part of the VOL predictive ability, but does not outperform the VOL strategy.

It is essential to understand what drives the volatility of commodity and its strategy returns.
In the time series approach, we show that the volatility strategy return is little correlated
with the factor returns represented by the other commodity strategies or the Fung and Hsieh
(2001) hedge fund factors. Neither are they related to the risk factors from the equity or bond
markets, or business cycle factors. While our strategy benefits from increasing commodity
market volatility, it is not a good hedge for the equity market volatility. In addition, the VOL
For example, Bakshi et al. (2016), Dhume (2011), Ng and Pirrong (1994), Gorton et al. (2013), or
Fama and French (1987) examine realized volatilities. Some papers apply implied volatility or volatiliy risk
premium for crude oil. For example, Pan and Kang (2015) find a negative predictive ability of oil variance
risk premium for oil futures returns. Christoffersen and Pan (2015) find the change in implied volatility in
crude oil can predict the cross-section of stock returns after the financialization period.
For example, Ng and Pirrong (1994) or Fama and French (1987) test commodity volatility as a function
of inventory or commodity basis based on the theory of storage. They focus on the relationship between
volatility and the lagged variables such as basis or inventory. Gorton et al. (2013) characterize the cross
section of commodity portfolio returns with their contemporaneous volatilities and relate the results to
inventory. Our study instead tests the predictive ability of volatility at t for commodity returns of the next
period t+1.

return is related to the inter-bank borrowing capacity (TED spread) or to the broker-dealer

These results prompt us to examine the determinants of VOL and the sources for predictabil-
ity in more details. Previous literature on commodity futures risk premia focuses mainly on
the following three aspects: hedging pressure, systematic risks, and noise trader risks.3 We
examine these explanations by employing traders’ positions data, the aggregate commodity
market risks, and the media exposure of the individual commodities.

First, the theory of normal backwardation by Keynes (1930) and Hicks (1930) proposes that
hedgers pay an additional premium to transfer their risk to speculators, which causes the
futures contracts to be traded below the expected future spot prices. As such, hedging
pressure generates a positive premium for buying the futures contracts. We show that the
volatility factor is negatively linked to the hedging pressure of producers, who are usually
on the short side of the futures contracts. In comparison it is positively correlated with net
short positions and hence negatively associated with the net long positions of the speculators,
especially money managers who are mainly composed of hedge funds, whereas the role of
swap dealers (index traders) is not clear. The results become more accentuated when we
observe options market alone or combined with the futures markets.

These findings lend support to the limits to arbitrage interpretation for the returns delivered
by the volatility strategy, as illustrated in Acharya et al. (2013). For the limits to arbitrage
to take effect would require risk-averse hedgers on the one side and capital-constrained
arbitrageurs (speculators) on the other side. Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) show that
when margin-constrained speculators trade in multiple assets across time periods, assets with
higher volatility are more sensitive to changes in speculator’s wealth. The risk-averse hedgers
of commodities (typically producers) prefer to hedge commodities with comparably cheap
For a brief summary of the related literature, see for example Adam and Fernando (2006) for the first
two views and Tang and Xiong (2012) or Cheng et al. (2015) for the financialization literature.

hedging costs (low option implied volatility). When the major part of the producers are on
the short side of the market, they typically intend to secure the current price level. Therefore,
they are willing to give up an additional premium to resolve uncertainty according to the
theory of normal backwardation (Hirschleifer, 1990). Thus commodity futures are traded
below the expected price. As a result future commodity returns increase. These results are
in line with those from the other asset markets such as currencies. The only difference is that
the hedgers in these markets are typically on the long side (Corte et al., 2016). Conversely,
when speculators are capital constrained and volatility insurance is high, producers are forced
to reduce their inventory. Then future spot prices decline.

A second strand of theory relates to the systematic risks resulting from undiversifiable risks in
the futures markets (see, for example, Dusak (1973) or Black (1976)). However, the returns
generated by the VOL strategy with individual commodity volatilities are not related to the
returns generated by the aggregate commodity market volatility, meaning that our strategy
returns do not stem from the compensation for the overall commodity market risk.

A third strand of the literature introduces noise trader risks, especially in face of the
financialization of the commodity futures markets. As a proxy for noise trader risks and
investors’ attention we employ the media coverage measure. Interestingly, media coverage
also generates similar portfolio return patterns to VOL: high media coverage leads to lower
returns in the next period. However, the two types of returns are not highly correlated.
Media uncertainty cannot explain the option implied volatility of commodities in the panel,
suggesting that these two types of returns are driven by difference sources.

In addition to the explanations discussed above, we explore candidates related to the idiosyn-
cratic volatility literature: variables on investors’ lottery preferences and market frictions.
Following the approach in Hou and Loh (2016), we conduct a four-stage procedure and
decompose the coefficient of VOL in the Fama-MacBeth predictive regressions into one

component explained by the candidate variables and one orthogonal residual part. Our
results show that the predictive ability of VOL does come to some extent from these sources.
For example, the maximum return from last month, return reversal or illiquidity measure
show promise in explaining the predictability. However, there still remains a large significant
part unexplained by these variables.

Our paper provides a broad overview of the strategies examined so far in the literature.
The basis predictor has been addressed as a proxy for fundamentals such as inventory
(Fama and French, 1987). Yang (2013) rationalizes the basis factor with investment shocks.
Szymanowska et al. (2014) provide evidence that the basis factor explains the cross section
of the nearby commodity returns, whereas two additional portfolios explain the spreading
returns. Hong and Yogo (2012) follow a time series approach to show the predictive ability
of open interest for future commodity returns. We find evidence that open interest growth
also predicts commodity returns cross-sectionally. Bakshi et al. (2016) argue that an average
commodity factor, a carry factor (basis), and a momentum factor are capable of describing
the cross-sectional variation of commodity returns. Boons and Prado (2016) add the basis-
momentum factor into the pricing literature, where the average of 12-month return differences
at two different points on the futures curve predict the cross section of commodity futures
returns. De Roon et al. (2000) discovers that producers’ hedging pressure predicts future
commodity returns.

We demonstrate that the model incorporating the volatility factor is better aligned with
the data compared to the models with the existing factors studied by Szymanowska et al.
(2014), Bakshi et al. (2016) or Boons and Prado (2016). The volatility factor premium is
large and statistically highly significant both in the Fama-MacBeth cross-sectional settings as
well as in the GMM approach in a stochastic discount factor. Thus, it significantly improves
the model fit. The Kan and Robotti (2009) test of the null hypothesis that the difference
between the Hansen-Jagannathan distance of our model and the other models is rejected,

suggesting that the option implied volatility serves as a pricing factor for the cross-section
of commodity returns. Applying a new approach developed by Giglio and Xiu (2017), we
yield similar robust results for the VOL factor.

Beyond the research papers mentioned above, our study complements a growing body of
literature studying the general behavior of the broad commodity market over time such as
Erb and Harvey (2006), Gorton et al. (2013), or Gorton and Rouwenhorst (2006). Our paper
is also partially related to the financialization literature, in which the role of speculators and
hedgers are intensively discussed (see, for example, Cheng et al. (2015) or Tang and Xiong
(2012)). Furthermore, our paper connects to the financial intermediary literature (Adrian
et al., 2014) as well as the effect of financial insititutions (Henderson et al., 2014). Etula
(2013) documents that the speculator risk tolerance – the broker dealer measure – strongly
predicts commodity futures returns with a negative sign. Our paper differs from the literature
on liquidity risk in the commodity markets such as the rollover risk (see, for example, Mou
(2011), Marshall et al. (2012), or Neuhierl and Thompson (2016)), in that we study the
cross-sectional asset pricing evidence, instead of the impact of some particular event dates.

2 Data Description

Commodity Futures and Options Data. We obtain the commodity futures and options
data from Commodity Research Bureau (CRB). Table A.1 provides an overview of the
commodities examined in the sample, the exchanges on which they are traded, as well as the
option expiration months. As a proxy for the option’s liquidity, we present the statistical
properties of the dollar value open interest of the commodity options in Table A.2. The dollar
value of open interest is backed out as the difference of total open interest between the futures
& options combined and the futures only category from the Commitment of Traders Report
from CFTC. As the commodity options are of American style, we convert the option prices

to European options following the approach by Barone-Adesi and Whaley (1987). Out-of-
money call and put options are applied to compute the option implied moments. To ensure
sufficient liquidity, we keep options with at least 15 days and at most 8 months to expiry.
We further exclude options violating standard no-arbitrage conditions. We exclude options
with a price which is below or equal to five times the minimum tick value. We truncate the
upper and lower strike at Kt = Ft,T · exp{±6σ(T − t)}. Jiang and Tian (2005) find that
the truncation error can be ignored if the truncation points are more than two standard
deviations away from the forward price. We also try with the alternative truncation points
at 10σ. The difference is negligible. Following Bakshi et al. (2003), we compute the model-
free option implied volatility and skewness. We use monthly data by sampling end-of-month
implied volatilities from January 1990 to October 2014.

We compare the daily implied volatility of crude oil (IVOil) and gold (IVGold) with their
counterparts traded on the CME exchange: the 30-day CBOE gold volatility index (GVZ)
and the crude oil volatility index (OVX). OVX and GVZ are based on options on the United
States Oil Fund and the SPDR Gold Shares. It is evident in Figure A.1 that IVOil and
IVGold track their respective counterpart very closely. The correlation coefficient is 99.1%
for oil and 98.8% for gold.

In order to obtain a continuous time series of commodity futures returns, we take the nearest-
to-maturity contract with maturity month T and roll to the next contract at the end of month
T −2 to avoid illiquidity issues near expiration. We then splice the daily log returns of the
chosen contracts into a continuous time series for each commodity before aggregating the
daily log returns to the monthly level.

Other Data. We further employ data on dollar value of commodity open interest, which
is computed as the number of futures contracts outstanding multiplied by the size of the
respective contract and the price of the nearest-to-maturity futures contract, as well as long

and short positions of commercial traders (hedgers) for each futures contract. These data are
available from Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The data are available at weekly
frequency. We convert them to end-of-month data. Trading volume data are provided by

3 Strategies

Detrended Implied Volatility (VOL). The commodities examined in our sample repre-
sents a wide variety regarding the production region, seasonality, industrial or consumption
usage, perishability etc. Such distinct characteristics are also reflected in the diverse implied
volatility patterns. As an illustration, Figure 1 presents the implied volatilities of crude oil,
copper, corn, and gold. For the ease of comparison, we take the VIX index from the equity
market as a benchmark. The commodity volatilities in the figure are very different from each
other both in terms of the average level and the time-varying patterns. For example, crude
oil IV is on average larger than VIX, whereas gold IV is approximately comparable to VIX.
Corn IV exhibits very salient seasonality patterns. Copper’s IV peaks around 2006 or 2009
and is much higher than the IV in the 1990s.

All these facts suggest that we should not directly compare the implied volatilities among
the commodities due to the different unconditional mean of volatilities as well as the time-
varying nature of them. Instead, we should adopt a measure that takes both the level as
well as the time-varying properties into account. Gorton et al. (2013), for example, use
the difference between the volatility and the unconditional mean of volatility to characterize
volatility innovations in commodity futures. However, they did not consider the time-varying
aspect of volatility and their measure is ex post based on the whole sample information.

In the following, we propose a detrended volatility measure to extract volatility innovations.
Specifically, at the end of each month t, we detrend the 30-day implied volatility by the past
12-month average.
V OLi,t = IVi,t − IVi,t−τ , (1)
n τ =1

where n = 12. IVi,t refers to the 30-day implied volatilies of commodity i at time t. As
such, the last part of Equation 1 serves as a proxy for the conditional mean of the volatility.
Using yearly average also has the advantage that we can keep the seasonality shocks in the
implied volatility in place, as these are also time-varying. Another appealing feature of this
approach is that it can be easily implemented in real time and does not rely on any parameter
estimation. For comparison and robustness, Figure 2 displays the strategy return and t-stat
regarding the choice of different n. It turns out that though the strategy return is large
and statistically significant for all the choices, n=12 or 24 is actually a good proxy for the
conditional mean of volatility. No detrending (n=0) or using too short (n=6) or too long
window (n=36) loses some information in the estimate.

In each month t, we group commodities into four portfolios using the VOL measure. We
allocate the top 25% of all commodities with the highest VOL to Portfolio 1, and 25% of all
commodities with the lowest VOL to Portfolio 4. Subsequently, we form the strategy that
is long in Portfolio 4 and short in Portfolio 1. We then compute the average excess return
within each portfolio at t + 1 and calculate the returns of the zero-cost portfolio.

Momentum (MOM). At the end of each period t, we form four portfolios based on the
commodity futures returns over the previous 12 months from t − 11 to t. We assign the
25% of all commodities with the highest lagged returns to Portfolio 1, and the the 25% of
all commodities with the lowest lagged returns to Portfolio 4. We then compute the equal
weighted excess return for each portfolio at t + 1. The strategy is long in Portfolio 1 (winner
commodities) and short in Portfolio 4 (loser commodities).

Basis. At the end of each period t, we form four portfolios by sorting on the basis of each
commodity futures. The basis in our approach is defined as [log(FtT2 ) − log(FtT1 )]/(T2 − T1 ).
FtT1 is the price of the nearby futures contract and FtT2 refers to the second nearby futures
contract. We assign the 25% of all commodities with the highest basis to Portfolio 1, and
the the 25% of all commodities with the lowest basis to Portfolio 4. We then compute the
equal weighted excess return for each portfolio at t + 1. The strategy is long in Portfolio 4
(lowest basis) and short in Portfolio 1 (highest basis).

Basis-Momentum (BasMom). Following Boons and Prado (2016), we form four port-
folios based on the difference between momentum in the first- and second-nearby futures.
We assign the 25% of all commodities with the highest basis-momentum to Portfolio 1, and
the the 25% of all commodities with the lowest basis-momentum to Portfolio 4. We then
compute the equal weighted excess return for each portfolio at t + 1. The strategy is long in
Portfolio 1 (highest BasMom) and short in Portfolio 4 (lowest BasMom).

Hedging Pressure. Following De Roon et al. (2000) we define hedging pressure as the
difference of open interest between commercial traders that are short in futures contract
and those that are long in futures contract, divided by the total open interest of commercial
traders. At the end of each period t, we group four portfolios by sorting on the hedging
pressure of each commodity futures. We assign the 25% of all commodities with the highest
hedging pressure to Portfolio 1, and the the 25% of all commodities with the lowest hedging
pressure to Portfolio 4. We then compute the equal weighted excess return for each portfolio
at t + 1. The strategy is long in Portfolio 1 (highest hedging pressure) and short in Portfolio
4 (lowest hedging pressure).

