Physical and Chemical Changes During Microwave Drying of Rice
Physical and Chemical Changes During Microwave Drying of Rice
Physical and Chemical Changes During Microwave Drying of Rice
Microwave drying of soaked rice was studied and compared with the conventional drying pro-
cess. Soaked rice was treated in microwave oven at different processing microwave energy levels,
initial moisture contents, and temperatures. The maximum value of drying rate for conventional
hot air drying is up to 50 times lower than the rate observed for microwave drying. Amylographic
gelatinization and pasting characteristics were used for the evaluation of microwave treatment in-
fluence on chemical and physicochemical characteristics of rice, parameters such as damaged and
total starch content and water sorption capacity at 70 ◦C. It was found that microwave treatment
did not affect the total starch content in rice, but the damaged starch content increased with the
absorbed microwave energy and temperature of treatment, chiefly for the moisture content of 30 %
and temperature of 100 ◦C. Amylographic characteristics and water sorption capacity showed min-
imal changes resulted from microwave drying of rice with the moisture content lower than 23 %.
Compared to conventional drying, the course of rice microwave treatment was much faster and the
main physical and chemical characteristics of rice were not changed.
Conventional rice drying is performed using heated reduced pressure in the vacuum chamber lowers the
air that transfers energy to the surface of grain kernels concentration of water in the air surrounding the
by convection. The energy transfer within the kernel is grain, thereby increasing the rate at which the wa-
done by conduction. Water is desorbed into the drying ter molecules desorb from the kernel surface. For a
air from the kernel surface, and a moisture gradient given rate of drying, reduced pressure lowers the tem-
is established within the kernel, with water molecules perature at which the grain is dried compared to the
diffusion toward the surface. The drying air tempera- conditions required for drying at atmospheric pres-
ture increase enhances the water desorption rate from sure. Moisture is removed from the drying chamber by
the kernel surface, which results in a greater moisture a vacuum and condenser. During microwave vacuum
gradient inside the kernel. Since a high internal mois- drying the moisture gradient within the rice kernel re-
ture gradient can result in cracked or broken kernels, mains, but its magnitude is considerably lower than
there is a practical upper limit of the drying temper- at conventional drying. The suitability of microwave-
ature that can be used. Commercial dryers generally vacuum technology for drying freshly harvested green
operate at temperatures around 60 ◦C and use the mul- rice was tested in detail by Wadsworth [1]. Lower oper-
tiple passes through the dryer [1]. ating pressures in the dryer increased the drying rate
Microwave drying differs fundamentally from the and drying efficiency, whereas the rice temperature
conventional hot-air grain drying. During microwave decreased.
drying, microwave energy is transmitted by wave- The most important application of microwave rice
guides into the chamber that contains the dried mate- drying is the process of rice parboiling. Wadsworth
rial – rice kernels. Microwaves penetrate the rice ker- et al. [2] used a microwave-vacuum procedure for
nel, where highly polar water molecules preferentially parboiled rice drying and investigated the effect of
absorb them. The high-energy water molecules rapidly the process conditions (soaking, steaming, microwave
diffuse through the rice kernel to the surface where power output, drying pressure, drying time, final mois-
they desorb. ture content) on the rate and efficiency of drying. The
The intensification of microwave drying can be rice kernel drying rates were directly proportional to
achieved in combination with vacuum drying. The microwave power output and inversely proportional to
*Presented at the 28th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare,
21—25 May 2001.
**The author to whom the correspondence should be addressed.
drying of rice. The water relative mass fraction XA = after 10 min, and at 500 W after 6 min (Fig. 2). The
0.11 was achieved by conventional rice drying after 149 drying rate vs. moisture content of rice dependences
min, whereas by microwave treatment at 90 W power for microwave and hot-air drying are shown in Fig. 3.
output after 56 min, at 160 W after 26 min, at 350 W Conventional hot-air drying was characterized by a
Table 1. Total and Damaged Starch Content (TS and DS), Water Sorption Capacity (WU) and Amylograph Height (AH) in Rice
Kernel as a Function of Oven Power Output (P ), Drying Temperature (θ), and Initial Moisture Content (xA )
continuous decrease of the drying rate with decreasing tional hot-air and microwave drying of rice. The max-
moisture content in rice kernel. Microwave drying at imum drying rate was proportional to the oven power
90 W, 160 W, and 350 W power output exhibited first output. In this study, the microwave treatment influ-
increasing and then decreasing drying rate, passing ence on chemical and physicochemical characteristics
through a maximum at water relative mass fraction of of rice was also investigated. The results showed that
about XA = 0.225. Microwave drying at 500 W power microwave treatment did not affect the total content of
output was characterized by a mild increase with wa- starch in rice. On the other hand, the damaged starch
ter relative mass fraction variation from 0.4 to 0.25. content in rice kernel increased with absorbed mi-
Then, a steep rise from 0.25 to 0.1 was observed, when crowave energy and temperature of treatment, chiefly
the maximum drying rate was achieved, followed by a for initial moisture content 30 % and drying temper-
short period of the drying rate steep decrease. The ature 100 ◦C. Amylographic characteristics and water
maximum value of drying rate for conventional hot- sorption capacity showed only minimum changes re-
air drying was 4.3 times lower than the drying rate sulting from microwave drying of rice for initial mois-
for 90 W, 9.0 times lower for 160 W, 26.9 times lower ture content lower than 23 %.
for 350 W, and 48.9 times lower for 500 W microwave
drying. The maximum drying rate increased with the
oven power output. Compared to conventional drying,
the rice drying by microwaves was much faster. SYMBOLS
Table 1 presents the changes of total and dam-
aged starch content during microwave treatment of AH amylographic
rice. It is obvious that microwave treatment did not height AU (Amylographic units)
affect the total content of starch in rice. On the other DS damaged starch content %
hand, the damaged starch content in rice changed with P power output W
temperature, power output, and initial moisture con- t time s
tent of rice. The highest damaged starch content was TS total starch content %
observed at the highest initial moisture content and WU water sorption capacity %
temperature studied. XA water relative mass fraction 1
The changes in water sorption capacity of micro- xA moisture content %
wave-treated rice are also shown in Table 1, water ΦA drying rate kg m−2 s−1
sorption capacity of treated samples is higher than the θ temperature C
value of original dry rice. The increase of water sorp-
tion capacity is connected with the degree of starch
gelatinization and rising of broken rice grains after REFERENCES
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