The Theme of The Country and The City in PDF
The Theme of The Country and The City in PDF
The Theme of The Country and The City in PDF
Discuss the theme of the country and the city in Johnson’s London.
Thales’ reasons for leaving London and “exploring” foreign lands signifies
that the corruption of the city stands for corruption of the country as a
whole. Thales is not only leaving London, but seeking refuge in Wales,
which discards the earlier image of England as the epitome of civilisation.
The complete breakdown of morality is indicated by the phrase, “from Vice
and London far”. The vices of the city are elaborated throughout the poem,
which are then contrasted with the countryside. The “vice” of the city is
mainly depicted through the ambition of those in power. This ambition,
leading to bribes and unchecked crimes has resulted in the terribly unsafe
atmosphere of the city. The countryside, in contrast, is a place where such
ambitious men are absent and Thales can find “repose” by living in “poverty”
as “once the harassed Briton” did. The phrase “safe in poverty” is interesting,
as it condemns the unsafe and chaotic state of the city. The lines providing
reasons for preferring the country over the city are immediately followed by
the political decisions that the poet condemns. Johnson vents his frustration
with Robert Walpole’s administration as he mentions the “pensions” which
buy the people’s “vote” and a true Briton, who is a “patriot”, is punished while
the corrupt “courtier” is made richer.
Besides the city-country theme, the corrupt political scene is a theme that
Johnson uses to critique the condition of the city. Johnson grieves over the
loss of “one True Briton” to Wales. This entails dwelling on the perversion of
truth in fields of literature, drama, politics, and relationship between the
ruler and the ruled. The corrupt politicians influence the sort of literature
that is written by English writers. Since such “Lords” do not possess true
virtue, their patronage results in “cheap” panegyrics. The perversion of order
and harmony is a major theme in English satires and Johnson uses it to
show the disruption of class relations. He is critical of the way the “Lord” has
to “win” the “groom” by “bribes [and] flattery”. This reversal of relations
between the ruler and the ruled is a sharp attack on Robert Walpole’s
practice of giving favours to men and securing political support. Johnson
observes with satirical revulsion at how money changes hands between
corrupt men and makes the nation a “beggar’d land”. In contrast, the
countryside is constructed as a “smiling land” which still possesses
uncorrupted idyllic beauty. It is also a place where class relations are
undisturbed as so Thales can freely “despise the dainties” of the “Lord”
whom he serves. The countryside is, therefore, a place where relations
between people and their nature remain frozen, while the people in the city
have changed for the worse.
Hardy, JP.
Walpole’s corrupt ruling tactics are set against the honourable rulers of the
past, being Elizabeth I and the “illustrious” Edward III. The corruption of
those in power is extended to the deplorable diplomatic relations that
England has made in their rule. The anti-war standpoint taken by the
Walpole administration is criticised as it has corrupted English culture and
society. As the poet remarks with contempt, the “warrior” has “dwindled into
a beau”. Johnson is extremely critical of England’s political as well as
cultural ties with France. The metropolis stands for civility and decorum,
which is in conflict with the French who treat England’s banks as “shores” or
dumping grounds. As the poet apologies for such disturbing details of
England’s filthy banks, he is engaging with the eighteenth century idea of
purging the city of contamination. The idea of the city as a sanitised place
which is free from corruption, both in physical and moral terms informs
Johnson’s critique. The French people who have settled in London are, to the
poet, those criminals of France who have fled harsher punishment of their
country. The city has become a place that is plagued by robbers and “Lords
of the Street” who harass the common man. The city, therefore, is far from
being the ideal image of civilisation. This grim image of the city is set
against the countryside where Thales can “prune” his walks in a place that
has the Edenic semblance of Milton’s paradise. Such picturesque “prospects”
that Thales expects from the countryside sideline the turmoil that the place
was experiencing.
Thales’s departure excites mixed reactions in the poet, as in the very first
line he says that he is struggling with the conflicting emotions of “grief and
fondness”. This reflects the problem the poet faces in living in a city that he
has come to despise. He admires the decision of his friend, but at the same
time he knows he is unable to take the same step. As J.P. Hardy observes,
Rome cast a “spell” on Juvenal as he could not leave it despite having
condemned the city in his satires. In this imitation of Juvenal’s satire,
Johnson expresses similar discontent with the state of the city, but cannot
find an escape which his friend has supposedly found. The fact that the city
and the countryside cannot be water-tight binaries is evident from the
oxymoron phrases in the poem. These phrases occur while describing both,
the country virtue and city vice. The “rustic grandeur” that the poet mourns
as lost in England’s past is a problematic expression of the virtuous country
Englishman whose simplicity accounts for a sort of “grandeur”. Contrary to
this is the city coxcomb. The feminine vanity of the “fop” is satirised as it is
used with “fiery” to note his vain pretentions to manly valour. Another
oxymoron that qualifies Johnson’s stance against the city is “gaudy vassals”
as the “Lords” buy fealty to rule a nation they are “plundering”. While such
phrases support the indictment of the city, the ones concerning the
countryside show an unresolved contradiction. The “surly virtue” which
Johnson lauds is not a true representation of a country dweller and the “safe
poverty” in which he lives is most atrocious to him.
Annotation: 211. Raghunathan, Harriet. Johnson, Gray, Goldsmith: Poets of the mid-eighteenth century.
Worldview Critical Editions.