Open Interest Growth. Following Hong and Yogo (2012), we define open interest (in
dollar) for each commodity as the nearest-to-maturity futures price times the quantity of
futures contracts outstanding times the contract size. We then compute the log growth rate

of open interest. Because the monthly growth rate of open interest is noisy, we smooth it
by taking a 12-month average in the time series. At the end of each period t, we group four
portfolios by sorting on the open interest growth of each commodity futures. We assign the
25% of all commodities with the highest hedging pressure to Portfolio 1, and the the 25%
of all commodities with the lowest hedging pressure to Portfolio 4. We then compute the
equal weighted excess return for each portfolio at t + 1. The strategy is long in Portfolio 1
(highest open interest growth) and short in Portfolio 4 (lowest open interest growth).

4 Empirical Results

4.1 Main Results

Table 1 presents the returns and their summary statistics of portfolios generated by our
VOL strategy. First, our strategy that buys commodities with the highest VOL and sells
those with the lowest VOL from the last period yields an annualized return of 12.66%, which
is statistically significant at the 1% level. The Sharpe ratio is 0.69. Second, the strategy
return mainly stems from the short leg (highest VOL portfolio). The portfolio with highest
VOL in the last period bears a loss of 10.08%. Third, in general portfolio returns increase
from Portfolio High to Low, though the increase is not monotonic. Fourth, in order to see
to which part the strategy return can be attributed to, in Panel B and C we decompose the
commodity returns into nearby returns and roll returns as in Szymanowska et al. (2014).
If we regard the nearest to maturity contract as a proxy for spot prices, then the nearby
returns equal approximately the spot returns. The long–short portfolio returns are almost
totally driven by the nearby returns, which can be regarded as the log difference of spot
prices, whereas the roll return component of the strategy portfolio is negative (-1.8%). This
evidence is similar to the findings in the variance risk premia literature that the implied

volatility or variance risk premia mainly drive spot returns (See, e.g. Corte et al. (2016)).
In addition, in the nearby return part, the long and short leg contribute almost equally to
the long-short return. However, the positive return of the “Low” portfolio is canceled out
by the negative roll return.

In Panel D, we display the transition matrix. The commodities rotate across the portfolios
based on the transition probabilities. The steady state transition probabilities π are almost
equal among all four portfolios. Those of the High and Low Portfolio are relatively stable
compared to the middle portfolios. To further show that the long and short leg of our strategy
are not composed of the same set of commodities over time, Table A.3 reports the number
of occasions when the VOL of the respective commodity has been the highest (lowest), or
among the two, three, or four highest (lowest) across all the commodities. Especially in
the two middle columns where the four lowest and highest VOL commodities are reported,
the number is very balanced among the commodities, suggesting that the long and short
portfolios are not driven by certain commodities over time. In the mean time the relatively
stable transition probabilities for these two portfolios give a reasonable turnover regarding
transaction costs.

Panel E reports the characteristics of the VOL portfolios before and after the portfolio
formation. The VOL measure is relatively persistent. The difference between the highest
and lowest VOL portfolio is large and statistically significant before and after the formation.
The highest VOL portfolio exhibits higher momentum returns, lower basis, and lower hedging
pressure relative to the lowest VOL portfolio. Interestingly, the difference between the Dollar
open interest of the highest and lowest portfolio is not significantly different, suggesting that
the results are unlikely to be mainly driven by liquidity.

It may be of interest to examine how the strategy return changes with regard to different
formation periods. Figure 3 displays the average annualized monthly returns at t generated

by sorting on VOL at t−1, t−2,... or up to t−12. Panel A displays the strategy returns and
their decomposition into nearby and roll returns. The VOL strategy return is to some extent
persistent for the first two lags of VOL, with the second lag still yielding a positive excess
return of over 10%. The returns decline dramatically from the third lag on and reverse at
the end of the testing period. In line with the results in Table 1, the spot returns mainly
drive the excess returns, whereas the roll returns change little over the various formation
periods. In order to understand the change of the long and short leg portfolio regarding the
different the holding month, Panel B presents the long and short leg returns. It is evident
that the short leg returns are more persistent than the long leg returns, which turn negative
from the second month on before reversing in the 11th or 12th month. Interestingly, when
decomposing the short and long leg returns in Panel C and D, the nearby returns of the long
leg portfolio is positive, suggesting that low VOL leads to higher nearby returns and hence
rising futures prices. The nearby returns for the long leg are large and remain positive until
up to the 8th month ahead.

In addition, we test whether the VOL returns emanate from the unconditional volatility
difference among the commodities. Though we have shown in Table A.3 that the portfolio
composition is not concentrated on certain commodities, we formally confirm this impression
by forming portfolios based on the unconditional VOL. The results are reported in Table
3. First, Panel A shows that V OL underperforms its conditional counterpart. The average
annual excess return of 6.10% is small and statistically insignificant. Moreover, the return
is almost totally driven by the roll component, instead of by the nearby return which is the
case for the conditional strategy. Third, the correlations with the other strategies are high.
For example, the correlation with momentum is 0.67 and that with open interest is 0.49. To
conclude, the VOL strategy return depends crucially on the conditional sort of the volatility
and is not attributed to the unconditional characteristics of commodities.

Furthermore, we address the potential criticism that our strategy results may be driven by
illiquid commodities. We choose those commodities that are both members of the two major
commodity indices: the S&P GSCI index (formerly Goldman Sachs Commodity Index) and
the Bloomberg Commodity Index (formerly DJ UBS or DJ AIG index). These two indices
are the most widely recognized benchmarks and include the most liquid commodity futures.
The last three columns of Table A.1 document whether a commodity is component of the two
indices respectively as well as whether it is included in our small sample. Table A.5 reports
the results. Our strategy that sells the highest VOL and buys the lowest VOL commodities
at the end of month t yields a similar annualized return of 12.9% in the small sample, which
is significant at the 5% level. Similar to the results with the big sample, the return comes
mainly from the nearby return component. This evidence suggests that our strategy is not
driven by the illiquid commodity futures and is therefore well tradable.

4.2 Comparing VOL with Other Commodity Strategies

We compare our strategy returns with the returns generated from other strategies employed
in the commodity literature to assess the strategy predictability. These strategies are
summarized in Section 3.

Panel A of Table 2 displays the excess returns generated by these trading strategies. Con-
sistent with the literature, momentum, basis momentum, and open interest deliver sizable
excess returns, whereas the returns obtained by basis and hedging pressure are small and
statistically insignificant at the 5% level. The VOL strategy is comparable to that of the
momentum strategy. However, our strategy displays a lower standard deviation and hence
higher statistical significance for the returns and a higher Sharpe-ratio. Basis-momentum,
which exploits the momentum return difference of two nearby contracts, yields the highest
returns (16.77%). Open interest also delivers reasonable returns, suggesting that liquidity

is an important state variable. In Figure 4, we plot the cumulative returns of the strategies
over the sample period. It is evident that the VOL strategy delivers constantly positive
returns and performs especially (but not only) well during the crisis periods.

The most interesting part of the comparison is that our strategy is the only one among the
examined strategies where a major portion of return is attributed to the predictability for
the spot or nearby returns. The other strategy returns including that of momentum emanate
from the roll returns. For example, the large positive roll returns of momentum (24.89%)
is accompanied by the negative nearby return (-12.63%). Similar cases apply for basis and
basis-momentum. Open interest obtains positive returns both in the roll and nearby return
part, but the nearby return component is not statistically significant.

As such, the VOL strategy provides a meaningful diversification for a portfolio which gener-
ates returns with the other commodity strategies. In Panel D, we compute the correlation
matrix among the different strategies. Consistent with the finding that the VOL strategy
is driven by different return component from the other strategies, the correlation is close to
zero with the other strategies. Notably, the correlation with the open interest strategy is
extremely low (-0.02). This evidence suggests that our results are unlikely to be liquidity-
driven. The correlation among the other strategies are much higher on average. For example,
the momentum strategy is highly correlated with basis (0.45), basis-momentum (0.39) and
open interest (0.39).

4.3 Alternative Volatility-Related Measures

Raw implied volatility, realized volatility, variance risk premia, and skew. We
compare the VOL strategy which is based on the option implied volatilities with strategies
with alternative volatility measures. Specifically, we compare with the raw implied volatility,
the realized volatility, the variance risk premia which is calculated as the difference between

the realized variance and implied variance, and the option implied skewness. The realized
volatility is computed as the square root of the sum of the squared daily returns in the
current month. Similar to the implied volatility, we also detrend the realized volatility4 .
Table A.4 reports the results. The portfolio sorts based on raw implied volatility and the
realized volatility yield similar results as the VOL measure. High volatility portfolios earn
lower returns compared to low volatility portfolios. However, neither of them have as strong
predictability as the detrended implied volatility. The portfolio sorts on the variance risk
premia and option implied skewness do not yield meaningful results either.

Good and bad volatility. In order to examine whether the predictability is particularly
driven the positive or negative component of the risk-neutral return distribution, we explore
the two components separately in the analysis. Following Equation (12) in Kilic and Shalias-
tovich (2017), we decompose the implied variance into good and bad variance components
ivtg and ivtb , which correspond to the prices of the positive and negative payoff components.
Z ∞ 2 1 − ln St
ivtg (τ ) = Ct (τ, X)dX
St X2 , (2)

2 1 + ln
ivtb (τ ) = X
Pt (τ, X)dX
0 X2

where Ct (τ, X) and Pt (τ, X) denote the call and put prices at time t with time to maturity τ
and strike price X. The underlying price is denoted as St . Good volatility is constructed by
the out-of-money call options that is especially sensitive when the return realization tends to
be positive whereas bad volatility is made up of out-of-money put options, which are active
when the asset prices drop.
Alternatively, we also compute the predicted realized volatility using the HAR model as in Corsi (2009).
The results are also inferior to those of the VOL measure.

Table 4 reports the results. To be consistent with the VOL measure before, we also detrend
the good and bad volatility, whereas the undetrended case is similar to the results and
are available upon request. The annualized return generated by the good and bad VOL
strategies are 6.72% and 8.57% respectively. Though returns are generally high (low) for low
(high) VOL portfolios, the magnitude and statistical significance are both inferior to those
obtained by the total VOL strategy. These results show that the returns obtained by the
VOL strategy is not driven by the good or bad parts and the volatility as a whole matters
for the results.

Tail risk. Literature documents the importance of time-varying tail risk across the different
asset classes (see, for example, Gao et al. (2017) or Gao et al. (2017)). We therefore explore
the tail risk exposure across the commodities and compare the results with those obtained
by VOL. Following Gao et al. (2017) we construct the tail risk measure as the difference
between the prices of two different option portfolios written on the respective commodity
futures. The first replication portfolio contains OTM calls and puts with a weight inversely
proportional to their squared strikes.
Z ∞ Z St
2 2
IVtf irst = Ct (τ, X)dX + Pt (τ, X)dX (3)
St X2 0 X2

The second portfolio assigns a larger weight to the deeper out-of-money put and call options.
∞ 2 1 + ln SXt St

2 1 + ln
IVtsecond = Ct (τ, X)dX + X
Pt (τ, X)dX (4)
St X2 0 X2

The tail risk measure, which is associated with extreme movements of the futures prices, is
hence computed as T ail = IVtsecond − IVtf irst . Due to similar reasons as with the volatilities,
we detrend the tail measure by the previous 12 months’ average.

Panel C of Table 4 shows that the annualized average return generated by tail risk is 11.53%,
similar to but not as high as that of VOL. The correlation between the returns generated by
VOL and the tail measure is 0.83, suggesting that the two types strategies are indeed closely

4.4 Interacting with Other State Variables / Strategies

In face of the low correlations of the VOL strategy with the other strategies, it may be
interesting to see further whether the strategy performance varies across different economic
states and whether combining it with other strategies can achieve better results. Table 5
shows the VOL strategy performance during the NBER recession and expansion periods.
Consistent with Figure 4, the VOL strategy return is substantially higher during the NBER
recessions (32.94%, t-stat=2.60), while the average return in the expansions still remains
high (10.45%, t-stat=2.66). In contrast, the other strategies such as momentum or open
interest show sightly lower returns during the recessions. Basis also yields higher returns
during the recessions, but its return in expansions is as low as 2.97%. Therefore, it is a
desirable feature of the VOL strategy that can generate higher returns in recessions while
the returns outside recessions are still high.

Subsequently, we interact the strategies by implementing the independent two-way sorts.

We first sort the commodities on one of the other strategies listed in the first column and
split them at the median. In parallel, we sort the commodities into quartile portfolios on
VOL. We then take the intersection between the two strategies. In this way, we are able to
examine whether the combined strategy yields greater return.

Panel B shows that the VOL returns remain positive and statistically significant in most cases
when sorting on the other variables. For example, when sorting commodities on momentum
in addition, the annualized return from the VOL strategy is 13.18% for the high momentum

portfolio, and 12.61% for the low momentum portfolio. The VOL returns in high and low
open interest cases are similar to each other. The VOL strategy earns even slightly higher
returns for the commodities with high open interest than with low open interest. These
results are reassuring and show that the VOL strategy is not driven by illiquid commodities
that are in practice difficult to be traded.

Sorting both on VOL and another strategy variable helps increase the portfolio returns. For
instance, a strategy that is long in high basis and low VOL and short in high basis and high
VOL yields an annualized return of 17.73%. Or even more interestingly, a strategy that is
long in low basis and low VOL and short in high basis and high VOL can earn an annualized
return of 22.93% (t-stat=3.82). Basis often act as a proxy for inventory (Fama and French,
1987). Ng and Pirrong (1994) document that volatility of the spot/nearby futures return
could vary regarding the magnitude of basis. As the unconditional mean of the basis may
vary across the commodities, the volatility signal combined with basis sorts out the extent
to which the relative inventory is tight regarding the demand. As low basis could serve as
a potential stock-out signal, low basis combined with low volatility is more likely to trigger
price increase in the next month. In comparison, high basis suggests abundance of inventory
and high volatility may be a sign of the selling pressure which leads to price decline in the

4.5 Predictive Ability of VOL for Commodity Returns

After showing the cross-sectional predictive evidence of commodity implied volatilities, it

is straightforward to investigate the predictive results in the panel regressions. We run the
following panel regressions:

Ri,t+1 = β 0 Fi,t + λRi,t + αi + µt + εi,t , (5)

As Fi,t we examine VOL, basis (as a proxy for storage conditions), the realized volatility, and
the VIX (as a proxy for the general market volatility). In addition, we also control for the
lagged commodity returns. In the panel regressions we include both time and commodity
fixed effects to account for the fixed common components within each commodity and at
each time. However, the residuals of each group at the time and commodity level may still
correlate with each other. We therefore follow Petersen (2009) to compute the two-way
cluster-robust standard errors at the commodity and time level as well to remove the bias
in standard error estimation caused by residual correlation within these two dimensions.

Table 6 reports the results. In isolation, the coefficient of VOL is negative and statistically
significant at the 1% level. One unit increase in VOL leads to a decline in return of 7.39
percentage points, which is economically large regarding the unconditional mean of the
average commodity futures returns (-0.1%). In comparison, the realized volatility also leads
to price decrease. However, the standard errors are relatively large, suggesting that the
signal by realized volatility is noisy. Similarly, the coefficient of VIX is negative, but its
magnitude and t-statistics are strictly inferior to VOL. Basis enters the equation with a
positive coefficient and is not statistically significant. When including all the predictors
in the joint model, the coefficient of VOL remains stable both in terms of magnitude and
statistical significance.

5 Common Factors and Asset Pricing Tests

Time series tests. To understand what drives the times series returns of our VOL strategy,
we regress the long-short portfolio returns on different sets of risk factors proposed in the
literature. If the underlying factors can price returns effectively, the results should feature
an economically small and statistically insignificant intercept, a statistically significant co-
efficient, and a high adjusted R2 . First, we employ the strategy factors explored in Table 2

and a global commodity excess return factor COMDT, which is the equal-weighted average
returns across all the commodities examined. In Panel A of Table 7, the COMDT factor
exhibits a negative significant coefficient (t-stat=-3.33), which shows that the VOL return is
conversely related to the average commodity market return. In line with the results in Table
2, all the other strategy factors are not significantly related to the VOL returns.

Second, we adopt the hedge fund factors from Fung and Hsieh (2001). Specifically, these
factors entail returns from the trend-following strategies applied to commodity, stock, gov-
ernment bond, interest rate, and foreign exchange markets. In Panel B, none of them are
significant with an adjusted R2 close to zero. Third, we look at the equity and bond market
factors: the equity and bond market return, the size spread as well as the change in VIX.
In Panel C, our portfolio return is not significantly correlated with equity or bond market
return, nor the size spread. Interestingly, the VOL return is negatively correlated with
the change in VIX. This evidence shows that our strategy return is not a hedge against
the equity market uncertainty and the commodity market volatility distinguishes from the
equity market volatility.

In Panel D, we employ the log return of the MSCI Emerging Market Equity Total Return
Index, the log difference of the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), credit spread, and the Bloom
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index. It would be interesting to examine the correlation
between the strategy return and the average commodity option implied volatility. Therefore,
we compute the average of the available option implied volatilities (CIV ) at each month.
The VOL return tends to be positively related to the emerging market return, BDI index,
and credit spread, and negatively related to the Bloom index. However, the magnitude
of the coefficients is small and statistically insignificant. Intuitively, our strategy benefits
from the growing average commodity market volatility. The coefficient of CIV is 19.34 and
statistically significant at the 1% level.

As high volatility typically comes along with low liquidity, we further examine the liquidity
effect in Panel E. We use shocks to the leverage of securities broker-dealer as in Adrian et al.
(2014) and Etula (2013), the Pastor-Stambaugh liquidity factor (Pastor and Stambaugh,
2003), the TED spread, the funding liquidity factor (Fontaine and Garcia, 2012), the betting-
against-beta (BaB) factor (Frazzini and Pedersen, 2014), and log return of the FTSE World
Bank index. As the first measure is only available at the quarterly frequency, we adapt our
return data also to the corresponding frequency. Our strategy return is negatively correlated
with the broker-dealer index. When market liquidity is tight, shocks to the leverage of
broker-dealer tend to be negative, and vice verse. Hence, the negative loading of our strategy
return on this proxy suggests that the strategy benefits from the negative shock to liquidity.
Similarly, when TED spread widens, signaling tightening liquidity, the VOL strategy return

Cross-Sectional Tests. Our asset universe contains in total 29 portfolios: the four mo-
mentum portfolios, four basis portfolios, four basis-momentum portfolios, four open interest
portfolios, four hedging pressure portfolios, four volatility portfolios, and sectoral portfolios
including energy, grains, livestock, softs, and metals. We exclude the industrials portfolio
because the covariance matrix is not of full rank when adding this portfolio to our asset
universe. It is worth mentioning that our asset universe contains portfolios formed on
broader strategies than those examined by Boons and Prado (2016), Bakshi et al. (2016),
or Szymanowska et al. (2014). Thus, including portfolios sorted on many other variables
improves the plausibility of the asset pricing tests (based on the critique of Lewellen et al.
(2010), Prescription 1).

We adopt three approaches for the cross-sectional asset pricing tests. In addition to the
well-known two-step Fama-MacBeth (FMB) approach and the GMM estimation of stochastic
discount factor parameters, we also follow the three-pass approach of Giglio and Xiu (2017)
taking into account of missing factors or measurement errors.

First, we employ the traditional two-step FMB approach. In this setting the excess return
of commodities rxt+1 depends on factor risk premia λ and the individual risk quantities βi .

E[rx] = λ0 β (6)

β is a vector of the individual beta loadings βi . Specifically, in the first step, we estimate βi
for each portfolio by running time series regressions of portfolio excess returns on the risk
factors. In the second step, we run a cross-sectional regression of the average returns on the
estimated betas without an intercept, in order to obtain the factor risk premia λ. We then
estimate the standard errors of λ using both the Newey and West (1987) procedure with
automatic lag selection with and without Shanken (1992) correction.

Second, we implement the GMM approach to estimate the parameters for the stochastic
discount factor. Following Burnside (2011), Menkhoff et al. (2012), and Bakshi et al. (2016),
we denote the stochastic discount factor as mt+1 . No arbitrage implies:

E(mt+1 rxt+1 ) = 0, where mt+1 = 1 − b0 (ft+1 − µ). (7)

ft+1 is a vector of risk factors and µ is a vector of factor means. Our GMM moment conditions

 
[1 − b (ft+1 − µ)] ⊗ rxt+1
 
g(zt+1 , θ) =  ft+1 − µ (8)
 

 
vec(ft+1 − µ)(ft+1 − µ)0 − vec(Σf )

Σf is the factor covariance matrix. This setting incorporates the uncertainty embedded in
the estimated means and covariance of ft+1 by taking them into the moment conditions.

As in Cochrane (1996) and Menkhoff et al. (2012), our (first-stage) GMM estimation uses a
prespecified weighting matrix Wt , which is composed of a identity matrix for the first N asset
pricing moment conditions and a large weight assigned to the additional moment conditions
to ensure the precise estimation of factor means and covariance matrix.

The specification of SDF in Equation (7) implies the beta pricing model in Equation (6).
The factor risk premia λ can be obtained by λ = Σf b, which connect the two models.

We compare our asset pricing model that incorporates the global commodity factor, the basis
factor, the momentum factor, the basis-momentum factor, and the VOL factor with those
used in Bakshi et al. (2016) and Boons and Prado (2016). Our SDF is specified as follows:

mt+1 = 1 − bComdt (Comdtt+1 − µComdt ) − bBasis (Basist+1 − µBasis ) − bM om (M omt+1 − µM om )

−bBasM om (BasM omt+1 − µBasM om ) − bV OL (V OLt+1 − µV OL )


Bakshi et al. (2016) employ only the first three factor whereas Boons and Prado (2016) adopt
the first four factors from Equation (9).

We report in Panel A of Table 8 the GMM and FMB results for our pricing model (Model
A), whereas in Panel B and C we compare with the model of Boons and Prado (2016)
(Model B) and Bakshi et al. (2016) (Model C). In each panel, we report the factor risk
premia λ and the t-statistics based on Newey-West standard errors with (in brackets) and
without (in parentheses) Shanken correction. We also provide the OLS uncentered R2 as
well as the GLS uncentered R2 (Lewellen et al. (2010), Prescription 3) from the FMB cross-
sectional regressions. An additional advantage of the GLS uncentered R2 is that it reflects
the mean-variance efficiency of a model’s factor-mimicking portfolios. In addition, the table
displays the χ2 test statistic and its p-value, as well as the Hansen-Jagannathan distance
(HJ-distance). As it is not possible to compare directly whether two competing models have

the same HJ-distance solely based on the particular HJ-distance value, and the p-value of
it is not a good way to compare models, we apply the Kan and Robotti (2009) test5 of the
null hypothesis that the Hansen-Jagannathan distance of Model A with the VOL factor and
Model B without VOL are equal. In our case, the factor used in Model B and C are a subset
of our model, so the models are nested. We report the p-value of this χ2 test.

We are primarily interested in the risk premia of the volatility factor VOL, which is the
zero-cost return at t + 1 from buying the commodity futures with the lowest detrended
implied volatility at t and sell those with the highest one. In Panel A, adding VOL
factor to the existing factors, the risk premia λV OL (0.011) is large in magnitude and
statistically significant. The estimates of λV OL obtained by both FMB and GMM are
identical. The t-statistics based on Newey-West with and without Shanken correction are
similar to each other. Taking into account the fact that the factor mean and covariance are
estimated simultaneously in GMM, the estimated t-statistics are aligned with those with
FMB. Moreover, the factor loading bV OL is also positive and statistically significant. In a
nutshell, the results shows that VOL represents a distinct significant source of risk premia.

The Comdt factor, which is the average of all available commodity futures returns, demon-
strates negative insignificant risk premia for all three models. This evidence is consistent
with findings from the equity and currency market literature6 and contrast those in Bakshi
et al. (2016) and Boons and Prado (2016), which demonstrate positive (and even statistically
significant) market risk premia. Remember that our asset universe contains broader strategy
portfolios than those in the previous studies. To show that our estimates correspond to the
actual risk premia of the factors, we follow Lewellen et al. (2010) Prescription 2 to display
the average excess return of the factors in Panel D. If the risk premia are correctly identified,
they should correspond to their average excess returns. Panel D confirms that it is exactly
See Equation (36) and (27) in Kan and Robotti (2009).
See, for example, Fama and French (1992), Lustig et al. (2011), Corte et al. (2016), Menkhoff et al.

the case: the estimated risk premia in Panel A as well as Panel B and C are almost equivalent
with the average factor return, meaning that the estimates are in a reasonable range.

In all models, the estimated risk premia of basis, momentum, and basis momentum are
positive and correspond to the average factor excess returns, suggesting that portfolios that
are positively related to these factors earn an additional positive premium. Once the basis-
momentum factor is added in Panel B, the loading on basis bBasis becomes insignificant.

The VOL factor contributes positively to the incremental explanatory power of the pricing
model. The uncentered GLS R2 (uncentered OLS R2 ) in Panel A is 0.84 (0.86) and is much
higher compared to that in Panel B and C, whose value correspond to 0.49 (0.70) and 0.52
(0.58). Thus the pricing model with VOl stands out after the correction for the correlations
among the model residuals and provides a good model fit. The χ2 test of the null hypothesis
that the pricing errors are zero is clearly rejected in Model C (p-value>0.05). In model B the
p-values are equal to 0.08 (without Shanken correction) and 0.14 (with Shanken correction),
indicating that it is a marginal case not to reject the null hypothesis. Finally, in model C,
the p-value is as large as 0.37 or 0.53, suggesting that the null hypothesis of zero pricing
error is not rejected. Model A also yields the lowest HJ-distance. Furthermore, the Kan and
Robotti (2009) test rejects the null hypothesis that Model A with the VOL factor has the
same HJ-distance as Model B.

Third, as a robustness check, we follow the three-pass approach of Giglio and Xiu (2017) to
estimate the risk premia of the factors discussed above in case these are measured with error
or the true factors are missing. As Giglio and Xiu (2017) argue, the observable factors could
be just a subset of the true factors or they could be measured with error. Their approach
addresses this problem in a three-pass procedure: In the first pass, principle components
are used as latent factors to recover and span the factor space. In a second step, the factor
loadings are estimated with OLS to obtain the risk premia of the latent factors. In a third

pass, the observable factor premia are backed out based on the projection of the observable
factors on the latent factors. We present the estimates of this approach in Table A.6. The
number of the latent factors is determined by the information criteria following Bai and Ng
(2002) which give an optimal number of six or seven. We present in the table the three
cases with six, seven, or eight latent factors. We report the estimated factor premia λ
of the observable factors comdt, basis, momentum, basis momentum as well as VOL. In
addition, we also report the fraction of the factor variations explained by the latent factors
as Rg2 . With seven latent factors, the risk premium estimated for VOL is 0.008, which is
statistically significant at the 5% level. Its magnitude is slightly below but very close to the
estimated premium in Table 8. The significance and magnitude of the VOL premium is lower
with only six latent factors, but this is due to the fact that the first six latent factors provide
very limited explanatory power for the VOL factor. The results with eight latent factors
are very similar to those with seven latent factors. The other factors such as momentum or
basis momentum present also marginally lower premium, whereas basis premium is slightly
higher. The premium of commodity market factor comdt is not stable with the number of
latent factors and is statistically insignificant in Table 8. In a nutshell, the estimated VOL
risk premium from the three-pass method is consistent with those of FMB and GMM.

6 Understanding the VOL Measure

Having established the predictability of the VOL strategy, it is crucial to understand the
information incorporated in the VOL measure and its sources of predictability. Researchers
attribute risk premia in the futures returns to hedging pressure, systematic risks, or noise
trader risks as a result from the financialization of commodity markets7 . In the following
For a brief summary of the related literature, see for example Adam and Fernando (2006) for the first
two views and Tang and Xiong (2012) or Cheng et al. (2015) for the financialization literature.

section, we are going to examine these three aspects by employing data of the traders’
positions, the aggregate commodity market risks, and the media exposure of the individual
commodities. Furthermore, in face of the negative relation between VOL and the next
month’s return we borrow from the idiosyncratic volatility risk literature and explore the
explanations with candidates related to investors’ lottery preferences and market frictions.

6.1 Hedging in the Options Market and Limits to Arbitrage

In order to understand the sources of the VOL measure, the first possible explanations are
the hedging pressure in the futures and options market (see Keynes (1930), Hicks (1930),
or Hirschleifer (1990)) and the limits to arbitrage (Acharya et al., 2013). Keynes’s theory
of normal backwardation suggests that hedging pressure or the supply of futures contracts
by producers tends to drive the futures prices below the expected value of the later spot
prices. When hedging becomes more expensive in a certain commodity options market,
selling pressure grows. The reason is that hedgers are capital-constrained and are obliged to
reduce their inventory to meet the risks induced by decreasing hedging capacity. Conversely,
when hedging is cheap and hedgers are better-off to hedge more of their production. They are
more willing to give up part of the premium for the early resolution of uncertainty according
to the theory of normal backwardation, which results in positive future returns for the long-
side investors. Panel E of Table 1 shows that the highest VOL portfolio exhibits lower
hedging pressure than the lowest VOL portfolio. This evidence suggests that our strategy
returns can be at least partially attributed to the hedging pressure, though the portfolio
sorts solely based on hedging pressure do not yield as large returns as the VOL strategy.

Why does the implied volatility of commodity options contain more information than the
realized volatility? One reason might be that hedgers or speculators using commodity futures
options to hedge their production or investment are better informed, so that the option

implied volatility conveys much more information than the realized volatility based on futures

To test this hypothesis, we back out the option traders positions from the Commitment
of Traders Report (COT) from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
The COT reports provide a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest into long and short
positions respectively of commercial and noncommercial traders. These data are available
both for the futures only segment and the futures and options combined segment8 . We are
able to compute the options only segment data by subtracting the futures only from the
futures and options combined data. We then construct the hedging demand proxy as the
difference between the short and long positions scaled by the total open interest. The proxy
is available for the three groups: futures only, options and futures combined, and options
only. Since 2006, CFTC also publishes the Disaggregated Commitment of Traders report. It
classifies traders into finer categories: producers/processors, swap dealers, managed money,
etc. This classification allows us to examine much finer types of traders.

We run panel regressions with both time and commodity fixed effects to estimate the hedging
pressure impact:

V OLi,t+1 = β · HPi,t + λ0 Controli,t + αi + µt + εi,t , (10)

where V OL is the detrended implied volatility of commodity i. HP is the hedging demand

defined as the net short position of a certain type of traders divided by the sum of long
and short position of that type of traders. The control variables Control include the
lagged dependent variable, the lagged basis, the lagged realized volatility, and the lagged
VIX. Equation (10) includes both time fixed effects µt and commodity fixed effects αi .
Note that due to spreading (traders go long and short simultaneously both in the futures and options
market, the options only positions are not always positive. However, they reflect the “net” results from the
futures only and combined positions.

Correspondingly, we employ two-way cluster-robust standard errors following Petersen (2009)
for the statistical significance estimates of the coefficients, which allows us to correct for
correlations among standard errors both across time and commodities.

Table 9 presents the results. Panel A shows the results of the commercial traders (pro-
ducers or hedgers typically) from the COT reports. They include the following categories:
futures only, futures & options, and options only. The latter is backed out from the first
two categories. Hedging pressure of commercial traders (hedgers) enters with a negative
coefficient for all three categories. The magnitude and statistical significance of HP increase
from futures only (coef=-0.35, t-stat=-0.56) to options only (coef=-1.13, t-stat=-2.38). In
particular, the coefficient of -1.13 for the options only category is statistically significant at
the 5% level and large in economic sense.

Panel B and C presents the results for the disaggregated COT. Panel B shows the futures only
data while Panel C displays the combined data with both futures and options. Similar to the
evidence with commercial traders before, producers’ hedging demand is negatively related
to the future VOL. Money managers, who are typically hedge funds taking the opposite side
of the futures or options contracts, are the insurance providers. Their coefficient is positive
significant, contrary to that of producers. Swap dealers’ behavior is somehow noisy and does
not have a clear impact, which is consistent with the findings in Cheng et al. (2015).

These results demonstrate that producers’ hedging demand matters for commodity volatility.
Higher hedging demand of commodity producers who are on the short side of the commodity
markets leads to cheaper insurance costs. If speculators are not liquidity-constrained, un-
certainty in the respective commodity market is low. Producers are more willing to transfer
part of the premium to speculators to secure the future prices and resolve the uncertainty
associated with the future price trajectory. Subsequently future prices increase. On the
contrary, when fewer producers are willing to hedge their production on the futures or

options markets or speculators’ capital is constrained, hedging is more expensive. This
evidence becomes even stronger in the options market. In order to resolve uncertainty and
reduce storage costs, producers are forced to sell part of their inventory on the spot market
to avoid further loss, which causes prices to decline.

6.2 The Aggregate Commodity Market Risk

The VOL strategy return may be related to investor’s aversion to the aggregate commodity
market risk. To test this hypothesis, we form the average of the detrended implied volatilities
across commodities and construct an aggregate volatility index AV OL. We then estimate
the time-varying beta loadings with rolling windows of 36 months as follows: in each month
t we regress the commodity excess returns rxi on AV OL from t − 35 to t and obtain the
coefficient βi,t . Subsequently, we sort beta from high to low and compute the average return
of portfolios at month t + 1. The strategy then buys the portfolio with the lowest beta and
sells the one with the highest beta.

Table 10 reports the results. Similar to the VOL strategy, high (low) volatility beta portfolios
earn low (high) future returns. The return is mainly attributed to the predictability of
AVOL for the future spot returns. The beta loading before and after portfolio formation
is relatively stable. However, the AVOL strategy earns an excess return of 9.37% annually,
which is inferior to the VOL strategy. The t-statistics of 2.12 is significant at 5%.

Moreover, the correlation between the returns from the VOL strategy and the AVOL strat-
egy is as low as 0.055. Therefore, these results do not support the hypothesis that the
VOL strategy returns emanate from the compensation for the aggregate commodity market

6.3 Uncertainty and Media Coverage

Another question we are interested in is: Does the VOL measure reflect uncertainty proxied
by the news media? Uncertainty proxied by news media has been addressed by several
studies so far. The most well-known among them is Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016), who
construct an economic policy uncertainty index based on news paper coverage frequency.
This media-based uncertainty index captures the uncertainty at the macro and micro level.
Similarly, Plante (2015) identifies OPEC-related oil price uncertainty based on newspaper
article count. They find that positive innovations in article count lead to significant increases
in oil price uncertainty. If the VOL variable can be interpreted as the uncertainty embedded
in the commodity futures contracts, then media should imposes similar effect or help amplify
the uncertainty impact.

We construct each commodity’s media exposure proxy based on the Ravenpack 4.0 database.
Ravenpack collects and identifies news information on entities such as traded commodities.
The underlying sources include the Dow Jones Financial Wire, Barron’s, and The Wall
Street Journal and web news. We are able to identify 149536 news articles related to the
25 commodities examined in our sample9 . The available period spans from January 2000 to
October 2014.

Commodity’s news coverage might be endogenously correlated with several features. We

therefore follow Hong et al. (2000) and Hillert et al. (2014) to quantify a residual media
coverage (RMC) measure. Our cross-sectional regression to obtain RMC is specified as

#newsi,t = α + β1 Openi,t + β2 DJi,t + β3 GSCIi,t + β3 #newsi,t−1 + εi,t , (11)

Wheat(W-) and Kansas Wheat(KW) in our sample share the same news measure due to similar
underlying commodities. Similarly, the same applies to Gasoline Blendstock(RB) and Gasoline unleaded

where Openi,t is the open interest of the commodity i in month t. DJ is the a dummy variable
for the membership in the Bloomberg Commodity Index (former DJ UBS index) and GSCI
is a dummy for the membership in the S&P GSCI index. We also control for the news lag.

We run the cross-sectional regressions specified in Equation (11) separately for each month
of the formation period (12 months) and then compute the average residuals obtained in the
12 cross-sectional regressions from t − 11 to t. At the end of each period t, we form four
portfolios based on RMC. We assign the 25% of all commodities with the highest RMC to
Portfolio 1, and the the 25% of all commodities with the lowest RMC to Portfolio 4. We then
compute the equal weighted excess return for each portfolio at t + 1. The strategy is short
in Portfolio 1 (high RMC commodities) and long in Portfolio 4 (low RMC commodities).

Panel A of Table 11 reports the returns and descriptive statistics of the portfolios sorted
by RMC and the long-short portfolio that is short in the portfolios with the highest RMC
and long in portfolio with the lowest RMC. Interestingly, similar to the portfolios sorted by
the VOL measure, the returns of portfolios sorted on RMC increase monotonously with the
declining residual media coverage. These results suggest that high uncertainty proxied by
residual media coverage leads to future price drop. However, the correlation between the
RMC strategy return and the VOL strategy return is as low as 0.03, suggesting the two
proxies are of different characteristics.

Next, we formally test the predictability of media-based uncertainty for VOL. Panel B
presents the results from panel regressions with both time and commodity fixed effects. The
left hand side variable is the VOL variable, whereas the right hand side variables are the
lagged RMC, Basis, the realized volatility, the VIX, or all the aforementioned variables. For
control we also include the lagged VOL. The cluster robust errors are estimated both at the
time and commodity dimension. Consistent with the low correlation between the strategy

returns, RMC is only weakly positive related to VOL. Its coefficient is not statistically
significant, when we observe it alone or control for the other variables.

Due to the low correlations between the two strategies, it may be interesting to examine
whether we can obtain higher returns by combining the two strategies. Panel C displays the
results from the independent double sort by both RMC and VOL and the summary statistics
of the returns from the strategy that is short in high RMC and high VOl commodities
and long in low VOL and low RMC commodities. Combining the two strategies indeed
increases returns: the annualized average return of the zero-cost strategy is 20.70%, which
is economically large and statistically significant at the 1% level.

6.4 Lottery Preferences and Market Frictions

Besides the candidates examined above, we are further interested in the question whether
variables related to lottery preferences of investors or market frictions can explain the
predictive ability of VOL for futures commodity returns. As a first group of candidate
variables, we consider lottery preferences of investors. Barberis and Huang (2001) argue that
investors may prefer assets with high skewness in the last period according to the cumulative
prospect theory, which results in overpricing and lower returns in the subsequent period. As
proxies for the higher return in the last period, we adopt the option-implied skewness of the
respective commodities (Skew), the maximum daily return (Maxret), and the futures basis
defined in Section 3 (Basis). Boyer et al. (2010) provide evidence that skewness helps explain
the fact that stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility have low expected returns. Maxret is
proposed by Bali et al. (2001) and is constructed as the maximum daily return in month
t − 1. As futures basis also serves as a noisy expectation of future price changes, we also
utilize this measure.

As variables for market frictions, we examine the one-month return reversal effect and
(il)liquidity. Huang et al. (2010) argue that the positive return and idiosyncratic volatility
relation can be almost entirely explained by the one-month return reversal effect. We employ
respective commodity return in month t − 1 as a proxy for one-month return reversal
(Lagret). The positive return–volatility relation could also be a result of illiquidity. As
(il)liquidity measure we use the open interest (open) defined in Section 3 and the Amihud
(2002) illiquidity measure (Amihud). The Amihud measure is computed as the average of
the daily absolute return divided by the daily dollar trading volume in month t − 1.

We then decompose the predictive ability of VOL for the commodity futures returns using
individual commodity level Fama-Macbeth cross-sectional regressions, following the four-
step procedure of Hou and Loh (2016). In the first step, we regress the cross section of
individual commodity returns on their month t − 1 VOL:

ri,t = αt + βt V OLi,t−1 + i,t . (12)

In a second step, we add a candidate variable Candit−1 to the regression to show whether
the VOL effect still persists after controlling for the candidate variable. In a third step, we
regresses V OLt−1 on Candit−1 :

V OLi,t−1 = ct−1 + δt−1 Candii,t−1 + εi,t−1 (13)

The purpose of this step is to decompose V OLi,t−1 into two orthogonal components: δt−1 Candii,t−1
and (ct−1 + εi,t−1 ). Finally in Step 4, βt from Step 1 is decomposed as:

cov(ri,t , V OLi,t−1 ) cov(ri,t , δt−1 Candii,t−1 ) cov(ri,t , (ct−1 + εi,t−1 ))

βt = = + = βtC + βtR .
V ar(V OLi,t−1 ) V ar(V OLi,t−1 ) V ar(V OLi,t−1 )

The fraction of the negative VOL return relation explained by the candidate variable is
measured by E(βtC /βt ), and the fraction unexplained by the candidate is measured by
E(βtR /βt ). The statistical approximations of the mean and variance of the ratios are given
E(βtC /βt ) ≈ E(βtC )/E(βt ) (15)
E(βtC ) V ar(βtC ) Cov(βtC , βt )
C V ar(βt )
V ar(βt /βt ) ≈ × + −2 (16)
E(βt ) (E(βtC ))2 (E(βt ))2 E(βtC )E(βt )

In addition to adding one candidate variable each time, this approach can also be applied
to the multiple-candidate case. We examine both situations. Furthermore, it is worth
mentioning that a candidate variable that is highly correlated with VOL does not necessarily
explain a high fraction of the predictive ability of VOL, because the highly correlated part
with VOL may not be the component that drives the predictive ability of VOL.

Table 12 presents the results. In all the steps of each candidate case we only include those
commodity-month observations where the respective candidate observations are available.
Therefore, the average number of commodities per month in the bottom line varies. Panel A
reports the results including one candidate each time. In each of the six cases in Step 1, the
VOL coefficient is -0.06 on average and statistically significant at the 5% level. The results
are robust after including the candidate variables (Step 2).

In the third step we decompose VOL into a part explained by the candidate variable and
an orthogonal part by regressing VOL on the candidate variable each month. Among the
lottery preference variables, VOL is positively related to Skew. The coefficient is 0.7% with
t-statistics of 3.42. This evidence confirms the findings in Boyer et al. (2010) that high
volatility is positively correlated with high skew, which leads to overpricing and lower future
returns. However, the adjusted R2 is relatively low (1.7%). VOL is positively related to
M axret with adjusted R2 of 13.5%. As M axret is essentially a range-based measure of

volatility, the high correlation with VOL is not surprising. VOl is negatively correlated with
Basis, suggesting that the detrended volatility tends to be low when the futures curve is in
contango (upward-sloping).

In the fourth step, we decompose the VOL coefficient βt into a component that is related to
the candidate variable βtC and a residual component βtR following Equation (14). Sub-
sequently, we can calculate the fraction of βt attributable to the candidate variable by
E(βtC /βt ). The time series average of βtC of Skew is -0.6% with t-stat of 1.29, and the
explained fraction of the coefficient is 11%. As a range-based measure of volatility, M axret
explains 35% of the VOL coefficient. Though Basis is weakly related to VOL, the explained
proportion is closed to zero.

Among the market friction variables, VOL is neither significantly related to Lagret or Open.
The coefficient of both variables in Step 3 is 0.4% (t-stat=0.18) and 1.6% (t-stat=0.81)
respectively. The explained fraction of βt in Step 4 is 14% and 4%. The coefficient of the
Amihud-illiquidity measure is 0.019 and is statistically significant at the 1% level, showing
that high VOL is associated with high illiquidity. However, in Step 2 when controlling
for Amihud, the VOL coefficient still remains significant at the 5% level, meaning that a
substantial fraction of it is unexplained by this measure, whereas the coefficient of Amihud is
statistically insignificant from zero. The portion of the Stage 1 coefficient of VOL explained
by Amihud is 26%, which is statistically significant at the 5% level. A large fraction of the
VOL coefficient (74%) is unexplained by this illiquidity measure.

After examining each of the candidate variables, we next turn to multivariate analysis by
combining lottery preferences, market frictions, or all candidates together. The purpose of
this exercise is to find out the total fraction these two categories can explain and the marginal
contribution of each candidate variable. In Panel B of Table 12, the first three columns
examine the lottery preference candidates. In total, the lottery preference candidates explain

33% of the VOL coefficient. The residual component accounts for 67% (t-stat=4.39) of the
VOL coefficient. Skew and M axret explain around 7% (t-stat=0.8) and 36% (t-stat=2.49)
of the return-VOL relation. Column 4 – 6 report the results with market frictions candidates.
Lagret and Amihud explain 10% and 26% of the VOL coefficient. Market friction candidates
make up together 38% of the relation, whereas the rest as high as 72% (t-stat=5.64) is

The last three columns display results by including all the candidates discussed above. In
Step 2, after controlling for all the candidates, the coefficient of VOL remains robust. The
coefficient of Lagret is -0.05 (t-stat=2.41) and is statistically significant at the 5% level.
However, the forecasting ability of VOL does not mainly stem from the short-term mean
reversal channel. When regressing VOL on all candidates in Step 3, the correlation with
Lagret is small and statistically insignificant. In Step 4 of decomposition, the marginal
contribution of it is merely 3%. Similarly, after controlling for the other candidates, the
marginal contribution of Amihud is 9% and is statistically insignificant. M axret is the
strongest candidate and accounts for 34% of the return–VOL relation. Again, it is essentially
a ranged-based measure of volatility. In total, 52% of the relation is explained by the
candidate variables, whereas the remaining 48% (t-stat=3.82) is unexplained.

In addition our approach can also evaluate the forecasting ability of the candidate variable
for commodity returns after controlling for VOL. For example, Amihud explains 26% of the
VOL coefficient, but it has no independent predictive power for commodity returns after
controlling for VOL. The same applies to M axret.

To sum up, lottery preference and market friction variables show some promise in explaining
the predictive ability of VOL for the cross-section of commodity returns. This evidence
suggests that some of the predictive ability come from these sources. However, these
candidates still leave a sizable portion of the return–VOL relation unexplained.

7 Predictive Ability for Exchange Rate Returns

Is the aggregate commodity VOL factor able to price other assets? To answer this question,
we examine the FX returns. We follow Menkhoff et al. (2012) to construct the currency
sample, which contains 48 currencies from January 1990 to November 2014. We use s to
denote the log of the spot exchange rate in units of foreign currency per US dollar, and f
for the log of the forward exchange rate, also in units of foreign currency per US dollar.
Monthly excess returns for holding foreign currency k are computed as

rxkt+1 ≡ ikt − it − ∆skt+1 ≈ ftk − ∆skt+1 (17)

In Equation (17), the excess returns can be decomposed into the spot return ∆skt+1 and the
forward discount ftk = ikt − it .

Our strategy is constructed as follows: At each month t, we regress the excess returns of
currency k from t − 35 to t on the average commodity VOL of the same period to obtain
their beta loading βk,t . We then sort currencies into five portfolios depending on βk,t and
calculate their equal weighted portfolio returns at t + 1. Thus, we use rolling estimates of
beta with a rolling window of 36 months (as in Lustig et al. (2011)) and rebalance portfolios
at the end of each month. We find commodities VOL, especially that of precious metals,
metals and industrial materials are able to generate significant FX returns, therefore, we
apply the average VOL of these commodities in our strategy. We first construct the mean
within each of the three sub-categories before taking the average of the category means. As
the time series contains some noises, we smooth it by taking three months’ average similar
to Bakshi and Panayotov (2013).

Descriptive statistics for portfolio excess returns are shown in Table 12. The commodity VOL
is able to predict currency returns. The strategy that is short in the highest commodity VOL

beta and long in the lowest commodity VOL beta yields a significant annualized return of
4.77% (t-stat=2.92). Our strategy return decomposition distinguishes from that of the carry
trade strategy (Lustig et al., 2011), for which the return is mainly attributed to the forward
discount component, and from the variance risk premia strategy (Corte et al., 2016) where
the spot return drives the result: In our strategy both the forward discount and spot return
component are comparatively large and statistically significant. Though the spot return
component is large in magnitude (3.32, t-stat=2.00), the forward discount component is also
very stable (1.45, t-stat=4.75) over time. This evidence suggests that the strategy return can
benefit both from the predictive ability of commodity VOL and the interest rate difference.
In addition, the commodity VOL strategy has low correlations with the carry trade strategy
(0.21), providing incremental contribution to the current existing strategies.

8 Conclusion

This paper uncovers the significant predictive ability of the commodity option implied volatil-
ity for the cross-sectional commodity returns. Commodities with high implied volatility
tend to decrease in prices in the next period, whereas those with low volatility increase.
A strategy that is long in commodities with low volatility and short in those with high
volatility earns substantial returns in the next month. The predictive power of the option
implied volatility is superior to alternative measures such as the realized volatility or option
implied skewness. The asset pricing tests show that the volatility factor contributes to the
model fit and represents a distinct source of premium.

What distinguishes our strategy from the existing commodity strategies is that our strategy
returns emanate almost entirely from the predictive power for the nearby return component,
whereas the other strategies mainly earn positive returns from the roll return component.
Therefore, our strategy demonstrates low correlations with the other strategies and provide

substantial diversification potential. This fact becomes highly desirable especially during the

We show that our strategy is not related to the risk factors associated with other strategies or
business cycle risks. The detrended implied volatility of commodities is related to the hedging
pressure and the limits to arbitrage on the commodity markets. When few producers are
willing to hedge their production on the futures or options market, commodity insurance
becomes more expensive, which leads to a decline in the future spot prices due to the selling
pressure from producers. We further show that the uncertainty proxied by media coverage
can generate similar patterns to the implied volatility. However, they represent difference
source of premium. Neither is the premium related to the aggregate commodity market risk.
The predictive ability of VOL is associated with lottery preferences of investors and market
frictions. However, these variables cannot fully explain the return–VOL relation either.

Figure 1: Commodity Implied Volatilities vs VIX

Crude IV Corn IV
100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

100 Copper IV 100 Gold IV


80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

The figure plots the implied volatilites of crude oil, corn, copper, and gold (red line) versus the VIX
index (blue line). The commodity implied volatilities are computed based on the method in Bakshi
et al. (2003). The data are monthly. The sample period spans from January 1990 to October 2014.

Figure 2: Sensitivity of Strategy Return to the Choice of n

14 3.5
return t-stat

12 3

10 2.5
Annualized Average Return

8 2

6 1.5

4 1

2 0.5

0 0
n=0 n=6 n=12 n=24 n=36
Window Length n

The figure plots the annualized strategy returns with regard to the choice of the window length n as
in Equation 1. The blue bar denotes the annualized average strategy returns sorted on the detrended
implied volatility. The detrended implied volatility is computed as the commodity implied volatility in
month t, subtracted by the average volatility of window n up to month t − 1. The orange line denotes
the corresponding t-stat of the strategy returns.

Figure 3: Portfolio Formation Period Returns

Panel A: Strategy Returns Panel B: Long and Short Leg Returns

15 4
Excess return
Nearby return 2
Roll return




-10 Long Leg
Short Leg
-10 -12
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12

Panel C: Long Leg Returns Panel D: Short Leg Returns

10 10
Excess return
8 Nearby return
Roll return
6 5



-4 -10 Excess return

Nearby return
Roll return
-8 -15
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12

The figure presents the average annualized 1-month holding period returns. We sort the detrended
implied volatility at t and presents the average 1-month holding period returns for month t + 1, or
t + 2,...,t + 12. Returns from one month up to one year after the portfolio formation are presented.
Panel A displays the excess return, nearby returns, and roll returns of the VOL strategy which goes
long in the lowest VOL portfolio and short in the highest VOL portfolio. Panel B shows the long
and short leg of the strategy over the different holding periods. Panel C and D decompose the long
and short leg returns respectively into nearby returns and roll returns. The returns are constructed as
the long-short portfolios from a sort of 25 commodities on each of the respective signals. The sample
period is from January 1990 to October 2014, so the first return is observed in February 1991.

Figure 4: Cumulative Returns from Portfolio Sorting Strategies
VOL vs. Mom vs. Basis vs. BasMom

3.5 Mom




1990 1992 1995 1997 2000 2002 2005 2007 2010 2012 2015

VOL vs. Hedging Pressure vs. Open Interest

Hedging Pressure
Open Interest




1990 1992 1995 1997 2000 2002 2005 2007 2010 2012 2015

The figure shows the cumulative excess returns based on the strategies: volatility, momentum, basis,
basis-momentum, hedging pressure, and open interest. The returns are constructed as the long-short
portfolios from a sort of 25 commodities on each of the respective signals. The sample is monthly and
spans from January 1990 to October 2014, so the first return is observed in February 1991.
Table 1: Portfolios Sorted by Detrended Implied Volatility

Panel A: Excess Returns

High 2 3 Low Low−High
Mean -10.08 0.66 -0.65 2.58 12.66
t-stat (-2.50) (0.21) (-0.22) (0.83) (3.34)
Sdev 19.68 15.49 14.62 15.14 18.48
Skew -0.57 -0.43 -0.31 -0.29 0.04
Kurtosis 5.58 4.62 5.66 4.32 3.28
Sharpe ratio -0.51 0.04 -0.04 0.17 0.69
AC(1) 0.05 0.07 0.02 -0.05 -0.06
Panel B: Nearby Returns
Mean -5.66 5.50 4.12 8.77 14.42
t-stat (-1.37) (1.68) (1.37) (2.78) (3.67)
Sdev 20.07 15.94 14.64 15.36 19.13
Skew -0.58 -0.29 -0.24 -0.35 0.18
Kurtosis 5.43 4.37 4.99 4.27 3.85
Sharpe ratio -0.28 0.34 0.28 0.57 0.75
AC(1) -0.01 0.06 0.00 -0.09 -0.09
Panel C: Roll Returns
Mean -4.41 -4.80 -4.78 -6.20 -1.80
t-stat (-2.92) (-5.70) (-6.89) (-7.63) (-1.17)
Sdev 7.35 4.10 3.38 3.96 7.52
Skew 0.31 -0.10 0.18 -0.09 -0.39
Kurtosis 5.65 4.26 3.95 5.23 5.39
Sharpe ratio -0.60 -1.17 -1.41 -1.57 -0.24
AC(1) 0.33 0.18 0.17 0.03 0.19
Panel D: Transition Matrix
Phigh 0.57 0.26 0.13 0.05
P2 0.23 0.39 0.27 0.11
P3 0.12 0.26 0.39 0.23
Plow 0.06 0.11 0.23 0.60
π 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

Panel E: Characteristics before and after Portfolio Formation
High 2 3 Low Low−High
pre-VOL 0.08 0.01 -0.02 -0.07 -0.15
(18.67) (4.26) (-10.80) (-22.66) (-35.47)
post-VOL 0.05 0.01 -0.01 -0.05 -0.10
(13.12) (2.82) (-5.23) (-14.78) (-25.55)
pre-MOM ×102 -0.06 -0.03 -0.17 -0.37 -0.30
(-0.39) (-0.27) (-1.80) (-3.61) (-2.34)
post-MOM ×102 -0.12 -0.00 -0.15 -0.33 -0.21
(-0.76) (-0.02) (-1.64) (-3.26) (-1.62)
pre-Basis ×102 0.26 0.29 0.36 0.54 0.29
(2.17) (5.13) (7.06) (9.43) (2.44)
post-Basis ×102 0.33 0.29 0.34 0.50 0.18
(2.91) (5.08) (6.29) (8.50) (1.58)
pre-BasMom -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.00
(-7.75) (-7.28) (-7.92) (-8.88) (-1.46)
post-BasMom -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.00
(-7.76) (-7.21) (-7.86) (-8.88) (-0.89)
pre-HP -0.12 -0.10 -0.09 -0.09 0.03
(-15.16) (-15.78) (-13.54) (-14.34) (3.38)
post-HP -0.12 -0.10 -0.09 -0.10 0.02
(-15.64) (-15.46) (-12.88) (-13.82) (2.25)
pre-OI×1010 0.21 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.02
(9.53) (9.78) (8.55) (8.42) (0.74)
post-OI×1010 0.21 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.03
(9.53) (9.79) (8.66) (8.42) (1.35)
This table presents descriptive statistics of commodity portfolios sorted on the implied volatility at t − 1 detrended
by the previous 12 months mean of implied volatility 12 i=t−13 σi . The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top
25% of all commodities with the lowest (highest) volatilities. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys
“Low” and sells “High”. The table also reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1) and the annualized
Sharpe ratio. Panel A displays the overall excess return, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and
the roll return component only. Pane D presents the transition probability from portfolio i to portfolio j between
time t and time t + 1. π indicates the steady state probability. Panel E summarizes the characteristics of the
portfolios before (t − 1) and after portfolio formation (t). MOM is the past 12-month futures returns. Basis is the
difference between the second nearby and the nearby futures prices adjusted by the maturity difference. BasMom
is the difference between momentum in the first- and second-nearby futures. HP is the hedging pressure computed
as the net short positions of producers divided by the total positions of producers. OI is the dollar value of open
interest which is the number of contracts outstanding times the contract size. Returns are expressed in percentage
per annum. t-stat is based on Newey-West standard errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February
1991 to October 2014.

Table 2: Commodity Portfolio Strategies

Panel A: Excess Returns

Hedging Open
VOL MOM Basis BasMom Pressure Interest
Mean 12.66 12.52 6.35 16.77 5.02 9.94
t-stat (3.34) (2.88) (1.75) (4.63) (1.56) (2.66)
Sdev 18.48 21.19 17.70 17.66 15.73 18.22
Skew 0.04 -0.22 -0.13 -0.09 0.20 0.18
Kurtosis 3.28 3.83 4.34 4.18 4.28 4.08
Sharpe ratio 0.69 0.59 0.36 0.95 0.32 0.55
AC(1) -0.06 -0.05 -0.06 -0.05 -0.01 -0.00
Panel B: Nearby Returns
Mean 14.42 -12.63 -45.05 -5.29 1.72 4.68
t-stat (3.67) (-2.78) (-11.21) (-1.33) (0.53) (1.23)
Sdev 19.13 22.13 19.59 19.39 15.93 18.52
Skew 0.18 -0.41 -0.28 -0.23 0.08 0.16
Kurtosis 3.85 4.01 4.67 4.15 3.98 4.21
Sharpe ratio 0.75 -0.57 -2.30 -0.27 0.11 0.25
AC(1) -0.09 -0.03 0.00 -0.08 -0.06 -0.08
Panel C: Roll Returns
Mean -1.80 24.89 51.41 21.91 3.49 5.27
t-stat (-1.17) (17.30) (34.87) (14.74) (3.09) (4.09)
Sdev 7.52 7.01 7.18 7.24 5.49 6.28
Skew -0.39 0.72 0.55 0.55 0.20 0.41
Kurtosis 5.39 3.98 2.93 3.39 4.08 4.55
Sharpe ratio -0.24 3.55 7.16 3.02 0.63 0.84
AC(1) 0.19 0.06 -0.06 0.06 0.15 0.06
Panel D: Correlations
VOL 1.00 -0.06 -0.02 0.02 -0.07 -0.02
MOM -0.06 1.00 0.45 0.39 0.26 0.39
Basis -0.02 0.45 1.00 0.38 0.15 0.10
BasMom 0.02 0.39 0.38 1.00 0.18 0.17
Hedging Pressure -0.07 0.26 0.15 0.18 1.00 0.35
Open Interest -0.02 0.39 0.10 0.17 0.35 1.00
This table presents descriptive statistics of commodity strategies formed using time t − 1 information. VOL is the strategy
that buys (sells) the top quartile of all commodities with the lowest (highest) detrended implied volatilities. Similarly,
MOM is the momentum strategy that buys (sells) commodities with the highest (lowest) past 12-month futures returns.
Basis is the carry strategy that buys (sells) commodities with the lowest (highest) basis. BasMom is the strategy that
buys (sells) commodities with the highest (lowest) basis-momentum. Hedging Pressure is the strategy that buys (sells)
commodities with the highest (lowest) hedging pressure. Open Interest is the strategy that buys (sells) commodities with
the highest (lowest) open interest growth. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on Newey-West
standard errors. The table also reports first order autocorrelation coefficient (AC). Panel A displays the overall commodity
excess return, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and the roll return component only. Panel D presents
the sample correlations of the commodity excess returns among the strategies. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from
February 1991 to October 2014. 50
Table 3: Static Commodity Portfolio Strategies

Panel A: Excess Returns

Hedging Open
V OL M OM Basis BasM om Pressure Interest
Mean 6.10 17.20 15.85 16.08 3.47 4.58
t-stat (1.26) (4.11) (4.67) (4.65) (1.03) (1.20)
Sdev 23.57 20.39 16.56 16.86 16.41 18.66
Skew -0.06 0.02 0.33 0.35 -0.14 0.05
Kurtosis 3.58 2.92 4.02 3.98 3.24 3.22
Sharpe ratio 0.26 0.84 0.96 0.95 0.21 0.25
AC(1) 0.03 0.07 0.13 0.06 0.09 0.06
Panel B: Nearby Returns
Mean 0.53 2.64 1.35 2.39 1.15 1.54
t-stat (0.11) (0.58) (0.36) (0.63) (0.34) (0.39)
Sdev 24.45 22.11 18.08 18.36 16.61 18.98
Skew -0.13 -0.11 -0.01 0.11 -0.22 -0.03
Kurtosis 3.40 3.15 3.54 3.54 3.13 3.22
Sharpe ratio 0.02 0.12 0.07 0.13 0.07 0.08
AC(1) 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.01 0.01
Panel C: Roll Returns
Mean 5.50 15.15 14.32 13.74 2.32 3.04
t-stat (4.55) (10.25) (9.87) (9.10) (1.79) (2.55)
Sdev 5.89 7.20 7.07 7.36 6.30 5.81
Skew -0.08 0.20 0.02 -0.15 0.16 0.02
Kurtosis 4.07 3.00 2.66 2.85 3.47 5.01
Sharpe ratio 0.93 2.10 2.03 1.87 0.37 0.52
AC(1) 0.26 0.35 0.16 0.20 0.05 0.17
Panel D: Correlations
VOL 1.00 0.67 0.41 0.40 -0.48 0.49
MOM 0.67 1.00 0.67 0.78 -0.24 0.41
Basis 0.41 0.67 1.00 0.72 0.15 0.03
BasMom 0.40 0.78 0.72 1.00 0.26 0.03
Hedging Pressure -0.48 -0.24 0.15 0.26 1.00 -0.66
Open Interest 0.49 0.41 0.03 0.03 -0.66 1.00
This table presents descriptive statistics of static commodity strategies formed using full-sample information. V OL is
the strategy that buys (sells) the top quartile of all commodities with the lowest (highest) detrended implied volatilities.
Similarly, M OM is the momentum strategy that buys (sells) commodities with the highest (lowest) past 12-month futures
returns. Basis is the carry strategy that buys (sells) commodities with the lowest (highest) basis. BasM om is the strategy
that buys (sells) commodities with the highest (lowest) basis-momentum. HedgingP ressure is the strategy that buys (sells)
commodities with the highest (lowest) hedging pressure. OpenInterest is the strategy that buys (sells) commodities with
the highest (lowest) open interest growth. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on Newey-West
standard errors. The table also reports first order autocorrelation coefficient (AC). Panel A displays the overall commodity
excess return, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and the roll return component only. Panel D presents
the sample correlations of the commodity excess returns among the strategies. The sample spans monthly from February
1991 to October 2014. 51
Table 4: Portfolios Sorted by Good and Bad Volatility

Panel A: Good Volatility

High 2 3 Low Low−High
Mean -6.16 -1.30 -0.11 0.57 6.72
t-stat (-1.58) (-0.41) (-0.04) (0.18) (1.80)
Sdev 18.99 15.42 15.20 15.63 18.15
Skew -0.77 -0.25 -0.74 -0.16 0.37
Kurtosis 6.07 5.09 5.16 4.17 3.58
Sharpe ratio -0.32 -0.08 -0.01 0.04 0.37
AC(1) 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.03 0.01
Panel B: Bad Volatility
Mean -8.29 -1.26 2.35 0.28 8.57
t-stat (-2.16) (-0.40) (0.74) (0.09) (2.41)
Sdev 18.67 15.42 15.60 15.03 17.36
Skew -0.68 -0.36 -0.80 -0.18 0.41
Kurtosis 5.78 6.66 5.49 3.90 4.38
Sharpe ratio -0.44 -0.08 0.15 0.02 0.49
AC(1) 0.02 0.04 0.09 -0.02 -0.09
Panel C: Tail Risk
Mean -9.12 -1.36 1.04 2.41 11.53
t-stat (-2.32) (-0.43) (0.33) (0.73) (2.94)
Sdev 19.18 15.25 15.23 15.99 19.11
Skew -0.62 -0.47 -0.75 0.06 0.37
Kurtosis 5.81 6.38 6.27 4.26 3.83
Sharp ratio -0.48 -0.09 0.07 0.15 0.60
AC(1) 0.01 0.07 0.11 -0.01 -0.03
This table presents descriptive statistics of commodity portfolios sorted on the good and bad implied
volatility, as well as the tail risk measure at t − 1 detrended by the previous 12 months mean 12 i=t−13 σi .
The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top 25% of all commodities with the lowest (highest) volatilities
or tails. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys “Low” and sells “High”. The table also
reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1) and the annualized Sharpe ratio. Panel A displays
the excess returns of portfolios sorted by good volatility. Panel B reports those of portfolios sorted by
bad volatility. Panel C shows the results with the tail risk measure. Returns are expressed in percentage
per annum. t-stat is based on Newey-West standard errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from
February 1991 to October 2014.

Table 5: Interacting with Other Variables / Strategies

Panel A: NBER Recessions and Expansions

Hedging Open
VOL MOM Basis BasMom Pressure Interest
Recession 32.94 10.45 37.39 25.33 14.19 8.64
(2.60) (0.72) (2.86) (2.33) (1.25) (0.70)
Expansion 10.45 12.75 2.97 15.83 4.02 10.09
(2.66) (2.80) (0.81) (4.12) (1.22) (2.57)
Nearby Return Component
Recession 31.71 -20.98 -17.04 -6.95 6.53 4.67
(2.17) (-1.53) (-1.20) (-0.54) (0.55) (0.35)
Non-Recession 12.54 -11.72 -48.11 -5.11 1.20 4.68
(3.11) (-2.43) (-11.73) (-1.22) (0.36) (1.18)
Panel B: Interacting with Other Strategies
High VOL t-stat Low VOL t-stat Low−High t-stat
MOM High -4.06 (-0.70) 6.07 (1.44) 13.18 (2.03)
Low -15.98 (-3.45) -2.69 (-0.72) 12.61 (2.40)
High−Low 11.26 (1.72) 9.01 (1.92)
Basis High -15.92 (-3.03) 2.15 (0.54) 17.73 (2.99)
Low -6.01 (-1.10) 7.01 (1.67) 13.50 (2.45)
High−Low -7.99 (-1.14) -4.86 (-1.07)
BasMom High 0.59 (0.10) 9.75 (2.49) 8.02 (1.38)
Low -21.10 (-4.08) -7.32 (-1.84) 14.31 (2.59)
High−Low 22.79 (3.21) 17.14 (3.67)
Hedg Pres High -11.86 (-2.39) 2.13 (0.54) 14.48 (2.70)
Low -10.67 (-1.81) 2.60 (0.71) 12.98 (2.20)
High−Low -1.16 (-0.18) 0.11 (0.02)
Open Intst High -6.14 (-1.14) 7.04 (1.61) 11.93 (1.95)
Low -14.03 (-2.60) -4.46 (-1.13) 9.63 (1.80)
High−Low 7.70 (1.18) 11.22 (2.20)
This table presents the mean returns of the VOL strategy when we interact it with the NBER recession/expansion
periods or other commodity strategies. Panel A reports the VOL strategy returns during NBER recession and
expansion periods separately. Panel B reports the double-sorts results on VOL and one of the other commodity
strategies listed in the first column. Namely, we first split the commodities at median into two groups based on
the column variables, before sorting on VOL. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on
Newey-West standard errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February 1991 to October 2014.

Table 6: Predictive Evidence of VOL for Commodity Returns

VOL Basis RV VIX All

βV OL -7.39 -7.62
(t-stat) (-3.16) (-3.21)
βBasis 5.94 2.26
(t-stat) (0.66) (1.05)
βRV -7.26 4.17
(t-stat) (-1.55) (0.46)
βV IX -0.03 1.58
(t-stat) (-1.26) (0.33)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comdt FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
adj.R2 0.173 0.169 0.169 0.169 0.172
This table presents the predictive evidence of the detrended implied volatility VOL for commodity futures
returns in the next month t + 1. The results are estimated from panel regressions with both time and
commodity fixed effects. For control we also include additional variables such as basis, the realized volatility
RV which is the sum of squared return over the month t, and the VIX. The cluster robust errors are estimated
both at the time and commodity dimension. The sample period is from February 1991 to October 2014.

Table 7: Exploring Risk Factors in the VOL Strategy

Panel A: Strategy Factors

Hedging Open
c COMDT MOM Basis BasMom Pressure Interest adj.R2
β 0.009 -0.331 -0.075 -0.006 0.110 -0.025 0.102 0.046
t-stat (2.76) (-3.33) (-0.99) (-0.06) (1.09) (-0.27) (1.40)

Panel B: Hedge Fund Factors

β 0.94 -3.67 3.61 -1.09 1.03 -0.39 0.00
t-stat (2.34) (-1.45) (1.83) (-0.38) (0.76) (-0.12)

Panel C: Equity and Bond Market Factors

Equity Size Bond
c Market Spread Market ∆V IX adj.R2
β 1.09 -4.52 -4.17 0.29 -4.54 0.00
t-stat (3.15) (-0.39) (-0.36) (0.17) (-2.18)

Panel D: Business Cycle Factors

Emerging Credit
c Market BDI Spread Bloom CIV adj.R2
β -3.37 5.84 1.43 1.31 -1.14 19.34 0.02
t-stat (-1.75) (1.17) (0.68) (0.47) (-1.16) (3.19)

Panel E: Liquidity Factors

Broker Funding
Dealer Pastor TED Liquidity BaB Bank
c 2.92 1.10 -0.05 1.06 1.21 0.97
t-stat (2.74) (3.20) (-0.08) (3.13) (3.70) (2.60)
β -32.11 -8.63 2.20 0.07 -17.64 9.54
t-stat (-1.90) (-0.82) (2.61) (0.20) (-1.45) (1.30)
adj.R2 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01
This table presents estimates from the time series regressions. The dependent variable is the monthly return from
the VOL strategy. Panel A employs explanatory return variables from the commodity strategies described in Table
2 and a strategy called “COMDT” that is a simple average of all commodity futures returns at time t. Panel B
uses the Hedge Fund factors from Fung and Hsieh (2001). Panel C adopts the equity market (S&P 500 index)
return, the size spread (Russell 2000 index monthly total return − S&P 500 monthly total return, a bond market
factor (change in the 10-year treasury constant maturity yield), and the change in VIX. Panel D documents the
emerging market return (MSCI Emerging Market index monthly total return), the log change in the BDI, credit
spread (Moody’s Baa less 10-year treasury constant maturity yield), the Bloom Economic Policy Uncertainty
index, and the average commodity option implied volatility CIV . Panel E explores the liquidity factors: the shock
to Broker-Dealer leverage from Adrian et al. (2014), the Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) liquidity factor, the TED
spread (spread between 3-month LIBOR and 3-month treasury bond), the funding liquidity factor from Fontaine
and Garcia (2012), the Betting-against-Beta factor from Frazzini and Pedersen (2014), and the FTSE World Bank
Index return. The Broker-Dealer measure is at quarterly frequency, whereas all other measures are monthly. The
returns from the VOL strategy and from the other strategies in Panel A are in percentage points.

Table 8: Cross-Sectional Asset Pricing Tests
ROLS χ2N W χ2SH KR p-value
λComdt λBasis λM om λBasM om λV OL bComdt bBasis bM om bBasM om bV OL (RGLS ) p-value p-value (HJ-Dist.)
Panel A: Pricing Model with VOL
FMB -0.001 0.006 0.014 0.013 0.011 0.86 25.69 22.91
(-0.42) (2.01) (4.18) (3.42) (3.09) (0.84) (0.37) (0.53)
[-0.41] [2.01] [4.23] [3.36] [3.06]

GMM -0.001 0.006 0.014 0.013 0.011 -0.522 -0.753 2.789 3.585 3.671 0.01
(-0.28) (1.62) (3.89) (3.65) (3.13) (-4.14) (-1.89) (10.08) (10.57) (13.94) (0.36)

Panel B: Pricing Model with Factors from Boons and Prado (2016)
FMB -0.001 0.006 0.014 0.013 0.70 35.20 32.48
(-0.43) (2.00) (4.14) (3.52) (0.49) (0.08) (0.14)
[-0.43] [2.01] [4.17] [3.48]

GMM -0.001 0.006 0.013 0.013 -1.741 -0.341 2.177 4.083

(-0.32) (2.18) (4.46) (4.48) (-18.53) (-0.86) (7.90) (12.11) (0.37)

Panel C: Pricing Model with Factors from Bakshi et al. (2016)

FMB -0.001 0.008 0.015 0.58 49.46 46.46

(-0.43) (2.64) (4.47) (0.52) (0.00) (0.01)
[-0.42] [2.64] [4.49]

GMM -0.001 0.008 0.015 -1.413 1.098 3.548

(-0.46) (3.43) (6.40) (-15.88) (2.99) (13.46) (0.47)
Panel D: Average Excess Return of the Factors
RF actor -0.001 0.005 0.010 0.014 0.011
This table reports the factor risk premia (λ) and the SDF parameters (b) from the asset pricing tests. The SDF specification in Panel A is of the from: mt+1 = 1 − bComdt Comdtt+1 −
bBasis Basist+1 − bM om M omt+1 − bBasM om BasM omt+1 − bV OL V OLt+1 . Comdt is the average excess return obtained from a strategy that holds all available commodities. Basis,
M om, BasM om, and V OL correspond to the long-short portfolios returns from the strategies described in Section 3. The test assets are excess returns to four portfolios sorted on basis,
momentum, basis-momentum, hedging pressure, and open interest respectively, and sectoral portfolios including energy, grains, livestock, softs, and metals. In the row marked “GMM”,
the parameters are estimated following a one-step procedure by putting on a large weight on the mean and covariance parameters in the weighting matrix. The row “FMB” represents the
two-step Fama-MacBeth cross-sectional regressions. For the Fama-MacBeth procedure, the t-stat are compuated using both the Newey-West standard errors without (with) the Shanken
correction in parentheses (blankets). We report the OLS cross-sectional uncentered R2 and the GLS uncentered R2 in parentheses (Lewellen et al. (2010), Prescription 3). The χ2 test value
corresponds to the null hypothesis that the pricing errors are zero. The Hansen-Jagannathan distance (HJ-Dist.) is reported in the last column in parentheses. The KR p-value shows the
Kan and Robotti (2009) test p-value of the null hypothesis that the Hansen-Jagannathan distance of Model A with the VOL factor and Model B without VOL factor are equal.
Table 9: Hedging Pressure and the Commodity VOL

Panel A: Commercial Traders

Futures Only Futures & Options Options Only
Hedging Pressure -0.35 -0.99 -1.13
t-stat (-0.56) (-1.25) (-2.38)
Controls? Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Time Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Comdt Yes Yes Yes
R2 0.53 0.52 0.51
N 6545 5466 5324
Panel B: Disaggregated Futures Only
Producer Swap Dealer Money Manager
Hedging Pressure -1.20 -0.08 1.05
t-stat (-1.34) (-0.21) (2.01)
Controls? Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Time Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Comdt Yes Yes Yes
R2 0.63 0.62 0.62
N 6545 5466 5324
Panel C: Disaggregated Futures & Options Combined
Producer Swap Dealer Money Manager
Hedging Pressure -1.58 -0.20 0.99
t-stat (-1.65) (-0.59) (1.73)
Controls? Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Time Yes Yes Yes
Cluster Comdt Yes Yes Yes
R2 0.63 0.62 0.62
N 6545 5466 5324
This table presents panel estimates of V OLi,t+1 = β · HPi,t + λ0 Controli,t + αi + µt + εi,t . HP is the hedging pressure
defined as the net short position of a certain type of traders divided by the sum of long and short position of that
type of traders. The standard error estimation includes both clustering at the time and commodity level following
Petersen (2009). The coefficient β for the hedging pressure, its t-statistics, R2 , and the length of the available time
series N in each regression are reported. The control variables are the lagged dependent variable, the lagged basis,
the lagged realized volatility, and the lagged VIX. The CFTC data are collected on the last Tuesday of each month.
Panel A shows results of the commercial traders (hedgers typically) from the Commitment of Traders report of CFTC.
They include futures only, futures & options, and options only. The latter is backed out from the first two. Panel B
and C presents the disaggregate data which classify traders into producers, swap dealers, and money managers, etc.
Panel B show the futures only data while Panel C show the combined data with both futures and options. Data are
monthly. The futures only data in Panel A start from March 1995 and the futures & options from February 1990.
The disaggregated COT data are from June 2006.

Table 10: Portfolios Sorted by the Average Commodity VOL (AVOL) Beta

Panel A: Excess Returns

High 2 3 Low Low−High
Mean -5.66 -2.72 -3.19 3.71 9.37
t-stat (-1.32) (-0.78) (-0.91) (1.00) (2.12)
Sdev 19.53 15.88 16.07 16.94 20.20
Skew -0.49 -1.11 -0.36 -0.00 -0.06
Kurtosis 5.46 8.65 4.04 4.29 3.03
Sharp ratio -0.29 -0.17 -0.20 0.22 0.46
AC(1) 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.06
Panel B: Nearby Returns
Mean -0.71 3.36 3.72 7.05 7.76
t-stat (-0.17) (0.90) (1.05) (1.85) (1.74)
Sdev 19.06 17.03 16.23 17.40 20.33
Skew -0.49 -0.98 -0.29 -0.11 -0.10
Kurtosis 5.33 7.63 4.22 4.87 3.11
Sharp ratio -0.04 0.20 0.23 0.41 0.38
AC(1) 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.02
Panel C: Roll Returns
Mean -4.95 -6.08 -6.91 -3.34 1.61
t-stat (-5.00) (-5.68) (-6.81) (-2.72) (1.20)
Sdev 4.51 4.88 4.63 5.62 6.10
Skew -0.26 1.11 0.47 0.59 0.28
Kurtosis 7.04 7.33 5.24 8.68 5.99
Sharp ratio -1.10 -1.25 -1.49 -0.60 0.26
AC(1) 0.33 0.20 0.13 0.39 0.18
Panel D: Beta before and after Portfolio Formation
pre-β 0.622 0.128 -0.144 -0.601
post-β 0.600 0.119 -0.137 -0.576
This table presents descriptive statistics of portfolios sorted on their beta exposure to the aggregate commodity
detrended implied volatility at t−1. The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top 25% of all commodities with
the lowest (highest) betas. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys “Low” and sells “High”. The
table also reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1), the annualized Sharpe ratio. Panel A displays
the overall excess returns, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and the roll return component
only. Pane D presents the pre- and post-formation βs. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat
is based on the Newey-West standard errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February 1991 to
October 2014.

Table 11: Media Predictive Power

Panel A: Portfolio Sorted by RMC

High 2 3 Low Low − High
Mean -3.93 -2.89 -2.25 5.36 9.29
t-stat (-0.69) (-0.67) (-0.45) (1.08) (2.03)
Sdev 21.16 15.94 18.39 18.48 16.96
Skew -0.80 -0.90 -0.81 -0.09 -0.12
Kurtosis 5.86 4.82 4.99 4.65 3.65
Sharp ratio -0.19 -0.18 -0.12 0.29 0.55
AC(1) 0.11 -0.05 0.05 0.13 -0.09
Panel B: VOL and RMC
Media Basis RV VIX All
βM edia 0.05 0.04
t-stat (0.51) (0.44)
βBasis 5.49 5.87
t-stat (0.52) (0.54)
βRV -16.31 -16.41
t-stat (-2.98) (-2.93)
βV IX 0.02 0.03
t-stat (1.12) (1.97)
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comdt FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
R2 0.539 0.539 0.541 0.539 0.541
Panel C: Double Sort by VOL on RMC
High RMC & Low RMC &
High VOL t-stat Low VOL t-stat Diff t-stat
-13.26 (-1.98) 7.44 (1.35) 20.70 (2.74)
This table presents the predictive results of uncertainty proxied by the media coverage. In each month,
residual media coverage is obtained from the cross-sectional regressions of the number of news articles
on its own lag, the open interest, a dummy variable for the membership in the S&P GSCI index and a
dummy variable for the membership in the Bloomberg Commodity Index. Panel A presents the returns
and descriptive statistics of portfolios sorted by the media coverage residual (RMC) and the long-short
portfolio that is short in the portfolio with the highest RMC and long in portfolio with the lowest RMC.
The strategy is rebalanced monthly. Panel B presents the results from panel regressions of VOL of the
individual commodities on media coverage and other variables with both time and commodity fixed effects.
The left hand side variable is the VOL variable, whereas the right hand side variables are the lagged RMC,
Basis, the realized volatility, the VIX, or all the aforementioned variables. For control we also include the
lagged VOL. The cluster robust errors are estimated both at the time and commodity dimension. Panel
C displays the independent double sort by both RMC and VOL and return from the long-short strategy
that is short in high RMC and high VOl commodities and long in low VOL and low RMC commodities.
The sample period is from February 2001 to October 2014.

Table 12: Decomposing the Predictive Ability of VOL

Panel A: Decomposing the VOL Coefficient: Univariate Analysis

Stage Coeff. Fract t-stat Coeff. Fract t-stat Coeff. Fract t-stat
Skew Maxret Basis
1 Return on VOL VOL -0.058 (-2.31) -0.058 (-2.31) -0.058 (-2.31)
2 Return on VOL VOL -0.054 (-2.19) -0.053 (-2.17) -0.060 (-2.46)
and candi Candi 0.000 (0.02) 0.003 (0.03) -0.099 (-1.21)
3 VOL on candi Candi 0.007 (3.42) 1.199 (14.03) -0.140 (-1.82)
avg adj R2 0.017 0.135 0.057
4 Decomp Stage 1 Candi -0.006 0.11 (1.29) -0.021 0.35 (2.70) -0.000 0.00 (0.01)

VOL coef Resid -0.052 0.89 (10.80) -0.037 0.65 (4.92) -0.058 1.00 (8.14)
Avg ] comdt/m 22.96 22.96 22.96
Lagret Open Amihud
1 Return on VOL VOL -0.058 (-2.31) -0.063 (-2.49) -0.066 (-2.47)
2 Return on VOL VOL -0.058 (-2.38) -0.066 (-2.63) -0.054 (-2.09)
and candi Candi -0.051 (-2.62) 0.057 (2.40) -0.001 (-0.25)
3 VOL on candi Candi 0.004 (0.18) 0.016 (0.81) 0.019 (11.06)
avg adj R2 0.048 0.027 0.062
4 Decomp Stage 1 Candi -0.008 0.14 (1.29) -0.003 0.04 (0.51) -0.017 0.26 (2.22)
VOL coef Resid -0.050 0.86 (7.89) -0.060 0.96 (11.41) -0.049 0.74 (6.33)
Avg ] comdt/m 22.96 22.92 22.33
Panel B: Decomposing the VOL Coefficient: Multivariate Analysis
Stage Coeff. Fract t-stat Coeff. Fract t-stat Coeff. Fract t-stat
1 Return on VOL VOL -0.058 (-2.31) -0.071 (-2.64) -0.071 (-2.64)
2 Return on VOL VOL -0.060 (-2.37) -0.071 (-2.55) -0.070 (-2.51)
and candi Skew 0.000 (0.18) -0.000 (-0.17)
Maxret 0.008 (0.09) -0.076 (-0.76)
Basis -0.094 (-1.10) -0.188 (-2.12)
Lagret -0.050 (-2.47) -0.052 (-2.41)
OI 0.040 (1.58) 0.037 (1.53)
Amihud 0.001 (0.45) 0.000 (0.18)
3 VOL on candi Skew 0.000 (0.20) 0.000 (0.20)
Maxret 1.094 (12.62) 0.923 (10.86)
Basis -0.094 (-1.31) -0.112 (-1.59)
Lagret 0.008 (0.37) -0.011 (-0.57)
OI 0.059 (2.69) 0.028 (1.36)
Amihud 0.020 (10.59) 0.012 (6.51)

avg adj R2 0.180 0.143 0.280
4 Decomp Stage 1 Skew -0.004 0.07 (0.80) -0.004 0.05 (0.76)
VOL coef Maxret -0.021 0.36 (2.49) -0.024 0.34 (2.76)
Basis 0.006 -0.10 (-0.79) -0.008 0.11 (1.11)
Lagret -0.007 0.10 (1.08) -0.002 0.03 (0.24)
OI 0.005 -0.08 (-0.88) 0.007 -0.10 (-1.14)
Amihud -0.018 0.26 (2.20) -0.006 0.09 (0.86)
Resid -0.039 0.67 (4.39) -0.051 0.72 (5.64) -0.034 0.48 (3.82)
Avg ] comdt/m 22.96 22.29 22.29
This table decomposes the predictive ability of VOL by candidate variables related to lottery preferences of investors and market frictions following Hou
and Loh (2016) using four-step Fama-MacBeth cross-sectional regressions. Step 1 regresses month t commodity returns on VOL in month t − 1 (ri,t =
αt + βt V OLi,t−1 + i,t ). Step 2 adds a candidate variable Candit−1 to the regression. Step 3 regresses V OLt−1 on the candidate variable Candit−1
(V OLt−1 = ct−1 + δt−1 Candii,t−1 + εi,t−1 ) to decompose V OLi,t−1 into two orthogonal components: δt−1 Candii,t−1 and (ct−1 + εi,t−1 ). In Step 4 the βt
cov(ri,t , V OLi,t−1 cov(ri,t , δt−1 Candii,t−1 cov(ri,t , (ct−1 + εi,t−1 )
from Stage 1 is decomposed as: βt = = + = βtC + βtR . The fraction of the negative VOL
V ar(V OLi,t−1 V ar(V OLi,t−1 V ar(V OLi,t−1
return relation explained by the candidate variable is measured by E(βtC )/E(βt ), and the fraction unexplained by the candidate is measured by E(βtR )/E(βt ).
Panel A examines the individual candidate variables, where Skew is the respective commodity option implied skew in month t − 1, M axret is the maximum
daily return in month t − 1, Basis is the difference between the second nearby futures contract and the first nearby futures contract, Lagret is the month
t − 1 return, Open is the open interest growth, Amihud is the Amihud (2002) illiquidity measure. Panel B examines all the candidate variables jointly. Time
series averages of the coefficients, fraction explained by the variables, and t-statistics (in parentheses) are reported.
Table 12: FX Portfolios Sorted by Commodity VOL

Panel A: Excess Returns

High 2 3 4 Low Low−High
Mean -1.51 -0.53 1.74 1.89 3.26 4.77
t-stat (-1.02) (-0.37) (1.14) (0.98) (1.56) (2.92)
Sdev 6.76 6.44 6.96 8.73 9.48 7.43
Skew -0.36 -0.04 -0.52 -0.82 -0.18 -0.04
Kurtosis 4.41 4.84 5.86 5.91 4.04 3.52
Sharpe ratio -0.22 -0.08 0.25 0.22 0.34 0.64
AC(1) 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.12 0.06 -0.04
Panel B: Spot Returns
Mean 2.58 0.96 -0.30 -0.21 -0.75 -3.32
t-stat (1.71) (0.69) (-0.20) (-0.11) (-0.36) (-2.00)
Sdev 6.85 6.40 6.94 8.69 9.39 7.57
Skew 0.31 0.09 0.63 0.87 0.25 0.04
Kurtosis 4.40 4.96 6.05 6.08 4.09 3.59
Sharpe ratio 0.38 0.15 -0.04 -0.02 -0.08 -0.44
AC(1) 0.07 0.08 0.02 0.12 0.05 -0.03
Panel C: Forward Discount
Mean 1.06 0.44 1.44 1.68 2.51 1.45
t-stat (5.99) (2.65) (8.68) (9.41) (9.57) (4.75)
Sdev 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.81 1.19 1.38
Skew 0.71 -0.92 0.84 0.50 -0.00 -0.54
Kurtosis 5.85 10.52 4.76 3.47 4.37 3.71
Sharpe ratio 1.32 0.58 1.91 2.07 2.10 1.04
AC(1) 0.73 0.53 0.61 0.64 0.83 0.81
Panel D: Transition Matrix
Phigh 0.85 0.12 0.02 0.01 0.00
P2 0.11 0.71 0.15 0.03 0.00
P3 0.02 0.13 0.69 0.14 0.02
P4 0.01 0.02 0.15 0.71 0.11
Plow 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.13 0.84
π 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
This table presents descriptive statistics of currency return portfolios sorted on their beta exposure to the aggregate
commodity detrended implied volatility at t−1. The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top 25% of all commodities
with the lowest (highest) betas. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys “Low” and sells “High”. The
table also reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1), the annualized Sharpe ratio. Panel A displays the
overall excess return, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and the roll return component only.
Pane D presents the transition probability from portfolio i to portfolio j between time t and time t + 1. π indicates
the steady state probability. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on the Newey-West
standard errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February 1991 to October 2014.
A Appendix Tables

Table A.1: Overview of the Commodities Sample

Number Name Sector Mnemonic Start End Maturity Months Exchange GSCI Bloomberg /DJ small sample?
1 Crude Oil energy CL 1990:01 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
2 Heating Oil energy HO 1990:01 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
3 Natural Gas energy NG 1992:10 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
4 Gasoline, Blendstock energy RB 2006:08 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
5 Gasoline, Unleaded energy HU 1990:11 2006:11 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
6 Wheat grains W- 1990:01 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 + serial CBOT yes yes yes
7 Kansas Wheat grains KW 1990:08 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 KCBT yes noa no
8 Corn grains C- 1990:01 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 + serial CBOT yes yes yes
9 Soybean grains S- 1990:01 2014:10 1,3,5,7,8,9,11 CBOT yes yes yes
10 Soybean Oil grains BO 1990:01 2014:10 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12 + serial CBOT no yes no
11 Soybean Meal grains SM 1990:01 2014:10 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12 + serial CBOT no nob no
12 Rough Rice grains RR 1992:04 2014:10 1,3,5,7,9,11 + serial CBOT no no no
13 Oats grains O- 1990:05 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 + serial CBOT no no no
14 Feeder Cattle livestock FC 1990:01 2014:10 1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11 CME yes no no

15 Lean Hogs livestock LH 1996:06 2014:10 2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12 CME yes yes yes
16 Live Cattle livestock LC 1990:01 2014:10 2,4,6,8,10,12 + serial CME yes yes yes
17 Cocoa softs CC 1990:03 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 NYBOT yes no no
18 Coffee softs KC 1990:03 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 NYBOT yes yes yes
19 Sugar softs SB 1990:03 2014:10 3,5,7,10,12 NYBOT yes yes yes
20 Orange Juice softs JO 1990:03 2014:10 1,3,5,7,9,11 NYBOT no no no
21 Copper metals HG 1990:01 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
22 Gold (precious) metals GC 1990:01 2014:10 1-12 NYMEX yes yes yes
23 Silver (precious) metals SI 1999:12 2014:10 3,5,7,9,12 + serial NYMEX yes yes yes
24 Cotton industrial materials CT 1990:01 2014:10 3,5,7,10,12 + serial NYBOT yes yes yes
25 Lumber industrial materials LB 1990:01 2014:10 1,3,5,7,9,11 + serial CME no no no
This table describes the 25 commodities examined in our sample. It provides the names, sectors, mnemonics, start and ending months in our sample, as well
as the option maturity months and exchanges on which they are traded. The second and third last columns document whether the commodity is a component
of the current S&P GSCI (formerly the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index) and Bloomberg (formerly DJ UBS or DJ AIG) Commodity indices. The last
column states whether the commodity is included in the small sample.
except since 2013
except since 2013
Table A.2: Open interest of the Commodity Options

Mean Median St.Dev Min Max AR(1) 1. Quartile 4. Quartile

Crude Oil 606611644 440484000 493475894 68469000 2147255000 0.98 173751500 973557000
Heating Oil 1325737030 1056468000 788766922 228354000 4663176000 0.88 813477000 1550157000
Natural Gas 1843691459 1488840000 1468621965 169720000 5342510000 0.98 440520000 2880705000
Gasoline, Blendstock 874685511 759318000 502330804 172074000 3129756000 0.81 477414000 1096830000
Gasoline, Unleaded 874685511 759318000 502330804 172074000 3129756000 0.81 477414000 1096830000
Wheat 3135450 2314450 1837365 757900 8403700 0.82 1653225 4537250
Kansas Wheat 422682 359300 239823 71830 1328000 0.75 251075 554550
Corn 14485442 9486850 10258264 2725550 42514550 0.92 5841625 21940550
Soybean 5693240 4158100 4054365 1456600 23284300 0.88 2718265 7701825
Soybean Oil 18119673 16422000 10775389 3068400 59793600 0.85 9765300 23952600
Soybean Meal 2311909 1929500 1432404 443400 9356100 0.87 1398850 2671400
Rough Rice 1977339 1680000 1148472 344000 6458000 0.67 1160000 2539000
Oats 76574 66900 41754 8500 222450 0.70 46095 95275

Feeder Cattle 1873511 1650440 965655 611160 6740360 0.74 1221220 2278760
Lean Hogs 7347045 2767600 8120629 562000 44739200 0.95 1832400 11062800
Live Cattle 15888532 9289200 12608507 3112800 57198000 0.94 6492400 25058400
Cocoa 151830 122890 90520 38150 512580 0.79 91440 183020
Coffee 12275527 10753500 7412271 2503125 33033000 0.90 5572313 17389875
Sugar 155976007 134062880 118968108 25313120 530860960 0.94 56247520 218024240
Orange Juice 1621246 1484250 798376 361500 5249850 0.76 1014450 2033550
Copper 570563 345750 617888 6750 4045500 0.89 117875 900250
Gold 13281818 11001300 7617030 3796500 44569300 0.91 7415350 17716350
Silver 1431072 1312600 705236 376200 3410300 0.86 811975 1906925
Cotton 30930330 23941500 22249094 7465000 134364000 0.88 15458500 38163000
Lumber 55811 47850 33085 9130 243540 0.71 35310 67825

This table presents the statistical properties of the dollar value open interest of commodity options. These numbers are backed out from the
Commitment of Traders report and are calculated as the total open interest of futures and options combined minus that of futures only. The statistical
properties reported are mean, median, standard deviation, the first auto-correlation coefficient, and the open interest at the first and last quartile.
The data is monthly and the sample runs from March 1995 to October 2014.
Table A.3: Lowest 4 versus Highest 4 Volatility Commodities in Portfolio

Lowest volatility comdt Highest volatility comdt

Two Three Four Four Three Two
Lowest lowest lowest lowest highest highest highest Highest
1 CL 16 34 47 57 72 54 38 14
2 HO 8 27 42 50 64 51 36 15
3 NG 44 60 71 77 106 96 87 68
4 RB 4 9 11 12 25 19 10 5
5 HU 6 18 31 37 35 28 22 15
6 W- 7 15 24 41 18 14 6 3
7 KW 3 12 25 36 20 13 5 2
8 C- 14 23 38 62 55 40 23 13
9 S- 5 16 31 47 46 28 17 7
10 BO 1 7 15 23 21 9 5 0
11 SM 11 16 29 42 35 28 15 4
12 RR 6 19 29 38 44 31 21 14
13 O- 7 18 37 53 53 42 28 15
14 FC 5 9 15 23 8 4 1 1
15 LH 9 18 25 37 36 30 14 4
16 LC 0 7 15 23 15 10 3 1
17 CC 8 22 36 48 50 26 16 7
18 KC 32 49 61 72 70 54 37 18
19 SB 17 33 49 54 64 44 24 6
20 JO 25 44 58 71 87 77 59 33
21 HG 9 13 20 37 52 35 22 7
22 GC 5 16 31 44 26 17 7 2
23 SI 10 24 33 40 37 30 24 15
24 CT 12 25 32 45 38 27 18 5
25 LB 21 36 50 71 63 48 32 11
This table reports the number of months the commodity is among those with the lowest or
highest volatility. At the end of each month over the sample period February 1991 to October
2014, we rank-order the commodity futures according to their detrended implied volatilites.
The column labeled “Lowest” shows how many months the respective commodity have the
lowest volatilities. The next three columns show likewise how many months the volaility of the
respective commodities is among the two, three, or four lowest ones. Analogously, the last four
columns show how often the volatility of a commodity has been the highest, or among the two,
three or four highest ones. For example, on 14 (54) occasions crude oil volatility has been the
lowest (among the three lowest ones) and is hence in the long portfolio. On 16 (47) occasions
it has been the highest volatility (among the three highest ones).

Table A.4: Portfolios Sorted by Alternative Volatility Measures

Implied Volatility
High 2 3 Low Low−High
Mean -8.07 -0.73 0.84 0.53 8.60
t-stat (-1.73) (-0.21) (0.26) (0.24) (2.02)
Sdev 22.76 16.84 15.73 10.70 20.75
Skew -0.33 -0.44 -0.71 -0.02 0.04
Kurtosis 4.06 5.20 5.90 6.21 2.87
Sharpe ratio -0.35 -0.04 0.05 0.05 0.41
AC(1) 0.06 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.03
Realized Volatility
Mean -5.06 -0.48 -0.04 0.01 5.06
t-stat (-1.22) (-0.13) (-0.01) (0.00) (1.30)
Sdev 20.26 17.57 16.81 10.85 18.94
Skew -0.21 -0.24 -0.97 -0.46 -0.21
Kurtosis 4.50 4.36 7.02 4.34 3.40
Sharpe ratio -0.25 -0.03 -0.00 0.00 0.27
AC(1) 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.03
Variance Risk Premium
Mean -1.22 1.27 -0.93 -4.66 -3.44
t-stat (-0.36) (0.47) (-0.32) (-1.19) (-0.90)
Sdev 16.44 13.31 14.29 19.13 18.68
Skew -0.84 -0.27 -0.14 -0.34 0.14
Kurtosis 8.28 4.55 4.94 4.19 3.53
Sharpe ratio -0.07 0.10 -0.07 -0.24 -0.18
AC(1) 0.06 0.04 -0.00 0.01 -0.00
Implied Skewness
Mean -5.76 -1.14 0.30 -0.61 5.15
t-stat (-1.66) (-0.29) (0.09) (-0.22) (1.49)
Sdev 16.88 19.31 17.12 13.30 16.89
Skew 0.11 -0.49 -0.66 -0.94 -0.13
Kurtosis 3.80 4.35 6.48 6.62 2.96
Sharpe ratio -0.34 -0.06 0.02 -0.05 0.30
AC(1) -0.04 0.13 0.05 0.14 -0.05
This table presents descriptive statistics formed using alternative volatility measures, variance risk premia,
and skewness at t−1. The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top 25% of all commodities with the lowest
(highest) volatilities. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys “Low” and sells “High”. The
table also reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1) and the annualized Sharpe ratio. Panel
A displays the excess return of portfolios sorted by the raw implied volatility, whereas Panel B and Panel
C report the excess return sorted by the realized volatility and the variance risk premia. Realized volatility
is calculated as the square root of the sum of daily squared return in month t. Variance risk premium is
the difference between the implied variance at the end of month t and the realized variance over the month
t. Returns are expressed in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on the Newey-West standard errors.
The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February 1991 to October 2014.

Table A.5: Portfolios Sorted by Detrended Implied Volatility – Small Sample

Panel A: Excess Returns

High 2 3 Low Low−High
Mean -9.09 1.00 0.72 3.82 12.90
t-stat (-1.83) (0.27) (0.22) (0.95) (2.49)
Sdev 24.19 17.82 15.80 19.66 25.31
Skew -0.29 -0.32 -0.53 -0.05 0.05
Kurtosis 4.71 4.87 7.31 3.70 3.00
Sharp ratio -0.38 0.06 0.05 0.19 0.51
AC(1) 0.07 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.02
Panel B: Nearby Returns
Mean -6.48 4.71 6.06 9.51 15.98
t-stat (-1.29) (1.25) (1.85) (2.26) (2.85)
Sdev 24.55 18.44 15.95 20.52 27.32
Skew -0.41 -0.25 -0.51 -0.15 0.22
Kurtosis 4.98 4.38 7.15 3.54 3.42
Sharp ratio -0.26 0.26 0.38 0.46 0.59
AC(1) -0.03 0.09 0.01 0.04 -0.01
Panel C: Roll Returns
Mean -2.61 -3.72 -5.34 -5.69 -3.08
t-stat (-1.28) (-3.55) (-6.85) (-4.84) (-1.36)
Sdev 9.95 5.10 3.80 5.73 11.02
Skew 0.37 -0.36 -0.25 0.37 -0.62
Kurtosis 7.47 5.15 4.52 7.62 7.01
Sharp ratio -0.26 -0.73 -1.40 -0.99 -0.28
AC(1) 0.37 0.25 0.08 0.10 0.29
Panel D: Transition Matrix
Phigh 0.61 0.26 0.09 0.04
P2 0.23 0.42 0.27 0.08
P3 0.10 0.27 0.42 0.21
Plow 0.05 0.10 0.26 0.59
π 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Panel E: VOL before and after Portfolio Formation
pre-VOL 0.08 0.01 -0.03 -0.08
post-VOL 0.06 0.01 -0.02 -0.06
This table presents descriptive statistics of commodity portfolios sorted on the implied volatility at t − 1 detrended by
the previous 12 months mean of implied volatility 12 i=t−13 σi . The “Low” (“High”) portfolio contains the top 25% of
all commodities with the lowest (highest) volatilities. “Low−High” denotes the long-short strategy that buys “Low” and
sells “High”. The table also reports the first-order autocorrelation coefficient AC(1), the annualized Sharpe ratio. Panel A
displays the overall excess return, whereas Panel B and Panel C report the nearby return and the roll return component
only. Pane D presents the transition probability from portfolio i to portfolio j between time t and time t + 1. π indicates
the steady state probability. Returns are expressed68in percentage per annum. t-stat is based on Newey-West standard
errors. The strategies are rebalanced monthly from February 1991 to October 2014.
Table A.6: Risk Premia Given the Possibility of Omitted Factors

PC=6 PC=7 PC=8

Factors Risk Premium t-stat R2g Risk Premium t-stat R2g Risk Premium t-stat R2g
λComdt -0.007 [-2.01] 0.998 -0.003 [-1.05] 0.998 0.003 [0.82] 0.998
λBasis 0.008 [3.12] 0.460 0.010 [3.61] 0.585 0.009 [3.02] 0.651
λM om 0.013 [3.95] 0.776 0.013 [3.85] 0.776 0.012 [3.66] 0.780
λBasM om 0.007 [2.68] 0.439 0.010 [3.37] 0.585 0.011 [3.87] 0.586

λV OL 0.006 [1.80] 0.369 0.008 [2.49] 0.696 0.007 [2.27] 0.720
This table reports the results of the three-pass cross-sectional regressions based on Giglio and Xiu (2017) with six, seven, and
eight latent factors. The Giglio and Xiu (2017) method addresses the potential missing variable problem in the linear factor
models and the resulted estimation bias. In the first pass, principle components are used as latent factors to recover the factor
space. In a second step, using OLS the factor loadings are estimated to obtain the risk premia of the factors. In a third pass,
the observable factor premia are estimated based on the projection of the observable factors on the latent factors. The number
of the latent factors is determined by the information criteria following Bai and Ng (2002) which give an optimal number of
six or seven. For each panel, the first and second column report the estimated risk premium and its t-statistics based on the
Newey-West standard errors. The third column R2g reports the R2 of the third pass, namely the R2 of the factors (Comdt,
Basis, Mom, BasMom, VOL) explained by the latent factors.
Figure A.1: The Implied Volatility of Oil and Gold

Crude Oil Implied Volatility (%)




1990 1992 1995 1997 2000 2002 2005 2007 2010 2012

Gold Implied Volatility (%)







1990 1992 1995 1997 2000 2002 2005 2007 2010 2012

The figure shows the 30-day implied volatility of crude oil (upper panel) and gold (lower panel). In the
upper panel we also contrast our index with the CBOE crude oil volatility index (OVX). In the lower
panel, we coplot the CBOE gold volatility index (GVZ). The sample period is from January 1990 to
October 2014.

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